30 minute read
Academic Enrichment Camps

Adventures @ Ardenwood Farm
Enjoy the present as we explore the past by spending some of your summer at Ardenwood Historic Farm - a screen-free environment! Learn about places the Patterson family witnessed firsthand, from Chicago to India to China. Enjoy outdoor fun and hands-on learning through nature walks, science investigations, group games, creative dramatics and puppetry, art projects, and much more! Every week’s activities will be different. Younger and older campers are with their own age groups and camp locations in one-week sessions.
9487 5-11 AHF Jun 5-Jun 9 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9488 5-11 AHF Jun 12-Jun 16 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9489 5-11 AHF Jun 20-Jun 23 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 4 T-F $269 9490 5-11 AHF Jun 26-Jun 30 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9491 5-11 AHF Jul 5-Jul 7 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 3 W-F $199 9492 5-11 AHF Jul 10-Jul 14 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9493 5-11 AHF Jul 17-Jul 21 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9494 5-11 AHF Jul 24-Jul 28 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9495 5-11 AHF Jul 31-Aug 4 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9506 5-11 AHF Aug 7-Aug 11 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335
Don’t forget to bring lunch/ snack, water, & sunscreen

Junior Rangers
Discover your inner-park ranger and build outdoor skills in this fun-filled week of nature exploration and outdoor experiential learning! Here’s your chance to enjoy a Central Park-themed camping trip. Activities include a good old-fashioned barbecue, make S’ mores, pitching a tent and learning the 10 Essentials of Camping. We’ll do some nature hikes, go birding, and go fishing. Kids will learn about fire safety, camping safety and the all-important ‘Leave No Trace.’ ECO CAMPERS
8940 5-10 NLC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $289 8941 5-10 NLC Aug 7-Aug 11 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $289 OUTDOOR EXPLORERS
8942 5-10 NLC Jun 26-Jun 30 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $289 8943 5-10 NLC Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $289 WILDERNESS CAMPING SURVIVAL
8944 5-10 NLC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $289 8945 5-10 NLC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $289
Register Early to reserve your spot

Bug’s Life Entomology Camp

NEW Did you know that the Pokémon phenomenon happened because of the creator’s love for insects as a child? We will discover the secret life of insects as we go “buggy” at Ardenwood Historic Farm. Through outdoor fun and hands-on learning, the activities will reinforce the Common Core state school standards. Engaging activities include nature walks, insect identification, experiential investigations, basic science experiments, art projects and much more.
9512 8-11 AHF Jun 20-Jun 23 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 4 T-F $335 9513 8-11 AHF Jul 24-Jul 28 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335
Mighty Dinos
NEW Does your child know the names of all the dinosaurs? What about the era they were around, what they ate, or even their Latin names? This camp will be for the beginning to advanced fans of these amazing and interesting creatures. We will “travel through time” every day scouting out the various prehistoric eras. By week’s end, your child will have made a timeline chart, a “dino-rama”, kept a notebook of facts and hunted for a cache of dinosaur eggs and more!
9520 5-7 AHF Jun 26-Jun 30 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335 9521 5-7 AHF Jul 31-Aug 4 8:30 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $335

Programming with Bee-Bots
Come and play with your new Robot friend! Program Bee-Bot® robots and send them on fun adventures like going through a maze, navigating through a city, and adding and subtracting. You will use sequencing, estimation, and problem solving to program your robots. Camp also includes activities that focus on computational thinking exercises, studying the technology timeline, and computer hardware. This camp is a great introduction to Robotics!

