Next up zine

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This zine is a collection of our fondest memories, greatest learnings, best tools, spirited art, and anything that caught our collective attention over the last 7 months in the NextUp leadership program. Although, the following contents are a reflection of our time in the program, they do not necessaily reflect the views of the NextUp program itself or our funders. The Next Up 2014-15 cohort would like to thank all of our presenters, advisory committee members, the donors and funders who make the program possible including Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, Saskatchewan Union of Nurses, Saskatchewan Government and General Employees Union, CUPE Saskatchewan and countless individual donors, The Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre and Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op for providing us with space, and the community that supports us to learn and grow together in leadership and progressive skills. With Love, NextUp Cohort 5 2014-2015

NextUp Cohort, 2014-2015 Statement of Group Norms We are a group of human beings who meet to grow together in leadership and progressive skills. When we meet, we acknowledge the land we inhabit, the First Peoples here, and the mutual agreement between Indigenous and Settler communities to share the land and co-exist here, on Treaty 6 Territory. When we meet, we acknowledge that gender identity is fluid and not binary. We do not necessarily identify with the gender society assigned to us. As such, when introducing ourselves we include our preferred pronouns (they/them, she/her, he/him) so that everyone can be addressed appropriately in a way that resonates with them. When we meet, we acknowledge that all of us are on our own journeys towards leadership. We have a diversity of skills and backgrounds. If a term or discussion comes up that may be specific to one person’s background, but not another, we make room for clarification so that the conversation does not become exclusive. Above all, we agree to collaborate with each other and our guests to learn and grow. We acknowledge that everyone has a different learning style and that we are all imperfect. Individually we strive to fulfill these norms, but as a group we respect that everyone slips up, and that small mistakes do not lessen our commitment to social and environmental justice.

In the first couple of years of Next Up Saskatchewan, we did an exercise at our orientation session in which people wrote their own best attributes into a giant body outline. We like to keep things fresh, so we haven’t done that activity for a couple of years. In the body on the next page is a representation of what I think it might have looked like if we had done it this year, based on the individual leadership qualities I see in Amanda, Amber, Beth, Carolyn, Chelle, Daniel, Denae P., Denae S., Fred, JD, Jessie, Katlyn, Lauren, Maya, Moose and Stephen. None of us has all of these qualities. When we combine all of our strengths, we are much greater and can do much more than we can alone. We have found that to be true this year when, together. we used all of our skills to organize events, have discussions, or support one another through challenging times. As great as our collective strength is, as you can see in the body image, there are things we lack still. We are ready to add our strengths to the larger body or circle of people that is our community. What do you add to our collective body? Together we are stronger, so let us combine our skills and organize together for a better world.

“Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one, but the union makes us strong.” Solidarity Forever, by Ralph Chaplin, 1915

The Strength of the Collective by Tracey Mitchell

NextUp 2014-2015

Don't just consider who might support or oppose your ideas, think about the people who will be neutral and how you might win them over to your side.

Leadership is the ability to support and inspire others to achieve a common purpose. In order to do this, you must learn to listen. !

Listening, serving and supporting others. !

Leadership in Practice Healthy relationships

are a key component

within effective

social movements

To be inclusive and make sure people with lived experience are included in decision making.

Empower and encourage others by letting them be the experts: through listening, first voice & humility.

Leadership is not about you. If you're only thinking about what you want and how you think it should be done - you're doing it wrong.

Treating one another with respect, love, and patience to process through the difficulties is essential. !

We're all doing the best we can with what we have.

“We are so convinced today that you can only cooperate with people who are like you, that we’ve lost this other dimension, which the skill of getting along with people who are different and working with them.” - Richard Sennett

Moose Patterson

Denae Pellerin

A letter from the fermentation-obsessed

What does the phrase “small mistakes don’t lessen our commitment to social and environmental justice” mean to you?


Being human means being fallible, and

messing up at some point is inevitable,

especially when you’re trying to engage in meaningful conversations.

What matters is how you handle things afterwards, and that those meaningful conversations aren’t shut down by a fear of being less than perfect.

It’s sometimes easier to be snarky or self-righteous than it is to empathize with someone who has made a mistake, but easy and right aren’t the same thing.

K L People are more than the stupidest thing they’ve done. Stephen Rutherford

Amanda Hawkins

Fred Reibin

WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? A: Working on a municipal campaign that seeks to create space and discussion about how what an innovative, progressive, inspiring Saskatoon would look like. A: Improving sustainable transportation options in Saskatoon. A: I am really looking forward to helping out in any way that I can at the Treaty 6 Justice Collective. The creative genius and the community space is exactly the kind of community engagement I am interested in investing in.

A: A renewable energy campaign for Saskatchewan. A: I am looking forward to exploring & expanding the services to LGBTQ communities in the Catholic Church & ensuring that Short Term Missions are more ethical and beneficial for local foreign communities. A: I've started to make connections with groups for urban bee-keeping and hope to build a deeper network for community supported urban agriculture in the city.

