K X Fire by Mark Willcox

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MARK WILLCOX An Exhibition Commemorating the 21st Anniversary of the King’s Cross Underground Fire. With special thanks to Erwina A-Ghafar and Novas Arts, Freehand Design & Marketing. For further information go to: www.markwillcox.co.uk email:markwillcoxbtinternet.com@btinternet.com Š2008 Mark Willcox.

Front Cover: Turnerushour (from Rush Hour) Below: Fire Dance

Below: Flashpoint

Overleaf: Two Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion Right: Fire Escape Below: Ticket Hall Melt

Mark Willcox became sight-impaired in an

The artworks in this exhibition have been

Mark Willcox is a Fellow of the Royal Society

accident at the age of 18. In spite of this he

created as a commemoration, in response

of Arts, a Fellow of the Chartered Society of

graduated in the visual arts and had a multi

to his memories of that night and thoughts

Designers and an Affiliate Member of the

award-winning career in design. He now

of ‘what might have been’, after the

British Institute of Professional Photographers.

works as an artist dealing with contemporary

realisation earlier this year, that 2008 is the

He is associated with and co-manages

urban themes and uses photography

21st anniversary – a sad ‘Coming of Age’ -

Liverpool Contemporary Artists, a network of

extensively as a medium

of this tragic event.

creative practitioners in Merseyside.

On 18 November 1987 a massive fire engulfed Kings Cross London Underground station, killing 31 people. Mark Willcox left the station only a few minutes before it went up in flames

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