40 Years
In His Steps A Daily Devotional Through the Years at Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church
Š 2020 Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church 6000 Atlanta Hwy. | Montgomery, AL 36117 | www.frazer.church Special thanks to Jan Niel for curating and editing this collection.
A WORD FROM PASTOR CHRIS Dear Frazer Family— What a privilege it is for me to serve as your Pastor in this pivotal moment of our history. Over the next 40 days, we will be casting vision for the future of our church, confident that the best days are still ahead of us for Frazer if we will remain faithful in following Jesus. During this time of looking forward, I believe we can gain great wisdom by looking back to the resources of our past. For over 40 years, “In His Steps” has been a part of the DNA of Frazer, although it has not always been called by that name. The core idea of IHS has been to take a season to reflect on our calling as followers of Jesus, and make practical, specific commitments for how we will live out His commandments in the year to come. Behind the vision of In His Steps has been a conviction that everyone matters and everyone ministers. We call it, “Every Member in Ministry.” In other words, the work of the Church is not just done by the pastor or the church staff, but by every Christian, as God calls and gifts each one. That’s why in these pages you’ll hear the voices of people from all walks of life. These are “ordinary people” just like you, seeking to live extraordinary lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. I hope you will take time to read through a devotion each day. Look up the scriptures and pray along with the prayers. Allow God to speak to you through these words from our past that come alive for us today. God bless you,
Dr. Chris Montgomery Senior Pastor
FOOTPRINTS IN TIME Read Matthew 7:13-14, 19:25-26, Acts 2:11 In His Steps ...What comes to mind? Footprints! How many footprints do you make in a day? A week? A year? Yes, even in a lifetime? Where do you make footprints? On the path you take? Sure, but how about making footprints in others’ lives? Do you do that? Probably in ways that you may not even be aware. An article in The Upper Room publication related that a young boy traced the footprints left in new snow by a hunter. The hunter discovered this the following day when he retraced his path and found the small footprints in each of his large ones. If you could discover who is walking in your footprints, what would be your reaction? Are the footprints you make those that you would want someone to follow? We all make footprints unless we stand in one place and never move. From a practical standpoint we are going to make footprints, aren’t we? What we have to decide is the path on which we are going to make them. One of the miracles of the first Pentecost after Jesus’ ascension was that everyone could understand the good news of the gospel no matter their language. Think of footprints as a special kind of language. They explain and inform by where they go and how they are made. If footprints can be a special kind of language, then you can communicate by your footprints just as the faithful communicated verbally on Pentecost, no matter each person’s language! How and where are you making footprints? You are going to make them... just decide with God’s guidance that they are where He wants them! PRAYER: Dear Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit will live in me in power and wisdom so that I can bring the Good News in ways that others can understand! May my footprints lead only to You. Amen. D.P. JONES / 1995
Day 1
USING WHAT YOU’VE GOT Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 12-31 I grew up in rural Pennsylvania. The church I grew up in was one where the pastor served four churches. One Sunday we would have Sunday School and worship and the next Sunday only Sunday School. The membership was almost exclusively from the farming community. One farmer, Vic Finkenbinder, was by today’s standards poorly educated. I would guess he had only a third or fourth grade education. He was so entrenched as a Pennsylvania German, he could hardly speak English. In looking at his skill level, we would not readily choose him as a significant leader who made an impact on Christianity. However, Vic loved kids and was my only Sunday School teacher in fourth through sixth grade. I’m sure in looking back that the lesson plans were not what we would call “excellent.” However, Vic had the spiritual gift of wisdom. I will never forget his telling us, “There is just one thing that God can’t do and that is please everybody. If the golfers want sunshine, the farmers want rain. If God can’t please everybody, I’m not going to try.” Now, that is wisdom! You cannot imagine how many times I have shared that story and have had the opportunity to live it out in my own life. Did Vic ever imagine that his story would be published? Surely not! Did he dream that it would be told in Alabama? Not a chance! Vic brought two things that have made a significant mark on my life. First, he loved me exactly as I was. Second, he used the gift that he was given. I have no idea what you have to bring to the Frazer Family to make a marked impact on lives. But this I do know: Every person has something to bring. In I Corinthians 12 we are told we are all gifted. Seek out what your gift is and then act on it to find a true blessing. PRAYER: Lord, I pray that You will not only show me what I am to do through volunteerism at Frazer and beyond, but that You will also give me the courage to actually do it. Amen RUDY HEINTZELMAN / 2004
Day 2
TRUST HIM Read Proverbs 3:5-6 I was a Christian. I believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and I had invited Him into my life. I believed that He died on the cross for my sins, and I had accepted Him as Savior of my life. I had repented of my sins and accepted His forgiveness. So why was my life falling apart? As I was studying my Bible one day, the Lord showed me Proverbs 3:56, and this verse changed my life. I was not trusting the Lord with all my heart; I was trusting in myself. I was leaning on my own understanding, on what was logical by the world’s standard. I came to realize that God wanted me to give Him total control of my life. He wanted me to trust Him completely in every area, and then He would direct my path. What a lesson I learned! He is trustworthy. He knows my life better than I do; He created me. Sovereign, He knows the beginning and the end, every decision I will ever have to make. He has made my path straight, in line with his will. He has given me wonderful tools to keep me on the right path. His word, the Bible, is my roadmap, and I study it every day to stay on the right road. Frazer is a place where I can acknowledge Him in worship and praise, learn more about Him, and fellowship with other believers. PRAYER: Thank You, Jesus, that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that no man comes to the Father but through You. Give us wisdom to direct our lives and to lead others to the saving knowledge of You. Thank You for Your love and Grace. Amen. CAROL NOLEN / 1992
Day 3
THE NAME OF JESUS Read Philippians 2:9-11 Last summer John and I had the privilege of being Lay Ministers to a beautiful Christian lady who was dying from cancer. This is an experience we will never forget. A couple of weeks before she died, I was sitting with her. She hallucinated all day and was not in touch with reality. Late in the afternoon she was in extreme pain. The nurse gave her a shot. I stood by her bed, held her hands, and tried to calm her until the shot could take effect. I began to sing “Jesus Loves Me” and she joined in. We sang it about ten times until she drifted into a peaceful sleep. Even though she was not aware of the real world around her that day, she did not miss a word while singing about Jesus. Several days later John and I dropped by to see her. Again, it had been a bad day for her. She asked John to come back that night to protect her. He told her that she did not need him to protect her because Jesus was there with her. Immediately at the name of “Jesus” she calmed down and began to relax. She kept saying, “Jesus, Jesus”, over and over until she fell asleep. The pain medication could not relieve the pain of the cancer, but the name of “Jesus” did. There’s power in the name of Jesus! As she lay in that hospital bed dying, she taught John and me a lot about living. Only the time, the money, and the talents spent in the name of Jesus really matter. If we keep our lives focused on Jesus, we can have the “peace that passes all understanding,” and we will live a victorious life. PRAYER: Dear Lord, Thank You for your Son, Jesus. Thank You for the peace and love we feel when we call upon His name. Help us, Lord, to keep our eyes focused on Him. Amen. GLENDA MILLING / 1994
