Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events
G et Out a nd P la y!
Summer 2018
Catalog of Activities
Welcome! From the Director
Spring is known as a time of change and growth! We have our fair share of changes happening this spring at Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events.
This winter, Joanne Jones retired after 40+ years in the recreation field. Jenny Casarotti has now joined the staff as our Superintendent of Leisure Services. Jenny has a lot of experience and is bringing her new ideas for programs to FPRE... so be watching for these new opportunities to come play with us. For Jane Shelhorse, Director example, we’ve made June 17 “Father’s Day” at the swimming pool, which gives all dads free admission that day – a new Jenny idea! Brad Williams became our Sports Supervisor in January 2018. You’ve probably already seen him out on the soccer fields at Dixon Park, or at the baseball diamonds in Sunshine Ballpark. This summer he’s running our new “Breakfast Boot Camp,” an adult fitness program at Memorial Park for those of you who want a little different workout routine (see page 23 for details). We have also just hired Alexa Harris as our new Nature Program Assistant. Alexa will be assisting with our Nature Camps, homeschool groups, and many of our other outdoor programs. She wants your help in selecting Fredericksburg’s Favorite Tree (more info on that program on page 20). When people think of the outdoor programs we offer through the department, they can’t help but think of Linda Bailey. Linda has been our Nature Education Supervisor for the last 24 years. She is retiring in June to start her own new adventure with her husband Carry. How can we thank her for all the wonderful hands-on learning she has shared with us over the years? She has been a wonderful steward to our environment and the community. She started our Earth Day Festival and our Children’s Fishing Derby. She established a Nature Center at Motts Reservoir and has taken thousands of people on hikes and canoe floats over the years. She will be dearly missed, but we wish her the best as she heads west to be closer to her family. We are excited about the creativity and energy our new staff has added to the department. Come play with us and get to know them better! May your summer be filled with walks along the trails, summer camps, days at the pool, new experiences, and great times with family and friends. - Jane C. Shelhorse
Recreation Commission Members: Mr. Brandon McVade, Chairman Mr. James Bailey Mr. David Dorsey Mrs. Sharon Null Mr. John Russ Dr. Marcus Tepaske Mrs. Susan Tyler
Dr. Timothy Duffy Ms. Sue Sargeant
Department Mission
The mission of the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events Department is to enhance the lives of our citizens by providing a diverse package of recreation and park opportunities.
Departmental Functions
The Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events Department is a municipal recreation department that provides comprehensive year round programming for sports, fitness, special interest, events and nature programs for all ages. The department operates and maintains 21 outdoor spaces that offer and encourage activities on our walking trails, playgrounds, swimming pool and the Rappahannock River. We strive to meet the needs of the population by providing affordable programs for City residents and non-residents alike.
Parks & Recreation Administrative Team: Jane Shelhorse, Director Wendy Stone, Division Mgr Finance & Leisure Services Michael Ward, Division Mgr Parks & Athletics Jillian Franklin, Superintendent Sports & Fitness Jenny Casarotti, Superintendent Leisure Services Aaron Simmons, Superintendent of Parks & Maintenance Linda Bailey, Nature Education Supervisor Sonja Wise, Supervisor of Events & Marketing Sammy Walker, Field Supervisor Special Events
Brad Williams, Sports Supervisor Anne Hamm, Evening & Weekend Supervisor Patty Sparks, Account Clerk Kim Herbert, Event Coordinator Lindsey Smith, Front Desk Receptionist Janice Lasker, Front Desk Receptionist Carly Hedge, Office Assistant Alexa Harris, Nature Education Assistant
Fred Alert The City of Fredericksburg uses Fredericksburg Alert to immediately contact you during a major crisis or emergency. Fredericksburg Alert delivers important emergency alerts, notifications and updates to you on all your devices: - Email account (work, home, other) - Cell phone (via SMS) - Office phone - Pager Parks, Recreation & Events uses Fredericksburg Alert to send you real-time updates regarding cancellations, emergencies, closings and other important information. When a cancellation happens, you’ll be notified instantly through Fredericksburg Alert. You manage which alerts you would like to receive and can update these preferences at any time at In case of weather-related emergencies, Fredericksburg Parks and Recreation programs, classes, events and rentals will be cancelled based upon the closing decision of the City of Fredericksburg Public Schools.
Sign up now @ w w w.FredericksburgAler t. com
Contents Welcome
2- 3
Children’s Special Interest
4- 7
Summer Camps
10 -15
Youth Sports
16 - 18
19 - 20
Tennis 21 Adult Fitness
Pickleball 23 Adult Special Interest
24 - 29
How to Register
30 - 31
Parks & Trails
34 - 37
38 - 44
News Flash You can also sign up for News Flash! Another service of the City of Fredericksburg that gives you the latest updates on sports registration dates and deadlines, program happenings, special events and more.
Visit our website at and click on the link for alerts and notifications to sign up.
Dorothy Hart Community Center 408 Canal Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 General Phone: 540-372-1086
• Children’s Activities x 217 • Nature Programs x 213 • Tennis, Fitness & Dance x 208 • Sports x 214 • Adult Classes x 217 • Events x 215 x 307 x 308 • Trips x 217 Fax: 540-372-3475 Email Contact: Website:
Office Registration Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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@ F red P arks R ec
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Children’s Special Interest Mother & Son Dance
Ages 4 – 12 yrs Join us for our annual Mother & Son Dance as a fun way to appreciate the most special women in our lives. Boys 4-12 years old are invited to take their moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters or beloved friends on a special Mother’s Day date! We will have professional photographer A.G. Green taking optional portraits for those of you who would like a memento of this special night. Attire is everything from dress casual to fancy. Be ready for a fun evening out together! Sorry no dads allowed. Preregistration is requested, spaces may fill. Friday, May 4 at 6:30 – 8:30 pm Dorothy Hart Community Center Pre-registration: $12 per couple ($6 ea. add’l son) At the Door: $15 per couple ($8 each add’l son)
Little Princess/Prince
3yrs – 6yrs A sweet class for budding ballerinas. Ballet center barre across the floor and dancing to Belle Areal Cinderella! Class introduces the fundamentals of a structured dance class in a fun, noncompetitive way with lots of play for our little Princesses and Princes. Pre-registration required. Instructor: Virginia Westcott. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Mondays, 4:30pm – 5:15pm April 16 – May 7 $42/$45 (residents/non-residents
Junior Karate
5yrs – 7yrs Our Junior Karate class is a great introduction into the world of martial arts for children. It is an excellent way to develop self-confidence, balance, and discipline. Be sure to register early, class size is limited. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Saturdays, 9:00am - 10:00am April 28 – June 9 (No class 5/26) June 30 – August 4 September 8 – October 13 $35/$45 (residents/non-residents)
Youth Tumbling
5yrs – 8yrs and 9yrs – 13yrs Basic to intermediate level skills will be taught in a fun, non-competitive environment with individualized instruction catered to your child’s abilities. Instructor Renee Embrey has over 30 years of experience with recreational gymnastics. Pre-registration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Wednesdays, 5:00pm – 6:00 pm (5yrs - 8yrs) Wednesday, 6:00pm – 7:00pm (9yrs - 13yrs) July 11-August 8 $35/$40 (residents/non-residents)
Beginner Youth Ballet
7yrs – 10yrs Learn the basics of technique and terminology geared to our young ballet students. Includes learning body alignment, posture, and flexibility. No prior training needed: barre, center, across the floor variations, choreography. Student will learn choreography followed by an in-house performance at the last session. Instructor: Virginia Westcott. Pre-registration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Mondays, 5:30pm – 6:30pm (7yrs – 10yrs) April 16 – May 7 $48/$52 (residents/non-residents)
Teen Ballet
11yrs – 18yrs This intermediate Ballet class is most appropriate for those with some ballet experience that are looking to further develop their skills. Barre center across the floor with variations are incorporated into a piece of choreography taught and performed by the student at the end of the program. Instructor: Virginia Westcott. Pre-registration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Mondays, 6:45pm – 7:45pm April 16 – May 7 $48/$52 (residents/non-residents)
Teen Contemporary Dance
11yrs – adult A popular dance class for pre-teens and young adults. A relaxing warm up and class set to modern contemporary music with a classical foundation. This class explores artistic creative dance moves with strong relationship to the dance through music. A piece of choreography will be learned and performed for friends and family at the end of last session Instructor: Virginia Westcott. Pre-registration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm April 17 – May 8 $48/$52 (residents/non-residents) *** Classes are for both adults and children.
Children’s Special Interest
CHILDREN’S Special Interest Youth Drawing/Painting Classes Comics Course (Youth) 5yrs – 10yrs and 11yrs – 18yrs (and advanced 8-10yrs)
If you love art then this is the class for you! Students learn basic drawing skills such as composition, proportion, placement and shading and are introduced to dry media including, graphite, chalky pastels, oil pastels and charcoal. Students will learn how to plan a painting, techniques, color basics and mixing of colors, and light and shadow using water colors and/or acrylics. Pre-registration required. Instructor: The Creative Side. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Supplies needed: 11x15 watercolor pads (140lb); 11x14 drawing pad (70 lb), graphite pencils (HB, 2B, 4B, 6B), eraser, pencil sharpener, pencil box. Thursdays, 6:30pm – 7:15pm (5yrs – 10yrs) April 26 - May 17 May 24 - June 14 June 21 - July 12 July 19 - August 9 August 16 - Sept 6 Thursdays, 7:30pm – 8:15pm (11yrs – 18yrs) April 26 - May 17 May 24 - June 14 June 21 - July 12 July 19 - August 9 August 16 - Sept 6 $65/$65 (residents/non-res)
8yrs – 11yrs Do you like comics? Would you like to create your own? Over four weeks students will receive an introduction to the comic medium and begin work on their own comic. Instruction will include lessons on scripting, character building, and pacing. Instructor: Simon Watts. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm April 24 – May 15 May 22 – June 12 $50/$50 (residents/non-residents)
Comics Course (Teens)
12yrs – 18yrs Students are introduced to the comic medium and will begin work on their own comic in this fun and creative class. Instruction will include lessons on scripting, character building, and pacing. Instructor: Simon Watts. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesdays, 6:00pm – 7:00pm April 24 – May 15 May 22 – June 12 $50/$50 (residents/non-residents)
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Special Interest Trash Class
8yrs – 18 yrs As creative as art is, it is also a destructive force, it consumes materials and makes excess waste. With that in mind, we offer these classes to clean up the town one piece of art at a time. Gloved students take to the streets downtown and two riverside parks with an instructor to collect trash, litter and natural debris. Trash treasures are carried back to the studio for cleaning, assessing, and assembling into one-of-a-kind works of art, using mixed media techniques. From monsters and robots to landscapes and dioramas, collaboration is up to individuals, but is always encouraged in our studio. Supplies: Power Grab industrial glue, thick rubber gloves such as yellow dish wash gloves, large empty cardboard food box such as cereal, clean empty 1 liter bottle or half gallon mil. jug. Pre-registration required. Location: Evolving Art Machine Art Studio & Lyceum, 502 B Sophia Street. Mondays, 5:30pm – 7:30pm, May 7 – May 28 $30/$30 (residents/non-residents), 4 sessions per month or $120 per month
Trance Art Sessions
11yrs - Adult We shut the doors, turn down the lights, turn up the ambient music and let the transcendental mood carry you to new places of creativity. We use spinning/strobe lighting an loud music as an essential part of reaching a trancelike creative state. We also encourage using the entire body to engage with your work, in nontraditional positions. While mostly selfguided, there will be proposed themes with a short technique review at the beginning of each session which may include mixed-media techniques or physical maneuvers. At the end of every month we’ll invite a local Ambient Musician to perform live for students while they create their final piece of work. Supplies: 4 16x20 Canvases, Acrylic Paint (black, white and 2 more colors), wear old clothes as you’ll be painting in near darkness and with your body. Pre-registration required. Location: Evolving Art Machine Art Studio & Lyceum, 502 B Sophia St. Mondays, 8:00pm – 9:30pm, May 7 – May 28 $25/$25 (residents/non-residents), 4 sessions per month
Colorful Tiles for Two
Adult plus Child 8yrs or older Our Alcohol ink tiles are so much fun to create, we thought it would be fun for children to try too! Each team(grown-up/child) will make their own tile to take home. This hands on class is fun, and will bring out the hidden artist in everyone. Jennifer Galvin will be sharing her “drip technique” so even beginner artists will have a unique piece that they will be proud to take home. Thursday, July 26, 10:30am – 11:30am $20/$20 each adult/child pair (resident/non-resident) includes supplies
Children’s Special Interest
Horseback Riding Lessons Beginner to Intermediate
All Ages Our riding program progresses through beginner into intermediate levels. Basic grooming, handling, safety leads straight into understanding the tack, adjustments & correct riding position & aid applications. Partnership with the horse requires patience and developing an understanding of becoming a fair, gentle leader. A shoe or boot with a heel is the only equipment you need; we provide the rest. Join us for fun and fresh air!! Pre-registration required. Location: White Buffalo Horse Farm. Have questions? Please email Judy at Tuesdays, 4:00pm – 5:00pm April 24 – May 15 Saturdays, 10:00am – 11:00am April 28 – May 19 Sundays, 10:00am – 11:00am April 29 – May 20 $120/$140 (residents/non-residents) *** Horseback riding classes are for youth and adults!
Youth Tennis Lessons
Ages: 6yrs – 18yrs See our Tennis Lessons for all ages on page 21.
Swim Lessons
Ages: 6 months to 17yrs Classes meet Monday – Thursday. Pre-registration required for all levels. See page 9.
