Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 24

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EDITOR’S NOTE We’ve got a new thing to showcase in this issue, and we’re pretty excited about it. If you flip through our pages, you’ll find a ‘Vintage Market Guide’ of shops selling furniture, clothes, and other items of interest in the Tower District. And we didn’t have to organize it, the shop owners all got together and decided that they ought to help one another. So, they banded together and came up with a plan - the ‘Vintage Market Guide’ in our paper. One of the things we’ve been waiting to see is people working together for the benefit of the whole; for the greater good, I suppose you could say. These guys are the first we’ve seen to do so in the entire time we’ve been printing this paper. I’m not going to sugar-coat it, but Fresno has this weird thing about keeping all their cards close to their chest. Meaning, nobody wants to share resources, ideas, or time in anything that doesn’t keep their name in the spotlight. It makes me wonder, how many times have these entrepreneurs, artists, and organizations have been left out in the cold? How many bad apples took all the credit for a group effort and ran off with the goodies? Are we that jaded and cynical that we won’t invest anything if it doesn’t directly benefit ourselves the most? Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying


| MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018



that absolutely no one is working together to make cool stuff happen, but it is rare to see. The shops in Tower call themselves the Tower Vintage Merchants Association, and even though they’re essentially each other’s competition for business, they would instead support and elevate the whole to reach a common goal. Yes, they would all love to build a larger customer base, but it’s also about injecting more foot traffic into the Tower District. Downtown Fresno has been getting a lot of love and attention due to the revitalization projects. It has its own organization to facilitate new businesses, attractions, and manage the general marketing. However, not everyone has one of those - Tower could use some of that momentum Downtown has generated, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone at the helm. These Tower shops aren’t going to wait for a knight in shining armor; they’re motivated to do something about it themselves. And we think it’s pretty neat. Anytime people, businesses, and organizations get together to help make things a little better for everyone; it’s worth taking note. SO, go take a look at your small, local businesses, and let them know what you think. Or let us know what you think, for that matter. We like hearing from you, too :)


The Imperial Dove Court

Meet the local non-profit organization who has been giving back to Fresno and the Central Valley for the last 45 years.

by Lisa Talley |


ervice. A word that describes an action, in some instances, a selfless principle – in this case, it’s a description for the driving heart of an organization. Even more, it’s the very first word in the opening statement of the preamble to their bylaws which states “Service through united action, guided by intelligence is the hallmark of this corporation.” Last issue’s coverage of this year’s theme for the Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival had one, ongoing, constant aside from that story’s main thread. Numerous interviews on the subject revealed that you couldn’t have one without the other in discussion of the history of the LGBTQ community – the bars/nightclubs and The Imperial Dove Court (IDC). As revealed in my interview with longtime community member and performer, Camille Roberts, “The Court was the seed that was planted in Fresno for the gay community, and that seed has turned into a tree that blossomed into all [the local organizations, initiatives, bars, and clubs). If it weren’t for the court, we wouldn’t have this beautiful tree that’s growing here.” We left the article’s focus on the bars without delving too deeply into the IDC since both have a profound, powerful, ongoing and historical impact on the community independent of one another. The Imperial Dove Court needed its own pages in the Flyer with which to spread its wings. If the bars and nightclubs are the backbone of the community, having provided a safe place for cultivating growth and change… then The Imperial Dove Court is the lifeblood for the community’s varied and continued successes. Graciously accommodating me yet again, Tiffany Taylor Tate – Empress VII and XXVII of the IDC, invited us into her home

for an extended interview to provide me with more background to the organization. Her hospitality didn’t end there; she also invited Imperial Family members Steve, Emperor XXXIII and Montana, Empress XVI who was in town visiting from the east coast. Between them, a priceless wealth of experience, knowledge, and first-hand accounts of The Imperial Dove Court’s efforts to uplift the community. While this cannot be an exhaustive telling of the IDC’s history, as that would take countless hours to achieve, this piece will act as an introduction to one of the oldest and most influential entities in the local gay community. A not for profit organization, The Imperial Dove Court de Fresno/Madera Inc. is a 501(c)3 established in 1973 by Imperial Queen Mother 2, Jesse “…to be of assistance and aid to all who are in need if it is within our power to do so,” as also stated in the preamble. The IDC fundraises all year round, holding any and all funds raised in a trust until the end of the fiscal year when applications for aid are assessed, approved, and resources are dispersed. Forty-five years and counting, the non-profit supports the communities of Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings, and Kern counties. Initially politically motivated, the IDC worked diligently to stop propositions that were not only aimed at marginalizing the gay community but also to support people living with HIV/AIDS who were being health suppressed, as shared by Montana, Empress XVI. Although seen as an LGBTQ organization, The Imperial Dove Court reaches out and hosts fundraisers for any 501(c)3 in need. The Imperial Dove Court is structured like most corporations with a board


of directors, Heads of State, Secretary, Treasurer, and organization members. However, titles are redesigned for select positions, where ‘Heads of State’ are officially known as ‘Emperor’ and ‘Empress’ otherwise known as monarchs. And each can select their (or invest the titles of ) ‘Imperial Crown Prince’ and ‘Imperial Crown Princess’ who enact duties similar to that of an executive assistant. The titles themselves sound gender-exclusive, but one of the unique elements of this organization is that they’re only gender-exclusive in presentation - meaning if you have

the honor of being elected into the role of Empress you better come dressed to the nines in your best gown, crown, and jewels. To be more specific, an Empress is a role typically held by Drag Queens (or female impersonators as preferred by Tiffany Taylor Tate) but the Emperor is not a Drag King – although,


women have held the role. The IDC has specific guidelines and often, a dress code, when it comes to representing the Court at sanctioned events that could very well take place anywhere across the United States, Canada, Mexico, and soon to be Europe. One of 65 active chapters, The Imperial Dove Court is an affiliate of the Imperial Court System (ICS) - established in 1965 in San Francisco – one of the largest and oldest LGBTQ organizations in the world. “The Imperial Court System is a grassroots network of organizations that works to build community relationships for equality and raise monies for charitable causes through the production of annual Gala Coronation Balls that invite an unlimited audience of attendees to be presented at Royal Court in their fanciest attire throughout North America along with numerous other fundraisers each year, all for the benefit of their communities,” as expressed on Wikipedia. Monarchs from the IDC travel to other cities as a representative of Fresno and the surrounding areas to garner support for future coronations, charities, or fundraising events, as well as to lend their own support to those chapters. And much of the expenses of these efforts actually fall on the shoulders of the reigning Emperor or Empress at the time. “San Francisco and San Diego have big sponsors – Budweiser (for example) will give say $10,000 to the Emperor and Empress to buy their gowns, crowns, and pay for travel expenses. Fresno, [it’s up to each monarch] to buy the gown, tuxedo, crown, travel, etc. … we average, each one of us, around $30,000 out of pocket per reigning year,” says Tate. “When I was Empress… back then we had 12 state functions that were mandatory; two court shows every month – one at the Red Lantern and one at the old High Energy which used to be over on Clinton, it was a 2nd and 4th Sunday show. So, we had to go to Coronations and come back, but stay through brunch because you had to be seen, then drive (or fly) to Fresno and be in drag for a Sunday show at eight o clock,” reflects Montana. Fu r t h e r m o re , Monarchs will continue to represent The Imperial Dove Court as part of the Imperial Family and travel to advocate for the community’s charities. Once an Emperor or Empress has concluded their reign, they will be considered members for life and remain as part of the organization in the


continues on pg 6... MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 |




Dash A041292 is hoping to make some new friends soon! He’s friendly and does well with other dogs. 559-233-7722 ext.116


Acorn A041259 is ready to show off her gorgeous fur! This precious kitty will love taking naps in your lap. 559-233-7722 ext.116

Darling Posy

Darling A041078 enjoys belly rubs and loves to roll around on the ground, asking to be pet. She’s very affectionate! 559-233-7722


| MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018

Posy A046383 is a sweetie with a heart of gold. She loves cuddling and playing with her friends! 559-233-7722 ext.116



Andy A041251 doesn’t let his cloudy eye keep him from seeing all the love you have for him! 559-233-7722 ext.116

Uncle Ben

Uncle Ben A041283 will keep you company any day, curled up at your feet or snuggling in bed. 559-233-7722 ext.116


Athena A041284 can’t wait to find a forever home where she’ll feel comfortable and safe, with a nice soft bed. 559-233-7722 ext.116


Grizzly A041287 is a handsome fella who is ready to explore! He’s independent and quite intelligent. 559-233-7722 ext.116



Chunk A041288 is a big hunk o’ love! He’s ready for anything, from camping to beach walks to long naps. 559-233-7722 ext.116


Spades A042597 will smother you with love! She’s perfect for any family looking for a large dog. 559-233-7722 ext.116


Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

In honor of Father’s Day

X chromosome to their children; in contrast, a father passes on ei1. Father’s Day is celebrated the ther an X or Y chromosome. third Sunday in June in over 50 7. A male who has many brothers countries around the world. is more likely to have sons. In con2. The world’s oldest “Father’s Day trast, a man who has many sisters is card” is a 4,000-year-old Babylo- more likely to have daughters. nian tablet that a young boy named Elmesu carved to wish his father a 8. Fathers over the age of 40 are significantly less likely to have long life and good health. sons. 3. Father’s Day is celebrated at different times around the world. 9. A new study shows that fathers Spain and Belgium celebrate fa- who share household chores with thers on March 19; Australia and their wives tend to have more amNew Zealand honor fathers on the bitious daughters as well as daughfirst Sunday in September; and ters with more broad definitions of in Britain, Canada, and the U.S., gender roles. Father’s Day is celebrated on the 10. According to a 2005 survey third Sunday in June. commissioned by TiVo, here are 4. The father with the most chil- the top ten TV dads of all time: 1. dren is most likely Ismail Ibn Cliff Huxtable (The Cosby Show); Sharif, an Alaouite sultan who fa- 2. Sheriff Andy Taylor (The Andy thered 888 children with hundreds Griffith Show); 3. Pa Ingalls (Litof wives and concubines in the late tle House on the Prairie); 4. Howard Cunningham (Happy Days); 5. 17th century. Ward Cleaver (Leave it to Beaver); 5. During the mother’s pregnancy, 6. Jim Anderson (Father Knows a dad’s testosterone levels decrease Best); 7. Mike Brady (The Brady and the production of prolactin in- Bunch); 8. Tim Taylor (Home creases. Additionally, a study found Improvement); 9. Reverend Eric that after men had kids, they were Camden (7th Heaven); 10. Danny less likely to engage in high-risk Tanner (Full House). activities. 11. Charles Darwin, the “father of evolution” was also a devoted fa6.Chromosomes from the father ther to his 10 kids (two of whom determine the sex of their offdied in infancy). In a time when spring. Mothers always pass on an | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

childrearing was seen as women’s work, he played a central role in educating and raising his children.

12. In 2013, there were 214,000 stay-at-home (SAH) dads in the U.S. SAH dads are defined as married fathers with children younger than 15 who are out of the labor force for at least one year to care for the family while their wives work outside of the home. 13. Father rheas are “super dads.” The sole male in a family group of up to a dozen females, the father rhea will be the only one to incubate up to 50 eggs for 40 days. The male will then raise the chicks completely on his own and will chase anything, including females, away from his chicks. 14. Fathers around the globe experience couvade syndrome, which is also called “sympathy pregnancy.” The symptoms of this condition are similar to an expectant mother’s symptoms and include altered hormone levels, weight gain, vomiting, and nausea.



MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 |


‘Dove’ continued from pg 3... formal ‘Imperial Family’ maintaining their reign number, i.e., VII (7) XVI (16), etc. The numbers represent the order the Monarchs reigned in accordance to when the organization was established. This May marks the 45th year of the IDC, so the newly crowned Emperor and Empress will forever be known as (title) XLV. The Imperial Family will serve as mentors to incoming Monarchs, guiding them and The Imperial Dove Court to continue the work of serving the community to the best of its ability. As Steve, Emperor XXXIII, explains, “Once someone takes the title of Emperor or Empress, whether you’re reigning that year or not, you’re always looked at as a leader of that organization … for the rest of your life.” And no better example exists than Founder and Imperial Queen Mother 2, Jesse. Considered a champion of the Court, she works tirelessly to support the members and their efforts. “Jesse, our founder – Empress I & IV – has been involved in every single reign whether she liked us or not,” shares Montana, “She is the epitome of what we should all be.” The Monarchs are essentially marketers, networking and connecting as often as possible to generate interest for programs, fundraisers, or events. The more money they’re able to raise throughout the year, the more they’re able to help those in need. And most, if not all, Monarchs are doing all of this on top of working full-time jobs. “We were getting out of work at 5 pm, going home, jumping in drag for a show that was at 8 pm but probably didn’t start until 9, and then didn’t get out til midnight, getting home at 2 am and having to be at work at 8 am that morning,” says Montana of her days as Empress XVI, canvassing 3-4 nights a week. For decades, The Imperial Dove Court has been the unofficial godmother to the entire LGBTQ community – and now, the caretaker of all the areas it serves. The IDC’s sole purpose is to watch over the well-being of the Central Valley by providing aid where needed, in the issues that directly affect our community. Each Court member and Monarch give their time, energy, and resources not for notoriety, or claim to fame, but to make the world a little bit of a better place than how they found it. -More information about public meetings, getting involved, volunteering, and upcoming events follow the IDC on Facebook @ imperialdovecourtdefresno or visit


| MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018

MORE LOCAL CHARITIES Find your way to give back and help make a difference by getting involved.

Central California Blood Center - is committed to saving lives and improving patient care by providing a safe and abundant blood supply for the patients and families in the communities they serve. www.donateblood. org/donate-blood Habitat For Humanity - They facilitate a partnership among families who demonstrate need, the ability to pay the mortgage, and a willingness to partner in the construction of their home. This partnership also engages community supporters who join the families in the home building process and provide both financial and in-kind support for building supplies and materials. www. Valley Animal Center - Nonprofit no-kill dog and cat adoption center. Their mission is to assist with and provide for the health and welfare of the animals that have been abused, mistreated, abandoned, and injured; to promote the bond between animals and people; and to instill an appreciation and respect for all living creatures with whom we share this earth. volunteer Yosemite Ridge at Camp Wawona Inc The mission of Yosemite Ridge is to enrich the lives of children and families who have chronic or life-threatening illnesses by creating a camp experience that is memorable, exciting, fun, empowering, physically safe, and medically sound. profile/20-1105731 Hinds Hospice – Here to help those living with a terminal condition, their caregivers and those who have lost a loved one. In addition to providing hospice care services in both the Hinds Hospice Home and in a patient’s own home environment, they also offer an extensive bereavement (grief ) support program through the Center for Grief and Healing, specially trained pediatric hospice and skilled nursing teams, a perinatal hospice and infant loss support program, “Angel Babies/Bebitos Angelitos,” a formal physician education program, global outreach, and four thrift stores throughout the central valley. Valley Teen Ranch – their mission is to provide hope to vulnerable children, youth, and families through life changing relationships and experiences. Programs include: Residential Group Home, Foster Family & Adoption Agency, and Transitional Living.


Angels of Grace Foster Family Agency agency that provides a place of refuge and healing for foster children. A place where they can receive the nurturing and care that they need from professional social workers and trained foster parents. Break the Barriers - Celebrating awareness and victories of all abilities, ethnicities, and ages through exceptional programs, outreach, and inclusion education. With performances, assemblies, conferences workshops, and clinics, Break the Barriers will promote integrated sports, health and fitness, performing arts, and aquatics programs. Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities Diocese of Fresno is a Community Benefit Organization serving the needs of those in crisis with sites in Fresno, Merced and Bakersfield. volunteer Reading and Beyond - goes where families are, offering holistic, research-based programs at multiple sites throughout Fresno and Madera Counties. United Way Fresno and Madera Counties - (UWFM) brings resources together to address the most urgent issues the community faces. Through unique partnerships and approaches, UWFM mobilizes resources beyond the dollars that are pledged through their fund-raising efforts. www. Fresno Arts Council - “enrich people’s lives through the arts.” FAC sponsors, promotes and encourages the arts throughout the city and county of Fresno and acts as an umbrella for artists and art organizations from all cultures and disciplines through advocacy, education, programs and services. www. Fresno Barrios Unidos - goal is to provide young people with the skills and opportunities they need to thrive in their communities and give back. Their approach is holistic, culturally sensitive, and inclusive of all. Fresno Barrios Unidos transforms communities by empowering youth and families through advocacy, education, and wellness. www.


Rape Counseling Services of Fresno - The mission of RCS Fresno is to end rape and sexual violence and empower survivors while supporting safe, consensual relationships. Arc Fresno - Arc Fresno empowers individuals with developmental disabilities to attain greater independence by offering everyday life experiences in a supportive community. Valley Center for the Blind - assists blind and visually impaired persons in experiencing a more independent and opportunity filled life. These efforts are achieved through specialized methods of training and education provided by our professional staff. West Fresno Family Resource Center To empower and support the West Fresno community to achieve optimal health and well-being. Activities through education, outreach, counseling and advocacy in the areas of prenatal education, school readiness, health insurance access, diabetes and chronic disease management, mental health and workforce development support. www. The Discovery Center - Park and Museum on 5 Acres - educational history and science center offering children a hands-on learning experience to stimulate a passion, curiosity and wonder for the environment and physical sciences. We deliver science successfully to thousands of children each year in a variety of ways, including field trips, camps, outreach, birthday parties and more. www. Community Food Bank - is dedicated to ending hunger in the Central Valley. They provide food to more than 200 agencies in Fresno, Madera, Kings, Kern and Tulare Counties and serve over 280,000 people each month totaling over 38 million pounds of food. Community Action Partnership of Madera County - are committed to finding the ultimate solutions for poverty while working effectively with local officials, the private sector, and representatives from low-income target areas. Helping people, changing lives and making the community a better place to live by providing resources and services that inspire personal growth and independence.


RECIPE // FOOD To make pulled pork: Rub pork roast with seasoning and place in 4-5-quart slow cooker. Pour beer and liquid smoke around sides. Cover and cook 8-10 hours on low or 4-5 hours on high. Remove roast from slow cooker with tongs and place in large container. Using tongs or two forks, shred pork and set aside 2 cups. Cover and refrigerate. To make sauce: In medium saucepan, combine raspberry jam, barbecue sauce, beer, mustard and chipotle powder; bring to boil over medium-high heat; boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Stir 1/2 cup sauce into reserved pulled pork.