Day 4
ARE YOU THIRSTY? Read John 4:4-26 Before Heather and I were Christians and even later when we were “casual Christians,” we were constantly thirsty for the things of this world. We valued success with money, friends and all the trappings that the world had to offer. Before long we were up to our eyeballs in debt in our hot pursuit of happiness. And all the while, we were enslaving ourselves to these “things.” No matter what we did or what we purchased, our thirst was insatiable. We longed to fill a void in our life and never could. Through the perfect direction of the Holy Spirit, we were exposed to biblical teachings concerning money and who it really belongs to. Our Sunday School teacher, Tom Calendar, showed us how there was more to happiness than worldly possessions and how we were inhibiting God’s blessing in our life by trying to serve “God and Mammon.” With his guidance and God’s abundant grace, we began to inwardly seek a relationship with God. Outwardly, we began to tithe - a real leap of faith for a couple whose every dollar was accounted for. Over the past several years, God has met our every need and blessed us richly in a measure we never expected. He gave us two beautiful boys and a Christian home for them to grow up in. The nightly ritual of prayer hears mention of cats, dogs, friends and neighbors. We have watched as nightmares have vanished and been replaced by God ‘s peace. What are you thirsty for? PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, how awesome you are! Thank You for meeting us right where we are and never leaving us when we go astray. We pray for a greater thirst for You as we seek a deeper relationship with You. Amen TIM AND HEATHER NORWOOD / 1997
Day 5
DO WE MOVE OTHERS? Read I Corinthians 13, John 13:35 Recently Theater AUM performed the musical drama Godspell, which is based on the book of Matthew. In his review of the performance, a local theater critic remarked that even nonbelievers in the audience were moved by the love shown by Jesus. While these actors had the opportunity to show Jesus’ love on stage to an audience, we have the opportunity to show His love on a daily basis. Do we move others with our love for each other? As Christians we are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:39) We can show our love to others by helping in a time of need, by offering an encouraging word to someone having a bad day, by being slow to anger, by forgiving those who have wronged us, or by using words that build people up rather than tear them down. We can show our love for our neighbors by doing something as simple as being patient in traffic or being friendly and kind to someone who seems to need a friend. Jesus told His disciples to make disciples of others. It is easier for us to do this when people know we care about others. When they see the difference that the love of Jesus makes in our lives people are more open to the good news we share with them. Maybe our opportunities to share our faith are not as obvious as those of the actors on stage, but by consistently showing love for our neighbors we can, nevertheless, move others. PRAYER: Lord, help me to show Your love to others, and help them to be receptive to Your message. I pray for opportunities to love and bless others so that You and Your love is revealed to them. Amen. MICHAEL BAILEY / 1998
Day 6
WHO’LL “FIND” THE LOST Read Matthew 9:36 Last year I presented three days of evangelism-oriented messages at an Indiana church revival. One evening as I was waiting to be introduced, I noticed a large clear bowl at the front of the sanctuary about half-full of small, folded pieces of paper. Taped on the front of the bowl was the title, “Lost.” Guessing their intent, I asked the audience, “Who will share the gospel with the ‘lost’ in the bowl so that they can become ‘found?”’ They looked at me with “I-never-really thought-about-that” looks. Obviously, most of them did not figure themselves as part of the solution beyond filling out the paper. What could have been missing? In our text for today, it is clear that a key characteristic to being a “finder” is to “pity” (have compassion) for the helpless (“lost”). If we ponder the destiny of the “lost” as Jesus often did, we may become more motivated to help them be “found.” For me, there is no experience more exhilarating than partnering with God in winning a “lost” soul! PRAYER: Father, please give me the eyes of Jesus so that I may see others as He did and implant in me the same concern for others that motivated You to send Him to die in my place. I pray for compassion for others that I might be moved to share the gospel. Amen JIM WORLEY / 2005
Day 7
CARRYING GOD’S LOVE Read Romans 12:4-6a This scripture became very real to me last July when I went on a mission trip with eleven other Frazer members. We were a truly diverse group with a common call to serve God by serving the Unifam Church in Mexico City. Six women helped with Vacation Bible School in the mornings while the men converted a concrete block building into a residence. One woman stayed at the compound to prepare our meals. In the afternoon some of us dug out a dirt bank and prepared it to build a retaining wall. The pastor asked us about putting a basketball court on the parking lot. One of our team “just happened” to bring the plans for one, so he began drawing it on the parking lot. Others of us followed behind him, painting the lines. When we left Mexico City, a concrete block building was almost ready for a family to move into; a concrete pipe retaining wall was standing; One hundred and forty children had been taught about Jesus in Vacation Bible School, and a basketball court was ready for the Sports Ministry. Our team had been well fed by the precious one who stayed behind and prepared our meals. This is a picture of the body of Christ functioning as God intended - one body with many members, each with different talents working together. As Rick Warren wrote in The Purpose Driven Life, “We are not just to model God’s love by loving each other; we are to carry it together to the rest of the world. We each have a contribution to make.” PRAYER: Dear Lord, Thank You for my church that makes missions a priority. Bless the teams that will be going out in the future. Please expand our borders for Your glory. In Jesus name. Amen. DIAN SIMS / 2003
Day 8
BE STILL AND KNOW GOD’S PEACE Read Mark 4:37-39 Several years ago, Steve and I visited Israel with a choir that accompanied Sandi Patti, Larnelle Harris and Bill and Gloria Gaither. That seemed miraculous at the time, but no single event has ever moved me or remained with me as vividly as an experience we had on the Sea of Galilee. The Gaither’s had pre-arranged a tour for our group which included a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. As the boat pulled away from the shore I began to imagine the fishermen who through countless ages had dropped their nets into its depths. I thought about the perilous storms that whipped waves across the decks of their boats, and I pictured Jesus with arms outstretched, commanding “Peace! Be Still!” And at that very moment, the engines of the boat stopped. There was complete silence; not a car, or a plane, or even a bird whispered a sound. Then very, very quietly, Bill Gaither began to sing “Be still and know that I am God...” One by one the voices of our group began to join in this beautiful chorus of praise and worship. When the last note was sung, my soul was still, and God’s presence was enormous! In my current “whirlwind” world of carpools, job stress, meetings, aging parents, and teenagers, I often find it difficult to savor the stillness of God’s presence. But it is in these hectic times that I need His peace the most, and I realize that God’s stillness is not just on the Sea of Galilee. It is everywhere when we take the time to find it. PRAYER: Dear Lord, in Your presence we can be still and know Your mighty power and love. Help us to seek the sanctuary of Your peace, especially in our hectic moments. Amen. STEVE AND KATHY BECK / 1998
Day 9
