Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 19

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EDITOR’S NOTE We have some remarkable people in the Central Valley, we really do. This issue’s cover story on Breaking the Chains was a huge reminder of that for me, and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to sit down with their founder to conduct the interview. I drove up to their office with my biggest concern of the day being that I make sure I had adequately done my research and drafted great questions. Hers? A few hundred notches above mine. The entire interview was peppered with the buzzing, ringing, and *dinging* of notifications on her cell phone, the ringing of her desk phone, and periodic bouts of “Hang on a sec…” and rushing out the door. The CEO of this non-profit was neck deep in making the type of decisions that change people’s lives - I was just seeing a tiny sample of what a single day looks like. We were in the middle of one of my probing questions when she announced that a rescue situation needed her attention, a girl in the bay area needed a place to be kept safe and did BTC “have room?” Debra’s hands were perpetually full with the futures of women who were in some of the most critical points of their existence. And you know how she handles it? Buoyantly. For someone who carries a considerable amount of weight on her shoulders, she was surprisingly upbeat.


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I’m not sure what I expected… perhaps a hardened stare and an unflinching bullshit detector… although, I’m sure she has that last one down pat. It struck me as incredible that someone who not only bears the weight of so much but who has also survived so much could be so optimistic and cheerful. It reminds me of the story we did on We Are Not Invisible Foundation while focusing on the homeless issues in Fresno. The founder, Desiree... man, she could fill a room with that laugh - yet, every day she works from sunup to sundown taking care of the street homeless; feeding them, clothing them, finding shelter for them, and keeping them as safe as what her resources allow. They both have one thing in common - they each clawed their way out of a maelstrom of adversity. Not only did they make it out alive, they decided to go back for everyone still left in the trenches. And maybe that’s the reason - finding your purpose in pulling others out from the same chaos and turmoil you survived - every day is filled with hope and that alone is a reason to keep smiling. The work that each of these organizations does is filled with compassion, kindness, and is a testament to the sheer will and tenacity capable in the human spirit. It inspires me, and I hope that dear reader, it inspires you as well.



BREAKING THE CHAINS An organization dedicated to helping victims find life beyond their trauma by Lisa Talley |


uman Trafficking is the ugly buzz word that has been on the rise in Fresno’s ear increasingly within the last few years. The high rates of concentrated poverty, the suspiciously discreet location of motels along Golden State, and the proverbial ‘sweepunder-the-rug’ attitude of political big wigs of the past – Fresno became the perfect incubator for the rampant growth of a seedy industry for more than three decades. But the covers are coming off and organizations, both locally and nationally, are rolling up their sleeves to tackle the disease that is the sex trafficking industry head-on. Breaking The Chains (BTC) is a local, 501c(3) non-profit organization fully immersed in rescuing victims of sex trafficking. While law enforcement hunts down the abusers and dismantles whole circles of ‘business,’ Breaking the Chains is there for the victims – to help them put back the pieces and find a life that exists beyond their trauma. “Human Trafficking is a very complex issue, it looks different across the board, and touches every walk of life … Everyone’s healing process is different, so is everyone’s level of trauma,” explains CEO and Co-Founder, Debra Rush, “We are complete comprehensive wrap-around service providers, everything from the simplest of needs which would be food, shelter, medication, m e d i c a l attention, and mental health treatment to things like life skills classes, and trauma therapy courses.” The road to recovery for each victim varies, but by all means is not short or could be even be categorized as ‘straightforward.’ BTC has no set exit date for the

girls in their program; however, the average is anywhere from 9 months to 2 years, although it remains on a case-by-case basis. Rush often compares the trauma suffered by victims, and its aftermath, to that of a combat veteran with complex PTSD – more specifically, of those from the Vietnam era. “I’m a social worker, and I’ve worked with that population, with CPS, and studied different statistics. I helped with Real Change Fresno with the homeless population – it was eye-opening for me to look at some of our veterans – why they were out there, homeless, why there was a high rate of drug use and alcohol abuse. And then, why is there a difference in what we’re seeing with some of our Afghanistan vets? It’s intensive counseling and debriefings when they come home,” Rush shares. Service members from the Vietnam War were being shipped home without any trauma therapy, only to be given a job and sent on their way. Although PTSD remains a deeply layered issue with no clearcut solution, the military has evolved its process in bringing combat veterans home – with debriefings, counseling, etc. Likewise, victims of sex trafficking also require the same level of intensive therapy and rehabilitation to reintegrate themselves safely, and healthily back into the world. There’s often a misconception that victims can be rescued,


given a few resources, a class, and then immediately placed into society without issue when, to the contrary, it’s a lengthy, intricate process. Rush states that “It’s like having a domestic violence victim – because most girls believe they are loved – meshed with a combat tour to Vietnam on the front lines followed by a stint in a P.O.W. camp for a year then rescued and then dropped off on a corner with a job.” The notion that a person who has suffered that level of trauma is rescued, and in some respect made whole again, merely because they’re no longer in an abusive environment is misguided. Removing the victim from a terrible situation is just the first step. Furthermore, victims have to come to the realization that they are, in fact, victims before the healing process can begin. A shocking realization for outsiders, but it’s something BTC expects to work through as a crucial turning point. The organization understands how girls are lured and/or


abducted into sex trafficking in the first place – they were convinced, manipulated, into believing that it was their choice. Rush educates that one of the core components of trafficking a child (victims are often underage and as young as 13) is making them believe that this is what they want. “It’s the leash that keeps them there.” Reprogramming that way of thinking is a vital part of a victim’s rehabilitation process – watching a girl make the connection, or rather, break the psychological leash and understand that she has value far and away above sex is “better than getting a million bucks” for BTC. But that breakthrough is only the beginning – as painful memories can be easily triggered through smells, colors, locations, and sometimes, a tone of voice – the road to recovery is long and full of hard work for both BTC and survivor. Access to potential victims has grown over the years as social media developed


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both dramatically and exponentially, abusers are able to assume whatever persona necessary to achieve their goal. BTC recommends that parents become actively involved in their children’s lives when it comes to their social circles, both virtually and in-person, by asking pertinent questions such as what a friend’s birthday is, where they live, who their parents are, who are some of that person’s other friends, etc. Apps and devices have come out on the market that helps parents create filters and monitor internet usage. Circle with Disney comes recommended by Rush as the service allows parents to manage every device that has the ability to connect to the Internet. Parents can see which sites are visited and how often, they’re able to turn the Internet on and off to specific devices at any given time for any length of time and create custom filters for each member of the family. Human Trafficking can and does affect every walk of life, “However, most victims are coming out of the broken foster care system – 70/80%. These pimps are smart; they know that if they come into the average, working-class family’s home and take a kid, it’s going to be all over [the news]


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but if a girl runs away from a group home… the most that will happen is the head of the group home will call [local police] and file a report,” explains Rush. There would be no wanted posters, no state-wide manhunt, nothing – police may come across the missing child or they may not. There are also those who weren’t abducted into sex trafficking but were born into it. Second generation victims whose entire understanding of the modern world is wrapped around their oppressive environment. And one of the most identifying characteristics of Breaking the Chains is their ability to efficiently understand both perspectives. “I’m not only the founder; I’m a survivor. I’m not just a survivor but a secondgeneration survivor. I was literally born into human trafficking. So, I have a very unique perspective,” shares Rush. BTC provides victims with a comprehensive program to help them reintegrate alongside with helping them deal with their trauma; Addiction Treatment, Case Management, Education/Job Training,


Education and Job Support, Long-term Housing, Survivor Leadership, and Transitional Housing. A full range of programs painstakingly put together with the personal touch of first-hand knowledge and experience in what victims need. And the need is growing. Over the three years of operation, BTC has consistently pushed its capacity every day (rescuing 86 women and children in 2017 alone) and as a result, plans to expand into a new 1.2-million-dollar facility is currently in the works. As it stands, the building is in the design stages and will hopefully be built over the next two years. It’ll act as a 24hour drop-in center working with local law enforcement and first responders in rescue situations. Volunteers are also a big part of BTC’s ability to meet the needs of the girls in their programs – and more are encouraged to lend a helping hand. The opportunities are entry-level and include driving, safe-house supervision (various shifts, spend time with the residents and assist in making sure they stay on task), donor coordination, and even those willing to roll up their sleeves to help organize donations in storage units. College students and young adults are highly encouraged to apply for the upcoming youth program. Volunteers are needed to help lead sports activities, facilitate classes, take part in mentoring opportunities, and overall, spend quality time with the kids in the program by doing things as simple as playing video


games. Anyone interested in volunteering with Breaking the Chains can reach the organization directly by calling 559-4023955 or emailing Breaking the Chains will also be a recipient of a fundraiser hosted by Granville for their annual Home of Hope event. Participants will have a chance to win a brand-new home valued at $400,000 along with a 2-year lease to a 2018 Lexus – there will also be additional prizes in the shape of weekend getaways, electronics, and fine dining opportunities. The drawing is limited to 6,000 tickets in total and will take place on April 25 for the two-ticket bundle drawing (for the home and lease of the Lexus) and on May 2 for the grand prize. Proceeds from every ticket purchased through BTC will go back to BTC to help fund their various programs in support of human trafficking victims. For more information on purchasing tickets call 559-402-3955. The difference Breaking the Chains makes not only within the local community but also in the fight against human trafficking as a whole is undoubtedly due to the tireless dedication of Founder, Debra Rush, the BTC staff, and the diligent hard work of the local law enforcement agencies; but it’s also due to the level of community support BTC receives. It’s individuals and organizations alike who contribute their time and talents or donate supplies that help make sure BTC is always ready to carry out the lifechanging work that they do. Keep up the fight with Breaking the Chains by staying informed on their events, activities, calls-to-action, and volunteer opportunities by following them on social media: @breakingthechainsfresno on Facebook and @btcfresno on Twitter or visiting their website at


