Free Amsterdam Summer Special "And the living is easy"

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An Amsterdam Idea Publication - Circulation 25,000 - Edition 3 - Summer 2008 -

SUMMER FUN AND FREE FESTIVALS Music, Dance Theatre, Comedy and much more

AMSTERDAM PARKS AND CITY BEACHES Time to play or relax and soak up the sun

MARIJUANA EXEMPT FROM SMOKING BAN Mixing tobacco with pot not allowed in coffeeshops

“Abusus Non Tollit Usum”

UN DRUG CZAR VISITS CANNABIS CAFE Cannabis use in Amsterdam highest in world, or average?

Summer Special: ”And the livin’is easy” PAGE

14 >

Summertime in Amsterdam and the living is easy as a Gershwin tune.

A great time to relax and ‘get a load off ’ in one of the city’s many beautiful, mostly 18th century, parks. Maybe the beach is more to your liking? Amsterdam has seen several ‘real’ city-beaches that opened over the last few years. And then there is always the Dutch coast with its sandy beaches, lushes dunes and romantic sunsets, only 25 minutes away by train.

Of all of Amsterdam’s parks, Vondelpark must be the most fa-





mous and popular. Named after the poet Joost van den Vondel, whose statue stands in the north side of the park, it extends over several hundred acres with bike paths, walking paths, an open-air concert venue, three large outdoor cafes and a Film Museum.

Worth a visit just for the atmosphere

Scattered through the park are ponds with swans and ducks, flower gardens, a petting zoo for the kids and acres and acres of fields to relax and soak up the sun.

Forty years ago Vondelpark was a famous Hippie hangout with many flower children’ smoking pot, making love (not war) and sleeping in the park. Today these 'laid-back vibes' can still be felt, especially on the northern side of the park Continue on page 4 >

Jazz is hot, and so is Amsterdam’s dazzling scene. Throughout the city the tunes of jazz can be heard coming from festival stages, squares, café’s and even dance clubs. Unlike other popular forms of music, Jazz seems to cut across all boundaries, attracting fans without age, race or class distinctions. Vondelpark, Amsterdam

photo: Amsterdam Idea

Coffeeshops prove prohibition useless

Studies show that the average cess to cannabis automatically use of cannabis in Holland is leads to an increases of use. lower compared to most of the surrounding countries, even Cannabis is freely though cannabis (in small available in the amounts) is freely available in the Netherlands. Netherlands. Continue on page 8 >

Read Free Amsterdam Cannabis City

online at: 100% Fun & Fully Interactive, available World Wide

who had long made up they’re mind about cannabis.

Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), illustrated the dilmma when he was confronted with the matter at the This poses a dilemma for advo- Now as it is starting to look that annual meeting of the CND. cates of world-wide prohibition this is not the case, it seems to of cannabis, who say that free ac- cause some uncertainty with those Continue on page 14 >

Departments: 12

Friends Of Cannabis


Free Stuff


Fun page


Dinner & Nightlife


City Map




Cannabis City In This Issue...

SUMMER SPECIAL: 4. Amsterdam parks 6. City beaches 7. Summer festivals Free stuff to do around town 8. Jazz in Amsterdam

CANNABIS CITY: 10. Legal or permitted 11. Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum 12. Famous Friends Of Cannabis

NEWS: Prohibition to be challenged? US Drug Czar visits Amsterdam Coffeeshop How Cannabis works on the brain Marijuana exempt from smoking ban Police union: fight against cannabis supply is pointless PEOPLE: Dr. Fredrick Polak

DEPARTMENTS: 9. Dinner, Ask Larry Night Life 17. Fun page 20. Free Amsterdam City Map

PO box 15068, 1001MB, Amsterdam Tel.: +31 (0)20 420 04 45 Fax: +31 (0)20 773 70 14

General Information: Contests & Surveys: PUBLISHER: Amsterdam Idea

CHIEF EDITOR: J.S. van der Stad ART DIRECTOR: J. Pfeiffer

DEPARTMENT EDITORS: P. T. Dante, W de Geus, Zara Godet PHOTOS: J.S. van der Stad, Zara Godet ’Ask Larry’ Larry, Anne Rodriques

GUEST WRITERS: A Stokkeland, ’Ask Larry’ Larry ACCOUNT MANAGERS: D. v/d Heijde, T. M. Bos INTERNET:

Free Amsterdam Cannabis City is published four times per year and is available for free at locations all over Amsterdam and online. Subscriptions are available for € 15,= per year within Europe and € 20,= world-wide. Ideas, tips and contributions are welcome. Any use of copyright material is un-intentional. All rights reserved. Amsterdam Idea.

Free Amsterdam - Cannabis City

25.000 Free Amsterdam/ Cannabis City copies are distributed at over 100 prominent tourist locations in Amsterdam; museums, cultural centres, concert venues, shops, bars & cafés, restaurants, hotels, clubs and coffeeshops.

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the most popular park of Amsterdam The open air theatre in Vondelpark is famous. From cabaret to drama to concerts to dance, there is something here for everyone and of all ages. Worth a visit just for the atmosphere.

Outside the North gate of the park you can find the ‘Hollandsche Manege’. The Hollandsche Manege (Dutch horse riding school) was founded in 1882 and it is the oldest horse riding school in the Netherlands (see also page 7) Entrances in the north are close to Leidseplein and the museums on Museumplein. Check the park map below

Vondelpark Concerts are held virtually 5 days a week, with different schedules and starting times. You can reserve seats for EUR 3,-

More info on the website: How to get there:

No. 18 on the City Map

Vondelpark pool, Amsterdam

photo: Amsterdam Idea

By public transport: Take tram line 1, 2 or 5 from Central Station to Leidsplein. You can also take tram line 7 or 10.

Westerpark (West park) is an extensive park near the city centre is a playground for creative artists, even a farm is to be found here. A former gas factory, situated in the middle of the park, has been converted into pleasant cafes a creative offices.

Beatrixpark A small, pleasant and quiet park named after the Dutch Queen is one of the cleanest in Amsterdam. It is located behind the RAI congress centre in the South Amsterdam.

A group of 1100 people united in a society of the park’s friends, protects the Beatrixpark against neglect and bureaucratic lack of common sense. The society constantly observes changes in the


The park is at the end of the Haarlemmerstraat.

park, keeping it in a nice, friendly shape. The park is near to the street Diepenbrockstraat.

• Spacious, grassy field; shaded paths; blooming gardens surrounding a water-lilied pond with fountain; manicured hedge garden; wading pool for children; canals clean enough that children (and dogs) swim in them.

• Significantly less populated, cleaner and quieter than more centrally located parks.

Amsterdamse Bos

• Attracts almost exclusively locals -- families, children, responsible dog owners and anyone seeking This woodland park is the real peace and quiet. largest recreational area in Amsterdam. Lying about 4 meters • Ideal for picnicking, walking, below sea level and laid out in throwing Frisbee, playing soccer, 1930s in a project to reduce unsunbathing and generally lounging employment. in a calm atmosphere. Today, the marshy areas around • Named after (current) Queen Nieuwe Meer are nature reserves. Beatrix of the Netherlands. A stretch of water called the Bosbaan flows through the park, and How to get there: is the venue for rowing competitions in the season. At the west By car: On the A10, take exit end of water is the Bosmuseum s109. Coming from the city cenwhich exhibits on natural and sotre it’s just North-West of the A10. cial history of the park, there are By public transport: Tram line also temporary exhibitions. The 50 or 51 from central station or Amsterdamse Bos is a home to bus line 15 from the Amstel station. about 150 variants of foreign and

native trees and colourful collection of birds. Entertainment includes shallow swimming pools, a pancake house, a goat farm. If you want to hire a canoe or pedal boat, heat for the large lake called Grote Vijver. How to get there:

By car: On the ‘Ring’ around Amsterdam take exit s108. The park is just South of the highway. By public transport (bus): Take tram line 5, or metro line 51 from Central Station and get out at the ‘E.J. Ernststraat’. Bus 62 from the Amstel Station.



Amsterdam’s most cultural park FREEAMSTERDAM.NL

This spacious park from the end of 19th century in East Amsterdam, just located behind the Tropical Museum, exhibits several big, monumental sculptures.

While Oosterpark may be not worthy a special detour, if you are in the area, this is certainly the place for a longer moment of relaxation. The park is alongside of a long street, named after the park ‘Oosterparkstraat’. Only five minutes walking, from the East side of the park you can find one of Amsterdam’s most multicultural markets, the ‘Dapper Markt’.

• Attracts mostly locals, who make up one of the most ethnically diverse neighbourhoods in Amsterdam, home to a large Surinamese, Indonesian and Indian population. Popular with musicians, couples and families.

• Huge grassy field; stretches of shady, waterfront lawn; large winding pond that attracts large water birds; children's wading pool; dog-friendly and dog-free zones; wide-paved paths for • Ideal for a longer park visit, as it through bikers. One permanent lies quite far east of the centre. food vendor; others are seasonal. Plenty of room for sports and group gatherings of all kinds.

• Located just behind the imposing Tropenmuseum (anthropological museum).

• Oosterpark is home to the free, open-air portion of the Amsterdam Roots Festival, a world music festival held every June in Amsterdam.

• The park has several pieces of sculpture; perhaps the most moving is the National Monument of the History of Slavery (titled "Shared Past, Common Future"), which acknowledges the country's inhumane trade that brought the ancestors of this neighbourhood to the Netherlands. How to get there:

No. 11 on the City Map

By public transport: Take tram line 9 or 14 from Dam Square or tram 7 or 10 From Leidsequare. Both leaving every 15 minutes.


Situated in the suburb of The well preserved windmill from held in ‘Het Glazen Huis’ (the ‘Buitenveldert’, southwest of 1636 is located on the southern glass house) and the Papillon Amsterdam, this park was de- tip of the park. Art exhibitions are Gallery. In summer are possible. signed in 1972. It is a great loHow to get there: cation to go to with children. Facilities including a playBy car: On the A10, take exit ground, miniature golf, a small s109. Coming from the city cencircualting train and pony tre it’s just South-East of the A10. rides.

Among its attractions are also a big labyrinth, and a model garden with nursery and a (real) miniature photo: Amsterdam Idea train touring through the park.

Frankendael Oosterpark, Amsterdam

During the early 18th century, many wealthy ‘Amsterdammers’ used to build country retreats to spend their summer vacation on reclaimed land called Watergraafsmeer, south of Plantage Middelaan. Frankendael with its ornamented facade is the last of them that survived.

