The new Pro Grand
‘Be humble’ and ‘seize the day’ were painted on two small decorative rocks given to me by my predecessor, RW Bro Willie Shackell, when I took over from him as Grand Secretary five years ago. Unbelievably, the time has flown by and this shall be my last Grand Secretary’s (and Grand Scribe E’s) welcome column having retired gracefully to the back benches. I hope I have lived up to his expectations in both respects. Not for the faint-hearted is a role that combines so many different facets and demands, and as I hand on to my successor, I wish him and the staff at Freemasons’ Hall the best of luck and my most sincere good wishes for the future.
Considering, for a moment, how Freemasonry has evolved over the past five years, I wish to extend my thanks to all those who have given so much of themselves to improve the perception of the Craft, and its administration, and am delighted with the public profile we now enjoy. It’s extraordinary to think of how we were portrayed and represented in the media such a short time ago, and how far we have come.
Often, so many who contribute to the day-to-day running of the Craft, from members of the board, working parties, the staff and, of course, members in our Provinces and Districts overseas, do so without thanks or recognition from the wider membership. Freemasonry would be much the poorer without their hard work and I pay tribute to their efforts on your behalf, without which we would be a much more modest organisation. In May, I was fortunate enough to travel overseas on my final trip as Grand Secretary. It is a constant source of jealousy with my NHS colleagues that my role enabled me to travel and meet so many wonderful people who I might never otherwise have known.
Africa was my destination on this occasion – Orange Free State and Zambia.
A whistle-stop tour of both Districts and a wonderfully warm welcome reminded me that UGLE is a truly global organisation. Remember our international presence and brethren when you are travelling abroad, and if you are able to slip away for an evening, it is always well worth a visit. So rarely is one able to discover a local take on the places we visit, but our Districts provide a fabulous wealth of knowledge.
Another passion of mine has been the high ceremonial that I have been lucky enough to witness and be a part of. No other Grand Lodge in the world manages ceremonial like UGLE and again, as I disappear out the door, I thank, on your behalf, the Grand Director of Ceremonies and his team for all that they do at home and abroad to maintain the very high standards for which we are renowned. Despite how easy they make it look, we all know the hard work and time it takes to develop and exhibit such polish, without which we would, again, be the poorer.
September marks a very special time in the history of UGLE. How the new Pro Grand Master, RW Bro Jonathan Spence, chooses to represent the MW Grand Master and lead the Craft, and the decisions he makes now will have wide-reaching effects not only for English Freemasonry, but for the whole Craft across the world. I wish him wisdom and patience in the discharge of his important Trust, knowing he will conduct himself with skill and integrity.
The installation of a new Pro Grand Master marks another chapter in a more than 300-year history of a truly unique institution and from what I have been privileged to see, especially with regard to the new strategy, this fresh chapter promises to be a fabulously exciting time.
Such opportunities are few and far between, and while UGLE will always be there to offer advice and guidance, it is up to you, our members, to carry forward who we are and what we do to the world – and, most importantly, why you enjoy Freemasonry.
So, be proud of your Freemasonry, as I am. Be thoughtful of members who need our help and continue to look after the communities from which we are drawn, as we did so well during the pandemic. May your God go with you in your daily lives, be beside you in times of trouble and hardship, may he look kindly upon your efforts at home and at work, and may he continue to preserve the Queen and the Craft.
Dr David Staples Past Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe EThe official journal of the United Grand Lodge of England Issue 59 – Autumn 2022
Editor Donna Hardie
Editorial Panel Michelle Worvell, Shaun Butler, Guy Roberts, Martin Cherry, Julian Perry (Culture editor)
Published by Sunday, 207 Union Street, London SE1 0LN,
for the United Grand Lodge of England, Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ
Editorial Manager Shaun Butler
Freemasonry Today, Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ
Advertising contact Gaynor Garton
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© United Grand Lodge of England 2022. The opinions herein are those of the authors or persons interviewed only and do not reflect the views of the United Grand Lodge of England or Sunday.
SupremeGrandChapte r
3 From the Past Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe E
Dr David Staples welcomes you to the autumn issue
6 Provincial and District news
The 1723 Constitutions, plus Bedfordshire’s new Scout hut and the Peter Lowndes golf day in Cyprus
40 The interview
As he prepares to take over as Pro Grand Master of UGLE, Jonathan Spence talks of his hopes for Freemasonry
44 Driving force
Cumberland and Westmorland Freemasons take aid to Ukraine
48 Beacons and brotherhood
Lighting the Platinum Jubilee beacon at Freemasons’ Hall
52 Inventing the future
Museum of Freemasonry’s new exhibition
54 Brothers past The life of librarian Henry Sadler
58 Quarterly Communication
Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes looks back at 50 years of Freemasonry
60 Solomon New module Welcome Companion
66 The Supreme Grand Chapter
The new Royal Arch Membership and Communications Working Party Culture
68 Books, reviewed by you
71 Charity and the Craft
How the MCF and Freemasons support members and their families nationwide
77 Home and abroad
UGLE Lodges around the world
80 Your tweets
82 Thēsauros
The fascinating and unusual
Although attributed to James Anderson, The 1723 Constitutions was in fact a collaborative effort. Dr Ric Berman continues his series on the tercentenary of Freemasonry’s rule book, and, on p8, looks at how Freemasons led the charge towards greater Enlightenment
Freemasonry’s 1723 Constitutions are known widely as ‘Anderson’s Constitutions’, but the authorship was not the work of James Anderson alone. George Payne and Jean Theophilus Desaguliers were closely involved, with Desaguliers held to be the driving force.
Born in 1683 near La Rochelle in France to a Huguenot family that fled the country the same year, Desaguliers was brought up in London in relative poverty. He was educated at his father’s ‘French School’ in Islington and subsequently at Bishop Vesey’s School in Sutton Coldfield.
He was exceptionally bright and in 1705 was admitted to Christ Church, Oxford, as a relatively mature servitor scholar.
At Oxford, Desaguliers read divinity and natural philosophy. His tutor, John Keill, was a Fellow of the Royal Society and introduced him to its president, Sir Isaac Newton, and to the Duke of Chandos, one of England’s wealthiest men. Newton’s sponsorship led to Desaguliers’ election as a Fellow, with his fees waived ‘in consideration of his great usefulness to the Royal Society’. And in Chandos Desaguliers secured a well-connected, wealthy patron.
Desaguliers made his living in part through scientific demonstrations and lectures. Science was starting to reach popular culture and interest in scientific theories had spread beyond Oxbridge and the Royal Society to coffee houses and taverns. Desaguliers’ experiments and talks entertained as well as informed, demonstrating the effects of electricity, the physical properties of gases, optics, and the orbits of the planets.
As a member of the newly formed Grand Lodge and its Grand Master in 1719, Desaguliers was a pivotal figure in Freemasonry. His Masonic status gave him influence and he reworked Freemasonry’s Charges and altered English Ritual to bring in new Enlightenment philosophical concepts. He also promoted Masonic benevolence, helped to develop a governance structure for Freemasonry, oversaw the introduction of lectures at Lodge meetings, and introduced (or, as he put it, ‘revived’) the ‘ancient toasts’ at Lodge dinners.
George Payne was born in Chester in 1685. Although he did not attend university, his younger brother, Thomas, did – matriculating at Christ Church, Oxford, where he knew Desaguliers. Both were servitor scholars, both studied divinity, and both were ordained as deacons.
Payne moved from Chester to London in around 1711 to take the position of clerk in the Leather Office in St Martin’s Lane, part of the Taxes Office, a job obtained through family connections. His name and address feature in classified advertisements as one of several locations where tickets to Desaguliers’ lectures and copies of his ‘catalogue of experiments’ could be obtained. The date of the advertisements, 1713, confirms that Desaguliers and Payne knew each other before Desaguliers moved to London.
Payne was employed in the Taxes Office for 40 years, eventually becoming secretary to the tax commissioners. He also held several profitable sinecures, some of which were obtained through the patronage of the Duke of Richmond.
When it came to Freemasonry, Payne was the second and fourth Grand Master of Grand Lodge (in 1718 and 1720), and was subsequently Senior Grand Warden (1724) and Deputy Grand Master (1735). He was also the Duke of Richmond’s deputy at the Horn Tavern Lodge, No. IV, and in 1749 was Master of the influential King’s Arms Lodge in the Strand – now the Old King’s Arms, No. 28.
Payne’s commitment to Freemasonry is evident throughout his Masonic career, both inside and outside Grand Lodge, where he sat on key committees and stood in as acting Grand Master in 1735.
Payne’s death in 1757 generated short obituaries in the press that referred to his years of Crown service, but his principal legacy was his influence in moulding English Freemasonry.
James Anderson was born in 1679 in Aberdeen and was ordained into the Church of Scotland in 1707. He moved to London to take up a ministry at the Glasshouse Street congregation at the eastern end of Piccadilly, and thereafter at the Presbyterian church in nearby Swallow Street in 1710.
Anderson is regarded by many as pivotal to the birth of modern Freemasonry. However, it would be wrong to view him as the fulcrum on which Grand Lodge and Freemasonry turned. Anderson was not the sole author of The 1723 Constitutions, nor its instigator, nor was he responsible for its most important components. (He was, however, the sole author of The 1738 Constitutions, but the contents of that book were partly rejected and replaced by a Grand Lodge-approved edition in 1756.)
The key components of The 1723 Constitutions were the Charges and General Regulations, written by Desaguliers and Payne respectively. Anderson’s role was to compile the traditional history of Freemasonry and to serve as a ‘hired pen’ under Desaguliers’ direction and that of the publishers, John Senex and John Hooke.
The preamble to The 1723 Constitutions underlines this. Dedicated to the Duke of Montagu and written by Desaguliers, the dedication indicates that ‘the author’, Anderson, had ‘compared and made everything agreeable to History and Chronology’. The absence of any reference to the Charges and Regulations is significant and emphasises that these were not produced by Anderson. Indeed, the Charges are significantly at odds with Anderson’s personal religious beliefs, something displayed in The 1738 Constitutions
Anderson is identified as ‘the author of this book’ almost as an afterthought on page 74 in a line hidden in the middle of the second page of the Approbations. This stands in contrast to the co-publishers, Senex and Hooke, whose names appear prominently on the front page, to Desaguliers, who personally signs the dedication, and to Payne, who compiled the General Regulations.
Had Anderson undertaken a more substantive role, it would have been more conventional for him to receive recognition with his name on the frontispiece and an acknowledgement in the introduction. In fact, according to Anderson’s own record, he was instructed by ‘His Grace and Grand Lodge’ to ‘digest the Gothic Constitutions’ and a committee was afterwards appointed to examine the manuscript.
On 22 March 1722, after ‘perusal and corrections’ by the past and current Deputy Grand Masters, John Beale and John Desaguliers, ‘and of other learned brethren’, the volume was presented to Montagu for formal endorsement.
Jean Theophilus Desaguliers (pictured left) and George Payne were co-authors of The 1723 ConstitutionsThe Enlightenment refers in broad terms to a philosophy that emerged in northern Europe in the late 17th and early 18th century. Its defi ning characteristics include a belief in reason, personal liberty, and the search for knowledge through scientific method and rational observation.
It was – and is – a philosophy sceptical of political, social and religious diktat, expressed, for example, by absolute monarchy and hereditary aristocracy, and the unwillingness of established religious authorities to face questions – a criticism
levelled at the Catholic Church in particular. Enlightenment values embrace religious tolerance, constitutional government, civic responsibility, meritocracy and the promotion of the societal and personal advantages that flow from courtesy, charity, education and self-improvement.
The Grand Lodge of England adopted and promoted these values, a process that began visibly with the publication of The 1723 Constitutions with its reworked Charges and Regulations and its adoption of a reformulated Masonic Ritual.
Masonic values are frequently summarised as the three Grand Principles of ‘Brotherly Love’, ‘Relief’ and ‘Truth’. In this context, Brotherly Love can be considered a shorthand expression for the promotion and practice of consideration for others, that is, for mankind or humanity. Relief is the promotion and practice of benevolence and charity: not simply relieving poverty but also ‘distress’ or suffering more generally. And Truth refers to
education and improving an understanding of both the world and oneself, whereby Freemasons are encouraged to focus on the ‘advantages of education, by which means alone we are rendered fit members of regularly organised society’.
The 1723 Charges, Regulations and Ritual lie at the heart of modern Freemasonry. And the intellectual and philosophical ideas expounded in the 18th century embedded Enlightenment principles within the Craft.
Eighteenth-century Freemasonry was also associated closely with education and science. A crossover in membership with the Royal Society and the prominent position of Jean Theophilus Desaguliers and other leading scientists and Fellows of the Royal Society led to some Lodges becoming forums for education and debate. Scientific lectures were fashionable at the time and a powerful draw for the aspirational, whether gentry or more middling. Historians have described such lectures as ‘the theatre of the upper classes’, although this underplays the role of 18th-century science in beginning the process of revolutionising agriculture and industry.
Natural philosophers such as Desaguliers, described as arguably the most successful scientific lecturer of the century, applied science to commercial problems and developed ideas to generate income. This was integral to wealth creation and gave momentum to Britain’s innovations in agriculture, mining and its nascent manufacturing industries. But Newtonian science was more than just utilitarian. It also had philosophical dimensions. Desaguliers’ success in delivering lectures across Europe represented the ascendancy of Newtonianism with its emphasis on rational scientific observation and a universe governed by comprehensible laws rather than Descartes’ ‘innate knowledge’ and the religious diktat of the established church.
And Newtonianism also championed constitutional government over autocracy, something made clear in Desaguliers’ allegorical poem, The Newtonian System of the World –The Best Model of Government, which begins:
In Ancient Times, ere Bribery began To taint the Heart of undesigning Man, Ere Justice yielded to be bought and sold, When Senators were made by Choice, not Gold, Ere the Cunning were accounted Wise, And Kings began to see with other’s Eyes…
Although only a small number of early 18th-century Lodge minutes survive, those that do provide evidence that it was customary in at least some lodges for members, whether hobbyists or professionals, to share their knowledge via lectures ‘in such of the Sciences as shall be thought to be most agreeable to the Society’.
An unambiguous example is the Lodge at the King’s Arms in the Strand, which was renowned for its lectures and for promoting ‘the grand design in a general conversation’. The earliest extant Minute Book covers 1733-56 and records 36 lectures in the decade to 1743. Seven concerned human physiology, some of which included dissections; six, ethics; five, architecture; and three, ‘industrial processes’. Nine examined different scientific inventions, techniques and apparatus, while others explored a broad range of topics from art and history to mathematics.