Answers to last issue’s puzzles on page 19

Fun Facts In Celebration of the First Day of Spring

1. The first day of spring is called the vernal equinox. The term vernal is Latin for “spring” and equinox is Latin for “equal night.” 2. The fall and spring equinoxes are the only two times during the year when the sun rises due east and sets due west.

Gregorian calendar, which most of the world now observes, in 1582, then every 128 years the vernal equinox would have come a full calendar day earlier, eventually putting Easter in midwinter.

descending snake, or the feather serpent god Kukulkan. 8. The term “spring fever” refers to a both psychological and physiological symptoms associated with the arrival of spring, including restlessness, daydreaming, and increased sexual appetite. While the exact cause is unclear, scientists 5. One long-term study found that, at least in the Colorado believe that increased light, more exercise, and more bare skin influence hormone levels. Rocky Mountain region, spring begins, on average, about three weeks earlier than it did in the 1970s. 9. March is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. In 6. The first day of spring marks the beginning of Nowruz ancient Rome, this month signaled the beginning of warfare season. (“The New Day”), which is the Persian New Year. The celebration lasts 13 days and is rooted in the 3,000-yearold tradition of Zoroastrianism. It is celebrated in Iran, the 10. Honeybees are more likely to swarm during the spring. North Caucasus, Kurdish parts of Turkey and Northern They swarm as a way to start new colonies from successful Iraq, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, ones. Surprisingly, swarming honeybees are very docile and Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and other scattered populations in the most friendly they will ever be all year. Central Asia.

3. On the first day of spring, a person at the North Pole would see the sun skimming across the horizon, beginning six months of uninterrupted daylight. A person at the South Pole would see the sun skimming across the horizon, 7. At Chichen Itza, Mexico, the Mayan celebrate the first signaling the start of six months of darkness. day of spring with “The Return of the Sun Serpent.” On the evening on the spring equinox, the setting sun creates a tri4.If Pope Gregory XIII would not have established the angular shadow on the El Castillo pyramid that looks like a | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

11. According to the National Association of Realtors, spring is the most popular season to sell/buy a house. Buyers are usually hesitant to move during the winter when the weather is colder and kids are in school. So, while there are lots of houses to choose from in the spring, property prices are at their highest then.



MARCH 22 & 29, 2018 |



his Easter holiday, hop into a new tradition and swap your classic ham for savory lamb. Cooking lamb can be easier than many might think, especially when using a pressure cooker. You can combine aromatic herbs with white wine for a juicy leg of lamb in under an hour. Or try baking a rack of lamb crusted with a quinoahazelnut combination and topped with a mint pesto. For a perfect, set-and-forget side, try slow cooker carrots, sprinkled with dill weed and lemon extract for a delightful spring dish. End the meal with festive cupcakes modeled after the Easter bunny, which can satisfy the sweet tooth of guests of all ages. Find more Easter recipes at and find McCormick Spice on Facebook and Pinterest.

Rack of Lamb with QuinoaHazelnut Crust and Mint Pesto

Bunny Butt Cupcakes Recipe courtesy of Amanda Rettke of “I am baker” Prep time: 45 minutes | Cook time: 20 minutes Servings: 24 1 2-layer size white cake mix 1 tablespoon, plus 2 teaspoons, McCormick Pure Lemon Extract, divided 1 tablespoon McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract 3/4 cup white chocolate chips 2 sticks butter, softened 16 ounces confectioners’ sugar 2 tablespoons milk 10 drops McCormick Green Food Color 1-2 drops McCormick Red Food Color 12 large marshmallows, halved crosswise 3 tablespoons white nonpareil sprinkles Prepare cake mix as directed on package, adding 1 tablespoon lemon extract and vanilla. Spoon 3 tablespoons batter into 24 paper-lined muffin cups. Bake as directed on package for cupcakes. Cool cupcakes on wire rack. To make bunny feet: In medium, microwave-safe bowl, microwave white chocolate chips on high 30 seconds. Stir until completely melted and smooth. Spoon into pastry bag or re-sealable plastic bag. Snip small corner from bag. Pipe 24 pairs of bunny feet onto parchment or wax paper-lined cookie sheet. Use toothpick to smooth out bumps or rough edges, and gently tap cookie sheet on counter to help settle. Allow to harden 2 minutes in freezer or 15 minutes in refrigerator. To make frosting: In large bowl, beat butter and remaining lemon extract until light and fluffy. Gradually add confectioners' sugar, beating well after each addition and scraping sides and bottom of bowl frequently. Add milk; beat until light and fluffy. Remove half the frosting and place in medium bowl. Add green food color; mix until evenly blended. Spoon into pastry bag fitted with grass decorating tip. Set aside. Remove half the remaining frosting into small bowl. Add red food color; mix until light pink. Spoon into another pastry bag. Using pink frosting, pipe three toes and padding on each bunny foot. Once frosting has set (about 1 hour) gently press down on pink frosting to create smoother look. To assemble cupcakes: Pipe green frosting onto each cupcake in series of short motions to create individual grass spots. Cover top of each cupcake completely. To make bunny butts: Place cut sides of marshmallow halves onto each frosted cupcake, leaving room for bunny feet. Shape remaining white frosting into dimesized balls then roll with white sprinkles to cover. Pipe small drop of remaining pink or white frosting onto top of each marshmallow. Press bunny tail on top. Place both bunny feet against base of marshmallow with toes facing down.

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Rack of Lamb with Quinoa-Hazelnut Crust and Mint Pesto

Rinse quinoa; drain well. In small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring quinoa and water to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 13 minutes, or until liquid is absorbed, stirring occasionally. Spread cooked quinoa on baking sheet to cool. Stir in 1/4 cup hazelnuts. Set aside. Heat oven to 450 F. Brush racks of lamb lightly with 1 teaspoon oil. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon sea salt and pepper. Coat lamb with quinoa mixture, pressing firmly to adhere. Place lamb on roasting rack in foil-lined, shallow roasting pan. Drizzle with 2 teaspoons oil. Roast 20-25 minutes, or until desired doneness. To make Mint Pesto: In small bowl, mix remaining oil, remaining hazelnuts, lemon juice, mint, garlic powder and remaining sea salt until well blended. Stir 1 teaspoon pesto into yogurt. To serve: Carve lamb into chops. Drizzle with remaining pesto. Serve with yogurt sauce.

Lemon Dill Slow Cooker Carrots

Lemon Dill Slow Cooker Carrots


Bunny Butt Cupcakes

Prep time: 20 minutes | Cook time: 40 minutes Servings: 6 2 tablespoons red quinoa 2 tablespoons white quinoa 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup, plus 1 tablespoon, finely chopped toasted hazelnuts, divided 2 racks of lamb, about 1 pound each 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 1 1/8 teaspoons McCormick Gourmet Sicilian Sea Salt, divided 1/4 teaspoon McCormick Gourmet Organic Black Pepper 2 teaspoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons McCormick Gourmet Organic Mint 1/8 teaspoon McCormick Gourmet Organic Garlic Powder 1 cup plain Greek yogurt

Prep time: 10 minutes | Cook time: 3-4 hours | Servings: 6 Nonstick cooking spray 2 pounds carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2-1-inch chunks 2 tablespoons water 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons McCormick Dill Weed 2 teaspoons McCormick Pure Lemon Extract 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar Spray inside of 4-quart slow cooker with nonstick cooking spray. Add carrots, water and salt; toss to coat. Cover. Cook on high 3-4 hours, or until tender. In small bowl, mix olive oil, dill weed, lemon extract, Dijon mustard and vinegar. Stir into cooked carrots in slow cooker before serving. | FRESNO FLYER |