14 yrs and over Peter Mealy, who has literally written the book on how to play the ukulele will introduce students to this versatile instrument. Ukuleles are gaining in popularity because they are simple to play and are easy to carry. By the end of class students will be playing “Jingle Bells” and Happy Birthday.” You don’t need a ukulele to sign up, we will provide one for class use. If you have one, feel free to bring it. Register early, class size is limited. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm May 22 June 26 $18/$18 (residents/non-residents)
14 yrs and over This class consists of 4 weeks of instruction with new songs each week. Peter Mealy will use simple songs to teach students about changing chords, different keys, rhythm patterns and more. You will need a ukulele for this class. Folks who take our intro class first will receive $5 off this class registration fee. Register early, class size is limited. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm May 29 – June 19 July 10 – July 31 $50/$60 (residents/non-residents)
Meet our Newest Team Member Jenny Casarotti, Superintendent of Leisure Services Hello! My name is Jenny Casarotti, and I recently joined the Parks, Recreation & Events team as the new Superintendent of Leisure Services. I am excited to join the team and cannot wait to start creating new recreational opportunities. I come to you with over eleven years of recreation experience. After graduating from Methodist University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Management and Minors in Business and Law, I started my recreation career at Spotsylvania Parks and Recreation in leisure services and special events. A little over four years later, I continued my career with the United States Marine Corps Community Services headquarters in commercial recreation. During my seven years with the Marine Corps, I earned my Master’s Degree in Business Administration and became a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional. I am very excited to continue my career with Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events. My husband, Seth, and I grew up in this area and we enjoy playing softball, spending time outside, and most of all playing with our two children (Paxton and Skylin) and three dogs (DJ, Tucker, and Gizmo). I am looking forward to continuing my love for recreation here in Fredericksburg. I am excited to create new recreation and leisure opportunities for all ages. I believe recreation is the core to creating a happy and healthy life, so get out and PLAY! ~ Jenny
Kings Dominion Tickets
Do you need spur of the moment tickets and don’t want the hassle of online ticket sales? Avoid the lines and buy your tickets in person during regular business hours at the Dorothy Hart Community Center, 408 Canal Street, while supplies last.
GOOD ANY DAY - $44 each
Valid any 2018 park operating day EXCEPT park rental days
*VRPS SUPER SAVER - $42 each
Valid on the flowing dates EXCEPT park rental days: • Saturday, March 24—Sunday, May 20 • Friday, July 6—Tuesday, July 31 • Saturday, September 22—Sunday, October 28 All tickets are for ages 3 and up. Tickets do not include parking. No refunds on these tickets sales. Cash or credit cards only for these ticket purchases. Please call the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events office for information, 540-372-1086 ext. 0.
Fredericksburg’s Favorite Tree Tell us about your favorite tree for swinging, climbing, or sitting in the shade and take your picture with that tree! Send your photo with a caption or brief description (no more than 20 words) of why you love this tree to Alexa Harris at by June 30. You can also drop off your nomination at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. For each entry we will need to know your name, address and phone number and the location of the tree (so we can find it!) that you are nominating along with the photo. Winners will be announced in July and will receive some cool SWAG from Parks, Recreation and Events. Questions? Call 540372-1086.
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Aquatics Doris E. Buffett Pool 2018 Weekends from May 26 - September 3: 11:30am - 7:00pm Weekdays from May 28 - June 15: 4:00pm – 7:00pm After June 15 Weekdays & Weekends: 11:30am – 7:00pm Doris E. Buffett Pool is located in Dixon Park, 1300 Dixon Street, Fredericksburg, VA (540) 372-1086 - Parks & Recreation Office (540) 310-0665 - Pool Phone (during pool hours) Email:
2018 Pool Events June 17 - Father’s Day Fathers swim for free all day.
Daily Admission Fees:
Residents (zipcode must be 22401)
Guest & Non-Residents
Baby: 2 Years & Under
Child: 3 to 17 Years
Adult: 18 to 54 Years
Senior: 55 Years & Older FREE
A Photo ID or a Pool Issued ID Card is required for both residents and non-residents ages three and over to enter the pool. To obtain a Pool ID Card you need a valid Photo ID that has proof of age and residency. Acceptable documents are driver’s license, voter registration card, utility bill, school ID, or a personal check with your address (which must match Driver’s License). Initial Pool ID Card is issued free of charge, however, there a replacement fee if lost. All admission fees still apply where applicable. Guests are welcome but MUST pay the non-resident fee.
June 27 - Summer Birthday Bash
Is your birthday between June - August? Do you miss your friends at school? Come on out and eat cake and pop balloons at the pool for our summer birthday bash! $2 per person. Open to all ages. 8:30pm - 10:30pm
July 25 – Zombie Hunt
Can you find the safe zone at the pool? $2.00 per person. Open to all ages. 8:30pm - 10:30pm
August 22 - Pirate’s Treasure
Scavenger hunt at the pool! $2.00 per person Open to all ages. 8:30pm - 10:30pm
September 7 - Soggy Doggy Swim
5:30pm – 8:00pm Registration Available Dorothy Hart starting March 20 and Doris E. Buffet Pool after June 3, 2018 $5.00 for up to two dogs
Pool ID Cards are issued at Dixon Pool beginning May 26 through September 3.
For more information, please visit and click on “Doris E. Buffett Pool” for: • Admission Requirements • Dixon Pool Rules • Group Rates • Discount Pool Punch Card Information • Pool Rental Forms/Information • Swimming Lessons Registration Form
Flying Fish Swim Team
The registration will be Saturday May 5th from 2-4 pm at Ferry Farm Baptist Church. Please contact them directly for details at
Aquatics at Buffett Pool
Senior Citizen Days
Grab your towel, sunglasses, sun screen and join us at Doris E. Buffett Pool for a Senior Citizens special swim! Open to ages 55yrs and up! Wednesdays, May 23 - June 6, 2018 11:30am – 2:00pm The pool will be yours and we promise no cameras! So, pack your bag, get that swim suit out of the closet and come enjoy the pool. Seniors Rule! Registration is easy….just show up! Call the Dorothy Hart Community Center if you need more details (540) 372-1086 x 217
Swim Lessons
Swim lessons are eight classes at 30 minutes each. Fridays will only be used to make up missed classes do to cancellation. Held at the Doris E. Buffett Pool. Instructor: Parks & Rec Staff. $39 City, $46 Non-City Resident for classes Preschool through Level 4. Private lessons are $120.00 (see description under Private lessons).
Swim Lesson Descriptions Levels 1 to 4
Level 3
(6yrs – 17yrs) Stroke Development -- Object retrieval (eyes open), bobbing (submerged head), jumping into deep water, diving from a kneeling position, glides, arm strokes, back crawl, elementary backstroke, reversing directions while swimming on front and back, treading water, deep water entry with life jacket, H.E.L.P. position, huddle position, and basic rescue techniques. Must pass Level 2 skill test to enter Level 3. Monday – Thursday, 6:15pm – 6:45pm, July 16- July 26 Monday – Thursday, 7:30pm – 8:00pm, July 16 – July 26
(Ages: 6yrs to 17yrs) Classes meet Monday – Thursday. Pre-registration required for all levels.
Monday – Thursday, 9:30am – 10:00am, July 30 – August 9
Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills -- Water adjustment, floating, breath control, water entry/exit.
Level 4
Level 2: Fundamental Aquatic Skills -- Breath holding, retrieving objects, orientation to deep water, front and back floating. Level 3: Stroke Development -- Object retrieval (eyes open), bobbing (submerged head), jumping into deep water, diving from a kneeling position, glides, arm strokes, back crawl, elementary backstroke, reversing directions while swimming on front and back, treading water, deep water entry with life jacket, H.E.L.P. position, huddle position, and basic rescue techniques. Must pass Level 2 skill test to enter Level 3. Level 4: Stroke Improvement -- Deep water bobbing, rotary breathing, diving from side of pool (stride and standing positions). Must pass Level 3 to enter Level 4.
Level 1
(Ages 6yrs -17yrs) Introduction to Water Skills -- Water adjustment, floating, breath control, water entry/exit. Monday – Thursday, 7:30pm-8:00pm, June 18 – June 28 Monday – Thursday, 11:00am – 11:30am, July 9 – July 19 Monday – Thursday, 7:00pm – 7:30pm, July 9 – July 19 Monday – Thursday, 7:00pm – 7:30pm, July 30 – August 9
Level 2
(6yrs – 17yrs) Fundamental Aquatic Skills -- Breath holding, retrieving objects, orientation to deep water, front and back floating. Monday – Thursday, 7:30pm – 8:00pm, June 18 – June 28 Monday - Thursday, 11:00am – 11:30am, July 9 – July 19 Monday – Thursday, 7:30pm – 8:00pm, July 16 – July 26 Monday – Thursday, 11:00am – 11:30am, July 30 – August 9
Monday – Thursday, 10:15am – 10:45am, July 30 – August 9
(6yrs – 17yrs) Stroke Improvement -- Deep water bobbing, rotary breathing, diving from side of pool (stride and standing positions). Must pass Level 3 to enter Level 4. Monday – Thursday, 6:15pm – 6:45pm, July 30 – August 9 Monday –Thursday, 7:00pm – 7:30pm, July 30 – August 9
Preschool Swim Lessons
(Ages: 4yrs - 5yrs) Children are taught to feel comfortable in the water while learning elementary aquatic skills. Classes meet Monday through Thursday. Fridays will only be used as make-up days if needed. Pre-registration required. Location: Doris E. Buffet Pool Monday - Thursday, 9:45am -10:15am, June 18- June 28 Monday - Thursday, 10:15am – 10:45am, June 18- June 28 Monday – Thursday, 6:45pm – 7:15pm, June 18- June 28 Monday – Thursday, 10:15am – 10:45am, July 9 – July 19 Monday – Thursday, 6:30pm – 7:00pm, July 9 – July 19
Parent/Child Swimming
(Ages: 6 months - 3yrs) These skills offer a foundation for learning the swimming strokes. Safety topics are also presented. A parent is required to be in the water. Instructor will work with each group/level as determined. Classes meet Monday - Thursday. Fridays will only be used as make-up days if needed. Pre-registration required. Monday - Thursday, 9:45am -10:15am, June 18- June 28 Monday - Thursday, 10:15am – 10:45am, June 18 - June 28 Monday – Thursday, 6:45pm – 7:15pm, June 18 – June 28 Monday - Thursday, 9:45am – 10:15am, July 9 - July 19 Monday – Thursday, 10:15am – 10:45am, July 9 – July 19 Monday – Thursday, 6:30pm – 7:00pm, July 9 – July 19
Private Lessons
(Ages: 5yrs to Adult) Private lessons offer one-on-one instruction for all ages and all abilities. Any 2 weeks (8 sessions) 30 minute classes during June 12 - August 11 as scheduled by you & instructor. Instructor will call to schedule.
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Summer Camps
e n v ts E & n o i Fredericksb t a e r c urg Parks, Re Ages: 4 - 17 years Sports • Creative • Nature
s p m a C r e m m Su
Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events Dorothy Hart Community Center, 408 Canal St
Info: 540-372-1086
NOW REGISTERING for all Summer Camps!
Camp Notes • Pre-registration is required for all camps. Spaces fill first-come, first-served. • Register at the Dorothy Hart Community Center, 408 Canal Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 or register online at www. • Copy of birth certificate is required at time of registration for first time registrations. Online accounts must provide your child’s birth certificate before camp signups. • Online enrollment notice: YOU MUST have your online account ready in advance with your user name and password. If you’ve joined one of our programs in the past, you may already be in our system but are missing your user name. It can’t be retrieved without calling our front desk. We strongly recommend contacting us several days before you signup to ensure your account is all set. Call 540-372-1086 ext. 0. • Summer Camp Refund Policy: Individuals wishing to withdraw and/or requesting a refund must do so by contacting the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events Department. Individuals must follow up their verbal cancellation request with a written refund request and submit it to Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events Department prior to cancellation deadlines. A 10% administrative fee will be charged on all refund requests for advanced cancellations. Cancellation requests less than two weeks (14 days) before camp start date are eligible for a 50% refund. And there are no refunds on cancellations less than 7 days before camp start date. There will be no refunds given to those who withdraw after program start date. Refunds will require 4 weeks for processing unless paid by credit card. Credit card refunds will take 5 business days to process.
For more information about Summer Camp Registration, please give us a call at 540-372-1086
Children’s Special Interest
SUMMER FUN FESTIVAL 2 Weeks of Fun! July 9 - July 20 Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm A Fredericksburg Parks
& Recreation tradition
Up With the Arts
Children enjoy two weeks of drama activities, arts and crafts, and nature play that all culminates with a “grand finale” performance for family and friends on June 29th.
Summer Fun Festival
Kindergarten 4yrs - 5yrs
In this age group we will be singing songs, learning poems, making puppets for our performance.
Preschool 3yrs -4yrs
An exciting two weeks for children who will enter either preschool or Kindergarten in the fall 2018 (must be four by September 30, 2018) – birth certificate required. Your child will play games, sing songs, hear stories, tumble, enjoy arts and crafts and just have a lot of fun! Instructor: P& R Staff. Location: Hugh Mercer Elementary. Monday – Friday, 9:00am -12:00pm July 9 – July 20 $100/$120 (residents/non-residents) ($10 off for 3rd child)
1-2 Grade 6yrs - 7yrs
Using their imagination with props, costumes and sets that they design, this age group will be acting out short plays and skits.
3-6 Grade 8yrs -13yrs
Our older group will produce a small play start to finish – selecting parts, designing sets and simple costumes, rehearsals, and a final production.
K-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th
Each child chooses a track containing six classes (three for each week). Class choices offer a variety of activities to introduce your children to fun different adventures. A separate registration form for class selections is required. Class choices are filled on a firstcome, first served basis by order of registration, and children will be sent a follow up letter. Instructor: P&R Staff. Location: Hugh Mercer Elementary. Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm July 9 - July 20 $100/$120 (residents/non-residents) ($10 off for 3rd child)
Check out all of our summer camps on pages 11-15.
