Annual Report Insert 181st

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A National Historic Landmark

181st A nnual Report

April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013

T reasurer’ s R eport to the P roprietors and D onor R ecognition

M ount A uburn C emetery T rustees

F riends of M ount A uburn C emetery T rustees

Mary Lee Aldrich David P. Barnett, President & CEO Samuel B. Carr, Jr. Thomas C. Cooper, Chair Kimberly D. Gluck, Treasurer Caroline Loughlin, Secretary Caroline Mortimer Karen W. Mueller Ann M. Roosevelt Oliver C. Scholle, Jr., Vice Chair Peter L. Shaffer David A. Straus William A.Truslow Louise E.Weed Paul Zofnass

Mary Lee Aldrich, Chair David P. Barnett, President & CEO Clemmie L. Cash Thomas C. Cooper Geri Denterlein James F. Hunnewell, Jr. Caroline Loughlin, Treasurer Sean McDonnell, Secretary Caroline Mortimer, Vice Chair Franklin Reece Ann M. Roosevelt

H onorary T rustees Peter S. Ashton William C. Clendaniel Hamilton Coolidge Marion R. Fremont-Smith Robert A. Lawrence Susan W. Paine* Herbert W. Pratt John K. Spring James M. Storey

S enior S taff Michael A. Albano, Executive Vice President & CFO David P. Barnett, President & CEO Jane M. Carroll, Vice President of Development Bree Harvey, Vice President of Cemetery & Visitor Services

* Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery

T reasurer ’ s R eport to the P roprietors of the C emetery of M ount A uburn April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013


ur fiscal year ended with the market value of our endowment at $146.8 million and Total Net Assets at $163.5 million, both just slightly higher than a year ago. Of the Total Assets, $111.1 million was in the Permanently Restricted category.

Total Support and Revenue during FY2013 was $11.9 million, an increase of $1.7 million (17.1%) over FY2012. The major components of Support and Revenue were Investment Return Designated for Current Operations ($5.5 million), Services Fees ($2.6 million), Net Sales ($2.0 million), and Support ($1.8 million). The total amount actually raised through support during FY2013 is not reflected in the Cemetery’s operating budget, since most contributed funds are earmarked for special projects and are reflected in the Friends of Mount Auburn report. Total Expenses during FY2013 were $8.4 million (same as FY2012), as the staff worked strategically and responsibly to contain costs while maintaining the high standards of maintenance and service for which Mount Auburn is known. As we continue in these challenging economic times, we are confident that the future of Mount Auburn is bright.

Kimberly D. Gluck Treasurer

Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn Statement of Financial Position as of March 31, 2013


$ 146,779,360 2,477,304 25,372,951

Total Assets

$ 174,629,615


$ 4,800,000 5,389,960 952,259

Total Liabilities 11,142,219 Total Net Assets 163,487,396 $ 174,629,615

Total Liabilities & Net Assets

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets For the Fiscal Year April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013


$ 1,967,327 2,565,327 1,830,939 5,496,323

Total Support & Revenue 11,859,916 Total Expenses 8,360,916 Excess of Support & Revenue Over Expenses 3,499,000 Nonoperating Activities 7,603,113 Net Change in Assets

$ 11,102,113

The figures above are excerpted from the independent auditor’s report, copies of which are available at the Cemetery.

Support & Revenue


Net Sales $1,967,327 Investment Return Designated for Current Operations - Net of Fees $5,496,323

Employee Benefits $2,168,388 Labor $3,911,553

Services Fees $2,565,327

Support $1,830,939

Total $ 11,859,916

Other Expenses $629,107

Depreciation $733,969

Total $ 8,360,916

Contracted Work & Materials $917,899

Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery Statement of Financial Position as of March 31, 2013


$ 27,348 188,245 1,333,098

Total Assets

$ 1,548,691


$ 8,843 4,506

Total Liabilities 13,349 Total Net Assets 1,535,342 $ 1,548,691

Total Liabilities & Net Assets

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets For the Fiscal Year April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013


$ 1,129,917 546,952

Total Support 1,676,869


32,922 9,687

Total Revenue 42,609 Total Support & Revenue 1,719,478 Total Expenses 2,608,593 $ (889,115)*

Excess of Support & Revenue Over Expenses

* Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery expenses for FY2013 include a $1.2 million disbursement of funds for the Mount Auburn Cemetery greenhouse project.These funds were raised both in FY2013 and in prior years. Excluding this disbursement, the Friends ended FY2013 with $300,000 in Excess Support & Revenue Over Expenses. The figures above are excerpted from the independent auditor’s report, copies of which are available at the Cemetery.

