French American + International Communiqué 2019-2020

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CommuniquĂŠ Annual Report 2019-2020

From The Head Dear Families, This Communiqué is an acknowledgment of the gifts of financial support that our families and friends have made in the 2019-2020 academic year, a testament to the financial health of our school, and an expression of our shared commitment to our mission and values, for our students and for our world. Your gift, combined with hundreds of others, shapes the educational experience of every student, every family, and every teacher at our school. We are stronger together. I am deeply grateful for your engagement and giving, especially in a year in which we have seen the world turned upside down. Your commitment to our school ensured the continued support of our people and the excellence of our programs as we educate citizens of the world. Whether on campus or remotely, our exemplary faculty and staff continued offering the world-class international education for which French American and International is renowned. Like all independent schools, we rely on our families’ philanthropic support, and we could not operate without the generosity of our alumni, families, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends. Our school is different in many ways this year: cohorts are small, classroom spaces have been adapted, faculty meetings are distanced, or virtual. Yet some things remain wonderfully the same: the delight of teachers working with students, the smiling eyes of friends who can learn together again, the sound of children's voices as we walk past classroom doors. School is hopeful work, in a world that needs hope. Robust annual giving assures that this essential work can continue. It adds to the health of our school, supporting people—students, families, and faculty—and the programs that serve them. Your support sustains our exemplary financial aid program, providing access to the French American and International experience not only for the one-third of our families who are part of our program each year, but also for families who experienced financial difficulties due to the economic shutdown this year. Your generosity ensured that our families were able to receive help from our school when they needed it most, and that as many families as possible remained part of our proud, engaged community. Thank you for all that you have helped us achieve in this unusual year!

Melinda Bihn, Ed.D. Head of School

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We Will Persevere by Chelsea Blair ‘20 Communiqué 2019-2020 | 3

Lettre du Proviseur Chères familles, Ce Communiqué fait part de notre reconnaissance envers nos familles et amis pour leurs donations et leur soutien financier pendant l'année scolaire 2019-2020. Ces dons témoignent de la bonne santé financière de notre établissement et sont l’expression de notre engagement commun au service de notre mission et de nos valeurs, pour nos élèves et notre monde. Votre don, associé à des centaines d’autres, permet de façonner l’expérience éducative de chaque élève, de chaque famille et de chaque enseignant de notre école. Nous sommes plus forts ensemble. Je vous suis profondément reconnaissante de votre engagement et de vos dons, tout particulièrement en une année au cours de laquelle le monde a connu de profonds bouleversements. Votre engagement envers notre établissement nous a permis de continuer à assurer la rémunération de notre personnel et l’excellence de nos programmes, et à former des citoyens du monde. Que ce soit sur le campus ou à distance, notre personnel administratif et enseignant exemplaire a continué à dispenser l’éducation internationale de haute qualité qui a fait la réputation du Lycée International Franco-Américain. Comme tous les établissements scolaires indépendants, nous comptons sur le soutien philanthropique de nos familles, et nous ne pourrions accomplir notre mission sans la générosité de nos anciens élèves, parents, grands-parents, de notre personnel enseignant et administratif, et autres amis de l'école. Notre établissement est différent à bien des égards cette année. Les groupes sont réduits, les salles de classe ont été adaptées, les réunions des enseignants s’effectuent de manière virtuelle ou en groupes plus limités et dans le respect des impératifs de distanciation sociale. Cependant, certaines choses n’ont heureusement pas changé : le bonheur des enseignants dans leur travail avec les élèves, les yeux rieurs d’amis qui peuvent de nouveau apprendre ensemble, le son des voix des enfants lorsque l’on passe devant les portes des classes. L’enseignement est une œuvre au service de l’espoir, dans un monde qui a besoin d’espoir. De solides donations dans le cadre de la campagne de financement annuelle garantissent la poursuite de l’accomplissement de cette mission essentielle. Elles favorisent la bonne santé de notre établissement, au service de sa communauté – ses élèves, ses familles et ses enseignants - et des programmes que nous leur offrons. Votre contribution permet de financer notre programme d’aide financière exemplaire, de sorte que les familles qui ont connu des difficultés financières en raison de la crise économique cette année, ainsi qu’un tiers de nos familles chaque année, peuvent avoir accès à notre expérience éducative. Votre générosité a permis à nos familles de bénéficier d’aide lorsqu’elles en avaient le plus besoin pour que le plus de familles possible continuent de faire partie de notre communauté fière et engagée. Merci pour tout ce que vous nous avez permis de réaliser en cette année si particulière !

Melinda Bihn, Ed.D. Proviseur

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Class of 2020! International High School College Matriculation 2020 American University Barnard College Bates College Bocconi University Boston University California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo) Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Chapman University (3) College for Creative Studies Columbia / Sciences-Po Dartmouth College Denison or Whitman (TBD) Duke University Fordham University Georgetown University (2) Imperial College London King's College London Lewis & Clark College Loyola Marymount University Massachusetts Institute of Technology McGill University Mount Holyoke College New York University (5) Northeastern University Occidental College Oregon State University Pitzer College Pratt Institute (Main Campus) Princeton University Reed College Rochester Institute of Technology

Rubika Montreal Sarah Lawrence College Smith College (2) SUNY at Purchase College The George Washington University The University of Edinburgh Tufts University (2) Tulane University University College London University of Bristol

University of California: Berkeley (2) Davis Los Angeles (5) Merced Riverside San Diego Santa Cruz (4) University of Chicago (2) University of Miami University of Michigan University of Oregon (2) University of Pennsylvania (2) University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of St. Andrews (2) University of Vermont University of Washington (2) University of Washington (Seattle Campus) University of Wisconsin Wellesley College Wesleyan University

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Campus Improvements Returning to Campus Safely Our families’ gifts to the Annual Fund last year were invaluable to our school. We were able to make many improvements to our campus and technologies to prepare for a safe reopening, and continue supporting families who are learning at home. Families’ support of the Annual Fund helped provide:  10 smart video units to embrace our at-home

families on campus

 10 new learning spaces to allow for smaller cohorts  14 Bipolar Ionization air treatment units  33 hand washing sinks  30+ hand sanitizer dispensers

 50+ plexiglass partitions  50+ iPads to support our at-home families  1000’s of freely available masks and gloves  And much more

Our New Field Last year brought many exciting campus improvement projects—made possible through your support of our Annual Fund—including the turf field at 84 Page Street! This new outdoor space, located just one block from our main campus at 150 Oak Street, hosts PE classes and athletic team practices across grade levels, and has also been appreciated as an additional outdoor space for safe socially-distant lunches.

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Treasurer’s Letter The 2019-2020 school year was, by all measures, a unique year that has affected us all in different ways. I am so grateful to our community. Throughout the second half of this incredible academic year, our community showed their resilience and their generosity in a time of uncertainty and came together to display their true spirit. Thanks to the support of our strong leadership, our dedicated teachers, and our generous families, we were able to meet this challenging year head on and move forward. Due to our school's sound financial planning and strong giving from our families, we were able to pivot from what was planned to what was necessary. Making sure we could be there for all the families who needed support was a paramount priority. Due to our community's generous support of the Annual Fund, you made it possible for our Board to increase our Financial Aid budget by 10% to $7 million. Your generosity also allowed us to support our amazing teachers, who pivoted so quickly to this new teaching model, to make significant improvements to our facilities for a safe return to campus and to continually invest in our remote and hybrid technologies. The Annual Fund is a major part of our school’s fiscal health and your support allows for investment in our community in moments of need. I cannot thank you enough for your support and generosity. You are the pillars of our institution. With your commitment we are building a school of which we all can be proud. I look forward to a time when we can all celebrate the wonderful success of our school in person.

Stephane de Bord

Board of Trustees, Treasurer Alumni Parent '20 '24

"Our families' amazing support of the Annual Fund gave us the confidence and flexibility to make immediate investments in our facilities and start preparing for a safe reopening even during the early uncertain days of spring and summer."

Aaron Levine

CFO and Director of Operations

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Total Revenue By Source


Endowment: .77% Academic Income: 2.83%

Tuition 89.85%

(Trips, Rent, After School Program)

Fundraising: 5.49% Administrative Income : 1.06% (Rent, Interest)

Operating Expenses


Contingency Reserve: 1.1% Debt Service: 3.5% Operations: 5.3%

Program Expenses: 10%

Salaries + Benefits 64%

Facilites and Depreciation: 16.1%

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From the Director of Advancement  2020 Philanthropic Outlook

I feel so lucky to work at a school that so many people care for and support. This year has been hard, but it has brought out the best in us as a community—the true heart and soul of French American International School and International High School. Many in our community reached out to us to ask how they might be helpful and supportive of our school. This spirit not only inspires me and the entire Advancement team, but also lifts up everyone in our community. Our community is coming together like never before to make sure that we are all cared for and that no one is being left behind. I am so thankful for all the generosity that we constantly see here at the French American and International. We are fortunate to have such a loyal, dedicated, and supportive community. Your gifts shine through in all that we do as school, especially in the smiles of our children. Sincerely,

Stephen Dini

Director of Advancement

“While it can be awkward and challenging to fundraise, I have done so for the past 4 years because I firmly believe that the Annual Fund provides flexibility for the school to undertake important projects that otherwise would be left aside. Additionally, I feel it is critical to encourage maximal family participation to demonstrate our commitment to the school and to our children's education.”

Gordon Francis

Annual Fund Co-Chair, Lower School Parent '30

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New Trustees

George Akel Parent ‘21

For the past twenty years, George Akel has been a Managing Member of Newman Development Group, a real estate investment and development company focused on commercial, multifamily, and student housing properties. He graduated from Cornell University with a BS from the current Dyson School of Business and holds an MBA from University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School. George grew up in Binghamton, New York and has lived in San Francisco with his wife Laura and family since 1999. Their daughter is a senior at International High School.

Tony Fenner-Leitao Parent ‘21, ‘23

Tony is President of Cambrian Asset Management, a systematic investing firm. Tony has over 30 years of financial sector experience with banking and investment organizations, in London, New York, and San Francisco. He has been the CEO of a large investment company and the CFO of a small telecommunications company. He grew up in Portugal and England, graduated from Durham University in England with a BA in Economics and Politics, and has an MBA from the University of Chicago.

Karen Schmid Parent '24

Karen Schmid is the Founder and Principal of Moirai Wealth Management, a Registered Investment Advisory firm located in San Francisco. Previously, she worked as a Portfolio Manager and Analyst for J. Stewart Investments, and as a Senior Manager at Chase Private Banking. She received a BA in International Economics from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA in International Business from the Anderson School at UCLA. Karen also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) professional designation. Karen serves as a director for the Mosi Foundation and the Charles D. and Frances K. Field Fund. Her son is a freshman at International High School.

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Professional Development

Experiential Learning Grant Program The Experiential Learning Grant program, which was launched in 2019, supports a select number of French American and International teachers. Individuals or small teams of teachers are able to engage in experiential learning through personalized summer experiences, projects, or programs in order to develop their knowledge and deepen their professional practice. It is because of generosity of our community, in particular the support of the Annual Fund, that has made programs like this possible for the professional development of our faculty. These opportunities allow for the teachers to broaden their skills and enrich their classroom experience.

Bard College Program of Thinking and Writing Jonathan Ayres, Upper School English Teacher

After 25 years of teaching, I am genuinely asking myself if I am willing to see that the core of teaching may be the art of listening. To achieve this goal, I attended the Bard College Program of thinking and writing. My teacher there, perhaps I should call her my coordinator, as the pedagogy is more about “guiding” than “instructing”— repeatedly stated: “I am talking too much.” Hearing her say this numerous times, I thought to myself, “What? You’re the teacher! Of course you’re going to talk. I want to hear your point of view. It’s at the center of what we’re doing. Isn’t it?” But with her help, I’m beginning to ask myself if it’s possible for me to imagine and construct a classroom space where, how, and what the teacher thinks is not the ground on which the students stand. For me this is a radical departure. I always thought that teaching was performance. Now I want to reimagine teaching as listening. How can I learn to listen as a teacher? I’ve learned that listening is “an act of choice,” so I suppose I can begin with volition. I must place listening first and foremost in my pedagogy. This will constitute a major shift for me. 12 | Communiqué 2019-2020

Kawsay Biological Station Delphine Colomb, K-French Teacher

During the summer 2019, I volunteered at Kawsay Biological Station, an NGO situated in the Tambopata Reserve, in Peru, which aims at preserving the Amazon wildlife and forest. I learned so many things there, such as studying phenology, catching and studying many different species of bats (and then releasing them of course!), making behavioral observations of spider monkeys, and reintroducing spider monkeys in the forest. It was such an amazing experience that I decided afterwards to keep learning in that subject while working as a volunteer at the Academy of Sciences back in San Francisco. This experience had such a deep impact on me.

Volunteer Mission in Ghana

Clara Jourdon, Lower School Music Teacher I don't even realize it's been a year since I went to Ghana and it was one of the most powerful and enriching experiences in my life. I will never forget the voices of the kids singing French songs, trying to understand each other, connecting through music, the cooking lesson learning how to prepare the red-red, teaching the kids to read, playing soccer, the days in Mamfe, talks with my host Joyce, the trotro trips, the week-end in Cap coast, the visit to the Castle and the slavery history. All of these moments, all the people I met, changed me and made me grow as a person and a teacher.

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Loyalty. Legacy. Love.

French American International School and International High School recognizes our most loyal donors who have given to the school for five or more fiscal years. These donors play a vital role in advancing our mission and fostering our culture of philanthropy.