In addition to Martin Clare, a leading educator and mathematician, members of the King’s Arms included surgeon William Graeme and fellow physicians Edward Hody and James Douglas. All were Fellows of the Royal Society.
Clare’s philosophical approach to education is set out in his Discourse, a speech given to the Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge on 11 December 1735:
‘The chief pleasure of society – viz., good conversation and the consequent improvements –are rightly presumed… to be the principal motive of our fi rst entering into then propagating the Craft… We are intimately related to those great and worthy spirits who have ever made it their business and aim to improve themselves and inform mankind. Let us then copy their example that we may also hope to attain a share in their praise.’
Other Lodges had similar programmes. Lectures were held at the Lodge of Friendship meeting at the Shakespeare’s Head in Little Marlborough Street, where Clare spoke in 1737. Eight lectures were given the following year, with topics ranging from astronomy to optics, and further lectures in 1739-41. Lectures were also given in the provinces, including at the Nag’s Head in Carmarthen, South Wales, the Saracen’s Head in Lincoln, and at Warrington’s Lodge of Lights.
Desaguliers’ experiment showing that prismatic colours cannot be split further, London, 1747
Images: Alamy‘Desaguliers, described as arguably the most successful scientific lecturer of the century, applied science to commercial problems’
Early on the morning of 16 July 2022, a buzz of anticipation was building around Derby Masonic Hall. The day had been months in the planning, as was evident by the excited tones of the voices I heard during the short walk up to the Masonic Hall from the main road.
We are talking, of course, about the long-awaited consecration of Nomads Rugby Lodge, No. 10015. Inside the hall that morning, I am reliably informed that rehearsals were underway by 7.30am as the bacon sizzled on the grill in the vast kitchens below. This was the reward for those braving the warm morning to have one final run-through before kick-off.
By 9am, the building was teeming with Freemasons from numerous Provinces, each one excited by what was to come. The consecration of a Lodge is a historic event and I am ashamed to say that this was the first I had attended in my seven years as a Freemason.
As we prepared to head into the main Temple, there were lots of discussions around the day’s events, as well as more than one last, curious glance towards phones for the latest score from the New Zealand v Ireland game. As news of a surprise Irish victory trickled through the assembled Freemasons, we made our way into the Lodge Room.
I cannot speak more highly of the consecration ceremony and the smooth running of the event by all involved, with a special shout-out for Julie Foster in the Derbyshire Provincial Office. I will avoid ruining it for those who haven’t had the pleasure of attending a consecration yet, but my advice is simple – see one!
Attending the ceremony for the first time was one thing, but watching it delivered by the new Pro Grand Master made it even more special.
The event was like a who’s who of Freemasonry, with three Provincial Grand Masters installed as Officers of the Lodge.
Steven Varley, Provincial Grand Master of Derbyshire in the Chair as Worshipful Master, Phillip Marshall, Provincial Grand Master of Nottinghamshire as Junior Warden and John Lockley, Provincial Grand Master of Staffordshire as Senior Deacon. For me, the broad representation from across a number of Provinces is one of the main draws. Over the course of the day, I enjoyed conversations with members from Essex, West Lancashire, Cheshire and two from Scotland.
Noticeably, the Lodge is committed to maintaining the core values of both Freemasonry and the game of rugby union and this is evident in the Lodge Room. As the procession headed out of the meeting, a scrum was formed and a ball thrown to the Worshipful Master with a shout of ‘crouch, bind, set’ ringing out from the Director of Ceremonies.
The Festive Board was genuinely one of the best I have attended as a Freemason. Lots of laughter and light-hearted banter was shared by all in attendance – with a fines court set-up for those caught drinking with their right hand. It was easy for me as a leftie, but don’t mention that to the Worshipful Master!
The event was a great opportunity to meet up with friends, including Gavin Jones, who did a sterling job of looking after me. I hope to attend again in the near future.
Once again, a huge thank you to Steven Varley for the invitation and to the Province for its hospitality.
UGLE Deputy Director of Communications Shaun Butler was honoured to be present for the consecration of Nomads Rugby Lodge
West Kent Freemasons experienced a day both uplifting and moving in July as the board of Oakley House – the home of The Oakley Lodge, No. 8958 – dedicated its new memorial garden to brothers lost.
There had long been a plan to dedicate the garden to the memory of all brethren who had died, for any reason, during the Covid pandemic. Sadly, one of those recently departed was Assistant Provincial Grand Master Daniel Spencer, who had become managing director of Oakley House just days before he was called to Higher Service. It was, therefore, fitting that the board decided to name it the Daniel John Spencer Memorial Garden.
The dedication took place with Dan’s family in attendance, together with staff
members from Oakley House, members of the Executive and other friends. It goes without saying that there were moments of sad reflection for Dan and everyone lost during a dreadful period that was unimaginable to us only three years ago.
The peaceful, reflective space inspired a happy and relaxed atmosphere, noted more for smiles and laughter than sorrow, and everyone was able to leave looking to a brighter future.
Thanks go to the staff at Oakley House for facilitating the event, the members of the board who conceived and implemented the idea, to the Provincial Grand Master, who spoke in a meaningful and touching way, and, of course, to Dan’s family, whose attendance made the day so much more special.
West Kent Freemasons gathered to dedicate a beautiful garden to the memory of all members who had passed during the pandemicThe newly unveiled garden at Oakley House, dedicated to the memory of Assistant Provincial Grand Master Daniel Spencer
At almost 90 years old, Jim Ashton is still committed to Freemasonry after a distinguished 68 years. He takes us through his long and dedicated Masonic service
You might think it’s time to slow down your Freemasonry career at almost 90 years old –but not if you are Jim Ashton. This Freemason is soon going to take up the chair as Worshipful Master again, following 68 years in the Craft.
Jim’s Freemasonry journey began in 1954 at the age of 21, when he approached his late father and asked to join him as a Freemason. Jim says, ‘My father told me to hang about, as there was something in the offing!’
What Jim didn’t know was that a group of Freemasons, including his father, were forming a new Lodge called the London Haven. Created on 17 April 1954, the Lodge was made up of London Masons in Dorset and Hampshire who wanted a new home.
On 18 September that same year, Jim was raised and finally joined his father as a Freemason. ‘I was the first initiate, as I was a Lewis,’ says Jim. ‘In the morning, my father gave away my late sister at her wedding and in the afternoon he raised me as a Freemason. He said that he gave away a daughter and gained a brother!’
Jim recalled a particularly exciting event in his early days as a Freemason during a visit of the Provincial Grand Master of Dorset, Lord Llewellyn. As the Inner Guard couldn’t be there that night, Jim was given the nerve-wracking job of announcing the special visitor. ‘I had to announce him, his name and all the letters after his name without a card. This I had to learn off pat – quite daunting for a young Mason.’
In 1957, Jim married his wife and moved to West Drayton, Middlesex, where he got involved in Scouting and Freemasonry, combining the two by joining a new Lodge. He joined Pro Juventute in 1975 and became Worshipful Master in 1979, coinciding with his 25th year in the Craft. He served there until the Lodge’s closure.
As the years passed, Jim attended a number of Scouting events, including a mini Scout jamboree at Chalfont Heights Scout Camp, where he met another Scouting Freemason called Barry Barthorpe. ‘I was in charge of the swimming pool as he had charge of the other events, including pioneering and shooting,’ says Jim. ‘He later asked me to become founder of a new Lodge in Staines that formed part of the
Feltham Rover crew. Having been a Rover in the past, Barry told me that they definitely wanted me with them.’
This new Lodge went on to become the Middlesex St. George Lodge, consecrated in 1989. Jim was given the job of designing the new badge with one other person – but not all went to plan. Jim explains: ‘The badge had to be changed as we had contravened Heraldry and so it had to be redesigned by the college of Heralds.’ Former railway worker Jim was the first Director of Ceremonies of this Lodge and later became Worshipful Master in 2014 as he reached 60 years in the Craft.
Since becoming a Freemason all those years ago, Jim has been up to all sorts of exciting things, from visiting Lodges overseas in Canada to joining a Masonic choir. And while he has had many eventful years in the Craft, he is not planning on slowing down any time soon.
In 1984, Jim joined the Middlesex Masters, resigning in 1989 to become founder of another new Lodge called Middlesex Masters (Uxbridge). He will soon become the Worshipful Master of this Lodge, having had his promotion postponed due to the pandemic.
‘I think this is a pretty good selection of my Masonry career since I started way back in 1954,’ he says. ‘When I go into the chair, I will be 90 years old and will have been in the Craft for 68 years. Can anyone beat that?’
Jim Ashton is about to take up the chair as Worshipful Master of Middlesex Masters (Uxbridge)The Lodge of Friendship Scouts Accommodation Lodge in Bromham, Bedfordshire, was officially opened on 26 May by Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes. This day was a long time coming – the building was completed just before the fi rst Covid-19 lockdown, which put paid to the plans for a grand opening and handover to the Scouts for more than two years.
The project began shortly after Tony Henderson was installed as Provincial Grand Master for Bedfordshire in 2016. Tony wanted something to stand as a lasting testament to the values and generosity of Bedfordshire Freemasons, and after discussions with local builder and Freemason Michael Hillson and the local Scouts, the germ of an idea turned to reality. The fi rst sod was cut in July 2019 and just seven months later the building was substantially complete.
The Lodge was funded by more than £520,000 in donations from Bedfordshire Freemasons, and the fi nished building impresses everyone who visits. Sleeping 48, with modern bathrooms and a large kitchen and dining area, the building will help young people from across the region – and across the world –to enjoy the facilities of the Leslie Sell Activity Centre.
The magnificent stone located outside the main entrance not only commemorates the official opening, but also stands guard over a time capsule containing
a selection of Masonic items and documents that will prove a fascinating treasure trove when reopened in a century or so.
The official opening may have been long delayed, but Bedfordshire Freemasons can be very proud that their efforts have produced a magnificent facility that will be enjoyed for generations to come – making memories and instilling values that will hopefully inspire Freemasons of the future.
Berkshire Freemasons have just made an unrestricted grant of £9,000 over three years to Berkshire charity Me2 Club. The inclusion charity supports children and young people aged five to 19 who have additional needs and disabilities, regardless of whether they have yet received a formal diagnosis.
Working in the boroughs of Wokingham and Reading, Me2 Club’s purpose is to help tackle the loneliness and isolation these children can often feel, by assisting them to join in with mainstream sports and leisure activities.
Liz McDaniel, senior fundraising development coordinator with Me2 Club said, ‘This funding comes at a really challenging time for us. We have growing waiting lists and increasing demand for our services. That this grant is spread across three years enables us to develop our plans with greater certainty. We currently support around 100 children and teenagers, but hope to raise this to 120 next year. This money from the Freemasons of Berkshire will help us to recruit and train the volunteers to turn this into a reality.’
Attendees also heard from RMBI Care Co. Managing Director Mark LLoyd, who led a tour of the RMBI’s soon-to-be-opened new care home, which is set in the grounds of the existing Lord Harris Court.
Having been treated for prostate cancer 10 years ago, Buckinghamshire member Leo Keyte mentioned to his daughter Vanessa that he would like to take part in the March for Men event in London, even though he has walking difficulties.
the point of diagnosis to offer practical advice – whether it’s about school, relationships, mental health or life with cancer in general.
The charity supports children and young people across the East of England including Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, who have been diagnosed with cancer and who are being treated at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge.
Bradley Willcox, 22, from Norwich, has been supported by the charity since he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in October 2020. His Young Lives vs Cancer social worker, Rich, was there for him every step of the way, to face both the emotional and financial impact of a cancer diagnosis.
Bradley said, ‘Rich was available for me to have text and phone conversations with and he helped me access grants and other facilities to ensure that all my needs were met. He went above and beyond to take on anything he could to make my experience better. He always made me feel comfortable when asking for help, which is something I’ve always struggled with.’
At first, Vanessa wasn’t too keen for Leo to participate, but offered to accompany him if he did attempt the walk.
On Father’s Day weekend, they made their way to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Leo completed the shorter route of 1.6 miles with the help of his walking stick, rest stops, slices of his 85th birthday cake for energy, and the encouragement of other walkers. He received a medal on completion of the walk, while participants raised more than £16,000 in sponsorship. Well done Leo!
The Province of Berkshire hosted the biannual Masonic Charitable Foundation Members’ Meeting at the Sindlesham Masonic Centre. The event was attended by around 45 Provincial members, appointed by Provincial Grand Masters to maintain regular contact with the MCF and act as ambassadors for the charity within their Province.
The meeting was opened by Berkshire PGM Anthony Howlett-Bolton OBE, with presentations delivered by MCF Chairman Sir Paul Williams OBE, Chief Executive Les Hutchinson, Finance Director Charles Angus and Operations Director John McCrohan.
As many as 150 children and young people with cancer will receive help and support thanks to a grant of £74,000 from Cambridgeshire Freemasons to the Young Lives vs Cancer charity.
The grant will fund a specialist social worker based at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge as they provide a tailored package of emotional, practical and financial support to young cancer patients and their families. This will help young people and families overcome the challenges and fears they face during treatment and beyond. Young Lives vs Cancer social workers are there from
Every year, around 300 children and young people – from new-born babies to those aged up to 25 years – across the East of England will hear the life-changing news they have cancer. Everything changes for that child or young person. Treatment often starts straight away and can last up to three years. It can be a scary and isolating experience for anyone, at any age, but for a young person it can have a significant impact on their education, social development and future prospects.
Cancer impacts more than just a child’s physical health but their mental health as well. Coping with the news of cancer and dealing with the side effects of treatment (such as feeling exhausted, weight loss/ gain, losing hair) can have a detrimental
effect on their confidence and self-esteem, which we know can lead to mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.
There is a financial impact of cancer that families have to cope with too. Many highlight that the additional costs of travel, food and accommodation to attend hospital appointments, can cause them further anxiety and financial worry.
Julie Millar, head of high value fundraising at Young Lives vs Cancer, said, ‘We’re very grateful to Cambridgeshire Freemasons for their generous grant which will make a huge difference to local children and young people with a cancer diagnosis.’
4. CORNWALLCornish Freemasons will be supporting members of the armed forces community after signing a covenant. VW Bro Roger Cargeeg JP, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge, accompanied by other serving and military veterans, hosted Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for Cornwall Edward Bolitho OBE, at the Alverton hotel in Truro on Monday 20 June, to sign the Armed Forces Covenant.
