五种感官 的感恩 5 Senses Thanksgiving
如果我们暂停片刻来感 恩,每天都充满了快乐 时刻。这个感恩锻炼, 是透过我们的五种基本 感官所感觉的事物来做 的。
Every day is filled with happy moments that we can pause and acknowledge. This thanksgiving exercise is based on what we perceive through our five senses.
视觉:有很多美丽的事物可以观赏,不论 是树木、花朵等大自然景色,艺术品或建 筑物等人类创作,很久不见的一位朋友, 或是远离后返回家门。
在你今天的人生旅途上,你见 过哪些令人愉悦的景象呢? 为它们感谢吧。 Sight: Many things are beautiful, whether natural sights such as trees and flowers, created works such as art and architecture, or the sight of a friend or home. What pleasurable sights lined your path today? Be thankful for them.
听觉:鸟儿的啼鸣、音乐的旋 律,或是电话里传来所爱之人 的声音,都能为你带来笑容。 今天有哪些声音曾为你带来喜 悦呢?为它们感谢吧。
Hearing: The warble of birds, the sound of music, or a loved one’s voice on the phone can bring a smile. What were the sounds that brought you pleasure today? Be thankful for them.
味觉:回想一下你今 天吃喝了些什么东西。 你喜欢哪些味道和有 口感的食物呢?为它 们感谢吧。
Taste: Think back over what you ate and drank today. What flavors and textures did you enjoy? Be thankful for them.
嗅觉:嗅觉能唤起人们的联想。刚除草的清 新气息,会让我们想起夏天;某种香水或古 龙香水,会让我们想起所爱之人或一位朋友; 闻到某种食物的气味,会让我们想起以前曾 到过的地方和曾有过的经历。 你今天曾闻过什么好的气味呢?它们让你想 起什么美好愉快的思绪呢?为它们感谢吧。 Smell: Freshly mown grass reminds us of summer; a certain perfume or cologne may remind us of a loved one or friend; the smell of a certain food can conjure up places and experiences from our past. What good smells came your way today? What happy thoughts did they trigger? Be thankful for them.
触觉:我们的生活充满了接触的经验。我们梳 理头发时感受到头发的柔顺。我们手拿一杯温 热的茶。在热天里,我们用凉水溅湿我们的脸。 感谢你有触觉,今天你有什么特别的体验?为 它们感谢吧。
Touch: Our days are filled with touch. We brush our hair and feel its softness. We hold a mug of warm tea. We splash cool water on our face on a hot day. What special experiences did you have today thanks to your sense of touch? Be thankful for them.
凡事谢恩。 In everything give thanks.
Created by www.freekidstories.org. Photo credits: pg 1 – Peter Dahlgren via Flickr; Pg 2 – David Hilgart via Flickr; page 3 (bottom left) – Jean Schweitzer via Flickr; page 7 (top) – Lars Plougman via Flickr, (bottom) – Microsoft Clipart; Page 8 – Miika Silfverberg via Flickr. All other photos in public domain.