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06-30-2008, 08:19 AM

Shiloh Resident

Join Date: Feb 2008 Posts: 2,571

West Papua: Cholera Outbreak

Source: http://www.unpo.org/content/view/8351/154/ West Papua: Cholera Outbreak Monday, 30 June 2008 After Cholera has taken 85 lives in West Papua over three months, Human Rights workers criticize Indonesian response as negligent. Below is a press release from the Institute for Papuan Advocacy and Human Rights: New reports from Human Rights and Church sources in West Papua state that 85 people have died in a Cholera outbreak over the past 3 months [April-June 2008] in the adjacent Nabire and Paniai regencies of West Papua. Previous reports by Indonesian authorities in early June [2008] stated 17 people had died. At that time Health authorities disputed figures from West Papuan Human Rights workers that there had actually been 34 fatalities if cases in the villages were counted. “This latest Cholera outbreak started in April and has continued through to June 2008. Based on information supplied from the ground the Institute of Papuan Advocacy and Human Rights believes that the Indonesian Health Department and Provincial government response has been grossly inadequate. It appears that people were treated in the community health centers when people were able to physically carried there but the government response in those affected villages was very limited.”

“Indeed for the Government personnel the response was a matter of mutual blaming and a refusal to take responsibility. Everybody in the Government has avoided taking responsibility and has blamed each other for what went wrong.” The Papua Health Office was reported in the Jakarta Post (June 4th, 2008,) as identifying an ‘Ogawa-type vibrio cholera viral infection’ following tests in Jayapura. Cholera, which is a bacterial disease, attacks the gut lining with infected people quickly developing symptoms of severe diarrhea & massive fluid loss. The disease can be fatal within 18 hours if re-hydration & therapy does not occur. This Cholera epidemic was first reported in Paniai in early April 2008 at Ekemanida village. It has spread to nearby villages at Kamuu and North Kamuu Districts. The villages where the disease was reported are Ekemanida, Idakotu, Dogimani/Idadagi, Makidimi/Egebutu, Ekimani/Nuwa, Denemani/Apagogi, Kimupugi, Dikiyouwo, Duntek, Boduda, Deiyai, Goodide, Idakebo, Mogou and Dogimani. In March, April 2006, in the highland regencies of Jayawijaya and Yahukimo 178 and 33 indigenous West Papuans respectively died reportedly from Cholera epidemics. Paula Makabory representing the Institute for Papuan Advocacy and Human Rights said, “Cases of fatal diarrhea, which include undiagnosed Cholera, have been increasingly reported in Nabire and Highland areas of West Papua in the past few years.” Paula Makabory also said today [29 June 2008], “Earlier this month our organisation alerted the World Health Organisation (WHO) of this current Cholera outbreak but that organisation in Indonesia appears to have not responded. We contacted the WHO because previous experience is that the Indonesian Government agencies and provincial government would not mount an adequate response.” “Although there are massive amounts of money available to government in West Papua that money is not being used to control the contagious diseases, which also includes HIV/AIDS, TB, as well as Malaria, in the indigenous population. Little of the Special Autonomy funds budgeted for health is being effectively. West Papua remains closed to access from international NGO and the media so none knows what is happening.” “The Special Autonomy process which Jakarta set up 7 years ago is not serving the peoples education and health needs. Many West Papuans view the combination of lack of health services and military occupation as deliberate and 'Genocide'.” “West Papua must be opened up to the world so the basic human rights including the right to adequate health of Indigenous West Papuan can be promoted. There is a new set of diseases which have never been experienced by remote & isolated highland communities which are continuing to spread into these communities.”

“West Papua should be opened to international health organisations to assist local communities in developing the ability for detection and treatment of disease and to assist in public health generally, including pre and post natal care of mothers and babies.” “Talk by international countries such as Germany of swapping Indonesia’s international debt in return for implementation of health programs by the Global Fund will be most effective in West Papua if there is increased political freedom. International attention is necessary so that the critical health services can be rapidly implemented. The indigenous communities must be given the freedom to join in this health reform so they can help themselves. ” Paula Makabory said, “There is a need for a major rethink about how community health and human rights is addressed in West Papua as the indigenous people do not trust the Indonesia Government. The international community, NGOs and Governments should be encouraging local health projects which are necessary to respond to the health crises in West Papua.’ “If the West Papuan people are not empowered in the field of health, the health of the West Papuan people will continue to deteriorate.” 08-12-2008, 12:53 PM


