Fresno Flyer Vol 4 No 11

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| JULY 2020



n an article this month, someone said, “sometimes, words aren’t enough.” As a writer, I generally refuse to accept that sentiment. After all, it’s my business to make sure that they are. However, lately, I’ve found myself at a loss, grasping for words that match the depth of what I’m feeling. But then an art demonstration floats down my newsfeed, a single image that connects me to the sprawling web of others who feel the same, or speaks a truth I’ve not been able to find the words to express, or helps me learn. It’s beautiful. It’s relief. It’s hope. To all the artists out there, people need you now more than ever. Words alone, apparently, can’t put us back on track. You know, the path of teamwork and compassion. So, one day, we can hopefully evolve to one of trust and collective ownership over past and present mistakes. On a personal level, I would never trust anyone who said they’ve never done anything wrong, or ever misstepped in their life. And I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that you feel the same way, too. Individually, we know personal responsibility is a vital part of maintaining healthy relationships and living our best life. However, as a country, America is that guy who thinks everyone else has flaws, but not himself. That’s us. We have whole communities pleading | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS | | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

with us to hear them, acknowledge their pain, hold accountable the systems and individuals that grossly punish their community disproportionately. I have Indigenous friends who feel anger, or immense conflict hearing the National Anthem. Fourth of July brings nothing but anguish for them and their people. But collectively, we only celebrate America’s great victories, but we never atone for how we got there. So much of this country doesn’t want to listen to those who suffer or admit that we have an ugly and brutal past - to accept the truth. And too many people think that COVID-19 and masks are a conspiracy. I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t how the government controls us. They’ve already got that covered with the excessive taxes we pay, low wages, and policies that favor corporations to foster a consumerist society that is impossible to keep up with. They don’t need that piece of cloth, but your neighbors do. Wearing a mask in this pandemic means protection and compassion for others, not just for yourself. We exist in a time where grace and kindness will stitch the divide to make us a stronger community. It’s not a weakness to admit when you’re wrong, that’s how we grow. And most importantly, it’s not “us vs. them” … it’s just us, and if we’re going to survive any of this, we need to start acting like it.

Photo by Jeff Martinez | @cr8tiveimages4u

ART IS OUR WEAPON By Dave Fountinelle |


n June 13th, artist Omar Huerta debuted a powerful mural in tribute to George Floyd, Gabriel Fernandez, and a nurse wearing PPE in the fight against COVID-19. The painting made headlines and kicked off the Lift Every Voice Mural Tour, an event organized in less than a week. Local art activism group, Dulce UpFront, in a partnership with DJ Kay Rich, united the art activist community in the wake of the death of George Floyd. And they pulled off something that is nothing short of incredible. In only five days, what began with a phone call became a full-fledged art movement in Fresno, starting with Huerta’s mural next to Fresno’s city hall. The Lift Every Voice Mural Tour was initially planned as a month-long, six site event, involving artists from all over the valley contributing their original mural paintings. Their goal, to bring awareness not just for the killing of George Floyd and the BLM movement, but also justice for Breonna Taylor, support for the Black Trans community, and the continuing struggle for equality and the end of systemic racism. After an overwhelming public response, the Lift Every Voice tour was immediately extended into July, with over 60 artists joining the movement so far to contribute their skills in some way. “This is really a credit to the strong

foundations each of us had already workshops to promote activism and established in our respective comsocial change. With over 20 years munities,” Kay Rich explains. of experience combining her art “I’ve been doing activism work and event planning skills with in the Black community for social work, Omé has been a years. Omé has been doing work powerful voice for art as activism in the Latinx community for in the valley. When the killing of years. We have both have been a part George Floyd sparked a firestorm of of building a strong framework for activprotests across the country, Omé wantism and change for a long time. So all of this ed to use art as a vehicle for change again, just created a perfect storm for us to come this time in unity between the Latinx and together and unite our respective movements Black communities. To accomplish that, into something bigshe reached out to Photo By Jesus Sepulveda | @JSEPULVEDAPHOTO ger and more powDJ Kay Rich, who erful than any of us described their concould have imagversation as “Just evined.” erything falling into Omé Loplace. All the conpez has been an actacts she needed, I tivist and voice for had, and all the conequality her whole tacts I needed, she life. Raised in Sanger, had. It just felt right, CA, and growing like yeah, this is exup in an art-activist actly what we need family highly into be doing right volved with the farm now. But, we nevlabor and Chicano er would have been movement defined her vision. Along with able to accomplish what we have in such a Tony Carranza, she founded Dulce UpFront short time if we hadn’t been working up to a as an organization that provides safe spaces moment like this for years.” and uses art, entertainment, and community Huerta’s mural of George Floyd | FRESNOFLYER.COM |


generated a viral buzz that catapulted the Lift Every Voice movement onto the headlines. And as the media attention shifts from Floyd to the growing protest movements in the wake of his killing, Omé and Kay Rich have their eyes on a larger picture. “We’re building an art activist network. This is not just one event. This isn’t just one issue. We’re going to keep using our platform to raise awareness and continue to unite the Black and Latinx community because our unity is vital for policy change,” Omé explains. “To expand on what Omé said,” adds Kay Rich, “Our work doesn’t end when the Lift Every Voice tour ends. This has been our first joint effort, bringing our respective groups together for a common goal, and it has been a huge success. So, we’re going to keep working together and combining our resources to put on more events like this and continue working for social change.” “Something we’ve been working on for a while now is redirecting funding from the Fresno PD graffiti abatement program to the artist collective.” Adds Lopez, “We’ve been pushing the city to redirect the funds, so we can have artists cover up the graffiti with murals that deliver positive messages

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JULY 2020 |


...‘Art’ cont’d from pg 3 and get people talking about these issues that affect all of us.” On June 25th, Dulce UpFront and Kay Rich accomplished one of their “big picture” goals when they partnered with Fresno City Council Member Esmerelda Soria. To move over $1 million from the Fresno PD graffiti abatement project to fund a Muralism Arts project with oversight from the arts collective. “Anything about us, without us, isn’t for us,” says Omé. “We want our communities to represent who we are and inspire others to be a voice for change. We need to always be a part of that conversation.” The Lift Every Voice Mural Tour is expected to end with an extensive exhibit showcasing the history of the murals and the muralists themselves. Part of the final presentation will be handing out canvases to all the members of the community art collective to create their original artworks to be combined into one large display “by the people, for the people.” “It’s just a perfect way to bring it all together and show that it’s the entire art activism community that made all of this possible,” Omé says. As for what people can do to help? “Grab a broom!” Lopez says with a laugh. “But seriously, though, we need boots on the ground. We need people willing to help us set up and tear down and clean up. When I was a child, my family marched with Caesar Chavez, and my mom would make burritos because you get hungry when you march


| JULY 2020


across the state! We need soldiers, sure, but we need cooks and nurses and laborers and anyone willing to roll up their sleeves and do what needs to be done to make events like this possible.” “The support from the community has been amazing,” Rich says. “The beauty of our community is its resilience and strength and our ability to come together and rise above the negativity. Attitudes are changing, more and more people are getting involved with what we’re doing, and that’s what matters most.” Putting together such a well-organized, large scale event as the Lift Every Voice Mural Tour in a matter of days would be an impressive enough story by itself. But in less than one month, they have successfully raised thousands of dollars from within their communities, completed six murals, and received city financing for the “Black Lives Matter” painting on the street in front of city hall. They’ve also already planned a similar painting for a large-scale building and received unanimous support to start a muralism art program in the city. To quote Omé: “this is what movement building looks like.” --To get involved with the project, contact Dulce UpFront through either their Facebook @UpFrontDulce or Instagram @ DulceUpFront accounts. Follow them for updates on new mural locations throughout July.

Photo by Jeff Martinez | @cr8tiveimages4u

Photo by Jesus sepulveda | @jsepulvedaphoto

MURAL LOCATIONS 756 H St, Fresno (across from Grizzly Stadium - cross streets H & Inyo) 1243 Fulton St (behind La Maison Kabob) Barrios Unidos 4403 Tulare Ave (across from Roosevelt High)

575 Divisadero St (Divisadero & Echo) House of Ink 725 N. Fresno St (Belmon &

Olive on Fresno St)



Chinatown 1540 Kern St. Fresno (Behind

the building)

Vanessa Guillen Remembrance - 717 N Fresno (Fresno Power Equipment) 1830 Van Ness (Frosty Queen parking lot) 2383 S. Fairview Ave (Hinton Community


Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts For the Love of Art

1. Students who study art are 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and 3 times more likely to be awarded for school attendance. 2. Arts and music education programs are mandatory in countries that rank consistently among the highest for math and science test scores, like Japan, Hungary, and the Netherlands. 3. The founder of the modern Games, the Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was enamoured with the idea of the true Olympian being a talented artist and sportsperson. Thanks to him, between 1912 and 1948 medals were given out for sporting-inspired masterpieces of architecture, music, painting, sculpture and literature. 4. In a study of a high-poverty schools in Chicago, the schools that were participating in the Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) made huge strides in closing the gap between high- and low-income students’ academic achievement.

5. Multiple studies have concluded that curricular and extracurricular art studies and activities help keep high-risk dropout students stay in school. 6. The tango originated as a dance between two men, mostly sailors (for partnering practice). 7. New brain research shows that not only does music improve skills in math and reading, but it promotes creativity, social development, personality adjustment, and self-worth. 8. The Mona Lisa has her own mailbox in the Louvre because of all the love letters she receives. Over the years many have fallen prey to the portrait’s ‘limpid and burning eyes’, leaving her offerings of flowers, poems and, yes, love notes. Artist Luc Maspero allegedly took this fervour to a new high – and then low – in 1852, diving off a hotel balcony because “For years I have grappled desperately with her smile. I prefer to die.” 9. X-rays of the Mona Lisa show that there are three completely dif| FRESNOFLYER.COM |

ferent versions of the same subject, all painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, under the final portrait.