Founding Head of School Jeannette Rouger with her students, circa 1963

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20 Years or More Anonymous (4) Leslie Adams and Anne Ludwig Fred Altshuler and Julia Cheever Katia Aouat and David Rafoni Muriel Barton Allan Basbaum and Marcia Fortnoff Rosario Bacon Billingsley Andrew and Mara Brown Marie-Pierre Carlotti and Timothy Dufka Paul Cartier and Teresa Palmer Yvette Chalom and Paul Fogel Christine and Daniel Charbonnier Kathleen and Martin Cohn Serge Colombeau and Nancy BuxtonColombeau John Diamante John Drake and Christine Lemor-Drake Herbert and Sarah Dunmeyer Douglas and Maureen Ebersole Maurice Franco and Valerie Remitz David Gilson and Marcia Settel Tom Hancock and Dominique Ferrand Karen Heisler Mark and Karen Hensley James Hill and Abigail Wainwright Laurence and Richard Hills Matthew and Elizabeth Howitt Stephen and Sandra Hu Marta Johnson André Jones and Elisabeth Soeurs Ronald Kahn and Julia Rowe Gail and John Kay Walter Knoepfel Jean-Marc Landau and Jennifer Landau Pierre and Susan Le Corre Asriel and Carmela Levin Yakov and Maria Litinetsky Paik-Swan Low and Steven Hirsch Kathie and Dexter Lowry Patricia Lurie Karim and Kathryn Machi Stephen Miller Christine Motley and Neil O'Donnell JPN Abbas and Nada Nehme Josh Nossiter Joseph Omran and Leslie AlamshaOmran Martin and Maria Quinn Kathleen Radics and Vernon Matthews Larry and Jane Reed William and Alice Russell-Shapiro Alex and Ladan Saleh Tex and Judith Schenkkan Lawrence Simi and Janet Rogers Tyson Thomas Leon and Karen Traister Elena and Alexandru Vlad

15–19 Years Anonymous (20) James Adrian Elchan Aliev and Rena Abdinova April Al-Shamma Jean '89 and Carmel Jean Christina and Mason Astley Martin Barrs Howard and Gail Berman John Boatwright and Attilia Lombardi Jared and Claire Bobrow Christine Bois and Veronique Richard Megan and Youcef Bouhamama John Bretschneider and Judy Bretschneider David Brownstein and Grace Shohet David Caldwell and Chloe Soroquere Jane and Roy Camblin John Cate and Jeanne Myerson Dickson and Chitra Chan Alison and Marc Chaput Philippe and Meredith Charpantier Harry Chesley and Suzana Seban Frederick Choate and Karen Nelsen Adam Cioth and Beth Cobert Robert and Lisa Cleary Joel and Marion Cohen Patrick Conley Mary Connick John Conroy and Delia Dempsey Gregg and Donna Cummings Michael Dart and Janine Darwin Pieter De Haan and Ruth Rainero David Di Francesco and Maureen Murphy Gavin Dollinger and Mariane Merle Virginia Donovan and Philippe Pieri Thomas Driscoll and Nancy Quinn Frank and Jennifer Drolet Raymond and Sadia Faber David Fierberg and Deborah Baron Fabrice and Phyllis Florin Marlène Fusello Anthony Giles and Carey Perloff Rick Gydesen David Halliwill David and Elena Hamner Terri Hanagan Robert Hayes and Fiona Parker-Givens David Hearth and Lauren Hall Laura Heffron Esther Hernandez Robin and Deborah Hicks Christie Hochschild Frances Hochschild '80 Mary and John Hooper McGill Hort and Nicole Harris Andrew Howard and Claire Thiébault Stephen and Elizabeth Howe Cody Jaffe and Sophie Su Reverdy Johnson '92 and Alexis Johnson Diane Jones Lowrey and Paul Lowrey Leslie Kardos '82 Howard Koenig and Elizabeth Rody Koenig

Florence Lestrade Benoît Levet and Vinita Srinivas-Levet Aaron Levine and Patricia Ryan Tom and Stephanie Lima David Low and Dominique Lahaussois Caren Ludmer and Richard Freedman Toby Ludmer Niris Lui and Scott Paton Jane C. Macelree Netta and Donald Maclean Phillip and Mona Malik Susan McClatchy Andrée McGiffin Stephen McGrath and Marina Landau Erika and Jesse McMillin Heather McWhinney and Christian Levert Theodore Miclau III and Kirsten Miclau James Milner and Rita Benton-Milner Michael Mueller and Karin Immergluck Tunde and Marian Munz David Ostwald Peter Pastreich and Jamie Whittington Christopher Paszty and Karin Brinkley Mike and Nita Patel Daniel Paz and Ilana Loewenstein Matthew Perifano Lawrence and Ourania Petrakis Anne-Marie and Robert Pierce Mark Pierce and Tia Pierce Terry Corbie, Michael Plaut, and Justine Plaut Nathalie Plecy Laurie Poston and Brian Ferrall Michael and Tana Powell Alexandra Quinn '87 and Mark Spolyar Lily Remoundos Ashley and Richard Rochman Steven Rousso Jenny Sandelson and Jiri Weiss Catherine Santos da Silva Leigh Sata and Wendy Chin Laurent Scotto Di Uccio and Alice Jolimaitre Martine Sheppard and Andrew Cohen Jason Shields '89 and Lily Panyacosit Alisse '92 Young Shin and Eloisa Tejero Christopher Simi '03 Michael and Diana Siu Brad Smallridge and Vicki Kleban Stephen Smith and Suzanne Blumenthal Bala Srinivas Dina Srouji and Eric Nervaiz Martha and Richard Stookey Nathaniel Stookey '88 and Jodi Dunmeyer Stookey '88 Gregory and Patricia Thayer Richard and Cynthia Ulffers Fabrice and Lisa Urrizalqui Donna Vallin Jeffrey Walker Brenda Williams Shannon Wolfe and Kayvaan Ghassemieh Paul Wolters and Amy Sehnert Richard Wurzelbacher and Anne French Scott Lauze and Mark Yesayian

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10–14 Years Anonymous (61) Daniel Adams and Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini Barri and Sandeep Aji Anonymous Beth Alberts '82 Michael Almeida and Florence Mayor Bryan and Judith Alvarez Hassan and Laleh Amin Jennifer Goldberg Annunziata '87 and Jim Annunziata Fred and Beth Asperin Julien Astruc Michael Axinn and Marlene Clarke-Axinn Olivier Azancot and Natascha Couvreur Amy and Khaldoun Baghdadi Frederick and Hilary Baldi Paul Banas and L. Jasmine Kim Hank Bannister and Kyoko Watanabe Raphael and Natalia Baron Robert Bartz and Demetra Paras Bartz Dominique Bayart and Jonathan Hayden Alexander Beilin and Kira Makagon Vladimir Beloshapkin and Tatiana Kolodzeva William Benau and Lisa Benau Michael and Ruriko Benavides Matthew Bens Anthony Berkowitz Gary Beuschel and John Kruse Asim Bhansali Valérie Bianquis Christopher Bigelow and Livia Blankman Heidi Bjornson-Pennell and Andrew Pennell Chuck Bloszies and Courtney Broaddus Larisa Bogdanova Chris Bonomo and Jen Nurse Katy Botsford Robert and Sharon Bottome Brittny Bottorff Raymond Boyington Kimberly Branagh Patricia Bransten Rena Bransten Joseph Bravo and Rika Ueda Clark and Linda Brink Betsy Brody Michael Brown and Mary Gould Charles Browne and Linda Jaeger Paul and Ann Brunetta Michael Bugel Michael Burbank and Cindy Roberts William and Beatrice Burgess Kimiko Burton '82 The Cardenas Family Dorion Carroll and Michele Muller Val Casilang and Digna Reyes Patrick and Dorothee Chanezon Farid Chehab and Alissar Rayes-Chehab Sauveur Chemouni and Carla Bach

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Lillian Chin Frank Cialone and Mimi Powers Tiberio and Gloria Cialone Karen Clopton Neil Cohen Joshua Cohn Elizabeth Colton Christopher Cook and Jane Cote-Cook Brad and Tamara Cooreman Ilse Cordoni David Corporandy and Deborah BugelCorporandy Alejandro and Sylvia Corpuz Laurie Cotulla Orpheus Crutchfield Sean Cullen and Juliette Robbins James Curran and Jacqueline Lytle John and Claire Curran Victor d'Allant and Ruth Berson John Dallas and Annie Longsworth Timothy Dattels and Kristine Johnson Don David and Olivia Leao Alexander and Evette Davis Graeme Davis and Stephanie Robertson Mark and Stephanie Dawson Laurent and Adriana de Bord Stephane de Bord Daniela De Luca Nilus De Matran and Jennifer Morla-De Matran Lucille Dedier Meyer Joseph Deery and Keysha Bailey Jean-Maurice Denève and Lori Christiansen Jonathan Dickstein and Barclay Lynn Charles and Lucienne Dilworth Coumba Diouf and Adama Ouedrago Adebayo Domingo and Kofo EgbeyemiDomingo Kevin Dorning and Marion Lovinger Steve Drolapas and Foula Drolapas Cossette Drossler Laurent and Mary Jane Dubois Sébastien Dufresnes Cecily Dumas and Sarah Moulding Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan Alan and Roberta Dunham Craig Dunham Alain Duverge and Marie Boykin-Duvergé Toby Dyner and Deborah Hamolsky Scott Echols Michael Endicott and Laura Esserman Jonathan Epstein and Andrea Bruno Xavier and Jelena Erhart Philippe and Victoria Erville Marc Escobosa '91 and Meg Escobosa David Estes and Astrid Meghrigian Claude and Maryvonne Farrugia Lawrence Fassler and Armelle CourcelleLabrousse Paul and Judy Fayollat Norman Ferrer and Katherine James Mark and Christine Fisher Nicolas Fiszman and Christina Hellmich

Alfred Fleck Debora Fletcher Phillip Fong and Diana You Jill Foxe Julia Friedlander James and Christen Friedman Michael and Emiko Frye Michel Fuller '92 Cory Gaines and Shandrea Gilchrist Kimberly Gallegos Christopher and Andrea Galvin Roger and Irma Garcia Ronald and Beverly Garrity Alan Gaynor and Catherine Gaynor Gayle Geary Priscilla and Keith Geeslin Samuel Gelbart Joan Gelfand E. Michael Gerrity and Katherine PattyGerrity Luis Gervasi Jane Gideon Naomi Glass Janos Glück and Tish Kronen-Glück David Goldman and Ronda Goldman Karen Graham Christopher Gray Arnold and Doreen Greenberg Richard Gregory and Cecilia Borgenstam Michael Groh and Carole Zingeser Kenneth and Lana Guernsey Dale and Teresa Gutierrez Felix Hack and Ann Lucchesi Eric Halpern and Gina Bartlett Sharon Halpern Charles Han and Susan Kobayashi Michelle Haner and Steve Haskell Dan Harder and Ora Schulman Benna and Bob Harris Van Hart and Jeri Hart Simon Haskel and Anne Haskel Reuben Hechanova and Elizabeth Tippin William and Theresa Henry Monica Hernandez Dennis and Sabrina Higgs Gina Hill Raymond and Anne-Catherine Hinz Robert Hirsch and Shauna Marshall Roger Hochschild '82 and Stephanie Hochschild Tatiana Hodapp '05 Geoffrey Holtz and Christine Ferrari Christopher Honeysett '83 and Kim Honeysett Jeff and Karen Horn Thomas Horn Florence Huang Parisa and Kevin Hudson Stewart and Noreen Irving Lester and Lidia Jacobson Joseph and Patricia Jacques Faye Jamali, MD and Andrew Posselt, MD, PhD Deborah Johnson Cornet

Corrina Jones Edward Jones and Patricia Jones Michael Kasolas and Stella Pantazis Andreas Katz and Judith Powell Erica Katz Andrea Keller Andrea and David Kennedy Gary and Emily Ketchen Ahmed and Uzma Khaishgi Aicha Khalfi John and Linda Kiesel John and Margo Kieser Thomas and Lynn Kiley Tony and Rita Kim Stephen King and Laura Patterson James and Susan Kirk Georgios Kiurtsidis and Katarina Bakerova Mary Jean Klein Bart and Ana Klerkx Daniel Klingebiel '89 and Yoko Klingebiel John Knightly and Floriana Spezza Daniel Knox and Myphi Alloy John Kontrabecki and Nicole de Remer Patricia Kristof Moy Melanie Kushnir-Pappalardo '92 and Christopher Pappalardo Matt and Kathleen Kyaw Cheryl Labrecque Claire Leary Laurance Lee and Sofia Touami Ludivine Lemaire-Catbagan and Chris Catbagan Gladstone Liang and Helen Lee Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Lewis Loeven and Sarah Burbidge Jack Londen and Kathleen Blamey Dwight Long and Beverly Patterson Liesl Ludwig Karine Luguet Frederick Luhmann and Theresa Henry Tim Lundeen Gonçalo and Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann Patrick Maguire and Elizabeth O'Boyle Maguire Joshua Margulies Thomas Marigné Joe Marino and Martha Simon Kathryn and John Marple Michael Martins and Sabrina Sayre Lucia Mathieux Theodora Mauro Edouard Mayoral Aleksandra McCadden '01 William McClatchy '80 and Melissa McClatchy Charles McCoy and Jeanette Traverso France McCoy Peter and Aryanna McDonald Mya McGraw '18 Brian McGuire David McSpadden John Mendelson and Veronica Segredo Michelle MacKenzie-Menendez '85 and Eduardo Menendez

Kuassi Mensah and Gabrielle Kounde Catherine Menudier Arnaud Merceron Abigail and Terence Meurk Jacquie Meyers Randy Michelson Anna Miller '93 Sylvia Miller Steven Moazed and Kimberly Hughes Moazed Eden Mojica Geoff and Lisa Moore Jay Moore and Ghislaine Maze Keith Moore and Emmy Moore Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman Elizabeth Moy Jonathan Mueller and Sharon Mueller Victor and Linda Murray Charles Nichol and Esther Nichol Paul Nock Leslie and Jon Norris Jason Nossiter '02 Doug Nugent and Becky Mortimer Marietta Nunez David and Sheila O'Connor Eric Oillarburu '88 and Aimee Oillarburu John and Jacqueline Oliver Ted and Astrid Olsson Alexei Oreskovic and Jessica Branson Victor Ortiz de Montellano and Melissa Rodgers Timothy o'Shea and Margaret Arent Sondra Osorio Steven Ossad and Barbara Kramer Antonio Padial Craig Palmer and Yong Hae Palmer John Paloglou and Dorothy Greene Stephanie Parr and Josh Rosenfeld Barbara Paszty Kenneth Patsel and Galina Alexandrova Walter and Kim Perich Herbert Perliss and Cheryl Perliss Richard Pierce and Audrey Brandt Roy and Olga Plaut Ariel Poler and Cindy Weitzman Thomas D. Post '04 Joseph Powell Chris Quan and Joan Fischer-Quan Stefan and Michelle Raczek Federico Rampini and Stefania Scotti Christophe Ramstein and Katia ClaudeRamstein Edith Reisner Newton Colette and Edward Retournard Camilo Riaño and Anne Lufkin-Riaño Florence Richard-Van Doren and Zachary Van Doren Sheila Riley Jim Rinehart and Carol Finkelstein Mark Rogers and Carol Salvagione Madeleine Russell-Shapiro '95 David Samra and Erica Pearson Samra Juan Jose and Rosa Maria San Mames Raj Sardesh

Sherwood and Ciela Sarté Carolyn Sasser Frank and Marian Sata Jean Savy and Nancy Lowenthal Jennifer Sawyer Garland Pete Scanlon and Nancy Aquino David Schmidt Kenneth and Tina Schneider Sanford and Tobey Schreiber Thomas Seligman and Rita Barela Gregg Seo and Jana Klein Adel Shalabi and Laura Fiene Zadik Shapiro Claude Sidi and Lynn Ching John and Janet Simpson Mark Singer Carolle Skov M. Bradley Smith and Michele Trufelli Neal Sofman and Anna Bullard-Sofman Jeremy Sorgen '04 Gilbert Soroquére Cheryl Sperry Mark and Lori Spiegel Paul Spiegel Christian and Diane Spirandelli Daniel Stein and Diane Tucker Steve Stone and Bridget Baskett-Stone Sabra Stoner and Ken Maikish Priscilla Stoyanof Stephen Street and Natalie Marine-Street John Sutton and Sarah Skinner Michael Szotak and Beverly Lehr Sileshi Tadesse and Mulumebet Challa Benjamin Tarquin '04 Jocelyn Tejero Valérie and Barry Toner Beatrice Trang Jenny Tsang Xavier Tsouo '88 Lewis Tucker and Ottavia Bassetti Esref and Joan Uner Francisco Varela Zeev Vax and Marcia Bana Tonetto John Verbestel and Kyle Matthews Lisa Victor and Blair Herbert Carmen Villegas-Grant Silvia and Achim Voermanek Marie Vorilhon-Volta and Jean-Baptiste Volta Ibrahima and Julie Wagne Frank and Sarah Wagner Adil and Lori Wakil David Wallace and Lynn Klamkin Erin Wallen Ko Pen and Shu Lian Wang Mary Wang Douglas Ward Ronn Watson and Nola Watson Mathieu Weber '93 Joshua Weinstein and Jayne Goldstein Bart and Lynn Weitzenberg Betty Wexler Thomas White and Tammy Smith-White Michael Whitehurst and Barbara Wein

