Community Guide 2018

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Freeborn County & Surrounding Areas

Visit ~ Play ~ Stay 2018-2019 Community & Relocation Guide Published by the Freeborn County Shopper


To Our Community

Fountain Lake Fun, Submitted by Angie Moller

We’re proud to publish the 2018-2019 edition of our Community Guide for you. We are nestled right between Albert Lea and Fountain Lakes. This Guide provides information on all aspects of Albert Lea and the many surrounding communities in the area. It is filled with information on upcoming events, year-round activities, delightful shops and restaurants as well as information on lodging, area parks, the arts and so much more! Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa is a great place to Published by:


Shopper Freeborn County

110 Pearl St., Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-1310

live, play and do business. The Community Guide shows the diverse characteristics of our area, the friendliness of the people and the progressive outlook of our many businesses. We invite you to explore Albert Lea and its many surrounding neighbors and enjoy the land between the lakes! Albert Lea is your connection to the Midwest, located at the crossroads of Interstate Highways I-35 and I-90 along with U.S. Highways 65 & 69 and State Highway 13.

Cover photo submitted by Angie Moller

The information contained in this guide has been published in good faith on the basis of information supplied to the publishers and designers. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained in this guide at the time of publishing, the publishers and designers cannot guarantee its accuracy and accepts no responsibility for any error or misrepresentation.

HOURS: M-F: 8-8, Sat: 8-6, Sun: 12-6 Albert Lea Sixth Grade Girls Basketball Submitted by Tom Jones


Celebrating 115 Years!


2512 W. Main St., Albert Lea • 373-7253 •

Proud to be part of the

Albert Lea Community! Auto/Tire Center 507-373-7216 Pharmacy 507-377-0668 Photo Center 507-373-7217 Vision Center 507-373-7218

Bakery, Deli, Grocery Electronics, Music, Movies, Books Sports, Fitness, Outdoors Seasonal & Garden Center

1550 Blake Ave. | Albert Lea, MN | 507-377-2998


Annual Events Small Towns

4-7 8-19

Industry & Employment


Attractions & The Arts


Dining & Night Life


Shopping 33-37 Museums & Entertainment Dance & Fitness Activities

38-39 40

Recreation, Parks, Camping, Real Estate


Convenience Stores & Automotive


Churches 50-51 Meeting Facilities, Accommodations


Senior Living, Medical, Health, Emergency


Points of Interest, Map


Financial, Education

60-64 3


APRIL 2018 “On Both Side of the Bars” Art Exhibit March 11-April 21, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center Albert Lea High School Jazz Concert April 6, 2018 ALHS Commons Gold Wing Harley Bike Show April 7, 2018 Northbridge Mall All AL Schools Student Art Exhibit April 8-28, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center Duck’s Unlimited Banquet April 14, 2018 Albert Lea City Arena Healthy Kids Running Series April 8, 15, 22, 29 & May 6, 2018 Southwest Middle School ALHS Show Choir Concert April 9, 2018 ALHS Auditorium Workforce Center Job Fair April 11, 2018 Northbridge Mall Fountain Lake 5K & Tiger Trot April 14, 2018 Brookside Education Center MET Live in HD: Luisa Miller (Verdi) April 14, 2018 Marion Ross Performing Arts Center A Taste of Heritage Festival April 14, 2018 Northbridge Mall ACT - The Miracle Worker April 19-22 & 25-28, 2018 Marion Ross Performing Arts Center Dorothy Godtland Lecture Series April-December 2018 3rd Thursday of Month Albert Lea Art Center Trader Jacks Sports Card Show April 21, 2018 Northbridge Mall 4-Person Best Shot April 21, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Course MET Live in HD: Vendrillon (Massenet) April 28, 2018 Marion Ross Performing Arts Center Civic Music - Glenn Miller Orchestra April 28, 2018 ALHS Auditorium Darcy ted by

bmit Fair Su rn Co. Freebo



Family Fun Festival April 28, 2018 Northbridge Mall

Thursdays on Fountain Lake May 31, 2018 Fountain Lake Park

Spring Cantori Concert April 29, 2018 United Methodist Church

Reel Paddling Film Festival May 31, 2018 Marion Ross Performing Arts Center

MAY 2018

Farmers Market May - October, 2018 Wednesdays Downtown Albert Lea Saturdays Northbridge Mall Reel Paddle Film Festival Downtown Albert Lea Thursdays on Fountain Fountain Lake Park Gazebo Agnes Boss Doll Collection May 6-June 16, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center Crossroads of Destruction Demo Derby May 4-5, 2018 Freeborn County Fairgrounds Men’s Club Chili Choose Up May 5, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Discover History Day International History Day Freeborn County Historical Society ALHS Orchestra Concert May 11, 2018 ALHS Auditorium Met Live in HD: Cendrillon (Massenet) May 13, 2018 Marion Ross Performing Arts Center Albert Lea Wrestling Golf Classic May 19, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Land Between the Lakes Paddle, Pedal, Run Triathlon May 19, 2018 Brookside Boat Landing 2-Man Best Shot May 20, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Region 7 Soaring Contest May 20-26, 2018 Albert Lea Municipal Airport Senior 4-Man Scramble May 21, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club Nation of Patriots May 24, 2018 Albert Lea American Legion Civic Music Concert Series

JUNE 2018

Agnes Boss Doll Collection May 6-June 16, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center Bayside Water Ski Shows Thursday Evenings Edgewater Bay-Fountain Lake Bike Rodeo Albert Lea Aquatic Center Albert Lea Aquatic Center Opens June 2, 2018 Y-Not Golf Tournament June 4, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Course Splash Bash in Albert Lea June 8, 2018 3:30-6:30 pm Splash Pad, North Broadway Wells Summer in the City June 7, 2018 Wells, MN Unique Junque Sale June 8-9, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center Eddie Cochran Weekend June 8-10, 2018 Downtown Albert Lea Cruise-In, Car Show, Music Mainly Marathon June 9, 2018 Brookside Boathouse Heartland Series Marathon 2018 June 9, 2018 Brookside Park Rock’N Rock Church Service June 10, 2018 United Methodist Church Take a Kid Fishing June 8, 2018 Fountain Lake 3-Person Best Shot June 10, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club Worth County Fair June 13-17, 2018 Northwood, IA

DJ Pool Party June 14, 2018 Albert Lea Aquatic Center

Bayside Water Ski Shows Thursday Evenings Edgewater Bay-Fountain Lake 3rd of July Parade July 3, 2018 Bridge Ave. to Central Park

Candlelight Night Walk June 15, 2018 8-10 pm Edgewater Park in Albert Lea 3-Man Best Shot June 17, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Wind Down Wednesday June 20, 2018 Downtown Albert Lea Alden Morin Lake Days June 15-17, 2018 Alden, MN Farming of Yesterday Horse/Mule Show June 16-17, 2018 Kiester, MN Lions Annual Fly-In Breakfast June 17, 2018 Albert Lea Municipal Airport Just Play Festival June 23, 2018 10 am-2 pm Frank Hall Park Area Ellendale Days June 21-24, 2018 Ellendale, MN Kiester Days June 21-23, 2018 Kiester, MN

4th of July Fireworks July 4, 2018 Dusk, Fountain Lake 4th of July Water Ski Show July 4, 2018 Edgewater Park Bayside 4th of July Classic Car Show July 4, 2018 North Broadway Parking Lot

Clarks Grove Community Fun Fest July 15, 2018 Clarks Grove MN Club Championship July 15, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club Green Lea Club Tournament July 21, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Chamber Golf Outing July 23, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club Wind Down Wednesday July 18, 2018 Downtown Albert Lea

Play Day at the Pool July 6, 2018 Albert Lea Aquatic Center

Movies in the Park July 20, 2018 8:30 pm Edgewater Park Bandshell

New Richland Farm & City Days July 5-8, 2018 New Richland

Chapel Con 2018 July 21-22, 2018 Albert Lea City Arena

Never Boering Goat Show July 6-8, 2018 Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds

Beach Luau July 25, 2018 6-9 pm Albert Lea City Beach

Hayward Days July 7-8, 2018 Hayward, MN

St. John’s Garden Party & Antique Tractor Show St. John’s Lutheran Community

4-Person Best Shot July 8, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club July Jubilee July 13-15, 2018 Lake Mills, IA


Historic Art July 1-August 11, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center

Summer Carnival July 11, 2018 4-7 pm Fountain Lake Park in Albert Lea

Freeborn County Fair July 31 - August 4, 2018 Freeborn County Fairgrounds

Sparky Golf Outing July 12, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club

Bayside Water Ski Shows Thursday Evenings Edgewater Bay-Fountain Lake

3rd Annual Independence Run June 30, 2018 American Legion

Beauty & the Beast July 12-15 & 18-21, 2018 Marion Ross Performing Arts Center

Relay for Life August 11, 2018 Freeborn County Fairgrounds

Senior 3-Man Scramble June 25, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club

Art & Garden Tour July 13-14, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center

Kids Art in the Park June 27, 2018 4-7 pm Morin Park

Shinefest Tractor Ride July 14, 2018 Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds

Bike Rodeo/Just Play Festival June 23, 2018 Frank Hall Park Corey Goodnature Memorial Golf Tournament June 23, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course

JULY 2018

Historic Art July 1-August 11, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center


Glenville Days June 15-16, 2018 Glenville, MN

Hayward Fire Relief Fundraiser July 14, 2018 4-H Building Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds

Freeborn County Fa ir in Alber t Lea

Delivering the Power of Human Connection Your Local Electric Cooperative

4th of July Classic Car Show Downtown Albert Lea

2501 Main St. E., Albert Lea, MN 507-373-6421 | This institution is an equal opportunity employer and provider.



Emmons Borderfest August 10-11, 2018 Emmons, MN Freeborn County Kennel Club Dog Show August 11-12, 2018 Albert Lea City Arena Wind Down Wednesday August 15, 2018 Downtown Albert Lea “Echoes from the Past” August 2018 A Journey Into History Freeborn Co. Historical Museum Wells Kernel Days August 16-19, 2018 Wells, MN Kids Mud Fun Run August 18, 2018 9:30 am Edgewater Park 5-Person Best Shot August 19, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club

Ryan Truesdell Memorial Softball Tournament September 8-9, 2018 Snyder Field 35th Annual Threshing Festival Farming of Yesteryear September 8-9, 2018 Kiester, MN 3-Person Best Shot September 9, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club The Tabernacle Experience September 14-23, 2018 Freeborn County Fairgrounds Autumn in the Village September 2018 Freeborn County Historical Museum Celebrating the Arts & Artists September 21, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center

Albert Lea Floats Celebration Frank Hall Park/Albert Lea Lake

UMPBA Powerboat Drag Races September 22, 2018 Fountain Lake

Movies in the Park August 24, 2018 8:30 pm Edgewater Park Bandshell Albert Lea

3-Man Best Shot September 23, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course

Big Island State BBQ Contest August 24-25, 2018 Freeborn County Fairgrounds Albert Lea Hockey Golf Open August 25, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Travelogue August 26-October 6, 2018 Albert Lea Art Center Cruise to the Cove August 30, 2018 Wedgewood Cove


Bayside Water Ski Shows Thursday Evenings Edgewater Bay-Fountain Lake Labor Day Water Ski Show Edgewater Park Umpba Fountain Lake Powerboat Races Edgewater Bay-Fountain Lake Short Stop Golf Tournament September 1-3, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Big Island Rendezvous, Submitted by Angie Moller


1-Person Best Shot September 29, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club

OCTOBER 2018 Autumn Blaze Festival Downtown Albert Lea

4-Man Best Shot October 6, 2018 Green Lea Golf Course Annual Big Island Rendezvous October 6-7, 2018 Bancroft Bay Park Chili Open October 20, 2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Club

NOVEMBER 2018 Christmas Tour of Homes Albert Lea

Bantam Youth Hockey Tournaments Albert Lea Youth Hockey Assn. Albert Lea City Arena

Cantori Concert United Methodist Church


Festival of Trees December 2-22, 2018 Northbridge Mall Holiday Bazaar on Broadway Downtown Albert Lea Model Train Show National Guard Armory A Christmas Gathering December 1, 2018 Freeborn Co. Historical Museum Drive-thru Live Nativity December 2018 New Life Christian Church Youth Hockey Tournaments Albert Lea Youth Hockey Assn. Albert Lea City Arena

JANUARY 2019 Bridal Show January 2019 Wedgewood Cove 19th Annual Gourmet Cooks’ Auction January 25, 2019 Wedgewood Cove Albert Lea Hockey Day January 26, 2019 Albert Lea City Arena Youth Hockey Tournaments Albert Lea Youth Hockey Assn. Albert Lea City Arena


Youth Hockey Tournament Albert Lea Youth Hockey Assn. Albert Lea City Arena 27th Annual Big Island Historical Faire February 9-10, 2019 Northbridge Mall Minnesota State Spring Barrow Show February 2-3, 2019 Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds The Annual Big Freeze Event In-Town Albert Lea & City Properties

Freeborn County Fair Grandstand Show


Albert Lea, MN

MARCH 2019

KATE Home Show Albert Lea City Arena March Madness Beef Show March 16, 2019 Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds Albert Lea Figure Skating Club Show Albert Lea City Arena Tigers Roar Talent Show Albert Lea High School ALHS Auditorium

The Midwest’s Largest Historical Reenactment of Early America

October 6-7, 2018 32nd Annual Event

Over 1,000 Participants, Ethnic Food & Crafts 300 Tipis, Lodges & Shelters & Stage Entertainment

Voted one of the TOP 100 FESTIVALS in North America by the American Bus Association or 1-800-658-2526

Albert Lea City Arena Youth Hockey Tournaments

Speaking for Business in the Land Between the Lakes 1725 W. Main St., Skyline Plaza Albert Lea, MN 56007 Phone: 507.373.3938

Photo Submitted by David Paal


Clarks Grove, MN

Clarks Grove, MN John Mead Clark preferred farming over business, so in 1855, instead of settling in the nearby village of Albert Lea, he made his home on a beautifully landscaped piece of land surrounded by a grove of oak trees with a lake (Geneva Lake) off to the northeast. Everyone within two square miles began referring to the area as Clark’s Grove, as it is known today. Clarks Grove Area Heritage Museum Open Saturdays 8:30-11:30 am and by appointments during April 1st through November 1st during the week. Appointments can be made by calling 507-256-4120, or 507-256-8011. Clarks Grove Fun Fest

CLARKS GROVE - WASECA VETERINARY CLINIC L.L.P. Thomas Lang, D.V.M. Dennis L. Nelson, D.V.M. Michael Bjorklund, D.V.M. Jennifer A. Bauer, D.V.M. 28088 770th Ave. Clarks Grove, MN, 56016 (507)-256-7237 Fax: (507) 256-7611

Thomas Metzdorff, D.V.M. Scott Lang, D.V.M. Carey Prigge, D.V.M. Kipling Jones-Lang, D.V.M. 1400 State St. South Waseca, MN, 56093 (507)-835-1700 Fax: (507) 835-1980

Community Fun Fest • July 15, 2018 Bring the whole family out to enjoy a day of good food, live music and lots of family fun.

Geneva, MN

First Baptist Church Fun, Food, Live Music

Geneva, MN Geneva settled in 1855-56, was organized May 11, 1858. Its village had been named by Edwin C. Stacy, the first postmaster there and the first probate judge for the county, “in remembrance of Geneva, N.Y.,” whence the large adjoining lake and the township received the same name. It was incorporated November 24, 1889. The post office opened in 1856. As of the census of 2000, there were 449 people, and 184 households residing in the city. Geneva, MN

George’s of Geneva Supper Club

WE ARE ALL ABOUT AWESOME FOOD! Local Locker/Farm to Table

Tues: Pasta Night Dinner Wed: Walleye Dinner Thurs: Steak & Shrimp or Steak & Lobster Tail Fri: Prime Rib or All You Can Eat Fish Fry Sat: Prime Rib or BBQ Ribs Where family & friends meet for great food & good times! Steve & Jodi Dittrich

Catering & Off-Site Liquor License Available Tues.-Fri. 3:30 pm to Close, Sat. 11 am Lunch to Close

Hartland, MN

507-256-4501 • Downtown Geneva •

Hartland, MN The City of Hartland is a small rural community of 315 people, 140 household with 78 families in the town. Hartland is located on State Highway 13, between the towns of Albert Lea and New Richland. We are very proud of our small town community. Heartland is part of the NRHEG school district.

Fertilizer & Spray Equipment 507-845-2100


The City of New Richland is a south-central community of 1203 people, located along State Highways 13 and 30. It is a small town community that offers recreation like golfing at Riverview Golf Course or swimming and fishing at nearby St. Olaf Lake. It takes pride in its churches, businesses, and an exceptional school system.

Farm & City Days July 5-8, 2018

Thursday: Little Miss/Little Mr. Pageant

Friday: Presentation of Little Miss/Little Mr. Royalty, Street Bingo 6:30 pm, Fireworks at Dusk

Saturday: Fire Dept. Breakfast, 5K Run/Walk, Tractor Show, Antique Car Show, Craft and Vendor Show, Kiddie Parade, Kids Fun Zone, Parade, Street Dance

Sunday: Community Worship Service, NR Area Historical Society Display, Fire Dept. Water Wars and Drawing for Farm and City Days winning button numbers.

