Welcome to Issue 09. |Music| I chatted with the band Amistat & with the singer- songwriter Brendan The Bard. I reviewed Seafret’s music video ‘Loving You’, and chatted with a new exotic musician you will adore, Yeti Ghetto. |Series| I recommend you The Heights, a brand-new series that will take you to the realness of Australia. |Cinema| I had a lovely interview with the strong and amazingly talented Tritia DeVisha, where she spoke with us about her movie Inanna, The Queen of Heaven, which I have also reviewed. Also, I chatted with the unbelievable and talented Nick Slater, who has shared interesting points about his acting. Victoria Ferrara tells us about her upcoming role in Stephen King’s movie, ‘Rest Stop’. The Combination 2 was premiered the 7th of February and I tell you everything about this so acclaimed movie. From Italy, Pasquale Di Nuzzo talks with me about his inspiring experiences and his future. |Theatre| Love’s Labour’s lost + Exclusive interview with Alex Lloyd. // Ads + Calendar of events.