Held at Alum Springs Park. Please send a snack with your child to camp each day. Mon-Fri, 9:00am -12:00pm June 18-June 29 $70/$85 (res/non-res)
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Summer Camps Tot All Sports Camp
4yrs-6yrs This camp program features activities designed to promote skill development in a variety of sports, sportsmanship, and a whole lot of fun. Bring water bottle. No age waivers. $10 late fee begins June 12. Location: Walker Grant Middle School. Mon-Fri, June 25-29, 9:00am-12:00pm $50/$70 (resident/non-resident)
Safety Town Camp
4yrs-6yrs Children are always pretending and wishing to be grown up. Safety Town will allow kids to act like grown-ups while learning the basic safety precautions that will keep them healthy and safe. Campers will explore aspects of being in a town where they will learn about personal safety and traffic laws and will have a lot of fun learning what to do in an emergency. They will meet a Police Officer, tour a fire station and an ambulance, and end the camp on Friday with a bike safety day. Instr: P&R Staff at Dorothy Hart Comm Center. Mon-Fri, August 6-10, 9:00am-11:30am $50/$60 (resident/non-resident)
Camp Hideaway
5yrs-6yrs This beloved day camp is filled with adventure! Each themed morning is packed with nature crafts, hiking, discovery, games, story, snack time, and friends! Our small group will enjoy safely exploring, splashing in the creek, and getting upclose and hands-on with the natural world. Campers may register for ONE week only at Alum Spring Park. (Entering K or 1st in Fall ’18) M-F, 7/9-7/13, 9:15am-12pm (Entering K or 1st in Fall ’18) M-F, 7/16-7/20, 9:15am-12pm (Entering K or 1st in Fall ’18) M-F, 7/23-7/27, 9:15am-12pm (Entering K or 1st in Fall ’18) M-F, 7/30-8/3, 9:15am-12pm $90/$110 (resident/non-resident)
Core Engineering: Intro to STEM w/ LEGO
5yrs – 6yrs and 7yrs-12yrs Tap into your imagination with tens of thousands of LEGO®! Build engineer designed projects such as Boats, Snowmobiles, Catapults, and Merry-Go-Rounds. Then use special pieces to create your own unique design! New and returning students can explore the endless creative possibilities of the LEGO® building system. Instructor: PlayWell. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. 5-6 yrs: Mon-Fri, August 13-17, 9:00am – 12:00pm 7-12yrs: Mon-Fri, August 13-17, 1:00pm – 4:00pm $145/$145 (residents/non-residents)
Children’s Special Interest
Let’s Do Science CAMP
6 yrs – 8 yrs Come experience hands-on science. We will explore different science issues. Students will be allowed to ask questions and explore answers with experimentation. Students will learn 21st century skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and working together. Please send a snack with your child to camp each day. Instructor: Science, Inc. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Mon-Fri, June 18-29 9:30am-12:30pm $80/$80 (resident/non-resident)
Science Snoops
9 yrs – 11 yrs Science Snoops is an excellent opportunity for students to foster their interest in science. It also helps students to think like scientists as well as crime scene investigators. Science Snoops is an excellent opportunity for students to improve their critical thinking skills and basic scientific knowledge. Please send a snack with your child to camp each day. Instructor: Science, Inc. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Mon-Fri, June 18-June 29, 1:30pm-4:30pm $80/$80 (residents/non-residents)
Science in the Park
6 yrs - 8 yrs Students will investigate physical life as they observe a variety of plants and insects. Students will engage with their environments and participate in age-related experiments and activities. Please send a snack with your child to camp each day. Location: Old Mill Park. Mon-Fri, July 16-27, 9:00am-12:00pm $80/$80 (residents/non-residents)
STAGE DOOR CAMPS: Creative Drama 5yrs - 8yrs Young actors will be introduced to the imaginative world of visual and performing arts. We will explore well-known stories and songs using creative movement, puppetry, pantomime, and dance. The week will conclude in a showcase featuring creative movement and scripted scenes. Instructor: Stage Door Staff. Location: Lafayette Upper Elementary School. Mon-Fri, July 16-20, 9:30am-12:30pm $100/$100 (residents/non-residents)
KIDz R COOKIN CAMP: Culture, Cuisine & CookinG - Part 1
5yrs - 8yrs & 9yrs - 12yrs Grab your passports campers! We will be traveling the world in this very special hands-on cooking camp. Every day will be a different culinary adventure. Students will explore exotic spices and international entrees & side dishes. Cooking, music, and arts & crafts from around the globe will all come together. Each day will be centered on a specific country, region & nationality. Recipes and certificates are included! Please include a snack for your camper Instructor: Chef Wendy, Kidz R Cookin. Location: Dorothy Hart Comm Center. 5-8yrs: Mon-Thurs, June 25-28, 10:00am - 1:00pm 9-12yrs: Mon-Thurs, June 25-28, 2:30pm - 5:30pm $150/$150 (residents/non-residents)
KIDz R COOKIN CAMP: Culture, Cuisine & CookinG - Part 2
5yrs - 8yrs & 9yrs - 12yrs Campers, it’s time to grab those passports again! For part 2 we will continue trekking the globe for delicious entrees, exotic spices and culinary adventure! Participants will be traveling to completely different countries and regions in this camp and don’t forget about our awesome culture based arts & crafts! Each day will be a different culinary experience for our participants. Part one is not a requirement to participate in part two. Recipes and certificates will be included! Please include a snack for your camper. Instructor: Chef Wendy, Kidz R Cookin. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. 5-8yrs: Mon-Thurs, Aug. 27-30, 10:00am - 1:00pm 9-12yrs: Mon-Thurs, Aug. 27-30, 2:30pm - 5:30pm $150/$150 (residents/non-residents
Spa Essentials for Kidz
5yrs – 8yrs & 9yrs – 11yrs Luxurious body butters, lip balm, moisturizing shampoos, soy candles, and bath bombs are but a few of the awesome toiletries that will be prepared in this camp! Participants will utilize natural, organic and wholesome ingredients to create their own signature products! This will be an awesome, hands on, and fun learning experience for all campers! Additionally students will learn about the properties of all ingredients used. All toiletries will be labeled and packaged for home on the last day of camp. Please include a snack for your camper & note any allergies during registration. Instructor: Chef Wendy of Kidz R Cookin. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. (5yrs – 8yrs) Mon-Thurs, July 23-26 , 10:00am – 1:00pm (9yrs – 11yrs) Mon-Thurs, July 23-26, 2:30pm – 5:30pm $150/$150 (residents/non-residents)
Horseback Riding Camp
6yrs-18yrs White Buffalo Horse Farm is providing a horse camp for boys and girls ages 6 – 18, regardless of their riding experience. Students will be getting on a horse every day, working on trail riding skills and horse showing techniques including western and English style. General horse care and grooming will also be covered. Culminating demonstration will be held on the last day of camp. Must wear boots or shoes with a heel. Instructor: Judy Watson. Location: White Buffalo Horse Farm Mon-Fri, July 9-13, 9:00am-12:00pm $275/$300 (resident/non-resident)
Camp Wildwood
7yrs-12yrs Celebrating 25 Years in the woods and along the water of Motts Run Reservoir! Kids, come get immersed in the wild for a week of daily canoeing, hiking, nature crafts, snacks, friends, and outdoor skills like fire-building. Don’t miss out on a great week of discovery—held rain or shine! Campers may register for ONE week only. (Pre-registration required). Motts Run Reservoir. (Grades 1-3 ’17-’18 school yr.) M-F, 6/18-6/22, 9:00am-3pm (Grades 2-4 ’17-’18 school yr.) M-F, 6/25-6/29, 9:00am-3pm (Grades 1-3 ’17-’18 school yr.) M-F, 7/9-7/13, 9:00am-3pm (Grades 4-6 ’17-’18 school yr.) M-F, 7/16-7/20, 9:00am-3pm (Grades 1-3 ’17-’18 school yr.) M-F, 7/23-7/27, 9:00am-3pm (Grades 4-6 ’17-’18 school yr.) M-F, 7/30-8/3, 9:00am-3pm $150/$180 (resident/non-resident)
Adventure Fishing cAMP!
7yrs-14yrs This week-long day camp, sponsored by Virginia Fishing Adventures (, teaches the entire process of fishing from rigging rods, tying knots, canoeing, and baiting hooks, all while introducing campers to the great wealth of fishing in the area. Campers meet at the VA Outdoor Center, then head to private ponds and local rivers. All equipment provided and scouts may earn their fishing badge. Info will be sent to all registrants. (Pre-registration required). Location: Virginia Outdoor Center. Mon-Fri, July 9 - July 13, 8:30am-4:30pm $450/$450 (resident/non-resident)
Fishing Adventures!
7yrs-14yrs Fishing Adventures! is a popular 2-day camp offered at Motts Run Reservoir. Sponsored by Virginia Fishing Adventures (, this intro to freshwater fishing teaches campers the basics of casting, knot tying, baiting hooks, choosing lures, and more. All equipment and tackle provided. Info will be sent to registrants. Location: Motts Run. Thur-Fri, July 5 & July 6, 9:00am-12:00pm $65/$80 (resident/non-resident)
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Summer Camps
Soccer Camp
7yrs-15yrs The campers get a chance to work on dribbling, passing, shooting, and game strategy while having lots of fun. Campers are encouraged to wear loose fitting clothes and bring shinguards and a water bottle to camp each day. $10 late fee begins June 5. Location: Dixon Park. Mon-Fri, June 18-22, 8:00am-11:00am $50/$70 (residents/non-residents)
Field Hockey Camp
7yrs-15yrs Learn stick handling, strategy, defensive positioning, and goal keeping. Campers are encouraged to wear loose fitting clothes and bring field hockey stick, shinguards and a water bottle to camp each day. $10 late fee begins June 5. Location: Dixon Park. Mon-Fri, June 18-22, 8:00am – 11:00am $50/$70 (residents/non-residents)
Lacrosse Camp
7yrs – 15yrs This camp is designed for all levels for players who want to learn lacrosse in a fun atmosphere. Players will be taught the basics of the game to include: stick skills, throwing, catching, cradling, ground balls, shooting, dodging, and defense. Location: Dixon Park. Mon-Fri, July 2-5, 5:00pm – 7:00pm $50/$70 (residents/non-residents)
Sky High Basketball Camp
7yrs-15yrs The Sky High Basketball Camp is five days of basketball designed to increase a player’s skills and court knowledge in a fun and non-competitive environment. Whether your child is a beginner or one who has played since they could walk, this camp is a great way to begin or improve one’s skills. Bring a water bottle. $10 late fee begins June 12. Location: Walker Grant Middle School. Mon-Fri, June 25-29, 1:00pm – 4:00pm $50/$70 (residents/non-residents)
Children’s Special Interest
Tennis Camp
7yrs-15yrs Our summer camp offers opportunities for everyone – basics for beginners, repetition for advanced beginners, strategy and competition for intermediates, and challenging drills and mental concepts for the advanced. Bring your own tennis racket. $10 late fee begins June 5. Location: Memorial Park. Mon-Fri, June 18-22, 8:00am – 10:00am $40/$50 (residents/non-residents)
Baseball Camp
7yrs-15yrs During this camp players will learn throwing, fielding, hitting, and work on skills positions. Players need to bring a baseball glove and water bottle. $10 late fee begins July 3. Location: Walker Grant Middle School Baseball Field. Mon-Fri, July 25-29, 8:00am – 11:00am $50/$70 (residents/non-residents)
All Sports Camp
7yrs-15yrs Participants will have an opportunity to learn soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, football, kickball, and lawn games during this week long camp. Campers will spend time inside and outdoors, so please dress appropriately. Bring a water bottle. $10 late fee begins Aug 17. Location: Walker Grant Middle. Mon-Fri, August 6-10, 9:00am-12:00pm $50/$70 (residents/non-residents)
Stars & Stripes Dance Camps
6yrs – 9yrs & 10yrs – 14yrs This camp is perfect for the young dancer who wants to learn dance styles in a fun, creative environment. Great for the little dancer who has no prior dance experience and ones with some dance experience. Our goals include building confidence, working together with others, and learning basic techniques with music. At the conclusion of camp on Friday, students will perform an original piece for friends and family with an Americana theme. Instructor: Virginia Westcott. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. 6-9yrs: Mon-Fri, June 25-29, 9:30am – 11:00am 10-14yrs: Mon-Fri, June 25-29, 11:15am – 1:30pm $70/$85 (residents/non-residents)
Stage Door Camps: Improvisation and Comedy
Modeling Camps for Girls & Boys
11yrs - 14yrs Actors will polish their funny bones while participating in comedy sketches, improvisations, and acting games designed for enhancing comedic timing and talent. The week will conclude in a showcase of improvisation, comedy scenes, and original sketch comedy. Instructor: Stage Door Staff. Location: Lafayette Upper Elementary School. Mon-Fri, July 9-13, 1:00pm-4:00pm $100/$100 (residents/non-residents)
STAGE DOOR CAMPS: Acting Production
8yrs – 10yrs and 9yrs-12 yrs This acting production camp will include instruction in movement, voice, character development, and dialogue delivery as the students prepare a play. Emphasis will be placed on the rehearsal process and developing the students as capable and creative performers. Instructor: Stage Door Staff. Location: Lafayette Upper Elementary School. 8-10yrs: Mon-Fri, July 9-13, 9:30am – 12:30pm 9-12yrs: Mon-Fri, July 16-20 1:00pm – 4:00pm $100/$100 (residents/non-residents)
7yrs – 10yrs & 11yrs – 15yrs MODELING CAMP invites all boys and girls to ‘discover the model in you’ this summer! Come explore the world of modeling and fashion at this empowering summer camp. Campers will experience the ins and outs of the modeling world. Students will design their own outfit and we will do our own fashion show at the end. Instructor: Virginia Westcott. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center 7-10yrs: Mon-Fri, June 18-22 9:30am – 11:15am 11-15yrs: Mon-Fri, June 18-22 11:30am – 1:45pm $75/$90 (residents/non-residents)
Teen Adventure Camp
13yrs-17yrs Teens—unplug and jump into the natural world! We’ll spend two days at Motts Run Reservoir where we’ll enjoy canoeing (including swamping and rescue), and outdoor skills like fire-building and map and compass, team-building games, hiking, nature crafts, and more! The other two days will find us on the Rappahannock River, canoeing a 5+ mile stretch and tubing the Falmouth Rapids, ending the week with a cookout at Old Mill Park! Location: Motts Run Reservoir & VA Outdoor Ctr. (Grades 7-11, ’17-’18 school yr.) M,Tu,Th, Fri, July 2-July 6 (no camp 7/4) 9:00am-3:00pm $150/$180 (residents/non-residents)
Survivor Camp: Basic
9yrs-11yrs & 12yrs-15yrs Learn new skills to build knowledge and confidence in the woods. Whether it’s a short hike, or a multi-day excursion, campers will leave with a new foundation of skills as they mature as outdoor enthusiasts. We’ll cover priorities in a survival situation, how to regulate core body temperature to prevent hypothermia and hyperthermia, fire building, finding and building shelter, fishing and procuring food, canoeing and signaling for rescue. A list of what to bring will be sent. Location: Motts Run Reservoir. (Ages 9-11) M-F, June 18-22, 9:00am-4:00pm (Ages 9-11) M-F, June 25-29, 9:00am-4:00pm (Ages 12-15) M-F, July 9-13, 9:00am-4:00pm $210/$270 (residents/non-residents)
Survivor Camp: Intermediate
9yrs-15yrs PRE-REQUISITE: BASIC SURVIVOR CAMP (no exceptions) Stepping it up a notch, this course will cover everything in basic wilderness survival, but will delve deeper into each skillset. Campers are expected to be more independent when it comes to initiating the next step. We’ll work on leadership, teamwork, and the importance of working together to accomplish a given task or mission. A list of what to bring will be sent. Location: Motts Run Reservoir. M-F, July 16-20, 9:00am-4:00pm M-F, July 23-27, 9:00am-4:00pm $210/$270 (residents/non-residents)
Join us!
