Fresno Flyer Vol 7 No 3

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Cover Art: Bobby Von Martin @bobbyvon14


November has often been a difficult month for us to design an issue around. We struggle with the overwhelming American tradition of Thanksgiving in light of its deeply tragic history. We ask ourselves every year, “how do we acknowledge a beloved holiday entrenched with the spirit of gratitude, family, and abundance without dismissing the Indigenous experience?” It would be easier to simply fill our pages with holiday recipes and uplifting stories of generosity in the community, all in the spirit of being ‘thankful.’ It would be easier to ignore the dark underbelly of Thanksgiving and pretend everything is A-Ok because it’s always easier to avoid anything difficult. However, we don’t operate that way.

I once heard someone say, in response to someone else talking about the unpleasant parts of U.S. history, “ah, you’re not gonna make me feel guilty… I didn’t do any of that.” And it seems as though this is a running theme for many.

The thing is, no one is saying you did - no one is saying you have to feel guilty. We can be mindful of how something is hurtful to an entire community without losing the things we hold dear. Acknowledging America’s ugly past does not mean we no longer share stories with our loved ones over a massive buffet of coma-inducing food - these things aren’t mutually exclusive. In recognizing the pain caused by others, we might be able to aid in reducing that pain through our

own actions - in making space for those marginalized communities.

As you celebrate tradition this Thanksgiving, I strongly encourage you to also spend time learning about those tribes whose territories are the place we call home: Yokuts, Monache, and Chuckchansi, to name a few.

We may not have personally been part of those events which nearly eradicated them from the face of the earth, but we absolutely play a critical role in their current visibility. Learning about and sharing their art, customs, clothing, traditions, and language helps to not only preserve these things but may ultimately go towards helping to restore those communities as well. Unfortunately, so much of the history we receive in school is edited to a smaller fraction of what actually occurred. We learn almost nothing about who those tribes are today or how they’re still affected by those historical laws, wars, and broken promises.

Our society passes on its traditions from generation to generation through the power of story. Many of our families do not write books to chronicle our triumphs and losses; we simply tell those stories around the table. If we no longer did that, those stories would die, and the world would carry on as if they were never here. You don’t have to change your stories; you only need to add to them. Because if we don’t help tell Indigenous stories, we will play a part in ensuring the world moves on as if they never existed.



“What is art, after all, but a protest againstthe horrible inclemency of life?” - Aldous Huxley

When Fresno-based artist Bobby Von Martin was in his early teens, he spent his summers living in a Bakersfield hotel notorious among local law enforcement for being a drug den. Martin’s parents struggled with addiction, and he grew up surrounded by the crime, violence, and desperation that came with that life. Consequently, Martin dealt with severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm as he fought against the hopelessness of his environment. Martin’s one outlet to escape from all of the negativity around him was art. One of his first paintings created during those teenage years depicted a Native man crying and holding a beer bottle filled with blood. Martin painted it as a gift for his mother, who was an alcoholic. He had hoped that it would encourage her to stop drinking.

“I gave it to her hoping she would just look at it every day and realize she was killing herself,” he said.

Martin began drawing when he was only four years old. Growing up in a family of professional artists, he was exposed to artistry and creativity from an early age, so expressing himself through art came naturally. Martin also turned to art to cope with the loneliness and isolation that resulted from his chaotic childhood.

“I moved to 10 different schools by the time I was in 5th grade,” Martin relates. “I didn’t have toys like other kids. I never really had a chance to make friends with anyone in school before moving to a different one. So, I would occupy my time drawing with a pencil and paper.”

Pencil and paper would eventually be replaced with acrylics and spray paint as Martin got older and could finally purchase proper art supplies.

Still, a connection to his Native American heritage and the Indigenous culture was missing from Martin’s life. However, a friendly yet persistent elder and a growling stomach would change that.

Martin recalls, “[When I was in Bakersfield] I would always hang out with my two cousins. One day, an elder from the Tule Reservation drove by in a van, stopped, and asked us if we were hungry and wanted to go sweat and pray. The first couple times I said no, because we didn’t know who he was. The third time he came around I was really hungry, so I decided to go with him.”

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision that would have a life-changing outcome.

“[The elder] took me to a place on the Tule Reservation where there were families eating together, praying, just having a good time without getting high, getting drunk, or fighting,” Martin explains. “That day literally changed my whole direction. I give credit to that elder for changing my life. Because of that experience, I took a different path than my cousins did. Had I stayed on the path they

were on, I would probably not be here today.”

That fateful day set Martin on a path of self-discovery. Connecting with his Native heritage and culture filled a void that had been missing from his life. It gave Martin pride in himself and a sense of purpose that was nowhere to be found scattered among the empty bottles and cigarette butts that littered the floors of that Bakersfield hotel.

Martin’s newfound path would lead him to become a proud, enrolled member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. And it would inspire his artwork tremendously. The vibrancy and spirit of his Native community splashed across his canvases, even as they carried the painful messages and tragic lessons of Martin’s youth.

“Coming from a broken home I have been able to use my art to bring to light issues such as domestic violence, suicide awareness, sober living, alcohol prevention and anger management,” Martin explains. “Growing up I used art as a coping tool, and I try to promote that to encourage other people to use art in the same way.”

One of Martin’s paintings depicts a young Native man holding a beer bottle to his head like a gun, with blood spraying from the

other side. The vivid swaths of color surrounding the man and splayed within his shirt make the violent image seem almost beautiful, making the picture all the more poignant. In the thick black border surrounding the man are the words, “Your family, dreams, wife, children, job, culture, freedom.” Indicating all the things addiction takes from a person before finally taking their life.

Another painting, in stark black and white, depicts an elderly native man staring solemnly in front of a background of old newspaper postings advertising “Indian land” for purchase by white settlers. Despite the stone-faced expression on the Native elder’s face, his eyes betray his sadness, welling with tears and conveying heart-wrenching emotion, remarkably captured by Martin’s talented brush strokes.

However, not all of Martin’s paintings tell stories of sadness and loss. Many, like his colorful portrait of a Native mother doing her daughter’s hair in traditional squash blossoms, or butterfly whorls, celebrate the beauty and pride of the Indigenous culture. The duality of Martin’s work reflects both his love

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Oepidpus El Rey

Directed by Rodolfo Robles Cruz

TheSelma Arts Council presents Oedipus El Rey at the Selma Arts Center this November. The production opens Friday, November 18, 2022 and runs through December 3, 2022in Selma, CA.

“As he approaches the end of a lengthy prison sentence, Oedipus is ready to taste his long-awaited freedom. But physical liberation comes at a price, and life on the outside proved its own king of prison ruled by a cruel and violent fate. Based on Sophocles’ classic tale, OEDIPUS EL REY is an urgent examination of modern institutions, social barriers, and the power of storytelling for those bold enough to challenge the gods of our time.” - Dramatists.


EL REY displays a beautiful marriage between classic Greek theater and traditional Mexican storytelling. Set in various locations, including our own Central Valley, but primarily in East L.A., and steeped in the cholo culture, the show is a magnificent piece of culture from the community and for the community. It is a Central Valley premiere!

Selma Arts Center’s production features a cast and production crew of talented individuals from the Central Valley. Production team members include Director Rodolfo Robles Cruz, Stage Manager Daniel Rosales, Set Designer Sylviah Vargas, Light Designer Sunshine DeCastro, Costume Designer Lauren Heard, Makeup Designer Cecilia Cantu, and Sound Designer Kimmy Kaur.

The talented ensemble cast is composed of Ellie West, Mason T. Beltran, Carlos Oliviera Sanchez, Agustin Chapa, Juan Luis Guzman, Jennifer Rodriguez, and

Thomas Estrada Jr.

EDIPUS EL REY is Rodolfo Robles Cruz’s mainstage debut as a director with the Selma Arts Center. He previously worked on The Selma Originals in 2019 where he wrote and directed LA NORTEÑA, a play which later won KCACTF’s National Playwriting Program for Region 8. He is an Alumnus from California State University, Fresno and hopes to pursue his MFA in Directing soon.

“It’s time we start pushing daring stories about the community, for the community, and from the community out. With OEDIPUS EL REY we take a daring step forward into the world of Latine theater. With strong themes and performances, this show dives deeply into the issue of recidivism and how our world has racism ingrained into its DNA. Alfaro calls this a show that is meant to tackle the gods of our time. Those gods are no longer the ones our family prays to. In Greek theater, the gods were in control of the fate of people. In this story, as well as in our world, we are puppets being pulled by the strings of the prison-industrial complex, and capitalism as it lends its arms to the wealthy white majority. I am honored to continue the work of our community leaders who bring a wealth of Latine art to the community such as Juan Luis Guzmán, Dr. Gina Sandi Diaz, and Miguel Gastelum to name a few.”

Performances are November 18, 19, 25, 26 & December 1, 2, 3 at 7:30PM. as well as November 19, 20, 26, 27 and December 3 at 2:00PM.

