Fresno Flyer Vol 2 No 26

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EDITOR’S NOTE I remember sitting at a community meeting in Fresno and talking to other community members about what we felt the City of Fresno needed to improve in each of our neighborhoods. A woman made a flat statement about how she wanted to put pressure on the city to get the homeless out of her area. I asked her what solution she thought would be appropriate and her response was something to effect of “Oh, I don’t know, I just want them to leave.” Mind you; we weren’t talking about north Fresno or some cookie-cutter suburb; this was in the southwest neighborhoods. I was shocked. For a community regularly forgotten by the rest of the city, I had assumed that there would be more sympathy for those who fell on hard times or who struggle with incapacitating issues which keep them from maintaining the status quo of residential living. To be so dismissive, so flippant, about the plight of the homeless made me realize that this isn’t a class issue (although there is a fair amount of class warfare going on) but it’s mostly a humanity issue. The unnamed woman above was making a statement about human beings, but she may have well been talking about a dilapidated building - ‘just remove it.’ The homeless aren’t a pile of scraps you can throw


| JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018



in the trash and wipe your hands clean. And the fact that I have to say that speaks volumes about the general attitude Fresno has towards its homeless population. The solution is complex; it’s going to take a ton of work, dedication, and time to find the right formula for success. The city can tear down tents and ‘shoo’ the homeless from street corners, overpasses, and vacant properties all day long but it doesn’t solve anything. Let me say it again; IT DOESN’T SOLVE ANYTHING. The feature story of this issue, written by our strongest contributor, puts the spotlight on a single case. Too often, the homeless are lumped into one category and seen as sort of one entity, but in reality, they each have an individual story to tell that underline common problems in the system that either leads to homelessness or perpetuate it. By listening to personal accounts, we can put a real face to this epidemic and motivate those of us with voting power to push for change that is both effective and human. Because at the end of the day all we ever really have is each other. --Have something you’d like to share? Write me a letter (or an email). Send me your thoughts to the address listed above or to my email:


The Home Stretch: A Gauntlet Another face of homelessness By Will Freeney


he visible homeless are only a fraction of those without a place of their own to sleep or take care of their other daily needs. Although those who drive past those with shopping carts, bike trailers of recyclables, or tents pitched on a canal levee may sum up those conditions as a “lifestyle choice,” there is little choice left to those who occupy the streets of Fresno as their only residence, and choices made to transform their situation are often thwarted by the very system that purports to want them off the street. Let’s consider the case of just one ‘homeless’ person as an example – Melody. Melody was born in Japan, where her father was stationed in the military. Her family moved to California when she was 10 years old. She grew up and had four children (two sons – both now in the Marines – and two daughters). She worked for the IRS here in Fresno for over a decade – from June of 2004 to June 2015 – before being suddenly and unexpectedly fired. During that period, she and her partner had bought a house. However, Melody’s unemployment led to the loss of the house by the end of 2015, prompting them to move to Wisconsin to be near her family. She and her partner were both employed in the burgeoning water park industry of the Wisconsin Dells – at Wisconsin’s minimum wage rate of $8 per hour. That was not adequate to reestablish themselves in independence, and Melody returned to California in March of 2016. There is, of course, more to the story. Melody admits having used methamphetamines from 1995 – 2016. She says it was a response to the loss of her children in 1992. The immediate effect of that loss was depression, which led to hospitalization and 5 suicide attempts – 2 while hospitalized. She has received multiple prescriptions to deal with her emotional state – Serquel so she can sleep, Buspar for her anxiety, and Effexor as an anti-depressant. During our interview,

she was calm, lucid, and articulate, so they seem to be working for her. Her companion animal, Shadow, a charming, attentive, and well-behaved small dog, is also obviously contributing to her emotional well-being and quality of life. Having a place to call home would no doubt help immeasurably. Melody initially applied for SSI in 2016 and received 2 denials. She has an upcoming hearing for a third application attempt, dependent on the testimony of her mental health professional, a cardiologist and a general practitioner. To further limit her access to employment or services, Melody is unable to renew her driver’s license due to a back child support bill – for her children who are now adults, aged 27 – 32. She receives $245 per month in General Relief and $173 a month in food stamps. It is not necessary to do a market survey to know that this is inadequate to house and feed one person on any terms. Housing for Melody consists of her partner’s bedroom in his mother’s house here in Fresno. Fortunately for Melody, this is her protection from the visible homelessness of those in tents, now subject to being rousted, deprived of their belongings, jailed, and fined. For them, the burden of paying a $1000 fine would be just another barricade between homelessness and housing. Melody has barriers of her own, though. She was finally able to get a CHAP (Section 8) voucher for subsidized housing and began searching for an apartment. The list of contacts quickly dwindled, however, as


she was told that no units were available, the complex no longer accepted Section 8, the property’s new owner did not accept Section 8, or no one answered the phone. The CHAP authorization period (90 days) expired and she requested and received a 30-day extension (which expired in April of this year). Before its expiration, she did find one renter who would accept her application. They, in turn, denied her application. When she asked why, she was told it was due to a delinquent PG&E bill. The bill was from 2013, and PG&E supplied her with a document verifying that no repayment was required to open a new account. The prospective landlord persisted in their denial of her application. On further review of her rental process documentation, Melody discovered that the denial was actually based on a bad credit rating. This brings us to Melody’s current plight. If she does receive her SSI authorization, she would be an appealing prospect for CHAP authorization, as the Section 8 program requires 30% of the applicant’s income go toward rent while HUD provides the supplemental difference. However, a check today on the Fresno Housing Authority’s website determined that CHAP is currently closed to new applicants. If she were able to apply and was again accepted, where would she find a landlord who would accept her application? Melody also told me that her initial authorization for CHAP was issued with an announcement that 3000 such authorizations were being issued – 1000 of which would


be selected. Melody has some ideas of her own regarding the provision of more housing for the homeless. She mentioned both the University Medical Center campus at Kings Canyon and Cedar and the old Juvenile Hall – both of which are vacant – as prospective public housing sites. While her children are faring better than Melody is at the moment, her elder daughter, Fiona, has known homelessness at the street level, and told me that she had begged officers to take her to jail to escape the hardships of that environment. She currently is staying with her husband at his parents’ house and is about to move into a Section 8 apartment next door. That was only possible because the landlord was an independent property owner who did not do a background check. Fiona was denied by the same landlord who refused Melody due to her credit score, because of a past felony. If the goal is to assist the homeless in finding and occupying a home, perhaps all the participants in dealing with the homeless should be on the same page – namely that helpfulness is the universal mode of operation and housing for all is the ultimate goal. After the prospective tenant is required to fill out paperwork with the housing authority to get Section 8 assistance, should the landlord’s purview extend to requiring additional paperwork and background checks as a means of obstructing the process of housing the homeless? Although Melody’s story contains elements of the boilerplate dismissal of the homeless, it also contains the typical elements of any American growing up and doing the best they can here in the United States. She is intelligent and articulate and hoping to do better for herself – to have a stable, safe, independent space. The system does not seem to be doing enough to meet those expectations.


JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 |




Get to know your local Tower District shop through a Q&A with owner, Tony Fernandez.

Is parabolic gallery an art gallery or a furniture store? Or is it both? It’s a gallery for both art and design, and by design, I mean furniture and household objects as well as purely decorative items or utilitarian objects that have a sense of style or merit to their design. I try to present these objects the same way I would display a sculpture or a framed watercolor still life. This gives me the opportunity to create small moments of beauty from unexpected materials. What makes the furnishings in your store unique The pieces I select for my inventory are a reflection of my personal taste, which is very eclectic. My life experiences have exposed me to a world of good design from many cultures and periods, allowing me to appreciate all sorts of design influences, from fine art movements to pop culture trends. Sometimes items are literally unique one-of-a-kind pieces, but mostly they are objects that become unique in the eyes of the beholder because of how I choose to arrange them, how I present them. For example, I recently found a rusty gear from a huge industrial motor. To


| JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018

me, it was sculptural, like a primitive African tribal ceremonial object, yet it was made even more interesting because it came out of a 1940’s piece of American heavy machinery. I cleaned it up, oiled it to bring out the rich oxidized patina, and put it on a pedestal. Suddenly, its distinct sculptural qualities became undeniable. When I placed it next to a 1961 Italian abstract expressionist painting, the vignette was complete! Introduce yourself and talk about your design background. My name is Tony Fernandez, and I am the owner of Parabolic, a gallery for art and design located in the Tower District. I’ve been into architecture and furniture design since I can remember, and that has everything to do with my experience of architecture growing up. My formative years were split between living in Southern California and Central America, back and forth, for blocks of years at a time. As a result, I was inspired by the mid-century modernist work of obscure Latin American architects as well as the modernism of mid-century suburbia. This led me to pursue a degree in architecture from USC, where many of my professors had studied


under some pretty big names in California Modernism back in the 50’s and 60’s. Architecture provided a solid foundation for my design career, which has included furniture design and interior design, as well as the sensitive remodeling of mid-century modern houses to better suit the needs of 21st-century clients. You’ve spent a lot of time in southern California, why Fresno? Having lived in LA for over 30 years, I decided to venture north because I was ready for a change. I have two sisters, one who lives near Santa Cruz, the other a Fresno resident for the last 25 years. After my parents passed away, I felt the need to be closer to my sisters, so I came to Fresno to see what it was like. I met a lot of talented Fresno artists and designers with a desire to raise the bar around art and design in Fresno and the Central Valley in general. That’s a challenge that appealed to me, so I stayed. What styles inspire you? I’m a modernist at heart. I always have been, and always will be. I’m inspired by the way


the great modern architects, designers, and artists looked at the world in fresh new ways that were not a rehash of traditional, historical styles. Their approach to design is still alive and lies at the heart of any progressive approach to improving the quality of life through design. What would you consider your particular style is? While my style is rooted in mid-century modernism, I am by no means a purist. I’m eclectic, and by that, I mean that I love to mix things from other periods and cultures in ways that stimulate my mind. If I’m bored with something, I have a hard time selling it, so my style reflects my ever-present fascination with discovering beauty in unexpected juxtapositions. Why choose the Tower District as the home for your store? If the Tower were a guest at a cocktail party, she would be wearing the coolest vintage outfit, drinking a local IPA, and telling some hilarious stories from “back in the day” …

...parabolic continues on pg 6


Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts

In honor of Independence Day

that Francis Key had in mind when he wrote those words did originate 1. Thomas Jefferson drafted the decades earlier as the melody for a Declaration of Independence on song praise of wine.” a “laptop,” a kind of writing desk 6. The stars on the original Amerthat could fit on one’s lap. ican flag were in a circle so all the 2. An estimated 40 to 50 percent Colonies would appear equal. of illegal immigrants residing in the United States did not illegal- 7. The six American Nobel Prize ly cross the border. Instead, they winners of 2016 in the areas of obtained legal visas as employees, chemistry, physics, and economics students, or tourists and did not are all immigrants. return home when their visas expired. 8. The average age of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence 3. It isn’t the 4th of July without was 45. The youngest was Thomas a grand fireworks show. Accounts Lynch, Jr (27) of South Carolina. from the Pennsylvania Evening The oldest delegate was Benjamin Post in 1777 indicate that the city Franklin (70) of Pennsylvania. The celebrated with gun salutes and lead author of The Declaration, fireworks. Philadelphians enjoyed Thomas Jefferson, was 33. bonfires and other events to commemorate our nation’s first official 9. An estimated 40 percent of birthday. Cannon salutes were also all Americans have an ancestor popular, and the first Indepen- who arrived in the United States dence Day celebration included through Ellis Island. the firing of 13 cannons, reflective of our first 13 states. 10. BAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, the so-called “State of 4. About 60 percent of immigrants Independence,” where the Deccurrently residing in the United laration of Independence was deStates arrived before 2000 bated and signed, is home to 11 places with the word “liberty” in 5.The tune of the National An- their name and 33 with the word them was originally used by an “union” in them, leading the counEnglish drinking song called “to try for the number of places with Anacreon in Heaven.” The words such names. (Only one place in the have nothing to do with consump- nation has “patriot” in its name, action of alcohol but the “melody cording to the bureau. Patriot, Ind., | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

is said to have an estimated population of 209.)