Yoga for Girls Summer Camp
Please join us at YOFO for a one week yoga fusion summer camp! This week is designed for girls ages 9-14 to introduce breath, mindfulness, balance and strength through Yoga and Pitaiyo sequences. Over the course of 5 days, girls will spend time developing skills to enhance selfesteem, team-building and confidence. Dates: June 18-22nd or August 13-17th Time: 3:00-5:30pm Cost: $150/PP Register: Online @ Yoga Foundation of Fredericksburg 1403 Franklin St., Fredericksburg For information: 540-368-3079
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Youth Sports & Activities Youth Field Hockey
Rookie (7yrs – 9yrs) Junior (10yrs – 11yrs) Grab your stick and join one of the fastest growing sports programs in the area. Come play in an atmosphere filled with energy and encouragement! The age determination date is November 1st, 2018. Registration begins May 14th for City residents and May 21st for NonCity residents. Deadline to register is June 28th. There is a $10 late registration fee after June 28th. Location: Dixon Park. Mondays – Saturdays, Times Vary August 6 – October 20 $25/$50 (residents/non-residents)
Lil’ Strikers Field Hockey
5yrs – 6yrs This program introduce your child to Field Hockey and prepare them for our Field Hockey league. Players will learn basic fundamentals to include hand position, body position and ball position. No waivers for Lil’ Strikers will be allowed. The age determination date is November 1st, 2018. Registration begins May 14th for City residents and June 11th for Non-City residents. Deadline to register is August 10th. There is a $10 late registration fee after August 16th. Location: Dixon Park. Saturdays, Times Vary September 8 – October 6 $20/$40 (residents/non-residents)
Youth Sports
Midnight Madness Summer Series Youth Fall Soccer
Novice (6yrs – 7yrs) Rookie (8yrs – 9yrs) Junior (10yrs – 12yrs) Senior (13yrs – 16yrs) Interested in becoming the next Amy Rodriguez or Clint Dempsey? Come join our fall soccer league if so! Players learn fundamentals including dribbling, passing, shooting and teamwork. The age determination date is November 1st, 2018. Registration begins May 14th for City residents and May 21st for Non-City residents. Deadline to register is June 28th. There is a $10 late registration fee after June 28th. Location: Dixon Park. Mondays – Saturdays, Times Vary August 6 – October 20 $25/$50 (residents/non-residents)
Starter Soccer
4yrs – 5yrs Lil’ Kickers is our introduction to soccer program for kids, teaching players the basic fundamental skills to soccer in a non-competitive and encouraging environment. Teams will practice for the first 30 minutes, and scrimmage for the last 30 minutes. No age waiver into Lil’ Kickers Soccer is allowed. The age determination date is November 1st, 2018. Registration begins May 14th for City residents and May 21st for Non-City residents. Deadline to register is August 10th. There is a $10 late registration fee after August 16th. Location: Dixon Park. Saturdays Session I: 9:00am – 10:00am Session II: 10:00am-11:00am September 8 – October 6 $20/$40 (residents/non-residents)
YOGA IN THE PARK Saturday, June 9, 2018 Maury Park / Downtown Fredericksburg
See back cover for more information.
11yrs-17yrs This summer series is designed to provide a positive experience for the youth throughout the summer. There will be an educational workshop each evening in addition to playing basketball in a structured setting. This Summer Series is a free program and is for City residents only. The Summer Series will have multiple nights of Splash Time at Dixon Park Pool. In Partnership with the City Schools and Police Department, bus transportation will be provided to and from Walker Grant Middle School and Dixon Park Pool. Participants must be 11yrs by June 19th to start the program. There will be no age waivers for this program, no online registration, and no registrations will be accepted on site. Registration opens April 9. You must register at Dorothy Hart Community Center. Fridays, 8:00pm-11:00pm June 22 – August 17 Location: Walker Grant Middle School and Doris E. Buffett Pool Free
KIDS’ FISHING DERBY at Motts Run Reservoir
Saturday, June 2, 2018
(Raindate: June 3rd) 7:30-10am - Registration on site 8:30-11am - Tournament 11am-12:15pm Weigh-In & Awards FREE! Ages 4-16 years Fishing, boat rental, games, prizes, vendors, hiking, picnicking…fun for the entire family! (VA Game Dept. ‘Free Fishing Weekend’ – no license required!) VOLUNTEERS & SPONSORS NEEDED! For information, call Linda Bailey at 372-1086 x213 Sponsored by Fredericksburg Parks & Recreation and the Weekend Bassers.
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A BIG Thank you to our Youth Basketball Coaches Jonathon Atkins Justin Box Ashley Atkins Cliff Brooks Linwood Johnson Josef Koza Jason Davidson Mavis Allen Robert Guadarrama Samantha Guadarrama Jeh Hicks Shannon Hicks Vince Ventura Jennifer Gallaway Sedinam Ankah Donya Johns, Sr. Gregory Hendrix
Aimee Hardy Jack Hardy Chris Hall Rebekah Cousins-Shaikh Dustin Thomas Michael Barnes Dan Gibson Robert Bailey Shirelle Sullivan Romel Turner Charlie Frye, Sr. Rebecca Malin Hamish Malin Victor Rivers Chris Franklin Elijah W.
Top Reasons to Coach • Share your love of the game with kids • Learn new personal skills • Have fun • Become a role model • You want to be a part of our child’s sport experience • Teach kids life skills • Coaches are invited to our Volunteer Banquet • Coaches earn “Parks & Recreation” dollars to spend on activities
Thank You Basketball Team Sponsors!
• Develop relationships
Kappa Foundation Ventura Law Associates Play It Again Sports Parrish Snead Franklin Simpson, Plc Attorneys At Law Acn
If you have a love of the game and enjoy working with children and passing on that interest, call us!
Would you like to coach?
Our seasons are about 8 to 10 weeks long. You bring us your enthusiasm and we’ll give you what you need to get started as a volunteer coach! Call 540-372-1086 or email
When you Sponsor Our Sports Teams Everyone Wins! Businesses and organizations have the opportunity to sponsor a team in any of our sports. Team sponsorships can be obtained for a $250 investment.
Sponsors receive:
• Organization logo or statement on team jerseys • Recognition in Parks and Recreation brochure • After donating a total of $500 (two sponsorships) the sponsor will be invited to the Department’s annual Volunteer Banquet.
Children & Teams receive:
• End of season party/event • An upgraded award for each team player • Head coach receives team plaque (incl. team picture) For information, contact Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events at 540-372-1086 or email
Youth Sports
We couldn’t do ext. it without you! 540-372-1086 214 Coach and sponsor our teams! Call (540) 372-1086 or email fredprpf@ for more information.
Nature Children & Adults Jr. Naturalist: Herps (Reptiles & Amphibians)
10yrs – 16yrs Join other Junior Naturalists on the search for “herps”—reptiles and amphibians! Spring is a super time to find frogs, toads, snakes and more. We’ll learn to identify and care for a variety of critters and enjoy an evening “frog walk!” All participants receive a patch – attend three spring/fall courses and get your name on a plaque in the nature center. Pre-registration required. Instructor: Linda Bailey. Location: Motts Run Nature Center. Tuesdays, 4:30pm-6:00pm April 17, 24, May 1*, 8 (*May 1 meets 8-9pm) $55/$65 (residents/non-residents)
Frog Walk
6yrs & up Bullfrogs bellowing, Cricket Frogs clicking, Fowler’s Toads wailing, and more, on this memorable night hike! We’ll enjoy a cacophony of sound along the lakeshore at Motts Run Reservoir as these spring frogs tune up...bound to be a perfect evening. Great for all amphibian enthusiasts--old and young alike. Just bring a flashlight and wear boots or shoes you can get muddy. (Family event--adults and kids both pay!) Location: Motts Run Nature Center. Friday, May 25 , 8:30pm-9:45pm $6/$6 (residents/non-residents)
Dipnetting for Dragonflies
5yrs – Adult Search the greening lakeshore for aquatic insects, tadpoles, crayfish, cricket frogs, and more! There’s a world of wonder just beneath the water’s surface. Wear mud shoes. Pre-registration required (kids must attend with paying adult). Instructor: Doris Bryant. Location: Motts Run Nature Center. Saturday, May 5, 10:00am-11:00am $6/$6 (residents/non-residents)
Stargazing in the Park: Venus & Jupiter
8yrs – Adult Join astronomer Myron Wasiuta for a spectacular evening of stargazing! We’ll use state-of-the-art equipment to observe Venus & Jupiter, then after dark we’ll check out the galaxies in Virgo and Leo. Bring a lawn chair (optional). Pre-registration required (every age pays). Location: Motts Run Reservoir. Saturday, May 5, 8:00pm-10:00pm $6/$6 (residents/non-residents)
Frog Walk for Tadpoles
3 ½ yrs – 5yrs Leap on over to Motts Run Reservoir with your little tadpoles for a hoppin’ good time looking for frogs. Be prepared to get your feet muddy (no kidding). Snack and story included. Pre-registration required. (Kids must attend with non-paying adult). Instructor: Doris Bryant. Location: Motts Run Nature Center. Monday, April 30, 10:00am-11:15am $10/$10 (residents/non-residents)
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Children & Adults
Stars, Stories & S’mores
All Ages Roast up a marshmallow and sandwich a s’more, then sit back and enjoy the after-sunset glow as we sing, tell stories, and enjoy the first evening stars overhead! Something for the entire family (everyone must register). Location: Motts Run Reservoir Amphitheatre. Friday, August 10 , 7:45pm-8:45pm $6/$6 (residents/non-residents)
Pirate Hike Full Moon Canoe Float
6yrs – Adult Enjoy a peaceful flatwater float at sunset, then a rising full moon! We’ll peek into coves, listen for the call of frogs and night insects, savor the serenity of a summer evening, and enjoy a delicious treat served afloat. No experience necessary. For adults and families (every age pays). Life jacket provided. Pre-registration required. Location: Motts Run Reservoir. Saturday, July 28, 8:00pm-9:45pm $10/$10 (residents/non-residents)
Fredericksburg’s Favorite Tree
4yrs - 7yrs Ahoy thar mateys, join us at Alum Spring Park for a jolly good time. We’ll make a treasure map, read about pirates, and carry the old Jolly Roger as we hike to splash around in the creek. We might even find some hidden treasure to divvy up. Wear your swim suit and water shoes. Pre-register or walk the plank! Alum Spring Park Pavilion. Saturday, August 25, 10:00am-11:00am $8/$10 (residents/non-residents)
Night Catfishing at Motts Reservoir Friday, May 18 Friday, June 8 Friday, June 22 Friday, July 13 Friday, July 27 Friday, August 10 Friday, August 24 Friday, September 14 7:00pm – 1:00am each night at Motts Run Reservoir, 6600 River Road Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Tell us about your favorite tree for swinging, climbing, or sitting in the shade and take your picture with that tree! Send your photo with a caption or brief description (no more than 20 words) of why you love this tree to Alexa Harris at AFHarris@ by June 30. You can also drop off your nomination at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. For each entry we will need to know your name, address and phone number and the location of the tree (so we can find it!) that you are nominating along with the photo. Winners will be announced in July and will receive some cool SWAG from Parks, Recreation and Events. Questions? Call 540-372-1086.
