FREE the WAX Press Kit June 09

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Press Release:

FREE the WAX productions

September 2nd 2008

The 25th of September will see the opening night and beginning of FREE the WAX, a Shanghai-based bastard child production dedicated to presenting only the frontline of groundbreaking musical pioneers from across the globe. Championing selected local venues reputed for their music-comes-first policy, it is a project committed to valorising outstanding new talent and emerging producers of the moment, designed to take listeners beyond the mere clubbing experience. Hand-picked from new forms of expression, styles and wide-ranging cultural models that thrive in a new generation, it evokes a unique sound, one that resonates long after the dust has settled upon the dance floor. The focus, then, is rather a straight-forward one: the visionary becomes the norm, innovation morphs into the current, the bass follows the drum, the groove understands the vibe. Having said that, avid listeners, scenesters, aspirants and the merely curious are invited to have a first taste of the FREE the WAX bonanza at The Shelter on the 25th of September, on an unsuspecting Thursday night. DAEDELUS is the cat behind this inaugural crime. After working with cultish artists MF Doom, Prefuse 73 and Busdriver, he arrives in Shanghai in support of his first Ninja Tune album Love to Make Music to, hailed by critics worldwide as his best yet. With a LIVE SET that raises the stakes on the unlimitedness of electronic improvisation, DAEDELUS is set to quash music frontiers to mere space rubble with his intergalactic sequencing box, the Monome. Hardened romanticists look out, for this LA-native is bound to melt hearts and souls over his cosmic understanding of dance-floor music. Next up, the Australian duo THE HERMITUDE (Elefant Traks) take over The Shelter 's Karma Koma night on the 9th of October and Beijing’s White Rabbit on the 10th of October, with a proper chilled slap-me-cuz-Icant-believe-it-can-be-this-sweet LIVE SET. Coming fresh off their Japan tour, these beer-fed bwoys instruct us into delving how instrumental hip hop can be upped before our Heads crack the Roof. Having played alongside the likes of DJ Krush, RJD2, DJ Kentaro and Dizzee Rascal, these guys don't drop a cinematic beat, in a real up-grooving of down-tempo tunes that will give you a perfect reason to stamp your foot and root down. And flipping the mood to take you to the edge of rock music, FREE the WAX is proudly presenting PIVOT (Warp), a LIVE BAND that will lure you into their whole new outtake of post rock and its mind-blowing possibilities. In a set that would make both Sonic Youth and screening room scenesters The Cinematic Orchestra smile, rockers and ear-phone enthusiasts alike will experience these guys' fearless kraut-synth-electronic-noise investigations into other-worldly escapism. No joke can come out of this line up of fresh-out-of-the-oven international acts. Nevertheless, we are still smiling, laughing and raising those cheeks up to the good eyebrow. Look out and beware‌ This is no trick for the unpolished b-boy. This is FREE the WAX presenting you with a whole bag of old dog's new tricks that put the LIVE experience into due context. Free your mind so your ass will follow.

Daedelus (ninja tune)

Hermitude (elefant traks)

Pivot (warp)


Press Release: FREE the WAX productions

September 2 nd 2008

ゟ䎇Ϟ⍋ˈ㟈࡯ѢЎ䷇Ф⠅ད㗙ҟ㒡ܼ⧗᳔‫߯ॳ݋‬ᗻⱘ䷇Ф‫ܜ‬偅 , FREE the WAX ᇚѢ 9 ᳜ 25 ᮹Ў໻ᆊ ⤂Ϟ佪എᓔᐩᰮӮDŽ ៥Ӏⱘᅫᮼᕜᯢ⹂˖࣪⧚ᛇЎ⦄ᅲˈ㵡߯ᮄѢЏ⌕ˈ䋱ᮃ䎳䱣哧ⱘ㡖༣ˈ䷇Ф㡖༣Ӵ䖒䷇Фⱘᚙ᛿DŽ FREE the WAX ↣എ㡖Ⳃ䛑㊒ᖗᅝᥦˈᮼ೼ሩ⦄ᮄ݈䷇Фࠊ԰Ҏ੠Ф䯳ⱘॳ⫳ᗕ㕢ᛳDŽ៥Ӏৠ㒣䖛㊒ᖗ ᣥ䗝ⱘϞ⍋ᴀഄϧ⊼Ѣ䷇Фⓨߎⱘഎ佚ড়԰ˈᓩᇐҪӀᡯᓗᮻ֫ˈ䞡ᮄথ⦄㞾៥ˈ✊ৢ೼Ϟ⍋⿃ᵕӴ ᪁催䋼䞣䷇ФDŽ ೼䖭Ͼⱒᆊѝ号ⱘϪ⬠ˈ៥Ӏ䙔䇋᠔᳝䷇Ф⠅ད㗙ˈ᠔᳝ད༛㗙೼ 9 ᳜ 25 ᮹˄਼ಯᰮ˅‫ܝ‬Ј The Shelterˈᴹ҆䑿ԧ偠 FREE the WAX Ṻᑏ㠀ⱘᰮӮDŽDAEDELUS ᇚᰃᔧᰮЏ㾦DŽ೼ৠ໛ফዛᢰⱘ㡎ᴃᆊ MF Doom, Prefuse73 ੠ Busdriver ৠৄড়԰䖛ৢˈDAEDELUS ᢉ䖒Ϟ⍋ᅷӴҪⱘ䖭ᓴ㹿Ϫ⬠䷇Ф䆘䆎ᆊ⿄ Ў݊ϾҎ᳔Շ佪ᓴ Ninja Tune ϧ䕥 Love to Make Music toDŽDAEDELUS ᇚ⫼ the Monome ䷇Ф䞛ḋᬜᵰ఼⦄ എे݈߯԰ᓩ乚⬉ᄤ䷇Ф╂⌕ⱘ᎙ዄ԰કDŽߎ⫳Ѣ⋯ᴝⷊⱘ DAEDELUS ᖙᇚҹ݊ᇍ㟲᳆ⱘ⏅ࠏ⧚㾷ᠧ ࡼϛग㾖ӫⱘ䑿ᖗDŽ ᥹ϟᴹˈ▇໻߽ѮঠҎ㒘ড় THE HERMITUDE ᇚѢ 10 ᳜ 9 ᮹(਼ಯᰮ)೼ The Shelter Ў៥Ӏ⤂Ϟ䲒ҹ㕂ֵ ⱘ⦄എⓨ㒢DŽ߮​߮㒧ᴳҪӀⱘ᮹ᴀП㸠ˈTHE HERMITUDE ᇚЎϞ⍋ⱘ㾖ӫᏺᴹϔϾϢӫϡৠⱘ਼ಯ໰ ᰮˈҪӀᇚ৥៥Ӏሩ⦄఼Ф hip hop コ㛑ҸҎབℸѶ༟DŽ߮㒧ᴳњ੠ DJ Krush, RJD2, DJ Kentaro ҹঞ Dizzee Rascal ⱘড়԰ˈ䅽៥ӀᣁⳂҹᕙҪӀ偀ϡ‫ذ‬䐘⦄എࡼ᠟ᇚ᜶䇗Ф᳆ᬍ㓪៤ࡼҎⱘ㟲᳆DŽ Ўњ䅽㾖ӫԧ偠᳔ࠡिⱘᨛ⒮ФˈFREE the WAX ᳝ᑌ䇋ࠄ PIVOT(Warp)ৢᨛ⒮Ф⦄എⓨ༣Ф䯳ࠡᴹࡽ ݈DŽ⦄എᏗ㕂↨䍋 Sonic Youth ੠ The Cinematic Orthestra Ѻ↿ϡ䗞㡆DŽᨛ⒮Ф䗋੠৘⾡䷇Ф⠅ད㗙ᇚϔ䍋 ԧ偠ҪӀབԩ⫼“ড়៤⬉ᄤా䷇”ⓨ㒢䍙޵㜅֫ⱘ“䗗䙓ЏН”DŽ ៥Ӏᇍᕙⓨߎϔϱϡ㢳ˈԚ៥Ӏҡ✊മᣕҹ䕏ᵒⱘ⇯ೈᡞ᳔དⱘ䷇Фᏺ㒭᳔ព䷇ФⱘҎDŽ ৘ԡ䇋⊼ᛣˈ䖭ϡᰃϔ㠀㙸⌙ⱘ䷇Фⓨߎˈ䖭ᰃ FREE the WAX ЎԴ⤂Ϟ㒣‫“݌‬㗕䇗”ⱘ⦄എ䞡ᮄⓨ㒢DŽ ᨚ㜅೎᳝ᗱᛇⱘ㕕㒞ˈ䅽Դⱘ䑿ԧ䱣ⴔ䷇Ф䍋㟲DŽ

