18 minute read

A warm welcome

A very warm welcome to participants at the Freemen’s Futures Summer School.

Our Summer School is about supporting intelligent, kind-hearted young people in finding their way towards their next destination – whether that be towards a world-leading university or onto a higher education opportunity.

It is about developing their life skills, learning about leadership and, perhaps most importantly of all, learning to live for a short period with other young people from different cultures, different backgrounds, with different outlooks on life. There has never been a more important time for the youth of the world to grow in understanding of each other, to make new friendships and to realise that there is more that connects our human family together than divides us.

The content of this handbook is to ensure that all participants are clear on the boundaries that have been established to secure the safety, harmony and happiness of all participants – students and their supporting teachers and helpers.

Please read this Handbook carefully before arriving at City of London Freemen’s for the Futures Summer School. To clarify any points of understanding, please email:

David Boddy Head of Freemen’s Global david.boddy@freemens.org

The Atmosphere

We want every participant at the Summer School to feel safe, supported and free to enjoy themselves in a positive learning environment.

We have found from long experience of working with and looking after young people that where they understand that the expectation is for them to be kind, considerate and thinking of others, the atmosphere is light and happy, conducive to learning and personal growth.

Other rules are simply in place to give additional guidance and clarity.


A detailed timetable has been developed. Each student will be given a copy of the programme on their arrival. It will clearly show the activity options, the timing of events, their location and who will be looking after them.

The expectation is that each student will attend their chosen events every day. If a student wishes to be excused from an event, or a series of events during any day, prior permission must be granted by the Course Director or the Boarding Supervisor (see below).

Students must choose their activities the night before by completing the Daily Event Form and handing it to their Group Tutor.

From this data, the Daily Registration will be taken. It is a legal requirement that we know where every student is at all times.

Persistent failure to complete this form, or persistent failure to attend sessions without prior agreement from the Course Director, may result in a participant being asked to leave the Summer School. In such cases, no refunds will be made and all costs associated with sending the student home will be borne by the participant’s family (see ‘Exclusions).


Participants will live in the Walbrook Boarding House in the grounds of City of London Freemen’s School. Most rooms are twin-bedded. There are a number of single rooms and two triple rooms. One wing is dedicated to boys. One wing is dedicated to girls. There are isolation rooms in the case of illness or special requirements. There are communal single sex bathrooms and relaxation centres in both wings; there is also a general relaxation area in the centre of the Boarding House where all genders may mix. Laundry and kitchen facilities for preparation of light snacks are available (all meals will be provided for and taken in a School Dining Facility – See ‘Food’).

‘Walbrook’ is a modern, light and extremely comfortable set of sleeping and living accommodation.

A Summer School Boarding Supervisor will be in charge of all activities in the Boarding House. The Boarding Supervisor has the authority to direct student behaviours at all times.

There are specific regulations around living in a school Boarding House, and these must be followed at all times. Please note the following:

1. Bedrooms: No boy may enter a girl’s bedroom, or be present in the girl’s wing, at any time. Likewise, no girl may enter a boy’s bedroom or be present in the boy’s wing at any time. The respective dormitories will be clearly signposted. Failure to follow this rule will result in a student being asked to leave the Summer School.

2. Registration: A digital registration system is in operation. Students must register both as they enter the Boarding House and when they exit the Boarding House. This is a quick process which must be followed, including when students are simply leaving the Boarding House to go to an activity elsewhere in the School. It is unlikely that the activity programme will require participants to return to the Boarding House during the day.

3. Medication: Any student carrying with them any form of medication must hand this to the Boarding Supervisor or Course Director on arrival. The medication will be kept securely in a special area and will be made available by agreement according to prescription requirements (see ‘Medicines’ for further details).

4. Lights Out: There are set times for ‘lights out’. Every day is full of activities and it is important that all students are rested and fresh for the upcoming challenges. Those aged 14-15 will be under a 10.15pm Lights-Out Curfew; those aged 16-18 will be under an 11.00pm Lights-Out Curfew. Parents please note: Our return to the School after some external trips may result in later bedtimes; in such cases, the ‘Morning Call’ will be later, by arrangement.