Gross Sources of Support (Cash Basis)

Gross Types of Support (Cash Basis)

Membership $49,653

State $132,000 Government $8,420

Annual Fund (Individuals & Corporations) $201,723

Individuals $575,492

Foundations $403,968

Capital & Special Projects $884,019 Corporations $15,515 Gross Support Total $1,135,395

M ount A uburn C ouncil


V isitors


n 2012, we developed a council of friends and advisors to assist Mount Auburn in defining its strategic direction and accomplishing its mission. The Council consists of local leaders, friends, and supporters who share our values and commitments in the areas of horticulture, historic preservation, educational programming, and landscape enhancement. Members of the Council serve as informal advisors, advocates, and ambassadors and meet for a full afternoon once a year. We would like to welcome and thank the members of Mount Auburn’s new Council of Visitors. Caroline Mortimer, Co-Chair Brian A. Sullivan, Co-Chair John Airasian, Founding Member Lillie Johnson, Founding Member Susan W. Paine, Founding Member Helen Abrams Peter W. Ambler Eliza Anderson Melissa Banta Claude Benoit Shary Page Berg Jane C. Bradley Ginny Brady Joanna Breyer Cindy Brockway Patricia Capone Sue Carlson William C. Clendaniel Lindsay Leard Coolidge Robyn Bell Culbertson Stanley Cushing Richard Dalton David Dearinger Peter Del Tredici Linda DiBenedetto Dorice Dionne Suzanne R. Dworsky Mrs. Richard S. Emmet Karen Falb Peter Falb Marjorie Gerdine, Ph.D. Philip Gerdine Sara Goldberg Patricia M. Grandieri Noah Griffin Craig Halvorson Rick Harriman Charlotte Harrington Myra Harrison Charlie Haydock Jonathan Hecht John Hemenway

Lt. Col. David Hencke Peter Hiam Kristine Higgins Nora Huvelle Luisa Hunnewell Richard M. Hunt, Ph.D. Bruce Irving Pat Jacoby Ann Holton Jenne Laura Johnson Alex S. Jones Wendall Kalsow Stephen Kendrick Carolyn N. King Joseph Koerner Gary L. Koller Clare Walker Leslie Alicia Leuba Caleb Loring III Lauren MacCarthy Joe Martinez John Mathew Brooks Mathewson Paula Matthews Julie Moir Messervy Wayne Mezitt Laurel Millette Kyra Montagu Marian Morash Russell Morash Keith Morgan Betsy Munzer Laura Nash Herbert Nolan Elizabeth Owens Robert Owens Alyssa Pacy Morgan Palmer Denise Pappas Erik Park Susan Park Sal Perisano

Wayne Petersen Donald Pfister Steve Pinkerton Frances Pratt Harry Pratt Herb Pratt Pat Pratt Marion Pressley Doug Reed Marilyn Richardson David Russo Michael Schade Sharon B. Sears Julia Sheehan Martha Eddison Sieniewicz Tom Sieniewicz E. Denise Simmons D. Brenton Simons Rosemarie Smurzynski Loring Stevens James Storey Patty Straus Bob Stymeist Claudia Thompson Jane F.Thompson Kate Thompson John Trexler Pam Turner Elizabeth Valentine Ernie Vargas Julie Vargas Liz Vizza Matt Walter Julie Warsowe Mary Webb Jason Weeks Gaby Whitehouse George Whitehouse Richard H.Willis Rosemary Wilson Debra Wise Elizabeth Wylde

T hank Y ou

to our

D onors

April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013


HANK YOU! We would like to thank those individuals, foundations, and corporations who donated to the construction of the new entryway to Story Chapel and the greenhouse. The entryway to Story Chapel provides protection to those attending public events and private services and the new greenhouse enhances our ability to continue our innovative plant propagation practices. Both of these projects reinforce our commitment to sustainable operations. We are deeply grateful for the support of all of our donors in the stewardship of this unique cultural treasure that allows us to continue carrying out the intentions of our founders.

G reenhouse

S tory C hapel E ntryway

Anonymous (3) Marie F. & John S. Airasian Diane & Michael Albano Widgie & Peter Aldrich Wendy Appel Arlington Garden Club Eileen & David Barnett Mrs. Robert P. Bass, Jr. Emily M. Bateson & Thomas C. Cooper Cabot Family Charitable Trust Margaret & Sam Carr Jane & Ernie Carroll Clemmie L. & James I. Cash The Estate of Alice G. Dabrowski Susan E.†& Dudley Dumaine Irene A. Dygas Mrs. Richard S. Emmet Glenwood Cemetery Kimberly D. & Andrew B. Gluck Richard Grubman & Caroline Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hunnewell, Jr. Roy A. Hunt Foundation Carolyn N. King Caroline & Philip Loughlin Ellen B. & Duncan M. McFarland Karen W. & Gary Mueller Morgan Palmer Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Sigrid & James Pinsky Renee E. Ring & Paul Zofnass Ann & James Roosevelt Oliver C. Scholle, Jr. Lynn & Peter L. Shaffer Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Mr. and Mrs. James M. Storey Patricia L. & David A. Straus The Estate of Drs. Regula & Wolfgang Swarzenski Kate Thompson & Daniel V. Calano Miriam K. & William A.Truslow Mrs. F. Cort Turner III Mariana S.Webb & Sean McDonnell Edwin S.Webster Foundation Louise E. & Chuck Weed Richard H.Willis

