Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 11

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EDITOR’S NOTE The first time I went to China Peak, was also the first time I attempted to snowboard. And I hated it. The snowboarding, not China Peak. I’m not a fan of the cold, and I absolutely dislike plowing face-first into the snow again and again and again. Snow is like sand; it just seems to find its way into every tiny crevice of clothing no matter tightly you bundle yourself up. Freezing, even as it melts, the water trickles down your skin and sends chills along your spine or leg or other such parts of the body. Falling was the worst. I must have eaten snow every 2 feet, and most of the recount of my first time on a snowboard can be summed up in one sentence, “I pretty much just fell all the way down the mountain.” Some of this less than remarkable experience was at the fault of the company I kept. My friends weren’t exactly the most explanatory in the mechanics of snowboarding. In fact, no one even bothered to explain to me how I was supposed to get off the lift. I realized, a little too late, that I was approaching the drop-off point without a single bit of insight as to how I was supposed to manage that with my feet strapped to a board I had no concept of how to maneuver. Needless to say that I dismounted in a majestic belly flop causing a train of wrecks behind me. How graceful. There were a few moments of upright cruising once I made it to the top of the run. I used to skateboard all through high school, and some of the leftover balancing skills helped get me flying smoothly down the mountain.


| NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017



In those moments, it was incredible - sliding down the run, weaving between other snowboarders and skiers, sun on my face and the wind in my hair - until I realized I was going too fast. It hit me like a ton of bricks, “Holy shit. How do I stop?!” Conveniently, my friends left that little detail out. In a moment of sheer panic - terrified I’d go flying off the run’s edge - I spotted a patch of fresh, soft looking snow and headed straight for it. POOF! I hit the powder, exploding a fine mist of snow behind me. Crawling out of the ‘Lisa-shaped’ hole I created in the mound of snow, I overheard an instructor - who was in the middle of teaching a young girl how to brake - say “Or… you could do that.” Rinse. Repeat. This was my entire day, in a nutshell, at China Peak. As magical as that day was for me, I will still always remember the impact the mountain first had on me. It didn’t matter that I was involuntarily eating snow face-plant after face-plant, I was still floored by the sheer scale of the slopes. No matter how many times I rolled out of an embarrassing bail, I always thought to myself what a gorgeous sight. I was lucky enough to spend a majority of my childhood in some of the most beautiful places in the country - Hawaii and Washington state - and I think China Peak more than holds its own. Kind of a running theme with the Central Valley isn’t it. I may never again strap a foot into a snowboard boot, but I’d brave the cold to experience the mountain in all her glory again.



by Lisa Talley |


Celebrates 60 Years

On December 16, the resort will host an all day celebration with live music, beer tasting, contests, and some historic lift ticket prices.


or Central Valley locals, we all have a bank they’ll be hosting their 60th Anniversary of memories brimming with similarity. It’s Party to celebrate their history, influential spending those torturous months of summer figures, and of course, all the people who dragging our inner tubes and floaties to the love the mountain. river, lazily drifting on the cool water to To kick things off, China Peak will escape the heat. It’s the smell of fried, heart- be rolling back their lift tickets to historic wrenchingly delicious food during the fair, 1958 prices. As it stands now, the current the crack of a baseball bat over Chuckchansi prices range from $53 to over $80 depending stadium, driving up the winding roads to on the age of the purchaser and the time the flush campgrounds of Shaver Lake, and of year. However, taking things back to in the winter, the original driving up a 1958 prices little further mean that to hit the lift tickets slopes at are only $5. China Peak. Nope, not a The typo. As of first trip is December always what 1st, lift tickets sticks out are just $5 the most for for the day many. “Who of the 60th knew the Anniversary mountain Party. Joanne Weirick (left) Tim Cohee, and Joe Weirick was so big? I O f would have never guessed all of this was just course, all good things cannot last, and the outside of Fresno,” we all say as we admire tickets are a limited quantity. However, it the waves of flawless snow blanketing the won’t be the only time discounted tickets ground, crisp air in our lungs turning into will be available, lift tickets priced at 1968 billows of steam as we exhale our “Oooo”s prices ($12) will be available after the first and “Ahhh”s. set runs out. Once that block has been sold Since the resort’s opening in out, then the costs move up to 1978, 1988, 1958, China Peak has been making lasting and so on. As each set is first come, first first, second, and umpteenth memories. In serve, patrons will have to keep a close eye having survived changes in ownership and a on the website so as not to miss it. They’ll devastating drought, the resort is coming up become available, online only, at 12:01 on to its 60th birthday, and on December 16th December 1st. “It’ll be a mad dash to get those tickets at those low rates,” says Tim Cohee, Managing Partner, and Operator of China Peak. Aside from the massive discount, the resort will be hosting a full day of entertainment. Starting off the day is a DJ at 11 am, followed by a live music performance at 2 pm, beer tasting provided by local brewery Sequoia Brewing Co., photo booth, and contests for the best outfits and gear from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. Prizes for the contest include lift tickets and lodging nights. Amidst the celebration, there will also be a toast to honor Joe and Joanne Dick Kun, majority owner from 1982-2010 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Weirick, former owners and treasured members of the Shaver / Huntington Lake communities who both passed away in 2015 and 2017. Having owned and operated China Peak for 14 years, Joe Weirick, a Fresno local, purchased the resort in 1964 from the bank after the ski area’s original owners filed bankruptcy. From 1964 - 1978 the Weiricks transformed China Peak from a single chairlift and a few rope-tows to adding more lifts, building runs, installing the original snowmaking system, as well as adding new buildings to the resort. Snow Summit, a large ski corporation based out of Big Bear Lake, purchased the resort in 1982 and was operated by majority owner, Dick Kun. The December 16 celebration will also honor his contributions to the mountain from 1982 2010. “[Dick Kun] actually hired me to start my ski career about 40 years ago, he and I became close friends. He died about a year ago at the age of 76, he was an important person in my life and had a lot to do with my success,” shares Cohee. Tim Cohee purchased the ski area from Kun in 2010 and has been the majority owner of China Peak ever since. Between Joe and Joanna Weirick and Dick Kun, these influential figures of China Peak’s history

China Peak Ski Resort main buildings 1960s

owned and operated the resort for 42 out of its entire 60 years of existence. Like the Weiricks, Kun also heavily improved the ski area. Through a whopping $20 million investment, China Peak (then known as Sierra Summit) saw an upgrade in lifts, the addition of new lifts, new runs, the improvement of existing runs, the addition of a new snowmaking system, new parking lots, and additional base area facilities. “He really developed it into, I think, and what many people would call one of California’s best mid-sized mountains,” Cohee adds. Honoring both the Weiricks and Kun means also toasting to their legacy of passion, dedication, loyalty, and love for the mountain as it undoubtedly continues to resonate with the local community. Decades of building lasting memories for the Central

...‘China Peak’ continues on pg 4

Snowboarder, Andy Finch, drops from Chinese Peak behind the top of chair 1.



NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |


SPOTLIGHT \\ CHINA PEAK ...‘China Peak’ cont’d from pg 3

Discount Christmas Trees & More


ocal Christmas tree lot, Discount Christmas Trees & More, will be hosting a large selection of BIG and BEAUTIFUL Christmas trees for patrons to choose from. Of the variety, there will be a range of sizes starting with the table top trees all the way to the GRAND 12 feet Nordsman trees, all fresh cut with a “still wet from the snow” look. Flocked trees will also be available this year. The lot has relocated, after seven years at the Granite Park shopping center, Discount Christmas Trees & more has a new and more significant location at 1145 N Clovis Ave on the corner of Clovis and Olive right off of highway 180, across the street from Gallo Winery. The increase in lot size at the new location allows for the owner, Steve Vanotti, the ability to bring his customers a more expansive variety of beautiful, fresh cut, Oregon-grown Christmas trees. Vanotti and his girlfriend, Kimberlie, take great pride in their ability to widen the selection of trees for their repeat customers. Well known in the community, Vanotti makes it a priority to hire reliable homeless individuals and church volunteers to help him with paid labor duties throughout the entire month of December. Vanotti can frequently be heard saying, “I enjoy helping those who are less fortunate by giving them a hand up not a handout. Sometimes, that is all it takes to give them the will to do better for themselves.” The ‘more’ in Discount Trees & More means just that. The lot also sells a variety of products and accessories for setting up any Christmas tree. There is also a Santa’s workshop filled with numerous kinds of Christmas gifts and decorations for the home. Visiting the tree lot also means a chance for the kids to ride a miniature pony or reindeer! A live saxophonist will also be playing Christmas music for all to enjoy. --Mon-Sun 10AM to 9PM or later 1145 N. Clovis Ave. Clovis, CA 93727 (559) 709-3719 (559) 977-7577


| NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017

Valley is, in large part, due to their hard work. And the hard work indeed continues under the careful supervision of the current managing partner, Tim Cohee, but where each owner focused on improving the equipment, Cohee now focuses on the personal experience China Peak offers the resort’s guests. “I think what the ski area was lacking under the watch of Snow Summit and its managers was real attention to detail regarding servicing the guests. I think what everyone would say is that we bring a real sense of service to the resort in terms of literally everything,” Cohee continues. In fact, since taking the reins in 2010, Cohee’s team took on the task of remodeling the hotel - an aspect of the resort almost wholly overlooked during the last few decades as previous owners emphasized equipment. Also, updates and improvements had been made to the menus, cooking facilities, bars, seating, and welcome facilities. The majority of ski areas in California - roughly 70% owned by large corporations - leaves only a respective 30% to be held by private individuals. According to Cohee, it’s also part of what - in a way makes China Peak rare. That, and being a stunning mountain in an unexpected place. Fresno and the Central Valley have a knack for surprising its out-of-area visitors. It’s not uncommon to hear outsiders vocalize


Snowboarder hits the rails at China Peak Mountain resort.

their shock at what the Valley has to offer in terms of just about anything, from the art scene, local music, sports, and of course, the vast landscape of foothills and mountains all around the Valley. Fresno is an untraditional market with a surprisingly impressive resort. “If China Peak were transplanted into Lake Tahoe, it would be a competitive ski area,” Cohee says from his 40 years of experience working in more traditional markets, Lake Tahoe included. The success of the resort is a combination of dedicated owners and operators driven to providing an unparalleled experience, hard-working staff, and loyal visitors. Without each, China Peak wouldn’t be at the benchmark of an incredible 60


years. And as such, the 60th Anniversary is a celebration of a long journey the resort has been on since 1958, and a celebration of the community that, regardless of ups or downs, has shown their support throughout the years. Join China Peak on December 16 as they look back at the past and step forward into the next 60 years. For more information about the 60th Anniversary Party, visit www. Lift tickets sold at the historic prices are good for December 16 only, no exceptions. More details on the sale of discounted tickets can also be found online or by calling the resort at 559-233-2500


Answers to last issue’s puzzles on page 19

Fun Facts The Snowboarding and Skiing edition

1. The snowboard was invented on Christmas Day, 1965. Sherman Poppen, an engineer living in Muskegon, Michigan decided to put together two skis and added some rope for steering. His wife called it a snurfer, combining the words snow and surfer. 2. In the early 1980s, mostly only teenagers were riding snowboards. Because most major ski resorts catered to older crowds, snowboards were decidedly unpopular on the slopes. It wasn’t until 1983-84 that the first major ski resort opened its slopes to snowboarders. Stratton Mountain Resort in Vermont became the trend-setter to lead the way, and now snowboarders make up approximately 30 percent of all business at major ski resorts. 3. In 1979, Jake Burton Carpenter was the first athlete to compete on his own snowboard design, and not a snurfer. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

There was a debate as to whether Carpenter should be able to compete in the snurfer competition since his board was different. A new category, the open division, was created and Jake Burton Carpenter showed off his new snowboard design as the only participant.

4. The sport of snowboarding made its Olympic debut in Nagano, Japan, in 1998, but the competition was fraught with controversy. It was won by Canadian Ross Rebagliati, who was later stripped of his medal amid accusations of drug use. When it was determined that Rebagliati hadn’t broken any laws, his medal in the event of snowboarding was returned, and he remains the first Olympic Gold Medalist in the sport. 5. Skiing is one of the fastest non-motorized sports on land. Skiers can ski faster than a car and this was proven by Simone Origone in 2006 that set a world speed skiing record at 156.2 miles per hour compared to the speed of road cars at 120 miles per hour. 6. Until the 1800’s skiing was primarily used only for transport, it was after the turn of the 18th century that it became a recreational sport. Commercially the popular-

ity of skiing holidays took off in the 19th century which increased substantially during the mid-1900s until today.

7. The word ‘Ski’ is derived from the Norwegian word ‘skíð’ which means a split piece of wood. 8. Alpine skiing made its first debut in the Winter Olympics of 1936 and German born Franz Pfnür became the first man to win the gold medal in the championship. 9. ‘Skiing’ is the only six-letter word in the English language with a double ‘i’ exactly in the middle. 10. Astronaut Harrison Schmitt said that astronauts traveling to the moon should learn the art of cross country skiing as he believed that the techniques involved in skiing will help walking on the moon easier and envisioned ‘lunar skiing holidays’ in the future. 11. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the man who introduced skiing to Switzerland. In his own words, ‘I am convinced that the time will come when hundreds of English men will come to Switzerland for the skiing season.’



NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |


OPINION \\ REVOLUTION Make the Most of Your Brain as You Age

Exploring Revolution

(BPT) - It is important to remember the health of our most complex organ: our brain. While the brain constantly changes throughout our lives, it’s critical that we take steps to help us stay on top of our game as we age.

Black Liberation in the White Man’s America

Help give your brain a boost in the right direction by implementing these 10 brain-healthy habits. Get Moving Studies show that being physically active may help reduce some risks to your brain health. It doesn’t matter what activity you do as long as you get your heart pumping for 30 minutes most days. Know Your Blood Pressure High blood pressure in midlife can have serious effects on your brain health down the road. If your blood pressure is high, talk to your doctor about how to get it under control.

by Kayla Moon edited by Emma Dones

Drink Moderately, If At All


he black revolution in America is in motion, and it’s not going to disappear until this community has been set free from the imprisonment of systematically controlled terror. There are many different microfacets to all the complexities and working parts of this movement. First, we must dissect how we got to this level of oppression and division towards the black community. Revolutionary artist Wise Intelligent identifies the black experience in America in an album titled The Blue Klux Klan. He highlights the police force and its roots in slavery, the prison industrial complex, drugs, and weapons planted by the CIA in black communities, the music industrial complex poisoning the culture, ripping apart black families, normalizing violence and hypersexualization of the youth. By the end of the album, it is painfully clear as to why there is a deeply rooted inability to prosper in America as a black person. A lyric in a song goes “The Blue Klux Klan on a black man’s conscious/like those slave patrols and night watches/ became modern police departments/ Heartless business/ used to burn crosses/ thats by night, daylight they wear badges/ and its been this way from day one/ send them to catch that slave when he run/ then they shoot him dead with they gun/ like they hunt and slaughter for fun/ black man woman daughter and son.” This systematic corruption with-


| NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017

in the police force was the spark which lit the flame of the national Black Lives Matter movement. This national revolutionary movement is only the beginning of a radical era of freeing black people from the historical oppression in America. The oppression in this country is a subtle knowledge that every black person has experienced in one way or another. For the white man’s America, there is an underlying uncertainty if these are facts. In the white man’s America, the bootstrap fable continues to be pushed as a collective fairytale. In the white man’s America, it’s spun that black people shouldn’t react so negatively to the cops; or that they shouldn’t be criminals and then they wouldn’t go to prison or jail. In the white man’s America, there is a lack of understanding and genuine empathy for others’ personal experiences. In the white man’s America, there is a deep-rooted ideological sickness that is continually enforced by tradition. In this, people who don’t mirror the white mans’ reflection are treated on a subhuman level in this country and across the world. These ideologies are repeated by policies, institutions and cultural views that encourage racist behaviors. Rather than minimizing the narratives of people of color who have experienced oppression in this country, white Americans can take a different approach by viewing this divide of the nation as an opportunity to listen to these stories. A common mistake white people make is to offer solutions that


come from a place of “privilege” which in short can be summarized as a lack of personal experience with the social issue of racism at large. This type of “whitesplaining” (white people’s explanation and oversimplification of these issues) are met with backlash because of the lack of personal experience with oppression. What the white community needs to do is acknowledge systematic oppression of black and brown people and take into account the individual experiences of people of color. The core of ignorance is to ignore subjective experience. Our role is to affirm historical evidence of systematic racial oppression but not pretend to know what it feels like to be oppressed if we have not walked in those shoes. This country may never agree on subjective stories, but we must come together in the age of revolution and agree on the objective truths that exist. Truths which can neither be changed or questioned, like the right to have access to food, clean water, housing and dignity of self. An entire collective of people in our society are under distress, and they have the right to be heard, respected, protected, advocated for, and supported. This role cannot be fulfilled by any sector of the government; it can only be accomplished by everyday people like us. Having real conversations, building authentic community, friendships, and bonds that support each other through our pains and traumas to find a healthier balance in life.


