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infowars magazine is published by Free Speech Systems, LLC. 12 times a year. All content within this magazine is Copyright Free Speech Systems, LLC. Permission to reprint original infowars articles in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given. Some articles are copyrighted by our contributing writers, so check to see if copyright free status applies. The articles appearing within this publication reflect the opinions and attitudes of their respective authors and not necessarily those of the publisher, advertisers or editorial team. Subscriptions and Bulk orders are available online at or through customer service at 1-888-253-3139. To receive a free electronic version of the magazine become an infowars insider by signing up at For general information, advertising or editorial inquiries contact 512-646-4414 or
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR WE would like to invite you to write a caption for the ‘what is obama thinking?’ picture on the previous page. we will pick the best caption and publish it in the next issue. As Always Please send questions and comments to Please be sure to include name, location and contact information in your response. Please tell Alex that the founders first created “Associations”. Those were the meetings and not Tea Parties. Please check George Mason’s history!!! PLEASE! Then they wrote “resolutions” in the counties. They then sent representatives to a convention to build a new government (speaking of Virginia now because they did it first) There they dissolved the House of Burgess’s with George Mason’s Declaration of Rights which lead the way to become Virginia’s Bill of Rights inside of her constitution, 17 days later on June 29, 1776. Jefferson had the rough copy from Mason via Richard Henry Lee’s trip back to Philly. What we need to do is create “associations for liberty” in each County, Town and City. They then need to appoint representatives to a determined state wide convention. This Convention should be called a “Bill of Rights Restoration Convention.” The state can either abolish their parts of government as Virginia has the power to or add that power and certainly, anything for resetting their connections to the Federal Government. Vince Agnelli Catlett, Virginia Are you a zombie? Do the symbols and logos that define your very identity perhaps cause or trigger involuntary responses of hunger, fear, desire, and hatred? Will you soon be attacking those pesky humans who don’t conform to your hive mentality, who don’t eat your tasty toxic food, who don’t love the television ‘programming’? If you are not, then take heart my friend, for you are the light out of the darkness that has fallen upon us. You can see it in the masses – an almost indescribable sense of despair and in the dull eyes. Epidemic levels of obesity, depression, and stupidity are the new norm. The human body, mind, and soul is under attack. There is a very malignant force at work destroying our very existence as a free and healthy people. We can all see the symptoms, but finding the cause takes courage. For thousands of generations our ancestors had to fight, claw, and stay watchful in the night in order to survive both natural and manmade dangers to life, lib-
erty, dignity, and sovereignty. And now we are told we are a cancer – a species of virus that must be contained. Your history has been erased, your opinions have been manufactured, your idols have been created and destroyed, and your children are being turned against you. No amount of prescriptions and sedations will make this dystopian nightmare go away, but there is a beautifully human solution. WAKE UP! You are not a zombie! You are not a virus. You are not defined by the material items shoved upon you. You are not defined by your digital status, or your wage-slavery, or your neat little box you are made to live in. You may have been poisoned since birth, and lied to until you believed it was good for you – but you can wake up and rise out of your mental darkness! Stop buying what they are selling. Question everything, including history. Turn off the idiot box, use your brain again, and live the enlightened and healthy life that so many for so long struggled to pass on to you. Paul Gray Austin, Texas EDITOR’S NOTE: Franchising opportunities will be available soon. Inquire for more information about starting a franchise in your community. I have yet to get a subscription to the magazine. I see you have given them away on the streets of Austin and I’m so damn jealous...I live in Pittsburgh...and this city would never have something like that...well unless I do it. One thing...I am an avid Alex listener...I love and respect him...I just would like for once to have a show or showcase [talk about] the GOOD things that are happening in the cause for freedom: Tenth Amendment Center, WeAreChange, you folks and more...I think it would be good to see that it is working. Paul Sampsell Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The statement “Forever blessed is the good man,” which was used by Logan Patrik Madaras, is iconic of the man who believes in the spirit of goodness amongst men PRISONPLANET.COM
which redeems. In an all too familiar future, that ideal is amongst Logan’s greatest visions for all of us. When we say these things, it is important to remind ourselves not to abandon the reflections of our own selves in others, for as Logan put it quite wisely, “The future is in all of our hands while the destiny of Earth is in God we trust”. So often we see pleas for help like those in section of the magazine in our community. And so often, while we know for sure there are corrupt things in our world, we only know these things to ensure our own protection, and as most of us now believe, protectionism is a gateway to slavery. This will never be untrue so long as a man or woman is a victim to something he or she cannot control. I say this because recently, there was an Executive Order by the President to allow security partnerships in the defense of the homeland from the threat of Terrorism. I hope all stay safe in the coming days, and that someone reading this is rational enough to know that, as a Canadian, it is impossible for me to be anything but complacent in this manner as far as the U.S. security is concerned. I only know that, because of that specific damage to the American brain, my country will slowly become at risk of the same damage, whereas we can all make a difference today. Matthew Canada EDITOR’S NOTE: The magazine is available free online via email when you sign up at Each viewer has alternative viewing options. However the easiest way to ensure you receive the magazine is by subscription at I just wanted to say thank you for the free online issues of the new Infowars magazine. Regrettably, I find it impossible to read online and it just results in frustration when I attempt reading it on line. I would love to have the paper copy but the price is just too costly for me. Is there any possible way that the online magazine could be formatted as a newsletter or in PDA format? I would love to be able to read the new magazine. Catherine Stevens Freeport, Illinois
written by MIKE ADAMS
Nothing special will happen on this day other than lots of people meditating globally, which is, in a way, a special thing all by itself. But the universe isn’t coming to an end. The day after the non-event, watch for the mainstream media to blame “doomsday websites” for claiming doomsday was going to occur. In truth, most alternative websites are claiming nothing much will happen on that day.
Following the mass layoffs and slashing of employee hours, the nation will begin to see yet more families and individuals in a state of economic desperation. This will inevitably lead to more crime as people turn to theft to try to make ends meet. Watch for more copper thefts as well as more emboldened hit-and-run crime tactics (such as motorcycles being driven through shopping malls, smashing jewelry store cases and making off with the loot).
I predict you will see more vehicles smashing through the front doors of retail stores, more home burglaries and more muggings, especially in highpopulation cities where Obama’s economic policies have the most devastating impact. Right now, Detroit is already a “war zone” where police warn visitors not to enter the city, and Chicago will soon join the ranks of cities where gangs run rampant, outnumbering police by a wide margin.
Watch for free speech to be increasingly called “hate speech” when it criticizes the government or advocates liberty. Watch for renewed efforts to censor internet sites that advocate liberty and freedom. You may see Google removing such sites from its search engine. YouTube will get even more aggressive at banning videos that teach liberty, and the mainstream media will continue to pound propaganda into the minds of the mainstream zombies, teaching them that people who believe in liberty are somehow “terrorists.”
In fact, the next four years will be a tumultuous time for the free speech of those who criticize government and Obama. At the same time, the “free speech” of those who threaten conservatives with violence will be completely tolerated, if not encouraged. The rhetoric of violence is just a preview of what’s coming in the physical realm. The NDAA, of course, gives Obama the “right” to pursue precisely those actions: No judge, no jury and not even a warrant required!
Last year, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) executive order on New Year’s Eve, cleverly burying news of the event underneath New Year’s celebrations nationwide. The NDAA gutted the Bill of Rights and turned America into a bonafide police state, with no due process, no Fifth Amendment, and no Bill of Rights. It authorized secret arrests, secret kill lists of American
citizens, and endless secret prison detainment without ever being charged with a crime, among other things. It signified the complete destruction of the Bill of Rights, and Obama signed it in secret. This year, he’ll use a similar holiday cover to sign some other devastating executive order that, for example, criminalizes criticism of the government (or something else similarly ridiculous).
Pedophiles unite! Buoyed by the Obama surge, the TSA will ramp up its hiring and begin building a literal army of pedophiles, thieves and psychopaths which will soon begin to appear across the USA running roadside checkpoints. I also predict that the vast majority of Americans are now so brainwashed into a slave mentality that they will gladly agree to TSA body cavity searches on the side of
the road in the name of “protecting us from terrorism.” This isn’t mere conjecture. A new survey reveals that roughly one third of Americans have already surrendered their dignity to a slave-inducing police state, and many would actually smile in the name of “security” while they are being medically raped by the TSA in the name of a completely fabricated “war on terror” stolen straight out of the novel 1984.
The U.S. government won’t be allowed to go bankrupt just yet. Although it has run out of money yet again under the insane debt spending blowout of Obama, the debt ceiling will be raised yet again, and the Fed will print new money to keep buying up U.S. debt. The long-term effect of this compounding debt spiral is, of course, financial suicide, but that doesn’t seem to occur to today’s zombified voters who are really only concerned with how many handouts they can get right NOW!
This is not a sure thing, but chances are that Fukushima’s remaining structure will suffer a partial or total collapse within the next year, causing an unprecedented release of radiation that will reach U.S. shores. This could happen at any moment, technically, thanks to another earthquake or tsunami. Even a typhoon could cause sufficient damage to topple a large fuel containment pool. For some inexplicable reason, nuclear fuel pools are stored above ground in the Fukushima facility, making them highly susceptible to environmental damage.
The droughts of 2012 will be felt via sticker shock at the grocery stores beginning in the first quarter of 2013. Watch for not just price increases on most products made with wheat and corn, but also shrinking food package volumes so that manufacturers deliver less food in a similar-looking package. Manufacturers will “downsize” their packages, in other words, while keeping prices the same. This is another way food inflation hits home.
As Obamacare kicks in (2013 and 2014), employers will do three things to avoid going bankrupt under the financial oppression of socialized health care: 1. FIRE more workers to reduce overall business size. 2. REDUCE workers’ hours to below the government mandated threshold for health care. 3. OFFSHORE more jobs to other countries. The net effect of this will be, predictably, millions more Americans out of work or working two or three low-paying jobs, none of which actually provide them the health care they were promised by Obama.
Under Obama, food stamps and unemployment claims have already experienced alarmingly worsening numbers. Watch for things to get even worse as more Americans thrown out of work by the failed economic policies of the Obama administration sign up for free food and paycheck entitlements from the government. This is part of the plan, of course: Gut the economy and make the population entirely dependent on government. From there, it’s a slam-dunk to get elected as a socialist or even a communist, and the U.S. economy begins to take on the look of a nation like Venezuela or Argentina.
This is all the prelude to the coming “Cultural Revolution” in America, where the political left will soon call for the mass culling of all survivalists, independent farmers, and anyone who follows a lifestyle of self-reliance. Individuality will be seen as a threat to the leftist collective, and those who do now bow down to the power of the police state will not only be arrested and terminated; the mainstream media
will CHEER the entire process through hate propaganda disguised as “protecting America from terrorism.” To help pull this off, a false flag event will almost certainly be staged that depicts some hapless gun owner as a crazy person who poses a threat to society. Watch for another Colorado-style mass shooting, or the bombing of a government building followed by the immediate blaming of a convenient patsy. All the usual suspects on talk radio will also
be blamed for it: Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and so on.
the real America are sooner or later going to have to take a stand against the Obammunism agenda and the endless hoards of “useless eaters” who now only exist to feed off the government (while confiscating as much wealth from the producers as possible). How and when this actually happens is anybody’s guess, but it will likely take many years to completely unfold. I’ve always advocated non-violent revolutions via the ballot box, but at this point it’s obvious that those who suck the economy dry through neverending handouts are now the voting majority. They now outnumber the innovators, the entrepreneurs and the productive citizens of society. From here, it’s only a downward spiral as citizens repeatedly vote themselves more and more handouts until the entire system collapses in both financial and cultural ruin. As Ron Paul recently said, “America is far gone.” “We’re over the cliff,” Ron Paul recently said on Bloomberg Television. “People do not want anything cut. They want all the bailouts to come. They want the Fed to keep printing the money. And they don’t believe that we’ve gone off the cliff or are close to going off the cliff. They think we can patch it over, that we can somehow come up with some magic solution. But you can’t have a budgetary solution if you don’t change what the role of government should be. As long as you think we have to police the world and run this welfare state, all we are going to argue about is who will get the loot.”
Preventing the total economic destruction of America will now require a Ron Paul Revolution, where tens of millions of Americans march in the streets and demand an end to out-ofcontrol government and all its evils. Yet, the U.S. government has designated the very act of marching in the streets as an “act of terrorism,” so these protests would almost immediately escalate into a shooting war. We are nowhere near the point where the population at large is awake enough to engage in such actions, by the way. Things are going to get much worse before they get better. The next four years are going to be like watching an economic train wreck in super-slow motion, augmented by bursts of police state activity, censorship clamp-downs and of course increased government confiscation of everything you own: Land, money and even formerly private companies. Today, we are living in an occupied nation, where the vast majority of those who claim to be running the country are, in reality, enemies of the state. They are dismantling, day by day, America’s economy, America’s workforce, America’s industries and even American pride. What will be left in four more years will be nothing but a shadow of the great America we once knew. Mike Adams is a natural health award-winning journalist and the editor of
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What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people….We have to be repetitive about this…. We need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”
un control advocate Sarah Brady’s infamous vow to “get rid of all the guns” has never been more prescient, as we enter a second term of the Obama administration – 18 months after Obama assured Brady during a White House meeting that gun control was “very much on his agenda.” Gun sales surged before the election, and panic buying continues to proliferate, with stocks of gun manufacturers like Ruger and Smith & Wesson going parabolic, as Americans prepare for an all out assault on the Second Amendment. Obama himself publicly signaled his intention to reintroduce the assault weapons ban during the second presidential debate. “What I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally,” Obama said during the debate at Hofstra University. “Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced.” Obama’s anti-gun record clearly suggests he will use his lame duck term as a tool with which to eviscerate the Second Amendment. As an Illinois state senator, Obama attempted to limit sales of handguns to one per month and even voted against a bill that protected firearms manufacturers from lawsuits over misuse of their products by others. Obama has consistently supported the assault weapons ban and even ridiculed gun owners during an April 2008 speech when he said small town people “cling to guns” to express their frustration. Obama’s March 2011 meeting with Brady, during which he assured her that he was working “under the radar” to assault gun rights just months before the Fast and Furious scandal broke clearly indicates that Americans may “cling to guns” for a very salient reason – the
attorney general Eric Holder fear that an Obama administration with nothing to lose is set to take a huge bite out of the Second Amendment. Gun rights are already being whittled away through regulatory procedures that operate outside of the law, with the ATF last year issuing a letter ordering firearms dealers in border states to report sales of two or more semi-automatic rifles, and following it up by harassing gun owners with intimidating home visits as well as threatening gun dealers to spy on their customers. The ATF’s regulatory backdoor assault on gun rights is also opening the door for shotguns to be banned under the justification that they can hold more than two rounds, a move Dudley Brown, executive director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, said “will be the most dangerous interpretation of the 1968 Gun Control Act ever envisioned and will outlaw thousands of perfectly legitimate home defense shotguns.” Americans who buy a few boxes of ammunition are also being treated as suspicious individuals and questioned by police. Senator Dianne Feinstein D-CA has already resolved to push a new piece of anti-gun legislation that would, “Ban pistol grips and high-capacity magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of weapons in possession.” The fact that Barack Obama has occasionally promised not to target the Second Amendment is completely meaningless. Indeed, if you look at all the other liberties his administration has savaged, the assurance that he won’t dismantle gun rights should almost be taken as a threat that he will. • As part of his 2008 campaign pledge, Obama promised to close down Guantanamo Bay. The Obama administration not only failed to close the infamous prison camp, they expanded its use. • Last year (after campaigning to protect Habeas Corpus before he was elected), Obama promised not INFOWARS.COM
The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” edict of march 18, 1938 Adolph Hitler
to sign the National Defense Authorization Act, with its provisions for the indefinite detention of American citizens, yet put his signature on the bill in the dead of night on New Year’s Eve. Indeed, it was the Obama administration itself that argued for the removal of language that would have protected Americans from the provisions and then had them reinstituted after a court had struck them down.