MARCH 22 & 29, 2018 |



Fosters Needed for Nursing Litters By Will Freeney |


pring is in the air, and babies are everywhere. We all love to fawn over darling new babies, but for us humans, that prospect is a year-round opportunity. For our four-legged friends, it is a seasonal activity, and that season is upon us. While we hope for a loving, capable, caring parent for every human baby, we may not think much about the fate of furry babies, but now is the time to do so. Friends of Madera Animal Shelter is currently seeking foster parents for their bottle babies. To grasp the scope of their needs, consider that the shelter receives a set of bottle babies every other day on average. Each of those sets (litters) can comprise two to seven babies. Their mothers have been spayed and sent to the Bay Area for adoption. The babies, in their turn, will be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. All you need, as a prospective foster, is to be at least 18 years old, own your own home or have your landlord’s permission, have a passion for saving lives, and a dedication to caring for your fosters. All the rest will be supplied by the Madera animal shelter: orientation and training for you and medical care, food, crates, beds/blankets, and bottles for your babies. That dedication you provide is significant. You are encouraged to keep a journal of their development while in your care,


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which can be included in their adoption biography. Your daily activities include keeping the babies warm with a heating pad for their first few weeks, feeding them every two hours, and giving them lots of loving attention. Bottle feeding is not an activity that can be done intuitively without training, but the shelter will provide all the training and assistance you need to do it successfully. Someone else has already appropriated the motto “Give the Gift of Life,” but that is certainly what you would be doing as a foster. The reward-to-effort ratio is astronomical if you love animals – and you obviously should to be a foster. Once the babies are well and weaned, they will be ready for adoption into forever homes, and you can, if you choose, proceed to your next foster. At this point, your question should be, “How do I sign up?” If that is the case, please contact Letty Robles at 559-363-5105. Friends of Madera Animal Shelter can also be reached at their Facebook page or their website (www.fmas. info). Orientations are offered on the third Saturday of every month from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Madera Animal Shelter, 14269 Road 28, Madera, CA 93638. Welcome spring and welcome a new four-legged baby into your home. Happy fostering!



Rico: Don’t let his limp fool you, he loves his walks! He wants to be the only dog in the family. - Friends of Madera Animal Shelter


Calvin: He’s very energetic, loves his toys, and being in water. Calvin needs to be the only pet in the family.


Barney: His favorite game is fetch, and bringing the ball back for more! He needs to be the only dog


Whizzer: He’s very sweet, but a little shy around new people. Having another dog in the home will boost his confidence.


Uber: He’s still a pup, and needs guidance, patience, & playtime with you. Bring your dog with you to meet him.


Mandi: She’s a totally sweet lovebug! The more cuddle time, the better. Bring your dog along for a meet and greet!



Roy: His hobbies include smiling, and being with you! He wants to meet you and your dog before he goes home.


Sammie: She’s new at the shelter, and her personality shines brighter everyday. Bring your dog along for a meet and greet!


Papa: He’s very energetic! And he’ll love walks even more after some leash training. Bring your dog along to meet him.



This Week March 22-28 Tim Skeen reading, Thursday, March 22 at 7 PM - 9 PM, Fresno State 5421 N Maple Ave, Fresno. The Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing at Fresno State presents an evening with author and faculty Tim Skeen as part of the Fresno Poets’ Association reading series. Wine Dinner at FIVE Restaurant, Thursday, March 22 at 6:30 PM - 9 PM,FIVE Restaurant , 1110 E Champlain Dr, Ste 101, Kim and Chuck are headed to Fresno! Enjoy a multicourse Italian meal with a California twist at FIVE Restaurant. Five courses each paired with a Harmony wine. All inclusive price: $85/club, $95/non club. Check out the amazing Wishful, Thursday, March 22 at 6 PM - 8 PM,Sublime Time 1419 M St , Fresno. Come Paint With Me NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! I will guide you through the creative process. All supplies provided and you get to take home your masterpiece. Get that sublime feeling when you create your very own work of art. Makes a great date, friend’s outing, or that needed “me” time. Come out and try something new, you might just surprise yourself. Tickets available at BarrelHouse Brewing Co. Dinner ,Thursday, March 22 at 6:30PM8:30PM AT Ruth’s Chris Steak House, 7844 N Blackstone Ave,Fresno. Enjoy a 4-course meal featuring our famous sizzzling stek paired with beers from BarrelHouse Brewing out of Paso Robles. Winemaker Dinner with Eric Johnson of Talley Vineyards & Ann Albert Wines,Thursday, March 22 at 6 PM - 10 PM,Trelio Restaurant ,438 Clovis Ave,Clovis. Tickets Eventbrite.Join us at Trelio Restaurant as on of the Central Coast’s leading Winemakers comes to the Central Valley for an amazing dinner. Demo: Star Wars Legion Tactical Miniature Game. Saturday, March 24 at 1PM- 4PM , Crazy Squirrel game store, 464 E B Easter Bunny pictures,Hosted by Madness The Party Shop.Saturday March 24 at 11am -6pm. Santa Claus Sequoia Mall, 3303 Smooney blvd, Visalia

Fresno Raza Comedy Jam,Saturday , March24 at 8 PM-10 PM. Marlo’s Club, 468 N Palm Ave, Fresno.Tickets by Eventbrite. Starring Steven Smokey Olmos, Zhivago Blea, Abraham Boche,Sergio Guzman, Chris Garcia , Veronica Loya. Adult Humour / Hispanic Comedy Night Pro-Boxing Fight Night,Saturday, March 24 at 7 PM-10PM .Tower Theatre, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets pProfessional Boxing at the Tower Theatrefor the first time in its long history featuring the Central Valley’s top prospects in 6 Professional Bouts Ag Day ,Saturday, March 24 at 9 am- 2pm,Fresno Chaffee Zoo,894 W Belmont Ave, Fresno.Tickets www. This day gives the unique opportunity to teach thousands of Zoo visitors about agriculture in a fun-filled family-friendly envirnment.Event is free with the general zoo admission. Canon Discovery Day: Intermediate 201, Saturday, March 24 at 6 PM-9 PM. Horn Photo 7899 N Blackstone Villaggio Center , Fresno. Tickets Eventbrite. Many examples of great images bring the camera’s features to life in this event. We’ll demystify your camera’s histogram, give details about lighting and exposure control, and show the power that right lenses and EOS Speedlites can bring to your photography. Motown Night at Strummers Saturday, March 24 at 8 PM - 2 AM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno The Big Lebowski 20th Anniversary At The Hanford Fox Sat. Saturday, March 24 at 7 PM - 9 PM,Fox Hanford, 326 N Irwin St , Hanford. Tickets The Big Lebowski is rated R and the running time is 1 hour and 59 minutes. State Race Double hosted by Woodward Park BMX, Saturday, March 24 at 10 AM-4PM.Woodward Park 7775N Friant Rd, Fresno. Registration 10 AM -12 PM ,online registration Pups & Suds: A Night in the Garden, Sunday, March25 at 5 PM-8PM.Gazebo Gardens Inc ,3204 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno.Tickets by Eventbrite. Join in for a friend-raiser and adoption showcase with yummy food trucks, games, beer and raffle prizes! Support Fresno Humane’s life-saving mission by donating to County animal in need of enhanced medical acre, such as otrthopedic surgeriesand parvo treatment.


Fresno Doughnut Run , Sunday,March 25 at 8 AM-11 AM. Woodward Park, 7775 N Friant Rd,Fresno. Ticket Join in on the fun doughnut themed 5k run/walk at Woodward Park.

Sanger Loop Hosted by Best Buddies Central Valley and Sunnyside Bicycles . Sunday, March 25 at 9 AM12:30 PM.Sunnyside Bicycles 6105 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno.

Spring Break Kidz’ Kamp, Calling All Promotors We can help Mar 26 at 12 PM to Mar 29 at 4 PM,get you out there. We’ve got great Clay Café ,1018 E Mineral King rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182

Ave, Visalia.Our 3 day Kidz Kamp is always a fun way to stay busy during school breaks and always a great value! Monday, Tuesday and Thursday we will paint ceramics, play games, do crafts and laugh a lot! Lunch and snacks included. Limited space, please reserve. Ages 5 - 12 years old. $80 each. $20 dep. REQUIRED. Phone charges welcome.

Fresno Aviation OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, March 27 6:00pm

Learn about our Aircraft Mechanic Program Tours & Demonstrations Learn about A & P Licensure* Enjoy some pizza

*FAA approved for Airframe & Powerplant courses

SJVC Aviation Campus 4985 E. Andersen Ave., Fresno, CA

Located at the Fresno Yosemite International Airport Call for more information and to RSVP:


or visit

Visit for important information on program outcomes.