How to get there:

By public transport: Take tram 9 leaving from central station towards ‘Diemen (Sniep)’.


Located in the heart of the peaceful district de Pijp. This beautiful neighbourhood park has been recently renovated.

The rare park is open to public and covers 7 hectares. One part of the park is a botanical garden that boasts some 500 varieties of wild plants and trees, rarely to be seen in the Netherlands.

In the middle of the park an elaborate fountain-ringed monument features a bronze bust of Dutch The Sarphatipark has basket- doctor, physician and city planner ball courts, table-tennis facili- Samuel Sarphati, the park's nameties and an enclosed sake. The park is surrounded by dozens of restaurants and cafés. playground for children.

By public transport: Take tram line 50 or 51 fromcentral station or bus line 62 from the Amstel station. Both leave very regularly.

Hot Amsterdam City Beaches 6


Strand West


Stravangerweg 900

Oosterdok 2

Strand West is located on the West side of Amsterdam, and is one of the larger city beaches. You can reach it by bike; the beach is located along the banks of the IJ. There is a café/restaurant on the beach of Strand West as well. To get there with public transport, take bus 22 from Central Station west bound, to the ‘Spaarndammer buurt’.

This unique city beach can be found on top of the Nemo building - this is the large, green ship-like building just East of Central Station. Though not a beach in the true sense of the word, there is sand and from the roof you have a great view over the old city. Sand, water, food & drinks and a view… sounds like a beach to us!

President Allendelaan 3

F levopark

Flevopark is located in the east of Amsterdam close to camping Zeeburg. Easiest reached by

Bert Haamstrakade 2004

To reach it, you can best walk from the Central Station over the 2 modern metal bridges, along the large construction site. This beach will be open July 4 to September 4.


The Sloterparkbad is one of the largest recreational water parks of the Netherlands. The swimming pool has several basins, an Olympic-size swimming pool, a diving pool and a Leisure pools. There’s also a huge outdoor area of 5 hectares, on the banks of the Sloterplas water. A superb bit nature in the middle of in Amsterdam!

Blijburg aan Zee

tram 17 or 14. The big outdoor swimmingpool and a few ponds throughout the park make it a good day of fun and perfect for a swim or picknick.

Amsterdam Plage Strand Zuid Het Stenen Hoofd

This smaller beach is located just West of (and behind) the Central Station at a site called 'Stenen Hoofd'. You can reach it with a 15 minutes' walk, if you simply follow the IJ water side. This beach is open until August 15, from noon ‘til 11pm.

Did You Know?

Hemp shoes are available from many modern clothing labels, including Nike, Adidas, and IPath.

Europaplein 22

Located at the back of the RAI Congress Centre (near Beatrixpark), just south of the centre of Amsterdam. It has 2,000 m2 of sand, chairs, terraces, a beach volleyball field and there are showers. It can be reached by metro line 51 or tram 4 from Central Station. You can also arrive by boat, as there are plenty places to moor your boat and enjoy the atmosphere.

The most popular city beach in Amsterdam is located on the banks of the lake ‘IJselmeer’. It is reachable from Central Station by tram 26 to IJburg, or, of course, by bicycle. This is one of the few city beaches where swimming is officially allowed. Blijburg has a cafe/ restaurant on the beach with live DJ’s and performances till late in the evening.

The beach is open until August 21, from 10am to 11pm (until midnight on weekends).


The closest ‘official’ beach The North Sea beach town Zandvoort is surrounded by a splendid natural reserve. With good weather it is the ideal place for sun worshippers. In the evening one can enjoy a wonderful meal at one of the beach restaurants, and also a beautiful sunset. In poor weather it’s a lovely place to walk and enjoy nature.

Bloemendaal Within walking distance from Zandvoort lies Bloemendaal where the young, hip and famous go to party (especially on Sunday’s) with music, food, drinks, sea, sand and beautiful people. You can get to Zandvoort/ Bloemendaal by car, or by train leaving from Central station. It’s a 25 minute train ride, passing through the city Haarlem and a nice stretch of Dutch landscape.


17th century paintings… in the street. (Schuttersgalerij)

too. The entrance is the ‘Gedempte Begijnensloot’, a lane between the Spui and the Rozenboomsteeg.

broader than the front door. In all honesty it is the rear side of the house; the front is a lot broader. Still, the narrowest house of Europe can be found in Amsterdam.

The Amsterdam historical mu- Begijnhof, Spui/ Gedempte Begijseum has a gallery which is actu- nensloot The Oude Hoogstraat 22 ally part of a public street. The gallery shows 15 giant 17th Between the Dam and the Nieuwcentury paintings of civic guard markt is a teeny-weeny groups much like Rembrandt's famaisonette, with a typical Amstermous painting: the ‘Nightwatch’. dam bell gable. It is only 2.02 meters wide, and six meters deep. Many prominent citizens of Amsterdam were member of these Singel 7 and Oude Hoogstraat 22 city militias ('Schutters Gilden'), and paid a lot of money to be in United Europe in the these prestige’s group portraits. Roemer Visscherstraat These paintings became knows as 'Schutters Stukken' In Amsterdam Roemer Visscherstraat you can make a tour of From Amsterdam historical museum, seven European countries within IJ Ferry Ride: boat trip Kalverstraat 92 a minute. In 1894 architect Tjeerd from downtown Amster- Wet Coopers (1858-1942) finished ‘United Europe’, built in the The Wooden (Oldest dam to the North of his styles of seven countries: GerAmsterdam. Amsterdam) House many, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Begijnhof: The IJ (pronounce as ‘Aye’) is the the Netherlands and United Kingoldest part of the port of Ams- dom. terdam. You can make a trip across the water with the ferry, 24 Roemer Visscherstraat 20-30a (near hours per day, for free. There are Vondelpark) four different ferry lines, giving you the chance of a splendid view over the water plain, the shipping Bridge of 15 bridges movement and the banks of the IJ. They leave daily, every 15 min- From this bridge you will be able utes, from the wharf on the to see 15 of Amsterdam’s famous Ruyterkade behind the Central bridges. With your back to the square, Thorbeckeplein, you can Flowers, serenity and a medieval Station. Tip: Real Italian ice cream see six arc bridges in a row. At the atmosphere in the hart of a mod- on IJ-square with a spectacular left-hand side you’ll see six more, ern city. A small rural square in view of the passenger terminal and on the right the following the heart of Amsterdam hidden where international ocean liners two. The 15th bridge is the one on behind the gables of the Spui- dock. which you stand! square. A lawn with high trees, In the evenings the arcs of the flanked by centuries old houses De Ruyterkade/ Central Station bridges are lighted with hundreds and a little medieval church. of lights.

The Begijnhof was built in the The narrowest house in Reguliersgracht/ Herengracht 14th century as a place of resi- the world. dence for pious women. The oldest house of Amsterdam, with a The narrowest house in the world Normaal Amsterdams wooden gable from approxi- can be found in Amsterdam, on Peil (NAP) mately 1475, can be found here Singel 7: One meter wide, hardly The Amsterdam Ordnance Datum is a vertical reference point in use in large parts of Western Europe. Originally created for use in The Netherlands, the zero level of NAP was the average summer flood water level in the IJ-lake in the centre of Amsterdam, in 1684 still connected with the open sea. Currently it is visualized by a bench mark in brass in the main hall of Amsterdam town hall.

Chess at Max Euweplein

If you’re into a nice game of Chess, visit the Max Euweplein. A small square in between the Vondelpark and Leidseplein.

Many bars, restaurants and shops surround the square making it a good location to grab a bite to eat or have a drink.

There are several spots where you It is a bit hidden, so easy to pass can actually sit by the canal as the by, but definately fun to hang out. sun sets in the Amsterdam parks.

Almost half of the Netherlands lies below sea-level. In the early 1600’s the Dutch started to gain land by creating dykes and pumping the water out by hand. This later was taken over by windmills.

Summer Festivals 7

The Gay Pride

Annual; first week(end) in August (2008: 1st till 3rd) Gay Pride Amsterdam, a.k.a. the ‘Gay Parade’, is one of the most popular gay pride celebrations in the world. The weekend's organized street parties and club events draw more than 350,000 visitors each year. Gay and straight locals and visitors flock to the city centre for a truly unforgettable sight

on the first Saturday in August. Dozens of decorated boats filled with extravagantly costumed revellers float through the Prinsengracht canal, towards the Amstel river. The thousands of spectators and hundreds of boats meet up, and keep the part going on the river near Waterlooplein.

Considered to be the largest cultural event in Amsterdam, the Uitmarkt is definitely worth a visit. Organised every year during

The Uitmarkt offers previews of the imminent season with a broad selection of performances, concerts, exhibitions, drama, countless workshops and a book market. Venues range from parks to temporary outdoor theatres on historic squares around the city, performances range from ballet to modern dance, from Hip Hop to classical music and from drama to stand-up comedy.


Grachten Festival

The Grachtenfestival is the annual festival with (classical) music on special locations in the centre of Amsterdam and on the IJ banks. Every year new locations are added. These locations stand out because of special or monumental architecture and cultural and historical value.

the last weekend of August, it celebrates the official opening of the Dutch cultural season.

flower pa r a d e

The 11th edition of the Grachtenfestival this year takes place from the 16th till the 24th of August in the city centre and along the IJ-banks. Aalsmeer - Amsterdam

NAP is close to the sea level at the Dutch coast and Amsterdam lies only 1.42 m higher up. Contrary to most of the Netherlands (see Open Air Film Festival picture below for reference). The fourth edition of the Open Town hall/music theatre, Amstel Air Film Festival Amsterdam will 1/Waterlooplein take place from August 9 till August 19th under a beautiful starry sky. Every day one can enjoy the best films that haven’t been Did You Know? screened in the Dutch cinemas. A superb film programme, interestThe three Crosses of Aming art projects, a cosy bar, comsterdam are thought to fortable beach-chairs and bon represent the three curses fires. Free entry for everyone! of the medieval city: flood, fire, and plague.

The first Saturday in September a three-kilometre long ribbon of flower-bedecked floats travel through the area. About one million flowers will be used. To be spot between Aalsmeer and Amsterdam.

Jazz & Grass 8

The relation between Jazz and one of Amsterdam’s other prides, Marijuana, is far more prominent than one might expect. In fact it is a big part of Jazz history.

Jazz travelled to Europe from New Orleans, where, around the turn of the 20th century, ‘Storyville’, the city’s red light district, was infamous for its bawdy houses. Here customers were not only entertained by exotic ladies of the night, they were also treated to the strains of a new kind of music called Jazz played exclusively in these brothels by black musicians.


