Dario de nicola – webdeveloper

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FREELANCER INSIDES Dario De Nicola – Web Developer

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Don't stop your imagination!

Dario De Nicola 1) Firstly, can you tell us bit about yourself! My name is Dario De Nicola, i am a web developer from South of Italy. I have 10 years experience as php, asp, mysql, sql, javascript, jquery, html, css developer. I’m a freelancer for 7 years in which I’ve lived in different regions of Italy. Actually I live in the country near Perugia in the middle of Italy. I am technical manager of a new Italian music social network www.ingiro.net, next year I will be starting the 2.0 version with new socialite oriented features.

Dario De Nicola 2) If you would search for your profile on Google, which are the three keywords you would type in the search bar? php jquery developer

Dario De Nicola 3) What was your inspiration and when did you actually decide to become a freelancer? I became freelance to feel free to manage my time in the several passions I have, like music, reading, programming. But not only. I think being a freelancer makes you to improve faster your experience and knowledge, because the competition encourage you to stay updated with new technologies on the web.

Dario De Nicola 4) What kind of services have your clients asked you to provide? I worked for my clients on creating simple and complex customized CMS, E-Commerce websites, instant win web system.

Dario De Nicola 5) Do you use other freelancers or companies to provide skills that you don’t possess? Of course, union is more strength than one! I have some collaborations with other freelancer I’ve met during last years.

Dario De Nicola 6) Now tell us, how do you find new clients that are interested in your services? Fortunately, from last year I’m not searching in new clients, because I had project assigned from a good number of clients. However I have profile on some social and business networks like freelancermap, LinkedIn.

Dario De Nicola 7) What about freelancermap.com? Can you tell us a little bit about your experience with our IT-network? I haven’t had yet the opportunity to work on some of the projects published on your network, but I’ve read a lot of interesting job and professional experience , i think freelancermap is a very powerful service for freelancer world. I can’t say anymore, I have only to have more experience on your network.

Dario De Nicola 8) How do you set yourself apart from your competitors? What makes you special? I’m sure my best quality is clean code, high precisions in every details and a very good problem solving attitude.

Dario De Nicola 9) What are the top three books, blogs or magazines you read to stay up to date in the IT-market? www.html.it, www.stackoverflow.com, www.phpclasses.org

Dario De Nicola 10) Freestyle! Is there anything you would like to tell our readers? Don’t stop your imagination!

Further freelancer interviews available on http://www.freelancermap.com/channel/19-news.html Contact freelancermap.com Contact person: Doreen Schollmeier - International Affairs Mail: info@freelancermap.com Skype: doreen.schollmeier Phone: +49-911-37750286 facebook: www.facebook.com/freelancermapInternational Twitter: freelancer_INT

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Contact: info@freelancermap.com

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