Fresh State of Affairs #71

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February 2024

Just Fresh Wholesalers Australian United Retailers (AUR) National Fresh Produce Supplier of the Year

Chinese New Year

2024 Year of the Dragon An Interview with

Dominic Legudi From F Legudi Pty. Ltd

Hidden gems in the Market



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W: P: (03) 9408 6627 CEO: Jason Cooper Follow us: Keep up to date by following Fresh State on Instagram and Facebook! Instagram


Editor/Advertising: Design & Print:

Distribution: Fresh State of Affairs is produced by Fresh State Ltd. and is a free publication.



President’s Message The transition from one year to the arrival of the next is always a great time to reflect on challenges of the past, your achievements and a promise for new beginnings. As we step into 2024, it will be good to see new and familiar faces back into the market. I hope you all had wonderful time celebrating the festive season with your families and we are delighted to see you all back in the Melbourne Market.

In the first edition of 2024, Issue #71 of the Fresh State of Affairs Magazine, we will read about Just Fresh Wholesaler’s achievement as AUR National Fresh Produce Supplier of the Year Award, Adrian Gifford from Gazzola Farms on an impressive effort for the Great Cycle Challenge, recent update with A better choice! and discuss helpful topics to have a safe and healthy year ahead.

We remain optimistic that brighter days are on the horizon regarding the status ownership of the Melbourne Market according to last year’s announcement about privatisation from the State Government. As we receive updates, we will be sure to keep everyone in the loop via email communications.

We hope you enjoy the latest Fresh State of Affairs Magazine for 2024 and we look forward to bringing you more exciting articles and topics to read about throughout the year.

We have lots to look forward to this year with the Fresh State Gala Ball on the 2nd of March, Hort connections in Melbourne on the 3rd-5th of June and lots more. As the year progresses and these events unfold, we look forward to fostering connections with each one of you.

May the journey of 2024 be filled with good health and success for all!

Shane Schnitzler President Fresh State Ltd. 3


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Contents 06 – Chinese New Year 2024 Year of the Dragon

11 – 8 Tips For Staying Hydrated This Summer

17 – Recipe: Blueberry Muffins

The transition from one year to the next is worldwide with diverse traditions and celebrations.

In this article we will discuss how to recognise the signs of dehydration and how to keep your water levels up.

18 – Hidden Gems in the Market

07 – A Better Choice! Update Julie Goodwin remains brand ambassador and a new partnership with Perfection Fresh.

08– Just Fresh Wholesalers Australian United Retailers (AUR) National Fresh Produce Supplier of the Year Just Fresh Wholesalers Honoured with AUR National Fresh Produce Supplier of the Year Award.

10 – Great Cycling Challege Champion Adrian Gifford Adrians involvement in this noble cause spanned the entire month, during which he undertook an impressive journey covering 1,583 kilometres on his bicycle.

13 – Benefits of a Juicy Delight: Watermelon Crowd favourite, watermelons have returned to the market with refreshing health benefits.

14 – Interview with Dominic Legudi from F Legudi Pty. Ltd.

In this article, we want to appreciate and shed some light on some hidden gems of the market.

20 – Easter — Way to Egg-cited about this Holiday With Easter around the corner, we look forward to the first short break of the year to rest and to use the best excuse to eat chocolate with every meal.

The proprietor of F Legudi Pty. Ltd.

21 – Puzzles 16 – Whats in the Market? Blueberries

23 – Important Dates

The blueberries of the wintery Tasmanian climate have finally arrived at the Melbourne Market.