Q: What are you looking forward to working on in the upcoming year? A: The reopening of Turning The Tide! A: I'm looking forward to taking all that I have learned and bringing it into my Union and my workplace, as well as knowing that I have an amazing, diverse group of friends an allies in this cohort to work with on their projects, and mine. A: I'm really excited to do some work around public spaces and re-claiming the commons. A: I am most excited about working with my community towards a stronger urban agriculture presence in Saskatoon. I feel that I now have the tools and skills to work with a variety of groups and people towards this goal.

A: I am looking forward to more capacity-building work and outreach within Bus Riders of Saskatoon to ensure that frequent users of transit, often some of the most marginalized people in our city, feel welcome and included. A: Connecting and learning from others. A: I am looking forward to continuing my work with anti-racist, anti-oppressive education. A: In the next year I will be working with local trans* activists to call for amendments to the Vital Statistics Act so that gender diverse folks have fewer obstacles to get their gender marker changed on birth certificates.

The following is a found poem made up exclusively of communication between members of the Next Up 2014/15 cohort. Shayna Stock collected snippets of conversations from the cohort’s facebook group and emails, and shaped their words into this piece. The only word she added in the whole poem is “preface.”

“Who would have thought that tears would become our common language?”: NU 2014/2015 theme song Preface:

We are a group of human beings on our own journeys towards leadership on Treaty 6 Territory we meet make room collaborate learn grow and we are all imperfect

(ii) Good morning all you wonderful human beings

(i) some of us REALLY like eggplant “To be human is to create sufficient order so that we can move on into insecurity and seeming disorder. In this way, we discover the new.” Type 5 I am a 1 an 8! type 6 Type 9, apparently 2, but with 3 as my “wing” I love fundraising I think I broke the test! we have people who are allergic to: Gluten Raw Onions people who are: Vegetarian (milk/eggs allowed) Is anyone allergic to cats or dogs? I made a doodle poll please fill it out now!

Hey team! hey folks! Hey guys! Hey lovelies. Hii Wonderful peeps. Hey hey my jungle friends! Hey everyone! happy Today-Day happy Birthday Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day! my super awesome fun plan of going to pacific billiards fell through That’s OK though... you lovely people are all invited to a next up valentines brunch date at my place join us for some socializing and relaxing snacks and drinks coffee, tea, pancakes, crepes, some fruit and (possibly) mimosas I need everyone to show up ready for amazing discussions ready to applaud wildly I mean Oprah levels of applause here Woop! Woop! I AM SO EXCITED it is definitely kid friendly!!! See you soon for breakfast

(iii) show and tell Many paths to change: stepping out of our respective comfort zones, exploring new ideas empowerment and life giving practices opportunity, or dare I say ‘privilege’ Apathy into Action Poverty Costs Naomi Klein Lobbying for Change Framework & Messaging This Changes Everything important questions this is totally my shnig Is anyone up for I’m hoping to go to this film I’m planning on going to this Is anyone attending the Anti-Oppression training? Here’s a neat accessibility project Here’s a video from the author of “Quiet” Here’s a quote that keeps coming to mind Here’s the link to the CBC The Current podcast on depression This article this program on dnto about environmental justice this video illustrates how story and data can work together I found this to be a powerful message Fantastic documentary A good example of change inside-the-political-system help me understand I’d love to chat more about this! chat and process its “big-ness” has been intimidating me!!! we can work on that as a group! the heaviness of the issues is relieved knowing that so many people are talking

(iv) knocking it out of the park remember when we had all just met each other and saw david suzuki? I just woke up from a dream fermenting cabbage and pineapple a big soccer match a birthday nightmare it was our first session after the holidays the David Suzuki team had matching track suits little fruit friends training until late at night came and tickled me in my sleep Then David Suzuki gave us an immersive virtual fly-over tour of the rocky mountains! It was wack! whoa....

(v) All of you are so, so awesome. Kudos to you Thanks dears Thanks for hosting Thanks for being so rad Thanks so much for organizing Thank you for making this a thing Thanks for helping me look for my phone thanks for letting me have my daughter come Thank you so much for your laughs & comforting words That gluten free chocolate cake was great! you all make my days more awesome you truly became like a family I really appreciate your love makes my heart grin! All of the feels! Grins! I am so looking forward to the next chapters with you!