Shake Up Your Grilling Menu This Summer (Family Features) Summer means it’s time to heat up the grill. If you’re looking to add some sizzle to your summer grilling menu, shake things up all summer long with the convenience and versatility of fresh pork. From tender ribs to juicy pork loins, chops, roasts and more, the possibilities are endless. With mouthwatering flavor and no artificial ingredients, Farmer John California Natural Fresh Pork offers a wide variety of convenient, versatile fresh pork cuts that can take your cookout to the next level. Try out these recipes for Triple Threat Burgers or Chipotle Glazed Spare Ribs, which are sure to be crowd-pleasers at your next barbecue. Find more grilling tips and recipe inspiration at

Triple Threat Burger Prep time: 30 minutes Cook time: 8 1/2 hours Servings: 6

Pulled Pork: 1 Farmer John Boneless Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast 1/4 cup barbecue seasoning blend 3/4 cup pale lager beer 1 1/2 teaspoons liquid hickory smoke

To make burgers: Heat charcoal or gas grill to medium. Combine ground pork, ground beef, beer and seasoning; form into six (1-inch thick) burger patties. Grill 5 minutes per side until internal temperature reaches 160 F. Top each burger with slice of cheese; let melt. Place burgers on bottom buns; spoon about 1/3 cup pulled pork with barbecue sauce onto each burger. Top each with one slice bacon and one pickle plank then close with top bun.

Chipotle Glazed Spare Ribs Prep time: 25 minutes

Cook time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Servings: 6 2 racks Farmer John Pork Spareribs, membranes removed 4 tablespoons salt 4 tablespoons pepper 6 cloves chopped garlic 1 cup honey brown sugar 1/2 can (7 ounces) chipotle chilies in adobo sauce 1/2 cup barbecue sauce 2 limes, zest and juice only, plus additional lime juice 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped Heat oven to 325 F. Season ribs with salt and pepper. Place on rimmed baking sheet and cover tightly with foil. Bake 1 1/2 hours until ribs reach internal temperature of 195 F. Let cool. While ribs bake, blend garlic, honey, brown sugar, chipotle chilies, barbecue sauce and lime zest and juice. Blend until smooth. Set aside. Heat charcoal or gas grill to medium-high. Place ribs on grill and baste with sauce mixture, turning frequently until well-coated with sauce and charred, about 10 minutes. Transfer to cutting board and let rest. Serve with remaining sauce mixture, additional lime juice and chopped cilantro.

Triple Threat Sauce: 1 jar (12 ounces) seedless raspberry jam 1 cup barbecue sauce 3/4 cup pale lager beer 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1/4 teaspoon chipotle powder

Burgers: 1 pound Farmer John Ground Pork 1 pound 80 percent lean ground beef 1/4 cup pale lager beer 2 tablespoons barbecue seasoning blend 6 slices cheddar cheese 6 sandwich buns, toasted 6 slices Farmer John Bacon, cooked crisp 6 dill pickle planks




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Father’s Day Events Father’s Day Run & Walk Sun June 17 2018 52nd Father’s Day Run in 2018! The FDR is the second oldest community fun run on the west coast, we promote not only exercise but also the fathers within our community, and the idea of family as well. All proceeds go to the Fresno City College Track and Field Teams. Race Day Schedule 7:00am - 2 Mile Run and Walk 7:30am - 6 Mile Run Packet Pickup Saturday June 16th Fleet Feet Sports Fresno 11am to 4pm 9447 North Ft Washington Road #106, Fresno. Late packet pickup Race Day 6:00am to 6:45am Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd. Father’s Day Auto Show and Barbecue Sunday, June 17 at 9 AM - 1 PM LifeBridge Community Church 5125 N. Gates Ave., Fresno. Join us Father’s Day for our 3rd Annual Father’s Day Car Show and Barbecue. We will be honoring all dads! Car show will take place at Les Schwab’s parking lot. Address is 4588 W Shaw Ave. Vehicle registration begins at 8:30. To register, the cost $30 per vehicle. Our services are at 9/11, where every DAD will be honored! Fathers Day - Blow Your Own Pint Glass JUN 9 Sat 10:00, 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM Ballis Glass 2888 N Sunnyside #104, Fresno. Guest Artists Wanted. With Fathers Day right around the corner it’s time to create a Pint Glass. Make it for yourself or give as that perfect one of a kind gift. This class includes everything you’ll need to design that one of a kind Pint Glass. You get to choose your own colors, add them to molten glass and then blow


| MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018



them into a glass. Made right before your eyes in a matter of minutes! These glasses are very durable, they are dishwasher and freezer safe. Great for ages 14+. Each class is 2 hour long and has seats for 6 people so make it a family event. Closed toe shoes REQUIRED, light cotton clothing preferred. Light Refreshments will be provided. It will be warm in the studio so dress accordingly. Father’s Day Brunch BBQ Sunday, June 17 at 9 AM - 1:30 PM San Joaquin Country Club, Fresno CA 3484 W Bluff Ave, Fresno. Waffles with Dad Sunday, June 17 at 8 AM 12 PM The Revue 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno Let’s Celebrate Men: Father’s Day Thursday, June 14 at 4 PM - 7 PM Orloff Jewelers 770 W Shaw Ave, Ste 101, Fresno. Stop by for our Father’s Day event OXOTIC Supercar Driving Experience, whiskey and vodka tasting provided by Riley’s Brewery, luxury watch brands including Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Hublot and many more, music, friends and a good time at Orloff Jewelers! **enter for a chance to win a private flight and dinner for 2 at Harris Ranch Restaurant Mathews Harley-Davidson June 16, 2018 - 6:00PM 65 GIFTS FOR 65 CUSTOMERS the first 65 customers to make a purchase will receive a limited edition (SURPRISE!) along with a (ADDED BONUS!) as we thank you for loyalty! 548 N. Blackstone Ave. / 555 N. Abby St.


CALENDAR This Week May 31 - June 6 Brian Culbertson - Smooth Jazz Artist May 31st Doors 7pm, Show 8pm Brian Culbertson is an award-winning multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer known for his distinct brand of genre-crossing contemporary jazz, R&B and funk. With love, romance and his recent twentieth wedding anniversary serving as his inspiration, Culbertson crafted thirteen new songs that will be released as “Colors of Love” on Valentine’s Day. The seduction begins with the first single, the amorous title track, which is a sensual R&B groove illuminated by lyrical acoustic piano melodies typical of the collection’s contents. Regardless of his success and numerous accomplishments, fans can rest assured that Culbertson always brings his very best – and brings the very best out of others – in all of his broad-ranging musical and creative endeavors. Tickets $55 & $65 Link: https://towertheatrefresn o . t i x . c o m / E ve n t . a s p x ? E ve n t Code=1029968 Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno (559) 485-9050

Visalia Players presents That Thing Called Love Friday, June 1 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Visalia Players at the Ice House Theatre 410 E Race Ave, Visalia. Nights in Plaza Paz: Mariachi Alegre Friday, June 1 at 7 PM - 10 PM Arte Américas 1630 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. Enjoy a beautiful night of music under the stars as we kick off our popular Summer concert series: NIGHTS IN PLAZA PAZ. Back by popular demand is Mariachi Alegre, who combine the traditional with the modern in world-class form. Bring your family and some comfortable chairs to spend the evening with friends. Kids are welcomed and our art galleries are open through each show’s intermission. Doors open at 7 Show from 8-10 1630 Van Ness in Downtown Fresno $12/Adults $10/Members $5/Kids under 10 * BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR for maximum comfort! * Tacos Mazatlan will have food for purchase * Beer/Wine/Margaritas/Sodas/Water available * Shaved ice for the kids! BlackSandsBellyDance Student Showcase! Saturday, June 2 at 5 PM - 7 PM California Arts Academy - Severance Theater 1401 N Wishon Ave, Fresno. The talented dancers of


BlackSandsBellyDance Tribal Fusion Student Troupe will be performing some old faves and new material, including a Drum Solo choreographed entirely by the students themselves! Bring a potlucky dish to share and a hip scarf for open-floor dancing. $3$5 donation requested. Send a message with any questions. Hope to see you there! 2018 Fresno Whiskey Festival Saturday, June 2 at 4 PM - 8 PM The Standard Restaurant and Lounge 9455 Fort Washington Road, Fresno. 3rd Annual North Fresno Whiskey Festival is brought to you by The Standard Restaurant & Lounge. Features include fine single malt, blended Scotch and American whiskies including bourbon and rye. This tasting event allows guests to sample over 60 whiskey’s and interact with industry professionals. A vast array of cigars will be available for purchase and provided by Cigars Ltd. Along with your Souvenir Tasting Glass and T-Shirt. There will be live music at this special 4 hour event along with complimentary hors d’vours from 4pm-6pm. Tickets will be limited so buy yours before they are gone. And for those of you looking for a more robust experience purchase the VIP ticket and enjoy private tastings that are NOT available to general admission ticket holders that starts at 3pm. 21+ EVENT MUST HAVE VALID ID. 2018 Pride Parade & Festival Saturday, June 2 at 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM 315 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Metalachi: Live at Arte Américas June 2 at 7 PM - 10 PM Arte Américas 1630 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. BACK IN THE PLAZA AGAIN!! BRING YOUR OWN CHAIRS!! May not be suitable for guests under 13 years of age Buy tickets at store/arteamericas Tickets: $20 / general admission $30 / Front Stage Area PG-13 Content Serb Fest Fresno 2018 June 2 at 3 PM - 10 PM 3502 N. First Street, Fresno. It’s that time of year again! Join us for the 24th annual Serbian Food Festival in Fresno, California. For the past two decades, St. Peter The Apostle Serbian Orthodox Church has opened its doors to the greater Fresno community and welcomed visitors. Please join us for a fun-filled family affair featuring delicious a la carte food, great music and dancing, and cultural history! *Admission is free!* Visit