Fun for the whole family! For a complete schedule:

You wanted more for less. We heard you. Your Premier LOCAL DISH Authorized Retailer

You wanted more for less. We heard you. 507.237.6999 Your Premier LOCAL DISH Authorized Retailer

State Hwy 13 next to Dollar General in New Richland

507.237.6999 State Hwy 13 next to Dollar General in New Richland BUYERS OF ALL TYPES OF METALS

PH. 507-465-3789 FAX 507-465-3258

Highest Prices For Aluminum Cans

Owner: Linda Wagner

116 S. Broadway New Richland 507-463-3443 | 507-402-7859 Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 10-4, Wed 12-5, Sat 9-Noon

New Richland

Farm & City Days July 5-8, 2018

Fri: Street Bingo 6:30pm, Fireworks at Dusk Sat: Kids Zone, Craft Show, Tractor Show, Antique Car Show Sat: 5pm Grand Parade, 8pm “Them Pesky Kids” Band Sun: Fire Department Water Wars for updates & times of events 9

New Richland, MN

New Richland, MN

Kiester, MN

Kiester Days June 21-23, 2018 (pending)

Call Doris for info at 507-294-3161 after May 1 Visit Kiester is a small town nestled among some of the highest hills, known as glacial moraines, in Southern Minnesota. The tallest of these “Kiester Hills� is at an altitude of 1,432 feet above sea level. We are a thriving community with many vital businesses tied to agriculture, two fine churches, a spectacular movie theatre (Kee Civic Theatre), very active main street businesses and much, much more. You will find we have some of the friendliest folks around, making Kiester a great place to raise a family!

Farming of Yesteryear Horse & Mule Show Saturday, June 16, 2018 Sunday, June 17, 2018 1736 600th St. Kiester, MN (2 Miles East on Hwy 2, and 2 Miles South on 121 gravel)

35th Annual Threshing Festival When an Old Farm Comes to Life

Saturday & Sunday Sept. 8 & 9, 2018 Entertainment Both Days

Food Stands, Country Store, Visit Church & School House Field Demonstrations, Horse & Tractor Events, Entertainment, Flea Market, Crafts, Blacksmith & Much More!

Featuring Classic Tractors and Lawn Mowers


Forest City ~ Leland Kiester ~ Buffalo Center Winnebago


Hollandale, MN

Hollandale, MN Hollandale is a city in Geneva and Riceland Townships, was developed in 1918 by George H. Payne of Payne Investment Company on 15,000 acres of drained swampland. Beginning in 1924, 400 farm families, many of Dutch descent, quickly settled the area. Its post office began in 1923. As of the census of 2010, the population is 303 people, 131 households, and 88 families residing in the city.

Hollandale Heritage Huis Lots of Dutch heritage and Hollandale memorabilia. Call to schedule a visit 507-889-4491.


Checking • Savings • Loans • CDs • IRAs HSAs • Safe Deposit Boxes • Debit/Credit Cards ATMs • Internet/Telephone Banking Offices at: 109 W. Park 220 E. William 109 W Ave. Park Ave. 2401 Bridge Ave.2401 Bridge Ave. St. Hollandale, MN 56045 Albert Lea, MN 56007 AlbertMN Lea,56007 MN 56007 Hollandale, MN 56045 Albert Lea, 889-4311 (507) 373-8600 (507) 373-8600 (507)(507) 889-4311 (507) 373-5500

Serving the community since 1926! MEMBER


Hours: 6:00 am-11:00 pm Monday-Saturday Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Dinner Specials 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm



EVERY THURSDAY Taco Night EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 2 & 4 pc. Chicken & Hamburger Steak Dinners


Fish • Prime Rib • Steak & Shrimp • BBQ Ribs

507-889-DALE (3253) Owner: Dale A. Miller POOL • DARTS • LIQUOR • GAS

Ellendale, MN

Ellendale, MN Ellendale, Minnesota sits 14 miles south of Owatonna, and 16 miles north of Albert Lea at I35 and Highway 30 (exit 26). Named for the wife of C.J. Ives, Map a railroad president. Ellen Dale was a friend to all who worked the line. A beautiful, prosperous little village, named for the kind and thoughtful Ellen. 3.5x3.5 Today, Ellendale is a peaceful, community-minded, friendly city—home to more than 700 people—offering a low cost of living, minimal traffic, no city sales tax, updated water and sewer system, and a strong sense of community.


Ellendale Days

June 21-24, 2018

Plan to attend this annual old-fashioned country town celebration! Always good food and good fun for the whole family.

Bingo Sponsored by Ellendale Community Auction Group, 5k Alzheimers Run/Walk email: Parade 4:00 pm on Saturday Kids Games, Pork Chop Supper Live Music, Street Dance City Wide Garage Sales.


Wells, MN

Wells, MN With the distinction of being the first railroad town in Faribault County, Wells’ history is rich. Its strong agricultural roots have laid ground for a thriving, welcoming, and energetic community in the heart of southern Minnesota. With multiple parks, a swimming pool, golf course, and a movie theatre with $3 admission, there’s no wonder why people come for an afternoon and stay for a lifetime.

Summer in the City Thursday, June 7, 2018 Summer In the City is Wells’ newest annual event. This fun night sponsored by the Wells Area Chamber of Commerce is a way for the community to kick off summer with a bang. There is food, prizes, entertainment, games, and fun for all ages. Come to shop around from our vendors, see friendly faces from businesses in our community, and dance along to the live music. The best part about this event is that it is FREE! Come jumpstart summer with us on Broadway in Wells from 4-7 PM on Thursday, June 8th, 2017. We look forward to seeing you there.

Looking for other summer activities? Be sure to visit the Wells Area Chamber of Commerce website ( and the City of Wells Website ( to stay up to date on local programs and happenings.

City-Wide Garage Sales Saturday, May 1​ 2​, 2018 – Starting at 8 am Las Vegas Night To be determined – Watch for Details!

Wells Does it Bright Friday, November 16, 2018 – Downtown

Visit the Wells Depot Museum Friday & Saturday Noon-4 pm Year Round & Sundays Noon 4 pm, June, July & August

Area of the Wells Antiques FARMERS Midwest MARKET LLC OPEN JULY THROUGH OCTOBER Shop Local. Shop Fresh. Shop Wells

Jody Wegner, owner


HOURS Wednesdays | 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Tues-Sat 9:30 to 4:30 Saturdays | 9:00-Noon

Sun & MonLot 57534 110th St. LOCATION: Municipal Parking Just South of Wells, MN by chance or appointment South Broadway • Wells After Hours 507-456-3699

St. Casimir’s School 330 2nd Ave. SW, Wells, MN 56097 507.553.5822 Educating the Whole Child - Mind, Body & Spirit Serving Preschool through Grade Six

Check us out on FACEBOOK or

TThe Perfect View

Wee feature high-quality Andersen® windows. 120 N. Broadway Á Wells, MN Á 507-553-6363 12

Wells Area Chamber of Commerce 28 S. Broadway • PO Box 134

Wells, Minnesota (507)553-6450

Hours: & Weds 8-4:00 p.m. Hours:Mon Mon-Thur 9-1 p.m.


Wells, MN

Wells Kernel Days August 16-19, 2018

Thursday: Little Miss Kernel Program

Friday: Wells Federal Bank Free Lunch, Volleyball Tournament, Inflatables (all ages), Kiddie Parade, Tractor Races & Events, Beer Garden, Food Stands, Fireworks Saturday: Softball & Volleyball Tournament, Kids Pedal Tractor Pull, Classic Car Show & Cruise, Big Parade, Jaycees Street Dance, Beer Garden, Food Stands, Inflatables (all ages) Sunday: Golf Tournament, VFW Pancake Breakfast, Softball Tournament

For complete schedule go to: Wells Public Library Monday, Wednesday 10 AM – 7 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 AM – 5 PM Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM

For up to date information on Summer Reading Programs and Craft time, follow the Wells Public Library on Facebook.

Wells Municipal Swimming Pool Pool Hours: Monday – Sunday 1:30 – 5 PM; 6:30-8:30 PM Lap Swim: Tuesday & Thursday 7-8 AM Adult Swim: Monday – Sunday 12:30-1:30PM Family Swim: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5-6 PM Admission: $4 all day, all ages admission; $2 evening only

*Swimming lessons, Annual Passes, and Party Rentals are also available. For more information, contact the Pool at 507-553-3613.

Now Blending LARGE & SMALL MACHINING MACHINE BUILDING WELDING 650 3rd St. N.W., Wells, MN 507-553-3688

Orange Julius Now Open!

(507)553-6103 31 2nd Ave NW • Wells, MN


Local service. Wells Insurance Agency 53 1st SW | Wells, MN 56097 | 507-553-6644

Great insurance.



B&D Metal Works, Inc. Brett and Dynette Niebuhr

Custom Metal Working & Steel Sales General Machining Large and Small Machining Steel and Rebar Sales Hydraulic Hoses • Bolts MIG Welding • TIG Welding Portable On-Site Welding

15897 St. Hwy. 22 PO Box 206 Wells, MN 56097 (507) 553-6388 Fax (507) 553-6387 • 13

Glenville, MN

Glenville, MN Glenville Days June 15-16, 2018

Friday: Egg Toss, Hammer Slammer, Scholarship Supper Saturday: Soap Box Races, Sumo Wrestling, Bouncy House, Face Painting, Parade 2 Bands - Church of Cash 4pm Radioactive 8pm More Activities to be Announced

Info: Peggy Williamson 507-383-8555


Glenville is a small town located on the Shell Rock River. The town has a lot of small businesses such as an oil company, gas station, post office, hair salon, a school and much more. The population of Glenville is 856 people. The town features a large ethanol plant that serves as a focal point for the city. Glenville is located south of Albert Lea approximately 7 miles.

Glenville & Hayward

Gas • Diesel Fuel • LP Serving All You Fuel Needs! Larry & Robert 507-448-3914


LAND MOBILE RADIO 101 1st Ave. S.W., Glenville, MN 56036

(507) 448-3717 Communication Equipment 1-800-795-1255

OLSON INSURANCE Is branching out! Now Open in Glenville 120 E.Main St., Suite 1, Glenville, MN 507-406-1203

3 Offices to Serve All Your Insurance Needs 704 Central Ave., Northwood, IA 641-324-2452 103 N. Todd St., Manly, IA 641-454-2292

Serving the area for over 135 years!



At POET, we understand that the needs of our society and a healthy environment are not mutually exclusive. By combining human ingenuity with nature’s miracle of growth, we can strike a balance. Sustainably.


Hayward, MN

Hayward, MN Hayward is a rural town nestled right off of I-90; 7 miles east of Albert Lea and 15 miles west of Austin. According to the 2010 Census, the population is 249. The town was founded in 1856 and was named after one of the earliest settlers David Hayward. New Trailhead for the Blazing Star State bike trail with restrooms and potable water (mid-summer).

Hayward Days Saturday & Sunday, July 7-8, 2018

Stop in Hayward this weekend for all the fun!

Hayward Fire Relief Assc. Fundraiser July 14, 2018 in Albert Lea

Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds 4-H Building Social Hour 6:00 pm, Dueces Wild Dueling Pianos 7:30 pm Raffle Drawings For info 507-383-1723

Custom Processing & Retail Meats Nicks Award

Winning Mea ts

also Availabl Trails Truck St e at op, Market Place Foods & Hy-Vee in Albert Lea & Ankenys & Su perfresh in A ustin

5 Miles East of Albert Lea Off I-90

Hayward, MN • 507-373-8966

RV Parts & Service Available

80944 CO. RD. 46, HAYWARD, MN 56043 PHONE 507-373-3170 CELL 507-676-0192

Emmons Lutheran Church

Emmons, MN

Emmons - Borderfest

Becker Auto Sales


Summer 2018

490 Pearl St. | P.O. Box 23 | Emmons, MN 56029

Street Dance, Food Vendors and Fun for the Whole Family

Sunday Worship 9:00 AM Sunday School and Fellowship 10:15 AM

Emmons is located on the Iowa State Line. Population resides at 391 people. The city is in Freeborn County and is located approximately 13 miles from Albert Lea and 7 miles from Lake Mills, IA.


Your Hometown Community Bank

See us for your next deposit or loan account - we offer competitive products with the one on one customer service you deserve!

Proud to Serve the Community!

Member FDIC - Locally Owned Since 1906

437 Bridge, Albert Lea, MN 373-1481 • 201 Main St., Emmons, MN 297-5461 195 N. Broadway, Alden, MN 874-3363


Alden, MN

Alden, MN Was settled in 1858, organized on April 3, 1866. The railway village was platted in 1869, it had station on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad. It was incorporated on March 4, 1879, and reincorporated in March 1908; it has had a post office since 1866. As of the census of 2000, there were 652 people, 272 households, and 187 families residing in the city. Alden is the home of the Alden-Conger Public School, with preschool through 12th grade. It has a total of

​Alden-Conger Theatre Department’s Spring Musical “Beauty and the Beast”​

Your Hometown Community Bank

See us for your next deposit or loan account - we offer competitive products with the one on one customer service you deserve!

Proud to Serve the Community!

Member FDIC - Locally Owned Since 1906

205 students (preschool - 6th grade) being taught by 16 teachers (students/teachers ratio of 12.81). It has a total of 228 students (7th grade - 12th grade) being taught by 20 teachers ( students/teachers ratio of 11.40). The students consistently score higher than the national average on every category and the composite of the ACT. Science classes build supermileage cars and robots. Science students can compete in local, regional, national and international science fairs. The building also houses the LeVerne Carlson Fitness Center, a brand new 24 hour community fitness center.

​Alden-Conger Super Mileage Team​

The Shell Eco-marathon Drivers’ World Championship brings together the world’s best UrbanConcept teams competing in an exciting race to see who is the world’s fastest energy-efficient driver. In 2017, the Knights received a trip to Italy to participate and finished third in the world.

437 Bridge, Albert Lea, MN 373-1481 • 201 Main St., Emmons, MN 297-5461 195 N. Broadway, Alden, MN 874-3363

LeVer ne Car lson located in Alden, MN at the Alden-Conger Public School • Cardio Area with Machines • Gymnasium • Fitness Classes • Weight Room with Fitness Equipment and Free Weights • Elevated Walking Track • Men’s & Women’s Locker Rooms Affordable & Flexible Membership options for everyone! 24-Hour Access with Personalized Key Card

Memberships starting as low as $5.00/month Contact Jenny Hovendick at (507) 874-3240 or to get started! {Click on LeVerne Carlson Fitness Center} 16

Alden, MN

Morin Lake Days Friday-Saturday-Sunday, June 15-17, 2018 Friday: Medallion Hunt, Community Museum Open, Boy Scout BBQ, Kiddie Parade Sponsored by YouBetcha Cafe, FFA Kiddie Tractor Pull Saturday: Regional Fire Department Tournaments, Legion Pancake Breakfast, Food Stands, Fun Run, Volleyball Tournament, Wes Hintz Fishing Contest, Community Museum Open, Legion Bean Bag Tournament, Canoe Races & Activities, PARADE 7:00 pm, Lion’s Rootbeer Floats, LCC Teen Street Dance, Legion Street Dance, FIREWORKS at Dusk 2017 MN State Fair FFA Supreme Champions Overall Market Livestock Champion Chapter Alden-Conger FFA

Sunday: Lion’s Pancake Breakfast, Worship by the Water, Canoes For more information contact: Ann Bryson 874.3413 Fireworks, Parade & Celebration Donations may be mailed to: MLD Celebration Box 325 Alden, MN 56009 FREE ESTIMATES

• Septic Tank Pumping • Compliance Inspections • Designs • Installations • Excavating

DOUG KUETHE Office 507-265-3965 Cell 507-473-0019

Alden, MN • Lic. #2125, Bonded

Alden American Legion Post 404 ON AND & SALE • 507-874-3679

BAR BINGO Tues. 7 pm • STEAK FRY 2nd Sat. of Month BREAKFAST 1st Sun. of Month & 3rd Sat. of Month New Air Fryer ... Now Serving Appetizers & Baskets Sponsors of Boy Scouts & Other Youth Activities - Pull Tabs Lic. #00983

For All Your Electrical Needs HEATH REINDAL

See us for all your LP Gas needs We do installation, leak detection, and testing.

We can help with your fertilizer and chemical needs.

We also offer variable rate fertilizer.

- Kevin Reed

507-874-3863 507-473-0345

Hi Yield Products Inc. 23282 620th Ave • Alden, Minnesota 56009 HEATH REINDAL 507-874-3863 507-473-0345 507-874-3863 • 507-473-0345

Bus: (507) 874-3750 Cell: (507) 383-0874 Email:


Lake Mills, IA

Lake Mills, IA




Traces its history back to the 1850s. A good share of whom were of Scandinavian descent. C. D. Smith incorporated the community in 1869. It has always been a prosperous community. The name Lake Mills comes from being on the shoreline of Rice Lake. There was also a grist and lumber mill located on the banks.



Check us out on Facebook or for weekly job postings and the events calendar.