Editor and Director of the Vietnam Forum

Join Date: May 2006 Posts: 3,932

Re: West Papua: Cholera Outbreak

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008 00:01 WIB Muntaber dan Kolera Renggut Ratusan Jiwa The plague of cholera and muntaber struck the resident in the Kamuu Valley, Distrik Monemani, Kabupaten Dogiyai, Papua, since last April. The church of Masehi Indonesia and the Gereja Kristen Injili Synod as well as the Jayapura Diocese and Timika recorded casualties died reached 230 people. The different data was shown by the team of the Papua Health, that recorded the number of casualties of the Service died 89 people, from 524 cases that were found. "Possibly the Kesehatan Service only recorded casualties who came to the community health centre, and the church received the direct data from the house to the house," I Vice-Governor Papua Alex Hesegem, yesterday. That was certain, he stated the Government of the Papua Province had not ignored the resident's suffering Kamuu. Since early May, the medical team from the Kesehatan Service of the Nabire Regency, Paniai, and the Papua Province along with the team of the medical volunteer the foreign country descended to the location. They have wrought to deal with the plague of the illness. "Untrue if being impressed by us allowed the resident's suffering Kamuu," he stressed. The team did not just give medical treatment to the community in dozens of villages. They also gave counselling and the improvement of sanitation. While the team's almost one month was assigned. The conclusion is, at that point, this area was free the plague muntaber and cholera. "But evidently, at the beginning of July, the plague again spread in the Monemani

community," explained Alex. In July, his side again sent the solidest medical team from various sides, including the Department of the Health took part in helping handled the problem of the plague. "We made an effort as maximally as possible to give efforts in order to helps the resident Kamuu." The main hindrance that was experienced by the team was the low level of the pattern thought the community so as rescue efforts that will be carried out, precisely it was suspected as the action that will kill in a mass fashion the person Papua. Alex acknowledged that there is the weakness in the service that was given by his side in overcoming this problem. But all the powers have been mobilised to help the community. Dogiyai was the new regency, pemekaran from the Nabire Regency. The appointment of the area was carried out by Home Minister Mardiyanto at the beginning of July. http://mediaindonesia.com/index.php?ar_id=MjIyMjU= __________________ I am not like other birds of prey..... 08-12-2008, 01:00 PM


Editor and Director of the Vietnam Forum

Join Date: May 2006 Posts: 3,932

Re: West Papua: Cholera Outbreak

KLB Diare-Kolera Di Papua: casualties died 105 people since April 2008 Jakarta, 09 Aug 2008 The Serious government Handle Diarrhoea-Cholera in Papua The serious government handled the extraordinary incident (KLB) Diarrhoea-Kolera in Papua. The team of the KLB control was dropped off to carry out epidemiology investigation and surveilans, gave the health service in the Community Health Centre, took the sample for the laboratory inspection, sent logostik, as well as carried out counselling to the community. Cumulatively casualties died resulting from Diarrhoea-Cholera since April – early August 2008 numbering 105 people. Beforehand casualties died it was reported totalling 94 people. In addition 11 cases today (10 cases have for a long time but late been reported and 1 new case) was update newest on August 9 2008 that was received by the Centre of Publik Communication of Director General Pengendalian of the Illness and Lingkungan Sanitation (PP &PL) the Department of Health. Since April till July 2008 KLB Diare-Kolera in 2 regencies, happened that is in Kab. Nabire Distrik Kammu and the Kammu District was Utara as well as in Kab. Paniai Distrik Obano and the Yatamo District, Provinsi Papua. KLB Diare-Kolera in the Nabire Regency resulted in 666 being sick, 97 people among them died. Casualties died most in the Kammu District, that is reaching 66 people. Up until July 28 2008, KLB was still taking place, especially attacking the Igebutu Village and the Boobutu Village in the Kammu District. Now in the Paniai Regency numbering 52 cases, 8 people among them died. The most case was found in the Obano District, that is achieving 46 cases. The last case was found on July 13 2008 and is not found again by the new case up to now. The taking of the sample wiped off the anus (rectal swab) that was

carried out both from the sufferer and the family that contact with the sufferer, showed positive was infected vibrio cholera the Ogawa type. The height of this death rate was caused by the delay when taking medicine because of the believing community if still could beraktifitas then it was considered was not yet sick. Moreover also late achieved health means because the distance could be of the distance and only achieved by walking for 4 hours. The other cause was late penangaan because the Pembantu Community Health Centre and the village midwife could not carry out the infusion. In the meantime, was based on results of observation, the Team of the KLB Control also identified the risk factor in the local community that is still the low level of the pattern of the clean and healthy life (PHBS). Kebisaaan drinks raw water, normally did not wash the hands before eating, rarely bathes and changes clothes, normally defecated in the garden, as well as had the habit kissed the sufferer who died. To monitor the Dinkes Kab situation. Nabire, Dinkes Propinsi Papua and the Centre of the Control of the Department of Health Crisis still melakaukan the monitoring and observation. Other efforts that were carried out were to give the health service, carried out mass medical treatment that concentrated in the Ekamadina Village, placed the doctor's power in the Bomomani Village and Modio. Moreover the religious figure and the local public figure also strove for the temporary restriction on time for the local resident who will visit Nabire especially to the Monemani District. http://kkpmedan.blogspot.com/2008/08/klb-diare-kolera-di-papua-korban.html __________________ I am not like other birds of prey.. 08-15-2008, 07:28 PM