8966 5-7 IRCC Jun 12-Jun 16 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579
Programming with Scratch Jr
NEW Begin your coding journey using Scratch Jr.! Start with making a character dance to producing a full simulated environment. In this introductory sequence of projects in Scratch Jr., get gradually introduced to a variety of practices and concepts while using a variety of blocks and tools. Each project is aligned with algorithms and programming standards developed by the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).
8965 6-8 IRCC Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579
STEAM with Sphero Robots
Want to Learn About Robots and STEAM Programming? Sphero is transforming the way we learn, create, and invent through coding, science, music, and the arts! Play with Sphero robots and learn fun skills at the same time! Packed with programmable sensors, infrared communication, and a colorful LED light matrix, this popular robotic ball will keep campers engaged! Come learn robotics, coding, and STEAM fundamentals in this fun new camp!
8961 6-8 IRCC Aug 7-Aug11 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579
Coding with Robots
Learn through play! Navigate the robots through challenging mazes, make them react to their environment, complete coding puzzles on the tablet, work in teams to compete with fun games. You will use a series of fun robots to engage with technology and use your critical thinking skills. Combining a real robot with coding fires up the imagination, inspires dreams, and builds confidence!
8964 7-10 IRCC Jun 26-Jun 30 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579
#GameMaker: Programming with Scratch
Use your magical programming power to create games that you can share with your friends! During this camp, you will be introduced to Scratch programming and build several games: multi-player, artistic creations, multi-level games, etc. If you have previous experience with Scratch, you will work on more challenging projects. On the last day, you will present a game you created using the Design Thinking process.
8963 8-12 IRCC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579

Intro to Python with Minecraft
Minecraft megafan or a newbie? Mine with us with Python! You’ll see Minecraft in a whole new light. Learn short and simple tricks with Python programming language and customize Minecraft products. Make mini-games, duplicate entire buildings, and turn blocks into gold. Sure, you could spend all day mining for precious resources or building your mansion by hand, but with the power of Python, get in ‘Mine-ute’ tons of ‘Craft-y’ awesome results!
8962 10-15 IRCC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579
Roblox Game Design
NEW Learn how to create your own Roblox Games and publish them for others to play! In this class, you will use Roblox Studio to create obstacle courses, story and adventure games to collect and sell items. You will become an expert at navigating 3D space. Design and manipulate elements to create the environment you imagine! You will use the Lua programming language to define the rules and mechanics of your games. After this course, you will master all the tools necessary to invent and build a game of your own design.
8959 10-15 IRCC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579
Drone Pilot School
NEW Discover how awesome flying drones can be! Learn to pilot your drone and predict its flight path with programming. Collaborate with peers in creative problem solving of real-world challenges. Use Swift, a powerful and intuitive textbased programming language for iOS, to solve puzzles and boost your creativity. Apply math and physics concepts to race your drone in competition with your peers. Experience the excitement of flying your drone!
8958 11-15 IRCC Jul 3-Jul 7 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 4 M,W-F $465
Machine Learning with Python
NEW Get an understanding of how machine learning models work and how they are used. Learn the core ideas in machine learning and build your first models to make predictions. Train your models to predict house prices to speculate on real estate. Familiarize yourself with data using Python Pandas library. Experiment with different data features, optimize model parameters and try various models, explore techniques to evaluate you prediction results and make predictions more accurate. Finally, take part in the competition to see how well you can predict. Prerequisites - Python: variables, loops, conditionals, functions. Data Science: data representation in tabular format
8960 11-15 IRCC Jul 17-Jul 21 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $579

Communication ACADEMY
Combo Camps
Combine our Academic Writing and Confident Debate camps to get both great camps at a $125 discount! Students get all the benefits of our Academic Writing and Confident Debate camps, learning about writing fundamentals, critical thinking, and more! Material fee: $40. ACADEMIC WRITING & CONFIDENT DEBATE

