2023 Winter-Spring Activity Catalog - Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events

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2023 WINTER & SPRING Catalog of Activities 2023 WINTER & SPRING Catalog of Activities Look inside for the City of Fredericksburg’s Parks, Trails, Activities and Events Join us! @FredParksRec Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086


The mission of the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events Department is to enhance the lives of our citizens by providing a diverse package of recreation and park opportunities.


Todd Brown, Director

Jenny Casarotti, Asst Director, Administration, Recreation Programs & Services

Amanda Richardson, Superintendent of Recreation

Callie Brown, Superintendent of Recreation

Jillian Franklin, Superintendent Sports & Fitness

Michael Ward, Assistant Director of Parks

Aaron Simmons, Superintendent Parks & Maintenance

Kim Herbert, Supervisor of Events

Sammy Walker, Special Event Coordinator

Samantha Beales, Program Coordinator

Mackenzie Guenther, Outdoor Education Assistant

Justus Casino, Community Outreach Coordinator

Carly Hedge, Administrative Support Specialist

Karen Lea, Administrative Support Specialist

Darlene Rich, Administrative Support Specialist

Esmeralda Torres, Administrative Support Specialist

Amanda Bleakly, Administrative Support Specialist

Charline Cooke, Administrative Support Specialist

Martha Hailey, Administrative Support Specialist



Mr. David Dorsey, Chairman

Mrs. Sharon Null, Vice Chair

Mr. DaCorey Carter

Ms. Quincy Crecelius Click

Mr. Eric Keeler

Mr. Brandon McVade

Ms. Sue Sargeant

City Council Representative:

Dr. Timothy Duffy

School Board Representative:

Dr. Matthew Eberhardt


408 Canal Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Our Community Center is the home of the Parks, Recreation and Events Department and home to the majority of our programs. Our parking is located in the back of the building. Parks and Recreation administrative offices are located within the Community Center.

Community Center Operating Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm Sunday: Closed

Contact: 540-372-1086

General Phone: 540-372-1086, x 0 Children’s Activities x 203

Nature Programs x 218 Outdoor Recreation x 213 Sports & Fitness x 208

Adult Classes x 203 Events x 307 x 308

Trips x 203

Sponsors, Volunteers, Outreach x 214

Fax: 540-372-3475

Email: prfrontdesk@fredericksburgva.gov

Website: FXBGparks.com

2 Online at:
FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086


Stay informed. Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and Events’ notifications for our department’s weather cancellations and park closings. Visit FredericksburgAlert.com to subscribe by text and email.

Department Newsletter

Sign up for Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events’ monthly email newsletter to receive reminders for registration deadlines, class sign-ups, upcoming events and trips.

Activity Catalog List

Sign up to receive a copy of our activity catalog by mail or by email. We print a new catalog 3 times a year in January, March and August.

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @FredParksRec for updates!

Scan QR Code to visit FXBGparks.com/notify-me for links to our Notify Me sign up forms:



Nerf Mania at Old Mill Park. Info: FXBGparks.com.


Fredericksburg Restaurant Week. Info: FxbgRW. com.


Religious Freedom Day Observance at Religious Freedom Monument.


Father - Daughter Dance at Lafayette Elementary. Info: FXBGparks.com


Snowball Fights at FredNats Stadium. Info: FXBGparks.com.

Kiss My Asphalt 5K and 10K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. Info: www.bishopevents.com.


Drive-In Movie in the Park: West Side Story at Old Mill Park. Info: FXBGparks.com.


Family Game Night at Dorothy Hart Community Ctr. Info: FXBGparks.com.


The Coldest Night of the Year Walk in Downtown.

MARCH 10-12

Fredericksburg Fine Arts Show & Sale at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Info: FXBGparks.com.

Kid’s Art Show at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Info: FXBGparks.com.


Movie in the Park: Luck at Riverfront Park. Info: FXBGparks.com.


St. Patty’s Leprechaun 5K, 10K and 1-Miler at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. Info: www. bishopevents.com.

Grand Slamrock 5K, Strike it Lucky 1 Mile, Leprechaun Chase 1/2 Mile at FredNats Stadium. Info: www.arsenal-events.com.

Volunteer Orientation at Motts Run Nature Center. Info: FXBGparks.com.


Reservoir Clean Up Day at Motts Run Reservoir. Info: FXBGparks.com.


Sprellyfest at Red Dragon Brewery.


Race for Autism Awareness and Acceptance 5K, 10 K and 1-Miler at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. Info: www.bishopevents.com.


Movie in the Park Double Feature: It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown & Lady and the Tramp (2019) at Memorial Park. Info: FXBGparks.com.

Dog Egg Hunt at Memorial Park. Info: FXBGparks.com.


Easter 5K, 10K and 1-Miler at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. Info: www.bishopevents.com.


Farmers Market Opening Day at Hurkamp Park. Info: fxbgfarmersmarket.com.


Earth Day at Old Mill Park. Info: earthdayfred.com.


Concerts by Canoe at Motts Run Reservoir. Info: FXBGparks.com.


Mother - Son Dance at Lafayette Elementary School. Info: FXBGparks. com.

3 Join us! @FredParksRec


Friday, February 3, 6:30 – 8:30pm

Pre-registration - $8

*At the Door - $10 (if space permits)

All Ages

Instructor: Parks, Recreation, and Events Staff

Location: Lafayette Elementary School

Attention Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, and Big Brothers!! Join us for our Annual Valentine’s Dance so you can treat your little sweethearts to an evening of dress-up, fun and dancing. It’s a magical evening for dads and daughters alike. Girls must be between 4-12 yrs old.

We will have a professional photographer taking optional portraits for those of you who would like a memento of this special night. Light refreshments will be served. Attire is everything from dress casual to fancy. Sorry, no moms allowed.


Friday, May 5, 6:30 – 8:30pm

Pre-registration - $8

*At the Door - $10 (if space permits)

All Ages

Instructor: Parks, Recreation, and Events Staff

Location: Lafayette Elementary School

Join us for our annual Mother & Son Dance as a fun way to appreciate the most special women in our lives. Boys 4-12 years old are invited to take their moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters or beloved friends on a special Mother’s Day date!

We will have a professional photographer taking optional portraits for those of you who would like a memento of this special night. Attire is everything from dress casual to fancy. Be ready for a fun evening out together! Sorry, no dads allowed.

SPECIAL EVENTS I T ' S T H A T T I M E O F T H E Y E A R ! SNOWBALL SNOWBALL FIGHT MELEE FIGHT MELEE A T F R E D N A T S A T F R E D N A T S S T A D I U M S T A D I U M F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 3 P M - 5 P M P R E - R E G I S T R A T I O N P R - R E I R A T I O N O N L Y O N F X B G P A R K S C O M 4 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086 F A M I G A M E N I G H T T E S T Y O U R G A M E S K I L L S A G A I N S T O T H E R F A M I L I E S F O R T H E T O P P R I Z E ! @ D O R O T H Y H A R T C O M M U N I T Y C E N T E R F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 4 , 6 : 3 0 - 8 : 3 0 P M $ 2 0 / F A M I L Y , P R E - R E G I S T R A T I O N R E Q U I R E D F A M I L Y G A M E N I G H T M O R E I N F O & R E G I S T R A T I O N : F X B G P A R K S C O M


Ages 4 Years-12th Grade

Artists Reception: Friday, March 10 – 6pm-7:30pm

Exhibit Hours: Saturday, March 11 - 10am-4pm and Sunday, March 12 - 10am-4pm

FREE admission to view the exhibit!

Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center

We want to see YOU and your masterpiece! Exhibition is open to all children 4 years old through 12th grade. There is a $5 entry fee for the first 2 pieces, $5 entry fee for each additional (up to max of 4 artworks per child). Pre-registration required before dropping off artwork. Entries drop off Monday, February 27 through Friday, March 3 from 9:00am - 4:00pm at the Dorothy Hart Community Center.


Saturday, March 25

Pre-registration - $12/wave

On-Site Registration - $15/wave (only if space permits)

Wave 1: 11:00am–1pm

Wave 2: 1:30pm-3:30pm

Wave 3: 4pm-6pm

Wave 4: 6:30pm-8:30pm

All Ages

Location: Old Mill Park (2201 Caroline Street)

Come to the Old Mill Park for some action-packed fun as we transform the park into a Nerf battlefield. Nerf Mania will feature play for all ages. Bring your own Nerf gun(s) and protective eye wear. We will supply the Nerf bullets (basic Nerf bullets). Players must wear protective eyewear. Staff reserves the right to deny use of any participant’s Nerf gun that they feel is too powerful. Pre-registration is recommended.



All Ages, FREE! West Side Story (2021)

February 17 – Drive-In at Old Mill (First 100 cars)


March 17 – On the grass at Riverfront Park

Double Feature: It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown & Lady and the Tramp (2019)

April 7 – On the grass at Memorial Park

A League of Their Own

May 12 – On the grass at Dixon Park

5 Join us! @FredParksRec


Friday, April 7

Event begins at 6pm, Dog Egg Hunt will begin at 6:30pm

All Ages

Instructor: Parks, Recreation and Events Staff

Location: Memorial Park

Come dressed to enter our doggie costume contest to compete for prizes!! Bring your dogs and come join the fun at our annual Dog Egg Hunt. This is a great way to get out and play with your favorite furry friend. Your registration of $8 allows up to two dogs to join in the fun! Dogs must be at least 12 weeks old. A small dog area will also be available for dogs under 15lbs. Pre-registration is required. All dog parents must sign a release acknowledging their dog(s) are current on shots and are healthy.


Saturdays, 7am – 1pm

Location: Hurkamp Park (Prince Edward & George St)

All Ages

Explore a variety of local farm fresh produce, meats, baked goods, honey and more at the Fredericksburg Farmers Market! 2023 Season opens April 15. For more information, please visit fxbgfarmersmarket.com or call 540-372-1086.

E A R T H D A Y O n t h e R a p p a h a n n o c k SAVE SAVE THE THE DATE DATE SATURDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 APRIL 22, 2023 11 AM - 4 PM 11 AM - 4 PM RAIN DATE: APRIL 29 RAIN DATE: APRIL 29 AT OLD MILL PARK AT OLD MILL PARK ENJOY DOZENS OF ENVIRONMENTAL EXHIBITORS, LIVE MUSIC, FOOD VENDORS, ANIMALS, HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES, AND MORE! More info at www earthdayfred com Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events 6 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers of all ages and abilities are needed to help clean up the shoreline, Nature Center, Nature Play Area, and trails of Motts Run Reservoir. Lunch provided for all registered volunteers. Deadline to register: March 21. RESERVOIR CLEAN UP DAY Tuesday, March 28 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. To register: FXBGparks.com or 540-372-1086 x0

Gather for a concert on the lake at Motts Run Reservoir. Bring your own boat or rent one of ours. Pack a picnic dinner to enjoy while floating and listening to a band on the pier. Sorry, boaters only for the concert. No shoreline listeners. SUPs are not permitted on the reservoir.