Tickets are available for purchase

at . Tickets are $21 for Adults, $19 for Senior/ Student/ Military, $15 for Children under 13. This event is rated R. For information, call (559) 891-2238, email nicolettea@cityofselma. com, or visit the Selma Arts Center website at (Follow us: Facebook. com/SelmaArtsCen ter; Twitter: @ S elmaArtsCenter; Instagram @Sel maArtsCenter). This show offers general seating divided by riser seating and floor seating. Doors open half an hour before show time on normal performance nights. For more information, call (559) 891-2238, email, or visit the Selma Arts Center website at

Tickets will also be available at the door for the same price until sold out

The Selma Arts Center production of OEDIPUS EL REY is sponsored by the Selma Arts Council. or more information visit, For questions, call the Selma Arts Center (559) 891-2238, email nicolettea@cityofselma. com, or visit the Selma Arts Center website at www.selmaartscenter. com.

Selma Arts Center

1935 High Street Selma, CA 93662

(559) 891-2238


for his people and his awareness of their often tragic history.

As Martin explains, “I want to use my art to help raise awareness of Native American issues. I hope that it will inspire our youth to get in touch with their culture to relearn their culture. A lot of history is not told in schools today about Native Americans; we as a community and nation need to change that. American History often glorifies certain people and past leaders that were actually the largest mass murderers of the Native American people.”

Like the bright colors that frame a sometimes dark image, Martin’s work seeks to inspire hope in the face of adversity, to look into the sad, broken eyes of the past and find the strength it takes to keep going.

Martin’s journey took another life-altering turn a little over six years ago when he met well-known Mexican and Native American artist James Luna. Luna was impressed with Martin’s work and introduced Martin to his extensive network of art aficionados.

“I showed him my work, and the next thing I knew, I had sold all of my paintings,” Martin recalls.

At that moment, Martin realized he could have a real shot at being a successful professional artist - able to support his family while also educating others about Native American culture and history.

Over the next six years, Martin would check off several outstanding professional accomplishments. Martin’s work has been published in ten different Native and non-Native magazines. Two of his original paintings hang in the Choctaw Nation headquarters in Durant, Oklahoma. He recently sent another original piece to the USDA headquarters in Washington DC, where it will hang proudly and permanently in the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture. Martin also recently finished illustrating a Native American book for author Kim Rogers about an Osage leader named Clarence Tinkler. The book, published by HarperCollins, is set for a spring 2023 release.

Yet, if one were to ask Martin what the proudest accomplishment of his career has been so far, his answer is simple.

“The thing I am proudest of, that brings me the most happiness and satisfaction, is being able to teach the youth,” Martin says humbly. “That’s my passion. That’s what motivates and inspires me.”

On that front, Martin’s dance card is currently kept quite full, with contracts from dozens of schools and non-profit children’s groups across the Central Valley and with Native communities all over the state.

Still, Fresno is where Martin calls

home, and the love and support he has received from the local community never fails to uplift and inspire him. Martin has returned that love by sharing his art with the people of Fresno. Perhaps the most breathtaking example is a giant mural he painted on a building wall near the corner of Divisadero and H street. The painting is in his signature style of contrasting stark black and white portraits with vivid color, in this case, a bright yellow and red four-square background behind three black and white native portraits. The first is an elder Native woman, and the second is an elder native man. The third portrait is that of a young native woman with a bright red handprint across her mouth. The red handprint symbolizes the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s movement. It represents the thousands of women who have been tragically silenced.

Martin has also chosen Fresno to be the home of his annual “Walk with Your Ancestors” and “Honor Your Elders/Mentors” exhibits, which he has hosted for the past six years at Fresno’s City Hall. These events pro-

vide an opportunity to not only showcase Martin’s work but also celebrate and share the Native culture through music and dance performances.

He’s also using his platform to help promote other local Indigenous artists, including his brother, James Martin.

“ We have completely different styles when it comes to painting,” Martin says. “But I think the local community will really enjoy his work.”

As his list of accomplishments grows, Martin has no plans to slow down anytime soon.

“There are still many stories left to tell, and many people who have yet to hear them.”

Bobby Von Martin is the owner of Bloodline Art Studios, where he sells his original art, clothing, and merchandise: www. He’s also on Facebook: Bobby Von Martin, and Instagram: @ bobbyvon14.

What matters most as we

It is a special time of year as we gather with loved ones to embrace our cultures and the golden thread that brings us all together. Every table is unique as we celebrate the gift of life throughout the years.

Here are welcome inspirations to share at your gathering:

• Open your meal with a blessing shared by each person, stating what this day means to them.

• Remember to have compassion and empathy, kindness and gratitude when speaking.

• Read a passage from your favorite book, or share a miracle you witnessed in your lifetime.

• Reach out and connect to others and tell them how you feel about their presence in your life.

• Have sprigs of rosemary, lavender & sage in a ribbon at each guest plate setting (rosemary represents remembrance, lavender represents purity, grace, and spiritual connection, and sage represents wisdom.

• Keep healthy boundaries.

• Make certain cell phones are muted or placed in a basket at the door.

• As the blessings conclude, and you’re the host - stand and toast your guests!

As a reminder, if conflict or disagreements arise, do not consent to being triggered by drama. Conflict entrepreneurs can resolve the theatrics and politics elsewhere. Be the gatekeeper and stay close

Continues on pg 6...

... Von Martin cont’d from pg 3

to the vest.

May your holiday represent what is in your heart as you make new memories and remember the old ones.

Try this special memory maker: provide a big pumpkin hollowed out and filled with autumn flowers, place it atop the center of a table with a magic marker and ask everyone to write their name on it. Then, take pictures of your guests next to the pumpkin.

Enjoy the apple pie; I can smell it baking now! - - -

Icanstill remember one of the first times that I helped treat a Black patient.

I was on my OB-GYN rotation during my clinical year at UCSF School of Medicine, and I did what any other health provider would do. I tried to make the patient feel comfortable. I asked her questions and listened closely to her responses. It felt like a normal conversation where I tried to gather information and provide health advice in equal measure.

But as I was leaving the clinic that day, wearing my white coat, a Black woman from the office ran after me to relay how proud she was – and how important it was for her to see someone like me learning how to become a doctor.

It should come as no surprise that Black Californians want there to be more Black providers in our health system. Black doctors have been few and far between in California, making up around 3% of the state’s total physicians for decades.

What’s becoming clearer with each passing year, though, is the cost of this lack of representation. A recent study from the California Health Care Foundation found that 1 in 3 Black people in California say they’ve been treated unfairly by a health care provider because of their race or ethnicity. One in four Black Californians have avoided seeking care altogether because they felt they would be disrespected.

Black patients have the same basic expectations of the health care system as

everyone else, the foundation survey found. They want providers who listen to them (98%), spend time answering their questions (97%), and discuss and personalize their health goals (93%).

Black Californians also agree on an obvious way to make the health care system work better: 80% say it is important to increase the number of Black doctors, nurses and other health care providers.

But as the old saying goes, you can’t be what you can’t see.

A UCLA study last year found that the nationwide share of doctors who are Black men has remained basically the same since 1940. The question remains how do we change these abysmal numbers?

As a Black student at one of California’s most selective medical schools, I am the exception that proves the rule. Both of my parents were health professionals in Mississippi. I chose UCSF because I wanted to study at a school committed to cultivating a diverse student body and retaining and supporting Black students.

Nonetheless, it still took six months of clinical rotations before I worked under a Black physician. That was the first time I experienced that essential feeling of building a professional relationship with a person who looks like me, who is interested in what I hope to achieve, and who is deeply invested in my success.

As I continue to work in clinics and learn my craft, I think every student, patient

and provider is looking for the opportunity to see and to be seen. It fosters genuine connections and real exchanges of information that are at the heart of health care. It’s something any good physician can do.

To do it well, especially for Black patients, we need more Black doctors.

The Urban Institute published a report this year outlining some of the most successful policies for establishing a diverse health care workforce – from pathway programs and holistic admissions to diversity initiatives and reducing the financial burden of higher education.

To me, what this comes down to is money and mentorship, which are two of the biggest barriers for Black students who hope to start and finish medical school. Financial and academic support has to start early – as far back as elementary school – and continue through high school, college and even the medical school application process, which itself is a sizable expense.

Mentorship programs are just as important to close what feels like a never-ending loop: We all want more Black doctors, to inspire and to guide us, but it’s hard because there are unfortunately so few.

There are more of us coming, though, and we’re going to do our best to provide the care Black Californians deserve.

California lacks black doctors. Here’s how the state can add more is a
Nancy Zanicchi-Bobb, M.A. Counseling Psychology, author & narrator, “I Only Paint in Watercolors, Changing the Landscape, A Relationship with Self”, speaker for transition, loss & grief
nonprofit, nonpartisan media venture explaining California policies and politics.