MARCH 22 & 29, 2018 |




By Will Freeney |


ater towers are a universal fixture of the American landscape – providing a clean, gravity-fed water supply for the communities they serve. Their design has changed over the years, and various communities have used them as a means of advertising their presence, their town motto, and in some cases their whimsy. Nowhere, however, has a water tower been envisioned

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and manifested with such elegance, forethought, and unique style as the Fresno Water Tower. As you criss-cross downtown Fresno, going about your business, pre-occupied with which one-way street you can take to get where you’re going and where you can find a vacant parking space, you might overlook the Fresno Water Tower. It is not exceptionally tall


by modern standards, and in fact, the water tank was disguised by the third-floor level walls of the tower. Perhaps you did look over at it in passing and think, “Hmm, what a quaint adobe cylinder, here on the edge of this park.” (Eaton Plaza) The water tower’s history goes all the way back to the 19th century chronologically and all the way back to Germany geographically and Chicago financially. Fresno Water Works was established in 1876 by partners George McCullough and Lyman Andrews. They, in turn, sold it to a group of Chicago investors for $140,000 in 1890. In 1893 that company hired George Washington Maher to design an elegant new water tower for the city. Maher provided a design that was inspired by a water tower in Worms, Germany. G.W. Maher designed what you can see today at the corner of O Street and Fresno Street. His plan called for the lower interior portion of the tower to serve as a library. Although that function was never pursued, the original structure matched Maher’s blueprint in every other detail. The tower consists of two portions: the upper of the three story levels contains a 250,000 gallon tank, which weighed over two million pounds when full (the tank was decommissioned and emptied in 1963). Throughout its entire height, the tower consists of two walls. In the lower 30 feet of the tower, the outer wall is separated from the inner wall and slopes in-

ward to join it at the 30-foot mark – creating a wrap around tunnel at the base and providing cantilevered support for the structure. Above that point, the inner wall slopes together to form the domed ceiling of the lower room while the outer wall continued upward to mask the water tank. The lower portion, below the tank is an open two-story room with walls that slope to a dome at 45 feet above the floor. Originally, there was a spiral staircase in

the center, providing access to the second story balcony. All of this was included in Maher’s plans. At some point, the spiral staircase was removed, but it can be seen in the short-lived 1986 television series, “Fresno.” The history of ownership and use of the water tower is as complicated as that of its design. The city of Fresno acquired the water tower in 1931. Its use as a water tower had been abandoned by 1963 when the water tank was emptied. Subsequently it was used by the city as a parking meter and water meter repair facility. In 2001 it was repur-


posed as a visitor center operated by the Fresno Convention and Visitors Bureau. The water tower’s latest chapter began in October 2014, when the Fresno Arts Council took over operation. Under their auspices it still functions as the City of Fresno visitor information center – with a wide array of complimentary brochures and maps regarding local points of interest. The water tower now also functions as the Fresno Arts Council gift shop and gallery. The FAC Water Tower gallery is an official ArtHop venue, with a featured artist of the month showing their work. There is also a wide array of local artists with longer term exhibits in the Water Tower, including many well-known Fresno-area artisans as well as budding younger creatives. The products offered range from paintings in all media to photography to ceramics and textiles. There is also a sizeable selection of books by local authors about local topics – including esteemed native son, William Saroyan. All of this, plus the assistance of volunteer docent/curator/ cashiers, is available inside the Fresno Water Tower, Tuesday through Saturday, from 10am to 4pm. The next time you have some time downtown, take the time to witness the unique architectural history and the accessible contemporary art residing at the southwest corner of Fresno and O Streets, adjacent to Eaton Plaza.


CALENDAR Creative Creatures Art Camp, Mar 26 at 8:30 AM to Mar 30 at 12 PM Let your children use their imagination in a fun and artistic way during our Creative Creatures Art Camp. Each day, students will attend three classes in which they will use a variety of artistic media and their imagination to create Creative Creatures. We can’t wait to see all of the masterpieces that they will create! They will also spend time outside engaging in creative activities, socializing, and having a snack. Suitable for children ages 5-12. Kings Art Center, 605 N. Douty, Hanford, CA $90 per student To sign up: Call 559-584-1065, visit our website at, or stop by the office at 605 N. Douty, Hanford. Seating is limited. Advance payment and registration are required. Members will receive 10% off entry fees. Ask us about our sibling discount! Fresno Billiards Club Tuesday Night 8 Ball Public · Hosted by Fresno Billiards Club Tuesday, March 27 at 7 PM - 10 PM, We’re getting ready for our next Tuesday Session, that begins March 27! If you can’t wait that long. You can jump into this current session before Feb 13. Represent your favorite pool hall, or bar and bring home the cash and glory! Parallel Universe by Cozy Quilts (Evening Class), Wednesday, March 28 at 6 PM-9 PM. Kiki’s Quilt Shack, 1732 W Bullard Ave, Fresno. Tickets Designed by Daniela Stout - like many of today’s contemporary quilts, the background sets the tone and strips add the color to complete a bright and striking finished quilt.

Next Week March 29-April 4 Eat Pieology and support ARF -Fig Garden location, Thursday, March 29 at 11 AM - 9 PM,Pieology Pizzeria, 5068 North Palm Ave.20% of the proceeds will be donated to Animal Rescue of Fresno. Excludes Alcohol Sales Kombucha Brewing with Jameson Thursday, March 29 at 6PM-7:30PM. The Revue ,620 E Olive Ave , Fresno. Kombucha is a fermented and effervescent beverage brewed from sweetened tea with a multitude of health benefits! Class is 15$ for active participation, learning,discussion and kombucha tasting. The Avett Brothers March 29, 2018 Thursday 7:30 PM New Exhibit Hall 848 M Street.

Egg Hunt + Bingo! Friday, March 30 at 3 PM - 6 PM Pinedale Boys & Girls Club 343 W Minarets Ave, Fresno. GORUCK Tough Challenge - Fresno, CA,March 30(at 9 PM)-March 31(7 AM).Tickets .In 10-12 hours you’ll cover over 1520 miles and Special Forces Cadre will teach you that you’re capable of so much more when you work as a team. Roy Orbison Returns! March 30th, 8pm Tickets starting at $39.50 Nationally touring band, Wiley Ray and the Big O Band, are bringing you, Roy Orbison Returns! Celebrating Roy Orbison! They’ll play all of Roy’s hits, Pretty Woman, Crying, and more! Opening will be Rockabilly Friday with the Only Cash Band as well as a Patsy Cline appearance. Tickets can be purchased: http://www.tower theatrefresno. com/ 559-485-9050 Box Office 815 E. Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93728 John Cleese And The Holy Grail,Friday, March 30 at 8 PM,Saroyan Theatre, 700 M St, Living comedy legend, JOHN CLEESE, is heading in your general direction for a live and truly unforgettable evening of conversation and audience Q&A. Absurd and ridiculous questions only are requested, please. John will tell stories of his life and career and you just may finally find out the air-speed of an unladen swallow. Before John silly walks his way on to the stage, the excitement will build as the audience will get to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail in its entirety on the big screen. Don’t miss your chance to see the man who has achieved nothing short of comedy royalty in this thrill-of-a-lifetime evening. Bobby Bones March 31st 9pm Tickets $34.00 Philanthropist. Bobby Bones has built his career on the ability to multi-task. Channeling humor, honesty, and hard work, he’s also built the largest nationally syndicated morning show in country radio - “The Bobby Bones Show.” Radio DJ. Stand-up comedian. Best-selling author. Chart-topping recording artist. TV personality. Tickets can be purchased: http://www.tower theatrefresno. com/ 559-485-9050 Box Office 815 E. Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93728 Masquerade + Gogo Ball Party Saturday, March 31 at 9 PM - 4 AM Mezcal Lounge 1310 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Mezcal Lounge Presents the 3rd Annual Masquerade Ball + Gogo Dancers. FREE MASQUERADES & Masquerade Decorations - 7 Hours of Music - 2 Djs - Open till 4AM - Tickets now at


Dreams disabled animal santuary fundraiser,Saturday,March 31 at 5PM-8PM.Bloodline Studios Paint Night @m street arts complex, 1419 M St,Fresno.Tickets Help raise some money to help qith care and expenses for local dreams disabled elderly animal mountain sanctuary. all while learning some painting skills! Good Vibes Only Paint Nite (In The Afternoon!), Skyline Club Bar & clock Saturday, March 31 at 12:30 PM - 3 PM,1419 Railroad Ave , Clovis . Tickets www.paintnite.comUse promo code VIVID40 for 40% off! Pokemon Learn to Play,Saturday, March31 at 1:30 PM-3:30 PM. Crazy Squirrel Game Store, 464 E Bullard, Suite 105, Fresno. Want to learn to play Pokemon? Have a child who wants to learn ? This is the event for you !This day is designed for beginners and is a great opportunity for all ages to learn to play in a family friendly store. That 70’s ShowDown! Roller Derby! Saturday, March 31 at 2 PM - 6 PM The Slab @ Full Circle 620 F Street, Fresno. Come watch your own Central California Area Derby girls take on the Westside WreckHers from Taft, CA! Spills and thrills, bumps and bruises! Join us after for a cold brew at Full Circle Brewery! Go to to purchase tickets online! Doors at 2 pm, bout starts at 3 pm $10 admission, kids 10 and under free! Beer and food vendors will be available Community Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 31 at 9:30 AM - 11 AM Woodward Park Baptist Church 1801 E Teague Ave, Fresno FREE Join us for our Community Easter Egg Hunt! We will have a photographer taking family portraits, STEM activities, face painting...and of course... EASTER EGGS! Activities will start at 9:30 and the Egg Hunt will begin at 10:30