Alcohol may affect older adults differently than it had previously and even make them feel “high” without increasing the amount they drink. This can make you more likely to become confused or have accidents. Get Some Shuteye Poor sleep can not only have serious physical effects but can impact memory and thinking, too. Seven to eight hours of sleep a night may help you keep your brain healthy. Discover a New Talent When you learn new things, you engage your brain and help reduce some risks to it. Challenge your brain on a regular basis by trying something you haven’t done before. Stay Connected Regular engagement in social activities may be good for your brain. Stay connected and make it a point to keep in touch with your family and friends. Talk to Your Doctor As you age, changes in brain function, including short-term memory loss, are expected. If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor at your next appointment. Mind Your Meds A medication that didn’t trigger side effects in the past can cause an abnormal reaction and even change your cognitive function as you age. Talk to your doctor about all of your medications. To learn more about steps that may help keep your brain healthy, visit BrainHealth. gov.


EATS 3 Easy Ways to Revamp the Go-To Chip and Dip (BPT) - Savvy hosts and hostesses know that the keys to a successful holiday soiree are when the room is filled with laughter and guests leave satisfied from all the yummy treats served. If you’re hosting a holiday get together or special event with friends and family, impress and delight your guests with fresh, new takes on the classic foods everyone serves. A chip buffet is a simple, delicious and perfect way to indulge during holidays are a great opportunity to innothe holidays and into the New Year. Here vate your setup. A quick search can yield plenty of inspiring ideas like glass jars for are some ideas to help get started: guests to see all the delicious flavors, mini * Vary the Chip Choices. It’s hard to apple baskets with metal scoops for a rusbeat the classic potato chip at any snack- tic look or individual take-out boxes for ing occasion. Make your snacks special your guests to quickly grab. by adding crispy kettle cooked chips to the mix. Lay’s Kettle Cooked Chips are * Do It Up With Dip. Dips and spreads cooked in small batches to create extra are a great way to dress up a potato chip crunch. They are delicious to enjoy on and when you’re entertaining a crowd, their own but also stand up well to dips. the more the merrier! Serve the holiday To make sure everyone leaves satisfied, classics like French onion, spinach and serve a variety of Lay’s Kettle Cooked artichoke and baked brie, all of which Chips’ 11 flavors, from classic Original are simple to prepare and can even be to a better-for-you Lightly Salted Olive prepped a day ahead of time. To really impress your guests, mix in a few out-ofOil & Herbs or a spicy Jalapeno. the-ordinary recipes such as a Jalapeño * Play With Presentation. Bowls are a Pimento Cheese dip. Pair with classic tried-and-true way to serve chips, but the Lay’s Kettle Cooked Original Chips, or


40% Less Fat Jalapeño Cheddar to get a 1/4 teaspoon salt kick out of this spicy dip! 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper

Jalapeño Pimento Cheese

2 teaspoons lemon juice



1 bag Lay’s Kettle Cooked Chips

Using a food processor or grater, shred cheddar cheese.

8 ounces jalape√±o cheddar cheese, gratAdd chopped pimentos, chopped jaed lapeños, cayenne powder, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise garlic powder, mayo and 1/4 cup thick 4 ounce jar of pimentos, drained and Greek yogurt. Mix until combined. Dechopped pending on texture you want, add more Greek yogurt. 1/4 cup Greek yogurt 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

Stir in lemon juice. 1/8 cup pickled jalape√±os, drained and chopped Serve with Lay’s Kettle Cooked Original or 40% Less Fat Jalapeño Cheddar 1/8 teaspoon cayenne powder Chips.



NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |



| NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017




This Week 11/30-12/6 102.7 The Wolf Presets: Howliday Concert Thursday, November 30 at 7:30 PM 10:30 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Ticket Information Joe Nichols and special guest Chase Bryant! Also starring Drew Baldridge and Runaway June The Hunchback of Notre Dame November 17-December 12 Tickets are available at or at the Selma Arts Center box office located at 1935 High Street, Selma, CA 93662. Box office hours are Tuesday–Friday, 1PM-6PM. Tickets are $19 for adults, $17 for seniors/ students. Tickets will also be available at the door for the same price, until sold out. Doors open half hour before show time. For information, call (559) 891-2238, email, or visit the Selma Arts Center website at selmaartscenter. com Wine & Chocolate Tasting Friday, December 1 at 6 PM - 9 PM Downtown Hanford Enjoy one of life’s most indulgent pairings at Main Street Hanford’s 17th Annual Wine & Chocolate Tasting on Friday, December 1st from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. in downtown Hanford. Ticket holders will start their tasting journey at FAST Cafe (located inside FAST Plaza ) at 312 W. Seventh Street while listening to the holiday sounds of the Mighty Oak Chorus. Event tickets are $30 in advance and $35 on the day of the event, and can be purchased online at beginning Monday, November 6th. Stay tuned to find out when tickets will be available for purchase in various downtown businesses. Mozzy Friday, December 1 at 7:30 PM Azteca Theater 838 F St, Fresno. Foo Fighters Friday, December 1 at 6 PM - 9 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Hip Hop Night Friday, December 1 at 8 PM - 11 PM West Hills College Lemoore


555 College Avenue. Confer- Kopje Lodge at Fresno Chafence Room 253 Open to the fee Zoo on December 2, 2017 community Must be 18+ All from 8:00am to 10:00am! funds collected will go to the Enjoy a hot breakfast with hot development of more fun cocoa while gazing over the events! Dance savanna. Take a photo with the big guy, decorate a cookie The Expendables, Pacific to take home, plus be entered Dub, Amplified at Strummer’s for a chance to win FREE tickFriday, December 1 at 8 PM ets to ZooLights! Admission to - 12 AM Strummer’s 833 the Zoo for the day is included E Fern Ave, Fresno. with your ticket. This intimate event is limited to only 250 OMG! Orq. N’Rumba Pa guests, get your tickets before Gozar de SF! Live Tropi-Salsa they sell out! Fresno Chaffee y mas! Friday, December 1 at Zoo Members: $22 Adult $15 8:30 PM - 1 AM Dec 1 at 8:30 Child (ages 2-11) Non-MemPM to Dec 2 at 1 AM Elephant bers: $25 Adult $18 Child Lounge 80 W Shaw Ave, Clo- (ages 2-11) Children 1 and vis. under are free. Childrens Musical Theather Peace Community Crafts Works presents Annie Decem- Faire Saturday, December 2 ber 1-10 at 10 AM - 4 PM Fresno City The Two Gentlemen of Verona College Cmps Café 1101 E University Theatre Presents: University Ave, Fresno. FREE William Shakespeare’s The Admission, FREE entertainTwo Gentlemen of Verona ment, and FREE parking. Directed by Brad Myers De- Signature Soups, Activities cember 1 - 9, 2017 5201 N for Children. Shop for unique Maple Ave Fresno. handmade winter holiday gifts created by artists and craftsFresno City College Opera people from near and far. Workshop Presents John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera “The Super Run Fresno December 1-2 at 7:30pm 2017 Saturday, December 2 December 3 at 2:00pm An at 8 AM - 11 AM Woodward English ballad Opera in 3 acts Regional Park Fresno. Be a Not appropriate for children Hero. Help a Cause. Join the Fresno City College Theatre Run. Grab your cape and fly over to The Super Run, a ZooLights is back and bet- national series of Superheter than ever! The entire Zoo ro-themed 5K fun runs that is transformed into a magical partner with nonprofit orgaholiday wonderland! The halls nizations to put on events to are decked, fully decorated help raise funds and awareand strung with miles of bril- ness for their cause. Heroes liant lights and holiday music. and villains are all welcome. Got a letter for Santa? The big Be sure to get your picture in guy himself will be joining us front of the Superhero photo every night through Dec 23rd. screen, get an official event Holographic glasses are back Superhero cape and finishand available for $2 each. er’s medal, and enjoy the fun December 1-3, 8-10, 15-23, for all ages. The Super Run is 26-30 (Children 1 and under here to make your day! And arefree) Members: $7 adults, to make your day more Su$5 children (ages 2-11) per we’ve added our special Non-Members: $9 adults, $7 Temporary Tattoos, Game children (ages 2-11) 894 W Zone, DJ and more. Friday, Belmont Ave Fresno. December 1, 2017 WSS Shoe Store 4789 E. Kings CanShine! Theatre presents: yon Rd. Fresno, CA 93702 Miracle on 34th Street Sat- 4:00PM-8:00PM Saturday, urday, December 2 at 7 PM December 2, 2017 8:00 AM - 10 PM Tower Theatre 815 - REGISTRATION OPENS 9:00 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Ticket AM THESUPERRUN 5K 11:00 Information towertheatrefres- AM - THE FUN ENDS (UNTIL NEXT TIME) For frequently asked questions visit: www. Breakfast with Santa Satur-” day, December 2 at 8 AM - 10 AM Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 The Ice Skating Club of W Belmont Ave, Fresno. Ticket Fresno’s Annual Holiday Show Information www.fresnochaf- is coming up soon! We invite Join Santa Claus you all to join our figure skatfor a delicious breakfast in the ers for an afternoon of fun | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