Simonian Farms - Eating Healthy Day Saturday, June 2 at 10 AM - 3 PM 2629 S Clovis Ave, Fresno. SIMONIAN FARMS 1ST ANNUAL HEALTHY EATING DAY! COME AND ENJOY - Locally Grown Produce, Fruits, Nuts, Raisins, Dried Fruit, Honey, Jams, Jellies, Hot Dogs, Shaved Ice, Lots of Vendors, Music & Fun for the whole Family! FREE ADMISSION! Fresno FC vs. Seattle Sounders FC 2 Saturday, June 2 at 7 PM - 9 PM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Tickets Pat Benatar Tribute - BEST SHOT! Saturday, June 2! Saturday, June 2 at 5 PM - 11 PM ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, Madera. Mini Hop at The Revue Saturday, June 2 at 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM The Revue 620 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Come join us at the Backroom of The Revue on Saturday, June 2nd and support your local artists and makers! There will be coffee, art, and amazing local handcrafted goods. Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament Saturday, June 2 at 6:30 PM - 11 PM Club One Casino 1033 Van Ness Ave, Fresno. 25th Annual African American High School Recognition Ceremony Sunday, June 3 at 3 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno, Beginning Quilting Tuesday, June 5 at 10 AM - 4 PM Authorized Vac and Sew 5233 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno. Tech Tuesday by Ideaworks Tuesday, June 5 at 6 PM - 8:30 PM Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St, Clovis. Ideaworks’ weekly technology meet-up, Tech Tuesday, is your chance to explore technology, learn new skills, and work on advanced tech projects. Beginners are welcome to use our laptops and micro-controllers to start down the path of creating their own robotics, automation, or “Internet of Things” projects. Regularly scheduled sessions on learning Arduino will help you get up and running in no time. More advanced sessions on Raspberry Pi, CAD, and other topics will be offered soon. So bring your project or just your curiosity, there are plenty of projects for you to get involved in! Jethro Tull — 50th Anniversary Tour Tuesday, June 5 at 7:30 PM - 10 PM Visalia Fox Theatre 308 W Main St, Visalia.


Hula School Presents Annual Showcase What: "Ka Pili Kua, Ka Pili Alo: Close to the Back, Close to the Front" an annual showcase by Hālau Hula I Ka Lā When: Saturday June 2nd 1:00PM and 5:00PM Where: Clovis Veteran's Memorial Hall Auditorium 808 4th Street, Clovis, CA 93612 Director and students of Hālau Hula I Ka Lā perform 22 individual hula presentations depicting the relationship between family, past and present, as well as those not of the ethereal world. Both shows will include students of all ages, live musicians and percussion, and Hawaiian chanting, as well as special guest performers. Presale tickets are $18 at above contact and if available $20 at the door. See attached promotional flyer. "Join us for our annual showcase featuring performers of all ages." said director Joydee Vicencio-Padua "Enjoy music, stories, hula that express the Hawaiian values, guided by nā Kupuna (the ancestors), Ke Akua (the deities), and nā Aumakua (the guardian spirits.)" Ideawroks Ceramic Class Tuesday, June 5 at 8 PM - 10 PM Ideaworks 1742 H St Fresno. This is an introductory wheel throwing class perfect for a group of friends, family, couples or even by yourself (you will make friends in this class, I promise). In this class, you will be learning the basics of forming a ball of clay into a beautiful vase, cup, mug, bowl, or plate. If you’re feeling especially inspired to take on more… how about a bird feeder or planter!?! The possibilities are endless with pottery. event-2820695 Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182


MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 |



List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182 KC and The Sunshine Band Tuesday, June 5 at 7 PM - 8:30 PM Table Mountain Casino 8184 Table Mountain Rd, Friant. VIP $75, Platinum $65, Reserved $55, GA $45 Player & Preferred Members save $5. Platinum Members save $10. Must be 18 years or older to attend. No refunds, cameras or videos. $1 TACO Tuesday. Tuesday, June 5 at 9 AM - 8 PM El Cochinito Contento Mexican Restaurant 88 E Olive Ave, Fresno. $1 tacos with your choice of Asada, Adovada, SHREDDED Chicken or Beef. $3 beers, Imported and Domestic $5 Micheladas

Next Week June 6 -13 Big Bounce America Jun 8 at 12:15 PM to Jun 10 at 5:45 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno. Tickets Create an experience of a lifetime for your FRIENDS & FAMILY by bringing them along to THE WORLD’S BIGGEST BOUNCE HOUSE! This magical, candy-colored inflatable castle is 10,000 square feet of fun, games and laughter that can be enjoyed by all ages. ** Every person entering the bounce house requires a ticket. One ticket = one entry. Parents entering the bounce house with their children should simply purchase an additional ticket for the same session as their child. For more info check the ‘Session Age Split Info’ section below ** Fundraising for Fresno Bully Rescue Thursday, June 7 at 7 PM - 9 PM Pinot’s Palette 6763 N Palm Avenue, Fresno. Paw Prints On Your Heart. Join us to Paint it Forward for Fresno Bully Rescue. We will donate $8 of each seat sold to FBR. Appetizers and desserts are included. We will be selling raffle tickets to win great prizes throughout the event as well. 100% of raffle ticket proceeds benefit FBR. *NO DISCOUNTS or FREE SEATS may be used for this class, it’s a FUNdraiser John Mayall Friday, June 8, 2018 Doors 6:30pm, Show: 7:30pm Often referred to as “The Godfather of British Blues,” John Mayall has an impressive musical career that spans over 50 years. The English blues singer, pianist, harmonica player, guitarist, and songwriter founded the band, John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers in the 1960’s—a band whose members included many celebrated blues and blues rock guitarists, such as: Eric Clapton, Peter Green,

10 | MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018



Jack Bruce, Mick Taylor, Walter Trout, Coco Montoya and Buddy Whittington. Tickets starting at $31.50 Link: Event.aspx?EventCode=1077103 Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno (559) 485-9050 North By NorthWest (1959) at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. Friday, June 8 at 8 PM - 10:30 PM Historic Crest Theatre 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno Tickets northbynorthwestmovie. Too Short at The Wakehouse Friday, June 8 at 8 PM The Wakehouse 850 N Kings River Rd, Reedley Gates at 8pm. Tickets: https:// act=eventtickets&_pky=362492 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony at Strummer’s Fresno Friday, June 8 at 7 PM - 11:55 PM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, The Little Mermaid Junior Jun 8 at 7 PM to Jun 9 at 10 PM Rotary Theater 330 S Dollner St, Visalia Dancers Edge Proudly Presents our first annual Production Class Musical! We are so proud of our Musical Theatre students and hope you can join us in supporting them at the show! Best of the West Wrestling Live Fresno City College Saturday, June 9 at 6 PM - 9 PM Fresno City College Cafeteria 1101 East University Avenue, Fresno. 2018 Draggin’ the Main: Fulton Street Cruise Nights Saturday, June 9 at 6:15 PM - 10:15 PM Fulton District 845 Fulton Street, Fresno. 559 Fights #65 Saturday, June 9 at 6 PM - 10 PM Visalia Convention Center 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. The Incredibles(2004) At The Hanford Fox Saturday, June 9 at 2 PM - 4 PM Hanford Fox Throwback Films 326 N. Irwin St., Hanford. Fab Four: The Ultimate Tribute Saturday, June 9 at 8 PM - 11 PM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarsegold Cars in the Park Car Show Saturday, June 9 at 7 AM - 2:30 PM285 S L St, Dinuba Check out our website List Your Events We can help get you out there. Start running for as little as $20 issue 559-4727182


CALENDAR Lonestar Saturday, June 9 at 7:30 PM - 10 PM The Kings Fair 10th Ave, Hanford. Come join us at the Kings Fair on Saturday night for great food and Lone Star! Entrance to the concert is FREE with Fair Admission! Universal Orlando Presents Impractical Jokers Sunday, June 10 at 7:30 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno. 16+ Suggested (Parental Discretion Advised) Hot Fudge Sunday Run Sunday, June 10 at 8 AM - 11 AM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno. Tickets Come for some Sundae fun and earn your Hot Fudge Sundae by running a 5K or walking the 2 mile. Sundae medallion, Hot Fudge Sundae event shirt. The Fudge really flows at the post race party with music and Hot Fudge Sundaes. Dress in your favorite topping to be part of the Top Topping contest and join a team! Age group awards,donations support the Marjaree Masson Center Fresno FC vs. Sacramento Republic FC Wednesday, June 13 at 7 PM 9 PM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Tickets tickets.fresnofc. com