Advanced prices: $3 child, $5 adults Day of prices: $5 child, $8 adults Come hook your bait and cast your line to catch catfish in the Reservoir. Private boats will be allowed on the water only if they meet proper VDGIF standards for night fishing but all boats must be off the water by 12:30am. Grills and picnic tables available all over the park no need to bring your own. Please clean up after yourself and remember to NOT place flammable products in the trash. Questions? Call Motts Reservoir (540) 786-8989
Children & Adults Beginning/Intermediate Youth Tennis
11yrs – 18yrs This course if for those learning the sport and teaches basic instruction. Proper tennis technique will be emphasized. Basic strokes including Forehand, Backhand, Volleys, Overheads and Serve will be mastered. This course will include the dynamic warm-up, quickness and agility movements; hand toss drills with corrections, racquet fed drills and minimal live ball drills. Class will be organized by George Christoforatos. Instructor: Certified teaching professionals, and players Mr. Christoforatos uses to run his clinics. Location: Memorial (Kenmore) Tennis Courts. Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm April 16 – May 23 June 4 – July 11 July 23 – August 29 $60 per session for Monday only (residents/non-residents) $100 per session for both days
Advanced Youth Tennis
11yrs – 18yrs This course is for players who have mastered the basic strokes and are interested in playing at a higher level. This class will include dynamic warm-ups, quickness and agility movements; high level tennis drills, and match play. Class will be organized by George Christoforatos. Instructor: Certified teaching professionals, and players Mr. Christoforatos uses to run his clinics. Location: Memorial (Kenmore) Tennis Courts. Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm April 16 – May 23 June 4 – July 11 July 23 – August 29 $60 per session for Monday only (residents/non-residents) $100 per session for both days
10 and Under Tennis Beginning/Intermediate (Red Ball/Orange Ball)
6yrs – 10yrs This course is for players who are learning the sport and need basic instruction. The national programming format for USTA will be utilized for this class. This will be a fun class with drills and games developed specifically for 10 and under development programs. Class will be organized by George Christoforatos. Instructor: Certified teaching professionals, and players Mr. Christoforatos uses to run his clinics. Location: Memorial (Kenmore) Tennis Courts. Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00pm – 7:00pm April 16 – May 23 June 4 – July 11 July 23 – August 29 $60 per session for Monday only (residents/non-residents) $100 per session for both days
10 and Under Tennis Advanced (Orange Ball/Green Dot Ball)
6yrs – 10yrs This course is for those players who have mastered the basic strokes, and are interested in playing at a higher level. The national programming format for USTA will be utilized for this class. This will be a fun class with drills and games developed specifically for 10 and under development programs. Class will include dynamic warm-ups, quickness and agility movements; high level drills and minimal match play. Class will be organized by George Christoforatos. Instructor: Certified teaching professionals, and players Mr. Christoforatos uses to run his clinics. Location: Memorial (Kenmore) Tennis Courts. Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00pm – 7:00pm April 16 – May 23 June 4 – July 11 July 23 – August 29 $60 per session for Monday only (residents/non-residents) $100 per session for both days
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Active Older Adults Group Fitness
Punch Card Programs Group Fitness classes require a Group Fitness Punch Card. These cards allow you the flexibility to choose and try any and all fitness classes. Take a look at our offerings to see what fits your busy schedule and stop in to purchase your card to good health today! Class times are subject to change. All fitness classes are 50 minutes in length and on-going with no specific start date unless otherwise stated in the description below. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Each time you attend a class, it is 1 punch. Group Fitness Punch Cards expire 30 days from purchase and can only be acquired in person at the Dorothy Hart Community Center.
Group Fitness Punch Card Options and Fees: 30 Day Pass (Unlimited Classes) - $40/$45 (res/non-res) Flex 12 Punch Card - $35/$40 (residents/non-residents) Flex 8 Punch Card - $30/$35 (residents/non-residents) Drop in fee for any class $5
Strength, Tone and Sculpt
If you want strong bones and to build muscles that burn fat, then come join us. We work on our entire body including upper body, lower body, and abdominals through the use of free weights, flexibility ball, and exercise tubes. Instructor: Pam Wrobel, ACE & CPR Certified. Mondays and Wednesdays 6:00pm-6:50pm
Cardio and Strength Training for Active Older Adults
This unique strength training program is specifically geared toward the Active Older Adult. We combine low impact cardio elements, resistance training, along with cord condition floor work. We’ll end class with relaxing stretches, which will help improve flexibility and also reduce stress. A perfect way to end your workout! Instructor: Teresa Powell, CPR Certified. Tuesdays 8:30am-9:20am and 1:00pm-1:50pm Thursday 1:00pm-1:50pm
Pilates for the Beginner to Intermediate Levels
Pilates is for all ages, genders and abilities! Most body aches and pains are due to muscular imbalance. Pilates strengthens the muscles that support the spine (the neck, shoulders, abdominals, hips and thighs); assisting to realign the spine and strengthen the body from the inside out. This class will focus on activating deep muscles while helping tone, streamline and improve your posture through the emphasis on body conditioning, core muscle training, and flexibility. You will also learn to do Pilates exercises with props, such as small balls, large medicine balls, stretch bands, hand weights, Pilates rings and foam rollers. Instructor: Teresa Powell, CPR Certified Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 11:30am-12:20pm
Balance and Gentle Stretching
This class addresses the issue of core stability through balance exercises. Gentle stretching would target the flexibility of individuals; keeping them limber for daily activities. Instructor: Pam Wrobel, ACE & CPR Certified Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:15am-9:00am
Early Morning Sculpt and Tone
Start your day off with this early morning workout. This program includes a variety of exercises to include ballet, yoga and Pilates to strengthen, tone, and keep you flexible. You’ll find you have more energy throughout the day and be glad you got out of bed in time to get in shape. Instructor: Pam Wrobel, ACE & CPR Certified Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 8:10am-9:00am
Recreation & Fitness
Adult Sports Breakfast Boot Camp
18yrs – Adult Get up early and get in shape over the summer. Join our Sport & Fitness Supervisor, Brad, in our new outdoor Breakfast Boot Camp. Brad is a Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, and all round fitness junkie. Workouts will include bodyweight movements, cardiovascular training, and weight training. Each meeting with be 45 minutes and will include a warm-up, mobility, workout, and a cool down. The registration deadline for session 1 is: May 29th; the registration deadline for session 2 is: July 3rd. Location: Memorial Park (Meet at the Tennis Courts) Session 1: June 5-June 28, Tues/Thurs, 6:00am-6:45am Session 2: July 10-August 2, Tues/Thurs, 6:00am-6:45am $40 for 1 class per week (4 total) $80 for 2 classes per week (8 total)
Adult Flag Football
18 yrs – Adult Do you have a passion to play football? The City of Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation, & Events is proud to offer our Fall Adult Flag Football league. Each team will need at least 7 players. You must be 18 years of age by September 1st. The season will consist of 8 regular season games, followed by playoffs. Registration will begin June 4th. The deadline to register is August 17th. NO ONLINE REGISTRATION. Location: Old Mill Park, Dixon Park Tuesdays/Thursdays/Sundays, Times Vary September 4 - November 4 Team Fee: $200
NEW Pickleball Courts at Memorial PArk.
We have just completed renovations to the courts and are excited to feature expanded playing options for area pickleball players. There are now 4 new pickleball courts at the park giving players 5 dedicated courts from which to choose.
SFS Ladder League
Interested in joining Pickleball Ladder League? The Stafford, Fredericksburg, & Spotsy Ladder League (SFS) has winter and spring play available. For more information, please contact Noel Lowery at (540) 903-5251 or visit
Open Pickleball Play
Looking to have fun playing Pickleball with other local participants? Open play is held weekly (weather permitting) at Memorial (Kenmore) Park from 8:30am – 12:30pm. Players of all skill levels are welcome (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced).
Pickleball Demos/Intro Class Beginner Skills
18yrs – Adult Come out and give the fastest growing adult sport in the country a try. This class is a one hour intro/demo to the sport of Pickleball. This class will go over the basics of Pickleball, including stroke mechanics, court positioning, and game play. Location: Memorial Park. Wednesdays, May 2, May 30, June 27; 9:00am – 10:00am Saturdays: May 5, June 2, June 30; 9:00am – 10:00am Friday: September 28th, TBA Free to attend
Pickleball Lessons Beginner & Advanced Skills
18yrs – Adult Pickleball is the fastest growing adult sport in the country. Played on a badminton court with the net lowered to 34 inches, the sport encompasses elements of tennis, racquetball, and ping-pong. All available courses are four (4) weeks in length and all equipment is provided. In the beginner’s course, instructors Mike Curry and Noel Lowery will teach the basic skills of the sport including equipment, game play, rules, scoring, strokes, serve, and game etiquette. In the advanced course, players are taught skills, tactics, and strategies to work on consistency in basic shots, coming to the net, and dinks. Each program lesson is open to a maximum of 16 participants. Location: Memorial Park Session 1: May 7 – 28, Mondays, 6:00pm – 8:00pm Session 2: June 4 – 25, Mondays, 9:00am – 11:00am Session 3: July 9 – 30, Mondays, 9:00am – 11:00am Beginner Skill Lesson: $40/$45 (residents/non-residents) Advanced Skill Lesson: $25/$30 (residents/non-residents)
Spring Pickleball Tournament
18yrs – Adult Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation, and Events is back with the 2018 Spring Pickleball Tournament. This tournament is for all skill levels. The tournament will run a double-elimination bracket and run on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday will be Men’s and Women’s doubles, while Sunday will be Mixed Doubles. Tournament registration is limited. Location: Memorial Park. May 5 - 6 (rain date is May 12-13) Start time: 9:00am $15 per person (1st event) / $5 per person (2nd event)
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Special Interest Isshinryu Karate
8yrs – Adult This program is for adults and children alike to help develop coordination, muscle tone, and self-confidence. The instructor does more than teach the basic karate movements; he also works on discipline and respect for others. It’s a fun, inexpensive way to experience all the value of a martial arts program. And parents, you can take it with your kids! Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Saturdays, 10:00am – 12:00pm April 28 – June 9 (No class May 26) June 30 – August 4 September 8 – October 13 $35/$45 (residents/non-residents)
Contemporary Dance
11yrs – Adult A popular dance class for pre-teens and young adults. A relaxing warm up and class set to modern contemporary music with a classical foundation. This class explores artistic creative dance moves with strong relationship to the dance through music. A piece of choreography will be learned and performed for friends and family at the end of last session Instructor: Virginia Westcott. Preregistration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Tuesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm April 17 – May 8 $48/$52 (residents/non-residents) *** Classes are for both adults and children
Beginning Bellydance
12yrs – Adult The ancient moves of belly dance tone and strengthen your core, so you can move with grace and confidence. Instruction is easy to follow and all are welcome. Exercise wear is recommended and slippers are optional. Preregistration required. Instructor: Anthea Poole. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm May 2, 9, 16, 23 June 6, 13, 20, 27 July 11, 18, 25 August 1, 8, 15, 22 $48/$59 (residents/non-residents) $10 Trial class fee
Adult Special Interest
Continuing Bellydance
12yrs – Adult This class is for those who knows the basics and want to learn routines and various styles, using various props and finger cymbals. Must have completed Beginner Bellydance. Exercise wear is recommended and slippers are optional. Pre-registration required. Instructor: Anthea Poole. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Wednesdays, 8:00pm – 9:00pm May 2, 9, 16, 23 June 6, 13, 20, 27 July 11, 18, 25 August 1, 8, 15, 22 $48/$59 (residents/non-residents) $15 Drop-in fee
Basic RAD
16yrs – Adult A four-week course for women only--focuses on physical defense and ways to avoid potential attacks. You will learn punches, kicks, and ways to get away from an attacker. This program is being brought to you in conjunction with the Fredericksburg Police Department. Pre-registration required. Location: Conference RM Fredericksburg Police Department Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 9:00pm May 1 – May 22 $12/$12 (residents/non-residents)
Heartsaver First Aid and CPR/AED certification
14yrs – Adult Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage a first aid, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Please bring bag lunch! Instructor: Tim Carpenter ( Pre-registration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesdays, 9:00am –5:00pm (9am – 1pm First Aid) (1pm – 5pm CPR/AED) May 8 $60/$65 (residents/non-residents)
Basic Dog Manners
16yrs – Adult Using positive reinforcement methods based on current learning theory and behavior modification techniques, we will teach YOU to teach the dog to respond to your commands of: Come, sit (and Stay) Down (and Stay) and Heel. Instructor, Sarah Ferrell, teaches the skills dogs need to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. Dogs of all ages and sizes are welcome, but the dog must be at least 14 weeks old and have had at least 2 of 4 puppy vaccinations. Participants in all classes must show current veterinary vaccination at first night’s orientation. Positive reinforcement methods only. We will learn to use a clicker. Students learn to use their clicker to show dogs the desired behavior and give immediate rewards. Dogs attend ALL five classes. Students will receive weekly e-mail homework and dog behavior discussions. We will have a festive graduation with prizes and photo opportunities week 5. Email instructor, Sarah Ferrell at to request a supply list and class orientation sheet after you register. Pre-registration is required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Wednesdays, 2:30pm – 3:30pm July 18 - August 22 (No class 8/8) $89/$99 (residents/non-residents)
NEW DOG MANNERS CLASS: Graduate School Dog Manners
16yrs – Adult Graduates of Sarah Ferrell’s ‘Advanced CGC’ class are invited to join her new class, ‘Graduate School Dog Manners’. Class will focus on smooth, reliable loose lead walking, long distance/duration sit and down-stays and speedy response to commands. Dogs and handlers will have fun enhancing attention and teamwork while mastering new exercises not practiced in ‘Basic’, or ‘Advanced CGC.’ Must have instructor’s permission, show AKC CGC certificate and have graduated from Sarah’s ‘Advanced CGC’. Interested students should e mail Wednesdays, 4:00pm-5:00pm July 18 - August 22 (No class 8/8) $89/$99 (residents/non-residents)
Soggy Doggy Swim
Advanced Dog Manners
16yrs – Adult In response to graduates of our Basic classes, we offer advanced skills classes for dogs who want to go a bit further in their good manners mastery. Instructor, Sarah Ferrell, will teach you positive reinforcement techniques for helping your dog master longer sit and down stays; calm, leisurely loose lead walking; and fast, enthusiastic “ Come!” when called. Dogs will learn to do their work, on request, even with distractions like strangers knocking on the door, humans jogging while they concentrate on sit or down, watching their humans even when tantalizing dog fun activity unfolds around them. For the dogs that came to a basic skills class and now want to hone their attention and obedience response vocabulary, this is the class for you. We will work on all ten tasks of the AKC CGC test as part of our school work. Owners working on their AKC Novice work may wish to practice a run-through of the AKC Novice work as their graduation exercise. As in all Dog Manners classes, we will have a festive graduation our last session. Students will receive weekly e-mail homework and dog behavior discussions. Please email instructor, Sarah Ferrell at To request a supply list and class orientation sheet after you register. Pre-registration is required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Wednesdays, 1:00pm – 2:00pm July 18 - August 22 (No class 8/8) $89/$99 (residents/non-residents)
Home Owner Conservation Ideas addressing real-life problems
16yrs – Adult Dealing with problems with ponding or erosion when it rains? Interested in what you can actually do to help keep our rivers from looking like chocolate milk? Slowing down, spreading out, and sinking stormwater can help protect your property and increase its value, provide a free source of water for irrigation, beautify your landscape, keep local streams and rivers clean, conserve costly treated drinking water, promote groundwater recharge - and much more! Come learn about the many potential benefits you can reap from innovative strategies, such as rain gardens, landscaping, and even green roofs, to manage that stormwater. We are partnering with the Tri-County/ City Soil and Water Conservation District to keep homeowners aware of some changes they can make that can have big effects, AND there may be grant money that will help with the cost! Meets at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. The seminar is free, but you must pre-register. Tuesday, May 15, 7:00pm-7:30pm Free, must pre-register by calling 540-372-1086
Friday, September 7, 5:30pm – 8:00pm at Doris E. Buffett Swimming Pool
Registration Available Dorothy Hart starting March 20 and Doris E. Buffet Pool after June 3, 2018 $5.00 for up to two dogs Call 540-372-1086 ext. 217 for more information.