Growth & Results by Working Together 203A N 1ST AVE, LAKE MILLS, IA 50450 641.592.0800 • WWB@WCTATEL.NET


July Jubilee Friday-Sunday, July 13-15, 2018 Friday- Bake Sale, MBT Bank BBQ Lunch 11 am, Taste of Lake Mills Block Party 6 pm

Saturday- July Jubilee 5k Run 7 am, Shop Downtown, Parade 10:30 am, Art Show 11 am, Parents for D.C. Picnic Lunch 11:30 am, Family Fun at Oakwood Park 12 pm, Lake Mills Historical Tour 1:30 pm, Kids Power Pedal Pull 3 pm, Street Dance “Boogie & the Yo-Yo’z” 8 pm Sunday- American Legion Breakfast 8 am

Redinger Pharmacy ...more than a drugstore

219 West Main St., Lake Mills, IA 50450 Phone 641-592-0141 Fax 641-592-4329

Northwood, the Worth Co. Seat, is located four miles from the Iowa-Minnesota border and a short distance from I-35. Its exceptionally wide streets seem to invite people into the community, which is home to just over 2,000 people.

Worth County Fair, June 13-17 2018

Free Grandstand Every Night

Just Down the Road... Diamond Jo Casino I-35 Exit 214

Main Street Northwood

Bosch. Genuine Parts.

Keep your Bosch-equipped diesel engine running smooth. We stock both new & rebuilt Bosch injection equipment. QUALITY SERVICE See us for fast, dependable service. We test, calibrate & repair injection pumps, nozzle assemblies & glow plugs. Warranty & normal repair.

INJECTion TECHnology DIESEL SERVICE 641-324-2010

Hwy. 65 Northwood, IA

Free Appetizer with purchase of 2 dinner entrees - with this coupon 846 Central Ave. Northwood, Iowa 641 323 0000


Northwood, IA

Northwood, IA

Industry | Employent


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919 E. 14th St., Albert Lea, MN 56007 • (507) 373-2431 20

Industry | Employent

Freeborn County Minnesota

Albert Lea & Freeborn County Great Careers. Great Benefits. Great People.

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Jones Haugh Smith, Engineers-Surveyors

515 S. Washington Avenue Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-4876 415 W. North St. Owatonna, MN 55060 507-451-4598







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Albert Lea Aquatic Center The City of Albert Lea’s Aquatic Center features a zero depth splash pool with interactive play features for children including tumble buckets, deck sprays, a mushroom waterfall, bubblers, and a five arm water fountain and is handicap accessible. And best of all – don’t miss the 226 foot water slide!!! Large, colorful shade Albert Lea City Pool, Submitted by Stacy Lugo structures so that you can get out of the sun while you watch the kids play, or take a break from your trips down the slide. A family bath house is located adjacent to the feature pool The main pool ranges in depth from 3 1/2 foot to 13 feet and has two one meter diving boards. Swimming lessons and special events are also offered at the Aquatic Center throughout the summer. Family Aquatic Center - Opening June 2, 2018 The City of Albert Lea’s Family Aquatic Center is located at 321 James Avenue and is open from early June through the end of August. The phone number is (507) 373-3328. Public Swimming Hours: Monday - Friday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm Daily Admission: $4.00 Everyone $1.25 2 Years & Under $2.50 Non-Swimmer

City Beach on Fountain Lake 303 Johnson St. in Albert Lea, MN, No Life Guards on Duty

Nighttime Admission: $2.00 Everyone $1.00 2 Years & Under Season Passes: Fa mily Pass: $120.00 plus tax

(includes 4 family members living in the same household)

$2 0.00 plus tax

(for each additional family member in the same household)

Individual Pass: $65.00 plus tax Caretaker Pass: $35.00 plus tax (must be a babysitter/nanny/PCA)

No Refunds - No Checks or Credit Cards Accepted at the Aquatic Center Please Note: Pool passes can only be purchased at the City Arena Group Rates: Group rates are available for non-profit organizations. Group rates are only available for use during regular open swim. Groups must pay with single check and make advance reservations for arrival times. Call Jenny at 377-4368 for more information.

While enjoying the city beach, take part in the sand volley ball courts and Albert Lea’s Skate Park right next to the beach Also, feel free to fish off the public dock, just south of skate park.

Albert Lea Public Library 211 East Clark St. • (507) 377-4350 Located in the City Hall

Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am to 7 pm Friday 1 pm to 6 pm Saturday Closed Sunday 1 pm to 5 pm If you are traveling through and would like to use the Internet, come to the Albert Lea Public Library. The Internet service is free and easy to use. Please bring current ID and the library staff will issue you a temporary card or, bring your laptop and enjoy the free wi-fi. The Library also has many local newspapers and a large collection of magazines available to read in the library. See you at the Library!

Alpaca of Oak Knoll Farms

Alpaca Days Submitted by Angie Moller

1650 Hammer Rd., Albert Lea, MN (507) 202-2077

Visit our Alpaca farm and store and delight in the enjoyment of interacting with the alpacas. Jean and Ed will give you the history and tell how their wool is used. Enjoy a photo shoot standing next to the alpacas. Private tours available. 23


Bayside Ski Team

Pelican Breeze II Cruise Boat

Local water skiing enjoyment and entertainment is provided by the talent and dedication of our area youth and their families. Bayside Skiers have had a long history of helping our area youth learn to ski. They are a teaching club with an emphasis in show ski acts including jump, wakeboard, multiple pyramids, doubles, trios, swivel, barefoot tricks and many individual acts. They start with beginners in many cases and warmly welcome all levels of skiers. Their team is unique in that we have families participating at all levels and with all aspects of the show.

Pelican Breeze II Cruise Boat Enjoy a breathtaking cruise on picturesque Albert Lea Lake on the Pelican Breeze II Cruise Boat located at Frank Hall Park. The Pelican Breeze has been cruising one of the largest natural bodies of water between Lake Minnetonka and the Gulf of Mexico since 2001. Sit back and relax on our 60’ river boat replica. Enjoy wildlife and the historic sites as your guide describes the area and history behind this charming natural area. Seats approximately 60 passengers, is handicap accessible, on-board bathrooms, mini-bar and is enclosed for inclement weather. Catering, bar and entertainment are available on request with a cruising season of late May until early October.

Bayside Skiers enjoy performing every Thursday evening at 7 pm during the summer months of June through August. The dream team performs prior to all home shows and features our team members who are working on new tricks to entertain the crowd. We also perform on the 4th of July and Labor Day, both shows at 2 pm.

For further information and to see pictures of our team, please check out our web site at Bayside Water Ski Show

Located at the Frank Hall Park Boat Landing in Albert Lea, MN For More Info & Reservations: 507-383-7273

Three Oak Winery LLC

73505 225th St., Albert Lea, MN 507-383-1273 Custom tasting room, special events area, outdoor wedding, deck area, courtyard and patio.

Albert Lea Farmer’s Market

Open May through October - Find us on Facebook Downtown North Broadway Parking Lot Wednesdays 3 pm-6 pm Northbridge Mall Parking Lot Saturdays 9 am-12 pm Contact: Verleys Huntley: 507-297-5546 Produce, flowers, crafts, baked goods, jams & jellies.

Stacia’s Grooming Boutique Big & Small. We do them all with love. Call for appointment today

507-373-0243 1034 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN 24

Three Oak Vi neyard & Win ery

Attractions & Arts

The Albert Lea Art Center

“To Create, Educate, Promote and Showcase the Arts”

PO Box 313 226 W. Clark St. 507-373-5665

The Albert Lea Art Center is located Downtown in the “Heart of the City” The Albert Lea Art Center provides a place to express creativity through: Classes, Student Exhibits, Art and Garden Tour, Festival of Trees, Artists’ Gatherings, Volunteering, Gallery Events, Children Events, Lecture Series, Art Retail Source Most shows are free! Donations are appreciated. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 am-2:00 pm

Freeborn County Arts Initiative Marion Ross Performing Arts Center

ACT - Albert Lea Community Theater 147 N. Broadway Ave., Albert Lea, MN Box Office 507-377-4371 Order you tickets on-line at

Home of ACT Theater, comedies, dance and Metropolitan Opera, National theater in HD along with special events and national touring artists. ACT Albert Lea Community Theater

224 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN 507-721-1285

They resolve to promote the growth of our community through creative and cultural-ly vibrant programming for all of Freeborn County and the surrounding area.

Civic Music Concert Series

August thru April at the Albert Lea High School Visit for schedule

Albert Lea Civic Music and the Albert Lea Community Theater have teamed up to bring you the Metropolitan Opera, in high definition. The live productions are streamed via satellite to the Marion Ross Performing Arts Center. This was in addition to their regularly scheduled seasons.

The History of Medicine, at Mayo Health Systems

Kennel Club of Freeborn County

Dog Show August 11-12, 2018 Albert Lea City Arena Contact Kennel Club of Freeborn County 507-377-7721 for more info or Freeborn County Kennel Club

Lloyd Herfindahl

Local Muralist

Lloyd Herfindahl (1922-1995) was born in Emmons, MN just south of Albert Lea. In 1959 he was one of the founders of the Albert Lea Art Center. Lloyd was a recipient of many awards around the world. His work is on display in the United States, France, Belgium and Great Britain. You can view his work locally at the Freeborn County Courthouse, Albert Lea City Council Chambers, Mayo Health Systems 1st Floor, Freeborn County Historical Society, Freeborn County Human Services, First Lutheran Church and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. 25

Catering Services

Capacity to Seat


Cocktail Lounge

Wine or Beer

Fast Food

Formal Dining

Private Dining

Family Dining



Additional Information

AMERICAN LEGION LOUNGE & DINING • • • • 250 Members & Guests Welcome. Tues. Burger Night, Thurs. 142 N. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-7993 Family Dining, Fri. & Sat. Bar Menu Available. Family dining with a full dinner menu. APPLEBEE’S NEIGHBORHOOD BAR & GRILL 2740 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-0380 • • • • • ASIAN MARKET & FOOD DELI 726 Marshall St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 383-7205

B & B CAFE 321 Sibley, Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-1921

BEND IN THE ROAD 25483 Hyw. 13, Manchester, MN

(507) 826-3441

42 Speciality Pancakes. Hours 5 am-1 pm; Closed on Sun.

BIG ISLAND GRILLE & BAR Albert Lea, MN 2306 E. Main St., Americas Best Value Inn (507) 373-1621 • • • • • • • 123 •

Open at 6:00 a.m. Breakfast, lunch & dinner menu. Free wireless internet. Full service bar. Soup & salad bar.

BUCKLEY’S BAR & GRILL 218 Main St., Walters, MN (507) 294-9985 • • • • CABIN COFFEE CO. 152 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-2202 • • CARIBOU COFFEE 2708 N. Bridge, Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-2291

CHINA EXPRESS AT HY-VEE 2708 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-2257 • • 100 • Dine In or Take Out. Salad Bar Available. CHINA RESTAURANT Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials. Carry out available. 805 East Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-8888 • • • Wireless Internet. CRESCENDO Featuring contemporary French & Italian cuisine, 118 So. Broadway Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-2425 • • • • hallmarking the freshest ingredients and highest quality meats & seafood. CUP OF FAITH 709 Algon, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1233 • Homemade meals. DIANA’S DINER 522 So. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-1555 • • 35 Full time bakery, sandwiches available. ELBOW ROOM 310 East 8th St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1836 • • 45 Family dining with daily lunch specials. ELLENDALE MUNI BAR & GRILL 217 5th Ave. W., Ellendale, MN (507) 684-9422 • • EMMONS AMERICAN LEGION 121 Main St., Emmons, MN

(507) 297-5660

ERBERTS & GERBERTS 132 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN

(507) 473-2033

• •

GEORGE’S OF GENEVA Crescendos Downtown Albert Lea Locally owned. Family dining. Food cooked the way you 116 Central Ave., Geneva, MN (507) 256-4501 • • • • • 125 • like it with fresh ingredients & quality meat & seafood. GENEVA BAR & GRILL 101 W. Main St., Geneva, MN

(507) 256-7278


(507) 448-2909

GRANDMA’S KITCHEN 115 E. Clark St., Albert Lea, MN

(507) 552-1599


Catering Services

Capacity to Seat


Cocktail Lounge

Wine or Beer

Fast Food

Formal Dining

Private Dining

Family Dining

Additional Information

GREEN LEA GOLF COURSE 101 W. Richway Dr., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1061 • • • • • 125

Family dining with a full lunch & dinner menu. Wireless Internet.

GREEN MILL 2218 E. Main St., Albert Lea, MN catering.

Casual dining, 24 beers on tap, full menu, delivery.

HAROLD’S RESTAURANT & BAR 1318 East Main, Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-3000

(507) 373-0965

• •



Georges of Geneva

Daily Lunch Specials

HERITAGE RESTAURANT in RAMADA HOTEL 5pm-9pm Mon.-Thurs, 5-10 pm Sat.-Sun. 2301 East Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 369-5786 • • • Brunch 10am-2pm Sun. American & Italian cuisine. HOLLANDALE 3 IN 1 Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Pool, darts, foosball, 101 Park Ave., Hollandale, MN (507) 889-3253 • • • • liquor & gas. HOMETOWN PIZZA & BBQ 301 5th Ave. W., Ellendale, MN (507) 688-1050 • HY-VEE DELI & CATERING 2708 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-2257 • • 100 • THE INTERCHANGE WINE & COFFEE BISTRO 211 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 383-4070

Dine In or Take Out. Salad Bar Available.

IRON SKILLET, TRAILS PETCO 820 Happy Trails Lane, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-2616 • • • • • 200 •

Open 24 Hours, Daily Specials. Carry Out Available. Full dining, All You Can Eat Buffet/Menu.

MARKET PLACE FOODS DELI & CATERING 1619 West Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-7357 • 200 • Dine In or Carry Out. Full Service Deli. MINE AGAIN’S BAR & GRILL 127 S. Broadway Ave., Alden, MN

(507) 874-3784

MOOSE CLUB 1623 W. Main St., Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-2106

• •


NANCY’S CAFE 120 S. Washington, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-5469 • • 65 Mexican & American Food, Everything is homemade. NASTY HABIT BAR & GRILL Burgers, Wings, Pizza & Much More, Game Room, 134 W. William, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-7949 • • • Happy Hour 4-6 pm daily. 112 ON BROADWAY 112 S.Broadway, Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-3000

PAPA MURPHY’S 142 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN

(507) 377-7075 • Take and Bake Pizza.

PIZZA RANCH Albert Lea, MN 2430 Bridge, Northbridge Mall

(507) 377-2166

• • • Buffet, pickup & delivery. Chicken, salad bar, pizza.

PERKINS 2215 East Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-1624 • • 120 Full-Line Bakery. Carry Out Available. RED LEAF CAFE 104 Broadway Ave. S., New Richland (507) 465-8000 • SIGNATURES SUPPER CLUB 728 Central Ave., Northwood, IA

(641) 324-1052

SOMEWHERE ELSE CONGER BAR & GRILL 66918 180th St., Conger, MN (507) 265-3325

SPORTSMAN TAVERN 216 E. Clark St., Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-0896

SUBWAY of Albert Lea, MN 718 East Main Wal-Mart 1550 Blake Ave

(507) 373-1604 (507) 373-9883

• •

• •

TAILGATERS SPORTS BAR & GRILL 209 W. Main, Glenville, MN (507) 448-3868

YOU BETCHA CAFE & ICE CREAM SHOPPE 100 N. Broadway, Alden, MN (507) 402-1066


Large Assortment of Sub Sandwiches.


(641) 592-3303

THE POUR HOUSE 102 Commercial Ave., Clarks Grove, MN (507) 256-8014

Catering Services

Capacity to Seat

Wine or Beer

Fast Food

Formal Dining


TELUWUT BAR & GRILL 224 Main Str., Lake Mills, IA

Cocktail Lounge

(507) 863-2111

Private Dining

Family Dining


TB3’s BAR & GRILL 408 Park St., Freeborn, MN

Additional Information

TRUMBLE’S Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials served daily. 1811 East Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-2638 • • • 160 Fresh Baked pies & cinnamon rolls are our speciality. WEDGEWOOD COVE GOLF CLUB Seating capacity in “The Cove Bar & Grill” is 87, 2200 West 9th Street, Albert Lea (507) 373-2007 • • • • • • • 183 seating in “The Wedgewood” Restaurant is 96 THE WILLOWS Steak, ribs, pasta, seafood, wraps, sandwiches, salad 100 State St., New Richland, MN (507) 463-1000 • • bar, wide asst. of appetizers, burgers, beer & wine. WOK & ROLL 2344 Hendrickson Rd., Albert Lea, MN

(507) 377-1155

Family Dining Buffet style.

Come Enjoy Wedgewood Cove


Call 373-2007 to Make a Reservation for Your Group Today FOOD, WINE & SERVICE Seasonal Changes to Menu Over 100 Wines Live Piano Music

Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings at 5:30

18 Hole Championship Golf Course Open to the Public - Golf Lessons - Driving Range Stop Our Pro Shop for all Your Golf Needs!

Wedgewood Cove

118 S. Broadway • Albert Lea • 507-377-2425 28

Casual Dining in the Cove Bar & Grill or eat in our main dining room or reserve a private room. 2200 W. 9th St. • Albert Lea • 507-373-2007

Catering Services

Capacity to Seat


Cocktail Lounge

Wine or Beer

Fast Food

Private Dining

Formal Dining

Family Dining

(507) 373-5000


CASEY’S 2222 East Main, Albert Lea, MN

Additional Information Carry Out and Delivery Service Available.

DOMINOS 910 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-3331 • • Carry Out Only and Delivery Service Available. JAKE’S PIZZA 126 West Clark, Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-7350

• • 50 Pizza, Carry Out or Dine In.