• AS PART OF HIS CAMPAIGN PITCH, OBAMA PROMISED TO “NOT USE SIGNING STATEMENTS AS A WAY OF DOING AN END RUN AROUND CONGRESS.” OBAMA HAS ISSUED NO LESS THAN 19 SIGNING STATEMENTS SINCE HE TOOK OFFICE. • In 2008, Obama promised “no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens.” Just months after he took office, Obama expanded Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program. The invasiveness of illegal wiretapping is worse under Obama than it was under Bush.
THE HISTORY OF GUN CONTROL IS THE HISTORY OF TYRANNY The history of gun control tells us that state seizure of firearms is habitually used as a precursor to impose a power monopoly of the state. Right back to Roman times, the lower orders were disarmed of all their weapons in a bid to suffocate the political power of the people and limit their ability to voice grievances.
Japanese warrior Toyotomi Hideyoshi was candid in explaining why the population of that country was disarmed in what came to be known as the Great Sword Hunt in 1588 when he decreed: “The possession of unnecessary implements [of war] makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues, and tends to foment uprisings.” Communist mastermind Chairman Mao echoed a similar sentiment when he stated, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Fast forward 250 years, and some of the first gun control laws in the embryonic United States were against black people, to ensure they remained slaves. Blacks were prohibited “to keep or carry any firelock of any kind, any military weapon, or any powder or lead.” Adolf Hitler was also abundantly aware of the fact that the one thing standing in the way of a repressive dictatorship is an armed population. In 1938 the Nazis banned Jews “from acquiring, possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as truncheons or stabbing weapons.” In the 21st century, the primary vanguard of gun control has been elevated to the international level. Hours after Obama’s re-election victory, his administration joined with 150 other governments to renew support for the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, a process that critics have warned will set the stage for Americans to have their gun rights voted out of existence by the global body with no involvement from the U.S. Congress or Senate. Whether Obama chooses to characterize his second term by declaring war on the Second Amendment remains to be seen, but it’s almost inevitable given that virtually every one of Obama’s promises before his 2008 election success has been broken, we will once again witness the lurching advance of big government over the next four years as cherished rights are chewed up and spat out with wanton disregard for the Constitutional foundation of the country.
We must get rid of all the guns.” sarah Brady
written by AARON DYKES
arack Obama’s campaign for the presidency leading up to the 2008 vote centered, in part, around his image as an environmentalist who would bring “green” energy solutions to America. The 2012 campaign, on the other hand, was far more reserved in advertising these policies. Fierce battles in Congress over cap and trade, the science of global warming and those who stand to profit from carbon tax schemes drove the agenda underground midway through Obama’s first term, but that doesn’t
mean it has gone away. Obama now stands poised to rule by regulations, to tax and control by a thousand cuts. Indeed, the day after Obama was re-elected, megabanks announced that the administration was considering reintroducing a carbon tax, promising the environmental scheme could provide revenue that could help pay down the U.S. deficit. Never mind that the tax is really about control, and the money would be mostly funneled through banks profiting off the scheme.
But that’s only the frontal assault, a push for legislation that may or may not be achievable with a divided Congress. Instead, Barack Obama is continuing a tradition that began with FDR, who demanded “broad executive power,” and progressed into the dictatorial actions taken by George W. Bush, who as president used executive orders and the stroke of the pen to implement policy and rule by fiat. Back in 2008, presidential candidate and Senator
Barack Obama promised to bring the industry to its knees through emissions regulations. “If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle. “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” he also stated. Obama and his appointee Lisa Jackson have used the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to do just that, first officially declaring CO2 to be a dangerous pollutant, then using red tape to crack down on energy production, namely coal. Days before the election, the Washington Examiner revealed that the EPA had more than 50 staffers working to finalize strict new regulations on greenhouse gases it would implement during the lame duck session in the event that Obama was not re-elected. Those new rules would effectively prevent new coal power plants from being built. Estimates show these new regulations alone would cost the U.S. economy some $700 billion. But Larry Bell, writing for, exposed the fact that this was just the beginning. The full agenda under Obama’s second term, just in energy regulations alone, involves countless new proposals through the EPA, under the Clean Air Act (CAA), the Clean Water Act (CWA) and other provisions, to regulate greenhouse gas regulations, ozone standards, bodies of water big and small across the United States, hydraulic fracking, storm-water run-off requirements, the sulphur content in gasoline, cement used for construction, cooling towers, coal ash, spill prevention rules, farm dust regulations and much more. While some of these issues are legitimate concerns, the overall scope of the regulatory assault amounts to one net effect: higher costs for energy, for construction materials and for the cost of achieving bureaucratic approval and paperwork, which will in turn hamper businesses and slow the economy even more. Obama’s mean, green agenda will kill anywhere from half a million to 1.4 million jobs just by 2014, according to estimates conducted by the American Council for Capital Formation. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), a staunch critic of the entire carbon agenda, published a report in the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Committee titled, “A Look Ahead to EPA Regulations for 2013: Numerous Obama EPA Rules Place on Hold Until After the Election Spell Doom for Jobs and Economic Growth.” All this, and the EPA is just one agency at Obama’s disposal. CNS News found that the Obama administration is rapidly deploying regulations, averaging 68 new requirements per day, with at least 6,125 new proposals for taxation and red tape underway. Through endless regulations, President Obama intends to circumvent the stopgap measure of Congress and rule as Bush did, by executive decree, using agencies, as FDR did, to impose policy across the land. But why would Obama pursue such devastating policies just when America is trying to recover from the greatest economic down turn of our time, which he has presided over under sustained criticism?
ESTIMATES SHOW THESE NEW REGULATIONS ALONE WOULD COST THE UNITED STATES ECONOMY SOME $700 BILLION. Because the bankers are running the show, and Obama, like Mitt Romney, is beholden to those banking interests. In the most basic economics, supply and demand are interrelated. Greater supply weakens demand, creating abundance and cheap goods. On the other hand, a weaker supply creates greater demand and creates more expensive goods. The burden of regulations, when applied to energy costs, for instance, creates not only a more expensive product, but an artificial scarcity on supply. Under “green” (for money, not the environment) policies, Americans will pay more for less electricity. Likewise, under carbon taxes, where companies and individuals trade for the right to pollute and bid up the price, an artificial supply on carbon credits is also created, driving up the price on something that didn’t even have a cost prior to the regulation. And who does this benefit, but the money changers? The bankers, the carbon traders and the promoters of those systems stand to make fortunes. Former Vice President Al Gore, among others, was slated to become a “carbon billionaire” under capand-trade schemes he had devised with a partner and executive from Goldman Sachs. The concept of pricing carbon itself evolved out of President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development, formed in 1993, where Al Gore sat with the heads of numerous energy companies, including Enron’s CEO Ken Lay, to finalize a profitable approach to environmentalism. Years later, Enron became notorious with scandal and fraud, but not before it made a killing in the deregulated energy market of California. The documentary Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room clearly demonstrates with real audio recordings how traders from Enron and other firms colluded with energy insiders to artificially shut down power plants, creating energy shortages and blackouts, so that they could drive up the price and rake in the profits. It emerged in November 2012 that Barclays was doing something quite similar, facing some $470 million in fines for rigging the U.S. electricity market. Its employees had been caught bragging about their manipulations in email, setting an investigation under way. Obama’s latest round of carbon taxes was proposed by HSBC Holdings Plc. who are currently facing record fines of $1.5 billion for admitted money laundering
activity - aiding Mexican drug cartels, terrorists group and rogue nations with their finances. The very mega-banks Americans bailed out in 2008 under duress include many of the same firms that stand to make huge profits under carbon taxes and the trade of their derivatives on the market, as well as other lucrative (and controlling) regulations that may be imposed on the U.S. economy. Yet the crisis itself was created in large part by the horror of these banks betting on the global derivatives market with the savings, pensions and investments of ordinary, hard-working Americans. These examples of the crony capitalist market are creating, and feeding, the larger problem that President Obama’s new regulations will only exacerbate. The crony market is the very opposite of anything even resembling a free market. Worse than just inefficient, it breeds corruption. Solyndra is iconic of that – picking winners and losers, and subsidizing insiders with no meaningful return to the taxpayers who funded it. But it is far worse than just Solyndra. The scope of involvement of the globalist offshore entities that control the big banks means that the system is gamed from the beginning. Regulations amount to a virtual racket when you factor in the insider trading of information about the atmosphere of the market. Friends of the administration and of the banks get waivers, know the timing and otherwise have telling advice about how to place their bets. Meanwhile, honest businesses are saddled with loads of paperwork, new taxes and the constant threat of regulatory intervention. For already dominant financial institutions, eliminating competition is an easy task. The public is sold on the merit of backing “green” environmental initiatives, thinking they’ve joined a beneficial program to help save the earth, conserve resources and stick it to the polluters. But the truth is they have been deceived. Whether it is the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and their original Standard Oil interests, Dutch Royal Shell, Goldman Sachs, General Electric, or many other big players, it is too often the big polluters who are actually driving the regulatory regime, partnered with big banks to profit from the control of our human activities. Whatever the concerns we may have about our environment, we are unintentionally enabling our economic domination and the demise of the global economy through dangerous regulations like the ones Obama is now beginning to implement as his second term unfolds. Aaron Dykes is a researcher, reporter, producer and writer for the Nightly News and He graduated from the University of Texas and has been working with Alex Jones since 2006.
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T O P 2 0 MA J O R A I R PO R T S
written by Paul Joseph Watson
Nearly One Third Of Americans Would Accept ‘TSA Body Cavity Search’ in Order to Fly
he new survey commissioned by Infowars and conducted by Harris Interactive has also found that almost one third of American adults would accept a “TSA body cavity search” in order to fly, with a majority of Americans also feeling a law that would make disobeying a TSA agent in any public place illegal is reasonable. The shocking results emphasize the level of indignity Americans are willing to tolerate in order to travel. They also highlight how the TSA’s reputation has remained largely intact despite a series of scandals and widespread criticism from innumerable public figures. However, on other fronts the poll provides good news for those concerned with how liberties are being lost in the name of stopping terrorism. For example, a clear majority (65 percent) of American adults feel that TSA pat down policies that in some cases involve TSA agents touching travelers’ genitals are unacceptable. The survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of Infowars from November 5 to 7 among 2,059 American adults. American adults were asked the following question as part of the poll:
Given the recent reports concerning the threat posed by terrorists who plan to implant bombs within their own bodies, how willing, if at all, would you be to undergo a TSA body cavity search in order to fly? A total 30 percent of American adults said they would be “willing” or “somewhat willing” to accept a body cavity search; 57 percent would be “completely” or “somewhat unwilling” to submit to it and 13 percent answered “don’t know.” Although the exact definition was not explained in the question, given that the term “body cavity search” refers to the most intrusive search imaginable, one normally performed on dangerous felons before they go to prison, the fact that almost one third of American adults would submit to such an invasion of their privacy simply to get on a plane is astounding. Given the rash of stories about TSA agents touching travelers’ genitals as part of pat down procedures for those who “opt out” of body scanners, the poll posed the following question:
In some cases, the TSA’s more invasive pat down procedures now include agents touching travelers’ genital area through their clothing. How acceptable, if at all, do you feel this is, considering the potential major threat posed by terrorists? Despite the fact that this policy is already underway in some instances, a full 65 percent of American adults found TSA workers touching genitals “completely” or “somewhat unacceptable.” A further 35 percent of
American adults found this “completely” or “somewhat acceptable”. More Republicans than Democrats (12 percent to 9 percent) were likely to find this “completely acceptable.” Those concerned with how much power has been concentrated into the hands of TSA workers, who are after all federal employees and not police officers, would also be disturbed at the response to the following question:
How reasonable or unreasonable do you feel it is that travelers should be made by law to obey every command given by a TSA agent inside an airport or any other public place given the threat posed by terrorists? A total 57 percent of American adults said this was “completely” or “somewhat reasonable.” A minority of 43 percent said passing a law that would mandate total obedience to a TSA agent was “completely” or “somewhat unreasonable.” Further, only 16 percent of people thought it was “completely unreasonable.” Surprisingly, given their traditional distrust of big government, 60 percent of Republicans thought it reasonable compared to 64 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of Independents. Asked how the TSA is performing in its screening duties at U.S. Airports, 77 percent of American adults said the federal agency was doing an excellent, good or fair job. Only 23 percent of American adults thought the TSA was doing a not very good job or a bad job in its duties. Despite sustained negative media coverage of the agency’s activities, of that latter netcategory, only 9 percent in total thought the TSA was doing a “bad job.”