Cannabis Education

Caring for clones

One of the great perks of cannabis legalization is that it’s now legal to grow cannabis plants in the comfort of your own home! The Artist Tree Dispensary supplies a wide variety of cannabis clone plants at all phases of development, from feminized seeds, to seedlings and more mature clones. We make it easy for you to find a plant that’s right for you. Wondering how to take care of a cannabis clone? Read on for tips on proper clone care.


Before you start, consider your future grow area. If you are growing outdoors or in a greenhouse, the conditions in your area will affect your clone and its needs. In general, you will need planting pots at various sizes. The Artist Tree recommends starting with a 1 gallon pot to allow your clone to develop her rootball. All growing containers used for cannabis should be well draining - fabric pots are a good choice or plastic pots with plenty of drainage holes in the bottom. You will also need media and/ or soil, water, and nutrients, and, for indoor cultivation, you’ll need a grow tent and lights.

Conditioning And Care

After selecting your clone plant, we recommend bringing it home and planting it as soon as you can. Because of this, we suggest

Shop Clones & Seeds at The Artist Tree Fresno

prepping your transplant station prior to purchasing your clone. For example, coco coir blocks need to soak before being broken up and then rinsed. Other ingredients used in a media include perlite, oyster shell meal, worm castings or other fertilizers. After preparing your growing medium, partially fill your pot with it.

Set your clone in the medium, leaving the top of the rockwool cube that surrounds the clone’s roots about an inch from the top of the pot. Fill in the area around the rockwool cube with addition al medium. Position the cube holding the clone level with the soil in order to pre vent the stem from getting fungal disease (if it’s too low) or the cube from drying out (if it’s too high). Press down on the medi um lightly with your hands to prevent air pockets from form ing, which can dry out her roots. Then water your trans planted clone until water seeps out of the bottom of the pot. Some seasoned growers like to soak the cannabis clone in hormone/ vitamin solution to minimize the amount of shock the clone will go through during the transplant, reducing the chances of the clone changing sex, losing a limb, or even dying.

As your clone grows, you will eventually need to transfer it from its original 1 gallon pot

to a larger pot. When transferring, do the same thing as when you initially planted the clone—with one exception. Prep the plant while it’s still in its one gallon pot by lightly massaging the pot to loosen it from the medium/root ball and make it easy to remove. This will also encourage the roots to grow into the medium in the new pot by gently breaking up the outside of the root ball.

factors to be considered during each stage of your clone’s life. Do your own research to account for the specific factors that are introduced from your environment, media, and nutrients. The most common mistake is overwatering. When you water your plant, roughly a fifth of the water should drain out of the bottom of the pot. Some experts suggest letting the media dry up a bit between water-

the light up so that it’s further from the plant and move it down a little bit every day/every other day.

Feeding And Watering Your Cannabis Clone

Watering and feeding your plant nutrients can be a bit tricky because there are many


The Artist Tree is Fresno’s largest dispensary! Experience cannabis reimagined in our innovative retail and art gallery space. We offer a massive selection of over 800 premium cannabis products.

a safe bet to pick a line of nutrients made for cannabis, such as Fox Farm’s Big Bloom.

The life of a clone is delicate, but can be manageable and even fun with the right plan and consistency of care. When you give love and attention to your clone, it will give you love back with its yield.

VISIT US 7835 N. Palm Ave. Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 258-0110 SAVE UP TO 50% DAILY ON TOP BRANDS!

Festive Recipes for Hosting an Inclusive Holiday Gathering

(Family Features) Memories made and recipes shared are the trademarks of a successful holiday gathering, and this year, you can host your way to a practically perfect party with delicious dishes that resonate with the flavors of the season.

A family-favorite meal starts with a main course that looks and smells as good as it tastes. Creamy Mushroom Pasta Nests deliver that festive flavor with a robust blend of breadcrumbs, earthy mushrooms and a homemade sauce crafted with Violife Just Like Cream Cheese. Developed to capture the taste of dairy cream cheese, it’s designed to be enjoyed by everyone at the table this holiday season as a non-GMO solution free from dairy, soy, nuts, gluten, preservatives and lactose.

Dishing out a dessert that boasts the colors of the season is a perfect way to cap off a gathering of friends and family. With pops of red and deliciously sweet flavor, Pomegranate Cheesecake is ideal for serving in individual tins so guests can delight in the

creamy deliciousness together without the hassle of cutting and serving.

Visit to find more holidayworthy recipes.

Creamy Mushroom Pasta Nests

Prep time: 30 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Servings: 4


• 2 tablespoons olive oil

• 3 1/2 ounces hoisin sauce

• 2 tablespoons sesame oil

• 1 tablespoon garlic chili paste

• 2 tablespoons black and white sesame seeds

• 1 teaspoon harissa paste


• 1 tablespoon Violife Plant Butter

• 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs

• 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary

1 teaspoon dried garlic


• 17 1/2 ounces mushrooms, roughly sliced

• 2 tablespoons olive oil

• 10 1/2 ounces fresh spinach

• 1 package Violife Just Like Cream Cheese Original

• 17 1/2 ounces whole-wheat spaghetti

• 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

• 3 1/2 ounces Violife Just Like Parmesan Wedge, grated

To make marinade: Whisk olive oil, hoisin sauce, sesame oil, garlic chili paste, sesame seeds and harissa paste. Set aside.

To make breadcrumbs: In frying pan, heat plant butter. Add breadcrumbs, rosemary and garlic; saute 3-5 minutes until golden. Remove from heat and set aside.

To make pasta: Saute mushrooms in olive oil 5-7 minutes until golden. Add spinach, 2-3 minutes, and pour over marinade. Add cream cheese and whisk until creamy.

Boil pasta according to package instructions. Sieve and reserve 1/2 cup pasta water, adding to pasta sauce. Whisk constantly until combined.

Using tongs, make small nests in pasta, place on plates and pour creamy mushroom sauce on top.

Sprinkle with breadcrumbs, red pepper flakes and grated Parmesan.

Pomegranate Cheesecake

Prep time: 5 hours, 30 minutes

Servings: 6 individual cheesecakes


• 10 1/2 ounces vegan gingerbread biscuits

• 6 ounces plant-based butter

• 1/4 teaspoon salt


• 0.07 ounces agar-agar

• 3 1/2 ounces canned coconut milk

• 2 packages Violife Just Like Cream Cheese Original

• 2 tablespoons maple syrup

• 1 tablespoon lemon juice

• 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Pomegranate Syrup:

• 10 fluid ounces pomegranate juice, divided

• 3 tablespoons cornstarch

• pomegranate seeds, for garnish

To make crust: In blender, blitz gingerbread biscuits until they form powder. Add butter and salt; blitz again until combined.

Place in six individual greased tart tins and smooth over base with back of spoon. Refrigerate to set.

To make cheesecake: In small pot over low heat, dissolve agar-agar in coconut milk, whisking constantly. Once boiling, remove from heat and set aside.

In large bowl, mix cream cheese, maple syrup, lemon juice and vanilla essence; slowly pour over warm coconut milk, whisking until combined and creamy. Divide evenly among tart tins and refrigerate 4 hours.

To make pomegranate syrup: In small bowl, combine 3 fluid ounces pomegranate juice with cornstarch. In small pot, boil remaining pomegranate juice 5 minutes. Pour in cornstarch and pomegranate mixture; whisk 5 minutes until syrup forms. Cool.

When cheesecakes have set, remove from tins and serve on plates. Pour pomegranate syrup on top and garnish with pomegranate seeds.


Calendar Events


Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio. Saturday, November 12th, 5pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles. Internationally-acclaimed artist Bruce Munro premiered his largest artwork to date—an enormous multiacre walk-through installation—at Sensorio in Paso Robles, California. Sensorio is a permanent venue space to host artist’s stunning outdoor exhibits. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers. Created to celebrate Paso Robles’ extensive wine country environs, Light Towers features 69 towers composed of more than 17,000 wine bottles, illuminated with glowing optic fibers whose colors change to a custom musical score.

In the Footsteps of Ansel Adams (Yosemite Valley). Monday, November 14th, 1pm. Ansel Adams Gallery, Village Mall, Yosemite National Park. Travel to a series of stunning locations where Ansel Adams composed some of his most famous photographs. Each stop in the Footsteps of Ansel Adams offers you the opportunity to see the very same scene through your own camera lens, as you are guided in-depth by an expert staff photographer to best capture the iconic vistas. In this class you will dive into the philosophies and life stories of the man behind the legend. You’ll get to practice Ansel’s photographic techniques, and learn how he pushed the popularity of landscape photography while helping to motivate the American environmental movement. Join Ansel’s legacy in immortalizing Yosemite National Park while composing your own extraordinary photographs.


2nd Annual Central Valley Music Awards. Sunday, November 13th, 4pm. C&S Event Cener of Orosi, 13851 Avenue 412, Orosi. Special guest performance’s by Acito & GB.