Chinese New Ythee aDragron 2024 Year of

The arrival of the new year is worldwide with diverse traditions and celebrations. Among the variety of festivities, the Chinese New Year (also known as “Spring Festival”) stands out, radiant of colour, symbolism and ancient history. There are twelve animals in the Chinese calendar and the celebration starts on the first day of the Lunar calendar, in the winter season. To prepare for this fifteen-day celebration, people clean their homes from top to bottom and hang lanterns as part of preparation. It is said that the bamboo plant brings happiness along with wealth and people often receive money in red envelopes for good fortune. The colour red is prominent throughout celebrations as it is said to drive away bad luck. By tradition, food plays 6

a significant role in these celebrations, traditionally family members get together on New Years Eve and make dumplings. The dumplings themselves look like money pouches and are said to represent luck and prosperity in the coming year. The approaching Year of the Dragon in 2024 encourages us to embrace innovation, creativity and a spirit of adventure. In Chinese astrology each year is associated with an element, this year being the Year of the Wood Dragon. The dragon represents authority, prosperity as well as good fortune and those born in the year of the dragon may be known for their strong leadership qualities. Beginning February 10th, 2024, the Dragon is forecasted to bring opportunities, change and abundance.


Julie Goodwin for A better choice! Julie Goodwin will once again feature as the brand ambassador in the 2024 campaign for A better choice! Julie is a household name across Australia and her reputation as a genuine and trusted personality has helped consumers build trust and credibility with the A better choice! brand. The focus of this campaign will be simple to remind consumers to shop at their local fruit and veg shop for the best freshness, quality and service. Alongside advertising on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, retailers can expect to see Ayse rolling out printed collateral such as A better choice! decals from February onwards.

Watch the commercial here Checkout “A better choice!” on YouTube for more videos featuring Julie.

A better choice! partnered with Perfection Fresh and Sesame Street Campaign A better choice! are excited to announce they have partnered with Perfection Fresh, who are celebrating the back-to-school campaign with their friends from Sesame Street! From January-March, A better choice! will be rolling out POS materials such as posters, display bins and plush toys, to promote Qukes, Little Gem Bananas, Petite Tomatoes and Perfection Berries.



s r le a s le o h W h s e r F t s u J (AUR) Australian United Retailers pplier of the Year National Fresh Produce Su

Just Fresh Wholesalers Honoured with AUR National Fresh Produce Supplier of the Year Award. At the recent Australian United Retailers (AUR) Awards ceremony, Just Fresh Wholesalers emerged as the National Fresh Produce Supplier of the Year, an accolade that left the team over the moon. The AUR Awards Ceremony is a yearly event where more than 900 FoodWorks owners, independently branded retailers and key supplier partners across the network come together for a night of celebration. In an exclusive interview, Ben Duffy from Just Fresh Wholesalers shared insights into the journey that led to this remarkable

achievement and the impact he anticipates it will have on their future endeavours. Jumping for Joy Upon being asked about the win, Ben expressed genuine shock, stating, “It was all a surprise, found out on the night. We were ecstatic, wrapped, the whole table got up to accept the award.” The sheer number of competitors highlights the significance of this award, making it a momentous occasion for the team at Just Fresh Wholesalers. It is evident that the recognition brought immense pride to the entire team, emphasising the value they place on their commitment to excellence.

Deliver what you say you will to your customers then you are on your way. When you do what you say, people find trust in that and it is what makes you reputable. – Ben Duffy



...listening and doing the right thing by your customer is key to producing quality service and to do it with passion. – Ben Duffy

A Journey of Growth and Commitment

Acknowledgments and Gratitude

The journey leading to this achievement started with Just Fresh’s commitment to pride, passion, quality and service.

Ben also recognises that the Epping Market is a big contributor to the efficiency and success of Just Fresh’s operations. Ben mentioned, being able to select fresh produce daily from the market allows them to customise to each customers need which has been pivotal to build their strength over the years.

Ben says, “listening and doing the right thing by your customer is key to producing quality service and to do it with passion.” Along with that, hiring key personnel played a crucial role in expanding the staff from when he started at 8 to now 40 staff. The commitment to quality, support, service, and doing right by customers has been pivotal in building the business’s reputation. When asked for advice for those aspiring to achieve similar success, Ben emphasized the importance of listening to customers and delivering on promises. “Don’t overpromise and under deliver. Under promise and over deliver. The calibre of your team, their passion and drive to do what they need to do to make things happen. Passion and pride.” Ben shared.