5. Morning Call: First morning call will be at 7.30am. Breakfast will be served from 8.00am. The morning programme will start with a general gathering and formal registration at 8.45am. Each student is expected to attend the breakfast sitting.

6. Wi-Fi: Students will be able to log into the School’s Wi-Fi network and will be given a dedicated Summer School email with which to communicate to family and friends. The Wi-Fi network is heavily protected so that inappropriate content from the internet cannot be downloaded. Attempts to by-pass the School’s Firewalls on any mobile or digital device is not permitted; this is regarded as a serious breach of Summer School Rules and will be met with appropriate sanctions, up to removal from the programme (see Sanctions).

7. Mobile telephones: Students aged 14-15 will be asked to hand their mobile phones in to the Boarding House Team at Lights Out. They will be returned to them at breakfast. Older students may keep their phones with them overnight but will be expected to have them either on Silent or Airplane Mode during sleeping hours in consideration of their roommate. There is a private area available to students who wish to make personal phone calls home.

8. Bedding and towels: These will be refreshed weekly on the Saturday changeover dates.

9. Personal laundry: Students will be able to have any personal laundry washed and ironed on a weekly basis.

10. Snacks: Students will be permitted to use the kitchens within the Boarding House to prepare snacks and light refreshments. They will be obliged, however, to clean up and return the kitchen to good order when they have finished. Lockers are available to store dry-goods, but there are no facilities to store meats or fish or other perishable goods.

11. Alcohol and banned substances: No alcohol, or any illicit substance, is allowed in the Boarding House or on School premises. Failure to follow this rule may result in a student being asked to leave the Summer School.

12. Smoking and vaping: No smoking or vaping is allowed in the Boarding House, in School buildings, in the grounds of the School, on trips, or in the environs of the School. Failure to follow this rule will result in Sanctions being applied (see Sanctions).


All participants who complete either two or three weeks of the ‘Futures’ programme will be awarded a City of London Freemen’s Summer School Programme Certificate at the conclusion of their time with us.

Clothing List

Participants will be expected to bring with them the following list of clothing items to enable their full participation during the duration of their stay. Laundry facilities will be available once a week in the Boarding House. All washable clothes items are to be labelled and clearly marked with the name of the owner. The basic list of clothing items required includes:

Daily Wear

• Jeans or casual trousers, casual skirts or dresses, shorts, t-shirts and casual tops, jumpers, tracksuit top and bottom, casual shirts or blouses, trainers or sandals. T-shirts and tops not to include offensive logos or markings.

• Underwear - a sensible amount.

• Outdoors - overcoat/mac/rain jacket/ pocket umbrella.

• Sports kit - shorts/t-shirts, trainers, swimming trunks.

• Nightwear - appropriate coverings and dressing gown.


Formal Wear (this is for formal dinners and external evening events)

• Formal Wear Boys: Jackets, smart trousers, collared shirts, tie, smart shoes.

• Formal Wear Girls: Smart trousers, jacket, blouses, skirts / dresses, smart shoes.

Other items

• Protection: sun hat and sun cream; dark glasses.

• Toiletries: soap, shampoo.

• Please note: towels and bedding will be provided.


In emergencies, parents or guardians may call Walbrook Boarding House on:

+441372 822 460 or +447786 854 939

Should the Boarding House be unattended, the calls will automatically divert to a message system. Calls will be responded to as soon as possible.

Consent Forms

Enrolment on the Summer School course will be deemed as receiving parental / guardian consent for a student to participate in all activities under the management of Freemen’s Summer School.


Counselling to support students throughout the Summer School will be available. Should any student wish a private consultation with a trained Counsellor, to discuss personal, social or emotional issues, a request for a meeting should be made either to their Group Leader or to the Director of the Summer School.

Dietary Requirements

Participants with allergies, intolerances or other dietary requirements must complete the ‘Dietary Requirements Form’ prior to the commencement of their Summer School programme. It is the responsibility of participants with special diets to make themselves known to catering staff when they arrive at the servery for each meal. Vegetarian food options will be available at each mealtime.