performances, including a very special ‘Toy Story’ group routine! Admission to the show is simply a brand new, unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots or a $10 donation. Saturday, December 2 at 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM Gateway Ice Center 2473 N Marks Ave, Fresno. “SLOTHMAS Saturday, December 2 at 6 PM - 9 PM Lost Realms Pets 8059 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno. Come celebrate SLOTHMAS at Lost Realms Interactive Zoo! $10 per person. Get your picture with Santa and/or the Sloth for an additional fee in our souvenir photos! Interact with animals from around the world like snakes, alligators, wallabies, & toucans! The sloth will not be available for physical contact due to the amount of guests projected to attend. We will have photos with Chewy available for purchase. He will be hanging on a branch and you are able to stand right underneath him for a one of a kind Christmas picture!”



NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |



ON THE 30 YEAR PLAN Glen Delpit and The Subterraneans share how they kept it together for three decades. by Don Priest aka The Hound Dog |


0 Years! About one-third of a lifetime! How many of us can say we’ve been doing something for 30 years, like living in the same house, working at the same job, staying with the same spouse? In this age of transience, longevity seems almost a lost art. But that art is not lost on one local band that will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary at Fulton 55 on Sunday, December 3d. Yes, Glen Delpit and The Subterraneans are 30 years old! Hard to believe, even for them, that a band which began as a side project for the now defunct “Houserockers,” is still performing today. “A lot of luck and a great mix of personalities,” is how Glen Delpit attributes their longevity. “Easy going, even-keeled individuals that get along well and are open to a lot of ideas.” Yes, there have been some changes in personnel over the years. But the core group of Glen on guitar and vocals, with

10 | NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017

Dean MacDonald on lead guitar, John Suhr on keyboards and Joe Luppino on drums have been together throughout. Even the newest member, bassist Chris Eacock has been a “Sub” for eight years. As for the music of the Subterraneans, it’s all original and springs from the fertile imagination of Mr. Delpit. A prolific songwriter who has penned over 500 tunes, he strives to make his lyrics as poetic as possible and follows the examples set by those he considers The Masters. “T.S. Eliot said, ‘If you’re going to steal, (and everybody does), steal from the best. No use stealing from someone mediocre’ and I follow that rubric,” he says. Thus his songs may contain ideas based on “couplets from Robert Johnson and other early blues greats like Charley Patton, ideas and lines from Hank Williams and of course the master B. Dylan. I doubt I would have written much without his inspiration,” he says.


The result is something he calls “Bluesrootsy Americana,” a style based on Blues/Rock and Folk that’s very lyric driven and very danceable. Glen has written so much material that the band has already produced 5 CDs worth of his tunes and is currently working on the 6th. Of course over a 30-year period, you’d expect there to be some significant memories, like the first gig at “The Oly” and early shows at “The Wild Blue”two legendary venues from days past. “The Blue was like family. I met my wife there,” says MacDonald.” The band has also backed Bo Diddley and opened for The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Booker T, Dave Alvin (who Glen describes as “the best roots artist in the country”) and most recently for Los Lobos. “That was a real treat,” says MacDonald. But more than people and places, it’s really the music that keeps this band together. “I love to play,” says MacDonald. “And if there’s an opportunity to play in front of people that makes it even better.”


Back row: Dave Eacock, John Suhr, Joe Luppino. Front Row: Glen Delpit and Dean MacDonald

As for playing with ‘The Subs’ he offers, “We started as bandmates and turned into friends.” Friends that have been making music together for over 30 years. Happy Anniversary Glen Delpit and The Subterraneans!


CALENDAR Funky Fulton Christmas Central California Ballet’s 88th Annual Downtown Fres- Nutcracker Saturday, Decemno Christmas Parade Satur- ber 9 – 2 pm and 7:30 pm day, December 2 at 11 AM Sunday, December 10 – 2 Fulton Entertainment District pm William Saroyan Theatre 845 Fulton Mall, Fresno. Tickets= $25-$65 877-6085883 or email livelyarts2@ Fresno State Bulldogs Mens Tickets available Basketball vs. CSU Bakers- through Ticketmaster: Online field Roadrunners Mens Bas- or by phone 800-745-3000 ketball Tuesday, December 5 at 7 PM Save Mart Center Vibe Soul Lounge Decem2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. ber 10, 2017, Sunday 7:30 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisade It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) ro Street Fresno. A harmoniWednesday, December 6 at ous blend of soulful sounds 6:30 PM - 9 PM Visalia Fox brought to you all night by Theatre 308 W Main St, Visa- DJs PDK, HunnitKay, yelo. lia. & an incredible band led by Ray Moore. Featuring month ly guest artists, themes & rotating food trucks. $10 In Advance | $15 Day Of Event 21+ Swede Fest 17 Sunday, DeStar Wars Pub Crawl Satur- cember 10 at 5 PM - 7 PM day December 7th at 7:30pm. Tower Theatre 815 E Olive In Celebration of Star Wars Ave, Fresno. Pick your favorand the new movie of course. ite movie and remake it in a Meet-up will be in BofA park- fun, creative, low-budget way ing lot at 7:30. Split into using your friends, family, groups and head to bars at 8. and whatever you have laying Wristbands are only $5 and around the house. Send it to you get no cover at all bars. us and we’ll show it on the big screen for all to enjoy! Free Fresno Adult Prom: A Mo- for all ages ment Back In Time Saturday, December 9 at 6 PM - 12 AM Fresno State Women’s BasShow Map The Grand 1401 ketball vs. Montana Women’s 1401 Fulton St, Fresno. The Basketball Sunday, December California Collaborative for 10 at 2 PM Save Mart Center Excellence and Downtown 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. Fresno Partnership - Taking place in downtown Fresno, Sounds Of The Season SunA Moment Back In Time will day, December 10 at 2 PM - 4 be a classy and elegant eve- PM Clovis Veterans Memorial ning dedicated to Downtown District 808 4th St, Clovis. Fresno, the Downtown Fresno Free holiday concert Foundation, and to celebrate the newly reopened Fulton Turlock Community Gospel Street. The Grand 1401 Ball- Choir Concert Sunday, Deroom on Fulton Street. A por- cember 10 at 6 PM Turlock tion of the proceeds will be Covenant Church 316 S Laudonated to the Downtown rel Street, Turlock. Fresno Foundation. Tick- ets will be available at fres- Big Head Todd & The sters Tuesday, December 12 at 7:30 PM The Crest Theatre Mariachi Sol De Mexico de 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Jose Hernandez Saturday, De- cember 9 at 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Jóse Hernàndez is a master of mariachi music. Art Hop Thursday, 5-8pm An internationally recognized ArtHop occurs every 1st and musician, composer and ed- 3rd Thursday of each month. ucator, Jóse Hernàndez con- It’s one of the most active tinues to break boundaries in and successful programs organized by the Fresno Arts the world of mariachi. Council. Art lovers and enthu UFC FIGHT NIGHT Sat- siasts from all walks of life urday, December 9 at 12 flock downtown Fresno and AM Save Mart Center 2650 the Tower District on the first Thursday of each month, and E Shaw Ave, Fresno. the rest of ArtHop venues in Lively Arts Presents the the Fresno metro areas on

