==== ==== This secret system will allow you to achieve almost ANY goal and get anything you want! http://j.gs/1349728/mindpower ==== ====
If we believe in something strongly enough, will occur. What we can imagine, we will bring to us as our minds have the power of a magnet. This is known as the law of attraction. It is a potent function of the mind. Believing something will happen with such a strong conviction that is does end up happening is the basis of the law of attraction. When you think, feel and see yourself with the best life then you can have it. It takes practice, but with a persistent attitude you can have success. It is amazing just how powerful the mind really is. And by the way, this is something that we all have. We all have the ability to use our mind power to the best of our ability and outcomes. However, most of us don't because we just don't think we can. Yet, researchers have shown that we only use about 10% of our brainpower. Don't you think that's crazy? Most of us stick with the tried and true, things we only know, and that's what we live with. That could be why we seem to think life is nothing but trouble. That leads to negative thoughts because we do not think anything can happen. We think negative, so we draw negativity to ourselves. The truth is that by thinking this way we are just manifesting the negativity in our own life. The truth is, what happens in your 'reality' actually happens in your mind first. Whatever you've gotten in life so far has been as a result of your subconscious mind power. Many people say that absolutely everyone has psychic and extrasensory abilities, but that sounds pretty specialized and 'out of this world.' What it really shows is that those who have these abilities have learned how to tap into mind power at its fullest. People do this everyday and one of the best examples is children when they're growing up. If you tell your child they can't do something, then most of them have that thought already embedded in their mind before they reach adulthood. It's why encouragement is so important and at times, even more so for adults. Visualization is the key to tapping your unused mental powers. This powerful technique is simple to describe, but runs counter to most people's native skepticism: Visualize the success you want to have and work backwards to visualize the steps you need to go to to make that success happen. When you visualize, simply sit down and create pictures and images in your mind's eye. This can help you a manifest these images in reality. First, though, you have to start with your subconscious. The subconscious mind is the most powerful tool you have, and bring what is in your subconscious mind into reality the way nothing else can. In fact, it can do this very powerfully. However, there's a caveat with this, and that is that you only think about positive things so that only the positive comes to you. So before you start with this exercise, think about how you really want your life to be before you sit down and visualize. Another benefit is to write down everything on a piece of paper. You can make it factual; write a
story, or anything that will help you reach your goals. If you do write something down, it's important to make a visualization of everything. Once you learn to do this several times throughout the day, those thoughts will become a reality in the back of your mind. You can also do this with affirmations. Affirmations are simply little statements of encouragement you give yourself throughout the day. It can be about anything. For example, if you want to lose a few pounds, you can say, 'I'm going to successfully and easily lose 10 pounds by the end of the month.' Keep reminding yourself that you are losing this weight effortlessly and easily, and recent, you'll see the weight simply start to drop off. As you state what you expect to be true, it will eventually become true. It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first but if you do anything consistently for 28 days it becomes a habit. Developing more mind power can also be done by brainwave entrainment. This is simply brainwave synchronization that involves the use of different frequencies through audio technology. Our brains have the natural ability to do several things. One of them consists of the power to heal itself. This can be turned on even more through this type of advanced audio technology. It may also be able to help you enhance your memory and bring already existent psychic powers into effect. The different frequencies can do a lot as concerns mind power. Although very advanced, this type of procedure does work very well, and can even be miraculous. Related to that is hypnosis, which works on a similar principle. The subject goes into a hypnotic trance and lets their subconscious mind open up to take new impressions. Hypnotherapy recordings are a lot like hearing someone repeat the same positive message, over and over again. This can be used to curb addictive behaviors, induce people to lose weight, even boost self confidence and positive imagery. Eventually they get the person to believe in themselves and convince them they can kick the habit. The mind is simply a wonderful thing if you know how to open it up. If you believe something positive can occur, it can. Everyone has the ability to use their mind power to achieve those things they want to achieve. You can turn your life from a series of negative experiences to a life filled with positive experiences. It may take longer that you would like but if you put positive energy into the world, it will come back as positive energy. We need to find out just how far we can open that unlimited mind power.
Explore the phenomena of using your secret mind power by visiting the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Find out what is meant by powers of mind for yourself. Visit here and get your FREE DVD Package.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louis_Bacurre
==== ==== This secret system will allow you to achieve almost ANY goal and get anything you want! http://j.gs/1349728/mindpower ==== ====