Art April ArtHop at the Brass Unicorn Thursday, April 5 at 5 PM - 8 PM The Brass Unicorn 1007 N Van Ness Ave, Fresno. The Spring Cultural Faire Saturday, April 7 at 10 AM - 4 PM Shinzen Friendship Garden, in Woodward Park 114 W Audubon Dr, Fresno along with the Koen-Nai No Bonsai & Toko Kazari Competition returns to the Garden! Enjoy arts, crafts, cultural performances, vendors, food and beverages, and a very special art exhibit by McLane High School. PREFORMANCES: Hmong Lusheng Instrumentals, Hmong Fashion Show, Hmong Dance, Halua in the Sun - Hawaiian Dance, UKCP Kymer VENDORS: Artists, Jewelry Designers, Natural Soaps & Lotions, Bonsai Pots and More ACTIVITES: Toko-Kazari Display Competition; Bonsai Silent Auction; Tour of Clark Bonsai Collection and Toko-Kazari Display; Plant Sales; Children Crafts & More! (559) 840-1262 Color Mixing Basics Monday, April 23 at 10 AM - 1 PM Allards Art 5350 N Blackstone Ave Have you ever wanted to learn more about which colors go together and which colors you should avoid combining in your creative projects? Do you

struggle with how to place things on your canvas without it looking like anchovies on a pizza? Well, this is the class for you! You’ll learn about mixing different colors and will paint your own color wheel, something you’ll be able to reference for years to come. No experience necessary! Ages 12 and up! Special coupons for attendees! $67 class fee. Includes supply kit. Included Supply Kit: • 5 Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Paints • 2 Simply Simmons Brushes • Bristol Paper for Color Studies • 1 8x10 in Stretched Canvas • 1 Palette Knife Provided by Allard’s:• Colored Construction Paper Register in-store or by calling (559) 225-1500. Fresno Mini Maker Faire Sunday, April 29 at 12 PM - 5 PM Fresno Grizzly Stadium 1800 Tulare St, Fresno Fresno’s 6th Annual Mini Maker Faire returns to Chukchansi Park for a fun and creativity filled day. Robots, fire, wood projects, ceramics, electronics, nerdy derby, science, giant games, metal arts, cardboard challenge, trebuchets, and more. Check back for “Meet the Makers” bios as they come on board for another great year! Call to Makers will be posted mid March for both makers and vendors Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182

Easter in the Vines Sunday, April 1 at 6:30 AM - 8 AM Moravia Wines 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno Smooky Margielaa with special guests Comethazine and Lil Mosey Wednesday, April 4 at 7 PM - 11 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno All ages. Join us on Sunday, April 1st and watch the sunrise over the vines and celebrate new beginnings of spring in a non-denominational Easter service at 6:30 AM, followed by a light continental breakfast. Then at 11 AM, join us for family fun with children’s Easter crafts, an Easter egg hunt and beverages for purchase (adult and kid friendly).



MARCH 22 & 29, 2018 | 11


The Sisterhood of Survivors by Lisa Talley |


he Sisterhood of Survivors (SOS) will be hosting their annual fundraiser themed ‘Girls’ Night Out’ on April 11th at the Clovis Veteran’s Memorial Building from 4-8pm. Girls’ Night Out is all about pampering yourself – and helping to raise money in support of educational programs and resources for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. In keeping with their mission, the non-profit will also continue to provide ongoing support for patients as they seek treatment by providing peer support and further educational resources. The free, fundraising event will see a variety of vendors for guests to choose from, food, crafts, games, raffle prizes and a silent auction. Some of the silent auction items will have been donated by a Sisterhood of Survivors supporter, Orchard Hardware Supply, who also volunteers time to help prepare the fundraising venue for the event. Also attending again this year is Jodi Jo with KISS Country 93.7 – the radio personality is a breast cancer survivor and advocate who has maintained a “very uplifting spirit” according to SOS supporter and board member, Shary Wofford. Proceeds from the event will go towards packaging and delivering ‘Totes’ to breast cancer patients, the most recent of which have included: The Breast Book by Dr. Susan Love (resource book) SOS Brochure and Monthly Luncheon Meetings information Educational materials: Questions to ask your doctor – Komen, Take Care of Yourself – Komen, Treatment Decisions – Living Beyond Breast Cancer, Guide for the newly diagnosed – LBBC, Exercises after Surgery – American Cancer Society, Follow up after Breast Cancer Treatment. Knitted cap (handmade and donated by The Hatbox Foundation)

12 | MARCH 22 & 29, 2018

Ginger Chews (nausea) There is Life after Breast Cancer – Book 2 gift certificates The Sisterhood of Survivors hosts monthly luncheons where a “mix of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients will have the opportunity to share and discuss their concerns with those who have completed their treatment recently and those who have completed their journey as much as 35 years ago, along with supporters,” shares Wofford. The attendees of each luncheon number anywhere from 20-25, include women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. The monthly meeting takes place at the Denny’s located on Willow and Shaw, every 3rd Saturday at noon in a private room at the back of the restaurant. Volunteers are also welcome to share their talents and time with SOS as there is plenty of room for more help within the Board of Directors, the Tote program (gathering supplies, assembling totes, and delivery) educational community events, and bi-lingual speakers. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact SOS directly at 559439-2183. Join Sisterhood of Survivors on April 11th at the Clovis Veterans Memorial Building for Girls’ Night Out from 4-8 pm, the organization’s annual fundraiser. You’ll be able to learn more about the non-profit, volunteering opportunities, while taking advantage of great products and services offered by vendors in support of SOS. For more information visit


Theater The Star-Spangled Girl Thursday, April 5 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 2nd Space Theatre 928 E Olive Ave, Fresno Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971) at Crest Theatre,Friday, April 13 at 8PM-10PM. Historic Crest TheatreFresno,1170 Broadway Plaza,Fresno.Tickets The classic starring Gene Wilder returns to the big screen.< receive a free popcorn if you come dressed in character. Pulp Fiction (1994) Film at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno, Friday , April 6, 8 PM-10:50 PM. Historic Crest Theatre Fresno, 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Tickets Quentin Tarantino’s cult classic hits the big screen. Encouraged to dress in charcter to recieve a free popcorn! Nate’s Silent Movies Return to Revue Cafe! Saturday, April 7 8 PM-9:30 PM.The Revue, 620 E Olive Ave,Fresno. Nate’s Silent Movies: A comedy cavalade, featuring short films by Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton! With live piano music by Nate Butler. Comediante La Chupitos at the Visalia Fox Theatre Saturday, April 21 at 8 PM - 10 PM Visalia Fox 308 W Main St, Visalia Perico Productions presents LA CHUPITOS Sat, April 21, 2018 8:00 pm $35.00 - $50.00 LILIANA ARRIAGA “LA CHUPITOS” From an early age, Liliana Arriaga always liked to entertain and make family and friends laugh with jokes.

Kids Visalia Adventure park. Arcade, Family Track, Lazer Tag, Batting Cages and more 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia, 93277, 559-635-7275 14th Annual Angel Babies Walk/ Run Saturday, April 21 at 6:45 AM - 11:30 AM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno Hinds Hospice proudly presents our 14th Annual Angel Babies Walk/Run fundraiser to benefit our Angel Babies program. The program will feature a 1/4 mile kids’ run, an 1/8 mile kids’ run for younger kids, a 2 mile walk and a 5K run, in addition to a Kid’s Zone, breakfast and opportunity drawing for fantastic prizes.


