本書致給我的好友及以後老去的自己。 The book to the people who’re my friends and the older me.
By Fred Yip Man Fai
Fred 21 - 25’s Life 2014/07/04 開始創作 Fred Fucks Everything 系列。 Started create the series “Fred Fucks Everything”. 2014/11/28 首次在澳門某港台澳合辦市集登場,反應熱烈,賣出過千張明信片。 First time appeared in a market in Macau, due to overwhelming response, hundred piece of postcards are sold. 2015/03/20 在香港某大型藝術市集登場,反應兩極,期間與觀眾發生爭執。 Appeared in one of the Hong Kong art martket, reaction was bipolar, had a fight with an audience during the market. 2015/04/01 因偏激內容,被某創作平台禁止宣傳及刊登作品。 The work was banned to publicity and publication by one creative platform due to the extreme content. 2015/04/27 另一平台以同樣理由禁止刊登作品,期後不再參與任何商業活動。 Banned by one another platform due to the same reason, decided to no appear in any commercial activities after the days. 2015/08/02 首次街頭擺賣,被政府人員驅趕。 First time to do a street hawking, drive away by government staff. 2015/08/15 最後一次街頭擺賣,因偏激內容與路人發生爭執,期後不再於香港作任 何宣傳。 Last time to do a street hawking, had a fight with a people due to the extreme content, decide to not do any publicity in Hong Kong after it. 2016/06/22 擁有第一部電單車,型號為HONDA CB400 BIG ONE 1995。 Got the first motorcycle, the model is HONDA CB400 BIG ONE 1995. 2016/07/02 受荷蘭插畫雜誌SAM Street and More訪問。 Got a interview on the magazine from Netherlands called "SAM Street and More". 2016/09/04 前往日本參拜歌手尾崎豊之墓,Fred的人生觀與創作靈感,皆不少受此 歌手影響。 Went to Japan visit to the singer "Ozaki Yutaka" grave. Fred's personal view of life and inspiration are many affected by this singer.
2016/09/24 在香港某廢墟留下塗鴉作品。 Left some Graiffits on a ruin somewhere's in Hong Kong. 2016/10/26 受紐約網上畫廊Curioos邀請合作,網上出售藝術作品。 Invited by a online Gallery called “Curioos” to sell art piece on it. 2017/02/14 從電單車上倒下,左腳骨裂,約一個月後康復。 Fell off from the motorcycle, left feet fracture, rehabilitation after above one month. 2017/03/09 售出愛駒CB400,為出國宣傳作品作準備。 Sold the motorcycle CB400 to prepare for the oversea promotion. 2017/05/16 到達英國倫敦。 arrived London. 2017/06/17 於英國藝術市集擺賣,反應冷淡。 Selling art piece in UK art market, cool response. 2017/08/01 從倫敦出發,途經牛津、劍橋、布里斯托爾、伯明翰、利物浦、曼徹斯 特、里茲、約克、愛丁堡、格拉斯哥,期間寄出約二百多份作品,音訊 全無。 From London, via Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, York, Edinburgh, Glasgow, sending 200 copies of works during the jouney, no any reply. 2017/09/03 結束四個月漂泊生涯。回到香港後,總結歷年創作成書, 從此 Fred Fucks Everything 系列告一段落。 The end of around four months wandering life, collect all the work in these years after back to Hong Kong, “Fred Fucks Everything” series come to an end.
首先我要說的一件事,就是我他媽的恨透了這個世界。 First of all I wanna say is I fucking hate the world.
有朋友問我為什麼要健身,我說最主要的原因是搭地鐵時,為了不再讓那些他媽 的混球有種碰我一下,我是說真的。 Some friends asked me why I go to gym, the main reason is, when I take on the subway, those fucking jerk will never had the guts to touch me, I am serious.
總有些他媽的奴隸,認為自己沒有一點價值,比糞便還要低賤,什麼不合理的要 求都像狗吃屎一樣樂意地接受,還得說自己吃糞便吃得不夠多、不夠飽,根本沒 有想過爭取自己應該獲得的權利。 要是你認為不妥當,還要來個勁跟你說教一遍,自己多麼的努力去配合別人的要 求,無奈社會上就是有這種失去理智而沒有原則的白痴,然後才出現各種混帳無 理的要求。 我告訴你,這種無恥窩囊廢最好從我視線滾開,不是說笑的。 There are some slave think they don’t have any value, just like a dog, they never thought to fight for themselves. When you think something is wrong, they would still fuck you also, but the society always have some idiot like this. Let me tell you, those shameless bastard better to get the fuck out of my eyes, I’m not joking.
你身邊總有些沒想像力的傢伙,愛把你說過的話重複好幾遍給他的朋友或馬子聽, 想讓人以為他真是個幽默的傻瓜蛋,而且你還是在場的其中一個,要命。 There are always some lack of imagination friends around you, but try to pretending he is a funny guy, keep repeating the same joke a hundreds times of you said before, and you’re the one of the guy at that moment, that’s killed me.
我認真的說一句,那些又肥又醜陋的女人都他媽的該去死,為什麼她們這麼醜陋 你知道嗎? 就是因為她們的內心也像糞便一樣,他媽的陰毒邪惡,所以外表也長得好像糞便 一樣嘔心,這些懶惰的肥雜種總是要裝出副好心腸,要是她們長得漂亮,誰會這 樣獻殷勤? 正因為她們沒有任何優點,才這樣他媽的來獻殷勤,即使是這樣,還是掩飾不了 這些肥雜種的醜陋。 她們沒有節制,吸收多餘又不屬於她們的東西,不肯付出卻想得到收獲,每天滿 嘴吃著他媽油膩的東西,卻一邊像唸經地說要減肥。 老天,即使我用左輪手槍在這些又醜又肥的婊子身上開洞,然後點燃汽油把她們 充滿油脂的臃腫身體燒個精光,我大概也不會有一點的罪惡感,況且那股氣味只 會讓我想吐。 To be honest, all the ugly fatty women have to die, why they are so ugly did you know? It is because they have a bad, ugly heart, so they look like same with their hearts, but they always pretend they are good, did you see a pretty woman do something like this? They have nothing good, so they pretend good, but I can smell their ugly, sticky, grumbly heart. God, if I firing six shot to them, and burn it all, I probably won’t feel any guilty since their smell will make me sick.