learn with simple copper hardware store washer, you can create beautifully exotic earrings. Using different hammers I’ll show you how to form and add multuple textures on metal, for a one of a kind design that is specific to only you. Each student will have a station with all your metal and supplies provided. If you have your own tools and pliers feel free to bring them with you. Also each student will leave with a finished pair of earrings to show to family and friends. I’m looking forward to a class full of laughter and creativity. Drinking water will be provided and it does get warm in the studio even with coolers, so you will want to dress accordingly. Ages 18+ Party for the Parkway #27 Paint “Night” During the Day/Art Tour Sunday, June 24 at 12 AM - 3 PM San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust 11605 Old Friant Rd, Fresno. Art Camp 2018 Monday, June 25 at 9 AM - 12 PM Sublime Time 1419 M St, Fresno. Details and schedule of projects coming soon Ages 7 and up (including adults) This year we will be showing our work during Art Hop on July 5th (the Pepper, KBong,Tunnel Vision week after camp) to show off the Wednesday, June 13 at 8 PM - 12 AM creative awesomeness of the week :) Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno $150/ week : https://squa r e u p . c o m / s to r e / s u b l i m e t i m e fun/item/ar t-camp-session $75 deposit will secure your spot : 2Pac Exhibit Saturday, June it-session 16 at 5 PM - 7 PM African American Historical and Cultural Museum of the San Joaquin Valley 1857 Fulton St, Fresno Gold Leaf Mandala (Limited Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Seating) Saturday, June 16 at 10 Dreamcoat - GCP Thursday, June 14 AM - 12:30 PM Allards Art 5350 at 7 PM - 9:30 PM Good Company N Blackstone Ave (S E Corner of Players 1105 N Wishon Ave, Fresno Blackstone @ Barstow), Fresno. Tickets Sir Andrew Tickets Available No Lloyd Webber’s musical hit is a joyexperience necessary! Special cou- ous retelling of the story of Joseph, pons for attendees! $67 class fee. his doting father, his eleven jealIncludes supply kit. Included Sup- ous brothers, and his adventures ply Kit: 1 8x8 in Wood Panel 1 F.W. in Egypt. Family fun of biblical proAcrylic Ink 2 POSCA Paint Markers portions!! 1 Sakura Micron Pen 1 Uni-ball Im- pact White Gel Pen 1 6x6 in Sten- Swan Lake Friday, June 15 at 6:30 cil Gold Leaf Provided by Allard’s: PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, FresGold Leaf Sizing (Glue) Register in- no. store or by calling (559) 225-1500. Dance Fest 2018 - ContempoMake Your Own Copper Earrings, rary dance show based on Mary Taught by Camille Cole Wednesday, Poppins Friday night June 15th June 20 at 10 AM - 1 PM Ballis Glass LJ Williams Theatre 1001 W Main 2888 N Sunnyside #104, Fresno. St, Visalia Ticket Information Metal Texturing 101: Make your own copper earrings. We are having a Guest Instructor for this class, taught by Camille Cole. In this class you will




Alice in Wonderland - A Story Ballet Dance Fest 2018 - Saturday night June 16th LJ Williams Theatre 1001 W Main St, Visalia Ticket Information Summer of Plays: Alicia in Wonder Tierra Sunday, June 17 at 5 PM - 8 PM Civic Center Auditorium 400 N Douty St, Hanford. YES! Project Youth Engage Shakespeare Wednesday, July 18 at 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Fresno Pacific Theater 1717 S Chestnut Ave, Fresno. WHEN: Weeks 1-3: Mondays-Thursdays, 10 am - 3 pm (minus July 4) - at Fresno Pacific University Week 4: Monday-Wednesday, 6 - 9 pm (show on July 18 at 7:30 pm at Woodward Park’s Festival Stage WHAT: The YES! Project is a summer youth camp where young people engage Shakespearean text and themes. We play theater games, learn Shakespearean style and scenes, and devise original dramatic material as we speak back at the text. Then we put it all together in a 45 minute or so performance out at Woodward Park for friends and family. This is a partnership project between FPU and Woodward Shakespeare Festival. StageWorks Fresno presents: Fun Home When her father dies unexpectedly, graphic novelist Alison dives deep into her past to tell the story of the volatile, brilliant, oneof-a-kind man whose temperament and secrets defined her family and her life. Moving between past and present, Alison relives her unique childhood playing at the family’s Bechdel Funeral Home, her growing understanding of her own sexuality, and the looming, unanswerable questions about her father’s hidden desires. Fun Home is a refreshingly honest, wholly original musical about seeing your parents through grownup eyes. Friday, June 29 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Dan Pessano Theater Fresno. Bring It On The Musical Friday, July 20 at 7 PM - 9:30 PM Selma Arts Center 1935 High St, Selma. Tickets

Kids Visalia Adventure park. Arcade, Family Track, Lazer Tag, Batting Cages and more 5600 W Cypress Ave, Visalia. 559-635-7275 Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182



MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 | 11

CALENDAR KIDZ KAMP 1 June 25 – June 28 Clay Cafe 1018 E Mineral King Ave, Visalia. This is our first Kidz Kamp of summer break! Dont stay home, join us for 3 days of fun: monday, tuesday, and thursday. Our week includes lunch, snacks, ceramic art, crafts and games! Limited space, so reserve asap. Cost: $80 each. Ages 5-12 years. Teens welcome upon approval. $20 non-refundable deposit reserves. Call! 733-2022 Kiki’s Kids’ Camp Tuesday, June 26 at 10 AM - 1 PM Kiki’s Quilt Shack This is a 4-Day class June 26-29: 10am-1pm Class fee $300 1732 W. Bullard Ave, Fresno, California 93711 Kiki’s Kids’ Camp offers a fun, creative opportunity for your kids to learn sewing and quilting on their very own sewing machine. They will learn the basics of using a sewing machine, receive hands-on instruction to practice new techniques, and make several finished projects to take home. 559-412-8233

Family Meux Home Museum Tours Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 12:00pm-3:00pm 1007 R St. at Tulare Fresno, CA 93721 The Meux Home Museum recaptures the flavor of Victorian Fresno by presenting a middle-class residence furnished in the period, as a representative house museum. A costumed docent will lead you on a one hour tour of this restored urban dwelling of the 1890’s. The architecture of the Meux Home results in a calculated restlessness that makes the home as intriguing today as it was in its own day. The 10 rooms are furnished more or less as a Victorian family might have had them - the kitchen has a pie safe and the library; a portrait showing the young Dr. Meux on his way to join the Confederate Army. The Meux home was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on January 14, 1975. Cherry Avenue Auction Every Saturday & Tuesday 6:00am-3:00pm Cherry Avenue Auction 4640 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, 93706 Visalia Health and Fitness Expo Sunday, June 24 at 11 AM - 4 PM Visalia Convention Center 303 E Acequia Ave, Visalia. The Visalia Health and Fitness Expo on June 24, 2018 will feature health, fitness and wellness experts displaying and selling products and services. classes, plus cooking and fitness demonstrations and a kids zone for your little tikes fitness needs. Meet instructors and experts in their

12 | MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018


field and ask questions right here at the Visalia Health and Fitness Expo. Ticket Information: General admission tickets are $5, 12 and under are free. VIP Fitness Passes (100 available) $20 - Expo entrance, four (4) 30 minute workouts led by local trainers and studios, complimentary treats and prizes for each class. Experience different workouts that are available right here in our community. Miss California 2018 Wednesday, June 27 at 7 PM - 10 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno Join us as we narrow the field from 54 contestants to 15 and crown Miss California! Miss California’s Outstanding Teen will feature the 28 contestants from across the golden state, narrowed down to 10 during finals on Friday, June 29. Live from Fresno’s William Saroyan Theater, the show will be available across the state via our television partners (to be announced), as well as web streamed across the world. Summer Sunset Concert Saturday, June 30 at 7 PM - 11 PM San Joaquin Winery 21821 Avenue 16, Madera. Bring your lawn chairs or reserve one of our VIP tables to enjoy a nice evening of wine, food and live music. The New Monsanto Band is a local band with members from Parlier, Sanger, and Fresno that play many different types of music to dance to! Doors open at 7pm and entertainment starts 8pm! Food by Campos Tacos Family Happy Hour: Reptile Night Friday, July 13 at 6 PM - 9 PM Moravia Wines 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Spend your Friday sipping some wine and hanging out with snakes, lizards, and more (or don’t, whichever you prefer). We’ll have our scaly skin friends out at our winery again this year on July 13th! Keep an eye out for the full Family Happy Hour Friday festivities! Every summer Friday evening from 6 pm to 9 pm, enjoy time with your family at Moravia’s beautiful winery. Moravia grounds are open for picnicking, kids to play on the SS Moravia, and everyone to relax while the sun sets over the vines.

Sports 80’s Night 2018 Thursday, June 14 at 6 PM - 10 PM Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia. Come enjoy $1 beers from 6-8pm along with live pregame music from TBG & The Ritz! Wear your best 80’s attire and receive a free Pasture ticket thanks to Party City! $2 ticket upgrades available for the Red Zone.


