OMG OMG-OCUP2-INT200 Free Dumps Questions V8.02 | DumpsBase 2019

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OMG Certified UML Professional 2 (OCUP 2) Intermediate Level

1.In the exhibit, if the incoming arrows provide three control values, how many control values are provided to the outgoing arrow?

A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: B

2.What symbol depicts a Call Behavior Action?

A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E Answer: E

3.Which list contains only connectable elements? A. behavior, connector end, and port B. behavior, port and property C. port and connector end

D. connector end, port and part E. property, port, and parameter Answer: E

4.What is true about guards on interaction operands? A. should not refer to any dynamic variables, i.e., to attributes of the lifelines B. must only cover one lifeline, namely the one lifeline having the first event occurrence of the interaction operand C. must always cover all lifelines covered by the operand D. must cover the same lifelines on all interaction operands within one combined fragment Answer: B

5.What indicates an artifact instance in UML notation? (Choose two.) A. single sheet icon with a folder-over corner B. syntactically well-formed file name C. class box with two smaller rectangles on its left side D. memo box E. <<artifact>> keyword Answer: AE

6.What statements are true about a composite structure? (Choose two.) A. Destroying an instance of a structured classifier normally destroys instances of its parts. B. Structured classifiers cannot contain instances of structured classifiers. C. The behavior of a structured classifier must be completely defined through the collaboration of owned or referenced instances. D. Collaborations are structured classifier. E. A structured classifier is also an encapsulated classifier. Answer: AD

7.What are valid representations of a Call Operation Action? (Choose two.)

A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F Answer: C

8.If the node in the exhibit receives a value, what happens to other values flowing in the diagram containing the node?

A. nothing B. They stop for a time specified by the small circle. C. They are aborted. D. They stop until the small circle emits a value. Answer: A

9.What best describes the semantics modeled by the exhibit?

A. The Order Entity component is part of the internals of the Invoicer component. B. The Invoicer has a complex connector that connects the Generate Invoice interface with the Order interface. C. This is an illegal diagram. D. The Invoicer has a complex port that provides the interface Generate Invoice and requires the interface Order. Answer: D

10.What types of features may a component possess? A. attributes and operations

B. operations, but not attributes C. neither attributes nor operations D. attributes, but not operations Answer: A

11.What is NOT true of a profile? A. Applying a profile means that it is allowed, but not required to apply the stereotypes that are part of the profile. B. A profile can be removed at any time from a model. C. A profile can be combined with others applied on the same model. D. Applying a profile means that it is required to apply the stereotypes that are part of the profile. Answer: C

12.What is permitted for the profile mechanism? A. creates new metamodels B. removes existing metamodels C. extends existing metamodels D. changes existing metamodels Answer: C

13.What does the composite structure notation in the exhibit show?

A. p is a port on a part of C, which is not shown. B. p is a behavior port of C. C. p is a hidden port of C. D. p is a port providing a system service. Answer: C

14.In the exhibit, if all incoming arrows provide the same value, how many values does the pin have?

A. three. B. two C. one D. none Answer: A

15.Which must be true in order to use a delegation connector to connect two components? A. The components must be related to each other via a dependency. B. One component must be part of the internal realization of the other component. C. The components must have complex ports. D. One component must be a subtype of the other. Answer: B

16.What is NOT a purpose of a port owned by a classifier? A. server as an end point for connectors B. hides the internals of that classifier from other classifiers C. provides a distinct point of interaction between the classifier and its environment D. specifies an association to the classifier Answer: D

17.Refer to the exhibit.

How many interfaces does the Customer Service component make visible to its clients? A. 3 B. 1 C. 0 D. 4 E. 2 Answer: A

18.What does it mean when message m is ignored in a combined fragment? A. Nothing happens within the fragment until m appears. B. Message m appears only in illegal traces of the fragment. C. If m happens, the system should abort. D. One or more m messages may appear at any point within the fragment. Answer: D

19.Refer to the exhibit.

Invoicer and Special Order Entity are each preceded by a colon symbol, because they name what type of component? A. parts of an instance level collaboration B. connection types C. delegation types D. assembly connectors Answer: A

20.In the exhibit, what is true about Mbreak?

