Hill Country Hunting Guide 2021
Hunters for the Hungry Helps Those in Need Hunters who want to help others and not see their sport go to waste this season can donate the meat they harvest to a program that helps the needy. “Hunters for the Hungry” is a statewide program associated with Feeding Texas, formerly the Texas Food Bank Network.
• Rabke’s Table Ready Meats, 3875 Eckert Road, Willow City; 830-685-3266. Other participating processors in the Hill Country area include one in Kerr County: • Milton Bernhard Meat Processing, 2920 Junction Highway, Ingram; 830-367-2995.
The program helps ease hunger in For a complete list of Texas the state through donated meat. processors, visit the website of the Since its inception in 1997, the Hunters for the Hungry sponsor, program has provided more than the Texas Association of 2.6 million pounds of meat — over Community Action Agencies, Inc., 10 million servings — to hungry (TACAA) at: www.feedingtexas.org/ Texans. Last year, food banks get-involved/hunt and click on the distributed more than 145,093 hyperlink “participating meat pounds of meat or 580,372 servings processors.” to the hungry. To donate deer for the Hunters for The program connects a hunter with participating deer/meat processors and the meat is distributed through food banks.
the Hungry program, hunters should bring their legally tagged and field dressed deer to a participating meat processor.
Although it doesn’t donate to individuals, those in need of food should call 211, visit www.211texas. org or contact a food assistance provider directly.
There is no processing fee this year as meat processors are reimbursed through donations from hunters who donate when purchasing hunting and fishing licenses or through online donations.
Gillespie County processors accepting donations for this season include:
The participating meat processor will then prepare the meat and get it to a local food assistance provider. Other wild game will not be accepted by processors for this program. Hunters for the Hungry cannot accept meat that has already been processed, but can help find a food assistance provider who may be able to accept it directly. Another Hill Country processor participating in a similar program is Schneider’s Deer Processing. Owner Greg Schneider processes about 20-25 deer that are donated and once processed, donates the meat to the Fredericksburg Food Pantry and other area churches. Schneider’s is located at 731 Mustang Street in Fredericksburg. Call 990-0420 for more information. More information about the Hunters for the Hungry program is available by calling 512-527-3613 or email hfth@tfbn.org.