10. Picasso believed that art is done to wash away the dust of our daily lives from our souls. To briefly explain this quote, Picasso believed that art is fundamental for our souls and that it constantly craves for it. While food is eaten to replenish our body, art is used to feed the demands of the soul. Art renews and gives us happiness. 11. Bob Ross once helped a color-blind viewer. A fan once approached the artist and stated that he could not be a painter due to his handicap. Ross helped encourage the young viewer by spending an entire episode painting only in grey. | FEATURED | DINING | CALENDAR | MUSIC | CLASSIFIEDS |


JULY 2020 |


What California’s Budget Deal Means for K-12 Schools By Ricardo Cano |, CalMatters


alifornia’s new budget provides enough funding for schools to pivot to hybrid learning when they reopen this fall. But school officials fear Sacramento’s decision to delay cuts could throw districts into the fiscal abyss later. The $202 billion budget Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Monday largely keeps intact funding for California’s public schools, capping a turbulent couple months of budget negotiations. Initially, schools were in line to receive a steady increase in funding when the governor introduced his January proposal, with money going to long-term efforts to expand early childhood programs and other targeted efforts, including grants to incentivize educators to teach in low-income schools. In a 180-degree turn, after the coronavirus pandemic shelved much of those plans and drastically shifted priorities, Newsom’s revised May proposal included cuts to education so steep that school officials across the state warned they wouldn’t be able to responsibly reopen campuses in the fall if passed. The final version of the budget signed by the governor reflects a compromise with state legislators who pushed back on the extent of proposed cutting. The state budget gives schools a short-term financial breather and enacts sweeping requirements for how schools will operate this fall. But it also heightens the stakes for potentially bigger, steeper cuts to schools in the long run. Here are some main takeaways on the budget’s impact on schools.

California’s education budget: What’s in, what’s out After months of negotiations between the governor and state legislators, here is how the state’s education budget played out. Learning loss money Schools will receive $5.3 billion in federal funding meant to address students’ learning loss during campus closures. Boost to special education A surviving item from January’s proposal. Schools will get $645 million for students with special needs. Pension payment relief $2.3 billion will go toward reducing schools’ payment rates for employee pension obliga-


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tions. Funding stability Schools will be funded based on their prior year enrollment, stabilizing funding but negatively affecting growing districts and charters. X Cuts to LCFF The budget includes $11 billion in deferrals, or delayed payments, in lieu of the 10% cut to the Local Control Funding Formula floated in May. X Reductions to categoricals Popular after-school and career tech programs will remain unscathed. The May revise proposed slashing funding for the programs by half. X Coronavirus liability protections A repeated concern from legislators, the budget does not broach the limited liability protections schools want as a deterrent for litigation when schools reopen. (Source: California 2020-21 state budget)

Funding cuts kicked down the road, though could become bigger Forget that 10% cut to the Local Control Funding Formula that anchored a slew of other school reductions in the May proposal. Those cuts, which also would’ve slashed in half popular services such as after-school programs and career technical education, are gone. In their place is roughly $11 billion in deferrals to schools, with $5.7 billion of that money tied to whether the state receives federal assistance. While these deferrals — delayed payments to schools the state employed to balance its budget — means no cuts to programs, schools will have to dip into their savings or borrow money to get by in the interim. That will strain districts that entered the pandemic with shaky finances and little savings. Forty California districts had qualified budget certifications this past school year, according to the state Department of Education, meaning they’re at risk of insolvency within the next three years. Another five school districts are at risk of going bankrupt during the coming school year: Sacramento City Unified; Sweetwater Union High in Chula Vista; Dixon Unified in Solano County; and Southern Kern Unified and Belridge Elementary in Kern County. By essentially kicking the can down

the road on cuts to education, the state risks having to face larger deficits in future budget years if the federal relief that lawmakers are banking on to soften the fall doesn’t arrive. “The good news is cuts are basically postponed, at this point, probably until next year,” said Michael Fine, CEO of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, the state’s school finance watchdog. “The bad news is the cuts will probably be much larger next year.” “The state’s ability to defer more in (fiscal year) 2021-22 will be somewhat limited. If you’re already at $11 billion, how much more are you gonna go?” In an acknowledgment of the uncertainties schools face this year, the budget also guarantees schools will get paid regardless of whether they offer in-person instruction or distance learning due to local coronavirus outbreaks. But some legislators expressed concern that the state is unfairly punishing growing district and charter schools by calculating schools’ attendance-based funding using last year’s enrollment figures.

No layoffs for teachers and some employees Under the budget, schools will be prohibited from laying off classroom teachers and classified employees who work in nutrition, transportation or custodial services this school year. The next time they could be laid off would be some time after June 2021. The temporary protections arrive as schools logistically plan to physically reopen campuses that meet social distancing guidelines. School employee unions successfully lobbied for the protections, previously warning that funding cuts would result in tens of thousands of layoffs at a time when schools need more teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and janitors to make the drastic changes outlined under recent state guidance. The governor and state legislators agreed, and included protections that extend to most certificated staff except those whose positions require an administrative credential, such as school principals. Faced with similar cuts a decade ago during the Great Recession, schools laid off tens of thousands of educators, primarily teachers at the start of their careers. The cuts disproportionately affected low-income students of color. Groups representing school boards



and administrators, however, opposed the provision, saying they will restrict schools’ ability to respond to an economic downturn that threatens to bring years-long challenges for school budgets. Many local districts already faced strained budgets due to rising fixed costs such as rising employee healthcare and pension obligations before the pandemic, and employee salaries account for more than 80% of schools’ budgets. “Our position is that layoffs should be a last resort and exceedingly rare,” said Troy Flint, spokesman for the California School Boards Association. “However, they exist for a reason, and in times of severe financial crisis, districts should have that tool available.”

New requirements for distance learning When instruction resumes this fall, schools will be required to follow new standards for distance learning laid out in the budget. They will be required to track students’ participation and attendance, provide “live daily interaction” with teachers and devise plans to track down students who aren’t participating in distance learning. Distance learning standards for schools Following a spring of uneven distance learning expectations for schools across California, the new state budget sets standards for fall instruction. ‘Daily live interaction’ required Teachers will have to connect with their students each school day through online instruction and/or phone check-ups. Taking student attendance Schools must take students’ attendance and participation under distance learning, or risk losing state funding. Students who don’t participate will factor into schools’ chronic absenteeism figures. Minimum instruction Students must receive a minimum amount of daily instruction that can be met by a combination of teacher instruction and “time value” of work assigned. - 3 hours per day for kindergartners. - 3 hours, 50 minutes for grades 1-3. - 4 hours for grades 4-12.

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Artist, Roeski Doeski, delves into the inspiration South Fresno roots, activism, and pop-culture gives to his work. By Lisa Talley |


ords have their place, but in times when they don’t, what the heart needs to say is more thoroughly expressed through a series of brush strokes, a photo, a collection of images, or an arrangement of sounds. Art, in all its beauty and versatility, is a language every human being can understand. It can build impossible bridges over the widest disparities, or amplify a message to those who would not ordinarily hear it verbalized in words. It can also capture a moment in history, much like the artwork created by Mario Gonzalez, known by his artistic moniker as Roeski Doeski, on the cover of this month’s Flyer. Before the recent wave of protests that erupted around the world, Gonzalez’s only message he hoped to communicate was to make a connection through his art – with people and people like him. But his focus shifted, as for many, after witnessing the video that captured the murder of George Floyd. “It hurt,” Gonzalez’s voice breaks as he recalls the details of that tragic recording. He’s silent for a few moments before he’s able to continue. “It affected me, creatively. I am definitely saying something now with the recent art I’ve [created]. It’s just been on my mind and weighing heavy - heavy - on my heart. I have to say something. I want to help. I want to do my part.” Gonzalez was immediately inspired to create something original that any proceeds he earned from it would then go to organizations involved with the current movement. However, pulling an idea down

onto a canvas that adequately embodied the objective he was after didn’t come right away. It wasn’t until the culmination of Fresno’s peaceful protest on May 31 that the concept for CommUNITY struck him. “We were out there, and it was beautiful. Just seeing the mass of people, protesting in peace [without] conflict, it touched me,” Gonzalez shares. T h e abstract fists shaped with thick, dark lines are reminiscent of the 70s-born cartoon show, Schoolhouse Rock! The song “Just a Bill” persistent in Gonzalez’s mind as he sketched out each of the closed hands. The reference creates something comforting and familiar while expressing strength in solidarity. A skyline outlining Fresno’s iconic buildings, including the well-known Pacific Southwest Building, drives it all home – literally. Using a local setting brings the viewer in, intimately connecting them to the artwork, as well as the current movement. And it resonated with Gonzalez’s audience. “[People responded] a lot more than I expected. [They] started asking, ‘are you making prints? I want a shirt, etc.’ And I | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

said ‘OK.’ I’ll make some prints and donate the proceeds,” Gonzalez furthers. All the money made from the sale of the design, aside from the cost of materials, went to Fresno State’s NAACP. Currently, Gonzalez does not have any plans to create more prints of the artwork. However, the design has since been converted to a sticker format – a staple and common medium for displaying his ‘Roeski Doeski’ artwork. Steeped in pop-culture references, and urban Chicano culture, many Gonzalez’s designs are mashups between the two worlds. In fact, it was an “Eat My Shorts” art show put on by Wise Fools that sparked the sticker-trend featuring this blend. Bart Simpson, “Cholo” style, was such a hit that Gonzalez went on to create a Cholo version of Marge and Homer Simpson. The urban influence comes directly from an upbringing in Fresno’s southside – or for Fresnans, ‘South of Shaw.’ Gonzalez’s background prompted a series of stickers replicating intersection street signs for places like Fresno & Belmont, Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. & California Ave., and some southside classic landmarks. Old, massive business signs found their way


onto Gonzalez’s stickers such as Louie Kee Market, Adrian’s, and Christy’s Donuts. Places unheard of unless one has set foot along Belmont or in Chinatown – which is many, according to the feedback Gonzalez received. “[The designs] took off! People would see the stickers and comment, “oh, I used to live there!” or “my grandma lived there,” says Gonzalez. The significant response to the street signs and the historic business signs from the south side of Fresno, speaks not only to a deep connection but also love for those neighborhoods. It seems that it is a large part of Fresno’s identity – that so many of the city’s residence is connected, intimately, with Fresno’s south side. A connection brought out through single images, a piece of art. No matter the shape, the power of art is almost always universally felt, and often more successfully shared in its message than a string of words. Whether to magnify a movement or to connect over a mutual experience, art is a valuable instrument. “There are times when words aren’t enough, where words turn into arguments or hurtful daggers. Images speak to people [in their own language]. Art is definitely a tool for protest, for revolution, for change,” expresses Gonzalez. Follow Mario Gonzalez (under his artist name @RoeskiDoeski – not to be mistaken for popular local DJ Roeski) on Instagram for updates on newly released artwork and upcoming projects. | FRESNO FLYER |