GREEN MILL 2218 East Main, Albert Lea, MN

(507) 377-3000

• • Casual dining, 24 beers on tap, full menu, delivery, catering.

GODFATHER’S PIZZA 509 East Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1447 • • • 50 •

Pizza, Salad Bar, Sandwiches, Lunch Buffet, Carry-Out, Delivery

KORNER MART 1311 Front St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1909 •

Pizza Carry Out.

KWIK TRIP Pizza Carry Out. 906 West Front, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-6777 • 402 Garfield Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1220 • 2611 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-1032 • PAPA MURPHY’S Take and Bake Pizza. 142 Bridge Avenue, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-7075 • • 60 PIZZA HUT Inside Trails Petro 820 Happy Trails Lane, Albert Lea,MN (507) 373-4200

PIZZA RANCH Albert Lea, MN 2430 Bridge, Northbridge Mall (507) 377-2166

• • • 200 • Buffet, pickup & delivery. Chicken, salad bar, pizza.

Wedgewood Cove

Albert Lea & Freeborn County

Come Join Us!

Jakes Pizza Downtown Albert Lea


Catering Services

Capacity to Seat


Cocktail Lounge

Wine or Beer

Fast Food

Formal Dining

Private Dining

Family Dining


Additional Information

CASA ZAMORA 2006 East Main St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-6475 • • • • 54 Mexican Food Served. Established in 1969 PLAZA MORENA Albert Lea, MN 2588 Bridge, Northbridge Mall

(507) 373-9194

• • 140

TACO JOHN’S 2225 East Main St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-9818 • • TACO KING 104 So. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-2485 • • 60 Daily Specials 1649 Blake Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-2890 • • Daily Specials

ARBY’S 2707 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN

(507) 373-3061

Catering Services

Capacity to Seat


Cocktail Lounge

Wine or Beer

Fast Food

Private Dining

Formal Dining

Family Dining

Fast Food

TEQUILA’S MEXICAN BAR & GRILL 846 Central Ave., Northwood, IA (641) 323-0000


Additional Information Dine In or Carry Out

BURGER KING 2011 East Main St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-3365 • • • 100

Dine In or Carry Out. Drive-Thru, Playland

COLD STONE CREAMERY 820 Happy Trails, Albert Lea, MN (507) 379-2611 • • • 100

Ice Cream Treats.

DAIRY QUEEN 2530 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-9583 • • •

Specialty Ice Cream, Fast Food, Motorcoach Parking

HARDEE’S 1147 So. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-6101 • • • 130

Dine In or Carry Out. Drive-Thru

KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN 2221 East Main, Albert Lea, MN

Dine In or Carry Out. Drive-Thru

(507) 373-9928

MCDONALD’S Dine In or Carry Out. Drive-Thru 609 East Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-1355 • • • 110 2808 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-9573 • • • 116 820 Happy Trails Ln, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-6098 • • • 60 SUBWAY of Albert Lea, MN 718 East Main Wal-Mart 1550 Blake Ave

(507) 373-1604 (507) 373-9883

• •

• •

WENDY’S Albert Lea, MN Love’s Travel Center, 2751 E. Main (507) 377-2704 • •




Large Assortment of Sub Sandwiches.

Dine In or Carry Out. Drive-Thru

(507) 377-1716

112 ON BROADWAY 112 S. Broadway

(507) 373-3000

AMERICAN LEGION 142 North Broadway

(507) 373-7993

THE NASTY HABIT 134 West William Street

(507) 373-7949

APPLEBEE’S 2740 Bridge Ave.

(507) 373-0380

PLAZA MORENA 2588 Bridge, Northbridge Mall

(507) 373-9194


(507) 373-1621

SKOL TAVERN Inside Trails Petro 820 Happy Trails Lane

(507) 373-4200

EAGLES CLUB 205 West William

(507) 373-1162

SPORTSMAN’S TAVERN 216 E. Clark Street

(507) 373-0896

EDDIE’S 719 Marshall

(507) 373-5140

WEDGEWOOD COVE 2200 W. 9th Street

(507) 373-2007

GREEN MILL 2218 East Main

(507) 377-3000

HAROLD’S BAR & LOUNGE 1318 East Main

(507) 373-0965

ARAGON 130 West College Street

MOOSE LODGE 1623 W. Main Street/Skyline Plaza


(507) 373-2106

2 for $22

Carside to Go™ SHORT ON TIME?

ORDER ONLINE Drink Specials

CALL 507-373-0380


901 S. Broadway, Albert Lea 2740 BRIDGE AVE., ALBERT LEA

ICE with Purchase

We Deliver 507-438-3457 31

Night Life

Albert Lea

Night Life

Surrounding Communities ALDEN AMERICAN LEGION 151 N. Broadway, Alden

(507) 874-3679

HUNTERS BAR 200 W. Main St., Myrtle

(507) 448-3652

THE POUR HOUSE 102 Hwy. 45 S., Clarks Grove

(507) 256-8014

NEW RICHLAND LIQUOR CO. 102 Broadway Ave. N., New Richland

(507) 465-3552

SOMEWHERE ELSE CONGER BAR & GRILL 66918 180th St., Conger (507) 265-3325

THE WILLOWS 100 State St., New Richland

(507) 463-1000

ELLENDALE MUNI BAR & GRILL 217 5th Ave. W., Ellendale

(507) 684-9422

PUB 69 814 Hwy. 69, Twin Lakes

(507) 852-2200


(507) 297-5660

BUCKLEY’S BAR & GRILL 218 Main St., Walters

(507) 294-9985

TB3’s BAR & GRILL 408 Park St., Freeborn

(507) 863-2111

WELLS AMERICAN LEGION 145 W. Franklin St., Wells

(507) 553-3012

GENEVA BAR & GRILL 101 W. Main St., Geneva

(507) 256-7278

5 ALARM BREWING CO. 211 W. Main St., Lake Mills, IA

(641) 592-2739

GEORGE’S OF GENEVA 116 Central Ave., Geneva

(507) 266-4501

GENE’S PLACE 101 N. Mill Str., Lake Mills, IA

(641) 592-9100


(507) 448-2909

DIAMOND JO CASINO 777 Diamond Jo Ln., Northwood, IA

(641) 323-7777

TAILGATERS SPORTS BAR & GRILL 209 W. Main St., Glenville

(507) 448-3868

ROCK A BILLIES 95 8th Str. N., Northwood, IA

(641) 324-0525

HARTLAND UNIVERSITY 411 Broadway, Hartland

(507) 845-2861

SHADE TREE 738 Central Ave., Northwood, IA

(641) 324-1614

HOLLANDALE 3 IN 1 101 Park Ave., Hollandale

(507) 889-3253

TEQUILA’S 846 Central Ave., Northwood, IA

(641) 323-0000

FOREVER BERMANS 130 S. Main St., Kiester

(507) 294-3344

WORTH BREWERY 826 Central Ave., Northwood, IA

(641) 324-9899

BEND IN THE ROAD 25483 Hwy. 13, Manchester

(507) 826-3441

Albert Lea & Freeborn County

Visit, Stay, Play!

Thanks to our loyal customers!



(first bag FREE with purchase)

Open Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm, Fri & Sat 10am-10pm, Sun 11am-4pm

2314 Hendrickson Rd • Albert Lea, MN (Near Dollar Tree, across from Walmart)


Locally owned & operated. Trevor & Trice Studier welcome you!

Visit Downtown Albert Lea and enjoy the area which is shopper and event friendly with unique shops, art galleries and antiques stores. Plus a variety of coffee, pizza, sandwiches and fine dining establishments.

Wind Down Wednesdays iDowntown


It is a pedestrian friendly area with open, wider sidewalks, ‘parklet’ areas at bumpouts, slower traffic via traffic calming measures, and better wayfinding for pedestrians and vehicles alike. With the new construction we preserved and enhanced the historic character of the downtown area and added plantings and energy efficient lighting. It created barrier free access to downtown, better accommodations for handicapped accessible parking, easier street crossings, access to buildings, etc. It is connected to Fountain Lake Park and brings more events into the downtown area with Williams Plaza, Water Street Plaza and the Farmer’s Market.

albert lea

Located in Historic Downtown Alert Lea

Shop Addie's... For an exceptional variety of fresh & silk flowers, arrangements, live plants, home decor & unique gift ideas for all ages & occasions!

Distributed to over 17,000 homes in all of Albert Lea & Freeborn County


Shopper Freeborn County

110 PEARL ST. • ALBERT LEA, MN 56007 • 507-373-1310

We Deliver! 216 So. Broadway Ave. • Downtown Albert Lea • 507-377-2081

It’s a beautiful stitchuation • hats • sweats • blankets • jackets • denims • business logos

Reinertson’s Embroidery

230 S Washington Ave. • Albert Lea, MN 56007 • Phone: 507-373-0751 • Cell: 507-261-3959

Mary Go Round Shoppe Great Selection of Consignment ...Clothing, Furniture, Glassware, Antiques and Jewelry 106 W. Clark, Albert Lea, MN 373-7911 M-F 10-5, Sat 10-3

Unique women’s clothing, accessories, and home decor 144 S. Broadway Downtown Albert Lea 507-473-2111 33


Historic Downtown Albert Lea


Adams Originals - New and Used Gifts 238 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 369-0205. One of a kind Gift Shop. Stoneware pottery, clay creatures, collectibles, teddy bears, dolls & antiques.

Broadway Bike Company 114 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-2060 Sell & repair bikes, cycling clothing & accessories & bike rental.

Addie’s Floral & Gifts 216 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 377-2081. We carry fresh & silk floral arrangements, garden & home items, many other unique decorating items, jewelry, purses, gift items & much more.

Broadway Home Design 128 Broadway Ave. S., Albert Lea (507) 473-2800 A retailer of fine cabinetry, counter tops & flooring. Specializing in kitchen & bath design.

Albert Lea Art Center 226 W. Clark St., Albert Lea (507)-373-5665. Featuring original art for sale. All art is consigned by local artists & is perfect for that unique gift.

Calico Hutch Quilt Shop 20520 810th Ave., Hayward (507) 377-1163 I-90 Exit 163. Over 300 extraordinary samples adorn the walls with kits, patterns and fabrics to support everyone of them.

Albert Lea Seedhouse 1414 W. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 377-2372 Is a family-owned business, specializing in field & garden seed. With a variety of products for the home, garden, farm and pets.

Chapel Comics & Collectibles Shoppe 115 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 369-3712 Comic Books, Figurines & Collectibles & more!

America’s Mattress 2351 Leland Dr., Albert Lea (507) 373-3366 Find the right mattress for you. Mattress education.

Collective Spirits 1507 Blake Ave., Albert Lea (507) 379-BEER (2337) Specializing in home wine and beer making kits.

AT&T 2315 Leland Dr., Albert Lea (507) 391-1155 We offer a wide range of mobile devices and service plans, and we are passionate about our customers and mobile technology.

The Color Wheel 122 W. Main, Albert Lea (507) 402-5650 New & re-purposed furniture, gifts & décor.

The Bed Store & More 222 E. Clark St., Albert Lea (507) 377-2263 Large Selection of Beds All Sizes & Prices. Good Used Sofas. Chairs, Dressers, Chests of Drawers. Kitchen & Dining Room Sets. Appliances. Small Misc. Items. Beef Jerky Outlet 2319 Leland Dr., Albert Lea (507) 373-1624 Endless amounts of jerky and tasty treats. Bergdale Harley-Davidson Inc. 905 Plaza St., Albert Lea (507) 373-5236 Harley-Davidson apparel, collectibles and accessories. BeMobile, Verizon Wireless Retailer 2526 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 369-5711 Cellular telephone equipment and supplies, wireless communication. Between Friends Boutique 144 S. Broadway, Downtown Albert Lea (507) 473-2111 Unique Women’s Clothing

Cup of Faith 709 Algon St., Albert Lea (507) 373-1233 Christian Book & Gift. Also enjoy a nice cup of coffee. Dollar General 201 W. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 369-6127 Complete Discount Store from Health & Beauty, Décor & Gifts, Groceries and a whole lot more. Dollar Tree 2308 Hendrickson Rd., Albert Lea (507) 373-2230 Everything A-Z for $1.00. Party, Pets, Personal, Toys, Food, Seasonal, Party Supplies…the list is endless. Dunham’s Sports 2500 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea Northbridge Mall (507) 369-1444 Full-line sporting goods chain with a remarkable range of popular national brands.

Bomgaars 1721 W. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 373-1549 Check out all of the departments for products to cover every season from country to city living needs. Brick Furniture 225 S. Broadway, Downtown Albert Lea (507) 373-2514 Whether you need a new sofa or looking to redesign your bedroom, they have it all. Family owned & operated.

We Carry Raleigh, Felt & Redline Bicycles We Repair All Brands of Bikes - Bike Rental Available Open Mon.-Fri. 9:00 am-5:30 pm, Thurs. till 7:00 pm, Sat. 9:00 am-3:00 pm

114 S. Broadway Ave. | Downtown Albert Lea | 507-373-2060 34

Broadway Bike Company, Downtown Albert Lea

Hy-Vee 2708 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 377-2257 Floral, Bakery, Deli, Meat Department, Frozen Foods,Pharmacy, Caribou Coffee & more. Employee owned full service grocery store.

EZ Own Plus 2456 Bridge Ave. Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (507) 473-5289 Sales & Financing of furniture, appliances, computers & electronics.

Junktion Market 919 W. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 402-5236 or (507) 402-0675 Occasional store specializing in handmade and revamped furniture, collectibles and unique home decor. Custom orders and delivery.

Fisher’s Fine Jewelers 202 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-3925 Making the finer things in life more affordable.

Kelly Gau Studio 136 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (641) 590-3235 Arts and entertainment and art classes for group outings.

Frames-R-Us 228 South Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 377-0848 Framed & unframed prints by popular artists. Hundreds of frames and mats to choose from. Design experts on staff. Shadow boxes and needle-work stretching are our specialties.

Kidz Clothez 2554 Bridge Ave., Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (507) 369-5599 Kidz Clothez at reasonable rates. Newborn up to teen.

Freeborn Lumber Company 971 Plaza St. W., Albert Lea (507) 377-4284 For all your building needs! Game Stop 2316 Henderickson Rd., Albert Lea (507) 377-5068 New and used video games, consoles and related gear. Garden Diva Design Studio 80920 Co. Rd. 46, Hawyard (507) 377-2579 Unique decorating decor and more. GNC 2528 Bridge Ave., Northbridge Mall Albert Lea (507) 373-1466 Shop for vitamins, supplements, minerals, herbs, sport nutrition, diet and energy and health and beauty products. Green Lea Golf Pro Shop 101 Richway Dr., Albert Lea (507) 373-1061 Check us out for our your golfing needs. Gypsy K Consignments Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (507) 473-2117 Looking for new style/new outfits! Stop by for the latest trends! Herberger’s 2440 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, Northbridge Mall (507) 373-2381 Shop this department store’s designer brands at affordable prices. Men’s, women’s, juniors, children’s and much more.

Leuthold’s 2430 Bridge Ave., Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (507) 373-3142 Men’s and women’s apparel, formal men’s wear. M&S Outdoor Outdoor Equipment 519 Prospect Ave., Albert Lea (507) 377-7705 Exmark, Husqvarna, Snapper, Toro, Sthil, chainsaws, trimmers, lawnmowers and snow blowers. Sales and service. Mark Kness Fine Art Studio 242 Broadway Ave., Albert Lea (507) 402-0616 Featuring original artwork from wildlife to hot rods and buildings virtually anything you can imagine. Mark also does commission work for businesses and individuals. Market Place Foods 1619 West Main, Albert Lea, Skyline Plaza (507) 373-7357 Floral Department offering green & blooming plants. Deli, Bakery & Meat Departments. Pharmacy available, plus home delivery. Martin’s Cycling & Fitness 1137 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 377-3704 Since 1981, Martin’s is your complete bike and hockey headquarters. Mary Go Round Shoppe 106 W. Clark, Albert Lea ( 507) 373-7911 Quality consignment boutique featuring designer label family clothing, quality used furniture, glassware, nostalgia, antiques & jewelry.

Hills Gardens 2512 West Main, Albert Lea (507) 373-7253 Fourth generation family owned & operated greenhouse grower and retail garden center. Annuals, perennials, pottery, gardening accessories, bird feeders, giftware and more! Home Depot 2400 Consul St., Albert Lea (507) 377-9891 Shop your home improvement needs: Appliances, bathroom, flooring, tools, lumber, lighting & more!

Your First Stop For: • Bird Seed & Feeders • Pet Food & Toys • Garden Seed, Tools & Yard Decor Family Owned Since 1923 (507) 377-2372 1414 W. Main, Albert Lea 35


ETCetera Tanning & Clothing Boutique 1663 W. Main St., Skyline Plaza Albert Lea (507) 377-8267 Stylish, gently used brand name children’s, junior’s, adult & maternity clothing, shoes toys & Etc. Offering a line of new ladies clothing. Tanning products, single sessions.


Maurices 2235 Leland Dr., Albert Lea (507) 373-8497 Ready to wear junior, misses & plus size women’s apparel & accessories.

Stadheim Jewelers 215 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-3440 Family owned jewelry store located downtown.

Midwest Antiques 302 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 369-5733 Antique furniture, toys & collectibles.

