Experience the world. french american international school
| international high school
CommuniquĂŠ annual report 2011
A Mission and Purpose More Relevant Than Ever
ast year we celebrated our 50th Anniversary – a milestone that prompted us to reflect on the incredible journey that has brought us to where we are today and look ahead to the potential and opportunities of the next 50 years. French American International School is nestled among a dynamic and growing community in San Francisco. With the opening SF Jazz and various local restaurants and resources, the community continues to grow and engage with individuals that live and breathe in Hayes Valley. The urban environment complements the structure that French American and International provides our students, which enables them to be successful, independent, well-rounded, academic, athletic and creative individuals. During the 2011-2012 academic year, the Board, together with our community, invested time in a thorough strategic planning exercise. As the process evolved, it became clear that the School’s original mission and purpose are more relevant than ever and will continue to guide our students and school well into this century. Our core values of academic excellence, bilingualism, internationalism, cross-cultural communication, critical thinking and diversity in its many forms are what have distinguished us since our foundation in 1962 and will continue to drive our decision-making as we take the school forward into the rest of the 21st century. Year after year, it is the support of our community that helps our students thrive. We finished last fiscal year with an operating surplus due to careful management of tuition funds, our endowment, and fundraising efforts. Tuition revenue was supported by successful fundraising - allowing the school to attract the best teachers from all over the world, develop and support our strong curriculum, provide our students with the tools they need for high academic achievement, and continue our commitment to diversity at all levels.
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We would like to thank each of you for supporting this culture of philanthropy – helping the school meet its financial goals, maintain a well-balanced budget, and deliver a consistently strong program. We recognize that excellence in education demands a lot from our parents and community – financially, physically, and emotionally. With the ongoing support and involvement of our much valued donors, French American and International will continue to deliver on our school’s mission and purpose, providing an exemplary educational environment to shape our current students into future leaders.
ous avons célébré l’année dernière notre 50ème anniversaire, un jalon qui invite à la réflexion quant au parcours incroyable qui nous a permis d’occuper la place qui est la nôtre aujourd’hui, et au potentiel et aux opportunités qui s’offrent à nous pour les 50 prochaines années. Le Lycée International Franco-Américain est niché au sein d’une communauté dynamique et en pleine expansion de San Francisco. Avec l’ouverture de SF Jazz et de nombreux restaurants et services locaux, cette communauté ne cesse de se développer et de mobiliser toute la population de Hayes Valley. L’environnement urbain vient compléter la structure que le Lycée International FrancoAméricain offre aux élèves et favorise leur réussite, leur indépendance, l’équilibre de leurs vies scolaires, athlétiques, et créatives. Tout au long de l’année scolaire 2011-2012, le Conseil de gestion, en collaboration avec notre communauté, s’est investi dans le cadre d’un exercice de planification stratégique approfondi qui a permis de confirmer la pertinence de la mission initiale de l’établissement et de sa vision. Il ne subsiste à l’issue de ce processus aucune ambiguïté quant à leur actualité et elles continueront à guider nos élèves et notre établissement au cours du siècle à venir. Nos valeurs fondamentales d’excellence
scolaire, de bilinguisme, d’internationalisme, de communication interculturelle, de réflexion critique et de diversité sous ses toutes ses différentes formes font notre caractère unique depuis notre fondation en 1962 et resteront un facteur primordial de notre prise de décisions lors du choix des orientations de l’établissement pour le reste du 21e siècle. Tout au long des années, c’est grâce au soutien de notre communauté que nos élèves s’épanouissent. Nous avons clôturé l’exercice comptable qui vient de s’achever sur un excédent opérationnel grâce à une gestion prudente des frais de scolarité, de notre fonds de dotation, ainsi que nos initiatives de levées de fonds. Les revenus issus des frais de scolarité ont été complétés par la collecte de fonds considérables, ce qui a permis à l’établissement d’attirer les meilleurs enseignants du monde entier, de peaufiner et de financer un programme pédagogique solide, de mettre à la disposition de nos élèves les outils dont ils ont besoin pour obtenir des résultats scolaires exceptionnels, et de réaffirmer notre engagement en faveur de la diversité à tous les niveaux. Nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement chacun de vous pour votre contribution à cette culture philanthropique – vous aidez ainsi l’établissement à atteindre ses objectifs financiers, à veiller à l’équilibre de son budget, et à offrir un programme solide et cohérent. Nous avons conscience du fait que l’excellence de l’éducation s’accompagne de nombreuses exigences pour nos parents et notre communauté – aux niveaux financier, physique et affectif. Grâce au soutien sans cesse renouvelé et à l’implication constante de nos précieux donateurs, le Lycée International Franco-Américain perpétuera la mission et la vision de notre établissement, un environnement éducatif exemplaire grâce auquel nos élèves actuels seront les leaders de l’avenir.
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Total Revenue By Source 2011-2012 Endowment Release: .71% Academic Income (After School, Exams, Trips, Camp etc.): 6.04%
Administrative Income (Bank Interest): .9%
Advancement/Fundraising Income: 6.23%
Tuition (Net of Aid and Discounts): 86.12%
Operating Expenses 2011-2012 Depreciation: 4.75%
Contingency: 1.57%
Facilities (Security, Maintenance, Utilities, Janitorial): 9.51% Bond Debt Service: 3.63% Admin Expense (Insurance, Technology, Publications, Advancement): 5.88%
(Salaries, Taxes, Benefits): Administrative (Salaries, Taxes, Benefits): 10.69%
Program (Trips, Books, Athletics, Professional Development): 10.36%
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Annual Fund Revenue By Source 2011-2012: $1,295,592 Special Events: $515,300 Parents: $442,459 Foundations and Grants: $91,476 Board of Trustees: $76,462 Alumni Parents: $64,248 Grandparents: $46,648 Friends: $43,425 Matching Gifts and Corporate Support: $31,454 Rebate Programs/Merchandize: $3,835 Alumni: $3,128
Parent Participation by Grade 2011-2012: Total Participation 67% 85%
84% 75%
79% 71%
75% 69%
PK3 PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CommuniquĂŠ 2011-2012 French American and International | 5
Endowment Fund Annual Report Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2012 Endowment Funds and Capital Projects Received July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 French American and International value the generous support of our parents, alumni, and friends who made gifts, pledges, and pledge payments in support of endowment, capital, and other special projects during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. These gifts help build a better future for our school and our students.