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Michael Whitfield and Heather Carr Cameron Wong Robin Wong Evans and Robert Evans Earle Wrenn and Lynette Wrenn Robin Wright and Ian Reeves Amelia Wyman '92 Zhenya Yoder and Alasdair Cathcart Alice Young Debbie Zachareas Souhil Zaim and Sabrina Mekhalfa Sandy Zweifach and Nina Kjellson

5–9 Years Anonymous (76) Ramzi Abadou and Sarah Holloway Thomasina Akamine Mauricio Albrizzio and Charles Morgan Christian Aldecoa and Elizabeth Jacobson Jean-Pierre Alder and Raila Alder Magnus Almquist and Elda Checa Joram Altman and Barbara Winer Garrick and Terry Amgott-Kwan Douglas Anderson and Carol Anderson Michel Armand and David Blumberg Sheila Ash Mark Audigier '94 and Christina Audigier Frederic Autran and Nancy Kaplan Suze Azor Cynthia Bagwell Harris Yacin and Anne-Lorraine Bahi Amy R. Baker JP and Ann Balajadia Daniel Bane and Olga Cyimana Bane Ronald Barclay Andrei and Natalie Bareli André Barnetche and Lynda Barnetche Justin and Janet Barton Mary Beattie Alison Becker Louis-Martin and Colette Bedard Olga Beilin Jonathan Belk and Kimberly Schmitt Benjamin Bell and Sonia Sztejnklaper Haya Ben-Halim Laurent Benoit de Coignac and Marie Begon George and Martha Bens Seymour and Edith Bergman Eric and Jennifer Berkowitz Karen Berkowitz Anthony Berman and Sarah VoynowBerman Thomas Bernard and Susan Bernard Ragnvald and Joelle Bernt Alexander Besher Melinda Bihn and William Wallace Kathleen Bisaccia Mayumi Blair Crystal Blair-Morrow Linda Blum Alain Bourgade and Eileen Blum-Bourgade Steven Blumlein and Arlyne Charlip

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Kassaye Bogale and Hanna Alemayehu Natalya Bogopolskaya '04 Franky Boissy Robert Boles and Christine Lebeau-Boles Nicole and Tyras Bookman Michael and Jennifer Boughton Christopher and Kerryann Bourdon Max Boureille and Carol Jenkins Peter and Jessica Bradshaw Jack and Lynette Branagh Dominique Bremond Thomas Brisebras and Jacqueline Ortega Pascal Brochier and Sue-Anne Wilkinson Robert Brody and Andrea Jacoby Eleanor Bronner Phil Bronstein Nicholas Brown and Jennifer Tseng Paul Brown Tom and Caitlin Brown Quenadyne Bucher Clydene and Gary Bultman Ellen Burdge Guy Burdick and Nicole Ryan Michele Burton Patricia Buse Vladimir Butenko and Julia Zharova Rebecca Calame Ronald Calandra and Bonita Calandra Jean-Claude and Ninive Calegari Richard Calle and Rebecca Speer Kevin and Clarissa Canady Minakshi and Bal Raj Capur Steven Carnevale and Kelly Gorman Marie-France Cesar Eric Chehab '04 Hank Chen and Vivian Fu Min Chen and Jing Zhou Xi Tao Chen and Xiao Ling Guan Michelle Chernock Vince Chew Elvira Choate Peter Christey and Valerie Wills Sidonie Christian '77 Scott Clasen and Janette Wipper Marcia Clay Lida Clebaner Elizabeth Cleere Matt and Cindy Clementz Thomas Clifford and Carolee Perrett Lori Coile Ray and Laura Coleman Philippe Compagnone and Nathalie Compagnone Peyton and Anne Cook Richard Coughlin and Yayoi Kambara Nathan and Delphine Cozzolino Jonathan Craig and Patty Nozato Judy Craig Joseph Crittle and Imelda Johnson Frank and Elena Dal Santo Svetuslav and Ksenia Danich Jacquelyn Dara Morteza Dastgheib and Nadia Sorkhabi Norma Dattels

Corinne David Marc and Terri David Brian Davis and Casey Kimball Matthew Davis and Karla Ellis-Davis Gregory Day '84 Alexandre and Marianne Dayon Luca de Alfaro and Françoise Beaufays Elizabeth and Christophe de Bord André de Castilho and Kristine Clark-de Castilho Nicole De Coteau Gabriela De Golia '09 Rosemary de Heer and Mark Abramson Baudouin and Corine de Hemptinne Alison DeGuere Adrien Delecluse and Carole Gridley Catherine Deliveyne Earl Dennis and Beth Dennis Armand Der-Hacobian and Christy Ortiz Denis Descause and Romana Ricci Richard Deutman Wendy DeWald Steve and Ruth Dickstein Marc and Ella Diouane Robert Dixon and Michelle Dixon Michael Dobrov and Emilia Bardini Richard Dong and Jennny Chiu Suzanne Donnels Susan Donner Shawn Doubiago Julien Dourlen Charles Doyle and Lydia Beebe Cheryl Drake Ryan Drake-Lee '00 Paul and Evelyn Dravis Ginger Dreger Natalie and Gilles Drieu Richard Drossler Max Drukman and Lisa Feldstein Michael Drumm Joe and Susan DuCote Thomas Duffy and Diana Tang-Duffy Roy Durandetto and Christina Roebuck Mark Durham and Janet Jackson Peter and Sonia Dwares Lawrence and Mary Ebringer Bob and Connie Eby Graham Edwards Stuart Eisendrath and Debra Eisendrath Aref El Natour and Hiba Kalache Peter Ellis and Paula Garrett-Ellis Nina Elsohn and James Lang Martin and Maricela Encinas Shufina English Mats and Daphne Engstrom Gail Erivin-Caudle Anthony Erpelding and Bonnie Cordobes Paul and Laura Escobosa Cihat Esrefoglu and Ozgul Yolcu Richard Fallahee and Asha Rajagopal Christy Farber and Malcolm Warne Houman and Shala Fardin Mitra Rezvan Farimani and Mehran Farimani

Larry Farkas and Karen Gibson George Favvas and Naomi Assaraf Tim Fay and Cappie Alverson-Fay William Fay Thomas Feeney and Andrea Feeney Blaine and Maria Feinstein Sergio Feld and Suzanne Feld Laura Fenton Peter Fenton Marie Ferreira and Tarly Manak Michael Fields and Pamela Gerard William and Mary Filener Franco Finn '95 and Michelle Alvarez Michael Finney and Gypsy Achong John Finston and Lynne RobertsonFinston Ariel Fischer and Stephanie Rossi Harold Matthew Fisher and Dorothée Fisher Michael Fisher and Mary Lin-Hua Wu Mike and Marika Fishman Patrick Fitzgerald and Suzzanne Fitzgerald James Flaherty and Stacy Flaherty Vince Foecke and Linda Hinton Silvia Fonseca Stephan Forget and Florence Solal Eric and Ellamarie Fortenbach Gino Fortunato and Laura Meyer Michael and Catherine Fournell Alexander Fowler and Megan McVay Greg and Jan Fowler Stephen Fowler and Renee Stephens R Franco and Esther Franco Jeremy and Tracinda Frank Kevin Franklin and Keehae Park Mark Franko and Juliet Neidish Emanuel and Polly Frenkel David and Jane Fried Lawrence Fried and Harriet Fried Bernard Friedlander Paul and Paloma Friedman Bruce and Michele Fuller Roel Funke and Jacqueline McLaughlin Greg Galanos and Carole L'Abbe Barry and Laura Galvin Lisette Garcia Philippe Gardelle and Ellen Gardelle Claire Garwood Pierre and Clarice Gaubil Stephan and Lili Gaudreau Sebhatleab Gebremedhin and Saba Mesfin Chelsea Gelbart '08 Cigdem Gencer Frank Gendre and Hokulani GearheardGendre Daniel and Kim Génini David Gingrass Vladimir Glasov Craig Glassner and Marsha Glassner Judith and Bud Glickman Vernon Goins '88 and Darlene Goins Aleyda Gonzalez-Tello and Christophe Baubert David Goodstein

Caren Gould Simon and Vali Govier Bradley Graham Andrea Gray Ernest Grays and Karen Toliver-Grays Frank Green Kate and Jeremy Green Phil Greenberg and Annie Stine David Greenthal and Sheri Richmond Diana Greer Philippe and Heather Grenier Otto Griffin Hugh and Alisa Groocock Tim and Shailly Guleri Robert Gumpert and Sandra Cate José Abraham Gutiérrez-Gómez and Cristina Correa Steven Guttmann and Rhonda Kaufman Gregor Guy-Smith and Colleen Rohan Aida and Dino Hadzibegovic Cathy and Stephane Halter Carol Hamelin Lawrence and Deborah Hamilton Richard Handel and Jill Manton Scott Hansen and Odile Hansen David Hanson and Gabrielle Hanson Michael Hardiman and Gail Nethercut Elizabeth Harmon and Timothy Simpson Jere and Jean Harper Lauren Hart '04 Christian Haudenschild and Sari J Sasken George Hauser and Jutta Reichert Heather Hawker and Dean Engle Kenneth and Christina Hecht Shepherd and Elizabeth Heery Peter Heinecke and Kathryn Bowsher Donald Henvick and Margaret Ziman Petr Herman Justin and Amy Hess Dorothy Heyman Robert Hicks and Geraldine Hicks Jacob Hirsch and Gloria Hirsch Tuan and Mysi Hoang Ked and Cecilia Hogan Jonathan Horn '91 and Daria Saraf A.T. and Sherri Howe David and Cheryl Howell Eric Hughes and Priscilla Wanerus Mark Humphries Thomas Hunt and Linda Candelaria Thomas Huot and Stacy Feld Minh Huynh and Loan Huynh Zulkifli and Caroline Iljas Dana Isaac Marc Jacobs and Doris Lobb Christopher Jaeger and Heidi Werbel Wendy Jaffe Valerie and Thierry Jahan Habib and Mary Jamali Robert Jameson and Suzanne Shade Mark Jansen Matthew and Sara Jennison Michelle Jeong Amy and Sommer Johnson

Glenn and Liz Johnson Sara Johnson William Johnston and Bobbie Fisch Mason Jones and Loren Rhoads William Jones and Louise DiMattio Paul-Marc Jousselin and Fe Alfonso Jousselin Alan and Linda Kahn Amanda Kahn-Kirby and Mason Kirby Spencer and Roberta Kaitz Nathalie Kakone and Laurie Blavin Stuart and Maria Kaler Elizabeth Kantor Clea Karlstrom '92 Thor and Lecia Kaslofsky Jo Kaufman Max and Beth Kellenberger John and Juliet Kelley Regis Kelly and Rae Lyn Burke David and Elizabeth Kennard Patrick Kennedy and Nichele Harris Don and Barbara Ketchen Abbas Khoshnevissan and Miriam Khoshnevissan Barbara Kibbe Hakan Kilicote and Muruvvet Celikbas Lance King and Alisa Mosler Carl Klompus and Patty Neal Ann and Paul Kobayashi Manu and Erica Kodiyan Hans Kolbe and Gloria Saltzman Peter Kools and Susan Kools James and Ann Kordahl Allen Koster and Cynthia Koster Jules Kragen and Florence Kragen Howard Krause and Ann Krause Steve and Arlene Krieger Josh and Dana Kriesel Michele Krolik and Andrew Behla Yann and Julie Kronberg Ruth Krumbhaar Remy Krzyzanowski Tiffany and Ashutosh Kulkarni Steven Kusmer and Patricia Plude David Kvaratskhelia and Christina Giguere Hélène Labriet-Gross and Hervé Gross Hervé Lamarque and Josiane Lamarque Scott Lamb and Stella Lamb Leslie Lambert Steve and Wendy Landreville Gary and LeeAnne Lang Sarah and Roberto Lartigue Bruno Larvol and Wan Chi Fred and Barbara Lau Brian Lavan and Michelle Kuhne Emil Lawrence Annyvonne Le Gall Allen Lee and Cheryl Allmon John and Rebecca Lee Michael Leeds and Rebecca Yee Wendy Leherissey Odile Leland-Arizmendi and Javier Arizmendi Pierre and Diane Lemor

Communiqué 2019-2020 | 19

Samuel and Margaret Leung Ruth Levine Teresa Lim Joseph Lisha and Ellen Gould Felix Litman and Sunhee Son Winston Little and Amy Rubenstein Franklin and Jennifer Loffer Russell Long The Lopez-Leschin Family Pascal Lorne and Sylvie Alavoine Lenore Louie Frederick and Lucy Luhmann Anthony Luke and Mona Luke-Zeitoun Trine Lunde and Eric Frietzsche Leslie Lundeen James Luthin and Janet Aston Kevin Ma and Shirley Ma Paul Machle and Kathleen Jordan Ananth and Rachel Madhavan Patrice Maheo and Ping Xie Bill and Joanne Maher Matthew Maier and Bridget Finn Lillian Mandelman Hy Manton and Marilyn Manton Catherine Margerin Siri Margerin Sarah Ann Margulies Angie and Vernon Marshall John and Rae Joyce Marsyla Carri Martino-Jacobs and Adam Jacobs Farshad Mashayekhi and Nazanin Hakim Bill Matheson and Tim Matheson Surma Mauro Walter Mayes James McCole and Connie McCole Michael McCormick and Leilani BattisteMcCormick James and Isabelle McGee Cassandra Costello McGoldrick and Jamie McGoldrick Ian McLauchlan and Lucie RyanMcLauchlan Daniel McLaughlin '94 and Jennifer DaSilva Jacob and Stephanie McNeill

Peter and Barbara McSpadden Lawrence Menard and Catherine Aubron Bonnie Menes Kahn Gerard Menut and Claudette Menut Nicholas Mercer and Barbara Antonucci Paul Merlyn and Sloan Norman Evan Metcalf Gabriel Metcalf and Elizabeth Sullivan Wen and Susan Miao Jolyon Miller and Mehri Brown Jonda Miller Denise Milton Dorothy Milton Alan Mirviss and Diane Fellman Milan Momirov and Letitia Momirov Neil and Chris Monnens Natalie Moore Steven Moore and Nina Moore Michael Moores and Rachel Shu Ada Morales Christopher Morales Jeff Moray and Susan Chambers Celinha Moreira Louis and Lisa Morello Ignazio and Heather Moresco George Moridis and Vassiliki Fissekidou Thomas Morrison Gary Moss and Mary Hough Aref and Cecilia Mostaghim Farzam Mostoufi Dena Motley Michele Moussavi Robert Movradinov The Mudge Family Robert and Paige Mullin Lydia Murray Oleg and Alina Muza Marilyn Myerson Amir Najmi and Linda Woo Robert Nattenberg and Francine Farouz Thomas Nelsen and Roselyne Nelsen Alex Nerland and Lisa Signoff Liz Nichols David Nied and Deirdre Gaynor Yasuo and Judith Nozato William Nusbaum and Jill Nusbaum Joy Nwabueze

David Nyssen Kevin and Martine O'Boyle Timothy and Jennie O'Brien Kevin O'Connor Erin O'Donnell Reiling and Kinkead Reiling Jeannette Ogburn Matthew and Brenda Ogburn Steve Oh and Myriam Kirkman-Oh Lisa Okuhn Bruce Olitzky and Cynthia Grant Matthew O'Meara George Orbelian and Marcia Orbelian Richard O'Rourke and Melane Ali Mercedes Oyuela and Xavier Villarreal Mario Pacini and Barbara Martino Jeffrey Paine and Margaret Parkinson Macdougall and Margery Palmer Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrath-Pancha Justin Parr and Ayako Akazawa Kameh Parsi Kambiz Pasha and Micheline Cerra Nick Paszty '80 and Gay Pelletier Dmitri Pavlovski and Elena Pavlovskaia Bruce Peltier and Tracey Pomeroy Rati Pendse James Perla and Srinka Ghosh Joseph Perloff and Marjorie Perloff Roselyne Perron Jonathan Pick and Audrey Bourguet John and Dawn Pickering Charles Piller and Surry Bunnell Thomas Pistor and Ewelina Bindarowska Angelika Pittet Amy Berman '05 Gary Pope and Nancy Hutt William and Winifred Post Juliette Powell Jonathan and Finola Poynton Bruno and Karine Pradal Somchai Pramprasert and Katherine Prampasert Frederic and Tamara Prieur James Propp and Sandy Huang Donna Rabin Kenneth Ralston Regina Ranoa-Bertrand Marion Rappe and Susan Wheeler Diana Rathbone

"Participating in the Annual Fund is a small way for me to give back to a place that has given us so much. We love the emphasis on participation as every dollar, no matter how big or how small, helps our larger school community."