Reefers”, ”Mary Jane”, and the ”Mary Jane Polka”, recorded by studios like Columbia, Victor and Brunswick. Even Benny Goodman got into the act with ”Sweet Marihuana Brown”.

T ‘Geveltje

References to marijuana, under the various aliases, were abound on early recordings: “Here Comes the Man with the Jive”, “If You're a Viper; Light Up” and “Jack, I'm Mellow.”

For 25 years Cafe 't Geveltje has been open in the heart of Amsterdam. Many of the musicians who perform in well-known Dutch jazz-formations started their careers in 't Geveltje.

All of them that I knew smoked pot


Many, if not all famous musicians of the glory days of classic modern Jazz smoked pot, or ‘reefer’ as they called it. Gene Krupa amoung other celebrities of the time such were all arrested at one point or another for possession of marijuana.

The Bimhuis provides a perspective on Dutch and international music in over 300 concerts annually, at which a variety of jazz and improvised music can be enjoyed.

Tell it like it wuz

It was here that marijuana became an integral part of Jazz. Unlike alcohol, which dulled and incapacitated, marijuana enabled the musicians, whose job required them to play long into the night, to forget their exhaustion. Moreover, the drug seemed to make their music sound more imaginative and unique, at least to those who played and listened to it while under its sensorial influence.

Reefer songs were the rage of the Jazz world

In the 1930s, ‘reefer’ songs were the rage of the Jazz world. Distinctive and characteristic, it was music then written and played by and for black people. The music had a special feeling and it gave musicians and their audiences a sense of solidarity.

Among the tunes that topped the hit list of the era were Louis Armstrong's ”Muggles”, Cab Calloway's ”That Funny Reefer Man”, Fats Waller's ”Viper's Drag”, and many more by less famous artists, like ”Viper's Moan”, ”Texas Tea Party”, ”Smokin'

Factory. This usually sold out dance night is already running for more than 5 years. The Wicked Jazz Sounds stage act has performed across the country in all the major clubs like Paradiso, Melkweg, 013, Panama, Hotel Arena and Het Paard van Troje. They had successful shows at prestigious festivals like North Sea Jazz.

Jazz legend and pot smoker Louis Armstrong was caught with some stuff and sentenced in March 1931. He never recounted the story of this affair until shortly before his death in 1971, when he agreed to “tell it like it wuz”. In his biography by Max Jones Louis Armstrong says:

Wicked Jazz Sounds is an Amsterdam based platform for music –where Jazz meets dance- bringing together the warmth of Jazz and the energy of contemporary dance music.

"We did call ourselves Vipers, which could have been anybody from all walks of life that smoked and respected 'gage'. We always looked at pot as a sort of medicine, a cheap drunk and with much better thoughts than one that's full of liquor. But with the penalties that came, I for one had to put it down though the respect for it (gage) will stay with me forever. I have every reason to say these words and am proud to say them. From experience.”

Dizzy Gillespie was no stranger to pot either. He recalled in his autobiography, “When I came to New York in 1937, I didn't drink nor smoke marijuana.” “You gotta be a square muthafucka!” Charlie Shavers said and turned me on to smoking pot. “Now, certainly, we were not the only ones. Some of the older musicians had been smoking reefers for 40 and 50 years. Jazz musicians, the old ones and the young ones, almost all of them that I knew smoked pot, but I wouldn't call that drug abuse.” INT

Jazz, hip-hop, soul, funk, broken-beat, house, drum & bass and beyond

They aim to bring quality music in an open and accessible way to a wide group of people. The platform features DJs, live musicians, producers, VJs and a most of all: a lively community of diverse people. All dancing with a smile. Wicked Jazz Sounds can build up from down-tempo background music to an up-tempo, floor fillThe future looks bright for this ing, dance event. funky bunch of warm people. The combination of talent, ambiAll dancing with a tion and a strong love for music can only bring great things. Go smile there, enjoy Wicked Jazz Sounds and dance with a smile! The DJs and live musicians have years of experience in playing together. They have developed their own unique style and make you travel a futuristic journey through jazz, hip-hop, soul, funk, brokenbeat, house, drum & bass and beyond… A unique, historic festival! The first edition of the North Sea Jazz Festival took place in 1976 in the Nederlands Congresgebouw in The Hague.

North Sea Jazz is known all over the world because of the many musical genres it has to offer, ranging from traditional New Orleans jazz, swing, bop, free jazz, fusion, avant-garde jazz and electronic jazz; to blues, gospel, funk, soul, R&B, hip hop, world beat and Latin.

A festival where for three days the past, the present and the future of Wicked Jazz Sounds is best jazz music are presented, all under known for its weekly Sunday club- one roof. In the weekend of July night in the Amsterdam Sugar 11th till July 13th, 2008.

Alto Café

For more than 20 years, Alto is THE people's choice when it comes to Jazz Music, with every night Live performances of the best musicians.

Cotton Club

The Cotton Club is a bar in the heart of Amsterdam with an interesting history. Every saturday there is Live Jazz with Dutch and international top musicians.


The Casablanca jazz club is one of the oldest and most celebrated in Amsterdam. Since 1946, numerous groups, jazz legends and spectators have come together in this smoky, jazzed up box. Bourbon Street, Bix, Vondelpark & Wicked Jazz sounds.


Panama can be found East of Central Station. As well as being a contemporary nightclub with great theatre shows, live jazz & popular club evenings, Panama also offers a trendy dance studio and a cafe restaurant with a grand terrace to the south for those mid-summer-nights...

Parsley Club

Live jazz combined with a daily fresh Italian/ French kitchen. The club is called after the herb Parsley. A small ingredient, but an unmistakeable, spicy and unforgettable flavor. Good food, Light Jazz and an elaborate and carefully selected wine menu.

Did You Know?

Hemp foods are an excellent source of protein, fatty acids, and dietary fibres.




De Duivel

Reguliersdwarsstraat 87 (626 61 84).

Amsterdam's one and only hiphop club, with the latest beats and a crowd to match. Occasional DJ sets are dropped on the weekends. Escape

Rembrandtplein 11 (622 11 11).

One of the larger clubs in town. Most nights rented out to party organizations. The club in general pulls a younger crowd. Evenings start at 12.00 Industry

Paardenstraat 17

Large club in a small alley just off Rembrandt square. Music is mostly R&B, with the dance floor downstairs and the bar on the first floor. Jimmy Woo

Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 18 (626 31 50).

Hot trendy night club. 19th century Hong-Kong mixed with modern black design. Infamous for its selective door policy.

Club Chi

N.Z. Voorburgwal 161 (427 59 61)

Modern, futuristic look, balcony and bar overlooking the dance floor. Spacious dance Korsakoff Bourbon Street floor and lounge area with Lijnbaansgracht 161 (625 78 54). Leidsekruisstraat 6-8 (623 34 40). comfortable seats and sofas. Alternative club. punk-rock, Late night live entertainment. Tunes from House, techno, techno, gothic. Live music On Blues, Jazz and Rock ‘jam nights’. trance to R&B and Hip-Hop. Wednesdays. A mixture of all ages and different backgrounds. Rain Melkweg Rembrandtplein 44 (626 70 78). Lijnbaansgracht 234 (531 81 81). Sinners In Heaven Hip club-bar-restaurant. TasteMainly a live music venue, but du- Wagenstraat 3-7 (620 13 75). ful interior with lots of dark ring weekends it also hosts a va- ’Jet-set club’, frequented by soccer wood and bamboo Lounge. riety of dance events. players and soap actors. Designer Jazz tunes, hip-hop and house. interior. Come early and dress up Ministry if you want to get in without Regulierdwarsstraat 12 (623 39 81). membership. Small upstairs club with an intimate atmosphere. For Hip Hop and R&B lovers. Varying sounds Flexbar Pazzanistraat 1 (486 21 23). on different nights. Located at the Amsterdam Cultural Park Westergasfabriek, this Onassis night bar is a special place: the bar Westerdoksdijk 40 (330 04 56). with its exquisite and abstract inClub-bar-restaurant on the banks of the ‘IJ’, delicious Italian food, terior can be split into two separate rooms, a bar and a dance jazz sounds. club. Besides dj’s you can also expect performances and bands. Paradiso Weteringschans 6-8 (626 45 21).

Most famous pop stage of Holland, during the weekend it sometimes hosts club nights. Live music website

Dinner Ask Larry Melkweg Café- Restaurant Eat @ Jo’s: Marnixstraat 409

If you like good music to go with good food, then we may have the recipe for you: Take a five star chef, mix her with a Wisconsin drummer, and put them in the restaurant of one of Amsterdam’s most famous venues, the ‘Melkweg’. What you get is an excellent meal, served in a dawning rock star atmosphere. Gusto: Kloveniersburgwal 7

Mama herself is in the kitchen, stewing up authentic Italian delights. Fine dining in an Italian setting is made complete here with quality wine. If you like cheese, the flaming spaghetti is for you. Get this: a giant wheel of cheese (50kg.) is sliced lengthwise, flaming cognac is poured into a hollow in the cheese, then fresh pasta is stirred around inside and the whole thing is topped with scraped curls of the parmesan. Delicious! Eetcafé Stoop and Stoop: Lange Leidsedwarsstraat 82

Now I must include a typical Amsterdam-Dutch place and this is it. Situated on ‘Restaurant Row’ near the Leidseplein, it’s the only place on the whole street that doesn’t have someone standing outside trying to coerce you into their empty restaurant. If you come across a place like this, full to capacity with indigenous people, you know it’s a safe bet for a meal. Be prepared to wait a bit.

New King: Zeedijk 115-117

On the Zeedijk across from the famous Chinese temple you will find all the things you expect and more from a Chinese restaurant, for reasonable prices. This is a very busy place but worth the wait!

Jet Lounge: Westermarkt 25

A little piece of L.A. in Amsterdam. A great location across from Westerkerk on the Rozengracht. Chef Dell is ready to Thai-Mex your taste buds in the stylish cocktail bar setting. Most evenings start out nice and chill but you never know when it’s about to change. All of the sudden someone at the next table, or the chef could be ready to start their DJ set or maybe a small jam session. What ever it is, it’s sure to be remembered. La Bertolla: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 82

Aha! The “five euro spaghetti place” is what we call it around town! Conveniently located on a busy street in central Amsterdam (next to Hempshopper), this bistro style eatery is a pleasant break from an afternoon’s shopping and sightseeing. Inexpensive pizza and pasta are on offer here while maintaining a taste of Italy. “Good food for a good price.” de Klos: Kerkstraat 41

You’ve got two choices at this local eatery: meat or meat. Ok, they offer a few sides such as onion soup (wow), baked potatoes, and a few other typical complementary dishes, but meat is the menu here. Steaks, lamb shoulder, veal, chicken, and my favourite flesh on earth: BBQ ribs. That’s right, I said BBQ! All meat is mouth wateringly cooked over an open flame. See you there.