Next Week December 7-13



third Thursdays, to meet and greet with the artists and enjoy the reception and music. Museums, studios, galleries and other venues open their exhibitions to the public at 5:00 p.m. and run the free event until 8:00 p.m. 5th Annual Bizare Art Festival Jan 27, 2018 at 11 AM to Jan 28, 2018 at 8 AM 4545 E Church Ave Fresno. This HipHop event is being held to honor the life of Lord Bizare68 and all artists who are no longer with us. Bizare had a love and passion for art, music, family and fun. This is a time for all of us to come together for this family event, people of all ages are welcome. There will be performers, aerosol artists painting live on the art wall, BBoy Vietnam Workshop, bboy/bgirl battle, vendor booths, raffles and a kids area. General Admission: $5.00 advance tickets contact info 800.595.4849 $10.00 at the door Children 12 & Under are Free

SCOPE is a Christian theater experience featuring a live band, gospel singing, and dancing of all styles! A little bit “dance theater” and a little bit “gospel concert,” KALEIDOSCOPE shares a story of friendship, loss, and God’s restorative love. Performed over a soundtrack of songs made popular by Earth, Wind, & Fire, TobyMac, Jesus Culture and Tasha Cobbs, this colorful, emotional, and high energy production paints a portrait of hope with powerful characters, heartfelt performances, and soulful singing. Home Alone at Crest Theatre Saturday, December 16 at 12 PM The Crest Theatre 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. An Irish Christmas Saroyan

Theatre Sunday, December 17 at 2 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Shen Yun Through the universal language of music and dance, Shen Yun weaves a wondrous tapestry of heavenly realms, ancient legends, and modern heroic tales, taking you on a journey through 5,000 years of authentic Chinese culture. Tuesday, December 26 at 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno.

CENTER local Non Profit Park and Museum on 5 Acres and we are still growing! Dedicated to our visitors and giving kids of ALL AGES a hands on experience with all things science, history and nature! Our park includes our beautiful Deutsch Cactus Garden, Tortoise compound with Dino friends, Walden Pond and lots of space for kids to run, swing, have lunch and just be KIDS! (559) 251-5533 1944 N Winery Ave, Fresno. Admissions Adults $6 Children (3-17) $8 Seniors (65+) $5 Military Free A Night at the Museum - Do Visalia Adventure park. Ar- You Want to Build a Snowcade, Family Track, Lazer man?! Friday, January 26, Tag, Batting Cages and more 2018 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, ImagineU Interactive Chil93277, 559-635-7275 dren’s Museum 210 N Tipton THE FRESNO DISCOVERY St, Visalia Ticket Information


Theater Breaking Up is Hard To Do November 16 - January 7, 2018 The nostalgia, music, and laughter keep on rolling in this comedy as the cast belts out Neil Sedaka’s greatest hits including “Sweet Sixteen” “Where the Boys Are” and “Calendar Girl” just for starters! Rated PG. For more info The Hunchback of Notre Dame November 17-December 12 Tickets are available at or at the Selma Arts Center box office located at 1935 High Street, Selma, CA 93662. Box office hours are Tuesday–Friday, 1PM-6PM. Tickets are $19 for adults, $17 for seniors/ students. Tickets will also be available at the door for the same price, until sold out. Doors open half hour before show time. For information, call (559) 891-2238, email, or visit the Selma Arts Center website at selmaartscenter. com Kaleidoscope - The Musical December 15 – December 17 Fresno City College Theatre 1101 E University Ave, Fresno Ticket Information KALEIDO-



NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |


CALENDAR It will include lots of activities and events associated with snowmen, private time in the museum, a movie, dinner, snacks and a special craft. This is a drop-off event, open to children 2-10 (as long as children are potty-trained). This popular event fills up quickly! Spaces are limited, so sign up today! (Members: $20 per child; Non-Members: $25 per child)

Family Meux Home Museum Tours Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 12:00pm-3:00pm 1007 R St. at Tulare Fresno, CA 93721 The Meux Home Museum recaptures the flavor of Victorian Fresno by presenting a middle-class residence furnished in the period, as a representative house museum. A costumed docent will lead you on a one hour tour of this restored urban dwelling of the 1890’s. The architecture of the Meux Home results in a calculated restlessness that makes the home as intriguing today as it was in its own day. The 10 rooms are furnished more or less as a Victorian family might have had them the kitchen has a pie safe and the library; a portrait showing the young Dr. Meux on his way to join the Confederate Army. The Meux home was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on January 14, 1975. Cherry Avenue Auction Every Saturday & Tuesday 6:00am-3:00pm Cherry Avenue Auction 4640 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, 93706 www.

seeing you here! Bingo 12/6 3-4pm Palm Items needed: Village Senior Network Toys, blankets, socks, toi- 7638 N. Ingram, Suite letries, brand new un- 111A, Fresno. (559) 346der garments, pajamas 7662 or (559) 916-3078 Pet Photos With Santa Claus Rummikub 12/7 1-3pm Saturday, December 16 at Palm Village Senior Net10 AM - 2 PM Pawsitive Con- work 7638 N. Ingram, Suite nections Kingsburg. Bring 111A, Fresno. (559) 346your pet to get a ‘paw-fect’ 7662 or (559) 916-3078 picture with Santa! Everyone is welcome. Photos are a $5 Adult Coloring & Potluck donation and a digital image 12/8 12-2pm Palm Village will be e-mailed to you. Senior Network 7638 N. In gram, Suite 111A, Fresno. Taste of Fresno 5: Festival (559) 346-7662 or (559) of Fresno Sunday, December 916-3078 17 at 1 PM - 6 PM Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno. Bridge 12/11 1-3pm Palm Crafters, Artists, Makers, Di- Village Senior Network 7638 rect Sales, and Food Trucks N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresneeded! This will be smaller no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) as all festivities will be inside 916-3078 for an amazing Christmas Concert Event! Creative Writing 12/12 1-2:30pm Palm Village SeHoliday Show with The Olate nior Network 7638 N. Ingram, Dogs Thursday, December 21 Suite 111A, Fresno. (559) at 7 PM - 10 PM Tower The- 346-7662 or (559) 916-3078 atre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. The Olate Dogs are the win- Train Brain 12/13 10:30am ning participants from Sea- Palm Village Senior Network son 7 of America’s Got Talent. 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Led by father Richard Olate Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or and his son Nicholas Olate, (559) 916-3078 the Olate Dogs are a high-en- ergy, fast-paced act filled with 3/13 Cards 12/14 2-4pm doggie friendly and amazing Palm Village Senior Network pet tricks. The all-new LIVE 7638 N. Ingram, Suite 111A, theatrical show include the Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or famous jumping rope, twirling (559) 916-3078 spinning and fun-loving Olate Dogs made famous on Amer- Bridge 12/18 1-3pm Palm ica’s Got Talent… but there’s Village Senior Network 7638 much more. With a doggy N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresfashion show, a classic come- no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) dic routine by Richard Olate, 916-3078 music by Nicholas Olate and amazing cycling and juggling Bingo 12/19 2-4pm Palm by his wife, the Olate Dogs Village Senior Network 7638 show is fun for kids of all N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresages. no. (559) 346-7662 or (559) 916-3078 Battle of the New Year’s 3 Wednesday, December 27 at 9 AM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. BEST OF THE West Wrestling Fresno City College Saturday, December 16 at 6 PM - 9 PM Fresno City ColBridge 12/4 1-3pm Palm lege Cafeteria 1101 East Village Senior Network 7638 University Avenue, Fresno. N. Ingram, Suite 111A, Fresno. (559) 346-7662 or (559) Fresno Monsters Hockey 916-3078 December 7-9th Monsters Vs Onario Avalanche 12/7 Train Brain 12/6 10:30am at 7:45pm 12/8 at 5:30pm Palm Village Senior Net- 12/9 at 5:30pm Gateway Ice work 7638 N. Ingram, Suite Center 2473 N Marks Ave. 111A, Fresno. (559) 3467662 or (559) 916-3078 Calling All Promotors We

8TH ANNUAL Christmas Toy Drive At Bebe O’s Boutiqu December 16th 5-9pm Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique 1130 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. Join us for our 8th annual Christmas Party. Every year gets bigger and better as we collect toys to give out to a child in need in our community. Last year we were able to help as a community over 400 children. Bring an unwrapped toy and help make a child smile. Santa Claus will be here once again to take pictures with you and your kids. Listen to the sounds of DJ Ghost Bum. You can also do some last minute shopping for those on your Christmas list. We look forward to



12 | NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017



can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. 559-472-7182


CALENDAR 3 Doors Down Acoustic – Back Porch Jam Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia www. Brad Paisley: Weekend Warrior World Tour Friday, January 26, 2018 at 7 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno.