The partnership aims to support members of the armed forces community and ensure they have the same access to government as well as commercial services and products as any other citizen. By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall, like the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), will be able to demonstrate its support to members of the armed forces in a number of areas, including education, family wellbeing, getting a home, starting a new career, access to healthcare and financial assistance.
Cornish Freemasonry, like UGLE, has a long and rich history within the armed forces, with several serving and retired military personnel as members of the 80 Cornish Lodges. So, this partnership represents an important step in further supporting both active and retired military personnel.
Colonel Edward Bolitho joined the Grenadier Guards in 1978, and later commanded the 1st Battalion in 1993-95, during which time he was appointed OBE. Having been a Deputy Lieutenant for Cornwall since 2008, Colonel Edward Bolitho was appointed Lord-Lieutenant for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in
September 2011, becoming Her Majesty The Queen’s personal representative in Cornwall in a role that dates back almost 500 years.
After the signing, the Lord-Lieutenant said, ‘I was delighted to be present at the signing of the Armed Forces Covenant by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall. The Masons in Cornwall already give very generously to a wide range of charities here and I am delighted that they are now demonstrating their close links to the armed forces as well.’
Roger, a retired member of the RAF, was in service from 1964 to 1970. Here, he served with V bomber squadrons in the police and security division, being deployed in Aden as well as the Cold War stations in West Germany and Berlin, finally joining the photographic squadron before leaving the RAF. He said, ‘On behalf of the Freemasons of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, I have great pleasure in signing this Armed Forces Covenant. We recognise the work and commitment of our serving members and veterans alike and vow to continue our support.’
Ryan McDowell, a member of Cumbria Lodge, No. 6643, is swimming the English Channel in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) and the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
The English Channel is a straight-line distance of 21 miles, but due to tides and currents the actual distance covered during the swim can be up to 30 miles. The challenge is often referred to as the Mount Everest of open-water swimming. Ryan is expecting to complete the swim within 15 hours.
The challenge itself has a strong connection to the Craft in that the first person to swim the Channel back in 1875, Captain Matthew Webb, was a
Freemason; appropriately a member of the Neptune Lodge, No. 22. To support Ryan’s fundraising, please visit ryanmcdowell6643
Back in July, 38 intrepid drivers and co-drivers braved the searing heat of a Derbyshire summer day to embark on the second Peaks & Dales Grand Tour. Organised by High Peak Lodge, No. 1952 in aid of the Derbyshire 2025 Festival, the tour took place for the first time in 2019 but was unable to run last year because of the pandemic.
This year’s start was from the picturesque Buxton Cricket Club. Worshipful Master Gareth Stratford was on hand from 8am to greet the participants as they arrived to register, while Tour Director W Bro Gareth Flanagan was once again wielding the frying pan and kettle and serving up bacon butties, tea and coffee.
The tour is open to all types of cars and motorbikes and we were treated to a fabulous array this year. The oldest was a 1947 Ford Prefect which the owner described as his ‘new’ car as he had only taken delivery the week before. The newest was a 2020 Honda HR-V and looked positively space age next to the Ford! There was just one motorbike this year – a fantastic Harley Davidson CVO Street Glide, which had an engine bigger than a lot of the cars.
As the vehicles climbed out of Buxton, they were treated to spectacular views of the Cheshire plain and the rolling hills of North Staffordshire. From there, they continued along mainly B roads and eventually finished at Chapel-en-le-Frith golf club where certificates were presented to all who made it. Organisers hope to have raised in excess of £300 for the 2025 Festival. Many thanks to all who took part.
The Devonshire Provincial Membership team returned to the Devon County Show and were joined by the RW Bro Ian Kingsbury PGM, W Bro Charlie Yelland APGM and W Bro Colin Gale PAPGM. Even with the ever unpredictable Devon summer weather, which brought rain and forced the show visitors under cover, the team still spoke to 1,878 members of the public, two migrating members, one member wishing to return to Freemasonry and a number of people wanting to understand more about Freemasonry.
The Provincial Membership Officer W Bro Mark Lewis would like to thank the team for their hard work. They were W Bros Hornibrook, Cotter, Sidwell, Goode, Weaver, Boon, Densham, and Bro Wallis along with W Bros Jill Henken and Di Dann from the Order of Womens Freemasonry.
DORSETTowards the end of last year, Dorset’s Provincial Grand Master was approached by the newly formed University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity with a request for assistance on several ongoing projects for 2022. One of these projects was to provide a number of modern FloJac lifting aids to each of the three main hospitals covering east Dorset (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) at a cost of £6,353 each, supplementing and eventually replacing the existing lifting aids that were coming to the end of their usefulness.
budget for Dorset. Both Masonic charities are directly financed by contributions from individual Freemasons.
With the funds in place, a new lifting aid was purchased by the NHS Charity and is now one of seven devices in daily use at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, providing much-needed aid and relief to patients who have fallen and who are unable to get up again without assistance.
In June, more than 400 Durham Freemasons and members from many other Provinces gathered to witness the installation Ceremonies of W Bro John Paul Thompson as Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent. Some four years have passed since the Freemasons of the Province of Durham witnessed an event of such high importance, emphasised by a packed FED Banqueting Suite.
Both Provincial Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge were reciprocally opened in due form by the Presiding Officer, Bro Stephen William Walker, before he graciously handed over to the Pro Grand Master, Peter Geoffrey Lowndes, to preside over one of his last such investitures in the Provinces, having recently announced his retirement year.
Peter went on to preside impeccably over both ceremonies, supported by Charles Hopkinson-Woolley, Grand Director of Ceremonies of UGLE.
The day also saw Michael Graham appointed as Deputy Provincial Grand Master, having served as Assistant Provincial Grand Master since 2018.
Other appointments included the reappointments of Clinton Eliot Leeks, Andrew Moule and the returning John David Watts as Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, and the appointment of Andrew Peter Fall Foster as Assistant Provincial Grand Master to complete the quartet.
reappointed as Third Provincial Grand Principal, with Paul Anthony Lee Hopper standing down as Second Provincial Grand Principal, also having served with distinction.
Following his investiture as our Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent, John gave his addresses, each rapturously applauded by members. We congratulate him and look forward to a bright future under his leadership.
In less than a week, it was agreed that Dorset Freemasonry would step up to the request and fully fund one of the new FloJac aids. To do this, Dorset’s own Masonic charity, Dorset Masonic Care, would fund half of the cost and the central Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) would provide the balance from its matched funding
It was a fitting day for Stephen William Walker, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and Gordon Brewis, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, to stand down from their respective positions having both served the Province with distinction.
Likewise, in the Royal Arch, Michael Stuart Shaw was reappointed as Deputy Grand Superintendent, David Nigel Hanson was appointed Second Provincial Grand Principal, and Rakesh Bhalla was
The second Masonic Fishing Charity event has taken place at Monk Lakes near Marden – a pretty venue with lots of wildlife, including ducks, geese, swans and some very noisy frogs. The Masonic Fishing Charity’s aim is to bring an interactive fishing and countryside experience to participants from special needs schools and centres and to people who have suffered trauma.
Anglers arrived and were welcomed, as always, with bacon rolls, tea and coffee – all under the guidance of Gerry Stupple – while the pegs were selected and tackle prepared, ready for the guest students, teachers and carers. The important briefings and safety precautions were given soon after arrival by Pat Todd and the students were welcomed by Chairman David Alexander, while Julian Friel allocated the anglers.
The fishing was a little tougher than at the first event but everyone caught something sooner or later.
After a burger and hotdog lunch prepared by Ian Gwalter, the MFC welcomed distinguished visitor Richard Wingett APGM, who offered kind words of encouragement and congratulations to the students as he presented them with their certificates for angling ability and medals, which they were thrilled with.
9. DURHAMSenior officers of the Province welcomed RW Bro Sir David Wootton, Assistant Grand Master and his colleagues from UGLE, to East Lancashire for the Installation Eve Dinner in March.
The purpose of Sir David’s attendance was to officiate at the Installation of Bro/ Comp Robert Frankl as Provincial Grand Master and ME Grand Superintendent for East Lancashire. A splendid evening of camaraderie followed.
installed as the Provincial Grand Master with all due ceremony and circumstance.
RW Bro Robert Frankl then appointed, obligated, invested and installed VW Bro John Farrington as Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
He then appointed his Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W Bros John Griffin, Mark Davis, Alan Kirwilliam, Peter Rhodes and Revd Canon Richard Hawkins, as well as appointing all the other Provincial Grand Officers.
Following a drinks reception, a very convivial lunch was taken where everyone enjoyed an excellent meal prior to the opening of Provincial Grand Chapter later that afternoon.
Freemasons in Essex have made a £15,000 donation to the Castle Point Social Car Scheme (CPSCS), which provides transport options for the elderly and disabled in the borough.
Once the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge VW Bro John Farrington, accompanied by other Senior Officers of the Province and our distinguished guests and visitors from other Provinces had been processed in, Provincial Grand Lodge was opened.
The acting Grand Director of Ceremonies was admitted, announcing that the Assistant Grand Master was in attendance and demanded to be admitted.
RW Bro Sir David Wootton was admitted in due form, accompanied by a retinue of Senior Officers and was warmly welcomed by all in attendance.
The Assistant Grand Master assumed the Chair of King Solomon and appointed his Wardens, RW Bro Harrison (West Lancs) and RW Bro Blank (Cheshire). The Provincial Grand Master Designate’s Patent of Appointment was presented to the Assistant Grand Master for inspection, who declared it to be in order.
A deputation escorted the Provincial Grand Master Designate into Provincial Grand Lodge, consisting of representatives from Zion Menorah Lodge, No. 1798 (Chain-Bearer); Anchor & Hope Lodge, No. 37; Lodge of Relief, No. 42; Fortitude Lodge, No. 64; Imperial George Lodge, No. 78; Royal Lancs Lodge, No. 116; and Silent Temple Lodge, No. 126.
W Bro Robert Frankl was then duly appointed, obligated, invested and
The scheme needs approximately £140,000 a year to provide around 6,500 journeys.
Chairman Alan Beale said, ‘Now the pandemic and restrictions are over, I get a lot of members saying they just want to get out and visit places. This makes this service even more important for their quality of life and mental health.’
Chris Hicks, the Provincial Charity Steward for Essex Freemasons, said, ‘This is a good example of Freemasons supporting the community in Essex, particularly the vulnerable.’
The donation comes from the more than £1 million raised each year by Essex Freemasons.
The scheme, which launched in 1997, has a fleet of six vehicles – three minibuses and three disability cars – driven by three employed drivers and 27 volunteers, along with many more volunteers to help the passengers.
The Province of Essex officially celebrated the conclusion of its 2022 Festival in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) at a Summer Ball held at the luxurious Fennes Banqueting Centre in Bocking. The event was hosted by the Provincial Grand Master and 2022 Festival President Paul Tarrant with 400 guests attending including new MCF President James Long. The final total of £5,464,563 was confirmed by the MCF Chief Executive Les Hutchinson, who congratulated the Province on its ambitious fundraising.
The car scheme offers transport and trips for the elderly and disabled in Castle Point, for a small membership fee.
More than 1,000 residents are currently able to book car journeys at a reduced cost, as well as places on minibuses for day trips around Essex, hospital visits or even holidays. This allows scheme members to visit beauty spots, shopping centres, garden centres and more.
This is a service the residents of Castle Point say is invaluable, and apart from the small annual membership fee and reduced mileage cost, the car scheme is financed by fundraising and donations.
Les said, ‘During your appeal, you have all worked tirelessly to raise funds for the MCF – to support Freemasons and their families in financial distress. These funds are needed now more than ever as people continue to feel the effects of Covid-19, so I offer my most sincere thanks for your generosity and for continuing to support the appeal during such challenging times.’ It was also revealed that donations from the members of Essex Masters Lodge, No. 3256 set a new Festival fundraising record, with members donating a remarkable £108,407.
Hundreds of local disabled children and young people will be able to find friends and have fun, thanks to a grant of £15,000 to the Allsorts Gloucestershire charity from the Freemasons. The fund is through the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity).
Isolation, accessibility and confidence can be just some of the challenges disabled children and their families face. Allsorts aims to offer a choice of meaningful activities that will help form friendships, and equip families with new skills and knowledge.
Allsorts is for families who have a child or young person with any additional need, up to the age of 25 years. They help those who have life-limiting conditions, neuromuscular disorders, autism and learning disabilities, as well as children who may be awaiting a diagnosis.
Allsorts is based in Stroud in the county’s first purpose-built toy library and play space. Multiple events take place in the activity hub on a daily basis, such as baby and toddler groups, parent and carer support sessions, family fitness sessions, yoga, sensory dance, sensory motor skills, sibling groups, gaming club and the toy library.
The hub provides everyday fun, reduces the social isolation of families who have disabled children, and gives these families the opportunity to try new things. As well as the children themselves, Allsorts also offers support to the wider family – parents and carers, grandparents and siblings.
Jane Jones, Allsorts CEO said, ‘We’re very grateful to Gloucestershire Freemasons for their generous grant, which will allow local disabled children and young people to find friends, have fun and learn new skills and knowledge for the future. The confidence the children develop can last a lifetime.’
The Province of the Isle of Man was honoured to take charge of the Queen’s Baton that travelled the Commonwealth in preparation for the Commonwealth Games. The baton visited all 72 participating nations and territories. On 15 and 16 June, the baton visited the Isle of Man, welcomed by Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK. The locations included, among others, Peel Castle, Tynwald Hill, Port Erin and Castle Rushen.
At Castle Rushen in Castletown, the ancient Manx capital, the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Isle of Man was truly honoured to be in charge of the relay station to take the baton around the historic castle. The first Masonic Lodge on the Isle of Man was a Garrison Lodge and with Castle Rushen then being the only garrison on the Isle of Man, it is more than probable that the members would have met here. The story also received coverage on BBC North West.
each of the Lodges with a fantastic group of hardworking and determined candidates.
The Lodges and the Province were honoured to welcome the Assistant Grand Master and President of the Universities Scheme, Sir David Wootton, along with the Provincial Grand Master Peter Kinder. Visitors representing other scheme Lodges included Bedfordshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, and Lincolnshire.
The meeting was opened by the Acting Master of the Wyggeston Lodge Andy Green, Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Acting Master of the Lodge of Science and Art Peter Legg then took the chair to perform a double Raising. Then, it was the turn of the Master, Nigel Johnson and members of Castle of Leicester Lodge, who then proceeded to conduct a double Passing.
Finally, the Wyggeston Lodge conducted an Initiation ceremony of a new member, a 25-year-old recent dental graduate.