64th Annual City County All Star Football Game Friday, June 15 at 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Lamonica Stadium 1055 Fowler Ave, Clovis. The 64th annual City County All Star Football Game will take place at Lamonica Stadium on the campus of Clovis High School on Friday June 15th at 7:30 PM. This game brings together the football high school senior “stars” of the central valley from the 2017-2018 season. The Boys and Girls Clubs receive all proceeds from the game. It is a fun evening of off-season football while benefitting kids in the community. This game is put on by the Greater Fresno Optimist Club. Fresno FC U23 vs. San Diego Zest FC Thursday, June 21 at 7 PM - 9 PM Fresno State Soccer Field Fresno. Fresno FC U23 hosts San Diego Zest FC Thursday, June 21 at Fresno State Soccer Field with kick-off set for 7pm! Protecting Home: Jose Ramirez Saturday, July 7 at 4:30 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno 1st Annual Scanlan / Davila Boxing Invitational Saturday, July 28 at 7 PM - 10 PM Tower Theatre 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Presented by The Fresno County Public Safety Association Tickets starting at $35.00 A fundraiser to establish and benefit scholarship funds for the children of Toamalama Scanlan and Juanita Davila who were grievously wounded by an armed attacker while on duty at the Fresno County Jail on Saturday, September 3, 2016


. 6/4 Bridge 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/5 Bingo 3-4pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/6 Train Brian 10:30am Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/7 RUMMIKUB 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/8 Adult Coloring & Potluck 122pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/11 Bridge 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/12 Creative Writing 1-2:30pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/13 Train Brain 10:30am Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662


CALENDAR 6/18 Bridge 1-3pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/19 Bingo 3-4pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/20 Train Brain 10:30am Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662 6/21 Bunco 1-4pm Palm Village Senior Network (559) 346-7662

Music Sierra Vista Mall in Clovis, hosts Sierra Nights Live the 2nd and 4th Thursdays May through July from 6pm to 9pm FREE concert open to all ages. Bring a blanket or chair and enjoy the music at the Sierra Vista Mall Community Park in front of the Sierra Vista Cinemas 16 Movie Theater. Join us for a night of dancing, giveaways, food, and drinks! 105.1 The Blaze is bringing in the hottest tribute bands and giveaways … make sure to visit The Blaze booth for details! Those 21 years of age and over can enjoy the MICHELOB ULTRA Beer Garden. Beer Garden Opens @ 6pm Opening act @ 6:30pm Music @ 7pm Come early, grab your meal from one of our restaurants and dine in the park as you enjoy the evening with us! SIERRA NIGHTS LIVE SCHEDULE: June 14th: GREEN ToDAY - A tribute to Green Day June 28th: Jaded Band July 12th: Flannel 90s Band: Alternative & Grunge Rock Tribute July 26th: Fuse Box Sierra Vista Mall located on the southeast corner of Clovis and Shaw Avenues For more information on this and other events, check our website at or call (559) 299-0660. Sierra Vista Mall…at the corner of Fashion and Fun! Pepper, KBong,Tunnel Vision Wednesday Jun 13 at 8 PM to Jun 14 at 12 AM Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno. Nick Moss Band featuring Dennis Gruenling This event is in the Tower Theatre Lounge une 14th Doors 7pm, Show 8pm INSIDE THE TOWER THEATE LOUNGE The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling will release their label debut, The High Cost Of Low Living, in March 2018. Moss is a 30-year veteran guitarist who paid his dues gigging in Chicago’s rough and tumble West and South side blues clubs under the tutelage of some of the city’s greatest blues luminaries. He learned directly from, and toured with, blues giants Jimmy “Fast Fingers” Dawkins, Willie

“Big Eyes” Smith and Jimmy Rogers. New Jersey’s Dennis Gruenling is considered among the very top blues harmonica players today. Blues Revue called Gruenling “a leading light among a new generation of harp players...a true innovator.” Tickets starting at $27.00 Link: Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno (559) 485-9050 Latin Music Night - War Tribute Friday, June 15 at 5 PM - 10 PM ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, Madera Music - Dancing - Wine - Beer - Food - Cigars 21 yrs & Older Only Bring a Lawn Chair Foam Wonderland Friday, June 29 at 8 PM - 2 AM Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Foam Wonderland - The Ultimate Foam Party Experience Unity Tour 2018 Presented by K-Lin and Crowdsurf Fresno, CA Friday, June 29th Chukchansi Park 18+ with 21+ Bars Country Night Friday, June 29 at 9 PM - 1 AM CHUKCHANSI GOLD RESORT & CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, Coarsegold Chukchansi’s Country Night is the last Friday of every month! Line Dance Lessons by Dancing With Rhonda DJ Music 9:00pm to 1:00am in the Firehouse Lounge Get Bucked on our mechanical bull! Drink Specials! Must be 21+ Brit Floyd Eclipse World Tour 2018 Tuesday, July 10 at 8 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets · $51.50

Social Fridays @imperiofresno! Good Vibes This & Every Weekend. Don’t Miss Out on these great drink specials Drink Specials before 11pm $3 Budlights $5 AMFs $7 Remy 1738 SHOTS ONLY 3950 N Cedar Ave Fresno, California. Girls Night Out, The Show Switch Lounge & Nightclub Tuesday, July 24 at 8 PM - 11 PM Switch Lounge And Nightclub 5665 N. Blackstone Ave Suite 110, Fresno. FAB presents Oddities w/ Vander Von Odd Friday, June 15 at 9 PM - 2 AM FAB Fresno 716 E Olive Ave, Fresno. FAB Fridays presents Oddities feature Dragula Season 1 winner Vander Von Odd June 15th 2018 Show at midnight $10 Cover 9pm-2am Free if in DRAG Noche De Karaoke Karaoke Night Friday, July 6 at 7 PM - 11 PM La Sirenita Marisqueria Y Taqueria 4207 E Olive Ave Ste 103, Fresno. Wine Wednesdays cWednesday, July 11 at 5 PM - 6:30 PM The Depot Restaurant 207 E Oak Ave, Visalia, California 93291 served with a cheese and fruit platter. $8 per glass. Grab a friend and join us! Summer Wine & Growlers Saturday, July 14 at 5 PM - 9 PM Project Survival’s Cat Haven 38257 E Kings Canyon Rd, Dunlap. Join us for an adults-only evening at Project Survival Cat Haven (ages 21 and older).We will be doing a sunset tour of the cats starting at 5pm.

21 & Over Wine Tasting Food/Tasting J. Sorrenti Wine Bar in the Sierra Nut House hosts daily wine tastings, with appetizers and full menu items. (559) 432-4023 Sierra Nut House 7901 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, 93720 Daily 8am-8pm The Salsa Tuesdays Latin/Salsa, Ballroom Salsa Dance Lessons start at 8 pm; music and dancing follow every Tuesday night at The Cellar Door. Beginners’ lessons run from 8-8:45 pm, advanced lessons from 8:45-9:30 pm, and dancing follows. All dabce lessons are free with admission. event-calendar.html Event Info: (559) 636-9463 The Cellar Door 101 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291




MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 | 13



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(559)421-8555 Licensed & Insured #9739750


