1 minute read

Social phenomenon collage


Persona, or social tag, the essence of which is a label or symbol which has a recognized meaning of s the virtual nature, fragmentation and labelling of the internet world, people's internet personas are som from real people.


Social Connect

Goffman’s dramaturgical theory

People's Daily life — Drama performance

People — Performers

Social image — Front stage

Real self— Backstage Society — Stage

Goffman’s dramaturgical theory borrows of drama theory, compares society to the every individual in the society to the perfor in order to explore how everyone design roles and performances in front of the sta as to create a good image of themselves i

Acting script, impression management an stage are the main components of the the front stage self is the self that we are like world. The backstage self refers to that as we really are.

Net Love

Online love refers to the use of the Internet as a medium, using chat tools to chat with each other,and fall in love. People can use social media to shape their personas and create more advantages in choosing partners.

Idol persona

With the popularity of popular culture and the development of the film and entertainment industry, "persona" has become associated with star-making, creating a "celebrity persona" that goes beyond the work. However, there have been numerous incidents of "persona collapse".

Online persona

The persona in the Internet era is a self-reaction of the real person, and a vehicle for the real person to travel between the virtual and the real. Which do you think is the real you, the Internet or reality?

Concept reference

some kind. Due to metimes separated the point of view e stage, compares rmer on the stage, ns and establishes age in daily life so in front of others. nd "front and back" eory of drama.The ely to show to the spect of self which

Visual reference

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