11. Traditions place the origins of “Yankee Doodle” as a pre-Revolutionary War song originally sung by British military officers to mock the disheveled, disorganized colonial “Yankees” with whom they served in the French and Indian War. It is believed that the tune comes from the nursery rhyme Lucy Locket. One version of the Yankee Doodle lyrics is “generally attributed” to Doctor Richard Shuckburgh,a British Army surgeon. According to one story, Shuckburgh wrote the song after seeing the appearance of Colonial troops under Colonel Thomas Fitch, V, the son of Connecticut Governor Thomas Fitch. 12. The first Independence Day celebration took place in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. This was also the day that the Declaration of Independence was first read in public after people were summoned by the ringing of the Liberty Bell.



JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 |


SPOTLIGHT \\ PARABOLIC a local Fresno firm whose work combines a sophisticated artistic vision with outstanding technical expertise. Their Hemispheres line recalls mid-century architectural pottery but interpreted with their singular artistic sensibility. I also show work by Elijah Medina, a native Fresnan artist whose paintings are like Technicolor strolls through the dream landscape of his imagination. He has an extraordinary intuitive approach to color and pattern that is impressive. --

...parabolic cont’d from pg 4 and that’s who I’d want to hang out with! The Tower is considered a mostly bohemian, progressive and free-thinking neighborhood existing in counterpoint to a predominantly conservative city. It’s where individual expression is not just tolerated, but embraced. That appeals to me because Parabolic has a distinct point of view. It’s not your grandma’s antique store, and it needs to be in a location that reflects that. What’s just as important is that there is a sense of community in the Tower District. It’s home to a variety of vintage and antique stores, each with its unique style and focus. If you truly love exploring INDIVIDUAL POINTS OF VIEW in a retail experience, you will venture into the Tower District and have a shopping adventure instead of literally “buying into” whatever corporate America says is cool. Are you available for custom designs? Can a customer request something to be specifically designed for them? By all means, yes! I’ve had clients come into my shop because they liked what they saw in my windows, only to have them bring me on as a design consultant for the home they


Scout A042028 is playful pup who is full of energy. He would love to have a family to match his active lifestyle! 559-233-7722 ext.116


Despite only having only having one eye, Odis A049089 is one of the most adventurous pups you’ll ever meet! 559-233-7722 ext. 116


| JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018

Parabolic is located at 431 E. Olive Ave., between Roosevelt and Wilson. Hours: Wed - Sat 11-7 and Sun. 12-4, or by appointment. are remodeling. With my experience, I can help my clients with everything from finding the perfect vintage lamp for their desk to designing an original, one-of-a-kind piece of furniture just for them. Any personal favorites in your store right now?

Who are the other artists you feature?

There is a hydraulic stretcher from the 1930’s that I’ve converted into a multi-use table. I


Charles A052136 would make the perfect lap dog for anyone looking for a well mannered pup. 559-233-7722 ext.116


Penelope A045134 think she’s a big lap dog! She loves to be pampered and get all the love in the world. 559-233-7722 ext.116 | FRESNO FLYER |

replaced the original gurney top with a thick glass top. You can adjust the tabletop height using the hydraulic lift, much like a barber’s chair so that it can go from cocktail bar height to dining table height in a matter of seconds.

Currently, I carry a series of hand-crafted cement pieces from Edward Albert Design,


Website: It will soon function as an online store in conjunction with the brick and mortar location. Follow us on Instagram (parabolicgallery) and like us on Facebook (@parabolic559). Also, be sure to follow Tower Vintage Merchants Association (tvmafresno on Instagram) to keep up-to-date on what all the participating Tower vintage stores are planning every month for our Tower Vintage Hop.



Chloe A049516 is a playful girl who brings a smile to everyone’s face. She is sure to brighten up your days. 559-233-7722 ext.116

Cobalt A051244 is the kind of sweetheart who will jump up on your lap and never want to leave. 559-233-7722 ext.116

Dipper A049566 loves to be loved on with lots of hugs and kisses. There’s no way of deny his sweet face.559-233-7722 ext.116




Samuel A052576 is a handsome boy who loves to be around people. He’s always the center of attention! 559-233-7722 ext.116

Taffy A052544 is a sweetheart that’ll make you fall in love instantly. She’s also great with other dogs her size! 233-7722 ext.116


Trooper A046377 is extremely sweet and can be a bit shy at first but once he warms up he will give you love right back.559-233-7722



Smart Ways to Fuel Kids this Summer Pediatrician-approved solutions with essential nutrients for active kids (Family Features) Parents may be wondering how to ensure their children are staying hydrated, maintaining healthy diets and getting the nutrients they need during the summer months. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the reality is one out of two kids ages 9 and up are missing out on key nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and potassium - putting them at risk for serious health issues. Pediatrician and best-selling author Dr. Tanya Altmann suggests moms can help fill that gap by making sure kids fuel their bodies with proper nutrition. Milk is the top food source for calcium, vitamin D and potassium, and Altmann encourages moms to serve milk at most meals and water in between to ensure kids get the recommended servings of milk, depending on age group, throughout the day. “Milk is a simple way to help give kids of all ages nutrients they need to grow strong, and they already love it,” Altmann said. “Pour a glass of milk alongside your kid’s favorite snack or use milk in a smoothie or oatmeal for breakfast.” This summer, try a twist on a classic, kid-approved lunch - for breakfast. These Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake Dippers combine two favorite flavors, a peanut butter pancake with a jelly dip, for a simple recipe the whole family is sure to enjoy eating. Pair with an 8-ounce glass of milk for nine essential nutrients to fuel summer mornings.

For more nutritious, kid-approved recipes to pair with a glass of milk, visit

Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake Dippers Recipe courtesy of MilkPEP Servings: 5 (2 pancake dippers per serving) 1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons brown sugar, packed 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 large egg 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 4 tablespoons reduced-fat creamy peanut butter 1 cup fat-free milk nonstick cooking spray 1/3 cup sugar-free raspberry preserves, for dipping 1 glass (8 ounces) fat-free milk In blender, combine oats and flours and pulse 3-4 times. Add salt, brown sugar, bak-


ing powder, egg, vegetable oil, peanut butter and 1 cup milk. Pulse several times until combined and no lumps in batter.

Serve with raspberry preserves for dipping and pair with remaining 8-ounce glass of milk.

Heat nonstick skillet to medium-low heat and lightly grease with cooking spray. Pour 1/4 cup batter onto skillet, cook 1-2 minutes until bubbles appear around edges then flip and cook another 1-2 minutes until golden. Immediately roll up pancake and secure with toothpick. Repeat process with remaining batter.

Nutritional information per serving: 310 calories; 9 g fat; 1.5 g saturated fat; 45 mg cholesterol; 17 g protein; 43 g carbohydrates; 3 g fiber; 430 mg sodium; 431 mg calcium (45% of daily value). Nutrition figures based on using fat-free milk, and include an 8-ounce glass of fat-free milk.



JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 |



| JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018




This Week June 28 - July 4 Jaded Band - June 28 - Bring a blanket or chair and enjoy the music at the Sierra Vista Mall Community Park in front of the Sierra Vista Cinemas 16 Movie Theater. Beer Garden Opens @ 6pm Opening act @ 6:30pm Music @ 7pm Come early, grab your meal from one of our restaurants and dine in the park as you enjoy the evening with us! StageWorks Fresno presents: Fun Home When her father dies unexpectedly, graphic novelist Alison dives deep into her past to tell the story of the volatile, brilliant, oneof-a-kind man whose temperament and secrets defined her family and her life. Moving between past and present, Alison relives her unique childhood playing at the family’s Bechdel Funeral Home, her growing understanding of her own sexuality, and the looming, unanswerable questions about her father’s hidden desires. Fun Home is a refreshingly honest, wholly original musical about seeing your parents through grownup eyes. Friday, June 29 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Dan Pessano Theater Fresno.


Raffle, Face Painting, Retro Gaming provided by Blue Shell Gaming, Knockout Esports Arena on-site. Special guest cosplay featuring Mr. Freeze, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-man, Joker, and so much more! Tickets $10 www. Mariachi: Yolanda Del Rio June 30, 8pm - With her trademark melancholic wailing style, she became one of the most prominent Ranchera singers of the 1970s and 1980s. Her songs “Valgame Dios” and “Una Intrusa” ranked on the Billboard Latin charts. Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728

Moonlight Train Ride & BBQ - June 30 This popular event offers a NY steak or chicken BBQ dinner al fresco at the station with live music. Then take your seat on the Logger Steam Train for an excursion narrated by the conductor. Along the way you will recall the days of the Madera Suger Pine Lumber Company’s logging operations, discover the trees of the Sierra National Forrest, and find out why the Shay locomotive is unprecedented. Step off the train during a stopover at Lewis Creek Canyon for some fun and entertainment featuring live music or theatre. Hear the whistle blow and see the Shay’s Foam Wonderland Friday, June firebox glow under the night sky on 29 at 8 PM - 2 AM Chukchansi your trip back to the station. 56001 Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno. Foam Hwy 41 Fish Camp, CA 93623 ResWonderland - The Ultimate Foam ervations recommended 559-683Party Experience Unity Tour 2018 7273 Presented by K-Lin and Crowdsurf Fresno Chukchansi Park 18+ ¡Cumbiatron! The World’s Best with 21+ Bars Ticket info com- Dance Music - Saturday, June 30 at ing soon! 7p Arte Américas. 1630 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, 93721 This is a jourCountry Night Friday, June 29 at ney...into sound... Special 3 Year 9 PM - 1 AM CHUKCHANSI GOLD Anniversary Show! With: El Selectòr RESORT & CASINO 711 Lucky Ln, | Del Toro Don | Philthy Dronez | Coarsegold Chukchansi’s Coun- Jalinche | Dog Plasma $10 At The try Night is the last Friday of every Door. Live from the Kiosko in Plaza month! Line Dance Lessons by Danc- Paz ing With Rhonda DJ Music 9:00pm to 1:00am in the Firehouse Lounge Summer Sunset Concert SaturGet Bucked on our mechanical bull! day, June 30 at 7 PM - 11 PM San Joaquin Winery 21821 Avenue 16, Drink Specials! Must be 21+ Madera. Bring your lawn chairs or Marvel VS DC Cosplay (hosted by reserve one of our VIP tables to enBatman & Joker)! - Friday, Jun 29 at joy a nice evening of wine, food and 6p - 12a Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 live music. The New Monsanto Band F St, Fresno, 93706 MARVEL VS DC is a local band with members from is returning to the Central Valley! A Parlier, Sanger, and Fresno that play night filled with everything. Marvel, many different types of music to DC, Superhero, and Super Villains! dance to! Doors open at 7pm and An evening featuring a cosplay con- entertainment starts 8pm! Food by test, live action cosplay, retro gam- Campos Tacos