Endowment Fund
Overview of the Endowment French American International School’s endowment contributes operating revenue for the school. Through the generosity of donors over the years, French American International School’s endowment stands at $5,636,826 (as of June 30, 2012). The Endowment has a separate Board of Trustees and an independent investment manager overseeing its affairs.
Financials % of Value Initial Value _____________________________________________________________ Beginning Balance (June 30, 2011)
$5,843,059 100%
Gregory and Patricia Thayer
Nicholas Sommerfield Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dividends, Interest, Capital Gains (realized and unrealized)
($25,172) -0.43%
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses)
($27,111) -0.46%
Gifts made in memory of Nicholas Sommerfield, 1997-2003 Brian McGuire Jennifer Oliver Gretchen Sommerfield and Bonnie Cardell
Edythe Lynn Wexler Memorial Scholarship Fund Anonymous (1) Betty Wexler
Gifts received July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012
Anonymous (1) Edward E. Ford Foundation
$21,050 0.36%
Expenses (Mgmt Fee paid to Advisor and Tax Prep) ($175,000) -3.00% _____________________________________________________________ Ending Balance (June 30, 2012)
$5,636,826 96.47%
Investment Perspective As the above table shows, the endowment was down slightly over this 12-month period from an investment perspective. Dividends, interest, and capital gains were down 0.43% in total. The fees paid to our investment consultant and accountant cost an additional 0.46%. Note that the endowment invests in mutual funds, and the investment return of -0.43% includes all mutual fund fees. Over the long term, we expect the endowment to earn at least 4% above educational inflation, but with considerable variation from year to year. We transfer 4% on average to the school every year, but use a spending rule that damps down volatility, so the amount transferred each year varies much less than the variability in endowment returns.
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As to why the endowment was down 0.43% before expenses and transfers, we currently manage the endowment to a target asset allocation of 35% fixed income, 35% domestic equity, 25% international equity, and 5% real assets. That allocation led directly to this year’s investment performance:
Asset Class Benchmark Index
Target Return Allocation 6/30/11– 6/30/12
Fixed Income
Barclay’s Aggregte Bond Index
Domestic Equity
DJ Wilshire 5000 Index
Foreign Equity
Real Assets DJ UBS Commodity Index 5% -14.32% ______________________________________________________________________________________ Total
100% -0.43%
While our allocations vary slightly over the year, and while we are not exactly invested in these indices, the overall return closely matches the endowment investment return.
Endowment In-Action Endowment income produces a stable, permanent, reliable flow of money that allows an institution to better plan for current students and for generations to come. A healthy endowment adequately supports financial aid, facility maintenance and improvements, educational programs, and teachers. In a nutshell, a healthy endowment is an insurance policy against tumultuous financial markets and swings in enrollment, and provides greater budget flexibility. In 2012 we transferred $175,000 from the endowment to the school, representing less than 1% of our annual operating budget. Our students benefit from a strong endowment as the school is better able to fund financial aid needs, enhance our academic and athletic programming and keep up with advances in technology and science. Our teachers benefit as the school is better able to provide more resources and professional development opportunities.
Goals for the Endowment Over the past several years, thanks to the generosity of our community, we have seen significant growth in our endowment. However, our endowment is well below the median of comparable Bay Area schools and we plan to make a concerted effort to further build our endowment over the next five years. An endowment of $15 million would bring us up to the median and would contribute approximately $600,000 to the school’s budget annually. With that kind of funding, French American and International would be better able to reinvest in the school’s most important assets: students and teachers. With your support we can enhance the school’s financial position and provide an unparalleled education year after year.
Ronald Kahn Endowment Board President
Endowment Board Members Frances Hochschild, Vice President and Secretary Keith Geeslin, Treasurer Martin Cohn James Kirk Joshua Margulies
To learn more or make a gift to French American International School’s endowment, please contact the Advancement Department at 415-558-2017 or advancement@frenchamericansf.org.
Communiqué 2011-2012 French American and International | 7
The Communiqué is produced to inform the French American and International community about philanthropic activities and school accomplishments. This edition of the Communiqué includes donor lists for the last full fiscal year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012).
Donor List
School Operations
Great care has been taken in preparing this report to make it as accurate as possible. The Advancement Office apologizes for any errors or omissions. If you should note an inaccuracy, please notify us at 415-558-2015 so that we can correct our records. French American International School and International High School are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
2011-2012 Annual Fund
Gifts received July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012
The Annual Fund is French American and International’s single largest fundraising initiative, supported by donors from every constituency. We are extraordinarily grateful to our current families for their generosity and commitment to the Annual Fund and to the many alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, faculty, and staff who believe in the impact their contributions have on our school. The Annual Fund supports many aspects of the school, but at its heart, it allows us to continually invest in our programs, facility, staff and, most importantly, our students. Thank you! We would also like to extend special thanks to the co-chairs of the 2011-2012 Annual Fund and to the nearly 50 volunteers who supported their efforts as class captains, phonathon volunteers, and all-round advocates for our dynamic program. Susan Abele-Ebanks, Alison Chaput, and Chuck Han, Annual Fund Co-Chairs
Cercle du Proviseur All donors of $1,500 or more are a part of the Cercle du Proviseur giving society. Thank you for your leadership and ongoing generosity.
