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Gillespie County Youth Livestock Show
Gillespie County Youth Livestock Show is Jan. 6-8
The 2022 Gillespie County Youth Livestock Show will be held Thursday through Saturday, Jan. 6-8.
The Gillespie County show kicks off the 2022 livestock competition season for Gillespie County 4-Hers and Fredericksburg and Harper FFA members.
Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many of the shows may have modified their schedules or canceled. Be sure to check the Gillespie County AgriLife Extension website at gillespie.agrilife.org for current updates.
Major stock shows the youths participate in include the Hill Country District Junior Livestock Show in Kerrville, the Fort Worth Livestock Show, the Sandhills Stock Show and Rodeo in Odessa, the Alternative Show in Fort Worth, the Patriot Junior Market Steer Show in Abilene, the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo, the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, the Texas Elite Showcase in Kerrville, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and Rodeo Austin.
Dates and schedules for each of the shows is subject to change due to the ongoing pandemic.
Gillespie County 4-H and Fredericksburg and Harper FFA members are gearing up for the local show that will be held at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds Thursday through Saturday, Jan. 6-8. Exhibitors and attendees are recommended to follow CDC COVID-19 safety guidelines.
Categories include lambs, meat goats, breeding sheep, Angora goats, breeding sheep, broilers, turkeys, swine and cattle. Additionally, there will be judging of ag mechanics projects and the ag mechanics cutting torch competition.

Youth from Gillespie County and around the Hill Country will participate in the Gillespie County Youth Livestock Show, set for Jan. 6-8.
Categories for the show include swine, lambs, meat goats, breeding sheep, Angora goats, broilers and cattle.
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