JULY 2020 |





By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine


o me, simple summer eating means lots of raw veggies, fruits, grilled meats, different kinds of salads, and cheeses. I can pull together any of these to make a quick, light, delicious meal, or snack. The best place for you to get vegetables and fruits is at our local farmer’s markets, or at roadside produce stands scattered in our area. These markets and stands give you the chance to choose locally grown fresh and delicious ingredients. As a bonus, you’re supporting our local economy and helping local farmers stay in business. Plan how you can visit a market or stand as part of your weekly errands. If you want to be adventurous, try planning your meals around the produce you buy. Decide the veggie or salad you want to have, then add on other dishes. Maybe you’d like to make a raw veggie salad from tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and red onion. You can easily grill chicken or burgers to go with it and steam up some corn on the cob. An Internet search will give you more recipes than you can ever use. Enter a couple of your dish’s main ingredients then take a look at the first 3 or 4 recipes that sound the most delicious. Choose the one that looks tasty and easy, and go from there. If you want some quick ideas right now, here are some simple prep suggestions:

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| JULY 2020


By I. smiley G. Calderón |


elcome back. And the numbers are out of control… Health experts everywhere are telling people to brace themselves for a tough and deadly summer because of COVID-19. Fresno County’s top health official, Dr. Rais Vohra, had this to say recently: “I think July is going to be very tragic in terms of the number of hospitalizations and the number of fatalities that we see as a result of COVID-19 - just given the fact that we’ve seen such an uptick in the number of total positive swab results that we’ve gotten.” And Dr. Vohra was careful to explain to residents how actual coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths usually trail infection about 2 weeks. This is why he somberly admitted: “This last week of having increasing case counts gives me a lot of indigestion going into the rest of the summer.” Here’ some perspective for the doubters: Last article - only a month ago Fresno County had only 1,743 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and 35 deaths. Now, as of the 4th of July, there are 6,110 cases and 77 deaths. That’s a 251% increase in cases and a 120% jump in deaths here in Fresno in just 30 days! As I wrote about last time, SARS-CoV-2, the deadly virus that causes COVID-19, is highly contagious. It’s so efficient and stealth at infecting people that

it does it without them even knowing it. In fact, recently, the CDC (Centers for Di,sease Control and Prevention) revealed that their data shows for every 1 confirmed positive coronavirus case, there are many more unconfirmed, positive cases out in public. Director Robert Redfield explained, “Our best estimate right now is that for every case that we’ve recorded, there actually were 10 other infections.” That would mean that there are probably more than 20 million infected Americans today - at least 5% of our nation. But, this also means that there are hundreds of millions more who are vulnerable, still at risk for infection and possible adverse COVID-19 outcomes. As you already know (I hope): in addition to frequent washing and sanitizing your hands, and practicing social distancing when out in public, wearing a face-covering is essential. It is the best thing you can do to keep from spreading or catching this disease when you are around people you don’t live with. Everyone knows this - right? Even comedians understand this. And it’s no laughing matter. Late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert cuts to the chase, “Now the obvious way to slow down infections is pretty simple: it’s wearing a mask.” Yet, there are still people out there who refuse to put one on - and it has nothing to do with science. Colbert concedes, “But, unfortunately, putting a piece of cloth on your face has become a culture war, thanks almost entirely to our president.” While our health care officials plead with the public to protect themselves and others by wearing face masks during this pandemic, our president downplays their effectiveness and undermines the effort. “Masks are a double-edge sword because people’ touch them’ and ‘grab them,’” Presi-



dent Trump asserts while himself refusing to don one. But not all of his supporters are happy with the president about this anti-mask message. Senior Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander expressed his frustration and disappointment in a recent interview: “Well, I wish the president would wear a mask… Millions of Americans admire him, and they would follow his lead…it would help contain the disease.” And this is true, unfortunately. When people don’t see our nation’s leader taking precautions, it sends the wrong message. Leaders lead by their actions (not their inaction), and people are taking note. Like

“Now the obvious way to slow down infections is pretty simple: it’s wearing a mask.” this young maskless Alabama beachgoer who confidently explains how President Trump’s refusal to wear a mask means he’s not going to wear one either. “I mean, if he’s not wearing a mask, I’m not going to wear a mask. If he’s not worried, I’m not worried,” the beachgoer states. Simple as that. Yet, even Kentucky Republican Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell knows this approach is foolish and wrong.

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...‘Masks’ cont’d from pg 8 He adamantly made this clear in a recent public address: “We must have no stigma - NONE - about wearing masks when we leave our homes and come near other people. Wearing simple face coverings is not about protecting ourselves, it is about protecting everyone we encounter.” Absolutely. Director Dr. Christopher Murray of The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), an independent population health research center at the School of Medicine at the University of Washington, wants you to know something important. “People need to know that wearing masks can reduce transmission of the virus by as much as 50 percent, and those who refuse are putting their lives, their families, their friends, and their communities at risk,” says Murray. IHME, which recently released an updated forecast of about 180,000 projected coronavirus deaths through September, also provided a slither of hope. “However, high levels of mask-wearing [95% of the population] could reduce forecasted deaths by nearly 33,060.” That’s a lot of lives saved for such a seemingly small action. But not everyone agrees. At a recent Townhall meeting at Palm Beach, Florida, a woman embarrassingly declared, “I don’t wear a mask for the same reason I don’t wear underwear: things gotta breathe!” Infectious disease physician Dr. Mark Smolinski, director of Global Health Threats at the University of Arizona and president of Ending Pandemics, an organization that partners across the globe to help the fight

...‘Budget’ cont’d from pg 6 Serving students in need Schools have to provide the “accommodations necessary” to serve students with special needs. No set requirements for live instruction The state does not mandate a minimum daily amount of synchronous, or live, instruction, though experts strongly suggest it be a part of students’ distance learning. Preventing disengagement Schools must form a plan for re-engaging students who are absent from distance learning for more than three schooldays a week. Checking families’ connectivity Schools will have to ensure that students and families have the devices and connectivity necessary to participate in distance learning, or make accommodations if they do not. Weekly engagement records An additional data requirement, schools must

against pandemics, sadly acknowledges the social divide. “As a public health official...I am both disappointed by the seemingly nonchalant actions of those without masks, and sad that I know it will mean the pandemic will continue to cause illness and death.” Trusted Medical Investigative Journalist Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who has been at the cutting edge of coronavirus reporting, is passionately blunt with his viewers about COVID-19. “How are we going to contain this? We’ve got to break these cycles of transmission,” he pleads with his audience. And he reminds them: “This is NOT a very hardy virus…it can’t jump very far… It’s pretty contained by a mask.” And U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams has also been doing his part in urging the public to wear masks if we ever want to fully open up the economy. “Face coverings --> less asymptomatic viral spread --> more places open, and sooner!” He tweeted. He encourages all Americans to “Exercise and promote your freedom by choosing to wear a face-covering!” That’s right - WE have the POWER to choose to make a difference in saving lives in the face of this coronavirus pandemic by

keep “weekly engagement records” noting how much synchronous or asynchronous instruction a student has received. Replacing accountability plans Schools will team up with parents and teachers to create a “learning continuity and attendance plan” by Sept. 30, replacing schools’ usual annual planning documents. (Source: California 2020-21 state budget)

The requirements aim to address an uneven implementation of distance learning this spring, in which schools hastily transitioned from brickand-mortar instruction with varying expectations and capacities to engage students. Though the rules do not mandate that schools offer a specific amount of synchronous, or live, instruction each day — a distance learning opportunity desired by many parents — they do set minimum daily instructional minute requirements. Schools would be able to meet these requirements based on the combination of live interaction and “time value” of work assigned | FRESNOFLYER.COM |

...‘Five Efforts’ cont’d from pg 8

● Cut a variety of raw summer vegetables (peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, onion) into bite-size pieces, toss them with a vinegar and oil dressing, some kind of salty cheese (feta, cotija), and serve alongside grilled meat. ● Toss chopped tomato, peppers, zucchini, a jalapeno or two, corn cut from the cob, some pico de gallo, and canned black beans together. Add lime juice and cilantro, then serve with chips or in a corn tortilla with some grilled chicken or tilapia. ● Take your favorite lettuce and make a salad topped with summer vegetables. Add grilled meat alongside it. Slice a watermelon or cantaloupe to complete the meal.

merely putting on a mask. Are you up for the challenge? (In last month’s article, I had promised that we would discuss different types of masks and even how to make your own. I didn’t forget. But - yet again - I felt that we needed to focus on the whys of mask-wearing before delving into the hows this time around. But, I won’t leave you hanging, dear reader. Until next time, check this out the video by the CDC on YouTube titled “How to Make Your Own Face Covering” by U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams - https:// by schools. Many school districts are contemplating hybrid schedules this fall, in which students go to school in person part of the week and learn at home for the remaining portion. They’re also giving parents who do not want to send their children to physical campuses the option of fulltime distance learning. If families choose to have their child do distance learning, or if schools have to make a wholesale transition in the event of local coronavirus outbreaks, schools will have to ensure students have access to the necessary devices and connectivity. And they will also have to make sure that students with special needs receive the “accommodations necessary to ensure that individualized education program can be executed in a distance learning environment,” according to the budget trailer bill language. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media venture explaining California policies and politics.