Cambridge Savings Bank Mrs. Richard S. Emmet Christine Cowan & Allan Gordon Stephanie B. Griffin Charlotte W. Harrington Gifts in Memory of David R. Johnson Caroline & Philip Loughlin The Lynch Foundation Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust Frances G. & Harold I. Pratt Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation The Michael and Helen Schaffer Foundation Marion Kipper McDonald & Capers Walter McDonald Jane & Scott Walters Edwin S.Webster Foundation

A nnual G ifts 1831 S ociety Each year, individuals who share a commitment to Mount Auburn become part of the 1831 Society by making a leadership gift of $1,000 or more.


Richard Grubman & Caroline Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Caroline & Philip Loughlin

$5,000 - 9,999

Widgie & Peter Aldrich Drs. Marjorie W. & Philip V. Gerdine

$2,500 - 4,999

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek Kimberly D. & Andrew B. Gluck Judy & Charles H. Hood Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hunnewell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence Pamela E. Pinsky Memorial, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation Patricia L. & David A. Straus Miriam K. & William A.Truslow Louise E. & Chuck Weed

$1,000 - 2,499

Anonymous (2) Katharine G. & Gordon†Abbott

William D. Adams Eileen & David Barnett Emily M. Bateson & Thomas C. Cooper Eleanor L. & Levin H. Campbell Margaret & Sam Carr Jane & Ernie Carroll Lindsay Leard & Charles A. Coolidge Geri Denterlein & Jack Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Dworsky Christopher D. Fletcher Joyce Friedman Jennifer J. Gilbert Joan C. Hiam Timothy T. Hilton Willard P. Hunnewell Mrs.Walter Hunnewell Luisa Hunnewell & Larry Newman Alex S. Jones Lynn & William M. Kargman Michael R. Kidder Claudia P. & Peter D. Kinder Carolyn N. King Patricia A. Leighfield Caroline & Philip Loughlin Lauren MacCarthy Henrietta N. Meyer Nan T. Millett Karen W. & Gary Mueller Sydney Nathans Ph.D. Elizabeth & Robert Owens Morgan Palmer Denise & Dean Pappas Lia & William Poorvu Frances G. & Harold I. Pratt Ann & James Roosevelt Lora Sabin & Jonathan Hecht Edgar H. Schein Lynn & Peter L. Shaffer Julia Sheehan & Errol Morris Fredericka O. & Howard H. Stevenson Jane F.Thompson Elizabeth L. & William A.Thorndike Mrs. F. Cort Turner III Mr. and Mrs. John H.Valentine Cherie Wendelken & James E. Brooks Richard H.Willis Susan B.Wood Mary K. Zervigon, in honor of Caroline Loughlin

$500 – 999

Anonymous (1) Eliza & Michael Anderson Marilyn V. & Geoffrey W. Bacon Ruth A. Butler Patricia Capone & Matthew R.Walter The Rev. Alison C. Carmody Mark DeSimone Sally R. & George P. Edmonds Linda W. Fisher Marion Fremont-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Haydock Robert F. Higgins Foundation Eloise W. & Arthur C. Hodges Maisie Houghton Anita & John Jamieson Elizabeth B. & Edward C. Johnson Liza Ketchum & John H. Straus Debby & Paul Kuenstner John J. McGrath Marian & Russell Morash Joyce L. & James L. Morgan

Marty F. Myers Elizabeth & Stuart W. Pratt Deborah C. Robbins Diane & Bruce F. Roubaud Sharon B. & Henry Sears Loring L. Stevens Kate Thompson & Daniel V. Calano Mariana S.Webb & Sean McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop

$250 - 499

Anonymous (5) Guilliaem Aertsen IV Jonathan B. Allen Sally R. Anderson Denyse M. & Stewart Anderson Toshiyuki Aoki Elizabeth P. Atkins Elizabeth D. & Christopher J. Barnett Barbara & George P. Beal Randall Bean Virginia J. Brady & William F. Mann Ralph S. Brown, Jr. Kathryn E. Cade Levin H. Campbell, Jr. William C. Clendaniel & Ronald P. Barbagallo Frederick G. S. Clow Anne S. Covert Christine Cowan & Allan Gordon Timothy A. Cunningham Charles D. Donovan Elizabeth M. & Jean-Marie Eveillard Mathea Falco Drew G. Faust & Charles E. Rosenberg Bradford Y. Fletcher William Geertz John M. Gliatto Liz Goodfellow Christopher Grant Linda J. Heffner Paull Hejinian Jeffrey L. Horrell & Rodney F. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Hunnewell Yuki & Noriaki Ikemoto Elizabeth & Woody Ives Ann Holton Jenne Ann R. Karnovsky Susanna Kaysen Dorothy & William F.†Kehoe Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee Janina A. Longtine Steve Mader Deb & Bill Matthews The Matus Family Ruth & Victor McElheny Manton B. Metcalf III Maria & Fred Meyer Molly & Jeffrey Millman Jeffrey H. Munger & Robert T.Whitman Rachel, Arielle, & H. Ronald Nelson Mark K. Nichols Veronica S. & Robert A. Petersen Patricia R. & Herbert W. Pratt Mrs. Robert E. Pruyne Sam & Franklin A. Reece Renee E. Ring & Paul Zofnass Joe & Jan Roller Evelyn & R. Steven Schiavo Oliver C. Scholle, Jr. Harold P. Sexton, Jr. Rosemarie C. & Thomas Smurzynski

Nancy E. Spence Martha J. Steele & Robert H. Stymeist Pamela R. Stockard Brian A. Sullivan Pamela J.Toulopoulos Martha & Richard Wagner Paul Watkins Elisabeth & John P.Weitzel Frances A. & D. Bradford Wetherell Eileen White-Dapkus Benjamin T.Wright Lijian Zhao & Mark D. Kantor

C orporate S ponsors 1831 Society ($1,000+)

Cambridge Trust Company Capizzi & Co., Inc. Murphy Specialty, Inc. J.J. Sullivan Plumbing & Heating

Up to $999

Acme Shade & Venetian Blind Company Atlantic Exterminating, Inc. Brasco & Sons Memorial Chapels Clean and Safe, Inc. Commonwealth Lock Company Coolidge Hardware Inc. The Dodge Company, Inc. James W. Flett Company, Inc. F. E. French Construction, Inc. Giragosian Funeral Home Groundscapes Express, Inc. Halvorson Design Partnership, Inc. McGinley Kalsow & Associates, Inc. Morgan & Morgan, PC New England Environmental, Inc. P + R Publications, Inc. Schofield Brothers of New England, Inc. Stephenson & Brook Co., Inc. Watertown Engineering Corp.

M atching G ift C ompanies Bank of America Matching Gifts Chubb & Son, Inc. GE Foundation John Hancock Matching Gifts IBM Corporation JP Morgan Chase

I nstitutional D onors Anonymous (1) The Alchemy Foundation National Park Service, National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program The Boston Foundation Cambridge Arts Council Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Roy A. Hunt Foundation Patricia P. Irgens Larsen Charitable Foundation Inc Massachusetts Cultural Council Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund Mass Humanities Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Anthony J. & Mildred D. Ruggiero Memorial Trust The Michael and Helen Schaffer Foundation Watertown Cultural Council Edwin S.Webster Foundation

G ifts


K ind

Historical Collections Department The following have generously donated books, historic photographs, art, and ephemera.

Jean Chandler Frances Clegg & Brent Elliott, Lindley Library, London, UK William C. Clendaniel Robert Cutter, President, Jarvis Incinerator Co. Francis de Marneffe, M.D. David Gallagher Henry H. Hammond Helen Kisiel Caroline Loughlin Nicholas A. Marsh Harriet Myerson Marilee O’Brien Elizabeth Harte Owens Stephen Pinkerton Randy Purinton Robert Severy Grenelle Scott Jim Shea Walter Skold Jane Thompson Mike Wilson Margaret L.Winslow Barbara E.Yeoman

V olunteers /T he G ift Helen Abrams Virginia J. Brady Suzanne S. Carlson Winnie Chan Lisa Clark Christine DeLallo Frances Doyle Irene A. Dygas Robert Greenland Richard A. Handy Carol Harper John Harrison Andrew Hayes Hilary Hopkins Alyson Hopkins Carolyn N. King Michael Kratage-Dixon Arleen Kulin Ramona Latham Annie Lawthers Caroline Loughlin Lyn Lucks William McEvoy, Jr. Roberta Messina Lindsay Mulgrew Marilee O’Brien Stephen Pinkerton Frances G. Pratt Pamela Rajpal Robin Hazard Ray Ellen V. Robertson Wendy Singleton Rosemarie C. Smurzynski Bob Sparling Robert H. Stymeist Olivia Tyson Charles Vinton Anna Yeshilian Susan G. Zawalich †



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