platters and more while enjoying our event space at In Cucina Event Kitchen inside Sam’s Deli. It was designed especially for Wine Club and Epicurean enthusiasts. Cost: $35 (you receive a $10 rebate back if you purchase $60 or more in wine on Saturday. All 500 wine selections throughout the store are eligible to work towards this rebate opportunity. Fresno FC Ladies vs. Pleasanton Rage Sunday, July 1 at 2p - 4p Fresno State Soccer Field Paint & Sip “ Hummingbird Heartbeat” Sunday, July 1 at 1 PM - 3:30 PM Pinot’s Palette (Fresno) 6763 N Palm Avenue, Fresno, 93704 Join us to sip wine with friends, listen to music and discover your inner Van Gogh as our artists lead you step-by-step in creating your own masterpiece. www. Shaver Lake FIREWORKS SHOW Arrive early to find a spot on the beach to watch the boat parade at 6 p.m. followed by the fireworks display. Shaver Lake, 841-3350 Spectrum Dance Theater - CSU Summer Arts - Monday, July 2 at 7p - 8:15p University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 Spectrum Dance Theater ignites audiences through the ambitious agenda of Donald Byrd, whose appetite to explore the arts knows no boundaries. Under Byrd’s visionary artistic leadership since 2002, Spectrum has emerged as a company of national and international significance. Spectrum will present their newest work, H.R.3244 (a reference to the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000), which explores the emotional response to human trafficking and draws parallels to historical black slavery in the United States. (559) 278-2216 Festival of the American Spirit July 3 - Kerman Entertainment, children’s activities, food and fireworks. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets. Gates open at 6 p.m. Adults $6, kids ages 4-10 $3. Kerman High School Stadium, 205 S. First Street, Kerman. 846-6343

Kingsburg Fireworks Show July 3 Old fashioned All-American patriotic celebration with fireworks, food, fun, and free watermelon while supplies last. 6-10 p.m. $5 for adults, $3 for ing, live music, and other activities to be announced. Whether you are into Saturday Wine Tasting! Saturday, children. Kingsburg High School movies, video games, anime, super- June 30 at 2p - 4p Sam’s Italian Deli Bowl, 1900 18th Avenue. 897heroes or villains, come and hangout & Market 2415 N 1st St, Fresno, 1111 with us. Cosplay Contest, Batmobile, 93703 Try 11 super premium wines Hero Alliance Birthday Party Package and enjoy hot appetizers, charcuterie | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

Selma Independence Day Fireworks July 3 - Food booths, children’s activities, entertainment and more! Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Adults $5, kids 5-11 $2, children 4 & under free. Parking $2. Staley Stadium at Selma High School, Selma. 891-2237 Make a TV show! - Workshop: Pre-Production Tuesday, July 3 at 6p - 9p CMAC 1555 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, 93721 Explore strategies to effectively plan a community access television show in our studio or on location. Topics include idea generation, script writing, rundowns, underwriting, legal issues, production and post-production options. Also learn the forms that CMAC requires for production made with CMAC equipment and facilities .CMAC membership must be paid prior to training ($50/ yr or $25/yr for students - all workshops included with membership). Contact for membership and enrollment: (559) 266-2622 or info@ Corks & Palette Independence Tuesday, July 3 at 7p - 9p Corks and Palette Mixer 1526 n Palm ave, Fresno, 93728 Paint & Sip! Have a fun night out with friends or a date night painting, listening to music, and drinking. All art supplies and wine will be provided. You may also bring your own! please drink responsibly! Register for classes on or pay at the door! (Seating is limited so better to reserve online)

holiday with friends, family, and other competitors. Register today at 4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza - Grizzlies vs. Las Vegas The Biggest 4th of July Fireworks Show in the Valley! The Fireworks Extravaganza, News, will begin after the Grizzlies game versus the Las Vegas 51s (New York Mets Triple-A affiliate). Special Stars & Stripes Uniforms and Hats will be worn on the field by the Grizzlies and auctioned during the game. The all-new, *ALL FREE* Kids Zone will feature the return of the Growlifornia Monsoon waterslide! Get your tickets early for July 4th, as we’re expecting a large crowd for the evening. Tickets Independence Day BBQ & Fireworks July 4 at 6:30p - 10p The Pines Resort, Bass Lake 54432 Road 432, Bass Lake, 93604 ome join us for a Front ROW seat to the Bass Lake Fireworks SHOW, live music by QPOP and the BEST BBQ dinner on Bass Lake! Doors open @5:30pm Music/ BBQ 6:30pm - 8:30pm Tickets: Adult: $64.95 (12+) | Senior: $54.95 (55 ) | Child: 34.95 (under 12) Price includes BBQ Buffet dinner, party favors, iced tea, lemonade, water, regular and decaf coffee. (559) 6423121

America’s Birthday Celebration at the Ballpark - Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia, 93291, Sunday, July 1st, we will give away Tipper cuddle buddies to the first 200. There will be inflatables in the Kid’s Corral for our Kid’s Club members to enjoy as well! Fans can also wear patriotic or camo attire and receive a FREE ticket to the game! Monday, July 2nd, we will host another Make A Difference Monday where fans can get a free ticket for donating pet supplies to benefit the animals at Valley Oak SPCA. JULY 3RD FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR!We will have the best post-game firework show in town all courtesy of Bueno Beverage Company! visalia 4th of July Freedom Run - Wednesday, July 4 at 7a - 10a Woodward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 This 4 mile course represents the 4th of July. We also have a 2 mile run/walk and the little fire cracker kids race. The American Flag lined courses should inspire runners and walkers to give that extra effort in crossing the finish line and to enjoy the start of this great American



JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 |


CALENDAR Freedom Fest 2018 Wednesday, July 4 at 4p - 10p Clovis High School 1055 Fowler Ave, Clovis, 93611 Freedom Fest boasts one of the largest and most amazing displays of pyrotechnics on the west coast. Plus, you’ll find plenty of food, entertainment and activities for all ages. Gates open at 4:00 p.m. Fireworks Show starts at 9:00p Place: Clovis High School Football Stadium, northeast corner of Fowler and Barstow Avenues Admission: $5 | Free admission for children under 5-yearold 4th of July Spectacular - Wednesday, July 4 at 6:30p - 10p Sanger High 1045 Bethel Ave, Sanger, 93657 Join us for our 4th of July Spectacular! Gates open at 6:30 pm at the the Sanger High School Practice Field 1045 Bethel Ave, Sanger. Live Music, Food, Flag Retirement Ceremony, and fun for the whole family!!! Parking Pass $10.00 includes up to 4 Admission Tickets, Walk Ups $3.00 per person. Call the Chamber at 559875-4575 or email at Tachi Palace 4th of July Fireworks Celebration with Prestige - Wednesday, July 4 at 6p - 9:15p Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino 17225 Jersey Avenue, Lemoore, 93245 Prestige will be performing at Tachi Palace’s Star Spangled Fun Fireworks Show. Live music to entertain you before the fireworks! Bring your own blankets, chairs and canopies. Fireworks start at approximately 9:15 p.m.

List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182 93292 Join CASA of Tulare County at the 2nd Annual 4th of July Independence Day Fireworks Community Festival at Groppetti Stadium. Activities include games, live music, waterslides, swimming pool access, a hot dog eating contest, dunk tanks and more -- and of course, fireworks! Food and beverages will be available for sale. Festivities will begin at 2 p.m. The fireworks show is scheduled for approximately 8:30 p.m. Admission is free; parking at Groppetti Stadium is $10 per vehicle, with all proceeds benefiting CASA of Tulare County. (559) 625-4007 for more information about the event. Festival Open: 2:00PM Pool Hours: 2:00PM – 6:00PM Fireworks 8:30PM Big, Bad, Boom Fireworks - FREE! Wednesday, July 4 at 5p - 10p The Kings Fair 10th Ave, Hanford, 93230 Free parking and Free entry! Beer and Wine Garden, Live Music, Bounce Houses, Food Vendors and Fireworks. Fireworks choreographed to Classic Rock courtesy of 99.7FM

4th of July Spectacular –Madera Family fun at 5 p.m. and fireworks at dusk. Madera Municipal Golf Course, Avenue 17 @ Road 23. 661-5495 Fowler’s Fabulous 4th of July Food, entertainment, kids zone, and fireworks for the whole family. No outside food. Free admission. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Fowler High School Stadium, 701 E. Main Street. 834-5486 Hanford Firework Celebration Independence Day Fireworks Com- Kids activities and food from 6-9 munity Festival - Wednesday, July p.m. Hanford High School Dog 4 at 2p - 10p Groppetti Stadium Bowl, 120 W. Grangeville Blvd. 5821414 North McAuliff Street Visalia, 0483

Next Week July 5 - 11 The Black Dahlia Murder and Whitechapel, Fleshgod Apocalypse Thursday, July 5 at 7p - 11:30p Strummer’s 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 All ages. Tickets available during normal business hours (559) 485-5356 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - GCP Thursday, July 5 at 7 PM - 9:30 PM Good Company Players 1105 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, 93728 Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical hit is a joyous retelling of the story of Joseph, his doting father, his eleven jealous brothers, and his adventures in Egypt. Family fun of biblical proportions! (559) 266-0211 Traphouse July 5 Veni Vidi Vici 1116 N Fulton St, Fresno, 93728 If you’ve been to Traphouse before you know how we get down. Only the hottest (Tech House, Trap, HipHop, Electro, etc) 2 fully stocked bars, inside and back patio. Plus we bring the best special guest djs from around the valley! First Thursday night - EDM x HIPHOP | Third Thursday night - THROWBACK NIGHT 10:15-2am 21+ No Cover charge CSU Summer Arts presents Kiese Laymon - Thursday, July 5 at 7p 8:15p University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 - Kiese Laymon is a Black southern writer, born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. He is the author of the novel Long Division, and a collection of essays titled How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America. His forthcom-

ing books are a memoir titled Heavy, and a novel titled And So On. (559) 278-2216 Art Hop At Bebe O’s Thursday, July 5 at 5p - 9p Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique 1130 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, 93728 - Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique invites you to come and view the creations created by local artists Ben Leetch, Matt Miller and CJ Acosta. Each artist will be displaying several of their pieces which will be available for purchasing. CJ Acosta will be displaying her creations of her wire wrapped jewelry, as Ben and Matt show off their iklectic art pieces. Movie Night! Friday, July 6 at 5:30p - 9:30p Letterman Park 908 Villa Avenue, Clovis, 93612 Join us for our next FREE summer movie night! We will be showing “Coco” by Disney Pixar and it will start at dusk (sunset). There will be FREE hotdogs, popcorn, and more (while supplies last), and our sponsor is AAA at their Clovis/Herndon office. Along with free food, there will be local vendors selling items, free games, and more! Max Strange Goalie Clinic July 6 Gateway Ice Center 2473 N Marks Ave, Fresno, 93722 - Goalies will learn the fundamentals of protecting the net and get one on one advice from ECHL’s Max Strang who has more than 15+ years of experience. The clinic will kick off in July with two (2) FREE one (1) hour sessions on the 6th & 13th from 6:15pm 7:15pm at Gateway Ice Center with Strang. The clinic is open to goalies of all ages from around the Central Valley. (559) 277-2233