Daedelus (ninja tune)

Hermitude (elefant traks)

Pivot (warp)


FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - China Tour NOSAJ THING is the best kept secret in America right now. Masterful in manipulating heavy music-making machinery, this boy is a living weapon of sonic annihilation in the form of twisted beats and beautiful electronic beasts that bear little resemblance to anything you’ve heard before. Now only 23, Nosaj’s unique organic approach to dirty frequencies has already earned him remixes for Radiohead, Daedelus and Flying Lotus and received accolades from the ridiculously progressive scene of electronic beat heads in LA – just think of Free The Robots, Bus Rider, The Gaslamp Killer, Ras G, SamIyam all in one Californian pot. Releasing his highly-anticipated first album this June, this sound innovator is off to crack hearts and spread his roots into China’s minds with a ride of raw cosmic soul that will have you all aroused for days on end. Music heads, fasten your seat belts and have a safe journey... NOSAJ THING是美国现今最优秀的神秘。凭着对重量级音乐制作技术的掌握,这个小男孩通过扭曲的节奏 以及美丽的电子音效把自己的音乐塑造成你闻所未闻的机器野兽。 现在23岁的Nosaj处理脏频率的独特有机方法已经为他赢得了Radiohead,Daedelus和Flying Lotus等人的remixes,以及来自洛杉矶高速发展的电子音乐界巨头Free The Robots,Bus Rider,The Gaslamp Killer,Ras G,SamIyam等人的赏识。 在这个六月发行他备受期待的首张专辑之后,这位声音革命家将前往中国,带领我们与音乐一起扶摇而上九 万里。同志们,系上你们的安全带,我们马上启程

FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN



Saturday 20th

FREE WORKSHOP 3: 00 - 4: 30 PM 意工场 The Factory and FREE the WAX will hold a free 1-hour workshop and live performance at 3pm with NOSAJ THING, America’s brightest rising star. Budding producers and music aficionados, bring your gear and your questions and take advantage of this unique opportunity to have unparalleled access to everything you wanted to know about producing but had no one else to ask.

Free Shuttle Bus pickup & drop off at Shanxi Rd Metro Station, (58 MaoMing Rd outside Garden Hotel). Pickup 2:00 PM. Send via sms your name to reserve your seat! 138 189 258 17 电音天才NOSAJ THING的免费现场音乐演示加免费巴士接送! 6月20日(星期六)下午3点,来自美国洛杉矶的电音天才机 器野兽NOSAJ THING将在意工场与你一起零距离分享他的奇幻 音乐旅程。届时他不仅会为发烧友带来奇幻的现场音乐体验 ,还会为我们现场演示他制作音乐的全过程,与电子音乐爱 好者和DJ朋友进行作品交流和问答。现场还将赠送他的个人 专辑和限量的签名海报。 免费巴士会在2点半在陕西南路地铁站靠近茂名路花园饭店门 口把大家接去1933意工场。要来参加的人请在豆瓣 留言来保证你有座 位,谢谢! 音乐现场演示活动将在3点举行,4点半结束。5点接送大家回 到陕西南路地铁站。 如果有任何问题请联系FREE the WAX: 13917493513 当晚特别啤酒供应商 白熊啤酒

意工场 | FACTORY 上海市虹口区沙泾路29号4号楼 Bld.4 No.29 Shajing Rd. Hongkou, 1933 Complex

Putting you at the right alcoholic degree for the night: Vedett beer

Info: English Tel : 158 01797 886 中文电话 139 17493 513

FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents June 2009: NOSAJ THING (Alphapup) - UCCA Superganbei, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - Electrograss Festival, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - China Tour FREE the WAX joins forces with CUT & PASTE FESTIVAL on a very special live show by one of LA’s finest artists: FREE the ROBOTS Chris Alfaro is FREE the ROBOTS, a singular genre-defying artist pulling together generous doses of traditional jazz, hip-hop, psychedelia, Bollywood, progressive melodies, obscure samples and devastating drums into a rich pot of sound. Building up from his extraordinary production work, his live sets show Alfaro as a sample explorer in its truest form, effortlessly splicing sounds in live improvisation acrobatics that act as conversations between B-boy influences and heavy beat-driven dance floor masterpieces. Like a tightrope performer that manages to pull off the trick every time, watch this man drop the needle right through the nugget and send the dance floor on a journey into his mind-blowing bag of sounds!