我某段時間會喜歡獨自一個人想想事情,最好誰都別他媽的來打擾我。 Sometimes, I want to be alone and you better get the fuck out.
那些中年婦女連穩妥的拿著一把傘子也做不到,這些上了年紀的混蛋下賤女人就 是連該死的一件小事都做不好。 我這樣憤怒是因為這些自以為是的婊子簡直目中無人,即使在狹窄的街道那個傘 子也要他媽的左搖右擺,那個他媽的傘尖就是要插盲街頭巷尾的路人才甘心。 我對著老天發誓,要是這些犯賤畜生再來碰到我的混帳眼角的話,我就要他媽的 捏緊這些婊子的脖子,直到她們窒息為止。 These bitches can’t even holding an umbrella, those old fucked up woman just can’t do anything right. I am so angry because these bitches are selfish, they sway the umbrella in the street until all people got blind. I swear, if those bastards touch my eyes once again, i’m going to clench those bitches neck until they dead.
那些老人總是不能安靜的待在家中,總要來濫用他媽的長者特權,我說這些老雜 種活到這個歲數已經失去人生意義。 他們過著無聊又沒有意義的日子,每天就要選擇在最繁忙的時段乘搭交通公具, 要剛下班又疲憊的年青人讓座,不然你得忍受這些老雜種的目光。 或者把他媽的羽毛球場、乒乓球場都預約滿,即使他們不使用。 又或者濫用醫療系統,即使沒有病痛就是要他媽的去檢查一下身體才快活,阻礙 急切需要診症的病人。 即使他們乘搭扶手電梯也得站在左邊,對,他們就是不能移動那對老是抖震,又 緩慢的該死雙腳到右邊站著,偏要阻礙後來而上的人。 這個世界沒有一點地方可以容納這些老年人。嘿,我有一個建議,凡年過四十歲 的老傢伙都得安樂死,不然就要截掉雙腿留待在家,別再出來霸佔一點空間。 Why these old fuck didn’t just stay at home? They always go out everywhere and abuse their fuckin’ prerogative. They’re already lost the spirit for god sake! They’re waiting to died, they go to the train in peak hours. They took the sit from some of the youngsters, who worked for whole day and tired. They booked the sports center but didn’t use it; they use the hospital benefits but didn’t got sick; they stand on the left hand side of the elevator and blocked someone who are rush on time... Damn it! There is no place in this city for these old fuck. I have a suggestion, cut off their leg, left them at home and never come out again.
最近我應徵了不少工作,對,我他媽的不喜歡求職這個字眼,我喜歡說應徵,這樣 聽起來才公平。 我能感受到的是,大家打著機械式的招呼,鼓起機械式的微笑,說著不想說的話, 聽著不想聽的話。 這種虛假的禮貌讓我感到厭煩,我就是他媽的自己,一個獨立的本體,不需要迎合 其他人的要求。 我不喜歡用一些混帳語言技倆來掩飾自己的缺點,我不是那種人,我就是要大聲 說:我就是個過份堅持己見、偏執而且有強迫症的完美主義雜種,你他媽的缺人所 以我來應徵了。 你們這些混蛋也別想在面談的時候來挑起我情緒,嘗試來惹毛我什麼的,我不喜歡 被人測試。 虛偽的垃圾社會規則,我可不會這樣妥協。 I applied a lot of job recently, I don’t like the word “seek”, I like to say “applied” because I think this is fair. What I see, people say something they don’t want to say, hearing what they don’t wanna hear. It make me sick, I am what am I, I no need to cheer with anybody. I am a jerk, bastard and moron man and I come here for applying the job and you need someone, that’s all. All of those bastards don’t try to piss me off during interview, I will fuck you. Fuck the rules, I will not lose to anybody!
有時候我真他媽的感到失望難受,這世界在我看起來都是那麼糟。 Sometimes, I feel so fuckin’ disappointed because of this world is fucked up.
人類的狂妄自大真是到了一個愚蠢的地步,你以為自己是什麼? 這顆混蛋地球已經存了多少個億年,經歷了多少傷害,大自然俱來就有一套法則, 每天有多少物種消失有多少物種誕生,人類就是愛多管閒事,拯救海豚,拯救北極 熊,拯救他媽的什麼。老天,人類這種白痴的生物連自己都沒管理好自己。 還有些偽善的傢伙以為自己就是上帝,愛捐助各式各樣的慈善組織,還得用餐時大 聲炫耀:我正在他媽的拯救世界,卻連嘴裡的牛肉也還沒吞下,這些無恥雜種只是 為了讓自己心裡好過一點而已。 而且我才不相信這顆星球會因為人類排放一點濁氣,建幾塊石屎就引發大爆炸滅 亡,真他媽的受夠這些該死窩囊廢。 Most people just stupid, what the fuck human think they are? The natural have the rule, but people always try to give it some help, save the dolphins, save the polar bears, save some shit. Fuck god, Human even can’t save themselves! These hypocrites think they’re god, they love to donate every single charitable organizations, but they still swallow the meat in their mouth during the lunch, they just want to make themselves feel better, and nothing. I don’t think the world will explode by just a little air pollution or somethings, and I’m tired of these fuckin’ stupid people.
人們最喜歡把憤世嫉俗和幼稚劃上等號,好讓自己的奴性看起來像成熟穩重一樣。 People always like to equate cynicism and childish, so that they would look more mature.
人們所謂的忙只是被工作時間填滿而已。 People are always saying they’re busy just because of the work.
這個世界本來就沒有所謂的公平,有些敗家窩囊廢不用付出一點兒努力就到達頂 峰,你有可能用盡一切辦法,還是在山腳徘徊,不過我還得去做,這世界才不會在 乎你那一點點努力,但我也他媽的不在乎這世界。 The world is not fair, some stupid guy who becomes the top but they don’t needa do anything, you may try to work hard but you still in the bottom... However, I have to do it. Maybe this world is not care about my little effort, but I don’t care about this fucking world too.
