Takitaki 1212 pub

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Monthly Newsletter of

Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises & Development Alleviating Poverty through Social & Economic Empowerment

December 2012


ars 10 Ye Reaching for the skies

The European Union provides $7 Million FJD boost for FRIEND The GROW programme funding for FRIEND by the European Union for Promotion of income generating activities through Vocational Training was officially announced this month.

TC EVAN Hits The Heart Of FRIEND

This assistance is allowing FRIEND a chance to expand on its ongoing programs in communities.

FRIEND Headquarters in Tuvu took a direct hit during Cyclone Evan.

The overall objective of the project is to increase economic activities and improve standards of living and quality of life of those living in the Sugar Cane Belt areas in Fiji.

All three buildings were either destroyed or rendered unusable.

The announcement coincided with the inauguration of a bell monument on FRIEND premises by the European Union’s Deputy Head of Delegation Johnny ENGELL–HANSEN on Thursday 13 December 2012.

Whilst the main office lost half of its roof, 200 seating capacity Natatadra Bure and Deacon House were totally destroyed. Most of the office equipment including computers, telephones and much more were soaked through.

This was followed by a visit to various projects already on the roll out in Tavua communities.

As the brave words on facebook proclaimed, “ We are down, but not out.”

These include Cash Crop, Poultry and Beekeeping ventures.

FRIEND relocated to the YWCA Hostel on Drasa Avenue in Lautoka City. “We had no choice but to continue as many livelihoods are associated with FRIEND,” says Director Sashi Kiran.

Main Building - Roof &structural damage

Deacon House - Completely destroyed

“On one hand while communities recquired assistance, we had to act decisively to preserve the jobs of the 65 workers at the FRIEND HQ.”

The European Union’s Deputy Head of Delegation Johnny ENGELL–HANSEN with Sashi @ the Bell Monument

FRIEND is core funded by AUSAID and NZ AID Questions or comments? E-mail us at friend@connect.com.fj

Natatadra Bure - Completely Destroyed

Cow inic AUSAID & NZAID Contributions allow FRIEND to reach out to those in need. A total of 345 families made homeless by Cyclone Evan have been assisted by FRIEND through the immediate grants made available by AusAID and NZAID. AUSAID contributed $210,00 FJD for cyclone relief work while NZ AID boosted the amount by an additional $25, 000 FJD. Initial ground assessments in days immediately following the cyclone revealed atleast 200 families in dire need of roofs over their heads. This number grew as the teams ventured into communities loaded with basic building materials for those who had either lost complete homes or had their roofs totally blown away. “The idea was to provide material for atleast one decent room per household to keep them safe from impending unstable weather conditions,” says FRIEND Founder/Director Sashi Kiran.

Exhausted but keeping on - Sashi signs the AUSAID funding documents with Aseri Rika of FCDP at the FRIEND temp HQ in Lautoka

“We are very grateful for the quick response from our donors that enabled us to reach out to those who needed it the most with a speed in the hour of need” “I am also very thankful for staff who sacrificed much of what would have been their own time and did not hesitate to serve the communities through Christmas and New Year holidays,” says Sashi. The first of the deliveries to communities was done on Christmas Day itself.

Assessing on the spot - staffer Jonetani in action

Assessing on the spot - staffer Jonetani in action

“Our methodology was simple. We identified the need at the time and using our networks were able to mobilize assistance almost immediately. Teams led by senior managers accompanied the delivery trucks and building materials along with some grocery relief packs availed through friends of FRIEND were offloaded as required.” “As for the communities, we found many who suffered damage themselves but were more than willing to point out to others in the community who they believed were more in need, this was a refreshing experience,” says Sashi.

Destroyed homes - A sight repeated in communities post TC Evan

Hope amongst devastation - a guitar that also survived the winds

A tamarind tree falls and crushes a home

Destroyed homes - A sight repeated in communities post TC Evan

FRIEND is core funded by AUSAID and NZ AID Questions or comments? E-mail us at friend@connect.com.fj

Cow inic A New Product Fiji Cha Herbal Teas

The D Book Case Studies from Communities

FRIEND has launched a range of herbal teas to it's ever increasing range of quality food products from Fiji communities.