Social Fridays @imperiofresno! Good Vibes This & Every Weekend. Don’t Miss Out on these great drink specials Holiday Madness Saturday, Drink Specials before 11pm December 16 at 3 PM - 10 $3 Budlights $5 AMFs $7 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Remy 1738 SHOTS ONLY Main St, Visalia Tickets Avail3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno, able Join California. us for our December Holiday Madness concerts! There is Wayne Brady Thursday, Dea 3pm and 7:30pm show. All cember 14 at 6 PM - 11 PM ages welcome to attend and Tachi Palace Hotel and Caget into the holiday spirit. Milk and cookies will be provid- Tommy Castro & the Pain- sino 17225 Jersey Avenue, ed after each performance. killers: Stompin Ground CD Lemoore Ticket Information Release Tour Friday, January Doors Open at Smash Mouth at Crest The- 26, 2018 at 8:30 PM Show 6PM Showtime at 7:30PM atre Saturday, December 16 Map Fulton 55 875 Divisadero Located in Bingo Hall Ticket at 7:30 PM The Crest Theatre St, Fresno Prices- $35, $55, $75 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fres- New Kingston, The Late Party Rock Promotion Presno. Ones Sunday, January 28, ents - The Sounders - Fresno Songs of the Season Clovis 2018 at 8 PM - 12 AM Strum- HNY @Imperio December 30, Community Band & Choir in mer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fres- 2017 Saturday 9:00 PM Club Concert Sunday, December no New Imperio 3950 North Cedar Av17 at 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Paul Kingston is a Progressive Reg- enue Fresno. Fresno Hmong Shaghoian Concert Hall 2770 gae group New Year Saturday, Decem ber 30th, 2017. 21+, Dress to E International Ave, Fresno. Queens of the Stone Age impress Doors open at 9PM Cirque Dreams Holidaze Monday, January 29, 2018 at - Performances will start at Wednesday, December 20 at 8 PM Selland Arena 700 M St, 11PM Ticketed Event - Will sell out! VIP Booths are avail7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 Fresno. able 559-790-1237 M St, Fresno. Miranda Lambert February The Miss Alans Friday, De- 9, 2018 Friday 7:00 PM Save cember 22 at 9 PM Fulton Mart Center 2650 East Shaw 55 875 Divisadero St, Fres- Avenue Fresno. no tobyMac: Hits Deep Tour Feb YDR Winter Jam 2017 ruary 13, 2018 Tuesday 7:00 Saturday, December 30 at 7 PM Save Mart Center 2650 PM - 12 AM The Fresno Fair- East Shaw Avenue Fresno. grounds Fresno. We are excit- ed to announce our first YDR The Avett Brothers March Winter Jam featuring some of 29, 2018 Thursday 7:30 PM today’s hottest Hmong Amer- New Exhibit Hall 848 M Street ican rappers in the game. All Fresno. Ages Doors open 7pm Agri- culture Building, Fresno Fairground 1121 S. Chance Ave. Fresno, CA Artist Lineup: David Yang Vue Peter Shong Lee Wine Tasting Food/Tasting Deathrhyme LP & TL RARE J. Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Also performing: Ballin Record Sierra Nut House hosts daily Kali Made Kings MC: Mayder wine tastings, with appetizers Lor Dress Code: Semi Formal and full menu items. (559) Strict Security with Fresno PD 432-4023 Sierra Nut House $20 Advance/$25 at Door 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fres no, 93720 Daily 8am-8pm Neon Countdown New The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/ Year’s Eve 2018 Party SunSalsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance day, December 31 at 8 PM - 2 Lessons start at 8 pm; music AM Rainbow BallRoom 1725 and dancing follow every TuesBroadway St, Fresno. Largest day night at The Cellar Door. 18+ New Year’s Eve Party Beginners’ lessons run from and Countdown in The Val8-8:45 pm, advanced lesley” Sunday December 31st sons from 8:45-9:30 pm, and 2018 18+ W/ID 3K Balloon dancing follows. All dabce lesDrop Live Performers Insane sons are free with admission. Lighting & Lasers Full Bar for the 21+ w/Id Food Available event-calendar.html Event all night VIP Areas Available Info: (559) 636-9463 The Located Inside The Rainbow Cellar Door 101 W. Main St. Ballroom, Fresno CA. LimitVisalia, CA 93291 ed $15 Tickets on sale now.


Harlem Nights New Year Eve Party Sunday, December 31 at 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM The Falls Event Center 4105 W Figarden Dr, Fresno. FOR NEW YEARS EVE TICKETS GO TO Wine VS Beer Showdown Thursday, February 1, 2018, at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Civic Center Auditorium 400 N Douty St, Hanford. www. This enjoyable wine, beer, and appetizer tasting event benefits Kings County Farm Bureau’s Ag Education Programs, including scholarships and Farm Day. This is a 21 and over event. It’s a fun evening supporting local youth and enjoy local wines, beers, and food. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182

21 & Over




NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |


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LEARN TO DRIVE S O M E T H I N G ? A FORKLIFT. List it for only $10 Tr a i n - T h e - Tr a i n e r issue 472-7182 & Re-Certification Classes Available. Day BIG SAVINGS on & Night Classes Avail- TVs, Computers, able. $50 Discount to Phones and Tablets Veterans. Visit CFTC. at TVGuyz. 50-70% net For More Info. OFF Retail prices! 559-325-8097 Shop TVGuyz 4842 N Blackstone Ave. (559) BE JOB Ready 493-8403 In as few as 7 months! SJVC offers medical, LIFE ALERT. 24/7. business, and techni- One press of a butcal programs at cam- ton sends help FAST! puses throughout the Medical, Fire, Burglar. valley. Programs vary Even if you can?t by campus. Finan- reach a phone! FREE cial aid is available Brochure. CALL 800to those who qualify. 760-7834 Call 866-388-7490 or visit MOBILE ME CHANIC “I come BOB’S MINI Stor- to you!” Brakes / age - 1/2 off Fall Spe- Headgaskets / Encials! Pay 2 months gine Repairs / Big or get 2 months FREE. Small Jobs OK - All 6’x8’x10’ high only work guaranteed. Call $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ (559) 318-4360 high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost WHY RENT an apartper month with free ment? When you can months factored in) rent a home. Beautiful Free moving truck! and Roomy 2 & 3 BedBob’s Mini Storage rooms Available. Only 5280 N. Barcus Fresno $1000 month. Call to93722 (559) 275-4000 day! 888-563-3003 Se Habla Espanol A PLACE FOR INSURANCE MOM. The nation’s largest senior living DENTAL INSURreferral service. Con- ANCE. Call Physitact our trusted, local cians Mutual Insurexperts today! Our ser- ance Company for vice is FREE/no obli- details. NOT just a gation. CALL 1-855- discount plan, REAL 621-5373 S E L L I N G coverage for 350 procedures. 844-848SELLING SOME5575 or http://www. THING? Call 472-7182 fresno Ad# 6118 SUPPORT LOCAL