In June last year a new Comedy Theatre called ‘in de Nes’ opened it’s doors. It is situated in the heart of Amsterdam (near Dam square). With a special atmosphere and a various and qualitative program the Comedy Theatre is a unique new theatre in Amsterdam where everything is possible.

Summer Schedule

Every Friday & Saturday (June 20th till August 23rd) 20:30PM

During the summer the Comedy Theatre in de Nes will program special English International stand-up comedy shows in the heart in Amsterdam. Some of Holland’s greatest comedians (like Javier Guzman and Wilko Terwijn) will play their sets in English. Beside these names there will be special guests/headliners from the UK, USA and Australia. After the shows a band or DJ will play (live) music. Admittance: € 12,50 Friday, 4 July Kubrilesque (special) 24.00PM

Cherry Kiss Burlesque of Hollywood presents Kubrilesque. Scenes from the Stanley Kubrick films in Burlesque style. Cherry Kiss Burlesque is the brainchild of burlesque vixens Polly Peabody and Crystal Swarovski of NYC. It was after rehearsals in the shadowy nightclubs of New York's East Village that the two of them hatched the seeds of what would become their current project, Cherry Kiss. Bringing their zany, dirty, political, New York, performance art sensibilities to the City of Angels proved to be exactly what the town needed.

Burlesque Freak Out Saturday, July 12th, 19th, 26th & Saturday, August 2nd, 9th, 16th

Burlesque Freak Out a Rhythmic Explosion of Burlesque Fun. Come on and dance the night away to an evening of Swingin', Snappy-, Funky-, Rock 'n Roll and Soul music. Enjoy the fab atmosphere and dress up for party time. On stage there will be Vivacious, Exotic and Tempting Cuties: they do the stripping, you do the flipping. International burlesque starlets like Pepper Minsky (USA) and Madame Bling Bling (Brasil) and Miss Beeby Rose (NL) will be entertaining the crowd in a fun and cheeky way. Several Masters of Ceremony who also happen to be fine singers like Desmond O'Connor (UK), Shai Shahar (USA) and Lady Marmalade (USA) will be announcing on different dates, singing and do some nightclub comedy. A party where Fetish meets Vaudeville and Glamour meets Sleaze, somewhere in between Moulin Rouge and a Quentin Tarantino movie. Admittance: € 12,50

Nes 110 1012 KE Amsterdam


Cannabis College


Legal? Or permitted? Dutch Marijuana Legislation Facts

Recreational Information

When consuming cannabis and enjoying our lovely city please keep these tips in mind to prevent possible negative experiences.

* Unfortunately someone who has consumed too many “space” products will notice no relief from sugar water, as the metabolised cannabinoids are unaffected by sugar. Please allow 20 minutes to two hours for a space product to start working, and if the cake is larger try eating half and wait at least an hour before consuming more cannabis.

* Regular consumers of cannabis are encouraged to take frequent breaks from their habit, especially from smoking. Remember, smoke less and enjoy it more! When visiting coffeeshops in the Netherlands there are certain things you need to keep in mind:

Amsterdam is known to be a liberal city. Although many people exaggerate the freedom here, the Amsterdammers and Dutch in general do have a few liberties that are unique in the world. Still, whenever you visit a city in a foreign country it is always a good idea to inform yourself about the local laws and rules. In Amsterdam's case this can be a difficult task, therefore this article will try to inform you about the basics of the Dutch legislation and specific things you should know about Amsterdam and its Coffeeshops.

* Please use caution when combining cannabis and alcohol. Smoking a joint can make your drinks feel many times stronger! * All cannabis users: (but especially medical users) please make sure to consume only organically grown products (no chemical nutrients or pesticides).

• You are allowed to purchase and possess up to five grams of cannabis. Possessing more is interpreted as if you want to trade it, which is illegal.

• Only specially permitted “Coffeeshops” are allowed to sell soft drugs, and never more than five grams per person per day. You have to be 18 or over to access a Coffeeshop.

* THC, one of the active ingredients in cannabis, is a mood enhancer. Make sure you are having a day that you wish to make more intense or please refrain from using cannabis products. Drug use is a personal choice and should not be influenced by another person’s opinion.

* Smoking joints, eating space cake or using a vaporiser will lower the amount of sugar in your blood, leading to nausea, ringing ears, and sweating. If this occurs please drink some sugar water or juice, or eat something sweet (avoid caffeine). Fresh air usually helps and so does a good meal, but panicking will not!

and trade in soft-drugs. The specific rules are as follows:

Coffeeshops are allowed to sell (and pay taxes), but can not legally buy stock.


The European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD) was founded in 1993 and is a NGO (Non Gov* Don’t feel obliged to consume ernmental Organisation). It is the entire amount of cannabis a wide European network of purchased in that same cof- about 156 organisations and infeeshop, as you may carry up to dividual citizens affected and five grams and enjoy it at the next concerned by current drug shop you visit or at home. policies.

* Not all coffeeshops are the same. Trust your instincts and if you can’t get enough information about the menu from which you are choosing, feel free to see and smell or go elsewhere.

well as media, companies and many individual European citizens.

According to ENCOD, drug policies deprive society from benefiting from the positive applications of plants such as hemp or coca leaves, while they guarantee criminal profits, which, according to the UN agency in charge of drug control, can be estimated at 400 billion uuros per year.

ENCOD members believe that drug prohibition should be replaced by a rational and balanced approach as the only sensible way of reducing drug related problems. Based on evidence and on respect for human rights.

* The toleration of cannabis is restricted to certain areas, primarily in coffeeshops, meaning that smoking in the streets is not permitted.

Among their members are cannabis and hemp organizations, health workers, doctors, researchers, grassroot activists as

The paradox in the Dutch drugs policy

The paradox in the Dutch drugs policy is that the growing and trading of large amounts of soft drugs is illegal and not allowed, yet Coffeeshops still need to buy their stock. This phenomenon is referred to as the “back door/ front door” paradox: Coffeeshops are allowed to sell (and pay taxes for it), but can not legally buy stock.

It is not illegal to smoke outside the Coffeeshop, but things have changed over the past few years, and it is no longer acceptable to smoke cannabis just everywhere.

Restricted areas around Central Station and the Red Light District have a “zero tolerance” policy. In other areas in Amsterdam where it is forbidden to smoke MarijuIn the Netherlands we distinguish ana, official “no-pot-smoking” between two types of drugs: soft street signs will indicate this cleand hard drugs. By law both of arly. them are illegal, but the use and possession of small amounts of Although you are not expected to soft drugs is decriminalized and know local regulations, you might regulated. This led the Dutch to very well risk a fine when smoking having a unique drugs policy in in these areas. ACC the world. Although the use of addictives in general is discouraged, the Dutch politics reasoned that cannabis does not have physically addictive qualities, and are not more harmful than, say, alcohol. Therfore the Netherlands allow limited forms of possession

Thinking Big Amsterdam’s Top City program

be oneself. Amsterdam’s tolerant character is unique and is wellknown internationally”.

Amsterdam wants to be one of “The goal of the programme is the top five European cities for therefore to promote Amsterdam businesses once more. more emphatically on the international stage, using the city’s charFor years, Amsterdam was one of acteristics as a basis. Amsterdam the top five cities in Europe. Now will also attract more international Barcelona has a higher place on visitors to the region by organisthe list and other cities such as ing new events. Madrid, Berlin and Budapest are Strengthening the Amsterdam serious competitors. To get Ams- economy and improving the interdam back into the top 5, the vestment climate are also goals of City Counsel says, that they need Amsterdam Top City. It is clear to make maximum use of the city that a thriving economy is essenand the region. Working with a tial if the city is to function at its large number of partners, the optimal level.” Amsterdam City Council declares that it is committed to the Amsterdam ‘Top City’ program.

“Amsterdam has all the elements necessary to make the Amsterdam Top City programme a success” the counsil says on the city’s website. “The city is world-famous for its creativity, innovative character and trading spirit. These qualities also apply to the city’s residents. In Amsterdam, people play a central role. It is a city where one can

T h e H a s h M a r i h u a n a Dutch & Hemp Museum ...ish...



'History, present and future of the cannabis plant'

Since the opening in 1985 of the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum in Amsterdam, almost a million interested people have visited this permanent exhibition. Each year, some 75,000 people from all parts of the world come to this exceptional cultural and knowledge centre at 148 Oudezijds Achterburgwal, in the heart of the Red-Light District. The museum is completely dedicated to the cannabis plant and its many uses. The Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum is unique in the world and is much like a voyage of discovery that fits perfectly into a tourist visit to Amsterdam.

The Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum is unique in the world

ready when entering the museum. Inside, all aspects of hash and marihuana are fully explained. For instance, a photo collection shows how hashish is made in the traditional fashion in Afghanistan. In the Middle East, hash has been a stimulant for centuries. There is a large collection of traditional pipes from all over the world. And a collection of photos, posters, and magazines on the cannabis culture, ranging from the 19th century to the era of jazz and on to the contemporary pop culture.

pected that scientists will discover many more uses for the cannabis plant. At the museum, visitors will be able to gain a deeper insight into all of this, because it presents

a wealth of information. In the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum, the past, present and future of the cannabis plant are merging INT together.

The importance of cannabis in relation to the environment

The Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum offers visitors extensive documentation and historical facts about today's use of the cannabis plant as well as about its medicinal, religious and cultural applications. In addition, attention is given to the importance of cannabis in relation to the environment, agriculture and industry. The museum shows that hemp has evolved to become one of Man's most valuable raw materials used in farming.

Although cannabis is still considered controversial in many places of the world, the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum aims to proThe scent of genuine cannabis vide an objective picture of this plants welcomes the visitor al- remarkable plant. It is to be ex-

Ahoy from hoi (="hello") Booze from Middle Dutch busen (="to drink in excess"). Boss from baas Cookie from koekje, or in informal Dutch koekie (="biscuit", "cookie") Cruise from (door)kruisen (="to cross") Gas from gas, a Dutch neologism derived from the Greek word for Chaos Geek from geck (gek) (="fool") Golf from kolf (="bat, club", but also a game played with these) Skipper from Middle Dutch scipper (now schipper =literally "shipper") Tattoo (military term) from taptoe (=literally "close the tap"). So called because police used to visit taverns in the evening to shut off the taps of casks. Whore from huren (="to rent, to hire") Yankee from Jan Kees, a Dutch personal name, originally used mockingly to describe proFrench revolutionary citizens in America.

