Accredited TEFL Courses – Why Should You Choose One?

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Accredited TEFL Courses Accredited TEFL Courses – Why Should You Choose One? Accredited TEFL Courses – Click here for more info With the recent surge in popularity of teaching English abroad as a viable and sustainable way to travel and see the world, tons of enterprising individuals have jumped on the TEFL bandwagon striving to create a great TEFL course for a great price. While many of them do succeed and there are a lot of great TEFL courses out there, many of them also fall dismally short offering up sub par products that could prove to be a waste of money and time.

In a market flooded with TEFL courses all promising the same thing, how does one choose the right course? Accreditation is a good start.

Tefl courses that have been accredited by a reputable accrediting agency must be held up to a certain standard. An accredited TEFL course has been vetted for course content, staff, and customer service and is also assurance that the certificate will be internationally recognized by schools all over the world.

4. Vetted for Content TEFL courses are very content specific in that they teach you one thing; how to teach English to non native speakers. They cover a wide range of materials like classroom management, testing, grammar, and grading scales to name a few. There is a lot of material to cover, and most employers require a minimum of 100 hours of TEFL course work for candidates to apply. With second rate courses, a lot of the material is hastily cobbled together

with lots of filler thrown in to increase the hours. By doing this, the course creator is able to offer 100 plus hours of coursework, when in reality the important material is a small percentage of the overall course. With accredited TEFL courses, the course content is painstakingly combed over with a fine tooth comb by the accrediting agency looking for errors and incorrect or irrelevant information. By making sure the TEFL course you pick is accredited, you can be assured that the course content is accurate, pertinent, and of a high quality.

3. Vetted Staff The internet can be an amazing place full of great information and amazing opportunities but it can also hold some hidden dangers. With web anonymity, anyone can hide behind a browser pretending to be someone else and the average person has no way of knowing whether or not they’re telling the truth. It is entirely possible for dubious characters to pose as experienced TEFL teachers or qualified educational syllabus designers, while in fact having no such qualifications of experience. Along with vetting course content, accrediting agencies will also vet all the staff of accredited TEFL courses. They will ensure that everyone in every position; the tutors, course designers, accountants etc. are qualified and hold the correct degrees and amount of experience. This is very important as you definitely want to have a qualified team of professionals backing you as you prepare for the huge career change you are about to undertake.

2. Vetted for Customer Service One of the most important aspects of any business is its customer service. It really doesn’t matter how great a product is if customers are treated poorly or not given the support they need.

This is especially important for something like an online course, where there is no physical location for you to go in and get help if you are ignored. Additionally, most TEFL courses offer some form of job placement assistance to their graduates on completion, and this assistance can make or break a TEFL course. Many dubious TEFL courses will make great promises about job placement to potential customers, but then fall short on them when the course is done and paid for. Accredited TEFL courses are held to a high standard of customer service. The accrediting agency makes sure that the TEFL course provides everything it promises, as well as produces a high level of customer satisfaction. It’s a huge relief to know that you can trust your TEFL academy to come through on their promises and as such, you can rest easy by taking a properly accredited TEFL course.

1. Internationally Recognized Certification As baffling as choosing the right TEFL course can be as a potential employee, you’ve got to wonder how difficult it is for employers to sort through the scores of applications they get from all kinds of TEFL academies all over the world. As careful as you must be to choose a TEFL course that will give to the proper training you need to undertake the important task of educating the youth of today, the schools and ministries of education must be just as careful in screening out applicants who have taken their courses from a less than adequate TEFL academy.

For these employers, accreditation is a no brainer. A properly accredited TEFL course that has been thoroughly vetted provides them with the peace of mind they need to hire a foreign national that they probably haven’t even met in person. By choosing an accredited TEFL course, you are ensuring that your certification is legitimate and recognized all over the world, an important aspect for anyone looking to improve their employment prospects. While not all TEFL courses are created equal, accreditation is a pretty good standard of ensuring you are getting the promised product for your hard earned money. A properly accredited TEFL course provides you with the peace of mind you need to take your career to the next level.

Accredited TEFL Courses – Click here for more info

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