Proviseur $10,000+
Anonymous (4) BlackRock Rick Cantu Adam Cioth and Beth Cobert Stephan Forget and Florence Solal The Tom Merit Hancock Family Fund Julia Rowe and Ronald Kahn Steven Kusmer and Patricia Plude Jeannik Littlefield Russell Long Rachel and Ananth Madhavan Joshua Margulies Susan McClatchy Bonnie Menes Kahn M. Bradley Smith and Michele Trufelli Stanley and Arna Smith Foundation
Proviseur Adjoint
Anonymous (3) Asim Bhansali and Brittny Bottorff Corrina Bonomo David and Mina Bonovich Alison and Marc Chaput Claudio Cornali and Julie A. Choi Derek Covert and Mary Connick Stephane de Bord Brian Ferrall and Laurie Poston Gregor Freund and Cecilia Freund Susan Kobayashi and Charles Han The Herbst Foundation Kedreth and Cecilia Hogan Andrea and David Kennedy Diane Jones Lowrey and Paul Lowrey John Paloglou and Dorothy Greene Ariel Poler and Cindy Weitzman Michael and Tana Powell Zachary Van Doren and Florence Richard Raymond Ross and Jonathan Shannon Jerome Roth Karen Schmid
Anonymous (4) Jennifer Goldberg Annunziata ‘87 and Jim Annunziata Apple Computer JP and Ann Balajadia Gary and Allison Beckman Jared and Claire Bobrow Robert and Sharon Bottome Tom and Caitlin Brown Michael Burbank and Cindy Roberts John Cate and Jeanne Myerson Philippe Courtot and Freya Anne Eduarte Mark and Christine Fisher Vince Foecke and Linda Hinton Christopher and Andrea Galvin Richard Gregory and Cecilia Borgenstam Ramzi and Maria Haidamus Geoffrey Holtz and Christine Ferrari Carlene and Henry Laughlin Kathleen and Dexter Lowry Paul Machle and Kathleen Jordan Patrice Maheo and Ping Xie Charlie and Jeanette McCoy John Mendelson and Veronica Segredo
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Hae-Lim Minus The Mudge Family Christine Motley and Neil O’Donnell Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrathPancha Anne-Marie and Robert Pierce Antal and Cheryl Runneboom The San Francisco Foundation Harinder Singh and Ramninder Hansra The Thendara Foundation Tristan and Evelyne Thommasson Thomas White and Tammy SmithWhite Zhenya Yoder
Chef du département $1,500–$2,499
Anonymous (8) Aaron Levine and Patricia Ryan Adobe Systems Inc. Alan and Linda Kahn Asriel and Carmela Levin Brian Lavan and Michelle Kuhne Bruno Larvol and Wan Chi Christiane de Bord Christopher and Kerryann Bourdon Christopher Jaeger and Heidi Werbel
David and Christine McSpadden David and Debra Shapiro David Samra and Erica Pearson Samra David Unietis and Anita Vermeulen Dolby Laboratories Eleanor Yancey Frederic and Odile Canadas Frederic and Regina Tardy Gerald George and Christine Wardell Gina Hill Hank Bannister and Kyoko Watanabe Harold Matthew and Dorothée Fisher James Curran and Jacqueline Lytle Joel Slavonia and Susana Noles John Jin Lee and Jamie Eng John Surnow and Elizabeth Moy Jonathan Epstein and Andrea Bruno Kambiz and Micheline Pasha Ken Ebanks and Suzanne AbeleEbanks Kenn and Anya LeGault Khaldoun and Amy Baghdadi Lambert and Daphne Stumpel Laurent and Adriana de Bord Laurent and Ann Sellier Leigh Sata and Wendy Chin Levi Strauss & Co. Louis-Martin and Colette Bedard Mark and Carol Lerdal Matthew and Brenda Ogburn Michael and Rebecca Leeds Nathaniel Wyatt and Sarah Sweedler Paul Banas and L. Jasmine Kim Paul Spiegel Peter Joshua Richard and Ashley Rochman
Rob Lawrence Robert and Bianca Kramer Robert and Francine Nattenberg Ronald and Beverly Garrity Rupert and Sylvia Russell Stephen McGrath and Marina Landau Steven Carnevale and Kelly Gorman Steven Hirsch and Paik-Swan Low Stewart and Noreen Irving The Mathias Lloyd Spiegel Foundation Tom and Stephanie Lima UBS Securities Uschi Joshua William McClatchy ‘80 and Melissa McClatchy Young Shin and Eloisa Tejero
Samuel Gelbart David M. Goodstein and Olga Perkovic Google Inc. Felix Hack and Ann Lucchesi Justin and Amy Hess Rick Holman and Toby Levy Bernard and Sina Ivaldi Sara and Matthew Jennison Leslie Kardos ‘82 and Miguel Barron Tony and Rita Kim Soren and Sharmila Lassen Patricia Lurie Gonçalo and Rebecca MacieiraKaufmann Terence and Abigail Meurk Alec and Galina Miloslavsky
MMC Matching Gifts Program Robert and Paige Mullin Josh Nossiter Andrew Posselt and Faye Jamali Stefan and Michelle Raczek Alex and Ladan Saleh Gerard and Judith Schenkkan Kenneth and Tina Schneider Judi Seiden Neil and Gina Smith Thomas and Iris Stone Qizhi Tang and Kim Low Leon and Karen Traister John Verbestel and Kyle Matthews Wachovia Matching Gifts Program Wells Fargo Bank Keith Whitaker and Suzanne Kane Hans-Christian and Manuela Wirtz
Ambassadeur $1,000–$1,499
Anonymous (3) Daniel Bane and Olga Cyimana Bane Justin and Erica Barney Bristol-Myers Squibb Kimiko Burton ‘82 Jane and Roy Camblin Malcolm Clark and Azeb Gessesse Frank and Elena Dal Santo Brian Davis and Casey Kimball Matthew and Karla Davis Vincent Fanguinoveny and Michelle Edkins Mehran and Mitra Farimani Dennis Fisher and Melanie Adams Gino Fortunato and Laura Meyer French American International Lower School Parent Board Greg and Carol Galanos
