Free Footie Coaching Book 2015

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Free Footie Coaching Guide Book 2015

Contents Introduction_4 Season Skill Progression_6 Week 1: Dribbling_8

Week 2: Dribbling_10 Week 3: Passing_12 Week 4: Shooting_14 Week 5: Control_16 Week 6: Dribbling_18 Week 7: Shooting_20 Week 8 : Heading_22 Week 9: Control_24 Week 10: Passing_26 Week 11: Games_28 Rules_30 Resources_31

Introduction Welcome to Free Footie 2015! Free Footie is a totally free after-school soccer league for the highest needs kids and schools in Edmonton. It’s run entirely by volunteers and the generous donations of Edmontonians. Our goal is simply to ensure that any kid who wants to play can. Since starting we’ve gone from a league of four teams and 80 kids to this year when we’ll have 38 schools, 76 teams and over 1,000 kids participating. We started Free Footie after coaching in some of the highest needs schools and noticing how hard it was to get kids to programing once they left for the day. Getting to sports in the evening requires money for fees and equipment as well as someone with a car to drive kids to games and practices three times a week – this was an impossible challenge for a lot of the kids we were coaching.

For many of the kids, schools are the best launching point. At school they are already organized and surrounded by people who care deeply about them. So we decided the best way to keep kids active and busy during those critical after-school hours was to build on the success happening in the classroom. We wanted to try to support you, the coaches and the schools, to make it so the kids would get out and play right when the final bell rang. We pay for all the equipment, charge no fees, and it many cases, eliminate the transportation issue entirely by making as many games as possible within walking distance – and if we can’t do that, we cover the cost of the bus. We know we are by no means perfect with what we’ve created or how we support you, the coaches, but offering a coaching course and guidebook like this is one of our attempts to show that we’ll do whatever we can to help. Every year we try and evolve things a bit to get Free Footie to a place that really works for everyone. I think, together, we’re steadily getting there. I want to personally say a huge thank you for doing what you do. I have the utmost respect for teachers and school staff who give up their time to do this. I can’t count the number of times I failed a test or got sent to the principal’s office and nearly dropped out of school. If there hadn’t been fun stuff after school that I could only do if I went to school, I probably wouldn’t be here today. Thank you. Lastly, I want to thank John Clubb and all members of the Alberta Soccer Association for preparing this coaching material and course. John is a true champion of the kids, the coaches and the game. Most importantly of all, he gets that it’s about having fun. I’m excited for a great season! Tim Adams Volunteer Organizer and Free Footie Founder


How to Use This Guide Each week focuses on different skills and provides a series of activities for players. Each week includes:

• 1 Warm Up Activity (10 minutes) • 2 Skill Activities (10 minutes each) • 1 Game (10 minutes) This series of activities are designed to work together on the skill of the week.

Each activity includes the following sections: Set Up • Describes what is needed in order to start the activity including group size, necessary equipment and space requirements Instructions • Describes how to run each activity in simple easy to use language Options • Provides opportunities the challenge players by altering and/or increasing the level of difficulty of the drill Coach Notes • An area for coaches to take notes and add new content


Season Skill Progression

Week 2

“Dribbling” means using your feet to move the ball in a controlled way.


Week 1 Dribbling “Dribbling” means using your feet to move the ball in a controlled way.




Week 3 Passing “Passing” means using your feet to get the ball to your teammates in a controlled way.

Week 4 Shooting

Week 6 Dribbling

“Shooting” means using your feet to score.

“Dribbling” means using your feet to move the ball in a controlled way.



Week 5 Control “Control” means using your feet and other parts of your body (except your arms and hands) to keep the ball close


Week 8 Heading

Week 10 Passing “Passing” means using your feet to get the ball to your teammates in a controlled way.

“Heading” means using your forehead to pass, clear or shoot the ball.


Week 7 Shooting “Shooting” means using your feet to score.



Week 9 Control “Control” means using your feet and other parts of your body (except your arms and hands) to keep the ball close.



Week 11 Games Practicing the skills learn in Weeks 110 in controlled games with your teammates.


“Dribbling” means using your feet to move the ball in a controlled way.

Week 1 - Dribbling

Warm up

Capture the Pinnies

Fake & Turn Activity

Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

Up to 12 players, in 2 teams. No ball to start. Each player has a pinnie (or an old t-shirt) tucked into his/her shorts, hanging down roughly to the hem of their shorts.

Instructions : •

Instructions : •

“Go!” – run around the field and try to “capture” all the opposing team’s pinnies by pulling them out of their shorts. The last player with a pinnie gets a point for their team.

Options: • •

Each player has a ball, and must dribble it around the field while trying to capture the pinnies. Introduce a “knockout” format, where players who lose their pinnie (or have their ball kicked out of bounds) have to leave the field. The last remaining player wins a point for their team.