● Cook up some brown rice or quinoa per the package directions. After it cools a bit, toss with olive oil and lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Fold in cut-up veggies, a favorite cheese, and your choice of shredded chicken, thinly-sliced beef, or some canned white beans. Stir in chopped fresh basil at the end. ● Using brown rice or quinoa again, replace the lemon juice with orange juice. And instead of veggies, add firm, fresh, cut up fruits such as grapes, peaches, nectarines or berries. If you’re feeling adventurous, add some chopped cucumber. Stir in some chopped pecans or almonds, and you have a salad to serve with your grilled shrimp or steak. ● Make a fruit salad of all of our in-season summer stone fruits and melons. Combine chopped peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, cantaloupe, berries, watermelon, or grapes in a big bowl. Sprinkle with a little bit of salt to bring the fruits’ flavors out. If you want to add a unique flavor, squeeze the juice of one lime and some finely chopped jalapeno. ● Grill halved peaches, nectarines, or apricots directly on the grill and serve with ice cream or whipped cream for dessert.

Take advantage of the Central Valley’s amazing products to eat simply and deliciously this summer. --Nadine is a Wellness Coach for women who want to break long-standing eating and inactive habits. She guides clients toward confidently building an achievable healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families. Nadine can be reached at npbwellnesscoach@gmail. com, and is on Instagram @npbwellnesscoach. | FRESNO FLYER |

JULY 2020 |


SAMANTHA LAZCANO is an active artist in Fresno for the past 10+ years. Currently working on murals, private commissions and teaching. Find her on Instagram at @samis_i and Facebook Sam Lazcano STUDIO 74 is a local art gallery located at 1274 N. Van Ness Avenue in Fresno’s Historic Tower District that has been representing local artists since 2006. Open Monday-Friday 1-6 pm and Saturday 1-4 pm, with morning appointments available. More information and contact link at, and studio74art/ MARILYN TORCHIN is a versatile artist known for her bright and bold paintings. Abstracts in acrylic on canvas, watercolor on paper, Plein Aire to still life painting Marilyn keeps her work fresh in a style that is truly her own. Her work is available at Studio 74, Fresno. CATHY VARVIS GRIFFIN, is a fiber artist who works using thread and a sewing machine as a pencil on paper, painting on fabric with dye, creates multi-layered free floating images on fabric, weaving and Shifu, a Japanese textile made from recycled woven paper. Work is exclusive to Studio 74, Fresno. MIHIR KAYAL is a guest artist from India whose unique style is represented in acrylic paintings on paper and canvas. His images of people, fish, and other animals are abstractly representational and are available at Studio 74, Fresno. DIANE L. JOHNSON-MENDES gallery owner and artist explores art as an experiment, utilizing different materials in her paintings and sculptures. Brightly colored tropical scenes and abstract paintings are contrasted with mono-chromatic paintings and trees. Recycled metal, glass, and carved wood are found in her sculptures available at Studio 74, Fresno.

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LOUIS VUITTONET, folk artist and outsider artist give us a glimpse into his mind with his colorful, whimsical, bold and busy paintings of impromptu creations of his world. His paintings are available at Studio 74. PAM WILSON is a jewelry artist who works with semi-precious gemstones and wire wrap to create original rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Items are available at Studio 74, Fresno. HAL RAINES a local potter with a love for color brings his artful eye to his creations in clay that will add beauty to every new home they find. His work is available at Studio 74, Fresno. SHAVER LAKE ART GALLERY 42136 Tollhouse Road Shaver Lake, 93664 (559) 8417524 July & August Hours: Daily, 11 am – 5pm The Shaver Lake Art Gallery is located in the quaint village of Shaver Lake. The gallery represents 25 artists with a wide range of mediums: Blown Glass; Chain Saw Carvings; Felted Wool; Gifts; Gourd Art; Jewelry; Origami; Paintings in Acrylic, Oils, Pastel, & Watercolors; Photography; Quilts; Wood Carvings. Due to Covis-19 mandates, ArtHops normally help from 4-7 pm on the third Saturday of each month (April-December) have been canceled until further notice. REN LEE, Sculptor Clay Hand Studios, 660 Van Ness Vernissage Fresno, 2026 N Van Ness Online @renleestudio (Instagram, Etsy) And by appointment DM Magical, mythical, functional & intentional ceramics, handbuilt ceramic sculpture rooted in folklore, exploring clay as canvas, some perfectly imperfect pots, and lots of good juju.

CREATE STUDIO FRESNO is a Craft Studio that provides all-supplies included craft events and kits. At this time, the Studio hosts monthly craft events on Zoom for “Second Saturday” and “Last Friday Crafting Fun”. The Studio hosts a Virtual Art Hop on First Thursdays on Facebook Live to share new craft kits, retail items and to answer questions from the Studio customers. The Studio also sells craft kits, giftables, exclusive Fresno merchandise, curated craft supplies and stationery sets, and handmade items. Retail items are featured for sale in the Create Studio Fresno - Very Important Creatives Facebook Group, please request to join the group - the more, the merrier! Price range for craft kits and retails items is $6-$20 Price range for craft events is $12-$25 STEPHEN AUSTIN, as a member of The Door Art Gallery, Steve regularly attends life drawing sessions at the gallery, with his artist friends. He enjoys traditional plein air painting in oils and watercolors, and drawing in a variety of mediums. MARIE BICKFORD has received over 90 awards for her artwork, including two Best of Show awards at the Fresno District Fair, two Best of Show awards from the Society of Western Artists Open Show in Fresno, and two Best of Show awards presented by the Hanford Art Center, Hanford. She has also received a honorable mention at the Society of Western Artist National Exhibit. See her art at CHRIS HAYS is the current artistic director of The Door Art Gallery and has recently decided to try working with other mediums after many years of painting in watercolors. Her new works include oil and pastels.

RINA GONZALES Create Studio Fresno 1419 M Street Downtown Fresno 951-552-5804 Follow on Facebook and Instagram @CreateStudioFresno



SUSAN GUZZETTA has been painting and drawing most of her life. Susan enjoys figure drawing at the Door and painting the local landscape. She has won several awards over the years for her figurative work at the annual Nudes in November show at Sorensen’s Studio including a first prize for drawing. See her art at JEAN CARTER began her art studies in drawing and watercolor, then realized her main interest was in sculpture. See her art at www. PEGGY JELMINI’s early professional career started as a critically recognized watercolorist capturing the flora and tranquil landscapes of California’s great Central Valley. Peggy studied at the National Gallery of Art and was associated with the Potmac Gallery and Virginia Watercolor Societies. Peggy was one of the charter members of The Door Art Gallery when it opened in 1995. Her work can also be seen at the Carmel Art Association. ROBIN GAY MCCLINE watercolor paintings have been published in catalogs, calendars, video and book. He also taught watercolor at Fresno City College, Fresno Art Museum, Door Art Gallery, and for the Seattle based “Seniors Making Art” GARY LANGDON originally from Los Angeles, Gary moved to Central California in 1968 while working in the advertising and retail interior design field. Encouraged by his wife Kathy, he took a painting class from the late local artist Bob Frauenholtz. After studying with Bob for two years, he and Kathy opened Langdon Art Studio on Shields Ave., in Fresno, where they both taught painting and sold art supplies. Three locations and 30 yrs later he retired and now teaches limited classes at The Door Art Gallery. Gary’s original desire was only to learn to paint the ocean. Growing up in Southern California, he always had a love for the beach and crashing surf. But,once into his art, his interests soon expanded to painting most everything he sees. Teaching has also forced him to be more diversified in his subject matter. But it

will always be nature that brings out the urge to create. Not only does he find an abundance of subject matter, but just being in the mountains, woods, at the coast or the rolling hills around his home in Oakhurst instills a sense of peace that he tries to bring to his paintings. MICHAEL T MURPHY is a fine art metal works artist. He uses methods from old world to modern to create unique sculpture and functional art pieces. ANN LEWIS While at Santa Cruz she concentrated on serigraphs and life drawing. While in New York her interest turned to watercolor as a medium to capture the landscape. Back in California, Ann continued to develop her interest in figure work and landscape, exhibiting and selling work in the Bay Area. She joined The Door Art Gallery in 2001. She paints primarily in watercolor and oil and continues her interest in figure drawing. Painting pleinair whenever possible, she loves to capture the beauty of the valley. JANICE LEPPKE was raised in rural Fresno and Tulare county. Currently, she teaches art education classes at Fresno Pacific University and painting classes at the Door Art Gallery. She has a masters degree and her work has been visible in the valley for the past twenty years. MILLI PEPPER was one of the founding members of the gallery. Many of the artists in the gallery met while in workshops being given by Milli in her home. She was one of the original members of the Tuesday Group. While Milli worked in many different mediums the paintings currently at the gallery are all watercolors. A portfolio of many of her works is available for viewing at the gallery. She is currently residing in Santa Barbara. SUZIE STACH is a nationally recognized painter of firefighting scenes. Her paintings have won many awards, Find her paintings at KIKUKO YOUNG paints mostly landscapes and still life in watercolor, but she also works on other media. Currently her work can be seen at The Door Art Gallery and other places in Fresno, CA.

KATI THOMSON novels, screenplays and poetry, to film production and then to visual art. Working mostly in oil, Kati paints a variety of subjects both from life and in her studio in Clovis, California. I like things a little disordered, zeroed in on what matters to me rather than a classical portrait of an object, in the same way that I prefer candid photos. Its something I’m constantly reaching for – the essence of the thing.” ERNIE WEERASINGHE has been painting professionally since 2001, studying, exploring and enjoying figurative and landscape painting. JIM CURNYN photography Facebook at www At age 48 he started his formal education of photography at Fresno City College and joined Spectrum Art Gallery. Taking the art works of Spectrum Art Gallery members out into the public to promote photography as an art form, exhibits included Fresno City Hall, Fresno Art Museum, Merced Multicultural Museum, Tulare Art Museum, Saroyan Theater, Borders Bookstore, Barns & Noble Bookstore, Bank of America, and an ongoing exhibition space at the Fresno County Fair. MA LY, professional painter, art instructor, and the founder/manager of Vernissage, art gallery/studio near Fresno High. I have been teaching art to children and adults since 2011. My current paintings highlight Fresno landmarks. Please visit KATHLEEN MATTOX Watercolorist & Mixed Media Artist “Mixed Messages” Art Gallery/ Studio/Classroom 1310 8th Street/Sanger CA 93657 Open Wednesday through Sunday, 11 am till 6 pm (559) 905-3517 Kathleen Mattox on Facebook BILL BRUCE 1752 - abstract paintings Van Ness (at Amador) check out graffiti paintings on my building, done by local artists. REBECCA BARNES is a fine artist working in the medium of computer design. See her art at Gallery 25 in Fresno.