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$500–$999 Anonymous (12) Magnus Almquist and Elda Checa Frederick and Hilary Baldi Martin Barrs David and Linda Becker Olga Beilin David and Sandra Belda Philippe and Katherine Bellevin Kimberly Branagh Rita Brantner Jean-Claude Calegari ‘89 and Ninive Calegari Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Francis and Lillian Chin Cisco Systems, Inc. Matt and Cindy Clementz Lisa Cohen Orpheus Crutchfield John and Claire Curran Jacquelyn Dara Joseph Deery and Keysha Bailey Wendy DeWald Damien and Karen Eastwood Martin and Maria Ebert Marc Escobosa ‘91 and Meg Escobosa Robert Evans and Robin Wong Evans David Evans and Marie Josee Dumoulin David Fierberg and Deborah Baron Fabrice and Phyllis Florin Roel and Jacqueline Funke Genentech Kayvaan Ghassemieh and Shannon Wolfe Oleg Gladshteyn and Rada Katz Estella Greenfield Ashok Gujral and Susan Gujral Raymond and Anne-Catherine Hinz
Stephen and Elizabeth Howe David and Cheryl Howell Lester and Lidia Jacobson JPMorgan Chase Foundation Gary and Emily Ketchen Thomas and Lynn Kiley John Knightly and Floriana Spezza John and Rebecca Lee Laurance Lee and Sofia Touami LiveOps, Inc. Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Dwight Long and Beverly Patterson Frederick Luhmann and Theresa Henry Jane Mac Elree John and Kathryn Marple Vernon and Angie Marshall France McCoy Alexander and Hanna Merk Kathleen Moazed Steven Moazed Oracle Corporation Richard Pierce and Audrey Brandt Gus and Hildy Revenaugh Robert and Lillian Rieders Pascal and Virginie Rigo Josh Rosenfeld and Stephanie Parr Jenny Sandelson and Jiri Weiss Carolyn Sasser Colin Smith and Barbara FaganSmith Stephen Street and Natalie MarineStreet Roger Swanson and Lena Zhang Claudio and Elizabeth Tarchi Andrei Terebilo and Nina Bubnova Roman and Anne Urfer John and Debra Varian Stephen Viess and Meghan Biesiadecki Frank and Sarah Wagner Robert Wait and Leah Tracy William and Laurie Welch Noah and Carey Wintroub Paul Wolters and Amy Sehnert Albert Yu and Suzy Leung
Attaché $1–$499
Anonymous (53) David and Barbara Abecassis James Adrian Laura Albert Christian Aldecoa and Elizabeth Jacobson April McCrae Al-Shamma Jean ‘89 and Carmel Jean Bryan and Judith Alvarez Benyam Amare Arthur and Natalie Anchipolovsky Fred and Beth Asperin Christina Astley ‘94 and Mason Astley Olivier Azancot and Natascha Couvreur Yacin and Anne-Lorraine Bahi Bank of America Erik Batoog Michael and Ruriko Benavides Laurent Benoit de Coignac and Marie Begon
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Matthew Bens Eric and Jennifer Berkowitz Karen Berkowitz Fred Berman and Barbara Berman Ragnvald and Joelle Bernt Gary Beuschel and John Kruse Valérie Bianquis Dante and Adria Bini Stefano and Katherine Bini Anne Bjornson Tom Blair and Mayumi Blair Eric Blomquist and Karen Cavanagh Kassaye Bogale and Hanna Alemayehu Youcef and Megan Bouhamama Ross and Karen Boylan Brian Brantner and Matthew Fuller Ruvim and Inna Braude Patrice and Catherine Breton Clark and Linda Brink David and Beth Bromfield Andrew and Mara Brown Paul and Ann Brunetta BT Americas William and Beatrice Burgess Victor Burley Michele Burton Paul Cartier and Teresa Palmer Marc and Mary Ann Cavness Dickson and Chitra Chan Xi Tao Chen and Xiao Ling Guan Tiberio and Gloria Cialone Hervé Cohen and Guetty Felin Neil Cohen John Conroy and Delia Dempsey Laurie Cotulla Nathan and Delphine Cozzolino Robert Cumming Michael Dart and Janine Darwin Trevor Knopp Pieter De Haan and Ruth Rainero Armand and Christy Der-Hacobian Darryl DeWald John Diamante Fabio Dias Ferreira Steve and Ruth Dickstein John and Rio Dluzak John Drake and Christine LemorDrake Gilles and Natalie Drieu Frank and Jennifer Drolet Michael Drumm Laurent and Mary Jane Dubois Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan Alan and Roberta Dunham Craig Dunham Yuliya and Oleg Dvorkin Bob and Connie Eby Electronic Arts Martin and Maricela Encinas Lois Epstein Xavier and Jelena Erhart Kaan Erol and Aylin Uysal Philippe and Victoria Erville Raymond and Sadia Faber Blaine and Maria Feinstein Paul and Kristie Felton Marie Ferreira and Tarly Manak Rob and Jamie Feuerman William and Mary Filener
Mike and Marika Fishman Nicolas Fiszman and Christina Hellmich Paul Fogel and Yvette Chalom Matthieu Fontaine and Susan Howard Eric and Ellamarie Fortenbach Alexander Fowler and Megan McVay Greg and Jan Fowler Jill Foxe Jeremy and Tracinda Frank James and Christen Friedman Marvin and Joyce Friedman Bruce and Michele Fuller Michel Fuller ‘92 Marlene Fusello Deven Gadula and Dana Petersen Barry and Laura Galvin Gap, Inc. Roger and Irma Garcia Whitney and Laura Gilkey David Gilson and Marcia Settel Jerry and Kate Goldberg Mel and June Grant Hervé and Hélène Gross Cédric Guyot and Laure Latham Karl and Tanya Hackert Sharon Halpern Lawrence and Deborah Hamilton J. David and Elena Hamner Patricia Hannigan Bob and Benna Harris Christian and Sari Haudenschild Michael Hayden and Sandra Martino Teresa Hegg Karen E. Heisler ‘78 William and Theresa Henry Mark and Karen Hensley Cesar Herrera James Hill and Abigail Wainwright Richard and Laurence Hills