Sterling Drug 410 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-1486 Gifts & toys, seasonal merchandise & snacks. Full service Pharmacy with free prescription delivery. Ben’s Floral offers floral services.

New To You 123 N. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-0388 Quality used clothing for the whole family. Northbridge Mall 2510 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 377-3185. Over 30 of Albert Lea’s finest shops, department stores, businesses & dining. Two sit down restaurants, Plaza Morena & Pizza Ranch & a food court. Major anchors: Shopko, Herbergers, Dunham’s and Cinema 7 Movie Theatre.

The Loft - In Brick Furniture 225 S. Broadway, Downtown Albert Lea (507) 373-2514 Unique jewelry, clothing, hand bags, children’s furniture & much more. Three Oak Vineyards and Winery/ Three Oak Wines 73505 225th St., Albert Lea (507) 383-1273 Locally owned winery offering many award winning wines, special events and fun for all!

Pet Authority 2014 E. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 373-2505 Everything for your Pets.

Tiger City 101 S. Broadway, Downtown Albert Lea (507) 373-4366 All the sports gear you need, Baseball, Softball, Football, Wrestling, Hockey. Stop in and take a look.

Plaza Landscape & Garden Center 951 Plaza St. W., Albert Lea (507) 373-2757 Full service garden center. Landscape designer MNLA certified.

Trader Jack’s Sports Cards & Collectibles 2510 Bridge Ave., Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (641) 529-0208 Something for every sports fan and more.

Plymouth Shoe Store 129 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-6793 “Put Yourself In Our Shoes” at your footwear headquarters for the entire family. Family owned for over a century. Located in Historic Downtown Albert Lea.

Trail’s Petro Gift Shop 820 Happy Trails Lane, Albert Lea (507) 373-4200 Unique gifts, jewelry, apparel, souvenirs & treats. Check it out!

Raleigh’s Ace Hardware 2525 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 377-8636 Hardware, painting & decorating, home organization, outdoor living, home safety. Reinertson’s Embroidery 203 S. Washington, Albert Lea (507) 373-0751 Custom embroidery on shirts, jackets, pants, denim & much more.

Verizon Wireless World 140 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 369-5703 Cellular Telephone Equipment & Supplies, Cellular Telephone Service, Wireless Communication. Walgreens 703 E. Main St., Albert Lea (507) -369-0260 Serving your needs for prescriptions, health & wellness products, health information and photo services.

Sally’s Beauty Supplies 2342 Leland Dr., Albert Lea (507) 369-2404 Brand name beauty products and supplies including salon equipment.

Wal-Mart Super Center 1550 Blake Ave., Albert Lea (507) 377-2998 Walmart Pharmacy, Walmart Photo Center, Walmart Tires & Auto Parts, Walmart Vision & Glasses and more.

Sanco Equipment 2317 Consul St., Albert Lea (507) 377-1631 Bobcat sales, service, mobile service and full trailer repair.

Wedgewood Golf Pro Shop 2200 West 9th Street, Albert Lea (507) 373-2007 Season passes, private lessons, clinics & more.

Shoe Sensation 2339 Leland Dr., Albert Lea (507) 552-1664 Shoes for the whole family.

Whimzy Toys & Party 122 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-7746 A wonderful shop in beautiful, historic downtown Albert Lea. Unique, fun gifts with a fabulous selection of party goods.

Shopko 2610 Bridge Ave., Northbridge Mall Albert Lea (507) 373-6600 Clothing, home, electronics, toys, sporting goods & more. In store pharmacy and vision departments. Sidetrack Hobby 2510 Bridge Ave., Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (507) 668-4040 Trains, model cards and accessories. Simply Charming Ceramics 1657 W. Main St. Skyline Plaza, Albert Lea (507) 369-5395 Creativity for all ages and art abilities. Individual or groups. Skyline Hardware 1601 W. Main St., Albert Lea, Skyline Plaza (507) 377-2426 Full service hardware store from nuts & bolts to all your painting supplies. Featuring Carhartt apparel.

Brick Furniture Downtown Albert Lea



Skyline Plaza West Main Street In Albert Lea, MN

COME CHECK US OUT! Market Place Foods | Skyline Hardware | Bomgaars VA Clinic | Specialty Stores | Moose Lodge | Skyline Barbers


Always Something New! Boutique Etcetera

Skyline Plaza | Albert Lea | 507-377-8267

Everything we do, we do just for you! North Bridge Ave. in Albert Lea, MN

SHOPPING, DINING & FUN Retail, Businesses, Community Events & Food Court

Pizza Ranch | Plaza Morena | Cinema 7 Theatre Shopko | Hergergers | Dunham’s Sports






Historic District 15 Schoolhouse Freeborn, MN

Freeborn County Historical Museum

The historic District 15 schoolhouse, lovingly restored and converted to a community museum in 2007, is at the corner of Park St. and 7th Ave. in Freeborn. The schoolhouse, maintained by the Freeborn Area Heritage Society, is open Sunday afternoons from May thru September, or by appointment. Exhibits include historic photos and clippings, a working pump organ, Freeborn School yearbooks, and educational memorabilia from bygone days. The schoolhouse lawn is a wonderfully shaded, cool spot for a picnic or for stargazing on summer nights.

Myrtle Museum

Museums in Freeborn County Alden Museum 1-90 Exit 146, Alden, MN: (507) 874-3462 Step back into the early 20th Century, “Like When Grandpa was a kid.” See first hand the old time country store exhibit, 20th century home with furniture, and artifacts from the farming of yester-year. Open Memorial Day to Labor Day or call for an appointment. Freeborn County Historical Museum, Library & Village 1031 Bridge Ave. (507) 373-8003 Located two miles south of I-90 (Exit 157) It is rated as one of the finest history complexes in Minnesota. A 10,000 sq. ft. addition has doubled the size of the museum, expanding the library and adding a children’s learning lab, meeting rooms, new entrance and reception area. The exhibits range from a mammoth tooth to Rock ‘n Roll. From the 1853 Livedalen cabin – the first one built in Freeborn County to Marion Ross of “Happy Days” memorabilia, this museum and village bring memories, learning, and fun to visitors.

Myrtle, MN: (507) 448-3465. Come and see the local memorabilia. Old photos dating back 70-80 years; antique organ; church pew and much more. Open Labor Day and Memorial Day from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm or by appointment.

Czech Brick Hall National Historic Register

2 1/2 miles North of Myrtle on County Rd. 30. Come see the old Brick Hall where many happy events have taken place. Old photos, historic hand painted stage screen. Call for appointment 507-3831340 or 507-402-3250.

Greibrok’s Mini History Farm & Country Fair

2016 9th St. S.W., Austin, MN (507) 433-4880 Model tractors, trucks, cars, farm machinery, steam engines, airplanes, and other toys. 40 room farmhouse. Call to schedule an appointment

Clarks Grove Area Heritage Meseum

103 Independence Ave., Clarks Grove, MN Every Saturday April thru November 8:30 to 11:30 am otherwise by appointment. Call (507) 373-7442, 256-4120 or (507) 256-8011. Eddie Coch ran

Admission – adults $7.50, youth 12-18 $2.00, children 11 and under are free. The Museum and Library are open year round Wednesday thru Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. The Village is open May through September 10 am to 4 pm. Closed on holidays. Tours are available by appointment. For more info check the website at

Marion Ross


Albert Lea 17,667 Alden 640 Bricelyn 342 Clarks Grove 673 Conger 141 Ellendale 690 Emmons 379 Freeborn 288 Geneva 538 Glenville 623 Hartland 305 Hayward 242 38

Hollandale 294 Kiester 473 Lake Mills 2,066 Manchester 55 Myrtle 47 New Richland 1,199 Northwood 2,000 Twin Lakes 146 Wells 2,225 Freeborn County 30,613

Freeborn County Historical Museum, visit hometown residents exhibits of Marion Ross and Eddie Cochran

Downtown Albert Lea’s Wind Down Wednesday


Historic Downtown Albert Lea

Celebrate with us this Summer Once a Month on Wednesday’s - June 20, July 18 & August 15 Enjoy live music, art, crafts, food and beverages from local vendors. Visit or for more information and to check out all other upcoming events!

Cellfie-Tour Downtown Albert Lea Wind Down Wednesday

CEC Mall 7 MovieTheaters Northbridge Mall in Albert Lea (507) 373-7039

Holiday Bowling Lanes

Experience Albert Lea in a new way. Enjoy this self guided tour that brings facts and data about Albert Lea to your cell phone via an interactive walking tour using QR codes at locations throughout town. Post your selfie shots along the way on your favorite social media outlet using the #iamalbertlea, #albertleacellfietours, and/or #cellfietours hashtags and you could end up featured on the City’s Facebook page.

522 Prospect Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-7276

Visit Our Website for Tickets and Information: or Call 1-800-658-2526

August 24-25, 2018 Freeborn County Fairgrounds

State BBQ/Steak/Chili Competition The Best BBQ from the Midwest‘s Best Cooks

Anyone can enter any of the cookoffs

Prize Money Trophies Stage Entertainment


FLEA MARKET Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds Albert Lea, MN

Junktion 35/90 Flea Market

BIB State BBQ/Steak/Chili Competition August 24 & 25, 2018

Freeborn County Fairgrounds in Albert Lea Sample the Best BBQ from the Midwest ‘s Best Cooks! Over $10,000 in Cash & Prizes. Stage entertainment, food and more.

Free Admission


Albert Lea, Minnesota 39

Dance & Fitness Activities

Albert Lea Family Y 2021 W. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 373-8228

HeartWaves Studios 315 Adams Ave., Albert Lea (507) 473-0002

Albert Lea Gymnastics Club 2610 YH Hanson Ave. Suite 101 Albert Lea (507) 402-9973

Just for Kix Dance Studio 1360 E. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 210-5425

Albert Lea Parks & Rec 701 Lake Chapeau Dr., City Arena, Albert Lea (507) 377-4370

Lerberg’s Fitness Center 118 5th Ave. E, Ellendale (507) 684-2471

Anytime Fitness 2510 Bridge Ave., Northbridge Mall, Albert Lea (507) 377-8451

LeVerne Carlson Fitness Center Alden-Conger School 215 N. Broadway, Alden (507) 874-3240

Brookside Community Ed 211 W. Richway Dr., Albert Lea (507) 379-4800

Meraki Studios 115 N. Newton, Albert Lea (507) 581-0731

CrossFit Innerdrive 2610 Y.H. Hanson Ave. Albert Lea (507) 219-8953

MG Elite Fitness 148 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 668-4055

Northland Karate 206 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-0700 Snap Fitness 148 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 377-1290 The Gym Geneva 100 N. Central Ave. Geneva (651) 353-5937

Unlimited Possibilities Dance Studio 1645 W. Main St., Skyline Plaza, Albert Lea (507) 273-0402 Young American School of Self Defense & Safety Awareness (952)-997-7732 The Z Spot – Zumba Fitness (507) 402-7523 visit us on Facebook Unlimited Po ssibilitied Da nce Show 20 18


2610 Yh Hanson Ave, Albert Lea, MN

Functional Fitness • Constantly Varied Workouts • Modifiable to all Fitness Levels •

Photo Submitted by Angie Moller

expanded and remodele Newly expanded and rem NewlyNewly expanded and remodeled! Newly expanded and remodeled! Free 30 day get started plan! Free 30 day get started Free 30 day get started plan! Newly expanded and remodeled! Free 30 day get started plan! Free 30 day get started plan!

2508 Bridge Ave 2508 Bridge Ave

Albert Lea, MN 56007 2508 Albert Bridge Ave | Albert MN 56007 Lea, MN 56007 2508 Bridge Ave Lea, 2508 Bridge Ave 507-525-4309 2508 Bridge Ave 507-525-4309 507-525-4309 | Albert Lea, MN 56007 Albert Lea, MN 56007 Albert Lea, MN*Offer56007 valid with a minimum 12 month membership agreement at participating locations only. Terms and conditions may vary based on applicable state laws and regulations. Monthly dues still apply. Each location is independently owned and operated. Expires XX.XX.XX ©2015 Anytime Fitness, LLC *Offer valid with a minimum 12 month membership agreement at participating locations only.507-525-4309 Terms and conditions may vary based on applicable state laws and regulations. 507-525-4309 507-525-4309 Monthly dues still apply. Each location is independently owned and operated. Expires XX.XX.XX ©2015 Anytime Fitness, LLC


*Offer with a minimum 12 *Offer month membership participating locations and may vary based on applicable laws ba valid with locations a agreement minimumonly. 12atTerms month membership agreement at participating locations only. Terms conditions state may vary *Offer valid with a minimum 12 monthvalid membership agreement at participating and conditions mayonly. varyTerms based onconditions applicable state laws and and regulations.

for events, resources and info contact us today

Green Lea Golf Course 101 E. Richway Dr., Albert Lea, MN

Public 18 hole course & restaurant. (507) 373-1061

Lake Mills Golf Course 800 S. Main St., Lake Mills, IA Dining - Public 18 hole course (920) 648-5013

Northwood Country Club 1391 490th St., Northwood, IA Public 9 hole course (641) 324-1662 Oakview Golf Course Co. Rd. 25, Freeborn, MN

3 1/2 miles west of Manchester - Public 9 hole course. (507) 863-2288

Rice Lake Golf 43080 Golf Ave., Lake Mills, IA

Mitchell’s Restaurant - Public 18 hole course (641) 592-8022

Riverview Golf Course 15590 240th Ave., New Richland, MN Public 9 hole course (507) 465-3516 Like us on facebook.

Wedgewood Cove Golf Club 2200 W. 9th St, Albert Lea, MN 18-holes, driving range, bar & restaurant and banquet facility Open to the public (507) 373-2007 Wells Municipal Golf Course 801 1st Ave., Wells, MN Public 9 hole course (507) 553-3313 Green Lea Golf Course, Albert Lea, MN


Golf Courses

Making Albert Lea and Freeborn County a better place to live, work and play!

2018 Green Lea Golf Tournaments Sat., May 5 Sat., May 19 Sun., May 20 Sat., June 2 Sat., June 9 Sun., June 17 Sat., June 23 Mon., June 25 Sat., July 14 Sat., July 21 Sat., July 28 Tues., Aug. 7 Thur., Aug. 9 Sun., Aug.12 Fri., Aug. 24 Sat., Aug. 25 Sat.-Mon., Sept. 1-3 Sun., Sept. 23 Sat., Oct. 6

Green Lea Mens Club Chili Choose Up Albert Lea Wrestling Classic 2-Man Best Shot Holiday Lanes Golf & Bowl Kiwanis Classic Golf Fundraiser 3-Man Best Shot Corey Goodnature Memorial Golf Classic PGA Junior Tour Tournament Krieger Open Green Lea Club Tournament Ducks Unlimited Freeborn County Ag Open Virginia Hanson Memorial 4-Gal Best Shot American Legion Post 56 Fundraiser Best Shot Hi Yield Customer Appreciation Day Albert Lea Hockey Open 91st Annual Shortstop Tournament 3-Man Best Shot 4-Man Best Shot

2018 Wedgewood Cove Golf Tournaments

Green Lea Golf Course Hole #1

Wedgewood Golf Course, Albert Lea, MN

April 21 May 12 May 21 May 28 June 3 June 4 June 7-9 June 10 June 11 June 19 June 24 June 25 July 8 July 12 July 13 July 15 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 30 August 9-11 August 19 August 27 September 2 September 9 September 16 September 17 September 29 October 20

Kick Off 4-Person Best Shot 2-Person Hidden Pin Event Senior 4-Man Scramble Memorial Day Couples Tournament One Person Best Shot Tournament Y-Not Golf Outing Senior Shoot Out Invitational 3-Person Best Shot Riverland Golf Outing “Lucky 7” Ladies Tournament Couples Tournament Senior 3-Man Scramble 4-Person Best Shot Sparky Golf Outing PGA Junior Tournament Club Championship Couples Best Ball Tournament Chamber Golf Outing Mrs. Gerry’s Junior Tournament Senior 2-Man Scramble WC Invitational Shootout 5-Person Best Shot Senior 3-Man Scramble Mrs. Gerry’s Couples Tournament 3-Person Best Shot Couples Tournament Senior 4-Man Best Shot 1-Person Best Shot Chili Open 41


Myre-Big Island State Park Submitted by Angie Moller

State Park

Myre-Big Island State Park

19499 780th Ave., Albert Lea (507) 379-3403

This 2,073 acre State Park is located 3 miles southeast of Albert Lea on Co. Rd. 38 (Exit 11 on I-35). Hiking, biking, camping, wildlife watching, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and canoeing are popular activities enjoyed by the approximately 125,000 annual visitors. The trails take visitors around wet lowlands, oak savanna, and grasslands. The State Park is an oasis of natural diversity in a prairie landscape surrounded by agricultural land uses. The park marshes draw hundreds of waterfowl during migration. Special features of this region’s geologic, botanic and human history can be seen in this park. One of the most unique aspects of the park is the 116 acre Big Island, covered with maple/basswood forest. Another is the glacial esker located in the northeast section of the park. For a full calendar of events please call (507) 379-3403.

Lakes Albert Lea Lake

Fishing, small boats & sailing. Lake access from Frank Avenue at the south end the of channel, Little Island at Myre Big Island State Park, metal ramp; South Shore Drive-concrete ramp. Located by the channel's entrance is - The “Pelican Breeze II” Cruise Boat.