Free the Wax 与Cut& Paste Festival联手打造来自LA的最佳艺人之一Free the Robots的特别现场演出。 Free the Robots其实就是Chris Alfaro, 一个将传统爵士,嘻哈,迷幻,宝莱坞,前卫旋律,晦涩采样和强烈鼓点 融合成一体的独立音乐人。 从他在现场演出时所作出的独特音乐,我们可以发现Alfaro是一个忠于音乐本质,能现场即兴将音乐完美转陈 结合的一个音乐人。他的音乐就犹如在b-boy和重拍节奏中自由转换的杰作。 让我们屏住呼吸,看他将唱机搓摆自如,就犹如魔术师表演挣脱术时丝丝入扣。用他的悠扬旋律在舞池中掀 起风潮。

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

Interview: Free the Robots clipping Cut&Paste

Live digital design competition Cut&Paste Shanghai will close with a big bang this Saturday May 23 in a live show co-hosted with Shanghai's very own FREE the WAX featuring LA music producer Chris Alfaro. Headlining FREE the WAX's first show outside of The Shelter, Alfaro, otherwise known as Free the Robots. looks set to pump up the jam with his MPD drum machine, sampler and turntable. Expect a sonic whirlpool of psychedelic, progressive melodies which promises to push genre boundaries. In the meantime, here's a snippet of a recent interview by FREE the WAX with Alfaro.

FREE the WAX joins forces with CUT & PASTE FESTIVAL on a very special live show by one of LA's finest artists, FREE the ROBOTS. Sickstar, Jammala (thunder percussion group), Localize (VJs) support. Where: Yu Yin Tang 1731 Yan'an Xi Lu (entrance on Kaixuan Lu), ᑧ቟⷏〝1731ภ Starts: Saturday, May 23, 11PM Cover: 40RMB, free for Cut&Paste tournament ticket holders For more local events, visit the Shanghaiist Calendar.

What led you to baptize your project 'Free the Robots'? CA: Free the Robots pretty much organically formed during a time when I was between several music projects. While I was actively DJing and battling every weekend, producing hip hop beats for different MCs, while experimenting with different experimental rock/jam bands, on the side. It was a fun yet unsteady time for me. Torn between where to put my focus, I never felt 100% satisfied with any of the projects I was working on. At the demise of the bands and groups, I decided to do something for myself. Out came Free the Robots. And what kind of robots are we talking about here - the intelligent kind that takes over humanity and use us as pets, the Japanese dancing dog type, some other funky type of robot? CA: The dinosaur robot that's from the future. It takes the form of a creature from the past on a mission to destroy the past, present and future. Can you tell us a little bit more about what The Crosby is and what it means to you?

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

㾷䇏Free The Robots

By chacha


བᵰԴᛇⶹ䘧᳾ᴹ䷇ФӮབԩ˛Chris Alfaro, гህᰃFree the Robotsৃҹ䴲ᐌᯢ⹂ⱘ㒭ԴㄨḜ˖“


ᰃ䙷ѯ⬉ᄤ⢖Ҏ߯䗴ⱘ䷇Фʽ”䱣ⴔ㔥㒰ᯊҷⱘࠄᴹ੠ᡔᴃ᳈䗁ˈ䷇ФᏆ㒣ϡ‫ݡ‬ᰃᯖ䌉੠ᖙ乏ӄᳯⱘџ ᚙњDŽ䙷ѯ⬉ᄤ⢖Ҏ೼ऻᅸ䞠ህৃҹᔩࠊ㊒㟈ⱘϧ䕥ˈ䖭ϾϪ⬠ⱘ໻䮼ԐТ೼ϔⶀ䯈ህЎ䖭ѯ䷇ФᆊӀ ᠧᓔњˈ᠔᳝Ҏᕫҹ⫼᳔ᖿⱘ䗳ᑺ੠᳔֓᥋ⱘᮍ⊩䎇ϡߎ᠋⫮㟇ߚ᭛ϡ㢅ህৃҹᕫࠄഄ⧗঺ϔ䖍ⱘ੼ 䆃ˈ㾕䆕໻Ҏ⠽ⱘ⍜䗱੠ᇣҎ⠽ⱘዯ䍋DŽ䕃ӊ∌䖰ϡৃ㛑পҷ⹀ӊˈԚᰃ䕃ӊ㒭њϪ⬠Ϟ᠔᳝䷇Ф⠅ད

ᇨ‫ހ‬ ᨘᕅ

㗙ᴎӮএ߯䗴ሲѢ㞾Ꮕⱘ䷇Фˈথ䖒ⱘ㔥㒰੠ֵᙃѸᤶজ㒭њ䖭ѯऻᅸ䷇ФЄᆠⱘ‫ܗ‬㋴੠໮‫♉ⱘܗ‬儖ˈ ॳᴹᯖ䌉ⱘ⹀ӊᠡৃҹ‫ⱘخ‬џҞ໽া䳔㽕ϔৄ⬉㛥੠֓ᨎ䕙ࡽ䆒໛ህৃҹᅠ៤DŽ䷇Ф↩コᰃ⑤Ѣ♉儖ⱘ ϰ㽓ˈ᳔䞡㽕ⱘᑊϡᰃᢹ᳝໮ᇥ⹀ӊ䆒໛˄㛑ᢹ᳝ᔧ✊᳈ད˅ˈ㗠ᰃ༈㛥䞠ᰃϡᰃⳳⱘ᳝䋻DŽ㔎ᇥ߯䗴 ࡯ⱘҎᢹ᳝‫ݡ‬໮ҸҎ㕵ᜩⱘ䆒໛гϡӮ‫ߎخ‬ҸҎ㕵ᜩⱘ䷇ФDŽ᠔ҹ----⬉ᄤ⢖Ҏᰃ䖭Ͼᯊҷᖙ✊ⱘѻ