Coach Notes:


Up to 16 players, 4 with no ball (“free” players).

“Dribble!” – use your dribbling skills (i.e., fakes and turns) to move the ball around the field and get it past the “free” players, who get in your way but don’t try to take the ball. “Switch!” – rotate players into the “free” role.

Options: • •

How many free players can you dribble past in one minute? “Challenge!” – free players try to take the ball; if successful, they get to dribble.

Coach Notes:


Across the Channel

Duo Attacks Game

Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

Up to 12 players, in 2 teams. No ball to start. Each player has a pinnie (or an old t-shirt) tucked into his/her shorts, hanging down roughly to the hem of their shorts.

Up to 8 players, in 2 teams, plus 2 goalkeepers. Players work in pairs within each team. One pair starts on the field, the other stands on either side of their team’s goal.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – run around the field and try to “capture” all the opposing team’s pinnies by pulling them out of their shorts. The last player with a pinnie gets a point for their team.

Options: • •

Each player has a ball, and must dribble it around the field while trying to capture the pinnies. Introduce a “knockout” format, where players who lose their pinnie (or have their ball kicked out of bounds) have to leave the field. The last remaining player wins a point for their team.

Coach Notes:

Instructions : “Go!” – both teams gain points by scoring on the other team’s goal. To start, Team 1 players try to score on Team 2’s goal, with Team 2 players defending. If Team 2 wins the ball, they try to score on Team 1’s goal. When the ball is kicked out of play (i.e. it goes out of bounds or one team shoots and misses), the 2 players on the other team come out from beside the goal to relieve their teammates and take possession of the ball.

Options: • •

Rotate goalkeepers. The players with the ball have to shoot within 10 seconds of gaining possession.

Coach Notes:


“Dribbling” means using your feet to move the ball in a controlled way.

Week 2 - Dribbling

Warm up

Around the World


Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

Up to 12 players, sitting or standing in a large circle. Number each player (ex. 1-12). Split in two groups if numbers are large.

Instructions : • •

“Go!” – when the coach calls your number, travel around the outside of the circle and return to your spot as fast as you can. “Listen!” – move as your coach tells you to. 1. Run forwards. 2. Run backwards. 3. Shuffle to the side. 4. Hop with your feet together. 5. Skip, etc.

• •

Each player has a ball: “Forwards” – players dribble the ball forward around the circle. “Turn!” – players turn and dribble in the other direction. “Weave!’ – players must weave in and out of their seated teammates as they dribble around the circle. Players use only their left or right foot, or a certain part of the foot (i.e., inside, outside, laces) to move the ball. “Race!” – call out 2 numbers at once. The first player back wins!

Coach Notes:


Up to 12 players Use cones and hurdles alternately to mark out a circuit, as shown. Modify the circuit depending on the available equipment (i.e. have players jump over cones or balls and crawl through teammates’ legs if hurdles aren’t available).

Instructions : •

Options: •

Cones and Hurdles

“Go!” – finish the circuit as fast as you can (depending on available equipment): 1. Run around the first cone. 2. Turn and sprint to the first hurdle, then crawl under it. 3. Sprint around the second cone. 4. Jump over the second hurdle. 5. Sprint to the last hurdle, jump over it and finish! As soon as your feet hit the ground, the next player starts.

Options: •

Turn it into a race by timing the players as they go through the circuit one at a time.

Coach Notes:


Race to the Target

3 Zone Game Game

Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players, working in pairs; 1 ball per pair.

Instructions : • •

Players start facing each other between 2 target cones. “Go!”– Player 1 tries to dribble the ball to either target cone without Player 2 touching it. (Player 2 can challenge for the ball only after it has moved.) If Player 1 gets the ball to the target under control, it’s a point. On the next turn, Player 2 starts with the ball in the middle and Player 1 challenges. “Switch!” – rotate partners.

Options: •

“Keep going!” – the player with the ball keeps dribbling back and forth between markers as many times as possible without their partner taking the ball. If their partner challenges and wins, it’s their ball. • How many points can you get in 1 minute?

Coach Notes:

Up to 10 players, in 2 teams; plus 2 goalkeepers. Use cones to mark out 3 equal zones on the field.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – to start, players are distributed as shown in the three zones. Proceed with a normal soccer game but players can only leave their zone by dribbling. If a team loses the ball, all the players on that team must return to their original zones.

Options: • •

Rotate goalkeepers. An attacking player must dribble past at least one defender before shooting on goal.

Coach Notes:


Week 3 - Passing

“Passing” means using your feet to get the ball to your teammates in a controlled way.

Team Passing

Get to Work Warm up


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players; enough balls for half the players, distributed randomly around the field.