More Democrats than Republicans (84 percent to 73 percent) responded that they thought the TSA was doing an excellent, good or fair job.
A PARTICULARLY SHOCKING DISCOVERY The idea of mandating travelers wear an electric shock bracelet sounds like something out of a dystopian sci-fi movie, but the proposal was seriously considered and very nearly implemented by the Department of Homeland Security back in 2008. According to a video put out by Avion Communications Group, not only would the bracelets have been used to deliver incapacitating electric shocks to suspected terrorists, they would also have contained tracking technology to spy on the wearer. In reference to this, the survey asked the following question:
In 2008, the Department of Homeland Security expressed an interest in having travelers wear electric shock bracelets that would both track travelers through the airport as well as allow airport officials and flight crews to incapacitate potential terrorists. How willing, if at all, would you be to wear such a bracelet in order to fly? An astounding 35 percent of American adults responded that they would be “completely” or “somewhat willing” to wear the shock bracelet. Republicans were more likely to be willing than Democrats, 41 percent to 34 percent.
Only a slim majority of 52 percent said they would be “completely” unwilling or “somewhat unwilling” to wear the shock bracelet. The rest (13 percent) responded “don’t know.” The fact that a sizable portion of American adults are willing to wear a device that would allow a TSA agent or other airline official to arbitrarily deliver a paralyzing electric shock similar to a taser gun is a shocking indication of how much freedom and dignity Americans are happy to give up in the name of security. Given how close the DHS came to actually implementing the plan, one wonders if it is likely to rear its head once more. In 2008, the Washington Times reported on how DHS official Paul S. Ruwaldt of the Science and Technology Directorate, office of Research and Development, wrote to Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. indicating that the Department of Homeland Security was ready to purchase devices from the company that would be used to deliver incapacitating shocks to airline passengers, all of whom would be mandated to wear the shock bracelet once they checked in for their flight. In his letter, Ruwaldt also noted how the bracelet could be used as a “method of interrogation,” in other words a torture device. He also raised the prospect of using the device against protesters to allow the temporary “restraint of large numbers of individuals in open area environments by a small number of agents or Law Enforcement Officers.” The letter stated that the DHS was “interested in…. the immobilizing security bracelet” and that it was “conceivable to envision a use to improve air security, on passenger planes.” Other letters made it clear that the DOD, the CDC, Department of Interior,
Department of Agriculture Forestry service as well as unnamed law enforcement agencies were also keen on acquiring the device. Following a wave of negative publicity, the DHS pulled the plug on its interest in the electric shock bracelet, and Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. set about removing the letters from Ruwaldt it had previously proudly displayed on its website.
The results of this poll again underscore how ignorant many Americans remain of their rights at airports and other transport hubs where TSA agents are present. The results also clearly indicate that a substantial portion of Americans, around one in three, are willing to tolerate virtually any indignity if it is performed in the name of safety and security. To view the results of the survey in full please visit: november2012/poll.doc Abbreviated Methodology This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of Free Speech Systems from November 5-7 among 2,059 adults ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact Paul Joseph Watson is editor and writer for the infowars site He is the author of “Order Out of Chaos.” Watson is also a regular fill-in host for the Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
After years of denying that blood samples were taken at birth, bioethicists are arguing for the government’s right to seize newborns’ blood samples for global database.
or years, the system denied that blood samples from newborns were being taken at birth and databased into DNA ‘warehouses.’ Alex Jones and other alternative researchers railed against it for more than a decade. Now, that period of denial is over, and the same system is instead declaring its right to do so. Bioethicists in the Science Translational Medicine journal argued that researchers should be able to retain and peruse the “genetic treasure trove” of blood samples taken during routine screenings at hospitals after birth, despite long-standing objections over privacy, parental rights and disclosure. In fact, governments across the Western world — and almost every state in the United States — have been collecting, retaining, researching and cataloguing genetic material of babies without any statutory authority to do so, and without parental knowledge for decades. Long legal battles in states including Minnesota and Texas have resulted in decisions requiring informed
consent over these practices, given the existence of genetic privacy laws, and yet health departments and other related entities have petitioned for exemptions from these requirements. In essence, the state has, in many cases, declared ownership over your DNA, keeping genetic material indefinitely. However, in Minnesota and Texas, authorities have been ordered to destroy millions of samples to comply with privacy laws. Twila Brase, president of the Citizens’ Council on Health Care, worked on many of these cases, and breaks down the issue in the following video: “The DNA taken at birth from every citizen is essentially owned by the government, and every citizen becomes a potential subject of government-sponsored genetic research,” Brase states. “It does not require consent and there are no requirements to inform parents about the warehousing of their child’s DNA for the purpose of genetic research. A 2008 law signed by President George W. Bush appears to give legitimacy to storing and researching newborn genetic material, despite legal challenges and outcry from people like Congressman Ron Paul, who say the law is unconstitutional. Now, bioethicists Michelle Huckaby Lewis, Michael E. Scheurer, Robert C. Green and Amy L. McGuire have written a white paper to argue for the legitimacy of preserving these DNA samples for research, in spite of parental objections and clear civil rights issues. The abstract for their policy paper, Research Results: Preserving Newborn Blood Samples, summarizes the issue: Retention and use, without explicit parental permission, of residual dried blood samples from newborn screening has generated public controversy over concerns about violations of family privacy rights and loss of parental autonomy. The public debate about this issue has included little discussion about the destruction of a potentially valuable public resource that can be used for research that may yield improvements in public health. The research community must advocate for policies and infrastructure that promote retention of residual dried blood samples and their use in biomedical research. These bioethicists have complained that a “narrow view of privacy is hampering research,” insisting instead that “the research community must advocate for policies that support the retention of these samples and their use in biomedical research,” as author Michelle Lewis stated. INFOWARS.COM
These DNA samples must be used to the “fullest extent possible to improve the health of our citizenry,” according to the authors. The policy is squarely on the side of larger state power, where the concerns of the individual are swept aside in the name of the “greater good.” These authors emphasize the potential for research in medical treatments and other potentially life-saving solutions, and yet the era has dawned where consumer-patients are offered access to costly patented genetic interventions where an individual’s God-given genetic material is sold back to them for a price. It is an emerging paradigm of total state control over life, reproduction, screening for “designer babies” and other related areas controlled by the system for the benefit of insider crony corporate interests. And the collectivist “bioethicists,” (who are really neo-eugenicists), are arguing for so-called ethical tradeoffs in every conceivable field — abortion, cloning, artificial insemination, end of life care (a.k.a. death panels), animal rights, transhumanism, euthanasia, eugenics, life extension, human experimentation and much more. Their philosophy, to empower the technocratic state and selectively advance preferred individuals under that system, comes from the classical Eugenics era, where leading voices like T. H. Huxley, president of the Royal Society of Science and grandfather of author Aldous Huxley and biologist/UNESCO founder Julian Huxley, argued that under eugenics, it is “ethical” to replace inferior individuals (and their reproductive rights) with that of superior individuals. It is an elitist creed that has passed down from the ages and continues today in the hands of the globalist cabal steering the emerging world government system. Leading bioethicists have argued, in official white papers mind you, that babies should be allowed to be killed up to age 3, that health care rationing and death panels are justifiable, that water supplies should be laced with lithium and other mind-altering drugs to socially control the population, and much more.
Last train out to get off the grid?
Amazing “Solar Generator” Is Like Having A Secret Power Plant Hidden In Your Home! BY MIKE WALTERS STAFF WRITER, OFF THE GRID NEWS
ew solar powered backup provides instant electrical power in any outage or disaster. If you have ever wanted to have an emergency backup system that supplies continuous electrical power, this will be the most important message you will ever read. Here is why. There is now a completely portable (and ultra-high efficient) solar power generator which produces up to 1800 watts of household electricity on demand when you need it most. News of this “solar backup generator” (it’s the first “off-the-grid” breakthrough in 50 years) is spreading like wild fire all across the country! Why? The answer is easy. You see, this solar generator is extremely powerful and yet very simple to use. It produces continuous electricity and runs with absolutely no noise whatsoever. It emits no fumes. But the best part about the solar generator is that once you own one, you can...
Generate Free Electricity From The Sun!
Gas Stations Can’t Pump Gas Without Electricity!
when emergencies arise. You can recharge phones, run shortwave radios, televisions, lights, fire place or furnace fans, as well as computers and printers. Plus, It’s true. When the power goes out, you’re left with if you need to work in the woods at the cabin or in a whatever gas you have on hand because the gas station boat, you can use the solar backup to run power tools, pumps all run on electricity. A few gallons stored in a gas trimmers, blowers and coffee makers. can means a little electricity for a little while, then it’s #6. Plug And Play Means Instant Power. quickly “back to black.” Here’s the thing: I could go on and on about life without The emergency backup system comes ready to electricity and what a nightmare gas generators can be. go. Just start plugging in your favorite household But here’s the bottom line: Solutions From Science is now essentials. offering an amazing power generating system that can By the way... the units go for about $1697.00 plus provide plenty of electrical power in the event of an outage shipping and handling. or emergency. And the best part is that you can have the But I’m going to show you a way around that. I power safely in your house. have negotiated a very special offer for readers of InfoWars magazine. A True Breakthrough In Here’s the deal. You can use coupon code IW201 to Home Power Generation! get one for $200.00 off as a reader of InfoWars magazine. Let me try to explain the features and benefits of a solar To do that, the absolute fastest way to get one is by going generator as simply as possible. If I could bring one over to the website at: to your house and let you start plugging in appliances, you would immediately understand what all the fuss is about. If you would like to order by phone, you can But I can’t do that. Anyway, here are some of the reasons I call toll-free by dialing 877-327-0365. Tell whoever think you’ll want a solar generator: answers that you want the “Solar Backup Generator” #1. Maximum Power In Minimum Time. system rushed to you and you have a coupon because The solar generator can be set up in just a few minutes. you are a reader of InfoWars magazine. Or, if you prefer to pay by check or money order Then, all you have to do is start plugging things in. It can run (payable to Solutions From Science), simply send your both AC & DC appliances anywhere… anytime. payment to: #2. Back Up Power When You Need It Most.
Charged by the sun with a powerful solar panel, the unit then stores the power for your use when you need it. We all face natural disasters, with hurricanes, tornadoes, snow and ice storms cutting off electrical power to millions of Americans each year. Then there are man-made disasters and outages. Blackouts and rolling brownouts are becoming common in It’s called a “solar backup” because it’s designed to come many parts of the United States as our grid gets stretched to your rescue when power trouble starts and your lights go beyond its capacity. out. Run a small refrigerator (high efficient ones are best) to The truth is, we are extremely vulnerable to all kinds keep your food from going bad. of meltdowns that can create temporary or even permanent #3. Portable Power. electrical outages. That’s why if you are one of the few If the going ever gets too tough where you are and you Americans that thinks ahead, you need to… decide to “get out of dodge,” you simply throw it in the car Have A Solar Powered Backup In Place! and take off to a safer destination. When you compare a solar generator to a gas generator, #4. Generates Permanent Power. the difference is pretty remarkable. Here’s why. First, gas The unit provides 1800 watts of electricity at peak power. generators make an incredible amount of racket… if you can even get them started in the first place. With a gas That’s enough to run many appliances in your house. The generator, you pull and pull some more, all because your generator is recharged constantly by the sun allowing you generator has been sitting in the cold and the carburetor is to use the system while charging it at the same time. Many playing hard to get. This, of course, is not a lot of fun in users choose to keep appliances plugged in permanently to the dark. Another reason to avoid gas generators is that you reduce electrical costs and help pay for the unit. just can’t safely run one in your house. But the number one #5. Multiple Uses. reason you don’t want to be caught in a time of crisis with a gas generator is… You can use your solar backup to run essential appliances
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Just hurry, call 877-327-0365 Sincerely, Mike Walters P.S. One more thing. It’s very important. Make sure you use coupon code IW201 to get all the discounts you have coming as a reader of InfoWars magazine.