14 | MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018





LIFE ALERT. 24/7. BE JOB Ready In WE LOAN & Buy GO-KART Mini One press of a but- as few as 7 months! Guitars & Amps. Call Bike Tires - Clutches ton sends help FAST! SJVC offers medical, Dean’s Coins (559) - Chains - Sprockets. NEED A LOAN? Let Medical, Fire, Burglar. business, and techni- 264-4653 Visit Jensen & Watts us help you get the Even if you can?t reach cal programs at cam- 516 N. Chestnut, Fresmoney you need! No a phone! FREE Bro- puses throughout the CHAINSAW chain & no. (559) 255-0465 application. No cred- chure. CALL 800-760- valley. Programs vary Garden Tool Sharp- it check. Call Dean’s 7834 by campus. Financial ening. Visit Jensen & RIDING MOWER aid is available to those Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Tires & Tubes. Visit Coins for more in- formation (559) 264- WHY RENT an apart- who qualify. Call 866- Fresno. (559) 255- Jensen & Watts 516 4653 ment? When you can 388-7490 or visit sjvc. 0465 N. Chestnut, Fresno. rent a home. Beautiful edu. (559) 255-0465 HONDA HS 55, snow and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- A PLACE FOR MOM. blower that needs re- rooms Available. Only The nation’s largest se- VINTAGE clothpairs. Selling for $200. $1000 month. Call tonior living referral ser- ing & accessories at EMPLOYMENT You pick up. Can pro- day! 888-563-3003 vice. Contact our trust- BeBe O’s in Tower. vide pics. Text 559- LICENSED HAIR ed, local experts today! We also carry vintage 372-9491 CUTTER WANTED Our service is FREE/ items & furnishings. Busy Shop. 1224 W no obligation. CALL Come check out the INSURANCE LEARN TO DRIVE Shields Ave, Fresno. 1-855-621-5373 inventory! 1130 N. A FORKLIFT. Train- DENTAL Wishon Ave. Fresno. INSUR- Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat-Sun The-Trainer & Re-Cer- ANCE. Call Physi- 8-5. Call SHIELDS & STOP OVERPAYING (559)445-1928 Retification Classes cians Mutual Insur- WEST Barber Shop for your prescriptions! ceive $5 off your $25 Available. Day & ance Company for (559)227-6739 SAVE! Call our li- purchase. Night Classes Avail- details. NOT just a censed Canadian and able. $50 Discount to discount plan, REAL International phar- MANUFACTURED Veterans. Visit CFTC. coverage for 350 promacy, compare prices Homes in a Gated HEALTH net For More Info. cedures. 844-848-5575 and get $25.00 OFF Community. Homes & FITNESS 559-325-8097 or your first prescription! starting at $59,000. http://www.den- 1-800-291- Owner financing, low SHIELDS & WEST CALL BE JOB Ready Ad# 6118 6572 Promo Code down payments, comBarbershop! Reg hair In as few as 7 months! CDC201625 petitive interest rates. cut $4.50. Seniors and SJVC offers medical, Veterans let us help boys under 12, $4.00. business, and technical INSUR- you with a $2,500 grant PERSONALS 1224 W Shields Ave, DENTAL programs at campuses Fresno. Mon-Fri 8-6, ANCE. Call Physi- towards the down paythroughout the valley. MEET Singles in your Sat-Sun 8-5. (559)227- cians Mutual Insur- ment on a home! Call Programs vary by cam- area. Real Hookups 6739 ance Company for Willows of Santiago pus. Financial aid is Real Fast. Try it FREE! details. NOT just a todayr (888) 563-3003 available to those who Ahora en Espanol 18+ DENTAL INSUR- discount plan, REAL qualify. Call 866-388- (559)761-0162 ANCE. Call Physi- coverage for 350 pro- 7490 or visit DENTAL cians Mutual Insur- cedures. 844-848-5575 http://www.denSLIM, good look- ance Company for or BOB’S MINI Storage ing white male, 60. details. NOT just a DENTAL INSUR- 1/2 off Spring Spe- Looking for slim good discount plan, REAL Ad# 6118 ANCE. Call Physicials! Pay 2 months looking female 50-60 coverage for 350 pro- cians Mutual Insurget 2 months FREE. Non-smoker. Serious cedures. 844-848-5575 LARGE VARIETY ance Company for 6’x8’x10’ high only relationship, maybe or http://www.den- of Bearings - Sprockets details. NOT just a $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ live-in. Won’t have - Drive Components. discount plan, REAL high only $22.50/mo* rent or utilities to pay, Ad# 6118 Visit Jensen & Watts coverage for 350 pro10’x12’x10’ high only you keep your money 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- cedures. 844-848-5575 $34.50/mo (*average for personal expensno. (559) 255-0465 or http://www.dencost per month with es. Call (559) 779- MISCELLANEOUS free months factored 1021 BOB’S MINI Storage Ad# 6118 in) Free moving truck! - 1/2 off Spring Spe- GOLF CLUBS Full Bob’s Mini Storage cials! Pay 2 months sets or individual piec5280 N. Barcus Fresno get 2 months FREE. FURNITURE EDUCATION es starting at .50cents 93722 (559) 275-4000 6’x8’x10’ high only Located at 3235 E BelSe Habla Espanol LEARN TO DRIVE mont Ave (559) 264- $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ BOB’S MINI Storage high only $22.50/mo* - 1/2 off Spring SpeA FORKLIFT. Train- 5856 A PLACE FOR The-Trainer & Re-Cer10’x12’x10’ high only cials! Pay 2 months MOM. The nation’s tification $34.50/mo (*average get 2 months FREE. Classes SEVERAL laptops largest senior living Available. Day & cost per month with 6’x8’x10’ high only starting at $90 all rereferral service. Con- Night Classes Availfree months factored $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ furbished Come see tact our trusted, local able. $50 Discount to in) Free moving truck! high only $22.50/mo* at Fresno Hock Shop experts today! Our Veterans. Visit CFTC. Bob’s Mini Storage 10’x12’x10’ high only 3235 E Belmont Ave service is FREE/no ob- net For More Info. 5280 N. Barcus Fresno $34.50/mo (*average (559) 264-5856 ligation. CALL 1-855- 559-325-8097 93722 (559) 275-4000 cost per month with 621-5373 Se Habla Espanol free months factored SELLING SOMEin) Free moving truck! SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 SELLING SOMEBob’s Mini Storage THING? List it for list it for FREE. Send THING? List it here 5280 N. Barcus Fresno only $10 issue 472it to info@fresnoflyer. 472-7182 93722 (559) 275-4000 7182 com Se Habla Espanol | FRESNOFLYER.COM | | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | B&S | CLASSIFIEDS |



MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 | 15


ANTIQUE / Vintage Buffet White Furniture Co - $175 559-6975162 ANTIQUES 3 vintage wooden tennis VINTAGE green singrackets. One is a Spal- er sewing machine $75 ding “Pancho Gonza- (559) 905-8626 les” and the other 2 are rare Multyply Super rackets. I believe they APPLIANCS are all from the mid 60’s. I’d like $40 for APPLIANCE repair all 3. If interested text (559) 765-8173 me at 318-0267 SELLING SOME1930S Porcelain top THING? Under $300 dinette set with 4 list it for FREE. Send matching chairs $350 it to info@fresnoflyer. com (559) 285-6423


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WE HAVE LG APPLIANCES!! Brand New w/ small dents and scratches!! Also includes 10 year major parts warranty through LG!! Refrigerator is spacious with 22 cu ft Stainless steel Ice maker Energy Star Certified!! The TV Shop Clovis: 50 W. Bullard #104, Clovis, Ca 93612 MonSat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 (559) 299-6100 BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Spring Specials! Pay 2 months get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ high only $22.50/mo* 10’x12’x10’ high only $34.50/mo (*average cost per month with free months factored in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol

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Joan Lunden, journalist, best-selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate.

BRASS Instrument Sale at Fresno Hock Shop. Flute, claranet, XBOX1 with 1 con- trombone, trumpets. toller all cords $120 Located at 3235 E BelCome see at Fresno mont Ave (559) 264Hock Shop 3235 E 5856 Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856


NEW RELEASE blue ray movies $5 each CHAINSAW chain & Come see at Fresno Garden Tool Sharp- Hock Shop 3235 E ening. Visit Jensen & Belmont Ave (559) Watts 516 N. Chestnut, 264-5856 Fresno. (559) 255laptops 0465 SEVERAL starting at $90 all re RIDING MOWER furbished Come see Tires & Tubes. Visit at Fresno Hock Shop Jensen & Watts 516 3235 E Belmont Ave N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 264-5856 (559) 255-0465 SELLING SOMEPUSH TROYBILT THING? Under $300 lawn mower 6hp Hon- list it for FREE. Send da motor $130 559- it to info@fresnoflyer. 728-5896 com


Help scheduling tours

WALKER lawnmower for $8600. It is in MUSIC good condition and INSTRUMENTS everything works well It is 19 horsepower 36 SCHECTER 7 string inches 290 hours ran electric guitar $190 You can call me or text Come see at Fresno at 559-283-7671 Se Hock Shop 3235 E habla espanol Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856 CRAFTSMAN lawn mower $135 (Kerman) EPIPHONE electric (559) 800-5118 guitar les paul $120 Come see at Fresno USED metal grape Hock Shop 3235 E stakes. 6.5 feet long Belmont Ave (559) (78 inches) $1 each. 264-5856 Cross arm for grape stakes. 12 inches long. EPIPHONE electric 25 cents each. I have bass 4 string Thunderapproximately 6000 bird $225 Come see stakes and cross arms. at Fresno Hock Shop My phone number is 3235 E Belmont Ave 559-999-1169 (559) 264-5856


GOLF CLUBS Full sets or individual pieces starting at .50cents Located at 3235 E Belmont Ave (559) 2645856 S O F T B A L L S $5-$15 each 559 519-4648 GLOVES KIDS size 8-11 $5 each Cleats size 12 kidsadult 9 $10 pair Helmets $5-!10 each Call 559 519-4648

LARGE VARIETY of Bearings - Sprockets - Drive Components. Visit Jensen & Watts IGLOO CONTOUR 516 N. Chestnut, Fre Maxcold Cooler, 165 sno. (559) 255-0465 quart/156 Liter/ White $75 559-261-4680 BRAND NEW callaway ultra golf bag $150 (559) 470-7472



TREE SERVICE! We do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps & More. Free Estimates. Call (559) 421-8555

TORO LAWN mower brand new in box $180 Come see at Fresno Hock Shop 3235 E Belmont Ave (559) JW CLEAN-UP SER264-5856 VICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, HONDA HS 55, snow Construction cleanup, blower that needs re- rubbish, trees & demo, pairs. Selling for $200. rentals, lots, apartYou pick up. Can pro- ments & forclosures. vide pics. Text 559- We do it all Just Call! 372-9491 (550)307-4304 ask for James CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharp- RUN YOUR AD Send ening. Visit Jensen & it to info@fresnoflyer. Watts 516 N. Chestnut, com Fresno. (559) 2550465 LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, FertilizMILWAUKEE Job er, New Saw, Lawn Site Radio $50 559- Spraying, Sprinkler 261-4680 Repair & Lawn Re seeding. Call for a BLACK AND decker Free Estimate! 559electric hedge trim- 696-5149 or 559-275mer $10 (559) 284- 7630 3707 VINTAGE Plumb HAULING hammer with fiberglass handle $10 (559) JW CLEAN-UP SER284-3707 VICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, RIDING MOWER Construction cleanup, Tires & Tubes. Visit rubbish, trees & demo, Jensen & Watts 516 rentals, lots, apartN. Chestnut, Fresno. ments & forclosures. (559) 255-0465 We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304 SUPPORT LOCAL



Super Suds

Laundry Tower


LANDSCAPING and Maintenance. Clean Ups, Sprinkler Repair, General Cleaning and Flower Planting. Call for FREE Estimate (559) 358-8760 TREE SERVICE! We do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps & More. Free Estimates. Call (559) 421-8555 LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. Call for a Free Estimate! 559696-5149 or 559-2757630 CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 2550465


KIDS BALANCE bike $65 (Madera Ranchos) 16” wheels balance bike, no pedals, hand break, excellent condition, (559)8018658 HELLO Kitty Training Bike with cute Disney Minnie Mouse Helmet $45 559-2614680

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16 | MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018