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Special Interest Beginner Mah-Jongg
Adults Find out about this ancient tile game that’s easy to learn and fun to play. Our instructor Kathy Corley will be teaching beginner classes based on the rules from the National Mah-Jongg League. We will provide the supplies for class, but once you learn the game you’re going to want a set of tiles of your own! Tuesdays, 10:00am – 12:00pm May 1, May 15, June 5, June 19 $5 per week (Free if you are a Fredericksburg Senior Citizen member)
Advance Conversational Italian
13yrs – Adult Build on the skills you learned in our previous classes. The instructor teaches an expanded set of skills to those that have acquired a basic knowledge of Italian through completion of conversational Italian I. This is ideal for those who are planning a trip to Italy. Instructor: Lucia Toole. Pre-registration is required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Wednesdays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm, April 18 – May 23 Thursday, 9:00am – 10:00am, April 19 – May 24 $90/$95 (residents/non-residents)
14 yrs and over Peter Mealy, who has literally written the book on how to play the ukulele will introduce students to this versatile instrument. Ukuleles are gaining in popularity because they are simple to play and are easy to carry. By the end of class students will be playing “Jingle Bells” and Happy Birthday.” You don’t need a ukulele to sign up, we will provide one for class use. If you have one, feel free to bring it. Register early, class size is limited. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesday, 7:00pm - 8:00pm May 22 June 26 $18/$18 per date (residents/non-residents)
14 yrs and over This class consists of 4 weeks of instruction with new songs each week. Peter Mealy will use simple songs to teach students about changing chords, different keys, rhythm patterns and more. You will need a ukulele for this class. Folks who take our intro class first will receive $5 off this class registration fee. Register early, class size is limited. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Tuesdays, 7:00pm - 8:00pm May 29 – June 19 July 10 – July 31 $50/$60 (residents/non-residents)
Adult Special Interest
See Jane Play! And get to know your local parks and activities! 18yrs - Adult Come join Director Jane Shelhorse in three fun workshop that will introduce you to some of the department activities and facilities. These programs are stress free, hands on and lots of fun. A chance for adults to try a little something new, and have a lot of fun.
Fun with the Ukulele
Did you know ukuleles are becoming popular again? They’re fun to play, easy to carry and a great way to add a little music to any event. For our class you don’t even need your own ukulele, you can use ours! By the end of this hands on class you will be able to play “Happy Birthday” and Jingle Bells. Join us at the Dorothy Hart Community Center (Bring snacks if you’d like) for an evening of music, friendship and fun. Thursday, May 17, 7:00pm - 8:00pm $18/$18 (residents/non-residents)
Intro to Pickleball
You’ve probably heard the word pickleball but have no idea what it is… After our one night intro class you will know some of the basics of this very popular game, and even play a little bit with other first timers. We will meet at the new pickleball courts at Memorial Park. Bring a water bottle and come dressed to play. We will provide a paddle to use in class and some basic instruction. Thursday, June 14 7:00pm – 8:00pm $15/$15 (residents/non-residents)
Rock Painting Fun
Painted rocks are hidden all over town and rock hunts make great adventures. Here’s your chance to try a little rock painting yourself, using our supplies. We will paint our rocks at the pavilion at Alum Spring Park, so you can bring a rock to paint or we have plenty for you to find in our park. Grab your friends and some snacks, we’ll bring the rest. A great night of laughter, fun and creativity. Thursday, May 28 6:30pm – 7:30pm $6/$6 (residents/non-residents)
Art Journaling: Mixed Media Techniques
16yrs - Adult Beginning, novice and experienced artists will be inspired to design pages for relaxation, exploration, motivation, or documentation using a wide variety of media. During this 2 week course you will experiment with different types of drawing tools, watercolors, acrylics, printmaking, and collage. Bring your own blank, 9 x 12 inch sketchbook - additional materials will be provided. Instructor: Karen Richards Questions?? Email: Pre-registration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Thursdays, 2:00pm - 5:00pm July 12th & 19th $65/$70(residents/non-residents)
Watercolor Discoveries
16yrs - Adult This is a chance for beginning and emerging artists to experiment with different ways to apply watercolors to create beautiful paintings. In addition to abstract designs, subject matters to be explored may include landscapes, architecture, still life, and possibly portraits. The students’ interests will determine the direction of instruction. Each class will end with a critique. A supply list will be given at the first class, but some basic supplies are included in the fee. Register for a single night or the month for a discount. Pre-registration required. Instructor: Karen Richards Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Thursdays - 12:00pm - 3:00pm Session 1 - April 5 , 12, 19, 26 Session 2 - May 3, 10, 24, 31 (no class 5/17) Session 3 - June 7, 14, 21, 28 Session 4 - August 2, 9, 16, 23 4 weeks of classes for $120/140 (residents/non-residents) or individual classes for $35/40 (residents/non-residents) **each session is unique so sign up for one or all
Comic Classes for Adults
18yrs - Adult In this 18+ class students will learn how to get a webcomic up and running. Course will include scripting, funding possibilities, E-Marketing, finding a partner, and how to manage ad campaigns and social media effectively. Instructor: Simon Watts. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center. Mondays, 630pm - 7:30pm April 23 – May 14 May 21 – June 11 $80/$80 (residents/non-residents)
Art Basics
16yrs - Adult Experienced, novice and beginning students will learn (or review) techniques creating art with a variety of media using pencils, pens, charcoal, watercolors, acrylics, printmaking and collage. A suggested supply list will be given out at the first class, but basic materials will be provided. Instructor: Karen Richards. Questions? Email: Preregistration required. Location: Dorothy Hart Community Center Thursdays, 6:00pm – 8:00pm Session 1 - Drawing - April 5 , 12, 19, 26 Session 2 - Painting - May 3, 10, 24, 31 (no class 5/17) Session 3 - Printmaking/mixed media- June 7, 14, 21, 28 Session 4 - Sketchbook Techniques - August 2, 9, 16, 23 4 weeks of classes for $120/140 (residents/non-res) or individual classes for $35/40 (residents/non-residents) **each session is unique so sign up for one or all
Colorful Tiles using Alcohol Ink
18yrs - Adult With the guidance of Jennifer Galvin we will be using alcohol ink to create your own beautiful, colorful tile to take home. You don’t have to be an artist to create a masterpiece; alcohol ink is easy to work with, and looks great when you are finished. A perfect “girls night activity, but men you’re invited too. You bring your snacks and creativity, we provide the materials for the tiles. Even beginners will enjoy this workshop. Meets at the Dorothy hart Community Center. Thursday, 6:30pm-8:00pm May 10 July 26 $20/$20 per date (resident/nonresident) includes supplies
Colorful Tiles for 2
(Adult plus Child 8yrs or older) Our Alcohol ink tiles are so much fun to create, we thought it would be fun for children to try too! Each team(grown-up/child) will make their own tile to take home. This hands on class is fun, and will bring out the hidden artist in everyone. Jennifer Galvin will be sharing her “drip technique” so even beginner artists will have a unique piece that they will be proud to take home. Thursday, July 26, 10:30am-11:30am $20/$20 each adult/child pair (resident/non-resident) includes supplies
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Special Interest Fine Arts Classes: Explorations in Oil
17yrs – Adult This 4 session class will build skills and knowledge in the ways of oil painting. Register at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Held at Frame Designs Gallery and Classroom, 105 Hill Street. Sundays, 3:00pm - 5:00pm May 20, 27, June 3, 10 (4 weeks) $125/$125 per person (residents/non-residents)
Fine Arts Classes: Sketching on Location
17yrs – Adult This 4 week class will meet on location to sketch from life. Bring a sketch pad, pencils, erasers and a drink if you like. Register at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Held at Frame Designs Gallery and Classroom, 105 Hill Street. Saturdays, 1:00pm - 3:00pm May 26, June 2, 9, 16 (4 weeks) $35/$35 per each session or all 4 for $125 (residents/non-res)
Fine Arts Classes: Mat Cutting and Mounting
17yrs – Adult This class will help the DIY artist to mat and mount their own art. Register at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Held at Frame Designs Gallery and Classroom, 105 Hill Street. Saturday, April 21, 3:00pm - 5:00pm $35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
Fine Arts Classes: Fitting Wooden Frames
17yrs – Adult This class will help the DIY artist to fit their art into their wooden frames. Register at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Held at Frame Designs Gallery and Classroom, 105 Hill Street. Saturday, May 5, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Adult Special Interest
Happy Hour Art Classes
18yrs – Adult We call them happy hours because creating makes everybody happy. We want these gatherings to be fun and non-threatening to everybody. These are times to meet new people, enjoy some refreshments, and…You get to make art! You won’t need to worry about supplies or preparing. I’ll do that for you. You just show up with a beverage of your choice and perhaps some party food to share. Pre-registration is required. Held at Frame Designs Gallery and Classroom 105 Hill Street, Fredericksburg VA 22401. Register for these Happy Hour Art Classes at the Dorothy Hart Community Center.
Decoupage Baskets
We will turn ordinary into extraordinary! Monday, April 30, 6:00pm - 8:00pm $35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
Sand Candles
We will play in the sand and then pour melted wax into the shape we made. These fun candles will let you connect with your inner beach bum. Monday, May 14, 6:00pm - 8:00pm $35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
Fun with Paperpulp
This will be a fun, messy project. We will make a bowl or other structure out of wire mess and paper pulp. Monday, June 4, 6:00pm - 8:00pm $35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
Bird Feeders
This environment-friendly project create cute feeders that will be a sweet addition to any garden Monday, July 2, 6:00pm - 8:00pm $35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
Wet Felting
You will use loose wool to create a felted bag. Monday, July 23, 6:00pm - 8:00pm $35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
Colorful Pet Portraits
Do you have a have photo of a favorite pet? Send it to me ahead of time and I’ll put the image on the surface for your painting. You will come away with an 8” x 8” painting of your pet in wild colors. Monday, August 13, 6:00pm - 8:00pm $35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
$35/$35 per person (residents/non-residents)
Fine Arts Classes: Layered Acrylics with Robyn Ryan
17yrs – Adult “I truly enjoy working with physical layers, the dimensionality, seeing through physical layers, hiding things, discovering things, the possibilities are endless. I will share these tips with you!” Register at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Held at Frame Designs Gallery and Classroom, 105 Hill Street. Friday May 18, 9:00am - 4:00pm Saturday May 19, 9:00am - 4:00pm 2 Day workshop: $215/$215 per person (residents/non-res)
Fathom Eastern Caribbean Cruise
Nov. 17-24, 2018 Do you want to make a difference in the world? Do you like to cruise? Did you know you can do both? Come find out about how you can enjoy all the fun of a regular cruise and use your excursions to make a difference. Join Director Jane Shelhorse as she tells you about her Fathom experience (Q&A session not a sales pitch) and the Princess Cruise the department will be offering November 17-24 this year. Cruise leaves from Ft. Lauderdale. Stops include Puerto Rico, Grand Turks and the Dominican Republic. Group meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 8 at 7:00pm.
Johnny’s Thursday Watercolors
18yrs – Adults Advanced Class. Must Have Instructor’s Permission To Register Thurs., 10:00am – 12:00pm $42/$54 (res/non-res)
Call for Photographers! Enter your work in the
2018 Fredericksburg Photography Show Entry deadline June 8, 2018. Entry forms available online at Show dates: June 21-24, 2018 Sponsored by the Fredericksburg Photography Club with support from Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events Department. For more information visit or call (804) 840-2580
National Zoo Trip
4yrs – Adult This is a favorite trip and we are looking forward to a great day! The Zoo is a 163 acre park featuring more than 400 different species of animals. It is great way to spend a day with your family or with friends. Trip leaves and returns to the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Pre-registration is required. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a bag lunch. Trip deadline registration date is May 18, 2018. Saturday, June 2, 8:30am – 5:30pm $35/$35(residents/non-residents) 14yrs and up $30/$30(residents/non-residents) 8yrs – 13yrs $25/$25(residents/non-residents) 4yrs – 7yrs ***Children three and under are free with paying adult
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How to Register Online Most programs are available for online enrollment. Classes with special enrollment or fee requirements not available online and require registration in person, by mail or by fax. Visit > Online Registration
Registration Basics
• No phone registration accepted. • Fees must be paid in full at registration. • $50 fee for returned checks. • FPRE reserves the right to cancel programs for insufficient enrollment. • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express cards accepted. • Debit cards must carry the Visa logo to be accepted. • All programs have a minimum and maximum enrollment.