Just Fresh Wholesalers took the opportunity to express gratitude, stating, “We would like to thank all our suppliers for their support and appreciation of the help they gave us to achieve this recognition on a national level.” This acknowledgment highlights the collaborative effort that contributed to their success. Looking Ahead: More Stores, More Growth As for the future, Ben succinctly outlined their goals, stating, “More stores. More growth.” This resolute vision reinforces their commitment to continuous expansion and excellence in the industry.

Congratulations Just Fresh Wholesalers! Just Fresh Wholesalers’ journey from a small enterprise to being recognized as the AUR National Supplier of the Year is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality, service and growth. This achievement not only celebrates their past endeavours, but also sets the stage for a future marked by increased brand awareness, new opportunities and sustained growth.



Great Cycling Challege Champion

Adrian Gifford In October 2023, Adrian Gifford from Gazzola Farms Pty Ltd took part in a noteworthy event, the Great Cycle Challenge (GCC) dedicated to combating childhood cancer. Adrians involvement in this noble cause spanned the entire month, during which he undertook an impressive journey covering 1,583 kilometres on his bicycle. In terms of fundraising, Adrian exhibited exceptional dedication managing to secure a total of $7,224. Adrian also made his mark on state


and national levels, securing the 8th place within the state and placing 32nd nationally. Adrian reflected on the year’s success, stating, “It was a very good year, and the donations were very generous. I am wrapped with the result and raising over $10k in 4 years.” Balancing the demands of early market hours with the commitment to achieving personal riding milestones, Adrian earned his legacy status after 4 years of consistent participation. Adrians dedication to the Great Cycle Challenge has yielded amazing results, in total across the duration of his participation he has ridden over 4,500km and raised a total of $13,991. Keep an eye out for Adrians ride in 2024.


8 Tips for Staying Hydrated this Summer With the Melbourne summer heat around the corner (if Melbourne feels like it...) it’s important to know if you’re getting enough water to meet your body’s needs. In this article we will discuss how to recognise the signs of dehydration and how to keep your water levels up. Dehydration About 80% of Australians suffer from mild dehydration – so how do you know if your body needs H20? • Thirst

Ways to stay hydrated 1.

Eat water-rich foods like watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, peaches and cantaloupe. Other good options include cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, celery and tomatoes.

2. Choose coconut water over fruit juice. Coconut water generally has fewer calories and added sugars than fruit juice. It’s also a good source of potassium.

Dry mouth


3. Start your day by drinking a cup of water when you wake up.


4. Regulate your body temperature.



5. Replenish when you sweat.

Dark urine

Reduced mental alertness

Reduced physical performance




6. Infuse with flavour. Not a frequent water drinker? Try sprucing up your water with slices of lime, berries, lemon, oranges, or cucumbers. 7. Snacks of fruit. 8. Invest in a good quality re-usable drink bottle.





Benefits of a Juicy Delight:

Watermelon Crowd favourite, watermelons have returned to the market with refreshing health benefits. The perfect sweet and juicy treat will never fail to refresh and quench your thirst on a hot summer’s day. Watermelons ripen and mature amid the summer breeze, not only keeping dehydration at bay but also providing your body with powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins. When you bite into a piece of watermelon, you are quick to find out how it got its name ‘water-melon’. This juicy, sweet fruit is 92% water which makes

it a delicious way to keep hydrated and enjoy a refreshing snack whilst enjoying all its health benefits. Watermelon is full of nutrients of vitamin A, B6 and C. These key 3 vitamins are vital for helping our bodies sustain healthy bodily functions such as strengthening your immune system and nerve function. Whilst watermelon has many nutritious benefits, it is also a signature staple at many summertime picnics and gatherings around the country. Watermelon is typically eaten raw, although you can also have it pickled, grilled, in your salad or most commonly – in a juice!