TITHING–IT’S NOT AN ISSUE OF MONEY Read Luke 16:13 For most of MY life, I did not tithe. I had other things I wanted to do with MY money. I reluctantly gave to the church some of what was left over at the end of the week, but not enough to really intrude on my lifestyle. God was getting the leftovers. Meanwhile, I was not managing what God gave me very well. I got deeply in debt. At one point I owed over $200,000 to over twelve different creditors. After coming to Frazer in 2001, God began speaking to me about money through a variety of ways. I was challenged by sermons, friends, Bible studies, and devotions to view money differently. I realized that the reason I was in financial trouble was because I was controlling the money myself-it was MINE, not God’s. In retrospect, it really was not a money issue; it was a control issue. I wanted to be in control and I did not want to relinquish MY money to God. Once I surrendered control, the rest followed. It took me about three years to get out of debt, but the turning point was to tithe and trust God to handle the rest. As I have surrendered control to God, He has been free to open more opportunities to me to serve and give. PRAYER: Lord, I surrender full control to You. My money and my life are Yours completely. I trust You to provide for me as I seek to obey You. I ask for wisdom and guidance in handling the resources You have entrusted to me. Amen TERRY WILLIAMS / 2011
Day 10
WITNESS IN WAITING Read Colossians I :24-27 We have all heard it said, “The Lord works in mysterious ways.” Until a year ago, I never understood what that meant. I was on our ninth-grade mission trip to Jackson, Mississippi. We were each assigned a group of twelve people from around the country, and I had a great, hard-working group-except for one person: Zack. Zack was probably eleven, what we all thought was way too young to be on a mission trip. It did not seem like he would do anything but just sit on top of a ladder all day and sing songs in weird voices which was amusing at first, but later very distracting. This behavior had been going on for four days straight when a group of neighborhood children of different ages stopped by to see what we were doing. This was nothing new. All week we had people stop by and ask questions; but for some reason, this group was different. Zack came down the ladder and got them all to sit down around our van. He said, “Let me tell you a story.” We thought he was going to tell them some kind of joke. “This story is about a man named Jesus,” he continued. Those words hit us hard. We never would have expected to hear him witness to a group of people. We stopped working and gathered around the fence to listen. Zack went through Jesus’ whole life, from birth through death and resurrection. I am not sure if anyone accepted Christ that day, but I do know that Zack planted plenty of seeds in the lives of those children. I witnessed firsthand one of the mysterious ways that our Lord works. Where man sees a slacker, God sees a witness in waiting. PRAYER: Dear Lord, please help us not to be judgmental in the way we view others. Thank You for placing people in our lives who can make an impact; thank You for giving us purpose and for using us in Your own way. Amen. BAKER GRANT / 2003
Day 11
DON’T WAIT ‘TIL YOU’RE IN THE BELLY OF A FISH Read I Thessalonians 5:16-18 On February 11, 1990, God blessed us with our first daughter, Jordan. A beautiful, healthy baby girl with gorgeous blue eyes. She was the first baby and grandbaby, and she was richly loved. Jordan started walking around the one-year mark. Suddenly, at the age of 18 months, she stopped walking. We were assured that it was a fracture that would heal. She sported her little pink cast as we anxiously awaited its removal. Three casts later we were at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham. Jordan had osteomyelitis, a severe infection of the bone. She needed surgery immediately. As they took our baby and disappeared into the elevator, we realized two important things. First, God was in control. We immediately put Jordan in His hands. Next, we came to appreciate the soothing power of prayer. We knew that God’s grace was sufficient. Jordan cane through the surgery fine. During the months of her recovery, we were totally dependent on our Father. We Trusted God, and He conquered our fears. It took a “storm,” but we realized that God wants us to come to Him continually. Just as Jonah waited until he was in the belly of a fish to call to the Lord, we often wait until we have been “swallowed up” to look to God for guidance. Paul directs us to pray first, often, and always. We should not wait until we are desperate; but we should talk to God every day. PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for the assurance that You can carry us through any “storm.” May we not wait until we are in the “belly of a fish” to reach out to You. Amen. MICKEY AND DENISE ALLEN / 1999
Day 12
TAKE TIME TO SAY “HI” Read Acts 1:8 Several years ago, when we began Frazer’s Fair Workers Ministry, I learned a wonderful lesson. We had worked hard all day at the fairgrounds setting up the “four-star” dining experience for the midway workers. The steak, baked potatoes, green beans, salad, bread, and apple strudel had been prepared and served. The area was cleaned; all tables, chairs, grills, warmers, pots, pans, china dishes, silver, and microwaves were cleaned and loaded, ready to be taken back to the church. Six of us were on our way to one of the trucks when a midway worker stopped us and asked if we would “test” the bumper cars for him. We jumped at the chance. After twenty minutes of being bumped in every direction, I was ready to go. We politely thanked our new friend; however, we could tell that he wanted us to stay and talk. We learned that he was a Christian, but he was very lonely. As we bid him farewell, this gentleman, dirty and greasy, said something I will never forget. He shook my hand; he looked into my eyes and said, “Thank you for spending some time with me; most people don’t even take the time to say ‘Hi. “ I see this gentleman each year at Frazer’s Fair Workers breakfast. He always tells me, “I need someone to ‘test’ the bumper cars.” Jesus commands us to go into the world and tell others about Him. Sometimes it is easier to turn our heads and walk the other way when we see people who are different. This is the opposite of what Jesus would have us do. A kind gesture might provide an opportunity to share the saving grace of Jesus Christ to a world of lonely people. Jesus Christ is a Savior who will be by their sides in this life and the life to follow. PRAYER: Father, help me to walk in Your steps and to remember that You created every person. Allow me as Your disciple, to help others come to know You as personal Lord and Savior. Amen. BUTCH MCPHERSON / 2000
Day 13
BEST FRIEND Read John 15:15, Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 18:24 I have always been a “people person.” I enjoy interaction with others and have been very blessed in my lifetime with many wonderful friends. Throughout the years, my good friends have been by my side to laugh, cry, pray, or just to talk with me. The value of a true friend is hard to measure. A close friendship requires some effort, though. If I have not seen one of my friends in a while, I’ll try to call him or her, or maybe arrange time to meet for lunch. Friendships take time and effort, honesty, and a desire to keep in touch. This fall while reading The Purpose Driven Life, I was reminded that my purpose for being here is for God’s pleasure, and that He desires to become best friends with me! What an awesome privilege! The same God who created me wants to keep in touch with me all day, maybe have lunch, and wants me to pour out my innermost thoughts and concerns to Him! Wow! Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15: 15) Friendships are a blessing. God created them. Remember David and Jonathan? But human friendships are imperfect. Sometimes our friends will fail us. Proverbs 18:24 tells us “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Jesus never fails us. His love is perfect, and He wants to be our Best Friend! Are we giving our “Perfect Best Friend” the time and energy He deserves? PRAYER: Father, please help us to truly value and honor the precious friendship that You have given us in Your son, Jesus. May we never take that friendship for granted. Amen. CARLA AND PRESTON POORE / 2003
Day 14