Instructions : • • •

“Go!” – run around the field without touching any balls. Keep your head up to avoid running into anyone! “Listen!” – follow the coach’s instructions so you know what to do: 1. Knees up. 2. Kick your heels back. 3. Bunny hop. 4. Drop for 5 push-ups. When the coach shouts, “Ball!” race to a ball as fast as you can and pick it up. If you get one, you’re a “server.” Those without a ball become “workers.” Each worker has to visit 3 different servers, who will “serve” the ball for them to volley back 3 times on each foot. “Switch!” – servers and workers swap roles so that everyone gets a turn to volley before the next race to the ball.

Instructions : •

Have workers volley with the outside of their foot or their laces, or control with the chest, thigh or foot before passing back. Remember to control across your body (i.e. left side of chest to right thigh, etc.)

Coach Notes:


“Go!” – move around the field and pass the ball with your teammates. Keep your head up, and try to pass both around and between players on the other teams. Remember: receive and pass quickly in just 2 touches!

Options: •


Up to 12 players, working in 3 teams; 1 ball per team.

“Short, Short, Long” – on your team, make 2 short distance passes, followed by a longer one. Call out “short” or “long”, with each pass to help keep the rhythm. Remove one ball: the team without a ball plays defense, and tries to win the balls from the other two teams.

Coach Notes:


Three Corners


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players, working in groups of 3; 1 ball per group.

Up to 12 players, in 2 equal teams; plus 2 goalkeepers.

Instructions :

Instructions :

“Go!” – Player 1 passes along the sideline to Player 2, then runs to the empty corner. Player 2 receives the ball and passes along the sideline to Player 3 before running to the empty corner. Player 3 receives the ball and passes to Player 1, etc. Remember to use the side of your foot when passing. When you receive a pass, try to use just 2 touches: control the ball with one foot then pass back quickly with the other foot. “Switch feet!” – use your other foot to control and/or pass.

Options: • •

Allow a player to pass to either teammate before running to the open corner. Player 1 passes to the open corner and Player 2 runs to receive it. Player 2 passes to the open corner and Player 3 runs to receive it, etc.

Passing for Points

“Go!” – proceed with a normal game, but players are limited to only three touches before they have to pass to a teammate. More than three touches means the other team gets the ball. Use kick-ins rather than throw-ins if the ball goes out of bounds.

Options: • •

Team scores an extra point if at least 3 players touch the ball before a shot on goal. The number of passes leading up to a goal adds to team’s total points (i.e. 3 passes before a goal equals 4 points).

Coach Notes:

Coach Notes:


Week 4 - Shooting

“Shooting” means using your feet to score.

Circle Pass Warm up


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players in a large circle; 1 ball to start.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – player with the ball gets 2 touches: one to enter the circle and one to pass to a teammate. The first player follows his/her pass to the other side of the circle. The receiving player then has 2 touches to receive the ball and pass to a different teammate, then follow their pass, etc.

Options: • •

Use multiple balls. One player stays in the middle of the circle, passing to different players on the outside, who receive and pass back in one touch. Rotate players after 30 seconds. Multiple players (i.e., 2-4), each with a ball, stay in the middle, passing to different players on the outside. After each pass they follow the ball, run around the outside player (overlap) and come back into the middle to receive a return pass and continue. Rotate players after 1 minute.

Coach Notes:

Ready, Steady, Shoot

Up to 10 players (8 attackers, each with a ball, 1 striker, 1 goalkeeper). Number the attackers (i.e., Players 1-8), and position them as shown.

Instructions : • •

Striker starts at the top of the penalty area and tries to shoot with just one touch on the ball. “Go!” – the striker runs towards the goal. Player 1 rolls the ball into the striker’s path. The striker uses his/her left foot to shoot on goal, then runs back to the start and looks for a pass from Player 2. Player 2 rolls the ball so the striker has to shoot with his/her right foot. The striker runs back to the start each time and looks for passes from the next players, in sequence. “Switch!” – after the striker has taken a shot from every attacker, swap roles (i.e., striker becomes Player 1, who becomes Player 2, etc. and Player 8 moves to striker).

Options: •

Have the attackers vary their passes to challenge the striker: 1. Rolling the ball to one side or the other. 2. Passing it with their foot at different speeds. 3. Throwing the ball in the air so the striker has to try to volley it into the net with their foot, thigh or head. How fast can you shoot? Record the amount of time it takes each striker to shoot a full series. Take 3 seconds off the total time for every goal scored. The fastest time wins!

Coach Notes:


Parallel Play Game


Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

Up to 12 players, working in 4 small groups; 1 goalkeeper. Number the groups 1-4.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – the first player in Group 1 passes to the first player in Group 2, who receives the ball and shoots on goal. Repeat with Groups 3 and 4. Remember to control the ball and shoot in just 2 touches.