Commonground Editor and Director of the Vietnam Forum

Join Date: May 2006 Posts: 3,932

Re: West Papua: Cholera Outbreak Quote:

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008 00:01 WIB Muntaber dan Kolera Renggut Ratusan Jiwa The plague of cholera and muntaber struck the resident in the Kamuu Valley, Distrik Monemani, Kabupaten Dogiyai, Papua, since last April. The church of Masehi Indonesia and the Gereja Kristen Injili Synod as well as the Jayapura Diocese and Timika recorded casualties died reached 230 people.

593 casualties Diarrhoea of Dogiay Papua were treated Intensive JUMAT, 15 AGUSTUS 2008 | 23:24 WIB Totalling 593 residents in the Dogiay Regency, Provinsi Papua that was attacked by diarrhoea and muntaber currently was treated intensive the medical official, in the Moanemani community health centre and other in the spread auxiliary community health centre disejumlah the district in the Dogiay Regency. Since the end 2007 had up to the beginning of August 2008 been recorded by 90 residents in the Dogiay Regency died as a result of being attacked by diarrhoea and muntaber. The patients and that died that most were pre-schoolers

and the old person (Lansia). Dogiay was the new Regency, that dimekarkan from the Nabire Regency and the Paniai Regency with five other regencies in Papua, that was declared by the Mardiyanto Minister For Home Affairs in Jakarta, on June 21 2008, so as the regency still under the management of the parent Regency Nabire. Sekda Kabupaten Nabire, Drs.Ayub Kayame admitted to dropping 32 officials off from the technical agency like the Kesehatan Service, Dinas Sosial, Sarkorlak, Kantor Badan Pemberdayaan of the Kampung Community (BPMK), the Pekerjaan Umum Service (PU) and the other technical agency to Moanemani, the capital of the Dogiay Regency. http://www.kompas.com/read/xml/2008/08/15/23240329/593.korban.diare.dogiay. papua.dirawat.intensif __________________ I am not like other birds of prey........ 08-25-2008, 06:03 AM

Commonground Editor and Director of the Vietnam Forum

Join Date: May 2006 Posts: 3,932

Re: West Papua: Cholera Outbreak

Indonesia Control of Diarrhea and Cholera Outbreaks in Papua Monday, 25 August 2008 Epidemiological surveillance on disease outbreaks has been conducted in Papua Province after receiving a report from the Papua Provincial Health Office (POH). Data on cases from week-14 (April 2008) till week-31 (August 2008) show the followings: · In Paniai District (Obano and Yatamo Sub-districts): 52 cases, including 8 death (CFR = 15.4). The last case happened on 13 July 2008. · In Nabire District (Kammu and North Kammu Sub-districts): 666 cases, including 97 death (CFR = 14.6). The outbreaks were taking place in Igebutu and Boobutu Villages of Kammu Sub-district until 28 July 2008. · Totally, there were 718 cases, including 105 death. The high death rate was caused by: (i) an incorrect habit [local people consider that someone is not sick until he/she is not able to do anything]; (ii) late to access medical care from Public Health Centers due to a long distance and only by taking a walk for 4 hours; and (iii) limited capability of the nearest clinics and village midwives. Rectal swab samples taken from patients and their families making contacts with the patients show Ogawa-type Vibrio cholera positive infection in

44.4% samples. Samples of water taken from springs and rainwater tanks show positive of Coliform. Existing risk factors are the lack of hygienic and healthy attitudes and a local habit to hug and kiss sick or dead persons. The Crisis Control Center of the Ministry of Health (MOH) sent a team to carry out epidemiological surveillance, give mass medical care in Public Health Centers, take samples for laboratory analysis, and provide logistics and extension to communities. The Provincial and District Health Offices (DOH) station medical doctors in several villages. Religious and community leaders limit local villagers’ mobility temporarily. MOH, POH, and DOH are still monitoring the situation on site. Source : http://www.depkes.go.id/ Submitted by: Hari Santoso, Indonesia http://www.aseanplus3-eid.info/newsread.php?nid=73&node=2&gid=2 hat-tip ironorehopper __________________ I am not like other birds of prey..... 08-25-2008, 11:14 AM