Christie Hochschild Frances Hochschild ‘80 Larson Holt Jeff and Karen Horn Jonathan Horn and Daria Saraf ‘91 Florence Huang Kevin and Parisa Hudson Thomas Hunt and Linda Candelaria Dana Isaac ‘04 Mark Iverson and Wendy Lowinger Habib and Mary Jamali Reverdy Johnson ‘92 and Alexis Johnson Christophe Joly and Delphine Verdie Paul-Marc Jousselin and Fe Alfonso Jousselin Nathalie Kakone and Laurie Blavin Stuart and Maria Kaler Michael Kasolas and Stella Pantazis Andreas Katz and Judith Powell Kazan, McClain, Lyons, Greenwood & Harley, PLC Andrea Keller Michael Kelly Kathleen Kennedy Abdelghani and Aicha Kerrar Don and Barbara Ketchen Mason and Amanda Kirby Georgios Kiurtsidis and Katarina Bakerova Jean Klein Bart and Ana Klerkx Daniel Klingebiel ‘89 and Yoko Klingebiel
Walter and Murni Knoepfel Manu and Erica Kodiyan Howard Koenig and Elizabeth Rody Koenig Matthew and Colette Kramer Patricia Kristof Moy Yann and Julie Kronberg Michael and Lisa Krouse Wei Cheng Kuan and Yupadee Kuan Jean-Marc Landau and Jennifer Landau Steve and Wendy Landreville Bill and Kathy Lane Pierre Lapeyrade ‘83 Neil and Wei Lawrence Andrea Lawson-Gray Pierre and Susan Le Corre Richard and Gerry Leidlein Howie Leifer Odile Leland-Arizmendi ‘91 and Javier Arizmendi Carla Leshne Ronald Lickers and Kimberly Gallegos Yakov and Maria Litinetsky Lewis Loeven and Sarah Burbidge Caren Ludmer Toby Ludmer Christopher and Liesl Ludwig Frederick and Lucy Luhmann Niris Lui and Scott Paton Patrick Maguire and Elizabeth O’Boyle Maguire Phillip and Mona Malik Lillian Mandelman Charles Marcus and Catherine Sullivan Michael Martins and Sabrina Sayre
Farshad and Nazanin Mashayekhi Vernon Mathews and Kathleen Radics Lucia Mathieux Peter and Aryanna McDonald Mya McGraw Jesse and Erika McMillin Peter and Barbara McSpadden Russell and Georgia McWhinney Ronald and Kelly Meaux Joshua and Marie Melvin Merck & Company Inc. Evan Metcalf Gabriel Metcalf and Elizabeth Sullivan Jacquie Meyers Stephen Miller James Misener Tim and Natasha Monahan Geoff and Lisa Moore Jay Moore and Ghislaine Maze Michael Moores and Rachel Shu Ada Morales Chris Morales and Diane DuBois Clarence Moreland and Laura Telep Ignazio and Heather Moresco Margaret Morris Robert and Marikay Morris Roger and Challis Mosher Bob and Dodie Mullin John Murray and Mariela Moreno Lydia Murray Marilyn Myerson Abbas and Nada Nehme Alex Nerland and Lisa Signoff Liz Nichols Paul and Jennifer Nock
Doug Nugent and Becky Mortimer Jeannette Ogburn Eric Oillarburu ‘88 and Aimee Oillarburu Joseph Omran and Leslie Alamsha-Omran Alexei Oreskovic and Jessica Branson Oreskovic Bernard and Ana Ortiz de Montellano Victor Ortiz de Montellano and Melissa Rodgers Adama Ouedrago and Coumba Diouf Jeffrey Paine and Margaret Parkinson Craig Palmer and Yong Hae Palmer Christopher Paszty ‘78 and Karin Brinkley Kenneth Patsel and Galina Alexandrova Andrew Pennell and Heidi Bjornson-Pennell Walter and Kim Perich George Perla David Peters and Rhonda Rubinstein PG&E Corporation Juliette Powell James Propp and Denise ChildersPropp Prudential Financial Emile Qirreh and Huda Qirreh Chris Quan and Joan FischerQuan Eric and Anissa Rajkovic Christopher Ramstein and Katia Claude-Ramstein
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David Robinson and Jeanne Darrah Barton and Shirley Rochman Daniel and Alexandra Rodoni Jeff and Katia Rogers Mark Rogers and Carol Salvagione Sten Arne Rosnes and Elisabeth Krahwinkel Olivier Rossi and Alexandra Rossi Alla Rudin Nancy Russell Madeleine Russell-Shapiro ‘95 Nicolas Saint-Arnaud and Sarah Sussman Juan Jose and Rosa Maria San Mames Rimon and Hadil Sawaya Jennifer Sawyer Garland Michelle Sayada Edward and Virginia Sayre Pete Scanlon and Nancy Aquino Thomas Schenkel and Leslie Campbell Earl and Jean Schneider Randall Sclar and Julie Miller Laurent Scotto Di Uccio and Alice Jolimaitre Jay Seiden and Dionne Woods Gregg Seo and Jana Klein Nadia Sesay Chandran Shanmugam and Brigette Karen Shanmugam Jason Shields ‘89 and Lily Panyacosit Alisse ‘92 Young Hee Shin Claude Sidi and Lynn Ching Lawrence Simi and Janet Rogers Mark Singer Mary Singer Carolle Skov Mara Holt Skov and Steven Skov Holt Mark and Emily Slichter