WE CAN’T OUT-GIVE GOD Read 2 Corinthians 9:7 Twenty-three years ago, a friend at Frazer confided that she tithed because it was the easiest of God’s commandments to keep. I believed that God was calling me back to a life of obedience, so I made up my mind to work toward tithing. I, too, believed that it would be an easier first step than trying, for example, to love God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. It took two years to reach my goal of giving 10%. During this same two-year period, my income doubled. I understood this to be God’s way of getting my attention - of showing me that I could trust him and that he would reward any step that I took in obedience. Another important event occurred during the 1991 In His Steps Campaign. That year we were challenged to increase our giving by 2%. I struggled inwardly until I understood what God was trying to teach me. He led me to the scripture above. I realized that I was legalistic with respect to giving 10% and not one penny more! More importantly, I learned that I was not a cheerful giver. I decided to increase my giving, and I asked God to change my heart. God answered that prayer. And, I can tell you that doubling my income was not nearly as dramatic as His changing my heart. In all areas of giving—time, talents, and treasure— God has poured out his blessings on each occasion when I have stepped out in faith. I have found that we can’t out-give God! PRAYER: Lord, it is our delight to bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. Help us to renew our commitment to You, to release everything, and to be owned by You. Amen KATHERINE MITCHELL / 2004
Day 15
HIS PRECIOUS CHOICES Read Romans 12:10-16 Our closest friends are not by chance, but by choice, His choice. He knows the ones we need in our lives and when we need them. Frazer is a wonderful church home for me. I have met some amazing people here, some through Sunday school, others in Bible study, and still others as I greet across the way on second Sunday mornings. As we sat in Sunday school one day, our teacher said to pray for a couple who had lost a baby after carrying him full term. I remember feeling incredible sadness, and in a way I felt relieved that I did not know the couple because I would not know what to say. However, when I reported to my greeting post thirty minutes later, the young woman who stood next to me was my Sunday school classmate who had lost her baby. I still stand in awe at her strength and faith, and I am blessed to call her one of my closest friends. Also, fellowship provides a wonderful playing field for God to match us up with those who can pull us ever closer to Him. In a recent Bible study, I came to know someone who is helping me deal with the devastating loss of a loved one, despair I have held onto for nineteen years. Now my heart is healing and becoming completely available to God, and I have a new sister in Christ. I thank God for times of fellowship and for His choices when it comes to the people in my life. PRAYER: Dear Lord, Your blessings are overwhelming. Thank You for watching over me as Your child and allowing my path to cross with those who know and love You. Please continue to pull us closer to Your heart and let Your Word be our road map to Your will. In Your sweet and glorious name, I pray. Amen. KIM SKONEKI / 2003
Day 16
WHEN YOU’RE HOT YOU’RE HOT Read Revelation 3:15-16 My daddy, Roy Cox, was an active and committed member of the early Frazer Memorial Church. He always said that the greatest sin of a Christian is to become complacent. Jesus reminds us of God’s opinion of complacency in the above scripture. These hard words were written to a church. There is a danger for us to become lukewarm, and we must be on our guard that does not happen. After making a thorough study of this text, I discovered one word that continually surfaced, “enthusiasm.” When we think of Jesus leaving the glories of Heaven because of His love for the church and us, becoming bone of her bone and flesh of her flesh, fighting her enemies, going through anguish and pouring out His lifeblood, how can we not serve Him with enthusiasm? Blood flowed down His cheeks from the crown of thorns on His head. His eyes were red from weeping over us. How can we not have the greatest enthusiasm when we sing “Oh, How I Love Jesus?” A missionary speaker one Sunday related that he had witnessed children’s bodies being carried to graves because they had starved to death. I immediately felt compassion because they had no food, but the missionary said he wept because those children had died without ever having heard about Jesus Christ. How long has it been since you wept over someone going to Hell? Or how long has it been since you rejoiced over someone being baptized into the church — the kind of rejoicing that made you want to shout like the “Methodists of old?” Scripture tells us that there is more rejoicing in heaven over a soul being saved than at any other time. This is the type of enthusiasm we all should be experiencing in our daily walk with the Lord. Do not let complacency slip into your life. PRAYER: Father, give us the wisdom to know Your will. Help us be hot — to stay on fire—for what is right and for doing Your will. Amen. JOE PAT COX / 2006
Day 17
RELATIONSHIPS Read Romans 1:12 For most of us, the first part of this verse is much easier than the second. When something good happens to others, we all want to rejoice with them; but when someone is having problems, it is more difficult to know how to comfort. Therefore, each of us needs a group of Christian friends who can rejoice with us in the good times and mourn with us through the bad times. Two years ago, Barbara and I prayed specifically to be a part of a couples’ Bible study. We mentioned this to the Fishers and found they had been praying for the same thing. We now have six couples who meet weekly in the Fishers’ home. Proverbs 27:17 says “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another,” and I Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,” Through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and shared life experiences, we have sharpened and encouraged each other and truly have come to the point where it is easy to rejoice and mourn together. If you are not a part of a small group of fellow believers, we encourage you to join or start one. It could be one of the best decisions you have ever made. PRAYER: Father, Thank You for making us hunger for relationships. Guide us to relationships that will strengthen the body of Christ and glorify Your Kingdom. Amen. BARBARA AND DAVID CHRISTENBERRY / 2008
Day 18
THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR Read Genesis 9: 16, Ezekiel 1:28, John 8:3 1, Ephesians 4:13 One day recently in the late afternoon, there was a beautiful rainbow. It was a complete semicircle. As the rainbow became visible, there was a light hue, and then part of it became a burst of sparkle and radiance. I immediately thought of how God had given the rainbow as a sign of the covenant with the people and had made a promise. “Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures” (Genesis 9: 16). Later that evening as I prepared to teach a class on the book of Ezekiel, I saw that Ezekiel used the rainbow to describe his experience with God. “Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around Him. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord” (Ezekiel I:28). Over and over, God shows His desire to be known by His people. How can we know God? By studying His Word, we can understand who He is, how He works, and what His will is for us. Jesus said, “If you abide in my Word, then you are truly disciples of mine” (John 8:31). Pause now to thank God for being a God who communicates creatively, diligently, and fully with His people and for being a God who desires to be known by His people. Ask Him to lead us to thirst and hunger for Him and His Word until we “become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). PRAYER: Almighty God, thank You for giving Your Word and for seeking us as Your own. Open our hearts to a willingness to study and know Your Word and to apply Your principles to our lives. Amen. LOETTE LEE / 2000
Day 19
THE MISSING GIVER Read Luke 5:17-32 I was reading the story of the paraplegic the other day rather mechanically; after all, I have heard it all my life. I still remember a Sunday School lesson when I was seven or eight thinking how could someone get through wood on top of a house. This particular day a thought hit me. I was pondering the characters of the story, the friends, the paraplegic, the Pharisees and Jesus, when I noticed someone was missing. The owner of the house, where was he? The Bible never says that he made the friends fix his roof or pay to have it done. It says everyone praised God. That is what it is like to truly give to God. Am I willing to let people destroy my house for God’s glory? Am I willing to give the time or money needed so that sick people, physically and spiritually, can be made well? What roof in my life needs to be dug through and given to God? These are questions that spun through my head as I thought about a man who was willing to give, but never mentioned in the Bible. Here with my In His Steps card in front of me, I am faced again with the that question. What am I willing to give? Ask yourself; what are you willing to give. PRAYER: Father God, Dig holes in our lives so the sick can be healed, souls be won, and praise be given to Your name. Show us how to give so that You will be blessed and people’s lives will be changed through the precious blood of Jesus. Amen. DAVE BARKALOW / 1999