After a nearly three-year hiatus, members of three Universities Scheme Lodges in the Province of Leicestershire and Rutland – Wyggeston Lodge, No. 3448, (University of Leicester), Castle of Leicester, No. 7767 (De Montfort University) and the Lodge of Science and Art, No. 8429 (Loughborough University) – were pleased to meet once again for a joint meeting to celebrate the ever-growing success and popularity of the Universities Scheme in the Province.
Since the last joint meeting was at Loughborough Masonic Hall on 25 February 2019, this year’s was hosted at the beautiful Freemasons’ Hall in Leicester. The event was attended by more than 80 members who were witness to three wonderful ceremonies (an Initiation, a Passing, and a Raising) conducted by
Elliot Conway from the comms team said, ‘It was a truly wonderful day and it showed us how far the universities scheme has come and that it truly has a bright future ahead!’
Leicestershire and Rutland Freemasons have concluded their 2022 Festival in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity).
Members, supported by their families and friends, have taken part in a wide range of innovative fundraising activities during the five-year appeal; most notably
the three sportsman’s dinners with cricketer Phil Tufnell, footballer Kevin Keegan and rugby player Brian Moore, which together raised almost £200,000.
The Festival event was hosted by the Provincial Grand Master Peter Kinder and was held at the ground of Leicester Tigers, currently the holders of the Gallagher Premiership trophy. Assistant Grand Master Sir David Wootton attended as guest of honour and the MCF was represented by President James Long, Trustees Charles Cunnington and Nigel Vaughan, as well as Chief Executive Les Hutchinson who revealed that the grant total raised was a fantastic £2,022,000.
Skegness Freemasons continue to work within the local community to support the contributions being made by the RAF air cadets in the town.
Members of Lumley Lodge attended a presentation and awards ceremony for 1073 (Skegness) Squadron ATC at the town’s Masonic centre, where the current Master Scott Colbourne presented the Community Merit Award to Olivia Langford (below).
Freemasons gave visitors the chance to see the Lodge room, an opportunity eagerly grasped thanks to the broadcast of The Late Late Show with James Corden which was filmed at the iconic Freemasons’ Hall in London.
Lumley Lodge member Simon Noden said, ‘We had about 80 parents and cadets at the event. The offer to look behind the doors inside a Lodge room was very popular and prompted lots of positive questions about Freemasonry. Many spoke about our charitable work and how we have supported the ATC previously with a cheque donation in 2019 and, most recently, when St Clement Lodge, also in Skegness, made a donation of £1,500. From a PR point of view I’d say it was as successful as an open day.’
MIDDLESEXReaders of Middlesex Provincial Charity News will have seen the Ruislip St Martin’s Lodge, No. 9125 response to the request by local charities for provisions to be sent to Poland to aid Ukrainian refugees.
The Lodge quickly donated money and the Charity Steward W Bro Peter Binstead and his wife purchased blankets, towels, baby food and medical wipes, which were transported to Poland by a local charity in Wealdstone.
NORFOLKWhen members of Lodge of Friendship, No. 100 became aware of an urgent appeal by the Pathway Foundation in Great Yarmouth, their Charity Steward John Capon arranged a meeting at the Pathway Mission in Great Yarmouth with project supervisor Jennifer King and The Reverend Canon Simon Ward. Also invited was the Head of Norfolk Freemasons Stephen Allen and his colleague Michael Muskett MBE.
The meeting quickly identified the two areas where the Pathway Foundation required urgent assistance. They needed a new dishwasher to replace the failing original, as well as help to buy a suitable vehicle for the distribution of hot food and advice to the homeless and needy in the local area.
The Pathway Foundation provides a vital service to the local area, so Stephen Allen agreed that the appeals should be supported by Freemasons from both Norfolk and Suffolk who meet at the Royal Assembly Rooms in Great Yarmouth.
As the situation in the Ukraine deteriorated and more people needed help, W Bro Peter decided to raise more money, but this time for medical charity British-Ukrainian Aid. Their focus is to provide essential medical aid to the injured, wounded and orphaned children caught up in the war.
Peter asked for sponsorship from his Lodge to climb the 150-foot rigging of the 19th-century tea clipper Cutty Sark which is docked at Greenwich. Once again, Ruislip St Martin’s stepped up, and with their generous help he managed to raise £1,505 for the charity.
On Saturday 25 June, Peter made the climb accompanied by his daughter Emma and her husband Dan.
Peter said, ‘The climb was daunting at first, but I soon began to enjoy it. Shuffling out along one of the yardarms was an experience I will never forget and the view over London and the Thames was spectacular. The high point was the zip wire descent to the ground. I just hope that the generous donations of the members of Ruislip St Martin’s can make a difference to the lives of at least some of the people in Ukraine.’
The replacement dishwasher being the priority, it was quickly sourced and funding immediately made available from the Rotary Lodge of Norfolk and Potters Holiday Resort at Hopton, both donating £1,000 each from their charity funds.
The biggest task was to raise £7,000 for the purchase of the vehicle. This was needed not only to collect food donated by local supermarkets, but to deliver hot food in the area.
The appeal request was made to Lodges in early January, and following an excellent response, the fantastic total of £7,556 was soon raised, including donations from members’ businesses. This enabled the purchase of a van, together with a three-year warranty, insurance for 12 months and signwriting on the vehicle.
Stephen Allen, Lodge Charity Stewards and other members together with the private and business donors were all in attendance when the van was presented to Jennifer King and the Pathway volunteers. Afterwards, Jennifer and her team were given a tour of the Royal Assembly Rooms. The appeal raised the magnificent sum of £9,556, with Gift Aid adding a further £111. Sincere thanks must go to all who gave their support.
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The 3 Pillars Feeding the Homeless charity was presented with the generous donation of £3,000 on behalf of Hotel Chocolat in Peterborough. The founders of the charity, W Bros Mick Pescod and Ged Dempsey were in attendance and a delighted Ged explained, ‘This was a complete surprise and we are so grateful for this donation which reflects the esteem in which the charity is held by local business. It will be put to very good use.’
On behalf of Hotel Chocolat, Tanya Thulborn said, ‘Thank you so much for all the work you and the team do. Rest assured we will continue to support you for as long as you need us.’
On completing the walk, Mark said, ‘This has been a great experience – one I would recommend to anyone. Although my feet suffered, it was well worth it. We knew each other well before and worked well as a team. We now know each other far better because of our shared experiences on the walk.’
With more than 460 members in attendance, the Installation of RW Bro Mark Constant as Provincial Grand Master was an event not to be missed.
The ceremony, which took place at Freemasons' Hall, The Griggs Centre, Sheaf Close, Northampton was led by the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro Peter Lowndes, and saw 12 visiting Provincial Grand Masters in attendance.
As well as enquiries from potential new members, a number of visitors were found to be ‘lost’ Freemasons who, after talks with the team, were keen to re-establish their connection with Freemasonry.
Recently, children’s A&E play specialist Sophie Betts from the Queens’ Medical Centre, Nottingham got in touch with David James, her TLC (Teddies for Loving Care) contact from Radcliffe with Hemlock Stone Lodge.
Three Northampton Freemasons have completed an 85-mile walk from Northampton to Grand Lodge to raise money for the 2024 Festival in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity.)
David Crossley and Mark Hunt of Grey Friars Lodge, No. 4990, together with John Line of Grand Junction Lodge, No. 9775, started at the Boat Inn, Stoke Bruerne and followed the Grand Union Canal towpath, passing through five Provinces.
The walkers were greeted in London by their partners; also, by their Assistant Provincial Grand Master Mark Constant and Provincial Grand Charity Steward Gerry Crawford. The trio enjoyed a well-deserved pint at the café and bar at Freemasons’ Hall.
The Battle of Britain World War Two event in June saw the village of Stannington transported back in time to the 1940s, after a two-year hiatus.
Visitors to the event could get up close to a Spitfire and a Hurricane, and had the chance to explore the Vulcan Exhibition, loaned by the Solway Aviation Museum. And following in the footsteps of children from Cowgate Primary School who had been evacuated to Stannington in 1939, visitors had the chance to be ‘evacuated’ to Lough House Farm on a 1940s-style bus, as well as experience what it would have been like to seek cover in a renovated Anderson Shelter during the Blitz.
Northumberland Freemasons’ Community Engagement Team were also in attendance at the event, led by W Bro Bob Bruce and members of the Order of Women Freemasons.
A steady stream of visitors made their way to the exhibition tent, showcasing all that Freemasonry has to offer, with questions answered and myths dispelled.
She wanted to ask if it would be possible for him to source three portable DVD players for attaching to trolleys moving the young patients to such places as X-ray, the plaster room or even to another hospital.
It took David less than a week to get the agreement of other TLC Nottingham Trustees to fund the purchase. In fact, four players were delivered as an extra one had been donated. Sophie said, ‘We just want to say thank you for all you do for us as a department. The TLC bears are fabulous for children who are distressed, and to see them smile when they receive a bear is amazing. Thank you for all the other things you have managed to get for the department, including the fish tank and the specialist toys – it means a lot!’
Presiding over what was his last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge in his capacity as the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro Peter Geoffrey Lowndes announced that the new Assistant Grand Master would be RW Bro David J Medlock, Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Somerset.
It is expected that RW Bro David will be installed as Assistant Grand Master at the next Quarterly Communication to be held in September. This is a great honour for the Provincial Grand Master and for the Province.
We’d like to wish RW Bro David well in his new role and to thank him for his dedication and hard work during his tenure as Provincial Grand Master.
The President of DofE Wales Capt Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards said, ‘I am so delighted that the two organisations with which I have been associated for over 50 years have found common cause. As one brought up in Merthyr Tydfil, I am aware of the need to support those from a disadvantaged background by undergoing a DofE Award to enhance their selfconfidence and to experience new challenges and opportunities. I trust that this joint exercise will be a forerunner of many others.’
DofE Wales Director Steph Price said, ‘The DofE helps young people to explore who they are, invest in themselves and develop the skills and experience they need to successfully navigate adult life. It is our ambition to grow our reach so that any young person in Wales can access a DofE programme if they want to, and we are extremely grateful for the support received from the South Wales Freemasons which will help us to reach more marginalised young people and extend our reach into disadvantaged communities across South Wales.’
staff from Shannon Court. It was great to see everyone enjoying themselves, as this event was postponed last year due to the pandemic. Thanks go to Trevor Rains for his assistance in the organisation of this event.
The annual Masonic Charitable Foundation Ball, hosted this year by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey, saw guests dance the night away at the Chelsea Harbour Hotel in London. The annual gala event has been held annually since 1973 and raised more than £840,000 for the RMBI and the MCF.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Wales (DofE) was delighted to announce that it has received new and continued support from the South Wales Freemasons to give more young people the chance to do their DofE.
The generous and significant donation of £6,200 will help DofE Wales deliver its new strategy ‘Youth Without Limits’, which aims to put the DofE at the heart of the national effort to back young people through the challenging years ahead. One of the key projects the funding will help support is to increase the DofE as part of our community development, extending opportunities to take part outside the traditional school setting. DofE Wales’s goal is to offer more young people from marginalised backgrounds the chance to do their DofE through centres within their communities.
Gerald Rowbottom, head of the South Wales Freemasons, said, ‘We are honoured and delighted to offer additional local support to the DofE in Wales. The DofE’s work to expand opportunities across Wales will help support hundreds of young people who are facing many challenges – small interventions at a young age can make a significant difference to their future and well-being. This local grant follows a previous donation of £300,000 awarded to the DofE nationally by The United Grand Lodge of England in 2022.’
This year’s ball included a cabaret featuring Irish dance troupe Stepping Out and London’s top swing and soul band, Swing Central. A silent auction, raffle and table magicians added to the evening’s entertainment.
Speaking to guests following the three-course dinner, Sir Paul Williams, Chairman of the MCF said, ‘Tonight is all about having fun while supporting and recognising the work of a charity that is helping people across England, Wales and beyond. I’d like to thank everyone, in particular those from the Province of Surrey and Ian Chandler, the PGM of Surrey and this year’s MCF Ball President, for supporting the event so enthusiastically.” Next year, the MCF Ball will be held in Bristol, followed by Lincolnshire in 2024.
The annual church service of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire has finally taken place.
In March, the Friends of James Terry Court joined the Friends of Shannon Court for the yearly Joint Homes lunch. Also attending were members of the Executive, members of the Friends Lodge along with
This was the first occasion that Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Philip Hall was able to be escorted to the Collegiate Church of St Mary in Warwick since 2019, the last time the annual service was held.
The procession left Alderson House, with the newly appointed team of acting
Provincial Grand Officers and officers of Grand Lodge walking through Warwick to the church. They were joined by a number of Masters of Warwickshire Lodges.
Demonstrating the inclusive nature of Freemasonry, the heads of other Orders were invited to join the procession and attend the service, dressed in their own individual regalia – quite a spectacle for the local residents and visiting tourists.
The procession joined the assembled Freemasons, their families and friends for an enjoyable and inspirational service.
The Province of West Kent has appointed a new Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Congratulations on your appointment W Bro David Huntley.
Back in June, Wiltshire’s Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp John Reid and the Provincial Charity Steward E Comp Chris Dawe visited Wiltshire Portage in Chippenham to present them with educational resources and toys to help support children with a wide range of needs. The resources and toys were made possible by the proceeds from ‘Children at Christmas’ pens, sold for £2 each.
Wiltshire Portage is a registered charity and independent organisation providing a free home-visiting, specialist educational service for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The service reaches more than 100 families across the towns and villages of Wiltshire (excluding Swindon) for children from birth to school entry, operating during term time for 38 weeks a year.
They aim to work with families and their young children to provide unique learning opportunities through holistic play and step-by-step individualised programmes to help them develop a quality of life and experience in which they can learn together, play together, participate and be included in their community.
Following the visit, E Comp Chris Dawe commented, ‘What came across was how dedicated and passionate all the staff were in supporting the children they visit.’
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Kicking off the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, the Worcestershire Chapter of Widows Sons rode into a party at Worcester’s Sixways Stadium in support of a charity for people with dementia. The Chapter is a Freemason biker group that supports the Worcester Warriors Community Trust’s work with dementia.
As the bikers rode into the stadium, many of the party-goers came to look at the bikes and the group happily answered questions and chatted with those in attendance. They also presented a cheque on behalf of the Chapter.