Full Circle Brewing Presents: The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Sunday, November 13th, 20th, and 27th, 6:30pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. We are excited to announce The Cobra Comedy Open Mic. Come see some of the Central Valley’s brightest comedy stars, and many of it best up and comers, work out their new bits on stage. And maybe give that stand up dream a go yourself while you’re at it? If you need a few beers before you try it out, we got you there too. Live comedy in a fun supportive environment, in one of Fresno’s best live performance spaces. It’s going to be a great time and we can’t wait to see you there!

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Nat Baimel. Wednesday, November 16th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Nat Baimel is a comedian, upbeat problem solver, awkward philosopher, and optimistic nihilist with a knack for always looking on the bright side. His dark, smart, well-crafted material often tackles the most serious of subjects in a silly manner that will make you laugh as much as it will make you think.

Slice of Comedy THE WEIGH-IN Tom Goss VS Danny Minch. Friday, November 18th, 6pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Nationally touring comedians Danny Minch and Tom Goss are entering the ring , before they so they are gonna do a weigh-in, trash talk, and Interview. Then the 2 will perform a comedy show. Danny and Toms credits include Comedy Store, Hollywood Improv, Ha Ha Cafe, Comedy Central, and many more. Do not miss this pre boxing match Comedy show. Then Come see the battle the next day at HALO GYM


IVIE with Comedy Show to Follow. Friday, November 18th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. What a Crazy night! First the roast of the “Un” well “Forgettable” Chad Ivie The Birthday Boy with his Comedian Friends Roasting him. Comics will be listed here soon. Then the hilarious Mario Hodge will be killing it. This is a night to remember, Or get so tanked you dont remember

Full Circle Comedy: MEAN w/ Keith Carey, Tom Goss, and Connor McSpadden. Friday, November 18th, 7:30pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Fresno favorites Keith Carey, Tom Goss, and Connor McSpadden return, performing together on a single night, on a single show, for the last time in maybe ever. Who knows?! But we here at Full Circle are so excited to have them out. All three of these comedians have headlined nationally, and their credits include the likes of Comedy Central, Netflix, The San Francisco Comedy Competition, and Burn Booth. Don’t miss out

Slice of Comedy Headlining Mario Hodge. Friday, November 18th, 8pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clo vis Ave, Clovis. Mario Hodge was born & raised in Oakland, CA. He is the youngest of 4 siblings and he was in spired to be a comedian as a child by watching sitcoms like Sanford & Son, The Richard Pryor show, The Carol Burnett Show, and the Three Stoog es, with his older siblings. It wasn’t until he watched In Living Color that he knew he wanted to be on TV and perform on stages in front of live au diences to make people laugh.

Sunday at the Cinemas With Fresno Filmworks. Sunday, November 20th, 1pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Sunday at the Cinema with Fresno Filmworks. All Ages Event. Tickets are $10. $8 discount for Seniors and Students available at the door. Ticket combo for all three films is $25. Presented by

Combat of The Bard, Stage Fighting Workshop. Sunday, November 20th, 1pm. Merced Multicultural Arts Center, 645 W Main St, Merced. Introduction to stage combat and stunts for stage focusing on the work of our beloved bard William Shakespeare.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Mean Dave & Teddy Hull. Wednesday, November 23rd, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Mean Dave is a regular at Cobb’s Comedy Club, Punch Line in SF and Sacramento and Laughs Unlimited and has opened for headliners such as Judy Tenuta, Big Jay Oakerson, Eddie Pepitone, Dan Soder, Jay Mohr, Allan Havey, Neil Hamburger, Dean Delray, Tom Rhodes and most importantly, Barry Sobel. Most of Dave’s life has been littered with utter disappointment and flat-out betrayal that

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182


TheFools Collaborative returns to its theatre roots with hopeful, funny, and timely production.

The Fools Collaborative is pleased to announce a return to theatrical productions with the critically acclaimed Every Brilliant Thing, a unique, interactive show about how a child's list of all the wonderful things in the world transforms a family's life as the list grows over decades. Written by Duncan MacMillan with Jonny Donahoe and directed by Miguel A. Gastelum, this refreshing play, told in collaboration with the audience in an intimate in-the-round setting, has touched audiences worldwide. The Fools' production of this solo tour-de-force will feature two separate actors, taking on the role of the story-teller at alternating performances.

Performances are at 7:30 p.m. November 11, 12, and 17-19, and at 2 p.m. November 12, 13, and 19 at The VISTA Theatre in Fresno's historic Tower District. Tickets are on a Pay-What-YouCan model with a suggested donation of $10. Full ticketing information is available at

You're six years old. Your mom's in the hospital. Your dad says she's "done something stupid." She finds it hard to be happy. So you start to make a list of everything that's brilliant about the world.

1. Ice Cream. 2. Water fights. 3. Staying up past your bedtime and being allowed to watch TV. 4. The color yellow. You leave it on her pillow. You know she read it because she's corrected your spelling. Soon, the list will take on a life of its own. A life-affirming interactive play about depression and the lengths we will go to for those we love.

The stor y-teller will be performed by two actors at alternating performances. Camille Gaston, a familiar face and favorite of local theatre fans, will perform the role on Nov. 12 (2:00 p.m.), Nov. 13 (2:00 p.m.), Nov. 18 (7:30 p.m.), and Nov. 19 (7:30 p.m.). Nick Haas, known to many as one of the founders and original members of local improv troupe Blimprov, will perform the role

on Nov. 11 (7:30 p.m.), Nov. 12 (7:30 p.m.), Nov. 17 (7:30 p.m.), and Nov. 19 (2:00 p.m.).

“This show is truly unlike anything I've ever seen before," says director Miguel A. Gastelum. “It's an intimate piece of theatre with the actor interacting with audience directly before and during the show. The show is filled with humor, joy, and hope all while dealing with the sensitive topics of mental health and suicide. I truly believe audiences will leave the show with a new appreciation for life and all the small moments that can truly make it brilliant."

Every Brilliant Thing contains descriptions of depression, self-harm, and suicide. The show briefly describes a character's attempted suicides and her death by suicide and includes the specific means that were used.

A portion of the production's proceeds will be donated to NAMI Fresno.

Doors open 30 minutes before curtain, early arrival is encouraged. Latecomers will not be permitted, and there are no refunds or exchanges. The VISTA theatre is located at 1296 N. Wishon Ave., Fresno, CA 93728. The box office opens one hour before each performance, and it accepts cash, check, or credit card payments.

The Fools Collaborative is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We produce creative events for the express purpose of bringing awareness to, and raising funds for, an assortment of community, charitable, environmental, and social justice-orientated causes. We have raised thousands of dollars for multiple worthy organizations throughout our 6 plus years in operation. However, we are most proud of the communal opportunities we have created for an ever-growing number of engaged creators and atypical audiences.

The Fools Collaborative

710 Van Ness Ave. #170, Fresno 559.512.2530


only a sarcastic, cynical sense of humor can remedy. Hopefully this information helps you in your decision as to whether Mean Dave’s comedy will help you attain laughter as you progress through your futile existence.

5th annual THANKSGIVING COMEDY BASH. Saturday, November 26th, 7pm. 205 N Main St, Porterville. Come laugh the night away with kabir Singh & Zhivago blea from Gabriel’s Iglesias stand up revolution

Ebony Socialites Black and White Ball. Saturday, December 3rd, 6pm. 760 Bellevue Rd, Atwater. The Ebony Socialites of Atwater will celebrate their 50th year of service to the community this year with an exciting 50th Anniversary Black & White Ball to be held Saturday, December 3, 2022 at the Atwater Community Center, 760 Bellevue Road, Atwater. Everyone’s invited to join them in celebrating the many accomplishments as well as raising funds for future endeavors! Projects have included but are not limited to: Scholarships for high school students; Sickle Cell Research; Cancer Research; The Heart Association; Health Forums

Tin Foil Hat Comedy Night with Sam Tripoli and Eddie Bravo. Saturday, December 3rd, 7pm. Full Circle Brewing Co, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Sam Tripoli and Eddie Bravo bring their conspiracy comedy circus to Fresno for one night only! Tickets $25.

Swarm Tank with Eddie Bravo and Sam Tripoli. Saturday, December 3rd, 9:30pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. This is a crowd participation panel show where audience members go onstage and pitch their favorite/funniest/most bizarre conspiracy theory and the panel discusses. Best conspiracy wins a prize.

JUST THE TIPS Comedy headlining

Michael Schirtzer. Wednesday, December 7th, 7pm. DiCicco’s Italian Restaurant, 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis. Michael Schirtzer. I am a slam poet and standup comic. I was born in Manhattan, NY in 1989 and moved to the west coast at the tender age of one. I was raised in Los Angeles, California. I hold the accomplished film credits of having played Jock #1 in a Warner Brother’s film “Funky Monkey” and an extra in both the Paris Hilton classic “Bottom’s Up” and what would eventually become a prophetic bio pic, Jamie Kennedy’s “Malibu’s Most Wanted.” Moshe Kasher once

described me as “Bill Hicksian…” I sometimes write jokes for The Jimmy Dore Show on KPFK and The Young Turks Youtube network, and Joe Goes on Youtube.