Cherry Avenue Auction Every Saturday & Tuesday 6:00am-3:00pm Cherry Avenue Auction 4640 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, 93706 7th Annual Bazaar Saturday, April 7 at 12 PM - 7 PM Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno (ICCF) 2111 E Nees Ave, Fresno Join us for this family-fun filled, cultural experience of international food and goods vendors, camel & pony rides, petting zoos, children’s activities, bounce houses, fire shows, henna art & face painting, demonstrations and exhibitions, an international photo booth and much more . THE FRESNO HIGH FLEA Saturday April 7 10 am til 2 Bring a breakfast themed non-perishable to help the Sanctuary Youth Shelter and get a ticket to win a $20 shopping certificate for May . Collecting cereal, pancake mix, syrup, oatmeal, granola bars, pop tarts, shelf stable juices and alternative milks. Celebrating our 5th season of The Fresno High Flea As always, Family friendly and Free to attend. A special monthly market that showcases the finest hand made goods, vintage items, tag sale stalls, and delicious treats.The Fresno High Flea will be held the first saturday of the month in the spacious lot on the corner of McKinley and Echo. Pow Wow Saturday, April 7 at 12 PM - 11:59 PM Fresno City College Gymnasium Pow Wow 2018 FCC Main Gy Noon to Midnight Everyone is welcome Indoor arena seating, free admission & parking Hosted by: Fresno City College American Indian Studies Program in collaboration with North Fork Rancheria Indian Child Welfare Program Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971) at Crest Theatre Friday, April 13 at 8 PM - 10 PM Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Breakfast With The Animals Saturday, April 14 at 8:30 AM 11:30 AM Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 W Belmont Ave, Fresno Join us for hot syrupy pancakes, sizzling sausage, mandarins, donuts, hot coffee, milk and juice! This year’s event will take place in the African Adventure Canopy Grove event area! Also enjoy the Winged Wonders Bird Show, animal presentations and live entertainment. Tickets available here: http://


Spring Craft and Vendor Fair Saturday April 21st 8 am to 3 pm Free Event! Bullard High School 5445 N Palm Ave in the Palm Ave. parking lot. Bullard High Shool Marching Band & Color Guard hosting. Performances by the BHS Band, Drumline & Color Guard. Plus Food, Raffles, Run for the Whole Family, & More! Come test drive Brand New 2018 Ford vehicles and Lithia Ford will give one $30 donation per household. Help us raise $8,000!

Community FREE Paper Shredding Saturday, April 7, 2018, the City of Fresno Recycling Program will hosting a FREE Paper Shredding Event. The event will be held at the Municipal Service Center, located at 1325 El Dorado (El Dorado and “E” Streets), from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. City of Fresno residents may bring up to three (3) boxes of personal documents to be shredded on-site. RULES: No Binders, No Binder Clips, No Ledgers and No other heavy metal objects inside your boxes. For more information, contact us at (559) 621-1111.

Sports Opening Night - Fresno Grizzlies vs. Tacoma Rainiers Tuesday, April 10 at 7:05 PM - 10:05 PM Fresno Grizzlies 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. California Classic Weekend Apr 7 at 7 AM to Apr 8 at 11:30 AM California Classic Weekend 1800 Tulare St, Fresno The California Classic Weekend starts with a Bike Ride on the ONLY freeway in California CLOSED for a bike event on Saturday April 7th. For runners we have a half marathon that runs through African Adventure inside Fresno’s Chaffee Zoo along with a Rock n Run 5K. Bike any distance on Saturday’s ride and run either of the runs on Sunday and your medallions interlock! www. Fresno Sunset Rotary 5th Annual Golf Tournament Friday, April 20 at 10 AM - 6 PM Figarden Golf Club We are excited for a great golf tournament this year! Fundraising efforts are to benefit Angels of Grace Foster Agency. Please inquire about sponsorship opportunities! Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182 | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

CALENDAR Mezz West State Tour Season 4 - Stop #4 Apr 21 at 12 PM to Apr 22 at 10 PM Diamond Billiards 6460 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. We are BACK at the great Diamond Billiards in beautiful Fresno, California! Grab your cue and head west - it’s going to be an exciting $2,000 added nine ball tournament and $500 added Second Chance Tournament!

Music Falsifier, Born A New, Reminitions, mothersound +more.Thursday, April 5 at 7 PM-11 PM , Full Circle Brewing Co., 620 F St, Fresno. Tickets www. Bone Thugs N Harmony - Special Intimate Performance at Strummers Thursday, April 5 at 7 PM - 11:30 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. 35th Annual Brass Bash Friday, April 6 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Fresno City College OAB Auditorium 12887 E Ashcroft Ave, Fresno Free event Outcry Tour, Saturday, April 7 at 7 PM-10 PM, Save Mart Center ,2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno.Tickets Outcry Tour is back on the road, join in for a night of music & worship at the Save Mart Center with Vertical Worship, Mosaic, MSC, Christine Caine,Bethel Music and Elevation Worship! The Petty Breakers - A Tribute to Tom Petty April 7th, 7pm Tickets Starting at $29.00 95.7 The PettyBreakers is the nation’s premier “Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers” tribute act. Based out of Southern California, this band accurately recreates the sights, sounds and concert experience of a Tom Petty concert. All the classics… American Girl…Break Down… Free Fallin’… Mary Jane’s Last Dance…Refugee… Runnin’ Down a Dream… and so many more... perfectly reproduced. Playing to packed houses all over the U.S., the band is comprised of excellent musicians who have performed and recorded with international artists. The PettyBreakers were chosen to perform on AXS TV’s “The World’s Greatest Tribute Bands,” honoring the music of this legendary American icon. Experience the music of the late Tom Petty with special guest Max Headroom! Don’t miss the exclusive pre-concert party in The Tower Theater Lounge where you could win amazing prizes from The Fox! Tickets can be purchased at: http://www.tower theatrefresno. com/ #559-485-9050 Box Office 815 E. Olive Ave Fresno, CA 93728

Adrian Legg Thursday, April 12 at 8 PM - 11 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno Adrian Legg is an English guitar player who has been called “impossible to categorize”. He plays custom guitars that are a hybrid of electric and acoustic, and his fingerstyle picking technique has been acknowledged by the readers of Guitar Player who voted Legg the “best acoustic fingerstyle” player four years in a row (1993–1996). Travis Garland Thursday, April 12 at 7 PM - 11 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Rain: A Tribute To the Beatles Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. 90s Music Festival Saturday, April 14 at 12 PM - 7:30 PM ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, Madera Apcalwine. com We’ve got THREE great Tribute bands coming into to perform some of the greatest hits from the 90s! Do you like the FOO FIGHTERS, PEARL JAM and NIRVANA? If you do, you’re not going to want to miss this concert! $15 in advance --- $20 at the gate Pre-sale gate opens at 12pm --- General Admission at 1pm Music starts at 2pm Music - Dancing - Wine - Beer - Food - Cigars 21 yrs & Older Only Bring a Lawn Chair NO Outside Alcohol, Soda or Water Food available for purchase from Smoke Joint BBQ and Burgers & More Co. Crowder Saturday, April 14 at 7 PM - 10 PM Warnors Theatre 1400 Fulton Street, Fresno. Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559472-7182 Fresno Soul Fest with Charlie Wilson and Frankie J. Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 PM. Selland Arena, 700 M St, Fresno.Tickets by Ticketmaster Frankie Cosmos, Ian Sweet, Soar. Friday, April 13 at 8 pm-12 am . Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Tickets New York native songwriter and composer Greta Kline has shared a bounty of her innermost thoughts and experiences from the past six years through the almost inconceivable number of songs she has released sinc 2011. Los Lonely Boys, Lisa Morales Tuesday, April 17 at 8 PM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno


Emerald Dream 2018 Saturday, April 21 at 8 PM - 1:30 AM Rainbow BallRoom 1725 Broadway St, Fresno K-Lin Presents the 8th annual Emerald Dream 18+ w/ Bars Available for 21+ JOYCE MANOR, awakebutstillinbed Friday, April 27 at 8 PM - 12 AM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno all ages

Roy Orbison Returns! March 30th, 8pm

Tickets starting at $39.50

Nationally touring band, Wiley Ray and the Big O Band, are bringing you, Roy Orbison Returns! Celebrating Roy Orbison! They'll play all of Roy's hits, Pretty Woman, Crying, and more! Come out for a night to celebrate Roy and be taken back to experience what he was best known for, his humor and amazing music. Opening will be Rockabilly Friday with the Only Cash Band as well Wine Tasting Food/Tasting J. Sor- as a Patsy Cline appearance. renti Wine Bar in the Sierra Nut Tickets can be purchased: House hosts daily wine tastings, with appetizers and full menu items. (559) 432-4023 Sierra Nut House 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, Bobby Bones 93720 Daily 8am-8pm March 31st, 9pm The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/Salsa, Tickets $34.00 Ballroom Salsa Dance Lessons start at 8 pm; music and dancing follow Philanthropist. Bobby every Tuesday night at The Cellar Bones has built his Door. Beginners’ lessons run from career on the ability to 8-8:45 pm, advanced lessons from multi-task. Channeling 8:45-9:30 pm, and dancing follows. humor, honesty, and All dabce lessons are free with ad- hard work, he’s also mission. built the largest nationevent-calendar.html Event Info: ally syndicated morn(559) 636-9463 The Cellar Door 101 ing show in country radio - “The Bobby Bones W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 Show.” Social Fridays @imperiofresno! Radio DJ. Stand-up comedian. Good Vibes This & Every Weekend. Best-selling author. Chart-topping reDon’t Miss Out on these great drink cording artist. TV personality. specials Drink Specials before 11pm $3 Budlights $5 AMFs $7 Remy Tickets can be purchased: 1738 SHOTS ONLY 3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno, California. Big Brother: 80’s New Wave Dance Party and 80’s Prom at Fulton 55, Friday April 6 at 9 PM. 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Ticket www.ticketfly. com When Doves Cry - the Prince Tribute Show Memorial Concert at Fulton 55, Friday, April 13 at 9:30 PM.Ticket .Come out and celebrate the Life of Prince for the 2nd Anniversary. The Petty Breakers Fauxchella Weekend ‘18 w/ John 5, Bad Wolves, Stellar Corpses, Friday April 7th, 7pm , April 13 at 7 PM-1AM. Full Circle Tickets Starting at $29.00 Brewing co. 620 F St, Fresno. 95.7 The Fox, White Claw Hard SeltNight Heat Rocks Sequoia Tower. zer & Xfinity present The 2018 Fox Friday , A pril 13 at 9 PM-12 AM.Se- Undercover Concer Series! The Petquoia Brewing Company Tower, 777 tyBreakers is the nation’s premier E Olive Ave, Fresno. Night Heat plays “Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers” all of your favourite classic and mod- tribute act. ern rock with passion and excitement Based out of Southern California, this band accurately recreates the sights, Calling All Promotors We can help sounds and concert experience of a get you out there. We’ve got great Tom Petty concert. All the classics… rates on bulk prints too 559-472- American Girl…Break Down… Free Fallin’… Mary Jane’s Last Dance… 7182 Refugee… Runnin’ Down a Dream…

