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ARTC Inland Rail and NSW Farmers Association release farmers info pack AUSTRALIA REPORT
from Issue 29
ARTC Inland Rail and the NSW Farmers’ Association (NSWFA) have worked together to develop a new information pack that acknowledges and addresses issues of concern to property owners in relation to the construction of the Inland Rail program of works.
In December 2021, the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee report on Inland Rail recommended that an independent mediator be employed to facilitate an improved working relationship between ARTC Inland Rail and NSWFA.
In response to this recommendation, ARTC Inland Rail and NSWFA have been engaging in open and productive mediator-facilitated discussions, working through issues of mutual concern.
Following these productive discussions, ARTC Inland Rail and NSWFA have jointly produced an information pack that provides further details on how ARTC Inland Rail is addressing issues of concern to landowners including the property acquisition process, fencing standards and Inland Rail’s complaint management process.
The release of this joint information pack for property owners is a demonstration of our shared commitment with NSWFA to listening and understanding each party’s perspective and reaching mutually beneficial solutions which enable the safe and efficient delivery of Inland Rail for the benefit of regional Australia.
Farmer's interest
NSW Farmers is Australia’s largest state farming organisation, representing the interests of its farmer members in the state. We are Australia’s only state-based farming organisation that represents farmers across all agricultural commodities. We also speak up on issues that matter to farmers, whether it’s the environment, biosecurity, water, animal welfare, economics, trade, or rural and regional affairs.
Agriculture is an 'engine room' industry in NSW. Farmers across the state produce more than A$17 billion worth of food and fibre every year, or around 25% of total national production.
They also contribute significantly to the state’s exports. Agriculture is the heartbeat of regional communities, directly employing almost 2% of the state’s workers and providing the foundation to roles in processing, manufacturing, retail, and hospitality across regional and metropolitan areas.
The sector is building this contribution even further, working towards the target of A$30 billion in economic output by 2030.