SHANNON BICKFORD’s current work explores transparent objects, reflective surfaces, shadows and images from nature; often reflecting metaphors for perception. She uses watercolor as her primary medium, enhanced by colored pencil, acrylics, and postage stamps. See her work at Gallery 25 and Door Art Gallery LYLIA FORERO CARR has worked in painting, drawing, sculpture and printmaking. Her recent works have been in mixed media and encaustic. She starts either with monotypes or collages and finish them by painting or drawing with oil paint, oil pastels or oil sticks. TIFFANY HURTADO The mixed media works of Tiffany Hurtado can often be described as surreal portraiture. Her pieces primarily use the human form as a vessel to display certain emotions or ideas that are of significance to her. JERRIE PETERS My work is done on wood. I like to take an unusual scene of sculptural beauty, draw the scene on wood, and then cut it up like a puzzle. I reconnect the pieces and use acrylic paint to give the piece depth. Most of my landscapes come from desert or canyon forms that, though constantly changing, are always in perfect balance with each other. VALERIE RUNNINGWOLF art reflects traditional and contemporary ideas of love and joy that awaken the spirit and offer a sense of inner peace. Within my art I share a reverence for the life force which connects all beings. MICHELE SANI oil on canvas. I have experimented with various content, but I always come back to the human figure. One thing stays constant: fauve color and raw texture. JOSEPH V JERNIGAN has recently developed a new unorthodox form of water color like painting. Using his sweat and vibrant pigments and combining his two passions, body sculpting and art. www.sweatpainting.weebly. com Instagram @ sweatpainting


NANETTE MATTOS, one of the owners /managers of Clay Hand Studios. We are a clay/pottery gallery and studio with 10 resident artists. Clay Hand Studios 660 Van Ness Ave. Fresno, 93721 July Exhibit 2020 Elemental Earth Turning Earth into Art This exhibit celebrates the interactions between fire and the Earth’s gifts of minerals and clay. Works from Clay Hand Studios’ resident artists will be featured. Will be available for Window Display Only. ART BY BOBBY VON MARTIN Chahta Registered artist His passion is to inspire youth and adult native american communities with his cultural influences and historical subject matter in his paintings. He also concentrates in the current struggles and beauty of the indigenous people. Instagram @ bobbyvon14 CALEB DUARTE is best known for creating temporary installations using construction type frameworks such as beds of dirt, cement, and objects suggesting basic shelter. His installations within institutional settings become sights for performance as interpretations of his community collaborations Instagram @ caleb_arte_ JAMES MARTIN Native American Artist, Choctaw - Tigua, Registered Artist of the Choctaw Nation of Oaklahoma Choctaw artist James Martin is best known for his portrait and figure oil paintings. Instagram @ artofjamesmartin JEMIMAH BARBA (sh/her/they/them) is a part of Laguna Collective est. 2017. Laguna Collective gives platform for youths, artists, and organizations using printmaking. They are interested in Anti-Racism work, supporting LGBTQ+ individuals, and creating a space for self expression and to educate our community. Laguna Collective offers zine and poster printing, open for workshops and commissions. Instagram @lagunacollective


JULY 2020 |


THE STAY AT HOME EDITION Lamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library by Jonas Wood. On top of that, you can also simply gaze upon the building’s remarkable architecture. - offer online tours for free. Also, you can try some “augmented reality experiences” via The Space Center Le Musee de Louvre, Paris.’s app. ites-en-ligne The Louvre, the world’s largest art and antiques museum, was forced to close its Uffizi Gallery, Florence. artsandculture. National Women’s History Museum, Virginia. doors as Paris went into lockdown. While you This gallery no longer waltz into its famous glass extehouses the art collection of the Medicis inside tory/online-exhibits Have a late International rior, you can learn something of the phenoma 16th-century building. Online, there are four Women’s Day celebration with online exhibits enal collection via a number of virtual tours, exhibitions that take viewers through various and oral histories from the Virginia museum. charting everything from Egyptian antiquities works, explaining their significance and show to the Galerie d’Apollon. ing close-ups of important details within the Metropolitan Museum of Art. https:// paintings. See such works as Piero di British Museum, London. britishmusemo’s Perseus Freeing Andromeda like never politan-museum-of-art Though the Met Gala The UK capital’s famed before. was cancelled this year, you can still have a museum has hooked up with Google Arts & peak at the The Costume Institute ConversaCulture, along with more than 2,000 other The Smithsonian National Museum of Nattion Lab, one of the institution’s 26 leading institutions, to offer an interactive ural History, Washington DC. https://naturalonline exhibits. tour. Wander through time and click on Move at your own ent artefacts to see them up close, read up pace through the 360-degree room-by-room on their history, and hear more information tour of every exhibit in the museum. with an audio guide. The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. artsandculture. Stuffed par tner/the-j-paul-getty -musewith masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age, um?hl=en Los Angeles’s premiere the Rijksmuseum is one of Amsterdam’s most gallery has two virtual tours, inpopular attractions. It’s closed until 1 June, cluding “Eat, Drink, and Be Merbut has just launched a new interactive expery,” which is a closer look at food rience, Rijksmuseum From Home, that allows in the Middle Ages and Renaisyou to virtually visit the home of Rembrandt’s sance. The Nightwatch and Vermeer’s The Milkmaid. In a collaboration with Google, there’s also the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, chance to explore 11 “exhibits”, where you’re Madrid. https://www.museothysable to interact with various works from the museum, read about their history and see Madrid’s must-see art museum has close-ups of the pieces. the works of some of the continent’s most celebrated artists like RemMusee d’Orsay, Paris. brandt and Dali available online. com/partner/musee-dorsay-paris Housed in the fabulous former Orsay railway station, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. https:// the Musee d’Orsay displays art dating from 1848 to 1914. An online tour goes through gia-o-keeffe-museum?hl=en Six virtual ex the history of the building, first constructed hibits are available online from this museum for the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Viewers named for the “Mother of American modernHigh Museum of Art, Atlanta. https://artsandcan also explore some of the most famous ism.” in the collection, including one of Van raphy/9wISPkiyouv-Lw?hl=en This museum’s Gogh’s self-portraits, and take a virtual wan- National Museum of Anthropology, Mexipopular online exhibits include “Civil Rights der through the galleries. co City. Photography” — photos that capture moments asset/the-national-museum-of-anthropoloof social protest like the Freedom Rides and Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. gy-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-comRosa Park’s arrest. Dive into the heim-museum-interior-streetview New York pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit Detroit Institute of Arts. https://artsandCity’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View rooms full of Mayan artifacts. where you can “amble” along its wind- tute-of-arts?hl=en Mexican art icon Frida Kahing corridor and view works up close, such as NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research lo is the focal point of two of the four available Catherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert Center - - and online exhibits. triptych; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://www.

Museum (virtual) Tours

12 | JULY 2020




National Museum of the United States Air Force. Visit/Virtual-Tour/ You can’t take a ride in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidential airplane, but you can check it out, in addition to other military weapons and aircraft, online in the Air Force’s official museum. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection available online. The National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes, UK. The National Museum of Computing contains the world’s largest collection of working historic computers. The museum features a fantastic, intuitive, virtual 3D tour. You can zoom in on each exhibit’s details, and find out more about every aspect of computing history, such as the world’s oldest working digital computer.

Ivy League Classes Free Online Ivy League College Courses. https://www.classcentral. com/collection/ivy-league-moocs Class Central offers free, online instruction courses from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes are self-paced, and they offer personalized course recommendation and course/subject tracking with reminders.

Self-Improvement Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles. Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take advantage of being home and learn how to jam! We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/ theory and have fun improvising over your favorite songs! Lets make the best out of this time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype, Messenger, and FaceTime.

The Kitchn’s Cooking School. The Kitchn’s Cooking School is a 20-day, 20-lesson program where students tackle an essential cooking topic each day. You’ll even have homework! Free to join at their website. Delia Online Cookery School. Delia Online features a host of cooking technique articles of varying levels of difficulty. Each lesson has step-bystep instructions with photos. Free Online Drawing Lessons from Kline Creative. The free online drawing lessons at Kline Creative website are designed for beginners of any age, from young children to adults. The site offers instructional videos on a range of drawing subjects. The videos are designed to give the beginner core skills to enhance any art medium you choose to use. How to Draw Cartoons! If drawing cartoons is your thing, this site offers plenty of free instruction on the topic. The site covers categories like ‘80s style cartoons, video game characters like Pacman, and Mr. Spock and Darth Vader.

Live Concert Streams Travis Brooks Quarantine Concerts. https:// Travis is a local artist who performs weekly livestream concerts that are available on his facebook page. He continues to create fresh new content for his fans and supporters every week. Miley Cyrus: Bright Minded. While it’s not quite a concert, Cyrus has been livestreaming with a slew of guests at 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on her Instagram. Come for the revelation that her and Demi Lovato probably hooked up during their Disney days, stay for the Cyrus family reunion. Her show’s guests so far have included everyone from Reese Witherspoon to Hilary Duff to a Hannah Montana reunion with Emily Osment. Metallica. MetallicaTV/videos Rock Gods Metallica have launched a new concert series, #MetallicaMondays, which will see the band stream a complete Metallica live show on the group’s YouTube channel and on Facebook every week. They start at 8pm (EDT) every Friday. Neil Young. news/4/article?id=Subscriber-Fireside-Sessions-to-stream-from-NYA Neil Young is keeping it in the family with his Fireside Sessions - his wife will be filming while he gives a live concert from his living room, presumably by

the fire. It looks like his dogs could feature heavily, too. Young is promising a “down-home production, a few songs, a little time together”, which sounds good to us. The Record Club. Record Store Day UK, Official Charts and National Album Day have come together to launch The Record Club, a bi-monthly Facebook Live virtual club, taking place on every other Wednesday at 6.30pm (BST). Hosted by Jess Iszatt (BBC Music Introducing/BBC Radio London) and live streamed simultaneously across the Record Store Day UK, Official Charts and National Album Day Facebook feeds, the idea is to order each Record Club album ahead of the broadcast, listen to the album in full, and then come to the live feed armed with questions. Radiohead. Yes, Radiohead. The band will be posting weekly classic concert videos to their YouTube channel on Thursdays at 10pm BST (5pm ET). And you can watch them back at your leisure. Pearl Jam, Ben Gibbard, Sir Mix-a-Lot, Macklemore, Dave Matthews and more Seattle musicians are participating in the All in WA streaming concert to raise money for COVID-19 relief efforts across Washington state. The concert, which will air on the local NBC affiliates on June 10th, can be streamed on Amazon’s Twitch channel, and will be available on Amazon Prime after it airs. MTV Unplugged at home. The first installment of this new MTV Youtube series starts that will take place every Friday started with Wiclef Jean. Link: MTV Youtube

The San Diego Zoo. With what may be the most live cam options, this zoo lets you switch between koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one sitting. Monterey Bay Aquarium. https://www. It can be Shark Week every week thanks to live online footage of Monterey Bay’s Habitat exhibit. National Aquarium. Walk through tropical waters to the icy tundra in this floor-by-floor tour of the famous, Baltimore-based aquarium. Seaworld Orlando. The virtual tour of Seaworld includes a tour of Discovery Cove and the option to”ride” the steel roller coaster Mako. Riverbanks Zoo and Garden. https://www. Riverbanks Zoo, in Columbia, SC, is streaming Z-Learning live on their Facebook page every weekday at 10 a.m. Meet and learn about animals! The videos will also be on Riverbanks’ website by 2 p.m. each day.