Paul Sloan and Linda Simonin Brad Smallridge and Vicki Kleban Berend and Blandine Smit Michael and Bridget Smith Susan Smith Arthur Snyder Gilbert Soroquére Rona Michele Spiegel Georgiana Spradling Bala Srinivas Leo and Jeanne Steffen Fabrice and Blanche Steiblé Sabra Stoner and Ken Maikish Martha and Richard Stookey Nathaniel Stookey ‘88 and Jodi Dunmeyer Stookey ‘88 Eric Suesz Michael Szotak and Beverly Lehr Kristina Tarczy-Hornoch ‘88 Laila Tarraf Jocelyn Tejero Eric Thatcher and Valerie FahsThatcher Catherine Theilen Burke ‘78 and John Burke Laurent and Dominique Theulier Tyson Thomas ‘88 Robert Thornton David Tobiano and Kathryn Shantz Patrice and Theresa Tollenaere Valerie Toner and Barry Toner Amokrane and Vicenta Touami Xavier Tsouo ‘88 and Sarah Tsouo Lewis Tucker and Ottavia Bassetti Richard Ulffers and Cynthia Ulffers Alexander Vakoula and Yekaterina Polosukhina Read Vanderbilt Alexander Varshavsky and Julia Latifi Lisa Victor and Blair Herbert Silvia and Achim Voermanek
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Jean-Baptiste Volta and Marie Vorilhon-Volta Sebastian von Nagel and Deborah Tibbetts von Nagel Jeffrey Walker Erin Wallen Ko Pen and Shu Lian Wang Maelin Wang Mary Wang Mathieu Weber ‘93 Joshua Weinstein and Jayne Goldstein Bart and Lynn Weitzenberg Liana Wenger ‘90 and Alexander Plotitsa Charlie and Chris Whisenand Brenda Williams Mee Mee Wong Matthew and Beatriz Work Richard Wurzelbacher and Anne French Alice Young Van Yuan and Binh Trinh Debbie Zachareas Orgio Zagdragchaa and Mandy Dagvadorj Souhil Zaim and Sabrina Mekhalfa Sylvie Zammith Michael and Victoria Zigelman
Foundations Thank you to the following foundations for their significant support of our students and our programs.
Anonymous (1) Edward E. Ford Foundation
The Tom Merit Hancock Family Fund
The Herbst Foundation The San Francisco Foundation The Thendara Foundation
$2,499 and under
Merle Hilliard Charitable Trust
Corporations and Matching Gifts We thank the many parents, past parents, alumni, and friends who took advantage of their employers’ matching gift programs to increase the value of their contributions to the school. We also want to thank our community members for bringing corporate support to the school
through advertising purchases and retail rebate programs. The companies listed below contributed over $100,000 in fiscal year 2011-2012. Many companies will match your generosity dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift. We encourage you to talk with your employer about matching gift opportunities and how they can support French American and International. Anonymous Donors (1) Adobe Systems Inc. Apple Computer Auction Online Bank of America Bank of the West Bay Bread (La Boulange) BlackRock Bristol-Myers Squibb Cahill Contractors Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Church of the Advent of Christ the King Cisco Systems, Inc. Der Manouel Insurance Group Dolby Laboratories eScrip FACTS Management Company Ferry Plaza Wine Merchant Gap, Inc. Genentech Goldstar Events, Inc. Google Inc. International Travel Brokers JPMorgan Chase Foundation Juniper Networks Matching Gift Program Kazan, McClain, Lyons, Greenwood & Harley, PLC Landis Communications Inc. Levi Strauss & Co. LiveOps, Inc. Lycée Français de San Francisco Mauricio Melchor MB JESSEE, Inc. Merck & Company Inc. MMC Matching Gifts Program OneCause Oracle Corporation PG&E Corporation Pixar Animation Studios/Disney Rainbow Grocery Cooperative Roughing It San Francisco Women’s Healthcare, Inc. Sports Basement, Inc. Sweet and Baker Insurance Brokers, Inc. Target TV5 UBS Securities United Way of San Diego Wachovia Matching Gifts Program Wells Fargo Bank
Alumni Alumni of the school – whether they call their alma mater FABS, FAIS, French American, IHS, or International – continue to support the school in meaningful ways. Thank you to the following individuals for their gifts to the 2011-2012 Annual Fund. (Number in parentheses indicates the total number of years of giving.) Anonymous (2) April McCrae Al-Shamma Jean ‘89 (12) Jennifer Goldberg Annunziata ‘87 (3) Christina Astley ‘94 (10) Kimiko Burton ‘82 (7) Jean-Claude Calegari ‘89 (5) Nicole De Coteau ‘88 (9) Susan Donner ‘80 (10) Lisa Dunmeyer ‘91 (1) Marc Escobosa ‘91 (4) Kathryn Fitzgerald ‘99 (1) Michel Fuller ‘92 (13) Vernon Goins ‘88 (5) André Gray ‘05 (1) Shani Harris-Bagwell ‘00 (1)
Karen E. Heisler ‘78 (19) Frances Hochschild ‘80 (13) Daria Saraf ‘91 (3) Dana Isaac ‘04 (7) Reverdy Johnson ‘92 (13) Vanessa Kainz ‘90 (1) Leslie Kardos ‘82 (12) Daniel Klingebiel ‘89 (7) Michele Krolik ‘81 (8) Pierre Lapeyrade ‘83 (5) Odile Leland-Arizmendi ‘91 (11) Shelley Lima ‘1 (1) Jessica Lindsey ‘83 (1) Julia Lowry ‘08 (1)
Michelle MacKenzie-Menendez ‘85 (9) William McClatchy ‘80 (14) Aengus McGiffin and Adair Loveridge (1) Michael R. Moore ‘85 (1) Eric Oillarburu ‘88 (6) Christopher Paszty ‘78 (18) Maria Polishchuk ‘00 (5) Alexandra Quinn ‘87 (11) Sharon Radcliff ‘80 (1) Nicholas Reed ‘98 (9) Madeleine Russell-Shapiro ‘95 (13) Katherine Schenkkan ‘06 (4)