在你身邊,總會出現一兩個傻子,愛裝出一副成熟的嘴臉,把別人的軟弱判斷成 經不起考驗,假裝滄桑的樣子。 這種自大的傢伙絲毫不會理解別人的經歷感受,愛把自己說的事情當作權威,好 像自己就是知道一樣。 我來跟這些混蛋說,別他媽的隨便地下判斷,每個人都有只能獨自面對的煩惱, 每個人心裡能承載東西的程度也不同,輪不到你來說三道四,你以為自己是誰? 你不是他媽的上帝,自以為是的雜種。 There’s always some fool around you, they think that they know everything, so that can judge anybody. This arrogant moron don’t know what you have been, they just always say something as authority, seem like they are fucking know it. Now I say to these bastards, do not fucking judge anything easily, everyone have their own trouble, who do you think you are? You are not god, just shut the fuck up.
我一直堅守著我的原則,不讓自己的底線後退,這般固執被眾人稱為不懂世故,不成 熟,得罪人多,會令你在社會沒法立足。 這一次的讓步,下一次的妥協,最後你的原則,價值觀,信念會到哪裡去了? 如果我退讓的話,我跟你們說的話還能有說服力嗎? 生命這回事也沒你想像中他媽的長,成熟只是膽小弱者給自己留一條後路的安慰詞, 我才不會讓膽怯令我的決定有所遺憾。 要是作為一個成熟的男人謙卑地活著,我寧可當個不成熟的男人英勇地死去,你們就 看著,老子一定會站穩這雙腳,盡全力跟這醜陋的世界對著幹。 I stand by my principles, and never go backward, people call me dumb, immature. They said that I can’t live in society if I do somethings like this. Yeah, I know, but if you make a concession at this time, and next time you let it happen again. Where’s your values and principles finally? If I make a concession, how can people believe what I’m saying now? Life is not fucking long, mature is a way of escape of people who are weak and I won’t do this. I would rather to be the immature man to died for bravely instead of the mature man living the rest of life. Fuck you, look at me, I will fought the world alone as long as I can stand.
有些人只是在模彷我在做什麼,這讓我覺得他媽的失望,因為這不是我的原意, 我也是普通人,跟每個人都一樣。 不要只懂他媽的抄襲,難道你們沒有真正想得到的什麼嗎? Some people just copying what I’m do, that make me fuckin’ disappointed, cause I don’t mean it you know, I just a normal people just like everyone. Don’t just copy, do you have something really want to do?
幹他媽的中年婊子! Fuck You Bitch!
喔老天,我真不想老去,因為老去的我一定已經說不出現在這些說話了。 Oh Jesus, I don’t want to grow old, cause the I will never say anything like this now.
夢想,可不是你們這些吃喝玩樂的膚淺傻瓜能簡單明白的事。 這回事沒你們想得這麼光鮮亮麗,我可是拼了全力,摔個他媽的狗吃屎, 不顧儀態地去奪取,最後可能只是吃了滿口泥土,還得被身邊亳不理解的 混蛋取笑,什麼也沒有的鬼東西。 笑啊,你們這些領著微薄薪水就滿足,習慣安穩生活,為了金錢寧願被收 買自由,什麼都不敢做的窩囊廢。 要是我成功的話,那時候你們可別自卑。 “Dream” is not all you stupid fucker can understand. This thing is not beautiful as you think, I try so hard but it just fall flat on my face, and there are also some fucking jerk would laugh on me around finally, damn it. Keep laughing, you all moron. If I win, I hope you don’t feel inferior at that time.
這個社會現在正投出一個軌道偏離的球,場外的觀眾或許還蒙在鼓裏, 沒有發現。但那一瞬間場內的球員已經敏銳地察覺到,而我也是其中一 名的球員,正極力奔跑過去撲救失誤。 不過,投出那錯誤的球正是我自己也說不定。 The society is wrong, but most people didn’t notice. I know it and trying to fix the way to right. But maybe the wrong are made by everyone even me.
老子我根本不會去什麼他媽的倒數,因為我真受不了那些香港人,最喜歡說 什麼新一年新的我,上年過得怎樣,來年有什麼人生展望,然後許個願,像 個傻瓜一樣跳起來歡呼。 我幹你媽的根本沒有人想知道你們的感想,而且這些藉口讓我反感得要死, 你真的有什麼目標,為什麼要等新一年才去做?這些該死的窩囊廢每年都掛 在嘴巴上說說,只是在安慰自己,讓自己枯燥得像屎一樣的人生好過一點。 尤其是那些臭婊子,新一年新的我,真是要命。對呀,如果你那處女膜也能 長回來的話。 I never go to New Year’s Eve because I can’t stand it with those stupid fuck. Hows my last year? Next year I will be better, and make a wish like a stupid fuck. I don’t give a fuck to these people, also their excuses make me puke, if you really want to do something, then why you have to wait for the next year? They just keep saying this every year but do nothing. Especially those bitches, new year new me, fuck me. Yeah, if your pussy comes with a clear history button.
對於人們說錯誤而我還是去做的事情,就是為了向這些混蛋証明我從一開始的 判斷就是正確的。 When people said this is wrong but I would still gonna do, cause I want to prove to these bastards that I was right.
我在宣揚我的理念時,總會遇到一類自命清高,裝作品德高尚的香港人,他們擺出 一副虛偽的嘴臉,批判別人的思想,試圖限制為他們所樂見,所謂美好,快樂的事 物。 我現在就站起來指著這些自以為上等的畜牲說:我要說什麼,誰也管不到我,創作 是自由的。你們只是一隻逃避負面,而把頭埋在沙裡的駝鳥,我現在就捏著你們這 些高貴上流人種的肥脖子,狠狠地從沙裡抽出來。 看!這世界就是個充滿暴力歧視謊言的地方,而我會一直大聲的說下去,你們這些 混蛋想都別想套什麼道德枷鎖在我身上,他媽的狗屎道德偽善者。 When I try to telling some people what i think, somebody would hate my shit, they think that they are good, the world is beautiful, that’s what they see. However, what I gonna tell them is “fuck you”, you can never stop me. You all just like an ostrich who buried your head in the land, cause you don’t want to see anything. I will hold your fuckin’ neck and take out from the land. Look! This is the fucking world, and I will say it loud, you all don’t try to stop me!