Did You Know?

The 'Club des Hashischins' Experiments with cannabis as mind-altering substance have been conducted in many cultures and groups for thousands of years. One such group was the Hashish Club, a club with renowned members.

The 'Club des Hashischins', was a Parisian society dedicated to the exploration of drug-induced experience, notably with hashish. It was active in the 1840’s counting among its members some of the most brilliant minds in France and Europe at the time. These included world famous writers and poets such as Theophile Gautier, Charles Baudelaire, Gérard de Nerval, Eugene Delacroix, Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas.

In the 1840s, the heart of Paris became a popular Bohemian hang-out. In 1842 a part of Hotel de Lauzun was rented out to the Club. Tenants Baudelaire and Gaultier held hashish soirées in which Baudelaire did research for his ‘On Wine and Hashish’ and Gaultier for his ‘The Hashish Club’. In fact, members of ‘Le Club des Hashischins’ met every month, to get high. Beaudelaire even lived in the attic for a while. Gautier Gautier wrote about the Hashish Club in an article entitled ‘Le Club des Hachichin’ which was published in the Revue des Deux Mondes in February of 1846. While he is often cited as the founder of the club, in his article

his says he was attending their monthly ‘séances’ for the first time this evening and it is clear that the others are sharing a familiar experience with him. Alexander Dumas One of the most famous French writers of the 19th century. Dumas is best known for the historical novels The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo, both written within the space of two years.

From The Count of Monte Cristo. “Because your palates has not yet been attuned to the sublimity of the substances it flavours. Tell me, the first time you tasted oysters, tea, porter, truffles, and sundry other dainties which you now adore, did you like them? Could you comprehend how the Romans stuffed their pheasants with Asafoetida, and the Chinese eat swallows' nests? Eh? No! Well, it is the same with hashish; only eat for a week and nothing in the world will seem to you to equal the delicacy of its flavour, which now appears to you flat and distasteful. Let us now go into the adjoining chamber, which is your apartment, and Ali will bring us coffee and pipes.”

Hemp building materials are mould and heat/fire resistant.

Charles Baudelaire Without doubt the best known member of the Club des Hashish was Charles Baudelaire. In the introduction to ‘Artificial paradise: On hashish and wine as means of Honore de Balzac expanding individuality’ BaudeClub member Honore de Balzac, laire candidly admits that for who was considered to be one of the most brilliant men in France, at first pooh-poohed his friends' claims about hashish. He considered it a deep shame to renounce one's will over to any substance. Further, he claimed hashish that would be unable to effect his powerful brain. Eventually his curiosity got the better of him and he tested some of the hashish, admitting that he heard celestial voices and saw visions of divine paintings before he left the group.

sirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies.“

Victor Hugo From Club member Victor Hugo’s famous novel ‘Les Miserables’: ”… Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being de- Charles Baudelaire Selfportrait

much of the artistic inspiration that influenced his work, he relied on the detailed notes he had accumulated while talking to his friends who had been using hashish for a long time. This work also includes the ”Poem of Hashish”. INT


Video showing John Lennon smoking marijuana awaits court ruling NEW YORK— John Lennon's wife Yoko Ono and a group of collectors have agreed not to release video footage of the late Beatle pending a Boston court ruling on who controls it, lawyers said.

Representatives of Ono and of World Wide Video, a group of collectors of Beatles memorabilia, have met to set a first date for their court battle over the footage, some of which shows Lennon smoking marijuana while speculating about lacing then-US president Richard Nixon's tea with LSD, and composing songs including ‘Remember’, and ‘Mind Games’. "Our film allows a new generation to share with those who lived through those times, a deep and penetrating look at the many sides of the man who set new standards in art, music, fashion and politics," Stated executive producer Ray Thomas.

Lennon, who was a singer, guitarist and composer in the legendary rock quartet The Beatles, was shot dead by a disturbed fan on December 8, 1980, a decade after the group broke up. FOC


The pungent smell of burning Marijuana at MTV Movie Awards

Obama would not punish doctors prescribing pot, but would not change law either

Johnny Depp won two prizes at the MTV Movie Awards in Los Angeles, but comedians Seth Rogen and James Franco generated the biggest buzz by lighting up what they said was a fake joint as they presented an award for summer movies. The pot-smoking pair star in an upcoming movie called Pineapple Express about two marijuana aficionados, hence the stunt.

U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama recently talked about his views on medicinal marijuana when visiting Oregon with his campaign. Ore”We don't even smoke weed,” gon is one of the 12 states that they joked, claiming that the herb- has passed medicinal marifilled bag and big joint they lit up juana laws. were ”fake weed,” even as the There really is no pungent smell of burning marijuana filled the auditorium. FOC difference between

Warren G

American West Coast rapper and producer Warren Griffin III, better known by his stage name Warren G, was arrested in Hollywood for suspicion of possession of marijuana with the intention of selling.

The 35-year-old rap artist was arrested shortly after 1:30 a.m. Sunday after the car he was a passenger in was pulled over on suspicion of running a red light near Hollywood Boulevard and Wilcox Avenue, according to the Los Angeles Times. Police reports that officers searched the car and found enough pot to assume they intended to sell it. Both Warren G and the driver were booked for investigation of possession of a controlled substance with intention of selling. Griffin and Butler each posted $20,000 bail and they were released the same day FOC

‘Famous Friends of Cannabis’ is an idea of Self-Hemployed Amsterdam. The website was inspired by a chapter from the book 'Cannabis' by German writer Mathias Broecker (published in 2002). has been online since 2003. It is the largest archive on notable historical and contemporary Friends Of Cannabis (Industrial hemp AND Marijuana).

that and a doctor prescribing morphine or anything else.

In an interview Obama stated, “When it comes to medical marijuana, I have more of a practical view than anything else. My attitude is that if it’s an issue of doctors prescribing medical marijuana as a treatment for glaucoma or as a cancer treatment, I think that should be appropriate because there really is no difference between that and a doctor prescribing morphine or anything else. I think there are legitimate concerns in not wanting to allow people to grow their own or start setting up mom and pop shops because at that point it becomes fairly difficult to regulate.”

That may require some changes in federal law.

Obama continues... ”I’m not familiar with all the details of the initiative that was passed [in Oregon] and what safeguards there were in place, but I think the basic concept that using medical marijuana in the same way, with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors, I think that’s entirely appropriate. I would not punish doctors if it’s prescribed in a way that is appropriate. That may require some changes in federal law.”

Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg record track ‘My Medicine’

”I will tell you that - I want to be honest with you - whether I want to use a whole lot of political capital on that when we’re trying to get health care passed or end the Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson war in Iraq is, yeah, the likelihood were in Amsterdam to record a of that being real high on my list video for "My Medicine". is not likely”, says Obama. Both Snoop and Willie had a busy “What I’m not going to be doing schedule (besides meeting lots of is using Justice Department re- friends around town for a smoke sources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue simply because Did You Know? I want folks to be investigating viHemp may be grown as a olent crimes and potential terror110- to 120-day crop and ism. We’ve got a lot of things for is cultivated with little or our law enforcement officers to no pesticides. deal with.” FOC

of course), but both did manage to squeeze in a concert for the Amsterdam fans. Willie played a great show in a smoke-free but jam packed Melkweg venue. Snoop Dogg did a guest appearance on the track "I Ain't Superman". A duet worth looking up on YouTube.

Willie of course returned the favour and appeared at Snoop Dogg’s show at the melkweg the following day. FOC

Friends Of Cannabis Archive



The US stand-up artist, noted especially for his irreverent attitude and observations on language, psychology and religion along with many other taboo subjects,

Classic HighLight (1756-1791)


In Memoriam George Carlin (1937 - 2008)

The world lost one if its great comedians with the death of George Carlin last month.


HEMP Friends



Founded in 1976 was one of the first mainstream stores to sell hemp body care products.


All BMW 5 Series cars are made with hemp door panels.

Henry Ford (1863-1947)

Henry Ford was a friend of Geroge Washington Carver and used Carver's ideas in building his early Ford hemp car, of which 70% was cellulose fibers from wheat straw, hemp, and sisal.

Century Friends Queen Victoria (1819–1901)

Century Friends

Ancient Times

In the 19th century, cannabis was widely used to relieve muscle spasms and rheumatism. Even Queen Victoria's personal physician, Sir Russell Reynolds, prescribed cannabis for her majesty’s period pains.

(c. 2000 B.C.)

The earliest record of the medicinal use of the plant is that of the Chinese emperor-herbalist Shen-Nung himself who, some five thousand years ago, recommended cannabis for various diseases and pains. Zarathustra (Zoroaster) (Born 660 B.C.)

George Washington Carver (1865 - 1943)

George Washington Carver was the greatest inventor and researcher in American history. Carver also cultivated marijuana and hemp. He found there were several uses for hemp including a way to make fuel from it.

Emperor Shen-Nung

Levi Strauss (1829-1902)

Sir Richard Branson (1950)

The Scythians

(c. 484 BC – c. 425 BC)

The Greek historian Herodotus describes the Scythians of central Asia throwing hemp onto heated stones under canvas: ”As it burns, it smokes like incense and the smell of it makes them drunk”.

Arthur Rimbaud (1854 – 1891)

Rimbaud believed that true art could only be produced through what he called "constant and systematic derangement of the senses." To this aesthetic end, he smoked a lot of hashish.

In 2001, Converse made a number of hemp sneaker varieties.

A Klasse

Hemp fibre for composites in door panels and dashboards.

hemp can replace costly aramid fibres, or asbestos brake pads. (opera-

tors of trains, underground and metro lines because of health concerns over airborne brake dust in enclosed spaces).

Armani has created a few modern mens hemp suits, linings and other clothing.

After Henry Ford’s first attempts, Ford islooking at using hemp again.

H e m p Seed Oil provides increased hydration and helps transpor t needed moisture and other ingredients into the skin.

Making shoewear from hemp in various different models.

Uses hemp fibre for composites in panels and dashboard for the Corsa.

The original Levi Strauss jeans made for the Sierra gold miners were made of hemp (canvas) sailcloth.

Zarathustra gave hemp first place in the sacred Zend-Avesta (an ancient Persian religious text of several hundred volumes), which lists over 10,000 medicinal plants. It refers to ‘bhang’ as the ”good narcotic”.

myth was still very strong then, but I'd been into jazz and those lyrics included so many casual references to pot that it was completely demystified for me”.