Are you ready to conquer Hospital Hill?

Mark your calendars for the Marine Corps Historic Half, Semper 5ive and Devil Dog Double.

Event date is Sunday, May 21, 2023 Fredericksburg, VA For more information visit marinemarathon.com


We are teaming up with the Woman’s Club of Fredericksburg to collect worn athletic shoes to donate to the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe Program. Nike will take any brand of athletic sneakers through this program where the worn athletic shoes are ground up and the scraps are separated by material type (rubber, foam, or textile fluff) and incorporated into new items!

Ask your friends and relatives if they have used athletic shoes to donate. Bring them to the Dorothy Hart Community from now until May 1st. The Woman’s Club of Fredericksburg will collect them from the center and take them to a Nike drop-off location. Do not donate sandals, dress shoes, boots or shoes with metal (like cleats or spikes).

Thanks for helping us do our part for the environment!

7 Join us! @FredParksRec CONCERTS BY CANOE Every Wednesday in May (May 3, 10, 17, & 24) 6pm - 8pm Location: Motts Run Reservoir $5/car (additional fees for boat rentals) All Ages


Ages 1.5 – 5 years

Come and play with us! The gym is open! Bounce a ball, chase your friends, or maybe build with blocks and color! Enjoy some non-structured play with your child. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Instructor: Esme Torres. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium

Wednesdays, 9:30am – 11:30am

February 1 – April 26 (No Gym March 8 and March 15)

Daily fee: $3 for residents/$4 for non-residents

10 visit punch cards are available $24 for residents/$32 for non-residents


Ages 1.5 – 5 years

Meet one of Fredericksburg’s very own Fire Fighters. Preschoolers will be introduced to basic fire safety and learn what a fire fighter looks like in all their gear. This program is not only fun, but it’s full of important information for little ones in case of an emergency. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Fredericksburg Fire Department. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium

11am – 11:45am Thursday, February 16 Thursday, April 13 FREE!


Ages 3 – 5 years

Get crafty with your little one, creating art with fingers, feet, bubbles and more! Child’s artwork will be assembled into a keepsake at the end of the class. New projects each month! Parent participation is required. Instructor: Charline Cooke. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 3 Thursdays, 9am – 9:45am or 10am – 10:45am

February 2 – 23, $45 resident/$50 non-resident

March 2 – 30, $55 resident/$60 non-resident

April 6 – 27, $45 resident/$50 non-resident


Ages 3 – 5 years

Join in the fun with your toddler! Participants engage in movement activities that improve balance, coordination, and motor skills while getting the wiggles out and socializing with peers. Familiar follow-along songs and prop activities keep class engaging and exciting for your young mover and shaker! Parent participation is required. Only the registered child is permitted to attend class. Instructor: Charline Cooke. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium Tuesdays, 9am – 9:45am or 10am – 10:45am

February 7 – 28

March 7 – 28

April 4 – 25

$30 residents/$35 non-residents


Preschool in the Park (Ages 3-5 years)

Log Cabin Storytime (Ages 2+)


Ages 6 - 12 years

Out of school? Time for some fun. Join our Parks and Recreation team and fill those days off with crafts, cooking, sports, nature, games and more. Mark your calendars and we will see you there! Children must bring their lunch each day. Pre-registration is required!

Instructor: Parks, Recreation and Events Staff Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium

7:30am – 6:30pm

Friday, January 20

Friday, April 7

$45 for residents/$50 for non-residents


Ages 10 - 14

Is your child ready to stay home alone? This 2-hour program will teach participants how to practice safe habits, how to prevent unsafe situations, and what to do when faced with dangers such as power failures and weather emergencies. Students are also introduced to the Safe Sitter First Aid Chart and learn a system to help them assess and respond to injuries and illness. Instructor: Charline Cooke. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 2 4pm – 6pm Thursday, March 9 Friday, April 21

$35 for residents/$40 for non-residents


Ages 12 - 16

Babysitting is a big responsibility and you want to make sure you are ready for the task. Join us and learn all that you need to know to be a Safe Sitter. Participants will learn about safety, CPR and First Aid, childcare basics, as well as life and business skills. They will receive their “Safe Sitter” Certification upon completing this course as well as their CPR/ First Aid Certification.

Instructor: Charline Cooke. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 2

8am – 6pm

Friday, March 10 Friday, April 7

$125 for residents/$130 for non-residents

YOUTH PROGRAMS 8 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086



Ages 6 - 12 years

Introduce your student to the great works of worldrenowned artists, past and present. In this program we combine the arts with history. Students will learn about famous artists such as Georgia O’Keefe, Vincent van Gogh and Henri Matisse, as well as the art styles of various regions and cultures. Student will have the opportunity to enter two of their pieces into the Children’s Art Show in March. A $35 supply fee is due the first day of class to the instructor. Instructor: Charline Cooke. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 2 9:30am – 11:30am Wednesdays, January 25 – March 1 $100 for residents/$110 for non-residents


Ages 8-12 years

Delicious fun starts HERE! Students will get in the kitchen and learn both math and science while making something delicious and new each week. Students will learn basic kitchen skills and have the opportunity to use these skills weekly. A $40 supply fee is due the first day of class to the instructor. Instructor: Charline Cooke. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 2 9:30am – 11:30am Wednesdays, March 22 – April 26 $100 for residents/$110 for non-residents




Ages 6 – 100+

Mount up and step into the wonderful world of horseback riding. In this program we address the journey of accomplished riding from the first steps of introducing yourself to these majestic animals, to the moment you sit upon their backs. Safety, horse awareness, grooming, tacking/adjusting your equipment all the way through to the final achievement of learning on horseback. We explore several disciplines from basic dressage to jumping. All you need is an interest, love of animals and shoes or boots with a 1-inch heel. We’ve got the rest! Instructor: Judy Watson. Location: White Buffalo Horse Farm (4325 Musterfield Road, Culpeper, VA 22701)

Saturdays, 12pm – 1pm Wednesdays, 4pm – 5pm Sundays, 12pm – 1pm

February 1 – February 26

March 1 – March 26

April 1 – April 26

$160 for residents/$170 for non-residents


Ages 6 - 17 years

Does your child have what it takes to be a star? Mia Ray Productions would like to inspire and empower students ages 6-17 to follow their dreams. Your students will learn audition techniques, monologues, scene study basics, and more. We will also work on building your child’s confidence so they are ready to showcase their talents. Bring your smile and we will see you soon!

Instructor: Mia Ray. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center

Ages 6 – 12, 10am – 11am Ages 13 – 17, 12pm – 1pm

Saturdays, January 21 – February 11

Saturdays, February 18 – March 18 (no class on March 11) Saturdays, March 25 – April 22 $50 for residents/$55 for non-residents


Ages 6 - 17 years

Learn to walk the runway, pose for the camera, facial projection, self-confidence and more! At the end of the class, students will participate in a Spring Fashion Show!

Instructor: Mia Ray. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center 11am – 12pm

Saturdays, January 21 – February 11

Saturdays, February 18 – March 18 (no class on March 11) Saturdays, March 25 – April 22 $50 for residents/$55 for non-residents

Subscribe to FredericksburgAlert.com

Stay informed. Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and Events’ notifications for weather cancellations, park closings and more.

9 Join us! @FredParksRec



Ages 5-7 years

Calling all Pokémon trainers! With the Pokémon Championship approaching, join our enthusiastic Play-Well Instructors as we build and catch our favorite Pokémon, rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket, take a ride on the S.S. Anne to uncover rare and mystic Pokémon and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokémon Master. Come along on our journey to catch ‘em all!! Instructor: Play-Well. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center 9am – 12pm

Friday, March 10

$36 for residents/$41 for non-residents


Ages 7 - 12 years

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Using imagination, learning and fun our participants will create projects that showcase all of the elements of S.T.E.A.M. and will be encouraged to think outside of the box to solve problems. Lots of fun is guaranteed! Instructor: Parks, Recreation and Event Staff. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Wednesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm March 1 – 22

April 5 - 12

$70 for residents/$75 for non-residents


Youth (8 yrs – 12 yrs)

Adult (13 yrs and above)

Are you interested in martial arts? Maybe you are considering self-defense classes. If so, this class is for you. Classes will be for both youth and adult. Youth participants will learn Okinawan and Japanese Karate and adult participants will learn Okinawan and Japanese Karate on (1st day) and Classical Japanese Jujutsu on (day 2). Each class will focus on health, tradition, and selfdefense. All martial arts classes will be taught by Rob Rivers. Mr. Rivers is a 7th Degree Belt in Karate and a 6th Degree Black Belt in Jujutsu. He received his rank certifications from associations recognized in Japan to include a Master Instructor Teaching License from the prestigious Dai Nippon Butokukai. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center

Youth Classes

Mondays and Thursdays, 5:00pm – 5:50pm

TBA $50/$60 (resident/non-resident)

Adult Classes

Mondays and Thursdays, 6:00pm – 7:00pm

TBA $55/$65 (resident/non-resident)


Ages Vary by Class

Learn coding and have fun from the comfort of your home in these amazing virtual classes. Equipment needed: Mac, Windows PC, iPad, or Android Tablet. Please see class descriptions at FXBGParks.com for more information about each class and the specific equipment requirements.

Scratch Ninja 1 & 2 Wednesdays, 4pm – 4:55pm, Feb 1 – Mar 22, $131, Grades 2 - 5

Coding with Rolox Studio 1 & 2 Wednesdays, 7pm – 8:10pm, Feb 8 – Mar 29, $165, Grades 4 - 8

Junior Robotics 1 & 2 Mondays, 7pm – 7:55pm, Feb 20 – Apr 10, $131, Grades 2 - 4

Minecraft Modding Quest 1, 2 & 3 Tuesdays, 7pm – 7:55pm, Feb 28 – May 16, $189, Grades 2 - 5

Python for AI Tuesdays, 7pm – 7:55pm, Feb 28 – Apr 18, $131, Grades 5 - 9

Scratch Ninja 3 & 4 Thursdays, 8:15pm – 9:10pm, Mar 2 – Apr 20, $131, Grades 2 - 5

Scratch Junior Satrudays, 12pm – 12:45pm, Mar 4 – Apr 8, $98, Grades 2 – 5

10 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086


Ages 3-5 years

Come and toddle about while learning and playing. Campers will sing, dance, and create each day at camp. Campers must be completely potty trained and bring a snack and water each day. Instructor: Parks, Recreation and Events Staff. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center

Monday-Friday, 9:30am – 11:30am March 13 - 17

$65 for residents/$70 for non-residents


Ages 6 - 12 years

Spring break is a time for fun and adventure and our camp delivers on both. Campers will complete craft projects, play sports and games, get out in nature, and more. Participants must bring their lunch each day. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Parks, Recreation and Events Staff. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Auditorium

Monday-Friday, 7:30am – 6:30pm March 13 - 17

$145 for residents/$155 for non-residents


Ages 6-11 years

Keep the kids busy and learning during out-of-school time. Participants will use their imagination to create projects and solve problems. Crafts, experiments and a lot of fun is guaranteed! Instructor: Parks, Recreation and Events Staff. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center

Monday-Friday, 1pm – 3pm March 13 - 17

$75 residents/$80 non-residents


Ages 6 & up

Mount up and step into the wonderful world of the horse. We will learn safety around these majestic animals, how to communicate, groom, tack and ride with correct aids to enhance the relationship between horse and rider. We’ll be exploring bareback, western, English, trail riding and arena skills. We also do a segment on archery, roping and golf. There are horse related crafts and worksheets in our classroom. A week of OUTDOOR fun, horse companionship, and education! Pre-registration is required.

