耶稣的生活_儿童故事书 - The Life of Jesus for Children

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Jesus is born in Bethlehem


The angel Gabriel told the virgin Mary that she would have a son, Jesus. Shortly before Jesus was born, His mother Mary and her husband Joseph had traveled to Bethlehem to be counted in a census. While they were there, Mary gave birth to Jesus.

天使加百列告诉处女马利 亚,她会生一个儿子耶稣。

在耶稣快出生前,他的母亲 马利亚和她的丈夫约瑟,跋 涉到伯利恒接受强制的人口 普查。当他们到达伯利恒 时,耶稣诞生下了。


The Three Wise Men


When Jesus was born, a large star appeared over Bethlehem. The star was seen by wise men in the East who, believing it portended a king’s birth in Israel, traveled to Bethlehem. When the wise men found Jesus, they knelt down and worshipped Him. They then gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

当耶稣出生时,一颗明亮的 星星出现在伯利恒上方。东 方智者看见了这颗星,他们 相信它预示了一位在以色列 诞生的王,便旅行到伯利恒。 他们看到了耶稣和他的母亲 玛利亚,就俯伏在地上朝拜 他。然后,他们打开了自己 的礼物,献上了黄金、乳香、 没药。

Jesus as a young child visits the Temple


When Jesus was about 12 years of age, He visited the Temple in Jerusalem, the capital city of the land of Judah. While at the Temple, Jesus spoke about God and about the Scriptures. His knowledge impressed the people who were in the Temple that day.

当耶稣大约12岁时,参观 了位于以色列首府耶路撒 冷的圣殿。在圣殿里,耶 稣谈论上帝和圣经。他的 知识给那天在圣殿里的人 留下了深刻印象。


Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist


When Jesus had reached the age of about 30, it was nearly time for Him to begin His ministry. But first He went to John the Baptist and was baptized in the Jordan River.

当耶稣大约30岁,差不多开 始他的职事的时候,他首先 去拜访施洗约翰,他的亲戚, 并在约旦河受洗。

Jesus talks of God’s love and plan of salvation


Jesus explained to Nicodemus what a person must do to have salvation and eternal life. Jesus said, “God loves the world so much that He gave His only Son, and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.”

耶稣向尼哥底母解释一个人必须 做什么,才能得到救赎与永生。

耶稣说, “上帝非常爱世人, 他甚至献出了自己唯一的儿子, 以便使每一个信仰他(儿子)的 人不会灭亡,而获永生。”

Jesus tells a Samaritan woman about the “living water”

耶稣告诉一位撒玛利亚妇 女关于“活水”

As Jesus and His followers traveled through Samaria, Jesus took a rest near a well. There He met a Samaritan woman and spoke to her about the “water of life.” In this discussion with the Samaritan woman, Jesus showed that the Word of God was meant to be shared with men and women, Jews and non-Jews —a very radical idea in those times.

当耶稣和他的随从者穿越 撒马利亚时,耶稣在一口 井边休息。他在井边遇到 一位撒玛利亚妇人,便和 她谈论“活水”。在与撒 玛利亚妇人讨论时,耶稣 表明上帝的话语是给大家 同享的。

Jesus gives the Sermon on the Mount


Mid-way through His ministry, which lasted about three and a half years, Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. During the sermon Jesus said that He is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and promises, that people should forgive their enemies and settle disputes quickly, and that we all need a savior.

在他持续大约3年半的传道过了 一半时,耶稣传讲登山宝训。这 一讲道是有史以来被背诵过最多 次、最为人所记得的训诲,也是 历史上最家喻户晓的演讲。在这 篇讲道里,耶稣说他来是要成全 旧约的预言和许诺;人类应该原 谅他们的敌人并应该很快解决彼 此之间的纷争;我们全需要一位 救主。

Jesus brings back to life Jairus’ daughter

耶稣使管会堂的人的女儿起 死回生

A ruler of the people came to Jesus and said that his daughter had just died. Jesus and His disciples went to the ruler’s home and saw a gathering of mourners. Jesus told the mourners to leave the house. After the mourners had left, Jesus took the girl by the hand and the girl rose up, alive.

一位管会堂的人来见耶稣并 说他的女儿刚刚死了。耶稣 和他的门徒去管会堂的人家 里,看见许多哀悼者聚集在 一起。耶稣请那些哀悼者离 开。在那些哀悼者离开后, 耶稣拉起女孩的手,女孩便 站起来,她活过来了。


Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

Jesus received word that His friend, Lazarus, was seriously ill. A few days later, Jesus traveled to Lazarus’ town, where he was told Lazarus had been dead for four days. Jesus went to the tomb and called out for Lazarus. Lazarus rose back to life and walked out of his tomb.

耶稣使拉撒路从死里复活 有一天,耶稣听到他的朋 友拉撒路病得很严重时。 几天后,耶稣来到拉撒路 所住的小镇,有人告诉他 拉撒路已死了四天。 耶稣来到坟墓前,呼叫拉 撒路出来,拉撒路就复活 了,并起身从他的坟墓走 出来。

Jesus is crucified


The Jewish leaders conspired with Judas, one of Jesus’ followers, to arrange Jesus’ arrest. Jesus died for us. He loved us so much that He gave His life for you and me.

犹太人领袖与犹大,耶稣的 一位跟随者密谋逮捕耶稣。 耶稣为我们死了。为了爱和 拯救我们,他甚至不惜献出 了自己的生命。


Jesus Lives!


After Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried, He rose again. Jesus visited His disciples and told them to go into the world and preach the Word of God. After talking to His disciples, Jesus was taken into Heaven. Angels appeared and promised that in the same way that Jesus had been taken, He will return!

在耶稣被钉死十字架、被安 葬三天三夜后,他复活了。 在耶稣向他的门徒显现并告 诉他们到全世界传播上帝的 话语之后,他被接升天。然 后天使出现并许诺,耶稣怎 样升天,他也要怎样回来!

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