9144 8-10 TNC Jun 26-Jun 30 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745 9138 11-14 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745
9134 7-8 TNC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745 9135 7-8 TNC Aug 7-Aug 11 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745 9136 8-10 TNC Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745 9137 11-14 TNC Jul 17-Jul 21 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745
9140 7-8 TNC Jun 5-Jun 9 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745 9141 9-10 TNC Jun 12-Jun 16 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745 9142 9-10 TNC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $745 9143 11-14 TNC Jul 3-Jul 7 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 4 M,W-F $675
Academic Writing: Creative Writers
Learn how to express your creativity and make your writing shine. In this fun and engaging class, students master the writing tools and story parts needed for any good narrative – characters, settings, plots, narration, and their own style. Students learn from existing stories and create their own to practice, improving writing skills that are not just useful, but enjoyable too! Experienced instructors and detailed feedback in small classes! Material fee: $20.
9121 7-8 TNC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435 9123 8-10 TNC Jun 26-Jun 30 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435 9122 11-14 TNC Jul 17-Jul 21 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435
Academic Writing: Future Authors
Perfect your writing skills and become a published author. In this fun and engaging class, students create a full writing project, revise and polish it to perfection, and learn how to publish their work. Students master editing, revision, and other writing skills while learning about the publishing process and how to submit their work to publications open to student writing. Experienced instructors and detailed feedback in small classes! Material fee: $20.
9127 7-8 TNC Aug 7-Aug 11 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435 9126 8-10 TNC Jul 31-Aug 4 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435
Confident Debate: Mock Trial
Learn how to argue through civics! Students learn how to give a performance by acting in a mock trial, work in groups by being part of a jury, and give individual speeches by writing their own closing arguments. Trials are age appropriate and are fun learning tools. Material fee: $20.
9118 8-10 TNC Jun 26-Jun 30 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435 9119 8-10 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435
Math Olympiad: Creative Problem Solving
Looking to develop a passion for math and gain confidence in solving complex math problems? Students will gain in-depth math sense with sharpened skills in math intuition, analysis, reasoning and creativity and develop confidence conquering challenging math problems. Master creative problem-solving strategies such as drawing a diagram, making an organized list or table, finding a pattern, experimenting, working backwards and writing an equation, and strengthen their problem-solving strategies through complex and challenging word problems. Different topics are covered each quarter and courses can be taken in any order. Material fee: $20.
9129 7-8 TNC Jun 5-Jun 9 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435 9130 9-10 TNC Jun 12-Jun 16 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435 9131 9-10 TNC Jul 24-Jul 28 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435 9132 11-14 TNC Jul 3-Jul 7 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 4 M,W-F $365
Public Speaking: Persuasive Speakers
Have fun and build confidence! This camp is a fun and exciting form of Public Speaking which asks students to create characters and dramatic scenarios on the spot. Students will learn valuable Public Speaking skills such as quick-thinking, personal magnetism, and self-esteem, all while laughing and having fun. Max 12 students, Material fee: $20.
9106 6-8 TNC Jun 19-Jun 23 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435 9108 8-10 TNC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435 9107 11-14 TNC Jul 17-Jul 21 12:30 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $435

Public Speaking: Spontaneous Speakers
Build confidence and learn how to express yourself on-thespot. In this fun and engaging class, students learn to create characters and dramatic scenarios, practicing valuable public speaking skills like quick-thinking, clarity, expression, and of course – confidence in themselves and their voices! This is a fast-paced class sure to make students laugh and have fun as they learn skills that will serve them all their lives. Experienced instructors and detailed feedback in small classes! Material fee: $20.
9110 6-8 TNC Jun 5-Jun 9 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435 9111 6-8 TNC Aug 7-Aug 11 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435 9112 8-10 TNC Jun 12-Jun 16 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435 9113 8-10 TNC Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435 9114 8-10 TNC Aug 14-Aug 15 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 2 M-T $355 9115 11-14 TNC Jul 3-Jul 7 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 4 M,W-F $365 9116 11-14 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-11:30 AM 5 M-F $435
Academic Writing: Creative Writers
Learn how to express your creativity and make your writing shine. In this fun and engaging class, students master the writing tools and story parts needed for any good narrative – characters, settings, plots, narration, and their own style. Students learn from existing stories and create their own to practice, improving writing skills that are not just useful, but enjoyable too! Experienced instructors and detailed feedback in small classes!
9679 7-8 Jun 12-Jun 16 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9680 7-8 Jun 26-Jun 30 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9681 7-8 Jul 17-Jul 21 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9682 7-8 Jul 31-Aug 4 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9683 8-10 Jun 12-Jun 16 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9684 8-10 Jun 26-Jun 30 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9685 8-10 Jul 17-Jul 21 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9686 8-10 Jul 31-Aug 4 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9687 11-14 Jun 12-Jun 16 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9688 11-14 Jun 26-Jun 30 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9689 11-14 Jul 17-Jul 21 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9690 11-14 Jul 31-Aug 4 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285

Academic Writing: Future Authors
Perfect your writing skills and become a published author. In this fun and engaging class, students create a full writing project, revise and polish it to perfection, and learn how to publish their work. Students master editing, revision, and other writing skills while learning about the publishing process and how to submit their work to publications open to student writing. Experienced instructors and detailed feedback in small classes!
9692 7-8 Jun 19-Jun 23 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9693 7-8 Jul 10-Jul 14 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9694 7-8 Jul 24-Jul 28 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9696 8-10 Jun 19-Jun 23 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9697 8-10 Jul 10-Jul 14 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9695 8-10 Jul 24-Jul 28 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9699 11-14 Jun 19-Jun 23 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9698 11-14 Jul 10-Jul 14 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9700 11-14 Jul 24-Jul 28 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285
Confident Debate: Student Congress
Ensure an academic edge! In our LIVE online Student Congress camp, a mock legislative session, students debate “bills.” While they improve critical thinking, research, organization, presentation, and listening skills, students have fun, gain confidence, and experience teambuilding.