The Body Shop


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart ate cannabis bon-bons with his girlfriends. Interesting fact is that according to research by the university of Leicester, a quarter of the Classical music lovers smoke cannabis. Opera visitors seem to be more into hallucinogens.

smoked in his younger years. Carlin told Playboy Magazine in a 1982 interview; ”…some friends and I were using marijuana fairly regularly. The Reefer Madness

Virgin boss Richard Branson has said that he would sell legalised cannabis in his stores. He said his company would not want to get involved in selling ordinary cigarettes because tobacco is too dangerous.

Did You Know?

cannabis was outlawed in 1961 with the main objective to stop cannabis cultivation worldwide and eradicate cannabis smoking within 30 years.

Use hemp fibre for composites panels in the Chrysler Sebring.

Came out with the ‘Chronic’‘Hemp’- ‘Gazelle Natural’. (Renamed

3 times, after ‘drug czar’ and ex-mayor of Houston, Texas Lee P. Brown accused Adidas of marketing the ‘Hemp’ sneaker to "capitalize on the drug culture").

Prohibition open to be challenged?



Last December, at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference, the Dutch psychiatrist Fredrick Polak asked Antonio Costa how he could explain that the average use of cannabis in the Netherlands is lower than it’s surrounding countries, even though it is freely available? His question at that time was not answered.

tion, and you refused to answer and you started to stray away and talk about other things, but you did not answer the question, so I’ll do it again now, if I may, a simple question...”

”In Holland cannabis is available for everybody who wants to use it, and who is an adult (over 18 years). So, there are no restrictions on the personal use of cannabis and the possession of small quantities, yet the levels of use of During a Narcotic Drugs Com- cannabis in Holland are lower mission meeting in Vienna, earlier than in the countries surrounding this year, Polak asked his question us.” again, to which Costa repeatedly ”And I said to you, this must be a avoided to answer. problem for you. I'd like to know For Costa, who is a proponent for how explain this, because this is world wide prohibition of contrary to the theory of prohibicannabis, it all seemed quite con- tion, this is contrary to how the frontational as he visibly struggled whole system here is working, and with the issue on camera after Mr. you refused to answer this quesPolak posed the same question tion. So I ask you again...” and referring to their last meeting in New Orleans. This is the transcript of that conversation :

AC: ”No.. my ‘friend’ I did not refuse, actually I got into trouble, because as you …(inaudiable)… this very point of the Netherlands and I made certain statements, that were then picked up by the Dutch press and they were used in a formal statement about stigmaFP: ”My name is Fredrick Polak tising my own behaviour in the from the European organization Netherlands. so I did not, I didn't Encod.” recall you personally, sorry...”



Police union: fight against cannabis supply is pointless The head of the Dutch police union NPB, Hans van Duijn, told Radio 1 it is pointless to fight against the supply of cannabis.

He thinks it only leads to more crime and he would much rather see soft drugs legalised in The Netherlands. Further, Hans van Duijn is in favour of letting long time addicts use hard drugs under supervision. In his opinion this is the only way to effectively fight drug related International Harm Reduction Congress, Barcelona photo: Liese Recke crime. ders, of Germany Belgium and the world drug problem, Period. the Netherl… eh sorry France, Please sir, I’m ruling you out of Drug crimes take up a great deal of the police's time and energy obviously making clear that the order, ok? Period!” and other crime issues suffer from government itself, the administration could see the experiment to FP: ”No, I posed you a question, it, says the retiring NPB chairman. fail ..(inaudiable)... Period!” which is really central to the issue He thinks most senior police ofhere. How do you explain the fact ficers feel the same way. Accord-- Costa trying to move on to the next that in Holland the levels of use ing to Hans van Duijn, Dutch question.. of cannabis are lower then in the politicians are reluctant to look at surrounding countries, this is a the possibilities of legalising soft FP: ”Do you think this is an an- very clear question, and I would drugs. swer to my question?” like to know, you must have an ex- Under international pressure they prefer to put their heads in the planation for it?” sand, says Mr Van Duijn. We are not a debating society, we AC: ”The Mayor of Amsterdam has decided that its… (inaudiawant to solve the ble)… Period.”

world drug problem

FP: ”You’re mistaken him with the Mayor of Maastricht, that’s the first thing, and whether it’s… FP: ”This is your willingness to (cut off)” be challenged?” ”Costa turns away from the conAC: ”We, I’m not here for a deep versation and asks, Do we have a personal debate, we are not a de- question on the left?” bating society, we want to solve AC: ”Well if it’s not, forget it!”

Po t n o t s tr o n g e r

Dutch research showed that THC (the active substance in cannabis) in the Dutch cannabis dropped from 17,5% in 2006, to 16% in 2007. The THC contents of the ‘import hash’ dropped in the same time span from 18,7% to 13,3%. The average price however has gone up 20% compared to 2006. These are results of the yearly THC research the Dutch Trimbosinstitute does for the ministry of public health.

”I doubt you're open to be challenged. I had a bad experience in that respect with you sir. I’m sorry to say and that was at the New Orleans Conference.”

”The answer comes from the Netherlands themselves, for example from the very same mayor of Amsterdam, did you know, no more then 14 years ago there where 2600 Coffeeshops.. selling This is contrary to marijuana and the Netherlands have been decreasing in number the theory of prohi- and size progressively there are about 550 now, and the adminisbition tration of Amsterdam decided to ”I asked you a very simple ques- move them out of the city, out of tion, twice I asked you this ques- the red district towards the bor-

Since 1999 the Trimbos-institute of Mental Health and Addiction is assigned to do research on the strength of cannabis ‘products’ sold in the Dutch Coffeeshops. Untill 2004 there was an increase of THC contents in Dutch canNetherlands Supreme Court and nabis. Recent results show that from 2004 till end 2007 the THC a Professor Penal Law. contents dropped from more than ACC The Foundation is convinced that 20% to only 16%. the current drug policy does not work and that a better policy is Reprinted from spring issue. conceivable and feasible.

Who is Fredrick Polak? Fredrick Polak, born in Amsterdam in 1942, is a Dutch psychiatrist and psycho analyst.

From 1990 till 2003 he was consulting psychiatrist of the drugs department of Amsterdam's City Health Service.

The problems regarding illegal Polak is a board member of the drugs that society is presently Netherlands Drug Policy Founda- confronted with, such as drug-retion, an ENCOD organization. lated problems in deprived neighborhoods and in border towns This Foundation consists of vol- and cities, organized and drug-reunteers with different social and lated crime are, first and foremost, political backgrounds. caused by the prohibition of On its board are also several town drugs, and much less so by drug councilors and aldermen, a for- use itself. mer assistant commissioner and superintendent of police and a The Netherlands Drug Policy former Dutch ambassador. Foundation aims to change the The board of advisors is formed present drug policy into a policy by a former Health Secretary, a that does deal with vital matters former member of the European such as public health, safety, the Parliament, a public prosecutor, a rule of law and individual autonformer advocate general to the omy in a more sensible way. ACC

UNODC: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is the executive bureau of international drug policies. Even though according to many NGO’s not much progress has been made by UNODC, the commission currently receives a budget of about 210 Million Euro per year. This is mainly used to support their infrastructure and to finance some drug prevention programs in developing countries. The main task of the UNODC however should be to create an objective point of reference.

UN Drug Czar visits Amsterdam Coffeeshop FREEAMSTERDAM.NL


Last month executive director of UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), Antonio Marie Costa visited Amsterdam. This visit is believed to have been scheduled to give Costa a better view of the Dutch drug policies and their effectiveness.

Mr. Costa, accompanied by representatives of the Dutch Justice department, the Ministry of Health and Mr. van Binsbergen of the of Amsterdam visited the famous Red Light District and popular Amsterdam Coffeeshop Dampkring (that received some notability for being featured in the blockbuster movie Oceans Twelve with Brad Pitt and George Clooney). Coffeeshop owner Paul Wilhelm was there to explain the ins and outs of a running a Coffeeshop in Amsterdam. “Strangely enough they seemed a lot more immature about the whole situation then I expected” said Paul.

The ultimate feeling of freedom

Costa’s first questions was literally; “So.. I bet that movie made you a lot of money huh?” “Sure the attention is great - for what business would it not be? However the chance to a positive change was the main reason to do it”. Pauls explains. “These people have a lot of influence and possibly can change the look on ‘the evil’ cannabis and Coffeeshops for some people. Steve Soderbergh contacted us for the movie because, as he said, being in our shop gave him “the ultimate feeling of freedom”.

When Costa asks if they sell alcohol Paul responds: No, unfortunately we were forced to make a choice last year. Costa; “because it caused problems?” No, Paul replied. “Actually the opposite. There was a good balance, For most visitors enough is enough. There are people that would rather drink a beer than smoke and vice versa. When asked “So how much money do you make?” Paul with a smile replied “If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine”

A learning curve for the government as well as for the Coffeeshops

The UN Under-Secretary was explained how the government created a separation between softand hard drugs by allowing so called Coffeeshops in the early 1970’s. This eradicated the local dealers but also lead to a ‘boom’ of small Coffeeshops. Even though there has been a learning curve for the government as well as for the Coffeeshops, there have been clear rules and regulations on the existing and running of such establishments.