Improves immunity

Rich in vitamin C

Keeps heart healthy

Good source of beta-carotene

Reduce muslce soreness

Hydrates your body

Full of antioxidants

Here’s what you’ll need to enjoy a refreshing snack: Ingredients •

1 watermelon, (or how ever how much watermelon you want to freeze)

Instructions •

Cut watermelon into wedges of whatever desired size you like (small for kids, larger for adults).

Using a sharp knife, cut a slit the width of your popsicle sticks into the rind.

Insert popsicle stick and arrange watermelon in a single layer on sheets of baking paper. Avoid stacking the pieces on top of one another, they will freeze together! Of course, that might be a fun challenge to eat….

Freeze for at least 6 hours before enjoying.

Notes Make sure you have adequate freezer space. Especially if you plan on turning the whole watermelon into frozen treats. Credit: frozen-watermelon-popsicles/ 13


i d u g e L c i n i m o D INTERVIEW WITh


What is your current role? I am the proprietor of F Legudi Pty. Ltd. How long have you been in the market? I’ve been at the market for eight years (since 2015). What brought you to the market? My father, Frank Legudi started the business way back in 1966 at the Vic Market before moving to the Footscray Market in 1969 where my brother, Ben Legudi worked with him. After leaving school, I worked in commercial finance at Citibank for almost ten years and in 1980, I decided to work for our family business


as I felt that it was beneficial for my long-term future. Two years later, my father retired, and Ben was appointed as the new proprietor, a role he held for the next sixteen years then in 1998, he decided to retire and offered me the position as our new proprietor. What is your specialty produce? Currently during the summer, our specialty produce is stone fruit, citrus and grapes. In the winter, our specialty produce is eggplant, zucchini, citrus and tomatoes.


...during the summer, our specialty produce is stone fruit, citrus and grapes. In the winter, our specialty produce is eggplant, zucchini, citrus and tomatoes.

What’s your gem of wisdom for wholesalers who are starting their business at the market? Maintaining a cohesive business relationship with your growers and customers is paramount, you will earn their trust by remaining open and honest with them. I would also encourage wholesalers to ensure that they prioritise their working hours with their health, intake of the right nutrition, maintaining enough sleep and regular exercise……. if you’re in better health then you will make better decisions.

How have you remained motivated working in the market? Each day is a different day with the various challenges that come with operating our business in the market. Most importantly, I really enjoy working here, it’s vibrant and has a real sense of community. There are wholesalers I’ve developed a great rapport with over the past eight years and I’ve also become well acquainted with the new wholesalers. Working with my son, Troy also gives me an incentive to continue working as he’s always shown an interest in joining our family business and is self-motivated in learning about the wholesale market industry. Over the years, how have you adapted to change in the market? Change is always uncomfortable however, what I’ve experienced in my 43 years of working in the wholesale market industry is that if you don’t adapt to change then your business simply won’t progress. Adapting to change helps you recognise new and practical ways of growing your wholesale business, especially when you remain focused on the long-term benefits. When you’re not at the market, what do you enjoy doing? I go to the gym three days per week and on weekends, I enjoy spending time with my grandchildren or playing a round of golf. During the AFL season, I’m a part-time recruitment officer with the Essendon Football Club.

Maintaining a cohesive business relationship with your growers and customers is paramount, you will earn their trust by remaining open and honest with them. I would also encourage wholesalers to ensure that they prioritise their working hours with their health, intake of the right nutrition, maintaining enough sleep and regular exercise.



Whats in the market?