During visits outside of School premises, participants will either be provided with packed lunches/suppers, or be given the opportunity to purchase food from public retailers. They are responsible for advising suppliers of any nut or other food allergies.

Energy Saving And Environmental Awareness

Participants will be encouraged to save on the use of electricity, by turning off lights when exiting rooms and generally adopting an attitude of care for the environment, such as not littering and use of the recycling bins where possible.


In the unlikely event that a student is asked to leave the Summer School, parents and guardians will be notified and asked to make travel arrangements to repatriate the student to their home country as soon as possible. Costs associated with the repatriation will be borne by the parents.

In the event that the repatriation is delayed, and the School is forced to make arrangements on the parents behalf, all costs will be charged back to the parents with a 15% service & disruption fee added to the travel charges.

The decision to exclude a student from the Summer School will be taken by the Course Director of the Summer School. Parents will have the right to appeal the decision to the Head of Freemen’s Global. The appeal will take place via Zoom or Team’s as soon as possible after the decision. The decision of the Head of Freemen’s Global will be final.


Opportunities for daily exercise around the School grounds will be provided. Sports equipment will be made available. Participants are expected to use this equipment safely and responsibly.

The School swimming pool will be open for use during specified hours when adult supervision is available. Non-swimmers must inform the Course Director prior to the commencement of the Summer School and must not enter the Pool area without prior permission from their Group Leader or the Summer School Director.

Adult supervision with swimming competency will be present during all swimming sessions; on occasions, such as swimming competitions, a trained lifeguard will also be present.

An induction to the School Gym will be provided to interested participants during the opening day of each Summer School week. Students must only use the School Gym once they have satisfactorily completed the induction and had this registered with their Group Leader or the Summer School Director.

Fire Safety

On arrival at the Boarding House, all participants will receive a full briefing on what to do in the event of fire. Fire escapes are clearly marked and a Fire Assembly Point (on the grassed area outside the Junior School) will be pointed out. A fire drill will take place during the Summer School.

On the hearing of the fire alarm, all students must react quickly – but quietly –and leave the building through the nearest exit, assembling at the Fire Assembly Point to be marked off on a Register. This direction applies both during daylight and night time hours.

First Aid And Medical Requirements

Support staff at the Summer School will include an appropriate number of trained First Aiders. They will be wearing Green Lanyards. During trips away from School premises, appropriate first aid equipment will be carried and at least one first aid trained member of Summer School staff will accompany each trip.

It is the responsibility of the participant to advise the Course Director in advance of the Summer School of any medical needs, such as epilepsy, diabetes, asthma or risk of anaphylaxis; this should be done by completion of the Disabilities and Medical Requirements Form during the enrolment phase. All such information will be kept confidential.

City of London Freemen’s School has five Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machines on site in the event of cardiac arrest where early intervention is vital. Emergency asthma kits are also on site. Evidence of medical insurance is mandatory before a participant can be admitted onto the Summer School.

In the event of illness or minor injury, medical intervention and support will be sought through the nearby Ashlea Medical Practice. In the event of more serious injury or illness, the National Health Service 999 and 111 services will be called upon.

Special rooms are available in the Boarding House in the event that a participant requires isolation from other attendees.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided in the School dining facilities daily. There will be three courses available for the main meal of the day – which will sometimes be taken at lunch and at other times at dinner, depending on the schedule of events. In addition to cooked options, both vegetarian and meat , there will be a full salad and fruit bar available.

On the days when travel takes place to Central London or university towns outside of the capital, packed lunches / dinner will be available.

No external food deliveries to the site will be accepted and no food should be kept in the bedrooms.


Ashtead Park, on which sits City of London Freemen’s School, comprises 57 acres of grassland, trees and flowers. There is plenty of space for both activity and quiet-time. Some areas on the estate are marked as ‘out of bounds’; these areas will be pointed out to students on arrival. Participants found out of bounds, without prior permission may be asked to leave the Summer School.

Help Is Always Available

Being away from home, perhaps for the first time, can be a daunting experience. Help is always available. To access the help, please contact your: david.boddy@freemens.org

Each student on arrival will be presented with an Information Card which will contain all relevant staff phone numbers and email addresses. This card will also include all relevant contact information for those adults responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding (see below).