ネᄤ ሩ

⠽ˈᰃ䙷ѯᮽ䆹㹿䖭Ͼᯊҷ㾷ᬒⱘᴎ఼ˈҪӀ㒜Ѣৃҹᡯᓔ⽕䫶‫خ‬㞾Ꮕᛇ‫ⱘخ‬џˈᑊ৥ܼϪ⬠ሩ⼎ҪӀ ⱘᠡढDŽ


Free The Robots ᏺⴔ䖭ḋ⏅ࠏⱘᆧᛣˈ㾷ᬒϔߛҹ䖒ࠄ䅽䷇Ф㞾⬅ⱘⳂⱘDŽҪᑊϡ䅸Ў㞾Ꮕᰃⳳℷ ⱘ‫ׅ‬Ф䚼DJ,಴ЎҪাᰃᬒҪ୰⃶ⱘ䷇ФˈᬒҪ㞾Ꮕࠊ԰ⱘ䷇ФˈԚህㅫ䖭ḋˈҪ䖬ᰃ೼㕢೑‬ᄤ䬛䷇ Ф໻༪Ϟᣓࠄ᳔Շ‫ׅ‬Ф䚼DJⱘ༪ᵃˈ5᳜23᮹ˈ䖭ԡⳳℷⱘ‫ܜ‬䫟䷇ФᆊᇚᴹࠄϞ⍋ˈϢFree The Wax㘨᠟೼㚆䷇ූ⤂Ϟϔഎᵕક䷇Ф⌒ᇍˈ೼៥Ӏњ㾷᳈໮݇ѢҪⱘᬙџҹৢӮ᳈ࡴ㖬佪ҹⳐ䖭䲒ᕫ ⱘ㾚਀ⲯӮDŽ Chris Alfaroᰃᠡढ῾⑶ⱘ䷇ФҎˈҪ୘Ѣᇚ৘⾡䷇Ф㉏ൟ㵡Ӯ䌃䗮ˈ㒣䖛Ҫ㊒ᖗ㓪ࠊ䕀࣪៤ҸҎ᚞্ ⱘ䷇ФDŽҪгᰃ⮃⢖ⱘ䞛ḋϧᆊˈ࠾ߛᣐ䌈ᇍѢҪᴹ䇈䙷МᆍᯧˈԚ‫ⱘߎخ‬៤કҸҎ⵴Ⳃ㒧㟠DŽ↣Ͼ԰ ક䛑‫ڣ‬ᰃ㕢཭ⱘ䆫㆛ᓩ乚Դ䍄䖯ᅗ⥘཭ⱘ䷇ФϪ⬠DŽ

Sub ेᇚ RAT LP3 Dee


Chris Alfaroߎ⫳೼ࡴᎲ‬ᄤ䬛ˈԚ೼⋯ᴝⷊᓎゟ䍋ໄᳯˈҪᇍ⋯ᴝⷊ੠‬ᄤ䬛䛑ᕜ⛁⠅ˈԚᰃ೼䷇Ф ᮍ䴶ᴹ䇈⋯ᴝⷊ᳈ᕫҪⱘᖗDŽҪϢ䷇Ф᳝݇ⱘϔߛ䛑ᰃ೼⋯ᴝⷊᓎゟ䍋ᴹⱘ˖Ҏ䰙݇㋏ˈଅ⠛ॖ⠠ˈ䷇ Ф♉ᛳˈ䖭ѯࡴ䍋ᴹᮽᏆ㒣䍙䍞↨䕗ⱘӋؐњDŽབᵰ᳝䍞ᴹ䍞໮᳝䍷ⱘџথ⫳೼The Crosby ੠ ೷ᅝ ࿰(㕢೑ࡴᎲफ䚼ජᏖ)ˈChris Alfaro䅸Ў‬ᄤ䬛ⱘ໻⦃๗гӮ᜶᜶ད䍋ᴹDŽ

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents May 2009: FREE THE ROBOTS (Alphapup) - The Boat, BEIJING - Yuyintang, SHANGHAI - C:Union, GUANGZHOU - I Du Tang, SHENZHEN

FREE the WAX presents: BANG GANG: MODULAR China Launch Party - Warehouse, SHANGHAI May 15th - Yugong Yishan, BEIJING May 16th

MODULAR LAUNCH PARTY: Bang Gang Deejays The 1st in a 4-part series launching the cult indie-electro label Modular records… As the most energetic independent label around, Modular is responsible for unearthing the likes of the The Avalanches, Cut Copy, Soulwax, The Presets and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs to the attention of audiences worldwide. Sending ‘electro’ shocks wherever its hard-hitting acts are exposed, the label has – in the last 11 years - grown to be an unequaled force in the indie-disco party scene. Landing in China hard this month, Modular is bringing no one less than the anarchically brilliant Bang Gang Deejays, infamous for creating chaos under control with their bare-naked rockin’ sets. Similar to hot hot favorites Simian Mobile Disco and Kitsuné, the Bang Gang strings genres together to form a collage of ‘mishmash’ noise. Is it a rave? Yes. Is it an indie-rocking, some-kinda-hipster phase? Hell yes. But who cares? These Aussies know how to throw a party… 和周围的那些充满活力独立厂牌一样,Modular一直觉得肩负重任去挖掘像The Avalanches, Cut Copy, Soulwax, The Presets, Van She和the Yeah Yeah Yeahs这样有天赋的艺人,并帮助他们宣传获得全世界的注意力。 在过去的11年中,Modular厂牌十分执着的坚持传播最新锐进步的电音音乐,如今已经成为indie dance现场最 不可或缺的力量。 对于本月Modular登陆中国的活动,modular旗下最无法无天的天才DJ组合Bang Gang Deejays将首当其冲。小心 了,他们赤裸裸的摇滚乐风格会让现场陷入无尽的狂热骚乱之中。 与如今大红大紫的simian mobile Disco和kitsune一样,Bang Gang Deejay走的也是mish-mash的风格。这是锐舞 吗??是小众的独立摇滚吗?是赶时髦的小腔调吗?不管了,反正这些澳大利亚人才真正知道如何让一场派 对high起来。

FREE the WAX presents: BANG GANG: MODULAR China Launch Party - Warehouse, SHANGHAI May 15th - Yugong Yishan, BEIJING May 16th

FREE the WAX presents: BANG GANG: MODULAR China Launch Party - Warehouse, SHANGHAI May 15th - Yugong Yishan, BEIJING May 16th

FREE the WAX presents: BANG GANG: MODULAR China Launch Party - Warehouse, SHANGHAI May 15th - Yugong Yishan, BEIJING May 16th

[AskMats]: Workin' Girls Thrifty, young Euro looking for something real in SH May 13th 09 by Matsume Kai


May 12th | Dining »

May 12th | Activities »

Interview: Bang Gang Deejays

[Radar:] The Cottage

[Offbeat] Fore Saken

D is for Disco, E is for... By Morgan Short

Coffee, books and clutter on Taojiang Lu - By Christopher St Cavish

Chiao Tai Golf Club - in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon - By Ric


Interview: Bang Gang Deejays D is for Disco, E is for... - May 13th 09, by Morgan Short in Nightlife

This Friday, hot, hot, hot Aussie (Ozzy?) record label Modular celebrates their launch in China, and they're kicking off the first in a series of four events featuring artists on their roster. If you didn't know, Modular is home to big time acts like The Presets, The Avalanches, Cut Copy, and The Bumblebeez (among others). Check them out on the web here, and also have a look at their blog here. This first Modular Records party features cut and paste, slash and burn DJ collective the Bang Gang Deejays. Usually rolling six-deep, the Bang Gang Deejays have streamlined their number down to two for their shows in Shanghai and Beijing -- Jamie Doom and Gus Da Hoodrat -- and they'll be bringing devastating aural dynamite to the decks for all of us to hear. Wiz, bang, boom. SmartShanghai caught up with the pair at a nice pub on Henghsan Lu to talk about how on-the-ball Japan is, the trouble with the kids these days, Falcor, and fantasy gang bangs. Check the event details here (take note of that address: it's weird). Check out the Bang Gang Deejays on MySpace here. *** SmSh: When did you guys get in? Jaime Doom: We got in last night. We were in Japan for a week doing four gigs. In Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokoyo, and then we hung out in Tokyo for a few nights. SmSh: How was Japan? Jaime: Japan is dope. We've been there like five times. Probably our favorite place in the world to play. The kids just go mental there, so it's really... SmSh: What kind of parties? Huge ones or smaller clubs?