Megan Bouhamama Parent '20, '24, '26

20 | CommuniquĂŠ 2019-2020

Garry Rayant and Kathy Fields-Rayant Amir and Kristina Razmara James Reed '95 and Rossemary Reed Nicholas Reed '98 Craig Reisfield and Ginette Reisfield Augustina Rensch Debra Reynolds and Steven Hammerschlag Lillian Rieders Jean-Sebastien Riehl and Maria Chiam Pascal and Virginie Rigo Florence Robichon Barton and Shirley Rochman Daniel and Alexandra Rodoni Peter and Mary Rosberg Inna Rosker Andrew Ross and Cynthia Jones Jerome Roth Nathalie Roussille Boris Rozen and Irina Rozen Cheryl and Antal Runneboom Nancy Rutherford Denise and J.D. Ryan Aline Saghatelian Nicolas Saint-Arnaud and Sarah Sussman Andrew and Jill Salzman Juan Sanchez and Cecily Chudacoff Jeff and Larissa Sand Anita Sanderson-Labossiere and Sanderson-Labossiere Robert Sands and Violaine D'Amour Cyrus Santa Maria and Luisa Santa Maria Nancy Saussac Eric Save de Beaurecueil and Nichol Garzon-Mitchell Geoffrey and Christina Sawyer Michelle Sayada Edward and Virginia Sayre Karen Schmid James and Cecile Schwanke David Schwartz and Isis Spinola-Schwartz Thomas Schwartz and Claudia Schwartz Jennifer Scibetta William Scoville and Marie-Claude Le Gall Lynn Searle John Seegal and Barbara Seegal Judith Seiden Somasunder Sekaran and Anne Davies Peggy Seligman Laurent and Ann Sellier Nadia Sesay Hamid Shahnasser and Marjan Masoudi Chandran Shanmugam and Brigette Karen Shanmugam David and Debra Shapiro Mitchell Shapson and Amy Eskin Dayna Sharkey Tim Shetler and Catherine Lai Bill Shields and Denise Shields Young Hee Shin Sergey Shneyerson and Natalia Gurushina David and Svetlana Silverman Bouchra Simmons Jacqueline Singer

Mary Singer Katherine Siu '07 Mark and Emily Slichter Rob Smetana Kevin and Tina Smith Neil and Gina Smith Bonnie and David Smolins Arthur Snyder Olga Soboleva Vanina and Jean-Luc Solans Esta Soler and Chris Cleary Frank and Elissa Sommerfield Gretchen Sommerfield and Bonnie Cardell John Sommerfield and Diane Shapiro Françoise Spiegelman Iaishia C. Stanford Richard Stanton and Deborah Landis Fredrick and Laurie Steele Michelle Steigerwald Ellen and Robert Stern Peter Stern and Joan Johnston-Stern Charles Stewart and Saiko Matsumaru Robert and Melanie Stewart Sam Stone and Marilyn Stone Thomas and Iris Stone Victoria Stone Victoria Sung Kenneth Sutherland Roger Swanson and Lena Zhang Hilary and Noel Sy-Quia Edward Szylko and Michelle Hansen Jennifer Tagatz and Craig Lobdell Haroon Tahir and Lisa Jeli Gerald Taipale and Aline Cezanne Alyson Talley Paul Tam and Rhonda Kwok Claudio and Elizabeth Tarchi Peter Tarczy-Hornoch MD '82 and Candice McCoy Leon Taylor and Masha Levinson Jose and Eden Tejero Andrei Terebilo and Nina Bubnova Fahs-Thatcher Family Betty Thayer Catherine Theilen Burke and John Burke Leslie Theodore Charles Thompson and Stella Thompson Robert Thornton Kevin Timpane and Christina Stonehouse Jaime and Hayden Tollas Patrice and Theresa Tollenaere Leonid and Marina Tolstunov Vicenta Touami Tania Toubba Alex and Danielle Toussaint Fikirte Tsegaye Alvin Tucker and Leah Tucker Robert and Margaret Tuhacek Howard Turmon and Maite Turmon Harry Turner and Brian Keil Rebecca Turner Blake and Amber Turrentine Christopher Tyler

Ronald Tyler and Suzanne Frick Alexander Vakoula and Yekaterina Polosukhina Javier Vallin Nico Van Aelstyn and Almudena Bernabeu Vicki Van Fleet Jan Van Gelder John and Debra Varian Alexander Varshavsky and Julia Latifi Eric Verdin and Melanie Ott Roque and Karine Versace Moya Verzhbinsky and Alyosha Verzhbinsky Stephen Viess and Meghan Biesiadecki Pierre Vignet and Gayle Vignet Tanya Vilderman Norman and Jennifer Villarina Jack Von Euw Robert Wait and Leah Tracy Peter Wald and Christina Hall Michael and Damara Wallace Tim Wallen Evan Wallitt and Sarra He Sarah and Don Wanek Henry Warwick and Beth Scannell Jeffrey Watts and Meredith Watts Jim Watts and Aldona Koudelka-Watts Jack Webb Seth Weissman and Margaret Robbins Michael Welch James Wesser and Margaret Wesser Joseph and Emily Wetzel Charlie and Chris Whisenand Buck Whitaker and Suzanne Kane Michael and Marianne Wiener Steven Wiesenthal and Rebecca Trumbull James and Veronique Wiggs Alan Wilburn and Carla Sarvis Nelson Williams Joseph Williamson and Deborah Hall Benjamin Willis and Barbara Hurtig Adam Wilson and Quyen Nguyen Carey and Noah Wintroub Mee Mee Wong Michael Li-Ming Wong and Wendy Wong Kristie Wong-Siu and Bradley Siu Dionne Woods and Jay Seiden Charles and Roni Work Matthew and Beatriz Work Adelina Wu Susan Wyatt Alfred Yan and Gallia Levy Sammy and Nancy Yang Carl Yestrau and Julianne Casper Marcus Yoder Sirika Yong John and Carolee Young Rebecca Young and Philip Poling Robyn Young Christopher Zeck and Pamela Glaston-Zeck Jim and Sheela Zemlin Richard and Sylvie Zolezzi Richard Zuckerman

CommuniquĂŠ 2019-2020 | 21

The strength of our school is our community.

22 | CommuniquĂŠ 2019-2020


Annual Fund Gifts received July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

We are excited to share that our 2019-2020 Annual Fund was the most successful campaign we’ve ever had, raising over $1.5 million for our school community.

Thank you to our 2019-2020

Annual Fund Volunteers! 2019-2020 Co-Chairs

2019-2020 Parent Volunteers

Megan Bouhamama Gordon Francis Aimee Oillarburu Peter Ostrow Sarah Pinto Vladislav Shunturov

Laura Akel Lukas Andersen Christopher Beahn Grant Beggs Jennifer DaSilva Victoria Erville Meg Escobosa

Swati Jayadevan Kadri Jugandi Amanda Kahn-Kirby Ahmed K. Khaishgi Savina Kyurkchiev Angie Marshall Neil Monnens

Amanda Perrot Kali Polk-Matthews Isavane Samanna Dayna Sharkey Jaime Touchstone Shannon Wolfe Dionne Woods

“I am an Annual Fund Co-Chair because this year more than ever, I have come to recognize and appreciate the power of community and solidarity. The Annual Fund has made it possible to support our families who have been affected by COVID-19 and helped enable our children's safe return to school. I am so grateful for French American and International this year.”

Sarah Pinto

Parent '32, '34 Communiqué 2019-2020 | 23

Annual Giving by Grade Level

Oleg and Alina Muza Erin and Jamie Niemasik Amy and Owen Nishimura Kristin and Andre Pech Whitney Pieper Sanjeev Rao and Swati Jayadevan Rodriguez Dorsch Family Kelly Shindell DeLacey and Charles Delacey Jasmine Stirling and Michael Malaga Anne Titterington Colm Tobin and Monica Lara-Cordoba Heinz Waelchli and Marion DicksonWaelchli Tamara and Dustin York Min Ying Zhao and Luc Jasmin




Anonymous (6) Marcy and Steve Bougon Angela and Angelo Cordon Michael and Catherine Gandy Nina Geneson and Jordan Otis Matthew Hicks and Harshal Sanghavi Cedric and Nathalie Hutchings Aicha Idelcadi and Jennifer Raeder The Roulland-Indovina Family Sophie and Paul Jasper Tanguy Le Louarn and Marie Chalopin Vanessa Lotoux-Macias and Daniel Macias Kristin and James McBride Kristina and Andy McLoughlin Pauline Montupet and Maxwell Gray Milka Pantelic and Peter Muller Beth and Guillaume Saban Priya Shete and William Barkis Richard Stanton and Deborah Landis Lauren and Matthew Van Horn Ellie and John Yelding-Sloan Maria Zuniga and Rolando Abarca Nicolas and Pavlina Zylberstein

Anonymous (6) Jill Allen and Jade Laird Lauren and Victor Barrès Christopher and Christine Beahn Robert Benson and Caroline Stanculescu Nicole and Tyras Bookman Nadia Chambéry and Claude Alexandre The Chen Family Foundation Kathleen Cho and Didier Hilhorst Laurent and Adriana de Bord Harriet and Guillaume de Pracomtal Laura Dinu Ayalew Doyo and Abeba Hebetagirogies Michelle and Randle Edwards Nina Geneson and Jordan Otis Aleyda Gonzalez-Tello and Christophe Baubert Philippe and Heather Grenier Marie and Peter Hemsley Janel and Nicholas Hertz Bergen Hung and Evgueni Ratchev Iuliia Kudriashova and Andrii Korzh Elaine Lau and Ryan McGinn Kevin and Rati Levesque Jennifer Lo and Alan Jacobe Elsa and Peter Lundy Laura and Julien Mamet John Martinelli

Anonymous (7) Rebecca and Mark Almond Olivier Bartholot Jeremy Bataillou and Deborah Lambert Ester and Ben Beerle Stacy Bissell and Christopher Horvath Matthew and Margaret Blodgett Yelena Bobyor and Theodore Bonanno Steve Boullianne Adam Bristol and Indre Viskontas Alison and Marc Chaput Denny and Leona Chen Jeffrey Dahmus and Marie-Claude Nadeau Harriet and Guillaume de Pracomtal Ben Dempster and Yurika Sebata-Dempster Stephen and Lisa Dini Atousa and Jean-Luc Duprat Matthew and Danelle Ebbel Chris Ellison and Elizabeth Frame Ellison Eric Foerg and Caitlin Bair Etienne Giraudy and Vidya Balakrishnan Shikha Goyal-Allain and Jean-Francois Allain Raphael Grignani and Moka Pantages Aida and Dino Hadzibegovic Janel and Nicholas Hertz Ami Huggett and Wright Bagwell Cedric and Nathalie Hutchings Alexis and Virginie Icikovics The Roulland-Indovina Family Michael Jahr and Wei Wang Sophie and Paul Jasper Aditi Karandikar and Vivek Tawde Lishan Kassa Amy Keating and Zac Alinder Ahmed and Uzma Khaishgi Melanie Kushnir-Pappalardo '92 and Christopher Pappalardo Momchil and Savina Kyurkchiev Tiffani and Alain Lartigue Ludivine Lemaire-Catbagan and Chris Catbagan Vanessa Lotoux-Macias and Daniel Macias Amanda Madlener and Lukas Andersen

I love the students — it is them who are the highlight of the school community. The fact that French American and International is a diverse, international blend of staff and students is enriching.

Praanot Kokkate

Computer Science and Academic Tech Coordinator

24 | Communiqué 2019-2020

Sambou and Meg Makalou Daniel McLaughlin '94 and Jennifer DaSilva Jaiser Montoya Julien and Nellie Moreau Stephanie Nehring and Michel Tassetto Siobhan Nolan Mangini and Luca Mangini Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrathPancha Sarah Pinto and Thibault Peyronel David Ragone and Alexandra Summer Hervé Robert and Karen Assayag Oren and Emily Rosenberg Chandra Stanley Behailu Taye and Beteley Gebremariam Jaime and Paul Touchstone Marie-Aude and Michel Tricot Dalia Vitkauskaite and François Deliège Florica Vlad '01 and Thomas Bates Bashir and Amina Wada Tanya Wei and John Toal Ellie and John Yelding-Sloan

Grade 1 Anonymous (10) Temi and Tobi Adamolekun Kansinee Adsanatham and Lyman Jung Jennifer Goldberg Annunziata '87 and Jim Annunziata Sheila Bari and Nabil Kassam Christopher and Christine Beahn Preston and Lily Becker The Chen Family Foundation Joel and Marion Cohen Eric and Louise Cooperström Laurent and Adriana de Bord Guillaume Decalf and Haleh Partovi Matthew Dixon and Kelli McMaster Gergana and Timothy Dukes Johan Duramy and Benedetta Faedi Duramy Andrew Erdman and Julia Kreinin Ariel Fischer and Stephanie Rossi Harold Matthew Fisher and Dorothée Fisher Joseph Gabany and Dalene Bramer Miguel Garcia Castillo and Lauren Garcia Aicha Idelcadi and Jennifer Raeder Chris Lambert and Nancy Chung Tanguy Le Louarn and Marie Chalopin Melanie and Pascal Levensohn Kevin and Rati Levesque Mark and Kimberly Martinez Kristin and James McBride Cassandra Costello McGoldrick and Jamie McGoldrick Abraham Mertens and Ivory Madison David Mes and Emmanuelle Lambert Michael Mooney and Emi Morgan Erin O'Donnell Reiling and Kinkead Reiling

Mark Patel and Sruti Nadimpalli Christopher Poggi and Cecilia Delapierre Poggi Amir and Kristina Razmara Henry Robinson and Rachel Seftel Eric Save de Beaurecueil and Nichol Garzon-Mitchell Priya Shete and William Barkis Vladislav Shunturov and Kadri Jugandi Bonnie and David Smolins Behailu Taye and Beteley Gebremariam Ali Tore and Meghan Carozza Nico Van Aelstyn and Almudena Bernabeu Vincent Vanhoucke and Joyce NoahVanhoucke