21 & Over


http://www.towertheatrefresno. com/ 559-485-9050 Box Office 815 E. Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93728

http://www.towertheatrefresno. com/ 559-485-9050 Box Office 815 E. Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93728

and so many more... perfectly reproduced. Don’t miss the exclusive pre-concert party in The Tower Theater Lounge where you could win amazing prizes from The Fox! Tickets can be purchased: http://www.towertheatrefresno. com/ 559-485-9050 Box Office 815 E. Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93728


MARCH 22 & 29, 2018 | 13










Starting at


Call or Text (559) 664-6496 4946 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno HAULING

14 | MARCH 22 & 29, 2018





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Day & cedures. 844-848-5575 your first prescription! 493-8403 496-0381 1-800-291- (559)445-1928 Re http://www.den- CALL Night Classes Avail- or LIFE ALERt. 24/7. able. $50 Discount to 6572 Promo Code RIDING MOWER ceive $5 off your $25 NEED A LOAN? Let One press of a but- Veterans. Visit CFTC. Ad# 6118 CDC201625 Tires & Tubes. Visit purchase. us help you get the ton sends help FAST! net For More Info. Jensen & Watts 516 money you need! No Medical, Fire, Burglar. 559-325-8097 DENTAL INSUR- N. Chestnut, Fresno. SUPPORT LOCAL application. No cred- Even if you can?t reach MISCELLANEOUS ANCE. Call Physi- (559) 255-0465 it check. Call Dean’s a phone! FREE Bro- BE JOB Ready In cians Mutual Insurance Coins for more in- chure. CALL 800-760- as few as 7 months! BE JOB Ready In Company for details. formation (559) 264- 7834 SJVC offers medical, as few as 7 months! NOT just a discount 4653 business, and technical SJVC offers medical, plan, REAL coverage WHY RENT an apart- programs at campuses business, and technical for 350 procedures. LEARN TO DRIVE ment? When you can throughout the valley. programs at campuses 844-848-5575 or http:// A FORKLIFT. Train- rent a home. Beautiful Programs vary by cam- throughout the valley. www.dental50plus. The-Trainer & Re-Cer- and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- pus. Financial aid is Programs vary by cam- com/fresno Ad# 6118 tification Classes rooms Available. Only available to those who pus. Financial aid is Available. Day & $1000 month. Call to- qualify. Call 866-388- available to those who LARGE VARIETY of Night Classes Avail- day! 888-563-3003 7490 or visit qualify. Call 866-388- Bearings - Sprockets able. $50 Discount to 7490 or visit - Drive Components. Veterans. Visit CFTC. Visit Jensen & Watts net For More Info. INSURANCE EMPLOYMENT GO-KART Mini-Bike 516 N. Chestnut, Fres559-325-8097 Repair & Service. Vis- no. (559) 255-0465 DENTAL INSUR- LAVANG CARE it Jensen & Watts 516 BE JOB Ready ANCE. Call Physi- Homes Needs LVN. N. Chestnut, Fresno. BOB’S MINI Storage In as few as 7 months! cians Mutual Insur- Work with six mental- (559) 255-0465 - 1/2 off Spring SpeSJVC offers medical, ance Company for ly disabled clients. Fax cials! Pay 2 months business, and technical details. NOT just a your resume to 1-800- WE LOAN & Buy get 2 months FREE. programs at campuses discount plan, REAL 496-0381 Guitars & Amps. Call 6’x8’x10’ high only throughout the valley. coverage for 350 pro- Dean’s Coins (559) $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ Programs vary by cam- cedures. 844-848-5575 LICENSED high only $21.50/ HAIR 264-4653 pus. Financial aid is or mo. (average cost http://www.den- CUTTER WANTED available to those who Busy Shop. 1224 W CHAINSAW chain & per month with free qualify. Call 866-388- Ad# 6118 Shields Ave, Fresno. Garden Tool Sharp- months factored in) 7490 or visit Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun ening. Visit Jensen & Free moving truck! 8-5. Call SHIELDS & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Bob’s Mini Storage BOB’S MINI Storage PERSONALS WEST Barber Shop Fresno. (559) 255- 5280 N. Barcus Fresno - 1/2 off Spring Spe(559)227-6739 0465 93722 (559) 275-4000 cials! Pay 2 months MEET SINGLES in Se Habla Espanol get 2 months FREE. your area. Real Hook- A PLACE FOR MOM. 6’x8’x10’ high only ups Real Fast. Try it Mini The nation’s largest se- GO-KART HEALTH $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ FREE! Ahora en EsBike Tires - Clutches nior living referral ser& FITNESS high only $21.50/ panol 18+ (559)761vice. Contact our trust- - Chains - Sprockets. mo. (average cost 0162 Visit Jensen & Watts SHIELDS & WEST ed, local experts today! per month with free 516 N. Chestnut, FresOur service is FREE/ Barbershop! Reg hair months factored in) SLIM, GOOD lookno. (559) 255-0465 cut $4.50. Seniors and no obligation. CALL Free moving truck! ing white male, 60. boys under 12, $4.00. 1-855-621-5373 Bob’s Mini Storage Looking for slim good SELLING SOME1224 W Shields Ave, 5280 N. Barcus Fresno looking female 50-60 THING? List it for Fresno. Mon-Fri 8-6, 93722 (559) 275-4000 Non-smoker. Serious only $10 issue 472Sat-Sun 8-5. (559)227Se Habla Espanol 7182 relationship, maybe 6739 live-in. Won’t have A PLACE FOR MOM. rent or utilities to pay, The nation’s largest se- you keep your money nior living referral ser- for personal expenses. vice. Contact our trust- Call (559) 779-1021 ed, local experts today! Our service is FREE/ SUPPORT LOCAL no obligation. CALL 1-855-621-5373


MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call Willows of Santiago today (888) 563-3003