The blueberries of the wintery Tasmanian climate have finally arrived at the Melbourne Market. Tasmania is known for having one of the best climates for growing berries anywhere in the world. The harvest date of blueberries is both site and variety dependent. In Tasmania, harvest date can be from December to May, with most varieties in the main production regions ripening in February and early March. When it comes to versatility, few foods beat the blueberry. These small berries might not look like much on the outside, but beneath that bright blue peel hides a world of flavor, sweetness, and good nutrition. Indigenous populations started harvesting wild blueberries over 10,000 years ago. Back then, they called them “star fruits” or “star berries” because of the five-pointed star shape their blossom creates when they bloom. Blueberries are classified into two major varieties: “highbush,” the plump, large berries we typically find in supermarkets today, and “lowbush” blueberries, which are smaller and sweeter, and most commonly used in juices, jams, and baked goods. Superfood Alert! Blueberries are almost always at the top of the list of the healthiest foods you can eat. One cup of the fruit has just 80 calories and 3 grams of fibre, making them a guiltless treat. They also contain some of the highest levels of antioxidants of any food — antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer and lower blood pressure, as well as soothe inflammation, boost immunity, enhance digestion and even improve the overall health of your skin and bones. Blueberries also have been found to be good for a person’s mental health. Research suggests that eating blueberries could help slow cognitive decline as people age and may help boost short-term memory as well as overall motor coordination. Answer: 13,000 years. 16

Pop quiz question: “How many years have people been eating blueberries?”


National Muffin Day: February 20th

Blueberry Muffins Dry Ingredients

A warm, freshly baked treat with a crispy interior and fluffy interior.

2 ½ cups plain flour (all-purpose flour)

3 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda/bi carb soda

1 cup white sugar

¼ tsp salt

3. Whisk Wet: In a separate bowl, whisk buttermilk, melted butter, oil, eggs and vanilla.

Wet Ingredients

Method: 1.

Preheat oven to 200°C/390°F (all oven types). Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper patties.

2. Whisk Dry: Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar and salt in a bowl.

1 cup buttermilk

4. Combine Wet & Dry: Make a well in the flour bowl, pour in egg mixture. Mix until just combine - try not to stir more than 8 times. Some flour lumps in the batter is fine.

60g/ 4tbsp butter (unsalted, melted)

5. Add blueberries: Stir through most of the blueberries reserve some for topping.

4 tbsp vegetable oil

2 large eggs (room temperature)

6. Fill muffin tin: Divide batter between paper cases. Top with remaining blueberries.

2 tsp vanilla extract

Note Store any leftovers in an airtight container.

7. Bake 1: Bake for 5 minutes, then turn oven down to 180°C/350°F. 8. Bake 2: Bake for a further 13 minutes (fan) or 15 minutes (standard ovens), or until a skewer inserted into the muffin comes out clean. 9. Cool: Remove muffins from the muffin tin immediately onto a cooling rack. Serve warm or at room temperature (warm is extra yum!) 17


Hidden Gems

t e k r a M e h In t When we think about produce, the first thing to come to mind is fruit and vegetables. But here within the large and wide Melbourne Market amongst the common produce there are some unique items… In this article, we want to appreciate and shed some light on some hidden gems of the market. Complex, tasty and worth the splurge - Fennel Pollen. Fennel pollen, also known as “Gold Dust” is a spice known for its rich taste with notes of citrus and honey, to enhance sweet and savoury dishes. Its sweet and earthy flavour is often paired well rubbed into pork or chicken just before cooking or with roasted vegetables. It’s even perfect for decorating pastries, in baked goods or sprinkled on vanilla ice cream – a little goes a long way when using fennel pollen! Fennel pollen is not readily available and peaks once a year in the late summer season. If you’re trying to get your hands on a small pot of goodness, you’ll be able to find these at Flowerdale Farm in our market. Have you heard of Witlof? Witlof also known as, Chicory, is a leafy vegetable part of the Endive family. The meaning of endive is a plant with thick, pale leaves that taste bitter and that are eaten cooked as a vegetable or in salads. Witlof can be considered a niche vegetable because of its scarce supply, the way it is produced and its overall flavour. Enjoy witlof raw or cooked. To prepare raw witlof, pull the leaf near the root until the leaf separates from the vegetable. Because of their sturdy texture and bitter flavour, endive leaves make up the base of salads. Their crunchiness allows them to be a great substitute for chips and they work well with thick dips like hummus. Common cooking methods for endive include searing, roasting, grilling and braising. You’ll be able to find Witlof at both Fresh Cut Processors and Flowerdale Farm in the market. 18