Day 20
TO SERVE / WALKING IN HIS STEPS Read Matthew 25:35-40, Mark 10:42-45 I was raised in a small town by my Christian grandfather. It was through him my Christian walk began. He taught me how to live the golden rule and how to serve others. He taught by setting an example. There were numerous transients (then called hobos) who would come to our home for food. Our food was scarce, but the transients always left with a full stomach and a filled soul after my grandfather’s Christian witness. He always went to Sunday school and church with me; I was never dropped off as so many children are today. We walked to church every Sunday and our attendance was almost 100 percent—come rain, shine, sickness, or health. When I became a member of Frazer in January of 1984, I truly learned what serving the Lord was about. My husband and I volunteered for Hospital Visitation and Meals on Wheels as well as Flower Delivery. In these areas of ministry, I could serve, witness, and walk In His Steps. What a blessing I received from the people I served. Are you serving today, or do you like to be served? Are you walking in your steps or In His steps? When you pledge your time, your talents, your gifts, and your money, are you faithful in fulfilling your commitments? By serving we can put our Cristian witness to work. As the saying goes, “You may be the only Bible someone reads today.” PRAYER: Dear Lord, as You guide us to where you would have us serve, may we fully commit to being available and ready to serve. May our actions be pleasing to You and a blessing to others. We ask this in the name of your Son. Amen. MARTHA GULLEDGE / 1997
Day 21
CHEERFUL GIVERS Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Once when our three children were little, there was just a small piece of pie left over, and they all wanted it. I told my son to cut it in three equal pieces and let his sisters have first choice. We laughed when he returned with a ruler! Never has a pie had such even slices! Our talents are not divided up that way. Some people are enormously talented, and some have few talents, but we are all commanded to use these gifts for God. Have you ever thought of our wonderful nursery workers? Without them, 200 babies in worship would make the choir obsolete! Without Sunday School teachers, we would need a playground bigger than our parking lot! Without the parking ushers, we would all be in a jam on Sunday mornings! What? No choir? No Wednesday night supper? No Bible studies? No church!! Frazer is made up of people with spiritual gifts and dedicated talents who share them in outreach to others. We are cheerful givers! PRAYER: Father, Thank You for giving every believer talents and abilities that are to be used in service and ministry to others. Lead me to the specific area(s) of service that will touch lives and bring honor and glory to You. In the name above all names, Amen GINGER KOERNER / 1992
Day 22
SPREADING CHRIST’S AROMA Read 2 Corinthians 2:14 Being a missionary in Hilo, Hawaii in the 1970’s may sound exotic; but when cult members swarmed its neighborhoods, sharing the true gospel proved difficult. Since they canvassed the same streets as Youth with a Mission college kids did, people often mistook us for them. On one street, after many doors were slammed in our faces, a friend and I reached the last house. My friend pulled me aside and said, “Let’s pray about this one.” “Lord,” my friend began, “If You want us to go to this house, make your will clear.” We looked at each other and peace settled over me. “l think we should approach it.” My friend agreed. We strolled up the walkway and rang the doorbell. A lady cracked open her door. “We’re not Mormons and we’re not Jehovah’s Witnesses,” my friend said, smiling. “We’re just Christians here to tell you about Christ.” Opening her door wide, she welcomed us inside. She asked us many questions about the way to heaven. What a joy! Though we did not lead her to Christ that day, her soul was hungry. The hour passed quickly. It came time to leave. “Ordinarily, I would’ve slammed my door in your faces,” she told us, “but I sensed something different about you.” What was it she sensed? She sensed the aroma of Christ Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 2. When we surrender ourselves totally to Christ, we carry His aroma with us, drawing others to Him. PRAYER: Father, I pray today for a heart and faith that is willing to surrender to the Spirit’s leading, even when it is scary, and I don’t know what to expect. May Christ’s aroma go with us as we seek to tell others about Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen JACK CUNNINGHAM / 2020
Day 23
POWER IN PRAYER Read Philippians 4:4-7, I Thessalonians 5:16 I awoke with a start. The clock read 3 a.m. I had fallen asleep an hour before, my pounding head pressed into the back of a chair. The pain was familiar, having had severe headaches since childhood. Later, I attended a women’s prayer group. The ladies laid hands on me and prayed in Jesus’ Name. They promised to pray regularly. My husband, Mike, back from his first Promise Keepers Conference, started praying for me with a group of men. We also asked the Prayer Ministry and other friends to pray. One day I asked my prayer partner, “Why hasn’t God answered our prayers?” She looked at me for a long moment. “Have you ever thanked God for your headaches?” I had not. “Okay God, thank You for my headaches.” With tears streaming down my face, I continued to pray. “Thank You for Mike and for our precious children.” God revealed in His gentle way how much I had to be thankful for. I was reminded of Paul’s thorn in his side (2 Corinthians 12:7-10), and I knew that I could continue to bear my own thorn. Soon after, I visited a neurologist, who prescribed a medication normally used to control high blood pressure. As the months passed, I was amazed at what God was doing—after all these years the headaches were gone! God taught me to trust and obey Him and to wait expectantly for His answer to my prayers. We unleash God’s power when we pray! We are blessed at Frazer to have faithful prayer warriors lifting up our needs. Is God calling you to pray for His people? PRAYER: Lord, Your grace is sufficient for me, for I know Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Thank You for suffering for me. Thank You for hearing the prayers of Your people. Amen. LISA CONN / 1995
Day 24
THE BEST TEN MINUTES OF MY LIFE Read Psalm 2:11 My family joined Frazer in 1969. There was something unique about Frazer even to a six-year-old boy. I was at church from 7:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. every Sunday. I distinctly remember the Sunday night service and the altar call at the close of the service. For ten to fifteen minutes, hundreds of people made their way down to the altar and prayed earnestly for several minutes. There was a quiet, reverent hush that I can still feel today in my mind. As a boy, I learned several things from that experience: First, people were humbled before God. Second, people really put their problems at his feet. Third, quiet reflection clears the mind and instills a desire to know God in a deeper way (even for a small boy). I learned more about God during those ten minutes than I ever have in any other “church” setting in my entire life. I remember thinking This is what it is all about — why doesn’t every church do this?” For those ten minutes, there were no frills, thrills, or other stimuli. There was no planning required, no practice, no preparation, no money needed: just quiet, reflective, reverent worship. Youth were inspired by seeing adults pray, and adults were encouraged by seeing the younger generation learn to pray. Families were strengthened by praying together. Today we live in a deceptively busy world with constant stimuli, noise, and distraction. It is deceptive because the constant noise makes us forget that “quiet” is not there. Take time this week to humble yourselves before God in a quiet setting. It will be time well spent. PRAYER: Dear Father, help me to humble myself today in quiet reflection. Help me to block out the daily noise around me and hear what You have to say. Amen. SCOTTY PARMA / 2006
Day 25