Ict Usage

After arrival at the Summer School, all participants will be required to sign the Freemen’s ICT Safe Usage Agreement, which covers both School-owned and personal devices. It should be noted that personal Wi-fi ‘Hotspots’ may not be used and the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPN) is also not permitted.


Summer Schools work well when there is a flow of information – from participants to their Group Leaders, and in return. An information Briefings will be given each evening after dinner in the Dining Room as to the following day’s activities. It will also be printed and available on noticeboards in the Boarding House prior to lights out each evening. From this information, participants will be asked to complete their Daily Event Form (see above). Each student is responsible for knowing where they are due to be from the beginning of each day and to arrive on time for each activity.


Prior to arrival, all participants must take out both travel insurance and medical insurance policies. On arrival, students will be asked to show proof of these policies and a photocopy of relevant documents will need to be given to relevant Summer School staff. Students will not be permitted to join the Summer School in the absence of these documents.


The Boarding House has two communal kitchens available for the preparation of snacks at times during the day made available on the Timetable. Students are required to keep the kitchen tidy and in good order. All washing up must be done before leaving the kitchen. To ensure students are kept safe during the preparation of snacks, no more than eight participants can be in the kitchen areas at any one time.


Arrangements for the administration and storage of medicines at the Summer School adhere to the principles set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Council Guidelines for Medicine Management 2007 and supplementary guidance given in 2015 by the UK’s Department of Education.

Parents or Guardians of each student attending the Summer School must complete the Disabilities and Medical Requirements Form(s) at the time of enrolment.


If a prescribed medicine is required to be taken over the period of the Summer School, such medicine must be handed over to the Course Director or Boarding Supervisor on arrival at the Summer School. The medicine(s) must be in its original container, with prescriber or manufacturer’s details, plus the participant’s name, dosage, expiry dates and written instructions clearly visible and intact.

The Course Director or Boarding Supervisor must also be informed of any Over the Counter Medicines, bought without prescription for the relief of minor ailments. Parents wishing to withhold consent for the administration of such medicines must clearly state this on the Disabilities and Medical Requirements Form(s).

All medicines, both prescribed and over the counter, will be kept securely by the Boarding Supervisor and will be administered under controlled conditions. The Summer School cannot be held responsible for any problems experienced related to medication in which the Course Director or Boarding Supervisor have not been notified and participants have self-administered.


Participants are encouraged to bring with them a limited amount of ‘pocket money’ for spending on souvenirs and mementos during excursions. There will be a handful of occasions where the students will have the option of purchasing snack foods. Students will be invited to hand to the Boarding Supervisor their pocket money for safe keeping in a sealed envelope, marked clearly with their name. This can be retrieved prior to excursions. Travel and excursion costs are included in the price of the Summer School.


This Handbook outlines the key operational, logistical and overarching approaches to delivering a safe, highly enjoyable and rewarding Summer School. These processes are drawn from the following City of London Freemen’s Policies, which will be adopted in full: Safeguarding, Anti-bullying, Searches and Confiscation, Behaviour, Code of Conduct and School Rules, Physical Restraint, Data Protection. These policies can be reviewed on the City of London Freemen’s website www.freemens.org/policies.


Unless otherwise identified on the Enrolment Form, all participants will be deemed to have given their permission for their personal images to appear in photographs taken by other participants during activities and visits. Please refer to Social Media below for regulations around the use of imagery on social media platforms during the Summer School.


The welfare of every young person attending the Summer School is paramount. Each young person, regardless of age, gender, culture, language, race, ability, sexual identity, gender reassignment or religion has an equal right to protection, safeguarding and opportunities.

Young people should always feel safe, secure, valued and respected. They should also feel confident to, and know how to, approach appropriate adults if they are in difficulties, believing they will be listened to.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead at the Summer School will be the Head of Freemen’s Global, Mr David Boddy. He will be assisted by several other senior staff who have been trained in Safeguarding Best Practice. All participants will receive the names and contacts of all Staff trained in Safeguarding. Posters with their pictures and contact details will be displayed through the Boarding House.