Instructor: Judy Watson. Location: White Buffalo Horse Farm (4325 Musterfield Road, Culpeper, VA 22701) Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 12:00pm March 13 - 17 $325 resident/$335 non-resident


Ages 6-11

In this hands-on camp, students will learn the fundamentals of baking. The emphasis will be on technique, preparation and plain ole FUN! Everyday our campers will be mixing, folding, zesting, creaming and more! Children will complete several projects each day, including arts and crafts. Please disclose any food and/or medical allergies during registration. Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Parks, Recreation and Events Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center

Monday-Friday, 1pm – 4pm March 13 – 17

$180 resident/$190 non-resident

SPRING BREAK CAMPS 11 Join us! @FredParksRec


Ages 7 – 11 years

Does your child love LEGO®? Join Bricks 4 Kidz for this fun, STEAM-based spring break camp. Each day will feature a different theme and include a variety of hands-on building experiences. Your child will love engineering motorized technic builds, creating mosaics, building 3-D brick models, designing race cars for our ramps and challenging his/her creativity with free build. Themed games and crafts will also be incorporated. But don’t worry…we will sneak in lots of learning too! Each camper will make and take home a mini model and custom LEGO® mini figure.

Instructor: Marsha Tolbert of Bricks 4 Kids

Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 2 Monday-Friday, 9am – 12pm March 13 - 17 $250 resident/$260 non-resident



Ages 6-8 and Ages 9-12 years

Spend spring break at Motts Run this year! Kids are invited to explore the outdoors as staff leads kids on hikes, games, crafts, experiments, and more throughout the week. Kids should come dressed for the weather/being outdoors and bring a reusable water bottle with them each day. Morning Session (Ages 6-8) will meet 9am – 12pm Afternoon Session (Ages 9-12) will meet 1pm – 4pm

Registration closes March 5. Location: Motts Run Reservoir

Mon-Fri, March 13 – 17, 9am – 12pm OR 1pm – 4pm $65/resident or $75/non-resident, pre-registration is required.



All Ages

Owls are some of the most amazing creatures. Join the team from Earthquest as you discover all about their adaptations, dig into some owl pellets, and meet a few of these winged animals. After finding out more about owls and dissecting pellets, we will go on an Owl Prowl (short night hike) to see if we can get any wild ones to talk to us! Pre-registration is required. Visit www.earthquest.org for more information on Earthquest.

Saturday, February 11 at 5pm – 6:30pm

Location: Motts Run Reservoir

Fee: $20/person or $50/family (up to 4), pre-registration is required.




On our Walk with a Hawk, we will take a hike through the woods while one the Earthquest educators teaches you about hawks and what makes them so special. During our walk, our flighted, nonreleasable Red-Tailed Hawk will follow us through the woods in the trees. Participants are encouraged to take pictures during the hike. All children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. Please leave your pets at home. For more information on Earthquest, visit www.earthquest.org.

Saturday, January 21 at 2pm – 3pm

Saturday, March 11 at 2pm – 3pm

Location: Motts Run Reservoir $20/person or $50/family (up to 4), pre-registration is required.


All Ages

Want to learn more about birds of prey and meet a few? Join the team from Earthquest at Motts Run Reservoir for a Raptor Encounter where you will have the chance to meet a few different birds of prey and learn about their many adaptations. For more information on Earthquest, visit www.earthquest.org. Children should be accompanied by an adult. Please leave your pets at home.

Saturday, April 8 at 2pm – 3pm

Location: Motts Run Reservoir $20/person or $50/family (up to 4), pre-registration is required.

SPRING BREAK CAMPS 12 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086


Ages 3-5 years

Do you have a little one itching to get outside and play? Join a naturalist for some nature discovery, play time, a craft, and a story every first Thursday, January – April. Dress for the weather and being outdoors. All children should be accompanied by a non-paying adult. Bring a packed lunch if you want to stay after for a picnic in the park.

Thursdays at 10am – 11am

January 5 – Winter Woods @ Alum Spring Park

February 2 – Groundhog Day @ Motts Run Reservoir

March 2 – Birds of a Feather @ Powhatan Park

April 6 – Spring is Sprung @ Memorial Park

$6/session or $20/series, pre-registration is required.


Ages 2+ years

Bring your favorite stuffy and adult to snuggle up with as we enjoy nature stories in our log cabin Nature Center at Motts Run Reservoir. We will gather in our cozy reading corner and enjoy a few stories together. After reading, we will do a nature craft related to the story. We will finish outside for some nature play time! All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Saturdays at 11am

January 14

February 11

March 18

April 1 May 20

Location: Motts Run Nature Center



Ages 5+ years

Hibernation, migration, and other adaptations help animals through the cold months of winter. Join a naturalist at the Motts Run Nature Center to learn more about winter wildlife. All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Saturday, January 7 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Location: Motts Run Nature Center $6/person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.


Ages 5+ years

Do you know the differences between how snow and ice form? Come conduct cool experiments with a naturalist to learn more about these two cold elements! We will explore snow through sensory play and make a snowstorm in a jar. We will also make frozen sun-catchers for participants to bring home and hang in their yards. Dress warm for the weather! All children should be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, January 14 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Location: Motts Run Nature Center

$6/person (children and adults), pre-registration required.


Ages 5+ years

Have you ever wondered why some animals prepare for wintering? What kinds of animals hibernate, and how do they get ready for their long sleep? Join us at the Nature Center to explore more about these special animals. After learning about adaptations that make hibernation possible, we will design what our own cozy snooze spots would look like if we were hibernators! All children should be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, January 28 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Location: Motts Run Nature Center

$6/person (children and adults), pre-registration required.


Ages 5+ years

Lions and mammoths and bears, oh my! Come to a campfire by the creek at Alum Spring Park to discover all about the ancient animals that ambled across America. After a s’mores snack, stretch your legs as we venture out on a fossil hunt to see what once lived in our area! All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Sunday, January 29 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Location: Alum Spring Park

$6/person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.

OUTDOOR RECREATION 13 Join us! @FredParksRec


Ages 2+ years

Craft nature-themed valentines with us at the Nature Center! We will create heart-themed ways to lovingly invite nature into your yard as well as actual Valentines that participants can bring home to share with friends or family. All children should be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, February 11 at 1pm – 2:30pm

Location: Motts Run Nature Center $6/ person (children and adults), pre-registration required.


Ages 5+ years

Bring your family or your mate to Motts Run Nature Center to dig into courtship rituals and partnership-building practices of wildlife. Discover how creatures choose each other and work together to survive and build families. All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Sunday, February 12 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Location: Motts Run Nature Center $6/person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.


Ages 5+ years

Come get your blood pumping with us on a healthy heart-themed hike at Motts Run! We will go on a scavenger hunt with brief stops for cardio activities for the entire family. Please dress warm and bring a water bottle with you! All children should be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, February 25 at 1pm – 2:30pm

Location: Motts Run Nature Center

$6/person (children and adults), pre-registration required.


Ages 5+ years

From the banks of Hazel Run where the Native Americans once gathered clay, to the cliffs where women and children sought refuge during the Civil War, Alum Spring Park offers an astounding peek into the past. We’ll visit the sites of an old ice house, tragic duel, and railroad as we take a hike and travel through time. All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Saturday, March 4 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Location: Alum Spring Park $6/person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.


Ages 5+ years

Come celebrate the return of Spring by stretching our bodies through a hike and yoga at Alum Spring Park. We will explore the many ways that nature is coming back to life, as well as waking up our bodies from a cozy winter. Yoga mats are not required, but please feel free to bring your own if you’d like. We will also make a takeaway woven craft made out of springtime treasures that we discover on our hike! All children should be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, March 18 at 1pm – 2:30pm

Location: Alum Spring Park $6/ person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.


All Ages

Come out to a meet and greet with Pocket, our resident corn snake. Pocket and a naturalist will be at Alum Spring Park from 2-4pm. Stop by when you can to learn about, touch, and maybe even hold this sweet reptile. This free program is come and go, so stop by anytime between 2pm-4pm. No registration is required.

Sunday, March 26 at 2pm – 4pm

Location: Alum Spring Park FREE

14 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086


Ages 5+ years

Have you ever wondered how pollination works? Come explore the life of the bee, one of the most important pollinators! We will explore how pollen transfers by using cheese curls – please let us know if your child has an allergy that will prevent them from participation with this snack! We will plan to accommodate their needs. All children should be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, April 1 at 1pm – 2:30pm

Location: Motts Run Nature Center

$6/ person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.


Ages 5+ years

This series is designed to help families have green thumbs and help participants learn how to foster a successful garden. At the end of the series, participants will receive a gardening patch for all of their acquired knowledge and new skills! All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Saturdays, 1pm – 2:30pm

March 25 – Seeds Galore

April 15 – Transfer and Tasting

May 20 – Maintaining Your Garden

Location: Alum Spring Park

$6/session or $15/series, pre-registration is required.


Ages 6+ years

You never step in the same stream twice! Along with the beautiful meandering sights and sounds streams create, they are important ecosystems. Join us at Alum Spring Park as we take a walk and wade into the sensory experiences and science of stream ecology. We’ll look at the different parts of a stream, dipnet for aquatic organisms and learn how scientists research and measure the health of local water bodies. Please wear shoes that can get muddy and wet. All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Saturday, April 8 at 10am – 11:30am

Location: Alum Spring Park

$6/person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.


Ages 5+ years

Interested in fishing but you don’t know where to start? Join staff at Motts Run Reservoir for an opportunity to learn to fish. You’ll pick up some tips and tricks, play a fun game, and try to catch a few. These programs will be offered once a month between April-October. Bring your own rod & reel or borrow one of ours. Participants 16 years and older are required to possess a current VA Freshwater Fishing License. All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Saturdays, 9am – 10:30am

April 15 May 6

Location: Motts Run Reservoir $6/person (children and adults), Pre-registration is required.


Ages 2+ years

Celebrate the sunshine of springtime with us at Alum Spring Park! We will decorate a maypole, create a flower craft, form seed bombs, and go for a brief spring hike to explore the many wonders that warmer weather brings to our natural community. All children should be accompanied by a paying adult.

Saturday, May 13 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Location: Alum Spring Park $6/person (children and adults), pre-registration is required.