Carol Hart, CEO of the Warriors Community Foundation, said: ‘The event has been amazing. We have a regular dementia café here at Sixways Stadium every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12. We just wanted to put on a jubilee event for those that are suffering with and living with dementia as well as their carers. We have 80 people who attend our cafés on a regular basis as well as lots of our partners who support the work that we do. For a lot of people, this will be the only jubilee event they will be able to get to throughout the festivities so it’s been lovely to see everybody having such a good time.’
Andy Philpott, President Worcestershire Chapter Widows Sons MBA, said, ‘We are a group of Freemasons and a large part of what we do is charity. We have chosen the Worcester Warriors Community Trust as
our charity of the year, specifically the dementia group. I contacted Carol and we were able to arrange for us to head down on the bikes, have a chat with people and let them see the bikes. We have a great collection, lots are Harley-Davidson. We are really happy with how it turned out.’
The Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Jeffrey Gillyon enjoyed an excellent day out at the United Grand Lodge of England, accompanied by more than 80 Freemasons from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire N&E Ridings.
The flag was flying as high as the spirit and mood of our members who enjoyed a superb day out. The Pro Grand Master received a standing ovation as he made his last address at the Quarterly Communication in this role. After the meeting and a sumptuous meal at the Freemasons Arms, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master gave a moving speech at his last Provincial Day out in London as PGM to rapturous applause.
Good Neighbour Lodge, No. 8378 has celebrated 50 years since its consecration in Lodge Room 17 at Freemasons’ Hall.
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The Good Neighbour Lodge was established to enable residents of the RMBI’s care homes to continue their Masonic membership and activities, with Lodge meetings usually held in the care homes at a very nominal fee, with their dining already being included.
At the time the Lodge was created there were only four homes in existence. Today, there are 17, providing the Lodge with a variety of venues across England and Wales.
In his address to the members, Worshipful Master Les Hutchinson commended the Managing Director Mark LLoyd, who was a guest at the meeting, and the staff of the RMBI Care Co. for the way they had coped during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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The annual Peter Lowndes Open Challenge Cup golf tournament teed off to great success in Cyprus
The District Grand Lodge of Cyprus held the annual Peter Lowndes Open Challenge Cup golf tournament in May at the Aphrodite Hills Golf Club in Paphos, Cyprus. The event was attended by the Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Master Peter Geoffrey Lowndes, and Worshipful Brother Les Hutchinson, CEO of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity), together with dignitaries from the British Sovereign Bases and a large number of Freemasons and guests.
Competitors were playing to win the Peter Lowndes Challenge Cup, while there were also prizes for second and third place, as well as for the longest drive and nearest to the pin. The winner was Philip L Mallion, the fiscal officer of the British Sovereign Bases of Cyprus – a non-Freemason (but watch this space).
Peter Lowndes was presented with a special prize by Worshipful Brother Marios Pantelides and Worshipful Brother Adnan Nuwayhed, for his continual personal support for the event. The awards ceremony was followed by a gourmet buffet at the clubhouse.
Through donations, sponsorships and fees from participants, a substantial amount will be donated to SPAVO, the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family, a non-governmental non-profit organisation, based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Its main aim is to offer help and support to people who face domestic violence and to uphold their rights.
The evening before, Peter attended an emergency meeting of the Cyprus Master’s Lodge held in his honour, together with Les, who delivered an eloquent speech about the work and scope of the Foundation.
The ceremony was followed by the customary Festive Board, where Peter was presented with an engraved silver bowl by the District Grand Master of Cyprus to mark the personal help freely given to Cyprus and to the District Grand Master Michael Costa Hadjiconstantas. Peter responded with a few wellchosen words.
Michael then presented Les with a silver plaque in appreciation of his time and energy in launching the Masonic Charity Foundation Relief Chest of Cyprus. In his response, Les mentioned that it was a suitable gift as today was his silver wedding anniversary. He also stated that in promoting Teddies for Loving Care, the visit to Cyprus was the first trip of the Travelling Bear to another country. It is intended that the bear will visit around the world promoting the initiative.
The 2023 Peter Lowndes Challenge Open Challenge Cup tournament will be held on 28 May 2023, where organisers expect an even larger turnout.
As he gears up to take over as Pro Grand Master, Jonathan Spence reveals the introduction of a new seven-year roadmap for Freemasonry and discusses the importance of building a thriving membership grand officers and every single member down to the newest entered apprentice – we all have a role to play in taking us through 2022 and beyond. Our mission is to make sure we are a thriving organisation, one that people are willing to be part of and one in which those who join are willing to participate.’
WORDS PETER WATTS PORTRAITS VICKI COUCHMANWhen he isn’t preparing for his new role as Pro Grand Master, attending one of no fewer than 14 Lodges, or managing the investment portfolio of a Cambridge college, Jonathan Spence likes to spend his weekends refereeing rugby matches. His approach, he reveals, is to be as low-key and unobtrusive as possible – get the big calls right, but otherwise stay out of the way so the game can flow. It’s a style he’ll have to adapt rather than adopt outright when he replaces Peter Lowndes as Pro Grand Master in September because as well as maintaining official duties as the Grand Master’s official representative, Jonathan will be arriving in time to oversee the introduction of a new seven-year strategic roadmap for the Craft and Royal Arch – something he believes will require him to lead by very visible example.
‘The roadmap needs to be implemented in thousands of Lodges and Chapters,’ says Jonathan from the Pro Grand Master’s panelled office at Freemasons’ Hall. ‘I will be involved in helping send the message to the membership that it is very important we get this right. The Grand Master has always set the best example and now it’s on all of us – Provincial and District Grand Masters and Grand Superintendents, deputies, all their executives, all
Jonathan has certainly thrived as a Freemason. He joined at the first possible opportunity, when an invitation to apply to his old school Lodge in Rochester arrived in the post along with cards for his 21st birthday. He was initiated just short of his 22nd birthday and is now a member of more than a dozen Lodges, including in Cambridge, where he works as Bursar of Queens’ College, and Oxford, where he studied theology.
The bulk of Jonathan’s career was spent in the City, where he rose to become Chief Executive of Singer & Friedlander Limited. He resigned that role in 2006 when the bank was bought by Icelandic bank Kaupthing, an acquisition that ended in disaster when the firm went into administration in 2008 and several Icelandic directors were jailed. ‘It was very clear to me that it was not going to end well,’ he recalls. ‘I did my duty and told the regulators it was not going to go well and then resigned. People sometimes ask what Freemasonry
has done for me and I say it has helped me to understand that you must try to do what is right even in challenging circumstances. This was a practical application.’
In return, Jonathan has brought some of the skills he developed in the City to Freemasonry. One of his first tasks upon appointment in 2009 as Deputy Grand Master – after six years as Grand Director of Ceremonies – was to oversee the amalgamation of the four Masonic charities into a single charity, something he describes as ‘the toughest corporate finance deal I have ever done’. It took seven years and a lot of hard work, but the restructuring had tangible benefits for Freemasonry and the wider community. ‘It had to be done,’ he says. ‘There was a lot of duplication. I looked at it completely cold and could see it wasn’t sustainable and was leaving gaps in provision and support.’
Alongside these core skills come City-tuned concepts about leadership that Jonathan feels can be applied to Freemasonry. He talks about the importance of adopting ‘good practice’ rather than ‘best practice’ because ‘best’ implies there is no room for improvement while ‘good’ leaves the possibility of continuous development. He also talks about a ‘yes, if’ rather than a ‘no, because’ approach – an essential asset if Freemasonry is to thrive. He cites an example – that of exploring the feasibility of conducting occasional Quarterly Communication or Grand Chapter meetings outside London to make life easier for people coming from more distant Provinces. This was considered almost 30 years ago, but he wants to see if it will work now. That’s the ‘yes, if’ rather than ‘no, because’ approach in a nutshell, he explains.
Pro First Grand Principal as well as Pro Grand Master, and emphasises the importance of the Royal Arch within UGLE. ‘The Craft and Royal Arch need to work seamlessly together. We must get better at explaining why the Royal Arch enriches the Craft experience of members, how valuable it is and how it is the natural next stage after becoming a Master Mason.’
Jonathan chaired the strategy group that created the seven-year roadmap, which focuses on the importance of building a thriving membership. That means attracting new Freemasons and ensuring existing members are happy and fulfilled, creating an organisation that everybody wants to be a part of. ‘In Freemasonry, people hesitate to use the word fun, but people join for one of 20 or more different reasons,’ he says. ‘All of them are valid and there is no sole reason they join – but they do have to enjoy it.’
The strategy will incorporate the Royal Arch alongside Craft, with an oversight committee to monitor progress. Jonathan will assume the role of
Although he is looking forward to his new role, Jonathan takes care to pay tribute to his predecessor. ‘I am nervous because Peter is an extraordinary act to follow, but when I have succeeded him in roles, he is brilliant at letting me do it in my own way,’ he says. ‘Whenever I am asked to do something, I try to do it to the best of my ability. Otherwise, it is disrespectful to the person who asks and disrespectful to yourself. In my working life, I always wanted to be in a role where I can make a difference and it’s the same whether its Freemasonry, the parish or the rugby club. That is what motivates me. With Freemasonry, it’s the camaraderie and the feeling you can make a positive difference.’
Jonathan will assume the role of Pro First Grand Principal of the Royal Arch, alongside his role as Pro Grand MasterJonathan believes in a ‘yes, if’ rather than a ‘no, because’ approach –an essential asset if Freemasonry is to thrive
In the spirit of helping those in urgent need, a group of Cumbrian Freemasons set off in two vans to transport crucial supplies to war-torn Ukraine. One of them, Neil Dixon, tells us about their incredible journey
When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, individuals and organisations all over Europe wanted to help a country and population that had been thrust into a war zone. These included Grand Lodge, which made an immediate £50,000 donation to the British Red Cross and went on to raise a further £500,000 for refugee charities.
However, in the far north-west of England, a group of Freemasons decided to do their own bit, driving two vans of supplies from Carlisle to the Ukraine border, a distance of some 1,500 miles. It’s a reminder that charity isn’t always about writing a cheque – donating time, effort and skills is an important part of being a Freemason.
‘We were directly helping a community in need,’ says Neil Dixon, one of five Freemasons from four of the East Lakes Group of Lodges to make the journey. ‘This was aid going straight to people. It wasn’t sitting in a warehouse waiting to be processed; we were handing it over directly in a war zone. We felt
we were doing what Freemasons do best, and that’s helping others who are less fortunate than ourselves. To think that people from this small province in Cumbria could do something to help a community in Kyiv meant everything to us.’
The initial impetus came from Paul Proctor, a Freemason who started collecting items in Penrith to donate to Ukraine. Other Freemasons came on board, including Neil, Richard Graham, Grant Todd, Alan Morley and Peter Terry. The wider community was eager to help and, before long, families, schools and businesses were all pitching in.
That’s when the idea of driving to Poland took hold. One of Richard’s neighbours was Nadiya Layuk, a Ukrainian who had lived in Carlisle for 19 years. Nadiya knew people in Kyiv who were living in tents, surviving bombs, pests and freezing temperatures without access to food, warm clothes or basic medicine. Through talking to Nadiya, the Freemasons were able to make direct contact with a community in Ukraine that was in need of aid.
On 2 April, the two vans set off, with driving shared by five Freemasons – Neil, Paul, Richard, Grant and Alan. ‘We planned to have six, but Peter had to drop out and instead went a few weeks later,’ says Neil. ‘Very sadly he passed away in May.
‘We drove two big vans packed with warm clothes and basic medical equipment, such as bandages, toiletries and non-perishable food. These were all items that the people in Ukraine had specifically requested or said they needed, so we didn’t just fill a van with stuff that was useless to them.’
After driving to Newcastle, the group took the overnight ferry to Amsterdam. The following morning, they began the long drive across the
Clockwise from top left: Paul Procter, Neil Dixon, Richard Graham, Alan Morley, Grant ToddNetherlands, Germany and into Poland. The convoy was decorated with the Ukrainian flag and the emblem of Cumbrian Freemasons, and received a positive reception at passport control, as well as from other motorists and pedestrians as they continued through Europe.
The Freemasons weren’t the only group taking aid from the UK. At one point, they passed a convoy of British Army vehicles, seven or eight miles long, delivering military support to Ukraine.
Their contact in Ukraine was Sergei, who crossed the border at Lviv to meet them. In his own journey across the country, Sergei had been accompanied by a younger man, who was not allowed to cross the border as he was of fighting age. It was a reminder of the reality of the war, as was the news that at the border they were only about 20 miles from where bombing was taking place – roughly the distance between Carlisle and Penrith, as Neil puts it.
‘We talked to Sergei and made a video,’ says Neil. ‘He was very grateful, extremely upbeat and determined, saying, “We will fight and we will win”. It reminded us that Ukrainians were fighting for their lives and that we were helping them, even just that little bit.
‘The aid was delivered and stored in a church in Kyiv, and we were sent pictures of the destination and it being unloaded. A girl from a primary school in St Bees, Cumbria, had made a box with supplies including toothpaste, toothbrush and toiletries, and this actually got handed to a Ukrainian soldier in Kyiv. Amazing!’
After a cup of tea at the border, the Freemasons got back in their vans and set out on the route they had come. This time, they did at least stop for the night outside Berlin – the first beds they had slept in for 44 hours. When they got on the ferry, they discovered their barman was Ukrainian. ‘He kept thanking all of us – he was so appreciative of what we had done for his country,’ says Neil.
The group’s social media updates received a fair bit of attention, including an interview recorded at the Polish border with Capital Radio in Manchester. Recognition also came from within Freemasonry, with their Provincial Grand Master Bill Bewley offering the group a commendation for their efforts.
For Neil, it’s all part of being a Freemason. ‘The core principles of Freemasonry are friendship, integrity, respect and charity, and we showcased all of those aspects,’ he says. ‘We got the community involved, we collected the aid Ukraine needed and then delivered it, personally, to the people. This is one of the reasons I like Freemasonry. Those core values are amazing and help you through life.’
The team are talking about another trip to deliver aid, but also have plans to support Ukraine when the war finally ends. ‘Sergei invited us back for a beer when the war is over, but we thought it would be good to go back and help them rebuild,’ says Neil. ‘Maybe we could tie that in with a visit to the Ukrainian Grand Lodge. That would be a fantastic way to close the loop. This was a bonding experience. We were friends before this, but we’ve now shared something that will last forever.’
The group share a bond of friendship, made even stronger by their unforgettable journey to deliver aid in Ukraine
70 glorious years
In this historic year of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, Freemasons around the UK honoured her Platinum Jubilee with a series of special events
Dr Jake Mossom lights and toasts the Jubillee beacon at Freemasons’ Hall on 2 JuneThe UK celebrated a unique milestone on 2 June – Her Majesty The Queen’s 70th year as the country’s monarch and head of the Commonwealth. The Platinum Jubilee is a feat no previous British monarch has achieved.