• •

“On the diagonal!” – Group 1 passes to Group 4. Group 3 passes to Group 2. “From the side!” – Groups 1 and 3 pass from the sides of the penalty area. “Challenge!” – After passing the ball, Group 1 and Group 3 players come out to challenge the shooter. .

“Go!” – one player from Team 2 goes into the middle zone as the goalkeeper. Team 1 tries to score. After each shot on goal (unless the shot rebounds back into the attacking team’s zone), the teams switch roles. Players must shoot from inside their zone.

Options: • •

Coach Notes:

Two teams of 3 players each. Use cones to divide the field into 3 equal zones. In the middle zone, use 2 flags or cones to mark out a goal. Team 1 players are the attackers and start with the ball. Team 2 players start as the defenders.

Instructions :

Options: •

Shoot on Sight

Teams get an extra point if they score a onetouch goal (i.e. pass to a teammate who shoots with his first touch). Add a defender to support the goalkeeper and create a 3 v 1 game.

Coach Notes:


Week 5 - Control

“Control” means using your feet and other parts of your body (except your arms and hands) to keep the ball close

Rondo Switch Warm up


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players, in 2 groups; 1 ball per group. Each group has 4 attackers and 2 defenders, and play in adjacent squares.

Up to 10 players. All of them have a ball, except 2 who are called “strikers”; 1 goalkeeper. Number the players with a ball (i.e., 1-7).

Instructions :

Instructions :

“Go!” – attackers try to complete 5 passes in a row. Defenders must win the ball 3 times before swapping roles with the attackers. “Transfer!” – any player, at any time, can pass the ball to someone in the next square—a trigger for players in the receiving square to immediately pass their ball to an attacker on the other side.

• •

Options: •

Give each defender a ball so they have to dribble while trying to intercept the attackers’ passes. Use additional defenders to create a 4 v 3 or 4 v 4 situation.

Coach Notes:

Numbered players start outside the penalty area; strikers start inside. “Go!” – when the coach shouts your number, pass your ball to one of the strikers, who controls it, turns and shoots on goal. The strikers alternate shots. Strikers should control, turn and shoot using just 3 touches. “Switch!” – players swap roles after each striker has had 3 shots on goal.

Options: •

“Throw in!” – instead of a ground pass, numbered players throw the ball or do a bounce pass to the striker who controls with the foot, thigh, chest or head before turning to shoot. Add a defender and have strikers work together by passing to get a shot on net.

Coach Notes:


Pass to Striker

1-2 Target

Inside Out Game


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players, working in pairs; 1 ball per pair.

Instructions : • •

Player 1 has the ball and starts outside the circle, Player 2 starts inside. “Go!” – Player 2 runs toward Player 1, who throws the ball to the ground inside the circle. Player 2 controls it with his/ her feet before passing it back to Player 1. “Switch!” – after 1 minute, inside players move to the outside, and work with a different partner.

Options: •

Throw to partner’s waist area for thigh control. Throw to partner’s chest area for chest control, and volley back using the inside of the foot after controlling with the chest, or let the ball hit the ground and pass back (depending on skill level).

Coach Notes:

Up to 12 players, in 2 teams; plus 2 goalkeepers. 4 players from each team start on the field; 2 target players from each team stand on either side of the opposing team’s goal.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – proceed with a normal soccer game, but players can only shoot on goal after receiving a return pass from one of their team’s target players.

Options: • • •

Rotate the goalkeepers. Teams get an extra point if they complete a one-touch goal (i.e. without controlling the ball first). Change the position of the target players so they’re standing closer to the sidelines in the attacking half of the field.

Coach Notes:


Week 6 - Dribbling

Warm up

“Dribbling” means using your feet to move the ball in a controlled way.

Off to the Races


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players, in teams of 3; no ball to start. Teams line up parallel to each other on the field, with one player in the middle (the “racer”). Players’ positions are marked out with cones.

• •

“Go!” – middle players (racers) have to sprint to one end, run around a teammate, sprint to the other end and run around the other teammate. Repeat 3-5 times, then run back to the middle cone and strike a funny pose. The first player to pose gets a point for their team. “Switch!” – players switch positions until all 3 have had a turn as the racer. Instead of running, racers can hop on one foot or both feet together, skip, crab walk, shuffle to the side, etc.

Options: • •


Racer has a ball and dribbles around both teammates 3 times and strikes a funny pose with their foot on the ball at the end. Each end player has a ball: racers receive a ground pass and then pass back before running around them. “Volley!” – end players hold the ball in their hands and throw it to the racer to volley back with the foot, thigh or head.

Up to 12 players, working in pairs; 1 ball per pair.