May 13th | Nightlife »

FREE the WAX presents: BANG GANG: MODULAR China Launch Party - Warehouse, SHANGHAI May 15th - Yugong Yishan, BEIJING May 16th

FREE the WAX presents: BANG GANG: MODULAR China Launch Party - Warehouse, SHANGHAI May 15th - Yugong Yishan, BEIJING May 16th

FREE the WAX presents: BANG GANG: MODULAR China Launch Party - Warehouse, SHANGHAI May 15th - Yugong Yishan, BEIJING May 16th

Our interest is piqued: Modular Launch Party Sometimes it feels like Shanghai is getting too cool for even us. Australian record label Modular Records - responsible for unearthing talents like Cut Copy, Wolfmother and The Presets - is launching a division here in this city. Basically, that means we can count on a sudden increase in indiedance-rock booty shaking in the near future. To kick off their (hopefully long) stay here, Modular is throwing a four-part launch bonanza with the first party happening this weekend. On Friday, they'll be bringing Australian electrosynth post-disco remix masters Bang Gang Deejays to The Warehouse. Their sound, somewhere between a rave and a rock (rave rock?), has been compared to hipster dance floor favorites Simian Mobile Disco. They'll be supported by R3, Adept, The Dynamic and the always fun S.T.DJs. Where: The Warehouse, Bldg 10, No. 237 Xitai Lu (near Longshui Nan Lu) ༑ᵏ〝237ภ10ภᭈ (ㄭ啭 ᳓ධ〝) When: Starts at 10PM on Friday, May 15. Cover: 60RMB

FREE the WAX presents: RECLOOSE: Gilles Peterson WF Sessions @ YUGONG YISHAN, BEIJING

FREE the WAX presents: RECLOOSE: Gilles Peterson WF Sessions @ YUGONG YISHAN, BEIJING

FREE the WAX presents: RECLOOSE: Gilles Peterson WF Sessions @ YUGONG YISHAN, BEIJING

FREE the WAX presents: RECLOOSE: Gilles Peterson WF Sessions @ YUGONG YISHAN, BEIJING - Recloose

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Recloose The dynamic producer brings his vibrant energy and acrobatics, bells and whistles attached, to the capital city. By: Pete DeMola at Yugong Yishan group ShareThis By Leo Messias, Free the Wax According to an often-cited Detroit legend, one Matthew Chicoine was working in a takeout sandwich joint in 1997 when he saw legendary techno producer and DJ Carl Craig enter and order a rye sandwich. Immediately recognizing him, Chicoine slipped a demo with his work into the same bag that Craig would take home. A day later, Craig called and invited him to his studio, where he subsequently signed Chicoine to one of the most respected electronic music labels of all time: Planet E. The rest is history. This unlikely story was the beginning of Chicoine's career as one of the most respected Detroit DJs and producers of his time, making his name over countless remixes, gigs and three LPs that saw him embark on numerous world tours. Widely recognized by his refined production work, Recloose has created vibrant music that has transcended genres, blending elements of techno, house, latin and funk, all of which contain his signature soulful undercurrent which gives him just that little extra edge, putting him a cut above the rest. Now residing in New Zealand, Free the Wax caught up with him for a friendly chat about Detroit, New Zealand and the driving forces behind his music. FREE the WAX: So let's start this with a bang! Do you think any babies have been conceived to your music? Recloose: Hell yes! FtW: What would be your best lovemaking tune, then? R: "Absence of One" off of my Cardiology album. We used to call it "humping music." (laughs) FtW: So back in the day when you were signed by Carl Craig to legendary Detroit label Planet E, you had no idea where you would be in 2009?

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4/16/2009 12:49 AM

FREE the WAX presents: RECLOOSE: Gilles Peterson WF Sessions @ YUGONG YISHAN, BEIJING - Recloose

R: Music can be such a hard business, especially underground music -- so I suppose I might have guessed I would have gotten a "real" job by now. Thank goodness I'm still inspired, productive and have a great fan base! FtW: Do people there receive your music well in comparison to your audience in Detroit? R: To be frank, dancing is more instinctive in Detroit. There you can play tracks that nobody's heard before and if it's soulful, funk-driven, hands-in-the-air kind of music, then people will dance -- no questions asked. In New Zealand, the musical scene focuses on different elements (more Jamaican music, hip-hop, drum and bass), so sometimes it's a little like trying to convert and school people when I DJ. But usually with enough perseverance, effort, and antics (e.g., scratching, effects, hyping the crowd) they come around! FtW: Sounds like a lot of work! Did NZ have any effect on the soul of your music? R: What an interesting question: I've never been asked that before. Where you're from and where you call home will always have an undeniable influence on your art. New Zealand is quite a soulful place (as is Detroit), so even though culturally and musically they may be worlds apart, some of the music and art (but definitely not all) gravitate to a similar notion of soul. Alas, defining what "soul" means would be a whole essay unto itself, but I think it's more easily conveyed through art, emotion, and feeling than through words. So the short answer is, yes... and a lot. FtW: What decade rocks your soulful socks the most: the 1970s, 80s, 90s or the 00s? R: I've always been a fan of the 70s, and lately even more so of the 80s. I like the way soul and dance music developed through different technological innovations, especially the introduction of the synthesizer and drum machines. FtW: Yet you make pretty "new" music. In your opinion, what in your music is rooted in the past and how much of it is looking into the future? R: I think the notion of "past" and "future" is often overstated in music. It's a continuum: music will always be in a state of flux and development; it's always connected to the past and simultaneously pushing toward the future. But there's no doubt that technology has brought people's ability to produce their futuristic imaginings more efficiently and elaborately (and has completely re-defined the music industry in the last ten years). In my case, I'd say I have a more intimate relationship with music from the past -- I'm a DJ and record collector -- so this undoubtedly comes out in my music (through using samples, but also ideas, styles and feelings). And I think any serious artist strives to develop and push their ideas in new directions. Because I use a lot of electronics in my music, this could be seen as a push to the "future," which I think is a common trait for any Detroit producer post-Juan Atkins. FtW: Your last three albums have all been critically-praised, and got you a lot of attention from people in the know. Where do you see your sound growing from here? R: At the moment, I'm re-inventing and re-launching my band (Recloose Live Band) as STARBLAZERS. We're finishing up our first EP now, which is a covers project of carefully-selected underground soul, funk, and disco gems re-interpreted in our own unique way. This has been a great learning process, as I've never really produced a full studio recording from the ground up (any live elements from previous albums were added on top of what I did with my gear at home). The larger idea here though is to separate the band direction (live) from the bedroom studio material (e.g., more electronic, dance based music). So I guess you'd say I'm branching out. FtW: Your taste is wildly-eclectic, yet you manage to appeal to a large group of people at the same time. What thread connects the sounds that you play? R: I don't get too hung up on playing genre-specific sets and never have. It can be a challenge when it comes to marketing and it's always hard to answer the often-asked question, "How would you describe your music?" I'd say simply that I DJ off of the vibe I get at a gig or feeling from the people more than any one style. And I suppose the goal is to rock the party and inspire at the same time. FtW: What can we expect from your show musically speaking? R: Energy, vibe, acrobatics, and lots of bells and whistles. FtW: China is a country with practically non-existent channels of music distribution and information. What do you expect from your shows here? R: I am hoping that the audience will be open to something new, or at least new to China. All reports from friends who have visited or played in China have been great, so hopefully I can tap into this new energy. FtW: Do you have any words of wisdom for all the DJs and budding producers out there in China who are swimming against the flow? R: Find YOUR voice. Say something with your music. Try new things. And if you're too comfortable, you're doing something wrong. Recloose will perform at Yugong Yishan on Sat, Apr 4. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased at NLGX. Want a free Recloose CD? How about a NLGX T-shirt? Or better yet, click here and scroll down to the Event Wall to find out how you can go to this show for free. Photo -- and interview -- courtesy of Free the Wax. Comment

