1 minute read

Why FreshTest is Best!

Why FreshTest is Best!

You’re a step behind the curve if you haven’t started using FreshTest for all your produce testing — we’re committed to beating our competitors through having the lowest price and the best service.

Back in 2001, FreshTest was started so that the companies working out of Australia’s Central Markets had an avenue for affordable and reliable MRL (chemical residue) and microbial testing for their produce. It’s the way of the market community to band together and support each other, and FreshTest was formed for that exact reason. This service is available to wholesalers and growers to provide them with proof to show their buyers that their produce is food-safe and quality assured.

Here at the Melbourne Market our FreshTest representative, Alysha Snell, has been working tirelessly out on the buyer’s floor to make sure that you know where to get the best price and service for your produce testing. But don’t take it from us, listen to our return customers who are more than satisfied that FreshTest is the right choice for them.

“We use FreshTest because of their good deals on produce testing”

— Nutrano Trading VIC

“We choose FreshTest because it’s cost effective — it’s that simple”

— Geelong Citrus

“FreshTest is right for us because of their efficiency and ability to fulfil the requirements of our national Quality Assurance systems”

— Perfection Fresh

If you haven’t used FreshTest, we recommend you give us a try — we are committed to proving that we are the best choice in produce testing, and you will be sure to become a regular user if you give us a go.

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