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Birthing Center
20 rive
Celebrating baby at HCM
While everyone celebrates the birth of a baby, Hill Country Memorial Obstetrics Team recognizes that welcoming a new baby to the world begins long before birth and continues long after.
So, when a family gets the big news that they will be growing, that is the time to start planning.
Hill Country Memorial can help with classes and guidance, including:
Prepared Childbirth Class
This offering helps expectant moms — and dads — understand the process of labor and delivery, including techniques to cope with labor.
Newborn Care Class
The HCM OB Team will lead parents and caretakers through the steps of caring for newborns, including diaper changing, bathing, safe sleeping practices, cord care, and identifying common infant health issues.
Breastfeeding Class
An expert breastfeeding educator will help new moms master the basics, including anatomy, positioning, how to hand express and use a breast pump, and how to prevent common problems.
Tours of the Birthing Center
Every first Thursday at 5:15 p.m., the Obstetrics Department hosts a tour and open house.
Visitors can see the extensive upgrades made with a gift from The
Bonnie Magee, RN, takes care of a newborn in the Cailloux Birthing Center at Hill Country Memorial. — Submitted photo
Cailloux Foundation.
They include: increased from four to eight. tubs for prelabor comfort. rooms. station.
Other improvements include amenities such as healing artwork and multi-functional furniture to create a more homelike atmosphere and calming environment for families. 1845.
Every family and every birth is different. to meet the unique needs of every
And when that big day does arrive, the HCM team at the Cailloux Birthing Center will be there to celebrate with the family.
This article was prepared for the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post by Hill Country Memorial.
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