9674 8-10 Jun 5-Jun 9 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9675 8-10 Jul 10-Jul 14 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9676 11-14 Jun 5-Jun 9 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9677 11-14 Jul 10-Jul 14 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285
Math Olympiad: Creative Problem Solving
Develop a passion for math and gain confidence in solving complex math problems! Gain in-depth math sense with sharpened skills in math intuition, analysis, reasoning and creativity. Develop confidence conquering challenging math problems. Master creative problem-solving strategies such as drawing a diagram, making an organized list or table, finding a pattern, experimenting, working backwards and writing an equation, and strengthen problem-solving strategies through complex word problems.
9704 7-8 Jun 12-Jun 16 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9705 7-8 Jul 3-Jul 7 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 4 M,W-F $235 9703 7-8 Jul 24-Jul 28 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9706 7-8 Jul 31-Aug 4 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9708 9-10 Jun 12-Jun 16 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9709 9-10 Jul 3-Jul 7 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 4 M,W-F $235 9707 9-10 Jul 24-Jul 28 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9710 9-10 Jul 31-Aug 4 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9711 11-14 Jun 12-Jun 16 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9713 11-14 Jul 3-Jul 7 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 4 M,W-F $235 9712 11-14 Jul 24-Jul 28 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9714 11-14 Jul 31-Aug 4 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285
Public Speaking: Expressive Speakers

Build confidence and expression! In this fun camp, students become confident speakers through strengthening their speaking skills by exploring literature and characterization! Through working with storytelling scripts and monologues, students also learn critical thinking by analyzing scenes, characters, mood, and elements of narrative!
9657 6-8 Jun 26-Jun 30 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9658 6-8 Jul 17-Jul 21 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9659 8-10 Jun 26-Jun 30 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9660 8-10 Jul 17-Jul 21 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9671 11-14 Jun 5-Jun 9 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9672 11-14 Jun 19-Jun 23 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9662 11-14 Jun 26-Jun 30 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9668 11-14 Jul 3-Jul 7 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 4 M,W-F $235 9661 11-14 Jul 17-Jul 21 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285
Public Speaking: Improv Speakers
Build confidence and learn how to express yourself on-thespot. In this fun and engaging class, students learn to create characters and dramatic scenarios, practicing valuable public speaking skills like quick-thinking, clarity, expression, and of course – confidence in themselves and their voices! This is a fast-paced class sure to make students laugh and have fun as they learn skills that will serve them all their lives. Experienced instructors and detailed feedback in small classes
9664 6-8 Jun 5-Jun 9 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9665 6-8 Jun 19-Jun 23 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9666 6-8 Jul 3-Jul 7 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 4 M,W-F $235 9670 8-9 Jun 19-Jun 23 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9669 8-10 Jun 5-Jun 9 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9667 8-10 Jul 3-Jul 7 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 4 M,W-F $235

