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Next level for Solomon

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Hidden gems

34k Solomon now has more than 34,000 registered users


of recent initiates report that Solomon helps them get a better understanding of Freemasonry

The future of Solomon

Taking Solomon to the next level, the Learning & Development Team aims to transform a personal advancement into a shared experience we will all enjoy

More than 75% of those with 40+ years’ experience agree

Over 50% of users share Solomon Nuggets and Papers one to one with other Freemasons Around 17% of the UGLE membership use Solomon


report that their lodge or chapter has not yet used Solomon in meetings, but intends so to do

90% of Solomon users report that there’s a lot of material they want to revisit

Solomon has been built from the ground up and now has more than 34,000 registered users – around 17 per cent of the UGLE membership. To take it to the next level, we have to understand the needs of our users.

After all, Freemasons are highly diverse. Diff erent lodges and chapters have clear and distinct cultures, and Solomon needs to cater for as many of these as possible.

Additionally, past research has identifi ed a range of diff erent motivations that bring people into Freemasonry. Two of these are a curiosity about symbolism and the underlying moral lessons which lead someone to be a ‘better person’, another is an interest in the history and tradition of Freemasonry. These are already addressed in the content of the many Nuggets and Papers that Solomon contains.

A signifi cant proportion of our membership was motivated by charity, while some sought like-minded people. Others wanted to meet people from diff erent backgrounds, or were attracted because Freemasonry represents a tradition and an enduring set of values that give a sense of stability in an ever-changing world.

Perhaps what we have not done suffi ciently is to think about how Solomon might support those who have a more social orientation to Freemasonry. We also need to consider how to market Solomon to make its benefi ts clearer and more motivating for those with particular interests. To achieve this, John Roscoe undertook a survey of users. To date, 700 members have responded, from new initiates to members with more than 40 years in the Craft and Royal Arch. Here’s what they told us.

All users find Solomon helps them better understand Freemasonry It’s clear that people across Freemasonry go to Solomon for their personal use and to develop their own understanding, with 90 per cent of recent

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