MOTIVATIONS OF COMMITMENT Read Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Commitment is a choice I make, driven by a motivation great enough for me to make that choice. Some examples of motivations for my commitment are the fear of a coach’s wrath and my losing my position on the team at a twice-a-day, high school football practice in August, the obligation of the marriage vow I gave before God to love my wife “until death us do part,” and the commitment to my profession, motivated by a drive for accomplishment. This presents a question for me: What are the motivations driving the choices I make in my commitment to God? Early in my Christian life, the motivations in my commitment to God were based on the same thing — fear of retribution from God, obligation to the vows I made when I joined the church, and accomplishment or earning my standing with God. Over time, as I made the choice to spend time with God in His word, these motivations have changed. I have found that the most motivating force in the world is the love of God. To experience His love without fear, without the need for a vow, or without the requirement to accomplish, frees me to become the one I was really created to be - His unique creation with something to offer this world that nobody else can offer. His love gives me true fulfillment, purpose, and peace. Paul also experienced this as he explained in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God; who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Life is a series of choices. Our choices determine who we are, to whom we are committed, and what we become. PRAYER: Lord, please help each of us, as the Frazer family, to choose to let Your love motivate us to become everything You created us to be, both as individuals and as a church family. Amen TERRY TAYLOR / 2005
Day 26
A MISSIONAL MINDSET Read Romans 12:2a I am extremely fortunate because, at only twenty years old, I have traveled to many places. My most recent excursion was to Africa. It was not the Africa trip I had imagined myself taking, but I have no doubt that it was the one that I was supposed to take. In Africa, I met some of the kindest young women I have ever encountered. I quickly realized, though, that these girls are surrounded by great physical and spiritual poverty. Many people we shared our faith with had never heard the gospel. At times, I felt overwhelmed, but I continued to evangelize. The fruit of that faithfulness became apparent as many people were eager to learn more about Christianity. The last night of the trip, I struggled mentally preparing to leave. I was living in my dream land, free of all responsibilities except sharing the gospel and absorbing the local culture. In Africa, I served God in new ways, and I helped plant gospel seeds among the non-believers. But, as I processed the trip, I realized that there was nothing inherently special about Africa. My time was rewarding, not because of where I was, but simply because I had a new mindset— a missional mindset. Wherever I went, I was careful to reflect Christ. I saw each person as a deeply loved child of God in need of salvation, and I boldly proclaimed the good news. There are physical and spiritual needs everywhere. Whether in Africa or Alabama, if we have open eyes and a missional mind, we can be the hands and feet of Christ, sharing the gospel and showing His love every day. What will you do to renew your mind and live on mission for Christ? PRAYER: Father, I pray for eyes to see the lost as You see them. Give me a “Missional Mindset” and the courage to share my faith whenever possible. Amen LINDSEY FARRARO / 2020
Day 27
FRIENDS Read Galatians 5:13 Last August I was faced with a dilemma. It was 105 degrees as I watched three pallets of sod being delivered to my house, I thought I could put the sod down myself, but I quickly came to the stark realization that I am not a talented landscape man. I got a call from my neighbor and Sunday school classmate and jokingly said, “l need some help.” He said, “I’ll be right over.” We finished the sod before dark, talked, and laughed at how out of shape we were. We then collapsed, exhausted and filthy, on the lawn chairs. We were sore for a week. I will never forget that. He was demonstrating what friends do. At Christmas time, my bride wanted a cabinet/shelf unit installed. I bought the materials and then realized I could not do it. Later, I discussed this with friends at Sunday school; another friend came over with his tools and finished the job. All I could do was bring drinks. I see that shelf every day and think, “What a privilege to have such good friends.” Does that make me a moocher? Maybe, it may have been easier to call a sod installation company or a cabinet man, but I would have missed out on an opportunity to forge friendships. Sometimes it is just as important to be the recipient as the provider. My pride often interferes with these opportunities. When Jesus walked the earth, He surrounded Himself with disciples. As they grew in faith and in their intimacy with Jesus, He called them “friends.” (John 15:15) He commanded them to “love each other” in John 15:17. As with all things, Jesus was and is our example of how to cultivate friendships. You may say, “Well I would like to have more or closer friends, but I have lost touch with how to make friends.” The term “make” connotes that there must be an intentional effort. In other words, friendships rarely just happen, and those that do rarely become friendships that last. PRAYER: Lord, Thank You for being my friend and for equipping me with the ability to be a friend. I pray that today You will enable me to recognize opportunities and actively pursue being a friend and allowing someone else to be my friend. In Jesus’ name. Amen FRANK SNOWDEN / 2008
Day 28
WORKING FOR JESUS Read Romans 12:3-8, I Peter 4: 10 It was the last Saturday morning of April; we had planned, made calls, recruited and prayed. We had accepted a new mission. Today we were going to tear off and replace a roof on a house. With about 30 volunteers we were ready to go, but I was worried. I did not know the skills of the volunteers, if we had enough materials, or if we could do the work in one day. The house, which belonged to an elderly couple, had a roof that leaked so badly that they had to bend pizza pans to divert water from leaks in the roof into buckets. Tearing off the shingles was the easy part; but the flat roof was another story. After we tore off the roof, the decking was so thin we could not walk on it. We ordered more plywood and kept working. The extra plywood arrived; we kept working. We had people everywhere, hauling trash, nailing decking and shingles, and spreading tar. Leaders stepped up out of our volunteers and crews developed. By two o’clock that afternoon everybody was played out, but we were not finished. As the afternoon wore on, I could see the end. We were going to make it. We left about six o’clock that evening worn out but blessed. We had come to serve, to show Christian love to a family that needed help. Looking back on that day it is easy to see how the Lord worked through us, by us and around us. Materials arrived when needed, no one was hurt, the job was done, and the roof did not leak. That was 4 years ago. Frazer volunteers have now worked on 13 houses. We were working for Christmas in April and it is only one day a year. We work hard that day and come home dirty, sore and exhausted. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we work for Him three hundred and sixty-five days a year. How many days are we tired and exhausted from working for Jesus? PRAYER: Father, we come to You asking for Your guidance. Show us where we are needed and how we may be used as a gift of Your love every day of the year. Amen. JOHN PALMER / 1997
Day 29
CHRISTIAN OR CONSUMER? Read 2 Corinthians 9:7 I was relaxing one Sunday afternoon when a thought, seemingly out of the blue, popped into my head: God does not need my money. He is God; He spoke to nothing, and it became a universe. So why does He instruct us to return a portion to Him? Jesus taught that when we seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness first, God will take care of us (Matthew 6:33). I then began to understand that the issue of giving is a trust issue. It’s a tangible measure of my degree of trust, and in whom do I trust, God or myself? The apostle Paul added another element when he declared that giving must be accompanied by a proper attitude; cheerfulness. Once again, the issue reveals my heart in the matter. Over time, I came to understand a few more truths that make giving a joy. For example, God does not really want anything from me as much as He wants good things for me. Also, everything He has entrusted to me belongs to Him. Thinking these things are mine and I should cut Him a percentage as a return is backwards. A better view is, “Lord, thank you for entrusting me with resources for my time here on earth. Give me wisdom to know what to keep for my needs as I gladly return the rest to You, that Your kingdom on earth would be glorious.” When the opportunity to give to the Lord’s work is set before me, I have a choice: Thy kingdom come, or my kingdom come. I have funded both, but only the former pays dividends in the currency of joy. PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus, for allowing me to join in Your work. I give You thanks for Your blessings and provision in my life. Help me have a faith that trusts so deeply in Your love for me that I will not hold back in giving to the work of the Kingdom. Amen FRANK MARGULIS / 2020