Need Extended Care? See page 37

Lekha Ink CAMPS
Lekha Writing Camps is committed to developing a generation who think beyond the book! By guiding writers to think creatively using a blend of time-tested and newly developed methods that nurture imaginations. Instructors are trained in the Lekha Way a non-traditional method of writing instruction that uses visualization and verbalization techniques, creative play, and other fun activities.
Creative Writing and Essay Writing II
Creative writing students will learn Lekha Writing Center’s time-tested methods to overcome writer’s block while writing short stories, poems, and short plays. They will be introduced to a variety of fiction and nonfiction genres to understand the elements of character creation, setting, and plot. Essay Writing II Students will learn the art of writing three, four, and five-paragraph essays as required by most schools. In addition to planning and outlining their essays, they will research ageappropriate topics. They will work on writing engaging hooks, good thesis statements, and powerful conclusions.
9625 7-12 TNC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $520 9626 7-12 TNC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9627 7-12 TNC Jul 24-Jul 28 12:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285
Writing Stories/Comics and Essay Writing I
Learn the art of telling a character’s story through pictures, illustrations, and speech bubbles. Students in this class will learn how to convert their stories into picture books and comic books. Participants will take home a collection of original stories and comics created by them. In Lekha’s essay writing camp, participants will be encouraged to develop and refine their essay writing skills. They will learn to plan, outline, revise, and format paragraphs and different types of essays properly. They will work on narrative and different expository types of essays.
9622 7-12 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $520 9623 7-12 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9624 7-12 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 12:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285
Puppets & Storytelling and Reading Comp/ Literary Analysis
Puppets & Storytelling participants will make puppets to tell some fantastic stories that they write! Puppets are an extension of the self as well as a character. Using puppets while writing stories helps understand how a character in a story thinks and behaves in any situation. Reading is the art of decoding letters and words. Once this art is learned it is time for the student to comprehend of understand what is read. During this class, students will read and analyze varied literature, respond, and present them coherently to an audience.
9628 7-12 TNC Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $520 9629 7-12 TNC Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $285 9630 7-12 TNC Jul 31-Aug 4 12:00 PM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $285
STEM-ulating Science
Find out just how much fun Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) can be with our unique and exciting hands-on activities! We put our engineering and technology skills to use and build structures, explore space and discover magnetic levitation! Basic math concepts such as units of measure, shapes, problem-solving, addition and subtraction are used during our crazy experiments! Kids will continue the fun and learning at home with experiments they’ve made at camp! Material fee: $30.

9544 4-6 WSCC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $335
Little Green Thumbs
Flowers and minds can’t blossom without STEMs. This camp is specially designed for inquisitive pre-K or Kinder“Gardeners”. Kids discover how to paint with wind, build a bug model, start their own garden and learn what nature needs to make their plants grow! Non-stop activities keep your little Mad Scientists engaged and focused! Kids give it two Green Thumbs up!! Daily Themes: Soil & Seeds • Sun, Wind & Rain • Plants & Leaves • Flowers, Fruits & Veggies • Butterflies, Bees & Ladybugs. Come join the fun! Material fee: $30.
9541 4-6 WSCC Jul 17-Jul 21 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $335
My First Lab
Dive into the realms of science with non-stop, hands-on fun! Learn about everything from Air Pressure to Zebras! This week of discovery introduces kids to all facets of science. Explore the science of the sea and the fascinating creatures that live there. Become a paleontologist by searching for fossils and participating in a mini dinosaur dig. Become a bubbleologist and learn about the science of bubbles! Material fee: $30.
9542 4-6 WSCC Aug 7-Aug 11 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $335
NASA: Journey into Outer Space

Mad Science and NASA have teamed up to bring you the excitement and wonder of space in this new voyage of discovery. Explore the farthest reaches of our solar system. Probe the mysteries of meteors and bounce around satellite light as you learn about space phenomena! Material fee: $30.
9543 6-12 WSCC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $525
Fizz-ical Phenomena & Che-Mystery
Have a ton of fun and whip up potions! Experiment with all kinds of chemical reactions, including growing crystals, making sidewalk chalk, and learning the science of chromatography ! Mix it up and experiment with molecular madness, radical reactions and “fizz”-ical and chemical reactions! Material fee: $50.
9538 6-12 TNC Jun 26-Jun 30 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525
Jet Cadets
This hands-on Mad Science program teaches you all about aerodynamics and the world above us! Explore the basic principles of flight while creating airplanes, hovercraft and balloon copters. Learn about celestial navigation and build a rocket yourself at home! Material fee: $50.
9539 6-12 IRCC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525 9540 6-12 WSCC Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525
Spy Academy
From decoding secret messages to metal detectors and night vision goggles, check out spy tech equipment and make a UV Fingerprint Finder at home! Become an expert detective and learn forensic science techniques used in evidence gathering and analysis! Material fee: $50.
9546 6-12 TNC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525 9547 6-12 TNC Jul 17-Jul 21 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525
Register Early to reserve your spot
Reactions in Action