Instructions :

Instructions : •

Race to the Target

Players start facing each other between 2 target cones. “Go!”– Player 1 tries to dribble the ball to either target cone without Player 2 touching it. (Player 2 can challenge for the ball only after it has moved.) If Player 1 gets the ball to the target under control, it’s a point. On the next turn, Player 2 starts with the ball in the middle and Player 1 challenges. “Switch!” – rotate partners.

Options: •

“Keep going!” – the player with the ball keeps dribbling back and forth between markers as many times as possible without their partner taking the ball. If their partner challenges and wins, it’s their ball. How many points can you get in 1 minute?

Coach Notes:

Soccer Rugby

Soccer 1 v 1 Game


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 6 players, working in pairs; 1 ball per pair.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – Player 1 passes the ball to Player 2 who uses dribbling skills (e.g., turning, accelerating, faking, and shielding*) to move the ball to either target cone. Player 1 tries to take the ball away. Player 2 scores 1 point by dribbling the ball over a target cone by shielding and evading the pressure from Player 1. Player 2 scores 3 points by moving right away to accelerate past Player 1 and dribble over a target cone. “Switch!” – after 3 turns, Player 2 starts with the ball.

Two teams of 4 players plus 2 goalkeepers.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – proceed with a normal soccer game but players can’t pass the ball forward, they can only dribble forward before shooting on goal. Teammates provide support from behind or beside the dribbler (i.e., they find open space to receive a pass), as in rugby.

Options: • •

Rotate goalkeepers. An attacking player must dribble past at least one defender before shooting on goal.

Options: • •

“Shield!” – the receiving player practices shielding the ball before making a move to try and beat the defender. “Straight through!” – rather than shielding, the receiving player must move right away to dribble the ball past the defender.

Coach Notes:

Coach Notes:


Week 7 - Shooting

Warm up

“Shooting” means using your feet to score.

X Marks the Circuit

Duo Attacks Activity

Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

• •

Up to 12 players. Use cones, rings, a ladder and/or poles to mark out an “X”-shaped circuit, as shown. Modify the circuit depending on the available equipment. Players move through the circuit two at a time. Player 1 starts at Point A with a ball, Player 2 at Point B.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – move through the circuit as fast as you can. Player 1 dribbles a ball in and out of the poles, then cones, along one arm of the X. Then he/she leaves the ball at the last cone and runs to Point B. At the same time, Player 2 bounds through the rings, then through the rungs of the ladder on the other arm of the X. Then he/she runs to Point A and picks up a ball. Player 1 and Player 2 repeat each other’s original movements through the circuit before running back to their start line. The first player back wins!

Instructions : “Go!” – both teams gain points by scoring on the other team’s goal. To start, Team 1 players try to score on Team 2’s goal, with Team 2 players defending. If Team 2 wins the ball, they try to score on Team 1’s goal. When the ball is kicked out of play (i.e. it goes out of bounds or one team shoots and misses), the 2 players on the other team come out from beside the goal to relieve their teammates and take possession of the ball.

Options: • • •

Options: • •


Increase the challenge by increasing (or decreasing) the distance between obstacles. Have the players move in different ways, i.e.: 1. Hop through the ladder with your feet together. 2. Jump and turn through the rings. 3. Hop on one foot back to the start line.

Up to 8 players, in 2 teams, plus 2 goalkeepers. Players work in pairs within each team. One pair starts on the field, the other stands on either side of their team’s goal.

Rotate goalkeepers. The players with the ball have to shoot within 10 seconds of gaining possession. .

Coach Notes:


Alternate Attacks

4 Goal Game Game

Set Up:

Set Up:

In an area approximately twice the size of the penalty area – set up 4 lines of players at each end with goals in the middle, and 2 goalkeepers. Number the lines from 1-4. When looking at the goal, line 1 is far left, line 4 is far right.

Instructions : •

Instructions : •

First player in line 1 dribbles forward and sends a pass to the top of the penalty box for players in lines 2 and 3 to attack and shoot at goal. Players then swap ends and go to the back of their respective lines. Start the next attack from line 1 at the opposite end, Alternate attacks from line 1 then line 4. Rotate players in the central lines (2 and 3) with wide lines (1 and 4) every 10 shots. .

Options: • • •

Players in lines 2 and 3 shoot on their first touch. Have all four players participate in each attack. Add a defender at each end.

Eight players, in 2 equal teams; plus 4 goalkeepers. Place a goal (or mark out a goal with cones) on all 4 sides of the field.

“Go!” – one team tries to score on the 2 goals on the end lines, while the other team tries to score on the 2 goals on the sidelines. The first team to score 2 goals wins! Players from the losing team switch places with the goalkeepers.

Options: • •

Allow both teams to score on any one of the 4 goals. Players get an extra point if they complete a one-touch goal (i.e. without controlling the ball first).