Have you seen the Fried Garlic and Fried Shallots? These ready fried and ready to be served versatile toppings are a simple way to add an extra bit of flavour and crunch to simple dishes such as salads. Fried garlic is made by thinly slicing garlic cloves and then frying them until they turn golden and crispy. The process not only transforms the raw garlic flavour into a nuttier flavour but also creates a delightful crunch. The golden-brown garlic slices add a rich quality to dishes without overpowering them. Similarly, fried shallots involve thinly slicing shallots and frying them until they become crispy and caramelised. Shallots, with their sweet and mild flavour, bring a sweetness to the dish, with a subtle crunch. Usage: Sprinkle fried garlic on top of soups, salads, stir-fries, or grilled vegetables to add a burst of flavour. It can also be used as a garnish for pasta dishes, rice bowls, or even as a topping for pizzas. Use fried shallots as a topping for noodle dishes, rice, or fried rice. Sprinkle them on top of creamy soups, curries, or even in salads. Fried shallots also make an excellent addition to meat and vegetable dishes, offering a delightful contrast. You’ll be able to find these goodies at Fresh Cut Processors.

Do you have any hidden gems you’d like us to know about? Email 19



Way too egg-cited about this holiday With Easter around the corner, we look forward to the first short break of the year to rest and to use the best excuse to eat chocolate with every meal. Easter offers the opportunity to spend time with family, whether that be participating in traditions or attending church, Easter is the perfect occasion for families to come together. Easter traditions are deeply ingrained in many cultures, whether that’s dyeing eggs or participating in egg hunts, Easter holds a profound sense of togetherness. The joyous laughter of children searching for hidden eggs or the aroma of a traditional Easter meal and eating together at the table is a great way to take a break and enjoy the little pleasures of life. For many people, Easter holds a deep religious significance. Attending church at midnight mass or engaging in prayer can be integral parts of the Easter experience. Some families opt to break away from routine and create memories beyond home. Going away for a weekend retreat or up to a holiday home, spending Easter in a different location can offer a refreshing change. In times when Easter might find you away from family or missing loved ones, it may give you the time to reflect on the love and memories treasured in the past. This short break can offer you moments of peace that brighter days are ahead and a beautiful opportunity to slow down and relish the present. Happy Easter and enjoy indulging in Easter treats and chocolate!







2. Colour that is believed to drive away bad luck.

Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration

3. What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year 4. Animal traditionally represented in Chinese New Year’s parade 5. Plant that brings happiness and wealth. 7. Chinese New Year is also known as ________ Festival. 12. He is credited with naming the years of the Chinese after animals

6. Season in which Chinese New Year takes place. 8. Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on. 9. Fruit said to represent luck and prosperity. 10. If you find this in your dumpling, you will have a year of goodluck. 11. These are decorated, hung in temples and carried during a parade. 13. Number of animals in the Chinese Calendar. 14. What people receive in red envelopes as good wishes. 21


There are 10 how many can can you— spot? There aredifferences 10 differences ... how many you spot?MANY CAN YOU SPOT? THERE ARE 10... DIFFERENCES HOW



Spot the difference


Important dates New events and times will be communicated in the near future. Thank you to all who have supported our events over the years. We hope you are staying healthy and safe, if you have any questions about events, please email

Chinese New Year Saturday, 10th February

Valentines Day Wednesday, 14th February

Labour Day Monday, 11th March Market closed

Good Friday Friday, 29th March

Easter Sunday Sunday, 31st March

Easter Monday Monday, 1st April

Market closed

Market closed

Market closed

ANZAC Day Thursday, 25th April Market closed

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In addition, by using the information in this magazine, each user waives and releases Fresh State, its staff and agents from any and all claims relating to the use of this document. In no event shall Fresh State Ltd be liable for any consequential damages resulting from using the information in Fresh State of Affairs. © Fresh State Ltd 2022 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior permission from Fresh State Ltd. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: The Editor Fresh State of Affairs Magazine Store 36, Melbourne Market 35 Produce Drive, Epping, VIC 3076









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