Dive into the realms of the Chemical and Physical world in this crazy week of non-stop action – and Reaction! Explore our wonderlab and find eggs that don’t break, how to stay balanced and take a trip to “Spin City”. Perform spectacular hands-on experiments at home! Material fee: $50.
9545 6-12 WSCC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525
Wacky Robots & Widgets
Whether you love to build things or destroy them, this week of camp includes lots of both! Design simple machines using pulleys, wedges, screws and levers and have fun learning how catapults work! Build a robot to keep, all while learning the science of robotics! Material fee: $50.
9549 6-12 CCC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525 9548 6-12 TNC Aug 7-Aug 11 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525
Young Inventors
Overcome a series of challenges using basic materials, simple machines, tips from world-famous inventors and the most important thing of all – your imagination! With a little bit of ingenuity, you’ll construct catapults and forts, then lay siege to the castle. Assemble your own working light stick at home to rule the galaxy! Material fee: $50.
9550 7-12 TNC Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $525

Plan YourChild’s Summer See page 24


Jedi Engineering Strikes Back - LEGO®
This is the way! Get ready to embark on your LEGO® journey as we defend the Wookies on Kashyyyk, repair the Rebel shield generator on Hoth, and rescue Baby Yoda from Moff Gideon. Come explore a galaxy far, far away with the help of an experienced Play-Well instructor and learn which “Force” is actually with us!
9530 5-7 TNC Jun 26-Jun 30 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $249
Minecraft Engineering with LEGO®
Venture into the world of Minecraft in our unique LEGO® experience. Get ready to build your base, craft your tools, use your Minecart to harvest raw resources, and battle to stop the Ender Dragon from ending the world. Come explore the endless possibilities of LEGO® with a trained Play-Well instructor.
9528 5-7 TNC Jul 17-Jul 21 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $249
Pokémon Engineering with LEGO®
Calling all Pokémon trainers! With the Pokémon Championship approaching, join our enthusiastic Play-Well instructors as we build and catch our favorite Pokémon, rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket, take a ride on the S.S. Anne to uncover rare and mystic Pokémon, and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokémon Master. Come along on our journey to catch ‘em all!
9529 5-7 TNC Aug 7-Aug 11 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $249
Unplugged Gaming using LEGO® Materials
Level up your LEGO® Engineering skills in this arcade-inspired experience. Our Play-Well instructors are here to help make your favorite video game adventures a reality. Using LEGO®, we can build go-karts to race Mario, blast asteroids with Star Fox, build neighborhoods with your favorite friends from Animal Crossing, and join Link to restore peace to Hyrule. All the fun of an arcade adventure with no screen necessary!
9537 5-7 TNC Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $249
Jr. Robotics using the LEGO® WeDo®
Build and program robots in this introductory Robotics class using the LEGO® WeDo® system. Learn basic programming skills, simple engineering concepts, and the names of robot components, and complete a variety of projects using tilt and motion sensors. This is a great way to prepare young Robotics enthusiasts for our more advanced Robotics programs.
9531 6-10 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 5 M-F $299

LEGO® Builders Assemble! We need you to come join our experienced Play-Well Instructors to save the world. We will use LEGO® to build our strongest Avengers to defeat Thanos, help Thor retrieve Mjolnir, swing through the city with Spider-man, and tell Hulk to…Smash! Our journey will take us to battles on this world and beyond; are you up to the challenge?
9532 7-12 TNC Jun 26-Jun 30 1:00 PM-4:00 PM 5 M-F $249
Minecraft Master using LEGO®
Bring your favorite Minecraft adventures to life with our enthusiastic Play-Well instructors. In a Minecraft world powered by LEGO® resources, we will build shelters to keep out Creepers, craft mystical items that only true masters can wield, and perfect our crossbow skills to stop the Wither from taking over! If you can imagine it, we can build it.
9533 7-12 TNC Jul 17-Jul 21 1:00 PM-4:00 PM 5 M-F $249
Pokémon Master using LEGO®
LEGO® Master, I choose you!! In the race to be crowned the Ultimate Pokémon Champion, we need your help! Learn to build your favorite Pokémon, level up by teaching them special moves, evolve them into more powerful versions, and come face-to-faceth the current champion in an epic battle for the title. Learn from our Play-Well Pokémon Masters so you can make it to the top!
9534 7-12 TNC Aug 7-Aug 11 1:00 PM-4:00 PM 5 M-F $249
STEM Explorations using LEGO® Materials
Power up your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects such as: Tow Trucks, Bowlers, and Battletanks. Design and build as never before and explore your craziest ideas.
9535 7-12 TNC Jun 19-Jun 23 1:00 PM-4:00 PM 5 M-F $249
System & Robotics using LEGO® EV3
Rise to the challenge to build and program robots using the LEGO® Mindstorms EV3 system! Learn about mechanical and software design, loops, conditional statements, problemsolving teamwork skills. Design and construct your robot to avoid obstacles, pick up and carry objects, and play sounds. Projects are structured so that students work in an open-ended, investigative environment while having fun.
9536 9-14 TNC Jul 10-Jul 14 1:00 PM-4:00 PM 5 M-F $299