How Next Up’s Human Library Brought My Story to the World The Next Up Saskatchewan Human library in January 2015 was an amazing and transforming experience. Being accepted into the library as a book was the first time I have been seen as a female activist and a woman that is creating positive change. It was empowering to share my story and tell how I was a reluctant advocate and activist. I once preferred to wait for change but eventually found the needs of myself and others in my community too great, so I started to write letters, educate myself and contact politicians that have the power to make the changes I am requesting. The human library was just the platform that I needed at the time. It was a warm inviting space filled with young minds eager to listen and learn of human stories and struggles, enthused to become involved and be the change they seek and now know is possible, after hearing the stories of the books present. I went in hopes that my story would inspire even one person to do more. I left transformed, the person most inspired from that evening was me. I am still committed to my work trying to change law and support in health care and the public for transgender persons in our great province, but now I am using my story to create that change. I left that night with the realization that if you truly wish for change you cannot start or end at the top. Instead of just trying to inform those in power of the need for change, I am now using my story and the voice I found at Next Up to go out and share knowledge with everyone that will listen. I now know that change - real change - is an informed and

just society that understands the human struggle and story of people that fall through the cracks and do not find the support that is their human right. I am currently building on the energy of those involved in Next Up to Speak to education students from the U of R, 2nd and 3rd year Medicine students, and even the Regina Catholic School Board of Trustees. By sharing my story I believe I can help change the lives of Transgender, LGBTQ and all Youth in Saskatchewan by providing an inclusive, supportive and safe environment in which to learn and mature. Thank you Next Up participants and organizing committee for involving me in the 2014-2015 class, for sharing your energy and teaching me that we can all do something to change the world, starting in our own communities and with our own stories. With most sincere gratitude and congratulations to you all on your graduation,

Laura Budd

Marjorie’s musings... Working for justice never ends. It is not about issues. It is a lifelong commitment. When you feel impelled to act on a particular injustice, know why you are doing it and who is standing with you. You may not see the changes you are working towards even in your lifetime so a clear Intention is a necessity. What keeps you going for the long haul is a network of people who share your values and respect your gifts. Not everyone can do everything so learning what and where and when you can contribute is a survival strategy. There is no room for guilt or blame or judgment here. “Us and them” camps is a form of “othering” that does not change anything. We are all related but we are not all the same. Real solidarity is recognizing and acknowledging difference and not trying to make other people change. Build the alternatives, create possibilities rather than fighting against something. Fighting is what saps energy.


NextUp! Blanket of Rainbowness Materials Needed: KnitPicks Palette Yarn Serrano, Fingering Weight Orange, Fingering Weight Canary, Fingering Weight Grass, Fingering Weight Celestial, Fingering Weight Eggplant, Fingering Weight Crochet hook 5.0mm Crochet Hook Abbreviations/Stitches: ch – chain dc – double crochet yo – yarn over Gauge: 6 rows = 10cm 1 pattern repeat = 12cm wide Pattern: For King Size Afghan, each row should be 27 peaks wide, or 25 repeats. For King Size Afghan, 13 balls of each colour are needed. Starting with Serrano. Crochet two balls together. Row 1: Stitch 1: ch 3, yo, insert hook into third chain from hook, yo, pull through first loop only, dc Stitch 2: yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop

only, pull through first loop only, dc Stitch 3-7: (yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, dc.) x5 Stitch 8-10: yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, dc 3 in same stitch Stitch 11-16: (yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, dc.) x6 * Stitch 17: yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, pull through first loop only, pull through first loop only, dc Stitch 18-22: (yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, dc.) x5 Stitch 23-25: yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, dc 3 in same stitch Stitch 26-31: (yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, dc.) x6 Repeat from * until work is desirable width Final Stitch: yo, insert hook into last dc, yo, pull through first loop only, pull through first loop only, dc, ch 3 and turn Row 2: dc into base of chain, skip 1, dc in next 6, dc 3 in next stitch, dc in next 6, *skip 2, dc in next 6, dc 3 in next stitch, dc in next 6. Repeat from * across. End by skip 1, dc in last stitch of row, ch 3 and turn. Row 3-6: Follow Row 2. Join as needed Change colour to Orange Row 7-12: Follow Row 2. Join as needed. Continue through rainbow, returning to Serrano after completing Eggplant. Continue pattern until blanket is sufficient length and ends with Eggplant. Changing Colours At end of row, after last dc pull through. Insert hook into last dc, pull loop of new colour through, ch 2 and turn. Leave 2-3 inch ends to weave in later. Finishing Weave all yarn ends in securely.

Movements win not by overpowering their active opposition, but by shifting the support out from under them.

The Overton WIndow

- Beautiful Trouble

The Overton window is the limit of what is considered reasonable or acceptable within a range of public policy options. Slide the window of acceptable debate by focusing attention on a position that is more radical than your own. - Beautiful Trouble

Spicy Garlic Eggplant Ingredients: - One large egg plant - 2 cloves fresh garlic - 2 inches of fresh ginger - 1-2 red chillies - 1 green onion - Fair amount of cooking oil of choice - Soy sauce - Balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp sugar of choice Directions: - In large pan or wok, add fair amount of oil and cubed eggplant - SautĂŠ until eggplant is browned - Add more oil and shredded garlic, chillies, and ginger - Cook for about a minute to let the flavour absorb - Add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and sugar - Cook for about 5 minutes or until eggplant is soft Enjoy over rice, with an open heart.

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