When Costa asks whether they sell cigarettes, Paul proudly an-


15 European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction Dutch Drug Policy Foundation DRUGTEXT, Harm Reduction Information Center The Netherlands and the United Stated: A Comparison

Video footage on Youtube of Psychiatrist Dr. Fredrick Polak and UNODC Executive Directir Mr. Antonio Marie Costa at the 51st session of UNODC, March 2008, Vienna. Costa (centre) at coffeeshop Dampkring photo: swers; “No, they are very un- The politition then asks the Cof- pretty much like any other horeca 208nLLEwk healthy and more addictive than feeshop owner, “Are you a crimi- establishment. I have a social life, Did You Know? cannabis.” In what may be con- nal”? a family, three healthy kids, of Vaporzing is a smoke-free sidered a Pavlovian response, which one is going to university Costa immediately denies this. this year. I don’t feel like a crimiand healthier option than Are you a criminal? Paul explains that out of personal nal at all.” Paul concludes. ‘smoking’ cannabis. experience and his expertise as a Paul replies hesitantly. “Well… Coffeeshop owner, it is far easier yes. But I don’t feel like one. to quit smoking cannabis for a cannabis is semi legal.. (“tolerday, or even a week, then having ated” Mr. van Binsbergen corno cigarettes for a day. rects) and I’m running a business

Costa: Marijuana use Amsterdam highest in the world

The Dutch await backing evidence for claims made by UNODC executive

interesting is the fact that Mr. Costa, having been a Flower Kid’, In a text, retrieved from Costa’s smoked cannabis while at Univerown hand, that was posted on the sity. UNODC’s website, but retracted a few days later, cannabis City The retraction of Costa’s web log Amsterdam learned that the Ex- entry, of which Amsterdam ecutive Director’s views on cannabis City still has a hard copy cannabis were confirmed by his in its possession, may well be retrip to Amsterdam. He now even lated to rumours that the claims to have found that addic- UNODC Executive Director pretion rates to cannabis in Amster- sented a report on his Amsterdam dam are the highest in the world, visit to his host, the Dutch Minthree times higher than in other istry of Health, but that this relarge cities. port was considered unacceptable. In contrast to Costa’s findings, When I was a studies conducted by the Trimbos Institute; the Dutch Institute for Berkley flower kid research on recreational drug use which have been monitoring marCosta further stated on the UN ijuana potency since 1999, website that with its toleranceto showed a decrease in THC levels soft drugs, the Netherlands is vio- since 2004. lating UN conventions according to the International Narcotics Fantasizing about Control Board. Costa argued furCosta’s evidence ther that Amsterdam is creating a health problem caused by Availselection ability Marihuana, and that this could get worse as cannabis be- The claim that Amsterdam smokes more marijuana than the comes more potent. rest of Holland, while other capiMr. Costa claimed that “the psy- tals of the world use the same cho-active component in amounts as in the rest of the cannabis, THC, is now more than country are yet to be supported 15% as against the 2-3 % when I with reliable figures. was a Berkley Flower kid”. It is unclear on what data Costa base In a reaction Dr Polak of his claims. It is certainly not pro- ENCOD says: “We wait in tense vided by the scientific community. anticipation of, and [are] fantasizScientists hold no available data ing about Costa’s evidence selecregarding THC levels over longer tion and construction effort, to time periods. The simple reason support this claim. Polak says: for this is that no comparable “Based on what we hear here, I measurements were taken during know quite a few colleagues, spethe earlier days of the ‘policy of cialists in different fields, who condones’ (gedoogbeleid) in the would wipe the floor with these Netherlands. What is even more arguments.” J. S. VAN DER STAD


How Cannabis Works On The Brain FREEAMSTERDAM.NL

8PW\W Ja 8Q[\QT[

Take a trip into the human brain to find the natural equivalent to THC.

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For more than three thousand years, the psychoactive function of cannabis has been praised and cherished throughout the world. Most of us have heard of THC, the essential component in cannabis that produces the psychoactive effect that makes humans high. But did you know that the human brain possesses its very own natural equivalent to THC?

Humans possess a great abundance of cannabinoid receptors

As soon as the cannabinoids enter the brain they immediately behave like neurotransmitters and begin to bind to very specific cannabinoid receptors that certain neurons have. Human beings possess a great abundance of cannabinoid receptors both in the brain and in the body. The really amazing thing is that if the cannabinoid receptors were not present in our body, the cannabinoids would have no effect on us. In other words, if we did not have cannabinoid receptors, we could never get high.

How can it be that humans have these special cannabinoid receptors? For any drug for which there are receptors in the human brain, we have to ask ourselves the logi-

Effects of marijuana are similar to effects occurring naturally in the brain

Anandamide is a neurotransmitter and what we call an endocannabinoid, which means that it is a cannabinoid naturally produced in the body. In other words, Anandamide is the neurotransmitter that functions as the natural THC of the brain. Just like THC, it acts on cannabinoid receptors, which are most abundant in brain structures like the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex. These are centres of the brain associated with motor control, emotions and higher cognitive functions. Moreover, anandamide has been shown to play a role in human behaviour such as pain relief, the neural generation of motivation and pleasure, and the regulation of appetite. Both anandamide and THC stimulate food intake in animals and humans; an effect wellknown as ‘the munchies’.

THC will give us an amazing opportunity to glance into the mechanics of our own minds

Anandamide also plays a significant role in the activation of a brain structure called the nucleus accumbens. This structure has traditionally been studied for its role in addiction, but it plays an equal role in laughter, pleasure and rewards, such as food and sex. Interestingly, a recent study found that the nucleus accumbens is also involved in the regulation of emotions induced by music; an effect that should be familiar to any marijuana smoker. The effects of THC are in fact a mirror image of the natural effects of anandamide. Neurological studies on cannabis have led to a deeper understanding of the natural effects of anandamide. Effects of marijuana

An example of your brain activity

include relaxation, euphoria, altered space-time perception; the enhancement of visual, auditory and olfactory senses as well as appetite stimulation and analgesic effects. Knowing that THC and anandamide bind to the same receptors tells us that the effects of marijuana are similar to effects occurring naturally in the brain through the release of anandamide. Further studies of this neurotransmitter in comparison with THC will give us an amazing opportunity to glance into the mechanics of our own minds and bring us one step closer to discovering the secrets of normal, as

well as altered, states of human consciousness.

Health Aspects Of Cannabinoids:

Endocannabinoids seem to play a part in almost every major life function in the human body.

Cannabinoids act as a bio-regulatory mechanism for most life processes, which helps to explain why cannabis has been cited as an effective treatment for a range of diseases and ailments.

Lemon Skunk

Martian Mean Green


Cannalope Haze


Sharksbreath 8PW\W Ja :IVLWU

To understand the effects of THC we need to take a look at how our brains function. The brain is operated by around 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) which all process information about specific functions. The neurons communicate with each other through neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that control the signals sent between the neurons, and receptors which receive these signals. Foreign chemicals, like THC, can mimic or block actions of neurotransmitters and can therefore either stimulate or diminish the communication between sets of neurons. When you smoke a joint, the cannabinoids from the marijuana or hashish that you smoke make their way into your bloodstream via the lungs. Within seconds the bloodstream carries the cannabinoids all over your body and into your brain.

cal question: why do these receptors exist? The answer is quite simple; there must be in the human brain a compound that is pharmacologically similar to THC and that is naturally produced in the brain. In order for these cannabinoid receptors to exist there must be some kind of natural THC already present in every single human brain. In fact, several such compounds have been found. The most studied one is called anandamide and does indeed share many of the pharmacological effects of THC.


8PW\W Ja <Z]- /MV<

THC, the primary psychoactive component in cannabis, is known to scientists as delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol. It belongs to a group of chemical compounds called cannabinoids which are the different types of molecules present in cannabis. Out of all the 66 cannabinoids present in cannabis, THC, because of its widely appreciated psychoactive effects, is the only one that has reached celebrity status.

LA Con f idential



Sour Cream

C13 Haze


Connie Chung

Sweet Haze

Pure Afghan

Super Cannlope


Ma r i j u a n a e xe m p t fr om smoking ban ;;MML /ITTMZa *WVO[ 8QXM[ +TW\PQVO 1VNW /QN\[ M MML /IT L / I TMMZa *W Z a * W V O [ 8 [ 8Q X M [ + [ +TT W \ P QVV O 1 VVNN W / Q NN\\ [

Health Minister Klink has informed the Dutch parliament that the ban on smoking in cafĂŠs from July 1st will not apply to the smoking of mariSome of these include: pain, juana. arthritic conditions, migraine, headaches, anxiety, epileptic The tobacco ban will affect the seizures, insomnia, loss of ap- whole horeca industry. CafĂŠs, petite, GERD (chronic heart- restaurants, discotheques, theatres burn), nausea, glaucoma, AIDS and coffee shops. However as wasting syndrome, depression, Health Minister Klink said, the bipolar disorder (particularly depression-manic-normal), multiple sclerosis, menstrual cramps, Parkinson's, trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux), high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome and bladder incontinence.

Did You Know?

Cannabinoids are found in vertebras as well as invertebras, such as leeches and molluscs, which means that Cannabinoids have probably survived for more than 500 million years of evolutionary progress

ban falls under the tobacco laws and does not apply to tobaccofree products. Like Marijuana.

However, visitors of coffeeshops will have to consume cannabis without tobacco.

"Staff in these coffeeshops have the same right as workers in other cafĂŠs to a tobacco-free working environment", says Klink. ACC

4MST3RD4M 1N NUMB3RS Founded: 1306 (City Rights) Population: 747,290

Location: 52°22’23”N 4°53’32”E Size: 219 km2 (84.6 sq mi) - Land 166 km² (64.1 sq mi) - Water: 53 km² (20.5 sq mi) Distance to: New York, NY, USA 5867 km/ 3646 mi

London, United Kingdom 355 km/ 221 mi Sydney, Australia 16673 km/ 10362 mi Mexico City, Mexico 9223 km/ 5732 mi

Buenos Aires, Argentina 11436 km/ 7108 mi

Amsterdam has 174 nationalities. (out of 249 world wide)

It consists of approx. 90 islands, separated by some 100 kilometres of canals and linked with about 1,281 bridges.

About 20,000 buildings make up the historical city centre (800 hectares). One third was built before 1850. Amsterdam has approximately 6,700 ‘national monuments’. Central Station is build on 6,000 poles in the ground.

21 markets 28 parks 600,000 bicycles 6,179 shops 250 restaurants 232 city trams 24 diamond polishing factories 1,281 bridges 165 canals 45 theatre schools 2,500 houseboats 350 hotels (with about 18,000

There are in total 2,556 locations where alcohol can be consumed (excluding hotels and liqueur stores)

Coffeeshops: 234 (statistics published Jan 2007)


25% of the Netherlands is below sea level. 75% of the world’s entire flower bulb production comes from the Netherlands. The Netherlands still has around a thousand original working windmills scattered throughout the country.

Cannabis possession 18+ Max 5 g. p.p. (Hash or Weed) Drinking age 16+ (for beer or wine). Hard Liquor: 18+ Tobacco 16+, Condoned pot smoking age 18+ Driving: 18+ Voting: 18+ Average Annual Precipitation: 32.1 inches/ 81 cm Average January Temperature: 38 degrees F/ 3 degrees C Average July Temperature: 62 degrees F/ 17 degrees C H0L1D4YS

January 1st - New Year's Day April 30th - Queen's Day May 4th - Commemoration Day May 5th - Liberation Day December 5th - Saint Nicholas December 25th - Christmas Day December 26th - 2nd Christmas Day H0US3H0LD F4CTS

Lost & Found - tel.: 0900/8011

Public Transport - tel.: 020-5578544 Schiphol Airport - tel.: 020-6491433

15,749,000 per year)

Electricity: 220/240 volts, electrical sockets have two round holes.