Please bring your child’s birth certificate the first time they enroll with our department.
ADA American Disabilities Act
Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events invites people with and without disabilities to enjoy our programs, parks, and facilities. Please let us know if you need modifications to enjoy our programs! For more information please call or email us.
Refund Policy
Mail For mail in registrations, please complete and sign the registration form on page 31. Credit card or check payments only. Mail-in registrations are handled as they come in. Mail registration form and payment to: Fredericksburg Parks and Recreation 408 Canal St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Fax Fax completed registration form to 540-372-3475. Credit card or account payments only. Registration cannot be processed without payment information and signature.
In Person Registrations are taken in person at the Dorothy Hart Community Center at 408 Canal Street. Cash, check or credit card payments accepted. Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 8:00pm Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm
• Individuals wishing to withdraw and/or requesting a refund must do so by contacting the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events Department by phone, fax, mail or in person. • Individuals must follow up their verbal cancellation request with a written refund request and submit it to FPRE prior to cancellation deadlines. • It is the participant’s responsibility to verify receipt of refund requests. • A 10% administrative fee will be charged on all refund requests for cancellations received less than 2 weeks before program start date, unless otherwise specified. • There will be no refunds given to those who withdraw after program start date. • Refunds will require 4 weeks for processing unless paid by credit card. Credit card refunds will take 5 business days to process. • If the department cancels a program or trip, the money will be refunded. • Classes: Students must cancel 24 hours before the 1st class to be eligible for refund. No refunds will be given after the first class. • Trips: Registrants who cancel on or before the posted cancellation date shall receive a full refund. After that date, money will be refunded ONLY if the slot is filled by another participant. • Sports: No refunds will be made after the 1st game. • Camps: Cancellation requests less than two weeks (14 days) before camp start date are eligible for a 50% refund. And there are no refunds on cancellations less than 7 days before program start date. • No refunds on Kings Dominion Tickets. • Changes to these policies will be posted online and at the Community Center.
Waiting List
A wait list will be created when a program has reached its maximum participant capacity. All in-person and mail-in registrants will be put on the waiting list unless otherwise requested. If a space becomes available and a person’s waiting list status changes, you will be contacted by the department. Waiting lists do not roll over from previous, different sessions.
Please plan to register for activities/programs as early as possible. Many activities fill up very quickly. Sign up for our monthly newsletter, NewsFlash and Fred Alerts to keep informed of what’s happening with Parks and Recreation! Call 540-372-1086 or email to request details today.
Registration Information
Please print, fill out completely, sign and mail or fax it to: Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events, 408 Canal St., Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Fax: (540) 372-3475
Household Information: Adult’s First Name _______________________________ Adult’s Last Name __________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City / State ______________________________________________
Zip ___________________________
Home Phone _______________________________ Work Phone / Cell Phone _________________________ E-mail ________________________________________
Registration Information: Participants Name
I need a modification because of disability: YES
Payment Information:
Please check one of the following:
Activity Name
Check (make payable to “City of Fredericksburg”)
Cash (walk-in only)
Credit Card (Visa, M/C, Discover, Amex)
Credit Card Number: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: Mo. __________ Yr. ___________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Liability Release:
I understand the nature and scope of the activity listed above. I understand that there are risks and dangers associated with the activity. I understand that it is not the function of the City of Fredericksburg, its employees, agents, operators, or instructors to guarantee the safety of participants with respect to this activity. I also understand that each participant has the responsibility to exercise with due care in the performance of the activity for the safety of him/herself and the other participants. In consideration of my/the participant’s being permitted to enroll in this activity, I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fredericksburg, its employees, agents, operators, and instructors from any and all claims, demands, costs, charges, and expenses for harm, injury, damage or loss which may be sustained by me/the participant as a result of or relating to participation in this activity. Photo Permission by Parent, Legal Guardian or Legal Custodian: I give the City of Fredericksburg, its officials and employees, permission to photograph or videotape the above named participant, who is a juvenile, during his or her participation in the Recreation Program. I understand and agree that the participant’s picture and any materials he or she has produced during the program may be placed on the City’s website or within other materials publicizing the City’s Recreation Programs. I also give permission for the participant, his or her picture, to appear in the newspaper, social media, or on television as a participant in the Recreation Program.
In witness whereof, I have executed this Liability Release and Photo Permission as my own free act on the _______ day of ___________, 2018
Participant Parent, Legal Guardian, or Legal Custodian, if participant is under 18 years of age Signature: ________________________________________________________
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Pa r k s i n f o r m at i o n o n l i n e : w w w. f r e d e r i c k s b u r g va .g o v / pa r k s m a p
Alum Spring Park
Located at the end of Greenbrier Drive. Discover this hidden treasure within our city limits! This wooded park is equipped with a renovated picnic shelter, picnic tables, restrooms, grills, play equipment, and walking paths. Alum Spring Park hours vary by season. Summer Hours: April 1 - October 31 7am - 7pm daily Winter Hours: Nov 1 - March 31 10am - 5pm daily For more information on renting the shelter, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086.
Canal Path
This pathway is 1.8 miles long and winds along the canal from Fall Hill Avenue to Princess Anne Street. Great for walkers and bike riders of all ages. Open all day, yeararound.
City Dock
Located at 207 Sophia Street at the end of the street. This historic dock dates back to George Washington’s day. Public fishing permitted. Open all day, year round.
Doris E. Buffett Swimming Pool
Located at 1300 Dixon Street (near Rt. 2 & 17 across from Mayfield subdivision). The Outdoor Swimming Pool has a great slide, fun water features for the little ones and a zero-depth entry area for easy access. Open Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Dorothy Hart Community Center
Located at 408 Canal St. The community center is home to many of our classes and programs offered as well as the administrative offices. This facility features three meeting rooms and auditorium. FRED bus also stops at the corner of Canal St & Charles St for easy access. Open Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 8:30pm and Fridays 8:30am - 4:30pm. For more information on renting the community center, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540372-1086.
Fredericksburg Dog Park
Located at 1601 Kenmore Avenue (near Mary Ball St.). This fenced in area available to City residents and their dogs only, is self monitored by its users. City residents who wish to use this facility need to have City dog tags for their pets, which are available at City Hall. Open daily from dawn to dusk.
Hurkamp Park
Located at 500 William Street at the corner of William St & Prince Edward St. or George St. & Prince Edward St. A historic downtown park with a fountain, brick sidewalks, benches and plenty of space for a picnic. Also home to our Fredericksburg Farmers Market that is open year-around. Park is open daily 5am - 10pm. For more information on renting the park, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086.
Cobblestone Park
Located at the intersection of Willis Street and Cobblestone Blvd., this ten acre, wooded park features a one mile looped trail and views of Hazel Run. The park is open year round from 5 am to 10 pm daily.
Cossey Botanical Park
Located at Littlepage St & Grove Ave. The Cossey Botanical Park is a neighborhood park that features winding trails, a small fishing pond, open space, a community garden and botanical garden used for educational sessions sponsored by the Virginia Cooperative Extension service. Open 5am – 10pm, year-around.
Dixon Park
Located at 1300 Dixon Street (near Rt. 2 & 17 across from Mayfield subdivision). This outdoor facility is 46 acres and features athletic fields, outdoor swimming pool, playground equipment, 1.5 miles of trails, restrooms, and nature preserve areas. Dixon Park is located on Rt. 2 & 17 across from Mayfield subdivision. Summer Hours: April 1 - October 31, 9am-8pm daily. Winter Hours: Nov 1 - March 31, 10am-5pm daily. For more information on renting the park, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086.
Maury Playground
Located at the intersection of William St. and Kenmore Ave. This open play area features a basketball court lit from dusk - 10 pm, year around and playground equipment. The park is open 5am - 10pm Daily.
Memorial Park
Located at 1301 Kenmore Avenue, at the corner of Kenmore Ave. and Mary Ball St. This park is equipped with 6 newly resurfaced tennis courts that are lit from dusk - 10 pm, year around. The park also features a 5 new pickleball courts, open play area, children’s play equipment, and a toddler play area. Park hours: 5am - 10pm daily.
Motts Run Reservoir Recreation Area
Located at 6600 River Rd. This 860-acre natural area including the 160-acre reservoir, is a haven for fishing, boating, canoeing, hiking, and picnicking. The park has jon boats and canoes available for rental, picnic grills and tables, and over 4 miles of hiking trails. You may bring your own boat (ELECTRIC MOTORS ONLY) to launch on the lake, or fish from the banks. Handicap fishing pier available. Fee charged for fishing and boat launching area. Valid fishing license required. Bait available for purchase. No swimming, horseback riding, or all-terrain vehicles permitted. New mountain bike trails open. Summer Hours: April 1 - October 31 7am - 7pm Thurs - Mon. (weather & water conditions permitting). Winter Hours: Nov 1 - March 31 Closed. For more information on renting the park, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086.
Motts Run Nature Center
Located at 6600 River Road. Manned by volunteers, the log cabin is open Noon - 5pm Saturdays and Sundays, April through October. Nature programs held in the center are available at other times during the year. For more information or to volunteer, call 372-1086, ext. 213. Park open April 1 - October 31, 7am - 7pm Thurs - Mon. Closed Nov 1 - March 31.
Powhatan Park
Located at 1521 Powhatan St, at the intersection of Cowan Blvd and Powhatan St. A little less than an acre, this park has a playground, benches & open space. Open 5am to 10pm daily.
Old Mill Park
Located at 2410 Caroline St. Our most popular park, Old Mill features soccer fields, picnic shelters, a playground, restrooms and river front views. Summer Hours: April 1 - October 31 8am-8pm Daily. Winter Hours: Nov 1 – March 31 10am-5pm daily. Old Mill is a perfect rental location for your next event! For more information on renting the park or a shelter, call the Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086.
Rappahannock River Heritage Trail
A 1.6 mile asphalt stretch that connects the two parts of the Canal Path making a 3.4 mile loop, just about right for a 5K race. The trail, which is 10 feet wide, begins near the intersection of Princess Anne and Ford streets at one end of the Rappahannock Canal. Beautiful views of the Rappahannock River, Old Mill Park and several historic mills are seen throughout the trail. The river overlook along Riverside Drive should not be missed. Open all day, year round.
Riverfront Park
Located at 713 Sophia Street on the beautiful Rappahannock River, in the 500-700 blocks of Sophia St. The park is available for events and festivals. Renovations are ongoing. Open daily 5am - 10pm. For more information on renting the park, call Parks, Recreation & Events office 540-372-1086.
Snowden Park
Located on Fall Hill Avenue has been re-opened. The park features new Basketball Courts, playground equipment and a baseball field. Open daily 5am - 10pm.
Virginia Central Railway Trail
This 2.7 mile trail for pedestrians, bicyclists and runners extends from the eastern end of the Cobblestone development off Lafayette Boulevard out Lafayette Boulevard, across the Blue & Gray Parkway, then down Alum Spring Road and behind Alum Spring Park to the Route 1 Bypass. Scenic views of Hazel Run and the historic Virginia Central Railway trail bed are visible throughout the trail. Open all day, year round.
W. L. Harris Playground
Located in the community of Mayfield, this park has a covered shelter, playground equipment, and a basketball court lit from dusk to 10pm. Park is open daily 6am - 10pm.
Old Walker-Grant School
Located at 200 Gunnery Road. The facility has open playing fields, basketball court lit from dusk - 10 pm year around & a children’s play area. Park is open dusk to dawn daily.
Pa r k s i n f o r m at i o n o n l i n e : w w w. f r e d e r i c k s b u r g va .g o v / pa r k s m a p
Alum Spring Park Canal Path City Dock Cobblestone Park Cossey Botanical Garden Dixon Park Dorothy Hart Community Center Fredericksburg Dog Park Hurkamp Park Maury Playground Memorial/Kenmore Park Motts Run Nature Center/Reservoir Powhatan Park Old Mill Park Old Walker-Grant School Rappahannock River Heritage Trail Riverfront Park Snowden Park Virginia Central Railway Trail W. L. Harris Playground
Basketball Courts
Restrooms / Porta Johns
BBQ Grill
Horseshoe Pits
Benches/ Seating Area
Tennis Courts
Boat Launch
Picnic Area
Covered Shelter
Playground Equipment
To inquire about park rentals please call 540-372-1086 or visit > Parks
The Fredericksburg Arts Commission launched the City of Fredericksburg’s Public Sculpture Program in the fall of 2016. Now in its second year, the City has successfully issued a call for artists and selected 6 new sculptures for roadside display. These sculptures are designed to enhance gateway areas of the City and are displayed at key locations for both vehicle and pedestrian visibility. These artworks provide an unexpected and unique opportunity to view art in our city. These sculptures will be rotated every year and are on “loan” from the 6 artists. Interested in purchasing one of these pieces? Contact Look for these pieces on display at Fall Hill Avenue & Village, Route 1 & Princess Anne, Dixon Park, Train Station, Wolfe Street Triangle and Old Mill Park.
Incendiary, Luke Achterberg Fall Hill Ave. & Village Ln.
CYRO, Steve Bickley Princess Anne & Route 1 Bridge
Made possible by the Fredericksburg Arts Commission, Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority, Fredericksburg Public Works and Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events.
VISIT ALL 6 SCULPTURES TODAY! #FREDARTS Cube in Motion, Hanna Jubran Old Mill Park/Heritage Trail
Vajramantrabhiru, Matthew Mosher Frederick St. & Caroline St.