Coach Notes:

Coach Notes:


Week 8 - Heading

“Heading” means using your forehead to pass, clear or shoot the ball.

Handball Warm up


Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

• •

Up to 12 players, in 2 teams; 1 ball. Use cones to mark out 2 end zones.

Up to 12 players, working in 2 teams; 1 ball. Use cones to mark out 2 end zones.

Instructions :

Instructions :

“Go!” – move the ball up the field by throwing it back and forth with your teammates. Score a point by throwing the ball to a teammate in the other team’s end zone. If you have the ball, stand still until you pass it. Introduce the offside rule: Remember, you can’t wait in the end zone to receive a pass, but you can run past the opposing team’s line to receive it after the ball is thrown.

Options: •

Instead of throwing to pass, have players throw the ball up and volley it with their foot for their teammate to catch. Instead of simply catching the ball, receiving players must control/juggle it with a part of their body (i.e. foot, thigh) before catching it. If the ball hits the ground, the other team takes possession.

Coach Notes:


Throw Head Catch

“Go!” – the object of the game is to get the ball into the other team’s end zone. Players move the ball up the field by throwing it to a teammate, who heads the ball to another teammate to catch. Then that player throws the ball to another teammate to head, etc. Continue the sequence of throw, head, catch. Players have to stand still when they’re in possession of the ball. If the other team intercepts the ball, it’s their turn to try and score a point. Introduce the offside rule: players can’t stand in the end zone to wait for a pass, but can only run to receive when the ball is thrown or headed into the end zone.

Options: •

Add goals and goalkeepers. Continue the sequence of throw, head, catch, but now the players try to head the ball into the other team’s net

Coach Notes:


Use your Head


Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

Four players, working in 2 teams; 1 ball. Number players (1-4); Players 1 & 2 are on one team, Players 3 & 4 on the other.

Up to 6 players, in 2 teams, plus 2 goalkeepers. Goals setup on each end of the field.

Instructions :

Instructions :

“Go!” – Player 1 holds the ball and serves it to Player 2, who tries to head it past Player 4 on the opposite side of the square. Then Player 4 serves the ball to Player 3, who tries to head it past Player 1. Continue until Players 2 & 3 have each headed the ball 3 times, then switch roles so that they become the servers and Players 1 & 4 head the ball. Rotate players frequently.

Allow players to head the ball past either opponent so they have to choose which goal to aim for. “No hands!” – goalkeepers cannot use their hands to save the ball; instead, they try to head their opponent’s shot back into the opponent’s goal.

Coach Notes:

“Go!” – proceed with a normal soccer game but players must pass the ball using their hands, and using the rules from the handball game. In order to score, the ball must be passed to a teammate and headed into the net.

Options: • •

Options: •

Handball Scrimmage

Rotate goalkeepers. The players with the ball have to pass the ball within 5 seconds of gaining possession. The final two passes must be headed

Coach Notes:


“Control” means using your feet and other parts of your body (except your arms and hands) to keep the ball close

Week 9 - Control

Warm up

4 Corner Circuit

Partner Pass Activity

Set Up:

Set Up:

• •

• •

Up to 12 players. Use cones, hurdles and/or flags to mark out a circuit, as shown. Modify the circuit depending on the equipment available. Players move through the circuit one at a time, supported by teammates stationed at the 4 corners (Players A, B, C, and D), each with a ball.

Instructions :

Instructions : •

“Go!” – move through the circuit as fast as you can. 1. Dribble the ball forward, then turn and pass to Player A. 2. Pivot and continue, jumping over the pole from side to side with your feet together, until you get to the end. 3. Receive a pass from Player B and dribble the ball in and out of 4 cones set wide apart, then set closer together. 4. Pass the ball to Player C. 5. Sprint forwards and jump over the hurdles with your feet together. 6. Receive a pass from Player D, then turn and dribble the ball in and out of the next cones. 7. Pass to Player A to finish. “Switch!” – when the first four players have finished the circuit, Players A-D line up for their turn, and new players take their place at the corners.

Coach Notes:

Options: •


Up to 12 players, working in pairs; 1 ball per pair. Use cones to mark out a circuit in the shape of a “W”, as shown. Players move through the circuit one at a time, supported by their partners.

Make it a race by timing players as they move through the circuit. The player with the best time wins! Praise those players who improve from one attempt to another. Challenge players by increasing (or decreasing) the distance between cones and/or hurdles at each station, and by having the players move in different ways (i.e. crawling under hurdles, hopping on one foot).

“Go!” – Player 1 starts by receiving a pass from Player 2 and passing it back. Then Player 2 follows with the ball on the outside while Player 1 moves through the circuit as quickly as possible, tracing the shape of the letter “W”: 1. Run to the first cone backwards. 2. Pivot and run forward to the next cone (the middle point of the “W”). Receive a pass from your partner and pass it back before moving on. Continue this pattern (backwards then forwards/pass) to the last cone, then shuffle sideways to the finish.