This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor. At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36 year period. My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today: promote peace and prosperity by a strict adherence to the principles of individual liberty. It was my opinion, that the course the U.S. embarked on in the latter part of the 20th Century would bring us a major financial crisis and engulf us in a foreign policy that would overextend us and undermine our national security. To achieve the goals I sought, government would have had to shrink in size and scope, reduce spending, change the monetary system, and reject the unsustainable costs of policing the world and expanding the American Empire. The problems seemed to be overwhelming and impossible to solve, yet from my view point, just following the constraints placed on the federal government by the Constitution would have been a good place to start. How Much Did I Accomplish? In many ways, according to conventional wisdom, my off-and-on career in Congress, from 1976 to 2012, accomplished very little. No named legislation, no named federal buildings or highways— thank goodness. In spite of my efforts, the government has grown exponentially, taxes remain excessive, and the prolific increase of incomprehensible regulations continues. Wars are constant and pursued without Congressional declaration, deficits rise to the sky, poverty is rampant and dependency on the federal government is now worse than any time in our history. All this with minimal concerns for the deficits and unfunded liabilities that common sense tells us cannot go on much longer. A grand, but never mentioned, bipartisan agreement allows for the well-kept secret that keeps the spending going. One side doesn’t give up one penny on military spending, the other side doesn’t give up one penny on welfare spending, while both sides support the bailouts and subsidies for the banking and corporate elite. And the spending continues as the economy weakens and the downward spiral continues. As the government continues fiddling around, our liberties and our wealth burn in the flames of a foreign policy that makes us less safe. The major stumbling block to real change in Washington is the total resistance to admitting that the country is broke. This has made compromising, just to agree to increase spending, inevitable since neither side has any intention of cutting spending. The country and the Congress will remain divisive since there’s no “loot left to divvy up.” Without this recognition the spenders in Washington will continue the march toward a fiscal cliff much bigger than the one anticipated this coming January. I have thought a lot about why those of us who believe in liberty, as a solution, have done so poorly in convincing others of its benefits. If CONTINUED ON PG. 32
monetary system, it was doomed to fail. We have ended up with a system that doesn’t produce enough even to finance the debt and no fundamental understanding of why a free society is crucial to reversing these trends. If this is not recognized, the recovery will linger for a long time. Bigger government, more spending, more debt, more poverty for the middle class, and a more intense scramble by the elite special interests will continue. We Need an Intellectual Awakening Without an intellectual awakening, the turning point will be driven by economic law. A dollar crisis will bring the current out-of-control system to its knees. If it’s not accepted that big government, fiat money, ignoring liberty, central economic planning, welfarism, and warfarism caused our crisis we can expect a continuous and dangerous march toward corporatism and even fascism with even more loss of our liberties. Prosperity for a large middle class though will become an abstract dream. This continuous move is no different than what we have seen in how our financial crisis of 2008 was handled. Congress first directed, with bipartisan support, bailouts for the wealthy. Then it was the Federal Reserve with its endless quantitative easing. If at first it doesn’t succeed try again; QE1, QE2, and QE3 and with no results we try QE indefinitely—that is until it too fails. There’s a cost to all of this and let me assure you delaying the payment is no longer an option. The rules of the market will extract its pound of flesh and it won’t be pretty. The current crisis elicits a lot of pessimism. And the pessimism adds to less confidence in the future. The two feed on themselves, making our situation worse. If the underlying cause of the crisis is not understood we cannot solve our problems. The issues of warfare, welfare, deficits, inflationism, corporatism, bailouts and authoritarianism cannot be ignored. By only expanding these policies we cannot expect good results. Everyone claims support for freedom. But too often it’s for one’s own freedom and not for others. Too many believe that there must be limits on freedom. They argue that freedom must be directed and managed to achieve fairness and equality thus making it acceptable to curtail, through force, certain liberties. Some decide what and whose freedoms are to be limited. These are the politicians whose goal in life is power. Their success depends on gaining support from special interests. No More ‘isms’ The great news is the answer is not to be found in more “isms.” The answers are to be found in more liberty which cost so much less. Under these circumstances spending goes down, wealth production goes up, and the quality of life improves. Just this recognition—especially if we move in this direction— increases optimism which in itself is beneficial. The follow through
as mandated by the Constitution? Why is Germany concerned enough to consider repatriating their gold held by the FED for her in New York? Is it that the trust in the U.S. and dollar supremacy beginning to wane? Why do our political leaders believe it’s unnecessary to thoroughly audit our own gold? Why can’t Americans decide which type of light bulbs they can buy? Why is the TSA permitted to abuse the rights of any American traveling by air? Why should there be mandatory sentences—even up to life for crimes without victims—as our drug laws require? Why have we allowed the federal government to regulate commodes in our homes? Why is it political suicide for anyone to criticize AIPAC ? Why haven’t we given up on the drug war since it’s an obvious failure and violates the people’s rights? Has nobody noticed that the authorities can’t even keep drugs out of the prisons? How can making our entire society a prison solve the problem? Why do we sacrifice so much getting needlessly involved in border disputes and civil strife around the world and ignore the root cause of the most deadly border in the world-the one between Mexico and the US? Why does Congress willingly give up its prerogatives to the Executive Branch? Why does changing the party in power never change policy? Could it be that the views of both parties are essentially the same? Why did the big banks, the large corporations, and foreign banks and foreign central banks get bailed out in 2008 and the middle class lost their jobs and their homes? Why do so many in the government and the federal officials believe that creating money out of thin air creates wealth? Why do so many accept the deeply flawed principle that government bureaucrats and politicians can protect us from ourselves without totally destroying the principle of liberty? Why can’t people understand that war always destroys wealth and liberty? Why is there so little concern for the Executive Order that gives the President authority to establish a “kill list,” including American citizens, of those targeted for assassination? Why is patriotism thought to be blind loyalty to the government and the politicians who run it, rather than loyalty to the principles of liberty and support for the people? Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it’s wrong. Why is it is claimed that if people won’t or can’t take care of their own needs, that people in government can do it for them? Why did we ever give the government a safe haven for initiating violence against the people? Why do some members defend free markets, but not civil liberties? Why do some members defend civil liberties but not free markets?
liberty is what we claim it is- the principle that protects all personal, social and economic decisions necessary for maximum prosperity and the best chance for peace- it should be an easy sell. Yet, history has shown that the masses have been quite receptive to the promises of authoritarians which are rarely if ever fulfilled. Authoritarianism vs. Liberty If authoritarianism leads to poverty and war and less freedom for all individuals and is controlled by rich special interests, the people should be begging for liberty. There certainly was a strong enough sentiment for more freedom at the time of our founding that motivated those who were willing to fight in the revolution against the powerful British government. During my time in Congress the appetite for liberty has been quite weak; the understanding of its significance negligible. Yet the good news is that compared to 1976 when I first came to Congress, the desire for more freedom and less government in 2012 is much greater and growing, especially in grassroots America. Tens of thousands of teenagers and college age students are, with great enthusiasm, welcoming the message of liberty. I have a few thoughts as to why the people of a country like ours, once the freest and most prosperous, allowed the conditions to deteriorate to the degree that they have. Freedom, private property, and enforceable voluntary contracts, generate wealth. In our early history we were very much aware of this. But in the early part of the 20th century our politicians promoted the notion that the tax and monetary systems had to change if we were to involve ourselves in excessive domestic and military spending. That is why Congress gave us the Federal Reserve and the income tax. The majority of Americans and many government officials agreed that sacrificing some liberty was necessary to carry out what some claimed to be “progressive” ideas. Pure democracy became acceptable. They failed to recognized that what they were doing was exactly opposite of what the colonists were seeking when they broke away from the British. Some complain that my arguments makes no sense, since great wealth and the standard of living improved for many Americans over the last 100 years, even with these new policies. But the damage to the market economy, and the currency, has been insidious and steady. It took a long time to consume our wealth, destroy the currency and undermine productivity and get our financial obligations to a point of no return. Confidence sometimes lasts longer than deserved. Most of our wealth today depends on debt. The wealth that we enjoyed and seemed to be endless, allowed concern for the principle of a free society to be neglected. As long as most people believed the material abundance would last forever, worrying about protecting a competitive productive economy and individual liberty seemed unnecessary. The Age of Redistribution This neglect ushered in an age of redistribution of wealth by government kowtowing to any and all special interests, except for those who just wanted to left alone. That is why today money in politics far surpasses money currently going into research and development and productive entrepreneurial efforts. The material benefits became more important than the understanding and promoting the principles of liberty and a free market. It is good that material abundance is a result of liberty but if materialism is all that we care about, problems are guaranteed. The crisis arrived because the illusion that wealth and prosperity would last forever has ended. Since it was based on debt and a pretense that debt can be papered over by an out-of-control fiat CONTINUED ON PG. 29
with sound policies are required which must be understood and supported by the people. But there is good evidence that the generation coming of age at the present time is supportive of moving in the direction of more liberty and self-reliance. The more this change in direction and the solutions become known, the quicker will be the return of optimism. Our job, for those of us who believe that a different system than the one that we have had for the last 100 years, has driven us to this unsustainable crisis, is to be more convincing that there is a wonderful, uncomplicated, and moral system that provides the answers. We had a taste of it in our early history. We need not give up on the notion of advancing this cause. It worked, but we allowed our leaders to concentrate on the material abundance that freedom generates, while ignoring freedom itself. Now we have neither, but the door is open, out of necessity, for an answer. The answer available is based on the Constitution, individual liberty and prohibiting the use of government force to provide privileges and benefits to all special interests. After over 100 years we face a society quite different from the one that was intended by the Founders. In many ways their efforts to protect future generations with the Constitution from this danger has failed. Skeptics, at the time the Constitution was written in 1787, warned us of today’s possible outcome. The insidious nature of the erosion of our liberties and the reassurance our great abundance gave us, allowed the process to evolve into the dangerous period in which we now live. Dependency on Government Largesse Today we face a dependency on government largesse for almost every need. Our liberties are restricted and government operates outside the rule of law, protecting and rewarding those who buy or coerce government into satisfying their demands. Here are a few examples: Undeclared wars are commonplace. Welfare for the rich and poor is considered an entitlement. The economy is overregulated, overtaxed and grossly distorted by a deeply flawed monetary system. Debt is growing exponentially. The Patriot Act and FISA legislation passed without much debate have resulted in a steady erosion of our 4th Amendment rights. Tragically our government engages in preemptive war, otherwise known as aggression, with no complaints from the American people. The drone warfare we are pursuing worldwide is destined to end badly for us as the hatred builds for innocent lives lost and the international laws flaunted. Once we are financially weakened and militarily challenged, there will be a lot resentment thrown our way. It’s now the law of the land that the military can arrest American citizens, hold them indefinitely, without charges or a trial. Rampant hostility toward free trade is supported by a large number in Washington. Supporters of sanctions, currency manipulation and WTO trade retaliation, call the true free traders “isolationists.” Sanctions are used to punish countries that don’t follow our orders. Bailouts and guarantees for all kinds of misbehavior are routine. Central economic planning through monetary policy, regulations and legislative mandates has been an acceptable policy. Questions Excessive government has created such a mess it prompts many questions: Why are sick people who use medical marijuana put in prison? Why does the federal government restrict the drinking of raw milk? Why can’t Americans manufacturer rope and other products from hemp? Why are Americans not allowed to use gold and silver as legal tender
Aren’t they the same? Why don’t more defend both economic liberty and personal liberty? Why are there not more individuals who seek to intellectually influence others to bring about positive changes than those who seek power to force others to obey their commands? Why does the use of religion to support a social gospel and preemptive wars, both of which requires authoritarians to use violence, or the threat of violence, go unchallenged? Aggression and forced redistribution of wealth has nothing to do with the teachings of the world great religions. Why do we allow the government and the Federal Reserve to disseminate false information dealing with both economic and foreign policy? Why is democracy held in such high esteem when it’s the enemy of the minority and makes all rights relative to the dictates of the majority? Why should anyone be surprised that Congress has no credibility, since there’s such a disconnect between what politicians say and what they do? Is there any explanation for all the deception, the unhappiness, the fear of the future, the loss of confidence in our leaders, the distrust, the anger and frustration? Yes there is, and there’s a way to reverse these attitudes. The negative perceptions are logical and a consequence of bad policies bringing about our problems. Identification of the problems and recognizing the cause allow the proper changes to come easy. Trust Yourself, Not the Government Too many people have for too long placed too much confidence and trust in government and not enough in themselves. Fortunately, many are now becoming aware of the seriousness of the gross mistakes of the past several decades. The blame is shared by both political parties. Many Americans now are demanding to hear the plain truth of things and want the demagoguing to stop. Without this first step, solutions are impossible. Seeking the truth and finding the answers in liberty and self-reliance promotes the optimism necessary for restoring prosperity. The task is not that difficult if politics doesn’t get in the way. We have allowed ourselves to get into such a mess for various reasons. Politicians deceive themselves as to how wealth is produced. Excessive confidence is placed in the judgment of politicians and bureaucrats. This replaces the confidence in a free society. Too many in high places of authority became convinced that only they, armed with arbitrary government power, can bring about fairness, while facilitating wealth production. This always proves to be a utopian dream and destroys wealth and liberty. It impoverishes the people and rewards the special interests who end up controlling both political parties. It’s no surprise then that much of what goes on in Washington is driven by aggressive partisanship and power seeking, with philosophic differences being minor. Economic Ignorance Economic ignorance is commonplace. Keynesianism continues to thrive, although today it is facing healthy and enthusiastic rebuttals. Believers in military Keynesianism and domestic Keynesianism continue to desperately promote their failed policies, as the economy languishes in a deep slumber. Supporters of all government edicts use humanitarian arguments to justify them. Humanitarian arguments are always used to justify government mandates related to the economy, monetary policy, foreign policy, and personal liberty. This is on purpose to make it more difficult to challenge. But, initiating violence for humanitarian reasons is still
With the aftermath of hurricane Sandy resembling the horrors of Katrina, the government once again has shown us that they can’t and won’t help in times of crisis. We at Infowars thought it would be useful to give you a list to
household 3
survival items
food & water
enough for 3 days or more
drinking water: {3 liters/day per person} water for washing & cooking non-perishable food {canned or dried} can opener gas grill to cook on
check & replace food & water every
12 months
other emergency items
waterproof matches spare batteries am/fm radio & spare batteries
emergency freequency:
start with when disaster and chaos strike. Directions: Fill this out, keep it on your fridge, and make sure everyone in the household understands their role in your family’s plan when and if anything happens.
getaway kit
life straw
the pocket socket
birth & marriage certificates
drivers licences & passports
Alex Jones’ 8-Day Emergency Grab and Go Pack
insurance policies
KA350 Voyager Mini
Crystal Quest Shower Filter
Alex Jones’ 16-Day Patriot Food Pack
family photos
PERSCRIBED MEDICATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
personal items towels, toothbrush, soap, & other sanitary items
a change of clothes
we are always getting new survival items at so make sure to check regularly for books, movies, flashlights, etc.
written by JON RAPPOPORT
“So look, there are fifteen million votes out there we haven’t counted yet. What do you want to do?” “How long have the polls been closed?” “Let’s see. Two hours.” “The hell with it. Let’s call it a defeat for Prop 37.” “Okay.”
his isn’t over. We’re not just looking at how many votes in California are still uncounted. We’re not just guessing how it’ll turn out and making little projections. That’s a sucker’s game. We’re looking at real symptoms of fraud, and fraud has tentacles and arms. If you see one piece of fraud, you keep digging for other pieces. You usually find them. Start with the incredibly early projections made by media outlets on election night. Those projections sank Prop 37. When you’re in the middle of a football game and the outcome is still in doubt, if somebody suddenly posts the final score on the scoreboard, that’s called a lie. It isn’t an estimate or a guess or a prediction. It’s a lie. There was once a day in American politics when news networks would wait for conclusive election results. They weren’t greedily bent on reporting projections soon and sooner and soonest. So let’s get that projection-brainwashing out of our heads, all right? The whole business of making early and earlier predictions on election night is a sham. And it has the effect of inducing people to tune out. “Okay, Jones won. That’s that. What percentage of the votes have been counted? One half of one percent? Zero percent? Gee, I guess these prediction guys really know what they’re doing. They must have some fabulous computer models, honey. Let’s watch a CSI rerun…” Here is what happened on election night in California.