Forrest Gump (1994) Film at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno Friday, July 6 at 8p - 11p (doors open at 7) 1170 Broadway Plaza, Fresno, 93721 The presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson, Vietnam, Watergate, and other history unfold through the perspective of an Alabama man with an IQ of 75. STARS: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Sally Field PG13 | 2h 22min | Drama, Romance | 6 July 1994. Tickets are $5 Latin Music Night - 40 Watt Hype Friday, July 6 at 5p - 10p ApCal 32749 Avenue 7, Madera, 93637 One of the Valley’s most iconic bands --- 40 WATT HYPE --- is coming back to ApCal with their unique sound and style. With a feel of R&B, Hip Hop and Latin, you’ll be dancing all night long, while partying under the stars with all your friends! $10 in advance --$15 at the gate. Pre-sale gate opens at 5pm --- General admission at 6pm. Music from 7-10pm - Music - Dancing - Wine - Beer - Food - Cigars 21 yrs & Older Only. Bring a Lawn Chair. NO outside liquids permitted Food available from purchase from Taqueria Jaliscience. (559) 674-9463 Saturday Morning Long Day Kayak Tours July 7 8:30a to 1p - San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust 11605 Old Friant Rd, Fresno, 93730 - Experience the river at its finest by paddling from Lost Lake Park to Owl Hollow. Our longer half-day tour is a great way to get started with paddling on the San Joaquin River. Your guide will provide basic paddling instruction and safety guidelines, then lead you on a downstream trip through calm, quiet stretches and exhilarating riffles. Enjoy beautiful scenery, and catch a glimpse of the beautiful birds and other wildlife that call the river their home. This tour is appropriate for paddlers aged 12 and up. Physical requirements: Guests should be able to walk on uneven ground to enter and exit the boats, and use hands, arms, and torso for paddling. Tickets - Boxing - Protecting Home: Jose Ramirez Saturday, July 7 at 4:30 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno Slice of Comedy Headlining Nathan Hurd - July 7 at 8p to 11p - Di Cicco’s Italian Restaurant 408 Clovis Ave, Clovis, 93612 Nathan Hurd is a stand up comedian and actor based out of Los Angeles. He has been making people laugh all across the country for a decade. A remarkable Storyteller, Nathan captivates audiences with his unique experience of being a black albino who was adopted at birth by a white family and raised in the south. Nathan has the

10 | JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018




CALENDAR ability to make anything hilarious. Whether he’s talking about his personal hardships or wondering aloud what bees smell like; the crowd is always engaged and doubled over in laughter. (559) 299-3711 CSU Summer Arts presents An Evening of Comedy - Saturday, July 7 at 7p - 8:15p University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 With improv comedy, you never know what you’re going to get. However, with these artists, you know that you will have an evening of belly-aching laughter, satire, curiosity, and a wee bit of snarkiness. Come see Dave Razowsky, Amy Seeley, Mike Ross, and Rachel Hamilton at their best and at the top of their games. (559) 2782216 Transgender Support Group Saturday, July 7 at 5:30p - 7p COMMON SPACE 2915 Tulare Street, Fresno, 93721 The first Saturday of every month, we hold a support group for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Contact us if you have any questions. (559) 4645806 Sizzling Salsa Sunday, July 8 at 6p - 9p Studio 65 - Let’s Dance! 2965 N Maroa Ave, Fresno, 93704 - Ongoing Salsa social at Studio 65. Every Sunday!Dance lesson 6pm Social Dancing 7pm Only $5 (Second Sunday of the month we feature Live Salsa w/ Rumba 32, entrance is $10 on those days) Beginners are welcome! (559) 222-6565 Brunch & Bubbly Sunday, July 8 at 11:30a - 4:30p The Downtown Club 2120 Kern St, Fresno, 93721 The Avant Garde Experience Presents: Brunch & Bubbly 7/8/18 11:30am4:30pm Come and enjoy brunch, bottomless mimosas and dance the day away to your favorite jams. Cocktails will be available for purchase. Come dressed to impress and ready to have fun! $35 in advance, $40 at the door. Get Movin Mondays - Country Night Monday, July 9 at 6p - 8p River Park 71 E. Via La Plata, Fresno, 93720 Join us for “Get Movin Mondays” with a FREE Dance Social each Monday, featuring a different style of dance each week. All Ages! 1st Monday: Salsa Dancing @ 7:30-10pm | 2nd Monday: Country Line & Square Dancing @ 6-8pm | 3rd Monday: Swing Dancing @ 7:30-9:30pm | 4th Monday: Zumba @ 6:30-8:30pm | 5th Monday: Break Dancing @ 6-8pm The weekly dance event is located in the event area at River Park, near Teazer & Yoshino. (559) 437-4855

Tuesday Night Rides - Hospital Hill Tuesday, July 10 at 6p - 8p STEVEN’S BICYCLES 1365 N Willow in Clovis, And 4045 W Figarden in Fresno - Join the fun! This is a great way to get in some miles after work. Our destinations and mileage will vary, usually with a loop so you can go at your favorite distance and speed. We ride at a social B/C pace (from about 13 -18 mph, and often have a faster and slower group). We’ll alternate routes between Appaloosa Acres, Pumpkin Valley, Hospital Hill, and Friant Shell, usually 15 - 20 miles. Lights required. Clear glasses recommended for trip back. This is a good ride to start with if you’re just getting into cycling, or coming back after a break. Ride will cancel at temps of 102 or higher. (559) 7970148 Brit Floyd - Pink Floyd Tribute - Eclipse World Tour 2018 Tuesday, July 10 at 8 PM Saroyan Theatre 700 M St, Fresno. Tickets · $51.50 All Ages Paint Party at Dave & Buster’s Tuesday, July 10 at 7p - 9p 212 E River Park Cir, Fresno, 93720 Painting starts at 7pm, get there early and enjoy dinner in there dining room. (Food & Beverages sold separately CSU Summer Arts presents Art Lecture by Denise Bookwalter Tuesday, July 10 at 7p - 8:15p University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 Denise Bookwalter works in a range of print media including traditional and digital processes, installations, and dimensional prints. She uses old and new print technologies to create collaborative artist books. (559) 278-2216 Capital North (the Sea to Sky Tour), Zoo Pigeons, Artesia, Indosurf - Wednesday, July 11 at 8 PM - 11 PM Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno, 93706 All ages, tickets $6 available at Club América vs Atlas - Wednesday, July 11 at 7:30p - 10:30p Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St, Fresno, 93721 (559) 442-1047 CSU Summer Arts presents The World We Create Wednesday, July 11 at 7p - 8:15p University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 - Ant Black and Kimberly Dark use spoken word performance, dialogue and audience interaction to explore how people of different races, genders, religions, sexualities, and experiences create the world in which we live - and how we might increase fairness and equity for all. (559) 2782216


Dog Days of Summer - Clifford Reads Everywhere Wednesday, July 11 at 1:30p - 2:30p Sunnyside Public Library 5566 E Kings Canyon Rd, Fresno, 93727 Enjoy a special story-time and meet Clifford the Big Red Dog. Sign up in advance. Visit https:// Fresno County Public Library Dog Days is funded by Educational Employees Credit Union | EECU and Compass Charter Schools.


of Show award of $500. Five 1st place awards – $300 in each category. Five 2nd place awards – $200 in each category. Honorable Mention awards in each category. Competition categories are: Crops to Finished Products, Machinery & Structures, Agriculture’s Animal Friends, The Human Factor, Water... Agriculture’s Life Blood. Now accepting entries until August 1st, 2018 at: https:// Full Rules & Guidelines available at: CSU Summer Arts presents Monday, July 23 at 7p - 8:15p University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 Join us for a discussion with photographers Todd Hido and Clint Woodside, moderated by Contemporary Photographic Studio course coordinator Niku Kashef. Their curious and evocative works are widely distributed across the United States, and beyond. (559) 278-2216 Opening Reception: Young at Art 2018 Friday, August 3 at 6p - 8p Arts Visalia 214 E Oak Ave, Visalia, 93291 Join us for August’s First Friday, August 3rd, 6-8pm, which features artwork from Arts Visalia’s Young at Art 2018 summer children’s art program. (559) 739-0905

Forever Love Friday, July 13 at 6p - 8p Sublime Time 1419 M St, Fresno, 93721 Come Paint With Me NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! I will guide you through the creative process. All supplies provided and you get to take home your masterpiece. Get that sublime feeling when you create your very own work of art. Makes a great date, friend’s outing, or that needed “me” time. Come out and try something new, you might just surprise yourself. Tickets available at Opening Reception New Season Friday, July 13 at 4p - 8p Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st St, Fresno, 93703 Curator /Artist Talks in Bonner 4 - 6 | Opening Reception 6 - 8 Stoneware Glazing Workshop Heavy repast No Host Bar opens at 5 Thursday, July 12 at 9 a - 4p Duncan Members FREE NON-member $15 at Ceramic and Craft Supply 5697 E door (559) 441-4221 Fountain Way, Fresno, 93727 Join us in exploring a variety of techniques Call To Artists! Aug 1st Deadline to that you can use to decorate your Submit $3,000 in CASH PRIZES will stoneware pottery, including glaze be awarded at our Opening Receplayering, pattern transfer, bubble tion on September 13th! One Best blowing and more! We will be work-


ing on preformed stoneware (cone 5-6) pieces with a variety of glazes and underglazes. No experience necessary $90 - Contact Vickie at (559) 291-2515 Wine Night and Ceramics Friday, July 20 at 6:30p - 8:30p Clay Café 1018 E Mineral King Ave, Visalia, 93292 Create a fun and colorful vase. 3 choices. We will play with splatter, dry brush and drip to create our masterpiece! We will offer one complimentary glass of wine, or BYOB! This is a prepay event. $25 each. Phone reservation and payment welcome. 559-733-2022.