Grade 2 Anonymous (9) Reid and Hana Andersen Kevin and Tracy Baldwin Eric and René Becker Ester and Ben Beerle Jonathan Belk and Kimberly Schmitt Nicole and Tyras Bookman Guillemette Brouillat-Spiegel and Adam Spiegel Nicolas Cabrera and Stephanie Pignot Cabrera Nadia Chambéry and Claude Alexandre Alison and Marc Chaput Angela and Angelo Cordon Richard Coughlin and Yayoi Kambara Marc and Terri David Alaric Degrafinried and Doran Navarro Michelle and Randle Edwards Chris Ellison and Elizabeth Frame Ellison David and Lisabeth Finci Michael Finney and Gypsy Achong Michael Fisher and Mary Lin-Hua Wu Scott Fong and Farah Anwar Gordon Francis and Anissa Kalinowski Kevin Franklin and Keehae Park Philippe and Heather Grenier Molly Hanks Doyle and Brian Patrick Doyle Cedric and Nathalie Hutchings Alexis and Virginie Icikovics Michael Jahr and Wei Wang Thor and Lecia Kaslofsky Andrea and David Kennedy Lance King and Alisa Mosler Josh and Dana Kriesel Tiffany and Ashutosh Kulkarni David Martin and Olga Mekhovich Papi and Sujata Menon Neil and Chris Monnens Julien and Nellie Moreau Jenna and Satish Narayanan Stephanie Nehring and Michel Tassetto Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrath-Pancha Sanjeev Rao and Swati Jayadevan James Reed '95 and Rossemary Reed Adhamina Rodriguez and Stuart Gurrea

Ani Rouskova and George Totev Evan Wallitt and Sarra He Carey and Noah Wintroub Min Ying Zhao and Luc Jasmin

Grade 3 Anonymous (10) Grant Beggs and David Garcia Peter and Jessica Bradshaw Guillaume Decalf and Haleh Partovi Reza and Firouzeh Dibadj Matthew and Danelle Ebbel Christy Farber and Malcolm Warne Michael Finney and Gypsy Achong Philippe Golle and Sanae Nakagawa Christopher Hall and Kyra Ivanoff Christian Haudenschild and Sari J Sasken Jason and Natalie Horwath Thomas Huot and Stacy Feld Christopher Jaeger and Heidi Werbel Amy and Sommer Johnson Hélène Labriet-Gross and Hervé Gross Caren Ludmer and Richard Freedman Mark and Kimberly Martinez Cassandra Costello McGoldrick and Jamie McGoldrick Matthew and Adeline McLeod Michael Mooney and Emi Morgan Mario Pacini and Barbara Martino Antti and Reeta Petajisto Michail Petropoulos and Mirjana Andjelkovic James Reed '95 and Rossemary Reed Nicolas Saint-Arnaud and Sarah Sussman Laurent and Ann Sellier Jennifer Tagatz and Craig Lobdell Marie Vorilhon-Volta and Jean-Baptiste Volta Ibrahima and Julie Wagne Adam Wilson and Quyen Nguyen Min Ying Zhao and Luc Jasmin

Grade 4 Anonymous (4) Ramzi Abadou and Sarah Holloway April Al-Shamma Jean '89 and Carmel Jean Michel Armand and David Blumberg Kevin and Tracy Baldwin Eric and René Becker Jonathan Belk and Kimberly Schmitt Thomas Brisebras and Jacqueline Ortega Nadia Chambéry and Claude Alexandre Jeff and Suzette Clarke Alexander and Erika Couric Michelle and Randle Edwards Kevin Franklin and Keehae Park Aleyda Gonzalez-Tello and Christophe Baubert José Abraham Gutiérrez-Gómez and Cristina Correa Aida and Dino Hadzibegovic

Communiqué 2019-2020 | 25

Michelle Haner and Steve Haskell Peter Heinecke and Kathryn Bowsher Ked and Cecilia Hogan A.T. and Sherri Howe Rajneesh and Gauri Khokha Yann and Julie Kronberg Chris Lambert and Nancy Chung The Lopez-Leschin Family Matthew Maier and Bridget Finn Daniel McLaughlin '94 and Jennifer DaSilva Jacob and Stephanie McNeill Paul Merlyn and Sloan Norman David Mes and Emmanuelle Lambert Jolyon Miller and Mehri Brown Christopher Otto and Susan Celia Swan Christopher Perry and Amy Swanson-Perry Jean-Sebastien Riehl and Maria Chiam Cheryl and Antal Runneboom Geoffrey and Christina Sawyer David and Svetlana Silverman Bonnie and David Smolins Mark and Adeline Townsley Bashir and Amina Wada Robert Wait and Leah Tracy Alfred Yan and Gallia Levy

Grade 5 Anonymous (6) Katia Aouat and David Rafoni Michel Armand and David Blumberg

26 | CommuniquĂŠ 2019-2020

Peter and Jessica Bradshaw Nicholas Brown and Jennifer Tseng Scott Clasen and Janette Wipper Marc and Ella Diouane Lawrence and Mary Ebringer Shinichi Eguchi Houman and Shala Fardin George Favvas and Naomi Assaraf Ariel Fischer and Stephanie Rossi Michael Fisher and Mary Lin-Hua Wu Robert Jameson and Suzanne Shade Suha Jhaveri and Steve Krognes Amy and Sommer Johnson Amanda Kahn-Kirby and Mason Kirby Thor and Lecia Kaslofsky Andrea and David Kennedy Gary and Emily Ketchen Rajneesh and Gauri Khokha Tiffany and Ashutosh Kulkarni Sarah and Roberto Lartigue Ettore Leale and Juliette Hayes Karine Luguet John and Tippi Mackenzie Farshad Mashayekhi and Nazanin Hakim Nicholas Mercer and Barbara Antonucci Pascal Molat and Geneviève Brisebois Oleg and Alina Muza Amir Najmi and Linda Woo Kevin O'Connor Justin Parr and Ayako Akazawa Bruno and Karine Pradal Amir and Kristina Razmara

Delphine Renard and Todd Robins Andrew and Jill Salzman Eric Save de Beaurecueil and Nichol Garzon-Mitchell Somasunder Sekaran and Anne Davies Richard Stanton and Deborah Landis Victoria Sung Jennifer Tagatz and Craig Lobdell Blake and Amber Turrentine Adam Wilson and Quyen Nguyen Carey and Noah Wintroub Shannon Wolfe and Kayvaan Ghassemieh Kristie Wong-Siu and Bradley Siu

Grade 6 Anonymous (4) Cecile Alduy Kenneth Berman Marcy and Steve Bougon Megan and Youcef Bouhamama Guy Burdick and Nicole Ryan Joel and Marion Cohen Jonathan Craig and Patty Nozato Robert Daniels and Sophia Gong Marc and Terri David Armand Der-Hacobian and Christy Ortiz Coumba Diouf and Adama Ouedrago Laurent and Roxane Divol Natalie and Gilles Drieu Peter and Sonia Dwares Christy Farber and Malcolm Warne Mark and Christine Fisher Richard Gregory and Cecilia Borgenstam Christian Haudenschild and Sari J Sasken Justin and Amy Hess Mark Humphries Hakan Kiliccote and Muruvvet Celikbas Tony and Rita Kim Daniel Klingebiel '89 and Yoko Klingebiel John Kontrabecki and Nicole de Remer Michael Leeds and Rebecca Yee Paul Machle and Kathleen Jordan Matthew Maier and Bridget Finn Kathryn and John Marple Farshad Mashayekhi and Nazanin Hakim Jeff Moray and Susan Chambers Timothy and Jennie O'Brien Erin O'Donnell Reiling and Kinkead Reiling Victor Ortiz de Montellano and Melissa Rodgers Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrath-Pancha Alexandra Quinn '87 and Mark Spolyar Adhamina Rodriguez and Stuart Gurrea Oren and Emily Rosenberg Juan Sanchez and Cecily Chudacoff Laurent and Ann Sellier Hamid Shahnasser and Marjan Masoudi Harry Turner and Brian Keil Carl Yestrau and Julianne Casper Jim and Sheela Zemlin

Grade 7 Anonymous (9) Heidi Bjornson-Pennell and Andrew Pennell Christopher and Kerryann Bourdon Laura and David Carmany Vanessa Correa and Stuart Kendall Richard Coughlin and Yayoi Kambara Matthew Davis and Karla Ellis-Davis Laurent and Adriana de Bord André de Castilho and Kristine Clark-de Castilho Marc Escobosa '91 and Meg Escobosa Harold Matthew Fisher and Dorothée Fisher Michael Fisher and Mary Lin-Hua Wu Cigdem Gencer Heather Hawker and Dean Engle Ked and Cecilia Hogan Meryl Katz and John Peurach Manu and Erica Kodiyan Yann and Julie Kronberg Hélène Labriet-Gross and Hervé Gross Ettore Leale and Juliette Hayes Bruno and Karine Pradal Jean-Sebastien Riehl and Maria Chiam Peter and Mary Rosberg Cheryl and Antal Runneboom Nicolas Saint-Arnaud and Sarah Sussman Pete Scanlon and Nancy Aquino Edward Szylko and Michelle Hansen Isabelle and Vincent Tauzia Alex and Danielle Toussaint Robert Wait and Leah Tracy Evan Wallitt and Sarra He Adam Wilson and Quyen Nguyen

Grade 8 Anonymous (2) Jennifer Goldberg Annunziata '87 and Jim Annunziata Amy and Khaldoun Baghdadi JP and Ann Balajadia Heidi Bjornson-Pennell and Andrew Pennell Marcy and Steve Bougon Megan and Youcef Bouhamama Kimberly Branagh Val Casilang and Digna Reyes Elizabeth and Christophe de Bord Adrien Delecluse and Carole Gridley Clélia Donovan Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan Shinichi Eguchi Xavier and Jelena Erhart Philippe and Victoria Erville Stephan Forget and Florence Solal Heather Hawker and Dean Engle Justin and Amy Hess Stephen and Elizabeth Howe Stewart and Noreen Irving

Christopher Jaeger and Heidi Werbel Faye Jamali, MD and Andrew Posselt, MD, PhD Andrea and David Kennedy Georgios Kiurtsidis and Katarina Bakerova Daniel Klingebiel '89 and Yoko Klingebiel John Knightly and Floriana Spezza Ruth Krumbhaar Bruno Larvol and Wan Chi Michael Leeds and Rebecca Yee Russell Long Karine Luguet Eric Oillarburu '88 and Aimee Oillarburu Alexei Oreskovic and Jessica Branson Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrath-Pancha Stephanie Parr and Josh Rosenfeld Sherwood and Ciela Sarté Karen Schmid Laurent Scotto Di Uccio and Alice Jolimaitre Dayna Sharkey Kevin and Tina Smith Alexander Varshavsky and Julia Latifi Roque and Karine Versace Stephen Viess and Meghan Biesiadecki Buck Whitaker and Suzanne Kane Shannon Wolfe and Kayvaan Ghassemieh Kristie Wong-Siu and Bradley Siu Dionne Woods and Jay Seiden Souhil Zaim and Sabrina Mekhalfa

Grade 9 Anonymous (8) Katrina and Ronald Academia Barri and Sandeep Aji Christine and Tarak Borchani Laura and David Carmany Val Casilang and Digna Reyes Alison and Marc Chaput Pierre-Francois Choquet and Stephanie Long Choquet Robert and Lisa Cleary James Curran and Jacqueline Lytle

Matthew Davis and Karla Ellis-Davis Julia Dawson and Ethan Ravage Stephane de Bord Hannah and Thor Denmark Laurent and Roxane Divol Clélia Donovan Michelle and Randle Edwards Marc Escobosa '91 and Meg Escobosa Tony Fenner-Leitao and Barbara Rees Damien Ferraro and Dana Schneider Gino Fortunato and Laura Meyer Hiromi and David Fukuda Robert Jay Green and Holden Lee Tuyen Ho and Graham Luce Lin and Raf Howery Thomas Hunt and Linda Candelaria Gregory Iboshi and Emily Huang-Iboshi Amanda Kahn-Kirby and Mason Kirby Gary and Andrea Kennerley Tony and Rita Kim Caroline and Craig Kleinman Heather Knape and Jason Thorpe Jessica Kogan John Kontrabecki and Nicole de Remer Leslee Kurihara and Drew Hamlin Steve and Wendy Landreville Laurance Lee and Sofia Touami Qiong Li and DaoMing Lin Kimberley and Wayne Losey Pierre-Joseph and Yesenia Marie-Rose Timothy McBride and Michelle Chen Abigail and Terence Meurk William Meyer Sherry and John Mitchell Timothy and Jennie O'Brien Iliana Quinonez and Brian Rovner Camilo Riaño and Anne Lufkin-Riaño Jonathan Rosen and Kathleen Cariffe Isavane Samanna and Daniel Scovill Shideh Shahrdar and Garsha Shabankhani Negar Sheibani and Amir Jamali Neil and Gina Smith Laura Stein and Nikhil Sinha Kitty Tang and Ken Chung

Communiqué 2019-2020 | 27

Amra Tareen and Stephen Ackroyd Mark and Adeline Townsley Nicolas Tsingos and Agata Opalach David and Wendi Upchurch Victor Vallejo and Cristina Ysselstein Francisco Varela Ibrahima and Julie Wagne Melissa Woodrow and Omar Serang Amelia Wyman '92 Laura Zander and Scott Porter

Grade 10 Anonymous (9) Jennifer Goldberg Annunziata '87 and Jim Annunziata Katia Aouat and David Rafoni Amy and Khaldoun Baghdadi Hank Bannister and Kyoko Watanabe Valérie Bianquis Kassaye Bogale and Hanna Alemayehu Kimiko Burton '82 Patrick and Dorothee Chanezon Aaron Cheris '92 and Karla Cheris '92 Lai Cheung and Nigel Chanter Moosa Choudhry and Heidi Hamilton Elaine Chow and Jung Park Beth Cook Alexander and Evette Davis Alexandre and Marianne Dayon Laurent and Adriana de Bord Coumba Diouf and Adama Ouedrago


Communiqué 2019-2020

Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan Kevin Duong and Thuy Huynh Remi El-Ouazzane and Julie Leven Gail Erivin-Caudle Mark and Christine Fisher Nicolas Fiszman and Christina Hellmich Patrick Galvin and Sharon Flanagan Jeff Gray and Salle Yoo Paola Guglielmoni and Giorgio Ghersi Felix Hack and Ann Lucchesi Dennis and Sabrina Higgs Mason Jones and Loren Rhoads Michael Kasolas and Stella Pantazis Gary and Emily Ketchen Stephen Kraus and Simone Madan Kai Mun Lau and Yiling Quek David Liu and Xingping Liang Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Joshua Margulies Lillian Markind and Mike Lelivelt Igor Marmer and Viktoriya Keush Kathryn and John Marple James McCall and Sophia Chen Eli Merritt and Rosana Castrillo Diaz Jeff Moray and Susan Chambers Francesca Noli Eric Oillarburu '88 and Aimee Oillarburu Alexei Oreskovic and Jessica Branson Victor Ortiz de Montellano and Melissa Rodgers Mary Paeng and Wayne Ruden Geneviève Poulin and Benoit Dumoulin Erika and Steven Ragland Colette and Edward Retournard David Samra and Erica Pearson Samra Philippe Sanchez and Sarah Van Dyck