With many millions of votes still not counted, television stations up and down the state sealed the fate of Prop 37, by saying it had lost. Many of those California votes are still uncounted. Yesterday, by consulting four of the 57 county registrars in the state, I found 1.6 million votes still unprocessed. That was chicken feed. An updated report, as of noon today, November 9, posted at the California Secretary of State’s website, indicates that, for all of California, a boggling 3.3 million votes remain uncounted. So who called the shots? Who made the early and grossly premature projection on election night? Who told all the media outlets that Prop 37 had been defeated? I suspected it was Edison Media Research, an outfit that works for the National Election Pool (NEP). NEP is a media consortium that supplies election-night information to the press. This morning I spoke with a representative of Edison, who told me they didn’t make the projection on Prop 37. If true, that leaves Associated Press (AP) as the leading suspect. AP is part of the National Election Pool as well. AP has awesome resources. I spoke with Erin Madigan White, media relations manager at AP. I asked her whether AP had made the projections for Prop 37 to media outlets. She emailed me the following tidbit. It was not quite an answer to my question, but it was illuminating: “To clarify: AP does not make ‘projections,’ but bases our reporting on counting real votes from every precinct. As our story notes specifically, ‘With all the state’s precincts reporting, Proposition 37 failed 53.1 percent to 46.9 percent.’” When someone gives you this kind of sleight-of-hand maneuver, it’s called a clue. Let’s start with this phrase: “With all the state’s precincts reporting.” The precincts were all reporting PARTIAL results. Even today, there are 3.3 million votes in CA still to be counted. This tells you that AP was lying. That’s right. Let’s call it what it was. They were lying about “all precincts.” It was an intentional con. And what does the phrase “bases our reporting on counting real votes” mean? It certainly means “calling the result of an election.” Because that’s exactly what AP did with Prop 37, based on partial results, on Nov.8. That’s a projection. They say they don’t make projections, but they do. That’s another lie. On election night, I believe AP must have been the PRISONPLANET.COM
entity who passed voting information on Prop 37 to media outlets throughout California. AP will not speak about their business relationships with media outlets. They will not name those outlets. They claim “client confidentiality” on this matter. Why? I believe the answer is obvious. AP, the giant wire service, doesn’t want people to know how much influence they have on what media outlets report. AP doesn’t want the public to know how much of the news, everywhere, comes from AP. And media outlets don’t want their own customers to know how much of what they report is really flat-out or recycled AP material. This powerful AP influence certainly would extend to election-night reporting. Knowing how the National Election Pool basically works, I see no other entity who could have played that information-provider role for all the networks, TV stations, radio stations, websites, and newspapers in California…and in the country, on this past election night, with respect to Prop 37. With millions of votes outstanding and uncounted, I conclude it was AP who provided the data to the networks, who then made the early calls against Prop 37 and sank it. After posting an original article, which exposed the big lie about Prop 37 early projections, I received many emails. Most of the emailers stated they were glad to get the information. A few people questioned my report. They said, “Well, a hundred percent of voting precincts have already sent their vote-counts to the Secretary of State of California.” Wrong. A hundred percent of precincts have sent PARTIAL vote-counts to the Secretary of State. A few people said, “Well, the counties in California, who are in charge of counting all votes in their districts, have several weeks to wrap up the count. That happens in every election. Nothing new there.” I know that. My attack is leveled at the early call against Prop 37 given to the media, on election night, when so many votes were still uncounted, when there was no way to know the final outcome. A few people said, “Well, of the votes that remain to be counted in California, about two-thirds would have to go YES ON 37 to swing 37 over into victory. That won’t happen.” Let’s leave that question to the actual vote-count. But
we’re not only talking about the odds of getting a victory through counting the rest of the votes. With these horrendous early projections, we’re looking at a symptom of huge fraud here. The smoke in front of the fire: Who can guarantee that the votes already tallied in California were done faithfully and honestly? Who can guarantee that the voting machines were accurately recording votes? Given AP’s replies to me, and their policy of secrecy about their media clients, who wants to trust that news giant? Concerning machine vote-fraud, wake up and smell the coffee. See Bev Harris’ work at and also Victoria Collier’s important articles on this subject. Read up on the 2000 Bush-Gore fiasco and the 2004 Bush-Kerry voting nightmare (especially in Ohio). Many people have emailed me to ask, “What can we do now?” First of all, the YES ON 37 people have to forget about their concession of defeat. They need to get busy and look into vote fraud. They have to come back to the playing field. To return to the football analogy, if you’re in the middle of the game and somebody suddenly posts the final score on the scoreboard, do you hang your head and walk off and accept the loss? Is that what you do? Do you bow down to the system, because you’re afraid that, if you object, people will label you “sour grapes” and crazy? Or do you become more relentless? YES ON 37 needs to demand to look at the voting machines, the software used in the vote-count. YES ON 37 needs to probe, with all they have, into what AP did on election night. And that’s just for starters. Bring on the lawyers. Make some real waves. Shake people up. Think about this as well. Why was Prop 37 launched in California? Why not Arkansas or Louisiana? Because it’s well-known that California, historically and presently, is the core of the natural health movement in America. CA is where it really took hold and spread. CA is where everybody and his brother want gluten-free bicycles
and organic streetlamps and raw unpasteurized sunglasses and GMO-free underwear. The sentiment for Prop 37 was overwhelming a couple of months ago. Then, boom. Everything went the other way. It wasn’t just the NO ON 37 ads. It wasn’t just the massive spending by the NO ON 37 forces. The real specter of vote fraud is here, whether you like it or not. If, indeed, AP made the early reports or projections or suggestions or advices of defeat for 37 to media outlets, let’s see their data and their models of interpretation. Did they do exit polls? I’ve never heard of AP conducting exit polls. If as AP claims, they don’t do projections, are we supposed to believe they sent out nothing more than raw-vote counts to a few thousand media outlets in California, and each and every one of those outlets decided, on their own, through their own analysis, that Prop 37 was a lost cause early on election night? Don’t believe that for a second. These local TV stations and newspapers aren’t independent enough to do that kind of projecting on their own. They were taking advice from somewhere. They were all falling into line. They were merely mouthpieces for someone’s projection. This should trouble you. It should trouble you greatly. Unless you’re so enamored of projections and computer modeling and data interpretation and honest and honorable vote machines that you’re sure everything is just fine and dandy. Early dismissive projections on election night are part and parcel of the Big Con. They are wands waved that put people to sleep and elections to bed. So, no, Virginia. No. Everything is not okay. The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a U.S. Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years and has delivered lectures and seminars to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at and read more articles at
n Oct. 24, NBC news put out an article attempting to refute a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which found that drinking as little as one diet soda sweetened with Aspartame per day could cause an increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma in adults. Claiming the study was “weak science,” NBC news failed to mention the fact that this latest research is the most thorough on aspartame to date, involving more than 2 million years of human life data spanning 22 years from more than 77,000 women and 48,000 men. The NBC story also claims “Few reporters read that journal,” in reference to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, even though it was selected by the Special Libraries Association as one of the top 100 most influential journals in Biology and Medicine in the last 100 years. Aspartame (otherwise known by its brand names NutraSweet and Equal or alternate monicker Acesulfame Potassium) is one of the most widely used artificial sweeteners on the market today. Found in thousands of foods and beverages including chewing gum, candies, diet soft drinks, desserts, yogurt, condiments and even vitamins and pharmaceuticals, aspartame is not limited only to “sugar-free” diet products. It is virtually impossible to find commercially available gum that does not contain aspartame these days. The average grocery store is rife with aspartame-filled products, so it would likely surprise the average consumer to find that it took the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) more than 20 years to approve aspartame’s use. What is aspartame exactly, and if its so healthy and safe, why did it take so long for the FDA to approve it? Aspartame is the excrement of genetically modified E. coli bacteria. It is comprised of 40 percent aspartic acid, 50 percent phenylalanine and 10 percent methanol. Aspartic acid acts as a neurotransmitter, and too much can actually
Figure 1
over-excite the cells (known as an “excitotoxin”), thus stimulating them to death. Keep in mind, the blood brain barrier cannot prevent this in many people, as it does not fully protect all areas of the brain, especially in someone already suffering from other chronic diseases and disorders, and the barrier is not fully developed in children. While phenylalanine is an amino acid already present in the brain, excess levels can cause serotonin to decrease over time, which can lead to chemical imbalances that cause depression and other mood and emotional disorders. Methanol is an industrial solvent, is used as fuel and antifreeze, and is a main
MILLIONS OF PEOPLE CONSUME ASPARTAME EVERY SINGLE DAY, IT WAS NEVER TESTED ON HUMANS PRIOR TO ITS APPROVAL. ingredient in many paints and varnish removers. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that methanol ingestion may result in neurological damage (specifically “permanent motor dysfunction”)
and visual disturbances leading to blurred or dimmed vision and eventually blindness. While Searle Pharmaceuticals attempted to attain approval for aspartame in the late 1970s, due to multiple studies provided on the negative effects of the chemical in lab animals — including the fact that it actually ate holes in their brains — the FDA set up a public board of inquiry to investigate the matter in 1980. Based on the findings, the board found that aspartame might cause cancer and concluded the sweetener could not be put on the market until further testing was completed. It
PUBLICATION American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Appetite
Contact Dermatitis
Systemic allergic dermatitis presumably caused by formaldehyde derived from aspartame
Drug and Chemical Toxicology Journal of Biosciences
Long-term consumption of aspartame and brain antioxidant defense status
Neurotoxicity Research Nutrition and Metabolism PLOS One
Effect of aspartame on oxidative stress and monoamine neurotransmitter levels in lipopolysaccharide-treated mice
Consumption of artificial sweetener and sugar-containing soda and risk of lymphoma and leukemia in men and women Saccharin and aspartame, compared with sucrose, induce greater weight gain in adult Wistar rats, at similar total caloric intake levels
Effect of chronic exposure to aspartame on oxidative stress in the brain of albino rats
Interactive effects of neonatal exposure to monosodium glutamate and aspartame on glucose homeostasis Gender dimorphism in aspartame-induced impairment of spatial cognition and insulin sensitivity INFOWARS.COM
got pushed through anyway after Ronald Reagan fired the FDA commissioner, replacing him with someone who would rubber stamp aspartame for his friend and Searle CEO — Donald Rumsfeld. Searle went on to make billions, Monsanto purchased Searle in 1985, and Rumsfeld was later named U.S. Secretary of Defense. Although millions of people consume aspartame every single day, it was never even tested on humans prior to its approval. The truth is many scientific studies have empirically shown the detrimental effects of aspartame over the years. While NBC can attempt to discount this latest study linking aspartame to cancer, can the mainstream media really spin the hundreds of studies that have proven aspartame is toxic and harmful to our health? The table below gives a smattering of aspartame studies published in scientific and medical journals listed on the National Institutes of Health website just this past year: see figure 1. Moreover, why would the media continue to shill for an artificial sweetener? As best-selling author and osteopathic physician Dr. Joseph Mercola points out: “Can you imagine the liability the food and beverage industries, not to mention virtually every public health agency in the U.S., would face were there convincing evidence that aspartame is carcinogenic? They simply cannot afford such evidence to be accepted.” The mainstream media isn’t the only information source continually refuting the dangers of aspartame. The Aspartame Information Center at Aspartame. org claims that scientific studies on everything from aspartame-induced brain tumors to seizures to weight gain are merely “myths.” It shouldn’t surprise many to find that and its information center are run by the Calorie Control Council, an international association they admit represents “manufacturers and suppliers of low- and reduced-calorie foods.”
Dr. Mercola notes that aspartame actually accounts for over 75 percent of adverse food additive reactions reported to the FDA, including: “Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.” In fact, the EPA even lists aspartame as a “chemical with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity” on its database of developmental neurotoxicants. If You Like Aspartame, You’ll Love Neotame In the late-1990s, Monsanto geared up to unleash a new sweetener on the masses: neotame. Scientists based this new artificial sweetener on aspartame, but after “enhancing” the dipeptide base, they created a chemical 40 times sweeter than aspartame. Neotame is everything aspartame is, plus 3-dimethylbutyl. A member of the sec-Hexyl acetate family, 3-dimethylbutyl is listed by the EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a hazardous chemical. The CDC warns one should seek immediate medical attention if it is swallowed, as it targets the central nervous and respiratory systems. Dr. H. J. Roberts, M.D., who presented material to show “Aspartame Disease” is a global epidemic at the First International Conference on Emerging Diseases, has testified that neotame was approved without any long-term independent studies purely for profit because aspartame’s patent expired. Despite the fact that all of the studies on neotame were short-term and entirely Monsanto- or corporate-interest funded, the FDA approved it in 2002 anyway.
Dr. Mercola notes that aspartame actually accounts for over 75 percent of adverse food additive reactions In a nation where genetically modified food labeling initiatives fail simply because biotech companies are willing to spend millions waging disinformation campaigns to defeat them, what does “safe” food even mean anymore? The very companies that profit off genetically modified food are the ones that pay for the “scientific studies” to sell their product to the public. Guess it all depends who you ask. “Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.” — Phil Angell, Monsanto’s director of corporate communications, quoted in The New York Times, Oct. 25, 1998. Melissa Melton is a reporter for the Infowars Nightly News and a frequent contributing writer on www. She holds a master’s degree in ciminology and she is a passionate advocate for liberty and bringing the New World Order to justice.
causes severe, permanent nervous sys tem damage; a methyl mercury compound highly toxic to the brain and kidneys
used to preserve cadavers that are highly toxic to the nervous system, causing blindness, brain damage,seizures as well as other cancers
brain neurons to overexcite themselves to death, causes migraine headaches and endocrine system damage
two cell lines that originate from aborted babies are used to produce many U.S.-made vaccines such as Chickenpox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Shingles and Hepatitis A.
written by KURT NIMMO
recently released Bureau of Justice Statistics report demonstrates the unprecedented growth of local law enforcement in the United States. The survey was conducted with agencies participating in the 2008 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, including local police departments, sheriffs’ offices and agencies in 50 states. The results were released by the Justice Department in November.
