Freeborn County Agriculture Hall of Fame The Freeborn County Fair will be honoring persons or businesses and industry that have had an impact or stood out to promote in some significant way agriculture in Freeborn County.
Don’t Miss the Displays on 4-H’s 100th Anniversary
Hall of Fame Nomination. Nominate an individual, family, business or organization that has contributed to the promotion and/or growth of agriculture in Freeborn County. Submit a short story of 250 words or less why they deserve to be inducted in the Freeborn County Hall of Fame. Nominations should be submitted to the fair office by June 30. Presentation Ceremony will be Wednesday at 1:00 pm at Entertainment Square
AGRICULTURE HALL OF FAME WINNERS 2015: Lester Perschbacher, Olson Mfg., Camp Courage 2016: Fleet Farm Supply - Nelson Family, Robert Bryson Family, Don Drescher Family 2017: Bernau and Sons and Inc., Carl E. Steele 2018: William Goette, Albert Reynen 2019: Tom Hovde, Larcrest Dairy – Larson Family, Albert Lea Seed House, Ehrhardt Family 2021: Norman Fredin
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Passports - Good Every Day Arm Bands - Good for One Arm Band Session ARMBAND SESSIONS Tuesday - All Rides $2.00 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Thrill Rides Games of Skill Feel The Exhilaration
Opens at 5:00 pm Opens at 3:00 pm Opens at 3:00 pm Opens at Noon Opens at Noon Opens at Noon
Passports 49 Includes Admission $
18 & Under - Available at Fair Office Prior to August 3 – Includes Fair Entry for 18 & Under $ Sold by Carnival Office
Passports 55 During Fair
Limited Daily Armbands $30
Sold by Carnival Office Unlimited Rides for One Person, Valid on Day of Purchase from Carnival Open to Close
$55.00 $30.00