1 minute read

Stay informed with Data Fresh

If you want to stay fully informed about daily prices in the market, then Data Fresh is something you should investigate a bit further.

Fresh State runs the Data Fresh service to provide wholesalers, retailers, growers, government bodies and industry associations with information about the price of fruit and vegetables in the market on a daily basis. This allows all these groups to stay in the know about market trends. We understand that businesses are different and may require alternate levels of price reporting, which is why our system is flexible. You can sign up for reports on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, or you can get a report that is specific to regularity or season, or even to the type of produce you require information on. Our friendly team are able to assist you with any questions you may have about market prices. After 50 years of completing pricing for Fresh State, Tony Nigro has retired. To offer a solution in his absence, Fresh State have worked hard in creating an online app, with the purpose of creating a more streamlined service to make the Data Fresh process more efficient for users. If you would like to find out more, contact Carolyn Dyson at carolyn@freshstate.com.au who will give you the full run down on all of your Data Fresh options. You can also go onto the Fresh State website, www.freshstate.com.au for more information or to download the Data Fresh application form.

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