Jennifer Sawyer Garland Nicola and Mathias Schilling Loy Sheflott and Stuart Russell Bruno Silva and Lucia Darsa Andrea and Ryan Steele Xin Sun and Jean-Philippe Préfot Hilary and Noel Sy-Quia Paul Tam and Rhonda Kwok Isabelle and Vincent Tauzia Shannon and Jay Thomson Fabrice and Lisa Urrizalqui Debbie and Bill Veatch Robin Wong Evans and Robert Evans Wendy Yu and David Pickering Souhil Zaim and Sabrina Mekhalfa

Grade 11 Anonymous (9) Barri and Sandeep Aji Laura and George Akel April Al-Shamma Jean '89 and Carmel Jean Ximena Ares and Gustavo Pesce Jody Banks and Sofia Marchant Gary Beuschel and John Kruse Asim Bhansali Robert and Sharon Bottome Brittny Bottorff Val Casilang and Digna Reyes Huiping Chen and Wanling Li Kai Peng Chen and Xue Zhen Guo Joanna Drake and Christopher Smith Tony Fenner-Leitao and Barbara Rees Maria Galou Lameyer and John Lameyer Christopher and Andrea Galvin Purnima and Christophe Gauthron Simon and Vali Govier Lisa and Todd Gray Bart and Ana Klerkx John Knightly and Floriana Spezza Rei Kobayashi-McGrath and Daniel McGrath Howard Koenig and Elizabeth Rody Koenig Dimitry Kushelevsky and Elaine Foreman Ashley and Mairi Clare Lang Cynthia and Michael Leavitt Wallace Lee and Yen Lu Niris Lui and Scott Paton Michael Martins and Sabrina Sayre Michael McFadden and Suzanne Taylor Stephen McGrath and Marina Landau Wendy Berry Mendes and Michael Mendes Elizabeth Moy John and Rianne Mulder Oleg and Alina Muza Peter Ostrow and Kira Bronston Andrea Palash Kali Polk-Matthews and Philippe Hausler Danielle Polsenski and Ziad Rouag Brian Richter and Michelle Cooke David Samra and Erica Pearson Samra Jenny Sandelson and Jiri Weiss

Jason and Patricia Sharp Mitch Shaw and Kim Pabilonia Mark Singer Nathaniel Stookey '88 and Jodi Dunmeyer Stookey '88 Hadi Tabatabai and Homa Hanjani Shahram Tajback and Haleh Bafekr Xavier Tsouo '88 Zeev Vax and Marcia Bana Tonetto Norman and Jennifer Villarina Marie Vorilhon-Volta and Jean-Baptiste Volta Diana Young Debbie Zachareas

Grade 12 Anonymous (8) Daniel Adams and Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini Mary Beattie Deborah Bishop and Michael Lieberman Chris Bonomo and Jen Nurse Megan and Youcef Bouhamama Alison and Marc Chaput Julian and Helen Chu Robert and Lisa Cleary Todd Cleary and Jessica Mendels Michael Dart and Janine Darwin Graeme Davis and Stephanie Robertson Luca de Alfaro and Françoise Beaufays Stephane de Bord Baudouin and Corine de Hemptinne Laurent and Roxane Divol Remi El-Ouazzane and Julie Leven Tim Fay and Cappie Alverson-Fay Stephan Forget and Florence Solal James and Christen Friedman Christopher and Andrea Galvin Richard Gregory and Cecilia Borgenstam Meghan Harris and Michel Zeisser Uma Higuchi Faye Jamali, MD and Andrew Posselt, MD, PhD John and Juliet Kelley Brian Kunz Liesl Ludwig Charles McCoy and Jeanette Traverso Abbas and Nada Nehme John and Dawn Pickering Camilo Riaño and Anne Lufkin-Riaño Eileen Ridley and Lisa Wally Sherwood and Ciela Sarté Gregg Seo and Jana Klein James Smith and Erica Riggs Vanina and Jean-Luc Solans Jennifer and Tom Soloway Cameron and Mary Steele Valérie and Barry Toner Norman and Jennifer Villarina Lucy Woodward and Benedict Stott Alphonse Wu and Donna Tse Michael and Amy Zanfagna

What I love about French American + International I love that French American and International is such a dynamic place! Faculty, staff, and students are never satisfied staying the same. We are always trying to incrementally grow and, therefore, improve the environment around us.

Sara Shaughnessy

International High School Athletic Director

Communiqué 2019-2020 | 29


($10,000 - $14,999)

Annual Giving by Amount

All donors of $2,500 or more are members of the Cercle du Proviseur giving society. Thank you for your leadership and ongoing generosity.



Anonymous (2)

Anonymous (2) Jennifer Goldberg Annunziata '87 and Jim Annunziata Amy and Khaldoun Baghdadi Nicole and Tyras Bookman Peter and Jessica Bradshaw Jason and Natalie Horwath Andrea and David Kennedy Wendy Berry Mendes and Michael Mendes Christopher Perry and Amy Swanson-Perry Laurie Poston and Brian Ferrall Nicolas Tsingos and Agata Opalach Harry Turner and Brian Keil


Proviseur Adjoint ($50,000 - $99,999) Anonymous (2)


($25,000 - $49,999) Anonymous (2) Philippe and Heather Grenier

($15,000 - $24,999)

Anonymous (3) Kristina and Andy McLoughlin JP and Ann Balajadia Asim Bhansali Deborah Bishop and Michael Lieberman Alison and Marc Chaput The Chen Family Foundation Jeff and Suzette Clarke Matthew and Danelle Ebbel Michelle and Randle Edwards Remi El-Ouazzane and Julie Leven Chris Ellison and Elizabeth Frame Ellison Stephan Forget and Florence Solal Kevin Franklin and Keehae Park Jeff Gray and Salle Yoo Matthew Hicks and Harshal Sanghavi Ked and Cecilia Hogan Amanda Kahn-Kirby and Mason Kirby Ronald Kahn and Julia Rowe Ahmed and Uzma Khaishgi Leslee Kurihara and Drew Hamlin Melanie and Pascal Levensohn Russell Long Sambou and Meg Makalou Jake Moritz '07 Erin O'Donnell Reiling and Kinkead Reiling Kristin and Andre Pech Beth and Guillaume Saban Karen Schmid Nathan Wolfe and Lauren Gunderson

Benefactor ($5,000 - $9,999)

Anonymous (6) Rebecca and Mark Almond Reid and Hana Andersen Kevin and Tracy Baldwin Jeremy Bataillou and Deborah Lambert Robert Benson and Caroline Stanculescu Stacy Bissell and Christopher Horvath Matthew and Margaret Blodgett Yelena Bobyor and Theodore Bonanno Chris Bonomo and Jen Nurse Robert and Sharon Bottome Christopher and Kerryann Bourdon Kimberly Branagh John Cate and Jeanne Myerson Aaron Cheris '92 and Karla Cheris '92 Alexander and Erika Couric Jeffrey Dahmus and Marie-Claude Nadeau Matthew Davis and Karla Ellis-Davis Julia Dawson and Ethan Ravage Alexandre and Marianne Dayon Luca de Alfaro and Françoise Beaufays Stephane de Bord Laurent and Roxane Divol Joanna Drake and Christopher Smith Natalie and Gilles Drieu Peter and Sonia Dwares

30 | CommuniquĂŠ 2019-2020

Tony Fenner-Leitao and Barbara Rees Michael Finney and Gypsy Achong Harold Matthew Fisher and Dorothée Fisher Michael Fisher and Mary Lin-Hua Wu Patrick Galvin and Sharon Flanagan Ronald and Beverly Garrity Purnima and Christophe Gauthron Etienne Giraudy and Vidya Balakrishnan Lisa and Todd Gray Robert Jay Green and Holden Lee Felix Hack and Ann Lucchesi Heather Hawker and Dean Engle Marie and Peter Hemsley Bergen Hung and Evgueni Ratchev Thomas Huot and Stacy Feld Michael Jahr and Wei Wang Meryl Katz and John Peurach Gary and Emily Ketchen Heather Knape and Jason Thorpe Michael Leeds and Rebecca Yee Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Stephen McGrath and Marina Landau Michael Mooney and Emi Morgan Amir Najmi and Linda Woo Christopher Poggi and Cecilia Delapierre Poggi Kali Polk-Matthews and Philippe Hausler Geneviève Poulin and Benoit Dumoulin Amir and Kristina Razmara Delphine Renard and Todd Robins Isavane Samanna and Daniel Scovill Laurent and Ann Sellier Loy Sheflott and Stuart Russell Bruno Silva and Lucia Darsa Amra Tareen and Stephen Ackroyd Isabelle and Vincent Tauzia Alex and Danielle Toussaint Carey and Noah Wintroub Shannon Wolfe and Kayvaan Ghassemieh Alphonse Wu and Donna Tse


($2,500 - $4,999) Anonymous (9) George and Laura Akel Michel Armand and David Blumberg Sheila Bari and Nabil Kassam Christopher and Christine Beahn Mary Beattie Preston and Lily Becker Ester and Ben Beerle Jonathan Belk and Kimberly Schmitt Melinda Bihn and William Wallace Heidi Bjornson-Pennell and Andrew Pennell Jared and Claire Bobrow Guillemette Brouillat-Spiegel and Adam Spiegel Lai Cheung and Nigel Chanter Moosa Choudhry and Heidi Hamilton Scott Clasen and Janette Wipper

Cassandra Costello McGoldrick and Jamie McGoldrick Jonathan Craig and Patty Nozato Laurent and Adriana de Bord Stephen and Lisa Dini Marc and Ella Diouane Johan Duramy and Benedetta Faedi Duramy Andrew Erdman and Julia Kreinin Tim Fay and Cappie Alverson-Fay Scott Fong and Farah Anwar Gordon Francis and Anissa Kalinowski Hiromi and David Fukuda Christopher and Andrea Galvin Michael and Catherine Gandy Shikha Goyal-Allain and Jean-Francois Allain Raphael Grignani and Moka Pantages A.T. and Sherri Howe Gregory Iboshi and Emily Huang-Iboshi Sophie and Paul Jasper Rajneesh and Gauri Khokha Hakan Kiliccote and Muruvvet Celikbas Tony and Rita Kim Josh and Dana Kriesel Tiffany and Ashutosh Kulkarni Dimitry Kushelevsky and Elaine Foreman Chris Lambert and Nancy Chung Sarah and Roberto Lartigue Bruno Larvol and Wan Chi Cynthia and Michael Leavitt Aaron Levine and Patricia Ryan David Liu and Xingping Liang Paul Machle and Kathleen Jordan Matthew Maier and Bridget Finn Matthew and Adeline McLeod Jolyon Miller and Mehri Brown James Milner and Rita Benton-Milner John and Rianne Mulder Oleg and Alina Muza Erin and Jamie Niemasik Girish Pancha and Fiona McGrath-Pancha Mark Patel and Sruti Nadimpalli John and Dawn Pickering Danielle Polsenski and Ziad Rouag Alexandra Quinn '87 and Mark Spolyar Sanjeev Rao and Swati Jayadevan James Reed '95 and Rossemary Reed Eileen Ridley and Lisa Wally Henry Robinson and Rachel Seftel Ani Rouskova and George Totev Andrew and Jill Salzman David Samra and Erica Pearson Samra Nicola and Mathias Schilling Vladislav Shunturov and Kadri Jugandi David and Svetlana Silverman Bonnie and David Smolins Jennifer and Tom Soloway Richard Stanton and Deborah Landis Laura Stein and Nikhil Sinha Victoria Sung Shahram Tajback and Haleh Bafekr Shannon and Jay Thomson

Colm Tobin and Monica Lara-Cordoba Lauren and Matthew Van Horn Vincent Vanhoucke and Joyce NoahVanhoucke Roque and Karine Versace Norman and Jennifer Villarina Alfred Yan and Gallia Levy Diana Young


($1,000 - $2,499) Anonymous (9) Katrina and Ronald Academia Olivier Bartholot Christine and Tarak Borchani Steve Boullianne Nicholas Brown and Jennifer Tseng Tom and Caitlin Brown Guy Burdick and Nicole Ryan Kimiko Burton '82 Nadia Chambéry and Claude Alexandre Denny and Leona Chen Kathleen Cho and Didier Hilhorst Pierre-Francois Choquet and Stephanie Long Choquet Todd Cleary and Jessica Mendels Marc and Terri David Elizabeth and Christophe de Bord Ben Dempster and Yurika Sebata-Dempster Hannah and Thor Denmark Gergana and Timothy Dukes Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan Atousa and Jean-Luc Duprat Marc Escobosa '91 and Meg Escobosa Paul and Laura Escobosa Damien Ferraro and Dana Schneider David and Lisabeth Finci Ariel Fischer and Stephanie Rossi Eric Foerg and Caitlin Bair Gino Fortunato and Laura Meyer Joseph Gabany and Dalene Bramer David Geissler Cigdem Gencer Nina Geneson and Jordan Otis David Goodstein Simon and Vali Govier Aida and Dino Hadzibegovic Molly Hanks Doyle and Brian Patrick Doyle Justin and Amy Hess Stephen and Elizabeth Howe Ami Huggett and Wright Bagwell Cedric and Nathalie Hutchings Faye Jamali, MD and Andrew Posselt, MD, PhD Robert Jameson and Suzanne Shade Alan and Linda Kahn Amy Keating and Zac Alinder John and Juliet Kelley Georgios Kiurtsidis and Katarina Bakerova John Kontrabecki and Nicole de Remer Stephen Kraus and Simone Madan Momchil and Savina Kyurkchiev

Communiqué 2019-2020 | 31

Kai Mun Lau and Yiling Quek Jennifer Lo and Alan Jacobe The Lopez-Leschin Family Kimberley and Wayne Losey Elsa and Peter Lundy John and Tippi Mackenzie Amanda Madlener and Lukas Andersen Kathryn and John Marple David Martin and Olga Mekhovich Mark and Kimberly Martinez Farshad Mashayekhi and Nazanin Hakim Abigail and Terence Meurk Neil and Chris Monnens Elizabeth Moy JPN Siobhan Nolan Mangini and Luca Mangini Josh Nossiter Alexei Oreskovic and Jessica Branson Peter Ostrow and Kira Bronston Mario Pacini and Barbara Martino Andrea Palash Stephanie Parr and Josh Rosenfeld Sarah Pinto and Thibault Peyronel Bruno and Karine Pradal Iliana Quinonez and Brian Rovner Erika and Steven Ragland Rodriguez Dorsch Family Peter and Mary Rosberg Philippe Sanchez and Sarah Van Dyck Jenny Sandelson and Jiri Weiss Eric Save de Beaurecueil and Nichol Garzon-Mitchell Geoffrey and Christina Sawyer Judith Seiden Gregg Seo and Jana Klein Keelee and Derek Smith Neil and Gina Smith Chandra Stanley Andrea and Ryan Steele Ali Tore and Meghan Carozza Jaime and Paul Touchstone Mark and Adeline Townsley

Blake and Amber Turrentine David and Wendi Upchurch Nico Van Aelstyn and Almudena Bernabeu Alexander Varshavsky and Julia Latifi Debbie and Bill Veatch Buck Whitaker and Suzanne Kane Adam Wilson and Quyen Nguyen Robin Wong Evans and Robert Evans Melissa Woodrow and Omar Serang Dionne Woods and Jay Seiden Lucy Woodward and Benedict Stott Wendy Yu and David Pickering Michael and Amy Zanfagna Nicolas and Pavlina Zylberstein

Participant (up to $999)

Anonymous (66) Rahaf Abuobeid Temi and Tobi Adamolekun Daniel Adams and Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini Leslie Adams and Anne Ludwig Kansinee Adsanatham and Lyman Jung Barri and Sandeep Aji April Al-Shamma Jean '89 and Carmel Jean Mauricio Albrizzio and Charles Morgan Cecile Alduy Gaelle Alessandri Jill Allen and Jade Laird Katia Aouat and David Rafoni Ximena Ares and Gustavo Pesce Karen Arnold Fred and Beth Asperin Mr. John Assoko Jonathan Ayres Yacin and Anne-Lorraine Bahi Jody Banks and Sofia Marchant Hank Bannister and Kyoko Watanabe Lauren and Victor Barrès Muriel Barton Eric and René Becker Grant Beggs and David Garcia Kenneth Berman

I’m truly amazed and appreciative that French American and International is a progressive school that has made the effort to teach diversity and inclusion, which I have seen implemented into the curriculum with the students at the Maternelle.