A. Either p or q appears in a trace, but not both. B. p appers in all traces. C. q appers in all traces. D. Both p and q appear in all traces. Answer: A

21.What is true of outgoing transitions from a fork pseudo state? A. are taken serially in arbitrary order B. can only exist of the object is declared concurrent C. are mutually exclusive D. may have guards E. must terminate in different regions of a state Answer: E

22.What does a region in a state machine represent? A. part of a composite state or a state machine containing transitions and vertices B. contained state machine C. concurrent object owned by the context object of the state machine

D. separate thread of execution E. concurrent state Answer: A

23.What is true of a composite state with two regions? A. is a kind of submachine state B. is equivalent to two states with one region each C. is executed concurrently D. is an orthogonal state E. can have separate entry and exit actions for each region Answer: D

24.What does the composite structure notation in the exhibit mean?

A. port p is connected to an object called F. B. Port p realizes the features defined by interface F. C. Port p requires the features defined by interface F. D. Class C has internal structure. E. Object c1 is a kind of component. Answer: C

25.What does a state list represent?

A. set of states that share a single outgoing transition B. notational shorthand for a set of states C. set of states that share the same entry and exit actions D. list of the substates of a composite state Answer: B

26.What statement is true if a port delegates to multiple ports on subordinate components? A. at execution time, signals will be delivered from the subordinate ports to the delegating port B. subordinate ports must collectively offer the delegated functionality of the delegating port C. subordinate ports must be type compatible with the delegating port D. multiple delegation is not allowed Answer: B

27.What determines whether a clause executes? A. behaviors B. classes C. parameters D. guards E. test nodes Answer: E

28.What action would destroy all association links for an object in one operation? A. Clear Structural Feature Action B. Destroy Object Action C. Clear Association Action D. Remove Structural Feature Action E. Destroy Link Action Answer: C

29.In the exhibit, what is true about Mstrict?

A. Within the strict combined fragment, sending a signal will immediately be followed by the reception of that signal. B. The whole Mstrict has only one legal trace. C. Sending q precedes reception of r in all legal traces. D. Sending r precedes sending p in all legal traces Answer: C

30.What is true about the composite structure exhibit?

A. Every instance of X must be connected to an instance of Y. B. All instances corresponding to x and y will be destroyed when an instance of C is destroyed. C. Every instance of Y must be connected to an instance of X. D. C has at least two properties. Answer: D

31.Which figures are correct models for extension and generalization/specialization? (Choose three.)

A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E. F. F. G. G Answer: ADE

32.What characteristic does a behavior port possess? A. owns the behavior of the classifier that owns the port B. must have a protocol state machine C. has its own behavior that is distinct from the behavior of the classifier D. relays any incoming messages directly to the behavior of the owning object E. defines the behavior that the owning classifier must realize F. is a kind of behavior Answer: D

33.Triggers on two different transitions originating from two states at different levels of the same state are simultaneously enabled (as shown in the exhibit).

A. The state machine is not well-formed. B. More deeply nested transitions take precedence over those with less depth. C. Both transitions are taken in arbitrary order. D. The less deeply nested transition takes precedence over those with more depth. Answer: B

34.What is the difference between a stereotype and a metaclass? A. Metaclasses can be specialized, but stereotypes cannot be specialized. B. Stereotypes can be specialized, but metaclasses cannot be specialized. C. A metaclass is a limited kind of a stereotype that can only be used in conjunction with one of the stereotypes it limits. D. A stereotype is a limited kind of a metaclass that can be only be used in conjunction with one of the metaclasses it extends. E. A stereotype is a specialization of a metaclass that can be used by itself, whereas a metaclass must be used with a stereotype. Answer: D

35.What are the kinds of structured nodes? (Choose two.) A. partition B. object node C. loop D. action E. conditional Answer: CE

36.What is true of a required interface associated with a port?

A. identifies the services that the object owning the port expects of objects connected via that port B. represents an interface that must be defined in the same package in which the classifier owning the port is defined C. identifies the services that the object owning the port can offer to other objects connected via that port D. represents an interface that must be defined within the classifier that owns the port Answer: A

37.What is true when an event does not trigger any transitions in the current state? A. The state machine is not well formed. B. The handling of the situation is a semantic point. C. An exception is raised. D. The event is discarded. E. The event is deferred until a state is reached that responds to that trigger. Answer: D

38.What does a structured node contain? (Choose two.) A. messages B. edges C. classes D. nodes E. lifelines F. States Answer: BD

39.What kind of element is a central buffer? A. object node B. control node C. action D. behavior E. activity F. state Answer: A


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