我他媽的辭職了,身邊的人都嘲笑你天真,質疑你幼稚。但那又怎樣?你們這群 畏首畏尾的奴隸們。 要我成為巨大工廠裡的一顆螺絲,我寧可執拗當一塊卡壞機器的石頭。 說我是異常又如何?我說這他媽的狗屎混帳垃圾時代才是錯誤。 I am done, so what? You all fucking bastard slave. I would rather to be a stone who crash the machine instead of a screw of a big factory. You think that I am crazy? What really wrong is this generation, not me.
你們這些大人說我們是專找麻煩不受教的問題兒童?那我們就做得更反叛給你們看。 They call us problem child? So be it.
口口聲聲說是為了明天,為了將來。 那麼今天的你,現在這一刻的你想要做什麼? People always say they gonna do something for the future. But what you’re gonna do now?
在夜裏,躺在床上,我才意識到原來自己是孤獨的。 那一刻我在想,人為什麼會害怕獨自一個?不得不依賴其他人的溫暖生存? One night, I was lying on my bed, I suddenly realize that I was alone. I was thinking, why would people afraid to be alone? Is that people have to rely on other people to live?
有些婊子對我所表達的創作和想法說三道四,諸多批評。看這些傻婊子,她媽的多 麼愚蠢。 這些敢怒不敢言的窩囊廢,連當面跟我衝突碰撞也沒膽量,因為你們最擅長的事 情,就是把討厭的事視而不見,把軟弱逃避說成體面。 但我他媽的就是要說到盡做到盡,把我的理念到處宣傳,誰都阻不了我,我們男子 漢生來就是要挑戰世界,打破規則。 那顆腦袋只裝著彩虹藍天白雲,認為世界只有美好,欺騙自己蒙蔽思想,只容許別 人符合自己框架的偽善者,你對我感到憎恨?很好,那就代表我他媽的說中了你。 Some bitches don’t like my artworks and try to criticising me, how stupid of these bitches. They don’t have a guts to say in front of me cause they don’t want to see it. But they can never stop me, I am the man who born for break the rules. Oh, you hate me? Good, that means I’m fuckin’ right.
社會這個巨大的引擎,把人像燃油一樣消耗。 Society is a big engine, spending people like a fuel.
主觀這字眼何時成了貶意詞?所謂客觀只是你們大多數人的主觀而已。 Why subjective becomes a derogatory word now? What people say “Objective” is just they think it is “Subjective” only.
現在的男人真他媽的窩囊廢,只懂被女人牽著走,女方一點不開心就好像自己犯下大 錯,還唯唯諾諾百般遷就,弄得自己的地位比狗還低。 你他媽的是一個男人,是擁有自身價值的,從不被擊敗的男子漢,你生來就是要征服 萬物,那些婊子敢給你臉色看?就他媽的一巴掌打死她,你要做的事情還有很多,別 浪費時間在這些臭婊子身上,那跟你遠大的目標沒關係。 男子漢們!留待你的精神和熱情,賭上你的生命去挑戰世界,成為一個狂野而無所畏 懼,比獅子還要勇猛的王者。 Most of the men are fucking weak now, they just follow the women around like a dog, If these chicks are unhappy, it seem they make a big mistake. Well, fuck it shit, you are the man, where is your values, your passion? You’re born to fought the world, those bitches are unhappy? Fuck them, don’t waste your time. Man! Risk your life to fight for what you trust, become a wild, fearless and brave king.
我要打敗的不是社會,而是組成這個社會的你們。 I wanna fight is not the society, is the people who make society.
背負別人的期待而活是悲哀的,那你自己到底是什麼? Carrying some people to live is wrong, so who are you?
沒有什麼原因,我就是他媽的看你不順眼。 There is no reason here, I just fuckin’ dislike you.
你們這些職場上的敗類,恃著擁有小小的權力來打壓下屬,你以為所有人都 要看你臉色? 他媽的門都沒有,現在已經不是你們這些老雜種的時代了。我們確實是低層 被榨壓又骯髒的一群賤種。但我們遲早會爬上來,把你們這群上流混蛋全部 拽下地獄去。 You all fucking bastard, try to use your little right to fuck us, you think we should scared? No goddamn way! It’ is not your turn now OLD FUCK. We are the young, poor and nothing, it really is. But we will climb up, and kick all your asshole to the hell.
我這種人就是一架脫軌火車,什麼也束縛不了我,因為我根本對什麼也他媽的不在乎。 I think I was kind of an uncontrollable train, nothing can hold me down because I don’t give a shit of everything.
我記得那次旅行,天黑了,本來我可以搭車回去旅館,但是我沒有,他媽的不知 道怎麼想的,我突然想步行回去。 我幾乎走了兩個多小時,大部份小店都關了,那時候他媽的冷,風都快把我臉皮 割傷了,而且我只有一件混帳夾克外套。 街道上只有我一個人,我覺得自己是全世界最孤獨的,然後我開始想起一些我掛 念的人,一方面覺得自己真是個懦弱窩囊廢。 這讓我很難受,但至少那一刻我覺得自己是自由的。 I remember when I travel last time, the sky became dark. I could call a taxi to go back to hotel, but I wasn’t, I did’t know what I was thinking about, I just wanted to go back on foots suddenly. I almost walked around two hours, it was damn cold, my face got hurt by the fuckin’ cold wind and I just wear one goddamn jacket only. There were no one on the street but me, I fell like I was the most lonely guy in the world, then I started thinking some people what I was missing. I am dumb since that make me so sad, but at least I feel I’m free at that time.
互相嘲笑,背後中傷,令人難堪就是在這個社會中的生存方式, 然後人們把這些東西叫做經驗。 我說得對不對?你們這些人模人樣穿西裝的混帳畜生。 Laughing, backbiting, embarrassing is the way of life in society, and people call this is an experience. Am I right? You all wearing suit of lousy bastard.