Full Draw Archery Club

Fountain Lake

ishing, water skiing and sailing. Located in the heart of Albert Lea; F boat access located off Richway Drive and Highway 13. Multiple fishing docks located in the parks. Catch walleye, northerns, black bullheads, yellow perch, black crappie, channel catfish, white sucker, bluegill and large mouth bass in our area lakes.

County Lakes for Recreation Use

Pickerel Lake, Freeborn Lake, Bear Lake, Geneva Lake, Twin Lakes and State Line Lake, Emmons.

Albert Lea Anglers

Full Draw Archery Club Upstairs in the Knutson Building 1st Building North of the Post Office 131 S. Newton Ave., Albert Lea Indoor range year round for members and seasonal 3-D tournaments open to the public. Call for information 507-373-7377.

Focus on Health & Wellness! We at the the Family Y have many health & wellness programs for you, no matter what your age.

Albert Lea Anglers Fishing team for kids from 6th to 12th grade in Freeborn County. Kids fish in local and statewide tournaments against other teams. Other events include Fishing with ARC, Take a Kid Fishing, lake clean-up, education and interacting with kids that have the same passion. For more info call 507-438-2622 or 42


2021 West Main • Albert Lea, MN • 507-373-8228

Located at Co. Road 46 West (507) 377-4374 T wo sheets of indoor ice. Ice will be maintained year around on one

of the rinks. Look for summer public ice skating times and other ice events in our summer program brochure. Space for dry floor events and meeting rooms available on request. Home of Albert Lea High School and Youth Hockey, Waldorf College Men’s Hockey, Albert Lea Figure Skating Club and Kennel Club of Freeborn County.

Albert Lea Figure Skate Show 2018

Bike & Walking Trails Brookside Trail - by Brookside Boat Landing

Walk along Fountain Lake on this trail. Paved and lighted path. Start of trail is right next to the Dog Park. Beautiful scenery.

Blazing Star Trail - Frank Hall Park - on Albert Lea Lake

Paved trail runs for 6 miles from Frank Hall Park in Albert Lea through Big Island State Park. It also connects to Albert Lea’s city trail system. Enjoy views of rural landscapes along the entire trail.

Albert Lea Audubon Society - 424 Oregon St. in Albert Lea

Freeborn Co. Snowmobile Trail Assc. Come ride over 250 miles of groomed trails through scenic woods with an abundance of wildlife. for more info.

YMCA 2021 West Main, Albert Lea (507) 373-8228

Activities offered for the whole family to enjoy include: swimming pool, gymnasium, aerobics, weight room, "Eagle” fitness center, indoor running track, party room, sauna and steam room, three racquetball courts and three wallyball courts and summer youth and camp programs.

Info at Take a stroll on this beautiful two mile stretch filled with birds and wildlife.

Shell Rock River State Water Trail

The headwaters start at Fountain Lake, and travel 20 miles through central Freeborn County to the Iowa border.

Pickleball Courts

Are available at Frank Ave. & Front St., next to the Aquatic Center in Albert Lea.

Brookside Boathouse

Located on West Richway Drive by the Brookside Boat Landing Rent canoes, kayaks, stand up paddle boards, hamboards, bikes and more during the summer months.

Frank Hall Park

Located next to the City Aquatic Center on Front St. Canoes & kayaks available for rent on a self-serve basis. See for info.

Skate Park

Located at 701 North Shore Ave. in Albert Lea next to the City Beach.

New! Splash Pad Located on the north End of Broadway Ave. in Downtown Albert Lea across the street from Fountain Lake Park. 43


Albert Lea City Arena


Ice Fishing Foun tain & Albert Le a Lakes

City Parks & Facilities Our community has abundant natural and historic areas that have been developed into over 300 acres of quality parks, recreation areas, and open space. All of the parks are open to the public, free of charge. Throughout Albert Lea, 41 parks and recreation areas offer a wide variety of recreational and leisure facilities, including neighborhood park playfields, playground equipment, basketball courts, tennis courts, fishing areas, natural open spaces, picnic areas, softball and baseball diamonds, a swimming pool, a civic theatre, a senior center, and an ice arena. Riverland Community College Disc Golf Course

County Parks

• Pickeral Lake Park

South of Albert Lea on Hwy. 69. This park is located on Pickeral Lake Picnic Shelters & Bathrooms

• St. Nicholas Park

South Shore Drive/CSAH 19 on the shores of Albert Lea Lake Enjoy a picnic shelter and short walking trail

• Whites Woods Park

South on Hwy. 69 outside of Twin Lakes. Along lower Twin lake Two picnic shelters, baseball diamond, bathrooms, many hiking and walking trails

• Arrowhead Park

Disc Golf Oak Island Disc Golf Course 303 W. Hammer Rd., Albert Lea, MN Championship Professional - 18 hole course at Bancroft Park Tall Grass Disc Golf Course Bancroft Park, Albert Lea, MN Championship Professional - 18 hole course Riverland Community College Disc Golf Course 2200 Riverland Dr., Albert Lea, MN 18 hole course

Albert Lea Gymnastic Club 2610 YH Hanson Ave., Albert Lea (507) 402-9973 Monday-Wednesday-Friday 3pm - 7pm Tuesday 9am-11am/3pm-7:30p Thursday 9am-11am/3pm-7:00pm Saturday: 9am-12pm Sunday: Closed 44

Established in 1978, over 100 acres of woods, marshes, trails, & shoreline on the eastern shore of Freeborn Lake. Picnic areas & shelter house facilities, boat launch & dock, horseshoe pits & playground. Located 3 miles south of Freeborn. Take Co. Rd. 29 SE out of town, turn right at Co. Rd. 8, 1 mile S & 1 mile W on 267th St. Fountain Lake Park, Submitted by Angie Molle r


Albert Lea City Parks Academy Park, Frank Hall and 3rd St; 3.1 acres This park has play apparatus, rest rooms, a baseball/softball diamond, a warming house as well as ice skating and hockey in the winter, and is one of our eight parks that have play park leaders in the summer. Bancroft Bay Park, West end of Hammer Rd; 74.1 acres This is a natural park area with limited development. The amenities include two picnic shelters, picnic tables, fire rings, restrooms and hiking trails.

Bellview Park, Lincoln and 1st Ave; 1.8 acres This park has a baseball diamond, playground equipment and picnic tables.

Brookside, Richway and Brookside; 4.2 acres This area is open space that includes community gardens, tennis courts, and a boat landing. Take a walk on the start of the pedestrian trail

City Beach, North Shore and Johnson; 1.6 acres The City Beach is a swimming area with NO LIFEGUARDS. The area also has picnic benches, rest rooms, skate park and a sand volleyball court.. Dog Park, 501 Richway Dr. Fenced in area near Brookside Education Center southeast of Brookside Boat Landing. Allows dogs to exercise off their leash, safely and legally. Dress Island, Botsford and Lakeview; 0.2 acre Green space with benches and a new wooden bridge.

East Gate Park, East Gate and Garfield; 2.2 acres This is a neighborhood park with green space, play apparatus and a basketball court. Eberhardt Park, Eberhardt and David; 5.1 acres This is a neighborhood park with a lot of green space, play apparatus, and a small shelter.

Outdoor Ice at Albert Lea City Parks

Edgewater Park, Edgewater and Lakeview; 62.6 acres This community park is Albert Lea’s largest park, having an abundance of green space. It has two picnic shelters, all with fireplaces, that require reservations. This park has a public boat landing, a band shell, horseshoe courts, play apparatus, a baseball/ softball diamond, volleyball net, rest rooms, and plenty of picnic tables! A new picnic shelter will be built this fall. This park is closed during the winter.

Frank Hall Park & Aquatic Center, Front St. & Frank Ave; 11.8 acres Frank Hall Park is green space over looking the channel to Albert Lea Lake. Across the street, next to the Aquatic Center, there are tennis courts as well as a basketball & pickleball court. A zero depth splash pool and a 226 ft. waterslide are some of the amenities in addition to the aquatic center. Fountain Lake Park, Broadway and Fountain St; 3.9 acres This park contains green space, a gazebo for special events, a children’s garden and park benches overlooking Fountain Lake. Fountain Lake Park makes a unique and memorable setting for outdoor weddings.

Hawthorne Park, Garfield Ave. & Hawthorne St; 4.3 acres This neighborhood park is adjacent to Hawthorne Elementary School and has plenty of open space. It has play apparatus, a baseball/softball diamond, a warming house with ice skating and hockey in the winter, and is one of our eight parks with Play park Leaders in the summer. Fountain Lake Park



Edgewater Park in Albert Lea Submitted by Angie Moller

Sondergaard Park, Gene Ave. & 17th St; 5.1 acres This neighborhood park has a baseball/softball diamond, a basketball court, play apparatus, an abundance of green space, and is one of our eight parks that has Play park Leaders in the summer.

Southwest Park, Front St. & Maplehill Dr; 4.5 acres This neighborhood park is adjacent to Sibley Elementary School and is abundant with green space. It has play apparatus, a basketball court, six tennis courts on the east end of the school and a baseball/softball diamond northeast of the school and is one of eight parks that has Play park Leaders in the summer. Splash Pad, North Broadway Ave., Downtown Located across from Foutain Lake Park. Bring the kids during the hot summer months to have fun and cool off in the splash pad!

Troy Hammer Park, Hammer Rd. and Troy Rd; 4.5 acres This neighborhood park has play apparatus, a basketball court, a baseball/softball diamond, is one of eight parks that has Play park Leaders in the summer.

Hayek Park, 4th Ave. and Clark St; 19.1 acres This park has two lighted baseball/softball diamonds, a batting cage, play apparatus, a basketball court, rest rooms, a warming house as well as ice skating and hockey in the winter and is one of our eight parks with Play park Leaders in the summer.

Valley Park, Valley Ave. and Giles Place; 1.7 acres This neighborhood park has play apparatus, rest rooms, and baseball/softball diamond and is one of eight parks that has Play park Leaders in the summer

Katherine Island, Albert Lea & Green Ave; .2 acre Beautiful Island on Fountain Lake with park benches to relax on.

Lakeview Park, Lakeview & Willamor; 13.1 acres This neighborhood park has play apparatus, a basketball court, rest rooms, two soccer fields, a warming house and ice skating in the winter, as well as Playpark Leaders in the summer. Memorial Park, 8th St. & Margaretha; 4.9 acres This neighborhood park has a play apparatus, and open space.

Morin Park, W. Main St. and St. Mary; 3.2 acres This park has two baseball/softball diamonds, play apparatus, and basketball court.

New Denmark Park, Bridge Ave. and Green Ave; 1.1 acres This beautiful green space next to Katherine Island, has park benches, a mermaid statue, and is abundant with flower gardens.

Pioneer Park, 100 Hawthorne St.; 3.5 acres This neighborhood park has new play apparatus, a picnic shelter that requires reservations, a small gazebo, rest rooms, picnic tables, and plenty of shade to relax in on a hot summer day next to the lake! Shoff Park, Highway 13 and Elmira; 12.1 acres This park is the home of Higbie Gardens where green space abounds! It also has a small picnic shelter, picnic tables, and limited play apparatus.

Shoreland Heights Park, The Fairway & Garden Ln; 2.3 acres This park has a good amount of green space and new play apparatus. Shorewood Hills Park, Brookside Circle; 0.8 acre Open space with unique play apparatus.

Snyder Fields, Bridge Ave. & Hershey St; 13.1 acres This community park is a lighted athletic complex entailing 5 ball diamonds, a concession stand with rest rooms, picnic tables, and four sand volleyball courts. 46

30th Annual Big Island Rendezvous held at Bankroft Bay Park Photo submitted by Angie Moller

84259 County Rd. 46, Hayward, MN 56043 (507) 373-5170 Located at I-90 & I-35 between Albert Lea & Austin, MN

Harmony Park

79503 298th St., Clarks Grove & Geneva (507) 402-8733 Exit off I-35 On the shores of Lake Geneva.

Myre-Big Island State Park 19499 780th Ave., Albert Lea (507) 379-3403 3 miles east of Albert Lea; east on County Road 46

Gopher Stop Campground Co. Rd. 251, Clarks Grove, MN (exit 18) on I-35 (507) 256-4144

Happy Times Resort

15694 717th Ave., Albert Lea (507) 852-4555 5 miles west of I-35, 7 miles south of Albert Lea on Hwy 69 So.

526 470th St., Lake Mills, IA 50450 (641)-592-CAMP A family oriented campground with a 5 acre pond, sand beach, playground, full hook up sites, & camp store/bar.

Crystal Springs RV Resort

Freeborn County Fairgrounds

Hickory Hills Campground

15649 SW 35th Ave., Ellendale, MN Exit 26 off I-35 (507) 398-3297



201 S. Washington Albert Lea, MN 507-402-2656

Call Dirk Seeger REALTOR

507-402-2656 Buy or sell with me and receive a FREE radon test, FREE professional photography & 10% off home inspections!

1031 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-6965

Big Rigs Welcome up to 80 feet!

Real Estate


Albert Lea/Austin KOA

Enjoy a Peaceful Relaxing Kamping Experience. • RV and Tent Sites • 20/30/50 Amp Service • LP Gas • One Room Kabins • Kamping Lodges • Pavilion/Meeting Room • Bike Rentals • Game Room • Outdoor Swimming Pool

Albert Lea - Austin KOA Kampground


84259 County Rd. 46, Hayward, MN


Albert Lea and Freeborn County is an ideal community in which to live, work and play, it is a very affordable, friendly place to live. The area is rich in agriculture, diverse industry, retail and residential assets, and has the natural beauty of several lakes.

Call Now and receive a

Free Estimate

Renewal By Andersen Windows & Doors Gutter Helmet, Sunesta Awnings Provia Entry Doors ABC Seamless Siding


507-373-3435 follow us on

» A quality education for children. » Variety of cultural and recreational opportunities. » Convenient access to work. » Low cost of living » Cost of Living: Albert Lea’s cost of living is less than the US average. » A place you can feel safe and secure » Blue Zone Community » Land & leasing costs are lower than the State average. Just over 33,000 people make Freeborn County their home. The City of Albert Lea is the largest city in Freeborn County, with a population of over 18,000 residents. 47

CASEY’S GENERAL STORE 2222 East Main Street 507-373-5000

• •

HY-VEE GAS 2717 Bridge Avenue 507-377-2952

KORNER MART / MILEAGE GAS 2 LOCATIONS 1311 West Front Street 507-373-1909 901 W. Main Street 5078-377-0216

• •

• • •

• •

Freeborn Co. Fairgrounds

Albert Lea & Freeborn County

Visit, Stay, Play!


• • • •

STOP & GO FOOD MART CONOCO 701 South Broadway 507-377-1481

SHELL NELSON FOOD MART 122 Bridge Avenue 507-373-5179

SUPER AMERICA I-90 & Hwy. 13 North 507-377-2230

TRAILS-PETRO ALBERT LEA 820 Happy Trails Lane 507-373-4200

2018 Big Free ze Fireworks Over Founta in Lake

ATV & Marine

LP Gas

Car Wash *Semi Wash

24 Hours

Self Service Gas

Convenience Store


ATV & Marine

• • •

RED CARPET CAR WASH & DETAIL 421 Morningside Road 507-377-1685

• • •

FREEBORN COUNTY COOP/CENEX 2 LOCATIONS 1820 Margaretha 507-377-9031 302 East Clark Street 507-373-3932 •

• • •

LOVE’S TRAVEL CENTER 2751 E. Main Street 507-373-3200 • • • NORTHSTAR POWER SPORTS & MARINE 2120 Consul Street 507-373-9000

• •

KWIK TRIP 3 LOCATIONS 906 West Front St. 507-373-6777 402 Garfield Ave. 507-373-1220 2611 N. Bridge Ave. 507-373-1032

BRIDGEPORT CAR WASH 2311 Bridge Avenue 507-377-1685

EAST SIDE “66” 2001 East Main 507-373-4064

LP Gas

ALBERT LEA CAR WASH 410 E. Main Street 507-373-0867 ALLEN’S TOW N’ TRAVEL 128 Garfield Avenue 507-373-3551

Car Wash

24 Hours

Convenience Store

Self Service Gas


Convenience Stores & Gas Stations

A&A EXPRESS 426 Adams 507-379-5602


KING’S AUTO SPA (507) 319-5864 1507 SE Broadway Ave., Albert Lea

ALLEN’S TOW n TRAVEL 128 Garfield Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-3551

LAKESIDE AUTO 188 N. Broadway, Alden (507) 473-0492

BAUER BUILT 1353 SE Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-6469

MAIN STREET AUTO 1725 E. Main, Albert Lea (507) 668-4070

BECKER AUTO Co. Rd. 46, Hayward (507) 676-0192

MANN MOTORS 2004 E. Main, Albert Lea (507) 402-3423

BLAKE’S BODY SHOP 1515 Blake Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-0952 BLAKE GREENFIELD CHEVROLET BUICK Hwy 109, Wells (507) 553-3121 BREKKE & SONS SPEED SHOP & AUTO REPAIR 1816 E. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 552-1540

MOTOR INN 2114 E. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 373-2341 Eddie Cochran Weekend Photo Submitted by Angie Moller

BROADWAY AUTOMOTIVE 803 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 373-1016 THE CAR CLINIC 919 W. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 373-8143 CARS & CREDIT 616 East Main, Albert Lea, MN (507) 369-0036 CLARK’S AUTO REPAIR 77667 235 St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 256-7531 COLLINS AUTO REPAIR 810 E. Main St., Albert Lea (507) 377-0585 CROSSROADS TOWING 412 Morningside Rd., Albert Lea (507) 373-2878 DAVE SYVERSON 2310 East Main, Albert Lea (507) 373-1438 or (800) 423-6663 EVENSON AUTO REPAIR 1307 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 377-0264 FLAHERTY HI-TECH MOTORWERKS Airport Rd. & Hi-Tech Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-2464 HANSON TIRE 505 E. Main, Albert Lea (507)-373-0636

MUNSON’S BODY SHOP 101 N. Commercial, Clarks Grove (507) 256-4356 SANDERSON AUTO REPAIR 131 West College, Albert Lea (507) 377-3320 SHELL RAPID LUBE 2307 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, (507) 377-7119 SOUTHERN LOCK & GLASS 316 Main Court, Albert Lea (507) 373-9446 SOUTHSIDE CUSTOM 1401 SE Broadway Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-4164 SOUTHTOWN AUTO SALES 1018 S. Broadway, Albert Lea (507) 668-4111 T&W MOTORS 319 W. Main, Albert Lea (507) 473-2999 TOTAL GLASS & LOCK 311 W. Main, Albert Lea (507) 373-1000 TRADING POST - GORDONSVILLE 80860 110th St., Glenville (507) 448-2832 VERN EIDE CHEVROLET 2527 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-5275 VERN EIDE DETAIL & CREDIT CENTER 2517 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea (507) 373-1005 WAYNE’S REPAIR 1010 Park St., Freeborn (507) 863-2181

See Us for All Your Automotive Maintenance Needs! • Oil changes • Tires • Radiators • Transmissions • Brakes • Nitrogen Inflation • Tune-Up • Wheel Balance • Shock Absorbers • Computerized Alignment • Mufflers • AND MUCH MORE!