Theater CSU Summer Arts Student Showcases Friday, July 13, 2018 | 4:15pm - Spectrum Dance Theater Student Showcase - John Wright Theatre | 7:30pm - The Complete 21st Century Flutist Student Showcase - Concert Hall. Student Showcase are non-ticketed, free events. Admission is firstcome, first-seated. 559-278-5858 An Underground Evening with The Countess Katya Smirnoff-Skyy Jul 13 6:30p - 8:30p Bitwise Industries 700 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, 93721 A one-night stand with The Countess Katya Smirnoff-Skyy and her pianist. Join us for the fun and frivolity of this evening benefitting the Fresno Reel Pride Youth Film Series, sponsored by Bitwise Industries and The Painted Table. Tickets $20 - $190 for VIP (559) 500-3305


JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 | 11

CALENDAR CSU Summer Arts Student Showcases 11am - Acting in Accent Student Showcase - John Wright Theatre | 2:15pm - Social Action Writing Student Showcase - John Wright Theatre | 4pm - Papermaking and Artist Books & Creature Workshop for Animation Student Showcases - Conley Gallery | 7:30pm - Chicago-Style Comedy Student Showcase - John Wright Theatre Student Showcase are non-ticketed, free events. Admission is first-come, first-seated. www. 559-278-5858 CSU Summer Arts Student Showcases Friday, July 27, 2018 4:15pm - Performing Spoken Word Poetry: Black Girl Magic Student Showcase John Wright Theatre | 7:30pm - Visual Storytelling: The News Feature Student Showcase - John Wright Theatre Student Showcase are non-ticketed, free events. Admission is first-come, first-seated. www.csusummerarts. org 559-278-5858 CSU Summer Arts Student Showcases Saturday, July 28, 2018 11:30am - The “It” Factor: What Makes a Dancer a Star Student Showcase - John Wright Theatre | 2:15pm - The Normal School”s Summer Workshop Student Showcase - John Wright Theatre | 4pm - Contemporary Photographic Studio: Beauty is Everywhere Student Showcase - Conley Gallery 7:30pm - Lights, Camera, Fight! Stage Combat Student Showcase John Wright Theatre Student Showcase are non-ticketed, free events. Admission is first-come, first-seated. 559-2785858

List Your Events With Us! Call Today 559-472-7182 Park’s Festival Stage WHAT: The YES! Project is a summer youth camp where young people engage Shakespearean text and themes. We play theater games, learn Shakespearean style and scenes, and devise original dramatic material as we speak back at the text. Then we put it all together in a 45 minute or so performance out at Woodward Park for friends and family. This is a partnership project between FPU and Woodward Shakespeare Festival. Todd Hido and Clint Woodside Monday, July 23, 201 John Wright Theatre Join us for a discussion with photographers Todd Hido and Clint Woodside, moderated by Contemporary Photographic Studio course coordinator Niku Kashef. Their curious and evocative works are widely distributed across the United States, and beyond. 559-278-5858 Bring It On The Musical Friday, July 20 at 7 PM - 9:30 PM Selma Arts Center 1935 High St, Selma. Tickets

CSU Summer Arts presents Kristen Radtke Reading Friday, July 20 at 7p - 8:15p University Theatre 5201 N Maple Ave, Fresno, 93740 Kristen Radtke is a writer, artist, and the art director and deputy publisher of The Believer. She is an LA Times “Face to Watch,” and has been called “a superhuman of illustration” by the New York Times. Her graphic memoir, Imagine Wanting Only This, was called by Newsweek “the most beautiful graphic novel you’ll read all year... an absolutely stunning look at what it is to recover from grief.” (559) Jasmine Mans and Yazmin Monet 278-2216 Watkins Wednesday, July 18, 2018 John Wright Theatre Yazmin Monet Watkins is an internationally touring bisexual spoken word poet and actress from Los Angeles whose work Visalia Adventure park. Arcade, in higher education combines art Family Track, Lazer Tag, Batting Cagand activism, providing critical artises and more 5600 W Cypress Ave, tic outlets for students to self-advoVisalia, 93277, 559-635-7275 cate, heal, negotiate, and navigate the space that is higher education. Wave 3 Swimming Lessons - GoldJasmine Mans is an author, perfish - July 23 - Aug 03 (Monday, Tuesformer, poet, teacher, and artist who day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) enjoys having various forums to ex11:20 AM - 11:50 AM Co-Ed. Cenpress her thoughts, moods, opinions, tennial Park Pool Complex, Madera. and a voice to speak out on behalf Goldfish participants will learn the of others and the community around following: Enter the water by feet first her. 559jump into chest deep water from pool 278-5858 side. Freestyle with side breathing. Backstroke. Elementary backstroke YES! Project ~ Youth Engage Shakekick. Arm and leg motions for treadspeare Wednesday, July 18 at 7:30 ing water in deep water unsupportPM - 8:30 PM Fresno Pacific Theater ed. Move in water while wearing a 1717 S Chestnut Ave, Fresno. WHEN: life jacket. Participants are expected Weeks 1-3: Mondays-Thursdays, 10 to wear appropriate swimwear (no am - 3 pm (minus July 4) - at Frescut-offs). Towels will not be provided. no Pacific University Week 4: MonParticipant must bring their own towday-Wednesday, 6 - 9 pm (show on el. Register for $10 July 18 at 7:30 pm - at Woodward


12 | JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018


Wave 3 Swimming Lessons - Tadpole - Jul 23 - Aug 03 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) 5:15 PM - 5:45 PM Co-Ed Centennial Park Pool Complex, Madera. Tadpole participants will learn the following: Enter water by jumping feet first from side of pool. Exit pool using ladder or side. Bob while blowing bubbles. Front glide. Front glide with flutter kick. Freestyle. Back glide. Back glide with flutter kick. Backstroke. Rollover front to back and return to standing position unsupported. Tread water in shallow water unsupported. Participants are expected to wear appropriate swim ware (No cut-offs). Towels will not be provided. Participant must bring their own towel. Register for $10 - Organized by City of Madera Parks and Community Services Department (559) 661-5495 Cubby Camp - Fresno Chaffee Zoo - From now until Aug 13th, 9:00am-12:00pmEnjoy learning with games, art, projects, and fun. Children will engage in a hands-on learning atmosphere. Each class will include a tour of the zoo and an educational animal visit. A snack will be provided during the morning. Children must be potty trained. Please bring a change of clothes. Morning extended care is available for an additional fee. Extended care in the afternoon is not available for Cubby Campers. Cubby Camp per day cost: Members $125 . Nonmembers $135 Per Week [Summer] For ages: 3-5 STEM Leagues - Robotic Adventure Jul 09 - Jul 12 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Ages 8-14 · Co-Ed John Wells Youth Center, Madera. Participants in this program are taught programming fundamentals, instructed how to build robots and then challenged to work in a team using their new found knowledge to complete specific robotic challenges. The robotic challenges used in this program simulate the same autonomous movement used in FIRST Lego Leagues robot game mission. Register for $10 - Organized by City of Madera Parks and Community Services Department. (559) 661-5495 Point Sparring Camp Jul 23 - Jul 27 from 10a - 1p Guido’s Martial Arts Academy 130 W. Shaw Ave. Ste. 102, Clovis. - Would you like your child to get better at Sparring?. 5 days filled with drills and tactics to make your point sparring better. Including: Timing & Distance concepts, Counter techniques in different positions, Setting up the blitz in multiple ways, Making your kicks work for you. Ages 6 & older Yellow Belts or higher 4772053

Family TVMA Hop in July 12 at 12p - 5p Bebe O’s Vintage Boutique 1130 N Wishon Ave, Fresno, 93728 Come spend an afternoon in the historic Tower District as the Tower Vintage Marketing Association hosts another afternoon of fun shopping whether it be vintage clothing, household items, antiques, furnishings and more. 559-445-1928 Family Happy Hour: Reptile Night Friday, July 13 at 6 PM - 9 PM Moravia Wines 3620 N Bishop Ave, Fresno. Spend your Friday sipping some wine and hanging out with snakes, lizards, and more (or don’t, whichever you prefer). We’ll have our scaly skin friends out at our winery again this year on July 13th! Keep an eye out for the full Family Happy Hour Friday festivities! Every summer Friday evening from 6 pm to 9 pm, enjoy time with your family at Moravia’s beautiful winery. Moravia grounds are open for picnicking, kids to play on the SS Moravia, and everyone to relax while the sun sets over the vines. Cool Zoo - Ice-themed Animal Enrichment Day Saturday, July 14 at 8:30a - 4:30p Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 W Belmont Ave, Fresno, 93728 - Fresno Chaffee Zoo will be an even cooler place to spend the day when the animals receive a variety of icy treats and opportunities to frolic in water. Some creatures prefer their “popsicles” to be fruity, the sea lions naturally like ice blocked filled with fish, and the big cats have a taste for frozen blood. Cool Zoo activities are part of the Zoo’s enrichment program designed to stimulate natural behaviors like foraging and play. Regular Zoo admission. FREE for Fresno Chaffee Zoo Members. 2018 Draggin’ the Main: Fulton Street Cruise Nights July 14 at 6:15p Fulton District 845 Fulton Street, Fresno, 93721 Draggin’ the Main “Cruise Nights” return to Fulton Street on the 2nd Saturday of every month, hosted by M_REVS and the Downtown Fresno Partnership. Cruising and parking on Fulton Street is free and open to the public, but please follow local traffic laws. Questions? Contact or (559) 490-9966 ext. 228. Ice Cream Zoofari at the Charles Paddock Zoo July 14 at 5:30p in Atascadero 9100 Morro Rd 93422 Come enjoy lots of Ice Cream along with the animals! $12/ person 12+; $8/ person 3-11 years old; Free – 2 years and under, Members $2 discount on each ticket. For questions call (805) 461-5080.


Paso Robles Concerts in the Park 2018 Each summer, the Paso Robles REC Foundation and the City of Paso Robles collaborate to host a free concert series on Thursday evenings in the City Park gazebo. Hundreds of locals along with savvy visitors flock to the park for great music, food, drink and dancing in a charming setting. J. Lohr wine, Firestone on-tap beer, water, soda and food will be available for purchase from a different Paso Robles restaurant during each concert. Every Thursday from July 28 - Aug 16 Downtown City Park, Paso Robles Taco Truck Throwdown 8 July 19 – July 20 at 5p Fresno Grizzlies 1800 Tulare St, Fresno, 93721 Day 1 (July 19) will be the classic Taco Truck Throwdown atmosphere you know and love with 30+ taco trucks and #FresnoTacos baseball. Day 2 (July 20) will feature live performances by Ramón Ayala, DJ Quik, 40 Watt Hype, Califas, DJ Kay Rich and the return of the Major League Eating World Taco-Eating Contest. fresno Toro Nagashi 2018: Floating Lantern Ceremony Saturday, August 11 at 6:30p - 9p Shinzen Friendship Garden, in Woodward Park 114 W Audubon Dr, Fresno, 93720 Join us for this beautiful ceremony as ancestral spirits are sent back to their spiritual homes via lighted paper lanterns floating on the lake (south of the Garden) in Woodward Park at dusk. Purchase a lantern in the memory of a loved one. If you are unable to attend, a docent will set your lantern afloat. Ceremony begins at 7:00pm. Order your lantern today: on-line or contact the office (559) 840-1264 - $25 Pre-Order by 08/03/18 | $30 at the Event

Sports Fresno Grizzlies vs Las Vegas - July 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th - 6:35p Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St Fresno, 93721 Beach Night 2018! Thursday, July 12 at 7p - 10p Visalia Rawhide 300 N Giddings St, Visalia, 93291 Kick back and think of shorelines and sunsets with Rawhide Beach Night 2018! Enjoy $1 beer on select drafts from 6-8 PM and live music from Edward Hernandez from 6-7 PM in the renovated Beer Garden! Plus, get free tickets to the game when you wear your best beach attire thanks to Party City! Bonus points for Hawaiian shirts and flip flops. visalia List Your Events Start running for as little as $20 issue 559-4727182


CALENDAR Fresno Grizzlies vs Sacramento - July 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th - 7:05p Chukchansi Park 1800 Tulare St Fresno, 93721 Sierra National Forest Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Education - July 18 at 10a - 2p U.S. Forest Service - Sierra National Forest 1600 Tollhouse Rd, Clovis, 93611 - The Bass Lake Ranger District of the Sierra National Forest, will be offering several opportunities this summer for people to learn about OHV use on the National Forest and how to operate them safely. Free educational material full of information will be available, including fun activities, and safety material for children. The Location for all three Bass Lake Ranger District events is Kamook Staging Area in Miami Trails. To learn more about these events and sign-up, please contact Bass Lake Ranger District OHV Manager, Ted Webb, at or (559) 8772218 extension 3125.