In recognition of her long service, more than 2,022 beacons were lit throughout the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories, plus one in each of the capital cities of Commonwealth countries. The beacons enabled local communities, individuals and organisations to pay tribute to her as part of the official Platinum Jubilee celebrations taking place up and down the country from 2-5 June.
The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was delighted to be taking part, lighting a special Platinum Jubilee beacon on the roof of Freemasons’ Hall at 9:45pm on 2 June. Earlier that day, town criers were invited to undertake a proclamation announcing the lighting of the beacons later that evening.
UGLE was also a key corporate sponsor of the official Platinum Jubilee Pageant commemorative album, a limited-edition publication that included four pages on Freemasonry and its strong connection to royalty. It was presented as a gift to all VIP and senior guests during the pageant and was also on sale to the public over the weekend through a national newspaper. In addition, complimentary copies were made available to members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, special advisers, researchers and staff across Westminster and Whitehall, government agencies and members of the European and Commonwealth parliaments, plus universities, colleges and schools across the UK and Commonwealth.
Several Provinces planned special events to commemorate the Jubilee. In West Kent, members joined the Order of Women Freemasons at the festivities in Tunbridge Wells, which included a colourful carnival, and ran a Jubilee celebration and information stall. In Somerset, Freemasons celebrated with charitable dinners, while Devonshire Freemasons held a tea party. A celebratory cream tea was also the order of the day at Dorset Freemasons, in Poole Masonic Hall.
Elsewhere, Freemasons in Essex helped a local primary school to celebrate by donating numerous prizes and art sets for winners of a competition to create something ‘regal or royal’. Meanwhile in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Freemasons organised a dinner featuring the Royal Marines Association Concert Band.
Further north, Durham Freemasons enjoyed beacon-lighting events in four different areas – Wingate, Bearpark, Chopwell and Weardale. Cumbria and Westmorland also lit beacons across the Province.
Ian Chandler, chair of UGLE’s Communications and Marketing Working Party, said, ‘It’s a great honour to take part in the Platinum Jubilee; Freemasonry has always had a strong relationship with the royal family. We are delighted that our members and communities were excited about taking part and it was great seeing them getting involved, showing the nation just how proud we are of Her Majesty The Queen.’
Freemasons throughout the world are celebrating the tercentenary of a very important book next year, The Constitutions of the Free-Masons. Museum of Freemasonry Librarian Martin Cherry explains more
Published in 1723, The Constitutions of the Free-Masons took Freemasonry to the world and will feature in a major exhibition hosted by the Museum of Freemasonry for Grand Lodge. ‘Inventing the Future’ will showcase how the growth of Freemasonry in the 18th century spread Enlightenment ideas of equality, democracy and scientific reason.
The Constitutions was the work of Presbyterian priest James Anderson and scientific publishers Senex and Hooke. Essentially a rule book for the new Grand Lodge of England, it was actually much more. The book includes a lengthy history of Freemasonry derived from the legends of ancient stonemasons, and a set of charges forming Freemasonry’s moral framework. A collection of bawdy songs, appropriate for Lodges that largely met in taverns and coffee houses, rounds it off.
Reprints and translations of Anderson’s book soon appeared across the rest of Europe and further afield,
helping to make Freemasonry the global phenomenon it is today.
A Dublin edition of the Constitutions appeared in 1730, five years after the Grand Lodge of Ireland was founded. It included an almost identical frontispiece to John Pine’s work for Anderson.
The first foreign language edition is an undated Dutch translation by Johan Kuenen. It was probably published around 1736, just after the creation of the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands, based in liberal publishing hotspot The Hague. Deputy Grand Master Kuenen also released the first French and German versions (in 1736 and 1741 respectively).
French and German editions appear throughout the 18th century. French protestant Marquis Louis-François de la Tierce promised Anderson a French edition after his initiation in England. He completed the translation by 1733 and, from 1742, published several French versions in Frankfurt, where he had started a Lodge. He was unsatisfied by
Anderson’s history, especially in the 1738 second edition, and so had rewritten it in a style more palatable to European audiences. One of his additions was an oration written by a Jacobite exile, the Chevalier Michael Ramsay. This linked Freemasonry to medieval chivalric orders and led to the formation of some of the additional degrees in Freemasonry.
In North America, English Freemasonry was established by the 1730s. Lodges met predominately in New England and Pennsylvania, where Benjamin Franklin was elected Provincial Grand Master in 1734. At this point, Franklin – a founding father of the United States – was a successful publisher and printer. In this capacity, he published America’s first Masonic book, a reprint of Anderson’s Constitutions. He sold 127 copies, of which only 17 survive. Of the two volumes in the collection of the Museum of Freemasonry, one can be traced back to Luke Vardy, keeper of the Royal Exchange Tavern, Boston, who purchased it from Franklin
in 1734. Vardy later gave it to Henry Price, who was four times Provincial Grand Master of New England. Franklin’s Constitutions is a word-for-word reprint of Anderson, but includes an additional song, which he may have written.
Franklin became one of the most influential figures in American history. He represented the colonies in Paris during the War of Independence, drafted the Declaration of Independence and was a delegate at debates to ratify the Constitution of the United States.
By the early 19th century, editions of The Constitutions were published in Europe, the Americas and Asia. Even the rival Antients’ Grand Lodge of England based its rule book on Anderson’s work: Ahiman Rezon, published in 1756, was drafted around a pirated Irish edition.
The only exception was in Scotland – where the Grand Lodge was created in 1736. It was not until 1836 that a first Scottish Constitutions appeared – a very dry affair with no history and no songs.
However, despite its widespread acceptance, Sadler’s assessment jars with both contemporary evidence and primary source material. Moderns’ Freemasons did leave to join the Antients. Some had found themselves de facto rejects from the Grand Lodge of England following the expulsion or suspension of around a quarter of London’s Lodges in the decade to 1750.
In 1887, Henry Sadler (1840-1911), the Grand Tyler of Grand Lodge, was appointed sub-librarian of the then relatively new Library and Museum. In that role he was instrumental in bringing about a major expansion, extending its opening hours and collecting, organising and indexing a vast array of archival material. The latter provided the basis for his research and that of many other members of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, the first and premier Lodge of Masonic research. Indeed, Robert Freke Gould, the prolific Victorian Masonic historian and a fellow member of QC, said of Sadler that ‘scarcely a single Masonic book would have been written without the author being assisted by him’.
The formation of QC Lodge (consecrated in 1886), and the growth in Masonic research encouraged by Sadler’s work, increased the importance of the Library and Museum and lists of donations and acquisitions begin to appear in Grand Lodge’s Quarterly Communication from 1893. Partly as an acknowledgement of the major contribution he had made, when Sadler retired as Grand Tyler in 1910, he was appointed librarian and curator on a full-time basis with an annual salary of £150. Unfortunately the appointment was to be brief; he died just a year later.
Sadler is perhaps best-known today for his comments on the rival Antients and Moderns Grand Lodges and, in particular, for his statement that there was no schism between the two organisations before they agreed to unite in 1813. His remarks became received wisdom and were
echoed not only by his peers, but also by many later Masonic historians.
Sadler’s assessment of Antients Freemasonry focused (rightly) on the influence of the majority ‘Irish faction’: the expatriate Irish who had fled famine to seek new economic opportunities in Britain and who in the 1750s and 60s made up the largest component of the Antients’ members. However, differences in Masonic ritual, although later magnified by both Moderns and Antients Grand Lodges, were, in fact, relatively minimal.
Sadler’s cornerstone argument, his key point, was that since the expatriate and especially London Irish had not been members of English Lodges, the rivalry between the two organisations and their respective members could not be termed ‘a schism’.
His argument was essentially this: that one cannot leave an organisation of which one has not been a member. And it was given additional weight in the 1950s when JR Dashwood – another member of QC Lodge – editing the Antients Grand Lodge Minutes, added a legalistic underpinning by observing that the situation could not have been otherwise since no exclusive Masonic territorial jurisdiction had been formulated at the time.
Some Antients Freemasons also chose to join the Moderns. One example is William Preston, after whom the Prestonian Lectures are named. Somewhat ironically, having joined the Moderns, Preston subsequently led a breakaway group from the Lodge of Antiquity and formed yet another rival Grand Lodge: ‘the Grand Lodge of England South of the River Trent’. (As an aside, Preston was later welcomed back to the Grand Lodge of England and in 1790 the Lodge of Antiquity was re-united.)
The two rival Antients and Moderns Grand Lodges fought a running battle in the press and in Masonic pamphlets, as well as in the forewords that preambled across successive editions of Ahiman Rezon, the Antients’ Constitutions
What was a real and intense Masonic schism deepened as the 18th century progressed, with both Moderns and Antients Grand Lodges adamant that anyone who joined their respective rival would be sanctioned. Indeed, the Antients wrote in their Grand Lodge Minutes on 1 June 1774, that:
‘If any lodge under the ancient constitution of England... shall have in their possessions any authority from the Grand Lodge of Moderns or in any manner assemble or meet under such authority, [they] shall be deemed unworthy of associating with the members of the Ancient Community and the warrant they hold under this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge shall be immediately cancelled .’
Another factor ignored by Sadler was that many expatriate Irish were prevented or dissuaded from joining English Lodges. This was a function of two factors: a fear that the influx of Irish émigrés would overwhelm Lodge charities; and the dissemination by the English press of a highly negative Irish stereotype, a view
‘The growth in Masonic research encouraged by Sadler’s work increased the importance of the library and museum’
Dr Ric Berman examines the life of librarian and QC Lodge member Henry Sadler and explains why he was wrong about his views on the rivalry between the Antients and Moderns
that echoed within the establishment and within parts of English Freemasonry.
Anti-Irish and anti-Catholic prejudice was rampant in 18th-century England, ranging from legal discrimination to periodic mob violence, such as the 1736 Spitalfields riots against competition from cheaper Irish labour. The institutional bias against the Irish in England was such that by the 1750s and 60s, anti-Irish bigotry was endemic. It can be seen especially in the courts, where a disproportionate number of Irish men and women were arrested and, when convicted, were handed sentences far harsher than those received by the English, Welsh or Scots. The bigotry and the divisions it created were ignored by Sadler. But we are driven to ask why this was the case when the evidence was so compelling.
There are several potential explanations. First, although Sadler was writing towards the end of the 19th century, the 1813 Union between the Antients and Moderns Grand Lodges and the more socially inclusive Freemasonry that followed was relatively recent and not all Masonic tensions had been fully resolved. Second, institutional bigotry against Ireland had persisted and although many were seeking to establish a more mature political relationship, the question of Irish Home Rule remained extremely delicate. In that respect, Sadler may have had an understandable desire not to provoke a debate that may have soured Anglo-Irish Masonic relations. And third, issues of Masonic unity – and their absence – were to the fore in the 1880s. An argument over the specific nature of the oath taken in Lodge had divided international Freemasonry with a large part of the English-speaking Masonic world, including UGLE, the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland, and Grand Lodges in the United States, ranged against the Grand Orients of Europe and Latin America.
Sadler’s argument that there was no schism between Antients and Moderns was probably incorrect even in the terms in which he framed the question, and it is certainly incorrect when 18th-century English Freemasonry is examined
Henry Sadler was appointed sub-librarian of what was then the relatively new Library and Museumholistically. However, his comment does allow us to reflect that history is not only a function of the interpretation of data, but also of each historian.
Brethren, I can’t tell you what a privilege it has been to be a member of this wonderful institution for 50 years, let alone serving as Pro Grand Master for more than 13 years. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for when accepting the appointment of Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies (GDC) back in 1983, but, if I had done, I wouldn’t have changed a single thing. When I was appointed GDC in 1995, I thought that was the pinnacle of my Masonic career – and I would still say that it is the best job there is, as everyone has to do what you tell them.
When I retired as GDC in 2002, I expected a nice quiet role on the back benches, and had no idea that Lord Northampton was intending for me to take over from Iain Bryce as Deputy Grand Master. I was even more flabbergasted when he asked me (told me, actually) to take over from him, not least because I had no idea he was intending to step down himself.
The past 13 years have been a marvellous experience, and I could not have hoped for everyone to be so kind, generous and supportive wherever I have visited. During my time in various offices, I have been to every Province and genuinely couldn’t say which one I enjoyed the most. They have all been wonderful and I can’t thank the Provincial Grand Masters and Grand Superintendents enough for their support and courtesy. I don’t need to know what they said behind my back.
I have also been to 21 of our 32 Districts, as well as two of our four Inspectorates, and have been so impressed by the pride they all show in being part of UGLE. They all have competition from other Constitutions, mainly Ireland and Scotland, but also in a few other places, such as the Netherlands.
Many also have Grand Lodges of the country in which they reside, often formed by us or other Home Grand Lodges. I like to think that in recent times our relationship with those Grand Lodges has been very cordial, for example the Grand Lodge of India.
My main job is to represent the Grand Master when he is unable to be present and that includes visiting Grand Lodges overseas. It has been fascinating to carry out these visits and see the different ways they perform their ceremonies, and to see the various different regalias that are in use. I believe I have been to more than 20 other Grand Lodges. Many visit us on a regular basis and I like to think that I have made many friends around the world and, most particularly, in Europe.
Brethren, I hope we are all hugely proud of our record of charitable giving, which has always been in our DNA. Whether it is fi nancial assistance or voluntary work matters not, we are just good at it.
However, the highlight of my time as Pro Grand
Master was clearly the tercentenary year, when our Provinces and Districts got up to some wonderful antics for the purpose of raising charitable funds and also found imaginative and important ways to donate those funds.
It all, of course, culminated at the extravaganza at the Royal Albert Hall. Afterwards, I received many messages of congratulations for the excellence of the event. I took them all in my stride and most certainly did not admit to having done precisely nothing myself – to the extent of not even knowing, until it started, what on earth was going to happen. My lack of such knowledge made the event even better. It was truly memorable and is still talked about. How lucky we are to have such talented brethren capable of putting on such a show.
Throughout my time in office, I have enjoyed incredible support from so many. I have had the same Deputy Grand Master throughout and could never have asked for better (I have to say that as he will soon become my boss!). David Williamson and Sir David Wootton, meanwhile, have been wonderful Assistants. The Board and its Presidents and the Secretariat have all played such an important part in making my life easy, but I am going to be slightly indulgent and single out Graham Redman who, over the 27 years since I became GDC, has always been the person I relied on to tell me if I was about to make a howler. He did, of course, revel in doing so and I suspect has saved me from many calamities.