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4/16/2009 12:48 AM

FREE the WAX presents: DJ DEXTER @ The Boat, BEIJING - April 2009

FREE the WAX presents: DJ DEXTER @ The Boat, BEIJING - April 2009

FREE the WAX presents: DJ DEXTER @ The Boat, BEIJING - April 2009

FREE the WAX presents: JUAN ATKINS (metroplex) - Block8, BEIJING March 2009

Nat Alexander, Shanghai_Ultra, MHP

JUAN ATKINS: Universally regarded as “The Godfather Of Techno”… When experimenting with synthesizers in 1980, the young Juan Atkins kick-started a revolutionary style of music that turned him into a legend and put Detroit on the map: TECHNO. Working alongside his early techno cohorts Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May he created the most influential body of work in the history of modern music. From his incarnations as Cybotron and Model 500 through to running his own influential label Metroplex, he directly or indirectly shaped electronic music as we know it today. 30 years on, Atkins is on a space mission to bring only the most soulful and futuristic tunes to the world, spinning you to a galaxy that knows no time, where humans and consciousness as we know them are things of the past. Shanghai behold: this is a night that knows no precedent! It’s future history in the making… Juan Atkins 如“工业电子教父”般备受尊崇!!!! 当实验性合成器大行其道的80年代,年轻的Juan Atkins已经先行进入了音乐革新派的行列,这不但令他自己成 为电音界的传奇,也令底特律这个城市在世界地图板块上散发奇异的光彩。每个人都开始意识到,工业电子 的时代来临了!! 他早期曾与Kevin Saunderson和 Derrick May合作建立工业电子军团,为他树立了深有影响的现代音乐楷模形 象。从他以自身的影响力经营的品牌Metroplex那时开始,他已经直接或间接的影响了当今电子音乐的发展。 30年后的今天,他肩负重任把最富情感和最前卫的音乐散播到全世界,上海一役意义非凡,因为我们都将见 证这一颠覆性的历史时刻!!

FREE the WAX presents: JUAN ATKINS (metroplex) - Block8, BEIJING March 2009

FREE the WAX presents: JUAN ATKINS (metroplex) - Block8, BEIJING March 2009

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

FREE the WAX proudly presents this double MC night at Yugong Yishan... Dropping beats harking back to a time when hip-hop was FUN, People Under The Stairs spell out a P-A-R-T-Y much like De La Soul at their most inspired, chillest and unmistakable best. In the late 90s, while hip-hop stars built lucrative empires, some purists went underground. PUTS took it literally and recorded their best albums in their basement, moved by their mutual love for and intense knowledge of music. Pulling only the best jams from thousands of obscure records, these 2 MCs’ live shows give life to a sonic kaleidoscope of textured samples, jazzy beats and chilled soulful rhythms that brought them to the forefront of underground hip-hop. Spitting out rhyme after rhyme of streetwise laid-back humor, these boys from LA are gonna take us back to a time when hip-hop grooves were fresh and beats had soul, when MCs had class, rocked and chased that goal. Yes, yes, y’all… People Under The Stairs MCs in da house! FREE the WAX荣誉主办这个双倍火热的夜晚…… 再回到hip-hop最有意思的时代,People Under The Stairs像De La Soul一样在他们灵感最佳,最冷静和最无误的时候,定 义了他们的派对方式。 在九十年代晚期,当 一些hip-hop明星建立起了利益帝国,另一些纯粹者就转入了地下。PUTS带来的就是他们在地下室 里录制的那张最好的专辑,包含着他们彼此间的爱还有热情的音乐知识。 仅从上千个晦涩的录音之中选取最好的即兴,这个双人MC的现场直播表演从新创造出一个万花筒质感的声音样本,爵 士乐和冰鲜灵魂的节奏,让他们进入地下hip-hop的前列。 在吐出源源不断的诗歌以及轻松狡猾的幽默,这些孩子要从洛杉矶带我们回到hip-hop以往的那种新鲜和灵魂的节奏之 中,当MC们也有了种类、震撼和追逐的目标。 是的,是的,所有人…People Under The Stairs MC 在house之中!

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

'&% )(&

POWER TO THE PEOPLE Behind the Scenes and Under the Stairs by Lisa Liang and Berwin Song


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%& & & & " ! %) # ' $ Greatest love song ever made? * '$# !+ $ % "( $ ! PHOTO: COURTESY BY THE ORGANIZERS

72 the Beijinger February 2009


FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

FREE the WAX presents: PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS @ Yugong Yishan, BEIJING - February 2009

DJ VADIM & MC Yarah Bravo @ The Shelter, SHANGHAI 30th Jan 09

如果你听过过去15年的音乐,你一定知道有三个dj是其中最出色的,dj shadow, dj krush 和 dj vadim。 在他们之中,dj vadim扮演着一个调动情绪,掌控全球性音乐的技巧大师的角色,就像一个执行 任务的音乐先锋。 爱和事业伙伴, Yarah Bravo,换句话说就是他的街头智慧mc女神,音乐系统和华丽呼吸中的灵魂 之心。 作为个人,他们都是重要的人物,但是数学对他们更有用,他们决定一加上一成为一个组合,为 了是你们在那个晚上的全新派对上尽情狂欢… 所以, 女士们先生们,为了 DJ Vadim 和 Yarah Bravo 第一次登陆我们的城市,尽情摇摆,聆听和 享受吧。