這個瘋狂的城市就是要把人逼死。 This crazy city is pushing people to dead.
有時候我覺得沒有人能明白我。 Sometimes, I don’t think there is someone understand me.
對,我窮得口袋總是空的,今天掙明天錢,工作沒有一份做得長,飯也不 夠吃。 我確實是吊兒郎當,但我從來沒有為了錢向別人卑躬屈膝過,他媽的一次 也沒有。 Yeah, my pocket always get empty, I work today just for another day, never have a stable job, even I don’t have enough food for full. I am irresponsible that’s true, But I never lose to the fucking goddamn money, NEVER.
有沒有一些即使要拼上生命,你也要做到的事情? Do you have something really have to fight for, even lose your life?
大致上來說,人生中能掌控的選擇其實都很貧窟,只有兩種。 你不是像玫瑰一樣璀璨消逝,就是像副白骨一樣行屍走肉。 In general, What you can choose in life actually is very poor, only two. You’re not die like a rose, then live like a bone.
我不能像每個人一樣過著朝九晚五的該死生活。 I can’t live 9 to 5 just like goddamn everybody.
當你習慣了錯誤的事,你甚至意識不到這是錯誤。 When you get used to something wrong, you don’t even realize that is wrong.
總有些傢伙知道你的思想不同於大眾時,就想盡辦法來跟你理論,務求說服你。 我跟你說,別他媽的嘗試對我做,我並不是怕被說服,或者辯論輸贏的問題,而 是我快被這種傻瓜蛋煩透了。 這種自以為是的傢伙似乎永遠不會明白每人有各自的想法,不懂得什麼叫尊重, 老是跟你談個他媽的半天,喔,你這樣是不對的。 老天,你該下個他媽的大轟雷,好把這些傻瓜蛋劈個半死,或者把我的耳膜轟 聾,好讓我清靜一下,不然我就得嘔吐起來了。 When somebody know your mind is unusual, they will try to convince and preach you as hard as they can. I tell you what, don’t fuckin’ do it to me, I don’t say I’m afraid of winning or losing in the argument, the point is I’m sick of this stupid people. These self-righteous guy never know everyone has their mind, they don’t know what is respect, they always bother you a whole day and say: oh, you are wrong. God, you should make a big fuckin’ thunder to strike these moron to death, or you can strike a good shot to make me deaf, so that I can feel quiet forever. If don’t, I gonna puke right now.
他點起香煙,不想與任何人接觸。 覺得沒有人明白他,每晚在街燈之下流浪。 活像炸彈,沒有人敢惹他。 活像老虎,對所有人咆哮。 在這個什麼都可以定罪的社會, 追求自由的他,就是頭號通緝犯。 He lit a cigarette, no one he want to get close, No one can understand him, walking under the street light every night. Like a bomb, no one want to offend him. Like a tiger, roaring to everyone. When everything can be convicted in this society, Pursuit of freedom, so he is the most wanted.
我他媽的快要把擋在扶手電梯的智障全部撞下去。 I’m gonna kick all these stupid fuck ass to the hell.
我在讀書時,有一個混蛋經常欺負我,那時候的自己太軟弱,一直不敢還手。 後來有一次,我被打倒在走廊地上,全級的同學都看到了,那一刻我覺得自己是多麼 羞恥,我真他媽的感到憤怒,然後跟那雜種打了起來,最後我還是打不過他,更被記 了個混帳缺點。 我不是說打架這回事是應該的,但在某個時候,你必需這樣做才不會輸給自己。 When I was in school, an asshole always bullied me and I was just too weak to fight back. One time, I knocked on the ground by him and that was seen by many schoolmates. I felt myself was so ashamed and angry that I fought back with that bastard. Of course, I wasn’t opponent for him and was got a fucking demerit. I’m not talking about whether fighting is right or wrong but you MUST fight back sometimes in order not to be defeated by yourself.
這就是那些賤臭自私混帳婊子應得的下場。 Those ugly stinky selfish bastard bitches are deserve it.
現在的人都生活得太安穩,他媽的太長命了,過了三十歲便失去熱情,過著日復日的 生活,你看你們的樣子像什麼? 我說人們最好到了三十歲就捉去槍斃,這樣他們才會在生前找些有意義的事去做。 我跟你們說,老子我根本他媽的不怕死,我只怕我死得毫無價值,沒有像隕石一樣, 用最短時間迸發出最大光芒,燃燒殆盡而死去。 Nowadays, people get too long to live, they lost their passion over thirty, they do the same things day by day. I think that if they should have a death penalty when they are thirty, they would do something meaningful in their lifetime. Let me tell you, I’m not fucking afraid of death, what I care is I die for nothing. I wanna do something like a meteorite. I burn out and die in a short time, but I would issue the brightest light in everyone eyes!
只要與大眾不同,人們就將它拒諸門外。 If you make a different, you won’t have any placement.
男人天生就是要戰鬥。 Men were born for fight.
這個無聊又膚淺的城市,住滿了一群群像你們一樣的傻子,每天都在爭論著一些 雞毛蒜皮的小事,看著五吋的螢光幕,以為自己什麼都知道,喋喋不休地評論著 什麼,卻從來沒有問過,到底什麼才是真實?因為在你們這些該死混蛋的心中, 除了錢之外,什麼都是沒有價值。 老子已經對這些東西感到他媽的煩厭了,總有一天,我會騎著電單車離開這個瘋 狂的地方,然後不知什麼時候把自己撞個粉身碎骨,永遠也不再回來。 There are a lot of fools, who just like you, in this damn city. They discussed a lot of bullshit and looked at their fuckin’ phone everyday. They think that they know everything in this world. However, did they know what really the truth is? There are nothing without money in their fucking eyes. I already feel tired to those shit. One day, I will ride on my motorbike to go out from this crazy city. I may die somewhere but I will never come back!