Ages 5-12 years

Let’s have some fun in nature! We’ll meet one Thursday a month from January – April. Each date will feature a different topic so be sure to catch them all. Wear appropriate outdoor clothing. No nonregistered siblings, please. Kids should be accompanied by a nonpaying adult. Registration closes the Sunday before each date.

Thursdays, 4:30pm – 6pm

January 26 – Winter Wildlife

February 23 – Moon Magic

March 30 – Amazing Amphibians

April 27 – Shore Science Paddling

Location: Motts Run Reservoir

$10/session or $35/series, pre-registration is required.

FredericksburgAlert.com Stay informed. Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and Events’ notifications for weather cancellations, park and trail closings and more. 15 Join us! @FredParksRec



Ages 6-12 years

Come and get in touch with your natural side! Join a naturalist for nature explorations, games, crafts, and more. This series includes five different programs and each week will feature a new exciting theme for kids to explore. This is a drop-off program so kids will need to bring a small backpack with a notebook, pencil, and water bottle with them each day. This popular program will have options to attend – Monday or Tuesday for each topic. Registration closes the Thursday before each date.

Every other Monday or Tuesday, 9am – 12pm

March 6 or 7 – Mysterious Mammals

March 20 or 21 – Amazing Amphibians

April 3 or 4 – Bizarre Birds

April 17 or 18 – Fantastic Fish

May 1 or 2 – Eerie Insects

Location: Motts Run Reservoir $20/session or $90/series, pre-registration is required.


Ages 6-8 and Ages 9-12 years

Spend spring break at Motts Run this year! Kids are invited to explore the outdoors as staff leads kids on hikes, games, crafts, experiments, and more throughout the week. Kids should come dressed for the weather/being outdoors and bring a reusable water bottle with them each day.

Morning Session (Ages 6-8) will meet 9am – 12pm and Afternoon Session (Ages 9-12) will meet 1pm – 4pm

Registration closes March 5.

Monday, March 13 – Friday, March 17, 9am – 12pm OR 1-4pm

Location: Motts Run Reservoir $65/resident or $75/non-resident, Pre-registration is required.


Ages 12+ years

Birds abound at Old Mill Park. Join an experienced bird guide from Wren & Sparrow (a downtown bird-centric store) on an exploration of this riverside park. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable sturdy shoes. Bring your own binoculars to spy the feathered friends that call Old Mill Park home. Please, no pets. All children should be accompanied by a registered adult. Meet at the Old Mill Park playground. Learn more about Wren & Sparrow at wrenandsparrow. com. Instructor: Wren & Sparrow staff.

Tuesdays, 9am – 10am January 3

January 17 February 7 February 21 March 7 March 21

Location: Old Mill Park, meet at playground

FREE, Pre-registration required.


Ages 12+ years

Want to learn more about the environment? Join Tree Fredericksburg in a series of discovery as they cover different tree and gardening topics throughout 2023. Details for each month’s topic available online at FXBGparks.com.

Every 3rd Saturday, 10am – 11am

January 21 – Design Your Garden


Ages 10-16 years

This classic tradition is back! Join other Junior Naturalists as we learn about mammals! From scat and skulls, to pelts and tracks, we’ll explore local wild mammals. Spend four spring afternoons learning about our wild hairy beasts! We’ll make fake scat, pour plaster molds, hike, and much more! All participants receive a patch. Attend 3 spring/fall courses get your name on a plaque in the nature center! Crawl on down for this one! Children can attend without an adult.

Wednesdays, 4:30pm – 6pm

March 22 – April 12

Location: Motts Run Nature Center $55/resident or $67/non-resident, pre-registration is required.

February 18 – Bluebirds & Your Garden

March 18 – Pruning 101

April 15 – Native Trees & Shrubs

May 20 – Bees & Pollinators in Your Garden

June 17 – Tree Identification @ Maury Playground Park

July 15 – Trees 101

August 19 – Right Tree, Right Place

September 16 – Hardscape for Gardens

October 21 – Tree Problems & Diseases

November 18 – Sunny Gardens & Pollinator Plants

December 16 – Designing a Shade Garden

Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center (unless otherwise noted)

FREE, pre-registration required.


MORE Spring Break Camps are listed on page 11-12!
16 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call:


Ages 18+ years

Want to learn something new? Join a naturalist to learn some important outdoor skills while having fun that can help you with navigating, camping, exploring, and more. Each session will feature a different skill that you can learn about and practice, so be sure to sign up for them all. Sign up with a friend or a loved one for a fun bonding experience. Registration closes the Thursday before each date.

Sundays, 3pm – 4:30pm

January 15 – Flint Firebuilding at Motts

February 19 – Going, Going… at Alum

March 19 – Archery at Motts

April 16 – Stream Sense at Alum

Location: Motts Run Reservoir & Alum Spring Park $6/session or $20/series, pre-registration required.


All Ages

Toss your name in the ring for the chance to win when you catch the biggest fish of each month (by weight) at Motts (Open AprilOctober). All fish must be caught on-site and weighed at the Motts Boat Office (open Thursday-Monday, 7am-7pm). Prizes will be awarded for the biggest fish caught each month (must be registered that month to be eligible). Bonus: A grand prize goes to the catcher of the largest fish of the entire 2023 season! Participants must hold a valid VA Freshwater Fishing License.

Monthly, April-October

Location: Motts Run Reservoir $20 Monthly Admission Fee


Ages 16+ years

Calling nature enthusiasts of all ages! Volunteers are needed to staff the Motts Run Nature Center on weekends from April to October. A fifteen-hour commitment is requested for the season. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! Must be 16 years or older. Children under 16 are welcome to volunteer with their parents! Call or email Mackenzie Guenther to register: 540-372-1086 x218, mgguenther@fredericksburgva.gov

Saturday, March 25, 9am – 10:30am

Location: Motts Run Nature Center



All Ages

Lend a helping hand as we clean up the shoreline, Nature Center, and nature play space of Motts Run Reservoir. Register online or by calling Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events: 540-372-1086 x0. Pre-registration is required. Registration will end March 21. Lunch will be provided for registered volunteers.

Tuesday, March 28, 9am – 1pm

Location: Motts Run Reservoir



All Ages

Enjoy our annual Earth Day Festival along the beautiful Rappahannock River at Old Mill Park! We’ll have dozens of environmental exhibitors, live music, great food, animals, hands-on activities, and so much more for the entire family! Come learn what you can do to reduce your impact on the planet while having great, FREE, fun. To get involved or learn more, visit www.earthdayfred. com

Saturday, April 22, 11am – 4pm

Rain Date: Saturday, April 29

Location: Old Mill Park



All Ages

Gather for a concert on the lake at Motts Run Reservoir. Bring your own boat or rent one of ours. Pack a picnic dinner to enjoy while floating and listening to a band on the pier. Sorry, boaters only for the concert. No shoreline listeners. SUPs are not permitted on the reservoir.

Every Wednesday in May (May 3, 10, 17, & 24), 6pm – 8pm

Location: Motts Run Reservoir $5/car (additional fees for boat rentals)


Ages 4-16 years

Fishing, boat rental, prizes, hiking, picnicking… fun for the entire family! (VA DWR “Free Fishing Weekend” – no license required!)

Volunteers and sponsors needed! Sponsored by Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events and the Weekend Bassers. For more info, visit fxbgparks.com or call 540-372-1086 x0.

Saturday, June 3, 7:30am – 12:30pm

Rain Date: Sunday, June 4

Location: Motts Run Reservoir



Are you part of a local homeschool group? Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events offers great private nature programs for the area’s homeschool groups. Groups can come out once a month to one of our parks for nature education, activities, and fun. Contact the Superintendent of Recreation, Callie Brown, to find out more information or to set this up for your group: cmbrown@fredericksburgva.gov, 540-372-1086 x213.

17 Join us! @FredParksRec


Bring your staff/group out for a day at Motts Run Reservoir filled with activities designed to increase your group’s teamwork, communication, and morale. Taking part in new and different activities outside of the office will help refresh and reconnect your team, or bring a new team together. Team building activities can be tailored to your group for a half day or full day at Motts Run Reservoir. Activities range from purely logical games and problem solving to scavenger hunts and canoeing. Visit https://www. fredericksburgva.gov/Team-Building-Retreats for more info or contact Callie Brown: cmbrown@fredericksburgva.gov, 540-3721086 x213.



Looking for a fun, unique way to celebrate your little one’s birthday? Try a nature-themed birthday party! Enjoy a naturalist-led program (choose from four available themes) and exclusive use of the Nature Center for 3 hours to celebrate. Offered themes are: Feeling Froggie, Snakes Alive, Campfire Circle, and Paddling Pros. The fee is $150 for a program and a party for the birthday child, plus up to 15 guests (max number including adults not to exceed 22). You would provide all of the party supplies (decorations, food, paper products, etc.). At least one month advance registration is recommended. Interested in scheduling a party or finding out more information? Contact Mackenzie Guenther: mgguenther@fredericksburgva.gov, 540-3721086 x218.


Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events has environmental education field trip and classroom visit opportunities available for local schools. Programs can be adapted for all grades. Interested in finding out more or booking for your class? Contact Callie Brown: cmbrown@fredericksburgva.gov, 540-

18 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086 2022-2023 Motts Run Nature Center $7/student School Year Per Program 540-372-1086 x213 cmbrown@fredericksburgva gov VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! TO SIGN UP, CONTACT: MACKENZIE GUENTHER, 540-372-1086 X213 OR MGGUENTHER FREDERICKSBURGVA.GOV Calling all nature enthusiasts! Volunteers are needed to staff the Motts Run Nature Center on weekends from April to October A fifteen hour commitment is requested for the season. We'll teach you everything you need to know! Must be 16 years or older Children under 16 are welcome to volunteer with their parents! M O T T S R U N N A T U R E C E N T E R Volunteer Orientation: Sat. March 25 @ 9-10:30 a.m.
Let's Party! Let's Party! C E L E B R A T E A B I R T H D A Y A T M O T T S R U N N A T U R E C E N T E R ! Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events is offering a unique birthday party experience at Motts Run Reservoir! Enjoy a naturalistled program (choose from 4 available themes) and exclusive use of the Nature Center for 3 hours as you celebrate with your little one. Party TPartyhemes: Themes: Please have tentative dates in mind when you call. A minimum of one month advance reservation is recommended as space is limited. Interested in learning more or scheduling your own party? Call 540-372-1086 x218 or email mgguenther@fredericksburgva.gov Packages Include: Packages Include: Exclusive use of Nature Center for 3 hours for your child and up to 15 guests (max with adults 22) Naturalist led program for 45 minutes - 1 hour Your choice of themes Tables, chairs, cleaning supplies You Provide: You Provide: Party Supplies (decorations, food, paper products, etc.) Set Up and clean up of party supplies Adult Supervision (1 adult:6 kids) FFees: ees: Program + Party: $150 Party Only: $75 Scheduling: Scheduling: Saturdays, 9a-12p (year round) Saturdays, 1p-4p (Nov-Mar only) Sundays, 1p-4p (Nov-Mar only) Feeling Froggie (Ages 4+) Snakes Alive (Ages 4+) Campfire Circle (Ages 6+) Paddling Pros (Ages 6+) Have a "Hoppy" Birthday as we discover more about frogs and toads and look for some along the lakeshore (weather permitting) Pocket is sssso excited to celebrate your birthday with you! Learn about and meet a real, live Corn Snake named Pocket. Isn't a campfire just one big birthday candle? Gather around the fire pit to learn & practice some fire building skills *Seasonal Take an easy guided canoe trip on Motts Reservoir as you practice your paddling skills.