Brethren, I shall fi nish by simply saying thank you to all for your support and for putting up with my rather quirky sense of humour for so long.
‘The highlight of my time as Pro Grand Master was the tercentenary year, when our Provinces and Districts got up to some wonderful antics’A celebration of the tercentenary at the Royal Albert Hall in 2017
Introducing Welcome Companion – the latest in a series of virtual learning modules on Solomon that help a Freemason’s development
In July, the Solomon Team launched a new module called Welcome Companion. This completes the suite of modules that are mainly intended for those who have just undertaken a ceremony – namely Welcome Apprentice, Welcome Fellowcraft and Welcome Master Mason. These have proved very popular and may also be of interest to more experienced Freemasons.
In case you are not familiar with it, Solomon is a virtual learning environment (VLE) that helps with the learning and development needs of members and companions ( Its purpose is to complement the support that already exists in Lodges and Chapters, and is not intended to replace anything.
Although the Welcome modules can be taken in the comfort of your home at your own speed, this is not the only way they can be used. For example, you could also work on them as part of a discussion with a mentor.
The Welcome modules adopt gamification to make the learning experience more fun and engaging. When successfully completing each of the 12 quizzes on Welcome Companion, users earn a virtual badge. When they have completed all the quizzes, read all the relevant content and watched all the videos, users can earn the
Welcome Companion Badge. This is a significant achievement as it involves a lot of work. We are investigating a function that would allow users to download a certificate of achievement. Such certificates are increasingly becoming the norm at work and for other leisure-time activities.
Ritual and traditions vary in Chapters so this module is therefore based on the popular Aldersgate Royal Arch Ritual. Though this may be different to your own Chapter, the fundamentals are the same. You could consider it as visiting, while noting the variations to your own Chapter.
Welcome Companion is broken down into five sections: Background to the Ceremony, Ensigns and Banners, Chapter Organisation, the Lectures and the Final Quiz.
The module therefore helps explain the historical and Biblical context that forms the backdrop to the ceremony. The first presentation is a timeline of how Royal Arch is the continuation of the story started in Craft Freemasonry. The Grand Originals are explained and, following a video about the destruction of the First Temple, a summary of the exaltation ceremony is provided.
Not all companions are aware of the relationship between the ensigns and banners, or how they fit in with the story of Exodus from the Bible. The second section therefore provides an explanation
of which ensigns relate to which banner and their position within the Chapter room. This explanation enables new companions to connect more with their surroundings.
Likewise, the third section concentrates on how the Chapter itself is organised. This includes the layout of furniture, the Biblical characters being represented, an explanation of the officers, the Royal Arch jewel, regalia, robes, and the sceptres.
For the fourth section, members are provided with an insight into the historical, symbolical and mystical lectures.
The module concludes with an explanation of the destruction of the Second Temple, while the final quiz entitles successful candidates to the Welcome Companion Badge.
It could be said that Freemasonry becomes more challenging after taking each step. We hope this new module will help companions better understand the context of the Royal Arch ceremony so they can enjoy this beautiful order.
Our labour is then complete.
‘Solomon helps with the learning and development needs of members and companions’
Introducing the new Royal Arch Membership and Communications Working Party – a team set up to help develop the Royal Arch as it moves into its third century
These are exciting times for the Royal Arch, as increased focus is being given to communications as well as the narrative around it.
A key cornerstone of our work around the Royal Arch is the new Pro Grand Master Jonathan Spence’s determination that the Craft and Royal Arch work in tandem with one and other. As you will read in his article in this magazine (p40), he says, ‘The Craft and Royal Arch need to work seamlessly together. We must get better at explaining why the Royal Arch enriches the Craft experience of members, how valuable it is and how it is the natural next stage after becoming a Master Mason.’
To achieve this, a new Working Party, the Membership and Communications Working Party (MCWP), has been created under the guidance of the Committee of General Purposes to meet these challenges, with one question at the forefront of its thinking: how can we ensure the Royal Arch thrives in these challenging times?
The team (see right) provides support to the Committee of General Purposes on all matters relating to membership and communications. This is obviously a huge
task and so comprises a group of experienced Royal Arch Masons from across the Constitution, with additional support from UGLE Deputy Director of Communications, Shaun Butler.
The team is currently working on four projects:
1) How is the Royal Arch doing nationally in terms of its membership profile?
2) Archway – a Royal Arch equivalent of the Members’ Pathway.
3) The narrative about how the Royal Arch adds value to Craft Freemasonry.
4) Enhancing our communications strategy across all the many available channels
It has been a busy start for the Working Party, with plenty of work already completed. This includes pulling data, surveying Freemasons who are not currently members of the Royal Arch and those who have recently joined, as well as connecting with Grand Superintendents throughout the Constitution.
Right now, there’s a lot of information available and the team are letting the evidence lead the work.
Progress so far is starting to show, with
more Royal Arch content being shared across all existing channels to raise awareness. Work is also continuing on Archway, the Royal Arch equivalent of the Members’ Pathway, and a consistent narrative is being developed.
Overall, the message is clear. There is now a real determination at all levels to promote the ‘indissoluble link’ created more than 200 years ago between the Craft and the Royal Arch and to communicate the many ways in which the Order enriches our experience of Craft masonry.
You can help too. Speak to the Royal Arch representative in your lodge and share your views on what makes it so special.
‘There is now a real determination at all levels to promote the “indissoluble link” created more than 200 years ago between the Craft and the Royal Arch’
A passionate Royal Arch Companion of 31 years, John joined the Chapter two years after being raised. An active member of the Wiltshire Executive for the past 16 years, he is now in his eighth year as Grand Superintendent and was more recently appointed Provincial Grand Master (Designate) for Wiltshire. John is currently a member of the Committee of General Purposes for the Royal Arch and a member of the UGLE Audit Committee, and he still fi nds time to take an active office in Rose Croix. He recently retired as a chartered construction manager, having worked on the Crown Estate for the past 47 years and is interested in all things equestrian, as well as sports in general.
Simon Daniel
A proud Welshman and Lewis from Swansea, Simon has been a Freemason since 2001 and is now Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, Provincial Grand Membership Officer for Craft and Royal Arch. He’s also Joint Provincial Head of Learning and Development for Craft and Royal Arch, and the Chair of the Masonic Grants committee for the Masonic Benevolent Foundation of South Wales. He’s also a member of four other Orders.
Simon works as a hotelier, running two spa hotels in Usk and Brecon Beacons and is married with three children and three grandchildren. He’s a keen vegetable gardener, avid England cricket fan and, of course, Welsh rugby runs in his blood.
Elliott Chevin is the Deputy Grand Superintendent in Essex. He was initiated nearly 25 years ago by his father. His late maternal grandfather was a Freemason, his sister has since joined Freemasonry and he hopes his son might one day follow in their footsteps. Elliott lives in Essex with his wife and two children. He’s a keen runner, guitarist and whisky enthusiast. Professionally, Elliott has worked for Apple Inc for nearly 15 years.
Paul Renton
Chairman of the Membership and Communication Working Party, Paul has been a Freemason since 1984 and a member of the Royal Arch Cabinet in the Province of West Lancashire for the past nine years. Paul is currently the Deputy Grand Superintendent and a member of 10 other Orders. His professional life has been spent as an educator, fi rst in secondary schools, then as a school adviser/inspector and then working for the Rugby Football Union as a referee educator.
Shaun is the Deputy Director of Communications and Marketing at UGLE and Supreme Grand Chapter. He was initiated in 2015 and was exalted into the Royal Arch in 2018 in Letchworth Chapter, No. 3505. Shaun lives in Surrey with his family and his English Bulldog, Winston, and is a lifelong supporter of Newcastle United and the England rugby team.
Born in a mining village in Yorkshire, Mike attended the local grammar school and is a graduate of Bradford and Nottingham Universities. He has been a company director for 30 or so years with different companies, including his own. Married with four children, he has lived with his family in Lincolnshire for 40 years. Mike was initiated into Hallcross Lodge, No. 5744 in 1991 in Doncaster and has been Master twice. Exalted into Isle of Axholme Chapter in 1998, he became MEZ in 2011. He was appointed Active Provincial Standard Bearer and now has Supreme Grand Chapter Grand Rank as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. Michael became Provincial Second Grand Principal in May 2019.
This book is a re-issue of the 1967 edition by Lewis Masonic, which was already a wellestablished work, with some archaic layout and language. That is not by any means a complaint – rather it is a pleasing historical experience for all those who enjoy Masonic research.
I have not yet had the pleasure of experiencing a Scottish Lodge in action. However, it is something readers will keenly anticipate once they have fi nished reading this interesting book.
Members of the English Constitution will doubtless look here for the differences in Freemasonry north of the border. They are easy to spot, but so are the deep similarities. The general scheme is the same, so too the progress through the degrees.
However, the Scots have interesting abbreviated workings to be used alternatively. This is greatly attractive – they are pithy and dramatic, redolent of the Georgian origins of Freemasonry as we know it.
Here also you will fi nd the fi rst tracing board prominent and obviously to be given at most initiations. This has effectively disappeared from English ceremonies: in 36 years, I have only heard it given once.
Likewise, there are charges to the candidate after each degree, not merely the fi rst.
I won’t spoil your enjoyment by setting it all out here. For not much more than the price of a coffee and newspaper, you can happily discover them all yourself.
Aside from the ceremonies, there is an introduction that provides an interesting summary of the origins of Freemasonry. At the back of the book, you will fi nd pages of quaint Masonic songs, toasts and sentiments, such as: ‘May our evening’s diversion bear the morning’s reflection’ and ‘Golden eggs to every brother, and goldfi nches to our Lodges’. So mote it be!
Review by StanhopeThe Scottish Workings of Craft Masonry, Lewis Masonic, 174pp, £12
Just what should the tone of Freemasonry be like now? Should it lean towards the stuff y and pompous (as I still occasionally see in some Lodges)? Or be more relaxed and in step with what people under 30 are like today?
Perhaps there is room for both and all shades in between, which is saying something for an elderly fellow like me who can remember what some meetings were like many, many decades ago where old fogeys often predominated.
This book, written by Matt Gallagher, a young Freemason based in Minnesota, US, is in the relaxed, up-to-date style and clearly geared towards younger Freemasons in the United States. It also uses a fair few Masonic terms that may be unfamiliar to many Freemasons in the UK, but which a few moment’s thought will make clear.
Nonetheless, Practical Freemasonry is not in any way less interesting for that. A straightforward read, it squarely tackles some of the
issues that younger people these days can run into, whether they already belong to a Lodge or are thinking of joining one. Gallagher is, moreover, good at explaining the more esoteric elements of Freemasonry in a modern, but not inaccurate way.
If you are stuff y and pompous, or wish that the clock could be turned back 80 years to well before World War II, then this book is not for you. But then nor is this magazine.
If you are not, then it is, in its way, very readable and unquestionably contains much of depth and interest. Gallagher aims to show how Masonic ideas can be applied to life in a practical way –that anyone can understand – but on a deep level. I think he succeeds. Worth buying.
Review by Aubrey BuchananPractical Freemasonry: Accessible Philosophy for Working-Class Schlubs, Matt Gallagher, 212pp, £17.95
Books wanted for review FMTwelcomes book submissions for review. We will consider all genres, and the only requirement is that the book has a connection to Freemasonry. To submit a book for review, go to the link below and complete the form. We will let you know if we need a physical copy of the book. The book must have an ISBN and be available for purchase by the general public (printed book, e-book, audiobook).
The Kirkwall Scroll is an extraordinary Masonic artefact. The linen roll measures more than 18 feet long and nearly six feet wide, and is decorated with a wide variety of Masonic symbols.
How old it may be is still debated. Some people believe it dates right back to the Middle Ages – perhaps even as far back as 1307, when the Knights Templar were forced underground by Pope Clement V.
Others more modestly believe it only dates from the 18th century (it is minuted that the original was given to the Scottish Lodge of Kirkwall Killwinning, No. 382 in the late 1700s).
Different parts of the scroll have been carbon dated on separate occasions, giving rise to widely different dates. Both results are backed by scientific data and both have staunch followers.
Nor does there appear to be any right or wrong answer as to its intended narrative. A possible purpose – rather like today’s tracing boards – was as a lecture aid, although the detailed interpretation of the imagery and symbolism seems to vary according to how old it is thought to be.
The scroll itself contains seven central panels mixing
(among other things) creation, Masonic symbolism, the heavens, symbols relating to the Holy Royal Arch and working tools. Side panels then depict what appears to be the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Holy Land.
Due to its sheer size, one suggestion is that it could have been laid on the floor and the appropriate parts revealed depending on the subject of the lecture.
The scroll is now available as a scaled-down, high-quality print, allowing it to be much more easily studied. You can come up with your own interpretation of the naïve artwork, or simply enjoy what is undoubtedly an incredibly important piece of Scottish Masonic history.
Review by Andrew PippenThe Kirkwall Scroll, available as a print from Lewis Masonic, £18
One of the many extraordinary things about Freemasonry is that despite being an often life-changing means of thinking about how we behave as individuals, it is defi nitely not a solitary activity, fraternising, of course, being at the heart of what we do.
The result is that one of Freemasonry’s aims is that we should all steadily try to improve the way we behave towards our fellow creatures and quietly do our bit to make the world a better place.
In this, the latest book in his Masonic Meditations series, Jonti Marks once again offers his careful and deep reflections. This time, he uses 100 short phrases or single words from the ceremonies and explores what they would mean to an ideal Master Mason.
Two examples chosen more or less at random are: ‘to be happy ourselves and to communicate happiness’ and ‘the practice of every moral and social virtue’. These phrases or words are then followed by short, one-page meditations, each packed with food for thought.
Two brief extracts, again chosen at random, will give an idea of these. Marks’s ideal Master Mason ‘understands that he does not need to
trumpet his virtue to the world, and he realises that, often, more can be accomplished by working in the background, quietly and steadily’.
Another is ‘he knows in his heart that a life lived without love, compassion and empathy is a life that has missed its purpose and is, ultimately, a life without joy or direction’. There are hundreds more. In his introduction, Marks points out that our rituals are full of hints and suggestions as to what it might mean to be truly a Master Mason. I found it thought-provoking and a most interesting read.