Day 30
REAL SERVANTS IN CHRIST Read Matthew 25:40 In The Purpose Driven Life, author Rick Warren challenges us to become “real” servants in Christ. His lesson reminded me of a personal experience during a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico, with the Frazer Senior High Youth Group. Our mission was to build homes for needy families. We were divided into three teams. I was on the Yellow Team. We were given a family who was living in card-board boxes and wooden crates surrounded by piles of trash. They were very poor, and although the father had a job, his yearly income was barely enough for his family’s basic needs. Our team faced hardships and challenges during the construction project. On the first day, it rained all day (it only rains about twice a year in Juarez!). Running water was limited (no showers!). There was a big language barrier. None of us had ever built a complete house (especially in 4 days)! On the last day, with our mission miraculously accomplished, we gathered with our Mexican family. We were touched by their love to discover that they had used their monthly wages to make us lunch! We then presented to the family keys to their new home, along with a Spanish Bible and an eighty-dollar love offering. The father, with tears rolling down his cheeks, turned his face toward heaven and said, “God Bless!” Those were about the only words he knew in English. At that moment, the hardships of the week were forgotten, and we were filled with peace and love. We felt the presence of the Lord in that house, and it brought us all to tears. Through this mission trip, I learned that by helping others I can serve the Lord; and while serving the Lord, I too, can receive His blessings. PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for all the many blessings You have given me and all the opportunities to serve You by serving others. Please use me according to Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen KINLEY BECK / 2003
Day 31
THE POSSIBILITIES OF PRAYER Read Jeremiah 33:3, John 14:12-13 Are there times in your life when you feel like you pray out of habit for protection for your family, for your pastoral staff, for the lost, or for your own need? Several years ago, my wife, Marcia and I joined hands and hearts with our daughter and her friend at five o’clock one February morning to pray for travel mercies for the trip they were taking to Ohio. This prayer was a routine in our family for as long as I can remember. Marcia, as mothers often do, had insisted that they drive her car as it was a larger and heavier car and had airbags. At twelve o’clock noon, the call that all parents fear came. The Tennessee State Trooper said there had been a serious automobile accident in a snow and ice storm; Kelli and her friend had been injured and transported to the hospital by ambulance. The nature of the injuries was unknown. The officer suggested that we leave immediately for Franklin, Tennessee. During the hurried trip, Marcia and I could only pray in faith for we did not know what injuries had occurred. Upon arrival at the hospital, we were told that Kelli and her friend had been released with the only injury being a sprained ankle for Kelli. The automobile had sustained $12,000 damage, but they had walked away practically untouched. “How could that be?” we asked. The answer came back that someone had been watching out for them and having airbags certainly helped. Marcia had felt so urgently that they needed to take her car. The prompting of the Holy Spirit is often so persistent that it cannot be ignored. May God help us to be sensitive to that prompting as He urges us to say or do something that might be out of character. It is the Lord’s way of using us for His purpose. It enables our faith to grow as we seek to be obedient to Him and His teachings. Prayer is the channel through which God pours all the power essential for establishing the Kingdom of Christ on earth. By the prayer of faith, every lack can be abundantly supplied, every problem gloriously solved, every enemy overcome, every barrier removed, and the whole earth evangelized. PRAYER: O God, we praise Your Omnipotence. Send Your peace into our hearts. Teach us to pray and to listen to You and to learn to be obedient so that all things are possible through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. TOM CALENDER / 1998
Day 32
BEING A PART OF THE HARVEST Read Matthew 9:37 While spending my childhood summers on a farm in Pennsylvania, I was part of the annual harvest activities. It was an exciting time, as neighbors from all around shared their labors to make quick work of taking the grain crops from the field to the barn. Each person was a part of the total effort according to their talents and strengths. The cooperative effort was a great thing to be a part of, and the outstanding food prepared by the farm ladies was something I clearly remember. Most of all, the accomplishment of the harvest was a spiritual lesson for me. The memory of the cooperative effort of the harvesters reminds me that as a member of local church, I need to work with other members of the body in fulfilling Christ’s mission. Like the farm families involved in the harvest activities, each of us has a different gift that can be a vital element in making the church a truly effective part of God’s desire—that all will hear, believe, and find a personal relationship with Jesus. PRAYER: Dear Lord, I am so thankful to be living in a land of plenty where Your word is so freely shared and openly embraced. Help me to be truly grateful by sharing my time and talents in enabling others to seek a personal relationship with You. Amen BILL HOLMES / 1996
Day 33
OUR PLAN OR GOD’S PLAN Read Philippians 2:2 I had a dream. I was old and content, sitting in a creaking rocking chair on the porch. A slight warm breeze gently beckoned me to take a nap. Looking deep into the wise and loving eyes of a beautiful silver-haired lady, I remember saying to her, “l don’t mind growing old with you.” I awoke with a commitment to marry Melanie, a Navy Lieutenant stationed in San Diego, California. I carefully laid my plan to insure minimal risk and maximum probability of a successful clandestine mission. First, I needed to see her parents at Thanksgiving. Second, Melanie needed to see my parents at Christmas. Third, I needed to obtain the families’ blessings and propose to Melanie on Valentine’s Day. What a perfect and precise plan! I craftily persuaded Melanie to invite me to her family’s annual “Thanksgiving Reunion.” I showed up decked out in my dress blues and stuck out like a sore thumb. Relatives circled around, eyeing me suspiciously and asked me unabashedly, “When are ya gonna marry my cousin Melanie?” I quickly determined that I had been out maneuvered. Melanie later confessed that God had given her a “rocking chair” dream, too, and that no one can attend the Coopers’ reunion unless blood, married, or soon-to-be married. It is the will of God, preparing, planning, and proposing always that are best for His children. God’s love is more than a dream or a gentle breeze crossing the boundaries of time. His love is a constant in an ever-changing world. His message is eternal—Love God and love one another. Love is the one thing we can give constantly and become increasingly rich in the giving. It is our purest reflection of God. PRAYER: Lord God, this is not about us, it is about You and Your plan for our lives. We are so very thankful for Your everlasting love and guidance. In the name of Your precious son, Jesus. Amen. CARTER PAPKE / 2003
Day 34