我又被炒魷魚了,幹他媽的肥老闆,但我不怎麼在意。 反正現在我有很多時間去學習和閱讀書本了,因為老子正計劃要去美國,雖然我不 知道我的錢能支持我停留多久,但總之我就要他媽的離開這裡。 你知道像我這樣的傻蛋,以前都沒有讀過書,所以我現在的英文像陀屎一樣,如果 你是一個什麼都沒有的死窮鬼,知識就是維護尊嚴的唯一方法。 至少你以後被上司侮辱,被那些該死的ABC臭婊子恥笑時,還能大聲說: 「FUCK YOU! I can speak English and I know Nietzsche, you son of a bitch!」 I got fired again, fuck the fat boss but I don’t really care about it. Anyway, I got many time to studies and reads books again, cause I have a plan, go to American, I don’t know how long I can stay, but I gonna get the fuck out of here. You know I was a dumb, not learning to much in my life, so my english like a shit now. However, if you’re the guy who have nothing, knowledge is the only way to defend your dignity. At least if your boss and those stupid bitch laugh and insult you someday, you can still say it loudly: “FUCK YOU! I can speak English and I know Nietzsche, you son of a bitch!”
我最近在一家五星級狗屎飯店當侍應,你知道每天上班的時候,他們會給你一塊 名牌,然後掛在胸口,名字是隨便寫的,Jimmy,Leon,Jack,Whatever。 而當我給一個母親的兒子倒杯水時,她媽說:Thank You Jimmy,我那時候根本 不知道她在叫誰,我以為她是傻的,當我發現她在看我名牌時。哦,他媽的原來 我現在叫Jimmy!這社會到底有多麼瘋狂,當我帶上這塊名片,我就叫做他媽的 Jimmy。對,充滿活力熱情親切的小Jimmy,我是這個巨大工廠中隨時可更換的 零件,搞不好我在工作途中死掉,墳墓還會刻上:他媽的Jimmy,然後下一個來 填補位置時,那個人胸口也掛上一塊名牌寫著:他媽的Jimmy。 I am working as a waiter in a shitty hotel restaurant recently. You know, when you go to work, they will give you a little metal nameplate with a name is chosen by randomly: Jimmy, Leon, Jack, whatever. Once, when I gave a little boy a glass of water, his mother said, “Thank You, Jimmy.” Who the fuck is Jimmy? I thought it was a crazy woman. But when I noticed that she was looking at my nameplate that time, Oh, fuck me, I’m Jimmy! How crazy this society is. When I put on this little metal shit, I’m fuckin’ Jimmy. Yeah, I’m the vibrant friendly little Jimmy. I become a tiny part of a big factory. If I died during the work, FUCKING JIMMY would be my name on the grave. The next poor guy who took my place, he might also have a little metal on his clothes written: FUCKING JIMMY.
現在夢想這個字眼實在太過氾濫了,那些所謂追夢的陽光青年,真讓我想嘔吐。 你知道的就是那些整天自拍,穿得著個GAY一樣,最喜歡說跌倒了就要勇敢地爬 起來的那種廢話,彈來彈去都是兩首垃圾民謠,裝模作樣的樂觀傻子。他們只是 掛在嘴巴上說說,想讓自己看起來很帥而已,一旦誰拿槍指著他們的腦袋,這些 傻子就會嚇得連屎也噴出來,馬上說出相反的說話,求別人放他一馬。 這些傻蛋根本就是他媽的一個大笑話,沒有獻上生命的覺悟,就別給我隨便說什 麼追夢,一群狗屎垃圾弱智傻屌雜種。 Nowadays people are saying “DREAM” too much, those so-called sunshine youth are really make me puke. You know that? Taking selfie a whole day, dressing like a gay, always say some fuckin’ bullshit like “Where you fell down, Where you climb up”, and only can play two guitar song in their life, what a happy stupid fuck. But they just hanging these shit on their mouth, try to make themselves look cool, that’s all. Once if someone who pointed a gun on their fuckin’ head, these stupid fuck will scared to shit on their pants, and say something opposite immediately, just for begging someone to spare their life. These stupid fuck are completely a big fuckin’ joke, if you do not have a consciousness to give your life for “DREAM”, DO NOT say “DREAM” easily, those bullshit stupid fuck bastards I’m telling you.
這個晚上,老爸把我和老弟叫到面前,說他要改行做的士司機了,因為家裡一直 都很窮,他心急起來想東山再起,結果他媽的全部錢都輸掉,連我該死的旅費都 借給我老爸還錢了,真是愈窮愈見鬼。他又說多年來沒有發達,沒有給我們足夠 東西感到很慚愧,但養大了我們也算盡了責任之類的東西。 我看見老爸頂著個滿頭白髮的腦袋,一副煩惱樣子,不知道在想什麼,這讓我感 到很不甘心。 我想起了尾崎豊在台上,聲嘶力竭唱出的一段歌詞:「在侷促悶熱的倉庫中,我 得到三十分鐘的休息,吃著飯填飽肚子,把手伸向不可及的窗子,為了那微薄薪 水而幹的兼職,在這城市中,要尋找歡樂,就只有靠金錢啊!」 我很清楚選擇妥協現實,還是忠於自己到底會有什麼後果,但這就是我他媽的生 存方式。 你們這些混蛋看著,我一定要到達更高的位置,這陣子寒冷的晚上,我一直想著 這回事。 In this night, My father called me and my brother in front of him, he said he diverted to a taxi driver, cause my home are always poor, he want to make a comeback before, but he fucked up, all money’s gone, including my fuckin’ traveling expenses, what a fuck. He said he didn’t get rich over the years, and felt shame didn’t give enough anything we want, but he raised us up so he done his job at least, something like that. I look at my father head, all the hair already turn white and with a confused face, I wonder what he’s thinking now? It make me feel cannot be reconciled. I reminded a song of “Ozaki Yutaka”: In the goddamn warehouse, I got thirty minutes to fill the stomach, I try to reach out the window and thinking about the salary of the job at the same time, but in this city, if you want to be happiness, you only can rely on the fuckin’ money! I was understand so clearly to compromise of society or loyal to myself what gonna happen in the end of my life, but this is the way of my life. You all fucking bastards, I will be higher than everyone of you! In this damn cold night, I kept thinking about that.
奴隸制度從來沒有消失,它只是換了個形式而已。 Slavery never disappeared, it just transformed only.
當發掘出什麼是社會的本質時,你就被判成精神病人。 When you discovered what the nature of society is, then you’re the mental patient.