Review by Lionel BroughHiram’s Way, Meditations on the Masonic Path to Enlightenment, Jonti Marks, Lewis Masonic, 108pp, £10
THE KIRKWALL SCROLL Jonti Marks Hiram’s HIRAM’S WAY: MEDITATIONS ON THE MASONIC PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT BY JONTI MARKSIt has been another busy year so far at the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) as we have responded to a number of events and launched new projects and partnerships, as well as maintaining the smooth running of our operations under hybrid working arrangements.
At the beginning of the year, we launched a fundraising appeal on behalf of Freemasonry to tackle the growing humanitarian and refugee situation in Ukraine. We reacted within days of the invasion with a grant of £50,000 to the British Red Cross. The MCF and UGLE then launched an appeal, which reached £500,000 very quickly – and now stands at more than £1.1 million. Five major grants have already been made to leading aid agencies and further such awards will follow. It has been incredible to see how much Freemasonry has stepped up in response to this crisis.
In April, we welcomed our new President, Right Worshipful James Long, and said goodbye to Right Worshipful Richard Hone, who has served the MCF, and previously the Freemasons’ Grand Charity, for more than 19 years. We are incredibly grateful for the enormous contribution made by Richard over many years and look forward to working closely with James.
To further support charities across England and Wales, the MCF has launched a new strategic
partnership with Cranfield Trust (see page 74). Funded by a £228,000 grant, this will support smaller charities identified by Provinces and Metropolitan Grand Lodge by providing pro bono management consultancy and mentoring. The partnership will also spearhead a major national study into the professional development and training needs of frontline charity managers. The MCF and Freemasonry have been long-standing cash donors for many charities and causes, but this new partnership will see Freemasonry funding practical help that will benefit the charities and their leaders for many years.
At our summer trustee board meeting, we were pleased to welcome representatives of Age UK. They provided an update on the impact that our major grant of £1.2 million is having on older people across the country through our ‘later life goals’ initiative. It was reported that an astonishing 10,000 older people had received support and the project also identified £18.74 million in hitherto unclaimed benefits for older people. That’s an additional £4,000 of income on average for every person supported by the project. This extra money will be making all the difference as prices continue to rise.
I’m very pleased that following the various lockdowns, Festival activities are now back up and running. These include many innovative and, in some cases, daring, fundraising events that have taken place over recent months, as well as the fi nal appeal celebrations in Essex, Leicestershire and Rutland, Durham and Oxfordshire. We remain immensely grateful to all those who have done so much to support our work; it is much appreciated.
This year, the MCF celebrates its sixth birthday. In just 72 months we have awarded grants on behalf of Freemasonry amounting to more than £110 million – or £60,000 per day – comprising more than 18,000 grants to individuals in need and more than 3,700 grants to charities. This is only possible thanks to the generosity of Freemasons, their families and friends, who continue to enthusiastically support our work.
In 2022, we will have come to the end of our fi rst five-year strategy and have started to develop plans that will direct the MCF over the next few years. We look forward to consulting and discussing these proposals with key groups within Freemasonry as this process develops.
As always, the MCF remains here to help with a range of fi nancial, family, health and care needs. We are very much open for business. If you or someone you know might benefit from our support, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) Trustee Tony Harvey is celebrating a decade of delivering his 2012 Prestonian Lecture, ‘Scouting and Freemasonry: two parallel organisations?’ In addition to reaching this milestone, Tony has also raised more than £100,000 for charities since 2012 from his various Masonic books and talks.
The annual Prestonian Lecture is the only lecture held under the authority of UGLE as a memorial to William Preston (1742-1818), the foremost Masonic educator of his age, who left a legacy to Grand Lodge to provide for an annual lectureship. Each year, the Board of General Purposes nominates lecturers to the Trustees of the Prestonian Fund who then make the appointment.
Tony has now delivered his 2012 lecture on 132 occasions across London and all 47 Provinces, as well as in five overseas Districts. During the pandemic, technology stepped in to allow the lecture and Tony’s other talks to continue, and he delivered these online to audiences around the world 141 times.
The 2012 Prestonian Lecture starts by outlining the many parallels between Scouting and Freemasonry as values-based membership organisations, as well as key differences. It then draws upon Tony’s original research about Robert Baden-Powell and his links to the Craft. Based on this foundation, the lecture continues with examples of how Scouting and Freemasonry are working together today and the potential for a mutually beneficial relationship between the two organisations.
Tony’s growing list of other talks on Freemasonry combine historical analysis with an understanding of the development of people and organisations,
to promote a forward-thinking approach to Freemasonry. They include his 2018 Cornwallis Lecture, ‘The future of Freemasonry: evolution and change’, and ‘Seven habits of highly successful Lodges’. Tony has developed the latter into a book, to be published this year by Lewis Masonic.
In total, £102,575 has been raised from Tony’s books and talks. This has been supplemented by Tony’s personal fundraising activities, which have added a further £13,433 – including a rainy and rather windswept walk to the summit of the Old Man of Coniston in the Lake District on Tony’s 60th birthday.
Several charities within Freemasonry, including the MCF and its predecessor charities, and the Mark Benevolent Fund, have received a total of £76,871 over the past 10 years – £38,000 has gone to support Scouting and especially its heritage work. It has funded the installation of a climate control system in the national archives, the digitisation of the Baden-Powell archive and the first-ever donation to The Scout Association’s Heritage Centre at Gilwell Park, the Scouts’ national headquarters, in Essex.
Looking back on his decade of delivering the lecture, Tony says, ‘I am very proud to belong to both Freemasonry and the Scouting movement and I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to visit so many places and meet so many people by delivering this lecture.
‘It has now been 10 years and I continue to receive many requests from Lodges and other groups to deliver the lecture, as well as other talks. It is a privilege to be able to keep sharing my passion for the positive work of these two wonderful organisations, which have added so much to my life and the lives of so many others.’
To find out more, visit
Tony Harvey has raised an incredible £102,575 from his books and talks
Freemason and Prestonian lecturer Tony Harvey celebrates a decade of delivery for Freemasonry, Scouting and charityCare home managers at RMBI Care Co. have received a British Citizen Corporate Award in recognition of their leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, all staff members at the homes, which provide older people with residential care, nursing care and residential dementia support, have been awarded a British Citizen Award Certificate of Recognition for their ‘exceptional endeavours in the Workplace Community’. Regional, national and head office staff have also been awarded the same certificate.
Mark LLoyd, managing director at RMBI Care Co., said, ‘Our care homes, head office and national teams have worked tirelessly to ensure that our residents have received exceptional care and remained safe.’
The 180-year-old charity provides care and support to older Freemasons, their families and people in the wider community across 18 care homes in England and Wales.
Mark added, ‘I am delighted that our home managers have been personally recognised for their contribution, as they have demonstrated tremendous leadership and have all risen to the challenge and ensured their residents, their relatives and staff have been kept up to date with the ongoing unprecedented and changing situation.’
Receiving the award, Beverley Roberts, home manager at Prince Michael of Kent Court in Watford, said, ‘It’s a real honour to be recognised for the work that we do, as well as each of our staff members, who go over and above every day to support the residents within our care. It has been a challenging few years, but we have emerged stronger and closer as a team.’
The British Citizen Awards help to recognise individuals doing extraordinary things in the local community. Anyone can be nominated for an award, providing they have had a meaningful impact on those around them.
Activities coordinator Fee Collins and resident Sheila Cocks cycle side by side at RMBI Care Co. Home Devonshire Court in Leicester. All staff members at the homes have been awarded a British Citizen Award Certificate of Recognition for their ‘exceptional endeavours in the Workplace Community’. Staff member Christobel Barrow, home manager Beverley Roberts and staff member Barbara Augusty with their certificates and medal at RMBI Care Co. Home, Prince Michael of Kent Court, WatfordThe 180-year-old charity provides care and support to older Freemasons and their families
‘Our care homes, head office and national teams have worked tirelessly to ensure that our residents have received exceptional care’
The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ charity) has awarded Cranfield Trust a strategic partnership grant of £228,000, which will fund the crucial management support of 60 small charities.
This grant from the MCF, on behalf of Freemasons, will help provide essential social welfare services to the people who need them at this most challenging time. Smaller charities will benefit from intensive consultancy or leadership development support in areas such as business planning and strategy, governance, marketing or financial processes.
Amanda Tincknell CBE, chief executive of Cranfield Trust, said, ‘We’re delighted to be working with the Masonic Charitable Foundation to support vital, frontline charities across the country. This generous grant will enable Cranfield Trust to link highly skilled volunteers with frontline welfare charities and organisations to provide essential consultancy and mentoring services. This partnership will provide tailored professional support to meet the needs of smaller charities and, as a result, local communities will benefit from even better charity services.’
Sixty small charities and other not-for-profit organisations from across England and Wales
will be able to access essential training and expert help from Cranfield Trust. At least one charity will be nominated by the Metropolitan Grand Lodge and every Province across England and Wales to receive intensive support, while 12 more will be nominated by MCF’s very own Charity Grants team. The partnership will also include a programme of learning events and activities to thousands of other charities.
Drawing on Cranfield Trust’s model of skilled volunteering, charity leaders and managers will benefit from the support of exceptional consultants and mentors.
The partnership will also spearhead a major national study into the professional development and training needs of frontline charity managers, to build a management training programme for thousands more local charities in the future.
‘This important partnership with Cranfield Trust will help 60 small charities to become more effective and improve the delivery of services to people in need. It’s another demonstration of charity being at the heart of Freemasonry,’ said Les Hutchinson, Chief Executive of MCF.
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The Group of Lodges in Montreal & Halifax (3 lodges)
Kingston/George Town
District Grand Lodge of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands (24 lodges)
Willemstad Igualdad Lodge, No. 653
Port of Spain
District Grand Lodge of Trinidad & Tobago (8 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Barbados & The Eastern Caribbean (21 lodges)
Georgetown District Grand Lodge of Guyana (15 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Bahamas & Turks (12 lodges)
Hamilton District Grand Lodge of Bermuda (5 lodges) Jamestown St Helena Lodge, No. 488
São Paulo/ Rio de Janeiro
District Grand Lodge of South America, Northern Division (17 lodges)
Buenos Aires/ Santiago/Montevideo
District Grand Lodge of South America, Southern Division (11 lodges)
The Group of Lodges in Portugal (4 lodges) Gibraltar District Grand Lodge of Gibraltar (9 lodges) Valleta
The Group of Lodges in Malta (2 lodges) Limassol
District Grand Lodge of Cyprus (17 lodges) Zakynthos Star of the East Lodge, No. 880
District Grand Lodge of Sierra Leone & The Gambia (21 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Ghana (58 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Nigeria (42 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of East Africa (48 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of South Africa, North (101 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of South Africa, Central Division (8 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Namibia (4 lodges)
Cape Town District Grand Lodge of South Africa, Western Division (30 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Zambia (11 lodges) Harare/Lilongwe
District Grand Lodge of Zimbabwe & Malawi (12 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Kwazulu-Natal (26 lodges)
District Grand Lodge of Orange Free State (7 lodges)
Port Elizabeth
District Grand Lodge of South Africa, Eastern Division (28 lodges)
Mumbai District Grand Lodge of Bombay (23 lodges)
New Delhi District Grand Lodge of Northern India (5 lodges) Kolkata
District Grand Lodge of Bengal (23 lodges) Chennai
District Grand Lodge of Madras (18 lodges) Colombo
District Grand Lodge of Sri Lanka (10 lodges)
11. AUSTRALIA Albany
Plantagenet Lodge, No. 1454 Melbourne Combermere Lodge, No. 752
Geraldton Lodge, No. 3544 Gladstone Port Curtis Lodge, No. 2235
10. THE FAR EAST Kuala Lumpur/ Singapore/Thailand
District Grand Lodge of Eastern Archipelago (40 lodges)
Hong Kong/Kobe
District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong & The Far East (20 lodges) Vanuatu/Fiji
The Group of Lodges in the South West Pacific (3 lodges)
Rabaul Rabaul Lodge, No. 4468
District Grand Lodge of South Island, New Zealand (13 lodges)
Auckland District Grand Lodge of North Island, New Zealand (24 lodges)
@ugle_grandlodge @grandchapter
What an amazing day yesterday at the MetGL&GC Summer Party. It was just perfect thanks to the hard work and support from @JohnMetevent as well as @MetGStwd9812 My thanks to all involved.
Brother Tom Kendle, an Essex firefighter, will be joining others from the @YoungMasonsClub when they climb Mount Snowdon in August. Tom is raising money for The Firefighter’s Charity. Read about Tom’s preparations and donate here: www. item/214-scaling-new-heights
FreemasonryToday UnitedGrandLodgeofEngland SupremeGrandChapter
@unitedgrandlodgeofengland @freemasonrytoday @freemasonsha ll
@Surrey1837Club visiting group attended last night’s meeting at the United Services Lodge 9999. #Surrey #Freemasonry #Brotherhood @SurreyMason @lanch7369 @UGLE_GrandLodge
This book is hugely important to the history of Freemasonry and 2023 will mark the 300th anniversary of its publication. We @UGLE_GrandLodge have lots to share with you on this topic in the coming months, so stay tuned. #Freemasons
RW Bro Mark Constant – our new PGM! With more than 460 Brethren in attendance, the installation of RW Bro Mark Constant as Provincial Grand Master was an event not to be missed. @UGLE_GrandLodge @PcoNh
Great to be joined by Jonny and Milo, Pat and Tink and @PetsAsTherapyUK during our Town Hall meeting last week. Pets as Therapy provides therapeutic pet visits to care homes, hospitals and schools and is UGLE’s first ever staff charity. Learn more and donate here: DonateToPAT
The first five years of a child’s life are known as their formative years. We are proud to support @FoundationTrust with a grant of £5,000 for one year, to help them continue their great work in aiding the #development of children in Wirral. #Freemasons #Charity #EarlyYears
The guys have traversed multiple rocky paths to reach the summit of Mount Snowdon in just under three hours. They covered more than 12km and 23,000 steps and are now enjoying a nice cold beer with a fantastic view!
Announcement: Worshipful Brother David G Maskell PSGD APGM has been appointed Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall and will be invested at a date to be arranged. We offer our congratulations and full support to David, as I am sure will the Brethren of our Great Province.
FMT’s pick of the unusual, striking or just plain fascinating thēsauros
The Henderson-Ames Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan, produced quality costumes for American fraternal organisations from the 1860s to the 1930s. This illustration from its 1897 Blue Lodge catalogue depicts the outfits for a Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Senior Deacon, Secretary, Junior Deacon and regular Lodge member. The complete set, along with accessories, would have cost a Lodge $328.