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Communication and It's Affects on Workflow
"How Communications Can Affect the Work Flow in an Organization"
FREX House Creatives
Communication Insight
Communication is a procedure that starts with a sender encoding the message and passing it to the receiver that decodes the message through a certain channel. Communication is most effective when messages communicated by the sender are interpreted with the same meaning and equally understood by the receiver. If any type of disruption blocks any communication step, the message may be destroyed. Managers in an organization are facing severe problems because of such disturbances. As a result, managers must find these barriers and take steps to cast them off.
Communication Limitation Barriers
There are numerous barriers that affect an organization's workflow. These limitations interrupt the sender-toreceiver workflow of communication, making communication useless.
Triumph over these limitations is also very important for managers.
Communication Barriers
A communication barrier is anything that prevents you from receiving and understanding the messages others use to convey their information, ideas and thoughts. These barriers may be related to the message, internal barriers related to thoughts and feelings, or external barriers.
Described as a special method in a one-of-a kind sentence. Communication breakdown occurs when the receiver has an incorrect perception.
Differences in Perception and Language
Records Overload
Records overload is a pool of statistical information that surrounds managers. Using this information workflow is extremely important. If the records are misinterpreted, forgotten or neglected, communication is less efficient as a result.
Lack of attention; distraction.
Time Pressure
Targets always have to be performed within a specific period of time, the reluctance of which has adverse effects. The formal channels of verbal exchange are shortened in a hustle to meet deadlines, or messages are given. In part, there must be sufficient time for effective verbal communication.
Distracting noise also affects enormous amounts of communication. Physical distractions are also present, including the uncomfortable sitting room, unhygienic room, bad lightning, which also affects communication during a meeting.
In addition, the use of loud audio systems interferes with communication.
Be aware of the different types of feelings that surely present in the work environment. Understand that you do not have to understand every emotion you come into contact with. Instead, practice emotional awareness. Being aware of emotion, whether it be your own or someone else's, will lead you to right path of appropriate communication utilization.
In closing, be in tune with how you communicate within your organization to increase your chances of:
-Minimal Communication Barriers
-Lower Communication Limitations
-Killing Inattention
-Increased Language Perception
-Consistent Work Flow Productivity
-Records Overload
-Elimination Destroying Distractions
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