Jason Shields ‘89 and Lily Panyacosit Alisse ‘92 (17) Christopher Simi ‘03 (9) Nathaniel Stookey ‘88 and Jodi Dunmeyer Stookey ‘88 (9) Francis Tapon ‘88 (6) Kristina Tarczy-Hornoch ‘88 (11) Catherine Theilen Burke ‘78 (10) Tyson Thomas ‘88 (13) Xavier Tsouo ‘88 (6) Caroline Veys ‘07 (1) Mathieu Weber ‘93 (12) Liana Wenger ‘90 (1) Sarah Wood Kliban ‘83 (6)
Communiqué 2011-2012 French American and International | 13
A very special thank you to the community of volunteers who donated their time and talents to help further the mission of the school!
Soiree 2011 Soirée des Arts et des Vins Co-Chairs Clydene Bultman Deborah Zachareas
Special Thanks Jean Pierre and Ann Balajadia Jennifer Grey-Berkowitz Gary Bultman Sean Canavan Vincent Foecke Juan Kong and Donna KempnerKong Charles and Nathalie Neal Beverly Patterson Cecile Picard Sylvia Russell Bob Wait David Williamson
Wine & Food Vendors Andante Dairy Bluestem Brasserie Ciao Bella Gelato
Dalrymple’s Fine Condiments Fatted Calf Charcuterie Ferry Building Wine Merchant Gott’s Roadside La Boulange Café & Bakery Ora Catering Otoro Sushi Oxbow Cheese Merchant Sauce Thompson River Ranch
Artisan Growers and Producers August West Wines and Sandler Wine Company Banshee Wine Boisset Family Estates Broc Cellars and Broadside Wines Chambers & Chambers Charles Neal Selections Cline Cellars Dashe Cellars Duckhorn Wine Company Freeman Winery Heron Wines Hourglass Vineyard and Blueline Vineyard Laurel Glen Vineyard Martine’s Wines Miner Family Vineyards Paradigm Winery Qupé Winery Revel Wine Company Robert Sinskey Vineyards The Sorting Table Southern Wine and Spirits
14 | French American and International Communiqué 2011-2012
Swirl Wine Broker Wait Cellars WineWise and The Vienna Wine Company
Dîner d’Epicure Co-Chairs Kimberly Branagh Laurie Poston
Underwriting and In-Kind Donations Natasha and Tim Monahan Chef Gerald Hirigoyen Piperade
Auction 2012 Auction Co-Chairs: Hilary Baldi Francine Farouz Michelle Raczek Carmela Levin
Event Underwriting and Faculty Ticket Fund Anonymous (1) Jean Paul and Ann Balajadia Daniel Bane and Olga Cyimana Bane Christian Bonomo Corrina Bonomo Frederic and Odile Canadas Malcolm Clark and Azeb Gessesse Philippe Courtot and Freya Anne Eduarte Stephane de Bord Der Manouel Insurance Group Steve and Ruth Dickstein John Drake and Christine Lemor-Drake Ken Ebanks and Suzanne Abele-Ebanks George and Elizabeth Eliades FACTS Management Company Roel and Jacqueline Funke Ronald and Beverly Garrity David Goodstein and Olga Perkovic Eric Halpern and Gina Bartlett Frances Hochschild ‘80 Stewart and Noreen Irving Brian Keil and Harry Turner Robert and Bianca Kramer Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Dwight Long and Beverly Patterson Diane Jones Lowrey and Paul Lowrey Kathleen and Dexter Lowry Patrice Maheo and Ping Xie MB JESSEE, Inc. John Mendelson and Veronica Segredo
Doug Nugnet and Becky Mortimer Anne-Marie and Robert Pierce Martin and Maria Quinn Kinkead and Erin O’Donnell Reiling San Francisco Women’s Healthcare, Inc. Bry and Ciela Sarté Gerard and Judith Schenkkan Sweet and Baker Insurance Brokers, Inc. Alex and Danielle Toussaint TV5 Monde Sandy Zweifach
Table Sponsors Menta Capital LLC (Laurent and Mary Jane Dubois and Asriel and Carmela Levin) Danny and Manizeh Rimer
Event Patrons Christian Bonomo Corrina Bonomo Jane and Roy Camblin Adam Cioth and Beth Cobert Philippe Courtot and Freya Anne Eduarte Stephane de Bord Tom Driscoll Laurent and Mary Jane DuBois Lawrence Ebringer Mehran and Mitra Farimani Mark and Christine Fisher Ronald and Beverly Garrity David M. Goodstein and Olga Perkovic Heather Hilliard, Heather Hilliard Design Kedreth and Cecilia Hogan David Kvaratskhelia and Christina Giguere Daniel Laury and Anne Dautun Asriel and Carmela Levin Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Kathleen and Dexter Lowry Menta Capital LLC Danny and Manizeh Rimer Michael Rowbotham and Karin Lottrup Petersen Antal and Cheryl Runneboom Leigh Sata and Wendy Chin Gregg Seo and Jana Klein Young J. Shin and Eloisa Tejero Betty Shon Edward Szylko and Michelle Hansen Nancy Quinn
Dessert Auction Donors Hilary Baldi, Claire Bobrow, Sharon Bottome, Marion Cohen, Caralee Cowen, Claudine Farouz, Francine Farouz, Helene Farouz, La Boulange, Miette, Noe Valley Bakery, Carmela Levin, Nourith Messas, Mireille Rabate, Dayna Sharkey, Ora Schulman, Sabra Stoner, Sofia Touami, Whole Foods
Auction 2012 Paddle Raise
With your generous donations during the paddle raise at the May 5, 2012 Auction, we were able to provide crucial dollars to support our extensive, need-based scholarship program. The funds raised during that evening help us maintain a diverse environment and are a reflection of our desire to provide deserving students the opportunity to benefit from our schools’ education.