505 E. Main, Albert Lea




KEN’S SERVICE & AUTO REPAIR 226 E. Clark, Albert Lea (507) 377-2099

ALBERT LEA RADIATOR & COOLING SYSTEMS 214 Elizabeth, Albert Lea (507) 377-1291


Abundant Life United Pentecostal Church 408 E. 18th St., Albert Lea

Church of Christ 919 James Ave., Albert Lea

Ascension Lutheran Church 1101 S. Hwy. 69, Albert Lea Assemblies of God 1540 South Shore Drive, Albert Lea

Community Lutheran Church Geneva

Vibrant Life Assembly of God Ellendale Bear Lake Concordia Lutheran Rural Albert Lea

Cross of Glory Lutheran Church (ELCA) Hartland

Calvary Baptist Church 2016 N. Bridge Ave., Albert Lea Central Freeborn Lutheran Rural Albert Lea (ELCA)

Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church Wells

Concordia Pickerel Lake Lutheran (ELCA) 69471 190th St., Rural Albert Lea Conservative Congregational Hollandale

Bethlehem Lutheran Myrtle (ELCA)

Christ Episcopal Church 204 Fountain St., Albert Lea

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) 1721 Bay Oaks D., Albert Lea

Hartland Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELS) Hartland

Faith Lutheran Church London

Hayward Lutheran Church (ELCA) Hayward

First Baptist (ABC) Clarks Grove

Hollandale Reformed Church 101 E. Park Ave., Hollandale

First Baptist 335 W. Clark St., Albert Lea First Lutheran Church (ELCA) 301 W. Clark St., Albert Lea First Lutheran Church (ELCA) Glenville First Lutheran Church (ELCA) Northwood

Crossroads Church 3402 Hoeger Lane, Albert Lea 377-3276

First Presbyterian Church 308 Water St., Albert Lea

Deer Creek Valley (ELCA) Rural Glenville

First Shell Rock Church Northwood (ELS)

East Freeborn Lutheran (ELCA) Rural Albert Lea

Freeborn Congregational Freeborn

Emmons Lutheran Church (NALC) Emmons


LOVE FRIENDSHIP A NEW  START!  JOY  AHOPE NEW LIFE! FAMILY  ANSWERS  Sunday Worship 10:30 am A NEW START! Sunday School 9:15 am A NEW LIFE! Wednesday Nights Sunday Worship Meal at 5:3010:30 pm am Studies start at 6:30 pm 1705 SE Marshall, Lea 1705 SE Albert Marshall, Albert Lea 507-373-1533 507-373-1533

St. Theodore Catholic Church & School

315 East Clark St., Albert Lea, MN

Mass Schedule

Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15 pm Sunday (Broadcast on KATE Radio AM 1450) . . . . 9:00 am Sunday (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 am Confessions: Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 pm Reconciliación en Español Sábado . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 pm Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 am

For more information go to:

Parish Office: 308 E. Fountain St. 373-0603 Education Office: 323 E. Clark 373-9657 Call to find out more about our new Pre-Kindergarten Program

Catholic School Mission Statement

St. Theodore Catholic School promotes excellence through a well-rounded academic curriculum in a Christ centered environment.

For children of all faiths.


Faith Baptist (GARBC) 905 Fairlane Terrace, Albert Lea

Church, United Church of Christ Freeborn Good Samaritan Society of Albert Lea Grace Christian Church 501 W. College St., Albert Lea Grace Lutheran Church 918 Garfield Ave., Albert Lea (ELCA)

Hollandale Christian Reformed 102 E. Amsterdam Ave., Hollandale Hope Church Marion Ross Theatre 147 N. Broadway Ave. Albert Lea Immanuel Lutheran Church Scarville, IA Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses 1963 S. Broadway, Albert Lea Lime Creek Lutheran Church Northwood , IA (ELS) Lunder Lutheran Church 14982 735th Ave., Albert Lea Manchester Evangelical Lutheran Hartland (ELS) Mansfield Lutheran Rural Alden (ELCA) Moscow Lutheran Rural Austin (ELCA) New Life Christian Church 1705 S.E. Marshall St., Albert Lea Annual Live Nativity New Life Christian Church

Seventh-Day Adventist 1400 S. Hwy. 69, Albert Lea

United Methodist Glenville

West Freeborn Lutheran (ELCA) Rural Albert Lea

Our Father’s House 18358 Highway 69, Albert Lea

Silver Lake Lutheran Church Rural Northwood

Winnebago Lutheran Church Rural Lake Mills, IA

Our Savior’s Lutheran (ELS) 320 W. College St., Albert Lea

Sojourners Church 1649 W. Main St., Albert Lea South side of the Skyline Plaza

United Pastoral Church of Religious Science PO Box 728, 414 Crescent Dr., Albert Lea

Redeemer Lutheran Church Alden Round Prairie Lutheran Rural Glenville (LCMC) St. John’s Lutheran Home 901 Luther Place, Albert Lea St. Paul’s Lutheran Conger (ELCA) St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Hollandale (LCMS) St. Theodore’s Catholic Church 315 E. Clark St., Albert Lea Salem Lutheran Church 115 N. Washington Ave., Albert Lea Salvation Army 302 Court St., Albert Lea Grace Lutheran Church

Somber Lutheran (ELS) Northwood, IA St. Mary’s Catholic Church Geneva The Cornerstone (Full Gospel-Evangelical) Trinity Lutheran (ELCA) 501 S. Washington Ave., Albert Lea Trondhjem Lutheran Church Hayward United Methodist Church 702 S. Highway 69, Albert Lea United Methodist Alden United Methodist Geneva

Albert Lea Vineyard Church 419 Adams Ave., Albert Lea

Zion Lutheran (LCMS) 924 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea

Albert Lea

United Methodist Church 702 Hwy. 69 So., Albert Lea, MN Office 507-373-8233 Email

Join Us for Worship

9:00 am Praise Service Sunday School Nursery - 5th Grade 10:45 Traditional Service


Lutheran Church 918 Garfield Ave., Albert Lea

Bringing People Together and Becoming Disciples for Christ

Worship With Us SUNDAYS 9:00 am Worship 10:15 am Sunday School (Sept.-May)

WEDNESDAYS 5:30 PM (Year Round)

507-373-6496 51


Oakland Lutheran (ELCA) Oakland Township

Albert Lea Armory

410 Prospect Ave., Albert Lea • (507) 379-3408 Fully air-conditioned; one large loading door; kitchen available; handicapped accessible; 16 x 16 portable staging available. Capacity of 400-1200 people.

Albert Lea City Arena

701 Lake Chapeau Dr., Albert Lea • (507) 377-4374 Sound system available, 2 sheets of ice available from August to May. Capacity of 1200-1400 in the arena. Capacity of 3500 March - October, also variety sizes of other rooms are available. Dry floor activities available from May to August.

Albert Lea Family Y

2021 West Main St., Albert Lea • (507) 373-8228 Full kitchen available. Two rooms available, one seats 60, second seats 40.

Albert Lea/Austin KOA

84259 County Rd. 46, Hayward, MN • (507) 373-5170 Seating capacity 90.

Americas Best Value Inn Big Island Grille & Bar Event Center

2306 East Main, Albert Lea • (507) 373-6471 Capacity to seat 400 people; 5 meeting rooms available. Food service is offered. Overhead projectors, screens, flipcharts, many more supplies offered for meeting rooms & weddings.

AmericInn Motel

Sporting Events

Exhibit Space

Meeting Facilities­


Meeting Facilities

Edgewater Park Pavilion

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

811 East Plaza St., Albert Lea • (507) 373-4324 Seating capacity 20-25; TV, VCR, white board, photo copier/fax access. Private bath, refrig., microwave, fully air conditioned. Handicapped accessible.

American Legion

142 North Broadway, Albert Lea • (507) 373-7993 Seating capacity 250, PA System, TV, full menu and service bar available.

Best Western Albert Lea

• • •

821 East Plaza St., Albert Lea • (507) 373-4000 Seating capacity 20-25; TV, VCR, white board, photo copier/fax access. Private bath, refrig., microwave, fully air conditioned. Handicapped accessible.

Carnagie Event Center

146 West College St., Albert Lea • (507) 377-1399

City of Albert Lea Park & Pavilion Rentals

Gazebo, Pavilions, Cottage and Park Rentals for Indoor & Outdoor Events Contact City of Albert Lea Park & Rec Dept. (507) 377-4370

• •

• • •

Country Inn and Suites

2214 East Main, Albert Lea • (507) 373-5513 Seating capacity of 70. TV, VCR, white board, copy, fax, climate controlled, coffee. HCP accessible, catering available.

Eagles Club

205 West William, Albert Lea • (507) 373-1162 Seating capacity 250, handicapped accessible. Kitchen available, PA system, microphone. Two rooms available, one seats 40-45, second seats 150.

Freeborn County Fairgrounds - Fairlane Building

1029 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea • (507) 373-6965 Outdoor arena for sporting events and buildings available for rent upon request. Fairlane Building is heated, air conditioned, full kitchen. 4000 sq. ft., Seating for 300. 52

• • • • • • • • •

Freeborn County Historical Museum

1031 Bridge St., Albert Lea • (507) 373-8003 • Seating for 200. 120 Tables.

Green Lea Golf Course

101 West Richway Dr., Albert Lea • (507) 373-1061 Seating capacity of 120; noon lunch and some evening meals are served; liquor available. Newly remodeled.

Sporting Events

Exhibit Space

Meeting Facilities­


• • • • • • • •

Meeting Facilities

Green Lea Golf Course

HealthReach 1705 South East Broadway, Albert Lea • (507) 373-9460 2 meeting rooms; seating capacity of 45-100 people; kitchen available if catering is brought in; open only until 6:00 p.m. Flip charts, fax machine, photocopier available upon request.

Holiday Inn Express & Suites - 2 Locations

• •

77820 Main St. East, Abert Lea • (507) 473-2300 Meeting room seats 12 people but will accomodate upon request. Coffee, water and cookies available. TV with BGA hookup. Guests welcome to bring in outside food. 4712 Wheelerwood Rd., Northwood, IA • 641-323-7500 Meeting room seats 25 people. Coffee, water and cookies available. TV with BGA hookup. Guests welcome to bring in outside food.

Knights of Columbus

• • •

Lighthouse Event Center

• • • •

1002 S. Broadway, Albert Lea • (507) 373-5678 Seating capacity 50. PA System, TV, Kitchen available, Full Service bar.

621 Marshall St., Albert Lea • (507) 373-3144

Marion Ross Performing Arts Center

147 North Broadway, Albert Lea • (507) 377-4371 City owned facility. Fully air conditioned; one large loading door; PA system; elevator for handicap accessibility; microphones; theatre-style projector; and other facility equipment. Seating capacity of 234-253 people.

• • Ramada Hotel • • • Moose Lodge

1623 W. Main St., Skyline Plaza, Abert Lea • (507) 373-2106

2301 East Main, Albert Lea • (507) 473-2112 Banquet Hall: capacity 400, can divide into 2 rooms. Jubilee Hall: capacity 100, can divide into 3 rooms. State-of-the-Art presentation equipment, decorations, catering, photographer & more.

Riverland Community College

2200 Riverland Dr., Albert Lea • (507) 379-3300 Lecture hall seats 110, other rooms varying in sizes. Audio visual department & teleconferencing capabilities. Excellent food service is is available through special services.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Senior Center Skyline Plaza, 1739 W. Main, Albert Lea, MN 56007 • (507) 373-0705

The Barn of Chapeau Shores

504 Lake Chapeau Dr., Albert Lea, MN 56007 • (507) 383-8878

The Outlet

137 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN 56007 • (507) 369-5844 • 2 Meeting Rooms & event space.

Three Oaks Vineyard

73505 225th St., Albert Lea, MN 56007 • (507) 383-1273 •

Union Center

1407 N. Hwy. 13, Albert Lea (507) 373-0649

Wedgewood Cove Golf Club

2200 West 9th Street, Albert Lea (507) 373-2007 Seating capacity is 450. It can be separated into thirds, halves or 2/3 for smaller dinners, seminars, wedding receptions, meetings and banquets.


Additional Information

Pets Allowed

Handicap Accessible

Restaurant (close by)

Fitness Center

Meeting Rooms


Pool (Indoor)

Motorcoach Parking


Comp. Breakfast

# of Rooms


AMERICAS BEST VALUE INN 113 • • • • • • • • • Only hotel in Albert Lea with a restaurant & lounge. Event Center for meetings/weddings. Free local calls, high-speed 2306 East Main Street, Albert Lea 507-373-6471 wireless internet, Exp. cable & premium channels, laundry I-35 Exits 11 or 12 facilities. Meeting space for up to 400 people. Large pool. AMERICINN MOTEL 42 • • • • • • • • Fireplace in lobby, video/ game room, pool table, corp. 811 East Plaza Street, Albert Lea rates available, whirlpool suites available. Shopping 507-373-4324 • 800-634-3444 nearby. Family rates. Newly renovated. I-90 Exit 157 and Bridge Ave. Triple diamond rating. Exercise room, Indoor Pool, Guest Laundry, BEST WESTERN PLUS 52 • • • • • • • • • full hot breakfast daily, Triple sheeting on pillow-top beds, High 821 East Plaza Street, Albert Lea speed WI-FI, HBO, 37 ‘ Flat Screens, Bath & Body amenities, 1-800-WESTERN • 507-373-4000 microwave & fridge in all rooms. Near shopping & dining. I-90 Exit 157 and Bridge Ave.

COMFORT INN Phones with data-ports, cable TV, coffeemaker, 810 Happy Trails Lane, Albert Lea 507-377-1100 65 • • • • • • • • hair dryers, guest laundry, whirlpools. Special I-35 at Trail’s Travel Center group rates. AAA, Free WIFI. Hardwood floors, cozy accommodations, genuine country COUNTRY INN & SUITES 2214 E. Main Street, Albert Lea 507-373-5513 77 • • • • • • • • • hospitality, whirlpool, exercise facilities, in-room coffee maker, hair dryer & iron & ironing board. COUNTRYSIDE INN 2102 East Main Street, Albert Lea 49 • • • • • Cable TV, HBO, remotes, Queen size beds, fax & copy 507-373-2446 • 888-373-1188 machine available. Corporate rates available. AAA I-35 Exits 11 or 12 approved. Free local calls. Microwave & refrigerator. HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - 2 LOCATIONS 4712 Wheelerwood Rd., Northwood, 641-323-7500 77820 Main St. E., Albert Lea 507-473-2300 I-35 Exit 211

60 66

• •

• •

• •

• • • • • Pets welcome $25 fee. Free Wi-Fi, 24 hr. access business. • • • • • • Free hi-speed Wi-Fi, 24 hour access to business center

MOTEL 6 HOTEL 52 • • • • • Color cable TV & Disney channel, air conditioning, 2019 East Main Street, Albert Lea breakfast 6 am to 9:30 am. Children under 12 stay free. 507-377-0591 • 800-800-8000 I-35 Exits 11 or 12 I-90 to I-35 South Exit 12 Low rates. Family owned & operated. Air conditioning, MOTEL 65 8 • • Highway 65 South, Albert Lea color & cable TV, Encore & Disney channels, in room 507-373-9792 • 800-373-9792 coffee makers, plug-ins available, shower units, I-35 Exits 8 or I-35 Exit 11 shopping nearby. Children 12 & under stay free. RAMADA HOTEL 2301 East Main Street, Albert Lea 124 • • • • • • • • • Guest laundry, lobby fireplace 507-473-2112 shopping nearby, newly renovated, exercise room, sauna, kiddie pool, high speed internet, flat screen TVs, fridge, cable TV, microwave, coffee maker, hair dryer.