SELLING SOME- DENTAL INSUR- RIDING MOWER THING? List it here MISCELLANEOUS ANCE. Call Physi- Tires & Tubes. Visit for only $10 per issue cians Mutual Insur- Jensen & Watts 516 559-472-7182 BE JOB READY In ance Company for N. Chestnut, Fresno. MEET SINGLES in Call as few as 7 months! details. NOT just a (559) 255-0465 your area. Real Hook- ups Real Fast. Try it SJVC offers medical, discount plan, REAL clothEMPLOYMENT business, and technical coverage for 350 pro- VINTAGE FREE! Ahora en Es844-848- ing & accessories at panol 18+ (559)761- programs at campuses cedures. 0162 LICENSED HAIR throughout the val- 5575 or http://www. BeBe O’s in Tower. CUTTER WANTED ley. Programs vary by d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / We also carry vintage items & furnishings. SLIM, good look- Busy Shop. 1224 W campus. Financial aid fresno Ad# 6118 Come check out the ing white male, 60. Shields Ave, Fresno. is available to those VARI- inventory! 1130 N. Looking for slim Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun who qualify. Call 866- LARGE good looking female 8-5. Call SHIELDS 388-7490 or visit sjvc. ETY of Bearings Wishon Ave. Fresno. Re50-60 Non-smoker. & WEST Barber edu. - Sprockets - Drive (559)445-1928 Components. Visit ceive $5 off your $25 Serious relationship, Shop (559)227-6739 maybe live-in. Won’t GO-KART Mini-Bike Jensen & Watts 516 purchase. have rent or utili- GOT A CAR? Got Repair & Service. Vis- N. Chestnut, Fresno. GOT A CAR? Got ties to pay, you keep some free time? it Jensen & Watts 516 (559) 255-0465 some free time? Drive your money for per- Drive with Uber. Call N. Chestnut, Fresno. BOB’S MINI Stor- with Uber. Call 855sonal expenses. Call 855-652-0777 (559) 255-0465 age - 1/2 off Fall Spe- 652-0777 (559) 779-1021 WE LOAN & Buy cials! Pay 2 months Guitars & Amps. Call get 2 months FREE. MANUFACTURED HEALTH Dean’s Coins (559) 6’x8’x10’ high only Homes in a Gated EDUCATION & FITNESS $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ Community. Homes 264-4653 high only $21.50/ starting at $59,000. LEARN TO DRIVE SHIELDS & WEST A FORKLIFT. Barbershop! Reg hair CHAINSAW chain & mo. (average cost Owner financing, low Tr a i n - T h e - Tr a i n e r cut $4.50. Seniors Garden Tool Sharp- per month with free down payments, com& Re-Certification and boys under 12, ening. Visit Jensen & months factored in) petitive interest rates. Classes Available. Day $4.00. 1224 W Shields Watts 516 N. Chest- Free moving truck! Veterans let us help & Night Classes Avail- Ave, Fresno. Mon- nut, Fresno. (559) 255- Bob’s Mini Storage you with a $2,500 able. $50 Discount to Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun 8-5. 0465 5280 N. Barcus Fresno grant towards the 93722 (559) 275-4000 down payment on a Veterans. Visit CFTC. (559)227-6739 home! Call Willows of A PLACE FOR Se Habla Espanol net For More Info. Santiago today (888) MOM. The nation’s 559-325-8097 DENTAL INSURAN563-3003 GO-KART Mini largest senior living CE. Call Physicians BE JOB READY In Mutual Insurance referral service. Con- Bike Tires - Clutches as few as 7 months! Company for details. tact our trusted, local - Chains - Sprockets. DENTAL SJVC offers medical, NOT just a discount experts today! Our Visit Jensen & Watts business, and technical plan, REAL covera- service is FREE CALL 516 N. Chestnut, Fresprograms at campuses ge for 350 procedu- 1-855-621-5373 no. (559) 255-0465 DENTAL INSUR throughout the valley. res. ANCE. Call Physi844-848-5575 Programs vary by cam- or http://www.den- STOP OVERPAYING BIG SAVINGS on cians Mutual InsurComputers, ance Company for pus. Financial aid is for your prescriptions! TVs, Phones and Tablets details. NOT just a SAVE! Call our liavailable to those who no Ad# 6118 censed Canadian and at TVGuyz. 50-70% discount plan, REAL qualify. Call 866-388Retail pric- coverage for 350 proInternational phar- OFF 7490 or visit SELLING SOMEes! Shop TVGuyz macy, compare prices cedures. 844-848THING? List it for and get $25.00 OFF 4842 N Blackstone 5575 or http://www. only $10 issue 472your first prescription! Ave. (559) 493-8403 d e n t a l 5 0 p l u s . c o m / SELLING SOME7182 CALL 1-800-291THING? List it for fresno Ad# 6118 6572 Promo Code SUPPORT LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL only $10 issue 472CDC201625 BUSINESS BUSINESS SUPPORT LOCAL 7182




NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |




BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Fall Specials! Pay 2 months get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per month with free months factored in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) 2754000 Se Habla Espano SELLING SOMETHING? Call 559472-7182

SOLID WOOD Dresser in good condition asking $175 (559) 601-0569 Dimensions high 51” Wide 34”. D 21” BIG SAVINGS on TVs, Computers, Phones and Tablets at TVGuyz. 50-70% OFF Retail prices! Shop TVGuyz 4842 N Blackstone Ave. (559) 493-8403 SELLING TABLE and two gray chairs in good condition asking $115 559.601.0569 Dimensions Height 30 inches x 41”x41”

VERY NICE older tea cart table. It has wheels but 2 of them need glue. If you lift the cart up the wheels come off. Measure 40” wide with leaves up or 19” with leaves down, by 29” by 30” tall. Price is firm. Thanks! 470-8091 text please SELLING TABLE and two gray chairs in good condition asking $115 559.601.0569 Dimensions Height 30 inches x 41”x41” SELLING SOMETHING? Call 559472-7182

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Joan Lunden, journalist, best-selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate.

16 | NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017


WHITE SIDE by BIG SAVINGS on 6X12 TRAILER have side refrigerator $180 TVs, Computers, pink slip asking 2,800 YARD WORK Good condition call Phones and Tablets or best offer for more or text 559 994-1994 at TVGuyz. 50-70% information call (559) JW CLEAN-UP SEROFF Retail prices! 696-5306 VICES. Estate Sale SILVER Teapot--F Cleanups. Yard, Trash, B Rogers 1883 $30 PERFECT WORK- Shop TVGuyz 4842 N ING oven GE mod- Blackstone Ave. (559) RIDING Mower Tires Construction cleanup, (559) 994-0256 & Tubes. Visit Jensen rubbish, trees & demo, el JTP15, 30’ oven. 493-8403 & Watts 516 N. Chest- rentals, lots, apart1950S COKE Ma- Works perfectly, very chine very nice and clean getting rid of it REPAIRS - TVGuyz nut, Fresno. (559) 255- ments & foreclosures. solid box Great Con- due to kitchen remod- offers iPhone/Com- 0465 We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304 ask for dition !!! $1,250.00 el. About 10 yrs old. puter/Game System/ OBO (559)804-1051 Asking $50 OBO Call/ Tablet Repairs with BIN DUMPER sort- James 90 day warranty. Call ing line - Complete please call or text Box text: 559-223-3579 with extras. 1/2 ton LAWN SERVICE. (559) 493-8403 is located in Visalia bins and 1 ton bins ac- Cleanups, HOT POINT dish- Fertiliz cepted by bin dumper. er, New Saw, Lawn washer works good KICKER SOLAR ANTIQUE AUTObaric sub - L7 new in $1900 (559) 288-4661 Spraying, Sprinkler HARP--IN GOOD $45 (559) 801-1724 box $200 obo 578- Repair & Lawn ReS H A P E - - A S K I N G STIHL MS250 with seeding. Call for $125.00 OR MAKE WHIRLPOOL Wash- 2196 18in bar runs great a er $160 559-722-0854 Free Estimate! AN OFFER- CALL- KENWOOD flip flop barely used. Can 559-696-5149 or -559-776-4385 BOB’S MINI Stor- face CD player 9013 send pics on request. 559-275-7630 Might even be will- 1963 FORD Thun- age - 1/2 off Fall Spe- $175 obo 578-2196 ing to trade show derbird original color cials! Pay 2 months $7000 (760) 664-7306 get 2 months FREE. KENWOORD 200 me what you have. MAINTENANCE 6’x8’x10’ high only watt 4 channel amp Call or text 559-580- 0276 $250 (Oakhurst) DRAIN Cleaning. 24 $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ $200 obo 578-2196 high only $21.50/ hour service. Sewer CLOTHING & mo. (average cost WE LOAN & Buy lines. washers, fauACCESSORIES per month with free TV’s & Electronics. TOOLS cets, toilets, sinks, gas months factored in) Call Dean’s Coins & water lines, water VINTAGE clothFree moving truck! (559) 264-4653 CRAFTSMAN Tool heaters & more. Call ing & accessories at Bob’s Mini Storage Box Grip Latch Ball MDM Home Repair BeBe O’s in Tower. 5280 N. Barcus Fresno Bearing Glides $360 (559) 321-5263 We also carry vintage 93722 (559) 275-4000 (559) 967-4922 FARM & GARDEN items & furnishings. Se Habla Espanol Come check out the CHAINSAW chain & CRAFTSMAN mowHAULING inventory! 1130 N. er with bag $50 (559) Garden Tool SharpWishon Ave. Fresno. ening. Visit Jensen & JW CLEAN-UP SERELECTRONICS 547-7661 (559)445-1928 Watts 516 N. Chest- VICES. Estate Sale nut, Fresno. (559) Cleanups. Yard, Trash, CHAINSAW chain & KENWOORD 200 watt 4 channel amp Garden Tool Sharp- 255-0465 Construction cleanup, APPLIANCES $200 obo 578-2196 ening. Visit Jensen & rubbish, trees & demo, Craftman rentals, lots, apartWatts 516 N. Chest- SEARS LIKE NEW Roper ex nut, Fresno. (559) 255- table saw for sale. ments & foreclosures. large capacity washer SELLING SOME0465 Table saw is in excel- We do it all Just Call! THING? Call 559$140 559-548-4029 lent condition, runs (550)307-4304 ask for SUPPORT LOCAL 472-7182 good. Asking $100 James If interested call/text (559)320-5165 LAWN & GARDEN RIDING MOWER Tires & Tubes. Visit LAWN SERVICE. Jensen & Watts 516 Cleanups, FertilizN. Chestnut, Fresno. er, New Saw, Lawn (559) 255-0465 Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn ReNEW DML 185, 18 seeding. Call for a Volt...battery not in- Free Estimate! 559cluded but have bat- 696-5149 or 559-275tery for testing purpos- 7630 es, so buyer can see it works Carry Strap and CHAINSAW chain & instructions included Garden Tool SharpAdjustable Head $26 ening. Visit Jensen & Call opr text 559-286- Watts 516 N. Chest8427 nut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 LARGE Variety of Bearings - Sprockets RIDING Mower - Drive Components. Tires & Tubes. Visit Visit Jensen & Watts Jensen & Watts 516 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 no. (559) 255-0465 DRILL DRIVER $10 SUPPORT LOCAL (559) 724-0748