Despite the decline in crime, police departments around the country are not only experiencing increased growth but are rapidly transforming into paramilitary organizations, a phenomenon that is encouraged and often funded by the federal government. Forbes reported last year that the Department of Homeland Security granted local cops a staggering $3 billion that was spent on “necessary tools” like BearCats and other armored personnel vehicles, tools more appropriate for combat duty than domestic police duties. In 2011, 17,000 plus federal, state and local agencies accepted more than $2.6 billion in donated military equipment, much of it used in Iraq and Afghanistan. The combat equipment and lavish funding provided by the federal government are intended for all-inclusive counter-narcotics and counter-terrorism enforcement
activities, Forbes notes. A study conducted by the Center for Investigative Reporting examined open spending records in 41 states. The examination found local law enforcement spending money on large stockpiles of weapons and military protective equipment “worthy of a defense contractor’s sales catalog,” The Daily Beast wrote in December 2011. “The buying spree has transformed local police departments into small, army-like forces, and put intimidating equipment into the hands of civilian officers. And that is raising questions about whether the strategy has gone too far, creating a culture and capability that jeopardizes public safety and civil rights while creating an expensive false sense of security.” according to the report, between 1992 and 2008 the cumulative number of fulltime police personnel grew by 25 percent. In 2008 there were 705,000 full-time sworn officers employed in the United States. The number was 564,000 in 1992. This represents an annual growth rate of 1.6 percent, which exceeds the 1.2 percent population growth rate in the United States.
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In 1970, according to Jeremy Kuzmarov writing for the LA Progressive, the Pentagon produced a paper documenting how the Office of Public Safety in South Vietnam was responsible for “stimulating U.S. industry to develop new and improved police equipment” and creating a formidable police-industrial complex.
“The 1980s and 1990s have seen marked changes in the number of state and local paramilitary units, in their mission and deployment, and in their tactical armament,” a report issued by the CATO Institute in 1999 notes. At that time, “nearly 90 percent of the police departments surveyed in cities with populations over 50,000 had paramilitary units, as did 70 percent of the departments surveyed in communities with populations under 50,000.” “Congress has encouraged the U.S. military to supply intelligence, equipment, and training to civilian police,” CATO continues. “That encouragement has spawned a culture of paramilitarism in American police departments. By virtue of their training and specialized armament, state and local police officers are adopting the tactics and mindset of their military mentors.” According to the California Emergency Management Agency, the National Defense Authorization Act authorizes the Secretary of Defense to transfer excess Department of Defense personal property to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies “with special emphasis given to counter drug and counter terrorism.” Reagan’s War on Drugs in the mid-1980s set the stage for the destruction of Posse Comitatus, the 1878 law instituted at the end of Reconstruction following the Civil War that limited the powers of local governments and law enforcement agencies in the use of federal military personnel. Congress further eroded Posse Comitatus and began rapidly militarizing local law enforcement in 1987 when it established an administrative apparatus to facilitate cooperation and collaboration between the mi\litary and police. President Bush augmented this growth when he created six regional task forces in 1989 within the Department of Defense charged with coordinating anti-drug efforts by the military and civilian police departments around the country. By the early 1990s, police had at their disposal high-tech military hardware previously reserved for use during wartime.
ThE Role of Militarized Cops in Suppressing Domestic Dissent
The philosophy and tactics evolving from Reagan’s War on Drugs are also employed by the state to counter
political activity it considers a threat. “The continuity in pattern is evident today, with many police officers still coming from military backgrounds, being trained along paramilitary lines in the use of advanced military technologies and developing what former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper characterized as a SWAT mentality, where all demonstrators are treated as enemies of the state,” Kuzmarov explains. The massive presence of militarized police at the presidential conventions earlier this year exposes the real purpose behind the militarization and unprecedented growth of domestic law enforcement despite falling crime rates: the United States is a highly sophisticated and often increasingly brutal police state. The primary enemy is not al-Qaeda, white supremacists, anarchists, or even violent drug gangs – the enemy is a far more dangerous threat to the state: the American people, in particular Americans motivated to seek political change and overturn the status quo of the ruling elite outside the rigged parameters it has established for political activity. As Occupy activists last year and demonstrators at the establishment political conventions this year discovered, militarized cops and riot police now routinely Cumulative p ercent growth in number of full time sworn personnel employed by general purpose state and local law enforcement agencies
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and without hesitation use rubber pellets, mace, batons and pepper spray to prevent the political opposition from voicing meaningful protest. Alex S. Vitale, associate professor in sociology at Brooklyn College, told Arun Gupta of AlterNet in September that he pinpoints “intense changes” in police behavior to the 1999 World Trade Organization Ministerial in Seattle. “Policing is more militarized or pre-emptive depending on the department.” Since that time, police have concentrated on “mass arrests, infiltration and surveillance” and orchestrated police riots in conjunction with shooting tear gas and rubber bullets into non-violent crowds, as they did at the Democratic National Convention in 2000. Following the Seattle police riot, the establishment employed a “more militarized response” to dissent. The message that any significant political demonstration will invite a brutal response from the state was not lost on the Occupy movement. Erik Kain, writing for Forbes last November at the height of the Occupy demonstrations on Wall Street, said we should “make no mistake, the powers of the police in this country have grown out of hand.... Occupy Wall Street may need to grow up and evolve, but a far greater and more pressing issue facing this country is what to do about the security state we’ve erected about us at the local, state, and federal level. Between the Patriot Act and the War on Drugs, it’s hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel.” For the Occupy movement, there was no light at the end of the tunnel as they naively struggled to resurrect their movement. Local police departments around the country colluded with the Department of Homeland Security in a coordinated effort to destroy the movement and send a strong message to activists around the country: organized political dissent will not be tolerated and will be met with militarized police armed to the teeth with equipment provided by the Pentagon and paid for by generous grants from the Department of Homeland Security. Kurt Nimmo is the editor at and the author of “Another Day in the Empire: Life in Neoconservative America.”
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he U.S. Supreme Court began hearings in the case of Jardines v. Florida Oct. 31 to decide if Joelis Jardines’ Fourth Amendment rights were violated when police searched his home without a warrant. Instead, the only evidence they had to go on was the “fact” that their drug-sniffing dog alerted outside Jardines’ front door. In 2006, after receiving an anonymous crime-stopper’s tip that Jardines was trafficking in marijuana, officers showed up outside Jardines’ door. The officers had no evidence other than the anonymous tip. Without reasonable evidence they were unable
to obtain a search warrant, so they decided to bring along their drug-sniffing dog. When Jardines opened his door to the officers, Franky alerted his handler, indicating the presence of drugs inside the home. The officers used the alert as probable cause, entered the premises and conducted a search, eventually arresting Jardines when they found marijuana. At issue is not the fact that Jardines had marijuana in his home. At issue is how the police found it. Is it legal for police officers to use their K-9 corps to sniff around outside your home based solely
written by Donna Anderson
on an anonymous tip? And if that dog alerts, are they then legally allowed to enter your home and conduct a warrantless search? Gregory Garre, the attorney representing the State of Florida seems to think it’s perfectly justified: “The police ‘did the same thing that millions of Americans will do on Halloween night, which is walk up to the front steps, knock on the door, and while they were there, they took in the air and the dog alerted to the smell of illegal narcotics.’” In this case though, Jardines couldn’t simply turn off his porch light and tell the trick-or-treaters to go home. Because the dog had alerted, the police officers now had probable cause to search Jardines’ home, and he was forced to allow them to enter. Had he refused he would have been arrested for obstructing the search. Jardines’ lawyer, Public Defender Howard Blumberg, believes the police action constituted illegal search and seizure and violates Jardines’ Fourth Amendment rights. “The entire history of the Fourth Amendment really is based on the fact that the home is different,” says Jardines’ lawyer, Howard Blumberg. “It goes all the way back to the early 1600s and the saying that a man’s home is his castle.” The Florida State Supreme Court agreed with Blumberg. The case now stands before the U.S. Supreme Court and is expected to be decided by June 2012. Before you say Jardines got what he deserved because he had marijuana in his home, stop and think about your own home. Do you know who lived there before you? Maybe they left some marijuana seeds in a crack in the floor somewhere. Have you had house guests recently? What if they had marijuana in a suitcase while they were visiting? Jardines’ case is just one of many. It could happen to you next. The Fourth Amendment guarantees, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” The Fourth Amendment is generally held to mean that a search warrant must be judicially sanctioned, meaning it must be issued by a judge who is sworn to support the Constitution of the United States. Before being issued, specific information supporting probable cause must be supplied and sworn to by a person, usually an officer of the law, who will then be held accountable to the issuing court. An “anonymous” tip hardly qualifies as “supported by Oath or affirmation” but apparently these days that’s all it takes to send out the drug-sniffing dogs.
LEGALLY, ALL YOUR PROPERTY MAY BE SEIZED Under current asset forfeiture laws, the police have the power to seize all your property simply by claiming it has some connection to illegal drugs or trafficking. They don’t have to prove you committed a crime, and they don’t even have to accuse you. If they see you
have a large amount of cash they can seize it, claim the money was connected with a crime, and you have to prove you’re innocent and that you obtained the money legally before you can reclaim it. Sadly, if you’re carrying a large amount of cash that means you probably don’t have a lot left in the bank, so you don’t have enough money left to hire a lawyer. And since the law allows the authorities to keep your money until you prove your innocence, the cops have an incentive to make false accusations, seize your money, and then hope you don’t have enough money left to defend yourself. The easiest way for the police to connect your money or property to illegal drug activity is to have one of their drug dogs come in and give it a sniff. Once those dogs alert your assets are gone. And there’s no doubt about it – if the dogs are there, they’ll find something to bark about. Just ask any outof-state driver who happens to be traveling one of our nation’s many interstate highways, more commonly known as drug corridors.
Using the War on Drugs as their cover story, every U.S. state has what they call a “drug corridor,” a section of highway they monitor, looking for “drug traffickers.” Occasionally they find one, but since they monitor the traffic leaving the state, not the traffic coming in, it’s more likely all they’re really going to find in those “drug” cars is money. And that’s just the way they like it. More often than not, though, it’s the average citizen who pays the price and helps pads the state’s coffers. Take Jerome Chennault, for example. In 2010, Chennault was traveling between Henderson, Nevada, and his home in South Carolina when he was pulled over in Edwardsville, Ill., for following another PRISONPLANET.COM
car too closely. The officer asked Chennault to step out of his car for questioning, which would understandably make anyone nervous. The officer became “suspicious” of Chennault because he had an “inappropriate laugh,” so he asked Chennault if he could search his car. Given the circumstances, the only thing Chennault could say was, “Yes.” Had he refused, the cop would have either followed him down the road or found some other reason to push the issue. Easier to agree and get it over with, right? During the search, the officer found $22,870 in a side pocket of Chennault’s travel bag in his backseat, and under current laws law enforcement officials are allowed to seize assets they suspect are tied to illegal activities. But how could the cop tie this cash to illegal activities when there was nothing else in the car? Call in the drug-sniffing dogs, of course. Surely, that dog can find something. And sure enough, when the dog arrived on the scene it took one whiff of that money and alerted the handler that it smelled drugs. Chennault’s $22,870 was immediately confiscated, and he was dragged off to jail. As it turns out, Chennault was carrying a lot of cash because he was planning to buy a house. He told officials that he’d withdrawn $28,000 in cash from his own account in Las Vegas and “had left home with it three or four months prior intending to buy a house in South Carolina while staying with a nephew.” Chennault had no drugs in his car. And how many hands had that money passed through before it came into his possession? Yet, because the dog alerted, Chennault’s money was all confiscated and he had to spend more than $2,000 in court and attorney fees, plus a couple of trips across country, to get his money back – with no reimbursement for his time or expenses. The state of Nevada, on the other hand, was now more than $22,000 richer. A similar incident happened to Terrence Huff. On Dec. 10, while driving down I-70 in Collinsville, Ill., another drug corridor, Huff was pulled over for “weaving across lanes.” Huff was also asked to step out of the car, and after running a check on Huff’s license the officer agreed to let him go with a warning. As Huff started to get in the car, the officer piped up and said, “Let me ask you a question real quick.” At that point, Huff knew he was hosed. After firing off a series of rolling “no” questions, trying to get Huff to admit that he was carrying drugs or weapons or cash, the officer thought Huff looked “nervous” and decided to call in the dogs. The officer had to take the dog around the car twice before it “alerted” to drugs, but it did so at the front of the car, out of view of the cop’s dashboard camera. He explained that because the front of the car was downwind the drug scent would be more noticeable at the front of the car. That alert was all it took to give the cop probable cause to search Huff’s car, his luggage and all of his personal possessions. Even though he found no drugs, the officer did tell Huff he found evidence of marijuana “shake” or residue under the seat, just enough to justify the use of the drug-sniffing dog. Huff was let off with a warning. With no drugs in evidence, and because Huff wasn’t carrying anything valuable, the state of Illinois didn’t make any extra money that day.
