4 minute read
Hagerstown & Frederick Trolley Trail
by Bryant Despeaux
President, H&F Trolley Trail Association, inc.
I’ve often discussed how the H&F Trolley Trail would benefit Frederick County by providing a safe linear park for residents of the county and towns along the trail. It would provide a great path for residents to walk, bike, run and get outside to enjoy this wonderful place we live. I have also discussed the economic impact the H&F would have if the trail was developed fully. But in this article, I’m going to discuss the bigger picture and how important this trail is to that picture. We have an opportunity to connect many historical and cultural areas through our county and neighboring states and the H&F is a critical piece of that opportunity.
The H&F Trolley Trail would connect Frederick to Thurmont and ultimately to Emmitsburg. Adams County, PA, is considering a trail from Gettysburg to Emmitsburg and Frederick County recently announced a trail connection from Frederick to the C&O Canal in Point of Rocks, MD. In addition, there is talk of a Virginia connection of the W&OD Rail Trail to the C&O Canal at White’s Ferry or Brunswick. The C&O, which of course has long been developed and enjoyed by millions, connects Washington, DC to Cumberland, MD and passes by Harpers Ferry. In Cumberland, the C&O connects to the Great Alleghany Passage Trail which travels all the way to Pittsburgh.
ALLThiSTrAiLACTiViTy is very exciting and offers a chance to connect four states and countless historical and cultural sites. A trail through these areas would enhance the National Heritage Area known as the Journey Through Hallowed Ground.
National Heritage Areas (NHAs) are areas designated by Congress and are usually managed by state governments or non-profit organizations. The purpose of these areas is to link and highlight unique cultural, historical or scenic areas.
Our location is part of a wonderful NHA, the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area, which links Gettysburg to Monticello and highlights 400 years of European, American and African American heritage. It includes areas in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. This is how it’s described on the National Park Service’s website: “The Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area is a 180-mile corridor stretching from Gettysburg, PA, through Maryland and Harpers Ferry, WV, to Jefferson's Monticello in Charlottesville, VA. The Journey includes 12 National Parks, 9 presidential sites,
30 historic Main Street communities, dozens of Civil War battlefields, and over 100 sites related to the fight for Civil Rights.” You can learn more about the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area by visiting the National Park Service website at www.nps.gov/jthg/index.htm.
The heritage area includes the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Scenic Byway and roughly follows the Old Carolina Road. The scenic byway includes portions of US RT 15, connecting Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
MAryLAND, PENNSyLVANiA, Virginia and West Virginia should work together to ensure these trails are built out and connected to create the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Trail. The trail would encompass the C&O, Ballenger Creek, Carroll Creek, H&F, Seton (Thurmont to Emmitsburg) and Adams County Trails. The combined total of these trails would be approximately 45 miles, creating a unique and The Thurmont trolley will play a vital role in connecting the trails.
Photo courtesy of Mindful Focus robust historical and cultural tourism experience.
A trail of this length would certainly bring in cycling and hiking tourism, as well as local opportunities for exploration of our history. It would also offer more opportunities to explore, learn and help preserve our history. The economic impact for Frederick County and all the adjoining cities, towns and states would be incredible. If these trails are built you could literally get on a bike in Washington, DC and travel to Gettysburg via a safe, off-street trail.
That’s the BIG picture and it may sound like a dream, but it is possible if local, state, federal governments and citizens work together.
BACKTOThESMALLEr PiCTurE …. there are many hurdles for the H&F. The H&F would need to travel through privately held property and many landowners have concerns about trails. This has been an issue for many trail projects in the past, but many of the concerns have proven to be unfounded. Trails have positive impacts on property values and are considered desired amenities by many. Our community can be a big part of this “dream” by understanding the positive impact the H&F Trolley Trail would have on this project and considering their opportunity to contribute to the BIG picture.
To learn more about the H&F Trolley Trail and our organization, please visit our website at www. hftrolley.org.