$10,000–$15,000 Valérie Bianquis Adam Cioth and Beth Cobert The Tom Merit Hancock Family Fund Julia Rowe and Ronald Kahn
$2,500–$5,000 Jared and Claire Bobrow Stephane de Bord Brian Ferrall and Laurie Poston Kedreth and Cecilia Hogan Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrathPancha Pascal and Virginie Rigo Stephan Forget and Florence Solal Gregory and Patricia Thayer Noah and Carey Wintroub
$1,000–$2,499 Christophe and Annabelle Bach Christian Bonomo Robert and Sharon Bottome Jane and Roy Camblin Steven Carnevale and Kelly Gorman John Cate and Jeanne Myerson Laurent and Adriana de Bord Dolby Laboratories Laurent and Mary Jane Dubois
Ken Ebanks and Suzanne AbeleEbanks Christopher and Andrea Galvin Ronald and Beverly Garrity Ramzi and Maria Haidamus Geoffrey Holtz and Christine Ferrari Peter Joshua Michael and Lisa Krouse Carlene and Henry Laughlin Ignazio and Heather Moresco Michael and Tana Powell Leigh Sata and Wendy Chin Young Shin and Eloisa Tejero Joseph and Emily Wetzel Thomas White and Tammy SmithWhite
$500–$999 Anonymous (2) Anil and Ann Arora Stefano and Katherine Bini Corrina Bonomo Joshua Cohn Orpheus Crutchfield Elizabeth and Christophe de Bord Brant Downes and Latifa Medjdoubl Thomas Driscoll and Nancy Quinn Robert Evans and Robin Wong Evans David Fierberg and Deborah Baron
Eric Halpern and Gina Bartlett Christopher Jaeger and Heidi Werbel Gary and Emily Ketchen Tony and Rita Kim Mason and Amanda Kirby Asriel and Carmela Levin Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Kathleen and Dexter Lowry Christopher and Liesl Ludwig John and Kathryn Marple Lenny and Pamela Mejia Terence and Abigail Meurk James Milner and Rita Benton Clarence Moreland and Laura Telep Charlene Murphy Robert and Francine Nattenberg Jon and Leslie Norris Richard O’Rourke and Melane Ali Pixar Animation Studios/ Disney Robert and Lillian Rieders Gregg Seo and Jana Klein Fabrice and Blanche Steiblé Frederic and Regina Tardy Richard and Cynthia Ulffers Zeev Vax and Marcia Bana Tonetto Adam Wilson and Quyen Nguyen
Up to $499 Anonymous (1) Leslie Adams Mauricio Albrizzio Andrew and Mara Brown Matt and Cindy Clementz Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan Michael Fisher and Lin-Hua Wu Alexander Fowler and Megan McVay David and Natalie Hayeems Patrick Kennedy and Nichele Harris Ruth Krumbhaar Bruno Larvol and Wan Chi Kenn and Anya LeGault John Mendelson and Veronica Segredo Steven Moazed Robert Movradinov Jay Moore and Ghislaine Maze Antal and Cheryl Runneboom Jenny Sandelson and Jiri Weiss Laurent Scotto Di Uccio and Alice Jolimaitre Steve Spillan and Demetria VongSpillan Dina Srouji and Eric Nervaiz Edward and Michelle Szylko UBS Securities Stephen Viess and Meghan Biesiadecki
Communiqué 2011-2012 French American and International | 15
French American and International is able to provide an outstanding, globally-focused education thanks in large part to the extraordinary generosity of our community. The school’s long-term success is ensured by the financial and volunteer support of parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, corporations, and foundations. Learn more about the many ways you can support this community at
internationalsf.org/support or contact the dvancement Department at (415) 558-2015.
french american international school
| international high school
150 OAK STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94012 | 415-558-2000 |
Need to make a correction? Great care has been taken in preparing this report to make it as accurate as possible. The Advancement Office apologizes for any errors or omissions. Should you note an inaccuracy, or wish to amend your listing, please contact the Advancement Office at:
(415) 558-2015 or e-mail us by clicking on this link:
 annualfund@frenchamericansf.org