So Many Things to Learn
Books in the series: 1 Tommy and Meg
7 Tommy and Meg Pray
2 We Are Friends
8 The Things We Like Best
3 I Like Fun
9 At the Park
4 Time to Play
10 So Many Things to Learn
5 Big Cars and Little Cars
11 We Like to Laugh
6 Family
12 Happy Days
Tommy and Meg can learn so much. They want to learn about many things. They love to learn.
Can a dog be green? No, a dog is not green. But a car can be green.
Is a ball red? Yes, a ball can be red, or it can be blue, but their ball at the park was red.
Meg wants the doll or the ball to be blue. She can have fun. “I am good at it,� she says.
“Blue is best here,” she says. “Look, my doll has a blue top on with lines. Now she looks like me!”
Tommy wants his dog to be red. “That is good,” says Meg. “But do we see dogs that are all red?”
“No,” says Tommy. “We do not. No red for that dog then! Thank you, Meg, for that help.”
Now the children say they want to go out to the little park for a time of play. They all want to go together.
Meg is out here on the big line. Now Tommy wants to be there too with Meg. Good! “Let’s play together,” they say.
Do you see them on the line? The friends pray and then they run. They can run on top of the line together!
The children are so fast. Can you run fast like they do?
Jesus helps them learn about so many fun things. They can do so much. Do you love to learn too?
When you talk to Jesus, He can help you. We can thank Jesus for His help to learn about so many things!
“We have a time when we learn and we have our time for fun,” Meg says. “But when I learn, it is so much fun too!”
“Yes,” says Tommy. “I am happy when I learn. It is fun to learn to do things.”
new words learn want green No not or wants
Blue top on lines help line helps
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