SELLING SOMETHING? List it for only $10 issue 4727182




MARCH 22 & 29, 2018 | 15


SELLING SOME- BOB’S MINI Storage 275 GALLON Water SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 - 1/2 off Spring Spe- Totes $80 Non food THING? Under $300 LAWN list it for FREE. Send cials! Pay 2 months grade but very clean. list it for FREE. Send & GARDEN DENTAL INSUR- BOB’S MINI Storage it to info@fresnoflyer. get 2 months FREE. Great for garden water. it to info@fresnoflyer. 6’x8’x10’ high only Also food grade avail- com ANCE. Call Physi- - 1/2 off Spring Spe- com LAWN SERVICE. $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ able. 209-743-0809 cians Mutual Insur- cials! Pay 2 months Cleanups, Fertilizhigh only $21.50/ RIDING MOWER er, New Saw, Lawn ance Company for get 2 months FREE. SUPPORT LOCAL mo. (average cost WOOD STOVE for Tires & Tubes. Visit Spraying, details. NOT just a 6’x8’x10’ high only ANTIQUES Sprinkler discount plan, REAL $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ & COLLECTIBLES per month with free sale $35. Contact Bill Jensen & Watts 516 Repair & Lawn Remonths factored in) 559-307-4795. N. Chestnut, Fresno. seeding. Call for a coverage for 350 pro- high only $21.50/ (559) 255-0465 cedures. 844-848-5575 mo. (average cost PRIVATE collector Free moving truck! Free Estimate! 559or http://www.den- per month with free wanting to buy Native Bob’s Mini Storage POWER TRIM Edg- 696-5149 or months factored in) American mortars and 5280 N. Barcus Fresno er 2 HP Model 200 LARGE VARIETY 7630 Ad# 6118 Free moving truck! pestles. will pay cash 93722 (559) 275-4000 Briggs & Stratton Mo- of Bearings - SprockSe Habla Espanol tor $125 (559) 240- ets - Drive Compo- SELLING Bob’s Mini Storage (559) 779-8312 SOMESUPPORT LOCAL 5914 nents. Visit Jensen & THING? List it for 93722 (559) 275-4000 Watts 516 N. Chestnut, only $10 issue 472MID-CENTURY Fresno. (559) 255- 7182 ELECTRONICS Modern 2 Mirror 0465 SPORTING Dresser & Matching King Bedframe $325 KICKER solar baric CHAINSAW chain & sub - L7 new in box ALL GOOD used (559) 826-9310 Garden Tool SharpYARD WORK snow gear, Boards, $200 obo 578-2196 ening. Visit Jensen & Boots, Clothes, Gog- ANTIQUE Fish- Watts 516 N. Chestnut, ing Tackle Box $90 KENWOOD flip flop gles, Helmet, Sleds. JW CLEAN-UP SER- Fresno. (559) 255(Coarsegold) (559) face CD player 9013 I have anything you VICES. Estate Sale 0465 INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE $175 obo 578-2196 need for a good time Cleanups. Yard, Trash, 676-6924 on the new snow. To Construction cleanup, RIDING Mower Tires A Place for Mom has helped over a million families find senior 200 see these items you rubbish, trees & demo, & Tubes. Visit Jensen 1930S to 1940s China KENWOORD living solutions that meet their unique needs. Our Advisors Cabinet (Art Deco) watt 4 channel amp must call and no text! rentals, lots, apart- & Watts 516 N. ChestCalls only 8am to 8pm ments & foreclosures. nut, Fresno. (559) 255$200 (Kingsburg) $200 obo 578-2196 are trusted, local experts who can help you understand your 559-706-784 (Madera We do it all Just Call! 0465 (559) 905-3125 options. Here’s what’s included with our free service: (559)307-4304 ask for WE LOAN & Buy Ranchos) James TREE TV’s & Electronics. SERVICE N O R D I C T R A C K Call Dean’s Coins - Palm Trees, Tree CLOTHING SERVICE. Stumps, Elite 5700. $1199. It LAWN (559) 264-4653 Mistletoe. & ACCESSORIES Fertiliz- We do it all! Free Es is in perfect condition Cleanups, works great. Runs/ er, New Saw, Lawn timates Call 765-4873 Full details Hand-picked list VINTAGE clothA dedicated Sprinkler or 421-8555 Walks smooth. Very Spraying, FARM & GARDEN ing & accessories at and pricing of communities local Advisor quiet. Can watch vid- Repair & Lawn ReBeBe O’s in Tower. We also carry vintage CHAINSAW chain & eos on the treadmill seeding. Call for a BIKES items & furnishings. Garden Tool Sharp- while working out. Has Free Estimate! 559Come check out the ening. Visit Jensen & always been stored in- 696-5149 or 559-275GIRLS BIKE Good inventory! 1130 N. Watts 516 N. Chestnut, side the house. Very 7630 Fresno. (559) 255- good treadmill. Sad to Condition with trainWishon Ave. Fresno. Help scheduling Move in ing wheels & basket (559)445-1928 Re- 0465 see it go. Luke 559- tours support 967-2003 HAULING $25 (559) 289-4507 ceive $5 off your $25 RIDING MOWER purchase. Tires & Tubes. Visit K2 AXIS XT Snow JW CLEAN-UP SER- 20” MAGNA RipClaw Jensen & Watts 516 Skis 185’s with fresh VICES. Estate Sale BMX $40 (Madera) N. Chestnut, Fresno. tune up in excellent Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Solid bmx bike with APPLIANCES condition. Side cut 18 Construction cleanup, good tubes and tires. (559) 255-0465 mm. Marker bindings rubbish, trees & demo, Serious inquiries only. HOTPOINT fridge comp 1400. Fresh tune rentals, lots, apart- Hablo Espanol. with freezer $150 JOHN DEERE GATOR $4000 (559) up. Call or text Cheryl ments & forclosures. 408.477.9953 (559) 223-3459 at 559-930-2417 $175 We do it all Just Call! 707-0281 (550)307-4304 ask for SHIMANO Revo MINI SANYO refrigJames 7 Speed shifter 26” erator works well very MATURE Japanese ! We’re paid by our partner communities TOOLS Weinmann Rims clean I paid 90 I’m Maple $100 You must come dig it up. I don’t (Quick release front) only asking 60 . Great HOME Fuji Duraflex Tushfor outdoor parties want it because it has CHAINSAW CHAIN Cush Saddle Wellgo IMPROVEMENT Text me if interested gotten too big and is & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & blocking the walkway leisure pedals Frame 559 960 6472 to my front door. The Watts 516 N. Chestnut, CARPET, Wood, Vi- size is 18”/46cm (For WHIRLPOOL Wash- trunk is about 4-5 inch- Fresno. (559) 255- nyl & Laminate. All someone 5’11” and styles - All Colors. under) Very good coner & Dryer $400 (559) es in diameter. It is just 0465 starting to leaf-out so Hundreds of Rolls! dition, ready to ride 519-1686 you will need to get it 2 HUSKY Tie Down Come see us at Val- Please call 559-261 LG PORTABLe room soon. (559) 260-7930 Straps $15 (559) 999- ley Remnants & Rolls 4680 if interested. $80 1987 1820 E. McKinley. AC unit works good SELLING SOME YOKOTA Mountain brand new only used Joan Lunden, journalist, best-selling THING? Under $300 WERNER commer- SELLING SOMEBike $75 (559) 930for a couple months , list it for FREE. Send cial duty ladder in THING? List it for 3330 author, former host of Good Morning moving and don’t need it to info@fresnoflyer. new condition, 300 lb only $10 issue 472any more $75 obo 559America and senior living advocate. com SUPPORT LOCAL rating. Call. 559-360- 7182 284-0289 2977. $75 LAVANG CARE Homes Needs LVN. Work with six mentally disabled clients. Fax your resume to 1-800496-0381



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A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s REAL ESTATE largest senior living FOR SALE referral service. Contact our trusted, local MANUFACTURED experts today! CALL Homes in a Gated 1-844-292-8262 Community. Homes starting at $59,000. $1295 / 3br - 1624ft2 Owner financing, low - House - 3 Bed / 1.5 down payments, comBath - 2732 E. Rob- petitive interest rates. inson Ave. (559) 261- Veterans let us help 0208 ext. 1 you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call HOUSES FOR SALE 898-2088 MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! (559) 898-2088 or (888) 563-3003 SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182


MOBILE HOME Doublewide 1500 Sq Ft 2-Ba 2-Bath Car Port Very Nice mobliehome. Arbian Villa Clovis $49,000 ph 559-470-1671 $249800 / 3br 1689ft2 - NEW LISTING!!! Great 3-bedroom, 2-bath home completely Move-in ready! (559) 250-3442

MARCH 22 & 29, 2018 | 17

AUTOMOTIVE GO-KART Mini Bike Tires - Clutches - Chains - Sprockets. 2005 CUSTOM Rhino HARLEY Davidson Visit Jensen & Watts $7800 (Squaw Valley) 07 Roadking $14,000, 516 N. Chestnut, FresMust see and must sell. or trade for low mile- no. (559) 255-0465 (559) 545-4419 age Serious inquiries only. contact me at YAMAHA RAPTOR (559)834-3746 RVS 350 Has exhaust and jetted Runs great 1994 HONDA xr650l BOB’S MINI Storage Pink in hand $2900 plated supermoto ask- - 1/2 off Spring Spe559-708-3774 ing 2500 obo or pos- cials! Pay 2 months sible trade (559) 977- get 2 months FREE. YAMAHA GOLF cart 1382 6’x8’x10’ high only with a utility truck box. $16/mo - 6’x10’x10’ I am asking 1500. If 2006 HONDA VTX high only $21.50/ you are interested give 1300 Trade $3300 mo. (average cost me a call, no text 871- (Madera) calls only per month with free 3213 559-871-3213 months factored in) Free moving truck! CLEAN 2008 YFZ450 RACE READY 2008 Bob’s Mini Storage SE ATV $4200 (559) kx 65 kx65 $1800 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 760-4155 (559) 284-0072 93722 (559) 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol POLARIS Sportsman YAMAHA ZUMA 850 HD XP $7500 50cc $1400 (Sanger) CLEAN 98 23ft (Prather) (559) 908- (559) 284-4150 Prowler lite sleep 6 9609 $6200 no texts 559SELLING SOME400-4640 THING? List it for only $10 issue 472SUPPORT LOCAL 7182


18 | MARCH 22 & 29, 2018





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