DRUG-SNIFFING DOGS ARE A FARCE In each of these cases drug-sniffing dogs were used to create probable cause, thus enabling the police to search the home or vehicle without a search warrant. Even more important, in each of these cases the dogs were also called in based on unsubstantiated evidence – an anonymous tip or an inappropriate laugh or a nervous response to an intimidation tactic – something that couldn’t be sworn to in a court of law. Make no mistake – these searches were all going to happen, and they were based solely on the assumption that there was property on hand worth seizing. The dogs were only called in as an enabling measure so the law enforcement authorities could legally seize assets, no matter how those assets were originally obtained. But Gene Papet, executive director of K9 Resources, a company that trains drug-sniffing dogs, says they’re not always reliable. In fact, the dogs can be trained to alert, even when there are no drugs around. “Just before the dog alerts, you can hear a change in the tone of the handler’s voice. That’s troubling,” Papet said, after viewing the video of Huff’s traffic stop. “I don’t know anything about this particular handler, but that’s often an indication of a handler that’s cuing a response.” “You also hear the handler say at one point that the dog alerted from the front of the car because the wind is blowing from the back of the car to the front, so the scent would have carried with the wind,” Papet continued. “But the dog was brought around the car twice. If that’s the case, the dog should have alerted the first time he was brought to the front of the car. The dog only alerted the second time, which corresponded to what would be consistent with a vocal cue from the handler.” In the 2005 Illinois v. Caballes case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that having a drug-sniffing dog check the exterior of a vehicle during a routine traffic stop was not a violation of the Fourth Amendment, but Justice David Souter dissented, pointing to a study conducted by the state of Illinois used in its own briefs that said drug dogs fail 12.5 to 60 percent of the time. As Papet stated, it’s not that the dogs can’t pick up the scent of the drugs, it’s that they’ve been bred and trained to please their handlers. That’s what dogs do. So it’s easy for even the most conscientious police
officer to unconsciously use body language that triggers the dog to alert. Even more interesting, in 2011 the Chicago Tribune published a review of drug dog searches conducted over a three-year period. Only 44 percent of the dog alerts actually led to the discovery of contraband, and for Hispanic drivers that rate dropped to only 27 percent, suggesting that drug dogs react to their handlers’ suspicions.
DEFINITION OF PROPERTY Where are the boundaries? If police officers and their drug-sniffing four-legged friends are allowed to go sniffing around inside your car and outside your home, without a search warrant, where do our Fourth Amendment rights begin and end? Can they search your garage or outbuildings? What about your fields or unused acres of land? In October, U.S. District Judge William Griesbach adopted a recommendation by U.S. Magistrate Judge William Callahan stating that police are allowed, in some circumstances, to install hidden surveillance cameras on private property without obtaining a search warrant. The defendants in the case, Manuel Mendoza and Marco Magana of Green Bay, Wis., now also face federal drug charges after DEA agent Steven Curran claimed to have discovered more than 1,000 marijuana plants growing on their property. Brett Reetz, the attorney representing Mendoza and Magana, asked that the evidence against the two be dismissed on the grounds that it violated the Fourth Amendment. The heavily-wooded 22-acre property was clearly posted with “No Trespassing” signs, and there was also a locked gate across the entrance. Clearly, this was private property. But U.S. Attorney James Santelle argued that, “Placing a video camera in a location that allows law enforcement to record activities outside of a home and beyond protected curtilage does not violate the Fourth Amendment.” Curtilage is the outdoor area immediately surrounding the home, which “harbors the intimate activity associated with the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of life.” In the 1987 case United States v. Dunn the court stated: “[C]urtilage questions should be resolved with
particular reference to four factors: the proximity of the area claimed to be curtilage to the home, whether the area is included within an enclosure surrounding the home, the nature of the uses to which the area is put, and the steps taken by the resident to protect the area from observation by people passing by. … Rather, these factors are useful analytical tools only to the degree that, in any given case, they bear upon the centrally relevant consideration — whether the area in question is so intimately tied to the home itself that it should be placed under the home’s “umbrella” of Fourth Amendment protection.” Reetz argues, “[T]hat one’s actions could be recorded on their own property, even if the property is not within the curtilage, is contrary to society’s concept of privacy. The owner and his guest... had reason to believe that their activities on the property were not subject to video surveillance as it would constitute a
THE EASIEST WAY FOR THE POLICE TO CONNECT YOUR MONEY OR PROPERTY TO ILLEGAL DRUG ACTIVITY IS TO HAVE ONE OF THEIR DRUG DOGS COME IN AND GIVE IT A SNIFF. violation of privacy.” But in U.S. v. Dunn, the Supreme Court ruled that, “[O]pen fields do not provide the setting for those intimate activities that the Amendment is intended to shelter from government interference or surveillance.” The Court also stated that open fields are usually accessible to the public, and even if “No Trespassing” signs are posted they’re generally ineffective, which seems to suggest that, because some average Joe out there is bound to trespass on your property sooner or later, that makes it perfectly legal for the cops to violate your privacy, too. To heck with the
Constitution of the United States. And bringing it back around to the Jardines case with the drug-sniffing dogs, apparently “curtilage” ends at the tip of the drug-sniffing dog’s nose. If that happens to be your front doorstep, so be it. A jury trial for the Mendoza/Magana case is scheduled for Jan. 22, 2013.
IMPROVED TECHNOLOGY MEANS IT’S EVEN EASIER TO VIOLATE YOUR RIGHTS In January 2012 the U.S. Supreme Court reached a surprisingly unanimous decision that requires police to obtain search warrants before planting GPS tracking devices on vehicles, stating that the practice strictly violated American’s Fourth Amendment rights to be free from warrantless searches. However, the agreement, while suggestive, fails to include using the GPS tracking abilities of cell phones and other mobile devices, nor does it include the use of drones for tracking and surveillance, and, as we’ve already seen, it doesn’t matter anyway as long as they’re conducting their surveillance outside the curtilage zone. And even the curtilage zone doesn’t matter because the Supreme Court has held that aerial surveillance of curtilage is not included in the protections from unwarranted search so long as the airspace above the curtilage is accessible by the public.
THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE The Declaration of Independence states two very fundamental propositions. First, the institution of government is created to protect our rights – not create them, dole them out to us or deny those rights whenever they don’t jive with their needs The government is created to protect the rights that we, as human beings, are already endowed with by our Creator. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As long as we’re not infringing on someone else’s rights, we’re free to exercise our own rights any way we see fit. Second, when the government fails to protect those rights, we, the people, have not only the right, but the responsibility, to change or abolish that government. In anticipation of the growth of a power hungry government elite, the people of the United States demanded the inclusion of the Bill of Rights before they’d ratify the Constitution. That Bill of Rights included a list of amendments, things the government shall not be permitted to do, under any circumstance, ever. Included in that list is the Fourth Amendment, guaranteeing our right to be secure from warrantless search and seizure. The wolf is literally at the door. It’s time that we, the American people, stop allowing the government to control our lives and start rejecting the idea that the Federal Government has unlimited power. It doesn’t. Instead, we need to be asking, “Where in the Constitution does it say the government has the authority to do that?”
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privacy rights watchdog is suing the Department of Homeland Security for information relating to the agency’s practice of loaning out Predator drones to law enforcement agencies in the U.S. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) wants to obtain and make public details regarding the DHS’ granting permission for domestic police departments to borrow and operate the same type of drones that are used by the military in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Information via news items, DHS press releases and word of mouth has made it apparent that the DHS is overseeing predator drone flights for a range of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is flying DHS drones fitted with video cameras, infrared cameras, heat sensors, and radar. The Texas Rangers, as well as the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Defense, have also used DHS drones. Even a county sheriff’s department in North Dakota is reported to have operated a predator drone belonging to the DHS. “We’ve seen bits and pieces of information on CBP’s Predator drones, but Americans deserve the full story,” said EFF Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch. In October, the EFF filed suit in a federal court in San Francisco after the DHS did not respond to a Freedom of Information Act request. “Drones are a powerful surveillance tool that can be used to gather extensive data about you and your activities. The public needs to know more about how and why these Predator drones are being used to watch U.S. citizens.” The EFF is also suing the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration for similar information regarding
BIG S OUT DRON DEPA PRIV authorization of drone flights by domestic police departments. The agency has released some information, but is responding too slowly to FOIA requests, meaning any data EFF receives is already well out of date. “FAA’s foot-dragging means we can’t get a real-time picture of JANET NAPOLITANO drone activity in the - Secretary of Homeland U.S.,” said Lynch. “If Security officials could release their records in a timely fashion – or publish it as a matter of routine on the FAA website – we could stop filing these FOIA requests and lawsuits.”
THE FULL EFF FOIA LAWSUITS CAN BE VIEWED HERE: Earlier this year, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, or “Big Sis” as she will now forever be known, announced that the agency is preparing to use unmanned surveillance drones for the purposes of “public safety.” What that entails is anyone’s guess. The DHS also intends to deploy another type of airborne drone surveillance, known as “aerial remote sensing” services, using LIDAR (Light INFOWARS.COM
Detection And Ranging) technology. The very same technology is routinely utilized to track insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq. The DHS says it plans to spend up to $50 million on the spy system, for the purposes of “emergency and non-emergency incidents” within the United States. Again, your guess is as good as ours as to what this really means. Other U.S. law enforcement bodies are already using drone technology to spy on Americans. In December last year, a Predator B drone was called in to conduct surveillance over a family farm in North Dakota as part of a SWAT raid on the Brossart family, who were treated as suspects when six missing cows wandered onto their land. Local police had already used the drone, which is based at Grand Forks Air Force Base, on two dozen occasions beforehand. Last summer, the DHS also gave the green light for police departments in the United States to deploy the ShadowHawk mini-drone helicopter, which has the ability to taze suspects from above as well as the ability to carry 12-gauge shotguns and grenade launchers. The drone, also used against insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq, is already being used by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s office in Texas, albeit unarmed for the moment. Other police departments in Seattle, California, Florida and New York have recently met with stern opposition after announcing plans to roll out other smaller surveillance drones fitted with infrared capable HD cameras. A bill passed by Congress in February paves the way for the use of surveillance drones in US skies on a widespread basis. The FAA predicts that by 2020 there could be up to 30,000 drones in operation nationwide. Recently released FAA documents obtained by
Drone “Brains”? Those pesky terrorists. Always jumping over fences and running off into the trees. Exactly how is the Pentagon going to track their every move when they are so adept at such feats? The answer may come in the form of a new unmanned drone developed by DARPA that can autonomously dodge obstacles. IEEE Specturm reports that Researchers at Cornell University, with funding from DARPA and Defense contractor Lockheed Martin, have developed hardware that acts like a brain when it receives information from a camera, enabling a drone to dodge any obstacles it flies too close to. Software operating with the camera creates a 3D model of the surroundings and fires a “network of artificial neurons.” The drone’s “brain” then determines what objects are in its path and plots a route around them.
written by Steve Watson
the Center for Investigative Reporting revealed that the FAA gave the green light for surveillance drones to be used in U.S. skies despite the fact that during the FAA’s own tests the drones crashed numerous times even in areas of airspace where no other aircraft were flying. The documents illustrate how the drones pose a huge public safety risk, contradicting a recent coordinated PR campaign on behalf of the drone industry which sought to portray drones as safe, reliable and privacy-friendly. Critics have warned that the FAA has not acted to establish any safeguards whatsoever, and that Congress is not holding the agency to account. Another report, released in September by the Congressional Research Service, found that “the prospect of drone use inside the United States raises far-reaching issues concerning the extent of government surveillance authority, the value of privacy in the digital age, and the role of Congress in reconciling these issues.” “Police officers who were once relegated to naked eye observations may soon have, or in some cases already possess, the capability to see through walls or track an individual’s movements from the sky,” the report notes. “One might question, then: What is the proper balance between the necessity of the government to keep people safe and the privacy needs of individuals?” The “ability to closely monitor an individual’s movements with pinpoint accuracy may raise more significant constitutional concerns than some other types of surveillance technology,” the CRS said. “Unless a meaningful distinction can be made between drone surveillance and more traditional forms of government tracking,” the report notes,
LAST SUMMER, THE DHS ALSO GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT FOR POLICE DEPARTMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES TO DEPLOY THE SHADOWHAWK MINIDRONE HELICOPTER, WHICH HAS THE ABILITY TO TAZE SUSPECTS FROM ABOVE AS WELL AS THE ABILITY TO CARRY 12-GAUGE SHOTGUNS AND GRENADE LAUNCHERS. “existing jurisprudence suggests that a reviewing court would likely uphold drone surveillance conducted with no individualized suspicion when conducted for purposes other than strict law enforcement.” Furthermore, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the biggest union of law officials in the U.S., recently issued a stark warning about increased drone use. The union released guidelines calling for a reassessment of the potential widespread use of aerial drones for domestic policing. Despite all these facts, surveys have revealed that close to half of Americans say they are in favor of police departments deploying surveillance drones domestically. Steve Watson is the London-based writer and editor for and He has a master’s in international relations from the University of Nottingham. PRISONPLANET.COM
The researchers say that in 53 out of 55 “autonomous flights in obstacle-rich environments,” the drone avoided everything in its path and did not crash. In two of the tests it did collide with objects. The researchers say this was due to wind factors. They hope to develop the technology further to incorporate this, as well as moving objects, such as birds or planes. In their paper, titled Low-Power Parallel Algorithms for Single Image based Obstacle Avoidance in Aerial Robots, the researchers note: “In outdoor robotic experiments, our algorithm was able to consistently produce clean, accurate obstacle maps which allowed our robot to avoid a wide variety of obstacles, including trees, poles and fences.” It is clear that this technology is intended for domestic use. As we have noted, the FAA’s recent legislative onslaught has opened up U.S. skies to drones operated by the military, federal government and law enforcement agencies, and private companies. However, critics have pointed out that the FAA’s own safety tests have proved anything but convincing. DARPA and Lockheed are clearly hoping that this new development will go some way to silencing those critics. Critics it will not silence, however, are those concerned for their privacy. Activists have rounded on their local government representatives in many areas of the country in an attempt to stop the drone invasion before it gets out of hand. FAA documents recently obtained and released by the Electronic Frontier Foundation have confirmed that the roll out of domestic unmanned drones will, for the most part, be focused solely on spying on the American people. When applying for a license to operate drones, an overwhelming amount of operators stated that they intended to use the devices for surveillance. And don’t think you can run off into the woods to hide. The DARPA drones are coming…
written by ADAN SALAZAR
everal governments’ central banks and billionaires have made questionably sizable increases to their physical gold holdings over the past few years, withdrawing troves from U.S. and European banks in what can be interpreted as a bad omen for floundering fiat currencies. There are various explanations for the frenzied rush into the safety of the precious metal, the most obvious being gold’s steadfast reputation as the world’s most valuable and highly sought-after metal. Purchasing gold could stabilize a country’s currency reserves, or could help amass and protect national wealth. Some countries, however, are buying gold as a hedge against the gradual, but seemingly inevitable, devaluation of the once-prosperous world reserve currency, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve Note or U.S. dollar. This trend should be recognized and heeded as a warning.