When Visiting Freeborn County, MN

Give Us a Call!

Mention This Ad For Group Discounts Albert Lea’s Newest Hotel Complimentary Hot Breakfast Modern Fresh Look Group Rates 77820 E. Main St. Albert Lea (507) 473-2300

Hot Breakfast Keurig Coffee Pillow-Top Beds Meeting Room 821 East Plaza St, Albert Lea, MN 507-373-4000

Indoor Heated Pool & Hot Tub Free Hot Homestyle Breakfast Whirlpool or Fireplace Suites


811 East Plaza St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-4324

Albert Lea AmericInn Pool Area

On Fountain Lake

CAREFREE LIFESTYLE ‣ Independent Living for Active Adults 55+ ‣ Maintenance-Free Home Ownership ‣ Affordable with Tax Benefits

You’ll find a HOME in Our Community! Taking applications for both campuses for the| following positons: 507-373-8226

Independent Living • Assisted Living Secured Memory Care • Skilled Care • Short Term Rehab

‣ A Great Community of Peers

2201 Stevens Street, Albert Lea, MN

‣ Heated Garage and Car Wash Bay Call Holly at (507) 373-3039 for details! SEE WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT


OF ALBERT LEA Find us on Facebook

The Meadows Assisted Living Apartments Caring HandsCare Enhancing the and The Meadows Memory Apartments Quality of Lives at Home at st. John's Lutheran Community on Fountain Lake

To apply submit application to: 901 Luther Place • Albert Lea, MN


St. John’s Lutheran Community

Enjoy brand new senior living with lake views and a serene setting.

St. John’s Lutheran Community on Fountain Lake

CONtaCt DiaNE WiChmaNN tO sEt uP a tOur 24-HOUR CARE AVAILABLE Call for a Free In-home Consultation 1761 Eagle View Circle • Albert Lea, MN 507-373-8226 • www.stjohnsofalbertlea.org507-369-5701

901 Luther Place, Albert Lea, MN

1861 Eagle View Circle, Albert Lea, MN

Senior Living Independence when you want it.


Bancroft Creek Estates 75405 240th St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 379-2739

Village Cooperative 2201 Stevens St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-3039

Broadway Care Assisted Living 512 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-2909

Washington Avenue Apartments 608 S. Washington Ave., Albert Lea (800) 466-7722

Good Samaritan 75405 240th St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-0683

when you need it.

Call Now

Choose Y our Apartme nt!

Assisted Living & Memory Care Community 1615 Bridge Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-5600

Hidden Creek Assisted Living 75405 240th St., Albert Lea, MN (507) 379-2737 Knutson Place Apartments 801 Luther Place, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-8226 Luther Place Condo & Apts 909 Luther Place, Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-8448 Oak Park Place 1615 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-5600 Prairie Senior Cottages Memory Care 1602 W. Fountain, Albert Lea, MN (507) 379-9000 Senior Towers 905 Maplehill Dr., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-6622 St. John’s Lutheran Community 1841 Eagle View Cr., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-8226 Thorne Crest Retirement Comm. 1201 Garfield Ave., Albert Lea, MN (507) 373-2311

Freeborn County & Iowa Locations:

Whispering Oaks Assisted Living 903 Calverly Ct., Ellendale, MN (507) 684-3026 New Richland Care Center 312 1st St., N.E., New Richland, MN (507) 465-3292 The Beacon New Richland 113 1st St., S.W., New Richland, MN (507) 463-3361 Parkview Care Center 55 10th St., S.E., Wells, MN (507) 553-3115 Mills Harbour 311 S. 10th Ave. E., Lake Mills, IA (641) 592-3050 Willowbrook Nursing & Rehab 901 Mulberry, Lake Mills, IA (920) 648-8344 Lutheran Retirement Home 701 9th St., N., Northwood, IA (641) 324-1712


Senior Living


Senior Living

Senior Resources

314 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN (507) 377-7433 Senior Resources, a 501c3 nonprofit, has been providing senior- friendly services since 1980. Our mission is to provide services to seniors and others, to assist them in their ability to be independent, active and participating members of our community.

Albert Lea Senior Center

1739 W. Main, Skyline Plaza, Albert Lea, MN (50) 373-0704 Mission Statement; “To coordinate and provide programs and services to enrich the lives and health of our senior’s through educational, social and recreational activities.”


• Assisted Living • Independent Living • Memory Care • Companion Memory Care


700 1st Drive NW, Austin | 507.437.3246 |

Come Home to an Award-winning Community! Large Business of the Year

for 2017/2018 by ALFC Chamber of Commerce!

5-STAR Overall Rating

from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid!

Best Nursing Homes

by US News & World Report

A limited number of Independent Living apartments are available... Call today! Thorne Crest Senior Living Community 1201 Garfield Avenue Albert Lea, MN 56007

507-373-2311 Thorne Crest is owned and operated by American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, a not-for-profit provider of senior health care since 1930.


SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY A place to call home

Washington Avenue Apartments 608 South Washington Avenue Albert Lea, Minnesota

• 1 BR apts. • Accessible apts. available • Rent based on income • Window treatments • Elevator service

• On-site Laundry facilities • Multi-purpose community room w/TV • Outdoor patio w/grill • Pets Welcome!

Quality, SubsidizedSubsidized Quality, Apartments for Apartments for Seniors Seniors Ages 62 & Better ages 62 and Better

Short Waiting List! CALL TODAY! For more information:

(800) 466-7722 x231

» In 1912, the first 40 bed hospital was built. » In 1923, 40 additional beds were added. » In 1946, an additional 35 beds were put in place » In 1975, Naeve Hospital was completed. » With the addition of two floors to the clinic building and the expansion completed at the front entrance, the Albert Lea Medical Center is now at 31,000 square meters of space.

Healthy Freeborn County

Medical, Health & Wellness




ITY We offer mental services forUN children, MM �CO Dhealth ERAR Gteens, adults and A families. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES



Healthy Freeborn County is an initiative led by Public Health with funding from a Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) grant from the Minnesota Department of Health. Our goal is to help our communities decrease the burden of disease and injury by making it easier to develop a healthy lifestyle.

Albert Lea VA Clinic The Albert Lea VA Clinic has been serving area veterans for nearly 3 years. The clinic offers a variety of services to veterans enrolled in the Minneapolis VA Healthcare System. These services include primary care, podiatry, mental health care, dietician services, lab and x-ray. Additionally, the clinic provides tele-health services to some specialty clinics located at the Minneapolis VA and conducts tele-retinal imaging on site.

• Marriage FEELING Counseling

We offer mental health services for children, teens, adults and families. If you or someone you know is struggling, We offer mental health services for children, teens, Community adults and families. Mental please call Gerard Health Services at 507-434-4366. Therapy • Individual


• Individual Therapy • Family Therapy •changing Family one Therapy life• CHANGES EVERYTHING Marriage Counseling • Marriage Counseling If you or someone you know is struggling, please call Gerard Community Mental Health Services at 507-434-4366.

If you or someone you know is struggling, changing one life CHANGES EVERYTHING please call Gerard Community Mental Health Services at 507-434-4366.

changing one life CHANGES EVERYTHING

Please call 507-377- 6051 with questions or for an appointment. 1665 W. Main Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007

Nearly 30 Years in Private Practice

Providing a full complement of medical, surgical and cosmetic services with your comfort and safety in mind.

Brian G. Zogg M.D.

Customized Treatment Plans May Include: • Chemical Peels • J uvederm™/Voluma™ KyBella™ • Botox • Venus- Viva/IPL

• Laser Tattoo Removal • Liposuction • Laser Hair Removal • Birthmark, Mole Removal & Scar Revision • Varicose Veins

• Skin Cancer Removal & Reconstruction • Skin Rejuvenation • Free Cosmetic Consults Available

2718 Ekko Ave. | Albert Lea, MN | 507-373-2270 | 57

Points of Interest

Public Buildings

1. Armory/Convention Center 2. Albert Lea High School 3. Chamber of Commerce 4. City Offices/Library 5. Courthouse/Sheriff/Police 6. Post Office 7. Riverland Community College


8. Albert Lea Art Center 9. Marion Ross Performing Arts Center 10. Albert Lea Family YMCA 11. Bancroft Bay Park 12. City Arena 13. City Beach & Skate Park 14. Public Boat Landings (4) 15. City Pool 16. Wedgewood Cove Golf Course 17. Edgewater Park 18. Fairgrounds 19. Green Lea Golf Course 20. Holiday Lanes 21. Myre Big Island

Vitality Center

State Park 22. Softball Complex (J.M. Snyder Field) 23. Tennis Courts (3) 24. High School Athletic Fields 25. Albert Lea Airport 28. Historical Museum 29. Pelican Breeze II (Cruise Boat) 30. Blazing Star Bike Trail 42. Convention & Visitors Bureau 43. Albert Lea Business Development Center 44. Senior Center 45. Disc Golf Course

38. Albert Lea Medical Center 47. Albert Lea VA Clinic

Emergency 911

Albert Lea Fire Department (507) 377-4340 Albert Lea Medical Center (507) 373-2384

Albert Lea Police Department (507) 377-5215 Freeborn County Sheriff’s Department 507) 377-5210

Shopping and Industrial Area

Marion Ross Performing Arts Center

32. Downtown District 33. Northbridge Mall 34. Skyline Plaza 35. Greater Jobs, Inc. Industrial Park 36. Northaire Industrial Park 37. Southside Business District 38. New Industrial Park 46. Truck/Travel Centers

“Helping People...Changing Lives”

314 S. Broadway, Albert Lea, MN 507-369-5545

Home of...

• Blue Zone Project • United Way • Senior Resources • Habitat for Humanity • Community Resource Center

Organizations Albert Lea Economic Development Agency 2610 Y.H. Hanson Ave., Albert Lea, MN 507-373-3930

Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce 1725 W. Main St., Albert Lea, MN 507-373-3938 Albert Lea Convention & Visitors Bureau 102 W. Clark St., Albert Lea, MN 507-373-2316 58



First U.S. Blue Zone Community

Minnesota Green Step City Historical Downtown Site Minnesota Star City Member

Blue Zone Friendly

Albert Lea is proud to be part of the Blue Zone Vitality Project Learn more @ Located in the Vitality Center, 314 S. Broadway, Downtown Albert Lea Hy-Vee has become the first Blue Zone friendly grocery store! Thank you Hy-Vee for making healthy choices easier for the Albert Lea area! Interchange Wine & Coffee Bistro celebrated becoming the first Blue Zone Restaurant in Albert Lea. Freeborn Mower Cooperative Services was Blue Zones Project’s® first Worksite designated workplace. They continue to work hard to provide healthy options for employees to improve their wellness!

Points of Interest

County 22 Exit Hwy. 13 Exit

Airport 25 20

45 11



Lake Chapeau

Fountain Lake

12 City Arena





44 47 34


Goose Lake




Exit 11


20 1 . in St



4 32 6



5 15 29 14 23

Front St.


Albert Lea Lak e

69 SE




oa Br


Exit 12


18 22 28

38 8 9 Main St.



Hammer Road





17 14

22 45 Bridge Ave.


NorthAire Industrial Park 36

43 23




33 42 3


MyreBig Island State Park

So. Shore Drive (Scenic)


Pickerel Lake

Jobs Industrial Park

Pickeral Lake Park

38 19


Exit 8


Albert Lea, MN


Transportation Albert Lea Taxi Smart Transit Jefferson Bus Lines Senior Resources Ride Share

507-383-3341 855-762-7821 507-373-6814 507-373-0695 59


Accentra Credit Union 1619 Blake Ave., Albert Lea 507-373-6500

Security Bank Minnesota 473 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea 507-373-1481

CCF Bank 2630 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea 507-373-7227

Trades & Labor Federal Credit Union 610 S. Broadway, Albert Lea 507-377-1863

City & County Employees Federal Credit Union 1719 W. Main St., Albert Lea 507-373-7200 Farmers State Bank 1452 W. Main St., Albert Lea 507-373-1945 Home Federal Savings Bank 143 W. Clark St., Albert Lea 507-379-2551 Produce State Bank 220 E. William St., Albert Lea 507-373-5500 2401 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea 507-373-8600


Gather is for you!

No matter your age, interests or background. Meet people outside of work. Use this platform to share what adult activities, hang outs, & relaxed events are going on in Albert Lea and the surrounding communities.

United Employees Credit Union 430 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea 507-377-1616 U.S. Bank 331 S. Broadway Ave., Albert Lea 507-377-6868 Wells Fargo Bank 122 East Main St., Albert Lea 507-373-1423

Proud to Serve the Community • Locally Owned Since •E xceptional Customer Service 1906 • Full Service Banking • Experienced • Voted Tribune Readers “Best Bank” in 2017

Member FDIC 507-373-1481 or 1-800-657-6961 437 Bridge, Albert Lea, MN • 201 Main St., Emmons, MN 195 N. Broadway, Alden, MN

United Employees Credit Union serves the communities of Freeborn & Mower Counties with a wide range of financial products and services.


430 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea, MN 507-377-1616 or 507-377-0276 Toll Free 1-877-657-8666

Dress Island Albert Lea, MN Photos Submitted by Tom Jones

Helping members Katherine Island Photo Submitted by Mary Jo Volkman


FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Savings, Checking, Debit & Credit Cards, Loans, Direct Deposit, Payroll Deduction, IRA's, Plus More

On the right track since 1958 60

610 S. Broadway, Albert Lea 507-377-1863

since 1930 From your first savings account to planning for retirement, and everything in between, Accentra will be there for you. • 800-533-0448 Federally Insured by NCUA


Finding Answers to Cancer Prevention through nature, science and technology.

801 16th 80 16th 16 th Ave ve NE A Au ussttin in, MN MN | 50 507‡437‡9604 | The Hormel Institute discovered silybin (found in milk thistle) is an inhibitor of melanoma.

Albert Lea School Schools Submitted by Angie Moller



Albert Lea High School Musical, Photo Submitted by Angie Moller

Albert Lea School District 241

delivers diverse course offerings and the latest technology along with teachers who work for the success of their students. With a focus on engaged learning and a commitment to adapt to the rapidly changing technology of the 21st century, District 241 educates youth in skillful interactions with the people and tools around them.

Thinking. Achieving. Caring.

Riverland Community College

Is a public two-year college with three campuses located in southeastern Minnesota. Founded in 1940, Riverland Community College serves a variety of educational programs and courses to over 4,900 students annually through traditional, hybrid, and online delivery systems. ALBERT LEA CAMPUS 507-379-3300 AUSTIN CAMPUS 507-433-0600 OWATONNA CAMPUS 507-455-5880

Waldorf University

Is a small college located in Forest City, Iowa offering residential and online degree programs that combine a strong liberal arts base with applied learning. Co-curricular programs provide students with a wide range of opportunities for meaningful participation and personal development. Residential programs: 800-292-1903 Online programs: 877-267-2157

North Iowa Area Community College

(commonly known as NIACC) Is a community college in Mason City, Iowa. NIACC currently currently offers nearly 40 one- and two-year career programs, the first two years toward a bachelor’s degree in most fields and an array of continuing education opportunities for professional and personal growth. The College also operates Community Education Centers in Charles City, Garner, Hampton, Lake Mills and Osage. Contact the NIACC Admissions Office for more information: 641-422-4245 1-888-GO NIACC

Albert Lea School Hig h School

507.379.4800 211 W. Richway Dr., Albert Lea, MN 56007

Our Mission: To ensure individual academic, andToemotional growth that leads to Mission: To ensure individual academic, Our social Mission: ensure individual academic, Where learning starts... and never ends! Where learning starts... and never ends! engaged citizens and lifelong learners al and emotional growth that leads to social and emotional growth that leads to Early Childhood Education/Pre-Kindergarten n: ToToensure individual academic, sion: ensure individual Our Mission: academic, To ensure individual academic, Early Childhood Education/Pre-Kindergarten Adult Basic Education/English Language Learning ngaged citizens and lifelong learners engaged citizens and lifelong learners Adult Basic Education/English Language Learning ALways nd emotional growth that leads to social and emotional growth that leads toLearning Mission: To ensure individual academic, Experiential Education emotional growth that leads to Experiential Education Rock Gym & Boathouse ged and lifelong engagedlearners citizens and learners ALways Learning l andcitizens emotional growth that leads tolifelong ALways Learning

citizens and lifelong learners

gaged citizens and lifelongALways learners Learning

ALways ALwaysLearning Learning 62

Rock Gym & Boathouse

Gather. Discover. Grow

ALways Learning 507.379.4834 Gather. Discover. Grow Marion Ross Performing Arts Center 147 N Broadway Ave, Albert Lea


Marion Ross Performing Arts Center 147 N Broadway Ave, Albert Lea



FOR TRAINING & EDUCATION Austin, Albert Lea, Owatonna, Online | National Student Clearinghouse Data, July 2017. Riverland Community College, a member of Minnesota State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, Copyright © 2018 Riverland Community College. All rights reserved.

Whether you are working toward a bachelor’s degree or completing a technical program, we’ll help you get there. Minnesota residents pay in-state tuition rates so we keep your education affordable too!



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