Our youth sports leagues are fundamental leagues. Our leagues are where players learn how to play, coaches learn how to coach and officials learn how to officiate.

Beginning in 2023 we will no longer offer sports sponsorships. For teams who would like to have their own team party, you may reserve a pavilion at one of our parks or a room at Dorothy Hart Community Center for your team party.

We will be partnering with Spotsylvania Little League for youth baseball and softball. The City of Fredericksburg and South Stafford residents are now eligible to participate with Spotsylvania Little League. Our home fields located at Snowden Park and Sunshine Ballpark will be utilized for practices and games in addition to other fields outside of the City limits.


Get involved with your local association to officiate various levels of games. You’ll learn rules and regulations as well as points of emphasis for each year. This is a great way to be involved with the sport you love.


Fredericksburg Umpires Association

Jeremy T. Bullock jeremytravisbullock@gmail.com www.fredericksburgumpires.com


Battlefield Basketball Officials Association

Vincent White Vw89427@gmail.com

Field Hockey

Fredericksburg Area Officials Association

Angela Harding hardingab@staffordschools.net


Rappahannock Valley Football Officials Association Eric Barnes 106barnes@gmail.com www.rvfoa.org


Rappahannock Soccer Association Mark Bailey socrefkgc@yahoo.com


Fredericksburg Volleyball Officials

Ryan Buslovich Commissioner.fvoa@gmail.com Fburgvofficials.wixsite.com/fvoa


Are you the next Carli Lloyd or Clint Dempsey? Come show us your skills for our spring soccer league. Players learn fundamentals including dribbling, passing, shooting and teamwork. The age determination date will be May 15, 2023. Registration begins January 5th. Deadline to register is February 28th. There is a $10 late fee for any late registration. Location: Dixon Park.

Novice (6 yrs – 7 yrs)

Rookie (8 yrs – 9 yrs)

Junior (10 yrs – 12 yrs)

March 20 – May 13

Times vary: weekday evenings and Saturdays $45/$90 (residents/non-residents)


Nothing is more satisfying than whacking a small ball with a field hockey stick. But field hockey lets you dribble that ball, flick it, roll it, slide it around and in between people’s legs, glide it, pass it, and much more. Field hockey is a team sport that is becoming more popular every year. Give it a try and you will surely become hooked! Grab your stick and be sure to register. Practices are either Tuesdays & Saturdays or Wednesdays & Saturdays. Games are during the week and on Saturdays. All practices and games will be played at Dixon Park. The age determination date will be May 15, 2023. Registration beings January 5th. Deadline to register is February 28th. There is a $10 fee for late registration. Location: Dixon Park.

Rookies (6 yrs – 8 yrs)

Juniors (9 yrs – 11 yrs)

Seniors (12 yrs – 14 yrs)

March 20 – May 13

Times vary: weekday evenings and Saturdays $45/$90 (resident/non-residents)

Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086



Players will learn all aspects of the game to develop their skills through practices and game play. They will also learn good teamwork and good sportsmanship. The age determination will be June 30, 2023. Registration begins February 6th. Deadline to register is March 31st. There is a $10 late registration fee. Location: Walker Grant Middle School.

Rookies (7 yrs – 9 yrs)

Juniors (10 yrs – 12 yrs)

May 9 – June 28

Times Vary: weekday evenings and Saturdays $45/$90 (resident/non-residents)



Rising 8th graders to 12th grade

This summer series is designed to provide a positive experience for youth throughout the summer. There will be an educational workshop each evening in addition to playing basketball in a structured setting. This Summer Series is a free program and is for city residents only. In partnership with the City Schools and Policy Department, bus transportation will be provided to and from James Monroe High School. Participants must be entering 8th grade for fall of 2023. There will be no age waivers for this program, no online registration, and no registrations will be accepted on site. Must pre-register. Registration opens March 20th. You must register at Dorothy Hart Community Center.

Fridays, 6:00pm – 9:00pm

June 2 – June 30

Location: James Monroe High School


See page 10 for Youth and Adult Martial Arts.

Weather-Related Cancellations?

Find out first! Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and Events’ notifications for weather cancellations, park closings and more. Visit FredericksburgAlert.com, sign in and select the lists for Parks and Recreation.


The Little League Baseball® and Softball® program includes divisions for all children, ages 4–16. In addition to practicing on-field fundamentals and the excitement of playing games in a competitive environment, Little League pridefully enlists the sport to strengthen its participants’ self-esteem and confidence.

Regardless of physical size, skill, strength, gender, religion, or nationality, Little League offers the opportunity for a child to experience and benefit from the life lessons, socialization, and camaraderie that are the cornerstones of the program.

Whether you are looking to compete against neighboring leagues or international countries, Little League is more than an organization, it’s a community baseball program operated by local volunteers and dedicated to providing any child with a fun and engaging youth sports environment.


T-Ball 4 – 6yrs: $75

Machine Pitch 6 – 8yrs: $90

Kid Pitch 9 – 12yrs: $95

Junior/Senior 13 – 16yrs: $115


Coach Pitch 6 – 8yrs: $85 Kid Pitch 9 – 12yrs: $90

Junior/Senior 13 – 16yrs: $90


The Challenger division enables boys and girls with physical and/ or mental challenges, ages 4+, to enjoy the game of baseball. Challenger games can be played as t-ball games, coach pitch, player pitch or a combination of the three. Our Challenger Division also uses team “buddies” for the Challenger players. The “buddies” assist the Challenger players on the field and at bat. However, they will encourage the players to make plays and bat themselves when possible.

Registration Dates: December 1st – February 3rd. There will be a $25 late fee after February 4th.

Season Dates: March – May www.spotsyll.org facebook.com/vascll

21 Join us! @FredParksRec




Special thanks to our volunteers for helping coach:

Amber Jenks

Julie Paris

Bryan Chason

Joshua Hammer

Whitney Kidd

Lauren Williams

Katherine Heflin


Fall Soccer and Field Hockey Sponsors

Paul Janney

Nic Weiss

Lee Murray

Charles Coates

Douglas Smith

John Payne

Ron Tiberio

Mike Craig

Rebecca Rubin

Wayne Matthew

Patrick Whalen

Jason Austin

Alex Vakos

Joanne Patton

Tom Julkowski

Nicole Simms

Holly Simms

Blake Childress

Zunerah Bhatti

Jessica Kujala

Patrick Whalen

Garry Johns

James Massey

Paris Tile and Contracting

Leonard Splaine

Randy McNulty Foundation

Kevin’s Roofing

Next Level Plumbing

Tiffany Reed Photography

North Point Services, LLC

Space Savers Junk Removal

Breg Environmental

Twin Peaks Construction, LLC

Lando Massey Real Estate

Legacy Eco Detail

Pristine Water

Mickey Raines

Amy Rogers

Kathrina Urann

KC McCardle

Jamie Scully

Timothy Thomasson

Quincy Garnett

Kaylee Gillispie

Michael Laiacona

Kimberly Bastress

Angelina Baldwin GET SIGNED UP!

Register for our classes online, in person, by mail or fax.

Please plan to register for activities as early as possible, as spaces fill on a first-come, first served basis.

Online at FXBGparks.com > Register Online

Most programs are available for online enrollment. Classes with special enrollment or fee requirements are not available online and require registration in person, by mail or by fax.

In Person

Registrations are taken in person at the Dorothy Hart

Community Center at 408 Canal Street.

Office Registration Hours:

Monday-Thursday : 9:00am-8:00pm

Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm

Saturday-Sunday: Closed


Baseball Basketball Soccer Field Hockey

If you have a love of the game and enjoy working with children and passing on that interest, call us!

Our seasons are about 8 to 10 weeks long. You bring us your enthusiasm and we’ll give you what you need to get started as a volunteer coach! Call 540-372-1086 or email prfrontdesk@fredericksburgva.gov.

Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086



Ages 14+ years

Heartsaver® CPR/AED is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage a first aid, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Please bring a bag lunch! Pre-registration is required. Instructor: Tim Carpenter (cpr.4_life@yahoo.com)

Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 1 Tuesdays, 9am – 5pm

January 17 February 14 March 7 April 11

$60 resident/$65 non-resident




Ages 14+ years

Wilderness environments create special emergency situations. This 16-hour intense course is designed for Boy and Girl Scouts/Adventure groups leading outdoor adventures. CPR certification not included (course offered separately through Parks, Recreation and Events). Real-life scenarios will be incorporated as we cover preparation, assessment, preventing and caring for injuries and much more in this hands-on training by an ASHI (American Safety & Health Institute) instructor. Book and certificate included. Bring a bag lunch. Pre-registration required.

Location: Motts Run Nature Center. Instructor: Tim Carpenter (cpr.4_life@yahoo.com). Location: Motts Run Reservoir Nature Center (6600 River Road)

Saturday & Sunday, 9am – 4pm March 4 & 5

$160 resident/$165 non-resident


Ages 16+ years

Using positive reinforcement methods based on current learning theory and behavior modification techniques, we will teach YOU to teach your dog to respond to your commands of: Come, Sit (and Stay), Down (and Stay), and Heel. We will end the class with a festive graduation with prizes and photo opportunities. Dogs of all ages and sizes are welcome, but the dog must be at least 14 weeks old and have had at least 2 of the 4 puppy vaccinations. Participants in all classes must show current veterinary vaccinations at first class orientation. Email instructor Sarah Ferrell at saf@abrohamneal.com to request a supply list and class orientation sheet after you register. Instructor: Sarah Ferrell (saf@abrohamneal.com). Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, auditorium Wednesdays, April 26 – May 31 (no class on May 10) 2:30pm – 3:30pm $99 resident/$109 non-resident


Ages 16+ years

In response to graduates from our Basic Classes, we offer advanced skills classes for dogs who want to go a bit further in their good manners mastery. You will be taught positive reinforcement techniques for helping your dog master longer sit and down stays, calm, leisurely loose lead walking, and fast, enthusiastic “Come!” Dogs will learn to do their work, on request, even with everyday distractions around them. As with all Dog Manners classes, we will have a festive graduation our last session. Email instructor Sarah Ferrell at saf@abrohamneal.com to request a supply list and class orientation sheet after you register.