teaching a full array of hockey skills and will conclude the week with a hockey camp cookout and award ceremony! (559) 277-2233 BASS fishing 101 Saturday, July 21 at 1p - 2p Sportsman’s Warehouse 8468 N. Friant Rd, Fresno, 93720 This seminar will cover the basics of Bass fishing. You will learn about different techniques, the right set-ups, different baits and how to fish them correctly. Local waters will also be discussed and the most used applications. There will be a Q & A session at the conclusion. (559) 261-2900 1st Annual Boxing Invitational July 29 at 7p Presented by The Fresno County Public Safety Association Tickets starting at $35.00 VIP Seating $50 A fundraiser to establish and benefit scholarship funds for the children of Toamalama Scanlan and Juanita Davila who were grievously wounded by an armed attacker while on duty at the Fresno County Jail in 2016 will be held at the Tower Theatre on July 28, 2018. The event will feature the Central Valley’s next wave of talented up-and-coming young boxers in all weight divisions and several bouts between Fresno County Sheriff’s Department officers and Fresno Police Department officers. Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728

BIG BANG Weekend - Free Football Clinic For 4 - 8 Graders Saturday, July 14 at 8a - 1p Bulldog Stadium 1600 E. Bulldog Lane, Fresno, 93710 Kids will train with NFL and College players! Online registration now open: 2018 Flat Bottom Boogie Saturday, July 14 at 9a - 6p Club Royal Oak 39700 Road 28, Kingsburg, 93631 - a Nationally known event for all things flat bottom boat and other race boats. It includes a Boat Show, Time Trials, Food, Drink, and Live Melvins, Modpods, Yen Yen SaturEntertainment. Tickets are on sale day, July 14 at 8p - All Ages - Strumonline on’s. Tix available at Strummer’s tomboogie during regular business hours - 833 E Fern Ave, Fresno, 93728 Cattle Sorting Saturday, July 14 at 8a Rusty Spur Arena, Inc 10925 Snow Tha Product at Tioga SeRusty Spur Lane, Clovis, 93619 - 7:30 quoia Brewery Wednesday, July 18 AM Gates Open | 8:00 AM Registraat 7p - 11p 745 Fulton St, Fresno, tion Open | 9:00 AM Event Starts. 93721 - SNOW THA PRODUCT re50% Payout with a Team Jackpot & turns to downtown Fresno. Tickets Random Draw Jackpot. 1st and 2nd onsale at (559) 486place prizes donated by Tony Garcia 2337 with Valley Feed in Madera $40.00 Entry for 3 “Go’s” and unlimited EnEyes Set To Kill w/ Chasing Ghosts, tries. Each entry you may select up to Stigmurder, Mistery, +plus! Fri2 Team Partners for the Team Jackday, July 20 at 6p - The Artoupot and will receive 1 entry into the rage presents Eyes Set To Kill! Random Draw Jackpot. You may ride With Chasing Ghosts, Stigmurder, with the same partner no more then Mistery, plus more! Friday July 20th twice. (559) 299-0502 All Ages Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno, 93706| $12 ADV | Craft Kevin Kaminski’s Summer Camp Beer | Food | Beer Pong | More! Jul 16 - Jul 19 at 8a - Gateway Ice (559) 264-6323 Center 2473 N Marks Ave, Fresno, 93722 - Players will receive the full Sierra Vista Mall in Clovis, hosts “Killer Hockey” camp experience and Sierra Nights Live the 2nd and 4th learn the game on a truly personal Thursdays May through July from level from a former NHL/AHL play6pm to 9pm FREE concert open to er, Calder Cup Champion, and 2009 all ages. Bring a blanket or chair and CHL Coach of the Year! Kaminski and enjoy the music at the Sierra Vista his staff will personally work with Mall Community Park in front of the each camper throughout the week, Sierra Vista Cinemas 16 Movie The-



ater. Join us for a night of dancing, giveaways, food, and drinks! 105.1 The Blaze is bringing in the hottest tribute bands and giveaways … make sure to visit The Blaze booth for details! Those 21 years of age and over can enjoy the MICHELOB ULTRA Beer Garden. Beer Garden Opens @ 6pm Opening act @ 6:30pm Music @ 7pm Come early, grab your meal from one of our restaurants and dine in the park as you enjoy the evening with us! SIERRA NIGHTS LIVE SCHEDULE: June 28th: Jaded Band, July 12th: Flannel 90s Band: Alternative & Grunge Rock Tribute, July 26th: Fuse Box Sierra Vista Mall located on the southeast corner of Clovis and Shaw Avenues For more information on this and other events, check our website at or call (559) 299-0660. Blues: Maria Muldaur July 18 at 8pm Inside the Tower Theatre Lounge - Maria Muldaur is best known world-wide for her 1974 mega-hit “Midnight at the Oasis,” which received several Grammy nominations, and enshrined her forever in the hearts of Baby Boomers everywhere; but despite her considerable pop music success, her 50-year career could best be described a long and adventurous odyssey through the various forms of American Roots Music. 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 Calling All Promotors We can help get you out there. We’ll design, print and distribute. We’ve got great rates on bulk prints too 559-4727182

How about a little Punk Rock? Saturday, July 28 at 8:30p Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno, 93721 Some local Punk Rock featuring: Sci-Fi Caper, Light Of Mine, A Minor Assumption, 24 Hour Bigfoot Attack, and Face for Radio. Tickets at www. or at Tower District Records Jazz- Dave Koz & Friends Summer Horn Tour II July 29th, 7pm In a career that spans more than three decades, saxophonist Dave Koz has racked up an astoundingly impressive array of honors and achievements: nine GRAMMY® nominations, nine No. 1 albums on Billboard’s Current Contemporary Jazz Albums chart, numerous world tours, playing for multiple presidents, a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and more. Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 Vocalist / Songwriter: Casey Abrams Aug 17 at 8pm - Inside the Tower Theatre Lounge - Bassist and vocalist, Casey Abrams, will make his Chesky Records debut this Spring with a new album combining electrifying originals and compelling covers. “Robot Lovers” is the first single from this new release, showcasing both the frenetic energy of the band, as well as the unique nature of Abrams’ creativity as a songwriter and performer. 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 Reggae: Protoje September 1 at 8pm - There is an exciting resurgence of conscious, organic music in Jamaica, and industry experts and observers agree that Protoje, born Oje


Ken Ollivierre, is playing an important role in what has become known as the “Reggae Revival.” Leading the militant band - The Indiggnation - this powerful songwriter and philosophical thinker articulates the righteous anger of an emerging generation. Tower Theatre 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728 Tribute: Zeppelin USA September 7 at 8pm - Zeppelin USA returns to The Tower Theatre with their sonically accurate, visually exciting tribute to the greatest rock band of all time, Led Zeppelin. The 2-hour show will include hits like Black Dog, Kashmir, Whole Lotta Love and Stairway to Heaven, with fully synchronized lighting, video and lasers. 3332, 815 E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728

21 & Over Tweet Brd Live in Tulare Friday, July 13 at 8p The Fiesta Club 435 S K St, Tulare - Tweety Brd from Modesto performing. Presale tickets are $10. Bully Benefit for Fresno Bully Rescue Saturday, July 14 at 8 PM - 12 AM Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno. Only $10 at the door. All proceeds benefitting FBR! Girls Night Out, The Show Switch Lounge & Nightclub Tuesday, July 24 at 8 PM - 11 PM Switch Lounge And Nightclub 5665 N. Blackstone Ave Suite 110, List Your Events $20 an issue 559472-7182


JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 | 13





LAWN SERVICE Cleanups, Fertilizer and More. Affordable Prices and Free Estimates. Call Julio (559) 696-5149 or (559) 275-7630

FAMILY PET HOSPITAL Full Service Veterinary Hospital with two locations to serve you! 1455 Herndon Ave, Clovis (559) 299-08387 or 1843 W Front Street, Selma (559) 257-4570

HAULING All types: Anything & Everything! We do it all! Please Call Estimates. Call James (559) 307-4304




AUTOMOTIVE AUTO CARE CENTER Your Local Auto Shop Serving the Fresno area. Call Economy Auto for specials! (559) 233-1737 or visit 1835 N. Blackstone Ave Ste #103A and #104A. INSURANCE Lowest Rates on Car Insurance! Young Driver, No License, SR22 & DUIS. Call Quickbuy Insurance (559) 227-1111 or visit 4708 N. Blackstone Ave.

YOUR BUSINESS Here, Advertising that works! Call for Free Quote (559) 472-7182

14 | JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018





BE JOB Ready In as few as 7 months! SJVC offers medical, business, and technical programs at camLIFE ALERT. 24/7. puses throughout the One press of a but- valley. Programs vary ton sends help FAST! by campus. Financial Medical, Fire, Burglar. aid is available to those Even if you can’t reach who qualify. Call 866a phone! FREE Bro- 388-7490 or visit sjvc. chure. CALL 800-760- edu. 7834 WHY RENT an apartEMPLOYMENT ment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful GRANDMA’S Helper and Roomy 2 & 3 Bed- $20/hr part time house rooms Available. Only keeper. Duties include $1000 month. Call to- cleaning and getting day! 888-563-3003 groceries 559-432 5050 call after 12p, please.