Editore e Direttore del Forum Italiano di FluTrackers

Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: PADUA Posts: 2,387

Re: West Papua: Cholera Outbreak

Already at http://www.flutrackers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77749 __________________ GIMI69 (IRONOREHOPPER) Quote:

I WILL, I HOPE, I DESPAIR -http://hygimia69.blogspot.com/ giuseppe.michieli@gmail.com

08-26-2008, 12:10 PM


Editor and Director of the Vietnam Forum Re: West Papua: Cholera Outbreak

Join Date: May 2006 Posts: 3,932

Late was handled, 105 sufferers Diarrhoea-Cholera died in Papua 26 AGUSTUS 2008 Casualties died the case diarrhoea-cholera that has been stated as the extraordinary incident (KLB) in two subdistricts in the Papua Province, currently received the serious handling from the government. Because, since early April till August 9 2008, was reported 105 sufferers died. The number of casualties died because late received the handling. The reality was revealed by the Director General re-educateed Pelayanan Medik Department of Health RI was represented by Dr Wuwu Urbaningtyas M Kes in the national workshop about the health, that only was followed by 10 participants, on Tuesday (26/8) in the Department of Health Auditorium, Jakarta. "In the Papua Province, currently had the extraordinary incident (KLB) diarrhoeacholera that caused many casualties to die." The government is now middle serious handled the KLB case diarrhoea-cholera this, "he said." The data 105 sufferers diarrhoea-cholera that it was reported died that, smaller was compared by the field data that was received by Kompas, that is since April till July 21 2008, was recorded by 172 sufferers diarrhoea-cholera that died (Kompas, on July 29 2008). Urbaningtyas when being met after the presentation, did not have the specific data about the KLB case diarrhoea-cholera in Papua. The specific data was in the Centre of Communication of Publik Department of Health RI, he stated. According to the data in the Centre of Communication of Publik Department of Health RI, since early April to the beginning of August 2008, KLB diarrhoea-cholera was reported claimed casualties 105 sufferers, both children and mature. Beforehand casualties died it was reported totalling 94 people. In addition 11 cases died (10 cases have for a long time but late been reported and 1 new case) was the newest report per August 9 2008 that was received by the Centre of Publik Communication of Director General Pengendalian of the Illness and Lingkungan Sanitation (PP &PL) the Department of Health. The "serious government handled the extraordinary incident (KLB) diarrhoea-cholera in Papua." The team of the KLB control was dropped off to carry out epidemiology investigation and surveilans, gave the health service in the Community Health Centre, took the sample for the laboratory inspection, sent logostik, and gave counselling to the community, said Urbaningtyas. KLB diarrhoea-cholera that was reported that happened in two regencies, that is in Kab. Nabire Distrik Kammu and the Kammu District was Utara as well as in Kab. Paniai Distrik Obano and the Yatamo District, Provinsi Papua. KLB diarrhoea-cholera in the Nabire Regency resulted in 666 being sick, 97 people among them died. Casualties died most in the Kammu District, that is reaching 66 people. Now in the Paniai Regency numbering 52 cases, 8 people among them died. The most case was found in the Obano District, that is achieving 46 cases. The taking of the sample wiped off the anus (rectal swab) that was carried out both from the sufferer and the family that contact with the sufferer, showed positive was infected vibrio cholera the Ogawa type. The height of this death rate, according to the press release that was issued Department of Health RI, was caused by the delay when taking medicine because of the believing community if still could beraktivitas then it was considered was not yet sick.

Moreover also late achieved health means because the distance could be of the distance and only achieved by walking for 4 hours. The other cause was late penangaan because the Pembantu Community Health Centre and the village midwife could not carry out the infusion. In the meantime, was based on results of observation, the Team of the KLB Control also identified the risk factor in the local community that is still the low level of the pattern of the clean and healthy life (PHBS). -snipTo monitor the Dinkes Kab situation. Nabire, Dinkes Propinsi Papua and the Centre of the Control of the Department of Health Crisis were still continuing to work. Other efforts that were carried out were to give the health service, carried out mass medical treatment that concentrated in the Ekamadina Village, placed the doctor's power in the Bomomani Village and Modio. Moreover the religious figure and the local public figure also strove for the temporary restriction on time for the local resident who will visit Nabire especially to the Monemani District. http://www.kompas.com/read/xml/2008/08/26/21182613/terlambat.ditangani.105.p enderita.diare-kolera.meninggal.di.papua __________________ I am not like other birds of prey.....

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