AUTOMOTIVE HJC YOUTH Helmet & 207 Polaris Sportsmna X2 800 & 2007 kawasaki kfx700 Dirt bike $1400 (559) for sale automatic it 819-5496 has lots off power i have pink slip in hand CARS with tags until 2019 askin 3000 or possible trade for equipment 2000 Malibu $2700 trailer,90s tacoma, big (Selma) (559) 400tool box full of tools. 3214 A big welder. call info (559)284-6272 2008 BMW 128i SUPER CLEAN!! KIDS 2001 Yamaha 87,XXX Miles Clean Breeze. It is a kid quad title no accidents that runs Great. Just 2.5 Liter inline 6 had a full service and cylinder automatnew battery installed. ic transmission with Call with any question sport shift and pad559-547-9615 $1850 dle shifters Bluetooth aux plug in power SANDCAR sandrail doors power windows very dependable not power seat keyless beat great condition entry FRESH Brakes $5500 (Modesto) (209) and Tires Smog ready! 602-1250 $9,490 (559)387-9837 2006 POLARIS Pred- SELLING SOMEator $3,500 (559) 259- THING? Under $300 0056 list it for FREE. Send it to info@fresnoflyer. com SUPPORT LOCAL


1999 HONDA Accord $2400 (559) 318-6620 1965 DODGE Dart 4dr Daily driver Rebuilt slant 6 Interior is pretty nice Runs perfect reliable. Body is in great shape Fun classic car $2800 Text 559-906-7219 2003 HONDA Civic LX clean title 102 k miles power Windows, door locks cd player runs good call or text 559-318-6616


2001 YAMAHA Road Star for sale asking 6000 OBO 559-5193517 2013 KAWASAKI concours 14 $8000 (559) 349-0397 2004 HARLEY dyna $6400 (Merced) 209600-9247 LADIES! This is one of a kind! 2001 HD Dyna Low Rider Very clean bike, well maintained and babied! 88 cu inch/1449 cc 5 speed with mid controls and dual disc front brakes. Custom hard saddle bags, seat, tank bib, windshield pouch and engine guard covers. Back rest and luggage rack included. 45,000 miles well maintained including twin cam tensioner updated. Must see! Call or text (559) 3412212

DUCATI Monster 900S i.e $3200 (559) 259-0525 HARLEY Davidson street glide. 26 by 18 rims. Clean title. 7k miles $2877 (559) 525-9240 1996 HONDA Magna $2900 (Oakhurst) SUPPORT LOCAL (619) 573-2427


RVS 2003 28 foot fifth wheel trailer with large slideout. In good condition. everything works. tires in fair condition. 559 960- 3101 SELLING SOMETHING? Call 4727182

1993 Chevrolet Starcraft van Runs excellent 120 k miles Full size bed Ready to travel New brakes New tires Non smoker no pets This van is very clean in and out! Call $3500 (661)448-9165

ATTITUDE 21ft toyhauler its been good to us but time to get a bigger one ! Everything works on it, has a on board generator,asking 10500 obo money is king if interested and wana come and look at it call or text me at 559-356-4471

1998 MONACO Safari Trek path maker 2430 $6300 (559) 4659729 SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. Send it to info@fresnoflyer. com




WE CAN DO IT ALL! Palm Trees Tree Stumps MistleToe

Free Estimates

(559)421-8555 Licensed & Insured #9739750



MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 | 17

REAL ESTATE MERIT MANOR Apartments One Bedroom One Bath$850.00 - $875.00 Ft: 714 sqft Two Bedroom SELLING your One Bath- $985.00 home? List it here for $1,015.00 Ft: 904 sqft only $20 per issue. Two Bedroom Two Call (559) 472-7182 SELLING your Bath- $1,040.00 home? List it here for $1,065.00 Ft: 994 sqft $830 / 2br - 967ft2 only $20 per issue. located just minutes Largee 2 bd - Silver Call (559) 472-7182 from Fresno State and Lake One-Story Apartexcellent shopping. ment(5425 E Belmont) SUPPORT LOCAL Our apartments are located in wonderful garden settings with beautiful shade courtyards. You may take advantage of our fully equipped clubhouse and fitness center!! (559) 291-9555


ONE BEDROOM One Bathroom available August 1st $675 per month Los Arbolitos apartments 555 S. Argyle Ave Fresno 93727 (559)255-8370

CHATEAU MONTEREY I 2881 Willow Ave. Clovis (559) 294-7144 MONTHLY RENT $650.00 Studio 1 bathroom $350.00 security deposit application fee $25.00 per adult SUPPORT LOCAL

18 | MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018


WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003 $895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa Apartments is a quiet and clean Clovis community in a park like setting. Please contact us at (559) 291-4305 2 BEDROOM 1 BATH 950 SQ. FT. Under New Management Ashlan & Marks 559-226-6086 $1025 / 2br - 928ft2 Perfect for roommates (559) 292-1009 Beautiful unique floor plan with private master suite Plank floors, 2 full baths, walk in closet Conveniently located to freeways, airport and shops.

SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. ROOM FOR rent in Call (559) 472-7182 quiet Clovis neighborhood. Month to month rent with 30-day notiFOR RENT fication. The rent in- cludes the following: WHY RENT an apartFull house and kitch- ment? When you can en privileges (spelling rent a home. Beautiful correct please), use of and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedwasher and dryer rooms Available. Only cable TV, WIFI, and all $1000 month. Call toutilities are included in day! 888-563-3003 the rental price. $475.00 per month Provide proof of inHOUSES FOR come text or call RENT (714)335-5341 WHY RENT an apartFRESNO/ASHLAN ment? When you can 2 Rooms Available rent a home. Beautiful - Large room like a and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedstudio. Single or Cou- rooms. Only $1000 ple, no kids. $600/mo month. Call today! $500/deposit Second 888-563-3003 Room - $400/mo $500 Deposit Habla Espanol 3 BED 1 bath home. Call (559) 400-1500 Central A/C and heat. Dual pane windows SELLING your Ceiling fans. Lots of home? List it here for storage closet space. only $20 per issue. Single detached gaCall (559) 472-7182



living room plus 2 large bedrooms, 1.5 baths, large kitchen and dining area. Large utility room with washer and dryer hookups. Large back yard. No pets. No smoking. SeBEAUTIFUL house curity deposit $1300. If for rent for $1250 a interested call Jack to month is located in a set up an appointment. quiet neighborhood (559) 513-3999 south of Sierra Vista Mall. It has 3 bed- BEAUTIFUL 4bd Nw fresno rooms and 1.5 bath- 2bath rooms with central great location near heating and A/C. It is new shopping center Includes districted for Clovis Fireplace schools. No section 8. yard work Hardwood Call for more infor- floors1-year lease no mation between the section 8 (559) 930hours of 9am and 7pm. 5690 (559)-999-3335 A PLACE FOR MOM. $1300 / 2BR - House The nation’s largest sefor Rent (1342 N Van nior living referral serNess) approximately vice. Contact our trust1,560 square feet. Sin- ed, local experts today! gle family home locat- Our service is FREE/ ed on North Van Ness no obligation. CALL in the Tower District. 1-855-621-5373 Close to restaurants, shopping and schools, including Fresno City College. It has a large rage. Gated carport cover. patio cover. Nice well kept front & backyard. Close to freeway access. Sorry No Sec 8. $1099 Please call 559-288-4834


MANUFACTURED $179000 / 3br - 1424ft2 $205000 / 3br - 1435ft

HOUSES FOR SALE Homes in a Gated - For Sale By Owner 3 bedroom 2 bath home 2BR - 1440SFT Beautiful manufactured home in Selma $48,900 home in quite 55 park in Selma. New roof, new stainless stove and microwave hood. New Pergo plank flooring. Completely painted inside (no dark paneling) new 2” blinds. New landscaping. 60’ patio cover and 60’ carport. 2 sheds. Pool and club house. $480 space rent that includes water and trash. Very low utilities. Wheel chair access. Refrigerator and washer and dryer included. (559) 3749286 SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182

Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! (559) 898-2088 or (888) 563-3003

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NORTHEAST Fresno Home For Sale 3bd 2bth with pool! Remodeled, Solor, HVAC, Insulation, Dual Pane Windows. $305,000 Call (559) 252-3331 No Realtors Please.

(Lemoore) (559) 554- centrally located, has a 5885 Large living room and Family room, perfect MANUFACTURED for entertaining. Both Homes in a Gated bathrooms have been Neutral Community. Homes remodeled, starting at $59,000. two tone colors. KitchOwner financing, low en has granite counter down payments, com- tops. plantation Shutpetitive interest rates. ters in living room. Veterans let us help Spacious rear yard you with a $2,500 grant with pool. 349-2543 towards the down pay4Bedroom ment on a home! Call $270000 1453sqft this home is 898-2088 move-in ready! SitSELLING your ting on a large corhome? List it here for ner lot with side gate only $20 per issue. for RV parking. The kitchen has been upCall (559) 472-7182 dated with a concrete $179000 / 3br - 1424ft2 counter top and tile - For Sale By Owner back splash with large (Lemoore) (559) 554- pantry. The master bedroom is spacious 5885 with good storage. Call SELLING SOME(559)681-1821 Listing THING? Under $300 #01878277 list it for FREE. Send it to info@fresnoflyer. SELLING your com home? List it here for only $20 per issue. SUPPORT LOCAL Call (559) 472-7182




MAY 31 & JUNE 7, 2018 | 19

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