The University uses about 95 buildings throughout the city. Over 22,000 students attend the ‘Universiteit van Amsterdam’.

This is the so called ‘Herman Grid’. Try and follow the grey dots inbetween the squares and don’t pass out.

Spot & Shot!

The anwser to the last ‘Spot & Shot’ was the bell tower of the palace on Dam Square. Winner of the last prize is: T. Salvo, Amsterdam, NL New Picture Guess:

The Dutch are in average the tallest people in Europe.

rooms where almost 45,000 beds are provided)

5 camping sites 220,000 trees 40 performances per day 16,000 concerts and theatrical performances 302 statues & sculptures and 51 museums 44533 daily visitors (averaging


For 24-hour emergency medical and dental service, call the Central Doctors Service (tel.: 020-5923434).

Guess what location it is you see in the picture and mail your anwser to: for your own Amsterdam t-shirt! Hint: Mostly visible at nighttime.

Word Find Puzzle

m g n u c a n a l s u n i a r t b b m p a n c a k e k i d b n d u e e a o g v o n d e l p a r k l h l a d i f h a p p y r s s d c a i t t r i j k s m u s e u m m h f s e r e m b r a n d t m k r m e e t n i t a t b e c s m j o f d e e o r x s i p h i p e a e o e v s e r e c m r b t i r a m y e v n e r y t s a r p n e a h r t n o u c d d n a l l o h s o s i r s l p p n b i v a z s l t d a a e c n a m o r p n a o e e c e n g b c e l e m e e a c p l l i m d n i w d a h a w r c a p r e v i r u l d r c c i e e r e g n a r o o f d a a e m d r t a j a x b p i l u t p g t u h y ajax beatrix bridges canvas dam dinner freedom happy holland jenever love pancake plane rembrandt river sea summer tulip

amsterdam bicycle canals cheese diamond dutch fun hemp hotel liberty orange party pleasure restaurant romance soccer sun vondelpark

art brewery cannabis club dike festival garden history internet life palace peace polder rijksmuseum sand spinoza train windmill

Words may be found in any direction. © 2008 Amsterdam Idea Puzzle solution can be found online at

Which of the shapes on the left is bigger? A. Shape A is bigger B. Shape B is bigger C. Both shapes are the same

L a b y r i n t h

Internet/ Mobile: Amsterdam has about 70 internet ‘Hot Spots’ and there are 5 major Mobile Phone Network operators.


+31(0)20 420 0445


© 2008 Amsterdam Idea - Labirynth solution can be found online at

Hemp and Holland The Secret of our Succes



It’s no secret that the Netherlands and cannabis have a special relationship. Most commonly discussed is the tolerance towards recreational use and possession of small amounts of the plant.

1883 between 75% and 90% of everything made of or printed on paper was from hemp, and before petrochemical companies most paints, oils, varnishes, and even glues and adhesives were manufactured from hemp.

Some say that the value of the hemp plant and its seeds rose to that of almost currency in different societies of different centuries. Competing European nations often stole seed stocks as part of the bounty that accompanied victory over the enemy at sea, bolstering the winner’s agricultural (thus nautical) value while depleting that of his rival.

However, the Dutch have also made strides in modern hemp production and processing into household goods, cosmetics, food, and clothing. In fact, for hundreds of years the Dutch have cultivated hemp and several hundred years ago were responsible for spreading a large amount of genetics across the planet. In order to supply the ships navigating the world with necessities such as ropes and sails, hemp crops were grown at home in the Netherlands, abroad in the colonies and at trading posts tracking their progress around the world.

Paintings of the time show sailors and farmers smoking

For hundreds of years the Dutch have cultivated hemp

Other nations such as Spain, Portugal, and England also depended heavily upon hemp for their industrial use and therefore the ability to trade, explore (and possibly conquer) new territories, expand business and simply travel.

time much of the paper and clothing in colonial America was made from hemp, with the textiles being recycled into ‘rag paper,’ known to this day as one of the strongest and most long-lasting types of paper in the world. DuWhile hemp (what we now call ring colonial hemp shortages it the non-psychoactive version of was a punishable offence for lanthe cannabis plant) has been used downers (sometimes by death) for for thousands of years for spiri- refusing to grow the plant. tual, medical, nutritional, and industrial purposes, it was also Flags, uniforms and partially responsible for enabling fishing nets were European imperialism in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. fashioned from the

Supporting a famous history in horticulture and botanical breeding, it’s been said that the Dutch were integral in the later development of the hemp plant as well as for introducing it to the American colonies in the 1600’s. After that


Along with new technologies and crops the Dutch hemp influence was also visible in other arenas. The modern English word ‘canvas’ is believed to be a Dutch pro-

nunciation, derived from the Latin Cannabaceae, meaning ‘made of hemp’.

‘Canvas’ has roots in French and Latin and today is known as thick cotton cloth, but was until the last century almost always made from hemp fibres. Although people these days still encounter hemp in A custom still alive the form of clothes, shoes, tents, 400 years later twine and nautical equipment, the availability of and dependence on hemp is nothing compared to a Even flags, uniforms and fishing few hundred years ago. nets were fashioned from the fibre, and all these were above Most of the seagoing nations, in- decks. Below, ships’ logs, maps, cluding the Dutch, would never charts and bibles were printed on have been as successful without hemp paper as it was up to 100 the strong fibres with which to times stronger than traditional pacraft 90% of their sails, plus pyrus preparations, and many of This article is a reprint from the spring ropes, rigging, and even the the lamps that lighted the dark ‘oakum’ that sealed cracks in the evenings were dependent on issue of Free Amsterdam Cannabis boats and made them watertight. hemp oil fuel. In fact, prior to City issue.

Hempflax 100% Hemp

In the early nineties Dutch en- the equipment to the highly spetrepreneur Ben Dronkers lear- cific requirements of the tough, ned about the possibilities of fibrous stalks of the hemp plant. industrial hemp. Having discovered the Netherlands' proud Hemp processing in and long history of hemp growing and processing as well as modern times its ecological value, he found his purpose: to reintroduce an environmentally friendly, economically sound, traditional crop to his homeland and then to the rest of the world. With this in mind, Ben Dronkers established the Hempflax company in 1993.

The strongest fibre known to man

In 1994, 140 hectares (343 acres) saw Hempflax' re-launch of hemp in the Netherlands. For a crop that had not been produced for 50 years fundamental adaptations to harvesting and processing machines were required. Like any plant, hemp has specific needs as to planting and harvesting, but the equipment available at the time could not meet these needs. Much time was and still is spent on research and development to adapt

In the period from 1995 to 2001, Hempflax reinvented the harvesting and processing methods for industrial hemp. At the kick off of the enterprise there were no harvesting machines or bale presses able to handle ‘the strongest fibre known to man’. Specialized hemp harvesters were designed, developed and patented by Hempflax. After cutting the hemp crop the stalks are left behind in the field, where the bast fibres will be loosened by the effect of rain and

The Dutch imported hemp seeds from South Africa and India upon return from their missions past Cape Fear. In addition to industrial applications the flowers of the plant were used as a substitute for the highly popular yet expensive tobacco. Paintings of the time show sailors and farmers smoking In basic terms, if it wasn’t made at inns and coffeehouses, a cusof wood on a ship, it was made of tom still alive 400 years later. ACC hemp! Hemp rope and sails were incredibly strong and resisted the salt water damage and mould that were among the common wear and tear experienced in the nautical industry.

process 8 to 10 metric tons of ble in Amsterdam at the Sensi hemp straw an hour. Hempflax' Seeds shop and Hempshopper processing line does not just se- (See city map). parate the bast from the wood, but also the leaves, the seeds and the remaining substance. These five raw materials constitute the basis for Hempflax' currently marketed products.

dew. During this time the stalks are frequently turned over by a machine; the so called hemp turner. When the stalks have been sufficiently retted they are picked up by the hemp bale press and transformed into neat square Hemp wood is used bales. In anticipation of further as stable litter and processing the bales are put in dry stores in the warehouses in Oude in small pets’ cages Pekela (Groningen, the Netherlands). The bales are stacked from floor to ceiling: hemp as far as the Hempflax’ mission is to serve humankind and the environment eye can see. by providing affordable, modern, natural hemp products for a susHemp as far as the tainable future. The development of a chain of products, from fareye can see mer to consumer. The next major development in modern hemp processing was de- This is the aim that the company signing a machine to separate the has envisaged since it re-launched bast fibres from the stalks' wood industrial hemp. The chain is not core, a process called decortica- complete yet. It means hard work tion. The decortication line, deve- and investing a lot of time and loped and installed in the money into research and developHempflax factory, stretches from ment. Hempflax is not giving up one end of the building to the the strugle but it needs more supother: no less than 77 metres (84 port. yards). A few years later a second decortication line, measuring 55 Products by Hempflax, such as metres (60 yards), was built to the line of hemp pet care proproduce an even finer fibre. Cur- ducts and the sweet scented, rently both decortication lines 100% hemp yoga mats, are availa-





City Sights


3 4 5 4








6 7 8


Begijn Hof

10 11









the ‘Jordaan’ Waterloo Square

Hortus Botanicus Artis Zoo

Flower Market

Rembrandt Square

The ‘Skinny’ bridge




Max Euweplein



Red Light District Nemo



Dam Square

6 7



3 4



Central Station






Leidse Square Vondelpark

14 17 15


3 - Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 87a

7 - Oudezijds Achterburgwal 131

8 - Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148 _ _ _ LVIOMVM\QK[ KWU _ LLV _ V IO M V M \ Q K [ K WU LLVI(LVIOMVM\QK[ VM\ VI( V I( LLV V IO M VMM\\ QK [ VM VM \

Nrs. 10 & 11 - See Map

Nrs. 1 & 2 - See Map

4 - Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 25


12 - Halvemaansteeg 12

13 - Marnixstraat 409 (Melkweg)

No. 6

O.Z. Achterburgwal 124

;QV\ 6QKWTII[[\ZII\ ;Q ; Q V \ 6 QK W T I I [ [ \ ZI Z I I \ 62 )U[\MZLIU 62 )U[\ 62 )U [ \M ZLIU ZL IU 7XMV 7 X MV V ""

5 - Sint Nicholaasstraat 41

Music, Poetry, Interviews, Cultural news and live on-air performances.


9 - Oudezijds Achterburgwal 150

Cannabis City

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