Swede Fest 22. Thursday, December 8th, 6:30pm. Tower Theatre for the Performing Arts, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. FREE film festival for sweded films - short, homemade versions of your favorite Hollywood movies!

Swede Fest is a film festival for sweded films - short, homemade recreations of your favorite Hollywood movies. This year we’re returning to the historic Tower Theatre in Fresno. Admission is FREE. You can also submit your own sweded masterpiece!

Yes, that’s right, we want you to make your own sweded film to share on the big screen. Entries are due Monday, December 5 at 11:59pm. More info at


Full Moon Circle. Friday, November 11th, 7:30pm. Sour Milk, 1474 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Full moon circle hosted by Jessie & graciously held at the Sour Milk Shop in the beautifully colorful Tower District. If you’ve ever wanted to gather and dance around the fire under the full moon…you’re in the right place. You are encouraged to bring an item (up to 3) to add to the communal alter where it will be charged under the moonlight. This

item is typically a crystal or piece of jewelry, but you can choose whatever or nothing at all. ONE FREE CRYSTAL PER PERSON IS INCLUDED! We will intuitively move and stretch to music specifically chosen for its healing energy. After the dancing/stretching, Jessie will lead the group in a guided meditation (bring a yoga mat or blanket to lye down on). Once the meditation has commenced we will end the night with a releasing/manifestation ceremony (supplies provided).

93702 Community Clean-Up Day. Saturday, November 12th, 9am. 367 N First St, Fresno. Join us and help clean-up the 93702 neighborhood! Meet up at Fresno Building Healthy Communities.

Workshop: Podcasting. Wednesday, November 16th, 6:30pm. CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Suite 201, Fresno. If you are curious about learning how to make a successful podcast then CMAC is here to help. Join us for our podcasting workshop where you will learn the basic structure of a podcast, what equipment you will need to record, and how to create a teaser for your show. Attendees are encouraged to come with an idea for a podcast. Seating is limited. Membership required.

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM

Ladies Night at the Tower. Friday, November 18th, 5pm. Tower Health and Wellness Center, 1801 Colorado Ave, Turlock. Join us for our 13th Annual Ladies Night at the Tower Health and Wellness Center! Eat, drink, and shop for holiday gifts! Our 13th An nual Ladies Night will be a beautiful evening in our Tower Atrium filled with only the best local artisans in the area! Tickets are available at the door for $15 each including a glass of wine, appetizers, and exclusive access to private holiday shopping! Additional drink tickets are available for purchase.

Genderpeers: Gender Support Group. Saturday, November 19th, 12pm. Merced Multicultural Arts Center, 645 W Main St, Merced. A brave space for all gender non-conforming individuals. Genderpeers is a super inclusive peer-led support group for all gender non-conforming people. Please join us if you are transgender, non-binary, agender, intersex, and more. Meets every first and third Saturday at noon. Questions or concerns? Call (209) 421-8642 or email us at


Christmas Charity Event. Thursday, December 1st, 6pm. Civic Center Auditorium, 400 N Douty St, Hanford. Join us for our annual event assisting ten local nonprofits! Each nonprofit will have up to six themed baskets available for raffle with a value of $200 and an additional 6’ Christmas Tree valued at over $300! In total that is over 65 prizes available to win! Tickets are only $50 for the evening. Dinner will be provided and catered by Cal’s Catering. Enjoy your company along with local holiday music entertainment and no host bar. Doors open at 6:00 pm to begin purchasing your raffle tickets. Santa will also be joining us to assist with the lucky raffle drawing at 8:00 pm. The raffle tickets are $20 for a book of 20 tickets. Each ticket placed in a the box for a basket of tree will be valued at $1 to be donated to that charity.

47th Annual Fiesta Navideña. Sunday, December 4th, 11am. Fresno Fields by Wedgewood Weddings, 4584 W Jacquelyn Ave, Fresno.

LMAW is proud to present the 47th annual “Fiesta Navideña”, The Betty Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser. Through this production, we raise money to support deserving students to further their educational aspirations. Over the years we have awarded over half a million dollars in scholarships to students in Fresno County. These awards go to deserving students of varying talents and abilities including students often overlooked by many but recognized by us because they show promise.

Beer Tasting and Appreciation Class at Summer Fox Brewing Co.

Saturday, December 10th, 11am. Summer Fox Brewing, 6585 N Santa Fe Ave, Fresno. In this class, you’ll get a general overview of the brewing process and the ingredients we use to make amazing craft beer. After that, we jump into a guided tasting of a curated flight of beer so we can sample different styles and build our vocabulary for describing different flavors and other elements of beer.

Tickets $30


Disney’s Frozen Kids. Sunday, November 13th, 2pm. California Arts Academy, 4750 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. The Thursday Cast of Disney’s Frozen KIDS prepares to bring you a special live theatrical presentation! You’ll love this fanciful and heartwarming stage adaptation of the celebrated animated film. Join Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Sven, and all of your favorite characters as they embark on an epic, ice-filled journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and the real meaning of true love. Adapted for young performers, this musical includes favorite Frozen songs such as “Love Is an Open Door,” “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?,” and “Let It Go,” as well as wonderful new songs from the Broadway production. This production of Frozen KIDS is sure to prove that “some people are worth melting for.”

Kids Nite 2022. Friday, November 18th, 6pm. ImagineU Children’s Museum, 210 N Tipton St, Visalia. An evening of imagination and play! Fun! Food! Valley PBS takes over ImagineU in Visalia. Meet with Special PBS Guest- DANIEL TIGER while experiencing the imaginative fun!

Family Night. Friday, November 18th, 6pm. 775 N Hartley St, Patterson. Family bingo night. Presented by Wildcats PTO.

Native Days Car & Bike Show. Saturday, November 19th, 10am. 1551 E Shaw Ave, Ste 139, Fresno. Join us at our annual Indigenous Day Car & Bike Show. We will have classics, customs, hotrods, low riders, motorbikes and bicycles, prizes for different categories! We’ll also have Native American crafts and foods, food trucks and other vendors! This event all proceeds will go to youth and adult scholarships and charity care.

Bruce Munro: Light at Sensorio, FAMILY NIGHT. Wednesday, November 23rd, 5pm. Sensorio, 4380 Highway 46 East, Paso Robles. Covering 15 acres of Paso Robles’ rolling hills, Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio utilizes an array of over 58,800 stemmed spheres lit by fiber-optics, gently illuminating the landscape in subtle blooms of morphing color, through which the public may stroll. In addition, guests will experience an entirely new, adjacent viewing area featuring Munro’s Light Towers.

It’s The Great DFA Christmas, Charlie Brown. Thursday, December 1st, 5:30pm. Safe Food Alliance Kingsburg Center, 2037 Morgan Ave, Kingsburg. Join us at our Kingsburg Laboratory for our annual Christmas Party! Celebrate the Christmas season with laughs, games, and holiday cheer.

Christmas Concert. Friday, December 2nd, 5pm. Big L Ranch, 20899 Avenue 322, Woodlake. This even is open for families. Tickets will be $10 per serson, children 3 and under are free. Reservations made for seats and full table reservations are available. COme celebrate the true reason for the season. Gates open at 430. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. This is an outdoor event. Please plan your clothing for the temperatures. Some heaters may be available for warming.

Cowboy Christmas. Friday, December 2nd, 5pm. International Agri-Center, 4500 S Laspina St, Tulare. After 40 years, the Visalia Chamber’s Christmas Tree has become a legacy event. The event has featured the very best of what local eats and drinks have to offer while helping non-profits advance their mission. Guests are encouraged to dress for this year’s event theme. Visit our social media pages for inspiration!

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)4727182 FRESNOFLYER.COM

Baby, It’s Cold Outside Friday, December 2nd, 6:30pm. Clovis North High School, MPR 2770 E International Ave, Fresno. Join us at the Clovis North MPR on Friday, December 2, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. for our annual fundraiser for Clovis North Choirs. Featuring live holiday performances from the students, including the award-winning Chamber Singers. You’ll also be treated to an Italian Pasta dinner from the Dicicco family. Treat yourself to a delicious dessert at our dessert auction. Kick off your holiday shopping at our silent auction. We’ll get you into the holiday spirit! Help support these wonderful students and this fantastic program. Cost is $30.00 per person. Ticket sales close November 30. So grab your tickets and come on inside for some warmth and holiday cheer ‘cuz Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

Country Christmas at Ford Farms with Santa, Mrs. Claus and The Grinch! Saturday, December 3rd, 10am. Ford Farms, 22827 Road 180, Lindsay. Come enjoy a Family Fun Country Christmas Event on the Farm! Come meet The Grinch! Santa & Mrs. Claus will be stopping by so you can take photos with them from 10-2pm! We will have food vendors & FREE crafts for the kids! Admission $15 per person after October 28th! (2 & under FREE)

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM


A Nutcracker Like No Other. Saturday, December 3rd, 2pm and 5:30pm (two shows). Roosevelt High School, 4250 E Tulare Ave, Fresno. Break the Barriers Performing Arts Department is thrilled to announce our eighth annual winter production of A Nutcracker Like No Other! Break the Barriers has continued to champion inclusivity in local and global communities, providing variously abled and underserved students with rare opportunities to engage with the performing arts—including dance, aerial silks, and gymnastics. Since our return to the stage, we have witnessed our local community’s positive response to A Nutcracker Like No Other in December 2021 as well as Excerpts from Peter Pan in May 2022! On December 3, 2022, our students of all abilities will showcase their hard work and talents at the Audra McDonald Theater, located on the Roosevelt High School campus. Our students demonstrate that anyone—regardless of their given abilities—can shine within the performing arts space.

