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2022 PCAA ‘Concert in the Park’ series begins Sunday
Fredericksburg High School’s Jazz Ensemble will kick off the 2022 PCAA Concert Series at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 1, in the Adelsverein Halle at Marktplatz.
The Pedernales Creative Arts Alliance is an organization that uses the proceeds from their Oktoberfest Festivals to support many organizations doing art-related projects, scholarships for students who pursue college courses in the creative arts such as music and theater, and these concerts — which are free.
PCAA members and Gillespie County residents volunteer their time to help organize and staff Oktoberfest.
To thank volunteers for their efforts, PCAA sponsors a series of concerts held on Sunday evenings, between May and September, in the Adelsverein Halle at Marktplatz, said Debbie Reeh, PCAA spokesperson.
“Our concert series have been held each year for many years and are an excellent opportunity for our community to socialize and enjoy open-air live music entertainment,” Reeh said.
The entertainment runs from 6:30-8:15 p.m.
“Everyone is invited to bring their lawn chairs, picnics, family and friends,” Reeh said.
The 2022 PCAA Concert Series schedule includes:
May 1 — FHS Jazz Ensemble
May 22 — Rocky King Band
June 26 — Debra Watson & the Smoking
July 24 — Cap City
Aug. 28 — Monte Good & the Honky Tonk
Sept. 18 — The Walburg Boys
For more information, call 830-997-4810.
Spring Leaf Collection ending soon
Fredericksburg’s Annual Spring Leaf Collection Program ends Friday.
and uses them to take images of celestial objects from his personal observatory near Ingram.
Most HCA members live in Central Texas. Some members are accomplished amateur astronomers; others are beginners. No matter one’s experience level, all are welcome to participate in HCA. Club membership is not required to attend monthly meetings. “We hope HCA can fulfill your interest in learning more about the night sky,” said Barton.
For more information, contact Barton at 214-6833392 or hillcountryastronomers@gmail.com.
Entries for 4-H photo contest due soon
Entries for the Gillespie County 4-H Photography Contest are due May 4.
All entries are free and can be turned in at the Gillespie County Extension Office, 38 Business Court.
Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m.
Age divisions for the contest are as follows:
- Clover Kids — First and second grade; - Juniors — Third grade (and eight years old) and fifth grade; - Intermediates — Sixth and eighth grade;
Seniors — Ninth and 12th grade (have not surpassed their 18th birthday as of Sept. 1, 2021).
Each 4-H member may enter one photo in each category of their choosing. Photos must be taken by the 4-H member between the dates listed in the rules and guidelines.
The list of categories are as follows:
- Animals: Domestic;
- Animals: Wildlife; - Catch All;
Dominant Color;
Elements of Design;

Landscape & Nature (non-animal); - Night; - People; - Motion/Action; - Plant/Flora; - Shadow/Silhouette; - Details and Macro;
- Theme: The Elements.
Winners will be displayed at the 2022 Gillespie County Fair. For more information, go to https://gillespie.agrilife. org/4h/photography/, or call 830-997-3452.
Lower South Grape Creek Historic School
During this program, city residents are encouraged to gather leaves from their property and rake them to the street.
Residents are reminded of the following guidelines:
Member of the Friends of Gillespie County Country Schools

Texas Exes slate spring highway cleanup, Thirsty Thursday
The Texas Exes Fredericksburg Chapter announces two upcoming events for late April and early May.
The chapter will hold its quarterly Adopt-aHighway trash pickup at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 30 to coincide with TxDOT’s annual state-sponsored, month-long “Don’t Mess with Texas Trash-Off” event.
Volunteers should meet in the parking lot of Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier Insurance, 108 Theodore Specht Dr., (across from the post office parking lot) at 9 a.m. for a brief orientation and to pick up a safety vest and TxDOT trash bags.
The staff at Frantzen, Kaderli & Klier has given permission for the chapter to use its parking lot as a staging area for the highway cleanup and Fredericksburg Hill Country Hotel is allowing chapter members to use their facilities as needed to ensure a successful cleanup. The chapter is grateful to both these businesses for supporting its efforts.
Volunteers will divide into teams and each team will be assigned a section of the chapter’s two-mile stretch of U.S. 87 North, from the outbound Adopta-Highway sign next to the Hill Country Hotel north to the inbound sign.
It is recommended that participants wear boots and long pants and bring gloves, water, reach-it grabbers, and any other items deemed necessary to ensure a safe experience.
Anyone can participate. No pre-registration is required, but those planning to participate should arrive on time for their supplies and assignments. The chapter observes all safety guidelines, which will be briefly reviewed prior to the cleanup.
Thirsty Thursday
Then, on Thursday, May 5, the chapter will hold its regular monthly Thirsty Thursday, beginning at 5 p.m. at Hill & Vine, located at 210 S. Adams St.
The meeting will be held outside on the “green.”
This month’s meeting will feature a report from the Nominating