WE LOAN & Buy GO-KART Mini Guitars & Amps. Call Bike Tires - Clutches Dean’s Coins (559) - Chains - Sprockets. NEED A LOAN? Let 264-4653 Visit Jensen & Watts us help you get the 516 N. Chestnut, Fresmoney you need! No CHAINSAW chain & no. (559) 255-0465 application. No credGarden Tool Sharp- it check. Call Dean’s ening. Visit Jensen & RIDING MOWER Coins for more inWatts 516 N. Chestnut, Tires & Tubes. Visit formation (559) 264Fresno. (559) 255- Jensen & Watts 516 4653 0465 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 GRANDMA’S Helper A PLACE FOR MOM. $20/hr part time house The nation’s largest se- VINTAGE clothkeeper. Duties include nior living referral ser- ing & accessories at cleaning and getting vice. Contact our trust- BeBe O’s in Tower. groceries 559-432ed, local experts today! We also carry vintage 5050 call after 12p, Our service is FREE/ items & furnishings. please. no obligation. CALL Come check out the 1-855-621-5373 inventory! 1130 N. LEARN TO DRIVE Wishon Ave. Fresno. A FORKLIFT. TrainSTOP OVERPAYING (559)445-1928 ReThe-Trainer & Re-Cerfor your prescriptions! ceive $5 off your $25 INSURANCE tification Classes SAVE! Call our li- purchase. Available. Day & censed Canadian and INSURNight Classes Avail- DENTAL International phar- MANUFACTURED HEALTH able. $50 Discount to ANCE. Call Physimacy, compare prices Homes in a Gated & FITNESS Veterans. Visit CFTC. cians Mutual Insur- and get $25.00 OFF Community. Homes net For More Info. ance Company for SHIELDS & WEST your first prescription! starting at $59,000. 559-325-8097 details. NOT just a Barbershop! Reg hair CALL 1-800-291- Owner financing, low discount plan, REAL cut $4.50. Seniors and 6572 Promo Code down payments, com BE JOB Ready coverage for 350 pro- boys under 12, $4.00. CDC201625 petitive interest rates. In as few as 7 months! cedures. 844-848-5575 1224 W Shields Ave, Veterans let us help http://www.den- Fresno. Mon-Fri 8-6, DENTAL SJVC offers medical, or INSUR- you with a $2,500 grant business, and technical Sat-Sun 8-5. (559)227- ANCE. Call Physi- towards the down payprograms at campuses Ad# 6118 6739 cians Mutual Insur- ment on a home! Call throughout the valley. ance Company for Willows of Santiago Programs vary by cam- DENTAL INSUR- details. NOT just a today (888) 563-3003 pus. Financial aid is PERSONALS ANCE. Call Physi- discount plan, REAL available to those who cians Mutual Insur- coverage for 350 pro- qualify. Call 866-388- MEET Singles in your ance Company for cedures. 844-848-5575 FURNITURE 7490 or visit area. Real Hookups details. NOT just a or http://www.den Real Fast. Try it FREE! discount plan, REAL BOB’S MINI StorBOB’S MINI Stor- Ahora en Espanol 18+ coverage for 350 pro- Ad# 6118 age - 1/2 off Summer age - 1/2 off Summer (559)761-0162 cedures. 844-848-5575 Specials! Pay 2 months Specials! Pay 2 months LARGE VARIETY get 2 months FREE. or http://www.denget 2 months FREE. SLIM, good look- of Bearings - Sprockets 6’x8’x10’ high only 6’x8’x10’ high only ing white male, 60. Ad# 6118 - Drive Components. $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ Looking for slim good Visit Jensen & Watts high only $22.50/mo* high only $22.50/mo* looking female 50-60 516 N. Chestnut, Fres- 10’x12’x10’ high only 10’x12’x10’ high only Non-smoker. Serious MISCELLANEOUS no. (559) 255-0465 $34.50/mo (*average $34.50/mo (*average relationship, maybe cost per month with cost per month with live-in. Won’t have BOB’S MINI Stor- free months factored GOLF CLUBS Full free months factored rent or utilities to pay, age - 1/2 off Summer in) Free moving truck! sets or individual piecin) Free moving truck! you keep your money Specials! Pay 2 months Bob’s Mini Storage es starting at .50cents Bob’s Mini Storage for personal expensget 2 months FREE. 5280 N. Barcus Fresno Located at 3235 E Bel5280 N. Barcus Fresno es. Call (559) 7796’x8’x10’ high only 93722 (559) 275-4000 mont Ave (559) 26493722 (559) 275-4000 1021 $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ Se Habla Espanol 5856 Se Habla Espanol high only $22.50/mo* 10’x12’x10’ high only DINING TABLE SEVERAL laptops A PLACE FOR $34.50/mo (*average High Top with stools, EDUCATION starting at $90 all reMOM. The nation’s cost per month with excellent condition. furbished Come see largest senior living LEARN TO DRIVE free months factored Asking $250.00 call at Fresno Hock Shop referral service. Con- A FORKLIFT. Trainin) Free moving truck! 559-313-2040 3235 E Belmont Ave tact our trusted, local The-Trainer & Re-CerBob’s Mini Storage (559) 264-5856 experts today! Our tification 5280 N. Barcus Fresno OFFICE CHAIR Classes service is FREE/no ob- Available. Day & 93722 (559) 275-4000 with white padded seat ligation. CALL 1-855- Night Classes Avail- SELLING SOMESe Habla Espanol $50 call 559-313-2040 621-5373 able. $50 Discount to THING? Under $300 SELLING SOMEVeterans. Visit CFTC. list it for FREE. Send THING? Under $300 it to info@fresnoflyer. net For More Info. list it for FREE. info@ com 559-325-8097


SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. info@




JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 | 15


ANVIL 9LB vintage Jeweler / silver Smith / tin Anvil. Could still be used or be a great CEDAR CHEST - decoration. $145 call $125 Vintage Lane or text 559-960-5266 1939 Has wheels Good Condition 16 1/2” W x 40 1/2” Long. APPLIANCS Call Dean at 559-6810034 LG WINDOW-Type Air Conditioner 20’’W VINTAGE JUKE box 20’’D12.5’’H, LIKE selector. Asking $350 NEW! $199 559-341obo call or text 559- 2575 260-1199 KENMORE WashBEAUTIFUL Ornate er&Dryer Matching Bombay 7 Drawer Set Warranty IncludDresser. In amazing ed - $280 Both large condition and a true capacity with all the one-of-a-kind hand options. Look great carved details and an- and work perfect. gle face medallion. They come with a 30 Asking $1,200 O.B.O day warranty. Durable but please also consid- newer models. The er the actual appraised dryer is electric. (559) value is 2x what I am 803-7984 asking. Please text or call (559) 442-9072 BLACK GAS stove Ask for Angie for sale $250. 1 year old. Like new. Never used. If interested call SUPPORT LOCAL 559-394-4924


TRUE Refrigerated Prep-Table for sale. Good condition, but missing some racks inside. 1/2 HP Compressor, 115V, Refrigerant = R134a. Dimension: 72”W x 34”D x 35”(front), 46”(back). Asking $750.00 o.b.o. (Cash and local pickup only). Please call or text to 559-213-8932. BOB’S MINI Storage - 1/2 off Summer Specials! Pay 2 months get 2 months FREE. 6’x8’x10’ high only $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ high only $22.50/mo* 10’x12’x10’ high only $34.50/mo (*average cost per month with free months factored in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol


CHAINSAW chain & Garden Tool Sharpening. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 2550465 I N D O O R / O U TDOOR gardering planters, about 70 total. $25 559-341-2575 ELECTRICIAL hardware (Receptacles) Was used for indoor gardering $25 559-341-2575 TRUCK TRAILER Steel Bud Rim 22.575.00 559-341-2575. LARGE STONE pot, rustic color asking $150 call 559-3132040 SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. info@

RIDING MOWER EPIPHONE electric Tires & Tubes. Visit bass 4 string ThunderJensen & Watts 516 bird $225 Come see N. Chestnut, Fresno. at Fresno Hock Shop (559) 255-0465 3235 E Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856 CRAFTSMAN lawn mower $135 (Kerman) BRASS Instrument (559) 800-5118 Sale at Fresno Hock Shop. Flute, claranet, trombone, trumpets. Located at 3235 E BelELECTRONICS mont Ave (559) 264XBOX1 with 1 con- 5856 toller all cords $120 Come see at Fresno Hock Shop 3235 E SPORTING Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856 GOLF CLUBS Full sets or individual piecNEW RELEASE blue es starting at .50cents ray movies $5 each Located at 3235 E BelCome see at Fresno mont Ave (559) 264Hock Shop 3235 E 5856 Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856 S O F T B A L L S $5-$15 each SEVERAL laptops 559 519-4648 starting at $90 all re- furbished Come see GLOVES KIDS at Fresno Hock Shop size 8-11 $5 each 3235 E Belmont Ave Cleats size 12 kids(559) 264-5856 adult 9 $10 pair Helmets $5-!10 each Call 559 519-4648


SCHECTER 7 string electric guitar $190 Come see at Fresno Hock Shop 3235 E Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856 EPIPHONE electric guitar les paul $120 Come see at Fresno Hock Shop 3235 E Belmont Ave (559) 264-5856 SUPPORT LOCAL

16 | JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018


RIDING MOWER Tires & Tubes. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fresno. (559) 255-0465 LARGE VARIETY of Bearings - Sprockets - Drive Components. Visit Jensen & Watts 516 N. Chestnut, Fre sno. (559) 255-0465


TREE SERVICE! We do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps & More. Free Estimates. Call (559) 421-8555


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. We do it all Just Call! (550)307-4304


LAWN SERVICE. Cleanups, Fertilizer, New Saw, Lawn Spraying, Sprinkler Repair & Lawn Reseeding. Call for a Free JW CLEAN-UP SER- Estimate! 559-696VICES. Estate Sale 5149 or 559-275-7630 Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, BIKES rentals, lots, apartments & foreclosures. GT TRIPLE Triangle We do it all Just Call! Outpost 21-speed vin(550)307-4304 ask for tage bike. $100 obo. James Tires are good. Water bottle holder. Chain LAWN SERVICE. may need a bit of oil. Cleanups, Fertiliz- 559-803-3329 er, New Saw, Lawn BRAND NEW cal- Spraying, Sprinkler D I A M O N D B A C K laway ultra golf bag Repair & Lawn Re- Luster2 26” - $120 $150 (559) 470-7472 seeding. Call for a Woman’s Mountain Free Estimate! 559- bike. Excellent conIGLOO CONTOUR 696-5149 or 559-275- dition only used on Maxcold Cooler, 165 7630 paved trails. Garage quart/156 Liter/ White kept. 559-797-1636 $75 559-261-4680 VINTAGE Univega Single Speed - $90 TOOLS Proper single speed conversion. Brand new CHAINSAW chain & chain. New brake pads. Garden Tool SharpThe front brake pads ening. Visit Jensen & need to be switched Watts 516 N. Chestnut, out. Frame is 20” Im 5’ Fresno. 255-0465 9 and the bike fits great 559-385-0479



AUTOMOTIVE ATVS POLARIS RANGER - $2,500 - 700 hours of run time. Motor runs and will run all day but it does burn oil. Please only serious offers in person will be considered no texting offers. Turn key ready to go 559-977-3756 1995 POLARIS Magnum 425 - $1,950 4x4 on the fly. Automatic. Rifle rack. Really good tires. Clean title in hand. Strong engine 559-345-5520

2008 YAMAHA rhino long travel $7,800 obo Original owner, Fier ball long travel kit, comes with 3 sets of wheels anf tires including paddles. Has aftermarket seats and stereo, low hours with a ton of upgrades. Call or text if you have any questions 559-9006858


TIRES & WHEELS 2005 Chevy Avalanche, Goodyear Wrangler Pro grade, LT 265/75R16 10 ply/6 HONDA ODYSSEY lug. $125.00 or make - $4,000 Excellent offer. Call 559-977condition. Model num- 0353 ber: Fl350 Size / dimensions: 390cc 1988 GMC 2013 Terrain fl350, with 399 kit, wa- FWD SLE-1 - $11,000 ter cooled head, fast, Car is in excellent conNew wheels and tires, dition. Tires are good. looks good runs good. Just services and rePossible trade. 559- placed intake and ex375-2838 haust solenoids Valves. (559) 760-0511

NISSAN ALTIMA - Very Low Miles $9,500 Selling my Altima due to my growing family. This car runs perfect and has served well for many roadtrips. New battery and oil service done recently, tags up to date 360-314-5878 2002 RAM 4x4 truck - $4,000 One owner. Low mileage. In great shape. Very clean both inside and out. Automatic. Fully loaded. Power windows door locks and power mirrors. Bed liner. Cold A/C. Well maintained. Newer tires. Tow package. Runs very strong. 4x4 in great working condition. Garage kept. Call 209-4103808 SELLING SOMETHING? Under $300 list it for FREE. Send it to info@fresnoflyer. com