Instructor: Sarah Ferrell (saf@abrohamneal.com). Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, auditorium Wednesdays, April 26 – May 31 (no class on May 10) 1pm – 2pm $99 resident/$109 non-resident

23 Join us! @FredParksRec



Ages 14+ years

These 2 hour classes are geared toward the non-artist. They are a fun gathering that involves a project that can be completed in one class. All supplies are included unless otherwise noted. Bring a beverage of your choice and a snack to share.

Instructor: Cheryl Bosch (info@ framedesigngallery.com)

Location: Frame Design Gallery (105 Hill Street, Fredericksburg VA 22408)

Colorful Pet Portraits

Send Cheryl a photo of your pet and she will have your drawing ready to paint for class.

Monday, January 16, 5pm – 7pm Saturday, February 25, 3pm – 5pm Tuesday, March 21, 4pm – 6pm Thursday, April 13, 4pm – 6pm $35 resident/$40 non-resident

Painted Glassware

Create dishwasher safe, painted glassware. Saturday, February 4, 3pm – 5pm $25 resident/$30 non-resident

Decoupage Baskets

These baskets make wonderful gifts and are fun and easy to create.

Sunday, March 19, 3pm – 5pm $25 resident/$30 non-resident

Intro to Washing Machine Felting

Are you a knitter or crocheter that would like to explore a new art form? Felting in the washing machine is a wonderful and unpredictable way to take your fiber work in a new direction. You will not complete a project in class, but you will gain lots of knowledge.

Sunday, March 5, 3pm – 5pm $25 resident/$30 non-resident



Ages 14+ years

Pour painting or fluid acrylics are an incredibly fun new way to create art. Students will create at least one object and one painting. You will be amazed at the results from your very first project. All supplies are provided and Cheryl cleans up when you’re done! Projects will need a few days to dry before picking up.

Instructor: Cheryl Bosch (info@ framedesigngallery.com)

Location: Frame Design Gallery (105 Hill Street, Fredericksburg VA 22408)

Sunday, January 22, 2pm – 5pm Monday, January 23, 5pm – 8pm Sunday, February 12, 2pm – 5pm Saturday, March 11, 4pm – 7pm Saturday, April 15, 4pm – 7pm Sunday, April 23, 2pm – 5pm $45 resident/$50 non-resident


The Fredericksburg Fine Arts Show & Sale entry deadline is February 17, 2023. Event Dates: March 10-12 at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. See page 5 for details.


Ages 50+ years

Learn the basic tools of watercolor painting and painting. Enjoy explanatory demonstrations from your instructor along with one-on-one coaching. Instructor: Catherine Hills. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 3

Mondays, 10am – 12pm January 23 – February 6 $125 resident/$135 non-resident


Ages 50+ years

Learn the basic skills of watercolor painting and paint simple landscapes and still lifes. The instructor presents many demonstrations along with personal coaching to guide students in their painting journey. Instructor: Catherine Hills

Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Room 3

10am – 12pm

Mondays, March 13 - 27 $125 resident/$135 non-resident


24 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call:


Ages 50+ years

Perfect for older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves at a lower intensity. The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong.

Instructor: Tish Peterson. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Auditorium

Wednesdays, 2pm – 3pm

January 25 – March 1 March 22 – April 26

$65 resident/$75 non-resident per session


Ages 50+ years

Join us for a conversation on topics directed towards the 50+ members our community while enjoying the company of old and new friends. Coffee and refreshments will be available.

Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Auditorium 2pm – 3pm

February 9 – Go RED! Heart Health and Stroke Awareness, presented by Mary Washington Hospital

February 23 – Brain Health, presented by AARP

March 23 – Downsizing and Decluttering, presented by AARP

April 13 – Financial Literacy after Retirement

April 27- Home Fit – Aging in Place, presented by AARP



Ages 50+ years

Come to the Dorothy Hart Community Center to enjoy a classic movie, popcorn and punch with friends.

Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center, Auditorium

1pm, Last Friday of the Month

January 27 – Superman February 24 – The Love Bug March 31 – Airplane! April 28 – Field of Dreams


PICKLEBALL COURTS ADULT GROUP FITNESS WALKING TRAILS Find more great ways to get out and play with us! See page 26
25 Join us! @FredParksRec


The City’s pickleball courts are located in Memorial Park (Kenmore) on the corner of Kenmore Avenue and Mary Ball Street at 1401 Kenmore Ave. Park hours: 6am-10pm daily.

Pickleball Open Play

Weekly: 8:30am – 12:30pm

The courts are a non-membership public facility. This means they are open for individual public play unless officially reserved through the Parks, Recreation and Events office. Player groups that meet at the courts must share the courts with other players who wish to play their own games.


18yrs and above Group Fitness is a great way to stay active and meet like-minded individuals. All fitness levels are encouraged to join. Each time you attend a class, it is one punch. Attend any class during the week with this monthly pass.

Monday: Early Morning Sculpt and Tone, 8:00am – 8:50am. This class includes a variety of exercises to strengthen, tone and keep you flexible. Core condition floor work will also be part of the class.

Tuesday: Gentle Yoga, 8:00am – 8:50am. Stretch, strengthen, breathe and relax with this restorative class. Work at your individual level as the instructor guides you through a series of standing, seated, and lying postures. Appropriate for those new to Yoga and those familiar with traditional poses.

Wednesday: Early Morning Sculpt and Tone, 8:00am – 8:50am. This class includes a variety of exercises to strengthen, tone and keep you flexible. Core condition floor work will also be part of the class.

Thursday: Gentle Yoga, 8:00am – 8:50am. Weights and cardio together? Why not! This class will combine strength training and cardiovascular training into one class. Build your endurance and increase your strength during this class.


Discover the outdoor fitness trail at Dixon Park (1300 Dixon Street, Fredericksburg, VA). The ten interactive stations include a balance walk, side bend, body raise, leg stretch, hamstring stretch, pull up bar, calf stretch, tension release, sit up bench, and hamstring pull bench. Visitors will find these new fitness stations along the 0.56 mile asphalt looped path inside the park. The trail is ADA accessible and is open to the public for all users. The fitness trail kit was manufactured by Fit Trail, and has features that will work all five areas of fitness through an individual’s muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition. The equipment is simple, and uses a person’s body weight for resistance. There is signage at the beginning and end of the trail, as well at each station with instructions on how to use the trail.

Friday: Pilates for the beginner to intermediate levels, 8:00am – 8:50am. Pilates is for all ages and abilities! Class will focus on activating deep muscles while helping tone, streamline and improve your posture through the emphasis on body conditioning, core muscles training and flexibility.

Bring your own mat and set of weights, or two if you want! Bring your own towel, water bottle, and wear comfortable clothing. Masks will be required when physical distancing is unable to be obtained. Class will be held in the auditorium. Participants will enter and exit the auditorium via the Charles Street door.

Location: DHCC Auditorium Mondays – Fridays Monthly $40/$40 (residents and non-residents)

26 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086


Ages 15+ years

Join friends old and new and head up to Washington D.C. to enjoy the Washington Capitals vs. the New Jersey Devils. Buses will leave from Riverfront Park at 4pm. Registration includes game ticket (Mezzanine, Center), transportation to and from Capital One Arena, entree and side item from Rocklands BBQ, and unlimited beer, wine and soft drinks within Devils Backbone Lounge (through end of 2nd intermission). Please arrive at least 15 minutes early, as the bus will leave on time. We will return to Riverfront Park around 11:00pm.

Location: Buses will leave from Riverfront Park at 4pm (600 Sophia Street)

Thursday, March 9



All Ages

Enjoy a trip to Washington DC and celebrate spring with the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. See sights and learn history on Washington Walks Cherry Blossom tour and then check out Petalpalooza, a day-long all-ages celebration that brings art, music, and play to multiple outdoor stages, interactive art installations through the Petalpalooza Art Walk, a cashless beverage garden, family-friendly hands-on activities, roaming DC sports mascots and entertainers, and more all along the banks of the Anacostia River. The evening is capped by the dazzling choreographed Official National Cherry Blossom Festival Fireworks Show set to music starting at 8:30 PM. The bus will leave the Dorothy Hart Community Center at 7:30am. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early, as the bus will leave on-time. We will return around 11:00pm.

Location: Buses will leave from the Dorothy Hart Community Center at 7:30am (408 Canal Street)

Saturday, April 8

TRIPS Saturday, April 8 Dorothy Hart Community Center Bus leaves at 7:30am Washington, D.C. Petalpalooza $90 per person Includes transportation to and from the Dorothy Hart Community Center (408 Canal Street) and Washington Walks Cherry Blossom Tour Register at FXBGParks com
Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and
notifications for weather cancellations, park and
27 Join us! @FredParksRec
FredericksburgAlert.com Stay informed.
and more.





B r i n g y o u r s t a f f / g r o u p o u t f o r a d a y a t M o t t s R u n R e s e r v o i r f i l l e d w i t h a c t i v i t i e s d e s i g n e d t o i n c r e a s e y o u r g r o u p ' s t e a m w o r k , c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a n d m o r a l e T a k i n g p a r t i n n e w a n d d i f f e r e n t a c t i v i t i e s o u t s i d e o f t h e o f f i c e w i l l h e l p r e f r e s h a n d r e c o n n e c t y o u r t e a mo r b r i n g a n e w t e a m t o g e t h e r

T e a m b u i l d i n g a c t i v i t i e s c a n b e t a i l o r e d t o y o u r g r o u p f o r a h a l f d a y o r f u l l d a y a t M o t t s R u n R e s e r v o i r A c t i v i t i e s r a n g e f r o m p u r e l y l o g i c a l g a m e s a n d p r o b l e m s o l v i n g t o s c a v e n g e r h u n t s a n d c a n o e i n g .

H a l f D a y R e t r e a t

3 - 4 h o u r s o f o u t d o o r t e a m - b u i l d i n g a c t i v i t i e s Y o u c a n c h o o s e b e t w e e n a m o r n i n g o r a f t e r n o o n s e s s i o n . $ 1 0 / p e r s o n ( $ 1 5 0 m i n i m u m )

F u l l D a y R e t r e a t

6 - 8 h o u r s o f o u t d o o r t e a m - b u i l d i n g a c t i v i t i e s B r i n g y o u r o w n l u n c h o r p l a n t o d r i v e o u t a n d e a t . $ 2 0 / p e r s o n ( $ 2 5 0 m i n i m u m )

M e a l A d d - O n

F o r a n a d d i t i o n a l f e e , a d d - o n d i n n e r o r l u n c h t o y o u r g r o u p ' s e x p e r i e n c e H o t d o g s a n d s ' m o r e s w i l l b e p r o v i d e d t o c o o k o v e r t h e c a m p f i r e y o u r t e a m w i l l b u i l d t h e m s e l v e s . A d d i t i o n a l $ 5 / p e r s o n

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c a l l 5 4 0 - 3 7 2 - 1 0 8 6 x 2 1 3

g v a . g o v
o r e m
c m b r o w n @ f r e d e r i c k s b u r
M o t t s R u n R e s e r v o i r 6 6 0 0 R i v e r R o a d F r e d . , V A 2 2 4 0 7



The City of Fredericksburg installs an annual display of roadside sculptures in the City’s Public Sculpture Project.