Wildlife Camera Streams

Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma. tour/?site=42&scenename=815&mod=article_inline Escape the confines of your home and take a virtual field trip through Oklahoma’s vast wilderness by clicking through several 360-degree views of the Conservancy’s various preserves. You can also click on feaThe Cincinnati Zoo. https://www.facebook. tures of the landscapes to learn more about the unique prairie ecosystem. com/cincinnatizoo/ The Cincinatti Zoo hosts a daily home safari at 3pm on Facebook Virtual Dives. https://sanctuaries.noaa. Atlanta Zoo. You won’t need da-cam/ The Georgia zoo keeps a “Panda scuba gear to feel like you’re underwater with these stunning high-res 360-degree views of Cam” livestream on its website. national marine sanctuaries like the Florida Keys, Monterey Bay and the Olympic Coast. Georgia Aquarium. can even pair your device with a virtual cam/ Sea-dwellers like African penguins and reality headset for the ultimate immersive experience. Beluga Whales are the stars of this aquari um’s live cam. International Wolf Center. http://www.wolf. The Houston Zoo. https://www.houston- org/wolves/experience/webcam.asp Highly There are plenty recommended: the wolf den cam. This mornof different animals you can check in on with ing, it showed a gorgeous white wolf and two this zoo’s live cam, but we highly recommend others moving around the den. As the site explains, the den is the primary resting spot for watching the playful elephants. wolves during the winter months, where they The Shedd Aquarium. https://www.facelie on beds of straw for added warmth. During This Chicago the summer, they’re more likely to be inside, aquarium shares some pretty adorable be- escaping the heat. hind-the-scenes footage of their residents on Facebook.

Zoo Tours




JULY 2020 |


EVENTS Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco. farallones/ This live streaming web cam lets you observe a slice of the coast in Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, home to 13 species of seabirds, five species of seals and sea lions, and land birds. Great white sharks and gray, blue, and humpback whales inhabit the surrounding waters. offers several options to choose from (look to the column on the left of the homepage): Cams in South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, and North America. Under ‘Streaming Cams,’ clicking ‘Flamingos’ takes you to Kamfers Dam, where hundreds of the birds are milling about. Wildlife Focus: Brazil & Ecuador. http:// shtml (Southern Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil) (Buenaventura Reserve, Ecuador) Wildlife Focus has two high-quality, live-streaming webcams. One at the Southern Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil’s Parana State, and the site says you might espy the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Black Jacobin, Blue-winged Parrotlet and the Plain Parakeet. The second web cam is located in the remote tropical forest of Fundación Jocotoco’s Buenaventura Reserve, Ecuador. Polar Bears in Wapusk National Park, Canada. Channel Islands National Park Live Ocean Webcam. Home to one of the richest marine environments in the world, Channel Islands National Park offers an underwater glimpse of marine life as it is rarely seen. The cam

VISIT YOSEMITE Yosemite Valley is open. However, some lodging facilities and services are reduced. A visitor information desk and limited Yosemite Conservancy bookstore sales are available outside the Valley Visitor Center. The theater (including park films) and Yosemite Museum are closed, however, the Indian Cultural Village is open. Yosemite Valley Lodge, Curry Village (at 50% capacity), and The Ahwahnee are open. Lower Pines Campground, North Pines Campground, Camp 4, Housekeeping Camp, the Mountain Room Restaurant (Yosemite Valley Lodge), Degnan’s Loft (Yosemite Village), Happy Isles Art & Nature Center are among facilities that are closed. There is no shuttle service in Yosemite Valley. Please consider walking or cycling to reduce vehicle use when possible. Phased reopening: Yosemite is open with reservations required due to COVID-19. We are working to

14 | JULY 2020


According to the website, Orangetheory will share daily 30-minute workouts featuring top coaches from around the world. You won’t need special equipment, but you might be asked to scrounge up some household objects to use in your workout. Thursday’s video included five blocks including warm-up, some cardio and flexibility focusing on legs. Camp Gladiator. Camp Gladiator is a four-week outdoor group fitness program for all levels led by certified personal trainers with more than 4,000 locations nationwide. This fee-based program has launched free live at-home workouts on its Facebook page, three times a day on weekdays and once on Saturdays. Previous workouts are available Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness. on the Facebook page as well. You can also com/ One of the country’s largest gym chains download printable 30-minute workouts from is offering free home “work-ins” on Facebook its website. Live daily at 5 p.m. MDT. Previously streamed workouts are available on the Facebook page. ClassPass. Workouts are open to anyone, including those live-workouts ClassPass, a subscription service that ordinarily enables users to visit a who aren’t Planet Fitness members, and typivariety of boutique fitness studios, also hosts cally last around half an hour. a library of virtual workouts. Right now, those 2,000+ audio and video workouts are free for Orangetheory. https://www.orangetheory. com/en-au/member-communication-regard- everyone, no subscription required. ing-coronavirus/ Two days after closing locations nationwide last week, Orangetheory began posting daily workouts on its website. records life in a “majestic, amber-colored kelp forest” where nearly 1,000 marine species live or regularly pass through. The park’s live wildlife cam is located in the ocean landing cove on Anacapa Island, off the coast of California between Ventura and Los Angeles. When tuning in, prepare to be mesmerized as colorful fish dart back and forth across the camera lens as the kelp sways peacefully with the push and pull of the ocean currents. Manatee Webcams, Blue Spring State Park, Florida. blue-spring-state-park Florida manatees live in slow moving, shallow water such as bays and rivers. These large marine mammals are a treat to spot in their natural environment, but they can be elusive. If you don’t have the opportunity to search for the creatures in the wild, try the manatee webcams at Blue Spring State Park instead. While the underwater and above-water webcams are no longer live, tune in to see highlights from the most current manatee season, including special shots of a manatee with her calf and one of an adorable manatee named Alice inspecting the camera.

Workout Classes

increase access to the park in a phased approach. Yosemite National Park is open with limited services and facilities to those with day-use reservations, reservations for in-park lodging or camping, and wilderness or Half Dome permits. All trails are open, however there are some modifications in place. Descending the Mist Trail steps from the top of Vernal Fall is prohibited from 9 am to 4 pm. To return to the trailhead, continue hiking uphill to Clark Point (500 feet additional elevation gain), then down the John Muir Trail. The trail from the top of Vernal Fall to Clark Point is a steep uphill climb and has no shade. Yes, with a wilderness permit. All wilderness regulations and quotas are still in effect. Existing wilderness permit reservations for trips originating in Yosemite, beginning June 5 or later are still valid. If you have a wilderness permit, you will receive infor-

mation about how to get your wilderness permit via email. Wawona is open. However, Wawona Campground, Wawona Hotel, Wawona Stable, and Wawona Visitor Center (Hill’s Studio) are closed. A visitor information desk is available at the Mariposa Grove Welcome Plaza. Wawona Horse Camp is open. The Pioneer Yosemite History Center is open (without staffing or stage rides). Glacier Point Road and Glacier Point are open.The Glacier Point Tour is not operating, nor are scheduled ranger programs or astronomy programs. The Crane Flat area, including Merced and Tuolumne Groves of Giant Sequoias, as well as the Crane Flat Gas Station, is open. A visitor information desk is available outside the Big Oak Flat Information Station. Crane Flat Store is closed.



Corepower Yoga. https://www. c o r e p owe r yo g a o n d e m a n d . com/keep-up-your-practice The yoga franchise — which has 18 studios in Colorado, most in the Denver area — is offering free access to a “special weekly collection” of online classes. “Please share this with friends, family and anyone who could use a little yoga in their life right now,” Corepower Yoga said on its website. Movement Climbing + Fitness. https://www.facebook. com/movementdenver/?ref=br_rs All of Movement’s gyms and climbing walls may be closed, but head to the company’s Facebook page, where trainers from Movement locations around the city are posting live, free daily workouts recorded in their own homes.

Kids Stuff LEGOLAND Florida Resort. https://www. The Great Lego Race and Miniland USA are just two of the attractions you can check out in a virtual tour of the park. Go to Mars! https://accessmars.withgoogle. com/?mod=article_inline Explore the surface of Mars in the ultimate form of social distancing. Tioga Road opens for the season on Monday, June 15. White Wolf and Tuolumne Meadows Lodges, as well as the High Sierra Camps and Tuolumne Meadows Campground, are closed. Tuolumne Meadows Grill and the Tuolumne Meadows store and post office are closed. The Tuolumne Meadows Shuttle and Tuolumne Meadows Tour and Hikers Bus are not operating. Visitor centers, the Yosemite Museum, Happy Isles Art and Nature Center, and Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center are closed. Rangers and volunteers are staffing outdoor visitor information kiosks at the Mariposa Grove Welcome Plaza, Valley Visitor Center, Big Oak Flat Information Station, and Tuolumne Meadows. Yosemite Valley Lodge, Curry Village (at 50% capacity), and The Ahwahnee are open. Upper Pines Campground (at 50% capacity) and Wawona Horse Camp are open.