LEGO®: Pokémon Adventures
Calling all Pokémon fans! Design motor-powered LEGO® versions of your favorite Pokémon, including the playful Eevee, feisty Darmanitan, Pikachu, Froakie and more! You’ll power each with motors and gears, and use your creatures in races, battles and other activities. In addition, we’ll make exciting Pokémon crafts with LEGO® and paper to take home! Every day will feature new Pokémon designs and engineering, so there is always something new to learn and experience.
9220 5-8 AES Jun 19-Jun 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $455

LEGO® Verve: Engineering & Game-Making
Get ready to engineer fun LEGO® projects that move - from a spinning UFO to a sailboat that rocks, remote control robots, “flying” dragons and more! Great for having races, jousts, and obstacle course runs with fellow campers! Then, learn block coding basics as you complete fun fast-paced computer games using Scratch, the number 1 software to teach programming concepts to kids! A great camp to build your LEGO® design skills and explore how to create your own games.
9223 6-9 AES Jul 10-Jul 14 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $565 9224 6-9 AES Jul 31-Aug 4 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $565
LEGO® and Minecraft Builders
Perfect for campers who love LEGO® and Minecraft! We’ll start each day building a motorized Minecraft character from Creepers and Zombies to Blazes and Ender Dragons! Next, we’ll enter Minecraft where we use our imaginations to solve problems and find new ways to enjoy the game! From building a unique home and plant farm, to creating parkour courses and TNT cannons, we’ll be taking Minecraft to a new level. This class is built for newcomers but will challenge Minecraft veterans to take a new look at what they can do in the game!
9221 7-10 AES Jun 26-Jun 30 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $565
Intermediate Minecraft: Coding & Engineering
The Forbidden Temple awaits! This intermediate Minecraft class welcomes intrepid explorers and beginning coders as we delve deep into Minecraft’s coding and engineering systems. You’ll design traps and thunder chambers with command blocks and redstones, use fill commands to quickly construct buildings, and design fireworks snowballs, parkour courses, and more! We will also use Scratch to create Minecraft-inspired games to play, while learning block coding fundamentals and the basics of computer science. Take home your Scratch games to play on a PC or Mac. Prerequisite: Must be familiar with Minecraft and comfortable with typing lines of code.
9462 7-12 AES Jul 3-Jul 7 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 4 M-F $455
Girls Tech Academy; LEGO® and Coding
Led by female instructors, you will develop your LEGO® engineering and coding skills to create motorized LEGO® projects featuring animals, vehicles, fantasy creatures and more! Use a motor and battery pack for movement, learn about gears and gear ratios, and explore new engineering techniques. And in the afternoon, make games by coding with Scratch. Scratch uses code blocks to easily control all the elements of your games-from character movement to score keeping. You’ll design 3 games while learning the fundamentals of coding logic and use of loops and if-then events. Take home your games to play on a PC or Mac!
9225 7-11 AES Jul 24-Jul 28 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $565
LEGO®: Robotics & Game Coding: Battle of the League Olympics
Get ready for fast robot action! Program LEGO® EV3 robots to perform tasks such as arena wrestling, ball launching, flag capture and friendly soccer! You’ll learn to program motors and sensors to play and complete the missions. Design attachments to level up your bots! Plus, you’ll learn how to design a variety of robot and drone-themed games with Scratch, using code blocks to maneuver craft, fight off waves of alien bots, and more!
9222 8-12 AES Jul 17-Jul 21 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 5 M-F $565