These sculptures are on loan from the artists for a year at a time. They are designed to enhance gateway areas of the City and are displayed at key locations for both vehicle and pedestrian visibility. These artworks provide an unexpected and unique opportunity to view art in our city.

Interested in sponsoring a sculpture or purchasing one of these pieces? Please contact info@fredarts.com.

This public art is made possible by the Fredericksburg Arts Commission, Fredericksburg Public Works, Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events and Fredericksburg Tourism and Economic Development.

For more information please contact: (540) 373-1776 or fredarts.com

Find more local, public art by visiting:

Adam Garey, “Deflection” Located at Fall Hill Avenue at Village Lane Jennifer Rubin Garey, “Flat Curves” Located at Caroline at Frederick Street behind VRE station. Matthew Duffy, “Sunrise/Sunset (Sawblade)” Located at Dixon Park


Visit FXBGparks.com > Register Online

Most programs are available for online enrollment. Classes with special enrollment or fee requirements are not available online and require registration in person, by mail or by fax.


For mail in registrations, please complete and sign the registration form. Credit card or check payments only. Mail-in registrations are handled as they come in. Mail registration form and payment to:

Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events 408 Canal Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Fax completed registration form to 540-372-3475. Credit card or account payments only. Registration cannot be processed without payment information and signature.


Registrations are taken in person at the Dorothy Hart Community Center at 408 Canal Street. Cash, check or credit card payments accepted.

Office Registration Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday: 9:00am-12:00 noon Sunday: Closed

HOW TO REGISTER WELCOME TO OUR REGISTRATION DASHBOARD STEP 1: CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT STEP 2: BROWSE ACTIVITIES STEP 3: REGISTER ON YOUR: PHONE TABLET COMPUTER Our CivicRec registration system is mobile friendly and browser neutral. 30 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086


I understand the nature and scope of the activity listed above. I understand that there are risks and dangers associated with the activity. I understand that it is not the function of the City of Fredericksburg, its employees, agents, operators, or instructors to guarantee the safety of participants with respect to this activity. I also understand that each participant has the responsibility to exercise with due care in the performance of the activity for the safety of him/herself and the other participants.

In consideration of my/the participant’s being permitted to enroll in this activity, I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fredericksburg, its employees, agents, operators, and instructors from any and all claims, demands, costs, charges, and expenses for harm, injury, damage or loss which may be sustained by me/the participant as a result of or relating to participation in this activity.

Also, by signing below, I give Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events permission to use photographs and videos of me and my children for publicity in order to increase community awareness of FPRE programs and in all publications and other media without limitation.

Credit Card Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp: __________ CVV: __________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please check one of
following: Check (make payable to “City of Fredericksburg”) Cash (walk-in only) Credit Card (Visa, M/C, Discover, Amex)
________________________________________________________ Date___________ Sign me up for Fred Parks and Rec’s monthly e-newsletter! r email Send me the next catalog of activities (like this one): r mail r email digital version HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION: Adult’s First Name ___________________________________ Adult’s Last Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ City / State _______________________________________________________________ Zip ___________________________ Home Phone __________________ Work Phone / Cell Phone __________________ E-mail _____________________________ REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Participant Name M/F DOB Activity Name Date/Time Fee REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT, FILL OUT COMPLETELY, SIGN AND MAIL OR FAX IT TO: Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events, 408 Canal Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Fax: (540) 372-3475 I need a modification because of disability (circle one): YES NO Allergies? YES NO ____________________________ If yes to either above, please explain: __________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian/Participant:



• Fees must be paid in full at registration.

• $50 fee for returned checks.

• We reserve the right to cancel programs for insufficient enrollment.

• Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express cards accepted.

• Debit cards must carry the Visa logo to be accepted.

• Checks are only accepted two weeks prior to activity/rental.

• All programs have a minimum and maximum enrollment.

We reserve the right to require age verification for children in our programs.


Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events invites people with and without disabilities to enjoy our programs, parks, and facilities. Please let us know if you need modifications to enjoy our



A wait list will be created when a program has reached its maximum participant capacity. All in-person and mail-in registrants will be put on the waiting list unless otherwise requested. If a space becomes available and a person’s waiting list status changes, you will be contacted by the department. Waiting lists do not roll over from previous, different sessions.

Please plan to register for activities as early as possible. Many activities fill up quickly.


Our Parks, Recreation and Events Department cancels sports practices and games.

Please register for Fred Alert to get notices about cancellations, registration deadlines. www.FredericksburgAlert.com

Cancellations are announced on Facebook and by Fred Alerts.


Sign up for our monthly newsletter, NewsFlash and Fred Alerts to keep informed of what’s happening with Parks, Recreation and Events! Call 540-372-1086 ext. 0 or email fredprpf@fredericksburgva.gov to request details today.


Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and Events’ notifications on: - program cancellations due to weather - closures of parks, trails and swimming pool - special event notices related to weather or last minute notifications

Emergency notifications are sent through our Fredericksburg Alert subscriber lists. Create an account to receive notifications by text or email, and update your preferences often.

Calendar Notifications

Sign up to our Special Events Street Closure Calendar and Parks and Recreation Programs Calendars. These are usually not emergency-related notifications.

FPRE Newsletter

• Individuals wishing to withdraw and/or requesting a refund must do so by contacting the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events Department by phone, fax, mail or in person.

• Individuals must follow up their verbal cancellation request with a written refund request and submit it to FPRE prior to cancellation deadlines.

• It is the participant’s responsibility to verify receipt of refund requests.

• A 15% administrative fee will be charged on all refund requests for cancellations received less than 2 weeks before program start date, unless otherwise specified.

• There will be no refunds given to those who withdraw after program start date.

• Refunds will require 4 weeks for processing unless paid by credit card. Credit card refunds will take 5 business days to process.

• If the department cancels a program or trip, the money will be refunded.

• Classes: Students must cancel 24 hours before the 1st class to be eligible for refund. No refunds will be given after the first class.

• Trips: Registrants who cancel on or before the posted cancellation date shall receive a full refund. After that date, money will be refunded ONLY if the slot is filled by another participant.

• Sports: No refunds will be made after the 1st game.

• Camps: Cancellation requests less than two weeks (14 days) before camp start date or during camp will be handled on a case by case basis. There will be no refunds given to those who withdraw after program start date. Refunds will require 4 weeks for processing unless paid by credit card. Credit card refunds will take 5 business days to process.

• Rentals: There is a 15% cancellation fee on all rentals.

• Changes to these policies will be posted online and at the Community Center.

Sign up for Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events’ monthly newsletter to receive reminders for registration deadlines, class sign-ups, upcoming events and trips.

Catalog Mailing List

Sign up to receive our activity catalog by mail. We print a new catalog in January, April and August. Plus you’ll receive our summer camp supplement in March.

Me CONNECT WITH US Facebook @FredParksRec Instagram @fredparksrec www.FXBGparks.com 32 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086
at FXBGparks.com

Alum Spring Park

Canal Path City Dock Cobblestone Park

Cossey Park Cowan Boulevard Trail Dixon Park Dorothy Hart Community Center
Motts Run Reservoir Recreation
River Heritage Trail
Virginia Central Railway Trail W.L. Harris Playground Walker-Grant Center Basketball Courts BBQ Grill Benches/ Seating Area Boat Launch Covered Shelter Fishing Hockey Horseshoe Pits Parking Picnic Area Pickleball Courts Playground Equipment Public Art Restrooms / Porta Johns Swimming Tennis Courts Trails PARKS & T RAILS 35 Join us! @FredParksRec
Fall Hill Trail Fredericksburg Dog Park Hurkamp Park Maury Playground Memorial (Kenmore) Park
Area Powhatan Park Old Mill Park Rappahannock
Snowden Park Sunshine Ballpark


Located at the end of Greenbrier Drive. Discover this hidden treasure within our city limits! This wooded park with a footbridge is equipped with a picnic shelter, picnic tables, new playground equipment, restrooms, grill and walking paths. Alum Spring Park may be closed during inclement weather or due to conditions considered hazardous to the public’s safety. Please sign up for Fredericksburg Alert at fredericksburgalert.com. This is how you will be notified of any park closures or delays. Park is open daily. Closed dusk to dawn. For more information on renting the park and shelter, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office at 540-372-1086 ext. 0.


The Canal Path is a paved pathway that is 1.8 miles long and winds along the canal from Fall Hill Avenue to Princess Anne Street. The Rappahannock River Heritage Trail is a 1.6 mile asphalt stretch that connects the two parts of the Canal Path, making a 3.1 mile loop, just about right for a 5K charity walk. Great for walkers and bike riders of all ages. Trails are open all day, year round.


Located at 207 Sophia Street at the end of the street, just past the railroad tracks. This historic dock dates back to George Washington’s day. Public fishing is permitted 24 hours a day, seven days a week. City Dock is open all day, year round. City Dock may be closed during inclement weather or due to conditions considered hazardous to the public’s safety. Please sign up for Fredericksburg Alerts at www. fredericksburgalert.com. This is how you will be notified of any park closures or delays.


Located at the intersection of Willis Street and Cobblestone Boulevard, this ten acre, wooded park features a one-mile looped trail and views of Hazel Run. The park is open year round from 5am to 10pm daily.


Located at Littlepage Street and Grove Avenue at 1601 Kenmore Avenue. Cossey Park is a neighborhood park that features winding trails, a small fishing pond, open space, a community garden, and botanical garden used for educational sessions sponsored by the Virginia Cooperative Extension service. Open 6am-10pm, year round.


This urban paved pathway offers walkers and bicyclists 1.72 miles of convenient access along Cowan Boulevard from Route 1 to Retail Drive. Trails are open all day, year round.


Located at 1300 Dixon Street (near Rt. 2 & 17 across from Mayfield subdivision). This outdoor facility is 46 acres and features athletic fields, including a free play field for community use, an outdoor swimming pool, playground equipment, 1.5 miles of trails, restrooms, an outdoor roller hockey rink, bike rack, and nature preserve areas. The Jogging/ Walking Trail is a paved pathway that begins at the kiosk, and is marked to help you track your distance. For more information on renting the park, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086 ext. 0.


Located at 1300 Dixon Street (near Route 2 & 17 across from Mayfield subdivision). The Outdoor Swimming Pool has a great slide, fun water features for the little ones and a zero-depth entry area for easy access. Open Memorial Day to Labor Day.


This urban paved pathway offers walkers and bicyclists 1.39 miles of a convenient route along Fall Hill Avenue from the Canal to Gordon W. Shelton Boulevard. Trails are open all day, year round.