EVENTS Tour the International Space Station (ISS). inline Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams floats through the International Space Station and gives those of us stuck on Earth a tour of the laboratories, observation deck, the crew’s sleep quarters and more. It’s fascinating to see our planet down below from the observation deck and to find out what life is really like on the station. Virtual Farm Tour. Explore 11 different Canadian farms and food processing facilities. Learn how to milk a cow, go behind the scenes at a sheep farm and meet some of the livestock guardian dogs, or visit an apple orchard. Draw with Ed Vere. http://www.edvere. com/ Every Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. (he’s posting from the UK) illustrator Ed Vere will share a new “how to draw” lesson via video on his website. So far he’s taught how to draw a lion, a monster and more. The videos remain available on his website after they’re shared, so don’t feel like you have to be up at 6 a.m. Lincoln Center Pop Up Classroom. https:// Every weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a workshop that uses simple materials found at home. Conducted on Facebook Live. Weekday Live Streams with Mr. Jon & Friends. events/1074677622899381/ Mr. Jon & Friends is a group that writes and performs music just for kids! With schools are closed,

Grand Canyon, Arizona. grca/001/archeology There are plenty of pictures of the famed canyon online, but get a little deeper with a VR archaeological tour. This allows armchair travellers to explore and learn more about the history behind the canyon’s formation by clicking on different geological features. Yosemite National Park, California. Icehotel, Swedish Lapland. https://www. yose Experience this natural wonder in real time by clicking through to its webcams. The include Yosemite Falls, the view of the h83fcCg Aurora photography company Lights over Lapland has created experiences for Half Dome from the floor of Yosemite Valley, those suffering wanderlust to virtually travel to and vistas from the High Sierra captured at 8,000 feet. the Icehotel in Swedish Lapland. The 360-de gree videos allow viewers to visit the local Arctic wilderness, meet local huskies and rein- Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. deer, go dogsledding and reindeer sledding One of the best things about being in the great outdoors is the way you exand even join a Northern Lights hunt. perience it with all your senses. Rocky Moun Jerusalem, Israel. tain National Park has allowed virtual visitors to use their ears rather than their eyes, with an Wv_0tcndBOG Israel is promoting a whole seonline “sound library” that features an array of ries of virtual tours for armchair travellers, including one that takes you around Jerusalem’s birds and wildlife found in the park. most famous sights. Videos have a voiceover tour guide giving more information on the city’s Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. nps. holiest places, while 360-degree functionailty gov/grte Fancy climbing a mountain? You can try out an e-climb with Grand Teton National makes it feel more like you’re exploring. Park, navigating your way to the 13,770-ft Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. summit (minus the effort). Viewers can also virtual-visit-tour Fancy watching the sun set discover the geology and history of the Grand over these picturesque peaks? You can take a Teton massif along the way, and learn more about the native plants and wildlife. virtual tour of the famous Irish geological landmark, which captures 360-degree views and even has virtual reality headset capability for a The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. http://www. fully immersive experience. collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/tour-vir Central Park, New York. tuale.html The national lockdown in Italy has forced the country to a near-standstill, shutcentralpark NYC’s green centrepiece is available to tour online. Not only does it show you tering public events, soccer stadiums and the sites, it also comes with a guide who talks even the Vatican. Now, visitors can tour the you through significant events in Central Park’s interior artworks of the chapel, including its renowned ceiling and The Last Judgment, by history as you “travel” from the West 72nd entrance. Renaissance painter Michelangelo. they will be hosting weekday live streams and fun videos at 10:30 a.m. each day. These virtual events are all about fun, music, and laughter. Watch live, and then come back to re-watch alter as often as you’d like. You can find all the info on the Facebook event page.

Virtual Destinations



The Great Wall of China, China. https:// China’s most famous attraction offers virtual tours of some of the most visited sections of the wall, 3000 miles of which are walkable. With much of the country under quarantine measures, the virtual tour offers a reprieve from the crowds who normally come from all over the world to see the 2000-yearold marvel. Walt Disney World. https://disneyparks. Set aside some time, because there’s plenty to see here. Virtual tours you can take include Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot, just to name a few. There are also unofficial YouTube videos that feel just like you’re on famous rides like the Frozen Ever After ride, It’s a Small World, Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue!, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Machu Pichu, Andes Mountains, Peru. A simply stunning UNESCO World Heritage site, Machu Picchu is a visual wonder that just has to be seen. You no longer need to fly all the way to Peru to see it in all its glory, however, as the virtual tour is comprehensive, immersive, and filled with fascinating insights. With 360-degree views of the ruins of Inca settlements and lush green landscapes, you can visit every popular vantage point and learn more about the history of the famous site thanks to a helpful voice narrator. Athens Acropolis, Greece. https://www. A must-visit destination for history buffs, the Athens Acropolis includes the world-famous Parthenon, and is a cultural hotspot for tourists.


JULY 2020 |


CLASSIFIEDS Buy-Sell-Trade UNIVEGA GRAN Premio vintage road bike $220 Vibrage Steel Road bike in COKE SIGN $500 great condtion. 700c Apx 4.5x3 text or leave wheels Inex Shifters message (559)779- Ready to ride. call or text 559-545-9050 8999


OLD VINTAGE trunk with drawers apx 5ftx2ft $100 text for pictures 559-304-1831 TYPE WRITER $150 not sure if it works text for more info 559-3041831

COKE PICTURE approximately 4 BRASS FIRE EXTINGUISHER 1/2ft by 3ft $500 leave message or $400 obo leave message or text 559text 559-779-8999 779-8999 BUD SIGN $300 obo works needs cleaning 5ft x 1 1/2 text or leave message (559)7798999 COKE CRATE $35 ea text for pictures 559304-1831 JUKEBOX Missing side glass, needs good cleaning, has key, working, great speakers, Manual 1952 $4000 obo 559-3041831 BIKES 21SP mountain bike SEEBURG JUKEBOX Needs cleaning. Working, great speakers, Manual for only $150.00 in 1952 $4000 obo leave message or text 559-779-8999 great condition with bell and tassels! Call Darryl anytime at 559444-3283

BUDWEISER SIGN Works, needs cleaning.5ft by 1 1/2ft $300 obo leave message or text 559-779-8999

16 | JULY 2020


2 FOLDING bicycles. Good condition. Great for RVing. $150 each. OBO. Call no text Chuck 299-3730.


2007 FORD FUSION SE in excellent condition, runs pretty good, 4 cylinders, clean title, smog ready to go, good tires, alloy wheels, VINTAGE Bianchi paint in good shape, Bike 1986-1987 Wom- clothes interiors like ens Red Frame. Has not new, AC cold. Call or been in storage and not text (559)451-7959 used for many years. Call 559-474-1895. No 2010 HONDA CIVtexts. $100 IC LX, runs and drive like new,clean title and smoged, good tires, APPLIANCES paint in good shape, 4 cylinders, clothes inteWASHER and dryer/ riors like new, power electric - $260 559- windows and doors lock, info call 559 451 394-3369 7959 VASE CLEAR 3ft $40 text for pictures 559- 2 0 1 1 C H R Y S L E R 200 runs great nothing 304-1831 wrong with it 154198 ROOM divider $75 miles cold a/c heater text for picture 559- works perfect good tires all around current 304-1831 registration and clean KENMORE dryer title in hand 559-722working $350 obo text 9405 559-304-1831

Are you a camera? Because ATHENA (A44144131)! can’t stop grinning! 559233-7722

Break out the good dog treats, because has arrived BENJI (A44512558) 559-2337722

C A R L O S (A44399512), Our will follow you wherever your heart desires! 559-233-7722

C’ is for COOKIE (A44277943)! and this one is the cutest!559-233-7722 ext.116

G E M - M A (A44492698), Meet ELECTRONICS the prettiest of the ATVS CCSPCA! 559-233XBOX ONE and one 7722 1985 KAWASAKI S $160 Up for sale is a KTX 250 Tecate - gamestop refurbished $10000 (Coarsegold) original xbox one with 559-333-2629 controller for $120 and a xbox one s with con2013 POLARIS Razor troller for $160. Both 900 Xp EPS - $12850 these consoles have been cleaned out and 559-631-7019 work. The Fresno Hock 2003 Bombardier Ds Shop Open Monday - Is your tail always 650 Atv $3800 Txt me Friday 10am to 530pm wagging or are you just and Saturdays 10am always happy to see at 559-513-1201 to 2pm, you can also JACK (A44492444) reach us by phone at 559-233-7722 ext.116 SUPPORT LOCAL 559-264-5856

Her name may not be Casper, but this is one friendly GHOST (A44866556) 559-2337722

If you’re looking for a swim buddy REMI (A44882292) is your girl! 559-233-7722 ext.116

He has crossed all the dog parks in the world to find you, say hello to our SPANKY (A44392595) 559-2337722 ext.116



He will have you thinking it was love at first sniff! Meet our KING (A44864546) 559-2337722 ext.116

TV SALE! Sale going on right now on all the TV’s we currently have in stock. We have 3 50” TV’s and a 24”. the 24”, and two of 50” TV’s are Vizio and the other 50” is an Insignia. They all have remotes with them and work properly. The Fresno Hock Shoppe questions at 559-2645856

BEAUTIFUL large entertainment center with lighted storage and lots of storage space in the bottom cabinets. For 55” tv (559) 546-3280 GREAT, COMFY sectional for sale. No damage, pillows included. Pick up only. (559) 458-3146

IBANEZ GIO GSR105EX 5-String Bass In great shape, plays great as well. No issues with this bass. Comes as shown does include a soft case which is not pictured. 5 string. Come check it out and many other musical instruments and equipment The Fresno Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri from 10am to 530pm and Sat from 10am to 2pm 559264-5856