Annual Festival of Lessons & Carols. Sunday, December 4th at 3pm and 7pm (two shows). First Congregational Church of Fresno, 2131 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. The Fresno Pacific University Music Department is pleased to announce our annual Festival of Lessons and Carols, a program of scripture passages and seasonal carols woven together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We have two performances to choose from on Sunday, December 4, 2022 (3 p.m. and 7 p.m.). Tickets are available here on Eventbrite, or at the door. Seating is first come, first served (there are no assigned seats). Online ticket sales will end on Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 11:59pm. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door providing there are still tickets available. $10 General Admission $5 Senior Citizens (65+) $5 FPU Community

Christmas In Concert. Sunday, December 11th, 7pm. Moments-Blessing House-Prayer, 378 West Fallbrook Ave, Fresno. 5th Annual Christmas In Concert event. Come and enjoy holiday classics performed by various musical talents from the area!

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM


LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Tina Marie. Friday, November 11th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, November 11th, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Tina Marie for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!


Edition with Blade Trip. Friday, November 11th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. ETN Volume 10 special edition celebrating the life of Gustav Elijah Ahr. Plus all your emo-trap-soundcloud-undeground hip hop favorites. Portion of proceeds will be donated to a mental health awareness charity. All Ages. $6 adv, $8 DOS.

40 oz to Freedom. Saturday, November 12th, 5:30. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. 40 oz to Freedom (Sublime tribute) All ages / $15 ADV / $20 DOS.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Karri Henry. Saturday, November 12th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday, November 12th, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Karri Henry for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

J Stalin. Saturday, November 12th, 7pm. 403 F St, Los Banos. Staring:J. Stalin, Rico to smooth, Lazy locs, Mac Deviasi & more. Must be over 18! no gang attire or drama! D.j Jeff Luis.

COVET, The Speed of Sound in Seawater, Amulets. Saturday, November 12th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Covet started in 2014 as a bedroom project by guitarist Yvette Young, who at the time, was balancing writing music part time with working as an art teacher. Over the years, the project has certainly grown beyond its “Bay Area garage band” roots and has been fortunate enough to reach people all over the world- enough so that Young eventually left her teaching job to pursue making music with a band full-time.

The Ultimate Scorpio Affair with Dj Cesar Munoz Behind the Deck 18+. Saturday, November 12th, 10pm. Switch Lounge, 5665 N Blackstone Ave, #110, Fresno. The Ultimate Scorpio Affair with Dj Cesar Munoz. 18+ to Dance 21+ to drinks. hip-hop ,top40’s, spanish Regge up dance music. bottle service specials, RSVP 5594040140.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Crooked Crick. Sunday, November 13th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, November 13th, from 3-6PM.

Brothers of 1868 Fall Concert featuring Kylie Morgan. Sunday, November 13th, 6pm. Birdstone Winery, 9400 Road 36, Madera. Tickets are $40 each, seats are limited and first come first serve. All ages are welcome and kids 2 and under are free. Food and beverages for purchase. All proceeds will go to The Brother’s of 1868 Foundation. A local non profit that helps provide aide to families who have experienced extreme hardship or loss of a main provider and the local community.

MELT BANANA, Ed Schrader’s Music Beat, Deaf Club, Psychic Graveyard. Sunday, November 13th, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All Ages. Presented by Tickets at https://www.

DENM, Boostive, Jakob Nowell. Wednesday, November 16th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by numbskullshows. com. Tickets at

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Rene Emilio. Fridau, November 18th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Friday, November 18th, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Rene Emilio for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!



NoowFest 2022. Saturday, November 19th, 1pm. Merced County Fair, 900 Martin Luther King Junior Way, Merced. NoowGen Records Presents : Noowfest 2022 STOP THE VIOLENCE concert series starring GB, ACITO, DON QUEZ, JOHNI BOI LOPEZ & MALI & many more. Hosted by GOTM on November 19th, 2022 at 900 MLK JR WAY MERCED, CA 95341. Follow on instagram at @noowgenpresents or text #noowfest2022 to 2094130447 for more info.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Elena Experience. Saturday, November 19th, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Saturday, November 19th, from 6-9PM.

DB BoutaBag Live. Saturday, November 19th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. DB. Boutabag live in Fresno with special guest Kai Bandz. All ages event. Tickets $30-90.

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott

DT Lounge & Patio Ft Tom Stingray.

Sunday, November 20th, 3pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 Court St, Visalia. Join us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Sunday, November 20th, from 3-6PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Tom Stingray for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

LIVE MUSIC @ the Visalia Marriott DT Lounge & Patio Ft Section 8. Wednesday, November 23rd, 6pm. Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center, 300 S Court St, Visalia. Join

us at the DT Lounge & Patio for handcrafted cocktails & mouthwatering bites on Wednesday, November 23rd, from 6-9PM. Our beautiful patio welcomes Section 8 for a night of entertaining LIVE MUSIC!

Kony and Nef the Pharaoh. Friday, November 25th, 7pm. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. Tickets $20-95. Early bird- Regular entry at a discounted rate. Limited supply. General Admission- Regular entry. VIP- Skip the line, front stage section access + event poster. Meet and Greet- Meet Kony & Nef + take a picture. VIP + Meet and Greet- Meet Kony & Nef + take a picture. Skip the line, front stage section access + event poster.

STRANGE VINE, Dying Suns, Sun Umbra, Daze Baby. Saturday, November 26th, 7:30pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All Ages. $10 adv, $12 DOS. Presented by

MINIATURE TIGERS, Katzu Oso. Tuesday, November 29th, 7:30pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by numbskullshows. com. Tickets https://www.ticketweb. com/event/miniature-tigers-strummers-tickets/12534605

THE RED PEARS, Los Blenders, Benches, Wednesday, November 30th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. The Red Pears’ founding members, Henry Vargas (vocals and guitar) and Jose Corona (drums), draw their sound from the spectrum between the early 2000s New York indie rock scene and grunge to the cumbia and corridos that soundtracked their childhoods in El Monte, a sleepy suburban town just east of Los Angeles. After cycling through an assortment of lineups, mutual friend and bassist Patrick Juarez stayed on and expanded their operation. Now a solid three-piece band, these emerging alt-rockers, have come a long way from meeting at a local Battle of the Bands, practicing in their garages, and naming themselves after their favorite color and a pun on the word “pair”— a subtle nod to sonic inspirations The White Stripes and The Black Keys.

THE OCEAN COLLECTIVE, Artificial Language. Thursday, December 1st, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Since 2001, the Berlin-based musician collective The Ocean have

released 8 critically acclaimed studio albums, and a split EP with Japanese post-rock legends Mono. With an ever-changing lineup of various on- and off-stage musicians and visual artists, the relentlessly touring group around mastermind Robin Staps have become well known for their immense, mind-expanding live shows, which they have carried into the most remote corners of the globe, from Siberian halls to colonial theatres in Ecuador.

AGENT ORANGE, Life Jacket.

Friday, December 2nd, 7pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Tickets event/agent-orange-strummers-tickets/12334405

Drac & The Swamp Rats. Friday, December 2nd, 7pm. Destructive Warehouse, 160 M St, Fresno. No Gimmicks. Real Monsters! Drac & The Swamp Rats bring their energetic Monster Band to Fresno for the first time ever.

TWIN TRIBES, Harsh Symmetry. Wednesday, December 7th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All Ages. Presented by Tickets https://www.

The Meteors. Thursday, December 8th, 5:30. Full Circle Brewery, 712 Fulton St, Fresno. The Meteors More TBA! All Ages / $15 ADV / $20 DOS. ME FIRST & THE GIMME GIMMESI’ll Be Home For Christmas... Maybe Tour plus The Last Gang. Thursday, December 8th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Tickets me-first-the-gimme-strummers-tickets/12615395

Aaron Watson, Grace Leer. Friday, December 9th, 8pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. All Ages. Presented by Tickets event/aaron-watson-strummers-tickets/12342185

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182



Legits and Shits Golf Scramble. Saturday, November 12th, 7am. Ridge Creek Golf Club-Dinuba & Three Finger Jacks Restaurant, 3018 Ridge Creek Dr, Dinuba. Imagine a beautiful day of sophisticated golf professionals competing on the course… This is not that. Now imagine the exact opposite: drunk golfers, no crowds, and not an ounce of self-respect or dignity. Join us on a journey. Our mission for the L&S Golf Scramble is to provide a bridge between good golfers and bad golfers, allowing for competitive play between all levels of skill that benefits those that are already likely to enjoy a few cold ones on the green. Below is an example of the official scorecard of the L&S Golf Scramble. The strategy is simple: play to your strengths. What does that mean? Good golf players (Legits) are paired with good drinkers (Shits). It is up to each team to decide their approach in stroke reductions.