MOTORCYCLES 1998 ROADGLIDE. Motor is a 2016, 131” fat bastard motor. Runs awesome. More power than you need. Handles great, looks good. Paint has its share of stratches n dings. Nothing major or serious. Chubby bars, tru duals, streched bags, front and back lowered. La pera bare bones solo seat. Almost 3000 miles on motor. Transmission rebuilt to go with motors power. $7,500 firm. Text at 805-7094224 HONDA SHADOW 600 - $2,300 Excellent condition runs like a champ. 14K Miles. Regularly maintained. Title clean and current tags. Text Chris 916595-2128

2014 KAWASAKI Vulcan 900 Custom $5,400 Mileage: 2,000 miles. Just installed Vance & Hines exhaust (also have the stock) Just did Maintenence & inspection(oil change, all the inspections passed perfectly by Clawson motorsports) Tagged until 05/2019 call (559) 241-9925 2005 HONDA CRF450 - $3,300 Very clean bike, runs strong and lots of power, no issues what so ever. Possible trade let me know what you have. (559) 577-6212

RVS 2009 EXCURSION 40 ft fleetwood. Diesel, 5,000 miles. $121,000 OBO (559)301-3336 SUPPORT LOCAL

COLEMAN POP up trailer - $1,500 It’s just for sleeping. No sink, toilet, bathroom, stove, heater, or a/c. Electrical wiring could use some work. Beds are all in perfect condition. Canvas is in perfect condition. Outside has some cosmetic defects but inside is in great shape. Just replaced the wheels a few months 2007 WAVE 26 Foot ago. I have the pink Travel Trailer - $7,800 slip. Clean title. Text Like New Inside & only 559-614-5824 Out. Sleeps Six Extremely Clean. Every- BOB’S MINI Storthing Works Great. age - 1/2 off Summer No Leaks Smoking Or Specials! Pay 2 months Pets. Large Bathroom get 2 months FREE. New Tires. (209) 672- 6’x8’x10’ high only $19/mo* - 6’x12’x10’ 2979 high only $22.50/mo* SELLING SOME10’x12’x10’ high only THING? Under $300 $34.50/mo (*average list it for FREE. Send cost per month with it to info@fresnoflyer. free months factored com in) Free moving truck! Bob’s Mini Storage 5280 N. Barcus Fresno 93722 (559) 275-4000 Se Habla Espanol 2018 ATTITUDE eclipse toy hauler - $26,000 Self contained, 100 gal fresh water, 40gal fuel station, 50 gal black and grey, solar panels, walk around with queen bed, will fit a 4 seater rzr no problem, super light, dry weight is around 6400 lbs. 805-5885153



1989 ROAD Ranger 26ft sleeps 6 rear bed - $3750 1989 Road Ranger 26 foot very clean in and out everything works on it stove oven refrigerator microwave it has a large bathroom tires are like new ,,no leaks on the roof no one lived in it no one smoked in it no pets. I am willing to go lower on the price for a quick sale please call 209-817 4953 2005 WANDERER by thor Great trailer sleeps up to 6 Sofa slide out for more space Dinette and sofa convert into beds Kitchen has fridge freezer stove Double sink lots of storage Full bath with tub, AC, Heater. Full tow package included Must Sell $$7200 First $$6500 TAKES IT (559) 647-6386 SUPPORT LOCAL

JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 | 17


SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 $830 / 2br - 967ft2 Largee 2 bd - Silver Lake One-Story Apartment(5425 E Belmont) ONE BEDROOM One Bathroom available August 1st $675 per month Los Arbolitos apartments 555 S. Argyle Ave Fresno 93727 (559)255-8370 SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182

MERIT MANOR Apartments One Bedroom One Bath$850.00 - $875.00 Ft: 714 sqft Two Bedroom One Bath- $985.00 $1,015.00 Ft: 904 sqft Two Bedroom Two Bath- $1,040.00 $1,065.00 Ft: 994 sqft located just minutes from Fresno State and excellent shopping. Our apartments are located in wonderful garden settings with beautiful shade courtyards. You may take advantage of our fully equipped clubhouse and fitness center!! (559) 291-9555 CHATEAU MONTEREY I 2881 Willow Ave. Clovis (559) 294-7144 MONTHLY RENT $650.00 Studio 1 bathroom $350.00 security deposit application fee $25.00 per adult SUPPORT LOCAL

18 | JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018

WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003 $895 / 1BR - 708ft Garden Villa Apartments of Clovis, California! Garden Villa Apartments is a quiet and clean Clovis community in a park like setting. Please contact us at (559) 291-4305

ROOM FOR RENT ROOM FOR rent in quiet Clovis neighborhood. Month to month rent with 30-day notification. The rent includes the following: Full house and kitchen privileges (spelling correct please), use of washer and dryer cable TV, WIFI, and all utilities are included in the rental price. $475.00 per month Provide proof of income text or call (714)335-5341

2 BEDROOM 1 BATH 950 SQ. FT. Under New Management Ashlan & Marks FRESNO/ASHLAN 559-226-6086 2 Rooms Available - Large room like a $1025 / 2br - 928ft2 - studio. Single or CouPerfect for roommates ple, no kids. $600/mo (559) 292-1009 Beau- $500/deposit Second tiful unique floor plan Room - $400/mo $500 with private master Deposit Habla Espanol suite Plank floors, 2 Call (559) 400-1500 full baths, walk in closet Conveniently locat- RENTING your ed to freeways, airport room? List it here for and shops. only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182


ROOM FOR Rent With Full Access to House, Includes Fireplace, Washer/Dryer, Kitchen Ect. $385 all utilities split equally. Quiet Clean Available Now. Close to Fresno State, Airport Near Clovis Small Deposit (559)797-5209


WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003 ONE BEDROOM One Bathroom apartment available August 1st $675 per month Los Arbolitos apartments 555 S. Argyle Ave Fresno 93727 (559)255-8370

HOUSES FOR RENT WHY RENT an apartment? When you can rent a home. Beautiful and Roomy 2 & 3 Bedrooms. Only $1000 month. Call today! 888-563-3003 3 BED 1 bath home. Central A/C and heat. Dual pane windows Ceiling fans. Lots of storage closet space. Single detached garage. Gated carport cover. patio cover. Nice well kept front & backyard. Close to freeway access. Sorry No Sec 8. $1099 Please call 559-288-4834 RENTING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 or SUPPORT LOCAL


BEAUTIFUL house for rent for $1250 a month is located in a quiet neighborhood south of Sierra Vista Mall. It has 3 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms with central heating and A/C. It is districted for Clovis schools. No section 8. Call for more information between the hours of 9am and 7pm. (559)-999-3335

$1300 / 2BR - House for Rent (1342 N Van Ness) approximately 1,560 square feet. Single family home located on North Van Ness in the Tower District. Close to restaurants, shopping and schools, including Fresno City College. It has a large living room plus 2 large bedrooms, 1.5 baths, large kitchen and dining area. Large utility room with washA PLACE FOR MOM. er and dryer hookups. The nation’s largest se- Large back yard. No nior living referral ser- pets. No smoking. Sevice. Contact our trust- curity deposit $1300. If ed, local experts today! interested call Jack to Our service is FREE/ set up an appointment. no obligation. CALL (559) 513-3999 1-855-621-5373 BEAUTIFUL 4bd 2bath Nw fresno RENTING your great location near home? List it here for new shopping center only $20 per issue. Fireplace Includes Call (559) 472-7182 yard work Hardwood floors1-year lease no section 8 (559) 9305690



B&B ON THE CREEK IN FISH CAMP! $998,000 Well-established bed & breakfast inn situated on year-round creek, located 2 miles from the south entrance to Yosemite Nat’l Park. Operated by sole proprietor since 2002. 3 beautifully furnished guest suites, each with their own balcony, heating and bathroom with soaking tub. Upgrades throughout including a new kitchen with quartz counters and high-end appliances. Own this retreat for your own private getaway. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile

TOP OF THE WORLD VIEWS! $215,000 Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom mountain home with incredible views. Open concept with plenty of natural light from the large windows. Relax on the huge partially covered deck. On Deadwood Mountain, minutes from Oakhurst. TOP OF THE WORLD VIEWS! $215,000 Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 6837183 office (559) 4620321 mobile SELLING your home? List it here for Call (559) 472-7182


YOUR OWN PRIVATE HOMESTEAD! $299,000 Only minutes from town, this custom home was designed and built by the owner! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living /dining room combined, kitchen and an office make up the 1,589 square feet of space. All on 5.95 acres that has a small barn for horses, two creeks, and room to roam. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile

YOUR ENTERTAINMENT OASIS! $559,000 Stillmeadow 1 subdivision in Oakhurst Minutes from town. Pool, hot tub, waterfall and beautiful views. Landscaped yard. 2790 sf two-story home with 5 Bd, 3Ba, open living area, and wraparound deck. Main floor master suite. Room to park your RV/toys.! Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 6837183 office (559) 4620321 mobile

NORTHEAST Fresno Home For Sale 3bd 2bth with pool! Remodeled, Solor, HVAC, Insulation, Dual Pane Windows. $305,000 Call (559) 252-3331 No Realtors Please. $179000 / 3br - 1424ft2 - For Sale By Owner (Lemoore) (559) 5545885 MANUFACTURED Homes in a Gated Community. Homes starting at $59,000. Owner financing, low down payments, competitive interest rates. Veterans let us help you with a $2,500 grant towards the down payment on a home! Call 898-2088 $205000 / 3br - 1435ft 3 bedroom 2 bath home centrally located, has a Large living room and Family room, perfect for entertaining. Both bathrooms have been remodeled, Neutral two tone colors. Kitchen has granite counter tops. plantation Shutters in living room. Spacious rear yard with pool. 349-2543

BEAUTIFUL AND secluded 34.99 acre ranch property lies at the approx. 3300’ elevation in Mariposa County. Oak and pine trees. Older farm house. Pond. Spring. New well. Septic. $430,000. Please contact Kimberly Cole (Broker)at Cole Realty (BRE#-01294224). (209)628-0593 / kim@

PIERCE LAKE ESTATE! $55,000 Ready to build near Oakhurst Schools. 1.07 Acres in the desirable Pierce Lake Estates. Enjoy the meandering seasonal creek and take advantage of a flat building site. Mature trees provide a bountiful canopy of shade. Come see this parcel today! Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) SELLING your 683-7183 office (559) home? List it here for 462-0321 mobile only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

YOSEMITE LAKES PARK! $14,500 1 acre of land in the community of Yosemite Lakes Park (YLP). Great location. Close to recreation center. Property is covered with rock outcroppings, has a seasonal creek, and ready for your imagination. Ask your realtor for the “One Time Close Construction” worksheet that has estimated costs for you to build your dream home on this wonderful slice of land. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile

BUILD ON 10.98 ACRES! $95,000 10.98 acre lot on a quiet road in Coarsegold. Paved road to the property. Nice rock outcroppings with level land as well as rolling hills. Room for all your animals. The private well and pump have been installed, just need to hook up to the power. Electric power poles are across the street. Scott McGhee, Lic #01987178 (559) 683-7183 office (559) 462-0321 mobile SELLING your home? List it here for only $20 per issue. Call (559) 472-7182 $179000 / 3br - 1424ft2 - For Sale By Owner (Lemoore) (559) 5545885 $275000 / 3br 1676ft2 - Beautiful 2 bath home in well-established neighborhood (Selma) You do not want to miss out on this home. Call me now for your private showing. Noe Cruz 559-916-8617 CA BRE 01877037



JUNE 28 & JULY 5, 2018 | 19

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