3-BEDROOMS $800.00-$850.00!! Remodeled Apartments, Central A/C, Secured Complex WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call Toll-Free 1-888-8959623. For more info visit APARTMENT for rent 1145 E. Clinton 1bd 1ba $600 deposit $620 month. 6462804 or 451-1100 for more information. Se renta apartamento una recamara $620 al mes $600 deposito.

ROOM FOR RENT FRESNO/ASHLAN Large room like a studio. Single or Couple, no kids. $700/mo $500/deposit Habla Espanol Call (559) 400-1500 FIGARDEN Area 1bd - mother in law suite - shared bathroom. Singe or couple, no pets. $700/month $400/deposit. For more information call Kay (510) 210-2084

FIG GARDEN Area 1bd - mother in law suite - shared bathroom. Singe or couple, no pets. $700/month For FRESNO FLYER $400/deposit. Reaches thousands more information call every month. Start Kay (510) 210-2084 running your ad for as your little as $20 per issue. RENTING Call or email us for a house? List it here for free consultation 559- only $20 per issue. 472-7182 info@fres- Call (559) 472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL

SLIM, good looking white male, 60. Looking for slim good looking female 50-60 Non-smoker. Serious relationship, maybe live-in. Won’t have rent or utilities to pay, you keep your money for personal expenses. Call (559) 779-1021

3-BEDROOMS $800.00-$850.00!! Remodeled Apartments, Central A/C, Secured Complex WIFI, 8th/Olive. Call Toll-Free 1-888-8959623.


WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only WHY RENT an apart- $1000 month. Call toment? When you can day! 888-563-3003 rent a home. Beautiful ROOM FOR Rent and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- RENTING your Fowler/Ashlan in Clo- rooms Available. Only home? List it here for vis. Free use of house $1000 month. Call to- only $20 per issue. - kitchen - washer/ day! 888-563-3003 Call (559) 472-7182 dryer. Utilities included - cable & internet ROOM FOR Rent. A PLACE FOR included. Proof of in- Single room for single MOM. The nation’s come required $500/ person. Kitchen priv- largest senior living mo $100 non-refund- ileges and parking for referral service. Conable cleaning deposit a car. No alcohol or tact our trusted, local & first month’s rent. drugs allowed. $335 experts today! Our serCall (714) 335-5341 a month $25 cleaning vice is FREE/no oblideposit. No calls after gation. CALL 1-8557 pm. Available De- 621-5373 cember 1st. Call Louis FOR RENT 559-519-5146 FIG GARDEN Area HOUSES FOR SALE 1bd - mother in law suite - shared bathSELLING your room. Singe or couple, home? List it here for no pets. $700/month only $20 per issue. $400/deposit. For Call (559) 472-7182 more information call SUPPORT LOCAL Kay (510) 210-2084


MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! (888) 5633003

BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Fall Specials! Pay 2 months get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only $19/mo - 6’x10’x10’ high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per month with free months factored in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) 275-4000

A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855621-5373 FRESNO FLYER Reaching thousands every month. Call for free consultation 559472-7182

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago today (888) 563-3003 SELLING your home? List it here for Call (559) 472-7182


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NOV 30 & DEC 7, 2017 |


AUTOMOTIVE 2011 Yamaha FZ8 - Like NEW $4950 (805) 387-5090 2012 Polaris Sports- man 850 Original 2005 Screamin’ Eagle owner Runs great Fat Boy $10995 (Ex$2098 (559) 464-8795 eter) (559) 740-3001 YAMAHA raptor 2005 YAMAHA Warquad 90CC works rior 1700 CC 3,200 good pink in hand miles adult owned ready to go please call $6500 Also got some or text 510-755-7266 extras with it crash bars, bags and covGO-KART Mini er, its a fun bike Bike Tires - Clutches with lots of power - Chains - Sprockets. (559) 908-4943 Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- SUZUKI VOLUno. (559) 255-0465 SIA cruiser 14k miles clean title 840cc runs STREET LEGAL great no issue $3000 Gem car/ golf cart for 559-394-4179 sale.Clear title and registration in hand. GO-KART Mini Call Chief to come Bike Tires - Clutches by and take for a ride - Chains - Sprockets. (559) 816-8587. Can Visit Jensen & Watts deliver within 100 516 N. Chestnut, Fresmiles for an additional no. (559) 255-0465 fee. $4500 o.b.o. 2006 KawasaRVS ki KFX 700 $4250 (559) 974-0467 BOB’S MINI Stor age - 1/2 off Fall SpeGO-KART Mini-Bike cials! Pay 2 months Repair & Service. Vis- get 2 months FREE. it Jensen & Watts 516 6’x8’x10’ high only N. Chestnut, Fresno. $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ (559) 255-0465 high only $21.50/ mo. (average cost per month with free MOTORCYCLES months factored in) Free moving truck! CBR 929rr for sale or Bob’s Mini Storage trade $3000 (Oakhurst) 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 559-580-0276 93722 (559) 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol



1986 RV $2000 (Madera) This is a CARS 1986 wilderness Trailer.26 feet long, It sleeps 2013 SCION xb 10 6 to 8 well taken care series automatic 48k of. More information orginal miles cold call (559) 240-7272 ac / heat smogged 2018 tags title in 2002 CURTIS Indus- hand no texts or tries Baja Toyhauler trades asking $11,850 18ft $8500 (559) 709- obo (559)473-7314 4161 06 TRAVEL Star by AUTO SERVICES Starcraft 25 ft. $7500 It’s very easy to tow... MOBILE MechanUVW 3900lbs Great ic “I come to you!” condition, Everything Brakes / Headgaskets works Sleeps 7 Any / Engine Repairs / Big questions please call or Small Jobs OK - All or text (559) 512-1861 work guaranteed. Call 5 5 9 - 5 1 2 - 1 8 6 1 (559) 318-4360 1995 19FT travel trail- BRAKES, Tires, er $3900 (559) 304- Wheels, Complete 4536 Auto Repair. Call Payless Brakes & 2001 KZ Travel trailer Tires (559) 237-5377 (Perfect size) $5500 (559)474-3021 GO-KART Mini-Bike Repair & Service. Vis10 GALLON Tote it Jensen & Watts 516 Along portable hold- N. Chestnut, Fresno. ing tank. In good (559) 255-0465 clean condition. Asking $20. Contact SUPPORT LOCAL Tim at 559-907-5851 BUSINESS


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