CWA: Turn the page (Live Pro Wrestling). Saturday, November 12th, 3:30pm. Castle Youth Center @ Veterans Park, 1699 County Park #3, Atwater. CWA returns back to the Castle youth center in Atwater for a night of amazing wrestling action!

Valley Fight Series 10. Saturday, November 12th, 6pm. Kings County Fairgrounds, 801 S 10th Ave, Hanford. Valley Fight Series comes to you LIVE for the 2nd time ever at the Kings County Fairgrounds in Hanford, CA. Dont miss out on the action!!! November 12, 2022 featuring local fighters and hungry out- of- towners with an action packed card from the first punch thrown- to the final bell.

559 Fights 92. Sunday, November 19th, 6pm. Visalia Convention Center, 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. 559 Fights 92 - Live, local MMA and Grappling Action! amateur-mma-events/E1419/559Fights-92

2022 TKKC Banquet. Sunday, December 4th, 12pm. Kings County Fairgrounds, 801 S 10th Ave, Hanford. Join us as we honor and award the 2022 TKKC Summer Series top finishers. Awards will be given to the top 5 in each class (except Beginner flat), each beginner flat member along with hard charger for each class. Family, friends and supporters


are invited and encouraged to attend. Ticket price includes catered buffet, soda and dessert. A raffle will be held on site with tickets available to purchase.

21 and Over

Spencer Brown + Cristoph at Fulton 55. Friday, November 11th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Fresno - Get ready for one of the best night of your lives! Spencer Brown and Cristoph are going on a very special double headline tour and hitting Fulton 55 on November 11th. These two titans of the dance music scene are both making their Fresno debut’s and we’re expecting a really big night. Get tickets while you can! Support by Rick Rojo and Erik Zero

INFEKT x Samplifire Presents

Round Table Tour 2022. Friday, November 11th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. K-Lin Presents: Roundtable Tour w/ Infekt & Samplifire. Tickets at

Lighter Shade Of Brown at The Fulton. Saturday, November 12th, 8pm. The Fulton, 1243 Fulton St, Fresno. LIGHTER SHADE OF BROWN. 8pm | 21+ | Limited Capacity. Tickets $3

Lydia Pense & Cold Blood at Fulton 55. Saturday, November 12th, 8:30pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. The band Tower Of Power was born from! Lydia Pense & Cold Blood return to the Fulton 55 stage, Saturday Nov. 12. This American rock-soul-jazz band has been wowing audiences since 1969. Don’t miss your chance to see West Coast music royalty live in Fresno at Fulton 55! Tickets available at www., Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

Adam Calhoun: Country Rap Tour. Sunday, November 13th, 7pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Country Rap Tour featuring Adam Calhoun, Brodnax, and Dusty Leigh. Tickets available at, Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

Ramses and T.A. the Handful: The Pharaoh and The King Release Show. Thursday, November 17th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno.

Ramses and T.A. The Handful Album Release show, “The Pharaoh and The King” Performances by Shake Da Mayor, Aplus Tha Kid, D Lock, Dreah, Doeface and Guillotine. Hosted by DJ Aesop. Tickets available at www., Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis

WHEN WE WERE YOUNG #2 DJ Night Playing Emo, Screamo, Pop Punk, MySpace Favorites. Friday, November 18th, 9pm. Strummers, 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Presented by Tickets when-we-were-young-2-strummerstickets/12613435

SoDown Presents Worlds Beyond

Tour. Friday, November 18th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Tickets $15-235 Los Daniels\ La Gusana Ciega\ Chetes. Saturday, November 19th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. En vivo!! Por primera vez juntos desde Mexico!! LA GUSANA CIEGA. LOS DANIELS. CHETES

Mint Pre-Thanksgiving w/ Nostalgix. Wednesday, November 23rd, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. K-Lin Presents: Pre-Thanksgiving Celebration w/ Nostalgix. Tickets $10-275.

The Emo Night Tour. Saturday, November 26th, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Imagine going to a show and hearing Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance and many more, all only playing their best songs...all night long. Welcome to The Emo Night Tour. The Emo Night Tour DJ’s will be spinning all the angst your teenage dirtbag heart desires all night long and a special guest band will make you feel like you’re at Warped Tour ‘08 minus all the dust and melting in the sun! These shows will be selling out and fast, so make sure to Tell All Your Friends and Sugar, Come Down! Tickets $15-25.

Promote your event with us. Call, text or email us today (559)472-7182 FRESNOFLYER.COM

Mint w/ Schade. Saturday, November 26th, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. K-Lin & Bon Voyage Presents Schade! Tickets $10275

SMILE - The 70’s. Sunday, November 27th, 6pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Vince Warner continues his annual foray into music past, and presents this year’s SMILE - The 70’s - Vince always assembles some of the valley’s best musicians, and this years show promises to be a groovy, good time! Tickets available at, Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

Girls Night Out the Show at La Maison Kabob. Tuesday, November 29th, 8pm. La Maison Kabob, 1243 Fulton St, Fresno. “Girls Night Out The Show” is an intensely exciting Sex God, Ab Party, that will drive you absolutely the best possible way of course! The Show is a Whirlwind of Sexy Goodness as these ripped Adonis Men bring down the house with a Man-tastic Night of Fun & Excitement. Get ready for the BEST GIRLS NIGHT EVER! Whether you’re celebrating a Birthday, Bachelorette Party, Divorce, Dirty Thirty or your Sheer Awesome Self; You will meet your party match with “GIRLS NIGHT OUT THE SHOW”!

Jessica Audiffred - The Ryoko Tour. Thursday, December 1st, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. We are thrilled to welcome Jessica Audiffred debut to Fresno w/ her

RYOKO TOUR! Jessica is a breakthrough talent who comes from Mexico City and has been rattling events from Festivals to venues around the country! She has such a raw bass style that is sure to make us wobble. Tickets $15-20.

Mint w/ Wenzday. Friday, December 2nd, 9pm. Mint, 1140 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Wenzday returns to Fresno Friday Dec 2nd! Tickets $10-275.

Mercury Bullet + Stoneshiver + DJ Lauro Martins. Saturday, December 3rd, 8pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Mercury Bullet + Stoneshiver + DJ Lauro Martins. Tickets available at, Tower District Records Calismokeshop2

(The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

55 Toy Drive - Toys for Tots Toy Drive.

Sunday, December 4th, 4pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Many Fresno area bands will get together to help collect toys for Toys for Tots. This is a FREE event, well, the only requirement is a new (more than one would be even better) unwrapped toy for donation to Toys for Tots at the door. (Or a suggested $10 donation) This used to be the Rock the Lot Toy Drive. Now it’s indoors. There will be a food truck out front! Advance tickets available at, Tower District Records Calismokeshop2 (The Stuffed Pipe across from Fresno State) and at FlyTrendzClothingClovis at the corner of Barstow and Clovis Avenues in Clovis.

Joey Quinones with special guests Danielle Rondero and the Nitty Gritty. Friday, December 9th, 9pm. Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. As the leader of the modern Chicano soul outfit, Thee Sinseers, and releasing a string of singles as a solo artist, Joey Quiñones and his crew have recently been ushering in a new era of modern soul. It is the type of music that shares a genesis with the birth of soul and R&B sounds emitted from the classic lowrider cruising down Whittier Boulevard to the sunshine-y vibes of traditional ska and dancehall reggae. And with his debut 45 on Colemine, Quiñones shows that he’s adept at not just the slow and low, but also the mellow sounds of early reggae. We are proud to present “For You” by the ever-sweet and oh-so-talented Mr. Joey Quiñones.