Rings, Adam C. Walls Wolfe St & Kenmore Ave. Triangle
Ice Pops, Craig Gray Dixon Park Swimming Pool
Events Happening in the City APRIL 21
★ Earth Day at Old Mill Park. For info: ★ Farmers Market Season Opening at Hurkamp Park. For info:
APRIL 28 ★ Cub Scout Pack 46 Spring Festival at Riverfront Park. For info:
APRIL 29 ★ Moss Free Clinic 5K at Lloyd F Moss Free Clinic. For info:
★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info:
MAY 4 ★ Mother Son Dance at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. For info:
MAY 15 ★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info:
MAY 18 & 19 ★ Marine Corps Historic Half Healthy Lifestyle Expo at Fredericksburg Expo and Conference Center. For info:
MAY 19 ★ Art in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info: ★ Montgomery Gentry at Celebrate Virginia After Hours. For info:
MAY 20 ★ Marine Corps Historic Half, Semper 5ive and Devil Dog Double at Fredericksburg Expo and Conference Center and downtown. For info:
MAY 22
★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info:
MAY 26 ★ Revival on the River at Old Mill Park. For info: ★ Spring Glowstick 5K and 10K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. For info:
★ Art in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info: ★ Jacey’s Walk 5K and 10K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. For info: ★ Race to the Top at Sunken Well Tavern. For info: ★ Walk for Mental Wellness at Maury Park. For info: ★ Sickle Cell Walk-a-thon at Arm of Lords Ministries. For info: ★ FAM Cinco de Mayo at Market Square. For info:
MAY 28
★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents ★ Kane Brown at Celebrate Virginia After Hours. For info:
★ Great Train Race, Caboose Run and George Dashington Half Mile in Downtown Fredericksburg.For ★ Walk MS Fredericksburg at James Monroe High School. For info: VARWalkEvents
MAY 8 ★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info:
MAY 12 ★ Mother’s Day 5K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail/Canal Path. For info:
MAY 13 ★ Mother’s Day 5K & 10K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. For info:
★ Civitan 5K & 10K at Downtown Fredericksburg. For info: ★ Memorial Day Procession at Riverfront Park to the Fredericksburg Battlefield Visitor Center. ★ Memorial Day Ceremony at Fredericksburg Area War Memorial
HOSTING AN EVENT IN THE CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG? Any organized event of 20 or more persons upon any city street or public sidewalk within the City must submit a special event application. Events that are open to the public, have an attendance of over 100 people and are held within a city park will require a special event application along with a Park Rental Form. Apply online: > Plan Your Event We are here to help with your event application. Contact: Kim Herbert, Special Event Coordinator (540) 372-1086 ext. 307
Listings may be subject to change, please contact each event directly for information.
#fxbgEvents JUNE 2
★ 61st Annual Antique Automobile Show at Downtown Fredericksburg. For info: ★ Rock the River at Old Mill Park. For info:
★ Unity Festival at Original Walker Grant ★ Travis Tritt at Celebrate Virginia After Hours. For info: ★ Fredericksburg Photo Show at Dorothy Hart Community Center. For info:
JUNE 3 ★ Semper Fi 5K & 10K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. For info: ★ Kids Fishing Derby at Motts Run Reservoir. For info:
JUNE 5 ★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info:
JUNE 26 ★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. Info:
JUNE 29 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
JUNE 8 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
JUNE 9 ★ Sophia Street Pottery Throwdown at 1100 block of Sophia Street. For info: ★ Yoga in the Park at Maury Park. For info:
JUNE 12 ★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info:
JUNE 13 ★ Summer Concert in Hukamp Park. For info:
★ Fredericksburg Heritage Festival at Downtown Fredericksburg. For info:
JULY 6 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
JULY 13 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents ★ Granger Smith at Celebrate Virginia After Hours. For info:
★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
JUNE 16 ★ Father’s Day 5K & 10K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. For info: ★ Yoga is for Everyone at Kenmore Park and Yoga Foundation of Fredericksburg. For info:
JUNE 17 ★ Battling Cancer 5K Walk/ Run and Youth 1 mile Run to Remember at MWHC Health Center. Info:
JUNE 19 ★ Picnic in the Park at Hurkamp Park. For info:
★ Strength in Sisters 5K and Half Marathon at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail / Canal Path. For info: ★ Ted Nugent at Celebrate Virginia After Hours. For info:
JULY 20 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
JULY 21 ★ Brett Eldredge at Celebrate Virginia After Hours Concert venue For info:
JULY 27- AUG 5 ★ Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds. For info:
★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
Find more regional events at
#fxbgEvents JULY 27 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
JULY 28 ★ EOD Warriors 5K and 10K at Heritage Trail. For info: www.
★ Beach Boys at Celebrate Virginia After Hours. For info:\
AUGUST 3 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
AUGUST 10 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
AUGUST 11 ★ Tracy Lawrence and Joe Diffie at Celebrate Virginia After Hours. For info:
AUGUST 12 ★ Battle on the Ridge at Quarry Trails. For info: newfredevents.
AUGUST 15 ★ Summer Concert in Hukamp Park. For info:
AUGUST 17 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
AUGUST 24 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
AUGUST 26 ★ Summer Dash 5K & 10K at Old Mill Park and Heritage Trail. For info:
AUGUST 30 ★ Armed Forces Concert Series featuring the Navy Commodores at Market Square. For info:
AUGUST 31 ★ Sounds of Summer at Market Square. For info: famevents
Summer Concerts in Hurkamp Park
Wednesday, June 13 at 7:00pm (raindate 6/27)
Wednesday, August 15 at 7:00pm Tuesdays in Hurkamp Park in May, June and September 11:30am - 1:30pm Free and open to the public May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26
Wil Gravatt & James Byram Scott Kurt Laurie Rose Griffith & Peter Mealy Kyle Davis Karen Jonas Dave & Zack Guy Gerry Maddox Becky Y Slam
(raindate 8/22)
At Hurkamp Park. Free admission, public invited. Sponsored by the Fredericksburg Community Concert Band and Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events. For more information call 540-372-1086 or
Music By Moonlight Concert featuring Fredericksburg Big Band Saturday, September 8, 2018 7:00pm - 9:00pm Hurkamp Park Free admission, public invited.
Benefitting The Salvation Army’s Camp Happyland
Live music and children’s activities. Bring a picnic lunch or buy one from our park vendors while you enjoy the sunshine with your children, friends and co-workers! Brought to you by B101.5, Fredericksburg Parent and Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events.
Concert is free! Enjoy an evening of music and family fun. Come early and bring your lawn chairs, blanket or reserve a table for four or eight (tables include a basket filled with goodies and sparkling apple cider) and bid at the Silent Auction. Donations accepted to send local children to a week of camp at the Salvation Army’s Camp Happyland. Food vendors and baked goods from the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary will be available. Sponsored by the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary and the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events Department. There is no rain date. Event info: Debbie Bliss 540-273-0971 or Lee Moyer 703-314-7744
Questions? Call 540-372-1086 ext. 307
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@ F red P arks R ec
www. F red P arks R
2018 Fredericksburg Photography Show June 21 - 24, 2018
at the Dorothy Hart Community Center Free admission to come view the show: Thursday, June 21: 4:00pm - 8:30pm Friday, June 22: 4:00pm - 8:30pm Saturday, June 23: 10:00am - 5:00pm Sunday, June 24: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Entry deadline June 8, 2018.
Farm Fresh Produce, Meats, Baked Goods, Cheeses, Honey and more all local, all fresh!
Hurkamp Park
Prince Edward & George Street 7:00am - 2:00pm, Monday through Saturday Spring Season opens April 21, 2018
Corner of Tyler and Dixon Street in Dixon Park, 3:30pm - 6:30pm, Thursdays May through September 2018
Kids’ Market - June 2 Farmers Market Week Celebration - August 4 Community Day - September 1 Harvest Festival - October 6 Mistletoe Market - December 1 Art in the Park - 1st & 3rd Saturdays, May - October For information call (540) 372-1086 or email
Sponsored by the Fredericksburg Photography Club with support from Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events Department. For more information visit or call (804) 840-2580
2018 Art in the Park
at the Fredericksburg Farmers Market
Saturdays at Hurkamp Park
Browse and shop local artists and crafters on display the first and third Saturdays at the Farmers Market. Free admission.
May 5 & 19 June 2 & 16 July 7 & 21 August 4 & 18 September 1 & 15 October 6 & 20
Call for Artists: Now accepting artists and craftsman for our 2018 season.
For info: (540) 372-2086 •
Get into the green routine! At Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events, our goal is the ultimate eco-choice. We are going green to the core because we’re passionate about saving, reducing, recycling at our events!
Please use the recycling bins at our events, take advantage of our solo and community activities, and get outside into one of our beautiful parks and trails. Join us this summer and learn how YOU can get into the green routine too!
Mother & Son Dance Friday, May 4 at 6:30 - 8:30 pm Dorothy Hart Community Center Boys ages 4 - 12 yrs Pre-registration: $12 per couple ($6 ea. add’l son) At the Door: $15 per couple ($8 ea. add’l son) Join us for our annual Mother & Son Dance as a fun way to appreciate the most special women in our lives. Boys 4-12 years old are invited to take their moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters or beloved friends on a special Mother’s Day date! Sorry no dads allowed. Attire is everything from dress casual to fancy.
For info: 540-372-1086 or
KIDS’ FISHING DERBY at Motts Run Reservoir
Saturday, June 2, 2018 (Raindate: June 3rd) 7:30-10am - Registration on site 8:30-11am - Tournament 11am-12:15pm Weigh-In & Awards FREE! Ages 4-16 years Fishing, boat rental, games, prizes, vendors, hiking, picnicking…fun for the entire family! (VA Game Dept. ‘Free Fishing Weekend’ – no license required!) VOLUNTEERS & SPONSORS NEEDED! For information, call Linda Bailey at 372-1086 x213 Sponsored by Fredericksburg Parks & Recreation and the Weekend Bassers.
Night Catfishing at Motts Reservoir
Kings Dominion Tickets
Do you need spur of the moment tickets and don’t want the hassle of online ticket sales? Avoid the lines and buy your tickets in person during regular business hours at the Dorothy Hart Community Center, 408 Canal Street, while supplies last.
GOOD ANY DAY - $44 each
Valid any 2018 park operating day EXCEPT park rental days
*VRPS SUPER SAVER - $42 each
Friday, May 18 Friday, June 8 Friday, June 22 Friday, July 13 Friday, July 27 Friday, August 10 Friday, August 24 Friday, September 14 7:00pm – 1:00am each night at Motts Run Reservoir, 6600 River Road Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Advanced prices: $3 child, $5 Adults Day of prices: $5 child, $8 Adults
Valid on the flowing dates EXCEPT park rental days: • Saturday, March 24—Sunday, May 20 • Friday, July 6—Tuesday, July 31 • Saturday, September 22—Sunday, October 28
Come hook your bait and cast your line to catch catfish in the Reservoir. Private boats will be allowed on the water only if they meet proper VDGIF standards for night fishing but all boats must be off the water by 12:30am.
All tickets are for ages 3 and up. Tickets do not include parking. No refunds on these tickets sales. Cash or credit cards only for these ticket purchases. Please call the Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events office for more information, 540-372-1086 ext. 0.
Grills and picnic tables available all over the park no need to bring your own. Please clean up after yourself and remember to NOT place flammable products in the trash. Questions? Call Motts Reservoir (540) 786-8989
Soggy Doggy Swim Friday, September 7, 5:30pm – 8:00pm at Doris E. Buffett Swimming Pool
Registration Available Dorothy Hart starting March 20 and Doris E. Buffet Pool after June 3, 2018. $5.00 for up to two dogs Call 540-372-1086 ext. 217 for more information.
Join us!
@ F red P arks R ec
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Upcoming Events this summer YOGA IN THE PARK
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Maury Park / Downtown Fredericksburg o 8:00 AM Registration/Check-In o 8:30 – 8:55 AM Meditation o 9:00 – 10:00 AM Community Yoga Open to all ages and skill levels. Bring your family, friends, a mat (or towel) and water bottle. $10 Registration fee. Yoga T-Shirts and Tank Tops $20 – must order online by May 21. To register or order tanks/shirts: Mental Health America of Fredericksburg seeks to create an awareness of mental health and well-being through the practice of yoga and to promote peace and harmony in the world. Bringing Fredericksburg’s best teachers to our region’s largest and most fun yoga event, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors:
Doris E. Buffett Swimming Pool Opens Memorial Day Weekend 2018 Swimming Pool Hours:
Weekends from May 26 -September 3: 11:30am - 7:00pm Weekdays from May 28 - June 15: 4:00pm – 7:00pm After June 15 Weekdays & Weekends: 11:30am – 7:00pm
Doris E. Buffett Pool is located in Dixon Park, 1300 Dixon Street, Fredericksburg, Va (540) 372-1086 - Parks & Recreation Office (540) 310-0665 - Pool Phone (during pool hours) Email:
o Online registration: o Donations for MHAFVA are warmly accepted o For more information call mhafva at: 540.371.2704 or email
Fredericksburg Agricultural Fairgrounds Upcoming Events:
April 14 - Fredericksburg Brew Fest April 28 - Rappahannock Rotary Beach Festival May 5 - Stafford Ruritan Club Tractor Pull May 11 - 13 - BBQ Jamboree August 25 – Cigar, Bourbon & Beer Festival
July 27 - August 5 Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair
Join the fun at the oldest fair in the United States! Ten days of celebrating traditional fair events, contests, entertainment, food and fun for the whole family!
For more information (540) 373-1294 or
A Day Full of Festivities!
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Downtown Fredericksburg,Virginia ★ Children’s
Parade ★ ★ Festival of the Streets ★ Heritage Festival 5 Mile Run ★ ★ Fireworks Display ★ and more!
For information: > Upcoming Events
Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation & Events