Lorna Deperio

After School Program Monitor

32 | Communiqué 2019-2020

Gary Beuschel and John Kruse Valérie Bianquis Rebecca Bihn-Wallace '17 Rosario Bacon Billingsley Kassaye Bogale and Hanna Alemayehu Christine Bois and Veronique Richard Brittny Bottorff Marcy and Steve Bougon Megan and Youcef Bouhamama Sébastien Bourret Courtney Breder Clark and Linda Brink Thomas Brisebras and Jacqueline Ortega Adam Bristol and Indre Viskontas Andrew and Mara Brown Nicolas Cabrera and Stephanie Pignot Cabrera Minakshi and Bal Raj Capur Marie-Pierre Carlotti and Timothy Dufka Laura and David Carmany Eugenie Cartier '06 and Devin Walker Paul Cartier and Teresa Palmer Val Casilang and Digna Reyes Shannon Cassidy Patrick and Dorothee Chanezon Nicholas Chang Philippe and Meredith Charpantier Kris Chellam Huiping Chen and Wanling Li Kai Peng Chen and Xue Zhen Guo Elaine Chow and Jung Park Julian and Helen Chu Robert and Lisa Cleary Joel and Marion Cohen Kathleen and Martin Cohn Beth Cook Eric and Louise Cooperström Angela and Angelo Cordon Vanessa Correa and Stuart Kendall Richard Coughlin and Yayoi Kambara James Curran and Jacqueline Lytle Amanda Curtis Clarke and Maria Daniels Robert Daniels and Sophia Gong Michael Dart and Janine Darwin Alexander and Evette Davis Graeme Davis and Stephanie Robertson André de Castilho and Kristine Clark-de Castilho Gabriela De Golia '09 Baudouin and Corine de Hemptinne Thierry de Lanauze Harriet and Guillaume de Pracomtal Amy DeBevoise Guillaume Decalf and Haleh Partovi Alaric Degrafinried and Doran Navarro Armand Der-Hacobian and Christy Ortiz John Diamante Reza and Firouzeh Dibadj Anne Dini Louisa Dini Laura Dinu Coumba Diouf and Adama Ouedrago

Matthew Dixon and Kelli McMaster Clélia Donovan Julien Dourlen Ayalew Doyo and Abeba Hebetagirogies John Drake and Christine Lemor-Drake Amélie Dufaut Sébastien Dufresnes Herbert and Sarah Dunmeyer Kevin Duong and Thuy Huynh Lawrence and Mary Ebringer Bob and Connie Eby Shinichi Eguchi Russell and Claudette Engle Xavier and Jelena Erhart Gail Erivin-Caudle Taeho Ernesto Kaya Erol Philippe and Victoria Erville Raymond and Sadia Faber Christy Farber and Malcolm Warne Houman and Shala Fardin George Favvas and Naomi Assaraf Mark and Christine Fisher Nicolas Fiszman and Christina Hellmich Marie Fodere Maurice Franco and Valerie Remitz James and Christen Friedman Jon Fulk Leo Fung Roel Funke and Jacqueline McLaughlin Chloe Gaillot Maria Galou Lameyer and John Lameyer Mireille Gaonach and Juan Ortellado Vanessa Garcelon Miguel Garcia Castillo and Lauren Garcia Frank Gendre and Hokulani GearheardGendre Kamran Ghadaksaz Elizabeth Gilbreath Eunice Gillan Philippe Golle and Sanae Nakagawa Aleyda Gonzalez-Tello and Christophe Baubert Jill Govier Richard Gregory and Cecilia Borgenstam Paola Guglielmoni and Giorgio Ghersi José Abraham Gutiérrez-Gómez and Cristina Correa Rick Gydesen Mounir Hadjaj Christopher Hall and Kyra Ivanoff Alistair Hamilton Michelle Haner and Steve Haskell Benna and Bob Harris Meghan Harris and Michel Zeisser Christian Haudenschild and Sari J Sasken Peter Heinecke and Kathryn Bowsher Mark and Karen Hensley Janel and Nicholas Hertz Coreen Hester Dennis and Sabrina Higgs Uma Higuchi James Hill and Abigail Wainwright

Laurence and Richard Hills Raymond and Anne-Catherine Hinz Tuyen Ho and Graham Luce Frances Hochschild '80 Lin and Raf Howery Bernard Huger Sr. and Elizabeth Huger Mark Humphries Thomas Hunt and Linda Candelaria Alexis and Virginie Icikovics Aicha Idelcadi and Jennifer Raeder The Roulland-Indovina Family Stewart and Noreen Irving Roland Jadryev Christopher Jaeger and Heidi Werbel Suha Jhaveri and Steve Krognes Amy and Sommer Johnson Marta Johnson Sara Johnson Mason Jones and Loren Rhoads Clara Jourdon Catherine Judkins Meryem Kacimi Alaoui Aditi Karandikar and Vivek Tawde Thor and Lecia Kaslofsky Michael Kasolas and Stella Pantazis Lishan Kassa Gail and John Kay Andrea Keller Conor Kennedy Gary and Andrea Kennerley Don and Barbara Ketchen Lance King and Alisa Mosler Bob and Loretta Kirby Guilaine Kleinhenz Caroline and Craig Kleinman Bart and Ana Klerkx Daniel Klingebiel '89 and Yoko Klingebiel John Knightly and Floriana Spezza Walter Knoepfel Rei Kobayashi-McGrath and Daniel McGrath Manu and Erica Kodiyan Sofie Kodner Howard Koenig and Elizabeth Rody Koenig Jessica Kogan Cecile Kombrza James and Ann Kordahl Yann and Julie Kronberg Ruth Krumbhaar Iuliia Kudriashova and Andrii Korzh Caroline and Edward Kuntz Brian Kunz Melanie Kushnir-Pappalardo '92 and Christopher Pappalardo Hélène Labriet-Gross and Hervé Gross

Jackie Lagomarsino Steve and Wendy Landreville Ashley and Mairi Clare Lang Melissa Larocque Tiffani and Alain Lartigue Elaine Lau and Ryan McGinn Tanguy Le Louarn and Marie Chalopin Ettore Leale and Juliette Hayes C Lisa Lee Laurance Lee and Sofia Touami Wallace Lee and Yen Lu Ludivine Lemaire-Catbagan and Chris Catbagan Florence Lestrade Kevin and Rati Levesque Asriel and Carmela Levin Qiong Li and DaoMing Lin Ralph and Diana Lobdell Vanessa Lotoux-Macias and Daniel Macias Caren Ludmer and Richard Freedman Liesl Ludwig Karine Luguet Niris Lui and Scott Paton Jane Macelree Netta and Donald Maclean Laura and Julien Mamet Joshua Margulies Sarah Ann Margulies Pierre-Joseph and Yesenia Marie-Rose Thomas Marigné Lillian Markind and Mike Lelivelt Igor Marmer and Viktoriya Keush John Martinelli Michael Martins and Sabrina Sayre Kristin and James McBride Timothy McBride and Michelle Chen James McCall and Sophia Chen Charles McCoy and Jeanette Traverso France McCoy Michael McFadden and Suzanne Taylor Daniel McLaughlin '94 and Jennifer DaSilva Jacob and Stephanie McNeill Papi and Sujata Menon Nicholas Mercer and Barbara Antonucci Arnaud Merceron Paul Merlyn and Sloan Norman Eli Merritt and Rosana Castrillo Diaz Abraham Mertens and Ivory Madison

Communiqué 2019-2020 | 33

David Mes and Emmanuelle Lambert William Meyer Sherry and John Mitchell Pascal Molat and Geneviève Brisebois Jaiser Montoya Pauline Montupet and Maxwell Gray Jeff Moray and Susan Chambers Julien and Nellie Moreau Christine Motley and Neil O'Donnell Jenna and Satish Narayanan Abbas and Nada Nehme Stephanie Nehring and Michel Tassetto Amy and Owen Nishimura Francesca Noli Jason Nossiter '02 Diane Novo Timothy and Jennie O'Brien Kevin O'Connor Michael O'Donnell Eric Oillarburu '88 and Aimee Oillarburu Victor Ortiz de Montellano and Melissa Rodgers Christopher Otto and Susan Celia Swan Maria Padilla Mary Paeng and Wayne Ruden Wladymir Paiva Milka Pantelic and Peter Muller Justin Parr and Ayako Akazawa Camille and Brian Pennix Matthew Perifano Antti and Reeta Petajisto Michail Petropoulos and Mirjana Andjelkovic Whitney Pieper Anne-Marie and Robert Pierce Nathalie Plecy Martin and Maria Quinn Donna Rabin Kathleen Radics and Vernon Matthews David Ragone and Alexandra Summer Colette and Edward Retournard Camilo Riaño and Anne Lufkin-Riaño

Brian Richter and Michelle Cooke Jean-Sebastien Riehl and Maria Chiam Hervé Robert and Karen Assayag Ashley and Richard Rochman Adhamina Rodriguez and Stuart Gurrea Jonathan Rosen and Kathleen Cariffe Oren and Emily Rosenberg Mario Rossetti Julie Rouette Nathalie Roussille Cheryl and Antal Runneboom Denise and J.D. Ryan Nicolas Saint-Arnaud and Sarah Sussman Florian Salle Juan Sanchez and Cecily Chudacoff Sherwood and Ciela Sarté Nancy Saussac Jennifer Sawyer Garland Pete Scanlon and Nancy Aquino Sanford and Tobey Schreiber Laurent Scotto Di Uccio and Alice Jolimaitre Somasunder Sekaran and Anne Davies Jose Sepulveda Hamid Shahnasser and Marjan Masoudi Shideh Shahrdar and Garsha Shabankhani Dayna Sharkey Jason and Patricia Sharp Robert Sharp Mitch Shaw and Kim Pabilonia Negar Sheibani and Amir Jamali Martine Sheppard and Andrew Cohen Priya Shete and William Barkis Young Shin and Eloisa Tejero Kelly Shindell DeLacey and Charles Delacey Christopher Simi '03 Lawrence Simi and Janet Rogers Boris Simon Jacqueline Singer Mark Singer Katherine Siu '07 James Smith and Erica Riggs Kevin and Tina Smith Vanina and Jean-Luc Solans Mylene Stanziani Fortier

What I love is to work, know, and travel (even virtually) with colleagues from so many backgrounds and origins. I also love the support we are receiving from the parents and each other.

Christine Bois

Upper School Sciences

34 | Communiqué 2019-2020

Cameron and Mary Steele Jasmine Stirling and Michael Malaga Nathaniel Stookey '88 and Jodi Dunmeyer Stookey '88 Lauren Stoxen Julie Strong Joseph Sullivan Xin Sun and Jean-Philippe Préfot Michael Swingen Hilary and Noel Sy-Quia Edward Szylko and Michelle Hansen Hadi Tabatabai and Homa Hanjani Jennifer Tagatz and Craig Lobdell Haroon Tahir and Lisa Jeli Paul Tam and Rhonda Kwok Kitty Tang and Ken Chung Rachel Tauber and Angela Solleder Behailu Taye and Beteley Gebremariam Mark Taylor and Lupelele Letele Anne Titterington Courtney Tomaselli Valérie and Barry Toner Leon and Karen Traister Marie-Aude and Michel Tricot Xavier Tsouo '88 Fabrice and Lisa Urrizalqui Victor Vallejo and Cristina Ysselstein Francisco Varela Zeev Vax and Marcia Bana Tonetto Stephen Viess and Meghan Biesiadecki Ricardo and Viviana Villarina Dalia Vitkauskaite and François Deliège Elena and Alexandru Vlad Florica Vlad '01 and Thomas Bates Marie Vorilhon-Volta and Jean-Baptiste Volta Bashir and Amina Wada Heinz Waelchli and Marion DicksonWaelchli Ibrahima and Julie Wagne Frank and Sarah Wagner Robert Wait and Leah Tracy Evan Wallitt and Sarra He Tanya Wei and John Toal Bart and Lynn Weitzenberg Betty Wexler Kristie Wong-Siu and Bradley Siu Michelle Wong Amelia Wyman '92 Ellie and John Yelding-Sloan Carl Yestrau and Julianne Casper Sirika Yong Tamara and Dustin York Debbie Zachareas Souhil Zaim and Sabrina Mekhalfa Laura Zander and Scott Porter Jim and Sheela Zemlin Min Ying Zhao and Luc Jasmin Maria Zuniga and Rolando Abarca

48 Hours of Giving

+ Online Auction in Support of Financial Aid After last year's most successful Auction in school history, our Auction Co-Chairs Nicole Bookman, Guillemette Brouillat-Spiegel, Lai Cheung, and Tiffany Kulkarni were able to help us pivot to a successful virtual event. In April 2020, our community came together for our 48 Hours of Giving and Online Auction in Support of Financial Aid. Together, we raised over $470,000 to make sure our school is able to provide support for the students and families who need extra help. This campaign brought joy and smiles to our social media feeds, and comfort and relief to so many in our community. Thank you to all our donors, and to the Eric and Tiffany Friedman Foundation for their generous matching grant.