DJ VADIM & MC Yarah Bravo @ The Shelter, SHANGHAI 30th Jan 09

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DJ VADIM & MC Yarah Bravo @ The Shelter, SHANGHAI 30th Jan 09

HARMONIC 313 (Warp) @ White Rabbit, BEIJING & The Shelter, SHANGHAI 作为著名音乐组合Global Communications和Jedi Knights一员,Mark Pritchard 已经发表了过去黄 金十年里最重要的几张专辑(尤其是1994年推出的76:14,至今仍视为杰作,一再重新发行)。 在WARP 旗下发行了多张未来主义音乐专辑后,Pritchard 继续尝试一种挣脱牢笼,前所未闻的音 乐类型,开始将天际之音融入极具魅惑的dubstep,这就是 HARMONIC 313。 首次莅临中国,让我们期待这位出类拔萃的音乐人,通过2个小时的现场演绎,震撼White Rabbit 大舞台,并用深情款款又扭曲的音乐冲洗我们久染世俗声音的耳朵。 只是别让他演奏任何一首已知的曲子,他对创新情有独钟。





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DECEMBER 10, 2008

Harmonic 313 takes on The Shelter this weekend

We are pretty sure more than a few people are thankful that Mark Pritchard didn't pursue a culinary career in the end. The pioneering DJ, currently with cutting edge label Warp Records, has since moved on from his critically-acclaimed deep ambient music to the dark synthetic bass bleeps of Detroit-inspired instrumental hip hop. Known for his multiple monikers, Pritchard's current reincarnation is Harmonic 313, so named after the frequency produced by planets turning on their axes adapted to the Detroit telephone area code 313. Catch the electronic groove guru in action this Saturday at The Shelter for the first time in Shanghai. In the meantime, it's probably a good idea to go solve some color-coded speak-and-spell puzzles so as to lay your hands on a bonus unreleased track. Have fun. Harmonic 313 Live DJ Set Venue: The Shelter, 5 Yongfu Lu (near Fuxing Xi Lu) ∌⽣䏃5ো (䖥໡݈㽓䏃) Date: 13 Dec. 2008 Saturday Time: 10 pm - Late Cover: RMB 50


JAMES PANTS (Stones Throw) @ The Shelter, SHANGHAI & White Rabbit, BEIJING ϡ᳒ЎПⴔ䗋˛䙷ᰃ಴ЎԴϡ᳒਀䖛៥Ӏⱘ䷇Фʽ ℸ⃵ⓨߎ⬅ Quality Control ੠ FREE the WAX ݅ৠВࡲ Ⳍֵ㞾Ꮕⱘⴐ⴯ˈ≵䫭ˈ䖭ᰃ Stones Throw ଅ⠛݀ৌ೼Ё೑ⱘ佪എⓨߎDŽJAMES PANTS ҹ೑䰙᳔ᯊ ݈ⱘ⦄എ䆒ᮑˈЎԴਜ⦄ϔഎ⌏࡯ಯᇘⱘ㟲䐜⾔DŽ 㹿䁝Ў⣀ゟఏજФ໻Ꮬ Peanut Butter Wolf ⱘ᥹⧁Ҏˈ䗑䱣䷇Фࠡ䕜 Madlib ੠ J Dilla ⱘ㛮ℹˈJAMES PANTS ⾝ⴔᅲ偠㠀ⱘᓔ߯㊒⼲ˈ೼ 80 ᑈҷ⬉ᄤ䖾ᮃ⾥䷇ФЁࡴܹњᅠ㕢ⱘ䍷ੇᛳˈՓ਀ӫৠᯊԧ偠 ᙺ㘇ⱘ㡖༣Ꮧ剕ᮃ੠⑤⑤ϡᮁⱘ᳾ᴹЏН໡স䴍䳇㟲䷉ᕟDŽ ᨎ݊໘ཇ԰ Welcome ϧ䕥ᴹࠄЁ೑ˈJAMES PANTS Ꮰᳯ䖭⾡‫⫼߽ߚܙ‬㗕ᓣ哧੠ㅔᴈⱘ䷇Фড়៤఼ࠊ ԰㗠៤ⱘ䷇Ф㛑ᇚ⚍➗㟲∴ˈ䅽㾖ӫ䞡⏽ 80 ᑈҷ䙷ࢆ⟚ⱘৢ䖾ᮃ⾥⢖╂DŽ ᮴䆎Դ᳝໮М"close. to. the. edge."ˈϡㅵԴᰃ㟲䐜⢖Ҏ䖬ᰃ䷇Фথ⚻টˈJAMES PANTS 䛑ᇚᏺԴ䖯ܹ ϔϾԴҢ᳾ᛳফ䖛ⱘ㓸㒋Ϫ⬠DŽ


FREE the WAX & eno present JAMES PANTS Pre-event WORKSHOP - SHANGHAI On the day of JAMES PANTS’ show at The Shelter (Friday, 21 November), eno store will hold a free 1 hour workshop and performance where the artist will play Live and take the audience on a journey into his sound. This is a one-of-a-kind chance for fans and the merely curious to catch up with the artist and get into the mind of one of today’s most innovative musical masterminds. Free James Pants CDs and signed limited edition posters will be given away at the store. 2

FREE the WAX & Apple present JAMES PANTS Pre-event WORKSHOP - BEIJING

China’s Apple Store will host James Pants’ Beijing workshop where the artist will play Live and take the audience on a journey into his sound. As in its worldwide stores, it entails a brief 30min performance where the artist may either play a short set or explain their work. This is the 1st and only apple store in all of China and, located at one of the hottest tourist and shopping spots of the city, the traffic here is on average 4000ppl/day. More importantly, this collaboration with Apple creates the perfect opportunity to encourage each artist's distribution to the Chinese market - Apple's calendar of events has a network of 40,000.



