Companies is a top logistic and freight company in Miami. We provide logistic services to our customers and ensure to get delivered on time. Visit our website to know more about our services.
In Miami
About Formorethan20years,Freightrushasbeen functional in this industry. Since that time to till now, we have been delivering logistic services on time. Further, multitude services are our valuable offering to our customers, so that they may choose servicesaccordingtotheirbusinessneeds. Our action is simple-we identify needs of customers, provide timely solutions, ask them about their feedback and try to improve our efficiency accordingly. With freight transportation asourcorecompetency,westrivetoofferlogistics, warehousing, import, cross-docking and related serviceswithsimilarproficiency.
Add your title Contact Us:FRieght R US 7521 NW 52 Street Miami Florida 33166 USA 561-463-5385