Over the years donors and stakeholders have been asking whether there has been any significant change in peoples lives through FRIEND work.

Fiji Cha brings to you the goodness and freshness of carefully selected ingredients that gets your tastebuds humming with every sip.

While we do share snippets of these changes in Takitaki, D Book attempts to give more of an indepth glimpses into the changes.

Fiji Cha Cinnamon Tea - Warming & Invigourating - Fiji Cha Cinnamon has long been a popular spice. It is not only delicious but healthy too. Fiji Cha Star Apple Tea - Cooling & Soothing - Handpicked from locally grown gardens, Fiji Cha Star Apple Tea is an exotic fruit which is high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Fiji Cha Star Apple Tea is made from a true wonder fruit which offers medicinal remedies. Fiji Cha Rosella Tea - Rejuvenating & Calming - Handpicked from locally grown gardens Fiji Cha Rosella Tea is made from the petels of the Hibiscus Sabdariffa flower. Fiji Cha rosella Tea has a tart, tangy flavor.

D Book titled Dreaming, Daring, Delivering is about Development. It is about Dreams of Development, Daring to act for Development and Delivering Development. The 100-page publication will show how FRIEND works in the underserved communities of western Fiji, and how they benefit from the various social and economic empowerment programmes FRIEND offers. D Book is by no means all the stories of FRIEND. But a collection of 30 random beneficiaries around Western Viti Levu. FRIEND also has a strong presence in the Northern Fiji which is not reflected in this book.

Fiji Cha Lemon Grass Tea - Refreshing & Healing. Handpicked from locally grown gardens Fiji Cha Lemon Grass is an amazing super herb that has been used for hundreds of years. Fiji Cha Lemon Grass imparts a distinct lemon flavour and is high in anti oxidants, minerals and vitamins.

Recipe Corner - Chicken Quesadilla Ingredients 2 Roti about 8 inch size, 1 cup cooked chicken, shredded, 1/3 cup grated cheddar cheese, 2 the bottom 2 inches thinly sliced, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, Sour cream, Salsa and chopped dhaniya for garnish Method Mix chicken, cheese, green onion and cumin well Place one tortilla in a non-stick pan. Smear with Friend’s Fiji StyleŽ Chilli Chutney and cover with chicken mixture, salsa and dhaniya . Top with 2nd tortilla and squish down with a spatula ,once the bottom starts to get a little bit golden, flip and cook the other side Cut into wedges and serve with sour cream. FRIEND is core funded by AUSAID and NZ AID Questions or comments? E-mail us at friend@connect.com.fj

The book is authored by a senior media and communication consultant Samisoni Pareti. The compilation of stories is funded by AUSAID.


Communities after TC Evan Christmas 2012 was full of despair in the aftermath of TC Evan in our communities. We came across a number of people who were injured while trying to escape the wrath of winds.

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There were others who simply lost the will to live in the days following the loss of their homes and their lifetime earnings.


We dedicate this column to the survivors of the disaster.

FRIEND IN DEED video of relief work: http://www.facebook.com/ photo.php? v=546021742088452&set=vb.1000 00418920810&type=2&theater

Priya ama Jokat

Copy and paste the above link on your address line to view a short video encapsulating the FRIEND’s relief work post TC EVAN.

FRIEND’s new temporary home found and claimed - A reason to smile again

The day after the cyclone was heartbreaking as we realized the extent of damage at FRIEND. With help from some staff and volunteers the fist day was spent trying to save what we could from the scene of devastation.

On the second day a group continued with exhausted team. trying to save what they could while a team of senior managers ventured out into the city to But the relief at having found the space was look for any suitable alternative space. humbling as we all realized that the actual work has now just begun…. A joint search led us to YWCA Hall which provided hope to the mentally and physically By Sandhya Narayan

FRIEND is core funded by AUSAID and NZ AID Questions or comments? E-mail us at friend@connect.com.fj

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