Options: •

Players dribble a ball through the circuit instead of receiving passes from their partners. Challenge players to pass with one touch (i.e. without controlling the ball first).


Through the Gate

Edge Work Game

Set Up:

Set Up:

• • •

Up to 12 players, working in pairs; 1 ball per pair.

Instructions : • •

Players start on opposite sides of the field with a gate in the middle. “Pass!” – start by passing the ball back and forth through the gate. When you receive a pass, use one foot to control it, then pass it back quickly with the other foot. “On the outside!” – Player 1 passes through the gate and Player 2 controls it on the first touch, and passes back outside the gate. Alternate using the inside and outside of each foot to control the ball.

Instructions : •

Options: •

“Throw in!” – Player 1 throws the ball to Player 2, who controls it with the foot, thigh, or chest before passing it back to their partner’s feet through the gate. Control the ball so that it moves across your body (e.g., left thigh to right foot). Add a goalkeeper to defend the gate.

Coach Notes:

Up to 12 players, in 2 equal teams. Number each player 1-6. Players start around the edge of the field (no players from the same team can stand next to each other).

“Go!” – the coach shouts out 2 numbers and the corresponding players run onto the field to play 2 v 2 and try to score on the other team’s goal. Players must make 3 consecutive passes before shooting on goal. The team with the most goals wins! “Switch!” – when the ball goes out of play or a goal is scored, call the next 2 numbers and continue until all players have had at least one turn.

Options: • •

Award an extra point if a team makes 5 consecutive passes. Allow players on the field to pass to teammates around the edge, and award a goal if all the players on one team get a touch without the opponent winning the ball. Add a goalkeeper at each end.

Coach Notes:


“Passing” means using your feet to get the ball to your teammates in a controlled way.

Week 10 - Passing In the Round Warm up


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players in a circle; enough balls for half the players randomly spaced around the playing area.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – players start running around the circle and perform tasks at the coach’s command: 1. Jump in the air and touch your feet with your hands. 2. Knees up and jog on the spot. 3. Hop around and over the balls without touching them. 4. Weave in and out of the balls without touching them.

Options: •


“Pass!” – run to a ball, find any partner and pass the ball back and forth 3 times. Leave the ball and keep running. “Volley!” – run to a ball, find any partner and throw the ball so he/she volleys it back with the foot or thigh. Drop the ball and keep running. Each player has a ball: dribble around the circle and perform different skills at the coach’s command: 1. Juggle with your foot or thigh. 2. Head it from your hands and catch it. 3. Jog in place while making alternate touches on the ball with the soles of your feet, etc

Three Corners

Up to 12 players, working in groups of 3; 1 ball per group.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – Player 1 passes along the sideline to Player 2, then runs to the empty corner. Player 2 receives the ball and passes along the sideline to Player 3 before running to the empty corner. Player 3 receives the ball and passes to Player 1, etc. Remember to use the side of your foot when passing. When you receive a pass, try to use just 2 touches: control the ball with one foot then pass back quickly with the other foot. “Switch feet!” – use your other foot to control and/or pass.

Options: • •

Allow a player to pass to either teammate before running to the open corner. Player 1 passes to the open corner and Player 2 runs to receive it. Player 2 passes to the open corner and Player 3 runs to receive it, etc.

Coach Notes:


Passing Partners


Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 12 players, working in pairs; 1 ball per pair.

Up to 12 players, in 2 equal teams; plus 2 goalkeepers.

Instructions :

Instructions :

“Go!” – pass the ball back and forth with your partner. Try to use only 2 touches each time: receive the ball and then pass it back quickly. Use one foot to pass, the other to receive. “Switch feet!” – use the opposite foot to pass and/or receive.

Passing for Points

“Go!” – proceed with a normal game, but players are limited to only three touches before they have to pass to a teammate. More than three touches means the other team gets the ball. Use kick-ins rather than throw-ins if the ball goes out of bounds.

Options: • •

How many times can you pass in 30 seconds? Add a gate between the players: Player 1 passes the ball through the gate and Player 2 receives the pass with one foot, then passes it back outside the gate with the other foot. Receive the pass using the outside of one foot and pass it back using the inside of the same foot.

Coach Notes:

Options: • •

Team scores an extra point if at least 3 players touch the ball before a shot on goal. The number of passes leading up to a goal adds to team’s total points (i.e. 3 passes before a goal equals 4 points).

Coach Notes:


Practicing the skills learned in Weeks 1-10 in controlled games with your teammates.

Week 11 - Games

Warm up

Diagonal Dribbling

3v2 to 4v3 Activity

Set Up:

Set Up:

Up to 8 players, each with a ball, working in pairs.