It is legally imperative that at all times we are able to account for all students attending the Summer School. Please refer to the Attendance Section above and the Boarding Section, points 2 and 5.

The management of the Summer School will be conducted according to the City of London Freemen’s Safeguarding Policy as published on www.freemens.org/policies


The Summer School will adopt a strict Anti-Bullying policy. Bullying can be of multiple forms – physical, mental, emotional as well as cyber-bullying.

The prevention of bullying will be managed in accordance with the City of London Freemen’s ‘Bullying Policy’, as published on www.freemens.org /policies

Should any bullying occur and be evidenced, both the ‘bully’ and the ‘injured party’ will receive support. However, where there is evidence that the bullying is continuing, the perpetrator(s) will be asked to leave the Summer School.


Oversight and management of the Summer School will be, where ever possible, applied with a light touch. However, for the welfare of all participants and staff, it is important that a Sanctions Protocol is known in advance and followed.

The Summer School will operate a ‘Yellow Card’ and ‘Red Card’ system of sanctions. For low-level behavioural breaches of Summer School rules (outlined in this handbook), students will be awarded a Yellow Card. Three Yellow Cards will equate to one Red Card. A Red Card can be awarded for a more serious breach of Summer School rules.

One Red Card will usually result in a participant missing out on an activity –determined by the Course Director. Three Red Cards will result in suspension from some or all of the Programme. Where exclusion from the Summer School is under consideration, the final decision will rest with the Head of Freemen’s Global and the Course Director. Parents or Guardians will be informed prior to the removal of any participant from the Summer School. In the event of removal from the Summer School, all repatriation costs will be borne by the parents or guardian of the participant.


Smoking, Vaping and use of Alcohol is expressly forbidden during any activity related to the Summer School, including trips and activities inside and outside of the School premises. Sanctions will be applied to those breaking this rule.

Social Media

Participants will be encouraged to keep a video diary of their time at the Summer School, to create a short film of the activities and events. They will be helped with editing and film creation. At the conclusion of their time at the Summer School, this record will be available for use by participants or their in-country School on Social Media platforms. Until that time, participants are requested to stay off Social Media platforms and not post updates. This request is for student security purposes. Failure to follow this request may result in a student being asked to leave the Summer School.

Telephoning Home

Students will be free to call home when they have free time available. A private telephone space is available for sensitive calls. However, experience shows that student welfare is best served by setting a pre-arranged time to call home, ideally no more than once per week.

Parents with a need to be in urgent touch with their offspring will be able to email the Course Director, Julie Keyes at julie.keyes@freemens.org

Participants will also be able to provide their family at home with a telephone number in the Boarding House for out-of-hours contact.

Undisclosed Disabilities

Participants are required to make known to the organisers any physical disability they may be suffering prior to their arrival at the Summer School. Failure to disclose may lead to the student being refused entry onto the Summer School, and may be returned home at their family’s expense. Failure to disclose will be regarded as a breach of contract. Participants with pre-disclosed disabilities will be cared for appropriately and every effort will be made to safely and comfortably meet their physical requirements. Should participants experience any mental health, social or emotional learning difficulties, it is advisable to declare these to the Summer School organisers in advance, in order for proper levels of care to be facilitated.

Visitors To The Site

Regrettably, visitors to the site during the Summer School period will not be welcome. This is to ensure the safety and security of all participants and staff. In an emergency, or should an urgent matter arise, parents or guardians needing to come onto the School site should apply via email to the Course Director ( julie.keyes@freemens.org) or the Head of Freemen’s Global (david.boddy@freemens.org).

This A-Z handbook is to help set the right atmosphere so that everyone can have fun together, safely and respectfully and above all, get themselves ready for their future growth and development.

Water Bottles

Participants are encouraged to bring with them their own re-usable Water Bottles. Water coolers are available across the site.

We hope that students aged 14-18 will return year after year to our Freemen’s Future’s Summer School.


By the end of each day, we are very certain that students will be looking forward to a wonderful night’s sleep, perhaps dreaming of the great things to happen the following day.

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