Fresno Ugly Sweater Bar Crawl. Saturday, December 10th, 1pm. Fresno (Various Venues). It is time to fill the streets of Fresno with the coziest sweaters. Calling all sexiest sweaters for the Fresno Ugly Sweater Bar Crawl. Join the Merriest Event of the year December 10, 2022 as we turn Fresno into the north pole. We want the jingle bells ranging and ugliest sweater’s throughout the whole city of Fresno! This is going to be the best Fresno Bar crawl you have ever been on, strap your boots and grab your slays, we will see you soon. We can’t wait to slay some brews with you and your reindeer at Fresno Ugly Sweater Bar Crawl! city/fresno-ca/

Promote your event with us. INFO@ FRESNOFLYER.COM

21 +
16 | NOVEMBER 2022 | FRESNO FLYER | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | FRESNOFLYER.COM FRESNO FLYER Get the Flyer in your mailbox every month. SUBSCRIBE TODAY Name: Address: $ 35 FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR subscription form City: Zip: Phone: Email: CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY *For your security, please do not mail your credit card information. We will call you to complete the order. PAYMENT METHOD: CHECK or MO #: Mail To: FRESNO FLYER P.O. Box 4582 Fresno CA, 93744 Money Order Check Credit / Debit Answers to last issue’s puzzles



SOLID WOOD cabinet for displaying $250 (559) 577-0295


Wedding Box $50 16” diameter. Price is firm. Thanks! 470-8091 text please


Scoop - $30 Measures 12” long. Price is firm. Thanks! 470-8091 text please

ANTIQUE buffet/ sideboard/credenzaUse good condition sturdy normal tear and wear $250 (559) 4337324


KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry Model no. 1107192311 $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484


$300 with Warranty (Fowler) (559) 6668065

OSTER countertop oven and air fryer with large 3.7L capacity, brand new in open box, $100, txt559-8698268.


Frontload (Electric)

Dryer in great working condition with Warranty included for an unbeatable price $260. Call/text me if interested 5597219845. It’s a ultra capacity and energy star efficiency. Must see. Can deliver if needed.

THOMSON refrigerator 7.5 cu asking 150 pick up only (559) 4673562

AC WORKS great almost new.. works fine. Mobil portable 110 volts..n electronics mode on-off. save energy mode 6615250672 text or calls after 3 pm or 10 am


2017 YAMAHA 450 r quad. Everything is completely stock except for nerf bars. This quad has no more than 15 hrs on it. It’s basically brand

KAWASAKI kfx 90 quad for sale. Runs great, no issues and just had it serviced. kids don’t use it. This quad is not registered due to it was only ridden on my property. As you can tell it really only needs a new seat and other than that, it’s great. $1,200 (559) 392-8466

OEM TINTED half windshield Canam maverick x3 New, Used on 1 trip due to full windshield on back order. Excellent condition and works well. Easy install, perfect fit New 350$ asking $300 (559) 760-9023


TREK GIRLS bike$95 Great condition. For children 6-10 or so. My daughter grew out of it, otherwise it’s been good. 559-5799390

NISHIKI Medalist Road Bike - $195 12

Speeds 27” Quick release tires 23”/58cm Frame size Stand over height is 33” Rear rack Made in Japan Clean and in excellent condition ready to ride. Please call 559-2614680 if interested.

BMX FS NEXT 20”$50 Selling a used in excellent condition fs Next Chaos 20” BMX bike. Freestyle. Ready to ride. 50 cash. Txt at 661 772 3216.


2012 HONDA Accord 186k Miles 4 Cylinder Gas saver Runs and drives very good Clean title. Just passed smog For more info please text/call (559) 5318683 $5800

2007 NISSAN ALTIMA 147k miles a/c heater work great tagged till jan2023 and smog on hand clean title inside very clean runs real smooth good tires askin $4800obo let me know come take a look at it very reliable car it’s like a 2 tone color looks blue then with sun turns charcoal grey not sure but very nice color $4,800 (Parlier)



NICE MCLANE mower, 5 blade and 20 in wide $250Charles


THE WOOD Firewood (559)9068983 We are selling green split firewood for only $40 per bin. Euca lyptus, Almond, Pines, and more. It’s green but now is the time to buy and get the best deal. Call us today. We deliver TORO cler self propelled lawn mower. 6.5hp engine. runs good everything works. $150. 355-5533

Turkey Don't be a 559-621-1111 RECYCLE Always CRV BOTTLES CANS Your & DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED ATTENTION? We can help you reach more customers, find more volunteers and promote your brand. (559)304-1831 INFO@FRESNOFLYER.COM NEED SOMETHING NEW? Let us help with your business, nonprofit or event.

Hey Fresno!

Doyouknow what goeswhere?

SECTIONAL genuine leather - $350 L shape leather sectional some wear and tear 125x90 height 33. Call or txt 559-577-7122

SOLID OAK Antique Desk $100 29 x 42 x 29 tall 559-776-5257

TALL BREAKFAST table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken. $80 Call or text 559-217-9024

55 GALLON metal barrels. Food GRADE. Lids included. $12 each. (559) 287-9304



-Books/Magazines/ Newspapers



-Aluminum Beverage Cans

-Paint Cans (empty/dry

-Food Cans


-Rubber/Vinyl Hoses







-Bottles/Jars (empty)


-Food/Beverage Containers

-Laundry Detergent & Bleach Bottles

-Shampoo Bottles

-Soiled Napkins, Tissues, Paper Plates s

-Animal Waste (bagged)

-COLD Coals/Fireplace Ashes



-Live Holiday Wreaths

-Trees/Branches (cut 4'x3'max)

DECORATIVE Real Steer Skull Head $35 cash! One of a kind!

Call Call 559 341 2575

TAILGATE Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Tailgate Baseball and Bat Handle BBQ $35 Cash! Call 559 341 2575

KENMORE Natural gas dryer. Clean, works great Auto dry and timed dry $120

Call or text 559 Two 86-1484



2013 Honda pcx150 scooter to sell. It has only 4183 miles on it and it is in show room condition. Can carry two people with weight limit. Liquid cooled. Fuel injected. CASH ONLY $2500 please text (559) 706 8888


2 FRANKLIN Mint models. First one, Harley-Davidson Electra Glide $45 Cash! Second one, 1989 H/D Heritage Softail $45 Cash! Call 341 2575

LOW-HOUR (26.5)

2018.5 KTM 450SX-

-Palm Fonds

-Garden Plants

-Fruit/Veg Garden Clippings

-Wood (untreated)

For more information call 559-621-1111 or to to

F. The bike is basically stock except for Fastway bar mounts. The bike will come with oil, oil filters, extra air filter, owners manual, and everything OEM that came with the motorcycle. Bike has scratches here and there, as well as a slightly bent front fender; however, the forks are aligned and the front tire is true(straight).Text 559-246-8965 $8500

FENDER SQUIRE statacaster with 5 w amp with cord, strap, warming bar and never used fender tuner bought separate still new brand new $200 text me at 538-2417

VIOLIN SET- Adult 4/4 w/bow and Case - Brand New! - $120

Price reduced, have new rosin, new bow, new case, new strings. Whole Violin set brand new. Tuned and ready. Shawn 760-458-3888

VINTAGE DRUM set that belonged to my father...used during the 50’s & 60’s. A few of the items are older than others,which he purchased used in the 50’s. $ 500.00 cash only. phone calls only. 831-601-0915


2003 TOYOTA Camry $2,600 Very reliable , reason for the low price is that it failed smog, when I took it in they told me the catalytic converter on the car is not California approved. 559-4581056

2012 HONDA Accord 186k Miles 4 Cylinder Gas saver Runs and drives very good Clean title. Just passed smog For more info please text/call 531-8683 $5800


table with 2 iron chairs, marble top, nothing broken. $80 Call or text 559-217-9024


2003 fleetwood pioneer 23ft travel trailer rv - $6,900 559-581-5

0 8 3

PIONEER 18’ Camp

Trailer - $12,500 “Like New” Fully Self Contained, Dual Axle/New Tires, SLEEPS SIX, Air Conditioner & Heater, Full Solar Power, Shade Kit, Antennae Stereo, Microwave (559) 287-5664

1995 sandpiper by cobra 24ft Bunkhouse

Sleeps 6-8 Fully self-contained 4-burner stove/oven refrigerator/freezer microwave shower/tub booth style dinette Air conditioning and heating currently registered ready to go $6900 call 925726-7230

2000 mallard 24 ft

Model# 24J Everything works No leaks

Sleeps 6 comfortably Dinette converts to bed Couch converts to bed

New tires Registration $9200 559-214-9352


GOLF CLUB starter Sets $35 Each 559 519-4648

TENNIS Racquets

$20 each Call 559 5194648

LEEDOM Snowboard

Helmet XL call 559 519-4648

ALL WATER sports gear for sale. Wake, Knee, Surf, Skim, Body Boards for sale. Life preserve Jackets, Towable tubes, Water ski’s, Throw pillows to meet Coast Guard requirements, Tow Ropes, Wet Suits. If it goes in the water I might have it. Shop early as this gear does not last! First come first service! If interested call Zeus, calls only, NO TEXT Call 8am to 5pm only 5597067841

BASEBALL bags , sports bags $10 Each call 559 519-4648

NEW TENNIS bag with back pack carrying straps. Can hold up to 6 tennis rackets. Price is firm. Thanks! $40 470-8091 text please

PSE Nighthawk Recurve Bow. Great condition. 40lb draw. 62” length. Arrows are available too. $100 Call or Text 559-5151762

GOLD’S GYM elliptical excellent condition has fan and heart monitor. $200 559-213-6452


1999 FORD ranger ext cab 1 owner 1999 Ford Ranger ext cab v6 3.0 5speed cold ac clean title 150.000 miles tags good just smog runs great no issues $4900 (559)724-0738



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