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Job description - Teacher of PE
• Attending departmental meetings and sharing departmental responsibility; Attending staff meetings and School or departmental INSET; seeking opportunities for professional development; participation in the School Professional Review (appraisal) scheme; participation in induction arrangements.
• Promoting high standards of work and behaviour inside and outside the classroom.
• Contributing to the pastoral and extra-curricular life of the School and carrying out the role of form tutor effectively.
• Carrying out the normal supervision duties as laid down in School policies.
Professional expectations of staff
Staff will be kind, fair and respectful to students and each other, challenge others when they are unkind, unfair or disrespectful and have the highest regard for the students’ safety and their safeguarding duties, whether on or off the school premises.
Smart professional dress, or appropriate co-curricular clothing, at all times.
Prompt attendance during the School’s operating hours and a commitment to completing School business is expected.
Awareness and use of Freemen’s policies
Staff will be able to access and use policies as necessary, and read and act upon them appropriately.
Staff will establish Freemen’s as a place of learning and will determine clear boundaries of behaviour, based on mutual respect and trust. Staff will have high expectations of students and will manage their behaviour effectively.
Collective responsibility
Staff share collective responsibility for Freemen’s standards, reputation and property, should treat them with respect and care, and insist others do likewise.
Staff will expect high standards of communication from students and will, in turn, demonstrate accurate, timely and appropriate communication when dealing with students, parents and colleagues.
Ethics and behaviour
Staff will uphold public trust in the profession and the reputation of Freemen’s by maintaining high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside School. They will be respectful and tolerant of the rights of others, including colleagues, and not undermine fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. They will ensure that their personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law.