GREAT LONGBOARD, never used. Measures 9.5” wide by 43” long. $50 Price is firm. Thanks! 4708091 text please LARGE VARIETY of different name brand clubs, drivers, irons, putters, hybrid, troubles, bags, starter sets. The Fresno hock shoppe has a full line of different golf clubs starting at $1. Starter sets $10. Full sets around $40. Come see these clubs, wakeboards bicycles and more at The Fresno Hock Shoppe Monday Through Friday 10am to 530pm and Saturdays 10am to 2pm. Located at 3235 E Belmont Fresno Ca 93702 (559) 264-5856

DREXEL Heritage Woodbriar Collection 5 Drawer Chest & King FARM & Headboard. Very well GARDEN made vintage furniPERSONALS 2017 CRAFTSMAN ture. Drexel Heritage riding mower $800 is in the top 6 of used GOOD LOOKIN, tall, new starter, it runs furniture. $600 (559) slim, white male, 70. Looking to meet slim, good but sometimes 377-0725 white female, 60-70 it doesn’t start. Not who likes to go westsure feels like battery MOTORCYCLES ern swing dancing, flea doesn’t have enough markets, estate sales, juice to turn over some- 2002 HARLEY Road fishing, and camping. times 708-2064 King Classic $8000 Call 559-779-1021 LAWN EDGER, Great bike it has please leave a message TENNIS RACKET bag with 5 rackets $70 Briggs and Stratton en- 21,084 miles please if no answer. obo text for more info gine $40 call 645-7642 text 5594694060 559-304-1831 2002 HARLEY Road ALOE VERA plants RVS - $5 Aloe plants me- King Classic $8000 TRUCKS dium, large and extra Great bike it has 97 AIRBUS Motorlarge plants in 1 gal. 21,084 miles please home 32 foot $12,000 SILVERADO pots. They are $5, $10, text 5594694060 OBO 291-9864 or 1996 z71 4wd $6300 (Ker$15. $20 Landscap298-4725 man) (559) 728-6262 ing Plants, tropical’s, 2005 YAMAHA FZ-6 shrubs, flowers, fruit, $2800 2800 OBO, Text 2004 WILDWOOD herbs and succulent Hunter at 559-645- 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide 1989 JEEP Wrangler plants (559) 307-9366 2809 for details. outs, excellent condi- lifted, gears, locktion. Asking $10,000 ers,winch,fuel injecHONDA OBO BRAND NEW Harbor 2018 673-7185 or tion! $7000 (Visalia) (559) 300-7700 Freight hydraulic push CRF125F $2800 (559) 975-9835 --pull ram set never 994-1970 used. $160 Call 559 FOOD Concession 2004 TOYOTA TacoTrailer 16 Foot Equip- ma double cab. Runs 360 2977. MUSIC ment Included $18,00 great, automatic transOB 291-9864 or 298- mission, air condiCRAFTSMAN 3000tioner is cold, has new Watt Gasoline Porta- HARBINGER APS15 4725 tires. V6 motor, it’s not ble inverter Generator Powered Speaker (Sin- $650 Brand new with gle) $109 Pre-owned TRAVEL Trailer 2008 a 4x4. In Spanish call receipt, never used in Harbinger in good 26ft long $11800 412- 346-9194 for English 346-9195 $10,500 the box Firm price Sel- shape. Works great no 0629 issues. Powered speakma only 903-2222 03 TAHOE z71 4x4 er. Shows some normal with smog n tags 190. SPORTING wear from use. The miles clean title exelFresno Hock Shoppe FURNITURE Mon-Fri from 10am to LIKE NEW Outdoor lent $3600 644-5434 RETRO BOOTH 530pm and Sat from Tuff Stinger 3 OTFInflatable 2012 JEEP Liberty x2 one with back one 10am to 2pm or call us 2751PK without $1000 each with any questions at One-Person Sport Kay- $7700 Second owner. ak with Rotatable Pad- Clean title. Remote matching stools x4 559-264-5856. dle, 275-Pound Capac- start, leather seats, sat$800 text or leave mesity Includes carry bag. ellite radio. (559) 367sage (559)779-8999 SUPPORT LOCAL 4904 $175 559-214-9835




JULY 2020 |


CLASSIFIEDS Business Directory Animal Care


FAMILY PET HOSPITAL- Weekdays 7:30-6p Wednesday Vaccine Clinic 12-2pm Saturday Vaccine Clinic 8:30a-11a 1455 Herndon Ave Clovis, 93612

MCK ELECTRIC Complete electrical work with 20 years of experience, Owner completes all jobs. Seniors receive a 10% discount on labor. 90% of estimates are completed due to best price around. 100% satisfaction guaranteed with on time appointments. Fully licensed experienced contractor with complete electrical work. Contact Manuel (559) 696-5967 State Contractor License #: 880233


JW CLEAN-UP SERVICES. Estate Sale Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Construction cleanup, rubbish, trees & demo, rentals, lots, apartments & forecloPLUMBING- Fresno’s 24/7 Professional Plumbsures. We do it all Just Call! (559)307-4304 er. We offer not only general emergency plumbing but blocked drains, burst pipes, toilet repairs and much more. (559) 354-9839


Heating & Cooling

Tree Services


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Locksmith TREE SERVICE. Reasonable Prices , Senior Discounts & Free Estimates. We can do it all! Palm Trees, Tree Stumps, MistleToe, Removal and More. Licensed and Insured (559)4218555

VALLEY REMNANTS & ROLLS- Carpet, Wood, Vinyl, Lmainate. Quality Guaranteed. 2050% Savings everyday! All Styles, All colors. 3845 N Blackstone Ave (559) 445-0206

Hauling Bikes


ADVERTISE Your business here for as little as $50 a month. Reach your local market. We can help. Call/text (559)472-7182 or Info@

ADVERTISE Your business here for as little as $50 a month. Reach your local market. We can help. Call/text (559)472-7182 or Info@

18 | JULY 2020




Real Estate

Apartments HELP WITH your housing needs. Please contact Destinee or visit website to help find the right apartment home for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit our website www.ApartmentRentalsLLC. com GOLDEN GARDENS Apartments is well located near schools, shopping, Tower District and Fulton Mall. Three bedroom apartment has two bathrooms and plenty of space! Golden Gardens, managed by Winn Residential 2130 North Marks Ave Fresno, CA 93722 559-512-7020


3 + 2 and Garage in North Coarsegold , Highway 41 - corner of Holly Lane , water is included new A/C system , must apply and qualify , minimum 1 year Lease $1655 / 3br - 1705ft Call 559-760-4366 photos available text for an application and interior photos (North COARSEGOLD) 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH house available July 1st. ( Behymer and Maple) $2,000 a month (gardening service is included). $2,000 deposit Please call 213-7600

3BD/2BTH House for Rent $2175 Clovis with pool. 1560 sq. ft. near Ashlan/Dewolf. Reagan Educational Center, K-12th grades, Tile throughout home, new carpet in bedroom. 2 car garage $995 / 1BR - 800ft Expand your lifestyle at The with nook for extra storage or workshop. Side Victor Apartments, located across the street from yard for RV. Application, good credit, and securiBulldog Stadium and just steps from Fresno State ty deposit required. Text (559)274-2909 University. The Victor is designed for the ultimate college experience. -Furnished Suites Avail- 3BD/2BTH Country home in Reedley Double able -Study Center -New Energy Efficient Vinyl car garage, fenced front yard and a fenced back Windows -In-Home Washer/Dryer -Central AC yard. $1500 $2000 deposit (559)318-4897 -Online Leases -Access to Fresno State Bulldog Express Bus Route -Pet Friendly -Free 150 Mbps Comcast Internet -Separate Dining Area -Energy Efficient Appliances -Controlled Access/Gated Community Pricing and availability are subject $179,0002 BD1 BA 936 sqft This charming 2 to change bed, 1 bath house has exactly what you’ve been (833) 355-3980 looking for! The front is spacious enough to accommodate an RV if needed. Notice the new UPCOMING SINGLE story apartment avail- roof and stucco before entering the front door able mid august rent $1150 Deposit $850 Hun- and seeing the new flooring throughout. The tington Place Apartments 5364 E. Huntington kitchen has been given new granite countertops, Fresno. Located on Huntington and Minnewawa as well as new, tasteful, stainless steel appliancin Fresno, located close to shopping and restau- es. (559) 999-8587 rants, Sunnyside School District, has park like landscaping, onsite laundry facility , private pa- $299,9503 BD2 BA 1496 sqft Tarpy Village tios/balcony, water, sewer and trash paid by the gem, room to grow your family, business or just owner. Each unit comes with it’s own detached live on your own terms. Pontiac offers new floorgarage, ample storage space in the unit, updated ing, updated kitchen and bath. The 14,640 SqFt paint and flooring. +/- lot means more room to breath. Business owners, 2-double wide gates and parking area to store your large and small trucks. Detached garage has a shop and an extra room, let your mind run wild, woman/man cave or secret room. CLOVIS COTTAGE Home for Lease Like new 26,000-gallon pool with child protective fencing 1 bed 1 bath 2 car garage call broker for more will make your new home the party place for info $1250 559-940-1246 family. (559) 917-3246

Houses For Sale

Houses For Rent

$1395 RENT / $1395 Deposit 3 Bd / 1 Bth Amenities: Home is Completely Remolded & Fenced In!! Kitchen has a granite counter tops, gas stove, white kitchen cabinets / Small kitchen nook area, Living Room w/ ceiling fan / Laminate Wooden Floors Throughout / Bathroom has shower & tub combo / Washer & Dryer Hook Ups / Large Backyard / Backyard Gate opens to drive way for parking / Central AC & Heating / 1292sqft Fresno Unified School District- Roosevelt High School, Sequoia Middle School, and Lane Elementary School District (Please verify with school district) (559) 261-0208

$209,0003 BD1.75 BA1,192 sqft Tower District home in Fresno. The location itself is magnificent, as this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home of nearly 1200 square feet is nestled in the prestigious Tower District and is close to shops, restaurants, and Fresno City College (559) 824-9178 $279,9003 BD1.75 BA1,226 sqft This beautiful home was recently updated with new flooring and a remodeled kitchen with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and dining nook. The back patio was also updated by extending the covered area. The bonus room offers additional space for the kids and/or an office. Solar is leased through Sunrun and is $98/month. | FRESNOFLYER.COM |



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JULY 2020 |



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