雖然我一直住在這個城市,可是我從來不覺得自己屬於這裡,就像一個異鄉人被 隔離在看不見的空間中。 我真他媽的希望永遠逃離這裡,到一個沒有人和我說相同語言的地方去。 Although I lived in this city, I never feel like I’m a part of here, just like a stranger. I hope I can get the fuck out of here forever, and go to a place is no one talk the language as same as me.
上星期我看見一個人死了,倒在街道旁的樓梯上,肢體以不自然的姿勢僵硬著,每個 人看到後都馬上把視線別開,沒有人願意多看一眼,後來救護車來到把他抬走,這個 人就這樣他媽的玩完了。 我在想,如果倒在那裡的是我的話,大概也和這傢伙差不多,死得這麼難看,又沒有 人記得我做過什麼,這讓我感到很不甘心。我知道你們他媽的一定會說,就算你最後 站上頂點的位置,總有一天人們還是會忘記你。 對,人們就是這麼善忘,不過當我看著那具屍體時,我不自覺地握實拳頭,他媽的幾 乎都握到痛了,心裡想著,我才不能以這種難看又豪無價值的方式死去,就算是打一 場已輸的仗,我也不想活在這個時代的我們,在歷史上只被簡單的幾句帶過。 Last week, I saw a man dead, lying on the stairs next to the street with an unusual pose, everybody avoid the line of sight when they saw it, nobody want to look again, later the ambulance came and took the body away, so this man is fuckin’ done. I was wondering, If I was the body laid at there, probably it would be the same as this guy, die with nothing but an ugly pose, that’s make me really not reconciled. Also I know you would say, even you’re on the top, someday people still gonna forget you. Yeah, People seem so fuckin’ forgetful, but when I look at the dead body, I clenching my fist unconsciously until I almost got pain, and I was thinking at the same time, I can’t die like this with meaningless and ugly, even this is a battle I have lost, I still don’t want to see in this generation of us, just only a few words passed in the history.
最近想起了以前一個朋友跟我說的事,他說公司裡的上司都是混蛋,他一定要用盡手段 爬上去,贏過所有人。 那一刻的我聽起來好像沒有錯。對,要用勝利証明自己,的確是這樣。但我現在想起 來,總覺得裡面一定有什麼搞錯了,為了達到頂點而這樣做,不就變成我口中所批評的 那種人嗎? 我還記得以前他說不甘心自己和那些上司年紀一樣,自己卻坐在一角吃狗飯,可是也興 幸自己沒有為了地位成為那種人。 到底是什麼讓一個人不知不覺改變?我最近一直在想著這件事。 Recently I reminded a thing who the friend was told me, he said the seniors of the company are all bastards, he had to win all those fuckers no matter what methods he can use. It was nothing wrong when I heard it. Right, got to win to prove yourself, yes it is. But when I reminded it, there must be something wrong inside, for the victory to do something but without dignity, it isn’t exactly become what I always criticize the kind of people? I remembered he was not reconciled his age as same as his seniors, but he just can ate his dog food alone at the corner, however he glad he didn’t become that kind of person. I’m wondering what make people changing unconsciously? I just can’t get this thing out in my mind recently.
當我愈看得多荒謬的報導在電視上,我就愈覺得他媽的爽,看看這些虛偽的人, 突然變成受害者,哭訴自己是怎樣無辜真令我發笑,你們這些弱智狗屎垃圾混帳 雜種根本就是該死。 我想起了Oscar Wilde的話:當神想懲罰我們時,他就會回應我們的祈禱。 When I saw more and more stupid ridiculous shit on TV, I just feel more fuckin’ excited, look at these selfish stupid fucker, they turn to a victim suddenly, that’s make me laugh my ass off, You know what I’m say? I think those all stupid dog shit bastards just deserve it. I remembered a verse from Oscar Wilde. “When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.
總有一天我會衝破這道牆壁。 Someday I gonna break through the wall.
最近我買了一架電單車,型號是本田的CB400。每天下班後的夜晚,我就他媽的 在這城市裡,和我朋友漫無目的地遊蕩著,每當我扭盡馬力加速,我就覺得快要 到達我所追求的目標一樣。 生於這個連自由都被奪走的年代,每天為了錢而工作,真是令我感到無意義。但 至少這一刻在電單車上的我,還是不受束縛,今晚我也要RIDING ALL NIGHT。 Recently I bought a motorcycle, the model is Honda CB400. Every night when I get off the work, I’m going to ride around in this fucking city with my friend, when I twist the throttle more, I feel like I’m getting closer to the goal. To be born in this unfreedom generation, working day after day for the money, just make me feel meaningless. But at least this moment I’m unshackled on the motorcycle. And tonight I gonna RIDING ALL NIGHT too.
回想起半年前被炒魷魚,我口口聲聲說要去美國找到我的位置,結果卻沒去,嘴 巴老是掛著一堆藉口,終究我就是心裡害怕的窩囊廢而已。現在我就像每個人一 樣,朝九晚六賣力地工作,我憎恨自己只會張著口說些漂亮話,現實卻在逃避。 像我這樣他媽的垃圾,在香港再也找不到第二個了! 但是像我這樣的垃圾還是有想做到的事,明天我就要到東京,去看影響我一生的 偶像,「尾崎豊」生前所到過的地方,我要走一次他歌中所唱那條斜坡下所見到 的街,還要去看立在涉谷車站的歌碑,最後到他的墓去跪拜。 像我這種人的生存方式,很多時是用難看的樣子支撐的,看起來就像在陸地上掙 扎的魚,扭來扭去那個模樣一樣地可笑,不過我覺得自己他媽的還沒有輸。 I remember when I got fired 6 months ago, I kept saying I want to go to the USA to find my place, but I didn’t. A bunch of excuses came from my mouth, after all I’m fuckin’ afraid. For now, I’m just like everybody working 9 to 6. I hate myself for being high-sounding, but in reality, I escape. You can’t find any other rubbish like me in Hong Kong! But I still want to do something, tomorrow I want to go to Tokyo, to visit every place my Idol “Ozaki Yutaka” had been to when he was alive. I want to stroll around the street that he mentioned in his song, and I want to see the monument that stands at Shibuya Station, and eventually bow down in front of his grave. People like me always live in an ugly style, just like the fish stranding on ground and wriggling madly, it seems so ridiculous, but I’m still not fucking losing.