Located at 1601 Kenmore Avenue (near Mary Ball St.). This is a special fenced-in area available to City residents and their pets only. This dog park is self-monitored by its users and is designed for dogs 4 months and older. Open daily, closed dusk to dawn. The off-leash area is surrounded by a six foot fence. Water is provided for pets only. City residents who wish to use this facility need to have their dog tags, which are available at City Hall.

CANAL PATH DIXON PARK CANAL PATH 36 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086



Located in Dixon Park, 1300 Dixon Street. This newly constructed outdoor roller hockey rink includes a custom Riley Manufactured board system and a NOVA Play II flooring surface featuring the Capitals logo. The rink also features a Daktronics scoreboard with the Capitals logo. The rink has been built as a partnership between the Washington Capitals and the City of Fredericksburg, with generous support from the new Fredanthropist program and the Fredericksburg Youth Roller Hockey organization. For more information on using or renting the rink, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086 ext. 0.


Located at 500 William Street at the corner of William Street & Prince Edward Street or George Street & Prince Edward Street. A historic downtown park with a fountain, brick sidewalks, benches and plenty of space for a picnic. This park also features a bike rack and a bike repair station, as well as restrooms. It is home to the Fredericksburg Farmers Market and is open year-around.

Hurkamp Park is open to the public and available for rentals, except during Farmers Market hours. For more information on renting the park, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086 ext. 0.


Located at 901 Kenmore Ave. at the corner of William Street and Kenmore Avenue. This open play area features a basketball court lit from dusk - 10pm, year round, as well as playground equipment. The park is open 5am-10pm daily.


Memorial Recreation Park (also known as Kenmore Park) is located on the corner of Kenmore Avenue and Mary Ball Street at 1401 Kenmore Ave. The park is equipped with 7 tennis courts, 6 of which are lit from dusk-10pm, year round. The park also features 4 new pickleball courts at the park giving players 5 dedicated courts from which to choose. Additionally, the park has a basketball hoop, tennis practice wall, open play area, children’s play equipment, and a toddler play area. This park also features a bike rack and restrooms. Park hours: 6am-10pm daily.

Pickleball Courts - Keep in mind the pickleball courts in Memorial Park are a non-membership public facility. This means they are open for individual public play unless officially reserved through the Parks, Recreation and Events office. Player groups that meet at the courts must share the courts with other players who wish to play their own games.



Located at 6600 River Road. This lovely oasis within easy reach of town provides a multitude of recreational opportunities. The 860-acre natural area, including the 160-acre reservoir, is a haven for fishing, canoeing, hiking, biking, and picnicking. It also serves the residents of Fredericksburg and parts of Spotsylvania County with drinking water.

The park features an orienteering course, nature center (open weekend afternoons only), over 4 miles of hiking trails, over 11 miles of biking trails, picnic tables and grills, and jon boat, canoe, and kayak rentals. A bike repair station is also located along the biking trail.

Boats are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis at the reservoir. If you need a large number of boats with your rental, please indicate how many but these must be rented in person as available.

No swimming, horseback riding, or all-terrain vehicles permitted. Mountain biking is allowed only on designated trails.

When fishing, you may bring your own boat (ELECTRIC MOTORS ONLY) to launch on the lake, or fish from the banks. Handicap fishing pier available. A fee is charged for fishing and boat launching area. Valid fishing license required. Bait available for purchase.

Summer Hours: Thursdays – Mondays, April 1 - October 31 from 7:00am - 7:00pm; the Reservoir is CLOSED on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (weather & water conditions permitting). If the weather is questionable, call before coming, (540) 786-8989. As a cost saving measure, when the weather is bad we reserve the right to close the reservoir early.

CLOSED in Winter: November 1 - March 31.

For more information on renting the park and shelter, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office at 540-372-1086.

MOTTS RUN RESERVOIR 37 Join us! @FredParksRec


Located in the Motts Run Reservoir Recreation Area. Open Saturday and Sundays, April-October, Noon-5:00pm. Manned by volunteers, this beautiful one-room log cabin features hands-on nature displays, our resident snakes, “Pocket” and “Red,” and information that the whole family will enjoy. Looking for a fun family day? Visit our Nature Center and then head off on one of the hiking trails or grab a picnic table for your family lunch. Please contact Mackenzie Guenther: mgguenther@fredericksburgva.gov if you are interested in volunteering.


Located at 1521 Powhatan Street at the intersection of Cowan Boulevard and Powhatan Street. A little less than an acre, this park has a playground, benches & open space. It’s the perfect spot for a an outdoor birthday party rental. Open 5am to 10pm daily.


Mountain biking is allowed only on designated trails. For complete information on other area trails please visit FredTrails.org.


Located at 2201 Caroline Street. Our most popular park, Old Mill features soccer fields, picnic shelters, a playground, restrooms, a bike rack and river front views. This park is situated along the Rappahannock River with a canoe/kayak boat launch. The Rappahannock River Heritage Trail passes directly by Old Mill Park and is a popular spot for walkers to access the trail.

Weather Closures: Old Mill Park may be closed during inclement weather or due to conditions considered hazardous to the public’s safety. Please sign up for Fredericksburg Alerts at www. Fredericksburgalert.com. This is how you will be notified of any park closures or delays.

Hours: Park is open daily, closed dusk to dawn.

Non-Resident Weekend Admission Fee: Memorial Day to Labor Day - $10 per vehicle / $5 per person walk-in (13 yrs and older). No charge for City of Fredericksburg and Stafford County residents. Credit/debit cards only accepted. Everyone will be required to show proof of residency in the form of either a driver’s license or car registration. For more information, including how to rent the park or a shelter, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086 ext. 0.



A 1.6 mile asphalt stretch that connects the two parts of the Canal Path making a 3.4 mile loop, just about right for a 5K charity walk. The trail, which is 10 feet wide, begins near the intersection of Princess Anne and Ford Streets at one end of the Rappahannock Canal. A bike rack and bike repair station can be found along this trail at Virginia Outdoor Center. Beautiful views of the Rappahannock River, Old Mill Park and several historic mills are seen throughout the trail. The river overlook along Riverside Drive should not be missed. Great for walkers and bike riders of all ages. Open all day, year round.


Riverfront Park, located at 713 Sophia Street (encompassing the 500-700 blocks) in Historic Downtown, is a nearly 4-acre property and the City’s first “smart” park.

As its name suggests, it features fantastic Rappahannock River views and includes open space, event space, an interactive water feature, a meadow area, and a children’s play area. This park also features a bike rack and a bike repair station, as well as free wi-fi, solar powered lights and security cameras. It is located across the street from the City’s public parking garage and two blocks from the Visitor Center restrooms.

The meadow area between the park and the river remains closed to help ensure the meadow mix grows for several more months.

The City of Fredericksburg has received a $1.2 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce to help construct a performance stage and restrooms. Riverfront Park was designed with a future stage and restrooms in mind and the plumbing and electrical connections are already in place where the stage and restrooms will be installed.

For more information on the park or to inquire about event rentals, please contact the Parks, Recreation and Events office at 540-3721086 ext. 0 or email prfrontdesk@fredericksburgva.gov.

RIVERFRONT PARK 38 Online at: FXBGparks.com Call: 540-372-1086 MOTTS RUN NATURE CENTER


Snowden Park is located on Fall Hill Avenue. The park features basketball courts, playground equipment, baseball field and a community garden, with easy access to paved walking trails. Open daily 5am - 10pm


Located at 1200 Wicklow Drive. The park features baseball fields, picnic tables, playground equipment and a walking trail. This park also features a bike rack and a bike repair station.



The 2.7 mile trail for pedestrians, bicyclists and runners. This ten foot wide asphalt trail extends from the eastern end of the Cobblestone development off Lafayette Boulevard, out Lafayette Boulevard and across the Blue and Gray Parkway, then through Alum Spring Park and across Emancipation Highway (Route 1) to a point near the Idlewild neighborhood, just east of I-95. A bike rack is located at the trailhead. Scenic views of Hazel Run and the historic Virginia Central Railway trail bed are visible throughout the trail. Open all day, year round.


Located in the community of Mayfield, this park has a covered shelter, playground equipment, and a basketball court lit from dusk to 10pm. Park is open daily from 6am to 10pm.


Located at 200 Gunnery Road. The facility is operated and maintained by city schools. It has open playing fields, basketball court lit from dusk - 10 pm year around and a children’s play area. Park is open dusk to dawn daily.


Our Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events Department operates and maintains 21 outdoor spaces in the City of Fredericksburg. The City’s parks and trails offer and encourage activities on our walking trails, playgrounds, swimming pool and the Rappahannock River.

Rent our parks and picnic shelters for your event. Please call 540-372-1086, email prfrontdesk@fredericksburgva.gov or visit FXBGparks.com > Parks


Bicycle repair stations create a supportive environment for people on bikes, enhancing interconnectivity and convenience in Fredericksburg. Bicycle repair stations include a pump, stand and repair tools and are free for the public to use. You can find bike repair stations in several City of Fredericksburg parks and trails: Hurkamp Park, Riverfront Park, Sunshine Ballpark, on the Heritage Trail at the Virginia Outdoor enter. There is also a bike repair station located at Motts Reservoir on the mountain biking trail.


Stay informed. Subscribe to Parks, Recreation and Events’ notifications for weather cancellations, park and trail closings and more.

SNOWDEN PARK OLD MILL PARK 39 Join us! @FredParksRec


Recreational sports leagues can play a major part of a child’s development, regardless if they continue sports later on in their lives. Recreational youth sports offer many great opportunities for children to learn and grow life skills.

The importance of our youth sports and recreational leagues cannot be overstated. However, sports across all age ranges are seeing a shortage of referees and officials, which have a direct impact on the future of our recreation leagues.

What is causing this shortage? Many officials have declined to return due to the toxic environment that parents, coaches and some players have created.

In a report conducted by Officially Human, which is an organization that promotes respectful behavior toward referees, it was discovered that out of 19,000 referees, 60% stated that their top motive for quitting is the verbal abuse they take from parents and fans. Referees only get paid on a per game basis so often times they do it because they are passionate about sports and the positive effects it has on the children. Passion may not be enough anymore, as officials are walking away in droves. Virginia has experienced more than a 50% decrease in officials since 2018.

Without referees, there is no game. Without games, there is so much missed opportunities for kids.

If you have a love of the game and are interested in learning to officiate sports, while earning some income, consider becoming a sports official. You can find your local sports official association contact information for baseball, basketball, cheer, field hockey, football, gymnastics, lacrosse, soccer, softball, volleyball, and wrestling at: FXBGParks.com

“I believe in this community! We can be respectful and passionate at the same time, and hold ourselves to a higher standard so we can be excellent examples for our children. Please consider getting involved. Volunteering as a coach or becoming a paid official ensures our programs can continue to inspire children in the community,” stated Justus Casino, The Community Outreach Coordinator of Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events.

For more information on the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events’ sports division, please contact Jillian Franklin at 540-372-1086 or jlfranklin@ fredericksburgva.gov. n

Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Dorothy Hart Community Center 408 Canal Street

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