Instructions : • •

Partners start lined up at opposite corners. “Go!” – dribble towards your partner and use a feint* to dribble around and continue to the other corner. .

Options: • •

Have players use different moves (e.g. stepover**). One ball per pair: Player 1 starts with the ball and Player 2 comes out from the opposite corner to challenge for it. If Player 2 wins the ball, the next player in line at Player 1’s corner comes out to challenge, and so on. Add goals on each end line and have players try to score once they’ve won the ball.

Up to 12 players, in 2 teams; 1 goalkeeper per team. Team 1 starts as the attackers, with 3 players on the field. Team 2 starts as the defenders, with 2 players at the top of the penalty area, and 2 support players positioned wide at the halfway mark. Relief players wait behind their team’s goal.

Instructions : •

“Go!” – the Team 2 goalkeeper serves the ball to the Team 1 attackers, who dribble and pass the ball up the field and try to score. If Team 2 defenders win the ball, the 2 wide support players can join them as they try to score on Team 1’s goal, creating a 4 v 3 situation. “Switch!” – rotate players frequently, and restart the game with new attackers and defenders.


Coach Notes:

Introduce a time restriction, so that attackers must shoot on goal within 10 seconds of gaining possession of the ball.

Coach Notes:



Attack Zone Game


Set Up:

Set Up:

Five players (3 attackers, 2 defenders); 1 goalkeeper. Work on a half field, with 1 large goal, 2 small goals (or gates marked out by cones). Use small cones in a semi-circle to mark out the “attack” zone around the large goal.

• •

Instructions : •

Instructions : • •

The defenders start on opposite sides of the large goal. The attackers form a line between the small goals. “Go!” – a defender passes the ball to an attacker and both defenders run out on to the field to challenge for the ball. The attacker who receives the ball dribbles it into the attack zone and tries to score, supported by his/her 2 teammates.

Up to 6 players, in 2 teams, plus 2 goalkeepers. Goals setup on each end of the field. Multiple Field setup if numbers are large

“Go!” – proceed with a normal soccer game.

Options: • • • •

Rotate goalkeepers. The players with the ball have to pass the ball within 5 seconds of gaining possession. The final touch on a goal must be headed Any other options from previous games in this manual

Options: • •

If defenders win the ball, they can score on either small goal. Add another defender to create a 3 v 3 situation. The 3rd defender starts behind the attackers, and is “released” when the ball moves into the attack zone.

Coach Notes:

Coach Notes:


Free Footie Rules 2015 1. Game length 50 minutes

2. Players on the field 7 players plus one goalkeeper (3 girls minimum at all times) *If both teams agree, you can play 8 vs 8. This will make substitutions easier if you have 15 players on your team. You’ll have 2 lines of 7 kids +1 goalie. Switch the goalie at half time.*

3. Substitutions Every 3-4 minutes. Called by the Ref. All players MUST switch. *To make this easy, I suggest having two lines of kids. Designate 1 goalie on each line. To minimize time required to take off the goalie gloves and jersey during each changeover, just have 1 of the players wear the goalie gear in the first half and the other in the second. That will be easiest, unless you have some left over gear from a previous year so that you can have both goalies wear the gear.*

4. Offside Generally, we won’t call it if it’s close, but if you have a player hanging out by the net cherry picking all the time, the ref is going to call it. Don’t be that coach that has a player stand by the net, seriously, it’s not good for anyone.

5. Goal limit You are NOT allowed to score more than 5 goals above your opponent. If you do, the goals will go to the other team. Most teams are very good about understanding why we do this, however if we see a trend of you breaking this rule in your games, which we did with some teams last year, we will be calling your school and questioning why you are doing this in a league that is strictly for FUN!

6. Respect There is never a reason good enough to get in an argument with another coach or to yell at a player. It’s for fun – let it go. Please worry about your team’s behavior and not the other team. If everyone does that, we’ll be fine. Again, most teams and coaches are very, very good in this respect. However, last year we had a few teams and coaches take the games way too seriously. Remember, if it’s not acceptable in the classroom, it’s not acceptable on the field.

7. Show Refs some love The refs are volunteers, all of them. Many of them are accredited refs who are turning down paid work to volunteer for your game. Never, ever say anything to the ref that isn’t positive and that doesn’t end with a big thank you for giving your time. Full stop. This was unfortunately a problem last year as well. Any reports of this in 2015 will lead to a ban of the school’s coach.


Resources Thank you to John Clubb of the Alberta Soccer Association for pulling all this material together.

The content of the coaching guide has been borrowed from the following sources:

A) Canada Soccer Pathway: Coach’s Tool Kit – Stage Two - Fundamentals B)Canada Soccer Pathway: Coach’s Tool Kit – Stage Three - Learning to Train


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