當你創作一些偏激的作品時,人們通常都表現得非常欣賞你,甚至支持你。 可是萬一你把作品內的行為和思想搬到現實上,人們就好像突然他媽的失了憶 一樣,態度一百八十度反轉,批評你不該這樣做得罪別人,既要人循規蹈矩, 又想人與別不同。 多麼雙重標準的人們,多麼他媽奇怪的社會。 When you drew something cynical, mostly people pretended they love your work extremely, and even want to support you. But when you put this behaviour and thought to the reality, people suddenly become a fucking amnesia, and make a u turn of the attitude, criticize you shouldn’t do that stuff to offending people, both want people follow the rules and out of the ordinary. How fuckin’ double standard of the people, how strange of the society.
創作就像你在一條後巷裡玩音樂,即刻沒有人聽得到你在彈奏什麼,但你 還是他媽的繼續表演下去。 Create art just like playing music in the back alley, even nobody listening on your bullshit, but you still fuckin’ playing.
活在邊緣的青年就是十惡不赦的罪犯。 The youth who’s lived in the edge are all heinous criminals.
上個月我24歲了,已經不能再叫自己做青少年,但我也還沒有變成骯髒的大人。 那怕是怎樣也好,在這個想做自己也不能做的城市裡,我他媽的繼續走我選擇的 道路。 Last month I became 24 years old, I can’t called myself a teenager anymore, but atleast I’m still not gonna become a dirty adult. No matter what, In the city who can’t even be myself, I still fuckin’ walk my way.
幹你媽的聖誕。 Fuck the Christmas.
在成為24歲的我這一年之間,老子進出醫院愈來愈頻密了,在昨天強烈的劇痛,耳嗚 和頭暈下,我一個人來到了急症室,在冰冷的X光照片投影中,醫生說你的病他媽的 沒救了,雖然還死不去,但只能一直吃藥到死為止。 對於身體會變成怎樣,老子沒有多大的感覺,說出來並不是為了博取別人同情。因為 就算是這樣的我,我還是每晚騎著這架和我一樣支離破碎,不停漏油,很難啟動的電 單車,在這個城市不停遊蕩。 在180KM的全速馬力下,衝下一個又一個斜坡,直至視線被冷風吹到什麼都看不見為 止,頭盔也不需要了,因為老子沒有東西可以輸,入滿汽油,我內心的憤怒像引擎一 樣爆發,衝到盡頭,應該會找到我相信的東西吧! 就像往日老爸一個人來到這個陌生的城市一樣,我渴望有一天也能衝出這裡。 GOODBYE! LITTLE DADDY’S TOWN. Between I became 24 years old this year, I went to hospital more and more gradually, yesterday I go to the emergency room with the strong pain, ear waking and dizziness in my head, in the cold X-ray projection, doctor said my body is fucked up, still not die yet but the only way is take medicine until death. I didn’t have much feeling how my body will become, I say that not mean I want people feel compassion for me, because even this is me, I’m still riding every fucking night in the city with this shit oil spill broken motorbike. In the 180 km full-speed horsepower, down the slope one after one, until I can’t see anything of the wind blowing, also fuck the helmet I don’t need this anymore, cause I have nothing to lose, fuel up my bike, my heart anger is like a engine, I should find something that I believe at the end of the road. Just like my father came to this strange city in the past, I wish one day I can go out of this city. GOODBYE! LITTLE DADDY’S TOWN.
背負再多的傷痛和氣餒,我還是拖著破爛的身軀戰鬥下去。 Even to carry more of the pain and discouraged, I’m still dragged my broken body to fight.
就在我還有幾個月就離開這裡的日子裡,有一晚我從電單車上倒下,左腳被壓 到骨裂。那個晚上我獨自在醫院等了五小時,拿著柺杖的我,就算開口也沒有 人陪,於是我半夜拖著受傷的腳回家,現在我該死的腿打了石膏,什麼地方都 去不了。 有人問我為什麼要騎電單車?像這樣每晚漫無目的在城市游蕩,還令自己受傷 了,沒有任何人會同情你,有什麼值得? 我覺得騎電單車,就像追尋理想一樣,雖然別人看起來都很帥很威風,但每晚 陪伴自己的,就只有孤獨和傷痕纍纍的身體。 不過這次的我已經下定決心,我要把追求自由的工具賣掉,然後遠離這個城 市,雖然再次變得一無所有,讓我感到唏噓和失落,也不知道要去哪裡,但我 已經回不去這種生活了。 再見了!我的朋友 CB400。 Just a few months before I left this city, one night I fell off of the motorcycle and my left feet was fractured. At that night I was waiting for five hours in the hospital alone, the holding a crutch of me, even I want there’s still nobody like to stay with me, so I dragged my injured feet back to home at midnight, now my feet is in a plastic cast and going nowhere. Some people ask me why you ride a motorcycle? Riding in the city for no reason every night and hurt yourself, there’s no one care about you, does it worth? I just think riding a motorcycle just like chasing the dream, although it seems so cool and awesome, actually every night to accompany myself, just only loneliness and a worn-out body. But this time I made up my mind, I will sell my bike and get out of this city, although I will be nothing again, and even don’t know where the way should go, I’m not going back to this way of life. Goodbye! My old friend CB400.
賣了電單車,辭了工作,將家中所有屬於我的東西都丟掉,然後把存了一年的錢從 銀行拿出來,我終於要離開這個令人生厭的城市。 再次離家出走,不是為了逃避,而是更高的目標。我早已知道接下來會是什麼結 局,但這是最後的機會,我將獨自對抗直至支離破醉。 Sold my bike, resigned my job, throw everything in home which’s belong me, and take out all the money in bank I save in this year, so I can get out of this boring city. This time I go out, not to escape, but a higher goal. I had known what’s my life at the end, but this is the last chance, I fought alone until I falling apart.