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48 Hours of Giving Anonymous (39) Katrina and Ronald Academia Daniel Adams and Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini Leslie Adams and Anne Ludwig Laura and George Akel Cecile Alduy Katia Aouat and David Rafoni Ximena Ares and Gustavo Pesce Michel Armand and David Blumberg John Assoko Jonathan Ayres Amy and Khaldoun Baghdadi Yacin and Anne-Lorraine Bahi Jody Banks and Sofia Marchant Bayer USA Christopher and Christine Beahn Preston and Lily Becker Ester and Ben Beerle Melinda Bihn and William Wallace Rebecca Bihn-Wallace '17 Deborah Bishop and Michael Lieberman Heidi Bjornson-Pennell and Andrew Pennell Yelena Bobyor and Theodore Bonanno Nicole and Tyras Bookman Christine and Tarak Borchani Robert and Sharon Bottome Marcy and Steve Bougon Megan and Youcef Bouhamama Christopher and Kerryann Bourdon Peter and Jessica Bradshaw Kimberly Branagh Courtney Breder Thomas Brisebras and Jacqueline Ortega Guillemette Brouillat-Spiegel and Adam Spiegel Andrew and Mara Brown Nicholas Brown and Jennifer Tseng Cahill Contractors Cairn Construction Inc. Minakshi and Bal Raj Capur Marie-Pierre Carlotti and Timothy Dufka Laura and David Carmany Shannon Cassidy John Cate and Jeanne Myerson Kris Chellam The Chen Family Foundation Denny and Leona Chen Lai Cheung and Nigel Chanter

36 | Communiqué 2019-2020

Kathleen Cho and Didier Hilhorst Moosa Choudhry and Heidi Hamilton Julian and Helen Chu Joel and Marion Cohen Beth Cook Angela and Angelo Cordon Amanda Curtis Jeffrey Dahmus and Marie-Claude Nadeau Michael Dart and Janine Darwin Marc and Terri David Matthew Davis and Karla Ellis-Davis Julia Dawson and Ethan Ravage Elizabeth and Christophe de Bord Stephane de Bord André de Castilho and Kristine Clark-de Castilho Baudouin and Corine de Hemptinne Thierry de Lanauze Harriet and Guillaume de Pracomtal Hannah and Thor Denmark Armand Der-Hacobian and Christy Ortiz Deutsche Bank Wealth Management Reza and Firouzeh Dibadj Anne Dini Louisa Dini Stephen and Lisa Dini Laura Dinu Marc and Ella Diouane Coumba Diouf and Adama Ouedrago Julien Dourlen Joanna Drake and Christopher Smith Natalie and Gilles Drieu Amélie Dufaut Sébastien Dufresnes Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan Lawrence and Mary Ebringer Michelle and Randle Edwards Shinichi Eguchi Remi El-Ouazzane and Julie Leven Russell and Claudette Engle Gail Erivin-Caudle Taeho Ernesto Philippe and Victoria Erville Marc Escobosa '91 and Meg Escobosa Houman and Shala Fardin Tony Fenner-Leitao and Barbara Rees Damien Ferraro and Dana Schneider Michael Finney and Gypsy Achong First Republic Bank Ariel Fischer and Stephanie Rossi

Harold Matthew Fisher and Dorothée Fisher Mark and Christine Fisher Nicolas Fiszman and Christina Hellmich Eric Foerg and Caitlin Bair Scott Fong and Farah Anwar Stephan Forget and Florence Solal Gordon Francis and Anissa Kalinowski Kevin Franklin and Keehae Park Hiromi and David Fukuda Roel Funke and Jacqueline McLaughlin Chloe Gaillot Michael and Catherine Gandy Miguel Garcia Castillo and Lauren Garcia Cigdem Gencer Genentech, Inc. Nina Geneson and Jordan Otis Eunice Gillan Aleyda Gonzalez-Tello and Christophe Baubert Google Inc. Jill Govier Philippe and Heather Grenier Guillemette and Adam Spiegel Giving Fund of Fidelity Char. José Abraham Gutiérrez-Gómez and Cristina Correa Rick Gydesen Alistair Hamilton Michelle Haner and Steve Haskell Molly Hanks Doyle and Brian Patrick Doyle Meghan Harris and Michel Zeisser Heather Hawker and Dean Engle Peter Heinecke and Kathryn Bowsher Janel and Nicholas Hertz Matthew Hicks and Harshal Sanghavi Dennis and Sabrina Higgs Uma Higuchi James Hill and Abigail Wainwright Raymond and Anne-Catherine Hinz Tuyen Ho and Graham Luce Ked and Cecilia Hogan Jason and Natalie Horwath A.T. and Sherri Howe Lin and Raf Howery HUB International Thomas Hunt and Linda Candelaria Thomas Huot and Stacy Feld Cedric and Nathalie Hutchings Aicha Idelcadi and Jennifer Raeder

The Roulland-Indovina Family Stewart and Noreen Irving Faye Jamali, MD and Andrew Posselt, MD, PhD Sophie and Paul Jasper Suha Jhaveri and Steve Krognes Amy and Sommer Johnson Sara Johnson Clara Jourdon Catherine Judkins Aditi Karandikar and Vivek Tawde Thor and Lecia Kaslofsky Lishan Kassa Meryl Katz and John Peurach Gail and John Kay Gary and Emily Ketchen Ahmed and Uzma Khaishgi Tony and Rita Kim Georgios Kiurtsidis and Katarina Bakerova Guilaine Kleinhenz Caroline and Craig Kleinman Daniel Klingebiel '89 and Yoko Klingebiel Heather Knape and Jason Thorpe Rei Kobayashi-McGrath and Daniel McGrath Cecile Kombrza James and Ann Kordahl Stephen Kraus and Simone Madan Josh and Dana Kriesel Yann and Julie Kronberg Iuliia Kudriashova and Andrii Korzh Tiffany and Ashutosh Kulkarni Caroline and Edward Kuntz Melanie Kushnir-Pappalardo '92 and Christopher Pappalardo Hélène Labriet-Gross and Hervé Gross Jackie Lagomarsino Steve and Wendy Landreville Ashley and Mairi Clare Lang Sarah and Roberto Lartigue Bruno Larvol and Wan Chi Ettore Leale and Juliette Hayes C Lisa Lee Florence Lestrade Melanie and Pascal Levensohn Kevin and Rati Levesque Aaron Levine and Patricia Ryan Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan Russell Long The Lopez-Leschin Family Caren Ludmer and Richard Freedman Karine Luguet Niris Lui and Scott Paton Elsa and Peter Lundy Mabel Chong, Inc. Netta and Donald Maclean Amanda Madlener and Lukas Andersen Matthew Maier and Bridget Finn Sambou and Meg Makalou Joshua Margulies Igor Marmer and Viktoriya Keush Kathryn and John Marple David Martin and Olga Mekhovich

Michael Martins and Sabrina Sayre Farshad Mashayekhi and Nazanin Hakim Morgan Stanley Globa Impact Funding Trust Timothy McBride and Michelle Chen Charles McCoy and Jeanette Traverso Stephen McGrath and Marina Landau Kristina and Andy McLoughlin Matthew and Adeline McLeod Wendy Berry Mendes and Michael Mendes Eli Merritt and Rosana Castrillo Diaz William Meyer Pauline Montupet and Maxwell Gray Michael Mooney and Emi Morgan Morgan Stanley Gift Fund Elizabeth Moy JPN Erin and Jamie Niemasik Siobhan Nolan Mangini and Luca Mangini Josh Nossiter Diane Novo Kevin O'Connor Erin O'Donnell Reiling and Kinkead Reiling Eric Oillarburu '88 and Aimee Oillarburu Alexei Oreskovic and Jessica Branson Victor Ortiz de Montellano and Melissa Rodgers Peter Ostrow and Kira Bronston Christopher Otto and Susan Celia Swan Mario Pacini and Barbara Martino Mary Paeng and Wayne Ruden Park Tree Foundation Justin Parr and Ayako Akazawa Kristin and Andre Pech Michail Petropoulos and Mirjana Andjelkovic John and Dawn Pickering Whitney Pieper Nathalie Plecy Danielle Polsenski and Ziad Rouag Laurie Poston and Brian Ferrall Geneviève Poulin and Benoit Dumoulin Alexandra Quinn '87 and Mark Spolyar Iliana Quinonez and Brian Rovner Donna Rabin Sanjeev Rao and Swati Jayadevan Related California Delphine Renard and Todd Robins Colette and Edward Retournard Eileen Ridley and Lisa Wally Ashley and Richard Rochman Adhamina Rodriguez and Stuart Gurrea Rodriguez Dorsch Family Mario Rossetti Julie Rouette Ani Rouskova and George Totev Nathalie Roussille Beth and Guillaume Saban Nicolas Saint-Arnaud and Sarah Sussman, Inc. Isavane Samanna and Daniel Scovill Philippe Sanchez and Sarah Van Dyck Jenny Sandelson and Jiri Weiss

Jennifer Sawyer Garland Nicola and Mathias Schilling Schwab Charitable Fund Laurent Scotto Di Uccio and Alice Jolimaitre Somasunder Sekaran and Anne Davies Jose Sepulveda Hamid Shahnasser and Marjan Masoudi Jason and Patricia Sharp Robert Sharp Loy Sheflott and Stuart Russell Martine Sheppard and Andrew Cohen Priya Shete and William Barkis Kelly Shindell DeLacey and Charles Delacey Bruno Silva and Lucia Darsa Boris Simon Mark Singer Kevin and Tina Smith Neil and Gina Smith Bonnie and David Smolins Vanina and Jean-Luc Solans Andrea and Ryan Steele Laura Stein and Nikhil Sinha Julie Strong Edward Szylko and Michelle Hansen Jennifer Tagatz and Craig Lobdell Haroon Tahir and Lisa Jeli Colm Tobin and Monica Lara-Cordoba Valérie and Barry Toner Ali Tore and Meghan Carozza Jaime and Paul Touchstone Alex and Danielle Toussaint Marie-Aude and Michel Tricot Nicolas Tsingos and Agata Opalach Xavier Tsouo '88 Fabrice and Lisa Urrizalqui Nico Van Aelstyn and Almudena Bernabeu Lauren and Matthew Van Horn Vanguard Charitable Vincent Vanhoucke and Joyce NoahVanhoucke Francisco Varela Alexander Varshavsky and Julia Latifi Roque and Karine Versace Stephen Viess and Meghan Biesiadecki Elena and Alexandru Vlad Frank and Sarah Wagner Betty Wexler Adam Wilson and Quyen Nguyen Melissa Woodrow and Omar Serang Lucy Woodward and Benedict Stott Keelee Wrenn and Derek Smith Alphonse Wu and Donna Tse Alfred Yan and Gallia Levy Carl Yestrau and Julianne Casper Sirika Yong Tamara and Dustin York Laura Zander and Scott Porter Min Ying Zhao and Luc Jasmin Maria Zuniga and Rolando Abarca Nicolas and Pavlina Zylberstein

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Institutional Gifts Gifts received July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

Corporations, Foundations, and Matching Gifts We thank the many families, alumni, and friends who took advantage of their employers’ matching gift programs to increase the value of their contributions to the school. We also want to thank our community members for bringing corporate support to the school through advertising purchases and retail rebate programs. Together, the companies and foundations listed below contributed over $150,000 to our Annual Fund in the 2019–2020 fiscal year. Adobe Inc. AllianceBernstein LP Alliant Credit Union Amazon American International Group (AIG) Amgen Inc. AmOne Corporation Apple, Inc. Autodesk, Inc. Bank of America Bank of the West Bayer USA

38 | Communiqué 2019-2020

BlackRock Bright Funds, Inc. Cahill Contractors Capay Organic Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Charles Schwab Corporation Cisco Systems, Inc. Cloverfields Foundation Deutsche Bank Wealth Management DocuSign, Inc. Dolby Laboratories Electronic Arts eScrip Inc. Eucalyptus Associates, Inc. Expedia Group Franklin Templeton Investments Gap, Inc. Genentech Goldman Sachs Group Google Inc. Herbst Foundation

HUB International Intel Corporation Intuit, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Kelson Foundation Lobeck Taylor Family Foundation Mabel Chong, Inc. Macy's, Inc. McKesson Corporation Merck & Company Inc. Microsoft Corporation Mosi Foundation Netflix, Inc. Neuberger Berman Oracle Corporation Pacific Gas & Electric Company Park Tree Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Pixar Animation Studios Ripple Robert and Lien Chen Family Foundation, Inc. San Francisco Foundation Sephora Sony Computer Entertainment The Tilly Fund TIAA Verizon Wireless Visa Inc. VMware Walt Disney Company Wells Fargo Bank Zephyr Real Estate

Ways to give. Cash, Check, or Credit Card Gifts of cash, typically payable by check or credit card, are tax deductible and provide immediate funds to French American International School and International High School. Pledges are welcome, and payment can be made in any number of installments over time. The simplest way to give is online at:

Or, you can send a check to: Advancement Office 150 Oak Street  San Francisco, CA 94102

French American + International

Appreciated Stock or Securities If you have appreciated securities that you have owned for more than one year, including stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, donating these securities directly to the Annual Fund may be a better financial choice than donating cash or selling appreciated securities first and donating the after-tax proceeds. If you donate the securities directly to the Annual Fund, you generally receive a tax deduction for their full market value while avoiding the capital gains tax on the gain from the sale. What's more, you may be able to increase your gift and tax deduction at lower out-of-pocket costs. For more information on make a gift of stock, please contact Stephen Dini at 415-558-2021 or

Matching Gifts Many employers’ matching gift programs will match or multiply gifts their employees make to French American and International. Matching gifts have the ability to substantially grow your contribution to our school and, in turn, your child's personal and educational experience. Please check with your employer about its matching gift program.

“Instead of writing a check, consider donating long-term appreciated securities. Capital gains taxes are eliminated when you contribute long term appreciated assets and you receive a deduction for the full market value of the gift. Gifts of appreciated securities is tax-smart giving. It cost less than cash on an out-of-pocket cash basis and may offer you greater tax savings.”

Karen M. Schmid, CFA

Trustee and Parent '24

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FUTURE 40 | Communiqué 2019-2020

Campaign for a Bold Future

We are deeply grateful to our early leaders in the Campaign for a Bold Future. Your support of this visionary project will allow us to design a purpose-built High School, renovate the Lower and Middle Schools, and create a new long-term revenue stream to support our school, benefiting every student, family, faculty, and staff member. Anonymous (6) Alexander and Christine Aghassipour Laura and George Akel Amy and Khaldoun Baghdadi J.P. and Ann Balajadia Asim Bhansali Melinda Bihn and William Wallace Chris Bonomo and Jen Nurse Nicole and Tyras Bookman Brittny Bottorff Megan and Youcef Bouhamama Stephane de Bord Kimberly Branagh Anna Bullard and Neal Sofman John Cate and Jeanne Myerson Alison and Marc Chaput Julian and Helen Chu Orpheus Crutchfield Marc and Terri David Barclay Lynn and Jonathan Dickstein The Divol Family Chris Ellison and Elizabeth Frame Ellison Remi El-Ouazzane and Julie Leven Dean Engle and Heather Hawker Neil and Mary Erickson Eucalyptus Foundation Tony Fenner-Leitao and Barbara Rees

Peter Fenton and Kate Greer Scott Fong and Farah Anwar Stephan Forget and Florence Solal Gordon Francis and Anissa Kalinowski Christen and James Friedman Jon Fulk Arlene and Gregory Gillis Kate and Jeremy Green Richard Gregory and Cecilia Borgenstam Philippe and Heather Grenier Robert Hayes and Fiona Parker-Givens Herbst Foundation Coreen Hester Dennis and Sabrina Higgs Uma Higuchi Gregory Iboshi and Emily Huang-Iboshi Ron Kahn and Julia Rowe Leslie Kardos MD John and Juliet Kelley Andrea and David Kennedy Ahmed and Uzma Khaishgi Gregg Seo and Jana Klein Jean Klein Tiffany and Ashutosh Kulkarni Michael Lieberman and Deborah Bishop Bill Lobeck and Kathy Taylor Paul Loeffler and Michael Sullivan

David Low and Dominique Lahaussois Kathie and Dexter Lowry Mark & Kimberly Martinez Charlie McCoy and Jeanette Traverso Cassandra Costello McGoldrick & Jamie McGoldrick Mosi Foundation The Mumm Meier Family Oleg and Heather Nodelman Josh Nossiter Andrew Posselt and Faye Jamali Laurie Poston and Brian Ferrall Martin and Maria Quinn Erin O'Donnell Reiling and Kinkead Reiling Lisa Wally/Eileen Ridley/Alex Ridley Erica Riggs and James Smith Tex and Judith Schenkkan Karen Schmid Jennifer and Tom Soloway The Steele Family Jay and Shannon Thomson Gary Trubin and Yelena Ostrovsky Donna Tse and Alphonse Wu Harry Turner and Brian Keil Jennifer and Norman Villarina Audrey Yee and Michael Steiner Salle Yoo and Jeff Gray

CommuniquĂŠ 2019-2020 | 41

150 Oak Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 ● 415-558-2000 ● 42 | Communiqué 2019-2020

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