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Fees and Contributions

Annual Dues payable 269. There shall be payable to the Fund of General Purposes annual dues in respect of each of its members by every Lodge (i) in England and Wales that is unattached, (ii) in a Metropolitan Area or a Province, (iii) in a District and (iv) abroad not in a District of such respective amounts as shall be fi xed for each calendar year by resolution of the Grand Lodge in the preceding June. Provided that any Lodge in a Metropolitan Area, Province, District or Group that is from time to time determined by the Board of General Purposes to be a Lodge the membership of which is restricted to Brethren who are Installed Masters but which is otherwise open without further restriction to all Brethren either within the relevant Metropolitan Area, Province, District or Group, or within a group of Lodges linked together by a common purpose or affi liation, shall pay annual dues in respect of those Brethren only who are not members of any other Lodge, and in the case of a Brother who is a member only of one or more such Lodges restricted to Installed Masters the Lodge of which he has been longest a member shall alone pay annual dues in respect of him. Such a Brother shall pay, by way of annual subscription, an additional amount equal to the dues payable in respect of him by such Lodge, but such additional amount shall be disregarded in determining for the purposes of Rule 145 whether all the members of the Lodge entitled to the same privileges pay the same subscription.

Fees payable to Fund of General Purposes 270. Fees shall be payable to the Fund of General Purposes in respect of (a) the Registration of 1. A Grand Offi cer, present and past, on fi rst appointment 2. A Deputy or Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master or a Metropolitan Grand Inspector (under Rule 60)

3. A Deputy or Assistant Provincial or District Grand Master (under Rule 66) 4. A holder of Overseas Grand Rank (under Rule 93) 5. A Mason, inclusive of Grand Lodge Certifi cate (initiation, or joining from a Lodge not under the Grand Lodge) (i) in a Lodge in England and Wales that is unattached (ii) in a Lodge in a Metropolitan Area or a Province (iii) in a Lodge in a District (iv) in a Lodge abroad not under a District (b) the replacement or amendment of a Grand Lodge Certifi cate (c) a certifi cate for a Serving Brother (d) a Dispensation by the Grand Master of such respective amounts as shall be fi xed for each calendar year by resolution of the Grand Lodge in the preceding June.

Fees payable for Patents, Warrants etc. 270A. Fees shall be payable to the Fund of General Purposes for a Warrant for a new Lodge or Warrant of Confi rmation, a Warrant or Warrant of Confi rmation for a Centenary Jewel or a Bi-Centenary Bar, Certifi cate of Amalgamation, and Enfacements (alterations) to any of these documents, of such amounts (based on the cost of producing the documents) as shall be published in the Board of General Purposes’ Report to the Grand Lodge in March of each year to take eff ect from the fi rst day of April immediately following. 270B. (a) The dues payable to the Fund of General Purposes under Rule 269 and the Annual Contributions payable to The Masonic Charitable Foundation under Rule 271 shall be reduced by 50 per cent in respect of any Brother initiated in the Lodge who was at any

time during the relevant year under the age of twenty-fi ve and his subscription to the Lodge shall be reduced accordingly, but such reduction shall be disregarded in determining for the purposes of Rule 145 whether all the members of the Lodge entitled to the same privileges pay the same subscription. (b) The fees payable under Rule 270 shall be reduced by 50 per cent in respect of any Brother under the age of twenty-fi ve.

Fees payable to the Masonic Charitable Foundation 271. There shall be payable to The Masonic Charitable Foundation by every Lodge in a Metropolitan Area or a Province or in England and Wales that is unattached in respect of each of its members annual contributions of not less than such amount as shall be fi xed for each calendar year by resolution of the Grand Lodge in the preceding June. (No payment is due in respect of members of Lodges Overseas). Provided that any Lodge in a Metropolitan Area or Province that is from time to time determined by the Board of General Purposes to be a Lodge the membership of which is restricted to Brethren who are Installed Masters but which is otherwise open without further restriction to all Brethren either within the relevant Metropolitan Area or Province, or within a group of Lodges linked together by a common purpose or affi liation, shall pay annual contributions in respect of those Brethren only who are not members of any other Lodge, and in the case of a Brother who is a member only of one or more such Lodges restricted to Installed Masters the Lodge of which he has been longest a member shall alone pay the annual contribution in respect of him. Such a Brother shall pay, by way of annual subscription, a further additional amount equal to the annual contribution payable in respect of him by such Lodge, but such additional amount shall be disregarded in determining for the purposes of Rule 145 whether all the members of the Lodge entitled to the same privileges pay the same subscription.

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