Beijing > Blogs > Beijing Blogs > The Beat - BJ Nightlife >

Interview with James Pants: The DJ-producer-multi-instrumentalist mastermind brings a new variety show to Beijing

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On "Welcome" (the new album) you play drums, keys, guitar and sing. Did you grow up playing a lot of different instruments? I've been a drummer for a long time, but can't really play much else. I get around, but I wouldn't say I'm competent. How did you first decide to mix live music and DJing? There are so many DJs out there. Many of them I respect, and I feel like I don't have anything to offer that they don't. Peanut Butter Wolf, Kenny Dope and Dam Funk all come to mind. It's also nice for me to do a variety show of sorts: karaoke, tambourine and dance contests. I'm still a little new at it, but I've found it much more rewarding. Do you set out to make a certain kind of music when you go into the studio? Not really. I've found that if I try to make a specific type of song, it usually doesn't turn out well. For me, it’s best if I just go into the studio and noodle around on things until something comes up. A few music writers call your sound "fresh beat." Can you define what that is? I'm not really sure what that is either. I guess it just means I like everything. Also, even if my song is terrible, it still sounds "fresh." If we looked at your mp3 player right now, what music would we find on the "recently played" list? Beach Boys, Silver Apples, Slave, TI. A lot of other things too. How do you think fatherhood is going to affect your DJing? How did you find out about that? Ha! Maybe I'll quit playing 2 Live Crew. So, why did you decide to come to China? The promoters found me on MySpace. Isn't the internet out of control these days? We hear you're into thrift store shopping in Spokane, bringing any good finds with you to your show in China? Maybe some Iron Butterfly, but I haven't scored that many good records at thrift stores recently. I think I let my secret out and the well has dried up. You're a big record collector, what's the most you've paid for a record? I think I paid $50 for a psych record recently. It was pretty terrible. My rule is usually to not pay more than $10, but sometimes if the cover is good, I can be fooled. Anything else we should know? Let's see ... My favorite movie is "Airplane." Favorite cuisine is Vietnamese (and dim sum). Favorite animal is a chimpanzee. My favorite color is green. I'm also a Gemini.



Top Shanghai clubs Club DKD The Shelter M.A.O Club Bon Bon Club Attica The Wall La La Land Logo Bar Club G Plus Babyface Shanghai Vip Room Fabrique All Shanghai venues

Sat, 15 Nov 2008 Antidote: B6 - Post Haze CD Release Party at The Shelter

Fri, 21 Nov 2008 James Pants (Stones Throw) Live Set at The Shelter

Fri, 21 Nov 2008 Get Inside James Pants - Workshop and Performance at Eno Flagship Store

Sat, 13 Dec 2008 Harmonic 313 (Warp) Live 2 Hour Set at The Shelter Fri, 07 Nov 2008 Tariffic Light at M.A.O Club






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OCTOBER 9, 2008

Tonight: Hermitude at The Shelter Barely two weeks after their successful first event, FREE the WAX will bring in multi-instrumentalist hip hop duo, Hermitude (Elefant Traks) tonight from down under for a show at The Shelter. Sydney-based Luke Dubs and Elgusto have been playing in bands together since their early teens and have garnered a strong following over the last few years playing alongside progressive acts such as DJ Krush, Kid Koala and DJ Kentaro. Using turntables and keyboards, their music is known to take on "instrumental hip hop's smooth influences, flips and cooks them up into sets of riding electro vibes, funk beats and stompyour-feet drum n bass". In the meantime, have a listen to their music over at and to decide for yourself. The Shelter, 5 Yongfu Lu (near Fuxing Xi Lu) ∌⽣ä?ƒ5ো (ä–ĽŕťĄ

Ýˆă˝“ä?ƒ) Starts 10pm, RMB 30 cover By W ee Ling Soh in Arts/Entertainment | Link | Comments (0) | Recommend this! | [ Share + ] Tags: DJ, electronic music, elefant traks, elgusto, free the wax, gigs, hermitude, live, luke dubs, nightlife, parties, shanghai, the shelter




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DAEDELUS FLYER FREE the WAX ᳝ᑌ䙔䇋ࠄᴹ㞾ᗱᛇࠡिⱘ㣅೑ Ninja Tune ଅ⠛݀ৌ䷇ФҎ Alfred Darlingtonˈজ⿄ DAEDELUS Ў៥Ӏⱏ ৄ㸼ⓨDŽ ໪ো DAEDELUSˈ䖭ԡ㓈໮߽Ѯ亢Ḑⱘ㢅઼䷇Ф‫ܜ‬偅᳔䖥೼Ϫ⬠৘ഄᎵಲⓨߎDŽᗔᦷⴔϔϾܼᮄⱘ䅵ߦˈҪेᇚᏺⴔҪ 䙷⣀⡍໮বˈࣙ㔫ϛ䈵ˈ໛ফ䷇Ф䆘䆎ᆊ⿄䌲ⱘܼᮄϧ䕥'Love To Make Music To'ⱏ䰚Ϟ⍋DŽ Ҫⱘ䷇Ф䲚 J-Dilla ੠ᗾᓖ⬉ᄤФП໻៤ˈ᳔ᮄ԰ક亢ḐҟѢ hip-hop 㡖༣੠ⰿ⢖ⱘ㡖༣П䯈ˈ‫ي‬ᇨ䕏ᵒ㟦㓧DŽϔᑺ੠ ䷇Ф⬠ᅫᏜ MF DoomǃPrefuse 73 ੠ Busdriver 䗮࡯ড়԰ˈDAEDELUS ᇚ৥៥Ӏ䆕ᯢҪᰃ߁ҔМ㹿䁝Ў㄀ϔ⌕㞾⬅⋦㜅 ⬉ᄤФⱘҷ㿔ҎDŽ MONOME ᰃϔ⾡‫݋‬᳝ᗔᮻ໪㾖ⱘ䷇Ф䞛ḋᬜᵰ఼ˈ䖭гᰃ DAEDELUS 䖭ԡ⋯ᴝⷊߎ⫳ⱘ䷇ФҎଃϔ⦄എՓ⫼ⱘФ఼ˈ Ҫᇚҹℸᦝড়ᑊӴ䖒ҪᖗЁ᠔᳝ⱘ⛁ᚙˈᓔਃᖗ♉ˈ䳛᪐ᭈϾ㟲∴ˈᡞ਀ӫ乚ܹϔϾ⢖䞢ⱘे݈߯԰П䗨DŽ‫ࠄخ‬䖭ϔ ߛˈDAEDELUS া䳔㽕ϔϾ MONOME ䷇Ф䞛ḋᬜᵰ఼DŽ 䅽៥Ӏᳳᕙᔧ᳔ࠡᆠ߯䗴࡯ⱘ䷇ФᠡᄤПϔ DAEDELUSˈ⫼໻㚚ǃᡁ᳆ǃ੠♉ࡼⱘໄ䷇ˈ‫⸈ކ‬ϔϾজϔϾ䷇Ф⭚⬠DŽ ⋄᰸຿᡹⿄ПЎĀҞᑈ䲒ᕫϔ㾕ⱘ㊒⼲໻令ПϔāDŽ THE TIMES 䖭ᰃ Aphex Twin ੠ Aaliyah ⱘᎻ཭㵡ড়ˈজ‫ڣ‬ᰃ໘Ѣ᎙ዄⱘ BeckˈDaedelus ৥ϪҎ䆕ᯢˈᅲ偠ЏН੠ᚙᛳ⌕䴆ᑊ ϡᰃⳌѦ⶯Ⳓⱘϸ⾡࡯䞣ˈгϡᰃᱎ࡯੠㒃㡖༣ⱘㅔऩ঴ࡴDŽWORD


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