Central bank buying Numerous central banks have seen the proverbial “writing on the wall” and have been purchasing gold in huge amounts. In the past 11 years, we’ve witnessed gold’s price steadily increase and spike at around $1,917.00, an all-time high for the yellow metal that, just four years ago, was valued below $1,000 (In reality, the value of gold has stayed the same; it’s the dollar’s purchasing power that’s dwindled.) According to Bloomberg News, “Nations bought 254.2 tons in the first half of 2012 and may add close to 500 tons for the year, the London-based World Gold Council said in August.” In 2011, Mexico’s central bank increased its gold holdings from seven to approximately 100 tons, an increase of 1,300 percent. They further purchased 16.8
metric tons this past March. Brazil recently increased their gold reserves for the first time in four years to 35.3 tons this past September. South Korea’s central bank also picked up about half a million troy ounces in the same month bringing their national tally to about 70 tons. This past July, Russia bumped up its gold reserves by about 597 million troy ounces. “According to the World Gold Council, Russia has more than doubled its gold reserves in the past five years,” MartketWatch reported in September. In November 2012, Turkey’s central bank boosted their holdings by 6.8 tons and Ukrainian central banks also bought up gold as well, the former’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdógan, recently suggesting Turkey return to the gold standard, a currency system in which legal tender is backed up by and could be exchanged for actual gold. Analysts agree that gold’s high demand by central
banks facilitates the constant ebb and flow of the spot price urging it to stay mainly positive. Commodities analyst at Standard Chartered Plc Dan Smith told Bloomberg News in October: “We expect strong buying by central banks to continue. They will be encouraged by lower prices and continued worries about inflation and currency risks.”
exchange-traded fund tracking the price of gold while selling other stocks during the second quarter, leaving his $21 billion hedge fund with more than 44 percent of its U.S. traded equities tied to bullion.” In 2010, Paulson gave a speech to the University Club in New York City predicting a $4,000 per ounce spot price if gold and paper monies continued their trends.
Who else is buying?
So, what’s driving the price up?
Central banks aren’t the only ones getting in on the gold bonanza. In 2011, India imported 969 tons of gold, not to fill their central bank vault or to balance their reserves, but to meet consumer demand. India heavily uses gold to produce jewelry, and citizens also give it as gifts during special occasions like weddings and festivals. On specially designated holidays marked on the Indian Hindu calendar, the public is encouraged to purchase gold for various symbolic reasons. Billionaire and investment banker George Soros, in August 2012, sold his equity positions in major financial stocks and went about acquiring approximately 884,000 shares (about $130 million) of gold through the SPDR Gold Trust. Soros is a major insider and his move from stocks to gold preceded the Fed’s “QE Unlimited” announcement one month later. In the same month, another investor/billionaire, John Paulson, according to Bloomberg, “raised his stake in an
It’s safe to say that gold prices are being kept artificially low. Our fiat paper dollar has no real intrinsic value and is only “legal tender” because federal laws declare it be accepted under penalty of fine or imprisonment. As previously noted, the value of gold really isn’t going up; it’s not becoming “more valuable.” It’s the dollar’s purchasing power that’s dying. Joseph Plummer’s book Dishonest Money discusses America’s first fiat currency which appeared around 1690. Massachusetts had failed a military campaign against Quebec and was left in debt and unable to pay her troops. Rather than raise taxes, the state decided to issue printed paper money. Here’s what happened: “As the printing presses inflated the money supply, legal tender laws were instituted to ensure the worthless paper was accepted. Predictably, gold and silver coins
disappeared from circulation in the colonies. (Why pay with real money when all you could expect was fiat paper in return?) The only time gold and silver coins were spent was with foreigners who demanded real money as payment for their products and services. This steadily drained the colonies’ total supply of gold and silver. As the supply of gold and silver dwindled, international trade nearly ceased. (Foreigners had no interest in trading their products for fiat paper; who could blame them.)” Inflation, decreased confidence in the dollar, speculation, supply and demand and out-of-control printing presses are the main reasons the price of gold appears to be rising.
Waning Confidence in Fiat Currencies Some countries’ leaders are anticipating rough financial waters ahead and are going as far as to repatriate their gold. Late last year, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez demonstrated his loss of faith in fiat currencies when he announced plans to retrieve $11 billion of his country’s gold from their stores in Switzerland, England, the United States, Canada and France. Chavez explained the move as a safeguard against instability in financial
markets, but had previously stated that he wanted to eliminate the “dictatorship” of the U.S. dollar. According to the Wall Street Journal, with the price of gold rising, Chavez said it made more sense to store his country’s gold at home: “...we don’t only have oil wealth; we also have one of the largest reserves of gold in the world so we might as well convert it into our international reserves because gold is increasing in value.” Ecuador’s government also recently made it known they wanted to bring $1.7 billion in gold back to their country. The World Gold Council’s Gold Demand Trends second quarter 2012 report shows that Kazakhstan also increased holdings from 24.5 to 26 tons in response to the flailing dollar:
“The bank previously stated that it plans to buy the country’s entire domestic production over the next two to three years in order to reduce its reliance on the U.S. dollar as a reserve asset...” Recently, Germany, who has, since the Cold War, stored approximately 1,500 tons of gold below the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, grew uncomfortable with the direction of the U.S. economy. Since May, some German politicians have been requesting an audit of the bank, however, the bank’s strict security does not allow for even owners to view their own gold. This situational irony isn’t lost on trends researcher Gerald Celente, who earlier this year said, “It’s not only Germany [who’s gold is missing], it’s the United Sates, it’s all of the countries. Nobody knows what’s in Fort Knox. They won’t let anybody in. Where’s the gold in the United States? How come we can’t go in and look in Fort Knox?” Across the pond, the euro is also on shaky ground and seems to be imitating the dollar’s descent. In August, British investment banker Lord Jacob Rothschild revealed a £1.9 billion (approximately U.S. $3 billion) investment in RIT Capital Partners, an investment trust of which he is the executive chairman, upping a three percent net short to seven percent, meaning RIT would stand to more greatly benefit if and when the price of the eurozone’s official currency decreased.
Should you be concerned? As mentioned, the price of gold per ounce has almost doubled in the last four years alone.
Evidently, these three billionaires and various central banks may be trying to tell us something. Their actions could be the canary in the goldmine indicating financial disaster is coming. How these currencies have managed to stay up as long as they have is anybody’s guess. A currency based on debt makes it impossible to maintain economic solvency. While a return to the gold standard may not be the answer to our problems, it’s certain that individual ownership of gold would provide tremendous security in the event of a financial collapse. Those who only possess fiat paper money may find themselves wishing they had gone in. Adan Salazar is associate editor at and is an avid civil rights and due process advocate.
IWM: What got you int o art and specifically tag ging and murals? Also you come up with the how did name Mear One? Mear One: I began tag ging and drawing on wa lls during junior high sch 1986. I got into a lot of ool in trouble as a youth and needed a creative outle allowed me to work ou t. Graffiti t my frustrations with society while building a strong artistic presence.
IWM: Describe your aw akening process—was is gradual or did happen immediately? M1: My mother was a
very conscious artist wh o was a hippy and freethinker. She taught me to distrust the system. We were on welfare mo adolescence, and this st of my was tough in school an d made it hard to make I had some powerful exp friends. eriences as a child, ha llucinations and political experiences shaped my thoughts and gave me a perspective. IWM: Describe the pro cess of how you take an idea from your head and transformation that tak the es place before it ends on a wall? M1: I practice something I call projective thinking where I see a subtle transparent 3D projectio n of my vision and thr ou gh my mind’s eye I projec on my surface and trace t this over it. It is something tha t only I can see but is ver helpful in executing the y work. IWM: Your recent mural in England (NWO Is the Enemy of Humanity) has interesting confrontatio an n story. What happened and how did you commu with the locals who we nic ate re angry at the pyramid and all seeing eye? M1: I was detained wh en I arrived in England at the airport. I was pu detention tank with som t in a e Muslims from abroad . After 5 hours of interr they let me go about my ogation travels. I came to paint a mu ral an d wa s ready to work off some of the agg ression I felt from my experience at the airpo went to east London wh rt. I ere there was an area cal led Sh ore dic h and there was lots of street art. When I started my mural I wa s confronted by a crowd Muslims who lived in of the area. The image I wa s pai nti ng ha d the all seeing eye from the back of the dollar bill. They disapp roved of this image bec they thought I was pro ause moting the all-seeing eye . Wh en I exp lai ned that I was trying to bring aw areness to the subject they responded by ask ing me to write something on the wall to prove it. So I wr ote “Th e NW O is the Enemy of Humanity.” This took the m aback and allowed the m to explore the mean of my work. Over the ing next few days I won the sup po rt of the com munity and finished my piece. Wh en I came home to LA I got an e-mail from the of the district claiming mayor that I had painted a mu ral aga ins t Jew s. My mural in London was destroyed a few days later. Some religious extremist of the sect declared that it wa Jewish s anti-Semitic and that I wa s a fas cis t. Th is was a lie. My mural was about the elit e banker ruling class an d how they oppress hu My intention was to pai manity. nt this piece right outsid e of the bank district an d
confront global new wo rld order supporters. Be cause of the hysteria created by these (as I cal l them) fascists, my mu ral got international coverage and became a hot topic for people who normally don’t car e for street art. My origin al intention was to spa rk conversation and raise awareness on the subject matter. My exp erience at the airport prepared me to understa nd what third-world peo ple have to deal with everyday: imperial ism all over the world. I’m grateful for this transformative experienc e and look for more life lessons. IWM: How has the Intern et changed your ability to get the word out on your work? M1: I have become a blo g maniac. I share much of what I do with the Internet followers and it is building on a daily basis. The Intern et connects me to the wh ole world at once. I fin d that I am my best promoter and writer. It all comes straight from the horse’s mouth and you can feel how real things are when it is gen uine. From Tumblr to Facebook it all provides a level of getting up like old graffiti days but in new forms, like the human subconscious. IWM: What is the bigges t problem facing huma nity? M1: I think one big pro blem is complacency. It pre vents us from doing anything. We need to des ire a better life and fig ht for it as opposed to accepting whatever we ’re given. IWM: Do you think the masses will awaken bef ore society implodes? M1: I don’t know if peo ple will wake up in tim e for major Earth changes but some of us are and have. I used to say “It sucks. Nothing is sacred any more,” an d a friend said “That ha s been a problem that society has spoken of for thousands of years.” I think we’re always on the verge of one perspe ctive or another. IWM: What is next for Mear One? M1: I currently am fin ishing half a decade of canvas work I have bee developing for my nex n t solo show. These pieces are ver y spe cia l to me and deal with our world and humanity in the cru x of the apocalypse.
By David Mivshek
1. Salts zombies crave 5. American Bankers Association and a sleeveless garment worn by Arabs 9. Madrid’s emergency response sys. 14. It can be big, like pharma 15. It’s manipulated by Monsanto 16. Hawaiian official who certified Obama’s questionable birth certificates 17. Kind of deal 18. Emotion Jones feels for eugenicists 19. Ancient East Roman fortress city 20. Using ECHELON, GPS, or RFID to surveil society is an example of this type of attack 23. Old Greek mistress 24. KRS-One is one 25. Purpose of the Warren Report, 9/11 Commission Report, and Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, non-zombies say 28. Persian language 31. Bank Identifier Code or a brand name of pens and razors 32. Normal response to the photo of Zombie attack victim Poppo’s chewed off face 36. Three final lett. in a freedom request 37. Early movies 41. Marxists Internet Archive or Miami’s nickname 42. Aware of 44. It purifies GMO? 45. Palestinian Sunni Islamic party governing the Gaza Strip 47. Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, or Operation Fast and Furious 51. Poke fun at 53. Jones’s rants on public radio 57. Citigroup, Chase, and Comerica were lendees in this financial free-for-all 60. Author of Spies, Lies, and Whistleblowers: MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair 61. Bamako is its capital 62. First woman Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia 63. Things that can be pros? 64. Between Two ____: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era 65. Transportation Security Administration and Timestamping Authority 66. “Cashless society control” and “power” followers? 67. Giuliani said: “Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to...” 68. Message Obama may have repeated to himself during his presidential campaign: ___ can!
DOWN 1. Arab socialist party 2. Opposite of differ 3. Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model is one 4. Names of lords on the old Nazi propaganda radio program Germany Calling 5. Flesh-eating, zombie-like Hindu sect 6. 27-Down 7. Bet blindly 8. Homeland Security wants this kind of person to say something? 9. Places filled with vice and corruption, like D.C. and Vegas
22 24
23 25 28
31 37
36 42
41 46
10. Governmentless order 11. First woman to receive the Nobel Prize 12. Autocratic proclamation 13. Basic text of the Quran 21. Flavored soft drinks 22. USAF system that monitors and retargets nuclear missiles 26. ____ Cyber City 27. Get the most votes, supposedly 28. Paranormal fighter over Germany 29. Advanced Intelligent Network or a biblical city 30. Rodent that developed tumors from eating Monsanto GMO corn 33. ____ Qasr 34. “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” is this agcy.’s motto 35. Vital essences of ancient Egyptian souls 38. Bay of Pigs is one 39. ____ Angeles 40. Richest woman in the Middle East 43. Follows a unique one? 46. Dexterity 48. Evaluate 49. 9/11 enemies are this, Bermas says 50. Keep the peace 51. Middle name of Socialist International’s vice-president 52. Zombie-like mental state INFOWARS.COM
54. Saddam Hussein’s necktie? 55. Sattva, rajas, and tamas 56. German citizen spy org. 57. Noise feared by opposers of the Second Amendment? 58. Emergency Management Assistance Corporation or an Apple computer model 59. Emotion Jones feels when talking about the New World Order
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