GOD KNOWS Read Matthew 6:1-4 In March of 1983, I learned what true giving is all about as I walked away from the graveside of my grandmother, “Buddy”. Several people I did not know stopped me and other members of my family to tell stories of how Buddy had assisted them during some particularly difficult times in their lives. Stories were told of meals, shoes, clothes, Christmas presents and more that I had not known about until that day. Giving was not taught by “Buddy” with lecture and study, but it was taught with her life. As I have continued to grow and develop in my commitment to giving and serving, I often remember that day when scores of people turned out to say “thank you” to “Buddy.” To this moment, I carry with me two lessons I learned that day. (I pray I will never forget them.) First, that as I give through my tithes and gifts, the only person that needs to know already does — God! Secondly, the greatest gift in life is contributing in some way so that others can know and grow in Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that in the days of eternity it may be said of me and my family: “Thank you for giving to the Lord. I was a life that was changed.” PRAYER: Holy Father, Thank You for the faithful witness of those who have gone before to teach us how to unselfishly love and care for others. I pray the Frazer family will demonstrate Your love through acts of kindness that only You need to be aware of. Amen MICHAEL MICHEL / 1992
Day 35
YOU CAN GO HOME AGAIN Read Psalm 34: 17-20, Jeremiah 29:12-14 My husband and I have been married for 24 years and have been involved in church most of those years. However, approximately five years ago, we allowed things to get in the way of our commitment to God, and we became caught up in the familiar daily tasks. Without realizing it at the time, we kept putting God last. Trying to live our lives on our own made for a bad situation a couple of years later. I decided the marriage was not what I wanted it to be, and I wanted out of the marriage. Then one day my husband told me that he had found love again and that love was with Jesus. He had decided to visit Frazer one morning and found what he needed to put his family back together. He prayed for Jesus not only to restore him, but to also help me find my way back as well. When my husband first told me this, I did not know exactly how I felt, but the one thing I did know was that trying to live on my own was miserable. It did not happen overnight, but Jesus took my willingness and restored me beyond my belief. He taught me about his grace, mercy, and most of all, his forgiveness. There are days when I am just in awe of all that He has done for me. Yes, He restored my love for my husband more than I can even comprehend. Not only am I grateful to Jesus, but I am also grateful for having a husband who knew how to pray. There is an old saying that “You can’t go home again.” Well, you can if it is God’s house! PRAYER: Father, help us to understand that we are always welcome in Your arms when we reach out to You, regardless of where we have been. Thank You for the restoration and forgiveness that is made possible by faith in Jesus. In His Name, Amen FLO SMYTH / 2003
Day 36
SIMPLY “WALKING” WITH JESUS Read 1 Peter 2:21 God has given me a nudge lately to get back to walking around my neighborhood. You have all seen those power walkers with their headphones, moving at a very rapid rate of speed. Well, that’s not my speed. Maybe you have had a walk more like mine, full of stops for one reason or another: to watch the sunset, to greet neighbors or pet their dogs, to pick up trash, or to watch for needs. For you, that may not be a big deal; but as a rule, I am usually unobservant. However, now I have a purpose when I walk around my neighborhood: to let God lead me in ways to bless my neighbors. Recently my Small Group hosted a Ladies’ Summer Social on my block. It was amazing to watch God bring Christians together. We are beginning to care for one another and those around us, whom we would never have met without each other’s help. As we pray, love, care, and reach out, we believe God will bring blessings for the whole neighborhood. When Jesus walked in His “neighborhood,” things changed. People were healed. Their needs were met. Their relationships with God were deepened. As we walk with Jesus in our neighborhoods, He makes a difference in the lives of those around us. As you walk IN HIS STEPS this year, ask Jesus where He wants you to walk as you love, pray, serve, and share His story. PRAYER: Father, guide me to “walk” according to Your leading. Help me to seek and find opportunities to bless and help others. In Jesus’ name, Amen JACQUE LUNSFORD / 2020
Day 37
SAYING “YES” Read 1 Corinthians 12:4 I sometimes say that I fell into every ministry I have ever done. I did not know Jesus until I was 32 years old. At that time, I was born again out of much darkness; and in the new light, I wanted to be all that Jesus wanted me to be. I was attending church when I was about a year old in the Lord and was asked to teach a high school Sunday school class. I flatly refused, knowing that I probably could not relate to that age and that I did not know enough. I thought I was thoroughly unqualified; however, I was asked repeatedly until I finally said I would try it. I went to that first class, filled with doubt and fear. I struggled through the self-doubt; but within two or three sessions, I knew it was right. I became acutely aware that the Holy Spirit was giving me insights that were not my own, and I felt what is known as an anointing. This class became one of the highlights of each week for me, and my part was to study, listen to Him, and show up. Every born-again believer has God-given gifts. The gifts are not for the individual but are for the body of Christ and the world. They are for service to others. The reward is great because when we use our gifts, the power and presence of the Holy Spirit are very evident. I have been teaching for forty-six years in many places and groups, and the joy never ends. If we discover our gifts and allow God to use us in them, we help the body and the world, and God smiles. PRAYER: Lord, Help me to use the gift(s) the Holy Spirit has given me to build up the body of Christ. I pray for the courage to say “Yes” when there is an opportunity for You to use me in service to others and to Your glory. Amen ARDITH DORROUGH / 2020
Day 38
GIFTS FROM THE HEART Read I John 4:8-21, Luke 6:38 A part of my job as a behavior specialist in the public-school system involves counseling with students who have emotional problems. Although most of these children have been labeled by adults in their world as “problems,” the Lord has given me a heart of love for them. I pray for them and ask God to use me to heal their emotions and minds. Sensing my unconditional acceptance of them, they often give me gifts from their hearts: a picture drawn just for me, a piece of sticky candy, hugs, or sometimes a loved object such as a favorite toy from their private treasure cache. It is a special gift when they share their innermost secrets with me. My heart melts for them as I ask for God’s blessings in their lives. God, through His son, Jesus Christ, has shown unconditional love and acceptance for all who believe in and trust Him. Like the children I serve, I want to show the Father my love with gifts from the heart. All that I have to give – love, time, money – was first a gift from Him. Now as I give to others, the blessings truly flow back “pressed down, shaken together, and running over.” PRAYER: Father, we give thanks for the perfect gift of Your son, Jesus. Help us to love others as You do, seeing people as precious and valuable. May we show acceptance and unconditional love to all Your children. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen CAROL DOUBERLY / 1992
Day 39
MISSED OPPORTUNITIES Read Matthew 28: 19-20, Acts 8: I -4 The Bruce Wilkinson Holiness Seminar held at Frazer earlier this year was an inspiring time of worship and learning. We have been praying the prayer of Jabez (l Chronicles 4:10), asking God to bless us and enlarge our territories. It was not until the recent death of a neighbor that God convicted us that we really had not been enlarging our territories. You see, all the enlarging had been with other Christians and church activities. Our Christian witnesses had been rather passive. We had missed many opportunities to share the gospel and to invite our neighbor to church. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus tells the disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.� Go, make, baptize, and teach are all words of action. In Acts 8:1-4, the apostles remain in Jerusalem while the disciples are thrust into action due to the persecution of the church. Scattered throughout Judea and Samaria and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the disciples went out preaching and teaching. God is calling us to a more active and aggressive approach in our witness. We are those disciples, and Judea and Samaria are as close as next door. PRAYER: Dear Lord, forgive us for the missed opportunities of the past and open our eyes to future opportunities to enlarge our territories. Empower us with insight, wisdom, and courage to share Christ with others and to be disciples of action. Amen MARK AND CINDY PLATT / 2001
Day 40
Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31 NLT