1 minute read
BORN 1948, Yunurr | Spring Creek
LIVES & WORKS Warmun Community
LANGUAGE GROUP Gija, Kimberley Kriol
Patrick Mung Mung is a senior artist at Warmun Art Centre and an elder, law and culture man at Warmun Community in the East Kimberley.
Painting with natural earth pigments on canvas is a significant aspect of his art practice. His knowledge of his Country and his cultural memory of family, land and work are powerfully linked in his work. Like his late father, George Mung Mung, Patrick is a strong cross-cultural communicator.
In this painting Patrick Mung Mung employs new visual iconography in the repetition of 6TE, the cattle branding iron used on Texas Downs Station. He worked as a stockman for many years on Texas Downs Station and was the last worker to leave the station when it closed in the 1970s.
Patrick’s work is influenced by the previous generation of Warmun artists, including Rover Thomas and Paddy Jaminji.
6TE, 2023 natural ochres on canvas